Thursday, June 5, 2014. 9:00 a.m. Grace E. Simons Lodge 1025 Elysian Park Drive, LosAngeles, CA 90012

Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority (the "Authority")

AGENDA POSTED: May 30, 2014 Complete agendas are made available for review at the designated meeting location during normal business hours and may also be accessible on the Authority's website at


1. William T Fujioka, Chair, CEO, County of Los Angeles 2. Kim Raney, Police Chief, City of Covina, representing At Large Seat 3. Scott Pickwith, Police Chief, representing the Los Angeles County Police Chiefs Association 4. Ron lizuka, Captain-Police Department, City of Culver City, representing At Large Seat 5. Mark R. Alexander, City Manager, representing the California Contract Cities Association 6. Reginald Harrison, Deputy City Manager, City of Long Beach 7. Miguel Santana, CAO, City of Los Angeles 8. Gregory L. Simay, Assistant General Manager, City of Burbank Water & Power, representing At Large Seat 9. Bill Walker, Fire Chief, representing the Los Angeles Area Fire Chiefs Association 10. James G. Featherstone, lnterim Fire Chief, City of Los Angeles 11. Charles L. Beck, Vice Chair, Police Chief, City of Los Angeles 12. Daryl L. Osby, Fire Chief, County of Los Angeles 13. Dr. Mitchell H. Ra!z, Director, DHS, County of Los Angeles 14. Gerry F. Miller, Chief Legislative Analyst, City of Los Angeles 15. Steven K. Zipperman, Police Chief, Los Angeles School police Department 16. LeRoy J. Jackson, City Manager, City of Torrance, representing At Large Seat 17. John Scott, Sheriff, County of Los Angeles


1. Patrick Mallon, Executive Director 2. John Naimo, County of Los Angeles Auditor-Controller 3. Mark J. Saladino, County of Los Angeles Treasurer and Tax Collector 4 Patricia Saucedo, Board Secretary /2.-\ ('á3¿i Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority AGENDA D'\\t/, LA.RICS


1. May 7,2014 Regular Meeting Minutes Attachment: ltem I lV. CONSENT CALENDAR - (None) v. REPORTS (2-5) 2. Committee Reports - (None) 3. Director's Report - Pat Mallon 4. Project Manager's Report - Pat Mallon Attachment: ltem 4 5. Grant Status Report - Pat Mallon Vl. DISCUSSION ITEMS - (None) Vll. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (6-8)- Pat Mallon


It is recommended that your Board:

Delegate authority to the Executive Director to (a) Execute an Amendment, substantially similar in form to Attachment A, to Agreement No. LA-RICS 008 Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System - Public Safety Broadband Network ("PSBN") System with Motorola Solutions, lnc. ("Motorola") to exercise the Unilateral Options for all Work pertaining to Phase 2 and Phase 3, for a total Contract Sum of $91 ,972,723', (b) to issue one or more notices to proceed for ordering equipment necessary for Phase 3; and (c) to issue one or more Notices to Proceed to Motorola for Phase 2 site work, but only after receipt of the required NEPA and other Federal approvals for the sites for which the Notice to Proceed are being issued.

Attachments: ltem 6, A-B

June 5, 2014 Page 2 (gr) Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority AGENDA D'\\r/, LA-RICS


It is recommended that your Board:

a. Approve an increase to the Maximum Contract Sum in a not to exceed amount of $306,600, which will increase the Maximum Contract Sum amount from $30,179,665 to $30,486,265. b. Delegate authority to the Executive Director as follows: i. Finalize and execute Amendment No. 11 with Jacobs, substantially similar to Attachment A; and, ii. Approve an addition to the contract's scope of work to allow Jacobs to engage and perform certain environmentalwork including, but not limited to, providing Cultural Resources assistance work to the Authority as set forth in the scope of work and adjust the Statfìng Plan accordingly.

Attachments: ltem 7, A-C


It is recommended that your board:

Delegate authority to the Executive Director to Execute an Agreement, substantially similar in form to Attachment A, with the County to allow the Authority to use the County's Shared Frequencies to design, test, implement, and operate the LMR System.

Attachment: ltem 8 Vlll. CLOSED SESSION REPORT - (None) lX. MISCELLANEOUS - (None) X. PUBLIC COMMENTS XI. ITEMS FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION BY THE BOARD Xll. ADJOURNMENT and NEXT MEETING: Thursday, July 3, 2014, at 9:00 a.m., at the Grace E. Simons Lodge.

June 5, 2014 Page 3 /2.^\ ('r,j)l Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority AGENDA D-\\t/, LA.RICS


Members of the public are invited to address the LA-RICS Authority Board on any item on the agenda prior to action by the Board on that specific item. Members of the public may also address the Board on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. The Board will entertain such comments during the Public Comment period. Public Comment will be limited to three (3) minutes per individual for each item addressed, unless there are more than ten (10) comment cards for each item, in which case the Public Commentwill be limited to one (1) minute per individual. The aforementioned limitation may be waived by the Board's Chair.

(NOTE: Pursuant to Government Code Secfion 54954.3(b) the legislative body of a local agency may adopt reasonable regulations, including, but not limited to, regulations limiting the total amount of time allocated for public testimony on particular lssues and for each individual speaker.)

Members of the public who wish to address the Board are urged to complete a Speaker Card and submit it to the Board Secretary prior to commencement of the public meeting. The cards are available in the meeting room. However, should a member of the public feel the need to address a matter while the meeting is in progress, a card may be submitted to the Board Secretary prior to final consideration of the matter.

It is requested that individuals who require the services of a translator contact the Board Secretary no later than the day preceding the meeting. Whenever possible, a translator will be provided. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability, you are advised to make your request at least 72 hours prior to the meetinq vou wish to attend. (323) 881-8291 or (323) 881-8295


The meeting is recorded, and the recording is kept for 30 days.


Grace E. Simons Lodge 1025 Elysian Park Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Board Members Present: William "'B¡ll" T Fujioka Chair, CEO, County of Los Angeles Kim Raney, Police Chief, City of Covina, representing At Large Seat Mark R. Alexander, City Manager, City of La Cañada Flintridge, representing the Contract Cities Association Reginald "Reggie" Harrison, Deputy City Manager, City of Long Beach Gregory "Greg" L. Simay, Assistant General Manager, City of Burbank Water & Power, representing At Large Seat Bill Walker, Fire Chief, City of Alhambra, representing the Los Angeles Area Fire Chiefs Association Daryl L. Osby, Fire Chief, County of Los Angeles Gerry F. Miller, Chief Legislative Analyst, City of Los Angeles LeRoy J. Jackson, City Manager, City of Torrance, representing At Large Seat

Representatives For Board Members Present: Patricia "Patty" J. Huber, representing Miguel Santana, for the City of Los Angeles Chief Administrative Office Ronnie Villanueva, representing James G. Featherstone, for the City of Los Angeles Fire Department Sandy Jo MacArthur, representing Charles "Charlie" L. Beck, Vice Chair, for the City of Los Angeles Police Department Cathy Chidester, representing Dr. Mitchell H. Katz, for the County of Los Angeles Depadment of Health Services Matias Farfan, representing Gerry Miller, for the City of Los Angeles Chief lnformation Office Nancy L. Ramirez, representing Steven K. "Steve" Zipperman, forthe Los Angeles School Police Department David Betkey, representing, John Scott, for the County of Los Angeles Sheriff Department

Officers Present: Pat Mallon, I-A-RICS Executive Director Rachelle Anema, representing John Naimo, Auditor-Controller, County of Los Angeles Patricia Saucedo, Board Secretary


Scott Pickwith, Police Chief, City of La Verne, representing the Los Angeles County Police Chiefs Association Ron lizuka, Police Captain, City of Culver City, representing At Large Seat Mark J. Saladino, Treasurer and Tax Collector, County of Los Angeles


Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority

I. CALL TO ORDER ll. ANNOUNCE QUORUM - RollCall Chair Bill Fujioka made an acknowledgement that a quorum was present. ilr. APPROVAL OF MTNUTES - (r-2)

1. February 20,2014 SpecialMeeting Minutes 2. April 3, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes Board Member LeRoy Jackson, seconded by Alternate Board Member Patty Huber motioned to approve the Minutes. The Board's consensus was unantmous. Ayes: 15 - Raney, Alexander, Harrison, Huber, Simay, Walker, Fujioka, Villanueva, Mac Arthur, Osby, Chidester, Farfan, Ramirez, Jackson, Betkey MOTION APPROVED. lV. CONSENT CALENDAR - (None) v. REPORTS - (ffi) 3. Committee Reports a. Finance Committee - Stephen Sotomayor Finance Committee Chair Stephen Sotomayor reported that the committee held two special meetings to cover the topic of the Funding Plan. Discussion mainly focused on options for the capital replacement cost and what level of funding is appropriate. At the last committee meeting, the consultant was asked to run different scenarios to help us optimize the best choice, the point at which those costs should be payable, and at what level should they be funded. That will be discussed in the next meeting. ln addition, numerous comments were received on the Funding Plan. Those comments are included in your packet today. The committee has reviewed the comments submitted by Beverly Hills, but has not reviewed allcomments received. Chair Bill Fujioka stated that a discussion on the proposed Funding Plan along with public comments from a number of entities, will take place later in the meeting. b. Legislative Committee - No Report c. Operations Committee - No Report d. Technical Committee - No Report 4. Director's Report - Pat Mallon

Executive Director Mallon provided an update of the LTE Pro¡ect and stated that Motorola and the LA-RICS Team have been aggressively pursuing site assessments. To date, we have completed initial assessments of all County and LA City sites. We are in the process of conducting secondary site visits and are awaiting "Right of Entry" permits on all sites to conduct test borings to determine ground stability for the monopole foundations. We have not been able to schedule visits so far on a total of 34 of the 231 sites. Gaining approval for the Right of Entries is critical to moving these sites foruvard. We are very quickly getting to a point where we are going to need to start dropping sites.

