2011 Stansted Employee Travel Survey Analysis Final Report September 2011

Halcrow Group Limited

2011 Employee Travel Survey Analysis Final Report September 2011

Halcrow Group Limited

Halcrow Group Limited Elms House 43 Brook Green London W6 7EF www.halcrow.com

Halcrow Group Limited has prepared this report in accordance with the instructions of their client, Stansted Airport Limited, for their sole and specific use. Any other persons who use any information contained herein do so at their own risk.

© Halcrow Group Limited 2011

2011 London Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey Analysis Final Report

Contents Amendment Record This report has been issued and amended as follows:

Issue Revision Description Date Signed

1 0 Draft Report 30/8/11 PH

2 0 Draft Final Report 14/9/11 PH

3 0 Final Report 28/9/11 PH


Executive Summary

1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Report Structure 1

2 Description of 2011 Survey 2 2.1 Survey type and characteristics 2 2.2 Staffing levels at Stansted Airport in 2011 2 2.3 Survey Response Rates 2 2.4 Data Expansion 3

3 Employee Characteristics 4 3.1 Work Location and Job Type 4 3.2 Home Location 7 3.3 Household Size and Composition 13 3.4 Age, Disability, Ethnicity and Gender 15 3.5 Salary Group 17

4 Employee Journey-to-Work Characteristics 19 4.1 Commute Frequencies 19 4.2 Mode Shares 20 4.3 Work Arrival and Departure Time Profiles 25 4.4 Arrival and Departure Time Profiles by Mode 29

5 Car Commuter Characteristics 34 5.1 Parking Location 34 5.2 London Stansted Airport Car Share Scheme 35

6 Public Transport Commuter Characteristics 39 6.1 Public Transport at London Stansted Airport 39 6.2 Home Location 40 6.3 Interchanges 42 6.4 Airport Travel Card 42

Appendix A: 2011 Travel Survey Questionnaire

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Executive Summary

To meet S106 requirements, Stansted Airport Limited (STAL) is required to carry out an employee travel survey every two years. The purpose of the survey is to understand travel behaviour at the airport and inform the development of the ’ Travel Plan.

This report presents the findings of the 2011 survey, which continue to demonstrate the progress made by London Stansted Airport towards increasing the proportion of employee trips to/from the airport by sustainable travel modes. The survey captured a total of 3,781 employees, 37.0% of the workforce.

The impacts of the global economic downturn at the airport have resulted in a fall in total employees back to around 2002 levels. The total staff number at the airport of 10,231 in 2011 is a fall of 5.8% on the surveying period in 2009 and is not much higher than the 10,590 on site in 2002. The reduction in employee numbers has primarily been seen amongst Apron, Ramp, Cargo, Baggage Handling and Drivers employees.

Table A clearly shows the reduction during the past few years in staff driving to the airport and a corresponding increase in arrivals by public bus, coach or rail services. Between 2002/3 and 2011 the number of car drivers has fallen by 17.7% whilst arrivals by public transport have nearly tripled (principally through growth in the use of public bus or coach services). The data also demonstrates the success of the airport’s Carshare Scheme by the proportion of car passengers increasing by around three quarters.

Table A: Employee Commuting Mode Shares in the 2002/3, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011 Surveys

Mode 2002/3 2005 2007 2009 2011 Car Driver 87.6% 78.6% 73.1% 71.7% 69.9% Car Passenger 4.1% 5.5% 6.3% 6.4% 7.1% Public Transport 7.0% 12.6% 16.4% 18.3% 19.8% Other 1.3% 3.2% 4.2% 3.6% 3.2%

The recent progress made by the airport in changing travel to work patterns has gone a long way towards meeting the challenging targets for surface access set out in the Airport’s Surface Access Strategy for Stansted 2008-2015. These include:

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• To achieve and sustain not more than 76% of all employees who drive to work alone by private car by 31 December 2014 (assuming 16,800 employees); This target has now been revised by the Stansted Area Transport Forum to :- To achieve and sustain a target of not more than 70% of all employees who drive to work alone by private car by the time the Airport reaches 35mppa; • To continue to be ranked in the top quartile of UK companies achieving a reduction in the number of commuter cars arriving per hundred employees; and, • To grow car sharing by 10% a year over the next 5 years (from 2008).

Information gained from this survey relating to employee characteristics included:

• Passenger Services, Sales and Clerical Staff continue to form the largest group of employees (27.3%); • The Terminal Area is the main reporting to work location (57.3% of employees), followed by Enterprise House (12.4%), Cargo Area (8.5%) and Northside (7.0%); • The majority of employees live east and north of the airport, with 53.7% residing in and a further 27.6% in . Clusters exist in the Bishop’s Stortford, , Braintree and Haverhill areas and along the rail corridor to London Liverpool Street; • 32.0% of staff is in the 25-34 age group and females form a higher proportion of younger than older staff;

Further information gained from the survey relating to journey-to-work characteristics included:

• 65.0% of employees work an average of 5 days per week and just 0.3% do not work a typical week; • Public transport use is highest (42.6%) among staff reporting for work in Southgate and second highest (28.5%) for those reporting for work at the Terminal. Arrivals by car drivers are highest (89.5%) for staff based at Enterprise House, apart from Elsewhere on Airport; • Public transport use is highest among younger employees, who are also least likely to have a car available; • Since 1975, the proportion of employees arriving/leaving the airport during the traditional AM (0700-1000) and PM (1600-1900) peak periods

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continues to fall (with the exception of an increased share of peak time departures since 2009), standing at 31.1% and 32.7% respectively in 2011; • 12% of airport employees are members of the airport’s Carshare Scheme, although car sharing also takes place amongst non-members. 70.5% of airport employees are aware of the scheme; and, • 17.5% of airport employees currently own an Airport Travel Card and 73.4% of airport employees who use public transport to commute to work hold one. 93.6% of public transport users are aware of the Travel Card.

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1 Introduction

1.1 Background 1.1.1 To meet S106 requirements, Stansted Airport Limited (STAL) is required to carry out an employee travel survey every two (2) years. The purpose of the survey is to understand travel behaviour at the airport and inform the development of the Airports’ Travel Plan.

1.1.2 The survey is also used to review and monitor the travel plan in place at the Airport, which was published in 2008.

1.1.3 The survey is used to monitor the mode share targets specified in the Airport’s Surface Access Strategy for Stansted 2008-2015. Targets relating to employees include:

• To grow car sharing by 10% a year, over the next 5 years; • To achieve and sustain a target of not more than 76% of all employees who drive to work alone by private car by 31 December 2014 (assuming 16,800 employees) This target has now been revised by the Stansted Area Transport Forum to :- To achieve and sustain a target of not more than 70% of all employees who drive to work alone by private car by the time the Airport reaches 35mppa; • To grow car sharing by 10% a year over the next 5 years (from 2008); and, • To increase the number of companies signed up to the Airport Travel Plan to 75% by 2010 and 85% by 2015.

