VOLUME 39 F YETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1945 NUMBER 30 AU CELEBRATES HONORS DAY Dean Jordan Four University Scholars Outstanding Students Receive Speaker for Named for Keys Today Honor Awards and Prizer. At Convocation Convocation This Morning

The Honors Day convocation held Cash awards totaling $236 and ln the ballroom of the Student Un­ Memorial Award two other awards were won by out• ion this morning marked the fifth standing University students during annual Honors Day celebration to Fund Established the courso of the past year and be held on this campus. were presented at the convocation In bis speech "A Mad World, My To Honor McKean today. Masters!" Dr. J. C. Jordan stressed Doris Cook of Fayetteville, a jun­ the idea that this is a precarious The Felix Christopher McKean ior in the College of Business Ad­ time--particularly precarious be­ Memorial Award, a $1,000 fund for ministration is the winner of the cause it is "onr" t1mE He pointed poetry, has been established by Maude E. Bunker Award of $50 out that it was the time for sound Mrs. Christina McKean in honor of which is offered annually by the evidence, straight thinking, cool her sou, at the University of Ar­ Fayetteville branch of the American judgment, firm com,iciions, and con­ kansas. Association of University Women trolled emotion. "We lack a sense Lt. McKean was a navigator with in memory of a former member of of pTivate responsibility for the the Army Air Forces who gave his the University of Arkansas faculty. public good,' he said. life in the service of his country. It is granted to a senior or junior Dr. Jordan expressed his belief He was first reported missing in woman on the basis of scholarship, that the Honors Day convocation Italy, Jan. 12, 1944, and his death sincerity of purpose, and contribu­ was au expression of our faith in later confirmed. He received bis tion to University life. education as a way to progress. B.A. from the University in 1940. Doris was also awarded the Tri "We have chosen knowledge as the The award will consist of the in­ Delta Scholarship of $100, which is means to establishment of a soU.11d terest on the above sum plus any given to a junior or senior woman social order," be said. adiditional amounts that may be with a bigh scholarship rating and "It is from groups of students added to this fund froL1 time to one who has made some contribu­ like you whom we are honoring to­ time and will be awarded annually tion to the University campus life. day that bope must come. You are on Honors Day to the student who This is the first time this award bas has written the best poem during young, you are strong; you have been given on this campus. It \\'ill the year. All idf::als and enthusiasms. Do not, I poems will be judged be awarded annually at Honors Day. by a committee appointed annually beg you, lose your faltb in tbe dig­ Doris is a member of Alpha Lambda by the President nity of man, in tbe obligations of of the University Delta, Phi Alpha, , W. upon recommendation of the head t he moral law, in the sense of your A. A., assistant editor of the Guild of the departm responsibilily. Maintain with wbat ent of English. Ticker, and has been named on the Said Dr. virtue you possess the principles Harding: "We feel that honor roll each quarter since enter­ this living memorial which have brought us together in to Lt. McKean ing the University. this convocation." who received his career training TOP ROW: Ann Dukeminier, Aleze Gribble. An award of $35 is presetned an­ The convocation program began here and then gave up his life so BOTTOM ROW: Ellen Wadley, Mary Jo Humphreys McBride. nually by , honor so­ with the invocation by Mr. Gregson. that America may continue to have universities of this type will be an ciety in the College of Education, Deans of the different colleges read Aleze Gribble, Benton, is vice­ Four University women were inspiration to all of the students to a high point student in that col­ their respective college's honor roll named University Scholars at the president of Kappa Delta Pi, hono­ lege. This year's prize was present­ and President on the University campus in the Harding announced Honors Day convocation this mom­ rary education fraternity and was ed to Carrie Lou Kinder, sopho­ the prizes years to come." and awards given for out­ ing. This is the highest scholastic on the honor roll •{11 1944-45. more from Marianna. standing scholastic attainment dur­ -----•----- honor given by the University. Ann Dukemiuier, Muskogee, '!'he ing the year and awarded the Sen­ jj)viston-Rigall award of $25 In order to receive one of the Okla., has been on tli0943-44 hon­ Senior Invitations, Caps, for outstanding ior Scholar keys. work in the psy­ University Honor keys the student or roll, treasurer of Carnall hall, Gowns chology department was awarded to Honors To Be Ordered Day is sponsored by the must have the highest accumulat­ a member of Pr Chi Alpha ,and the Margaret Kerr, Arts senior from Honors Day council. Persons in ive gradepoint in his respective col­ Guild Ticker staff. Graduating seniors who have not Fayetteville. She .was chosen by the charge were Marty Dyke, Dr. L. B. lege and have at least a 5 point Mary Jo McBride, Rover, is a yet ordered