Dept. of Anthropology, University of PO Box 117305 Gainesville, FL 32611 253-294-7598 [email protected]


1990 Ph.D., Linguistics University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, California

1986 M.A., Linguistics University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, California

1983 B.A., Linguistics and Near Eastern Languages Magna cum laude with highest honors Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts


2015 -present Elling Eide Professor of Anthropology Department of Anthropology University of Florida Gainesville, Florida

2005 - 2015 Professor Department of Anthropology, Program in Linguistics and Cognitive Science University at Albany, State University of New York Albany, New York

1997 - 2005 Associate Professor Department of Anthropology, Program in Linguistics and Cognitive Science University at Albany, State University of New York 1

Albany, New York

1997-1998 Visiting Associate Professor Department of Linguistics University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, California

1990 - 1997 Assistant Professor Department of Anthropology, Program in Linguistics and Cognitive Science University at Albany, State University of New York Albany, New York

1992 - 1993 Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Anthropology, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma

1989 - 1990 Instructor Department of Anthropology, Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science University at Albany, State University of New York Albany, New York

1989 Visiting lecturer Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Syracuse University Syracuse, New York

1985 - 1988 Consultant Bilingual Education Program Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Philadelphia, Mississippi

Grants and Fellowships

2020-2023 National Endowment for Humanities, Documenting Endangered Languages Mississippi Choctaw Dictionary and Comparison of Community (Awarded to the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. PI: DeLaura Saunders. Project linguists: George Aaron Broadwell and Jack B Martin. $393,363)

2019 Collaborative Cluster Fellowship, John Carter Brown Library, Brown University (jointly with Alejandra Dubcovsky, $4000) 2

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2018-2019 National Science Foundation, Documenting Endangered Languages CoLang 2018 – Institute for Collaborative Language Research (coPIs Eric Potsdam, Brent Henderson, and James Essegbey) (supplement of $22,242)

2018-2020 CLAS Collaborative planning grant – (co-convenor with Emily Hind) ($10,000)

2017-2018 National Science Foundation, Documenting Endangered Languages CoLang 2018 – Institute for Collaborative Language Research (coPIs Eric Potsdam, Brent Henderson, and James Essegbey) ($148,764)

2012-2015 IARPA, Metaphor program REMND – Robust Extraction of Metaphors from Novel Data [co-PI with Tomek Strzalkowski (PI); Laurie Feldman (co-PI) and Sarah Taylor (co-PI)] ($5,504,316.65)

2009 - 2012 IARPA, Socio-cultural Content in Language DSARMD – Detecting Social Actions and Roles in Multi-party Dialogue [co-PI with Tomek Strzalkowski (PI); Jennifer Strommer-Galley (co-PI) and Sarah Taylor (co-PI)] ($1,903,041)

2009 US Falcon Incorporated “Thai-to-English Machine Translation System” ($99,926) [co-PI with Tomek Strzalkowski] (co=PI with Tomek Strzalkowski)

2000 - 2001 Faculty Research Awards Program, University at Albany “Research on two Zapotecan languages” ($2000)

1998 - 2000. Latin American Studies Center, UCLA. “La voz indígena de Oaxaca: A workshop on Oaxacan languages and literatures.” ($4350) Grant proposal awarded jointly to George A. Broadwell and Pamela Munro, Dept. of Linguistics, UCLA.

1997 - 1999 Faculty Research Awards Program, University at Albany “A reference for the Choctaw language” ( $3633)

1994 Dean's Faculty Support Fund, University at Albany "Research on Mohawk language and culture" ($1500) (jointly with Gail Landsman)

1993 Junior Faculty Research Fellowship, University of Oklahoma "Research for a Choctaw reference grammar" ($5000, declined)

1991 - 1992 Faculty Research Awards Program, University at Albany "Continued fieldwork on Santa Ana del Valle Zapotec" ($2993.00) 3

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1991 New York State/United University Professionals New Faculty Development Award ($699)

1990 - 1991 Faculty Research Awards Program, University at Albany "Fieldwork on Santa Ana del Valle Zapotec" ($2843)

1988 - 1989 American Indian Studies Center grant, UCLA "Mississippi Choctaw lexicography"

1984 - 1986 American Indian Studies Center grant, UCLA "The dialectology of Mississippi Choctaw"

1983 - 1986 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship

1983 Phillips Fund Grant American Philosophical Society


2003 - present Copala Triqui Albany, NY

1998 - 2015 San Dionicio Ocotepec Zapotec Albany, NY; Oaxaca, Mexico

1999- 2001 Kaqchikel Maya Albany, NY

1997 - 1998 Oklahoma Choctaw, Chickasaw, Macuiltianguis Zapotec Los Angeles, CA

1995 - 1997 Mon Albany, NY

1994 - 1995 Oklahoma Choctaw (summers) Moore, Oklahoma

1992-3 Oklahoma Choctaw Moore, Oklahoma


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1990 - 1991 Santa Ana del Valle Zapotec (summers) Santa Ana del Valle, Oaxaca, Mexico

1988 Creek (summer) Seminole and Creek nations Wewoka and Okmulgee, Oklahoma

1983 - 1989 Oklahoma Choctaw (academic year) Los Angeles, CA

1983 - 1988 Mississippi Choctaw, (summers) Choctaw reservation Philadelphia, Mississippi

Honors and awards

2018-2020 University of Florida Term Professor

2019 Faculty honoree, Anderson Scholar Award Theses and dissertation

Broadwell, George A. (1990) Extending the binding theory: A Muskogean case study. Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles.

Broadwell, George A. (1986) Choctaw and the binding theory of switch-reference. M.A. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles.

Broadwell, George A. (1983) Against metrical feet in Hebrew. B.A. honors thesis, Harvard University, 60 pp.


Books and monographs


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1. Vidal-Lopez, Román. (2012). Nana naguan' rihaan nij síí chihaan' | Consejos para la gente Triqui | Word of counsel for the Triqui people. Edited by George A Broadwell, Ashley LaBoda, Sharone Horowit-Hendler, and Gabriela Aquino Dehesa. IMS Occasional Publication No. 16. Albany NY: University at Albany.

2. Broadwell, George A; Matsukawa, Kosuke; Martín del Campo, Edgar; Scipione, Ruth,; and Susan Perdomo (eds). (2009). The origin of the sun and moon: A Copala Triqui legend (Román Vidal López, narrator). Munich: Lincom Europa.

3. Broadwell, George A. (2006). A Choctaw reference grammar. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. (B)

Electronic publications

4. Albany Triqui Working Group. (2014-20). A Copala Triqui – Spanish – English dictionary.

5. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2014-6). A San Dionisio Ocotepec Zapotec – Spanish – English dictionary.

6. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2016-20120). A -English dictionary.

7. Lillehaugen, Brook Danielle, George Aaron Broadwell, Michel R. Oudijk, Laurie Allen, May Plumb, and Mike Zarafonetis. (2016-20). Ticha: a digital text explorer for Colonial Zapotec, first edition. Online:

Book Chapters

8. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2020). . in Routledge Handbook of North American Languages, edited by Daniel Siddiqi, Michael Barrie, Carrie Gillon, Jason Haugen, and Eric Mathieu. Routledge Press, pp 397-423. 9. Broadwell, George Aaron (2020). The things they formerly worshipped: Timuca Christian texts on Native worship. in Facing Florida:Essays in culture and religion in early Southeastern America, edited by Timothy Johnson and Jeffrey Burns. Oceanside, CA: Academy of American Franciscan History, pp. 51-62.

