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CHINA XLX FERTILISER LTD. 中國心連心化肥有限公司 * (Incorporated in Singapore with limited liability) (Hong Kong Stock Code: 1866)


The board of directors (the “Board”) of XLX Fertiliser Ltd. (the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) is pleased to announce that the Group’s Jiujiang Base located in the Jishan Chemical Industrial Park, Pengze County, Jiujiang City, Province (江西省九江市 彭澤縣磯山化工園區) has been officially put into operation on 8 February 2021. The construction of Jiujiang Base began in September 2016, with a maximum designed annual production capacity of 600,000 tons of synthetic ammonia, 520,000 tons of urea, 400,000 tons of dimethyl ether and 200,000 tons of compound fertilizer. To date, the production facilities for 600,000 tons of synthetic ammonia, 520,000 tons of urea and 200,000 tons of dimethyl ether have commissioned.

Jiujiang Base upholds the Group’s idea of green circular development in an environmentally friendly way, adopts industry-leading clean production technology, applies for the first time the triple-effect five-tower heat integrated device (三效五塔熱集成裝置) for methanol rectification and the “5XX” ultra-low energy consumption urea device (“5XX”超低能耗尿素裝置), and integrates the proprietary technologies of the Group such as “Coal water slurry cleaning and combustion technology (水煤漿潔淨燃燒技術)”, the “Integrated technology for energy-saving and emission reduction of the synthetic ammonia production system (合成氨生產系統節能減排 集成技術)”, the “Whitening technology of ammonia desulfurization (氨法脫硫塔消白技術)” and other provincial or departmental level scientific research achievements along with over 200 self- owned patented technologies. The overall technical capabilities of Jiujiang Base and its safety and environmental protection standards have allowed it to achieve a leading position in the industry, which can then maximize the utilization of resources in the production system.

– 1 – Jiujiang Base is the Group’s third production base apart from the Henan Xinxiang Base (河南新鄉 基地) and the Xinjiang Base (新疆基地). Its successful commissioning is a key milestone of the Group’s development. Jiujiang City is located along the River with strategic importance geographically. Through waterborne transport, the Group is able to effectively lower its transportation costs and strengthen its cost advantages. After the commissioning of Jiujiang Base, the Group’s geographical layout will be further optimized, forming a strategic network of mutual support and coordination among the three production bases in Central China, Northwest China and Southern China, with strong presence across the nation. Jiujiang Base will continue to be market- oriented, adopt “low-cost and differentiation” as competitive strategy, and establish a modern chemical industrial park with a focus on “fertiliser as base, fertiliser and chemical side by side” (以肥為基,肥化並舉 ). It is expected that the Jiujiang Base can further enhance the Group’s market share in Southern China and its overall competitive advantages.

By Order of the Board China XLX Fertiliser Ltd. Yan Yunhua Executive Director

Hong Kong, 9 February 2021

As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. Liu Xingxu, Mr. Zhang Qingjin and Ms. Yan Yunhua; the independent non-executive directors of the Company are Mr. Ong Kian Guan, Mr. Li Shengxiao, Mr. Ong Wei Jin and Mr. Li Hongxing.

* for identification purpose only

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