Robert Gotfried, DO, FAAFP Department of Family Medi- How to use type 2 diabetes meds cine, University of Toledo College of Medicine, Ohio to lower CV disease risk robert.gotfried@utoledo. edu The challenge: Translate evidence from cardiovascular The authors reported no potential conflict of interest outcomes trials of newer antidiabetic agents into a relevant to this article. targeted management strategy. The author has lectured on behalf of Pfizer and Kos/Abbott. He has participated in clinical trials for Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novo Nordisk, AstraZeneca, KOS/ Abbott, Novartis, and Janssen. He has wholly declined compensa- he association between type 2 diabetes (T2D) and car- tion from pharmaceutical and PRACTICE medical device manufacturers. diovascular (CV) disease is well-established: RECOMMENDATIONS • Type 2 diabetes approximately doubles the risk of ❯ Consider American Diabetes T coronary artery disease, stroke, and peripheral arterial Association (ADA) guidance disease, independent of conventional risk factors1 and prescribe a sodium–glucose • CV disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mor- cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) tality in patients with T2D inhibitor or glucagon-like • CV disease is the largest contributor to direct and indi- ­peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor rect costs of the health care of patients who have T2D.2 agonist that has demonstrated cardiovascular (CV) disease In recent years, new classes of agents for treating T2D have benefit for your patients who been introduced (TABLE 1). Prior to 2008, the US Food and Drug have type 2 diabetes (T2D) Administration (FDA) approved drugs in those new classes based and established athero- simply on their effectiveness in reducing the blood glucose level. sclerotic CV disease. A Concerns about the CV safety of specific drugs (eg, , ❯ Consider ADA’s recom- muraglitazar) emerged from a number of trials, suggesting that mendation for preferred these agents might increase the risk of CV events.3,4 therapy and prescribe an Consequently, in 2008, the FDA issued guidance to the SGLT-2 inhibitor for your pharmaceutical industry: Preapproval and postapproval tri- patients with T2D who als of all new antidiabetic drugs must now assess potential have atherosclerotic CV 5 disease and are at high risk excess CV risk. CV outcomes trials (CVOTs), performed in of or in whom accordance with FDA guidelines, have therefore become the heart failure coexists. C focus of evaluating novel treatment options. In most CVOTs, combined primary CV endpoints have included CV mortality, Strength of recommendation (SOR) nonfatal (MI), and nonfatal stroke—tak- A Good-quality patient-oriented evidence en together, what is known as the composite of these 3 major B Inconsistent or limited-quality adverse CV events, or MACE-3. patient-oriented evidence To date, 15 CVOTs have been completed, assessing 3 novel  C Consensus, usual practice, opinion, disease-oriented classes of antihyperglycemic agents: evidence, case series • dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors • glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists • sodium–glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors.

None of these trials identified any increased incidence of MACE; 7 found CV benefit. This review summarizes what the

494 THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE | NOVEMBER 2019 | VOL 68, NO 9 TABLE 1 Newer agents for treating type 2 diabetes Generic name Brand name(s) Manufacturer Trial DIPEPTIDYL PEPTIDASE-4 INHIBITORS Nesina Takeda EXAMINE Kazanoa Osenib Tradjenta Boehringer Ingelheim- CARMELINA Lilly Jentaduetoa Glyxambic Onglyza AstraZeneca SAVOR-TIMI 53 Kombiglyzea Qternd Januvia Merck TECOS Janumeta GLUCAGON-LIKE PEPTIDE-1 RECEPTOR AGONISTS Tanzeume GlaxoSmithKline HARMONY Trulicity Eli Lilly REWIND Byetta/Bydureon AstraZeneca EXSCELf Victoza Novo Nordisk LEADER Adlyxin Sanofi-Aventis ELIXA All glucose-­ lowering Ozempic Novo Nordisk SUSTAIN-6 ­ SODIUM–GLUCOSE COTRANSPORTER-2 INHIBITORS used to treat Invokana Janssen CANVAS type 2 diabetes Invokameta are not equally Farxiga AstraZeneca DECLARE-TIMI 58 effective in reducing CV Xigduoa complications. Jardiance Boehringer Ingelheim- EMPA-REG OUTCOME Lilly Synjardya Glyxambig Combination-agent brands are shown in italics. aCombination with . bCombination with . cCombination with empagliflozin. dCombination with dapagliflozin. eDiscontinued in the United States. fEXSCEL studied exenatide in its once-weekly form (sold as Bydureon). gCombination with linagliptin.

