1 An Efficient and Flexible Parallel I/O implementation for the CFD General Notation System Kyle Horne, Nate Benson Center for High Performance Computing, Utah State University Thomas Hauser Academic & Research Computing, Northwestern University [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—One important, often overlooked, issue tations. One important, often overlooked, issue for large, three dimensional time-dependent com- for large, three-dimensional time-dependent putational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations is the simulations is the input and output performance input and output performance of the CFD solver, of the CFD solver. The development of the especially for large time-dependent simulations. The development of the CFD General Notation System CFD General Notation System (CGNS) (see (CGNS) has brought a standardized and robust [1], [2], [3]) has brought a standardized and data format to the CFD community, enabling the robust data format to the CFD community, exchange of information between the various stages enabling the exchange of information between of numerical simulations. Application of this standard the various stages of numerical simulations. data format to large parallel simulations is hindered CGNS is used in many commercial and open by the reliance of most applications on the CGNS Mid-Level . This library has only supported source tools such as Fluent, Fieldview, Plot3D, serialized I/O. By moving to HDF5 as the recom- OpenFOAM, Gmsh and VisIt. Unfortunately, mended low level data storage format, the CGNS the original design and implementation of the standards committee has created the opportunity CGNS interface did not consider parallel ap- to support parallel I/O. In our work, we present plications and, therefore, lack parallel access the parallel implementation of the CGNS Mid-Level mechanisms. By moving to HDF5 as the rec- Library and an I/O request-queuing approach to overcome some limitations of HDF5. We also present ommended low level data storage format, the detailed benchmarks on a parallel file system for CGNS standards committee has created the typical structured and unstructured CFD application opportunity to support parallel I/O. In our I/O patterns. work, we present the parallel implementation of the CGNS Mid-Level Library and detailed benchmarks on parallel file systems for typical I.INTRODUCTION structured and unstructured CFD applications. Linux clusters can provide a viable and more cost-effective alternative to conventional II.I/O FOR COMPUTATIONAL FLUID supercomputers for the purposes of computa- DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS tional fluid dynamics (CFD). In some cases, the Linux supercluster is replacing the conven- Current unsteady CFD simulations demand tional supercomputer as a large-scale, shared- not only a great deal of processing power, but use machine. In other cases, smaller clusters are also large amounts of data storage. Even a providing dedicated platforms for CFD compu- relatively simple unsteady CFD simulation can 2 produce terabytes of information at a tremen- to spend minimal effort on dealing with I/O dous rate, and all this data must be stored and operations. This new parallel I/O API, together archived for analysis and post processing. Most with a queuing-approach to overcome some CFD programs have one of the following three limitations of HDF5 for a generally distributed approaches implemented: multi-block grid, and the benchmarks on the 1) One process is responsible for I/O. This parallel file system is the core of our storage means that all I/O activity is channeled challenge entry. through one process and the program cannot take advantage of a parallel file A. The CGNS system system since this process is inherently The specific purpose of the CFD General serial. One CFD code using this approach Notation System (CGNS) project is to pro- is OVERFLOW [4]developed by NASA. vide a standard for recording and recovering 2) A large number of parallel CFD codes computer data associated with the numerical are programmed to access their input solution of the equations of fluid dynamics. and output data in a one-file-per-process The intent is to facilitate the exchange of model. This approach is simple but has Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) data be- two major disadvantages. First, in order tween sites, between applications codes, and to get access to the full solution for vi- across computing platforms, and to stabilize the sualization or post-processing, one must archiving of CFD data. reassemble all files into one solution file. The CGNS system consists of three parts: (1) This is an inherently serial process and the Standard Interface Data Structures, SIDS, can take a long time. Second, the sim- (2) the Mid-Level Library (MLL), and (3) the ulation program may only be restarted low-level storage system, currently using ADF with the same number of processes (see and HDF5. Fig. 1a) which may reduce the potential The "Standard Interface Data Structures" throughput for a user on a busy super- specification constitutes the essence of the computer. One CFD code which takes CGNS system. While the other elements of this approach is OpenFOAM[5]. the system deal with software implementation 3) The most transparent approach for a user issues, the SIDS specification defines the sub- is writing from all process in parallel stance of CGNS. It precisely defines the intel- into one shared file. The current MPI- lectual content of CFD-related data, including 2 standard [6]defines in chapter nine the the organizational structure supporting such MPI-I/O extension to allow parallel ac- data and the conventions adopted to standard- cess from memory to files. Parallel I/O ize the data exchange process. The SIDS are is more difficult to implement and may designed to support all types of information perform slower compared to approach 2, involved in CFD analysis. While the initial when the I/O requests are not coordinated target was to establish a standard for 3D- properly. An overview of the shared file structured multi-block compressible Navier- I/O model is provided in figure (1 b). Stokes analysis, the SIDS extensible framework It is highly desirable to develop a set of now includes unstructured analysis, configura- parallel for accessing CGNS files that tions, hybrid topology and geometry-to-mesh employ appropriate parallel I/O techniques. association. Programming convenience and support for A CGNS file consists of nodes with names, all types of CFD approaches, from block- associated meta data and data. Figure 2 shows structured to unstructured, is a very important the abstract layout of a CGNS file. The nodes design criteria, since scientific users may desire of a CGNS tree may or may not be in the 3