iuvitations or who have faculty in the psychology depart­ Ham, Dr. R. H. Waters. average. member of Omicrou Delta, the not beeu measured for caps and ment. This is the second year for Organizations recognized at the Those chosen to receive the keys Home Economics club, Kappa Delta gowns are requested by Jim Sloan, this award to be presented on the convocation consisted of those who this year are: Aleze Gribble, Educa­ Pi/and was named on the honor roll president of the senior class, to University campus. had been recognized because of de­ tion; Aun Dukeminier, Business; it1 1940, 41, and 42. She was treas­ report at the book store as soon as Wilma Douglas, junior Arts stu­ partmental significance, and honor Mary Jo Humphreys McBride, Agri­ urer of Omicron Delta iu 1941. possible. societies. dent from Gravette, is the winner culture; and Ellen Wadley, Arts Ellen Pearl Wadley, Little Rock, Invitations, bound either in ma• In order to be a recognized honor of this year's Hazel Hinds Briggs and Science. is a member of Kappa Kappa Gam­ r oon leather or in cardboard, will society the organization must be award. This $25 award is given an­ For the second consecutive year, ma sorority, was assistant contain the schedule of seniors' for the purpose of considering prob­ editor of nually to a junior woman for schol­ no student was namod from the col­ the Arkansas Traveler, events, will list the names of the lems of mutual interest, for better was elected arship and leadership. lege of Engineering to receive the to the National Who's Who in graduating seniors, and will include standards and objectives, adminis­ Jo Anne Sears, sophomore in the key. Tbe other college not naming American Colleges and pictures of such campus scenes as tration and for the prevention of l,niversities, College of Agriculture, from Benton­ a student for the honor was the and was Correspondent senior walk, tbe Student Union, and confusion and undesirable duplica- for Mo1'tar ville, received the Phi Upsilon Omi• Law School. Continued on page 3 the Chi Omega greek amphitheater. Contlnued on p~e 4 Continued on page 4 106 Students Named on Winter Honor Roll One hundred and six students Wilma Douglas, Eula Nell Edwards, -College of Education SOPHOMORE College of Agriculture were named to the University hon­ and Dorothy Landers. SENIOR Mltry Ellen Cook, Betty May, Sa­ SENIOR or roll for the winter quarter. SOPHOMORES Frances Potter and Aleze Gribble. rah Ann Grayston, Dotty Bumpers, Mary Jo McBride, Leonard Keel­ Forty-five were named from the Patricia Poindexter, Gloria Olga JUNIOR James T. olan, and Helen White. ing , Lorraine Thorn, Lena Frances College of Arts and Science, 23 from Trail, Gladys Taylor, Robert Richard­ Ruth E. Russell and Beatrice Pat­ FRESHMAN Harrison, and Mannon Gallegly. the College of Business Adminis­ son, J ean Johnson, Virginia Smitb, terson. Alice Wiseman, Betty Ann JUNIOR Hal. Lockman, Jr., Virginia Stewart, Strauss, Mary Helen McGill, Cor­ Melvin Tucker, Mildred Cash, tration, 18 from Agriculture Col­ SOPHOMORE Do jelo Crabaugh, Irvin Rothrock, nelia Doris Stephenson, Nell Jean Lela Hardaway, Richard Kendrick, lege, and nine each from the Col­ Carrie Lou Kinder, Mary Kather­ Mary Ross McFaddin, Mildred Byers, George Butler, Marcus Hal­ and George Cullom. lege of Engineering and the Co!lege ine Rose, Barbara Ann Pettit. Slade, and Charleen Reid. brook, Shirley Sibbitt, and Mathel SOPHOMORE of Education, and two from the FRESHMAN FRESHMAN Trawick. Jo Ann Sears, William Foreman, School of Law. Betty Ann Ritchie and Billigene Betty Jane Hamilton, Eloise Gray, Shirley Hawthorne, and Avanelle Reynolds. College of Engfoeering Art and Science Ann J ordan, Mary Martha Hosford, SENIORS Kirksey. SENIORS Ecidy Stavitsky,· Frances Lee College of Bu ine Adminis­ Robert May McGill. FRESHMAN Regina Wells Sallis, Ellen P earl Broyles, Kempner Rouse Scott, trtaion JUNIOR Jean Chipman, Helen Ruth Hax­ Wadley, Virginia Lynnette Wilson, Richard Stites, Reginald Ramsey, SENIORS Russell Blair ewman. ton, Daude Griffin, and Clara Wood­ and Betty Lynn Reagan. Charles Haywood, Calvin Stanfield, Ann Dukeminier, Lou Alice SOPHOMORE rum. JUNIORS Anne Rouw, Hartman Hotz, Glenda 1;o;lright, and Marjorie Embury. Howard Bonds and Ralph Burton. S-chool of Law Alice Lois Henderson, Mary Lou Sue Cooper, Wilma Jean Ahlemey­ JUNIOR FRESHMAN SECOND YEAR LAW Cosgrove, Richard Weldon Lari­ er, Lillia Lou Dewees, Loren L. But­ Doris Marie Cook, Betty Bowen, Tommie J ean Coats, Almont El­ Robert Ervin Johnson. more, Dorothy May Barrett, Mary ler, Betty • Grundy, and Frances Mildred Ethel Crenshaw, Helen But­ lis, William Beard, James Fischer, FIRST YEAR LAW Ann Adams, Juanice Leota Smith, Irene Batten. ler, and James Phifer. and Hugh Hannah. Claude B. Brown. 2 The ARKANSAS TRAVELER Thursday, April 12, 1945