CVOTs revealed about these antihyperglyce- Cardiovascular outcomes trials: mic agents and their ability to yield a reduc- DPP-4 inhibitors tion in MACE and a decrease in all-cause ❚ Four trials. Trials of DPP-4 inhibitors that mortality in patients with T2D and elevated have been completed and reported are CV disease risk. Armed with this information, of saxagliptin (SAVOR-TIMI 536), alogliptin you will have the tools you need to offer pa- (EXAMINE7), sitagliptin (TECOS8), and lina- tients with T2D CV benefit while managing gliptin (CARMELINA9); others are in progress. their primary disease. In general, researchers enrolled patients at high

MDEDGE.COM/FAMILYMEDICINE VOL 68, NO 9 | NOVEMBER 2019 | THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE 495 risk of CV events, although inclusion criteria studied in 6068 patients with recent hospi- varied substantially. Consistently, these studies talization for acute coronary syndrome. Lix- demonstrated that DPP-4 inhibition neither in- isenatide therapy was neutral with regard to creased nor decreased (ie, were noninferior) the CV outcomes, which met the primary end- 3-point MACE (SAVOR-TIMI 53 noninferiority, point: noninferiority to placebo (P < .001). P < .001; EXAMINE, P < .001; TECOS, P < .001). There was no increase in either HF or HHF. Rather than improve CV outcomes, there ❚ LEADER. The Liraglutide Effect and -Ac was some evidence that DPP-4 inhibitors tion in Diabetes: Evaluation of Cardiovascular might be associated with an increased risk of Outcome Results trial (LEADER) evaluated hospitalization for heart failure (HHF). In the long-term effects of liraglutide, compared to SAVOR-TIMI 53 trial, patients randomized to placebo, on CV events in patients with T2D.15 saxagliptin had a 0.7% absolute increase in It was a multicenter, double-blind, placebo- risk of HHF (P = .98).6 In the EXAMINE trial, controlled study that followed 9340 partici- patients treated with alogliptin showed a non- pants, most (81%) of whom had established significant trend for HHF.10 In both the TECOS CV disease, over 5 years. LEADER is consid- and CARMELINA trials, no difference was ered a landmark study because it was the first recorded in the rate of HHF.8,9,11 Subsequent large CVOT to show significant benefit for a meta-analysis that summarized the risk of GLP-1 receptor agonist. HHF in CVOTs with DPP-4 inhibitors indicat- Liraglutide demonstrated reductions It’s likely that ed a nonsignificant trend to increased risk.12 in first occurrence of death from CV causes, the CV benefits­ From these trials alone, it appears that nonfatal MI or nonfatal stroke, overall CV result from DPP-4 inhibitors are unlikely to provide CV mortality, and all-cause mortality. The com- mechanisms benefit. Data from additional trials are needed posite MACE-3 showed a relative risk reduc- other than a to evaluate the possible association between tion (RRR) of 13%, equivalent to an absolute reduction in the these medications and heart failure (HF). risk reduction (ARR) of 1.9% (noninferiority, serum glucose However, largely as a result of the findings P < .001; superiority, P < .01). The RRR was level, given from SAVOR-TIMI 53 and EXAMINE, the FDA 22% for death from CV causes, with an ARR the short time issued a Drug Safety Communication in April of 1.3% (P = .007); the RRR for death from any frame of the 2016, adding warnings about HF to the label- cause was 15%, with an ARR of 1.4% (P = .02). studies and the ing of saxagliptin and alogliptin.13 In addition, there was a lower rate magnitude­ of CARMELINA was designed to also evalu- of nephropathy (1.5 events for every 100 the CV benefit. ate kidney outcomes in patients with T2D. As patient–years in the liraglutide group with other DPP-4 inhibitor trials, the primary [P = .003], compared with 1.9 events every aim was to establish noninferiority, compared 100 patient–years in the placebo group).15 with placebo, for time to MACE-3 (P < .001). Results clearly demonstrated benefit. No Secondary outcomes were defined as time to significant difference was seen in the liraglu- first occurrence of end-stage renal disease, tide rate of HHF, compared to the rate in the death due to renal failure, and sustained de- placebo group. crease from baseline of ≥ 40% in the estimated ❚ SUSTAIN-6. Evidence for the CV benefit glomerular filtration rate. The incidence of the of GLP-1 receptor agonists was also demon- secondary kidney composite results was not strated in the phase 3 Trial to Evaluate Car- significantly different between groups ran- diovascular and Other Long-term Outcomes domized to linagliptin or placebo.9 With Semaglutide in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes (SUSTAIN-6).16 This was a study of 3297 patients with T2D at high risk of CV dis-

