1 HALL SQUARE, BOROUGHBRIDGE, NORTH YO51 9AN email: [email protected]

John Nichols TownTel: Clerk 01423 322956 18TH November 2020

Dear Councillors, I hereby summon you to the following meeting of BOROUGHBRIDGE TOWN COUNCIL to be held by Zoom.

PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday 24th November at 6:00pm.

Please see the Agenda for the meeting below:

Yours faithfully

John Nichols Clerk to the Council

Note: Members are reminded of the need to consider whether they have any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests to declare on any of the items on this agenda and, if so, of the need to explain the reason(s) why. Queries should be addressed to the Monitoring Officer Ms Jennifer Norton 01423 556036.

PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA – Tuesday 24th November 6.00pm

1. Apologies.

2. Declarations of Interest in items on the Agenda.

3. Parish Council Notifications for consultation received since the last Planning Committee Meeting

a) 6.64.140.M.FUL 20/03302/FUL Proposed additional farm workers dwelling of traditional 2 storey construction with room in the roof accommodation LOCATION: Lazenby Moor Farm, Lazenby Moor Lane, HG5 0QN applications/

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b) 6.64.806.OUT 20/03578/OUT Outline application for the erection of a detached dormer bungalow and detached single garage with access, layout and scale considered. LOCATION: Mi-Casa, Springfield Road Boroughbridge YO51 9AZ applications/

c) 6.64.543.C.TPO 20/04040/TPO Felling of 2no. Black Pines subject to TPO 26/2011 and replace with more suitable species. LOCATION: 24 Mallard Walk Boroughbridge YO51 9LQ applications/

d) 6.64.404.B.FUL 20/03687/FUL Erection of two storey extension. LOCATION: The Headlands, Front Street Aldborough YO51 9ES applications/

e) 6.64.373.C.DISCON 20/04058/DISCON Approval of details required under condition 7 (Archaeological Report), condition 8 (Road Layout), condition 9 (Access, Turning and Parking), condition 13 (Drainage) of planning permission 17/03921/OUT - Outline application for erection of 5 dwellings with all matters reserved. LOCATION: Land Comprising Grassed Area At 439372 466637 The Vineries Druids Meadow Boroughbridge applications/

f) 6.64.786.B.DVCON 20/03829/DVCON Variation of condition 14 (Opening Hours) of Planning Permission 18/05183/FUL to allow extended cafe opening hours. LOCATION: Urkett House, Minskip Market Garden Farm Shop, Minskip Roundabout to Pondarosa Park Minskip YO51 9HY applications/

g) 6.64. 20/03988/ADV Display of no.1 fascia sign and no.1 hanging sign. LOCATION: 33 High Street Boroughbridge YO51 9AW applications/ AND h) 6.64. 20/03987/FUL Proposed alteration to the shop front, and display of fascia and hanging signs at 33 High Street, Boroughbridge LOCATION: 33 High Street Boroughbridge YO51 9AW applications/

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i) 6.64.108.G.FUL 20/03870/FUL Demolition of boundary wall and formation of vehicular access and hardstanding to provide off-street parking for motorhome. LOCATION: Bridge House 7 Fishergate Boroughbridge North Yorkshire YO51 9AL applications/

j) 6.64.807.FUL 20/04046/FUL Reinstatement of garage, new carport and new porch. LOCATION: Eslington House, Main Street Minskip YO51 9HZ applications/

k) 6.64.786.A.FUL 20/03828/FUL Relocated access and expansion of car park to serve existing farm shop and cafe. LOCATION: Minskip Market Garden Farm Shop, Urkett House, Minskip Road, Boroughbridge, YO51 9HY applications/

4. Decision Notifications received over the last month

a) PROPOSAL: Residential Development for 46 dwellings, access and associated works. LOCATION: Site of Riverside Sawmills Valuation Lane Boroughbridge YO51 9LJ APPLICANT: Linden Homes Ltd GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS

b) PROPOSAL: Crown Reduction (by 2m) of 1 Sycamore Tree within G2 of Tree Preservation Order 49/1994. LOCATION: 6 Mallard Walk Boroughbridge York North Yorkshire YO51 9LQ APPLICANT: Wix GRANT CONSENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS

c) PROPOSAL: Modification of Section 106 agreement relating to permission 06/02900/FUL to allow amendments to the mortagee exemption clause (3.3). LOCATION: Ponderosa Harrogate Road Minskip North Yorkshire APPLICANT: Accent Group REFUSED

d) PROPOSAL: Conversion of existing agricultural building to form 1no. dwelling. LOCATION: Riverside Mills Development Valuation Lane Boroughbridge North Yorkshire APPLICANT: Apex Homes () Ltd GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS.