NOTICE Societr ♦ ARKA H~A ~ TRAVELER The Registrar's office has an­ UNIVERSITY ARKANSAS nounced that make-up examina­ tions will be given Saturday, Official student newspaper published weekly during the spring quar­ ter of the school year by students of the University of Arkansas, Fayette­ Social Calendar April 28, to raise "D" and "E" v ille. Office Rooms 211 and 212, Student Union. Telephone 588. grades. SPRING QUARTER Issued weekly during the school year under the Act of March 3, 1879. Students wishing to take these Friday, Ap1·il 13 . . . Coterie and Gamma Iota examinations must make applica­ for mailing at a special rate of postage provided for in Sec­ Accepted Friday, April 27 . . . Agri Dance tion with the Registrar at least tion 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1927, Authorized Nov. 3, 1919. Saturday, April 28 . . Chi Omega one week in advance. Entered as second-class matter February 13, 1943, at the Post Office at Fayetteville, Arkansas, under the Act of March 3 1879. Friday, May 4 . . CommeTce Guild Saturday, May 12 . . . . . Pi Beta Phi . . . . Weekly ----•---- Frequency of Issue During the Spring Quarter . . . . Saturday, May 19 . . . . . Kappa Kappa Gamma Subscription Price . . . . $1.00 per Quarter All other dates are open, and may still be reserved by ar­ Pre-Med Aptitude Tests WILM DO GLAS Editor-in-Chief rangement with Jim Sloan, chairman of the Social Committee. To Be Given Tomorrow I.E. MOORE Business Manager Assistant Editor . . . . Marianne Wertheim All students who expect to apply ews Editor ...... Mary Lou Lambert Zombie l)once to Ma~e fridor for entrance to a medical school in Society Editor ...... Jean Pitcock 1945 or in the spring of 1946 should Sports Editor ...... Hal Lockman Feature Editor ...... Libby Womack The Thirteenth }'our 13115 Ni15ht talce the Association of American Sports Writers ...... Charles Joliff, Charles Johnson Medical Colleges' aptitude test Circulation Manager ...... Kay Thomas Friday the 13th! !-anything can which will be given tomorrow after­ Assistants . . Jane Kennemar, Patty Wasson, Jimmy Dearing, George happen and probably will tomorrow More Music in Fountain noon at 3: 00 p. m. in room 113 Ann Farrar, Anita Shafer. night at the long-awaited Zombie Room Friday Afternoon chemistry building. Reporters,--Lynnette Wilson, Mary Jean Campbell, Charles Freeman, Dance in the Student Union Ball- The test has been adopted by the Nell Edwards. Mary Reichel, Eula room. Your guess is as good as ours Popular request is demanding association as one of the normal as to the plans concerning said af- more of the music in the Fountain requirements for admission to a fair so it's every man for himself room. Last week records from "A medical school. It measures one's It's the Fifth Honors Day • • • when you arrive. Wei, natura ll y Song to Remember" proved to be so a bility to learn material similar to I'm glad the ni ersity of Arkansas is keeping up its you'll be there-everybody else popular and were met with such that which he will have in medical five-year old tradition of honoring deserving students on will! favorable reaction that another Fri· school. The test also measures his Honors Da . I'm glad for two reasons. First, because it Saturday will find the majority of day afternoon has been set aside general information and scientific takes a lot of work to keep up the high scholastic standards the Chi Omegas in Ft. Smith for fer music. This week the Tchaikow­ background and ability to draw ac­ these people have attained and it is only 1ight that one day th ir weekend rush party which will sky Concerto No. 1 (Tonight We curate conclusions from a given set out of every 365 be set aside for recognizing their merit. consist of a buffet. supper followed Love) and Tchaikowsky's Nutcrack­ of data. Second, I'm glad because it gives the rest of us something to by a rendition of their "Devil Party" er Suite will he played. This will be the only time that work for or something to be ashamed of. which was given for guests last ----•---- the test will be given this year and On days such as these we're often inclined to think, Homecoming. Sunday morning the Si15ma fleets a fee of $1.50 is required of each "well, I might have had one of these honors if I had work- rushees will be entertained with a student taking the test. The fee ed." The work starts when you are a freshman, so to you lunch as the home of one of the Trimble ~ew ()resident should be paid at the cashier's offi­ freshmen I say, "Start trying now, and we'll all be looking alumnae of th e city.. ce and the receipt used for admis­ At a meeting of Iota, YOUR name among these honor students in ----• ---- sion to the test. forward for honorary music fraternity, the fol­ three or four years." Classes To Be Offered in elected: Lillie ----•---- To the four people who received Scholar Keys of Honor lowing officers were our hats. We are proud of you, Ballroom Dancing J ean Trimble ,president; Mary FOUND: A number of jackets, this morning we take off Al­ sure you can feel that your work has not been Katherine Rose, vice-president; glaves, scarves, etc., at the General and we are ice Sims, secretary; Lougene Thorn­ in vain. W.D. Beginning Wednesday, April 18, Library. Articles not called for advanced ballroom dancing classes ton, treasurer; Sally Colville, chap­ within a month are given to the will be held in the Game room of lain; Jo Sellers, sergeant-at-arms; United Nations' Clothing drive. HAIRSTON GETS AWARD the Student Union from 7: 00 to Florence Stice, publicity chairman To The Editor Major Glenn G. Hairston, gradu­ 8: 00 each night. and reporter. ~ I I I I I I 1-❖■ ate of Arkansas Medical school, This dance class will give Niue