Chair Bill Fujioka asked for a list of those sites and instructed staff to fonruard the list of sites to Members.

May 7,2014 Page 2 AGENDA ITEM I /.\ BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES (8li Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority D'\\r/, LA-RICS

Executive Director Mallon stated that Chief Osby, Chief Walker, Chief Betkey and I met with Acting General Manager TJ Kennedy from FirstNet and some of the FirstNet team on Tuesday, April29, 2014. That meeting was to follow up on some discussions with then General Manager Bill D'Agostino (who has since resigned) to determine what FirstNet's direction is and how l.A- RICS LTE system can fold seamlessly into the FirstNet vision. We were not able to get any additional information. ln essence, I-A-RICS is moving foruvard on its own and hopes that what we're building will meet with what FirstNet ultimately determines to be their direction. Chair Fujioka asked if FirstNet stated, in general, "Proceed? Don't wait for us?" Pat Mallon stated, yes. Chair Fujioka stated, that's a critical point.

Executive Director Mallon went on to state that following our meeting of last month when NTIA reported to us their concerns about LTE and LA-RICS being able to complete the LTE project within the Grant Performance Period, on Monday, April 28, 2014, we received official notice from NTIA that we were being placed into a "Corrective Action Plan (CAP)" status. The CAP is essentially a probationary period wherein if certain milestones are not met, that this can affect our grant funding. There are three areas of concern that were outlined in the CAP. One is the environmental documentation. As previously reported, we've had some issues with quality controlfrom our environmental consultant. We have worked through those concerns. NTIA is now requiring that the Biological Assessment be completed no later than May 9,2014. A draft was submitted to them on Monday, May 5, 2014. The Final Environmental Assessment must be submitted not later than Friday, May 16, 2014. Failure to comply with either date may result in a suspension of our grant. The LA-RICS team and Jacobs have been closely monitoring compliance with this element of the CAP.

NTIA recognizes that the LA-RICS JPA Agreement requires that a Funding Plan must be adopted before any construction and they recognize that the Plan is on the "Critical Path" for us from a scheduling perspective. NTIA has set a hard date of June 5, 2014 for the adoption of the Funding Plan. lf the Funding Plan is not adopted by that date, there is a strong likelihood that our project will be defunded.

ln submission of a LA-RICS Project Management Plan, including phased deployment, their interest is that they want to insure suitable coverage in a perhaps smaller geographical area and thus avoid coverage that would look like "Swiss Cheese". We have been working with Motorola to develop a deployment strategy that will still allow us to build all231 sites and not slight any specific area in the interest of some others. We are ready to submit a draft of our deployment plan right now. Also, FirstNet has provided one of their staff to work with us on the plan and so far that individual seems to be pleased with our deployment strategy.

As of today, the total LTE contract value remains at $175,583,275. Two amendments have been approved by your Board, one on March 6,2014 and one on April 2,2014. There has been no change to the term or price of the Contract.

On the LMR project, we are continuing to work with Motorola to identify site specific issues. The Jacobs Team is moving fon¡vard quickly to assemble the Environmental lmpact Report. We have nearly completed the requisite biological and historical site analysis. Our goal is to have the EIR complete and be able to have it submitted in the December timeframe. I have asked that any acceleration that is possible be pursued.

ln reference to the LMR Contract, Amendments 1, 3 and 4 have been approved by your Board. Amendment 2, 5 and 6 were done under your delegated authority. To date, $36,301,206 has been committed to the project in Phase L The Total Maximum Contract Sum, with Amendments 1 through 6 is $288,074,669. An Amendment#7 is presented for your consideration on today's agenda.

l,[iay 7 ,2014 Page 3 AGENDA ITEM I //¡\\ BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES \tßl Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority D'\\t/, LA-RICS

As mentioned under the LTE Project, we are still continuing our outreach to member cities and we'll soon be following that up on any of the LMR sites.

Chair Bill Fujioka stated, before we get to item 10, l'd like to mention that last week as part of the LA County delegation, Chief Walker, Chief Osby and other Public Safety Personnel went to Washington, DC to meet with various Officials. NTIA stated that right now, this is the deadline. This is the absolute deadline. And, they are saying, unless that legislation is changed, this is the absolute deadline. We are looking at a legal strategy that could extend the funding beyond the current deadline. The problem is, they're dealing with Office of Management and Budget (OMB). And, the money that is not spent, they want to sweep it, in general. OMB is looking at sweeping not just our money, bu| any unspent grant dollars. But we looked at the legislation and we think there is a possibility there. ln meeting with Larry Strickling, his approach is a little bit different than from the representatives who came here. I believe there is willingness; but, their hands are tied. We subsequently met with a number of members of Congress to ask that they reach out to our Senators to say, "What can we do?" The first approach is to get a letter of support from our delegation, the whole of the Los Angeles delegation, to say, "Keep this funding intact." We impressed upon them that this isn't just one entity. This is a County of 88 cities, and we're going to stand as a group. Now the letter from the members of Congress and I hope from the two Senators will ask for that extension. We might also reach out to the White House. I also was in a meeting with Mr. Mayorkas, who is the Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security regarding funding for the LMR project. We asked that the annual grant appropriation be for a three-year term, The annual grant cycles just don't work. But, a dedicated grant for this with a specified dollar amount is a good way to go. What we have to do to make any of this work, is to show movement, to show positive movement; get our sites done, get some construction started. A promise is one thing; a demonstrated performance is something entirely different. We also met with FEMA and I asked a very specific question, "Could UASI money be used for equipment?" His answer was, yes, it is an eligible expense. Now, he did qualify that by saying there were some concerns with radios. But, he did not say no. Also, if we can get FEMA approval to use our grant funds for maintenance, the funding plan will be impacted. A huge part of the Funding Plan is system maintenance. But, they did clarify that we can use UASI funds for equipment.

(Taken Out of Sequence) Pat Mallon stated that as part of Agenda ltem 10: Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Authority is currently finalizing preparation and submittal of an Environmental Assessment (EA) to the lead federal agency, the National Telecommunications & lnformation Administration (NTIA), as well as other federal agencies with approval/permitting authority. When the EA is submitted, it will be posted on the Authority's website.

Board Member LeRoy Jackson had a comment on the previous item. He wanted to know, if we modify the service area to avoid the Swiss Cheese coverage, will that have a dramatic impact upon or what is the definition of a dramatic impact upon the funding plan because of the change in coverage? Bill Fujioka stated, lf we have to start overwith the funding plan, then we may have another 60-day period. We're running out of time. We are going to try and do it in a way that complies with the grant requirements, without triggering a substantial change that would impact our ability to actually benefit from the grant.

Mr. Jackson stated, "What I am asking is, if you modify the service area, you affect the funding plan? lf you don't, then you may be in default with the grant. Executive Director Mallon responded that in our deployment strategy, we are avoiding eliminating any areas. ln our discussions with NTIA, they said what is your Plan B? And, your Plan B should be a build out in the City of Los Angeles and the County. And, I was very quick to advise him that we have 86 Members of the Authority, one is the City and one is the County, and we're not going to forego coverage in 84 cities for the benefit of two. ln the development strategy, we have divided the County up into six general areas. Our intent is to provide full coverage based on the number of LTE sites available.


Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority

5. Project Manager's Report - Pat Mallon Executive Director Mallon stated that the Jacob's Report is included in your agenda as item #5, and includes the Motorola report.

6. Grant Status Report - Pat Mallon Executive Director Pat Mallon stated there has been one change in the grant allocation since my last report. That is regarding SHSGP'10 grantfunds. lt has been increased by $1,351,58+ bringing the total allocation to $5,029,572. And that is part of your agenda packet as Agenda Item #8. vr. DtscusstoN |TEM (7) 7. Comments Received - Draft Proposed Funding Plan a. Matrix b. City of Beverly Hills Letter c. City of Rancho Palos Verdes Letter d. City of Long Beach Letter e. City of Signal Hill and Response from LA-RICS

Executive Director Mallon stated that as a separate item to your agenda, we received the last comment letter late last night and we revised this item early this morning. The bulk of comments were previously reported and we have a comprehensive list of the issues that were raised by member cities and our responses to them.