Figure 1: Storage topology of a modern computer cluster in two configurations. Configuration (a) shows the traditional CFD approach to I/O, where each node writes a separate file to disk. These files must be combined to obtain the full solution in a process which can be quite time consuming. Configuration (b) shows the object of this proposal, a CFD I/O method in which the partial solution from each node is written into the appropriate location within a single solution file for the whole problem. same file. CGNS provides the concept of links (similar to soft links in a file system) between nodes. This enables users to write the grid coordinates in one file and then add links to the solution written in several files to the grid file. For a visualization system these linked files would look like one big file containing the grid and solution data. Although the SIDS specification is indepen- dent of the physical file formats, its design was targeted towards implementation using the ADF Core library, but one is able to define a mapping to any other data storage format. Cur- rently in CGNS 3.0, HDF5 is the recommended Figure 2: Typical layout of a CGNS file consist- storage format, but access to the older ADF ing of a tree structure with meta data and data format is transparent to the users of the MLL. stored under each tree node. The dashed link shows that CGNS also supports the concept of 1) ADF data format: The "Advanced Data links to other nodes which reside in other files. Format" (ADF) is a concept defining how data is organized on the storage media. It is based on a single data structure called an ADF node, designed to store any type of data. Each ADF release. file is composed of at least one node called the 2) HDF5 data format: In the current beta "root". The ADF nodes follow a hierarchical version of CGNS 3.0, HDF5 is the default low- arrangement from the root node down. This level storage format. The format of an HDF5 data format was the main format up to the 3.0 file on disk encompasses several key ideas of 4