students were initiated into ❖ IONED ±~ Dear Editor: from Prescott, has been awarded tions in new steps. the fraternity, Wednesday, April 4. ❖ AIR CONDIT We, the piano students of Mrs. the Bronze Star for meritorious ser­ There will be a nominal fee for They are: Jean Ahlemeyer, Flor­ el- ! DELUXE EAT SHOP :t Garlinghouse, wish to express our vice on the W estern front. the six lessons. For further infor- ence Stice, Kathryn Carney, Jo S ❖ • regret at her resignation. We feel Major Hairston, son of George G. mation see Mrs. Malcolm Lawrence lers, J ane Kennamer, Lougene ❖ • 4 that her artistic excellence and high Hairston of Dierks, Ark., is a mem- in the Student Union Reception Thornton, Frances Dale, Alice Ruth t On D ickson Ph. 145 j: ❖ ❖ ideals have been an asset not only ber of the Medical staff of the Sev- room. Sims, and Sally Jean Colville. ■++h'-k~~llll:++❖❖❖❖-.4❖■ to the music department but also enth Armored division. He was to the University of Arkansas and commissioned June 12, 1938, at the the entiTe state. We appreciate her University of Arkansas. genuine interest in each of us and ----•---- have been greatly inspired to con­ NOTICES tinue our music study. Her high standing as an internationally Contracts for next year's Razor­ known artist has not been fully a1>­ back were granted this week at the preciated on this campus, and her meeting of the Publications Board. loss will be hard to replace. Southwestern Engraving company Irene Delony was granted the contract for the en­ Smith . graving, and the Economy Adver- Lillie Jean Trimble tising company was granted the con­ Sue Atwood tract for the printing. Joyce Hathcoat Frances Dale Rootir!,' Rubes will meet in the Betty Jane Smith Game Room of the Student Union Betty Bryant at 6 p. m. Tuesday. Initiation will Betty Meadows be held at that time, and members Lougene Thornton must come in uniform. Sally Colville Patty Wasson A general meeting of all W. A. A. Jane Kennamer members will be held next Wednes- Jean Ahlemeyer day afternoon in the Women's gym Jessa Dean DeFoliart at 5:00. • •• an American custom as seen in Italy RECORD PROGRAMS People overseas are i(npressed by the American fighting man's his fellows. They see bis home-ways and 215 Student Union friendliness among customs-his good humor. Have a Coke they bear him say to his For the week April 16-20, 1946, at 12: 25 ,, buddies, and they begin to understand America. Yes, the pame Coca-Cola speaks of the friendliness © Monday: Corelli: Christmas Concerto. that refreshes with ice-cold Tuesday: Schubert: Ro~amunde Overture; Evenings in Vienna. of Main Street and the family fireside. Wednesday: Mozart: Selections from The Magic Flute. BOTTLEO UNOER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY Thursday: Beethoven: Quartet no. 7. Coca-Cola Bottlln,: t.:o., Phone 1400 Friady: Gluck: Scenes from Orfeo and Euridice. Fayetteville For the week April 16-20, 1945, at 7: 00 p. m. Monday: Beethoven: Symphony no. 7. Tuesday: Tchaikowsky: Concerto in D m ajor for violin. Wednesday: Brahms: Quintet for clarinet and strings. Thursday: Mendelssohn: Italian Symphony. Fayetteville'sl Complete Friday: Mozart: Scenes from Don Giovanni. MUSICAL COFFEE HOUR: Wednesday at 4:00 Finest LAUNDRY Beethoven: Coriolan Overture. Brahms: Symphony no. 1, Second Movement. PHONE DRY CLEANING Early Church Music: Palentrina: Improperia 5 5 2 SHOE SERVICE di Lasso: Benedictus. PRESTON WOODRUFF, Manager ~~,.,~,.,,.,,.,,,.,,.,, --~,.,, Thursday, April 12, 1945 The ARKANSAS TRAVELER 3 al women's honorary society for home economic students, founded in lpha Lambda Delta is an organi­ Departmental, Honor Societies Recognized 1909 at the University of Minnesota. zation for freshman women who Dyke, vice-president; Man- ing fraternity. Only men are eli· The University chapter was or­ have a fl ve point accumulative berger, P. C. Kelley, R. R. Logan, Marty Byrnes, James and Jimmie gible for membership. The student ganized ill l942 by Mrs. John E. grade average during the first two P. W. Milan, C. F. non Gallegy, secretary; Louis Al­ Brown, treasurer. must have attended the University !Jox, District counselor of Louisian ... quarters of their college career. Penick, Marion Wasson, Woot- and be a junior in the up- State university. Alpha Lambda Delta is a nation­ bert Watkins, and Benjamin Other members were: William one year en. Flynt, Ronald Gardener, Bill Glass- per eighth of his class or a senior To be admitted into this honorary al honorary fraternity, and .was in­ burn, Richard Kendrick, and James in the upper fifth of his class. society it is esential to be in the stalled on this campus three years Kappa Delta Pi Young. After a student has satisfied the upper two-fifths of the class, a third ago. Kappa Delta Pi, is an honorary scholarship requirement, he must quarter sophomore, and the pledge This group is a sister fraternity education fraternity, which was or- Kappa pass a 12 hour written examination must show characteristics of leader- to , national scholas­ ganized and founded at the Univer- , the oldest fra- and write a 500 word theme on a ship, professional attributes, schol- tic fraternity for freshmen boys. sity of lllinois in 1911 for the pur- ternal organization in the United non-technical subject. He