10. Broadwell, George Aaron. (accepted). The diachrony of the perfect in Zapotec. to appear in The perfect volume: Papers on the perfect, edited by Kristin Melum Eide and Marc Fryd. Benjamins


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11. Campbell, Eric and George Aaron Broadwell. (accepted). The Zapotecan languages. to appear in Languages and linguistics of Middle America, edited by Soren Wichmann. DeGruyter Mouton. [Anticipated publication 2021]

12. Broadwell, George A. (2019). Honorific usage in Timucua exempla. in Preaching and New Worlds, edited by Timothy Johnson, Katherine Wrisbey Shelby, and John D. Young. Routledge. 280-294.

13. Broadwell, George A. (2017). Shadow Authors: The Texts of the Earliest Indigenous Florida Writers. In Franciscans and American Indians in Pan-Borderlands Perspective: Adaptation, Negotiation, and Resistance, J. Burns and Timothy Johnson, eds. Academy of American Franciscan History 161-174.

14. Broadwell, George A. (2015). Valence-changing morphology in San Dionisio Ocotepec Zapotec. in Natalie Operstein and Aaron Huey Sonnenschein, eds. Valence changes in Zapotec: Synchrony, Diachrony, Typology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 79-92.

15. Broadwell, George A. (2014). Timucua -ta: Muskogean parallels. in Michael Picone and Catherine Evans Davies, eds. New perspectives on Language Variety in the South: Historical and contemporary perspectives. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Press. 72-81.

16. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2014). Lexical-Functional Grammar. in Andrew Carnie, Yosuke Sato, and Daniel Siddiqi, eds. Routledge Handbook of Syntax. New York: Routledge. 556-578.

17. Broadwell, George A. (2006). Valence, information structure, and passive constructions in Kaqchikel. in L. Kulikov, A. Malchukov, and P. de Swart, eds. Case, Valency, and Transitivity. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 375-392.

18. Broadwell, George A. (2005). Choctaw. in Heather Hardy and Janine Scancarelli, eds. Native languages of the southeastern United States. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. , pp.157- 199

19. Broadwell, George A. (2001). Optimal order and pied-piping in San Dionicio Zapotec. in Peter Sells, ed. Formal and Empirical Issues in Optimality Theoretic Syntax. Stanford: CSLI Publications. pp. 197-123

20. Broadwell, George A. (2000). Choctaw directionals and the syntax of complex predication. in Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds. Argument realization, pp. 111-133. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. (IC)


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22. Broadwell, George A. (2000). Look for the stick: Some remarks on globalization and language endangerment. in Osamu Miyaoka, ed. Lectures on endangered languages: 2, pp. 117- 121. Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim Publication C002. (IC)

23. Broadwell, George A. (1997). Binding theory and switch-reference. Bennis, Hans; Pica, Pierre; and Johan Rooryck, eds. Atomism and Binding, pp. 31-49. Dordrecht: Foris Publications. (IC)

24. Justeson, John and George A. Broadwell. (1995). Language and languages in Mesoamerica. in Carmack, Gasco, and Gossen, The legacy of Mesoamerica: History and culture of a Native American civilization. pp. 379-406. Prentice Hall. (IC)

25. Broadwell, George A. (1988) Multiple θ-role assignment in Choctaw, in Wendy Wilkins, ed. Thematic relations. (Syntax and semantics v. 21). pp. 113-127. San Diego: Academic Press. (B- ER)

Journal articles

26. Broadwell, George Aaron; Moisés García Guzmán, Brook Danielle Lillehaugen, Felipe Lopez, May Helena Plumb, and Mike Zarafonetis. (accepted) Ticha: Collaboration with indigenous communities to build digital resources on Zapotec language and history. Digital Humanities Quarterly

27. Broadwell, George Aaron and Alejandra Dubcovsky. (to appear) Chief Manuel’s 1651 Timucua letter: The oldest letter in a Native language of the United States. Accepted for publication at Transactions of the American Philosophical Society.

28. Broadwell, George Aaron and Brook Danielle Lillehaugen. (2018). Building an electronic database for Colonial Valley Zapotec, International Journal of Linguistic Association of the Southwest 32(2):77-110.

29. Dubcovsky, Alejandra and George Aaron Broadwell. (2017) Writing Timucua, Recovering and Interrogating Indigenous Authorship. Early American Studies 15:409-441.

30. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2015). The historical development of the progressive aspect in Central Zapotec. International Journal of American Linguistics. 81:151–85.

31. Oliveira, Alandeom; Broadwell, George Aaron; Boz, Umit; and Troy Sadler. (2014). Student leadership in small group science inquiry. Research in Science & Technological Education


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32. Broadwell, George Aaron; Jennifer Stromer-Galley; Tomek Strzalkowski; Samira Shaikh, Sarah Taylor, Umit Boz, Alana Elia, Laura Jiao, Ting Liu, and Nick Webb. (2012). Modeling socio- cultural phenomena in discourse. Journal of Natural Language Engineering.

33. Broadwell, George A. and Lachlan Duncan. (2002). A new passive in Kaqchikel. Linguistic Discovery. (RJ)

34. Bickmore, Lee S. and George A. Broadwell. (1998). High tone docking in Sierra Juárez Zapotec. International Journal of American Linguistics, 64:37-67. (RJ)

36. Broadwell, George A. (1995). 1990 census estimates for speakers of Native American languages. International Journal of American Linguistics 61:145-149. (RJ)

37. Broadwell, George A. (1993) Subtractive morphology in Southern Muskogean. International Journal of American Linguistics. 59: 416-429. (RJ)

38. Broadwell, George A. (1991) On the Muskogean connection of the and . International Journal of American Linguistics 57:267-270. (RJ)

39. Broadwell, George A. (1991) Speaker and SELF in Choctaw. International Journal of American Linguistics 57:411-425. (RJ)

Encyclopedia articles

40. Broadwell, George A. (2005). Zapotecan languages. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd edition. Elsevier.

41. Broadwell, George A. (2005). Muskogean languages. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd edition. Elsevier.

Conference proceedings

42. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2017). Parallel blocks in Choctaw. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University at Buffalo. CSLI Publications:

43. Shaikh, Samira, Tomek Strzalkowski, Sarah Taylor, John Lien, Ting Liu, George Aaron Broadwell, Laurie Feldman, Boris Yamrom, Kit Cho, and Yuliya Peshkova. (2015). Understanding Cultural Conflicts using Metaphors and Sociolinguistic Measures of Influence. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, pp. 67-76.


44. Shaikh, Samira, Tomek Strzalkowski, Jennifer Stromer-Galley, George Aaron Broadwell, Ting Liu, and Rosa Mikeal Martey. (2015) Modeling Leadership Behavior of Players in Virtual Worlds. In Eleventh Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference.

45. Taylor, Sarah, Laurie Beth Feldman, Kit W. Cho, Samira Shaikh, Ignacio Cases, Yuliya Peshkiva, George Aaron Broadwell et al. (2014) Extracting Understanding from Automated Metaphor Identification: Contrasting Concepts of Poverty Across Cultures and Languages. Sae Schatz, Joseph Cohn, and Denise Nicholson, eds. Advances in Cross-Cultural Decision Making 5:113 - 122.

46. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2014). Language description and the lexicon: of wearing in two Oaxacan languages. In (Stefan Müller, ed.) Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University at Buffalo. CSLI Publications:

47. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2014). Syntax from the Bottom up: Elicitation, Corpus Data, and Thick Descriptions. In (Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds.) Proceedings of LFG14. CSLI Publications: well.pdf

48. Strzalkowski, Tomek; Samira Shaikh; Kit Cho; George Aaron Broadwell; Laurie Feldman; Sarah Taylor; Boris Yamrom; , Ting Liu; Ignacio Cases; Yuliya Peshkova; and Kyle Elliot. (2014). Computing Affect in Metaphors. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, pages 42–51, Baltimore, MD, USA.

50. Strzalkowski, Tomek and George A Broadwell. (2013) Robust Extraction of Metaphors from Novel Data. NAACL Workshop on Metaphors in NLP.

51. Strzalkowski, Tomek and George A Broadwell (2013) Influence and Power in Group Interactions. in (Ariel M. Greenberg, William G. Kennedy, Nathan D. Bos and Stephen Marcus,eds) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction SBP 2013.

52. Broadwell , George A; Boz, Umit; Cases, Ignacio; Strzalkowski, Tomasz; Feldman, Laurie; Taylor, Sarah; Cho, Kit; and Nick Webb. (2013) Using imageability and topic chaining to locate metaphors in linguistic corpora. in (Ariel M. Greenberg, William G. Kennedy, Nathan D. Bos and Stephen Marcus,eds) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral- Cultural Modeling and Prediction SBP 2013.

53. Strzalkowski, Tomek; George A Broadwell; Jennifer Stromer-Galley et al. (2011). Modeling Socio-Cultural Phenomena in Online Multi-Party Discourse. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 2011.


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54. Samira Shaikh, Tomek Strzalkowski, Aaron Broadwell, Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Sarah Taylor, and Nick Webb (2010) MPC: A Multi-Party Chat Corpus For Modeling Social Phenomena In Discourse. Proceedings of LREC-2010 Conference, Malta.

55. Broadwell, George A; Castellucci, Gregg, and Megan Knickerbocker (2011). Toward an optimal account of partial agreement in Kaqchikel. in Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds. Proceedings of the Lexical Functional Grammar 2011 conference. (Available at http://csli-

56. Broadwell, George A. (2010). Two movement paradoxes in Zapotec. in Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds. Proceedings of the Lexical Functional Grammar 2010 conference. (Available at

57. Broadwell, George A. (2008). Turkish suspended affixation is lexical sharing. in Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds. Proceedings of the Lexical Functional Grammar 2008 conference. (Available at

58. Broadwell, George A. (2007). Lexical sharing and non-projecting words: The case of Zapotec . in Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds. Proceedings of the Lexical Functional Grammar 2007 conference. (Available at

60. Broadwell, George A. (2006). Alignment, precedence, and the typology of pied-piping with inversion. in Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds. Proceedings of the Lexical Functional Grammar 2006 conference. (Available at

61. Broadwell, George A. (2005). It ain’t necessarily S(V)O: Two kinds of VSO languages. in Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds. Proceedings of the Lexical Functional Grammar 2005 conference. (Available at

62. Broadwell, George A. (2005). The morphology of Zapotec pronominal .in Rosemary Beam de Azcona and Mary Paster, eds. Survey of California and Other Indian Languages, Report 13: Conference on Otomanguean and Oaxacan Languages, pp. 15-35. University of California at Berkeley.

63. Broadwell, George A. (2003). Optimality, Complex Predication, and Parallel Structures in Zapotec. in Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds. Proceedings of the Lexical Functional Grammar 2003 conference. (Available at (RA)

64. Broadwell, George A. (2003). Branching consistency as a constraint on Zapotec syntax. in Proceedings of the 38th Chicago Linguistics Society. (RA)

65. Broadwell, George A. (2002) Constraint symmetry in optimality-theoretic syntax. in Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds. Proceedings of the Lexical Functional Grammar 2002 conference. (Available at (RA) 11

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66. Broadwell, George A. and Timothy Smith. (2001). Form and function in Kaqchikel word order. Proceedings of the 37th Chicago Linguistic Society: Parasession on functionalism and formalism in linguistic theory. 37-2:1-16. (RA)

67. Broadwell, George A. (2000) On the phonological conditioning of placement in Zapotec. in Proceedings of the Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas. (University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics #5). (Available at (RA)

68. Broadwell, George A. (2000). Markedness and word order in Kaqchikel. in Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds. Proceedings of the Lexical Functional Grammar 2000 Conference. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. (Online version available at http//www- (RA)

69. Broadwell, George A. (1999). Focus alignment and optimal order in Zapotec. Proceedings of the 35th Chicago Linguistic Society. (RA) (Available at (RA)

71. Broadwell, George A. (1999). The interaction of constituent order and focus in San Dionicio Zapotec. in Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds. Proceedings of the Lexical Functional Grammar 99 Conference. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. (Online version available at http// (RA)

72. Broadwell, George A. (1998). Directionals as complex predicates in Choctaw. in Butt, Miriam and Tracy Holloway King, eds. Proceedings of the 3rd International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference, pp. 95-110. (Available at (RA)

73. Broadwell, George A. (1996) Directional particles and abstract motion in Choctaw. Proceedings of the 1996 Mid-America Linguistics Conference. pp. 53-66. (RA)

74. Broadwell, George A. (1994) Causation and affectedness in Choctaw. Proceedings of the 1993 Mid-America Linguistics Conference. pp.483-493. (Available at (RA)

75. Broadwell, George A. and Jack Martin. (1993) The clitic/agreement split: Asymmetries in Choctaw person marking. Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistic Society 19-S. pp. 1- 10. (RA)

76. Broadwell, George A. (1993) Is Choctaw a pronominal argument language? Proceedings of the 1992 Mid-America Linguistics Conference, pp. 389-401. (RA)

77. Broadwell, George A. (1988) Reflexive movement in Choctaw. Proceedings of the North East 12

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Linguistic Society, no. 18, pp. 53-64. Amherst, Massachusetts. (RA)

78. Broadwell, George A. (1986) Multiple theta-role assignment. Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society, no. 17. pp. 46-58. Amherst, Massachusetts. (RA)

79. Broadwell, George A. (1985) A-bar anaphora and relative clauses. Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society, no. 16. pp. 47-56. Amherst, Massachusetts. (RA)

Working papers

80. Broadwell, George A. (1987) Nominal *-ka in Proto-Muskogean. In Pamela Munro, ed. Muskogean linguistics, UCLA Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no. 6, pp. 179-185. Department of Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles. (NR)

82. Broadwell, George A. (1984) Internally headed relative clauses in Choctaw. Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics 10:2, pp. 16-24. Lawrence, Kansas. (RWP)

Other publications

83. Broadwell, George A. (1987) A Mississippi Choctaw-English dictionary with a Choctaw-English index. Bilingual Education Program, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. 200 pp. (NR)

Reviews, review articles, and comments

84. Broadwell, George Aaron (2004). Review of Diccionario Zapoteco de Zoogocho, by Rebecca Long and Sofronio Cruz. International Journal of American Linguistics. 70:94-95.

85. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2003). Review of Quiegolani Zapotec Syntax, by Cheryl Black (review article). Linguistic Review 20:95-107.

86. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2003). Review of Di'csyonaary X:tèe'n Dìi'zh Sah Sann Lu'uc/San Lucas Quiavinì Zapotec Dictionary/Diccionario Zapoteco de San Lucas Quiavinì, by Pamela Munro and Felipe Lopez. Anthropological Linguistics 45:339-341.

87. Broadwell, George A. (1995) Review of A grammar and dictionary of the Timucua language, by Julian Granberry. Southeastern Archaeology 14:101.

88. Broadwell, George A. (1990) Linguistic function and language evolution (comment). Brain and Behavioral Sciences 13: 728-9.


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Conferences and colloquia

89. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2020). The history of accusative case in Copala Triqui. . Presented at Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. New Orleans. Jan 2020.

90. Vidal López, Román; de Jesús Ramírez, Monica; Lauren Clemens; Rodríguez, Jamilläh; Stoop, Michael, and George Aaron Broadwell. (2019). Dictionary as entry to literacy and language documentation: A Copala Triqui case study. Presented at Second International Conference on Revitalization of Indigenous and Minoritized Languages. Brasilia, Brazil. October 2019.

91. Broadwell, George Aaron; Roman Vidal Lopez, Monica de Jesus Ramirez, Lauren Clemens, Michael Stoop, and Jamillah Rodriguez. (2019). Multilingual language documentation in the Copala Triqui diaspora. Workshop on language documentation: multilingual settings and technological advances. Uppsala Sweden. October 2019.

92. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2019.) Indigenous Cultural Competency & Languages in Mexico & Central America. Invited workshop at 5th Judicial Circuit State of Florida Annual Court Interpreter Conference. Crystal River, FL. May 23-4, 2019.

93. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2019). Translation, adaptation, and resistance: Native Floridians in the Spanish Empire”. Invited lectures at Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia (University of Venice). May 8, 2019.

94. Vidal López, Román; de Jesús Ramírez, Monica; Lauren Clemens; Rodríguez, Jamilläh; Stoop, Michael, and George Aaron Broadwell. (2019). Dictionary as entry to literacy and language documentation: A Copala Triqui case study. Presented at International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation 2019. Honolulu, Hawaii. Feb. 2019.

95. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2019). Reconstructing honorific usage in Timucua. Presented at Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. New York City. Jan 2019.

96. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2018). The things they formerly worshipped. Presented at the Tibesar Lectures/Flagler Franciscan Conference. St. Augustine, FL. Oct 2018.

97. Broadwell, George Aaron, Lauren Clemens, and Michael Stoop. (2018). Cambios en el sistema de flexion en el triqui de Copala. Presented at Coloquio sobre Lenguas Otomangues y Vecinos (COLOV). Oaxaca, Mexico. April 2018. 14

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98. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2018). Reconstructing honorific usage in 17th century indigenous Florida texts. Presented at Historical Pragmatics 2018, University of Padua, Italy. Feb 2018.

99. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2017) Timucua language and social hierarchy. Presented at Spanish Missions in Florida and the Borderlands Conference, Aucilla Institute, Monticello, FL. October 2017.

100. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2017). Parallel affix blocks in Choctaw. Presented at the 24th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexington, KY. July 2017.

101. Broadwell, George Aaron; Lauren Clemens, and Michael Stoop. (2017) Inflectional change in Copala Triqui. Presented at the International Conference on Historical Linguistics. San Antonio, TX. August 2017.

102. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2017) Parallel affix blocks in Choctaw. Presented at the 4th European Workshop on HPSG. Paris, France. March 2017.

103. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2017). Ergative/active split agreement in Timucua. Presented at the Southeastern Conference on Linguistics (SECOL). Charleston, SC. March 2017.

104. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2017). Timucua writers in mission period Florida. Presented at Laboring in the Fields of the Lord conference. Ft Myers, FL. Feb 2017.

105. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2016) Saberes antiguos de la Florida: Conocimiento timucuana del medio ambiente. Presented at II Coloquio de Estudios sobre Culturas Originarias de América, , . October 2016

106. Allen, Laurie, Brook Danielle Lillehaugen, George Aaron Broadwell, Michel R. Oudijk, & Mike Zarafonetis. (2016). Ticha: The Story of an International, Community Engaged, Digital Humanities Project. Keystone DH, Pittsburgh.

107. Lillehaugen, Brook Danielle, George Aaron Broadwell, Michel R. Oudijk, Laurie Allen, Michael Zarafonetis & May Helena Plumb. (2016). Humanidades digitales multilingual y multicultural: el caso de Ticha, un explorador digital de texto para el zapoteco colonial. 3er Encuentro de Humanistas Digitales, Mexico City. Online:

108. Broadwell, George Aaron and Christopher Muntzner. (2016). Parallel Texts and Interpretive Practice: Movilla's (1635) Timucua Doctrine. Florida Anthropological Society, Jupiter, FL. May 2016.

109. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2106). Honorific marking in the Timucua language. Florida Anthropological Society, Jupiter, FL. May 2016.


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110. Broadwell, George Aaron (2016) La sintaxis de posesión en triqui de Copala. Coloquio sobre lenguas otomangues y vecinas. Oaxaca, Mexico. April 2016.

111. Brook Danielle Lillehaugen, George Aaron Broadwell, Michel R. Oudijk, Laurie Allen, Michael Zarafonetis, May Helena Plumb. (2016). Ticha, un explorador digital de texto para el zapoteco colonial: Creando conexiones. Coloquio sobre lenguas otomangues y vecinas. Oaxaca, Mexico. April 2016.

112. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2016). The fifth and sixth days of creation: A Timucua taxonomy of living things. St Augustin Archaeological Society. March 2016.

113. Broadwell, George Aaron (2016). Transitity, inflection, and active agreement in Timucua. Linguistic Society of America. January 2016.

114. Broadwell, George Aaron (2015). The diachrony of the Zapotec perfect. Perfect variation conference. Trondheim, Norway. November 2015.

115. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2015). A Timucua Christian's View of the World: Discerning Native Voices in 16th Century Florida. Phi Beta Kappa Roundtable. St Augustine, FL. November 2016.

116. Broadwell, George Aaron (2015). Discovering orthographic traditions in Colonial Valley Zapotec. Conference on the Indigenous Languages of Latin America. Austin, Tx. October 2015.

117. Lillehaugen , Brook; George Aaron Broadwell, Michel Oudijk; Laurie Allen, Enrique Valdivia. (2015). Ticha: A digital text explorer for Colonial Zapotec. Conference on the Indigenous Languages of Latin America. Austin, Tx. October 2015.

118. Lillehaugen, Brook; George Aaron Broadwell, Laurie Allen, and Michel Oudijk. (2015). Archives, morphological analysis, & XML encoding: interdisciplinary methods in the creation of a digital text explorer for Colonial Zapotec manuscripts. HDH II Congreso Internacional. Innovación, globalización e impacto. Madrid. October 2015.

119. Shaikh, Samira; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Liu, Ting; Broadwell, George Aaron; Yamron, Boris; Taylor, Sarah; Feldman, Laurie; Cho, Kit; Boz, Umit; Cases, Ignacio; Peshkova, Yuliya; and Ching-Sheng Lin. (2014) A Multi-Cultural Repository of Automatically Discovered Linguistic and Conceptual Metaphors. LREC. Reykjavik. June 2014.

121. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2014). Invisible authors: Uncovering Native intention and intention in Timucua religious texts. Linguistic Society of America, Minneapolis. January 2014.

122. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2013). An emphatic auxiliary construction for emotions in Copala 16

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Triqui. Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference 2013. Debrecen, Hungary. July 2013.

123. Broadwell, George Aaron and Hilaria Cruz. (2013). The evolution of case in two Otomanguean languages of Mexico. Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference 2013. Debrecen, Hungary. July 2013.

124. Broadwell, George Aaron. (2013). Two types of emotion in Copala Triqui. To be presented at the International Conference on Mesoamerican Linguistics. Fullerton, CA. Feb 2013.

125. Broadwell, George Aaron and Brook Danielle Lillehaugen. (2013). Constructing a database of Colonial Valley Zapotec. International Conference on Mesoamerican Linguistics. Fullerton, CA. Feb 2013.

126. Stromer-Galley, Jennifer; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Broadwell, George A; Shaikh, Samira; Liu, Ting; Ren, Xiaoai; Zhang, Feifei; and Jennifer Crowley. (2013). Creating Social-Science Grounded Algorithms to Analyze Communication Dynamics in Big Data. International Communication Association. London. June 2013.

127. Broadwell, George Aaron. 2013. Understanding the syntax of emotions in Copala Triqui: Elicitation, corpus data, and thick descriptions. Plenary address. Purdue Linguistics Association. March 2013.

128. Broadwell, George Aaron. 2012. Lexical integrity and lexical sharing: An approach to suspended affixation. Cornell-Syracuse Workshop on Suspended Affixation. Ithaca, NY. October 2012.

129. Broadwell, George Aaron. 2012. The Timucua Passive. Linguistic Society of America annual meeting. Portland, OR. January 2012.

130. Broadwell, George Aaron. 2012. Invisible authors: Uncovering native identity and intention in Timucua religious texts. Colloquium, Dept of English, University of Nevada-Reno. Apr 2012.

132. Broadwell, George Aaron. 2012. Un método para añadir textos religiosos rápidamente a una base de datos lingüística: Un estudio del triqui de copala. 5th Coloquio sobre lenguas otomangues y vecinas . Oaxaca, Mexico. April 2012.

133. Liu, Ting; Samira Shaikh; Tomasz Strzalkowski; George Aaron Broadwell; Jennifer Stromer- Galley; Sarah Taylor; Umit Boz; Xioai Ren; and Jingsi Wu. 2012. Extending the MPC corpus to Chinese and Urdu - A Multi-party Multi-Lingual Chat Corpus for Modeling. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Istanbul, May 2012.

134. Strzalkowski, Tomasz; George Aaron Broadwell; Jennifer Stromer-Galley; Samira Shaikh; and 17

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Ting Liu. 2012. Modeling leadership and influence in online multipary dialogues. COLING- 2012.

135. Strzalkowski, Tomasz; George Aaron Broadwell; Jennifer Stromer-Galley; Samira Shaikh; and Ting Liu. 2012. Chinese and American leadership characteristics. Sixth IEEE Conference on Semantic Computing.

136. Broadwell, George A. (2011) Negation as raising in San Dionisio Ocotepec Zapotec. Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America V, Austin, TX, Oct 2011.

137. Broadwell, George A. (2011) Surrogate possession in Copala Triqui. 18th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Seattle, WA. Aug 2011.

138. Broadwell, George A. (2011). Inferring Colonial Valley Zapotec phonology from orthography. 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Osaka, Japan. July 2011.

139. Broadwell, George A; Castellucci, Gregg; and Megan Knickerbocker. (2011). An optimal approach to partial agreement in Kaqchikel. 16th International Conference on Lexical- Functional Grammar. Hong Kong. July 2011.

140. Tomek Strzalkowski, George Aaron Broadwell, Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Samira Shaikh, Sarah Taylor and Nick Webb (2010) Modeling Socio-Cultural Phenomena in Discourse. COLING- 2010 Conference, Beijing, China.

141. Broadwell, George A. (2011) Three kinds of compound verbs in Copala Triqui. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Pittsburgh, PA. January 2011.

142. George Aaron Broadwell, Umit Boz, Tomek Strzalkowski, Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Samira Shaikh, Sarah Taylor, Nick Webb, Ting Liu (2010) Detecting discourse roles in online dialogues: A quantitative approach. 16th SLOAN Consortium Int. Conference on Online Learning, Orlando, FL.

143. Tomek Strzalkowski, George Aaron Broadwell, Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Samira Shaikh, Sarah Taylor and Nick Webb (2010) Modeling Socio-Cultural Phenomena in Discourse. COLING- 2010 Conference, Beijing, China.

144. Broadwell, George A. (2010). Two movement paradoxes in Zapotec. Lexical-Functional Grammar 2010. Ottawa, CA. June, 2010.

145. Broadwell, George A. (2010). Incompatible : Revising our understanding of Timucua nominal morphosyntax. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Baltimore, Jan 2010. 18

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146. Strzalkowski, Tomasz; Broadwell, George Aaron; Stromer-Galley, Jennifer. (2009) “DSARMD project review” IARPA, Albany, NY. Dec 2009

147. Strzalkowski, Tomasz; Broadwell, George Aaron; Stromer-Galley, Jennifer. (2009) “DSARMD progress report” IARPA, Washington, DC. March 2010.

148. Foreman, John; Broadwell, George A; and Lee S. Bickmore. (2009) Floating H tones and the tonology of Macuiltianguis Zapotec. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. San Francisco, Jan 2009.

149. Broadwell, George A. (2009). A movement paradox in Zapotec. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. San Francisco, Jan 2009.

150. Broadwell, George A. (2008). Tres tipos de verbos compuestos en triqui de Copala. Coloquio Maria Teresa Fernández de Miranda, Oaxaca, Mexico.

151. Broadwell, George A. (2008). Two words in syntax; one word in phonology: The grammar of Zapotec adjectives. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Chicago, IL, Jan 2008.

152. Broadwell, George A. (2006). Differential object marking in Copala Trique. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Albuquerque, NM, Jan 2006.

153. Broadwell, George A. and Brook Danielle Lillehaugen. (2006). Pied-piping with inversion in Tlacolula de Matamoros Zapotec. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Albuquerque, NM, Jan 2006.

154. Broadwell, George A. (2005). Stochastic optimality theory and pied-piping in Kiche (K’iche’) Mayan. Workshop on Optimality-Theoretic Syntax, Harvard University, July 2005.

155. Broadwell, George A. and Michael Parrish Key. (2004). Pied-piping with inversion in Copala Trique. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Boston, Jan. 2004.

156. Broadwell, George A. (2004). Parallel structures and the syntax of auxiliaries in San Dionicio Ocotepec Zapotec. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Boston, Jan. 2004.

157. Broadwell, George A. (2004). The morphology of Zapotec pronominal clitics. Conference on Otomanguean and Oaxacan Languages, Berkeley, California. March 19, 2004.

158. Broadwell, George A. (2004). Some Aspects of Verbal Morphology in Timucua and the Gulf Languages.


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Language Variation in the Southeast Conference (LAVIS), Tuscaloosa, AL, April 17, 2004.