the HDF4 and AIO file formats as well as tools to function, but still provides routines for addresses some shortcomings therein. parallel file access on the largest of the data The HDF5 library uses these low-level ob- sets that need to be written to the file. jects to represent the higher-level objects that The CGNS Mid-level Library supports writ- are then presented to the user or to applications ing files in HDF5 as of version 2.5, but the through APIs. For instance, a group is an object support is not native. The main library calls header that contains a message that points to are written to the ADF interface and HDF5 a local heap and to a B-tree which points to support is achieve through an ADF to HDF5 symbol nodes. A data set is an object header compatibility layer. While this solution works that contains messages that describe data type, well for serial operation, since ADF has no space, layout, filters, external files, fill value, support for parallel I/O, there is no way to etc. with the layout message pointing to either access HDF5’s parallel abilities through this a raw data chunk or to a B-tree that points to compatibility layer. Therefore the decision was raw data chunks. made that the new parallel routines would be written directly to HDF5 with no connections III.PARALLEL I/O FORTHE CGNS SYSTEM to ADF. To facilitate convenient and high- A limited prototype implementation was performance parallel access to CGNS files, done by Hauser and Pakalapati[7], [8]. In an we have defined a new parallel interface and effort to improve performance and better in- provide a prototype implementation. Since a tegrate the parallel extension in to the CGNS large number of existing users are running Mid-level Library, new routines are being writ- their applications over CGNS, our parallel ten which access HDF5 directly and take full CGNS design retains the original MLL API advantage of the collective I/O support in and introduces extensions which are minimal HDF5 1.8. Much of the work is to provide changes from the original API. Currently our the basic structures in the file required for pCGNS library is intended as a companion the standard CGNS library to be able to read library to the CGNS Mid-Level Library, since files created by the new extension routines, but pCGNS only supports the writing of grids the most important parts are in writing large and data arrays. The much smaller meta data data sets describing CFD grids and solutions should still be written by a single process using on those grids in parallel. This is done with the standard CGNS library. The parallel API functions which queue the I/O until a flush is distinguished from the original serial API function is called, at which point the write com- by prefixing the function calls with “cgp_” mands are analyzed and executed with HDF5 instead of “cg_” as in the MLL API. Tabulated calls. This is done to provide MPI-IO sufficient in the appendix are the functions defined in data to effectively recognize the collective and pcgnslib.h which constitute the pCGNS API continuous nature of the data being written. as it currently exists. The functions chosen The parallel capabilities of HDF5 allow a to be implemented in the initial version of single array to be accessed by multiple pro- the library were selected on the basis of two cesses simultaneously. However, it is currently criteria. The first was the need for the function not possible to access multiple arrays from a to provide the most basic functionality of the single process simultaneously. This prevents library. The second criteria was the possible the implementation of parallel I/O in pCGNS benefit from parallelization of the function. to allow for the most generic case of partition The result of using these priorities is that the and zone allocation. pCGNS library can write the basic components To resolve this deficiency, the pCGNS library of a CGNS file needed for the standard CGNS implements an I/O queue. An application can 5 queue I/O operations and then flush them later. API is completely redesigned and now includes This allows the flush routine to optimize the parallel I/O access. The support for parallel operations for maximum bandwidth. Currently, data access in HDF5 is built on top of MPI- the flush routine simply executes the I/O op- IO, which ensures its portability. This move erations in the order they were added to the undoubtedly inconvenienced users of HDF4, queue, but based on the results of benchmark- but it was a necessary step in providing parallel ing the flush routine will be modified to limit access semantics. HDF5 also adds several new the requests which cause multiple processes to features, such as a hierarchical file structure, access a single array, since that operation is that provide application programmers with a slower than the others. host of options for organizing how data is stored in HDF5 files. Unfortunately this high IV. RELATED WORK degree of flexibility can sometimes come at the cost of high performance, as seen in previous Considerable research has been done on data studies [18], [19]. access for scientific applications. The work has Parallel-NetCDF [20] is a library that pro- focused on data I/O performance and data man- vides high-performance I/O while still main- agement convenience. Three projects, MPI- taining file-format compatibility with Unidata’s IO, HDF5 and parallel netCDF (PnetCDF) are NetCDF [21]. In the parallel implementation closely related to this research. the serial netCDF interface was extended to MPI-IO is a parallel I/O interface specified in facilitate parallel access. By building on top the MPI-2 standard. It is implemented and used of MPI-IO, a number of interface advantages on a wide range of platforms. The most popular and performance optimizations were obtained. implementation, ROMIO [9] is implemented Preliminary test results show that the some- portably on top of an abstract I/O device layer what simpler netCDF file format coupled with [10], [11] that enables portability to new under- a parallel API combine to provide a very lying I/O systems. One of the most important high-performance solution to the problem of features in ROMIO is collective I/O operations, portable, structured data storage. which adopt a two-phase I/O strategy [12], [13], [14], [15] and improve the parallel I/O performance by significantly reducing the num- V. BENCHMARKING SYSTEMS - ber of I/O requests that would otherwise result ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS in many small, noncontiguous I/O requests. The HPC@USU infrastructure consists of However, MPI-IO reads and writes data in a several clusters connected through a ProCurve raw format without providing any functionality 5412zl data center switch to shared NFS and to effectively manage the associated meta data, parallel storage. The entire configuration is nor does it guarantee data portability, thereby shown in the appendix. The details of the making it inconvenient for scientists to orga- compute and storage solutions are described in nize, transfer, and share their application data. the following subsections. HDF is a file format and software, developed Our Wasatch cluster consists of 64 compute at NCSA, for storing, retrieving, analyzing, nodes. Each compute node has two quad-core visualizing, and converting scientific data. The AMD Opteron 2376 running at 2.3 GHz and most popular versions of HDF are HDF4 [16] 16 GByte of main memory. The cluster has two and HDF5 [17]. Both versions store multidi- interconnects: A DDR infiniband network con- mensional arrays together with ancillary data nects all nodes and is the network for parallel in portable, self-describing file formats. HDF4 simulations code, and a network consisting of was designed with serial data access in mind, two bonded GBit networks, which connects the whereas HDF5 is a major revision in which its cluster directly to the parallel storage system. 6