Chair Bill Fujioka asked if the Funding Plan is set in stone. Pat Mallon advised that it is not, and it can be amended. Chair Fujioka continued, "lf it's amended, in a substantial way, does it go back to the Members for comment?" Pat Mallon stated, not necessarily, the JPA Agreement does not require the Board to send out the Funding Plan again if it is revised, and neither does it prohibit the Board from sending it out for comment if it chooses too The Board can adopt the Funding Plan, and once it's released, then members have a minimum 35 days to opt out. lf there is an amendment to the Funding Plan after it is adopted, the members have 45 days to opt out. One of the major concerns that we've heard, particularly as it pertains to the LMR system, is that we have projected that we can build out the infrastructure on grant funds. And, the big concern is that since the LMR system is not scheduled to be activated unltl2017 , if a member does not opt out today, are they then stuck to perhaps an unfunded liability if grant funds were to dry up before we complete it? And the answer to that simply is, "No, they're not." The contract has been set up to require this Board to approve moving from Phase to Phase. We cannot do that without reporting to you whether we have the available funds. And, if we have a cut-off of the grant funding and we have an unfunded liability that results in a significant change in the financial obligations to the members, we would have to bring back an amended Funding Plan for the Board's consideration. At that point, members have not less than 45 days to opt out. Additionally, since the LMR system is still in development, we don't know the exact number of sites that will ultimately be used. We initially started out with 88, but we are examining some alternate sites. We will not know, until we complete the detailed design, exactly how many sites and what or how that will impact infrastructure maintenance costs. Our recommendation is that when we issue an amended Funding Plan, once those costs are known, we would give members the option to opt out at that point.

Board Member Mark Alexander stated I recognize that we're probably going to be asked to adopt the Funding Plan at our May 28,2014 Special meeting. A question that I would like to ask, to have County Counsel respond to, as I recognize that the JPA provides for a 35 day opt out period


Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority

following the adoption of the Funding Plan. The question I have for County Counsel is whether this Board can extend that 35 day to some longer period of time. Truc Moore, Counsel of the Authority stated, yes, the JPA Agreement provides the minimum time period of 35 days. lt is in discretion of our Board to extend that.

Board Member Greg Simay stated, I think our fundamental problem is the need to adopt a Funding Plan to allow the construction phase and to hold on to the BTOP grant funds. But for that, I think we would probably be having this discussion at this time next year when we're going from the design to the construction phase for LMR system. And, this is a question that maybe Counselcouldhelpwith. Canyouhaveafinanceplanthatlimitsitselftothedispositionofthe BTOP money that we have now without obligating its membership to the LMR system? Truc stated, it would depend on how we structure the Funding Plan. Right now, the addendum to the draft Funding Plan contemplates something like that for LMR where the recovery of the LMR costs is delayed until a later date. The only thing we need to keep in mind is that the JPA Agreement contemplated one Funding Plan. But, it does not prohibit the Funding Plan from having phased implementation. The Board could adopt a Funding Plan that accounted for some funding structure for LTE and then write into the terms of the Funding Plan, delayed collection of costs on LMR or a requirement that the LMR cost be looked into and revised at the time that the LMR system is ready to be turned on. Greg Simay continued, l'm thinking you can have a Funding Plan that says, "Within next year on the LMR we're going to continue to use funds for the design and such other purposes for LMR. For BTOP, if it can be structured so that anyone signing on to the plan is not obligating themselves to anything other than the disposition of the existing grant funds, then you'd do your real finance plan, between now and next Spring to get ahead of the construction deadline for the LMR. ln other words, what is the minimal finance plan that we can have that avoids some of the difficulty brought up in the comments that would still qualify as enough of a finance plan to satisfy NTIA and allow the construction phase for BTOP to begin? Truc stated, the JPA Agreement does not prescribe any other requirement for the Funding Plan other than to have a Funding Plan that meets the minimum requirements in the JPA Agreement, including providing for use of the system by the members, and that allows for maximum participation. The Board has quite a bit of discretion to determine for itself what is a feasible Funding Plan and then maybe as time moves on, to revise that Funding Plan accordingly. Now on LMR, the Board has a little bit more protection than in LTE, because LTE has a cash match requirement. But on LMR, it is expected to be fully paid for by grant funds without a cash match requirement, and the way that the Board approved the LMR contract and set up the phases, the Executive Director's authority is that no work can proceed without the appropriate grant funds being available. lf it turns out that you lose your grant funds, no work could have had occurred, so there would be no liability except for what was already authorized by the Board that was covered by the grant funds, and the basic cost to run the JPA. At the end of the day, the rule that the Board adopted for itself when it adopted the LMR agreement was that no work could occur until available funds were in place. Chair Fujioka also stated, the plan we adopt right now is not set in stone. lt is flexible enough so that as other developments occur, and we are able to get additional grant funds, then it would be revised. But we need to get something in place. We can be flexible and limber enough to modify it to fit our needs. vil. ADMINISTRATTVE MATTERS (8-9)

8. Approve Amendment No. Seven for Agreement No. LA-RICS 007 for Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System - Land Mobile Radio System It is recommended that your Board:

L Find that approval and execution of Amendment No. Seven for the purchase and use of Radio Equipment for Agreement No. LA-RICS 007 is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as it is not a project under CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections r5378(bX2) and (b)(5), and 15061 (bX3).

l.ïay 7 ,2014 Page 6 AGENDA ITEM I /r.^\ qil/ BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority Da\\r/, LA-RICS

2. Approve an increase to the total contract amount by $5,177,0S1 increasing the Maximum Contract Sum from $282,897,618 to $288,074,669.

3. Approve Amendment No. Seven to Agreement No. LA-RICS 007 for the LMR System, in substantially similar form, to Attachment A to allow the Authority to purchase the Radio Equipment.

4. Delegate authority to the Executive Director to complete negotiations with Motorola and execute Amendment No. Seven to Agreement No. LA-RICS 007 for the LMR System, substantially similar to Attachment A once the parties have agreed to warranty and service requirements for the Radio Equipment that is acceptable to the Executive Director.

Executive Director Mallon read the details of Agenda ltem 8. This item pertains to the grant deadline for the expenditure of SHSGP funds. We were also contacted by the SHSGP Approval Authority staff to see if we could expend an additional $1.3 million dollars that was left unspent on other projects funded through SHSGP'10. We immediately responded that we had a significant need for radio equipment amongst the members and sought and received approval from FEMA for their purchase. The number of hand-held radios is 600. There are also 20 consolettes. Distribution of those radios would be done under the guidance of the SHSGP Approval Authority. We will get input from them and determine distribution based on SHSGP's recognized needs. The radios would be LA-RICS radios, and if a member were to drop out, the Authority would like to redistribute those assets to its members. Chair Fujioka stated, the equipment is to be used for this particular system. The positive approach is, that the smaller cities have said, the recession killed us and we are trying to restore positions that we've lost. We have no money to buy equipment, whether its dual bands or consoles, we just don't have the money to do this. We are not looking at radios being distributed to LA County Departments. And, as we move forward, now that we have clarity on UASI funds, I think we should use those funds to the maximum extent possible to buy all the equipment for the system That will minimize the burden on our member cities. Maintaining inventory of all assets will be fundamental as part of the issuance process and this language is now being incorporated into the MOU, which will be presented at the next meeting.

Board Member Daryl Osby moved the motion, which was seconded by Alternate Board Member Kim Raney. The Boards consensus was unantmous.

Ayes: 15 - Raney, Alexander, Harrison, Huber, Simay, Walker, Fujioka, Villanueva, Mac Arthur, Osby, Chidester, Farfan, Ramirez, Jackson, Betkey MOTION APPROVED.

9. Approve a MOU Between the City of Claremont and LA-RICS to House the System on Wheels

It is recommended that your Board:

Delegate authority to the Executive Director to finalize and execute the MOU, substantially similar in form to Attachment A, between the City and LA-RICS that would (a) allow the Authority to house the SOW on a secured, designated location in the City of Claremont City Yard; and (b) delegate authority to the Executive Director to execute the MOU. Pat Mallon read the details of agenda item #9.

t(ay 7,2014 Page 7 AGENDA ITEM I ,/2.^\ BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES (ßr/ Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority D'\\t/, LA-RICS

Alternate Board Member Cathy Chidester moved the motion, which was seconded by Board Member LeRoy Jackson. The Board's consensus was unanrmous. Ayes: l5 - Raney, Alexander, Harrison, Huber, Simay, Walker, Fujioka, Villanueva, Mac Arthur, Osby, Chidester, Farfan, Ramirez, Jackson, Betkey MOTION APPROVED. vilr. cLosED sEssroN REPoRT - (cs r-2)

CS-1 Confer with Real Propeñy negotiators, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8

Provide instructions to LA-RICS real estate negotiators with respect to a proposed Site Access Agreement for the following properties within the City of Torrance:

Properties: (1)3031 Torrance Boulevard (City Hall Radio Tower) (2) 25135 Robinson Way (Fire Station 2) (3) 3535 W 182nd Street (Fire Station 3) (4) 5205 Calle Mayor (Fire Station 4)

LA-RICS Negotiators: Amy Caves

Negotiating Parties: City of Torrance (Brian Sunshine, Patrick Sullivan)

Under Negotiation: Consideration and Terms

CS-2 Confer with Real Property negotiators, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8

Provide instructions to LA-RICS realestate negotiators with respect to a proposed Site Access Agreement for the following properties within the City of Pomona:

Properties: (1) 590 South Park Avenue (Fire Station 181) (2) 708 North San Antonio Avenue (Fire Station 183) (3) 1980 West Orange Grove (Fire Station 184) (4) 3325 Temple Avenue (Fire Station 187) (5) 18-A Village Loop Road (Fire Station 188)

I-A-RICS Negotiators: Amy Caves

Negotiating Parties: City of Pomona (Andrew Jared)

Under Negotiation: Consideration and Terms Chair Bill Fujioka stated there was no reportable action taken during this closed session. lX. MISCELLANEOUS - (f 0)(Out of Sequence) 10. Advisory Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Authority is currently finalizing preparation and submittal of an Environmental Assessment (EA) to the lead federal agency, the National Telecommunications & lnformation Administration (NTIA), as well as other federal agencies with approval/permitting authority. When the EA is submitted, it will be posted on the Authority's website.

