, , ... ,. ~eld for r'a Slaying ONLY MORNING DAILY , 27 (AP) - A Hyull, [l WITHIN 90 MILES rPK)lunlllhle COl' I,(laholl, nn 1m. , \\'11~ l'cturn d Jury, ". "IJ'-..w·. P ...--". hlV('NlIglll!'!1 tloa Volume 28 6 PAGES Dall,. :se ...... , Iowa City, Iowa. S&turdaY. December 29. 192 WhURI' body wns nlotr 1t,'I'P Tueij' ------wound In the of rlrln,; tho d ~IlI,, (l know, e e ea er aug xec Southern Beauty I Roosevelt Honors The Impatience of Youth -by Quin Hall Warlike Activity Muaeum Getf New Fails to Shatter Finds Hubby so Fonner President Labor- vm Froa Marriage Ideal

Conference Plans , Dec. 28 (AP}-A self· at Wilson Dinner st>led "companlonale" bride who Pan-American Croup shortened a vlalt to I~urope, and her Governor-Elect Lauds Offici Is igueru "[,el'recl mate" who came !rom URRV Disquiets Rumor of Louisville to meet b r, today were Businesa Ability up­ tt mpted Life of l'eunlted-cuttlng short n Yf'ar of Latin War trial se]lal'atlon which they had 1m' of "Idealist'· G\MMrc. Dwight po""d upon themsel ves. WAsmNGTON, Dec. ~ (AP}­ When the wife urrlved from }o.EW YORK, ~. U (AP}- OOt:. N\~E Dlflq u leti ng oCClclal reports from Fiance and Called to C1nd Colonel Fl1InkUn D. Roo. VI'It , I:o".-..nllr· P(U'nguny whiCh reached here toda.y a~rdon R. KInsey of Louisville, Cor· Iell-Ct of N w York 8\JU IUld I· m ~' Kentucky atale's attorney, walt· "lOt IIl'Crelary of Ihe na\'y und r 1\00 ~\~E nt'/'. 27 (AP) telling ot continued Bolivian ml11tary Ing for her, she expreaed sUght an· Woodrow WlIllon, t 14 Ib ae Italh r· "publicly" activities on the disDuted border be· noyance, but laler at the Pennsyl· eol In • 'ew lork (or tbe "·It.o" lnl'm· "llll~ Rpell· vanln hotel the couple was found to· orlal dlnn r lonlsht that In h IIIne !Add. tween tho two countrIes, failed to gether-aU "compa.nlonale" agree· the 'W rllme ptelld nt a 'rt'at , III., and (lI~turb the firm belief In Pan·Amer!· OII'nts disregarded. Idt>aUlt Ih f.ct Ihat he alllO w a tltll' uf Hl!It" Cltll co nference clrcJ~s that the con· "It was a companionate mar· grent a(lml"latralor oft n ",a. rOI"l:-ol· ~hc 11'111 cntel' cll:alioll of the conh'oversy thl·ough rlage," suld Mrs. KInsey, "and the ten. th .. pllrley was well on Its way. nll;ht ot the day t sailed for France The dinner ILt lhe Hot I An r ,.. The conrerence's delegates MId -because we wished to both ma.ke th e hth m mOI'l I /rutherln, tor FurnaceS J It was highly unlikely that either sure of OUI' hearts-we agreed Ihat ,Vllaon here, lIenry lor nth u, of the disputing countries would If either round In lhe meantime Corme,· ambaa dol' 10 Tu,kf'Y, pre· oj:.enly !IUt'sue a w,"'lIke policy after some one more congenial mentaUy sided. Charged of oral .. 'rht' ]-'(ll'U· Il:tvlng nccellted th~ gOOl) o(flces of ancl oll'JI'Wlse, that wo would not "Dorlnjf th(WOfl YI''lrl which ha\le "'t'JU} un Rln· th" conf~renc(l and tolloll'lng the l'e· 'noet again," pnssM Rlncl' tile d Ih of our cr t 1" ",ltnrH" ccipt at tho parley's lll':lfl protocol They were married, Mrs. Kinsey lel'