159. Broadwell, George A. (2004). How do languages find the best word order? Linguistics Program colloquium, Tulane University, April 12, 2004.

160. Broadwell, George A. (2003). Optimality, complex predication, and parallel structures in Zapotec. Lexical Function Grammar 2003 Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY. July 16-18, 2003.

161. Broadwell, George A. (2003). Valence, transitivity, and passive constructions in Kaqchikel. PIONIER Workshop on Case, valence, and transitivity. Nijmegen, Netherlands. June 17-20, 2003.

162. Broadwell, George A. (2003). Parallel structures and the syntax of auxiliaries in San Dionicio Ocotepec Zapotec. Workshop on Optimality-Theory Syntax. Nijmegen, Netherlands. October, 2003.

163. Broadwell, George A. (2002). Feria’s doctrina: Alternative representations of colonial Zapotec. American Society for Ethnohistory. Quebec City. Oct 17, 2002.

164. Broadwell, George A. (2002). Word order in optimality theory: Evidence from pied-piping. Linguistics Colloquium, University at Buffalo, SUNY. Oct 4, 2002.

165. Broadwell, George A. (2002). Constraint symmetry in optimality theoretic syntax. International Lexical-Functional Grammar Association. Athen, Greece. July 5, 2002.

167. Broadwell, George A. (2002). Branching consistency as a constraint on Zapotec syntax. Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL. April 25, 2002.

168. Broadwell, George A. (2002). Order, optimality, and pied-piping. Linguistics Colloquium, University of California, San Diego, Feb 26, 2002.

169. Broadwell, George A. (2002). Preverbal positions and phrase boundaries in Zapotec. Linguistic Society of America, San Francisco, CA. Jan 4, 2002.

170. Broadwell, George A.and Timothy Smith. (2001). Form and function in Kaqchikel word order. Chicago Linguistic Society. Chicago, IL, April 19-21, 2001

171. Broadwell, George A. (2001). Optimal clause structure in Kaqchikel. Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas, St. John’s, Newfoundland, March 23, 2001.

172. Broadwell, George A.and Lachlan Duncan. (2001). A new passive in Kaqchikel. Workshop on

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the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas, St. John’s, Newfoundland, March 23, 2001.

173. Broadwell, George A. (2001) Constraining clause structure in Kaqchikel. International Linguistic Association, New York, Ny. March 30, 2001.

174. Broadwell, George A. (2000). Second position clitics and clause structure in San Dionicio Ocotepec Zapotec. Linguistic Society of America, Chicago, IL, Jan. 8, 2000.

175. Broadwell, George A. (2000). Coordination, clitic placement, and prosody in Zapotec. Berkeley Linguistic Society 26. Berkeley, CA, Feb. 18, 2000.

176. Broadwell, George A. (2000). On the phonological conditioning of clitic placement in Zapotec. Workshop on Structure and Constituency of the Languages of the Americas 5. Toronto, Ontario, March 24, 2000.

177. Broadwell, George A. (2000). Verbal tone in two Northern Zapotecan languages. Tromsø Workshop on Tone. Tromsø, Norway, June 2, 2000.

178. Broadwell, George A. (2000). Word order and markedness in Kaqchikel. Lexical Functional Grammar 2000, Berkeley, CA. July 20, 2000. (Available at

180. Broadwell, George A. (2000). Look for the stick: Some remarks on globalization and language endangerment. Conference on Endangered Languages. Kyoto, Japan. Nov. 24-25, 2000.

181. Broadwell, George A. (1999). The interaction of constituent order and focus in San Dionicio Zapotec. Lexical Functional Grammar 99 Conference, Manchester, England. July 19, 1999.

182. Broadwell, George A. (1999). Focus alignment and optimal order in Zapotec. 35th Chicago Linguistics Society, Chicago, IL. April 1999.

183. Broadwell, George A. (1999). Movement in the mind: The syntax and semantics of Choctaw directionals. Linguistics Colloquium, University of South Carolina, January 1999.

184. Broadwell, George A. and Jie Zhang (1999). Tonal alignment constraints and the nature of evaluation. Linguistic Society of America, Los Angeles, CA, Jan. 8, 1999.

185. Broadwell, George A. (1998). Directionals as complex predicates. 3rd International Conference on Lexical Functional Grammar, Brisbane Australia, July 2, 1998.

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186. Broadwell, George A. and Gerhard Brugger. (1998). Open tense in Choctaw. Workshop on Tense and Aspect, Bergamo, Italy. July 3, 1998.

187. Broadwell, George A. (1998). Directionals as complex predicates in Choctaw. Workshop on American Indian Languages, Santa Barbara, CA. May 10, 1998

188. Broadwell, George A. (1997). When causative means ‘intensive’. Presented at the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas summer meeting, Ithaca, NY July 15, 1997.

189. Bickmore, Lee and George A. Broadwell (1997). High tone docking in Sierra Juárez Zapotec. Presented at the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas summer meeting, Ithaca, NY July 15, 1997.

190. Broadwell, George A. (1997). When causative means ‘intensive’. Presented at the Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 21, 1997.

192. Broadwell, George A. (1996). Switch-reference phenomena as evidence for structure-based approaches to binding theory. Presented at the LINGUIST conference Geometric and Thematic Structure in Binding, October 14 - November 4, 1996. (

193. Broadwell, George A. (1996). Binding-theoretic approaches to switch-reference. Presented at the Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics Workshop on Atomism and Binding, Leiden. Feb. 15, 1996.

194. Broadwell, George A. and Nili Badanowski. (1996) Tricked, drunk, crazy: A semantic analysis of Choctaw haksi. Presented at the Linguistic Society of America meeting, San Diego, CA. January 1996.

195. Broadwell, George A. (1996) Person marking patterns in Timucua. Presented at the Linguistic Society of America meeting, San Diego, CA. January 1996.

196. Broadwell, George A. (1996). Directional particles and abstract motion in Choctaw. Presented at the Mid-America Linguistics Conference, Lawrence, KS, Nov. 1, 1996

197. Broadwell, George A. (1995) Lexical semantics, subtractive rules, and the Choctaw causative. Presented Dec. 8, 1995 at State University of New York at Stony Brook.

198. Broadwell, George A. (1995). Timucua morphosyntax: A Muskogean perspective. Presented at the

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Oklahoma-Muskogean Conference, Linguistic Institute, Albuquerque, NM, July 10, 1995.

199. Broadwell, George A. (1994) Deriving word order in Worodugukan (Mande). Presented at the 25th Annual Conference on African Languages, March 25, 1994. New Brunswick, NJ.

200. Martin, Jack B. and George A. Broadwell. (1993) The clitic/agreement split: An agreement asymmetry in Choctaw. Presented at the Berkeley Linguistics Society.

201. Broadwell, George A. (1992) Is Choctaw a pronominal argument language?. Presented at the Mid- America Linguistics Conference, Oct. 16, 1992, Columbia, MO.

202. Broadwell, George A. (1992) Reconstructing Proto-Muskogean language and prehistory: preliminary results. Presented at the Southern Anthropological Association, Apr. 23, 1992, St. Augustine, FL.

