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VOL. XX, No. 8 REGIS COLLEGE, , COLOilADO FEBRUARY 19, 1938 Sophmores Mens Club To To Have nearest opponent hy a four to one margin, student president. Polling more votes than the combined total Basketeers Mardi Gras of his opponents he turned the selection into a walk-away. In Dance Is second place with a total of twenty votes came Ed Wurtzebach, Costume while other candidates au received under ten votes. Sophomores Present Rangers to Play Two Games Clark is president of his class ------Affair and of the "R" club. He was an On Thursday, February 24th., outstanding football and basket­ With Adams State Teacbers the Annual Mardi Gras Dance will ball player until forced to drop STUDENT BODY The strong basketball rivalry between the Adams State be held in the school gym. It is athletics by .a knee injury; dur­ FERGUS Teachers College and Regis, fostered by their football meetings s p o n s o r e d by the Sophomore ing the last season he acted as ATTENDS Regis students are invited to be of the past two years, will come to the fore this week-end as Class, as it has been traditionally assistant athletic manager. the Rangers play hosts to the Alamosans February 25 and 26 "first-nighters" on Wednesday in past years. Under the constitution Clark is February 23rd.; they are to be at the Regis gym. MISSION MASS This function, w h i c h is a to act as president of the Student the exclusive audience which will Led by their two high scoring forwards, Repola and Lanier, The entire student body Of costume b.all, has been in former Council and p r e f e c t of the attend the premier of that grip- the Alamosans are coming to ------'-·------years the high light of the social Sodality.. The vacancy in the of­ Regis college ,attended the annual ping drama "Fergus." This long- Denver with no less a motive than Sunderl.and, center, and Cella, year. Its sponsors' primary desire fice occured when Jack Mays re­ Mission M.ass, held this year at awaited drama will be included in to beat the Denverites two out Schmitz, or Hyland, forwards. is that it be the most enjoyable signed at the end of the first St. Ignatius Loyola Church. The the sparkling varied program of two games. The powerful The Regis Men's club will be on event of the season; they are not semester. Very Rev. Msgr. F r eking of which is planned, arranged, origi­ Junior College five was hand Saturday evening to witness only able to nose out the Teachers promoting it as a means of rais­ In view of his past record stu- Cincinatti was the guest speaker nated and conducted by t h e the game, and in general, large by the margin of one point in an ing funds. For this reason, the dents have every reason to expect and a former Regis Professor, Fr. Sophomore Class, sponsors of that crowds are expected both nights. early seson battle. price of admission is to be held Clark to make his terin in office Morgan, S. J., now pastor of gala Mardi Gras. Games wil begin at 7 o'clock with To c h e c k the victory-intent down to 75 cents a couple. a period of unparalleled activity. Sacred Heart Church, was cele- This program, which would be a preliminary contests preceding the brant at the Solemn High Mass. credit to Broadway, is whimsical Alamosans, Dave Kelley has been Teachers-Regis games. Admission Fitting prizes .are to be awarded 889 students .at- as well as educational, historical putting the Rangers through stiff will be 35 cents for .adults, 25 both to the gentleman and to the lady wearing the most original tended the M a s s at Loyola as well as cultural. sessions of late, in order to bring cents for high school students. the Rangers up to their peak per­ costume. Bill Petrie's orchestra Church, while the remaining num- It is the first of a new series Young Men's ber of Catholic students were of entertaining assemblies; here­ formance for Frid.ay and Saturday will furnish the music. A commit­ night. With George Reinert on tee has been planning diligently present at the Mission Mass con- after, each class will take its the sidelines for the remainder of so that the gym may be attrac­ ducted at the Immaculate Con- turn in presenting a weekly pro- Regis Delegates the year, Coach Kelley has but tively and originally decorated for Forum ception Cathedral. gram. two first-class guards for the con­ such a gala affair. tests, Stan Hall and T. J. Mc­ At Catholic Press This will be the only opportunity Organized Mahon. Sfnce both games are ex­ of attending a Regi.s dance until pected to be rough battles as far Convention the Junior prom; the only dance as personal fouls are concerned, Raber Taylor STUDENTS GIVE VIEWS With eight .and 11 unofficial del- the school will have in over sixteen Speaks at the loss of either H.all or McMa- weeks, as no dance will be held hon during a game may mean the egates present Regis was well rep­ during Lent, or after Lent until First Meeting ON BIOLOGY QUESTION margin of victory for the visitors. resented at the fifth annual con­ the Prom. A f o r u m designed to aid Other starters will be Galligan or vention of the Cathoic Schools The class of '40 stakes it rep­ Catholic young men to secure a In an heroic effort to solve once and for all this important Press Relations held at Loretto utation on the promise this firm grasp on the fundamentals biological puzzle, the Brown and Gold again sent forth its Heights College on February 18- year's Mardi Gras will outshine inqu~ring reporter to learn the facts from those stellar intel­ of right reason will begin its Regis Grad 19. Mr. w. L. Rossner s. J. anything ever given at Regis be- career on February 23, at the lectuals, the Regis student body. The priority of the chicken fore, or since, Noah and his Ark. seems to be an accepted theory; however, in fairnesss to all, moderator of the Brown and Gold Kn~ghts of Columbus Hall, on 19th Award and Grant. This forum which is we :IITesent the facts as they were given to us. was one of the principal speakers Mike Carrol did not give us the outgrowth of a Catholic stu­ that "Such a technical problem at the conference. His