e) PROPOSAL: Crown Thinning (by 30%) of 1 Maple Tree within Tree Preservation Order 09/1995. LOCATION: 18 Way Boroughbridge YO51 9UR REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal 1. The proposed works would significantly harm the visual amenity of the surrounding area. This would conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

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2. No technical justification which outweighs the amenity value of the trees has been submitted to justify the proposed works. This would conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

f) PROPOSAL: Crown Thin (by 30%) of 1no. Silver Birch within Tree Preservation Order 09/1995. LOCATION:18 Craven Way Boroughbridge YO51 9UR REFUSED: Reason(s) for refusal 1. The proposed works would significantly harm the visual amenity of the surrounding area. This would conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan. 2. No technical justification which outweighs the amenity value of the trees has been submitted to justify the proposed works. This would conflict with guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy NE7 of the Harrogate District Local Plan.

g) PROPOSAL: Installation of external fire escape stairway. LOCATION: The Wild Swan, Main Street Minskip YO51 9JF APPROVED subject to conditions – none stated

h) PROPOSAL: Maintenance works to ensure the structural integrity of the building including underpinning of front elevation and replacement of roof purlin LOCATION: Ship Inn Aldborough Village Aldborough YO5 9ER GRANT LISTED BUILDING CONSENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS

i) PROPOSAL: Maintenance works to ensure the structural integrity of the building including underpinning of front elevation and replacement of roof purlin LOCATION: Ship Inn, Aldborough Village Aldborough YO51 9ER APPROVED

j) PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension, replace main door with window and installation of new door. LOCATION: 79 Druids Meadow Boroughbridge York North Yorkshire YO51 9NP GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS.

k) PROPOSAL: Internal alterations, new roof covering and replacement window to rear elevation LOCATION: Manor Cottage Aldborough Village Aldborough YO51 9EP GRANT LISTED BUILDING CONSENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS.

5. Planning Breaches/Enforcements received over the last month

a) CASE NO: 20/00493/BRPC15 LOCATION: Petrol Filling Station Morrisons, Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire ALLEGED BREACH: Breach of condition 7 (20/01633/FUL) - construction hours.

b) CASE NO: 20/00525/PR15 LOCATION: Lilac Farm Main Street Minskip York North Yorkshire YO51 9JF ALLEGED BREACH: Siting of static caravan for residential purposes

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6. Appeal Notifications a) Notification on Appeal 20/00043/REFTPO at 6 Smithson Grove SITE AT: 6 Smithson Grove Boroughbridge YO51 9UZ PROPOSAL: Felling of 1 Pine Tree (T1) and Removal of Ivy and Crown Reduction (by 30%) of 1 Silver Birch Tree (T2) within G5 of Tree Preservation Order 09/1995. APPEAL START DATE: 7 October 2020

HBC narrative as follows: I am writing to let you know that an appeal has been made to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in respect of the proposed development on the above site. The appeal is against the Council's refusal of Tree Preservation Order consent. The appeal is to be decided on the basis of an exchange of written statements by the Council and the appellant and a site visit by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. We will forward copies of all representations made to us in relation to the application, before it was determined, on to the Planning Inspectorate and the appellant. The Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State will consider these representations when determining the appeal. You have a right to withdraw any representations you made so that they are not taken into consideration by the Inspector. If you wish to do so you should make this request in writing directly to the Planning Inspectorate within 4 weeks of the appeal’s starting date. You can view the original application online by going to and entering this case number 20/00772/TPO. Alternatively you can use the direct link below: applications/

Following the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, the right to record, film and to broadcast meetings of the Council, Committees and Sub Committees is established, but anyone wishing to do so, should advise the Clerk or Chair of the Council, to ensure compliance with BTC's adopted policy to effectively and lawfully manage this activity.

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