must also arship, and ability. Members of Alpha Lambda Delta pose of recognizing outstanding con- States, was founded December 5, make a walunt "bent" or key with Members include: Sara Aldridge, are: Shirley Hawthorne, Jo Anne tributions to education. It honors 1776 at the College of William and Greek letters of inlaid Martha Lou Foreman, Frances Har­ Sears, Jane Lee Bankson, Patricia juniors and seniors in the College Mary. Its early ideals may be sum- in white maple with dimensions cor- rison, Alice Houston, Helen Louise Bliss, Mildred Crenshaw, Patricia of Education who have 12 hours of med up in the words: Fraternity, rect to one thirty second of an inch. King, Vonna Faye Mills, Mary Hel­ Poindexter, Gladys Taylor, Alice education, and four point grade av- Morality, and Literature. One of the Each year Tau Beta Pi awards a en Moore, Betty Jo Oglesby, Anna Henderson, Helen White, Lovine erage. principal purposes was the promo- slide rule to the honor freshman en- Lea Petty, and Betty Teeter. Greer, Lou Alice Wright, Doris Kappa Delta Pi came to this tion of free discussion of questions gineer and a handbook to the runer- The officers of this organization Cook, and Arlene Miller. campus in 1924 when a petition was of interest to members. up. were: President, Helen Louise Jean Thomas is president, Dojelo granted to the education club. Each Three years later chapters were Due to the war there were only King; vice-president, Mary Helen Crabaugh, vice-president and Shir­ year Kappa Delta Pi awards a $35 organized at Harvard and Yale, and four members this year. Ed Seasley Continued on page 4 ley Hawthorne, secretary. scholarship to the junior or senior these two chapters have largely de- is president of Bill Glassburn is sec- Twelve freshmen women have student with the highest grade aver- termined the course of the fratern- retary and treasurer. The other earned membership into Alpha age. ity's development, both in its gen- members were Sam Smith and Rog- Lambda Delta this year. They are: Marjorie Webb is president of the era! character and in the establish- er Harris. Ann Jordan, Betty Jane Hamilton, organization, and Mrs. H. N. Seford ment of new chapters. Lillia Lou Dewees, Eloise Gray, is secretary-treasurer. The purpose of Phi Beta Kappa Delta Jean Chipman, Charmian Sure, Jean Members are: Sara Aldridge, Opal is to recognize and encourage schol- was estab- Coate, Mary Martha Hosford, Ann Wood Cock, Elizabeth Dove, Beat- arship, friendship, and cultural in- lished at the University of Arkansas Rouw, Betty Ann Strauss, Betty rice Patterson, Alice Henderson, terests. in 1938 as a national honorary pre- Ann Ritchie, and Alice Lee Wise­ Aleze Gribble, Mary Jo McBride, The original key or emblem was medical fraternity. man. Betty Lynn Reagan, Betty Teeter, a square of silver engraved with the Membership can be attained in Marjorie Webb and Mrs. Seford. same symbols which are now used the sophomore pre-medical year and practically without change. .Some- is based on scholarship, character, Membership tnto Beta Gamma Mortar Board time later gold came to be used, and and personality. A student must Sigma is the highest scholastic hon­ Mortar Board is a national h on- a stem was added, probably when have at least a three point grade can be attained by a student or that orary organization for University the key was actually used for wind- average to be admitted. in the College of Business Adminis­ women outstanding in leadershfp, ing watches. This year's members are: Peggy tration. Membership into Beta scholarship, and service. The Alpha of Arkansas chapter at Kerr, president; Martha Washing­ Gamma Sigma is limited to the up­ Arkansas' Octagon chapter was the University of Arkansas was ton, vice-president; Jane Lee Bank­ per ten per cent of tbe senior class. established in 1940. granted in September, 1931, at the son, secretary; Ruth Gustafson, The Alpha Chapter of Beta Gam­ Girls elected to Mortar Board are Seventeenth Triennial Council of treasurer; Doris Lee, Irvin Roth­ ma Sigma was founded on the Ar­ chosen from faculty and student the United Chapters. This was the rock, Weldon Larimore, Edward kansas campus in 1932 when the recommendations. Its sponsors are culmination of over ten years of Gossett, Charlene Springate, Stanley Business School became a four-year Dean Jeannette Scudder, Mrs. Daisy effort by the members of the society Deckoff, Sarah Sue Henson, Faye college and its honor students were Young Holcomb, and Mrs. A. L. Ven­ on the faculty of the University un- Littlefield. no longer eligible for membership in able. der the leadership of President John Phi Beta Kappa. Dr. C. C. Fitcbner, Blue Key Members of Mortar Board are tap­ Clinton FutJ•all. The chapter was in­ Dr. A. W. Jamison, and Professor Blue Key is an honorary organi­ ped each year by old members of stalled on April 4, 1943, by Dr. Clark W. B. Cole were the founders of the zation which consists of all influent­ the organization. New members for S. Northup, president of the United Alpha chapter. ial leaders on the campus. this year were: Eula Nell Edwards, Chapters. I This organization is the only There is no standard for member­ Doris Cook, Mary Ella Crook, Shir­ Dr. Lloyd B. Ham is president scholarship in the ship, but the