subject was much satifaction, but that em- TECHNICOLOR FILM dent's attempt to meet with fun­ requires lots of brains.... however Fellowship "Influence on the Community of a inent biologist, Mr Ryan, shed a damental knowledge the skepti­ a solution may some day be bright, almost too bright, light According to an announcement Well Read Young Man and cism of the modern world will found." made Saturday, A. Andrew Hauk Woman." SHOWN AT meet regularly. on the question by claiming the antecedence of the egg and ·back­ Scherrer and Marshall, basing a .graduate of Regis who is now The topic on February 23, will The convention was carried on ing up his assertion by using such their arguments on logic ( ? ) and studying at the Catholic Uni­ ASSEMBLY be "Truth" .and will be discussed through round table discussions big words we were dumbfounded. the law of · nature, placed their versity of America at Washington The age-old question of "which by Raber Taylor a graduate of Another ray of light, focused on bets on the chicken, "because who D. C. has been awarded a Sterling and general assemblies at which ·came first the chicken or the Regis. It is hoped that a large the chicken, came from the fresh­ would hatch the egg if the chicken fellowship by the graduate study prominent persons in the journal­ egg" was given a new angle at a number of Regis men will be man class in the person of Connell. weren't there?" committee of Yale University law istic field spoke. A m o n g the special assembly last Thursday present at the meeting. He backed his claim on the bible "Fog" Duffy (No. 765986-Sing school. speakers were Hugh L. when Mr. Blessing presented a - Genesis to be more exact. Sing-class of '32) demanded to Hauk was g r a d u at e d from McMenamin. Rev. Hubert Newell, technicolor film showing minutely see his "mouthpiece" before giv­ Regis with honors in 1936. While J;tev. William O'Shaugnessy, S. Another e m in e n t biologist, J. and progressively the embryonic ing any statements to the press. at Regis he was active . in debat­ of R e g i s, Clarence Moore of "Babbling" Burke, refused to com­ development of a chick from the Off the record though, Fog says ing, dramatics and athletics, and ment. He said in response to the K.O.A., Charles J. McNeill of the egg by incubation. After this in­ he thinks the chicken really was a leader in all campus activities. Catholic Register, and the Most BUTCH HAIRCUTS question, "You're just trying to sight into the mystery of life, t}J.e first. Each year since entering law Reverend J. Vehr, Bishop egg me on!" A voice from the film went on to show the diff­ Summing up all the arguments school at Washingtov. he has led basket under which Mike Mullin of Denver. erences in the color of yokes CAMPUS RAGE pro and con, Casanova Stewart his class academically and has -Le Moine E'dgah to you .... hides A sports roundtable discussion brought about by improper feed­ gave us this pearl of wisdom: been class president the last two Heinie Reinert his brilliant light demanded to was under the direction of Lynn ing of hens, and contrasted the "Regis men will grant that the years. know, " kind of yolk is this Mote, sports editor of the Brown uniform yokes produced by Purina Starts New Fad egg came first; ·but today the The Yale fellowship for 1938-39 anyway?" A. "Boogey" Tedman & Gold. The group voted to feed. The remedy for loss in chicken is first in the minds and will give Hauk an opportunity to claims he has a sneaking huncq agitate for a state championship hatching was shown to be proper Despite insinuating rem.arks hearts of all true Regis men­ investigate recent trends. It is the egg was really first, but not playoff between Catholic h i g h and conditioned incubation with especially if its a good-looking renewable for an additional year about bargain haircuts, falling being present at that time was un­ schools in both basketball and modern equipment. To climax the chicken-preferably blond." of study. asleep in the barber's chair, or the able to state definitely so. The football. Donald McMahon, a re­ interesting program, Mr. Blessing danger of being too curious about conservative Byers disqualified his porter on the Brown & Gold spoke cracked two eggs and found green on "The F o 11 o w-u p" in the yokes due to dyes placed in the the workings of a sausage grinder, opinion by seriously informing us Essentials Rountable. chickens' feed. Regis men are flocking to the Open Letter To The Student Body standard of the Burrhead Club. Open Letter to the Student Body of Regis College Dear gents, George Reinert, the sartorical HOLIDAY George Reinert, that diligent editor of the yearbook, who can minded gent, was a pioneer in easily be identified by his 1938 model streamlined "butch type" ORATORICAL CONTEST TO the new coiffure, but now he has haircut, wishes to make a few more announcements and requests a numerous following, especiallly ON 'FEBRUARY 22 concerning the annflal. First, George is happy to state that all among the St. Louisan's. BE HELD APRIL 10 Students celebrate February individual portraits of the students are about finished. That's all Not to be outdone by any fea­ 22, Washington's Birthday, with a for statements-now for requests. "How about some ads?" George Announcement of the oraturical year by James Schlafly was an ex­ tured or political organization the full holiday in honor of the first said to the reporter, and the same passes the buck, rather- on to contest, the finals of which will tremely hard fought contest; that the students, reminding same that there is ten percent commission Burrheads have adopted an of­ president a n d Father of Our in this. See Mike Carroll for more particulars concerning the ap­ be held in April, brought approv­ is although Schlafly was the ficial greeting. When the two Country. It was rumored by some unanamous choice of the judges, proach, use of beaming personality, etc. ing c o m m e n t from campus Burrheads meet they shake hands that the holiday was given to keep Then the Candid Camera Contest. As yet no pictures have been the rest of the field