203. Bickmore, Lee and George A. Broadwell. (1992) The morphemic tier hypothesis and tone linking in Sierra Juarez Zapotec. Presented at the Linguistic Society of America, Jan. 12, 1992, Philadelphia, PA.

204. Broadwell, George A. (1992) The meaning of [+ pronominal]. Presented at the Linguistic Society of America, Jan. 11, 1992, Philadelphia, PA.

205. Broadwell, George A. (1991) What is a possible pronominal system? Evidence from Zapotec. Presented at the University of Buffalo, Dec. 6, 1991.

206. Broadwell, George A. (1990) What is case? Paper presented at SUNY-Stony Brook.

207. Broadwell, George A. (1990) Optional projection of functional categories: Evidence from a point of view morpheme in Zapotec. Paper presented at the Conference on American Indian Languages, American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, La.

208. Holmes, Nancy, Lisa Olin, George A. Broadwell, and Lee Bickmore. (1990) Non-adjacent tone spread in Sierra Juarez Zapotec: Evidence for the morphemic tier hypothesis. Paper presented at the Conference on American Indian Languages, American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, La.

209. Broadwell, George A. (1988) Reflexives and agreement. Paper presented at the meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana.

210. Broadwell, George A. (1988) Oblique nominal morphology in Choctaw. Paper presented at the

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Conference on American Indian Languages, American Anthropological Association, Phoenix, Arizona.

211. Broadwell, George A. and Thomas Cornell. (1988) Relativization and nominalization problems in Crow. Paper presented at the Conference on American Indian Languages, American Anthropological Association, Phoenix, Arizona.

212. Broadwell, George A. (1987) Towards a movement-based analysis of long-distance reflexives. Paper presented at the Southern California Syntax Workshop, University of Southern California.

213. Broadwell, George A. (1987) Dictionaries of Southeastern Indian languages. Paper presented at the 3rd Workshop on Southeastern Indian Education, Philadelphia, Mississippi.

214. Broadwell, George A. (1987) The role of linguists in Native American education programs. Paper presented at the Native American Languages Institute, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

215. Broadwell, George A. (1987) Point of view in Choctaw. Paper presented at the meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, San Francisco, California.

216. Broadwell, George A. (1986) Semantic roles and grammatical relations in Choctaw. Paper presented at the Conference on American Indian Languages, American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

217. Broadwell, George A. and Jack B. Martin. (1986) Relative clauses in Proto-Muskogean. Paper presented at the Conference on American Indian Languages, American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

218. Broadwell, George A. (1986) Reconstructing nominalization morphology in Proto-Muskogean. Paper presented at the Haas Festival Conference, Santa Cruz, California.

219. Broadwell, George A. (1985) Tunica and the Muskogean languages, Paper presented at the Conference on American Indian Languages, American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC.

220. Broadwell, George A. (1985) Government binding theory and switch-reference languages, Paper presented at the Hokan-Penutian Workshop, San Diego, California.

221. Broadwell, George A. (1984) The dialectology of Western Muskogean: Evidence from evidentials, Paper presented at the Conference on American Indian Languages, American Anthropological Association, Denver, Colorado.

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222. Broadwell, George A. (1983) The Choctaw auxiliary verb taha. Paper presented at the Conference on American Indian Languages, American Anthropological Association, Chicago, Illinois.


Extensive study/field work

Native American languages: Choctaw, Creek, Zapotec (five varieties: Santa Ana del Valle, Macuiltianguis, San Dionicio Ocotepec, Colonial Valley Zapotec, Sierra Juarez Zapotec), Copala Triqui, Kaqchikel, Yucatec, Timucua, Crow Other languages: Hebrew, Spanish, Amharic, Geez (Classical Ethiopic), Lungu (Bantu, Zambia), Rukiga (Bantu, Uganda), Worodugukan (Mande, Côte d'Ivoire), Thai, Mon (Mon-Khmer, Burma), Turkish (Altaic, Turkey), Dari (Indo-Iranian, Afghanistan), San Juan Quiahije Chatino (Otomanguean, Oaxaca)

Some familiarity/reading knowledge

French, German, Dutch, Italian, Tunica, Chickasaw, Arabic, Georgian

Academic service

Service to the profession

Conference and session organization

Director, CoLang, University of Florida, Summer 2018. Session organizer, Panel on Otomanguean languages, Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Boston, Jan 2004. Conference organizer, Lexical Functional Grammar 2003 conference, Saratoga Springs, NY. July 2003. Conference co-organzer, La voz indígena de Oaxaca: A workshop on Oaxacan languages and literatures. UCLA, May 2000. Workshop organizer, Lexical Functional Grammar 99 conference, Workshop on Native American Languages, Manchester, England, 1999 Conference Organizer, Conference on syntax and the lexicon, UCLA, 1988.

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Professional committees

Secretary, Endangered Language Foundation, 2014-present Executive Committee, International Lexical-Functional Grammar Association, 2014-2019 Secretary-Treasurer, International Lexical-Functional Grammar Association, 2005-2014 Chair, Committee on Endangered Languages and their Preservation, Linguistic Society of America, 2002-2003. Board member, Committee on Endangered Languages and their Preservation, Linguistic Society of America, 1999-2001 Executive committee, International Lexical Functional Grammar Association, 2000-2003 Mary Haas Award selection committee, Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Sept. 2003. [An award for the best dissertation on the linguistics of Native American language.]

Personnel reviews External evaluator for tenure and promotion, University of Buffalo, 2017 Exernal evaluation for tenure and promotion, University of Oklahoma, 2018 External reference for promotion, Oxford University, 2018

Book, journal, and abstract reviews

Reviewer, Language Sciences Press 2017 Reviewer, University of Nebraska Press, 2005, 2007 Reviewer, University of Oklahoma Press, 2004 Reviewer, University of California Press, 2014 Reviewer, Tlalocan, 2012, 2105, 2019 Reviewer, Anales de Antropología, 2015 Reviewer, Cambridge University Press, 2013 Reviewer, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2013, 2016, 2017 Reviewer, International Journal of American Linguistics, 1992, 1997, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 Reviewer, Southwest Journal of Linguistics, 2002 Reviewer, Linguistics and philosophy, 2002 Reviewer, Anthropological Linguistics, 1997, 200, 2015 Reviewer, Language, 1996, 2007 Reviewer, Language and Education, 1990 Reviewer, The mental lexicon, 2013 Reviewer, Studia Linguistica, 2016 Abstract Reviewer, Eastern States Conference on Linguistics, 1994 Abstract Reviewer, Lexical Functional Grammar, 2001-2019 Abstract Reviewer, Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019

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Abstract Reviewer, West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004 Abstract Reviewer, North East Linguistic Society, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1998 Abstract Reviewer, Linguistic Society of America, 2002 Grant reviewer, Endangered Language Fund 2015 Grant reviewer, Endangered Languages Documentation Programme 2105 Reviewer, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1991, 1992, 2002 Reviewer, National Science Foundation, 1990, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2008, 2012, 2013, 2016

Service to Native American tribes and organizations Consultant to language department, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Oct 2017 Consultant to tribal education department, Seminole Tribe of Florida, 2016-present

Other service

Editor, Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas website ( 2015- present Panelist, Preservation and Access Programs, National Endowment for the Humanities, 2002 Panelist, Social Science and Humanities Research Council (Canada) 2013 Panelist, Documenting Endangered Languages (DEL) program, National Science Foundation, 2014

Service at University of Florida Associate Chair, Dept of Anthropology, 2019-present Member, CLAS Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee, 2019-present Chair, Cultural Anthropology lecturer search committee, Dept of Anthropology, 2018-9 Chair, Syntax lecturer search committee, Dept of Linguistics 2016-2017 Director, CoLang 2018 Member, Timucua burial mound memorial committee 2015-20181 Member, American Indian and Indigenous Studies program 2018-present Member, Anthropology Personnel committee 2016-7 Member, Anthropology Space committee 2017 Reader, Linguistics Department comprehensive exams 2016-7

Service at University at Albany

Chair, Dept of Anthropology, 2008-2012.

