Warrior Poet King—When Dreams Die 1 Chronicles 28-29 Redding Christian—September 20, 2020

Intro I had a shocking realization when I turned 40.

I was never going to play in the NBA.

Up to that day in December, I had this tiny inclination that I was going to be playing pick-up basketball at the YMCA, a scout would walk in for some reason, and he would think, “We should give that guy a tryout.”

A little dream died that day…

More seriously, we face unrealized dreams all the time.  A relationship that doesn’t work out  A prayer for healing that feels as though it’s unanswered  A child who walks away from the faith

As we come to the end of ’s life, we see that he had an unrealized dream.  It’s been incredible to walk through this study o We’ve seen David enjoy the blessings of God o We’ve seen David endure the consequences of his sin o His life has been a reflection of our own . We can see ourselves in him . We can identify with him

As we come to the end of David’s life, we see him gather a large crowd to witness the passing of the kingdom to .  This gathering is likely in the 1000’s

David begins by bringing up something he never did, but always wanted to.  1 Chronicles 28:2-3  David brings up the Temple o The account is in 2 Samuel 7 o David brings the idea of building the Temple to , the prophet . Nathan thinks it’s a good idea . God has other ideas o David is not allowed to build it . There are other, better things that God promises him  Including Jesus!  This is over 30 years later o That dream never died o That dream was never fulfilled

While David could have been bitter because the one thing he really wanted to see wouldn’t happen, he never did.  He was the man after God’s own heart  He did everything God wanted him to do o Acts 13:36 . He served the purpose of God

How did he keep from bitterness when his dream didn’t happen? As we answer the question, we’ll see how we can do the same.  Because like David, God has purposes for each one of us o Every individual has a purpose for living—every one of us

1. David Always Remembered What He Had  While David was all over the place during his life, God was always constant o As he gives his final charge to Solomon, David keeps pointing him back to God . 2 Chronicles 28:9  Know God o Learn about Him o Experience Him . Just as David did when he worshiped . Just as David did when he prayed . Just as David did when he wrote o That’s what he means by a whole heart and a willing mind  Serve God o Remember your purpose  Seek God o Even when you stray away, come back to Him  While David didn’t get his dream, he always remember what he did have o 2 Chronicles 28:4 o David saw God do incredible things for him during his life . God chose him . God protected him . God made him king  He united the kingdom  He made the capital  He brought peace—even the were defeated  He increased the land from 6,000 square miles to 60,000  He created prosperity and trade  He led the nation to spiritual vitality o It’s so easy to forget all the blessings of God . Take a moment today and recount all of the good things you’ve seen this year

2. David Thought About What’s Next  David focused on the next generation o 1 Chronicles 28:5-7 . Solomon fulfills God’s promise to David o 1 Chronicles 28:11 . David set Solomon up for success  He plans the Temple  He collects everything that Solomon will need  Then he releases his dream to Solomon  God always uses the next generation o 1 Chronicles 28:20 o This sounds super familiar . Joshua 1:5-7 . The situations are incredibly similar  Iconic leaders had great vision o and the Promised Land o David and the Temple  Those leaders wouldn’t see the goal their lives had been pointed to o Moses because of anger o David because of bloodshed  God raised up the next generation to do it o If they will follow Him o As they are courageous because of Him o They can count on the presence, power, and promises of God . Just like Moses and David did Conclusion When it feels like a dream dies, remember that God’s dreams are always bigger than yours.  God knows your sorrows o Psalm 56:8 . He keeps track of them . He remembers them  God will replace them with something even better o Knowing Him o Serving Him o Living out the purpose that He has for you

Then, like David, your purpose will be lived out.

1 Chronicles 29:28