APP 02

Application Number: 17/02907/FUL

Description Erection of one detached dwelling with carport and associated access and landscaping

AT Land At, Pitcher Lane, Loughton, ,

FOR Mr Jagjit Singh

Target: 26 January 2018

Extension of Time: Yes

Ward: Loughton And Shenley Parish: Loughton & Great Holm Parish Council

Report Author/Case Officer: Samantha Taylor Planning Officer Contact Details: 01908 252724 [email protected]

Team Manager: Sarah Hine 01908 252283 [email protected]

1.0 RECOMMENDATION (The decision that officers recommend to the Committee)

It is recommended that permission is granted subject to conditions set out in this report.

2.0 INTRODUCTION (A brief explanation of what the application is about)

The Site

2.1 The application site contains a plot of land located on the eastern side of Pitcher Lane, opposite its junction with Weldon Rise, in Loughton. The plot of land is currently vacant with some grass and scrubs in the centre and larger shrubs and trees to the outer edges of the site. The boundary with Pitcher Lane has a number of shrubs and trees which forms the character of the immediate section of the eastern side of Pitcher Lane. To the west of the application site, on the opposite side of Pitcher Lane to the application site, are two storey terrace dwellings and a cul-de-sac of substantial two storey properties. Further to the north of the application site are terrace, semi-detached and detached dwellings which are a mix of older properties and more modern properties. Immediately to the north of the application site is a small brook and a public footpath which links Redland Drive and Pitcher Lane the footpath also leads to part of a linear park within Loughton. To the west of the site are residential properties on Catesby Croft and are separated by a run of trees.

The Proposal

2.2 The application seeks permission for the erection of one detached dwelling along with the creation of a vehicular access and associated landscaping. The proposed dwelling would be a four bedroomed property over two storeys with an open carport to the front of the dwelling. The dwelling would be designed with a dual pitched roof and a subservient element to the north west. The proposed access will be located to the front of the dwelling onto Pitcher Lane utilising an existing gap in the vegetation. Landscaping is proposed to the front of the dwelling and to the north west side boundary.

2.3 Reason for referral to Panel.

The application is referred to the Development Control Panel at the request of Loughton and Great Holm Parish Council who have objected to the application on the grounds of the impact to the character of the area and concerns regarding the impact of the construction process.

3.0 RELEVANT POLICIES (The most important policy considerations relating to this application)

3.1 National Policy

National Planning Policy Framework 2012 Section 7 - Requiring Good Design Section 11 - Conserving and enhancing the natural environment Section 12 - Conserving and enhancing the historic Environment

Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 Section 72 - General duty as respects conservation areas in exercise of planning functions

3.2 Local Policy

Policy CS10 - Housing Policy CS13 - Ensuring High Quality, Well Designed Places Policy CS19 - The Historic and Natural Environment

Saved Policies of the Milton Keynes Council Local Plan 2001-2011 (saved Policies) D1 - Impact on Locality D2 - Design of Buildings D2A - Urban Design Aspects Of New Development H7 - Housing on Unidentified Sites HE6 - Conservation Areas L2 - Protection of Public Open Space And Existing Facilities NE3 - Biodiversity and Geological Enhancement T10 - Traffic T15 - Parking Provision

3.3 Supplementary Planning Documents

New Residential Development Design Guide SPD 2012 Milton Keynes Parking Standards 2016

4.0 MAIN ISSUES (The issues which have the greatest bearing on the decision)

4.1 Principle of Development

4.2 Design and character & appearance of the area

4.3 Impact on Neighbouring Residential Amenity

4.4 Parking/Access

4.5 Ecology/Landscaping

4.6 Drainage

5.0 CONSIDERATIONS (An explanation of the main issues that have led to the officer recommendation)

Principle of Development

5.1 The application site is allocated as recreation and open space within the Proposals Map of the Milton Keynes Local Plan (2001-2011). Saved Policy L2 (Protection of Public Open Space and Existing Facilities) looks to prevent development which results in the loss of open space used for leisure and recreation. Within the planning statement for this application it is identified that the application site is the only part of privately owned land within the designated recreation and open space and has never been publically accessible, but has been used as a paddock previously. It is considered that Saved Policy L2 is not relevant, in this case, given the private ownership of the land and the lack of publically accessible recreational use or open space.

