arXiv:2006.15331v3 [gr-qc] 27 Sep 2020 † ∗ rhclpoes[,2 n h hoyi evl based heavily ( in is inhomogeneities matter strong theory dark sufficiently hier- the cold of the and presence represents the 2] on picture [1, This process archical form groups. and merge and eventually relatively which form matter first of and clumps develop small inhomo- matter dark primordial in The geneities model. Lambda-CDM on based a xli h rgno ue tla ig yteac- the by rings stellar which outer models of another origin are the there by Also explain example, may for [8]. developed, Jiang is formation and approach the Wu Such causes which ring. with object the connected of is the is of papers which fall astronomical the mechanism of in Another work popular the [7]. in quite found al. Combes be et and can Romero-Gomez development Buta further by and den- described [3] of was approach perturbations Lindblad This radial with sity. the connected describes causes is which and rotation resonance bar gravitational The the which the in potential. of formation bar perturbations of non-axisymmetric the model the it with Firstly, the connected galaxy. mention inner is to the after necessary describe which ring works is a of lot of a formation are the the There near situated ring. galaxies the are ring of which the center of galaxies amount by large have accompanied have A galaxies are also [6]. may disk form which of irregular [4] half an scales a different than of (ID more structures galaxy ring fact, ring In giant found [5]. the recently 5519) in the hole a see contain e.g., may middle, and 4], [3, galaxies ring so-called our in galaxies of refining population some the upon Universe. reproduce that to recognized allows only is galaxies it It and disk universe. successful thin the of rather in number is the It underestimates slightly recombination). the of lcrncades [email protected] address: Electronic lcrncades [email protected] address: Electronic h ieyacpe hoyo aayfrainis formation galaxy of theory accepted widely The oepr fglxe r hpdlk ognt the doughnut, a like shaped are galaxies of part Some osbefraino igglxe ytrs-sae magnet shaped - torus by galaxies ring of formation Possible h pe n oe onayvle o h ayncup ns in clumps baryon the for thresho values are boundary there lower s that and show of upper We feature the stringent field. most magnetic suc the toroidal However galaxies, th scale Unlike halos. having in merge. objects S matter and smaller dark decay throats. and may galaxies clumps as ring torus-like shapes of torus-like formation the same the have which olcigbrosfo h ers hrznsz)rgo a region energy size) threshold (horizon a nearest the than from smaller baryons recom is collecting the energy before whose plasma baryons primordial trap the In . shaped epeettehptei htsm frn aaiswr for were galaxies ring of some that hypothesis the present We .INTRODUCTION I. δρ amnMso tt ehia nvriy ocw 105005, Moscow, University, Technical State Moscow Bauman DM /ρ DM ∼ 10 − 3 ..Kirillov A.A. ttemoment the at ∗ n ..Savelova E.P. and oe aeclasdln g n hycno edistin- be cannot holes[48]. they black and worm- from ago spherical guished long primordial collapsed all have condition) that holes energy the means weak require This the they matter. (violating stable exotic be of To presence rapidly. spherically of very unstable case collapse the highly and in are that wormholes is configurations rest dry whichsymmetric examples The some equations [18]. see Refs e.g., Einstein con- in wormhole, to stable the a made history of to been the correspond have solutions see efforts exact Enormous struct e.g. [17]. (GR), Refs. relativity in general by 16]. dicted [5, in examples when see ring or, the e.g., of empty, object), part remain Hoag’s center the may center the of the further, case expands in the wormhole galaxy) in the small (as ring (a the of of dense collection more when a old case contain and may the ring the in collapses mechanisms. epoch wormhole the recombination standard does the by wormhole upon predicted the a Indeed, rest, that by the formed from In galaxy differ ring field. not the magnetic of toroidal form presence scale final the - is large objects a such of of [15]. feature relativity stringent general of only extension or dark The some [14], if to origin due