NOTICE Notice Date – 18/03/21

Insha’Allah, subject to moon sighting Ramadan this year is likely to start the evening of Monday 12th April 2021.

Tarawih 1) Tarawih prayers will be 20 , and the entire Qur’an will be completed during the month. 2) The interval between 4 rakats will be shortened. 3) Individual water bottles will be provided to musalees at the entrance only. 4) Musalees who are reading 8 rakats are requested to pray in the ground floor prayer hall for easier exit. 5) There will be a designated area in the ground floor hall for chairs. 6) The management team will maximise the Masjid capacity as far as possible; once the Masjid is full the gates will be shut and no further entry allowed. 7) As per normal, all musalees must bring their own prayer mat, wear a face mask and carrier bag for shoes. Iftari 1) There will be no Iftari served in the Masjid, and food is not permitted inside. 2) Dry dates and water will be provided to musalees attending Maghrib . 3) Any food we receive from donations will be placed in the courtyard after Maghrib salah for musalees to take home only.

Toilets and Ablution area 1) The newly renovated toilets and ablution area will be open for use. 2) We request all musalees to utilise the new facilities with respect and keep them clean and orderly. 3) All musalees must wash their hands with soap properly before leaving the ablution area.

Opening times 1) The Masjid will remain open from Asr salah to the end of Tarawih. 2) All musalees staying for extra worship must remain at their prayer mat on the designated sticker. There must be no socialising or group discussions. 3) Qur’ans will not be available for use, so musalees are encouraged to bring their own or utilise a phone/tablet. 4) If it is found musalees are breaking social distancing measures, the board will review and may close the Masjid in between the .

I’tikaf 1) To fulfil the al-kifaya obligation upon the community, I’tikaf will be performed but limited to a maximum of four people due to the virus risk. 2) These will be chosen at random in the presence of two trustees from the applications received. For more information, contact Br Bilal.

Timetables 1) Ramadan timetables will be available to collect from the Masjid in the first week of April, as well as being accessible on the website.

For any further questions please email [email protected] or speak to any of the trustees at the Masjid.

Jazaka’Allah Khair, CJM Board of Trustees