Cardiovascular outcomes trials: ease and with a mean hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) GLP-1 receptor agonists value of 8.7%, 83% of whom had established ❚ ELIXA. The CV safety of GLP-1 receptor CV disease. Patients were randomized to agonists has been evaluated in several ran- semaglutide or placebo. Note: SUSTAIN-6 domized clinical trials. The Evaluation of was a noninferiority safety study; as such, it Lixisenatide in Acute Coronary Syndrome was not actually designed to assess or estab- (ELIXA) trial was the first14: Lixisenatide was lish superiority.


The incidence of MACE-3 was signifi- Association [ADA] Conference in June and cantly reduced among patients treated with published simultaneously in The Lancet), semaglutide (P = .02) after median follow- was a multicenter, randomized, double- up of 2.1 years. The expanded composite blind placebo-controlled trial designed to as- outcome (death from CV causes, nonfatal sess the effect of weekly dulaglutide, 1.5 mg, MI, nonfatal stroke, coronary revasculariza- compared with placebo, in 9901 participants tion, or hospitalization for unstable angina enrolled at 371 sites in 24 countries. Mean pa- or HF), also showed a significant reduction tient age was 66.2 years, with women consti- with semaglutide (P = .002), compared with tuting 4589 (46.3%) of participants. placebo. There was no difference in the over- REWIND was distinct from other CVOTs all hospitalization rate or rate of death from in several ways: any cause. • Other CVOTs were designed to show ❚ EXSCEL. The Exenatide Study of Cardio- noninferiority compared with placebo vascular Event Lowering trial (EXSCEL)17,18 regarding CV events; REWIND was de- was a phase III/IV, double-blind, pragmatic signed to establish superiority placebo-controlled study of 14,752 patients • In contrast to trials of other GLP-1 at any level of CV risk, for a median 3.2 years. receptor agonists, in which most The study population was intentionally more patients had established CV disease, diverse than in earlier GLP-1 receptor agonist only 31% of REWIND participants had studies. The researchers hypothesized that a history of CV disease or a prior CV Cases of bullous patients at increased risk of MACE would event (although 69% did have CV risk pemphigoid experience a comparatively greater relative factors without underlying disease) have been treatment benefit with exenatide than those • REWIND was much longer (median reported after at lower risk. That did not prove to be the case. follow-up, 5.4 years) than other GLP-1 initiation of EXSCEL did confirm noninferiority receptor agonist trials (median follow- DPP-4 inhibitor compared with placebo (P < .001), but once- up, 1.5 to 3.8 years). therapy. weekly exenatide resulted in a nonsignificant reduction in major adverse CV events, and a In REWIND, the primary composite trend for RRR in all-cause mortality (RRR = 14%; outcome of MACE-3 occurred in 12% of par- ARR = 1% [P = .06]). ticipants assigned to dulaglutide, compared ❚ HARMONY OUTCOMES. The Albiglu- with 13.1% assigned to placebo (P = .026). tide and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients This equated to 2.4 events for every 100 per- With Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular son–years on dulaglutide, compared with Disease study (HARMONY OUTCOMES)19 2.7 events for every 100 person–years on was a double-blind, randomized, placebo- placebo. There was a consistent effect on all controlled trial conducted at 610 sites across MACE-3 components, although the greatest 28 countries. The study investigated albig- reductions were observed in nonfatal stroke lutide, 30 to 50 mg once weekly, compared (P = .017). Overall risk reduction was the with placebo. It included 9463 patients ages same for primary and secondary prevention

≥ 40 years with T2D who had an HbA1c > 7% cohorts (P = .97), as well as in patients with ei-

(median value, 8.7%) and established CV dis- ther an HbA1c value < 7.2% or ≥ 7.2% (P = .75). ease. Patients were evaluated for a median Risk reduction was consistent across age, sex, 1.6 years. duration of T2D, and body mass index. Albiglutide reduced the risk of CV causes Dulaglutide did not significantly affect of death, nonfatal MI, and nonfatal stroke by the incidence of all-cause mortality, heart an RRR of 22%, (ARR, 2%) (noninferiority, failure, revascularization, or hospital admis- P < .0001; superiority, P < .0006). sion. Forty-seven percent of patients taking ❚ REWIND. The Researching Cardio- dulaglutide reported gastrointestinal adverse vascular Events with a Weekly INcretin in effects (P = .0001). Diabetes trial (REWIND),20 the most recently In a separate analysis of secondary out- completed GLP-1 receptor agonist CVOT comes,21 dulaglutide reduced the composite (presented at the 2019 American Diabetes renal outcomes of new-onset macroalbumin-

MDEDGE.COM/FAMILYMEDICINE VOL 68, NO 9 | NOVEMBER 2019 | THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE 497 uria (P = .0001); decline of ≥ 30% in the es- Canagliflozin had no effect on the primary timated glomerular filtration rate (P = .066); endpoint (MACE-3) in the subgroup of par- and chronic renal replacement therapy ticipants who did not have a history of CV (P = .39). Investigators estimated that 1 com- disease. Similar to what was found with posite renal outcome event would be pre- empagliflozin in EMPA-REG OUTCOME, vented for every 31 patients treated with CANVAS participants had a reduced risk of dulaglutide for a median 5.4 years. HHF. Patients on canagliflozin unexpectedly had an increased incidence of amputations Cardiovascular outcomes trials: (6.3 participants, compared with 3.4 partici- SGLT-2 inhibitors pants, for every 1000 patient–years). This find- ❚ EMPA-REG OUTCOME. The Empagliflozin, ing led to a black box warning for canagliflozin Cardiovascular Outcomes, and Mortality about the risk of lower-limb amputation. in Type 2 Diabetes trial (EMPA-REG OUT- ❚ DECLARE-TIMI 58. The Dapagliflozin COME) was also a landmark study because Effect of Cardiovascular Events-Thrombolysis it was the first dedicated CVOT to show that in Myocardial Infarction 58 trial (DECLARE- an antihyperglycemic agent 1) decreased CV TIMI 58) was the largest SGLT-2 inhibitor mortality and all-cause mortality, and 2) re- outcomes trial to date, enrolling 17,160 pa- duced HHF in patients with T2D and estab- tients with T2D who also had established In October, the lished CV disease.22 In this trial, 7020 patients CV disease or multiple risk factors for ath- FDA approved with T2D who were at high risk of CV events erosclerotic CV disease. The trial compared dapaglifozin were randomized and treated with empa- dapagliflozin, 10 mg/d, and placebo, follow- to reduce gliflozin, 10 or 25 mg, or placebo, in addition ing patients for a median 4.2 years.24 Un- the risk of to standard care, and were followed for a me- like CANVAS and EMPA-REG OUTCOME, hospitalization dian 2.6 years. DECLARE-TIMI 58 included CV death and for heart Compared with placebo, empagliflozin HHF as primary outcomes, in addition to failure in adults resulted in an RRR of 14% (ARR, 1.6%) in the MACE-3. with T2D and primary endpoint of CV death, nonfatal MI, Dapagliflozin was noninferior to placebo established CV and stroke, confirming study drug superiority with regard to MACE-3. However, its use did disease. (P = .04). When compared with placebo, the result in a lower rate of CV death and HHF by empagliflozin group had an RRR of 38% in CV an RRR of 17% (ARR, 1.9%). Risk reduction mortality, (ARR < 2.2%) (P < .001); an RRR of was greatest in patients with HF who had a 35% in HHF (ARR, 1.4%) (P = .002); and an reduced ejection fraction (ARR = 9.2%).25 RRR of 32% (ARR, 2.6%) in death from any In October, the FDA approved dapa- cause (P < .001). gliflozin to reduce the risk of HHF in adults ❚ CANVAS. The Canagliflozin Cardiovas- with T2D and established CV disease or cular Assessment Study (CANVAS) integrated multiple CV risk factors. Before initiating the 2 multicenter, placebo-controlled, random- drug, physicians should evaluate the patient's ized trials with 10,142 participants and a mean renal function and monitor periodically. follow-up of 3.6 years.23 Patients were random- ized to receive canagliflozin (100-300 mg/d) or Meta-analyses of SGLT-2 inhibitors placebo. Approximately two-thirds of patients ❚ Systematic review. Usman et al released a had a history of CV disease (therefore repre- meta-analysis in 2018 that included 35 ran- senting secondary prevention); one-third had domized, placebo-controlled trials (includ- CV risk factors only (primary prevention). ing EMPA-REG OUTCOME, CANVAS, and In CANVAS, patients receiving cana- DECLARE-TIMI 58) that had assessed the gliflozin had a risk reduction in MACE-3, use of SGLT-2 inhibitors in nearly 35,000 pa- establishing superiority compared with pla- tients with T2D.26 This review concluded that, cebo (P < .001). There was also a significant as a class, SGLT-2 inhibitors reduce all-cause reduction in progression of albuminuria mortality, major adverse cardiac events, non- (P < .05). Superiority was not shown for the fatal MI, and HF and HHF, compared with secondary outcome of death from any cause. placebo. CONTINUED