1.2 Report Structure 1.2.1 The remainder of this report is structured as follows:

• Chapter 2: Description of 2011 Survey • Chapter 3: Employee characteristics • Chapter 4: Employee Journey to work characteristics • Chapter 5: Car commuter characteristics • Chapter 6: Public transport commuter characteristics • Appendix A: 2011 Staff Travel Survey Questionnaire

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2 Description of 2011 Survey

2.1 Survey type and characteristics 2.1.1 The survey was carried out in May and June 2011, when questionnaires were used in face-to-face interviews with airport employees, using PDAs. The information collected included:

• Travel modes to work; • Use of car park facilities at the airport; • Work patterns; • Employee personal characteristics; • Household characteristics; and, • Usage of various schemes available at Stansted Airport to encourage sustainable travel to and from the airport by employees.

2.1.2 A copy of the 2011 Staff Travel Survey Questionnaire is attached in Appendix A.

2.2 Staffing levels at Stansted Airport in 2011 2.2.1 The staff numbers at the airport have reduced since the last employee survey was carried out in 2009. The total staff number at the airport is 10,231 in 2011 compared to 10,859 when the previous survey was carried out in 2009. This is a drop of 5.8% and makes current staff numbers comparable to those of 2002 (10,590).

2.2.2 This can be explained by the global economic down turn, the subsequent reduction in air passenger numbers and airport companies responding to this by reducing employee numbers. The move to on-line services such as check-in by airlines has also reduced the amount of employees required.

2.2.3 The reduction in employee numbers has primarily been seen amongst the Apron, Ramp, Cargo, Baggage Handling and Drivers.

2.3 Survey Response Rates 2.3.1 The target response rate of 35% was achieved at most individual companies with only a few exceptions.

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2.3.2 Overall, 3,781 interviews were carried out hence achieving a response rate of 37.0%.

2.4 Data Expansion 2.4.1 The database comprised 3,781 valid employee questionnaires, including the partially completed questionnaires that could be expanded for use in survey analysis.

2.4.2 The data was expanded at company level using a comparison of the total number of staff at the company and the number surveyed. Since the achieved response rate of 37.0% was exceeded, this was deemed an accurate way of expanding the data.

2.4.3 Note that the data sets for some of the analysis in the report refer to the ‘expanded’. This indicates that the data is based upon an expansion of the survey response level at each company by the total company staff. Since there were no surveys undertaken at a small number of companies (see Appendix B) the total ‘expanded’ number of employees (10,016) is lower than the actual number (10,231).

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3 Employee Characteristics

3.1 Work Location and Job Type 3.1.1 The employees at Stansted Airport are divided into 11 job types as shown in Table 3.1 below. The table summarises the distribution of employees by job type in the years 2002/3, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011.

3.1.2 Passenger Services, Sales and Clerical Staff continue to form the largest group of employees (27.3%). This is followed by Air Cabin Crew (14.2%) and Apron, Ramp, Cargo, Baggage Handling and Drivers (11.0%). The increase in security personnel continues to be clearly observed with the group forming 10.6% of total employees in 2011 compared to 10.2% in 2009, 6.2% in 2007 and only 1.6% in 2002/3.

Table 3.1 Distribution of Employees by Job Type

Job Type 2002/3 2005 2007 2009 2011 Air Cabin Crew 12.4% 8.1% 11.7% 14.6% 14.2% Apron, Ramp, Cargo, Baggage Handling and Drivers 10.2% 11.9% 16.9% 11.3% 11.0% Catering, Cleaning and Housekeeping 7.6% 7.8% 9.0% 8.9% 10.1% Customs, Immigration, Police and Fire Staff 5.5% 4.2% 3.5% 5.0% 4.9% Information Technology 0.7% 0.6% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% Maintenance Tradesmen 12.0% 7.2% 7.7% 5.7% 5.6% Management/Professional - Airport/Airline Specific 2.8% 3.1% 2.6% 3.5% 3.5% Management/Professional - General 5.9% 7.6% 5.0% 6.2% 6.1% Passenger Services, Sales and Clerical Staff 30.0% 35.2% 28.6% 27.1% 27.3% Pilots, , Flight Operations 11.0% 6.4% 8.4% 7.3% 6.5% Security, Passenger Search, Security Access Control 1.6% 7.6% 6.2% 10.2% 10.6%

3.1.3 Table 3.2 shows the employee distribution by job type as well as work location in 2011.

3.1.4 The Terminal Area is the main reporting to work location for employees at the airport with 57.3% of employees reporting to work there. The Terminal Area is the main reporting to work location for all job types with two exceptions. The main exception is the ‘Apron, Ramp, Cargo, Baggage Handling and Drivers’ of whom 571 (52.0%) are based in the Cargo Area and 415 (36.2%) report for work at the

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Terminal Area. Also the 47.4% of Information Technology employees are based in the Cargo Area compared to 36.8% at the Terminal Area. However, it should be noted that Information Technology job type only constitutes 0.2% of total employees.

3.1.5 Other key work locations include Enterprise House (12.4%), Cargo Area (8.5%) and Northside (7.0%). The main job types reporting to work at these locations are:

• Enterprise House – Air Cabin Crew (42.9% of staff at this location); • Cargo Area – Apron, Ramp, Cargo, Baggage Handling and Drivers (67.2% of staff at this location); and • Northside – Passenger Services, Sales and Clerical Staff (33.5% of staff at this location).

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Table 3.2 Distribution of Employees by Job Type and Work Location Overall Overall General General Clerical Staff Staff Clerical and Fire Staff Staff Fire and Housekeeping Housekeeping Air Cabin Crew Crew Cabin Air Flight Operations Operations Flight Handling and Drivers Drivers and Handling Catering, Cleaning and and Cleaning Catering, Security Access Control Access Security Airport/Airline Specific Specific Airport/Airline Maintenance Tradesmen Tradesmen Maintenance Information Technology Technology Information Pilots, Air Traffic Control, Control, Traffic Air Pilots, Security, Passenger Search, Search, Passenger Security, Management/Professional - - Management/Professional - Management/Professional Passenger Services, Sales and and Sales Services, Passenger Customs, Immigration, Police Police Immigration, Customs, Work Location Baggage Cargo, Ramp, Apron, Terminal 940 398 686 255 7 218 108 139 1,750 261 978 5,741 Cargo Area 0 571 3 0 9 25 66 36 103 0 38 850 Endeavour House 0 0 0 0 3 0 16 23 145 11 5 203 Enterprise House 484 1 5 187 0 14 71 105 122 221 32 1,241 Northside 0 11 9 0 0 179 57 115 232 94 5 703 Southgate 0 0 105 0 0 0 0 13 43 0 0 162 Taylor's End 0 66 68 0 0 54 27 25 33 3 7 282 Off Airport 0 0 11 0 0 13 0 25 41 6 0 95 Mid Stay Car Park 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 52 0 0 60 Long Stay Car Park 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 8 46 0 0 56 Long Border Road 0 8 0 0 0 24 8 15 13 0 0 68 Radisson Hotel + Car Rental returns and Gorefield Road 0 0 54 0 0 24 0 49 77 0 0 203 Hilton Hotel 0 0 50 0 0 3 0 36 8 0 0 98 Cooper's End Road 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 8 65 0 0 87 Fire Station 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 57 Control Tower 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 0 6 43 0 58 Forward Fuel Depot 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 52 Overall 1,424 1,098 1,008 493 19 560 355 610 2,735 647 1,066 10,016

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3.2 Home Location 3.2.1 Figure 3.1 shows the geographical distribution of airport employees that live in the study area (SESAM zones) in 2011.