almost work, topological appears it pure be not a can does has however phenomenon halo the matter argument matter in This dark particular, In the absent. wormholes e.g. therein. of references galaxies, case and peculiar in 13] have observed [12, may those see structures from such different the in that features, means halo a This matter in pertur- component. dark of matter baryons development dark the of in on relic clumps bations based not of ring is worm- which remnants collect magnetic process be directly that out may could turns rings holes It such that mentioned wormholes. hypothesis of above magnetic the some the present least to of us at or allows 5519, [11], case. galaxies, ID some mecha- this object galaxy in in Hoag’s The ring works the the gas of e.g., nature. a form of ideal resonance the the process, Nevertheless, the have impact on based the to nism by bar produced a be nor to galaxy see panying e.g., therein. galaxy, references the and of 10] outside [9, from in gas discussions cold a of cretion omoe r xtcojcswoeeitnei pre- is existence whose objects exotic are Wormholes accom- an neither have galaxies such of some However, dtu omn lmso ayncmatter baryonic of clumps forming thus nd dvle fmgei ed hc give which fields magnetic of values ld igfr.Uo h recombination the Upon form. ring e c bet stepeec falre- large a of presence the is objects uch hywr steMxelsdemons Maxwell’s the as work They . bet a oti eso vnno even or less contain may objects h iainmgei ed fwormholes of fields magnetic bination c lmsmysrea ed for seeds as serve may clumps uch c . uch † e yrlcmgei ou - torus magnetic relic by med usa Federation Russian cwormholes ic 2

Over the last decade there is an essential increase of particles [33]. The idea that the observed cosmic rays interest in different modifications of GR in which the vi- require magnetic fields for their creation was first sug- olating energy condition matter is replaced by an appro- gested by Fermi [34]. In voids a relic magnetic wormhole priate modification e.g., see Refs [19–21]. We leave aside works simply as a generator of synchrotron radiation and such a possibility and explore less symmetric configura- can be detected via the magnetic field [35, 36]. The pri- tions. It turns out that less symmetric configurations can mordial magnetic fields [37] in turn may form small-scale be made stable without exotic matter or any modification non-linear clumps of baryonic matter [38, 39] and as it of GR. First rigorous example was presented in Ref. [22]. was recently shown [45] they allow to solve the existing It was demonstrated that in the open Friedman model a tension between the Hubble constant value measured by −1 −1 stable wormhole can be obtained simply by the factor- Planck H0 = 67.36 ± 0.54km s Mpc [41] and mea- −1 −1 ization of space over a discrete subgroup of the group of sured by the Supernovae H0 = 74.03±1.42kms Mpc motions of space[49]. We point out that such a proce- [42]. In other words, magnetic wormholes should leave a dure does not allow the spherical configurations at all. clear imprint on the sky. It turns out that relic magnetic The simplest wormhole obtained by the factorization has wormholes may play also the key role in formation of ring the throat in the form of a torus, i.e., it has the shape of type baryonic structures, analogous to the ring galaxies. a doughnut [23]. We stress that such wormholes are not static but expand in agreement with the expansion of the Universe. They are frozen into space and, therefore, are II. MAGNETIC WORMHOLES AS BARYON static in the co-moving coordinates. It was also demon- TRAPS strated that the factorization allows to get an arbitrary number of such wormholes in space. Consider a single wormhole whose throat has the shape In flat space the torus - like wormholes become dy- of a torus (the genus -1 wormhole by the classification namical objects and evolve [22]. Whether they are static, suggested in Ref. [23]). In the presence of such a worm- expand, or collapse, depends on surrounding matter and hole Maxwell’s equations possess two additional classes peculiar motions of throats. The shape of throats of such of non-trivial vacuum solutions. Indeed, according to the wormholes resembles a doughnut and is characterized by Stocks theorem