498 THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE | NOVEMBER 2019 | VOL 68, NO 9 When planning T2D pharmacotherapy, include newer agents that offer CV benefit33-38 ❚ First-line management. The 2019 Standards of Medical ❚ Add-on Tx. In ADA guidelines, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 Care in Diabetes Guidelines established by the American Dia- (DDP-4) inhibitors are recommended as an optional add-on betes Association (ADA) recommend metformin as first-line for patients without clinical atherosclerotic CV disease who 33 pharmacotherapy for type 2 diabetes (T2D). This recommen- are unable to reach their HbA1C goal after taking metfor- dation is based on metformin’s efficacy in reducing the blood min for 3 months.33 Furthermore, the American Association

glucose level and hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C); safety; tolerability; of Clinical Endocrinologists lists DPP-4 inhibitors as alterna-

extensive clinical experience; and findings from the UK Pro- tives for patients with an HbA1C < 7.5% in whom metfor- spective Diabetes Study demonstrating a substantial beneficial min is contraindicated.36 DPP-4 inhibitors are not an ideal effect of metformin on cardiovascular (CV) disease.34 Addition- choice as a second agent when the patient has a history of al benefits of metformin include a decrease in body weight, heart failure, and should not be recommended over GLP-1 low-density lipoprotein level, and the need for . receptor agonists or SGLT-2 inhibitors as second-line agents in patients with T2D and CV disease. ❚ Second-line additive benefit. In addition, ADA guidelines make a highest level (Level-A) recommendation that patients ❚ Individualizing management. The current algorithm 37 with T2D and established atherosclerotic CV disease be treated for T2D management, based primarily on HbA1C reduction, with one of the sodium–glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) is shifting toward concurrent attention to reduction of CV inhibitors or glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists risk (FIGURE38). Our challenge, as physicians, is to trans- that have demonstrated efficacy in CV disease risk reduc- late the results of recent CV outcomes trials into a more tion as part of an antihyperglycemic regimen.35 Seven agents targeted management strategy that focuses on eligible described in this article from these 2 unique classes of medica- populations. tions meet the CV disease benefit criterion: liraglutide, sema- glutide, albiglutide, dulaglutide, empagliflozin, canagliflozin, and dapagliflozin. Only FIGURE empagliflozin and liraglutide have received a Proposed simplifieda algorithm for patients with US Food and Drug Administration indication 38 for risk reduction in major CV events in adults T2D and established cardiovascular disease with T2D and established CV disease. Provide monotherapy with Regarding dulaglutide, although the findings metformin when the hemoglobin A value is above goal of REWIND are encouraging, results were not 1c robust; further analysis is necessary to make a recommendation for treating patients who do Select a second agent that has been not have a history of established CV disease with proven to reduce the impact of this . cardiovascular disease: ie, a SGLT-2 inhibitor or a GLP-1 receptor agonist ❚ Individualized decision-making. From a (a decision guided by shared clinical perspective, patient-specific consider- decision-making)b,c ations and shared decision­-making should be incorporated into T2D treatment decisions: Patient is in heart failure Patient has chronic kidney • For patients with T2D and established ath- disease erosclerotic CV disease, SGLT-2 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists are recom- mended agents after metformin. SGLT-2 inhibitor (preferred) GLP-1 receptor agonist (preferred) • SGLT-2 inhibitors are preferred in T2D patients with established CV disease and a Use caution if the patient has a his- history of heart failure. Use caution if the patient has a history tory of recurrent genital infection or of pancreatitis or heart failure; GLP-1 • GLP-1 receptor agonists with proven CV amputation, or is at risk of amputation receptor agonists are contraindicated or diabetic ketoacidosis; avoid SGLT-2 disease benefit are preferred in patients when the patient has a history of inhibitors when the patient with established CV disease and chronic medullary thyroid (C-cell) cancer has chronic kidney disease kidney disease. GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide-1; SGLT-2, sodium-glucose contransporter-2; T2D, type 2 diabetes. aModification (simplification) proposed by the author from Davies MJ, et al (2018).38 bDipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors have not been proven to improve CV outcomes. CAvoid saxagliptin in patients with heart failure.