Pat Mallon read this advisory to the Board Members (out of sequence). There was no further discussion on this matter. 1,Aay7,2014 Page I AGENDA ITEM I BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES

ú'ù Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority DA\\,/, LA-RlCs

X. PUBLIC COMMENTS - (None) XI. ITEMS FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION BY THE BOARD 11. Project Funding 12. Project Risk Controls X¡I. ADJOURNMENT Chair Fujioka requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. The Board Members unanimously favored this motion and adjourned. The next regular Board meeting will be held on Thursday, June 5, 2014, at the Grace E. Simons Lodge.

\lay 7 ,2014 Page 9 AGENDA ITEM I Los Angeles Regional

I nteroperable Gommunications System


Events of 9-1 1-01 have highlighted the need for first 2525 Corporate Place, Suite 200 responders to be able to communicate with each other. Monterey Park, CA 91754 Emergency communicat¡ons primarily address local jurisdictional needs. Most agencies ut¡l¡ze separate radio Authority: towers and equipment, often co.located as seen here, and separate radio f requencies. Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communicat¡ons System Currently, there ¡s duplication of costs and f¡rst responders cannot communicate with each other. Many legacy systems around the County are obsolete and well Management: beyond their useful life. The LA-RICS Project Vision is to LA-RICS Project Team construct, own, operate, and ma¡ntain a regional, interoperable public safety radio system. The program will establ¡sh a County-wide public safety wireless voice and Consultant: data radio system for all first and secondary responders. Jacobs Program Management Company Existing radio frequencies will be pooled and the current ¡nfrastructure utilized wherever pract¡cal. New FCC Com mu n ication s Vendor : licensed broadband spectrum will be utilized. LMR - Motorola Solutions, lnc. Design, construction, and deployment of two County-wide LTE - Motorola Solutions, lnc. systems (1) Land Mobile Radio (LMR) voice network will utilize a pool of 88 existing communications sites and (2) Long Term Evolution (LTE) broadband data network will utilize a pool of 231 existing communications sites. Both systems will comply with CEQA and NEPA standards. Project and Construct¡on Management Services will provide network, ¡nfrastructure, project, and advisory services across 5 program phases for each of the LMR and LTE projects:

Phasel- Systemdesign LA.RICS

Phase 2 - Site construction and modification Phase 3 - Supply telecommunication system Monthly Report No. 26 components

Phase 4 - Telecommunicat¡ons system For May, 2014 implementation Submitted May 29,2014 Phase 5 - Telecommunications system maintenance

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@Copyright 2014 LA-RICS Authority. Aìl Righrs Reserved AGENDA ITEM 4 PROGRAM DASHBOARD

Safety No Change

Quality No Change

Schedule I'lo Change Tight schedule to shelter grant fundfng.

Cost/Budgct No Change Grant fundiry at r¡sk.

Rl¡k No ehange

Þro¡eet Staffìng Ne Change RISK REGISTER


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[l,llJ'CÊrly tqulpmenlr lOrn, Frurure, ¡ lmplomåntl LA.RICS MASTER CALENDAR

' I r I 2 l I 1900 - LMR .Àsset )900-\ilrsM Mrg lr30 - 1$0 {anagement rryeekly Confsrcnco 1000 - LMR lall with lX)0- Conlerence ileeHy Site & Jltrssystcnú lall withNTIA lysten Design Mþ lnvironmental .-oluult¿nts 300 - LMR & ,Tf, WeeHy Stahr 330 - Internal úeeting ,TE System Dcsign rfeeting

430- LTE Syslcm lesign & Slte fcclino

I 9 10 ll t2 14 )900 - LMR .Asset 0900-WESM Ml{ t3$ - 1500 tlonagcment iVeekþ Conference 1000 - LMR Dallwltà ,0fi). Conlerence lVeeHy Sitc & Jllrasy6t€ru lall with NTIA System Design Mtg lnv¡¡onmental lon¡ulta¡ts 1300 - LMR & LTE Weekly Stabrs 330 - Inh¡nal Meeting ,TE Syelem Design l[cetlng

430 - LTE Syshm )eeþn & Sito rfeetino t5 16 t7 18 19 20 2t 19ü - LMR .Às¡et )900-WESM Mg 1130 - 1500 !lanagement 9Veekþ Conlerence 1000 - LMR Call wlth 1330 - Inf¿rnal lVeeHy Sitc & LJltra.SYsl¿nu LTf, Sletem Design ly6tem Des¡gtr Mtg tlceting 1300 - LMR & t430 - LTf,, Sysrem LTE WeeHy Sfahrs )sslgn & Sllc Vleeting úcetinq ¿2n9 23t30 23 2S 26 27 28 )900- LMR.A¡mt 0900-WESM Mll 1330 - 1500 vtgnÈgcmena lVeckþ Conforcnce t 000 - LMR Callwllh ,0ü). Confsrsnce WosHy Slh & Ultra8y,tsm lallwllùNTIA Syltom Deelgn Mlg invlronmsntol ,'oMulaontc 1300 - LMR & LTE WeeHy Stanr 330 - lnhrnal Voetlng .TE System Deslgn úeeting

430- LTE Syshm )eslgn & Slto rfesalnc

AGENDA ITENI 4 LTE UPDATES LTE TECHNOLOGY & Deliverables LMR TECHNOLOGY & DELIVERABLES ¡ Received revised drafts of the following LTE ¡ Received revised drafts ol the following Functional description and design documents . Description Documents: LTE Core Equipment Layout . NMDN Functional Description . FCCF/VDC Floor Plan . lnventory Management (IMTS) Functional o Consolidated Power Source Descript¡on Description . Received in¡tial drafts of the following LTE description . System Management and Monitoring and design documents Sub-system Funct¡onal Descript¡on o Detailed Site Design Template Received lnitial drafts of the pre-installation documents for ¡ Design Review package FCCF and Site-On-Wheels (SOW) r Pre.LOS survey backhaul design docs Received initial drafts of the following ATP's: . Bas¡n geographic coverage analysis ¡ P25 Communications . PSBN Network Drawing . Point-to-Pointsatellite . Core equipment layout . Infor EAM (Asset Management) . System network drawing (SMMS) a Ongoing Core 1 installation activities at FCCF ¡ Ongoing Weekly LTE System Design Meetings a Core 2 deployment at VDC ¡ Ongoing Weekly LTE Site Development Meetings a Ongoing LMR Asset Management Requ¡rements ¡ Ongoing LTE project reports received weekly/monthly gathering ¡ Weekly Status Reports Ongoing LMR pro¡ect reports received weekly/monthly: o Monthly Status Reports ¡ Weekly Status Report . lntegrated Master Schedule (lMS) ¡ Monthly Status Feport . lntegrated Master Schedule (lMS) LTE SITES/CIVIL LMR SITES/CIVIL o Reviewed BA and EA comments and revised BA and EA as developed by Ultrasystems. BA was submitted . EIRiEA continued development of purpose and need, to USFWS, EA submitted for agency review description of proposed action . Began rigorous review of Ultrasystems cultural . Continued cultural resources records search, research resources work and direct contact with SHPO on design behall of Author¡ty . Cont¡nuedspeciessurveys--detected coastal o Provided input to Corrective Action Plan California gnatcatcher at one s¡te o Weekly reporvspreadsheet to NTIA . Began development of an lndependent Review pos¡tion e Beviewed of Motorola IMS subm¡ttal paper . ¡ Facilitated initial s¡te survey visits for primarily Prepared memorandum for Pat Mallon regarding agency lndependent City Sites (County and City of LA contact completed) ¡ Provided support to early equipment installation @VDC ¡ Reviewed site sketches, route to stakeholders, o Provided site information, including polygon consolidated comments, and resolve issues for generation for EIB site visits transmittal to Motorola. Release of site for 1A surveys o Coordinated/facil¡tatedbiologicalsurveysite visits. . Coordinated 1A Surveys at sites as predecessors are o Reviewed of LMR sample "generic" site design completed drawings o Provided exhibits A & B to CEO RED for . Coordinated with US Forest Service acquisition of Site Access Agreements . Supported LA-RICS meetings/presentations to LA o Provided exhibit A to CEO RED for acquis¡tion of Right County Supervisory Staff of Entry Agreements . Supported outreachwith information/spreadsheet . Supported/coordinated outreach with information/ materials spreadsheet materials and attend District 5 outreach meet¡ngs . Supported LA-RICS meetings/presentations to LA County Supervisory Staff ¡ Provided priority listing for Environmental surveys and submittals Dab Datet 16 Mây 14 n ActualWork a aMiestone /z-\ LA-RICS Pagc ii I oa2 æ Remainingwork %Complele (:Ë, LMR lntegrated Master ¡úa Todays Dalc: 27 M¿y l4 n Critical Remaining Work F7 Summery D- Schedule (lMS) Summary Sbñ D¡lc: 28 Aua l3 Finish D¿tc: 05 Jun 19 - JACOBS I À-Þr-< o,årø ouauoíl | t' q a2l03¡04 01t02t03t@ 01l02l03 04l01l02lo3 rmegËted Mastêr scheduts (tMs) Repbn 28-AW. '19 313