5.2 As it is considered that Saved Policy L2 is not relevant, the principle of development must also be considered against Saved Policy H7 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan (2001- 2011) which relates to housing on unidentified land within the limits of development of settlements. The policy states that proposals for new housing on sites within the limits of development of settlements will be assessed against the following criteria:

i) Whether the site has been previously developed ii) Whether any buildings on the site are empty or under-used and suitable for conversion to residential use. iii) The location and accessibility of the site to jobs, shops and services by means other than the car, and the potential for improving such accessibility. iv) The compatibility of housing development with existing land uses in the surrounding area

v) Whether there is sufficient capacity in existing infrastructure, including water supply, drainage and other utilities, and community facilities (such as schools and health facilities) to serve the proposed development vi) Whether there are any physical and environmental constraints, such as contamination, noise and flood risk, affecting the site.

5.3 The site has not been previously developed, nor are there any buildings on site which are suitable for conversion, there are however historic approvals for garages on the site. The site is located within Loughton which has access to facilities such as a local shop as well as the local centre of and retail units at the Train station which are all within walking distance. The surrounding area is predominantly residential in use other than are area of open land to the north. The proposed residential development would not therefore be incompatible with the local area. The addition of one residential property is considered not to be sufficient to overload the capacity of existing infrastructure. The application site itself is not located within Flood Risk Zone 2 or 3 and the ecological survey identifies limited possibility for habitats etc.

5.4 Notwithstanding the above, recent appeal decisions suggest that the Council cannot demonstrate a five year housing land supply. Paragraph 14 and 49 of the National Planning Policy Framework are therefore engaged. Less weight can be given to the Council's housing planning policies within the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001 - 2011. Although Policy H7 does not relate to housing provision or supply, the fact the Council is unable to demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply, means that the provision of housing to address this shortfall should be given substantial weight in any planning applications for housing.

5.5 Given the above and that paragraph 49 and 14 of the NPPF are engaged and therefore the titled balance for sustainable development, this report needs to address the social, environmental and economic impacts of the development.

Sustainable development

5.6 An assessment should be made as to whether the proposal could be considered to be sustainable development in terms of the economic, social and environmental roles as set out in the NPPF.

5.7 Given its proximity to existing housing and urban areas with facilities such as retail and employment opportunities, the site is considered to be a sustainable location.

5.8 In terms of economic issues, the construction activities associated with the development would potentially generate limited employment opportunities for the local community, and have associated benefits for local services and suppliers in the short term (longer term in relation to maintenance of the buildings). In the longer term the development would also support the local economy in terms of the use of local shops, services and facilities, and potentially result in new investment in the area. This also weighs in favour of the scheme.

5.9 In terms of social issues, it is noted that the development would provide an additional home weighs significantly in favour of the application.

5.10 In relation to environmental issues, subject to an assessment on relevant material planning considerations on the matter, the proposal should not lead to such harm to be unacceptable in planning terms. The proposal would, to a small extent, contribute to the Council addressing any shortfall in housing. This should be given weight in favour of the scheme.

5.11 Given the above, it is considered that the principle of residential development on the site to be acceptable subject to all necessary assessment against all other material planning considerations. This conclusion is a departure from policy, given the designation of the site, however for the reasons given above it is considered that this departure is acceptable.

Design and character & appearance of the area

5.12 Saved Policy D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan (2001-2011) and Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy (2013) require the Council to have particular regard to the design and visual impact of new development and to the context in which it is placed.