3.2.2 82.3% of airport employees live in the study area and it can be seen from Figure 3.1 that the majority live east and north of the airport. Clusters of employees exist in the Bishop’s Stortford, Harlow, Brainstree and Haverhill areas and along the rail corridor to London Liverpool Street.

3.2.3 Table 3.3 gives a summary of all employee home locations by counties. Tables 3.3.1 to 3.3.7 gives more detailed breakdown of employee home locations by local authority.

The majority of airport employees live in Essex (53.7%) and Hertfordshire (27.6%). These are focussed on the local authority areas of , Braintree, and . 2,217 employees (22.1%) live in the town of Bishop’s Stortford and a significant 8.6% of employees live in Greater London.

Table 3.3 Summary – Employee Home Location by County

County Count % Essex 5,366 53.7% Hertfordshire 2,755 27.6% Greater London 862 8.6% Suffolk 350 3.5% Cambridgeshire 321 3.2% Other counties 209 2.1% Unitary Authorities 133 1.3% Outside UK/ Unknown 20 0.2% Total 10,016 100.0%

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Figure 3.1 Distribution of Employees by Home Location

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Table 3.3.1 Employee Home Location by County and Local Authority – Essex

Essex County (5,366 - 53.6% of 10,016 employees) Count % Uttlesford 1,898 19.0% Braintree 1,621 16.2% Harlow 682 6.8% 368 3.7% 263 2.6% Epping Forest 211 2.1% Tendring 87 0.9% 65 0.6% Rochford 52 0.5% Maldon 48 0.5% Brentwood 45 0.4% 28 0.3%

Table 3.3.2 Employee Home Location by County and Local Authority – Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire County (2,755 - 27.5% of 10,016 employees) Count % East Hertfordshire 2,506 25.0% Broxbourne 95 0.9% Welwyn Hatfield 55 0.5% North Hertfordshire 54 0.5% Stevenage 25 0.3% Watford 8 0.1% St Albans 6 0.1% Hertsmere 3 0.0% Dacorum 3 0.0%

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Table 3.3.3 Employee Home Location by County and Local Authority – Cambridgeshire

Cambridgeshire County (321 - 3.2% of 10,016 employees) Count % South Cambridgeshire 156 1.6% 71 0.7% East Cambridgeshire 47 0.5% Huntingdonshire 46 0.5%

Table 3.3.4 Employee Home Location by County and Local Authority – Suffolk

Suffolk County (350 - 3.5% of 10,016 employees) Count % St Edmundsbury 193 1.9% Babergh 59 0.6% Forest Heath 38 0.4% 27 0.3% Mid Suffolk 18 0.2% Suffolk Coastal 11 0.1% Waveney 5 0.1%

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Table 3.3.5 Employee Home Location by County and Local Authority – Greater London

Greater London (862 - 8.6% of 10,016 employees) Count % Redbridge 143 1.4% Newham 137 1.4% Waltham Forest 115 1.1% Havering 86 0.9% Enfield 85 0.8% Haringey 71 0.7% Hackney 36 0.4% Barking and Dagenham 34 0.3% Tower Hamlets 24 0.2% Barnet 21 0.2% Islington 16 0.2% Greenwich 14 0.1% Brent 11 0.1% Hounslow 11 0.1% Southwark 8 0.1% City of Westminster 8 0.1% Lambeth 5 0.1% Kensington and Chelsea 5 0.1% Sutton 5 0.1% Hillingdon 4 0.0% Wandsworth 3 0.0% Camden 3 0.0% Richmond Upon Thames 3 0.0% Bromley 3 0.0% Bexley 3 0.0% Croydon 3 0.0% Merton 3 0.0% Harrow 3 0.0% 3 0.0%

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Table 3.3.6 Employee Home Location by County and Local Authority – Other counties in

Other counties in England (209 - 2.1% of 10,016 employees) Count % Norfolk 55 0.5% Bedfordshire 36 0.4% Kent 29 0.3% Buckinghamshire 12 0.1% Lincolnshire 12 0.1% Northamptonshire 11 0.1% West Sussex 11 0.1% 8 0.1% Oxfordshire 8 0.1% East Sussex 6 0.1% Warwickshire 6 0.1% Cheshire 3 0.0% Nottinghamshire 3 0.0% Staffordshire 3 0.0% Hampshire 3 0.0% Durham 3 0.0%

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Table 3.3.7 Employee Home Location by County and Local Authority – Unitary Authorities

Unitary Authorities (133 - 1.3% of 10,016 employees) Count % Thurrock 40 0.4% Southend-on-Sea 28 0.3% Medway 16 0.2% Luton 8 0.1% Milton Keynes 7 0.1% Windsor and Maidenhead 6 0.1% City of Peterborough 5 0.1% Slough 5 0.1% Poole 3 0.0% Stockport 3 0.0% Wokingham 3 0.0% City of Portsmouth 3 0.0% Bath and North East Somerset 3 0.0% Brighton and Hove 3 0.0%

3.3 Household Size and Composition 3.3.1 31.1% of respondents live in two-person households. Three and four-person households also constitute a large proportion of the employees with 21.9% and 23.0% respectively as shown in Table 3.4 below.

3.3.2 The average number of persons per household in 2011 is 3.0.

Table 3.4 Total Household Size

Numbers of Persons in Household Count % 1 1,095 10.9% 2 3,119 31.1% 3 2,190 21.9% 4 2,303 23.0% 5 876 8.7% 6 283 2.8% 7 94 0.9% 8 or more 56 0.6% Total 10,016 100.0%

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3.3.3 Of these households 74.9% have no children under the age of 16. 13.0% and 9.7% of the households have 1 and 2 children under the age of 16 respectively. This is summarised in Table 3.5. The average number of children under 16 per household in 2011 is 1.06 per household.

Table 3.5 Number of Children under 16 in Household

Number of Children under 16 in Household Count % 0 7,501 74.9% 1 1,304 13.0% 2 968 9.7% 3 213 2.1% 4 27 0.3% 5 3 0.0% 6 or more 0 0.0% Total 10,016 100.0%

3.3.4 The number of adults in each household working at Stansted Airport is summarised in Table 3.6 below. The average number of airport employees per household is 1.43. A significant proportion (16.2%) has two adults employed at Stansted Airport.

Table 3.6 Number of Adults in Household working at Stansted Airport

Number of Adult Stansted Employees in Household Count % 0 33 0.3% 1 7,426 74.1% 2 1,626 16.2% 3 418 4.2% 4 273 2.7% 5 166 1.7% 6 or more 74 0.7% Total 10,016 100.0%

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3.4 Age, Disability, Ethnicity and Gender 3.4.1 The 25-34 years age band has the highest number of employees (32.0%) as shown in Figure 3.2.