)s dn

LMR 389 Adhority LMR PÞject stal / Conkact Signed 0 0 28 Aug 13A Authodty Prcjecl stêñ / Conkact Signed I

392a LMR Bæe 22 3 2 Prccure and Oeliver Perfomance Bon¿ tor Pnãse I - Sy*m ó*¡on tone ot tftu 1 0 24Oct13A 24Oct13a 24 Gt LMR_391a Bêse.22.2.1 P@uE end Detiver l) (one of lhEe) I 0 24Oct13A 24Oct13A | 24 Ocl '16 Llr¡R 392b Basé.2à.3.2 Præure ar¿ De j1 [¡ey.14 iO2 i ver sigr (two ot thft 11 16 Mey.14 02 Jvñ 14 774 -p,hâse1-LMRSystèñJùn 14 LMR-391b eu"222jPræue ard òe rver t) (tuo of th€e) 11 11 16 May.14 02 Jrn 14 774 1 6 N4ay.1 4 02 Jun 14 p@ure perfomance phese LI¡R 392c eaje Ð ¡ Z and De,iver Bond for 1 - System Dejign (thEe of th I 1 02 Mâr15 02 Men15 n4 02 Mâr15 | 02 l\,{ar15 L[/R 391 c AasJ ZZ Z.i P.æ;€ ând Detive' Lrebihty tn;uÊnce (ceneE, and prciess,onat) (th€e of three) I 1 02 Mar15 02Mâi15 774 i02Mer15 | 02Ma[15 --''---'' -- P¡4æt 74 I ManagémeiiPiãn ¡|ilag€mt Plr 0 09S€p13A 23-Dac.13A : : l-A.RlCS Dsllwrablc i't 157 11.Jun'14 28-JÐ.15 -15S .^--.- *,,,-,".,-

l-AtlCS Provlrþs Aæ to Core Sltes I 0 18Sep.13A 18.M*.'14A -RICS Provrdes Access to CoÉ Sites : : Early Eedy Shlpmrt m 30 ?.Sep.13A 15.Jul-14 5 I Shpmelt : I . gill -7 Amendment - Amffdmt 3 Spedñcd Equlpmont Sh¡Þrrent and EEtem o Whcds 131 31 Z).Dec.13A æ-Jun 14 i 3 Specilìed Êquipned Sh þmeô : ênd SFtem on \theqls l Amndmnt4-StaðmBElulpmnt 1m 8 ä.Dec 13A 28-May.14 P t Âfiødment 4 - Station:B Equ:pment lnbgretbnofsowandsTB 9 9 23-May.14 (E.Jú'14 P. 7 lntegEhon of SOW and STB Amndmeil 5 - VDC Cæ 2 Doploymont 13 0 17-4pl.14 A lE.Mây.144 AmedTent 5 - VDC Coè 2 Oeptoyment , 6 . UCENSE 1 Añendment 6 - LtcENde Êon Alrmdlmt COORDINANON FEES FOR REPEAIER sfTEs 1 2l May.14 27 .ìta914 COOnotrunÏo¡ ree s aeeenrqn sires :

AllmdmntT. Portaue Radio Eqdlmm! CqEo¡9tbs, & Cmhs n 17 07 Mey.'l4A 10 Jm.14 955 TlAmendment 7 - Poùble Radio EquiFen(. C¡ir soldtt6,&Cpnsoles i : Prclæl DGdlpdon (D-Dec-134 tiescriptimP€pê€lon, PEpaEdon izs 0 18Sêp.134 i : ErYlronmtal Rsvlfl 81 241 l6-Mãy.144 26.Jm,15 313 Revrew Dælgn Rsvtôw 4s7 3(b æ-Ocr-13 A ß.4¡¡9.15 666 tjsign Revi& --Enyrþnnerrât-;nêse 1a- Licensrîg Præe jsi | | | i F PiÉse1b-SubmtRè ìuired Pemits & AppEvalsl Zdlng Pemlt ô0 60 29Jun 15 22S€p.15 64 : ri zoning Pe-t : Slte D6lgn Rrylry Pad€gs 75% Zonlng Subtrlttal by Slto 11 11 29Jm.15 14.Ju1.15 113 . t S te Desrgn neviw Factå tesr75% Zonlng Slbmlttal by Site : Buildlng Pm¡ls 57 57 21.Jul.1s æ.Ocr l5 et It Buildrng Pem:ts: i R€hß PomltAppreEls 46 4ì 06A€.15 æ.Oct 15 64 li Receive Pem t Apprd\ als:r:r phã¡ e ?- Site Cmstqctiori and Site Mdfrcation LMR 1855 Ndice to Prcceed Phese 2 Received for Mateñe/s 00 -295 a Noirce to Proceed Phase 2 ìécLive¿ for tr¡atáalsi : l LMR 1856 Notrce to Prcceed Phâse 2 Received for Sites õ¡ -ãæ : a Noiice to Proceed Pháse 2 ledeived for Siled LMR_5025 Base 22 2 I PrccuÉ and Deliver Liability lnsuEnce (Generâl and professionel) phase 2 11 424 : 29 Jun 15 | 29Jun 15 gase L¡/R_5035 Z ã Z Þ@u€ and detiver perfomance Bond for phase z : 428 29Jun15 | 2SJun15 : : Ll\,lR_5030 Bese222PtæueaîdDetiverBuilde/slnsuÉnce-phæe2 1 29.Jun 424 15 | 29Jun 15 | : " '-' ' 't'ñötlöË'tõ Nodæ to Proæ€d Phæ 2 Íor Slt6 (Brokon oú by Slb f) t) 50 6¡l Þìòì¿-ü¿ Pñ¿ Èä2iöisiËè (É,ijkèñiõùi bt-stiöí,) Slte Cmstrucüon lrataBlls e;2 82 -2ß * S(e Constructioh Mdt V PÉc6s Ordeß Site Materå

It MenúhctuEr Site Eci! ÌprlentSMateraifs i i Slto Bulld, ¡lod¡¡tuatþß 14-Au9-15 16.Scp.15 Site 3uild/Modiifcatioins i i Phase 2 Cmplete - 73 sites p¡¿, 16 Sep 16 I i e ¿ Complete - 73 slte,i l-SiteBulld I ' site luild3T-73 : I l ffirc Phasé3-S rpdy LMR System Cohpoñents Bl6FCCLicensing 01 Jul 15 0'1 Jul 15 296 01 Ju 15 | o1jJur 15 l Nohce to Proceed Phase 3 03 Aug 15 -26b a ¡.jotice -ito PÉcæd PhasC: sh!!]îl:gE!itJor Podable.Råd o upsÉdes 04Aug'15 04Aug 15 665 04Aug15 O4Aug15 !99i!.91 | | | professione Base22 21pcæ in¿ óÀliw rLiiritylnãence (oenÄial and prâs;t 04 g sAugls | ) Aug 15 Aug 15 -111 - t(kAug15 | Bæe 22 3 2 PræuE and Deliver Perfomance Bã"a to, enase O - Srppìy lun Syit". Co.ç 04 04 15 04Aus15 Aug 15 Aug -|t t(ùAus15 i i S ã s by"t.. uanagement an; Monitonng dubysrem 28 Oec 15 28 Dec 15 soo 28 Dec i5 | 28 Dec 15 i AGENDA ITEM 4 Dab Dête: 16 May 14 I Actualwork a al\¡il6tone (â) Pô8c t 2 of2 E Remainingwork %Complete LA-RICS LMR Integrated Master Todâys Dalc: 27 M¡y trrl l4 tr CriticelRemâining Work F-7 Summary Schedule (lMS) Summary Søñ Dîlc: 28 Aùß l3 Finish D0lcì 05 Jú l9 - JACOBS I Å-Ptaç oìii"'rJ. l'öüãillìì l**' t*- 01t02t03t04 o1¡02la3lo¡ a1t02t03t04 a1 I 02 lol 1Ea 188 X^ug 15 (E-MâI16 86 Menú9ctuflng 4 srâgtru / and Test