the system of vacuum Maxwell equations two radii Rw and rw. In the limit Rw ≫ rw it can be implies Bdl = 0 for any loop which can be pulled to a approximately described by the cylindrical (axial) con- point (where B is the magnetic field). In the case of a figuration. It turns out that static and stationary cylin- non-trivialH topology of space[50] there appear new classes drical wormhole solutions do exist and it was found that of loops Γa which cannot be contracted to a point and, asymptotically flat wormhole configurations do not re- therefore, to fix the unique solution we have to fix ad- 4π quire exotic matter violating the weak energy condition ditional boundary data Bdl = Ia and in general Γa c [24, 25]. Such encouraging results show that such ob- I =6 0. The constants I depend only on time and they a aH jects, as doughnut - shaped wormholes, have all chances can be viewed as fictitious currents[51] which intersect to be observed in astrophysical systems. We stress that the loops Γa. In the case of genus n = 0 (spherical) the complete description of the evolution of such worm- wormhole there is only one such a non-trivial loop which holes in flat space represents a rather complex problem goes through the wormhole throat. In the case of genus which still awaits for the rigorous investigation. n = 1 wormhole (doughnut - shaped throat) we have al- The possibility to directly observe wormholes attracts ready two such loops, one goes through the throat and the more increasing attention, e.g., see Refs. [26–29]. At one additional goes through the hole in the center of the first glance the most promising are collective effects pro- doughnut and surrounds the throat. duced by a distribution of wormholes in space. However, The first class produces the magnetic field of a worm- our previous investigation have shown that observational hole which can be described by magnetic poles placed effects of a distribution of wormholes are very well hid- in two different entrances into the throat. The two en- den under analogous effects produced by ordinary matter trances have opposite magnetic poles. If the distance e.g., see Refs. [30, 31]. The only exclusion may be the between the entrances is big enough the resulting field is noise (stochastic background) produced by the scattering very weak and when crossing such a field high-energy of emitted by binaries gravitational waves on wormholes charged particles only slightly change the direction of [32]. propagation. The field can be strong only very close In general a single wormhole produces much less no- to the throat entrances. However, since charged parti- ticeable effects (lensing, cosmic ray scattering, etc.). cles can freely propagate along the field lines (which are However, wormholes may possess non-trivial magnetic roughly orthogonal to entrances), the particles captured fields as vacuum solutions. In this case possible imprints by the field are distributed in the whole region between of wormholes in the present picture of the Universe may the entrances. Such fields have the long-range character be rather considerable. In particular, when such a mag- and can be used to explain the origin of long-correlated netic wormhole gets close to a galaxy, it starts to work magnetic fields in voids [35, 36] and, more generally, of as an accelerator of charged particles [23] which is ca- primordial magnetic fields [37]. pable of explaining the origin of high-energy cosmic-ray The situation changes when the wormhole possesses 3 also the field of the second class. The second class corre- boundary contour γ (dual to Γ) lays on the surface of the sponds to the field produced by a single loop of a current throat and cannot be contracted to a point, so that all (the loop of the corresponding fictitious current goes in- magnetic lines intersect S only once. Taking the minimal 2 side of the surface of the doughnut). In this case the 2π surface S we find Φ ∼ c RwI which gives the behavior field lines of force repeat the shape of the entrance (the I ∼ 1/Rw ∼ 1/a, where a = a0/(1 + z) is the scale factor shape of a doughnut) which roughly corresponds to the of the Universe. We point out that the same dependence fields observed in spiral galaxies [43–45]. It is necessary on the z follows from the fact