first requirement is a ley Jones, Jean Pitcock, Betty Gary, and Fred L. Kerr is secertary-treas­ field of Commerce and Business Ad­ certain grade point and junior Betty Jo Oglesby, Sara Aldridge, urer. The other members are: Ly­ ministration that is recognized by standing, other than that member­ Louise Scurlock, and Wilma Doug­ nette Wilson, Ellen Wadley, Arlene Botany "500" and Hart Schaffner the American Association of Colleg­ ship is based on a general estimate las. Louise Scurlock and Eula Nell May Miller, Roy Granton, J. W. Ful­ and Marx suits will be found at iate Schools of Business. The by the initiates of the accomplish­ Edwards were chosen president and bright, Samuel C. Dellinger, Harri Campbell and Bell Men's Dept. growth of Beta Gamma Sigma has ments of the person in question. vice president, respectively. son Hale, Arthur M. Harding, Daisy in their new spring and summer followed closely the growth of the Blue Key members this year are: Other members are: Arlene Mill­ Y. Holcomb, Jobelle Holcombe, H. lines, along with Varsity Town Association of Collegiate Schools of Jack West, president; James Sloan, er, Betty Teeter, Lynnette Wilson, M. Hosford, H. G. Hotz, Ralph M. and Worsted Tex. Business. In 1940 there were forty­ secretary and treasurer; Howard Ellen Wadley, Alice Houston, Helen Hudson, Virgil L. Jones, John Clark five chapters and over 10,000 mem­ Bonds Jr., J ack Holt, Edgar P. Mc­ Louise King, Virginia Shamel, Mary Jordan, Mattie C. Maxted, Henry H. bers. The Grand Chapter maintains Brycle, Jr., Mike Schumchyk, Ed­ Helen Moore, Nancy Hill, Mary Strauss, Delbert Swartz, Edgar loan fund for outstanding ward Seasley, Raymond Trammell a student Clair Blair Cole, Martha Lou Fore­ Wertheim, and Zilpha Battey. students. J,·. Guilford Webb, James Wirtz, man, and Virginia Pattillo. Members of Beta Gamma Sigma Phi Eta Sigma and three faculty members, Dr. Doris Cook, Ann John Clark Jordan, Glen Rose, and are: Betty Brown, Omicron Eta Sigma is a national honor Ann Dukeminier, Vir­ Mr. Gregson. Dickenson, The main purpose of Omicron society for freshman boys having a Pattillo, Lou Alice Wright. ginia Delta Kappa, national honor fratern­ five- point accumulative grade aver­ is President of this organiaztion ity, is to recognize men who have age for the first two quarters in the The Alpha Delta chapter of Kap­ Lou Alice Wright, vice-president is attained standards of efficiency in University. This fraternity bas the pa Pi, national honorary frate111- Ann Dukeminier, and secretary­ collegiate activities. Its other pur­ largest number of students partici­ ity, was organized as the Brush and treasurer is W. B. Cole. poses are to inspire students to pating in any similar association Palette club on this campus in 1941. Faculty and honorary members in­ strive for conspicuous attainments and is open to students in a11 The club had twelve active mem­ cludde: W. B. Cole, George Huns- along similar lines; to bring a rep­ schools on the campus. bers and eight associate members. resentative group of college men to­ The primary purpose of this or­ In order to be initiated into Kap­ gether with members of the faculty ganization is to encourage capable pa Pi, a student must have a mini­ SEE in an institution based on mutual students to raise their scholastic mum gradepoint of 3 in art and a interest and understanding. standard during their first college cumulative average of ll.5; the rec­ Silverman's The organization recognizes emi­ year. Initiation into this organiza­ ommendation of officers and spon­ nence in five phases pf campus life: tion comes soon after the grades for sor, Ralph Hudson, associate pro­ Jewelry Store scholarship, athletics, social and the first quarter are posted. After fessor of art; and must have com­ for religious, publications, and cultural the initiation, the only social func- pleted four courses in art and must activities. tion of the year, a dinner down town show ability in art theory and prac- JEWELRY AND CRESTS Jack Berry was president of ODK with informal speeches by the mem- tice. this year. Other officers were bers is given. The preseut active members were Present members of this society initiated March 8. They are: Mary are: John Boehmer, Almont Ellis, EYelyn Adams, Mary Ellen Callo­ Charles Haywood, Henry Hill, Hart- way, June Harlan, Mary Virginia man Hotz, Clarence Jacobson, Hal Reichel, Audrea Yoe, Betty Hen­ Spend Your Weekends at Home Lockman, James Robinson, Kemp- dricks, Martha Jane Gittinger, and her Scott, Edward Seasly, Alpheus Mary Ann Helstern. - . '"" .. Non-Stop Passenger Service Stanfield, Eddy Stavitsky, Richard Associate members include: Mrs. - Stites, Melvin Tucker, and A. J. Mackean Mitchell, and Mrs. Marg- New stocks of Alligator and Wyatt. aret Phifer. Rainfair raincoats for these FAYETTEVILLE to LITTLE ROCK Officers of the organization in- At the time of the initiation a April showers. Leave Fayetteville Leaves Little Rock elude: Edward Seasly, president; ceremony was given for the follow­ 9:45 P. M. 11:45 P. M. Hal Lockman, vice-president; and lng pledges who will be initiated Melvin Tucker, treasurer. into active membership as soon as Anive at Little Rock Arrives at Fayetteville Faculty members who belong to chey have -completed the neecssary 