1000 Number Employees of


0 16 – 24 years 25 – 34 years 35 – 44 years 45 – 54 years 55 – 64 years 65+ years (18.0%) (32.0%) (19.7%) (18.6%) (10.4%) (1.3%) Age band

Total: 10,016 employees (expanded) Figure 3.2 Employee Age Profile

3.4.2 As shown in Figure 4.5 this age band is also one of the least likely to have a car available on most days and therefore makes more use of public transport and other more sustainable modes to commute.

3.4.3 Figure 3.3 shows a gender profile by age bands. Females form a higher proportion of younger than older staff, forming 53.4% of 16-24 year olds, compared to 26.6% of 55-64 year olds.

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100% 90% 80% 70% 60% Female 50% Male 40% 30% Proportion Employees of 20% 10% 0% 16 – 24 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 65+ (1.3%) Total (18.0%) (32.0%) (19.7%) (18.6%) (10.4%) (100.0%) Age band

Total: 10,016 employees (expanded) Figure 3.3 Employee Gender Profile by Age Bands

3.4.4 Figure 3.4 shows a proportion of airport employees by ethnicity. 90.8% of employees are white, compared with 2.2% and 1.4% the next biggest ethnic minorities, Asian – Indian and Asian – Other, respectively. The smallest proportion is 0.2%, representing Asian – Chinese.

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Asian – Asian – Pakistani Bangladeshi (0.7%) Mixed Race (0.7%) Black Caribbean (1.0%) (0.5%)

Black Other Refused/Other (0.3%) (1.0%) Asian – Chinese Black African (0.2%) (1.1%) Asian – Other (1.4%)

Asian – Indian (2.2%)

White (90.8%)

Total: 10,016 employees (expanded) Figure 3.4 Proportion of Airport Employees by Ethnicity

3.4.5 1% of employees are registered as disabled, as shown in Table 3.7.

Table 3.7 Proportion of Airport Employees by Disability

Disability Count % Yes 99 1.0% No 9,917 99.0% Total 10,016 100.0%

3.5 Salary Group 3.5.1 As illustrated in Figure 3.5, more than 50% of employees earning less than £4,000 are on a short-term contract. Generally, as the salary increases this proportion falls. In total, 6.6% of all employees are on a short-term contract. 20.3% and 20.2% of all airport employees earn £20,000 to £25,999 and £11,000 to 15,999, respectively. 3% of employees refused to answer this question.

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Permanent Temporary/Seasonal











0% Under £4,000 to £7,000 to £11,000 to £16,000 to £20,000 to £26,000 to £34,000 to £40,000+ Refused Total £4,000 £6,999 £10,999 £15,999 £19,999 £25,999 £33,999 £39,999 (10.2%) (3.0%) (100.0%) (2.4%) (2.5%) (7.2%) (20.2%) (15.8%) (20.3%) (12.8%) (5.5%)

Total: 10,016 employees (expanded) Figure 3.5 Job Type Profile by Salary Ranges

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4 Employee Journey-to-Work Characteristics

4.1 Commute Frequencies 4.1.1 Employee commute patterns are summarised in Figure 4.1. 65.0% of employees work an average of 5 days per week. 0.3% of employees do not work a typical week.





30% Proportion Employees of 20%


0% 1-2 days (3.4%) 3-4 days (27.1%) 5 days (65.0%) 6 or more (4.2%) Never work a typical week (0.3%) Average Number of Days Worked Per Week

Total: 10,016 employees (expanded) Figure 4.1 Proportion of Employees by Commute Frequency

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4.2 Mode Shares 4.2.1 Table 4.1 summarises the historical commute mode share of airport employees between 2002/3 and 2011.

4.2.2 According to the 2011 survey data 77% of employees travelled into work by car either as drivers or passengers while 19.8% travelled by public transport.

Table 4.1 Employee Commuting Mode Shares in the 2002/3, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011

Mode 2002/3 2005 2007 2009 2011 Total Staff 10,590* 11,401* 11,770* 10,821§ 10,016§

Air 0.1% - - - - Bicycle 0.0% 0.1% 0.3% 0.4% 0.2% Car Driver 87.6% 78.6% 73.1% 71.7% 69.9% Car Passenger 4.1% 5.5% 6.3% 6.4% 7.1% Motorcycle 0.1% 0.5% 0.7% 1.0% 0.7% Other 0.1% 0.5% 0.2% 0.3% 0.1% Public Bus or Coach 2.7% 7.3% 10.0% 12.6% 12.2% Rail 4.3% 5.2% 6.4% 5.7% 7.6% Taxi 0.3% 1.4% 1.5% 1.0% 1.0% Walk 0.1% 0.3% 0.8% 0.2% 0.6% Works bus/other company transport 0.7% 0.4% 0.7% 0.7% 0.6%

Aggregated Modes Car Driver 87.6% 78.6% 73.1% 71.7% 69.9% Car Passenger 4.1% 5.5% 6.3% 6.4% 7.1% PT(rail and public bus) 7.0% 12.6% 16.4% 18.3% 19.8% Other 1.3% 3.2% 4.2% 3.6% 3.2%

Total Staff note: * Actual total § Expanded total

4.2.3 There is an evident increase over the years in the proportion of airport employees using public transport as their mode of travel to work. This is particularly evident in those using ‘public bus or coach’ mode of public transport, although since 2009 the rail share has also increased significantly.

4.2.4 There is also a decrease in the proportion of car driver mode commuters and an increase in car passenger mode (i.e. car sharing).

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4.2.5 3.2% of employees now use other modes to commute to work, reflecting increases since 2002/3 in the use of cycling, motorcycling and taxis for commuter trips, in spite of the fact that it has decreased from 2007 by 1%. Increases in car sharing and public transport use are likely factors for this fall.

Mode Share by Reporting to Work Location 4.2.6 As highlighted earlier, the majority of airport employees are car drivers. At Cargo Area, Endeavour House and Cooper’s End, Enterprise House, Northside, Taylors Road and Long Border Road, and, Elsewhere on and off airport, the car driver mode constitutes more than 80% of the mode share. The two lowest car driver shares are in Southgate and Terminal Area, 47.0% and 60.1% respectively, which is illustrated in Figure 4.2.

4.2.7 Overall, public transport use is highest for staff that report for work at the Terminal with 28.5% of them using public transport.

4.2.8 Southgate sees 42.6% of employees use public transport (rail, public bus or coach) as their main commute mode to work and only 47.0% of the employees at this location constitute the car driver mode. However, it should be noted that the staff in Southgate only constitute about 2.2% of the total number of employees at the airport.

4.2.9 Use of public bus or coach at the airport is highest (30.9%) among employees reporting to work in Southgate, followed by 16.9% of employees who report for work at the Terminal, 8.8% of employees at Endeavour House and Cooper’s End and 5.8 % of employees at Taylors End and Long Border Road. Rail trips by commuters are highest amongst staff who report for work in Southgate and the Terminal Area.