All clusters at Utah State University’s Center MPI-I/O for all parallel access to files. This for High Performance Computing have access abstraction of the file system into layers of to the same network-attached storage (NAS) libraries is crucial if a scientific code is to be so that researchers can freely utilize all of the run at many sites with different hardware and available computing resources. To accomplish software configurations. In addition to these this, the large ProCurve data center switch is libraries, custom test programs are being de- the core switch connecting all storage and ad- veloped to provide CFD-like I/O requests to ministrative connections for the clusters. These test the performance of the pCGNS library. connections are independent of the message- passing fabric of the clusters, which are unique VI.PARALLEL I/OCHARACTERIZATION to each machine. The nodes of Wasatch, the We ran two benchmarks to test the perfor- newest addition to our center, are all connected mance of our implementation on current paral- to the core switch directly. Thus they enjoy the lel file systems: IOR [22] and a self developed highest speed access to the NAS. parallel CGNS benchmark program which cov- The NAS system consists of four shelves of ers most cases of parallel I/O for a structured the Panasas ActiveScale Storage Cluster with or unstructured CFD code. All benchmarks 20 TB each for a total raw capacity of 80 were run five times and the averages of these TB and a usable capacity of about 60 TB. runs together with the standard deviation of the Panasas storage devices are network-attached results are plotted in the figures in this section. Object-based Storage Devices (OSDs). Each OSD contains two Serial-ATA drives and suf- A. IOR benchmark results ficient intelligence to manage the data that is locally stored. Meta data is managed in a meta The IOR benchmarks were run with param- data server, a computing node separate from eters to test the performance achievable on our the OSDs but residing on the same physical benchmarking system with HDF5. In Fig. 3 the network. Clients communicate directly with the results for read and write are shown. IOR was OSD to access the stored data. Because the configured such that each process access 512 OSD manages all low-level layout issues, there MB in a single file on disk using the HDF5 is no need for a file server to intermediate interface. These operations were done using every data transaction. To provide data redun- independent I/O to match the settings used to dancy and increase I/O throughput, the Panasas benchmark pCGNS. ActiveScale File System (PanFS) stripes the data of one file system across a number of B. Benchmarks of the parallel CGNS imple- objects (one per OSD). When PanFS stripes mentation a file across 10 OSDs attached to a Gigabit To test the performance of the new library, Ethernet (GE) network, PanFS can deliver up to benchmark test programs have been written 400 MB/sec split among the clients accessing which make CFD-like I/O requests to the li- the file. brary and measure how long each task takes to Processes from our compute nodes can in- complete. Five categories of benchmark were voke POSIX read/write function or call through selected to be run on the pCGNS library. The MPI-I/O or parallel HDF5 built on top of data distribution for each of the benchmark MPI-I/O. For all of our benchmarks we are categories are shown in Figure (4). using OpenMPI 1.3.3 with parallel I/O for the Each scenario of data distribution models a PanFS enabled. The parallel extension to the general method of splitting up data among the CGNS library, called pCGNS, uses the HDF5 processes of a parallel program. The scenarios library for all file access. HDF5 in turn uses will be hereafter referred to by the designation


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(a) Data for the entire cluster, scaling up to 8 processes per node (b) Data for the entire cluster, only one process per node Figure 3: Results of the IOR benchmark on our benchmarking system.