LYIR_$ls and t\¡onitorins subsystem !.1.1:1:1.7 -lE!94"nêsement ,l 0o , .29 D9"r]5 566 i a 841 1 1 7 ÞystÞmManagementeddM )nitohng Subsi6terh LMR_3921 - ¡:oticeioÞrccee¿pnæãì' -ì- _, : o 20 Jan.16 a Ndice to Pioceéd Phese 4 : perfomed phase LMR_6807 Cedit fãr S;aices in 1 21 Jan 16 21 Jân.'16 550 21 -Jen 16 | 21 Jan 16 """' -- "2i.1àñ.16-i'2.j.iän:iii'1" "-i"-"' 1 21 Je116 21 Jan 16 550 I '-"-i''

1 121 Jen.16 21 Jan 16 550 21 Jaó 16 | 21 Jan 16 : RFËmidsionSafetyReport : : I/ilmplemei¡têtionaTestihg i l Wareúy - 12imonÈìs - , - I I iiPhaéè 5'r LMR syfte

AGENDA ITEM 4 AGENDA ITEM 4 I E Trdnng I I ¡ OveEll Pþjeci Cldæut Phæ 5 -Uhræty æd llldtrbme 0 14 Aug.15 14 Ar¡g '15 I I Pheses-Weravad MâinÞnàrce | | WêrÉñy - 12 moilhs

Actuâlwork a aMilestone PrimeryBa /2.^\ LA-RICS Run Date -28.Mây.14 Eæ Remâiningwork Sumrory (e, LTE lntegrated Master E \' Data Datã - 16 May.'14 O- OMilestone %Complete - Schedule (lMS) LA RICS PSBN-8 Pag.2 of 2 - AGENDA ITEM 4 @ù Aâ I A-RICS

Monthly Report #9 Reporting Period: 04ll9ll4 thru 05116114 Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System (LA-RICS) - Land Mobile Radio System

Motorola Solutions, Inc.


AGENDA ITEM 4 Table of Contents

2,1 Tasks ln Progress or Completed...... ,...... 6

2.2 Tasks Planned for Next Period (05/t9/L4thruO6/20/L4)..,,...... ,...... 7

2.3 Authority Look-Ahead Tasks (120-Day) ...... 7

7. LA-RICS Master Schedule ...... ,...... ,. i.i.

LA-RICS LMR Monthly Report #9 -04/19/74thru05/L6/L4 Page 2 @ Copyright 2014 LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 1. Executive Summary The Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Land Mobile Radio (LA-RICS LMR) program consists of the following five (5) phases; Phase l- LMR System Design, phase 2 LMR Site Construction and Site Modification, Phase 3 Supply LMR System Components, Phase 4 LMR System lmplementation, and Phase 5 LMR System Maintenance, Phases 1-4 span over a five (5) year period which includes one (L) year of system warranty, Phase 5 provides the Authority with fifteen (15) one year options for Motorola to provide system monitoring and maintenance services,

The LA-RICS LMR program is currently in Phase 1- LMR System Design. Notice-To-Proceed for l through 7 have been issued authorizing work for system Design services, the design and implementation of the initial deployment of the LMR system elements termed "Early Equipment", "specified Equipment and ,,UpS System on Wheels", and "station B Equipment", "Frequency Licensing", System,,, and ,,portable Radios, Consolettes and Consoles", During this reporting period the Phase l- Contract Sum was increased for the incorporation of Amendment 7 for subscriber equipment, consoles and network management terminals.

The Executive Director previously informed the Board of Directors that a decision was made to prepare an Environmental lmpact Report (ElR) for the LMR project.

The preparation of an EIR will need to occur before start of construction services for the communication sites.

Motorola has received the proposed EIR schedule from the Authority and has incorporated the major EIR milestones into the project schedule. Motorola has recalculated the lntegrated Master Schedule based on the supplied EIR milestones which is reflected in this monthly report.

This month's report for the LA-RICS LMR program covers the report¡ng period from 4/19/14 through 05/16/14. For this reporting period the LMR project schedule was redeveloped to include the Authority's Environmental lmpact Report milestone act¡vities. As of this reporting period phase L is37% complete. The primary Phase l- activit¡es for this period include:

. lntegrated Master Schedule development (LOO% Complete) Consists of the development and on-going updates of the lntegrated Master Schedule (tMS). The LMR IMS will be integrated into the Authority's overall LA-RICS tMS program. The lnitial IMS was 100% complete on November 1.3,2013. The IMS schedule was updated in May to account for the impact of preparing an ElR. The incorporation of the EIR milestones has impacted the final completion date. Motorola is working with the Authority to look at opportunities to improve the completion date of the project. The completion dates for securing site access agreements has been changed from task activity to a milestone. Since the site access agreements are a milestone no progress will be reported until the task is completed,

o "Early Equipment" design, procurement and implementation (85% Complete) Early Equipment is a subset of the LMR system that will be implemented in the early stages of the LMR program. This subset of the LMR system will allow the Authority to evaluate the technology that will be deployed and assess any potent¡al changes to existing operational policies. Optimization of the installed equipment and selected system functionality testing was completed. Upon issuance of the FCC licenses final optimization and testing can be completed.

LA-RICS LMR Monthly Report #9 - 04/19/1.4 thru 05/16/1,4 Page 3 @ Copyr¡ght 2014 LA-RICS Authority. AII R¡ghts Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 LMR System Design (61% Complete) The LMR System Design is a compilation of documents that will define the architecture, functionalityandperformanceofallofthesubsystemsthatmakeuptheLMRsystem. lt includes allaspects of the system including performance crìteria, reliability levels and test¡ng procedures. System Design activ¡ties forthis period included frequency identification and planning, evaluation of site parameter changes, development of subsystem architecture, and submittal of the first drafts of subsystem functional operations. A final set of site parameters have been selected to start the coverage design process, At this time it is anticipated that these recent site parameter changes will not impact the overall System Design deliverable date in September 201-4. System Design activit¡es will become the primary effort in Phase 1- in the coming months.

LA-RICS Deliverables - Authority Site Access Agreements (ln Progress) Authority's efforts to develop and execute the applicable site access agreements for the required sites in the LMR design. This task also includes access to the sites that w¡ll host the system's core switching network. Even though no agreements have been executed the Authority has made continued progress with the Member Agencies to finalize Site Access Agreements. This activity is primarily being driven by the Authority's Outreach Program. With the change of this act¡vity from a task to a milestone it is no longer measuring progress and therefore we only show 0% or tOO% complete for each Site Agreement.

"Specified Equipment & System-on-Wheels" and "station B Equipment" (76%l This scope of work includes additional radio communications equipment that will be deployed and interfaced with the Early Equipment deployed equipment. The activities forthe tasks in this period consisted of installation and optimization of the equipment.

"LAPD VDC UPS (AmendmentSl" (LOO%) lmplementation of an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) to support the Core 2 equipment being installed at the LAPD VDC facility. This task was completed on May 6,20L4.

"License Coordination Fees (Amendment 6)" (0%) This is a milestone task for the license coordination fees with Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO), These fees are required to process the FCC applications for the "Early Equipment" deployment. This milestone is anticipated to be completed next reporting period.

"Portable Radios, Consolettes and Consoles (AmendmentT)" (26%l The Authority executed Amendment 7 to provide an allotment of portable radios, mobile radios and radio consolettes for Member Agencies. Amendment 7 also provides console operator positions and network management terminals at 3 locations. The activities forthis task included manufacturing of the equipment and site preparation activities.

LA-RICS LMR Monthly Report #9 - 04h9/I4 thru 05/L6/t4 Page 4 @ Copyright 2014 LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 The following table provides a dashboard snapshot of the projects' health signs.

Rating Change Comments EIR milestones have been incorporated into the schedule which impacted the start of construction. No quality issues to report

Risk Risk items have been identified regarding; Spectrum, Site Access Agreements, Site Conditions, and Environmental Process Scope Potential scope impacts based on existing site conditions

Budget Currently within budget

LA-RICS LMR Monthly Report #9 -04/19/t4thruO5/t6/1,4 Page 5 @ Copyright 2014 LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 2. Proiect Status The following sections identify task activities during the reporting period and the planned activitles for the next reporting period.

