Minutes of the Meeting of ALLOSTOCK PARISH COUNCIL held on Thursday March 23rd 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present: In the Chair. Cllr. Mrs J Wilson. , Cllrs. Mrs J.Gibbison, F.Still, J.Roberts. Clerk- Mrs Hazel West. PCSO Kelly Mankee.

PCSO Kelly Mankee reported on various Road Traffic Accidents in the area. She told us of elderly residents she visited and she out-lined “Operation Shield “ a property marking system.

1. Apologies were received from Cllrs A.Healey, P Moseley, Mrs A.Owens and Mrs P.Adlington. 2. Declarations of interest. None 3.Minutes. Proposed. Cllr. J.Roberts. Seconded. Cllr. Mrs J.Gibbison. 4. Matters arising. 1. Traffic survey had been done by CWAC previously on A50.It was decided that there is no indication to pay for further survey at this time. Cranage PC had notified us that they also would not be paying for further Traffic survey presently. 2. McCann’s development at has Planning Appproval. Some trees have been planted. 3. PCSO Kelly Mankee was asked to look into possibility of time limit for parking in lay-bys on A50.This would help with problem of HGV s parking for many hours. The problems they cause are a)Reduce visibility for drivers leaving Brook View. b) Noise problem from refrigerated lorries parking overnight, the motors start intermittently to keep temperature down. 5.Village Hall. Very successful Senior Citizens Party, Approx 80 people were present. Entertainer was very good, as was food.

6. Parish Field Bartletts have checked trees. There is a small amount of maintenance work to do. This will cost in the region of £300.They have been booked to do this as soon as they can. Grass cutting, Charlie Moseley will continue to mow field this year. He has submitted account for last year £180. Field needs spiking again –to be arranged. 7. Planning Discussed tonight:

Dwelling At Meadow Hulme Hall Lane Allostock Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of new single storey dwelling Reference Number: 17/00540/FUL

Allostock Parish Council has no comment to make other than that this development is very close to the Motorway M6 and that it is difficult to ascertain where the access to Hulme Hall Lane is.

Hales Pasture Farm London Road Allostock Northwich WA16 9LT Proposal: Erection of a shed to cover lagoon Reference Number: 17/00508/FUL

Allostock Parish Council has no objection to this application.

Birchwood, Harrison Drive ,Goostrey , CW4 8NP Proposal: Scots Pine (T1) - Fell because of danger to dwelling. Replace with Juniper Skyrocket Reference Number: 17/01098/TPO

Allostock Parish Council has no objection to this application.

It was noted that both barns at Cherry Tree Farm have been approved.

8. Finance It was agreed to pay St Oswald’s PCC £450 towards upkeep of graveyard. Cheques: Salary £491, HMRC £34 , Telephone £76, St Oswald’s PCC £450. Tangled web solutions £144 for 12 months hosting and maintenance. C.Moseley £180 for mowing CHALC Affiliation fee £232.05. Audit form arrived, Clerk to ask Gavin Montgomery if he will do Internal Audit again. 9. Correspondence

Planning protocol from CWAC has been received, it is in Correspondence file. 10.Comments/enquiries/reports Cllr Still has not heard from Storengy yet re next meeting. Cllr Mrs Gibbison has been very busy with Neighbourhood Watch. She is organising data base of co-ordinators so that information from the Police can be distributed. 11.AOB: It was noted All in One Garden centre is for sale as a possible development site.

12.Date of the next meeting May 25th 2017 (This will also be Annual Parish meeting.)

Signed...... 25th May 2017.