Figure 4: The five data distribution scenarios for benchmarking. Benchmark (a) has two separate zones on one node, (b) has one zone per node on four nodes, (c) shows four zones on two node, (d) shows two zones, each distribute between two nodes, on a total of four nodes, and finally benchmark (e) shows four zones on four nodes with zones spread across multiple nodes. each scenario bears in the figure. In all of the components and a temperature field. In addition benchmarks, the file size is kept constant, since an integer field containing the cell connectivity during practical use of the library the file size is stored. A data size of 1024 means that seven will generally not be a function of the number 1024 MB arrays and one 512 MB array have of nodes used for a simulation, but rather a been written to the file. function of the simulation itself. 1) I/O performance for a single node with The data size in the benchmarks shown in multiple zones: This type-a benchmark, ex- the following sections is the size in MB of an plores the performance of the library when individual array in the CGNS file. The CGNS multiple zones are stored on a single node. file for each benchmarks contains seven three- This is the only benchmark in which multiple dimensional double precision data arrays: the x, processes are run on a single node. Normally y, z coordinates of the grid, the three velocity this is avoided since having multiple processes 8

on a node forces those processes to share a scenario, type-e, tests the most general access single network connection, thus affecting the pattern, in which multiple processes access measurement of the parallel performance of the each zone and multiple zones are accessed by library. In the type-a benchmark, however, this each process. This access pattern would result limitation is desired since it allows the single from the zone definitions and parallel partition- process with multiple zones to have access to ing processes being completely independent the same storage bandwidth as the aggregate one from another. Thus, this is the most general bandwidth of multiple processes on the node. of the benchmarks and resembles a CFD code The results are shown in Fig. 5. in which each process must share several zones 2) I/O performance for one not partitioned with other processes. zone per process: The type-b benchmarks mea- sure the performance of pCGNS in a config- C. Discussion uration very close to the benchmarks run by IOR. In this scenario, each node runs a single It can be observed from the benchmarks of process, and each process only writes a single pCGNS that the write process is very depen- zone. Because each zone has its own data array dent on the amount of data being transferred. in the file, and each zone is written by a single Using larger data sets results in significantly process, each process writes to a single data improved performance when writing to the file, array in the file. This benchmark resembles but does not affect the read performance. This a structured or unstructured multi-block code phenomenon can be explained by the extra where each process owns a single zone. operations that must be executed in the case 3) I/O performance for multiple not parti- of writing to the file, such as disk allocation tioned zones per process: The type-c bench- for the new data, etc. In the case of larger data marks test the ability of the library to write sets, the overhead is much smaller compared to multiple zones from each node in parallel. Be- the time required to transfer the data itself, and cause the file size is kept constant, more zones results in better performance. Read operations per node result in smaller data arrays written have no need for disk allocation, and are not af- to the file in each I/O operation. Since this is fected. This also explains the performance seen expected to affect performance, multiple cases in the type-c benchmarks, since the addition of are run with different numbers of zones per more zones for each node results in more disk node. This benchmark resembles a structured allocations. or unstructured multi-block code where each The optimal performance of the pCGNS process owns several zones. library is seen in the type-b benchmark. When 4) I/O performance for one partitioned zone running on 24 nodes, the code writes the data per process with multiple zones: Type-d bench- at more than 450 MB/s, which compares very marks test the ability of the library to write a favorably with the 500 MB/s seen in the IOR single zone from multiple nodes. This causes benchmark for the same number of processes multiple processes to access a single data array and nodes. The variance between pCGNS and simultaneously, which is quite different from IOR is not large, and is likely caused by better multiple processes accessing multiple data ar- organization of the I/O and disk allocation in rays. In this scenario, each node only writes the IOR benchmark, since pCGNS does not to a single zone, but each zone is written to know ahead of time what the I/O and data will by multiple processes. This is analogous to a look like. The lesser performance of pCGNS CFD code in which each processes must share with larger numbers of nodes is likely due to a single zone with another process. the decreasing size of the data per process, 5) I/O performance for multiple partitioned whereas IOR keeps the data per process con- zone per process with multiple zones: The last stant.