was as closely then bow to each other and rub freshman away from the campus submitted for entry. Many of the students sit around at noon hour Ciceros. It was feared for some matched as the Quintuplets. Since talking of enlargers, focal-length, rapid shutters, lens openings, the wiry fuzz on each other's to insure the safety of the trees. and such photographic lingo. They should take out fhose much dis­ time that the contest was not almost all the contenders are back head. Freshmen being gullible people cussed cameras and try for the contest prize ("$5.00, maybe," quote going to be held and those men again a great contest is assured. Prominent m e m b e r s of the and extremely impulsive it was Reinert). . who had practiced all summer by The subject of the contest is not Lastly the Sweetheart Contest. This contest has had its clos­ putting a pebble in their mouth Burrheads, include Butch Schlafly, feared some of them might ing date extended to February 25. Reinert states that a few pictures confined to any set topic. It is S w i n g Dorsey, Adolph Rauch, mistake a pine tree for the variety have been turned in so far, but not enough to mark a good propor­ and trying to talk above the roar believed that the removal of such Tiny Waltemath, Fibber McGee, on which is grown that fruit tion of the student body. Students should get busy, rush to the of the family's Iizzy suffered restrictions will encourage more girl friend's on or before six p. m. Feb. 25 and get her picture. pangs of untold dissappointment. men to participate in the event Snuf Harrington, Junk Carr, and known as cherries. At any rate Sincerely, Prexy Heinie Reinert. the holiday is enjoyed by all. Joe. The contest which was won last in the future. F ebruary 19, 1938 Page Two THE BROWN AND GOLD

Member of Rocky Mountain Intergollegiate Press Association. EGIS Editor ·····-····-·····················-···········-··········-·····-·····-·-·······-···· ...... Paul Carr As sociate Editor ·····-················-··········-··-······-············ ...... Johp Marshall Sports Editor ---····-····-······-············-······················-··· ·····-··-··-·· .. ······-·Lynn Mote News Editors ...... Robert Gray, Joseph Harrington. OGUES RE P RE S E N TED FOR NATIONAl- ADVERTISING B'r James Schlafly R National Advertising Service, Inc. Editorial Writer ··-·······-···-...... -·--·--·------Paul Hallett (By STEWART) Columnists -Ernest Marranzino, Dudley Taylor, John Wil­ (We introduce this week's guest College Publishers Representatipe • son, Robert Stewart, Paul Miles, Edward Wurtzebach. . . Al . d eller t o a snowstorm, a 420 MADISON AVE, NEW YORK, N.Y. columnist, "Bubbling" Burke, It's like introducmg an · . .Pme w b lm day, but gentle- CHICAGO BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO Staff Artist -·--···-...... --·····.. ·-·--·····-·····-···-···...... Ted Phillips Cupid's poison-tipped arrow): Kansan to a cyclone, a H awann to a a r extraordinary \.os ANGELES PORTLAND SEATTLE a1T 0 BUSINESS STAFF Regis on Review: men we give you Lynn :Mote, sports e d ' Published by the students of Regis College and Business Manager ___ ...... _ ...... Charles Smith . , . . t e chor alor an a man An orchid to James Moynihan accomplished t e p s iChor e~n, c onsumm ~ . . C r ado South issued on the first and third Friday of /each month Assistants ...... Gilb ert Hesse, Stanley Hall. Franklin 0 i 0 from October to June. Subscription rate, $1.50 per Murphy, Mi chael Mullin, Glenn Kulp for starting the Sophomore Mardi with a million-dollar snnle. Nebr aska s g1ft to • Wm. Hilbert year. Gr,as. The general increase of Denver's gift to Regis, and ~rod ' s gift to women. Circulation Manager ...... - ... Marc Campbell neckwear on the campus is a sign In his first two years at Reg1s - Entered as second-class matter November 8, Assistant ...... - ...... _...... John N. Daly 1920 at the Post Office at Denver, , under of spring awakening, or...... the compact little iceman battered n:;c;::--~~~-:=~~~~~~~~~ the Act of March 3, 1879. REPORTERS The general slowing up of the the line with the same nonchalance News : John Carter, Joseph Harringt;,n, Bernard Magor, Acceptance for mailing at special rate of post­ James Moynihan, John Murdock, James Schlafly, record breaking crowds at Den­ that he displayed in the siege of age provided for in Section 1103, Act. of Oct. 3, 1917, Joseph Ryan, Louis Porter, James Dorsey, Wil­ liam Brady, Walter Butts, Francis Jacobs. ver's finest theater when they many a feminine heart, but this authorized Dec. 1, 1920. abolished those dancing darlings. year he eschewed the gridiron Member of Colorado Division Interscholastic Features ...... John Aasterud, Donald McMahon Press Association. Sports: Robert C'arroll, John Connors, Alvin Roberts. Tough ' luck, Jim, that blonde end gambols to devote his time to the girl was all right. Another or­ sportswriting field. Notable Steins Panned chid to bounder that had During his meteoric career at There is a notable family named Washington Four Alarm Fires dates with two girls for a Regis Regis the Chubby Casanova' has Stein. It has been the unfortunate fate of George The announcement that letter awards will be jig. Just think, yours truly can't displayed an amazing penchant for There's Gert a nd there's E p and get one. It is whispered certain Washington, whose birthday we celebrate this made to deserving athletes in the near future becoming a charter member in ther e's Ein. gentlemen are wagering who will campus organizations. Among Gert's verses a re punk week, to have had his memory deified by the gen­ brings again to our mind that eternal question have the biggest, heaviest date at those organizations which claim Ep's statues are junk, erations that followed him. These legends, typified of school spirit. When thinking · of letter awards the next dance. And a whole flock him as a founder member we find And no one can understand Ein. by the "cherry tree· story," made a fortune for an we immediately think of football and basketball, of orchids to "Boggie" Tedman, the Regis Choral Club, the "R" - Uta h