5.13 The site is located on the eastern side of Pitcher Lane; this immediate section of this side of Pitcher Lane is largely characterised by vegetation and the lack of residential properties from the junction with Leys Road to the public footpath to the north of the application site. To the western side of the Pitcher Lane is a mix of more modern terraced dwellings and more historic semi-detached dwellings. The application site has been subject to a previous application for two semi-detached bungalows which was refused and dismissed at appeal. The inspector noted that the character of the area was derived from this lack of development and the vegetation on this stretch of Pitcher Lane. At the time of the appeal the site had more vegetation in the centre, which has since been removed to allow the site to be used as a paddock. This previous application looked to remove a significant amount of vegetation from the site and did not propose to provide the level of landscaping and vegetation that the current application does. Only one dwelling is proposed in the current application compared to two in the appeal scheme. As such, it is considered that the current application overcomes this issue to a greater extent than the previous application did. The application site has a stretch of vegetation to the front boundary, some of which will be removed but will be replaced by landscaping including indigenous hedgerow and low level planting. The existing trees along this boundary are also proposed to be retained. This stretch of existing vegetation is not of particularly high quality but would create an element of visual mitigation of the proposed residential development. The proposed landscaping will further mitigate the visual impact of the proposed dwelling, which is set back in the plot, and create betterment of the quality of landscaping on site. Whilst it is noted that the character of this immediate section of Pitcher Lane is formed by the lack of development, the retained vegetation and proposed additional landscaping is considered to outweigh the impact created by the proposed dwelling within the streetscene of Pitcher Lane.

5.14 Within the wider context of the local area is a mix of design and scale of dwellings, ranging from modest semi-detached older properties, more modern terrace dwellings and more substantial detached dwellings. The proposed dwelling has been designed to echo the local design details and vernacular of the more historic building, which are considered to provide a more positive contribution to the traditional character of the area. The proposed dwelling will use red brick and plain clay tiles with timber fascia’s, windows,

doors, and carport gable. The elevational treatment will also incorporate local design features common to the local area including soldier coursing above openings and flush chimney with corbel. The subservient element of the proposed dwelling helps to visually reduce the width and scale of the building such that it would not appear as an incongruous feature.

5.15 The application site is located near the Loughton Conservation Area. In accordance with Section 72 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, special attention has been paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character and appearance of the conservation area.

5.16 Comments have been raised regarding the impact of the proposal on the character and appearance of Loughton Conservation Area. The application site is not within nor immediately adjacent to the Conservation Area, at its closest point the site is approximately 36 metres from the boundary of the Conservation Area. Given the use of local design elements, largely found on the more historic buildings located within the Conservation Area, it is considered that the proposed dwelling would have a neutral impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.

5.17 As such, it is considered that the proposed development would accord with Saved Policy D2 and HE6 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan (2001-2011) and Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy (2013).

Impact on neighbouring properties

5.18 Saved Policy D1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan (2001-2011) relates to the impact of proposals on the locality. Section (iii) looks to ensure development do not adversely affect the amenity of neighbouring properties in terms of visual intrusion, loss of sunlight and daylight and loss of privacy.

5.19 The proposed dwelling would be two storeys in scale; the closest neighbouring property to the north is 107 Redland Drive which is a detached property. The distance between this property and the proposed dwelling is approximately 32 metres and the orientation would be side elevation to rear elevation. As such, the proposed dwelling is considered not to create adverse impact in terms of loss of privacy to this neighbouring property. The distance between properties also ensures that the proposal would not create loss of sunlight or daylight or visual intrusion to 107 Redland Drive.

5.20 The neighbouring properties on Catesby Close would be shielded by the existing trees running along the side boundary of the application site which are to be retained. As the dwelling would be two storeys it is considered that the neighbouring properties on Catesby Close would not be adversely affected in terms of loss of privacy, visual intrusion or loss of sunlight or daylight. An opening is proposed on the first floor and ground floor within the south east elevation of the dwelling, this would provide an outlook onto the very end of the residential garden of No.18 Catseby Court, however only a small portion of the garden would be affected, it is considered that as a large amount of the garden would be unaffected by the proposal that it would not adversely affect the privacy of this neighbouring property to such an extent that would warrant refusal.

5.21 It is considered that the proposal would not have adverse impact to the amenity of the properties 9, 11, 13 & 15 Pitcher Lane given the difference in land levels between the application site and these dwellings, the distance between them and the orientation of the buildings.

5.22 As such, the proposal is considered to accord with Saved Policy D1 (iii) of the Milton Keynes Local Plan (2001-2011).


5.23 Saved Policy T15 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan (2001-2011) looks to ensure that developments have sufficient parking, such that they do no adversely affect highways safety and convenience. Milton Keynes Parking Standards SPD 2016 sets out the requirements for parking spaces. Saved Policy T10 and Saved Policy D1 (i)of the Milton Keynes Local Plan (2001-2011) look to ensure that proposal do not create such a level of traffic that they would adversely affect the capacity of highways or create significant disturbance.