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Car Driver Car Passenger Public Bus or Coach Rail Other







40% Proportion Employees of




0% Cargo Area Endeavour Enterprise Northside Southgate Taylors End Terminal Area Elsewhere on Elsewhere off Total (100.0%) (9.1%) House and House (13.0%) (8.6%) (2.2%) and Long (59.3%) Airport (0.5%) Airport (1.0%) Cooper's End Border Road (2.9%) (3.5%) Reporting to Work Location

Total: 10,016 employees (expanded) Figure 4.2 Employee Mode Share by Reporting to Work Location

Mode Share by Job Type 4.2.10 The car driver constitutes 88.8% of journey to work trips for Management/Professional – Airport/Airline jobs, which represent 3.5% of all employees, as shown in Figure 4.3 below. Note that the car driver share is 100% for Information Technology job type, but this group only represents 0.2% of total airport employees. It also constitutes over 80% of journey to work trips in the following job types:

• Apron, Ramp, Cargo, Baggage Handling and Drivers • Maintenance Tradesmen • Management/Professional – General • Pilots/ATC/Flight Operations • Security, Passenger Search, Security Access Control

22 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc



80% Other Rail 70% Public Bus or Coach Car Passenger 60% Car Driver 50%


Proportion Employees of 30%



0% All (100.0%) (4.9%) (0.2%) (5.6%) (3.5%) Drivers (11.0%) Control (10.6%) Apron, Cargo, Ramp, - General (6.1%) - General Security, Passenger Police and Fire Staff Baggage Handling and Baggage (10.1%) Housekeeping Catering, Cleaning and Cleaning Catering, Immigration, Customs, Air Cabin Crew (14.2%) Search, Security Access Information Technology Information Maintenance Tradesmen Maintenance Flight OperationsFlight (6.5%) Passenger Services, Sales Services, Passenger and Clerical(27.3%) Staff - Airport/Airline Specific Pilots, AirPilots, Traffic Control, Management/Professional Management/Professional Job Type

Total: 10,016 employees (expanded) Figure 4.3 Mode Share by Job Type

4.2.11 Public bus/coach is used by 32.4% and 23.1% of the Catering Cleaning and Housekeeping and the Air Cabin Crew staff respectively. These two job types are also characterised by a high proportion of rail mode share (19.8% and 17.2% respectively). There has been a significant increase in car sharing among Air Cabin Crew but with a corresponding fall in the public bus or coach share.

4.2.12 Overall, the highest users of other modes (including walking and cycling) are Air Cabin Crew (28.1% of other mode users) and Catering, Cleaning and Housekeeping (27.4% of other mode users).

4.2.13 8.7% of Catering, Cleaning and Housekeeping Staff and 6.2% of Air Cabin Crew use other modes.

23 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc

Mode Share by Age 4.2.14 As observed in Figure 4.4 below, employees in younger age groups are more likely to use public transport with a bigger difference being observed especially in the use of public bus or coach mode. 56.9% of staff aged 16-24 commute as car driver compared to 89.3% of 55-64 year olds.





60% Other Rail 50% Public Bus or Coach Car Passenger 40% Car Driver Proportion of Mode 30%



0% 16 – 24 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 65+ (1.3%) All (100.0%) (18.0%) (32.0%) (19.7%) (18.6%) (10.4%) Age Group

Total: 10,016 employees (expanded) Figure 4.4 Mode Share by Age Group

4.2.15 The 16-24 age band is also least likely to have a car available on most days with 61.2% having a car available on most days compared to 65.3% of 25-24 age band, 86.9% of 35-44 age band, 90.8% of 45-54 age band, 91.9% of 55-64 age band and 92.3% of 65+ age band as shown in Figure 4.5.

4.2.16 This is an encouraging finding as the age bands 16-24 years and 25-34 years form 50% of all employees (see Section 3.4).

24 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc

100% 90% 80% 70%

60% Never 50% Occasionally 40% Most Days 30%

Proportion of Employees 20% 10% 0% 16 – 24 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 65+ All (18.0%) (32.0%) (19.7%) (18.6%) (10.4%) (1.3%) (100.0%) Age Group

Total: 10,016 employees (expanded) Figure 4.5 Car Availability by Age Group

4.3 Work Arrival and Departure Time Profiles 4.3.1 The profiles of work arrival and departure times are illustrated in Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7 respectively. The trends observed for both profiles in 2011 are very similar to those observed in the 2009 employee survey, as shown in the figures.

4.3.2 The arrival profile peaks before 0800 (although is less pronounced than in 2009) with a smaller peak of arrivals around midday, reflecting the start of afternoon shifts, as shown in Figure 4.6.

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30% 2011 2009

25% 2007 2002 1997 20% 1992 1986 15%

Proportion Employees of 1975



0% 0-6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time of day

Total: 10,013 employees (expanded) Missing: 3 employees (expanded) for 2011 Figure 4.6 Employee Work Arrival Time Profile

26 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc

4.3.3 The proportion of employees arriving during the traditional AM peak (0700-1000) continues to fall; it stands at 31.1% in 2011. This proportion has more than halved since the 1970s as shown in Table 4.2 below.

Table 4.2 Proportion of Airport Employees Arriving at Work in the AM Peak (0700-100), 1975-2011

Year of Survey 1975 1986 1992 1997 2002 2007 2009 2011 Airport Employees 1,376 1,614 3,784 6,610 10,590 11,770 10,859 10,231 AM Peak Proportion 69.3% 64.0% 51.9% 45.0% 39.9% 36.5% 34.5% 31.1%

4.3.4 The main departure time for airport employees is between 1600 and 1800 as shown in Figure 4.7. However, there are mini-peaks of employee departures during early afternoon and late evening.

4.3.5 The proportion of employees leaving work during the traditional peak time (of 1600-1900) is 32.1%. This proportion has also steadily decreased over the years although has increased since 2009. Figure 4.9.1 demonstrates that the distribution for the AM peak period between 0500 and 0900 in 2011 is smoother than those in 2009. The proportion of employees starting in the inter-peak period between 1100 and 1400 is about two thirds of those commencing in the AM peak period in 2011.

Table 4.3 Proportion of Airport Employees Leaving Work in the PM Peak (1600-1900), 1975-2011

Year of Survey 1975 1986 1992 1997 2002 2007 2009 2011 Airport Employees 1,376 1,614 3,784 6,610 10,590 11,770 10,859 10,231 PM Peak Proportion 57.4% 56.0% 45.7% 39.0% 36.8% 33.9% 30.1% 32.7%

4.3.6 Figure 4.8 shows a steady reduction until 2007 in the proportion of employees arriving and departing in the peak periods as the airport grew. Since then the employee numbers have reduced. The proportion of those arriving in the AM peak period (0700-1000) continues to reduce while those departing in the PM peak period (1600-1900) have increased slightly since 2009. Figure 4.10.1 demonstrates that the distributions for 2009 and 2011 are very similar except for a fall in the proportion finishing around lunchtime.

27 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc


20% 2011 2009 2007 15% 2002 1997 1992 10% 1986

Proportion of Employees 1975


0% 0-6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time of day

Total: 10,013 employees (expanded) Missing: 3 employees (expanded) for 2011 Figure 4.7 Work Departure Time Profile

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Figure 4.8 Variations in the Peak Proportions of Arriving and Departing Employees with the Size of the Airport

4.4 Arrival and Departure Time Profiles by Mode 4.4.1 Figure 4.9 shows that arrivals for car drivers peak in the AM peak between 0600 and 0800. However, the arrival peak for car passengers, public buses or coach and rail is between 0500 and 0700.