Chronicle. itinerant preacher-bookseller but g~ve the world which in turn bring to our mind the two men who after much persuasion finally club, the Rythm Rascals, and the came to the Homecoming, but Wellesley College students have the portrait of a stuffed shirt. When compared who are typical examples of what Regis students Regis Black Legion. With his side­ alas, attired in riding boots and donated $600 for wa r relief in to the very human Abe Lincoln, the saccharine kick Mike Carroll he was a prime should strive for in the matter of school spirit. spurs. Shucks, "Boggie," give the China. Wellesley is the school Washington always suffers badly. mover and organizer of the Em­ We, of course, speak of Coaches Mal Fiese and girls a chance. Rumor hath it ployment Bureau. He has held from which Mada me Chiang, wife This pseudo Washin,gton of · tradition has never Dave Kelley. When the road was rocky, and it that "Prexy" Clark is so hard up various· and myriad offices, even of the Chinese generalissimo, was really rung true, and any sensationalist abusing has been "plenty rocky" in the last two years, that "Generalissimo" Cito to graduated.-Western Graphic. · his profession of historian finds a ready audience holding the office of student pres­ help out with a blind date. ident, pro tern, this semester while when he tries to prove our first president a hypo­ both of these men have taken many hard knocks A Stanford deba t or illustrating the election was being held. crite. but have always emerged with smiling coun­ The Love Life of a Worm the specificness of one of hi3 tences. A writer for this paper once described In his speeches Washingt n belies both delinea­ I wish I were While none could accuse our opponent's points is cr edited w ith Mal Fiese as a "four-alarm fire." The mercury friend of being .a hermit he still tions, and appears above all as a man of common I wish I might this one. In desperation , a foot­ in the thermometer of school spirit would un­ finds time, despite his activities, sense with .a sound appreciation of morality and the Oh well, I wish ball coach instructed h is br.ainy doubtedly rise to the boiling point if every stu­ to knock down much better than Christian order that could be put to excellent use I had a blonde to-nite ( ? ) quarterback t o run the ball dent would endeavour to l:;>ecome a "four-alarm average grades in the class room. toda y. We have, therefore, picked out a few sen­ Fain would I go first around the right end, then fire." He aims at the bachelor of arts tences from his First inaugural address, delivered To the Ma rdi Gras around the left end, then t hrough degree. Though only a junior he from Federal Hall, N ew York City, on April 30, With yon, fair d.amsel center and finally to kick. In the seems already close to his goal, if 1789 w hich stat es truths that m odern America That I saw. next ga me, t rue to form, the ball International Politics the goal of the A. B. course is was carried around rig ht end for seems pr one to forget. Quick t o- the chase Internat ional politics (we think that m ore ac- Let her not depa rt t o produce gentlemen. He has 28 yards, around left end for 17 "N o people can be bound t o acknowledge and than international relations) saw a grea t For I must have her mastered tha t seemingly lost art, ya.rds, throug h the cent er for 10 ; a dore the Invisible H and which conduct the affairs of action with Nazis being placed in t he E re it starts. the art of living gracefully. this put the ball on the three of men more than the people of the United States. Austrian cabinet, and Capt: Eden resigning his post From head to t oe At present he seems to have yard marker, whereupon the quar­ Every step by which they have advanced to the in the B ritish Cabinet beca use he objected to a From stem to Stern singled out a fetching little blonde terback kicked it out of the stad­ character of an independent nation seem to have proposed agreement with Italy. A comely lass as the object of his affections. So ium.- Junior Collegian. been distinguished by some token of providential I'll love my t urn. for the time g irls we can offer agency." W e wonder whether the doings in Austria and the sensational resignation and speech of the Oh fair damsel no encourgement. This business of thinking up After praising the pa tr iots who have made the "plumed knight" are as important a s the press Take a cha nce P. S. His Big Apple is terrific! jokes new nation possible, he advises the law m akers And come with me Has got us a little bit daunted. would have us. believe. Like the sports writer who (The writer is sending copies with these words, "In these honorable qua lifica­ To the dance. The one you want we can't print, ballyhoos sports events out of all proportion to sup­ of t h i s to several Hollywood tions, I behold the surest pledges, that as, on one A me.a.n rhumba; And the ones we print a ren't side, no local prejudices or attachments, no sep­ ply the public appetite for "glamour," the interna-­ agencies with lils application for tional correspondent must make international inci­ A bit of the swing wanted. arate views or party animosities, will misdirect the The carioca a position as press agent . The -Silver and Gold dents seem more important S? they can make page main drawback is that the whole comprehensive and equal eye which ought to wat ch And the charleston swing. one. thing is actually true ) . over this great assemblage of communities and in­ A look of scorn, In Indiana there are approxi­ We ca nnot a ppreciate t he charact erization of t erests--so, on another, that the foundations of "H a Ha" scoffed she, mately 900 high scools-a small Eden as a chivalric and idealist knight, when we our national policy will be laid in the pure and im­ "With the like of you percentage have football teams, remember his ideal is to maintain the greedy and mutable principals of private morality;- since there I'll never be, but every one h as a basketball excessive B ritish contr ol of land and raw ma terials is no truth more thoroughly established than that Alas and alack