❚ CVD-REAL. A separate study, Com- increased relative risk of 79% and an absolute parative Effectiveness of Cardiovascular risk of 0.13%, which translates to 1 or 2 ad- Outcomes in New Users of SGLT-2 Inhibi- ditional cases of acute pancreatitis for every tors (CVD-REAL), of 154,528 patients who 1000 patients treated for 2 years.28 were treated with canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, There have been numerous postmarket- or empagliflozin, showed that initiation of ing reports of severe joint pain in patients tak- SGLT-2 inhibitors, compared with other glu- ing a DPP-4 inhibitor. Most recently, cases of cose-lowering therapies, was associated with bullous pemphigoid have been reported after a 39% reduction in HHF; a 51% reduction in initiation of DPP-4 inhibitor therapy.29 death from any cause; and a 46% reduction in ❚ GLP-1 receptor agonists carry a black the composite of HHF or death (P < .001).27 box warning for medullary thyroid (C-cell) tu- CVD-REAL was unique because it was mor risk. GLP-1 receptor agonists are contra- the largest real-world study to assess the ef- indicated in patients with a personal or family fectiveness of SGLT-2 inhibitors on HHF and history of this cancer, although this FDA warn- mortality. The study utilized data from pa- ing is based solely on observations from animal tients in the United States, Norway, Denmark, models. Sweden, Germany, and the United Kingdom, In addition, GLP-1 receptor agonists can based on information obtained from medi- increase the risk of cholecystitis and pancre- cal claims, primary care and hospital records, atitis. Not uncommonly, they cause gastro- and national registries that compared patients intestinal symptoms when first started and who were either newly started on an SGLT-2 when the dosage is titrated upward. inhibitor or another glucose-lowering drug. Most GLP-1 receptor agonists can be used The drug used by most patients in the trial was in patients with renal impairment, although canagliflozin (53%), followed by dapagliflozin data regarding their use in Stages 4 and 5 chron- (42%), and empagliflozin (5%). ic kidney disease are limited.30 Semaglutide was In this meta-analysis, similar therapeutic found, in the SUSTAIN-6 trial, to be associated effects were seen across countries, regardless with an increased rate of complications of reti- of geographic differences, in the use of spe- nopathy, including vitreous hemorrhage and cific SGLT-2 inhibitors, suggesting a class ef- blindness (P = .02)31 fect. Of particular significance was that most ❚ SGLT-2 inhibitors are associated with (87%) patients enrolled in CVD-REAL did not an increased incidence of genitourinary have prior CV disease. Despite this, results for infection, bone fracture (canagliflozin), examined outcomes in CVD-REAL were sim- amputation (canagliflozin), and euglyce- ilar to what was seen in other SGLT-2 inhibi- mic diabetic ketoacidosis. Agents in this tor trials that were designed to study patients class should be avoided in patients with with established CV disease. moderate or severe renal impairment, pri- marily due to a lack of efficacy. They are Risk of adverse effects contraindicated in patients with an esti- of newer antidiabetic agents