Southport College University Centre | PROSPECTUS 2019 - 2020 University Centre College Southport SOUTHPORT COLLEGE UNIVERSITY CENTRE PROSPECTUS 2020 - 2022 HIGHER EDUCATION COURSES Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family. Kofi Annan. 2 | For more information please contact
[email protected] SOUTHPORT COLLEGE UNIVERSITY CENTRE | PROSPECTUS | 2020 - 2022 | 3 HIGHER EDUCATION COURSES Contents SOUTHPORT COLLEGE UNIVERSITY CENTRE 6 Welcome from the Head of Higher Education 48 creative arts 8 Why study at Southport College University Centre? 50 FOUNDATION DIPLOMA ART & DESIGN 52 HND GAMES DESIGN 10 Our facilities 54 HND GRAPHIC DESIGN 14 The Library Learning Centre 56 HND IN PERFORMING ARTS 16 Our University partners 58 HND PHOTOGRAPHY 60 criminology & social science 18 A guide to qualifications 62 FOUNDATION DEGREE CRIMINOLOGY & SOCIAL SCIENCES 20 Student support 64 BA (HONS) CRIMINOLOGY & SOCIAL SCIENCES {TOP UP} 22 Careers and employability 66 engineering 68 HNC ENGINEERING *Our courses 70 health & social care 72 FOUNDATION DEGREE HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE 24 PRE-ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION 74 BSC (HONS) HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE {TOP UP} 26 ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION 28 HIGHER APPRENTICESHIPS 76 teaching 30 business management 78 PGCE/CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION & TRAINING 32 FOUNDATION DEGREE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 34 BA (HONS) BUSINESS MANAGEMENT {TOP-UP} 80 Open evenings 36 working with children & families 81 Visit us 38 FOUNDATION DEGREE WORKING WITH CHILDREN & FAMILIES 82 Applying to Southport College University Centre 40 BA (HONS) WORKING WITH CHILDREN & FAMILIES {TOP UP} 42 computing & it 84 Important information for prospective students 44 FOUNDATION DEGREE COMPUTING & IT 85 Fees and Finance 46 BSC (HONS) COMPUTING & IT {TOP-UP} 86 Southport College University Centre Graduation *Information is correct at the time of going to press.