team. there exis ts. in the economy and course of nature, that mean life to other nations. VVoe be unto me Reporter: " I've got a perfect an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness We hope, however, that the significance of the I picked up this worm THE AGORA - bet ween duty a nd adva ntage-since we ought to Na zi appointments is overemphasized, for Hitler's news story." At the Big Apple Man bite be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of domination would be a blow t o the church . Austria Editor: "How come ? And it turned out t o be thee." dog?" heaven can never be expected on a nation that dis­ incidentally is the only country which has concien- Once there were two Irishmen 1492 Columbus Street Reporter: "No, bull threw pro- r egards the eternal rules of order and right which tiously followed the teachings of Leo Xlll and who held a conversation; now Denver, Colorado feasor.'' heaven itself has ordained." Pius XI. , ther e's Moynihan. February 17, 1938 - Aggravator Editor, "Brown .and Gold" "How's your son doing at col­ Dear Sir or Madam: lege?" I take the liberty of penning "Well, I guess he must be doing • • • CAUSERIES DU LUND/ • • • you a few lines in comment on pretty good on languages. I an article which appeared on page just paid for the course-$10 DISCOURSES IN AMERICA A Phony Deal one of your bi-monthly little for Latin, $10 for Greek and It was quite by design that I selected for reading Matthew But, says Arnold, in this great day .and in this great land, where journal. The art i c 1 e entitled $iOO for Scotch.'' I - Lobo Arnold's Discourses in America. Having, in my own small way, there is such a staggering sum of the best people of the best Germanic "Talkative Two" was a thinly dis­ guised satire, criticizing eloquence abandoned all hope of a good future for the brawling inmates of stock, the 'remnant' must of necessity reach that minimum number History is like grapefruit- there as if it were glibness. this piece of land that occupies a pl.ace on the map between the below which it is incapable of functionin,g against the mob, and can is more to it tha n that which Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, and that presumes to call itself a force, then, upon the latter its unsought redemption. Though, he Talking is one of the fine arts strikes the eye. - Loyolan democracy, I was anxious to know just what would be the feelings continues, we have yet to witness in America any outward manifes­ - the noblest, the most important, of a so broadly cultured as Arnol(l on the ·same subject. tation of the presence of the remnant, we may be sure it is there the most difficult- and its fluent "Thank goodness evolution side­ I was most keenly disappointed. Not only did he fail of my beneath th ~ surface, and will shortly make itself felt. harmonies may be spoiled by the tracked us" thought the monkey expectations, but it seemed to me that he deliberately formulated There is a slang expression which exactly describes this whole intrusion of a single harsh note. as she watched the women wear­ and pawned-off as genuine a theory he very well knew to be fal- theory, or rather characterizes it, particularly in the light of the There is no inefficiency like that ing spiked heels ,and toeless shoes, lacious, for the sole purpose of fawning upon his New York audience. circumstances under which it was propounded: "It looks like a which comes from .a poverty of artificial eyelashes, plucked eye­ Though well .aware of my own bias where the spiritual, intellectual, phony deal." language. . Clear, fluent, concise brows, painted faces and nails, ·and moral, and economic aspects of the United States are concerned, and No man of Arnold's intellectual caste would have overlooked the English means clearer thinking fantastic hats. and a decided saving in time, though trying most earnestly to maintain it separate from my fact, very well substantiated by Le Bon and others in what it lacks - Branding Iron judgment of Arnold's American theme, I am not able to shake off the of self-evident proof, that an ignorant and vulgar minded man, money, and human energy. impression that the Oxford scholar, completely nauseated by the though he may not admit it to himself as an accomplished fact, is It is a sad commentary "Don't it beat hell?" remarked vulgarity of the country, yet being obliged to face an audience and intimately conscious of his ignorance and of his vulgarity as weak­ on modern t h o u g h t and let­ the devil, looking up to Paradise. to pass remarks at least bearing the semblance of intellectuality, nesses, conscious of them, that is, until he becomes one with a mob, ters that ~ ·Twentieth Century De­ - X.avier News compounded with malice aforethought that absurd theory he called, when he knows them to be his strength. mostheneses" are belittled and "Blind Fine? But "Numbers; or the Majority and the Remnant," an ingenious medium. ~ate ~ discourged; that eloquence is not for me." That was the opinion there is no gainsaying, which would both enable him to wax intel­ Downright Hypocrisy blasphemed by the hackneyed expressed by practically every lectual and, at the same time, shunt-off the true dictates of his On the other hand, wisdom, by a quality inherent within itself, term "baloney" and a word even student on the U . of Arizona re.ason in regard to the state of the Union. is cognizant of its own self-sufficiency. A wise man does not re­ less edifying and unprintable. campus. They all thought it was Comes Fecundas in via pro Intellectual Remnant quire the presence of another wise man to make him feel the strength a good idea, but not one was wil­ of his wisdom. By the very fact that he is wj se, he knows wisdom vihiculo est. ling to put his or her name on Briefly, the theory is this: Plato and Isaiah, true minds in to be his strength. Wisdom, then, being a virtue whose strength Cordially yours the list. degenerate eras of their respective Greek and Hebrew nations, resides in its quality, as opposed to ignorance, more properly vulgarity Shemus Moynihan. - Va rsity News despaired of their people. Plato described the followers of wisdom or the flaunting of ignorance, a vice whose stren,gth resides in its P. S. Let this be a lesson to you. as a 'man who has fallen among wild beasts.' Does he cry out he quantity, it does but follow that I should gaze with nothing short The tallest team in the world of will 'be overwhelmed .and perish uselessly.' 