2.1Tasks In Progress or Completed The following depict the task activity that occurred during the current reporting period.

tA-RICS Deliverables

Lease Negotiations & Site Access Use Agreement ln Process Early Equipment

Optimize and test Early Shipment In Process Design Review DryRS - Develop final detail design document Completed ACVRS - Develop final detail design document Completed LARTCS - Develop final detail design document Completed NMDN - Develop detail design document Completed Consoles - Develop detail design framework Completed Microwave - Develop detail design framework Completed lnventory and Maintenance Tracking Subsystem (IMTS) Description Completed Coverage Modeling Tool and Training Completed

DTVRS - Develop final detail design Session 2 ln Process ACVRS - Develop final detail design Session 2 ln Process LARTCS - Develop final detail design Session 2 ln Process NMDN - Develop detail design Session 2 ln Process Consoles - Develop detail design Session 2 ln Process Microwave - Develop detail design Session 2 ln Process

Specified Equipment, System-on-Wheels, & Station B Command Trailer Site Readiness for Specified Equipment ln Process lnstallation and optimization of equipment ln Process LAPD VDC UPS (Amendment 5)

I mplementation and testing Completed License Coordination Fees (Amendment 6) License coordination fees processing Started Portable Radios, Consolettes and Consoles (Amendment 7) Ma nufacturing of equipment Started

Site preparation Sta rted

LA-RICS LMR Monthly Report #9 -04/L9/I4thruO5/1,6/14 page 6 O Copyright 2014 LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITENI 4 2.2 Tasks Planned for Next Period (OS/19/t4 thru 06/2O/L4) The following depict the task activity that is planned for the next reporting period.

tA-RICS Deliverables Lease Negotiations & Site Access Use Agreement On Going Access to Core S¡tes On Going Early Equipment

Equipment Optimization On Plan to Finish Equipment Testing On Going FCC Applications Submitted Environmental Review & Documentation (Authority) Environmental Consultant lnitiates CEQA & EHP/NEPA Analysis On Going Prepare Preliminary Draft EHP/NEPA Form On Going Prepare EIR On Going Design Review DTVRS - Develop detail design Session 2 On Going ACVRS - Develop detail design Session 2 On Going LARTCS - Develop detail design Session 2 On Going NMDN - Develop detail design Session 2 On Going Consoles - Develop detail design Session 2 On Going Microwave - Develop detail design Session 2 On Going

Logging Recorder detailed design Session 2 Sta rt System Management & Monitoring and Network detail design Session 2 Start lnventory and Maintenance Tracking Subsystem lnventory and Maintenance Tracking Subsystem (IMTS) ATP On Plan to Finish Specified Equipment, System-on-Wheels, & Station B Command Trailer Site Readiness for Specified Equipment On Going lnstall equipment at l-APD Valley Dispatch On Going lnstall equipment in Station B Trailer On Going lnstall equipment in the S.O.W (Station on Wheels) On Going license Coordination Fees (Amendment 6) License coordination fees processing On Plan to Finish Portable Radios, Consolettes and Consoles (Amendment 7)

Receive and deliver subscribers equ¡pment On Plan to Finish lnstall consoles and network terminals On Plant to Finish Testing console and network management terminal testing On Plan to Finish

2.3 Authority Look-Ahead Tasks (120-Day) For the Authority planning purposes the following table provides a one hundred twenty (120) Day look- ahead of the Authority-specific activities to conduct coordination, inspections, approvals, consents, and or provide decisions necessary from the Authority to facilitate Contractor's progress.

LA-RICS LMR Monthly Report #9 -04/L9/t4rhruO5/1,6/14 Page 7 @ Copyright 2014 LA-RICS Authority. All R¡ghts Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 tA-RICS Deliverables Lease Negotiations & Site Access Use Agreement 09-Sep-13 A LA-RICS Provides Access to Core Sites 18-Sep-13 A Early Equipment FCC Application Submittal (Permanent) On Going Equipment lnstallation lnspections On Going Equipment Testing On Going Environmental Review & Documentation (Authority) CEQA Exemption Applicability & Eligibility Screening & Assessment On Going Env¡ronmental Consultant Performs CEQA Environmental Review & Prepares Draft CEQA On Going Determination Lead Agency CEQA 9ul"rrination On Going Consult Federal Agency and Prepare Draft NEPA Document On Going Prepare NEPA Document On Going Submit Final EHP & NEPA Document On Going Federal Lead Agency NEPA Determination On Going Design Review Review and approve design review documents On Going Submit for LA-RlCs Review & Approval + Sign Building App (lnitial Sites) Start Inventory and Maintenance Tracking Subsystem lnventory and Maintenance Tracking Subsystem (IMTS) ATP 28-May-t4 Amendment 3 - Specified Equipment Shipment and System on Wheels LA-RICS lnstalls Lines to Demarcation and Finalizes POE for Satellite Links (FCCF On Going and LAPDVDC) Amendment 4 - Station B Equipment LA-RICS lnstalls Lines to Demarcation and Finalizes POE for Satellite Links (FCCF On Going and LAPDVDC)

Portable Radios, Consolettes and Consoles (Amendment 7) lnventory subscriber equipment 30-May-14 lnventory console equipment 30-May-14 Testing console and network management terminal test¡ng 02-Jun-14 Specified Equipment, System-on-Wheels, & Station B Command Trailer Test Specified Equipment 03Jun-14 Phase lb Submit Required Perm¡ts and Approvals See Environmental Review & Documentation tasks above On Going

LA-RICS LMR Monthly Report #9 -04/L9/1,4thruO5/t6/L4 Page 8 @ Copyright 2014 LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 3. Proiect Risk Register

Site Condition Site condition differences from RFP to current Changes condition may impact ability to implement planned installations and delay or require changes to LMR design (e.g. coverage, backhaul, etc.) The individual or collective determination of environmental impacts or mitigations may impact site work or even site viability. Lease holders approvals are needed in order to implement LA-RICS improvements at sites. Spectrum Availability, Lack of frequencies may impact coverage and/or 700 MHz site viability, necessitating design changes.

LA-RICS LMR Monthly Report #9 -O4lL9/1.4thru05/t6/L4 Page 9 @ Copyright 2014 LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 4. Areas ofConcern This section describes any events and or circumstances of which the Contractor is aware that has delayed or may delay project activities and what corrective or remedial actions was taken or will be taken to resolve the issue. Outstanding lssues Log (the "OlL Log") entries are also tabulated and monitored in this section. "Oil Log" items include, for example, sequencing, infrastructure, site access, coordination issues, congestion of workers and equipment, time requirements for design, procurement, and installation.

Early Construction of Some Sites Authority determination if construct¡on of some sites can be expedited in20t4 following compliance with CEQA and NEPA. System Design impacts due to changes Motorola and the Authority have analyzed probable in site conditions site changes and suitable site replacement candidates. Adjusted tower heights at some of the

lmpacts of filing Environmental lmpact MSI incorporated the EIR milestones into the project Report schedule which impacted the start of construction, MSI and Authority to continue with project schedule impact analysis to pull in project activities to improve

5. Disputes and Claims This section describes any disputes, potential claims, and claims made during the reporting period.

None to reoort this oeriod

LA-RICS LMR Monthly Report #9 -04/L9/1-4thruO5/L6/1,4 Page 1-0 O Copyright 2014 LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 6. Financial Status The following represents the invoice payments that were completed during the reporting period and the remaining amount to be invoiced and paid. Phase 1 Contract Sum was increased for the incorporation of Amendment 7 for the procurement and implementation of console and subscriber equipment. Amendment 7 increased Phase L contract sum by 55,L77,051, for a total of S36,30i.,206.

Contract Sum Full Payable Amount (Phase 1) s 36,301,206

Cumulative lnvoice Payments from Last Report (s 26,063,469)

Total lnvoice Payments This Period (s 227,2201

Remaining Amount to be Paid S 10,010,517

7. IA-RICS Master Schedule

LA-RICS LM R Monthly Report #9 - 04/L9/1.4 thru 05/t6/L4 page LL O Copyright 2014 LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 Phase l, - Executive Summary

2073 2Ot4 2015 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 QL Q2 Q3 Q4 Jul Aug seP Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May lun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Phase 1 - LMR System DesiSn

Phase 1- LMR System Des¡gn Phase la - Licensing Process LA-RICS Del¡verables: Site Access Phase lb - Submit Requlred Permits &

Amendment 7 - Portable qu¡pment, Consolettes, &

I 5ummary - % complete_05-27-14.xlsx Snapshor Dalei 5 ll6l20t4 LA-RICS LMR MSI AGENDA ITEM 4 6Ð Tâ LA.RICS

*.n "*f;ffi T-io' -T'I ; Í,t'1 nilL4 Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System (LA-RICS) - Public Safety Brodband Network

Motorola Solutions, Inc.


2.L Tasks ln Progress and Completed ...... ,,.,,... .,...... 6

2.2 Tasks Planned for Next Period (05/L9/t4thru O6/20/L4),...... ,...... 7 2.3 Authority Look-Ahead Tasks (L20-Day) ...... 7

7. LA-RICS PSBN Project Schedule... ,,,,,,.. i.0

LA-R I CS PSBN Month ly Re po rt #2 - 04 / t8 / L4 thru O5 / 1.6 / t4 Page 2 @ Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All R¡ghts Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 1. Executive Summary The Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System - Public Safety Broadband Network (LA- RICS PSBN) project is a 700 MHz Long Term Evolution (LTE) public safety mobile broadband network that will provide broadband services across the County of Los Angeles for the Authority's Member Agencies.