5.24 The application site is located in Zone 3 of Appendix A in the Milton Keynes Parking Standards SPD 2016. The proposed dwelling would have 4 bedrooms resulting in a parking requirement of 2 allocated parking spaces and 0.5 unallocated parking spaces. The proposal includes 2 parking spaces in an open car port to the front of the proposed dwelling and 1 parking space on hard standing. According to the Parking Standards SPD, carports must be open on at least two sides to count towards the parking provision for a development. As the car port is open on three sides the proposal meets the parking requirements. A condition is recommended to be imposed that the parking spaces are retained for use solely as parking.

5.25 The Highways Engineer has assessed the access and is satisfied that the visibility splays can be achieved to ensure the safety of highways users when vehicles are entering and exiting the site. A condition has been imposed that the access is created and laid out prior to the occupation of the dwelling to ensure highways safety and convenience. In regard to the additional traffic created by the proposed dwelling, whilst it is noted that the northern end of Pitcher Lane is narrow the addition of one dwelling is considered not to create such a level of traffic that it would overload the highways capacity nor would the vehicle movements create undue disturbance, noise or fumes, such that they would warrant refusal of the application.

5.26 As such the proposed development is considered to accord with Saved Policy T15 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan (2001-2011).


5.27 An Ecological Survey has been submitted as part of this application. Overall the report concludes that the site has limited potential to support protected species although some habitats for birds and amphibians were identified. There is nothing before the case officer to disagree with the findings of the ecology report in this regard considering the sites current condition. The proposal does not affect the majority of the larger shrubs and trees on the site, particularly those to the rear and side boundary close to the footpath and brook. This retention of vegetation will help to ensure the habitats that exist on site are not

significantly affected by the proposal. A condition has been imposed for all mitigation and compensation recommendations set out in section 6.0 of the report to be implemented in order to protect the habitats on site.

5.28 The proposal included the submission of a detailed landscaping plan and sections which showed a significant amount of landscaping and vegetation is to be provided, particularly to the front and north side boundary of the site. The landscape plan outlines the use of indigenous hedgerows and other vegetation which will provide suitable habitats as well as mitigation the visual impact of the development. A condition has been imposed for the landscaping scheme to be implemented within the first planting season following the completion of development.


5.29 The NPPF states that inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at highest risk, but where development is necessary, making it safe without increasing flood risk elsewhere. This guidance is echoed under Policy D1 of the Local Plan which advises that planning permission will be refused where inadequate drainage is identified.

5.30 The application site is located within Flood Zone 1 of the Environment Agency's defined Flood Risk Zones. The application site is approximately 0.04 hectares and below the 1 hectare threshold where there would be a requirement to submit a Flood Risk Assessment.

5.31 The application site itself does not fall within an area liable to surface water flooding but is located directly adjacent to a small brook which is shown to be both high and medium risk of surface water flooding. No development is proposed under the current application as it is outside of the application site however in order to ensure that the proposed development wouldn't increase the risk of surface water drainage, suitable conditions requiring the submission of a surface water drainage scheme are recommended.

5.32 Subject to the recommended conditions, it is considered that the proposed development would not give rise to an additional risk of flooding or surface water flooding and as such would comply with Saved Policy D1 of the Local Plan.

Other matters

5.33 Several comments have been made regarding the impact of construction in regard to noise and the access route to the site being either through a narrow lane or over a weak humpback bridge. Requests have been made for a condition requiring a construction management plan to be submitted to ensure smaller vehicles are used. Whilst it is noted that there are constraints for construction vehicles, it is considered that a condition for a construction management plan or a similar means to control construction vehicles would not meet the 6 tests as set out in Paragraph 206 of the National Planning Policy Framework as it would not be reasonable for a development of this scale (one dwelling).

5.34 Comments have been raised regarding the size of the proposed rear garden. The New Residential Development Design Guide SPD 2012 sets out guidance for the size of

gardens and outlines that gardens for family housing should be a minimum of 10 metres in depth, although they can be shorter for wide frontage units. The proposed garden space is approximately 7.5 metres deep to the north and 5.5 top the south, as the garden would be 18 metres wide this is considered to be an appropriate size garden.