'When he considers of amazement upon Arnold's postulate. basketball averages 6 ·ft. 6 72 in. this he will resolve to keep still and depart, when his time comes, When, however, I regard the other side of the question, namely per man. The team hails from in mild and gracious mood, and with fair hope.' that the potency of ignorance and vulgarity per unit head of a mob WARNING! West Texas State College. And justly did they despair, says Arnold. For both of them is directly pFoportional to the size of the mob, I am forced to 1 Don't sell your old clothes to "What do yo~ of our little dwelt in nations which we would today call small. Since the total completely reject the gentleman's theory. college town?" number of people was not large, the number of what Plato called In doing so, let me again make it clear, I accuse him neither of any hock shop. Wear them to "I'd call it rather unique.'' 'the intellectual remnant,' Isaiah, 'the one in ten of the ten of a ignorance nor of undue optimis~. but of downright hypocrisy, hypo­ "Wazzat?" the hundred,' in other words, the wisest and the bes~, was infinitesimal. crisy the more monstrous in view of himself and the intellectual "From the Latin words unus, so much so, in fact, that there was no possibility of its ever making plane which he occupies in English letters. meaning one, and equus, mean­ headway against the mob. -Paul Miles MARDI GRAS ing horse.'' Thru the Mike THE BROWN AND GOLD Kelleymen Nose Out Pueblo Jaycees 30-28 Small Gym Cuts Down On Scoring Soph Boarders They took a cigar box, wrapped At one of the sessions a t t he a band around it , and called it a gymnasium. At any ra te tha t 's And Frosh A. C. S. P . R. (Association of the Page Three Cath olic School Press Rela tions. February 19, 1938 what the Regis Rangers thought .as t hey invaded Pueblo t o meet Lead Leagues n ot a government project) it was the Junior Collegians of t ha t city, proposed that a playoff between Athletic Board Strives Letters To February 11. Thus, lies the story Intra-Mural t he Parochial League & Southern of why t he Denverites, with their Race in League Champions be held for t he Be Awarded six foot statures, were barely a ble Stretch Driye State Catholic f ootball and basket- To Complete Schedule to eke out a 3{) t o 28 win against ball crowns. the Pueblo team. T he i n t r a-m u r a I basketbal I Only Schools of Like To Gridders Hitting only one-sixth of t heir tournament goes into the final The pI an has definite pos­ Strength Sought as shots, as well as playing a rag­ round of play next week with the sibilities. Of course one drawback The 1937 Ranger football squad ged defensive game in the first lowly Ye.arlings commanding first is th,at there isn't a Southern Football Opponents. will be presented with awards be­ half, the Rangerit es trailed 16 to place by virtue of ha ving played Catholic League in football. But tween halves of the Regis College 15 at the half time rest period. more games than the hot -shooting one could easily be organized. Student Representatives --Adams State basket ball game In t he second half, however, t he junior quintet. The sophomores We would like to see Regis get Invited to Board Meetings before a n assembly of the Regis Kelley-men tightened up, and, as and seniors have yet t o chalk up behind the plan, and if possible Men's Club s a t u r day night, a result , the Puebloans we r e a win. I n the resident student's sponsor the playoff. It would give league t he powerful second year 'l'he Regis college athletic board is striving at the present February 26. Mr. T homas Tynan, forced t o make the most of their a new impetus to Catholic prep time to complete the 1937-1938 Ranger football schedule. remaining tallies by means of long club has ha nded the freshman athletes, and would make the lads Graduate :Manager, J oscph · J. Cella, Jr. has been corresponding president of the Men's club, will shots and free throws. boarders t hree straight defeats. preside over a "hello meeting" a little more Regis-concious. A with a number of colleges in an effort to line up an attractive M:assar, center, and Seymour, As the teams come down the few men like Falkenstein of St. grid schedule. preceding the game. During the forward, both of the P ueblo team, stretch it look s like a tie be­ M:ary's or Sartoris of Loy o 1 a The announcement that the Rangers will play games with half-time, nine varsity and eight led the scoring parade with 10 and tween t he Frosh a nd Sweeneymen. schools of like strength should The Frosh took the first game but would help Regis considerably in first year insignias will be pre­ 9 points respectively. Cella paced meet with In seasons tJ;le J unior s t urned on their con­ becoming an athletic power in this the cooperation of students and sented. Those receiving varsity the Rangers with 7. points. region again. While these boys past the mistake of scheduling querors in the second game and request a student representation "R's" are, Bob Berry, Fred Doyle. The two teams will play again stronger clubs for opening games left them far behind with an un­ went to public high schools, a at Board meetings. I trust stu- J h n Marshall, Joe McGuire, in March, when the P ueblo Junior has raised havoc with the Ranger 0 stoppable last half attack. If both well-established Catholic prep set­ dent opinion when I can ascertain Frank Murphy, Bernard Strauss College wil come to Denver for a squad for the remaining contests: teams win their remaining games, up would have kept them in the the common judgement of stu- Joe Sunderland, James Carroll, return g,ame with the Rangers. however this was caused by home­ as they should, the campus cage Catholic schools, and if they had dents, and when the students have and Dudley Taylor. Freshman The box score : a chance to play in a champion­ and-home contracts that the board cognoscenti believe the wise money all of the facts on which to form awards will be made co Jim Cos­ PUEBLO .J . C.