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(a) Read bandwidth. (b) Write bandwidth.

Figure 5: Multiple zones on one single node with up to eight cores.

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(a) Read bandwidth (b) Write bandwidth Figure 6: I/O performance for one non-partitioned zone per process

The read performance of pCGNS does not is more indicative of the performance differ- compare as favorably with the IOR benchmark ence between IOR and pCGNS. This difference as the write performance. The peak read per- may be caused by the fact that IOR runs a formance from pCGNS is seen with 16 nodes, single read request against the storage, whereas where it achieves a read bandwidth of ~1100 the pCGNS benchmark runs seven. With data MB/s, whereas IOR sees ~1600 MB/s. After rates so high compared to the size of the files this point, pCGNS’s performance drops off used, the difference due to added requests by while IOR’s continues to improve up to a peak pCGNS may be the culprit responsible for the of 2500 MB/s. The post-peak performance is performance drop. again due to the increasing size of data with IOR and constant data size with pCGNS. The discrepancy in the range of lower node counts


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(a) Read bandwidth (b) Write bandwidth

Figure 7: I/O performance for two non-partitioned zones per process

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(a) Read bandwidth (b) Write bandwidth Figure 8: I/O performance for four non-partitioned zones per process

VII.SUMMARY I/O requests are queued until a flush function is called, at which point the write commands The presented solution to the problem of are analyzed, reorganized for best performance, high performance parallel CFD I/O provides and executed with HDF5 calls. This is done an extension to the existing CGNS standard to provide MPI-IO sufficient data to effectively Mid-Level Library API. This API provides the recognize the collective and continuous nature CFD application developer with a general way of the data being written. to write mesh and solution data to the CGNS This challenge entry has provided bench- file in parallel for multi-block structured and mark data on a four shelf Panasas ActiveScale unstructured grids. To get the best performance Storage Cluster and a 64 node compute cluster, for CFD codes with multiple block distribute demonstrating how much I/O performance for in a general way over an existing set of node, an unsteady structured and unstructured multi-


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(a) Read bandwidth (b) Write bandwidth

Figure 9: I/O performance for eight non-partitioned zones per process

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(a) Read bandwidth (b) Write bandwidth Figure 10: I/O performance for one partitioned zone per process

block CFD application can be expected. REFERENCES

[1] Poirier, D., Allmaras, S. R., McCarthy, D. R., Smith, M. F., and Enomoto, F. Y., “The CGNS System,” AIAA VIII.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Paper 98-3007, 1998. 1 [2] Poirier, D. M. A., Bush, R. H., Cosner, R. R., Rumsey, C. L., and McCarthy, D. R., “Advances in the CGNS The authors would like to thank Bruce Database Standard for Aerodynamics and CFD,” AIAA Wedan for making the initial CGNS 3.0 im- Paper 2000-0681, 2000. 1 [3] Legensky, S. M., Edwards, D. E., R. H. Bush, D. M. A. P., plementation available, and his contribution to Rumsey, C. L., Cosner, R. R., and Towne, C. E., “CFD CGNS. Part of the work was support by the General Notation System (CGNS): Status and Future National Science Foundation under Grant CTS- Directions,” AIAA Paper 2002-0752, 2002. 1 [4] Jespersen, D., Pulliam, T., and Buning, P., “Recent 0321170 and USDA-CREES under the project Enhancements to OVERFLOW,” InAIAA Proceedings, “High performance computing Utah”. Paper No. 970644, 1997, pp. 97–0644. 2