mated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) ❚ DPP-4 inhibitors. Alogliptin and sitagliptin < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2. (Dapagliflozin is not carry a black-box warning about potential recommended when eGFR is < 45 mL/min/ risk of HF. In SAVOR-TIMI, a 27% increase 1.73 m2.) These agents carry an FDA warning was detected in the rate of HHF after approxi- about the risk of acute kidney injury.30 mately 2 years of saxagliptin therapy.6 Al- though HF should not be considered a class effect for DPP-4 inhibitors, patients who have Summing up risk factors for HF should be monitored for All glucose-lowering medications used to treat signs and symptoms of HF. T2D are not equally effective in reducing CV Cases of acute pancreatitis have been complications. Recent CVOTs have uncovered reported in association with all DPP-4 inhibi- evidence that certain antidiabetic agents might tors available in the United States. A combined confer CV and all-cause mortality benefits analysis of DDP-4 inhibitor trials suggested an (TABLE 26,7,9,11,14-17,19-24). CONTINUED

MDEDGE.COM/FAMILYMEDICINE VOL 68, NO 9 | NOVEMBER 2019 | THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE 501 TABLE 2 Cardiovascular outcomes of trialsa of antidiabetic agents 6,7,9,11,14-17,19-24 Medication Trial Median Participants Noninferior Superior outcomes Other outcomes duration (% with CV outcomes disease) GLUCAGON-LIKE PEPTIDE-1 RECEPTOR AGONISTS

Albiglutide HARMONY19 1.6 y 9463 (100%) Albiglutide reduced No significant differ- MACE-3 by 22% ence in the rate of death from any cause occurred with albig- lutide compared to placebo Dulaglutide REWIND20,21 5.4 y 9901 (31%) Dulaglutide reduced Dulaglutide reduced MACE-3 in patients with the incidence of and without CV disease new-onset macroalbuminuria Exenatide EXSCEL17 3.2 y 14,752 Exenatide had Exenatide showed a (73%) no adverse effect numerical, but nonsig- on CV health in nificant, reduction in patients with type 2 MACE-3 diabetes Liraglutide LEADER15 3.8 y 9340 (81%) Liraglutide reduced Liraglutide was associ- primary CV-related ated with a reduced in- deaths; reduced CV cidence of nephropathy causes, nonfatal MI, and compared to placebo nonfatal stroke, as well as reduced death by any cause Lixisenatide ELIXA14 2.1 y 6068 (100%) Lixisenatide was noninferior to pla- cebo for reducing MACE-3 Semaglu- SUSTAIN-616 2.1 y 3297 (83%) Semaglutide reduced Semaglutide was tide the composite MACE-3 associated with a 1.2% and expanded composite absolute increase in outcomes (death from retinopathy CV causes, nonfatal MI, complications nonfatal stroke, coronary revascularization and hospitalization for an- gina pectoris or HF) DIPEPTIDYL PEPTIDASE-4 INHIBITORS Alogliptin EXAMINE7 1.5 y 5380 (100%) Alogliptin failed There was an insignificant increase in HHF with to reduce MACE alogliptin compared to placebo when compared to placebo Linagliptin CARMELINA9 2.2 y 6991 (57%) Linagliptin failed to Microvascular renal out- Linagliptin failed to reduce MACE com- comes and major ocular decrease first occur- pared to placebo events occurred less rence of end-stage re- frequently in linagliptin- nal disease, estimated treated patients glomerular filtration rate, or death caused by renal failure