- G. FT. p ship game sponsored by Regis, deemed wise to keep. There are the common judgement. Se ymour, f ...... 4 1 3 will back the Thirdyearites to tello, Dick Foley, Vern Gan, Jack D . Firth, f ...... 2 2 they might not have journeyed so many years ahead when Regis 3 overcome the Yearlings with their Joseph A. Ryan. S. J. Hyland, Will Martin, Jack McGee, Massar , c ...... 4 2 3 far in their quest for eoucation. squads will be able to return a Radakovich, g ...... 0 2 3 whirlwind attack led by such hust­ Director of Athletics. Bill McKenna, and Rollie Moore . g ...... 0 0 1 few drubbings. M. Firth, g ...... 0 1 3 lers as Capt. Mud Sweeney, Jack 1 Iengo. A souvenir award is to be Hickey, and Bob Nelson. While the schedule for next It is my hope to see such The Loretto nuns have two fine ' presented to the announcer of Tota ls ...... 10 8 16 REGIS- G. F'l'. P. The Standing of the teams: year is being drawn up we suggest schools as Mines, Spearfish, schools in Las Vegas. Roy Woods, games, "MacN.amee" Schlafly. Fol­ Cella, f ...... 2 3 2 Hyland. f ...... 1 1 2 Daydog League as a likley opponent, Rockhurst Adams State, New Mexico Nor- star center for the Teachers, is lowing the game the Men's Culb Sunderland, c ...... 1 3 1 Galligan, c ...... 1 0 2 Freshman --··············-·· · 4 1 .800 College of Kansas City, Missouri. mal, East N. Mex. Teachers, and the athletic instructor at the Im- and lettermen will be guests at a Hall. g ...... 2 0 4 Rockhurst has an .almost identical other schools with whom we've maculate Conception school, which "coffee and" open house in the Mc Mahon, g ...... 2 (} 1 J uniors ····-----· ··--··--········ 3 1 .750 Schmit, g ...... 2 1 4 enrollment; it is within com­ had agreeable relations on our is directed by the Loretto Sisters. college refectory. Seniors ···---- ...... 0 3 .000 Totals ...... 11 forta ble traveling radius; it is a 1938 schedule. I feel assured that 16 Sophomores ...... 0 2 .000 J esuit school and has an athletic this hope will be realized, as time Boarder League policy along the same lines as to make arrangements is the only Sophomores ····--··-·--··· ··· 3 0 1.000 R egis. The two schools are as obstacle to completion. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Freshmen ...... 0 3 .000 closely matched as a Goodyear The student body is requested to blimp and AI R oberts in a bathing form a committee of one or more suit. to voice student opinions at m eet­ A hom e and hom e agreement ings of the A thletic Board. The between the two schools woula"be football s q u a d is extended a a "natural." separate, but identical request. I am happy to have t he Board ask Johnnie Connors, the tycoon of B & G sports-atorials, thumbed his way to Pueblo to cover the Regis-Pueblo J. C. fray. Although a resident of Pueblo and knowing You may be tired wearing a all the Pueblo squad since "tops basketball suit but if you can't af­ BASKETBALL .a nd marbles" days, he was the ford a costume it would be an m ost vicious Regis supporter. Nice excellent disguise to wear to the Ra nger spirit John, others "cum­ sophomores' n-see." Mardi Gras All pledges of the "R" club are welcome to make use of the Jetter society's unofficial rooms at 706 Grovesnor A r m s. "Jumbo" •• Regis Rangers Carroll and Vern Gau are acting If you haven't got a pair of as temporary ch.airmen for the shoes then come as a hill-billy to first meeting of the new pledges. the Plans for a spring vacation tour vs. of this •· organization are being Mardi Gras pushed by "Jumbo." Zion Na­ tional Park is his choice for the outing. Adams State As Seen From the COACH 'S CORNER Teachers By MAL FIESE

0 f the best demonstrations of sportsmanship I've .t nedo"'aS the effort of the hard driving little team from Wl ncsse n 28 tl . p bl 0 J c whom we barelv nosed out 30- , recen y, m a ue t ·p .,blo The club ;,ll small men for basketball, put O'ame a ue · · ' h d f' ht' b ll ll up"' a great galne ' playing- spirited and. ar l - 1g dIUg ft a a _, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25-26 m worked as a umt · we earne a erwaru the way. The tea· ' b b t f " f the·r five have played toget er a ou our years I that rour o 1 th t t b 'ld throngh h1g. h school. · This more potently provesd ha o m AT 8.00 P.M. t have men who have worke toget er two or a team you muOstlr football and basketball teams haven't had three years. B t h .1 t 1·t to work together long. u ang arounu the o~po~ ~1~ . ~t will be interesting. Referring to tea~work, and 'Yatc the cause for the recent slump of Denver s Safe­ waywhat sA. AecUnT. . t earn ~. 1\favbe" some dissention cost them co- REGIS GYM t' and team work. opera 10 ~ b hind our basketball team and boost for a Let. s ,~etFe~. 25th & 26th. Our basketball situation is swel~ cro~ favorably and as we've lined up some g~mes ot~er shapmg up . ro teams here's an opportumty to giVe than with loc~l semi-P team 'fhey deserve it; they have been a yel~ or two 0 ~J~fi 1 work harder. You have either Friday working hard,. a to ay us a visit. Certainly your social calen­ ADMISSION 35c High School Students 25c or Sat~rday n~te upto enjoy one night of real entertainment. dar will permit ~0 t body we 've got plenty of rooters in the By the way, stu hen h y b~rn ___ The team wants you to Pig-pens below t e a · be genume. Stlpporters and boosters. February 19, 1938 Page Four THE BROWN AND GOLD