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¤  ¤ 

(a) Read bandwidth (b) Write bandwidth Figure 11: I/O performance for two partitioned zones per process

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• High Performance – Take advantage of parallel I/O paths (when available) – Support for applicaon-level tuning parameters • Data Integrity – Deal with hardware and power failures sanely • Single System Image – All nodes "see" the same file systems – Equal access from anywhere on the machine • Ease of Use – Accessible in exactly the same ways as a tradional UNIX-style file system www.hpc.usu.edu Parallel CGNS I/O

• New parallel interface • Perform I/O collecvely • Potenal I/O opmizaons for beer performance • CGNS integraon • Overcome HDF5 limitaon because of mul block data paroning – Introduce I/O queue – Flush queue and write to disk

7 www.hpc.usu.edu Parallel CGNS API www.hpc.usu.edu Benchmarking environment

/home Wasatch

Node 1 Infiniband

Data Center Node 2 /opt Switch ... Node 64

/panfs Uinta 1 Gbit 1 Myrinet Node ...1 Node 32 1 Gbit 1 Node ...33 Node 64 www.hpc.usu.edu IOR results www.hpc.usu.edu Benchmarks for pCGNS Reading one paroned zone www.hpc.usu.edu per process with mulple zones Wring one paroned zone www.hpc.usu.edu per process with mulple zones Reading mulple paroned zone www.hpc.usu.edu per process with mulple zones Wring mulple paroned zone www.hpc.usu.edu per process with mulple zones www.hpc.usu.edu Conclusion • Created a parallel library for CGNS data I/O • Cover all I/O paerns supported for mul- block structured and unstructured performance • Implemented a queuing approach for I/O request since HDF5 can write only in one array at a me • Achieved good performance for a high level library compared to IOR on our benchmarking system 13


Root node

CGNSLibraryVersion_t CGNSBase_t

Zone 1 Zone 2 ConvergenceHistory_t ReferenceState_t Zone_t Zone_t

Elements_tGridCoordinates_t ZoneBC_t FlowSolution_t ZoneGridConnectivity_t

ElementConnectivityCoordinateX CoordinateY GridLocation Density Pressure DataArray_t DataArray_t DataArray_t GridLocation_t DataArray_t DataArray_t

Figure 12: Example CGNS file with zone being the node containing grid and solution information.

Table I: API of the pCGNS library as implemented in pcgnslib.c and declared in pcgnslib.h. Software using the library to access CGNS files in parallel must use the routines listed here. General File Operations cgp_open Open a new file in parallel cgp_base_read Read the details of a base in the file cgp_base_write Write a new base to the file cgp_nbases Return the number of bases in the file cgp_zone_read Read the details of a zone in the base cgp_zone_type Read the type of a zone in the base cgp_zone_write Write a zone to the base cgp_nzones Return the number of zones in the base Coordinate Data Operations cgp_coord_write Create the node and empty array to store coordinate data cgp_coord_write_data Write coordinate data to the zone in parallel Unstructured Grid Connectivity Operations cgp_section_write Create the nodes and empty array to store grid connectivity for an unstructured mesh cgp_section_write_data Write the grid connectivity to the zone in parallel for an unstructured mesh Solution Data Operations cgp_sol_write Create the node and empty array to store solution data cgp_sol_write_data Write solution data to the zone in parallel General Array Operations cgp_array_write Create the node and empty array to store general array data cgp_array_write_data Write general array data to the zone in parallel Queued I/O Operations queue_slice_write Queue a write operation to be executed later queue_flush Execute queued write operations 15

/home Wasatch

Node 1 Infiniband

Data Center Node 2 /opt Switch ... Node 64

/panfs Uinta 1 Gbit Myrinet Node ...1 Node 32 1 Gbit Node ...33 Node 64

Figure 13: Topology of cluster’s network attached storage at Utah State University. The older cluster Uinta is connected to the root switch through either one or two gigabit switches, whereas all nodes in the new cluster Wasatch are connected directly to the root switch. All the storage is connected directly to the root switch, including a parallel storage solution from Panasas mounted on /panfs.