Discussion of proposed mechanisms for believed that benefits result from mechanisms CV outcome superiority of these agents is be- other than a reduction in the serum glucose yond the scope of this review. It is generally level, given the relatively short time frame of


TABLE 2 Cardiovascular outcomes of trialsa of antidiabetic agents 6,7,9,11,14-17,19-24 (cont'd) DIPEPTIDYL PEPTIDASE-4 INHIBITORS Medication Trial Median Participants Noninferior Superior outcomes Other outcomes duration (% with CV outcomes disease) Saxagliptin SAVOR-TIMI 2.1 y 16,492 Saxagliptin failed to Saxagliptin was as- 536 (78%) reduce MACE com- sociated with a 0.7% pared to placebo absolute increase in the risk of HHF Sitagliptin TECOS11 2.8 y 14,671 Sitagliptin failed to (74%) reduce MACE com- pared to placebo SODIUM–GLUCOSE COTRANSPORTER-2 INHIBITORS Cana- CANVAS23 2.4 y 10,142 Canagliflozin reduced Canagliflozin did not gliflozin (71%) MACE-3 by 14% alter the occurrence of CV death or overall mortality

Canagliflozin was asso- ciatedTK with a reduction in the progression of albuminuria Canagliflozin was associated with an increased incidence of fractures and amputations Dapa- DECLARE- 4.2 y 17,160 Dapagliflozin failed Dapagliflozin reduced gliflozin TIMI 5824 (40.5%) to reduce MACE-3 the risk of CV death or outcomes HHF by 17% Empa- EMPA-REG 3.1 y 7020 (99%) Empagliflozin reduced Empagliflozin did not gliflozin OUTCOME22 MACE-3 by 14% com- alter the occurrence of pared to placebo nonfatal MI or stroke A 32% decrease in all- Empagliflozin use cause mortality, 38% was associated with reduction in CV death, a reduction in incident and 35% reduction in or worsening HHF were documented nephropathy CV, cardiovascular; HF, heart failure; HHF, hospitalization for heart failure; MACE, major adverse cardiovascular event composite endpoint; MACE-3, 3-point major adverse cardiovascular event composite endpoint; MI, myocardial infarction. aSince 2008. the studies and the magnitude of the CV ben- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Linda Speer, MD, Kevin Phelps, DO, and Jay Shubrook, DO, efit. It is almost certain that mechanisms of CV provided support and editorial assistance. benefit in the 2 landmark studies—LEADER CORRESPONDENCE and EMPA-REG OUTCOME—are distinct Robert Gotfried, DO, FAAFP, Department of Family Medicine, University of Toledo College of Medicine, 3333 32 from each other. Glendale Avenue, Toledo, OH 43614; Robert.gotfried@ See “When planning T2D pharmacotherapy, include newer agents that offer CV benefit,” 33-38 page 500, for a stepwise approach to treat- References ing T2D, including the role of agents that 1. Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration; Sarwar N, Gao P, Seshasai SR, et al. Diabetes mellitus, fasting blood glucose concentration, and have efficacy in modifying the risk of CV risk of vascular disease: a collaborative meta-analysis of 102 pro- disease. JFP spective studies. Lancet. 2010;375:2215-2222. CONTINUED

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