4.4.2 Figure 4.10 shows that the finish time for car driver clearly peaks between 1600 and 1800. There are very few departures before noon.

29 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc

Car Driver Car Passenger Public bus or coach Rail






6.0% Proportion employee of



0.0% 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (0.1%) (0.1%) (0.2%) (0.9%) (6.4%) (9.5%) (11.6%) (11.0%)(11.3%) (8.9%) (3.9%) (3.7%) (8.6%) (7.0%) (5.4%) (2.9%) (3.0%) (1.4%) (1.3%) (2.3%) (0.2%) (0.1%) (0.2%) (0.1%) Time (Hour beginning)

Total: 9,699 employees (expanded). Excludes 317 staff (expanded) using the other modes of travel Figure 4.9 Distribution of Employee Start Times by Commuting Mode

30 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc

2009 (%) 2011 (%)






6.0% Proportion employeesof (%)



0.0% 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Time (Hour beginning)

Total: 10,832 employees in 2009 and 10,016 in 2011 (both expanded) Figure 4.9.1 Distribution of Employee Start Times for 2009 and 2011

31 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc

Car Driver Car Passenger Public bus or coach Rail






Proportionemployee of 6.0%



0.0% 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (3.2%) (1.1%) (0.9%) (0.8%) (0.1%) (0.2%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.3%) (0.2%) (1.6%) (3.6%) (6.9%) (6.7%) (5.1%) (8.7%) (13.7%) (10.9%) (7.8%) (5.8%) (5.9%) (7.2%) (7.8%) Time (Hour beginning)

Total: 9,696 employees (expanded). Excludes 317 staff using the other modes of travel and 3 missing responses (both expanded) Figure 4.10 Distribution of Employee Finish Times by Commuting Mode

32 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc

2009 (%) 2011 (%)






6.0% Proportion employeesof (%)



0.0% 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Time (Hour beginning)

Total: 10,814 employees in 2009 and 10,013 in 2011 (both expanded) Excluded: 18 employees in 2009 and 3 in 2011 due to unknown or blank finish times (both expanded) Figure 4.10.1 Distribution of Employee Finish Times for 2009 and 2011

33 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc

5 Car Commuter Characteristics

5.1 Parking Location 5.1.1 There are employee car parks at various on Airport locations.. A number of these are provided as communal facilities which are controlled by STAL. These are located next to Enterprise House, in the Cargo Area and in the remote car park in Coopers End Road.

5.1.2 A clear policy of how car parking spaces are allocated is in place and the majority of new airport employees are provided with a space, if requested, in the remote car park at Coopers End. A rotation system is in operation whereby a space at Enterprise House is later offered, when it becomes available.

5.1.3 There are around 3,500 spaces in the employee car parks of which STAL controls about 50%.

5.1.4 A charge is made to airport companies who request an employee space in STAL controlled car parks. Some employers choose to pass this charge onto their employees.

5.1.5 Table 5.1 compares workplace locations and the location of car parks used by airport employees.

5.1.6 The majority of car drivers park adjacent to their workplaces as shown in the highlighted cells. The exception to this is staff who report for work in the Terminal Area, 71.6% of who park at Enterprise House. Also 56.6% of staff based elsewhere off Airport use the car park elsewhere on Airport.

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Table 5.1 Employee Workplace Location by Car Park Location

Work Location

Percentage of workers parked here that Car Park Location work here Cargo Area Area Cargo and Endeavour House EndCooper's House Enterprise Northside Southgate Road Border Airport on Elsewhere Airportoff Elsewhere Taylors End and Long Long End and Taylors Area Terminal Cargo Area 843 0 0 3 0 0 69 0 0 92.2% Endeavour House and Cooper's End 0 259 6 0 0 5 221 0 3 52.4% Enterprise House 0 0 1,119 5 2 3 2,808 0 3 28.4% Northside 0 0 11 719 9 0 23 0 3 94.1% Southgate 0 0 0 11 102 0 3 0 0 87.7% Taylors End and Long Border Road 0 0 0 0 0 308 21 0 0 93.6% Terminal Area 0 3 55 0 0 0 748 0 5 92.2% Elsewhere on Airport 3 0 3 4 2 0 17 52 51 40.0% Elsewhere off Airport 0 3 0 0 0 0 11 0 25 65.1% Percentage at this work location parked here 99.7% 97.9% 93.7% 96.8% 88.8% 97.5% 19.1% 100.0% 28.3% 55.4%

5.2 London Stansted Airport Car Share Scheme 5.2.1 The London Stansted Airport Car Share Scheme (CSS) was launched in 2002 and helps employees find car share partners by matching employee journeys to and from work with other employees who have similar work patterns.

5.2.2 CSS members are entitled to use designated car share bays which are located close to Enterprise House, Endeavour House and the Diamond Hangar. They also have a free Emergency Ride Home service if needed. Other incentives include special offers from local and national retailers.

5.2.3 There are nearly 1,300 members in the CSS which constitutes 12% of airport employees. 70.5% of airport employees are aware of the CSS. However, as shown in Figure 5.1 below 1,715 car users (17.1% of airport employees) are not aware of the scheme. This is in spite of STAL’s marketing and publicity of the scheme. The

35 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc

figure clearly shows that car share members may use other forms of travel (including public transport) to the airport on some days.





Other 4000 PT Car

No. of Employees 3000



0 No CSS knowledge Know about CSS CSS Member

Note: ‘Know about CSS’ also includes counts of ‘CSS Member’ so it is double-counted

Figure 5.1 Car Share Scheme Knowledge and Membership by Mode

5.2.4 Figure 5.2 shows the proportion of car drivers who are CSS members and car share compared to non-CSS members.

5.2.5 It is observed that 61.6% of airport employees who were carrying other airport employees as passengers are CSS members, i.e. the majority are members. This indicates that car sharing also takes place in car parks without designated car share spaces. Only 13.2% of airport employees who were sole drivers (that did not have another employee as a passenger) were Car Share Scheme members. This may reflect the fact that some CSS members did not car share on the day they were surveyed.

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60% Non-member 50% Member 40%




0% Sole Driver (91.6%) Carrying Passengers (8.4%)

Total: 5,493 employees (expanded) Excluded: 4,523 employees, who are not car drivers Figure 5.2 Proportion of Drivers Carrying Passengers

5.2.6 48.6% of car passengers are members of the Car Share Scheme as shown in Table 5.2 below. This is a significant increase on the 30.3% recorded in 2009. Rising fuel prices will be a contributing factor to this increase.

Table 5.2 Car Passenger Members of Airport Carshare Scheme

Car Passenger Membership of Airport Carshare Scheme Count % No 262 51.4% Yes 247 48.6% Total 509 100.0%

5.2.7 Although only 17.2% of car drivers are members of the Airport Carshare Scheme (as shown in Table 5.3), in terms of volumes of staff this is nearly four times the number of passengers who are members.

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Table 5.3 Car Driver Members of Airport Car Share Scheme

Car Driver Membership of Airport Carshare Scheme Count % No 4,547 82.8% Yes 946 17.2% Total 5,493 100.0%

5.2.8 8.2% of car drivers share their commute with another airport employee, as shown in Table 5.4. This comprises CSS and non-CSS members and is slightly lower than the 9% recorded in 2009.