3:15 A. M. 5 :15 .A. 1\1. this fraternity are: Allan S. Hum- requirements: Martha Lee Barton, Campbell-Bell phreys, John Clark Jordan, Ralph Betty Bunch, Elizabeth Burnham, Hours Shay, and Glenn Wing. Pat Evans, Hilda Harkness, La­ DRY GOODS COMP ANY 5~ Tau Beta Pi Vern McDaniel, Constance Ray­ mond, Margaret Spencer, Lillifred HOME OF NATIONALLY All Paved Route . Via Alma Each quarter a carefully selected Wright, and Bobby Wayne Jackson. group of junior and senior engineer­ ADVERTISED BRANDS BUSES LEAVING MOUNTAIN INN PHONE 1040 ing students are Initiated into Tau Phi Upsilon Omicron Beta Pi, national honorary engineer- Phi Upsilon Omicron is a nation- 4 The ARKANSAS TRAVELER Thursday, April 12, 1945 U. of A. to Return Prospects Good as Spring Basketball Invitation from Dr. Hale Spealcs to 576 Families to Receive Football Practice Ends MexicoDeclined by(agers Young People's League 'Chemical Family Letter' To Semester System With priug football practice over Au invitalion to appear in the Re- Dr. Hale, professor of chemistry, The "Chemical Family letterv Next September thi w ek-end Coach Glen Ro e be- public of l\Iexico [or a series of was guest speaker at the Young sent out each spring by Dr. Harri­ lieves much ha:; been accomplished games with the niversity of Mex- P eople's league of the First Pres­ son Hale, professor of chemistry, is The 1.Tuiver ily will return to the smce the rehear al started in late ice and other 1exican basketball byterian church last Sunday. being mailed to the 576 family mem­ seme ter y tem next fall, the l\larch. team wa "r gretfully d clined" Dr. Hale poke on "Opportunity" bers this week. In his letter Dr. Board of Trustees announced after oach Rose, starting his second by the l niv rsity of rkansas ath­ and gave a discus ion on thi topic Hale expresses a hope that this will their meeting this week in Little campaign as head oach, has used letic council on behalf of the Razor­ in regard to r eligion. Before his be the last letter of the war, and Rock. most of the four weeks for testing ba ·k cagers, Coach Gene Lambert p ech, Anne Pattillo, program t lls of the difficulties or keeping The school had been c·onduct cl 1,ew formation , filling po ition to announced iast Tu sday. chairman, gave a devotional on up with the members now. on the emester system until June, material, rehearsing fundamentals, The re umption of track and field "Choo ing a Vocation." The letter gives a short summary 1943, when the quart r system was dev loping plays lo fit the new rules sports on an intercollegiate basis 1'he Young People's I ague of all of the last years activities, telling inaugurated for the purpos of and paying particular attention to and the fact that the Razorback the Presbyterian churches in this of the organization of hi Alpha, adapting to the pro0 Tam of the Ar- newcomer to the squad. . • ag r had played on the road so district is holding a conference in professional hemical fraternity for my trainee then on the campus. ""\Ve haven't had enough meu on much during the 194-1-45 eason Fort Smith, Saturday and Sunday. women, news of the staff members, Since thi, army specialized train- the field at one time for more than w re major factor leading to the All students interested in this con­ and marriages and promotions of Ing program has been di continued, H couple of scrimmages," Rose said, decision of the athletic council, ac­ ference should get in touch with the member . The letter also con­ the Board decided that the ni- "but we've been able to get a pret- cording lo Dr. Harrison Hale, chair­ lh ir pastor. tains the names and addresses of versity would go ba k to the old ty good line 011 a few of the boys man. •----- the 18 new members who graduated system. expe ted to see a lot of action this "The council thought it unwise to Four University in 1944, ~nd who increased lhe fam­ The faculty, in a poll, favored the fall. I am confident we have made accept the invitation," ,Dr. Hale ontlnued from page 1 ily to the present number of 57G. mest r sy tern o\·erwh lmingly. far more progress this time than said, pointing out that several of Board. he was a member of Lamb- ince the eniors will not exceed a In a similar poll, a mall margin of a year ago." the key-m n on the squad are mak- da Tau, YWCA, Pi Kappa, A.W.S. dozen it will be impossible for the student opinion favored the quarter large number of high school ing plans lo report for track prac- Executive board, the House Offi­ group to reach the GOO mark this system. pro pects have worked out with the lice next \I' Jc council, and the Razorback cers' year. • ----- nazorbacks during the spring ea- The invitation to the Razorbacks staff. She finished her requirements son, and most of them are expected came from Joe lark, president of for a degree in March, 1945. The annual I ller is another of D epartmenta l , S OCieties to be back next fall. the l\Iexican Sports Association, The Scholars must have been reg, Dr. Hale's ways of keeping in con­ Continued f1 ,>in 11age 3 M · C'tI Moore; seer tary, Sara Aldridge; ------exico Y- istered at the niversity for four t2ct with the graduates of the words. • ----- and th y were elected chemistry school and of letting the trea urer, .