5.35 Comments have been raised regarding the possibility of another application being submitted to the side and rear of this application site on land within the ownership of the applicant. The Council can only assess the application before them and each application is assessed on its own merits, any future applications will be assessed accordingly. Comments have also been raised regarding the piece of Milton Keynes Council owned land which the access would cross to access the highway. The comments raise that they have been advised that this land is not for sale nor will a right of way granted. This is not a material planning consideration that can be taken into account when the application is determined; this is a civil matter that should be dealt with by the relevant parties.


6.1 In conclusion the application is considered to be acceptable.

7.0 CONDITIONS (The conditions that need to be imposed on any planning permission for this development to ensure that the development is satisfactory. To meet legal requirements all conditions must be Necessary, Relevant, Enforceable, Precise and Reasonable)

1. The development hereby permitted shall begin before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To prevent the accumulation of planning permissions; to enable the Local Planning Authority to review the suitability of the development in the light of altered circumstances; and to comply with section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. No development shall take place above slab level until samples of the external materials to be used in the construction of the development have been submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in full accordance with the approved details prior to the first occupation of the development.

Reason: To ensure that the development does not detract from the character and appearance of the area in accordance with Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

3. The landscaping scheme hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and specifications within the first planting season following the completion of development unless a revised programme is agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that the appearance of the development is satisfactory and accords with Policies CS13 and CS19 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policies D1, NE3 and NE4 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

4. All existing trees, woodlands and hedgerows to be retained as shown on the approved plans shall be fully protected in accordance with the latest British Standards (currently BS 5837:2012 'Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction-Recommendations') by the time construction begins. All protective measures must be in place prior to the commencement of any building operations (including any structural alterations, construction, rebuilding, demolition and site clearance, removal of any trees or hedgerows, engineering operations, groundworks, vehicle movements or any other operations normally undertaken by a person carrying on a business as a builder). The Root Protection Area (RPA) within the protective fencing must be kept free of all construction, construction plant, machinery, personnel, digging and scraping, service runs, water-logging, changes in level, building materials and all other operations. All protective measures shall be maintained in place and in good order until all work is complete and all

equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site.

Signs informing of the purpose of the fencing and warning of the penalties against destruction or damage to the trees and their root zones shall be installed at minimum intervals of 10 metres and a minimum of two signs per separate stretch of fencing.

Reason: To protect significant trees and hedgerows, safeguarding the character of the area and preserving habitat and to minimise the effect of development on the area in accordance with Policies CS13 and CS19 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policies D1 and D2A of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011

5. Prior to the initial occupation of the development the new means of access shall be sited and constructed in accordance with Milton Keynes Council's guide note " Residential Vehicle Crossing Details" and shall be retained as altered thereafter .

Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and of access.

6. No building or use hereby permitted shall be occupied or the use commenced until the car/vehicle parking area shown on the approved plans has been constructed and surfaced. The car parking area so provided shall be maintained as a permanent ancillary to the development and shall be used for no other purpose thereafter.

Reason: To ensure adequate parking provision at all times so that the development does not prejudice the free flow of traffic or the safety on the neighbouring highway in accordance with Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policies D1, T3 and T15 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

7. Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted the proposed bicycle parking shown in the approved drawings shall be provided and be retained thereafter.

Reason: To ensure that adequate parking facilities are provided to serve the development.

8. All mitigation and compensation recommendations set out in section 6.0 of the report by Philip Irving entitled Ecological Survey of Land at Pitcher Lane, Loughton, Milton Keynes (July 2017) shall be implemented at the appropriate stage of the development and no later than one year after the final occupation of the development.

Reason: To maintain and enhance local biodiversity and ecology in accordance with Saved Policy NE3 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001- 2011 and Policy CS19 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013.

9. Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted a detailed design, and associated management and maintenance plan, for a foul and surface water drainage scheme, based on sustainable drainage principles for the site shall be submitted to and be approved in writing by the local planning authority. The management and maintenance plan shall include a detailed time table for the implementation of the foul and surface water drainage scheme. The approved drainage scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved detailed design and in accordance with the approved time table for implementation and be retained thereafter.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory and sustainable foul and surface water drainage to prevent the increased risk of contamination and flooding on or off site in accordance with Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policies D1 and D4 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001- 2011.