Table 5.4 Car Drivers Sharing Car with another Airport Employee

Car Driver Sharing Car with Another Airport Employee Count % No 6,431 91.8% Yes 572 8.2% Total 7,003 100.0%

5.2.9 The breakdown of the number of car share passengers per car (excluding the driver) is shown in Table 5.5 below. 76.8% of car drivers who carried car passengers shared their car with one other person and 7.5% with more than 2 passengers.

Table 5.5 Number of Car Shares per Vehicle (Excluding Self)

Number of Other Airport Employees Sharing Car Count % 1 854 76.8% 2 175 15.7% 3 76 6.8% 4 8 0.7% Total 1,112 100.0%

38 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc

6 Public Transport Commuter Characteristics

6.1 Public Transport at London Stansted Airport 6.1.1 STAL has an overarching Strategy, namely the Airport’s Surface Access Strategy (ASAS) which sets out how it aims to increase public transport mode share for air passengers and employees. This is supported by a number of daughter documents such as the Bus and Coach Strategy and the Airport’s Travel Plan.

6.1.2 The airport’s bus, coach and rail stations, known as the Public Transport Interchange are located in the Central Terminal Area of the airport.

6.1.3 The Airport’s Rail Station is located beneath the Terminal and the Forecourt and is connected to the Terminal and the Bus and Coach Station by escalators, ramps and lifts. The Rail Station is managed by a Greater Anglia franchisee which includes the operation of the .

6.1.4 Stansted Express provides an from to the airport providing 4 trains an hour (15-minute frequency), 7 days a week. It operates between the hours of 0440 and 0030. The service stops at Hale rail station, an important interchange point with the Underground () and local bus and rail services.

6.1.5 Cross Country Trains also operates rail services to Cambridge, Peterborough and beyond to Birmingham. This operates up to hourly, 7 days a week between the hours of 0511 and 2325. An hourly rail service also operates off peak during the day linking the airport with Stratford (London) via stations including Bishop’s Stortford, Harlow Town, Cheshunt and Tottenham Hale.

6.1.6 The Bus and Coach Station is adjacent to the Rail Station and the Terminal and is connected to them via tunnel portals, ramps, escalators and lifts. The Bus and Coach Station is capable of handling over 5 million passengers per annum.

6.1.7 There are two broad categories of bus and coach services: express coach and local bus. A number of express coaches provide links with destinations in Central London, and East London (Stratford). Services are also available to Oxford, the Midlands, and Essex. Most operate hourly or more frequently

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operating 24 hours a day. Local bus services provide an alternative to the car for employees who live locally. They link the Airport with destinations including Bishop’s Stortford, Harlow, Stevenage, , Braintree, Colchester and Chelmsford.

6.1.8 The Airport Travel Card (see section 6.4 for more details) can be used on bus, coach and rail services for staff travelling to/from the airport. Also, the site is a free travel zone for staff on all buses.

6.2 Home Location 6.2.1 As shown in Figure 6.1, the home locations of employees using public transport mostly lie along the major bus and rail corridors.

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Figure 6.1 Distribution of Trip Origins (Home Location) of Employees Using Public Transport

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6.3 Interchanges 6.3.1 Figure 6.2 shows the number of interchanges between modes and services by main public transport mode used by airport employees to commute to work.

6.3.2 The majority of airport employees who use public transport to commute to work do not need to interchange between different services. 87.0% (1067 employees) of those who use the public bus or coach as their commute mode to work do not need to change between different services. For rail main mode commuters this is 76.1% (575 employees). Over 140 staff members who use public transport undertake an interchange between bus and rail.




1000 None More than 2 changes 800 Bus<>Rail change Rail change 600 Bus change Number of Employees



0 Public Bus or Coach (61.8%) Rail (38.2%) Public Transport Mode

Figure 6.2 Public Transport Service Interchanges by Main Mode

6.4 Airport Travel Card 6.4.1 The Airport Travel Card was introduced at Stansted Airport in 2000. It not only helps reduce airport employee cost of travel but also helps the airport towards meeting its Travel Plan targets and meet wider sustainability objectives.

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6.4.2 The Airport Travel Card provides unlimited public transport travel to employees, who have the choice of purchasing monthly or annual Airport Travel Cards. Prices vary according to geographical area and type of service covered by the card. Airport employees can purchase the Airport Travel Cards at the Airport Commuter Centre, online or by phone. Stansted Airport Ltd employees can apply for an interest free loan in order to purchase an annual Airport Travel Card.

6.4.3 Overall 17.5% of airport employees currently own an Airport Travel Card. 73.4% of airport employees who use public transport to commute to work have an Airport Travel Card. Figure 6.3 shows the proportion of employees who have an Airport Travel Card by average number of days worked per week. Airport employees who work 6 days or more per week are more likely to be members of the Airport Travel Card Scheme as shown in Figure 6.3 below. This is to be expected since the financial benefits of owning a card are higher with more frequent travel.

Do not have a Have a travelcard

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30%

ProportionEmployees of 20% 10% 0% 1-2 days (3.4%) 3-4 days 5 days (65.0%) 6 or more Never work a Total (100.0%) (27.1%) (4.2%) typical week (0.3%) Days Worked per Week

Figure 6.3 Employee Ownership of Travel Card by Days Worked

6.4.4 Figure 6.4 shows the level of awareness about the Travel Card Scheme among airport employees by mode of travel. The majority of the staff who use public transport (93.6%) are aware of the scheme whilst 28.2% of car commuters to the

43 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc

airport do not know of the scheme. The fact that some car commuters hold an Airport Travel Card (2.6%) suggests that these members of staff normally use public transport but travelled by car (as driver or sharer) on the day surveyed. 32.8% of users of ‘Other’ modes also have an Airport Travel Card.

6.4.5 Of the total 2,390 employees unaware of the scheme, 887 (8.9%) are based at the Terminal, 401 (4.0%) at the Cargo Area and 393 (3.9%) at Northside. By work location, the highest proportion of employees unaware of the scheme is based at the Hilton Hotel (71.4%), Northside (55.9%) and the Cargo Area (47.2%).

Do not know about Travel Card Know about Travel Card Have a Travel Card







4000 No. Employees of




0 Car PT Other Mode of Travel

Note: ‘Know about Travel Card’ also includes counts of ‘Have a Travel Card’ so it is double-counted

Figure 6.4 Travel Card Scheme Awareness by Mode of Travel

44 2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc

Appendix A: 2011 Travel Survey Questionnaire

2011 Stansted Airport Employee Travel Survey_Final Report_P.doc Staff Travel Survey Page 1

Ask: All Serial Number


Ask: All INTERV. Enter Interviewer Number


Ask: All DAY. Enter the date in figures of the month eg if tenth of month enter 10, if second enter 2


Ask: All MONTH. Enter the month in figures eg 5 = May, 6 = June


Ask: All WEEKDAY. Enter the day of the week

Sunday (15) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Ask: All JOBLOC. Good morning/afternoon. We're conducting a survey amongst airport staff about their employment characteristics and how they travel to work, could you tell me is Stansted Airport your main place of work?