\lice Houston. semesters, Each spring and fall the fratern- Dean Jordan by a ommittee composed of faculty members of his Chemical Family Phi Alpha Theta ity has a banquet for the initiation . Continued from page 1 members from ea h college. keep in touch with their former Phi Alpha Theta was organized two of effort. The Honor Society of new members and a picnic pure­ -----,•----- clas mates and the Univer ily. on the campus of the 1.Tniversity of association defines an Honor Soci­ ly for social purposes. Arkansas in l!l21. It was revived in ety "as an organization in a college Charles Allen To Be Guest Members of Pi Mu Epsilon: Mar- 1941 after being inactive [or almost or university with the following tin Dyke, Rawlins Horlacher, Major Kappa Delta Pi Spealceril t u years. recognized qualifications: Receive FOWLER'S A. Lilly, and Sue Stalcup. Officers The purpose of this organization into membership those who achieve consist of: Edward Seasly, presi­ Mr. harles F. Allen, executive is to encourage historical research b:igh scholarship and who fulfil such Fruit and News Stand dent; \\'illiam Glassburn, vice-pres­ secretary of the Arkansas Teacher and to diffuse bi torical information additional requirements of distinc­ be the 412 West D ic kson Street ident; Robert Price, secretary; and Retirement system, will through fraternity relationship. tion in leadership or in some broad at the next monthly Dan Welchel, treasurer. guest speaker Newspapers, Magazines, The requirements are based on field of culture as the organization meeting of Kappa Della Pi. He will credits in history and in grade point may establish; elects to member­ discuss the Policies and Regula­ Cold Drinks, Candles, Groceries. is a national honorary so­ averages. Psi Chi ship irrespective of membership in tions of the Arkansas Teacher Re­ Novelties, School Supplies the sci­ This years members include: ciety founded to advance or affiliation with other organiza­ tirement System in the Blue Room ence of phychology. It was organiz­ tions; it confers membership solely Marian Gammill, president, Beatrice of the Student Union at 7: 00 p. m. -❖❖❖-H-l-'.-'n-.'-+'..+H-l•❖+-t➔❖❖■ Pattarson, vice-president, James ed on Sept. 4, 192!l, during the inth on the basis of character and eligi­ on Tuesday, April 17. Faculty mem­ Sloan, secretary, Mrs. H. N. Seford, International Congress of Psycho! bility." bers and interested students are *AMERICA SHOE SHOP* treasurer; Sue Alewine, Irene De­ ogy at New Haven, Conn. There are nine such societies on cordially invited to attend. :j: FRANK WHEATLEY, Prop. =~ lony, Capt. John C. Hamilton, Joyce The University chapter meets on this campus. They are Alpha Lamb­ •----- .!. ❖ been awarded i° BEST IN SHOE SERVICE ❖ Hathcoat, harlotte Jaynes, Mary the first Sunday of each month for da Delta, Beta Gamma Sigma, Kap­ The Air Medal has Lt. R. C. Pitts (BSE'42), who is IN SHULER f Ross McFadden, Ann Pattillo, Fred a dinner meeting at which time the- pa Delta Pi, Mortar Board, Omicron i co-pilot of a B24 based in England. Reinmiller, Raymond Trammell, oretical reports and round table dis- Delta Kappa, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi ■ -t-t•+.:-:-:-:~...+.t....+4-H• ..!-:-:+:,. Ii Marjorie Dildy \\'ebb, and Estelle cussion comprise the program. The Eta Sigma, and Tau Beta Pi. Young. Faculty members are Dr. particular success this organization Those organizations on the cam­ Dorsey Jones, Dr. Henry Kronen­ has enjoyed during the past three pus receiving recognition because berg ,and Dr. Austin L. Venable. years has been due to extensive stu- of departmental activities are: Al­ _Citizens Laundry & Dry Cleaners dent participation. pha Epsilon Delta, Blue Key, Kappa Pi Mu Epsilon Officers of this chapter are: Bar­ Pi, Pi Ka ppa, Phi Upsilon Omicron, "EQUIPPED FOR STUDENT SERVICE" The Arkansas chapter of Pi Mu bara Hunt, president; and Alva Phi Alpha Theta, Alpha, Epsilon, honorary mathematic fra­ PHONE 567 326 N. West St. Jane Munay, secretary-treasurer. Pi Mu Epsilon, and Psi Chi. t rnity, was installed on May 4, .,., a+, ...... ,., .. .. ,., .... ,., .. ef Other members include: Barbara -----•----- ...... 1931. Charters are granted only to local group having high scholastic Hunt. Margaret Kerr, Arlene Miller, Outstanding Students standing who have petitioned and Freel Reinmiller, and Regina Sallis. Continued from page 1 Omicron, been accepted by .the vote of all the Pi Kappa cron award. Phi Upsilon active chapters. Pi Kappa is an honorary journal- honor home economics society gives Despite the fact that the main ism society for college women hav­ this award each year for the bigb purpose of this organization is to ing a four-point average in journal­ point freshman girl in the depart­ ment of home economics. promote high mathematical scholar­ ism. It was founded on the Univer- ship, to be a member of the associ- sity of Arkansas campus in 1917. Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman ation, it is neecssary to prepare a The main purpose of this associ­ women's honor society, awards Lou Wright of Fayetteville, for a ...... humorous theme of exactly 300 atio'ii is to encourage beginning Alice grade point of 5.3, the prize fo r be­ ing the senior Alpha Lambda Delta member who has had the highest accumulative grade average for C9J➔