that the energy 2 to point out that the magnetic fields in the galaxies can- density of the magnetic field ρB ∼ B /4π decreases with 4 not exactly repeat the shape of a doughnut. There are the scale factor as ρB ∼ 1/a . This gives the threshold a number of well-known processes in galaxies which nat- value for the equivalent current which defines the inten- urally lead to the generation of galactic magnetic fields sity of the magnetic field as [44] and the actual field does not reduce to such a simple model. It is known that the pitch angle (between the ce 3.2 −5 I0 > I = ∼ × 10 A, (1) toroidal field and radial one) is usually between 4 and 17 th κr κ degrees. γ

The most strong field is close to the entrance and par- 2 e where rγ = . It is convenient to express rγ as follows ticles captured by the field remain always near the en- 3kTγ 2 trance. In the primordial plasma before the recombina- e rγ = rp(1 + zr), where rp = 2 is the classical radius mpc tion such a wormhole traps all baryons[52] propagating 2 mpc 12 of the and 1+ zr = ∼ 10 is the redshift at near it and thus forms a primeval structure of a galaxy 3kTγ (a ). Such a scheme works only for worm- which baryons become relativistic particles. It is curious holes which possess sufficiently strong magnetic fields, that the threshold value Ith is extremely small. It does since high-energy baryons cannot be captured by the not depend on the absolute size of the wormhole (which wormhole. The mean energy of baryons is determined is given by the big radius Rw) but only on the ratio of by the temperature which depends on the redshift. The the wormhole radii κ = 2Rw/rw. All wormholes with intensity of the magnetic field also depends on the red- the present day values I0 > Ith strongly interact with shift. While baryons are relativistic particles the thresh- baryons. We may say that they are frozen into baryons old value of the fictitious (or equivalent) current does not and, therefore, peculiar motions of baryons repeat pecu- depend on time. liar motions of such wormholes. Wormholes with smaller Indeed, only particles below the threshold energy are magnetic fields I0 < Ith slightly interact with baryons captured by the wormhole magnetic field [23] which is and can be considered as free objects. They may partic- given by ipate in independent from baryons motions. As we shall see on the early stage of the evolution of the Universe, E =3kT

In the intermediate case rcl(z) ≪ ℓ(z) ≪ Rw(z) we find αe 3kT (1 + z) I0(1 + z) > = αIth(1 + zr) , the estimate κrp s mp s (1 + zr) ℓ2(z) ℓ(z) R δb(z) ∼ 2 (1 + ) ≫ 1. (5) where the ratio α = w ≫ 1. This defines the critical r (z) Rw(z) rd cl redshift z0 at which the wormhole starts to trap baryons as And in the case ℓ(z) ≫ Rw(z) the estimate has the order 2 3 2 Ith ℓ (z) (1 + z) > (1 + z0)= α 2 (1 + zr). δb(z) ∼ 2 ≫ 1. (6) I0 Rw(z)rcl(z)

The relation between z0 and I0 can be rewritten as On the stage z>zr protons are relativistic particles, plasma is degenerate, and the length of the proton prop- 2 (1 + zr) 2 2 agation can be estimated by the value of the horizon size I0 = α Ith. (2) (1 + z0) ℓ(z) ∼ lh = c/H(z). At the redshift z = zr it is extremely −15 small and has the order ℓ(zr) ∼ (7 ÷ 8) × 10 pc. Con- When z0 = zr we get I0 = αIth and if we take α = 1, this sider a wormhole throat with the big radius Rw(0) ∼ will give the absolute threshold of the field. We point out 15kpc which corresponds to a galaxy size [5], while the that the value α = 1 may have sense only for sufficiently −5 radius of the baryon cloud has the order rcl ∼ 0.2Rw. small wormholes with the radius Rw . 10 Rgal, e.g., −9 Then we find Rw(zr) ∼ 15 × 10 pc ≫ ℓ(zr) and from see estimates in the next section. At redshifts z>zr we −5 (4) we get δb(zr) ∼ (0.5÷0.6)×10 . Such a value is too get into the epoch where baryons are relativistic particles small to form a galaxy without additional means (e.g., a and wormholes with I0 < Ith do not bound baryons at all. dark matter clump). There is one more critical value Irec which corresponds At the recombination zrec = 1100 the proton diffusion to z0 = zrec. length has the co-moving value of the order ℓ(zrec) ∼ 0.4 ÷ 1pc, while Rw(zrec) ∼ 13.6pc and we still may con- 2 2 2 (1 + zr) 2 Irec = α Ith ≫ Ith. (3) sider ℓ(zrec) ≪ Rw and ℓ . rcl. Therefore we again (1 + zrec) may use (4) and find δb(z) ∼ 0.32 ÷ 0.8. Such a big value shows that the respective protogalaxy forms immediately All fields with I0 > Irec are strong enough to capture after the recombination and it is already in the non-linear baryons during the whole evolution z>zrec. regime. We should expect that wormholes with such strong clumps of baryons depart the Hubble expansion III. THE NUMBER OF BARYONS IN TRAPS very soon and form rather small objects. Smaller worm- holes form too strong inhomogeneities before recombina- The efficiency of wormhole traps can be described by tion and probably collapse to blackholes. We point out the number of baryons collected. The number of baryons that this may give a new mechanism of blackhole forma- collected around magnetic wormholes depends on the tion with huge masses. ≃ proton diffusion length ℓ(z), the big radius a worm- Galaxies are observed up to z 11 (e.g., the most hole throat R (z), and the radius of the baryon cloud distant GN-z11 is observed at z = 11.09 [46]). Therefore, w to be consistent with the present day size of a typical ring rcl(z) ≪ Rw. For estimates one may use rcl ∼ rw. This number can be estimated as the increase of the effective galaxy the wormhole radius should be at least two orders bigger Rw(0) . 1Mpc, which gives already Rw(zrec) . volume of the torus-shaped throat −3 900pc and δb(zrec) ∼ 4, 8 × 10 . Such a clump departs the Hubble expansion already at z ∼ 100 and gives a ring ∆N = (V (Rw + ℓ, rcl + ℓ) − V (Rw, rcl)) , of the order R ∼ 10Kpc. where < nb > is the mean density of baryons and 2 2 V = 2π Rwr is the throat volume. We define the pa- cl IV. CONCLUSIONS rameter δb = ∆N/(V ) which depends on the position in space. Close to wormhole throats δb > 0, while sufficiently far from the wormhole δb < 0 since In conclusion we point out two important facts. First baryons from those regions have captured by the worm- one is that the wormholes whose size R(zrec) exceeds the 2 3 hole. The value < δb >= b, where brackets define the value ℓ(zrec) more than on the factor 10 do not form 5

κI a sufficient enhancement in the baryon number density R = cB of such a wormhole and estimate its present and, therefore, cannot form ring galaxies. They however day position. This may be used in the direct search for may form ring - type structures in the future, e.g. see wormhole traces in the Universe. the recently reported findings of unexpected class of as- At first glance the most direct indication on the possi- tronomical ring-type objects in [47]. ble role of relic magnetic wormholes in the formation of The second fact is that upon the recombination z < some ring galaxies should be the discrepancy between the zrec the doughnut - shaped wormholes do not interact observed amount of in such galaxies and the with baryons and evolve. Therefore, they may leave the predictions of the standard theory [1, 2, 12]. However ring clump formed. They either expand or collapse form- there exist some extensions of which ing a magnetized blackhole in the middle. If the worm- are capable of reproducing dark matter effects in galaxies hole collapses, it should also draw some portion of the without dark matter particles, e.g., see [14, 15] and refer- baryon clump and form a bulge in the center of the ring. ences therein. Therefore, we think that the only rigorous In this case it may form the ideal symmetric structure indication on the presence of relic magnetic wormholes similar to the Hoag’s object. Additional rotational per- should be large-scale toroidal magnetic fields. turbations of clumps may however lead to irregular struc- tures. If the wormhole expands further, the center part of the ring remains to be empty. We may expect that in such a case the mean value of the magnetic field within V. ACKNOWLEGMENT the ring retains. We recall that different active processes in galaxies generate magnetic fields which in general have a turbulent character. Therefore, by the measuring the We acknowledge valuable comments and the advice of mean flow of the magnetic field in a one may referees which helped us to essentially improve the pre- at least estimate the present day value of the big radius sentation of this work.

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