1 This committee consisted of members from the Native American Law Students Association and anthropologists from the Dept of Anthropology and the Florida Museum of Natural History. We organized a workshop on the Native history of the land upon which the Law School sits, rewrote the text of the historical marker for the burial mound located at the UF Levin School of Law, got the new sign approved by the state of Florida, and held a ceremony to rededicate the sign in October 2018.

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Director, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, 2002-2003 Director, Program in Linguistics and Cognitive Science,1994-1995, 1999-2002, 2005-2007, 2013- Self-study group, Anthropology (linguistics subdiscipline) 2003-2004 Nominations committee, College of Arts and Sciences 2001-2002 Faculty development committee, College of Arts and Sciences 2002-2004 Associate chair, Department of Anthropology, 1996-1997 Webmaster, Department of Anthropology, 1996- 1998 World Wide Web page, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies 1996-1997 Undergraduate Affairs committee, Dept. of Anthropology 1991-1992, 1995-1996, 1996-1997 (chair), 2005-2007 Awards committee, Dept. of Anthropology, 1998 - 2003 Board member, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies 1990 - present Curriculum committee, Program in Linguistics and Cognitive Science 1989-1990, 1993-1994 Curriculum committee, Dept. of Anthropology 1990-1991, 1993-1994, 1994-1995 (chair) Ad-hoc mission statement committee, Dept. of Linguistics and Cognitive Science 1993-1994 Search committee, Dept. of Linguistics and Cognitive Science 1990, 1991 Social and Behavioral Sciences College Council 1991-1992 Instructional Technology Committee, 1990-1991 Library and Information Sciences Council 1990-1991 M.A. proposal committee, Dept. of Linguistics and Cognitive Science, 1989-1991 Phonology search committee, Dept. of Linguistics and Cognitive Science 1989

Masters and doctoral committees at University at Albany

Reka Ferencz, MA committee, 1992 Meike Huizinga, MA committee, 1996 Tiffany Kershner, MA committee, 1996 Mariella Squire, PhD committee, 1996 Marcia Haag, PhD committee (SUNY-Stony Brook), 1996 Richard Montag, PhD committee, 1998 David Mora-Marin, PhD committee, 2001 John Marcellus, MA committee, 2002 Lachlan Duncan, Ph.D. committee chair, 2010 Yuching Tseng, Ph.D. committee chair, 2008 Mokaya Bosire, Ph.D. committee, 2009 Kosuke Matsukawa, Ph.D. committee chair, 2011 Ruth Scipione, Ph.D. committee, 2011 Sharone Horowit-Hendler, M.A. committee, 2012; PhD committee 2012-present Kristian Tamtomo, Ph.D. committee 2012-2016 Umit Boz, Ph.D. committee, 2011-2016

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Rebecca Dinkel, Ph.D. committee co-chair, 2015- present Jamilläh Rodriguez, committee, 2019-present

Masters and doctoral committees at Florida

Joseph Radice, PhD [Linguistics] committee member 2018-present Marc Gandarillas, PhD [Spanish] external committee member, 2019-present Adam Dalton, PhD [Computer Science] external committee member, 2020-present Robert Ozier Smith, PhD [Linguistics] committee member 2018-present Caleb Ewing, PhD [Linguistics] committee chair 2019-present Felipe Acosta-Muñoz, PhD [Anthropology] committee chair 2019-present Michael Stoop, PhD [Anthropology] committee chair 2017-present Courtney Smith, MA [Linguistics and Anthropology] committee chair 2017-present Sean L. King, MA [Anthropology] committee chair 2016, PhD [Anthropology] committee chair (2016- 2018) Negar Mohammadi, PhD [Linguistics] committee 2016-2018

External committees Marcia Haag, PhD [Linguistics], committee member (SUNY-Stony Brook), 1996 Matthew Tyler, PhD [Linguistics], committee member (Yale), 2020

Courses taught

At University of Florida

Field methods in linguistics: Content: Intensive analysis of Yucatec, a Mayan language

Proseminar in linguistic and cultural anthropology: Content: Survey course in linguistic anthropology for first year grad students. Cotaught with a colleague from cultural anthropology.

Language and culture: Content: Large undergraduate introduction to linguistic anthropology

Methods in language documentation

At University of Oklahoma:

Field methods in linguistics Content: Intensive analysis of Creek, a Muskogean language of Oklahoma

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General linguistics (Ling/Ant 2303) Content: Introduction to linguistic theory

Grammar: Syntax (Ling/Ant 4353) Content: Introduction to syntactic analysis.

At University at Albany:

Special topics in anthropology (Ant 197) Content: The grammar of Klingon in relation to natural languages

The design of language (Ant 125Z) Content: The grammar of constructed languages (such as Elvish and Klingon) in relation to natural languages

Introduction to linguistics (Ling/Ant 220) Content: Overview of linguistic theory

Introduction to cognitive science (Ling/Psych 301) Content: Overview of linguistic, psychological, and computational approaches to the study of cognition

Introduction to Syntax (Ling/Ant 321) Content: Introduction to syntactic analysis within the framework of generative grammar. Advanced syntax (Ling 421) Content: Second semester of the syntax sequence

Advanced phonology (Ling/Ant 422) Content: Second semester of the phonology sequence

Proseminar in linguistics (Ant 506) Content: Graduate survey course in linguistic anthropology

Language and culture (Ant/Ling 524) Content: Relationships between linguistic and non-linguistic cognition

Comparative and historical linguistics (Ant/Ling 525) Content: Introduction to historical linguistics

Field methods in anthropological linguistics (Ant 429/529)

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Content: Intensive analysis of a selected language. Past languages included: Lungu (Bantu, Zambia), Worodugukan (Mande, Côte d’Ivoire), Mon (Mon-Khmer, Burma), Thai (Tai, Thailand), Copala Trique (Mixtecan, Mexico), Kaqchikel (Mayan, Guatemala), and Amharic (Semitic, Ethiopia), Turkish, Dari.

Linguistic structures (Ling 423/523) Content: The grammatical structures of a selected language area or . Past families/language areas included: Mayan, Bantu, Southeast Asia, Mande, Semitic, Zapotecan, and Altaic, and Austroasiatic.

Studies in linguistics (Ant 527, 624) Variable content: Past topics included: Zapotecan languages, Syntax of , Topic and Focus in , Documenting Endangered Languages

At Syracuse University:

Seminar in linguistics (Ling 725) Content: Investigations in the theory of pronominal systems

Introduction to Syntax (Ling 425/325) Content: Introduction to syntactic analysis within the framework of government-binding theory


Introduction to Linguistics (Ling 20) Content: Introduction to linguistics for majors