Appendix to 17/02907/FUL

A1.0 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY (A brief outline of previous planning decisions affecting the site – this may not include every planning application relating to this site, only those that have a bearing on this particular case)



A2.0 ADDITIONAL MATTERS (Matters which were also considered in producing the Recommendation)


A3.0 CONSULTATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS (Who has been consulted on the application and the responses received. The following are a brief description of the comments made. The full comments can be read via the Council’s web site)

A3.1 Councils Archaeologists

I have assessed the proposal against the known archaeological resource as contained in the MK Historic Environment Record (HER). In conclusion I am pleased to state that although it is within a Heritage Interest Area the proposed development itself is not regarded as being of significant potential archaeological impact. As such it is, in my view, unnecessary to conduct any pre-determination archaeological investigation nor do I wish to recommend an archaeological condition in respect of the site.

A3.2 Highways Development Control

Please could you ask the developer to submit a revised plan showing visibility splays (2.4m x 43m). The plans should indicate any landscape removal required and the splays should be clear of obstruction not exceeding 0.6m.

Although I have no objection to the car port and parking arrangement, I suggest that the layout could be improved. It would be unusual for a house of this size not to include a garage. Although we do not count garages as parking spaces, garages can be used for the storage of cycles. As the storage of cycles is a requirement under the council's parking standards then we would expect separate provision to be made for this.

The plans were amended to show the visibility splays and provide cycle storage.

The Highways Engineer advised that the revised plans are acceptable and suggested conditions relating to access, parking and cycle storage.

A3.3 Councils Countryside Officer

Please would you condition all recommendations and mitigation in Chapter 6 of the report by Philip Irving entitled Ecological Survey of Land at Pitcher Lane, Loughton, Milton Keynes (July 2017).

A3.4 Parish – Loughton and Great Holm

My council has resolved to oppose this planning application, following concerns raised by residents that include:

The size of the development is too large for the plot. It is evident from the layout that a second plot development has been reserved on the site for a future application, which is far too intense and inappropriate for the character of the area.

The site is at the entrance to the Conservation Area and will adversely affect character of the area which the Conservation status is intended to prevent. It will undermine the historic and picturesque character of Pitcher Lane.

The site is part of a wildlife corridor and development will negatively affect wildlife and biodiversity.

The additional traffic impact will be detrimental to Pitcher Lane and the surrounding environment. The lane is very narrow and there are concerns about the weight and volume of vehicles and plant associated with the development in the lane and thereafter an additional property and going up and down the sunken lanes of the Conservation Area and over the narrow hump-backed Leys Road bridge.

Loughton and Great Holm parish council request that this application is referred to the development control panel and secondly, that if notwithstanding the vigorous objections the application is approved, consideration is given to attaching conditions regarding the management of traffic and restricting the weight of vehicles crossing the bridge.

A3.5 Ward - Loughton And Shenley - Cllr Dransfield

No comments received

A3.6 Ward - Loughton And Shenley - Cllr Clifton

No comments received

A3.7 Ward - Loughton And Shenley - Cllr Nolan

No comments received

A3.8 The following neighbouring properties were consulted:

107 Redland Drive

9, 11, 13, 15 Pitcher Lane

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7 & 8 Field Court

21A Leys Road

18, 19 Catesby Croft

A3.9 A site notice was also posted, advertising the application to members of the public, on 07/11/2017.

A3.10 10 third party representations were received in objection to the application on the grounds of:

 Impact of the development on the character of the area  Impact of the development on the character of Loughton Conservation area  The decision of a previous application and appeal made in 2003  The site and surrounding area create an attractive corridor between two roads  Traffic created by the dwelling would impact the narrow lanes  Ecological impact of the development  The tree report shows a greater area than the application site  Issues of surface water drainage and localised flooding  Size of the rear garden  The proposed access would be over a piece of MKC owned land which third parties have been advised is not for sale nor a right of way granted.  Impact of construction in regard to noise and the access route to the site being either through a narrow lane or over a weak humpback bridge.  The possibility of another application being made on land to the side and rear of this site.