COULD YOU EXPLAIN CATH­ reason is not to be used in pre­ Miles, and a essay by Paul Hall- came to life in our midst. His A scholarly and yet very read­ OLIC PRAUl'ICES. By Rev. senting deep and weighty spir­ ett, which demonstrated that the death took place in 1549 at the able presentation of the geograph­ POETICAL (?) Charles J. Mullaly, S. J. itual thought, he has evidently Constitution was written by men the time of the confiscation of ical historical background of the Apostleship of Prayer. 515 never read this collection of who were believers in God and monasteries under Henry VIII. A life of Our Divine Savior. It actuated by Christian ideals. fair picture of Benedictine life opens a veritable mine of valuable E. Fordham Road, N.Y. 25c. magnificent spiritual instructions, PARODY This inexpensive and practical stirring heart-to-heart talks by Others present at the gathering Ithen and now. information, reliable, interesting were Charles Brittan, Edward "In Christ's Own Country," by and of value towards little volume contains a number the eloquent Fr.anciscan, profes­ While glancing through a cer­ Wurtzebach, · p au 1 Carr, John \ Dom Ernest Graf, 0. S. B., Burns 1 a deeper ~pprec1at10n of the gos­ of very interesting explanations sor of English at St. Bonaven­ tain high school newspaper of of Catholic practice, presented ture's College. A new edition of Schmitz, Edward Anderson, Lia- I Oats and Washbourn, London, $3. : pel narratives. several years ago, the editor came briefly, clearly and in most attrac­ the book has reached us, and the nus Riardon, and Mr. Rossner S. by chance upon this literary tive . Catholics are general­ second reading of these powerful J. The second meeting was held on masterpiece, this literary gem, ly well informed on the correct talks has brought us even more February 11 at the home of written by a Regis college stu­ Charles Salmon. Opticians Swigert Bros. Optical Co. Optometrists procedure of a number of beau­ joy than our first reading of the~ dent. Rather than have this gem some years ago. lost to the ages, we reprint it tiful and deeply symbolic prac­ Besides their intrinsic value, for posterity that it may be in­ tices. In a similar manner they NEW BOOKS RECOMMENDED these fervent specimens of gen­ cluded in the files of the Brown have gr.asped and deeply appre­ BY THE STAFF OF THE REGIS and Gold for the perusal of future ciate their significance as a means uine eloquence have the distinc­ REVIEW SERVICE 1550 California KEystone 7651 literary minded generations) of imparting grace. Many non­ tion of imparting an important "A Reporter at the Papal Catholics however, attracted by lesson which preachers and writ­ Court" by Thomas B. Morgan. To Marry or not To Marry the external beauty of some of er-s should t.ake to heart. The Longmans, Green and Co., N. Y., (With humble apologies to a "SUCCESS IS FOUNDED' ON TRUST" these practices, not infrequently presentation of spiritual truths $3. A very readable study of the certain Bill Shakespeare) ask for explanations. No intel­ deserves every effort that can reign of Pope Pius XI, his per­ For Dependable Drugs-Stop at To marry, or not to marry,-­ ligent Catholic with .a true love for possibly be made to bring out the sonal characteristics and the cus­ that is the question; his religion should ever prove force and beauty of those eternal tims and methods of the Vatican. BURGRAF PHARMACY Whether 'tis nobler in the mind wanting in ability adequately to truths by means of a pams-tak­ It gives us a great deal of valu­ 4901 Lowell Blvd. to suffer satisfy these inquiries. In this ing care with the language. able information the result of The bow and arrow of outraged commendable little book by the attention and sympathetic obser­ cupid, indefatigable editor of THE MES­ vation. Or to take arms with a sea of SENGER OF THE SACRED I "Sorrow Built a Bri?ge," by troubles, HEART, he will find a vertible Coffee Club Has Katherine Burton, Longmans, And by proposing begin them. mine of valuable information Green and Co., N. Y., $2.50. A Chocolates To marry to bach which will help him to acquit him­ Interesting Meeting sympathetic and instructive life of No more; and by a proposal to self against creditably in perform­ The Coffee Clubbers held their the lovable daughter of Nathaniel SOc pound say we begin ing this duty of honor. first meeting of the new year on Hawthorne, the heroic Mother Al­ The heart-aches and the thou- January 28 at the home of Alan phonsa foundress of that heroic There Is Nothing Finer sand natural shocks Lutz, an alumnus of Regis. High­ congregation of women devoted to That flesh is heir to-'tis con- NOT ON BREAD ALONE. By lights of the meeting were a the care of incurable cancer cases In Our Tea Room-The Choicest of Foods summation Valentine Long, O.F.M. The drama read by Shemus Moynihan, among the poor. CATERERS TO FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES Devoutly to be avoided. To Franciscan Press, St. Bona­ in which an "omothon" defeated "Brother Petroc's Return," by propose.-to marry- venture, N. Y. $1.25. the greatest scholar in Ireland in S. M. C. Little, Brown and Co., 1512 CURTIS STREET DENVER, COLORADO To marry? perchance to quar­ Should anyone labor under the a battle of wits, a short story with Boston, $1.75. An unusually clev­ rel? ay, there's the rub; false impression that powerful, a novel twist by Charles Salmon, er study of our present much For in the state of marriage elegant, and stimulating English a criticism of Mathew Arnold's boasted advance, as viewed by an what quarrels may come savors of the pedantic, or for some attitude toward America by Paul exemplary religious who somehow PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS When we have shuffl'd off this bachelor coil, Must give us p.ause: There's the respect That makes calamity of a long married life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of marriage, The broken dishes, the proud wife's contumely, The pangs of a dispr iz'd hus­ band, the dinner's delay, The taste of burnt food, and the scolding That the patient husband takes, When he himself m i g h t his quietus make With a bare silence? Who would these fardels bear, To grunt and swear under mar­ ried life, But that the dread of some­ thing in bachelorhood, The well known state for which Every married man yearns, puz­ zles the will, And makes us r:ather bear those ills of marriage Than fly to others we know not of? Thus do women make cowards of us all. Attend the MARDI G.RAS

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