Yes (16) No

Ask: All METHARR. Could you tell me how you arrived at the Airport today ... (Showcard A)

Car driver in private car (18-19) Car driver in company car Passenger in private car Passenger in company car Rail Public Bus or Coach Works bus/other company Taxi transport Walk Motorcycle Bicycle Other

Staff Travel Survey Page 2

Ask: Came in a car DRIVE. Did anyone else who works at the airport travel with you in the car today?

Yes (20) No

Ask: If yes to other airport workers in car WORKTOTAL. How many other airport workers travelled in the car today excluding yourself?


Ask: Ask all who drove car to work INHOUSE. How many of those are from your household?


Ask: Ask all who drove car to work DROPOFF. How many were dropped off at another location on the Airport before you parked the car?


Ask: Ask all who drove car to work WORKSAME. And how many work in the same building or at the same location on the Airport as yourself?


Ask: Ask all car passengers DRIVHOUSE. Is the driver from your household?

Yes (25) No

Ask: Ask all car passengers LOCPARK. Were you dropped off at another location on the Airport before the driver parked his/her car today?

Yes (26) No

Ask: Ask all car passengers DRIVSAME. And does the driver work in the same building or at the same location on the Airport as yourself?

Yes (27) No

Staff Travel Survey Page 3

Ask: All drivers and passengers parking car CARPARK. Which car park is the car usually parked in?

Enterprise House (28-29) Endeavour House Cargo Area Terminal Extension Cooper's End Ar Park Taylor's End Diamond Hangar Northside Southgate (inc, McD, BP, Express Hot) Short Stay Car Park Mid Stay Car Park Long Stay Car Park Radisson Hotel/Gorefield Road/Inviron/Columbia House Control Tower Fire Station Airside Cooper's End Road Car Rental Area (Radisson) Taxi Rank at Terminal Start Hill Depot Long Border Road Hangar 10 Hilton Hotel Bury Lodge Hotel Elsewhere on Airport Elsewhere off Airport Don't know

Ask: Ask all not travelling to work by car NONCARUSER. Which of these statements best applies to you? (Showcard B)

I had to change between 2 rail I had to change between 2 bus services en-route (30) services en-route I had to change between a bus I made 2 or more changes and a rail service en-route between services en-route None of the above

Ask: All CAROFTEN. From this card, can you tell me how often a car is available to you for driving yourself to work? (Showcard C)

Most days (31) Occasionally Never

Staff Travel Survey Page 4

Ask: All JOB. What is your job title please? Probe job description and use list to categorise

Pilots, Air Traffic Control, Flight Air Cabin Crew (32-33) Operations Apron, Ramp, Cargo, Baggage Catering, Cleaning and Handling and Drivers Housekeeping Customs, Immigration, Police and Fire Staff Information Technology Management/Professional - Maintenance Tradesmen Airport/Airline Specific Management/Professional - Passenger Services, Sales and General Clerical Staff Security, Passenger Search Other

Ask: Job description JOBDESCRIP. Please describe your job


Ask: All EMPLOYER. and who is your employer?

Easyjet (64-65) London Stansted Airport - BAA Menzies Servisair Servisair Cargo Swissport Autogrill - WDF Aviance Boots the Chemist Border and Immigration Agency ISS Fedex Harrods Aviation HM Revenue & Customs Inflite National Express NATS - Control Tower Ponti's Radisson SR Technics TRG - The Restaurant Group TTT Moneycorp UPS WH Smith Other

Staff Travel Survey Page 5

Ask: Write in Employer's name EMPLYENTER. Employer Write in name of organisation the person works for


Ask: All TIMESTART. Are you just about to report to work, just finishing or part way through your working day?

Just starting work (96) Just finishing work Part way through my working day

Ask: All TIMEYEST. At what time are you starting work....did you start work today/yesterday? Enter hour started work in 24 hour format


Ask: All TIMEYEST1. ... and the minutes ...


Ask: All REPTODAY. Where did you report for work today? (Showcard D)

Terminal (101) Cargo Area Endeavour House Enterprise House Northside Southgate Taylors End Off Airport Other

Ask: Write in reporting location REPOTHER1. Where did you report to work? Enter building name or location at airport


Staff Travel Survey Page 6

Ask: All FINTIMETOD. At what time do you expect to finish work today/tomorrow? Enter hour using 24 hour clock


Ask: All FINTIMETOD1. ... and the minutes ....


Ask: All DAYSWORK. How many days do you work in a typical week?

1-2 days (136) 3-4 days 5 days Never work a 6 or more typical week

Ask: All MAYEMPLOY. Were you already employed at Stansted Airport on Tuesday 3rd May?

Yes (137) No Don't know

Ask: Employed at airport on 3rd May REPWORK. Did you report for work at the Airport on that day?

Yes (138) No Don't know/Can't remember

Ask: All PERMTEMP. Are you a permanent or temporary/seasonal member of staff?

Permanent (139) Temporary/Seasonal

Ask: All SALARY. Could you indicate which salary range you fall into including any overtime payments but excluding personal allowances? (Showcard E)

Under £4,000 (140-141) £4,000 to £6,999 £7,000 to £10,999 £11,000 to £15,999 £16,000 to £19,999 £20,000 to £25,999 £26,000 to £33,999 £34,000 to £39,999 £40,000+ Refused

Ask: All TRAVELCARD. Are you aware of the Travel Card Scheme

Yes (142) No

Staff Travel Survey Page 7

Ask: Aware of Travel Card Scheme TCARDY. Are you a Travel Card holder?

Yes (143) No

Ask: All SHAREAW. Are you aware of the Airport Carshare Scheme?

Yes (144) No

Ask: Aware of Car Share Scheme SHAREMEM. Are you a Car Share member?

Yes (145) No

Ask: All HOUSEHOLD. How many people are in your household including yourself? (includes any people who share a house and it's facilities)


Ask: All HOUSECHILD. ... and how many of those are children under 16?


Ask: All HOUSESTAL. and how many of those are adults working at Stansted Airport again including yourself?


Ask: All ETHNIC. Which of these ethnic groups do you belong to? Showcard F

White (152-153) Asian - Bangladeshi Asian - Chinese Asian - Indian Asian - Pakistani Asian - Other Black African Black Caribbean Black Other Mixed Race Refused/Other

Ask: All AGE. Can you please indicate which of the following age groups you come into (Showcard Age)

16 - 24 years (154) 25 - 34 years 35 - 44 years 45 - 54 years 55 - 64 years 65 and over

Staff Travel Survey Page 8

Ask: All POSTKNOW. Can you tell me your postcode

Yes (155) No

Ask: For those respondents who know their post code? POSTCODE. What is your home post code


Ask: For those who don't know their post code HOMETOWN. Enter the home town and village/area or road


Ask: All DISABLED. And finally, are you registered as disabled?

Yes (193) No Refused

Ask: All INTERV1. Thank you Thank you for your time - have a good day

Ask: All GENDER. Enter gender

Male (195) Female

Ask: All TIMEHOUR. Enter Hour of Interview


Ask: All TIMEMINS. Enter time of interview - minutes