The LA-RICS Authorìty was awarded a Comprehensive Community lnfrastructure (CCl) Broadband Technology Opportunity Program (BTOP) grant by Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and lnformation Administration (NTIA) to deploy the LA-RICS PSBN system. The BTOP grant program requires that the LA-RICS PSBN system be compatible with the future Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network (NPSBN) currently being designed and developed by FirstNet, an independent authority within the NTIA, Additionally the Authority executed a Spectrum Manager Lease Agreement ("SMLA") with FirstNet for spectrum usage rights to operate on the 700 MHz public safety broadband spectrum (D-Block). The LA-RICS-PSBN system provides the Authority with the opportunity to work cooperatively with F¡rstNet, while participating in testìng and providing input in what will ultimately form the National Public Safety Broadband Network (NPSBN),

The LA-RICS PSBN program consists of thefollowingfive (5)phases; Phase L PSBN System Design, Phase 2 PSBN Site Construction and Site Modification, Phase 3 Supply PSBN Components, Phase 4 PSBN System lmplementation, and Phase 5 PSBN Maintenance. Phases L-4 must be completed and accepted by August 15,20'J.5 to be in compliance the BTOP grant program. Phase 5 provides the Authority with the first five (5) years of one year options for Motorola to provide system monitoring and maintenance services.

The LA-RICS PSBN program is currently in Phase 1 PSBN System Design. Notice to Proceed for all work in Phase l- for System Design services was issued by the Authority on March tO,2O'J.4. Phase L primary activities include: o LA-RICS Deliverables o Project Management Plans . System Design o Site Design o RF Emissions Report o lnventory and Management System

On April 7,2Ot4 the Authority issued a Notice To Proceed for Amendment 2 to add detailed design services to Phase L for Additive Alternate i. - Home Subscriber Server (HSS) and Additive Alternate 2 - Redundant Evolved Packet Core (EPC).

This is report covers the period of time from 04/78/14 through 05/16/14. As of this reporting period Phase l- is 4o% complete. The primary Phase L activities for this period include:

o LA-RICS Deliverables (39% Complete) Designated site related tasks and milestones the Authority is responsible for providing in support of the implementation of the LA-RICS PSBN project. As of this report¡ng period the Authority completed the following tasks: submittal of working draft NEPA documents, delivery of Project Descriptions, CEQA exempt sites (post Public Comment period), Los Angeles County Right of Entry agreement (ROE). Tasks that are currently in process with the Authority: City of Los Angeles ROE, lndependent cities ROE, SHPO site approvals, Funding Plan approval, NEpA

LA-R ICS PSBN Mo nth ly Re port #2 - 04 / 18 / L4 thru O5 / 1.6 / t4 Page 3 O copyright 2013, LA-RICS Authoriry. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 clearance, Site Access agreements.

o Project Management and Work Plan (PMWPI (65% Complete) The Project Management and Work Plan was delivered during this reporting period. The on schedule delivery of this plan marked a 60 day project milestone, The PMWP consists of 13 sub plans. Examples of areas covered by the plan include: Resource Planning, Documentation Control, and Communications. The Authority is reviewing the PMWP plans for approval.

. System Design Activities (56% Complete) The Motorola Design Review deliverables for the network design was delivered on schedule. The review included detailed and thorough documentation covering how the PSBN System will be installed, configured, and tested. The Authority technical team is reviewing the detailed design documents and will provide a follow-up action list during the next reporting period. The lnventory Management Subsystem Design is on a separate development track which is 11% complete as of this period,

o Site Design Activities (59% Complete) Activities for this task include site walks, site surveys, geotechnical/geologicalsite surveying, and construction drawings to support the zoning and permit process. As of this reporting period L99 sites have been walked to identify potentialequipment locations. Sketches of each site have been created to identify primary and alternate locations for the placement of towers, cabinets, and generators. 197 sketches have been submitted and a total of t57 sketches have been approved. Upon completion of a site sketch approval a site survey is conducted. 97 sites have been surveyed as of this reporting period. Site access approvals and or Right of Entry agreements are required to perform site walks and site surveys forthe remaining sites consisting of lndependent Cities' facilities, SHPO approval is required prior to conducting any geotechnical/geological site surveying work. No geotechnical/geological site surveying work has been authorized to date.

. RF Emission Report (81% Complete) RF Emission Report provides a desk top analysis of the emission levels and RF exposure based on the planned PSBN site design, A representative RF Emission Report was submitted to the Author¡ty and discussed in subsequent meetings. The Authority is reviewing the representative RF Emission Report.

. Project Description Review (85% Complete) Motorola is to review and provide comments on the Authority's Project Descriptions upon completionofasitewalkandsubsequentsketchapproval. Asofthisreportingperiodthistask is85%.

o Project Schedule The Baseline Schedule was approved during this reporting period. The Baseline will be used to track progress against the initial plan.

LA-RICS PSBN Monthly Report #2-04/1.8/1.4thru}5/t6/1,4 page 4 @ Copyright 2013, l-A-RICS Author¡ty. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 The following table provides a dashboard snapshot of the projects' health signs.


Schedule Tight schedule to meet BTOP grant program deadline Quality o No quality items to report Risk Funding Plan needs to be adopted to move to Phase 2 & 3, o site construction & equipment procurement. Scope o No scope items to report Budget o Currently within budget

LA-R ICS PSBN Mo nth ly Report #2 - 04/ L8/ 1.4 thru O5 / 1.61 14 Page 5 O Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Author¡ty. All R¡ghts Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 2. Proiect Status The following sections identifytask activities duringthe reporting period and the planned activities for the next reporting period.

2.1 Tasks In Progress and Completed The following depict the task activity that occurred during the current reporting period.

tA-RICS Deliverables

Site Access Agreements & Right of Entry Permits I n Progress Provide Access and Escort Schedule to EPC and RAN Sites ln Progress Hydra Coverage Tool & Training Completed Project Management Plan Staffing Plan Submitted Communications Plan Submitted Documentation Plan Submitted Quality Control Plan Submitted Change Order Management Plan Submitted Risk Management Submitted Network Design and lmplementation Plan Submitted Site Design and Construction Plan Submitted Testing and Acceptance Plan Submitted Training Plan Submitted Transition Plan Submitted Value Engineering Plan Submitted Disaster Recovery and Special Events Plan Submitted PMWP Review and Approval Sta rt System Design Activities Site Network Design Submitted Backhaul Design Submitted EPC Design Submitted Network Management System Design Submitted lnventory Management System Design ln Progress

System Design Review Sta rt RF Emission Report ln Progress Project Descr¡ption Review ln Progress Site Design Activities Site Walk ln Progress Site Sketch Development ln Progress Site Sketch Approvals ln Progress Site Surveys Sta rt

LA-RICS PSBN Monthly Report #2-04/18/I4thru15/16/1,4 page 6 @ Copyright 2013, IA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 2.2 Tasks Planned for Next Period (O5/19/L4 thru 06/2O/14) The following depict the task activity that is planned for the next reporting period.

tA-RICS Deliverables Provide Access to Sites ln Progress Right of Entry Agreements ln Progress Provide NTP for Site Surveys and Geotechnical Studies ln Progress Site Access Agreements ln Progress System Design Activities lncorporate Authority Comments Start lnventory Management System Design ln Progress System Design Review & Approval On Plan to Finish RF Emission Report On Plan to Finish Project Description Review on Plan to Finish Site Design Activities

Site Walk I n Progress Site Sketch Development ln Progress Site Sketch Approvals ln Progress

Site Surveys I n Progress Provide NTP for Site Surveys and Geotechn¡cal Studies ln Progress Zoning Package Development and Review Start Zoning and Permitting Start

2.3 Authority Look-Ahead Tasks (120-Day) For the Authority planning purposes the following table provides a one hundred twenty (120) Day look- ahead of the Authority-specific activities to conduct coordination, inspections, approvals, consents, and or provide decisions necessary from the Authority to facilitate Contractor's progress.

LA-RICS Deliverables Provide Access to Sites On Going Right of Entry Agreements On Going SHPO Approval On Going Funding Plan Approval 6/23/14 (date due) Provide NTP for Phase 2 & 3 6/23/t4 Receive FONSI Approval 7/2/L4 Site Access Agreements On Going Approve Project Management Plans 6/23/14 System Design Activities

LA-R ICS PSBN Mo nth ly Repo rt #2 - O4l 18 / L4 thru O5 / 1.6/ L4 Page 7 @ Copyright 2013, [A-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 Authority Design Comments s/e/t4 lnventory Management System Design Review and Approval 7lL4/14 System Design Review and Approval sls/14 RF Emission Report and Approval sheh4 Project Description Review s/2s/14 Site Design Activities Site Walk Escorts On Going Site Sketch Approvals On Going Provide NTP for Site Surveys and Geotechnical Studies On Going Site Zoning Package Review 6/2/14

LA-RICS PSBN Monthly Report #2-04/t8/I4thruÎ5/76/14 page 8 @ Copyr¡ght 2013, LA-RICS Authority. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 3. Proiect Risk Register For this monthly report there is one risk items to report. A risk identification process is currently underway. ldentified risk items will be recorded and included in the next monthly report,

Funding Plan Adoption of the Funding Plan required prior to I n Process approval to enter: ¡ Phase 2 S¡te Construction and Site Modifications o Phase 3 Supply PSBN Components of the PSBN Project

4. Areas ofConcern This section describes any events and or circumstances of which the Contractor is aware that has delayed or may delay project activities and what corrective or remedial actions was taken or will be taken to resolve the issue. Outstanding lssues Log (the "OlL Log")entries are also tabulated and monitored in this section. "Oil Log" items include, for example, sequencing, infrastructure, site access, coordination issues, congest¡on of workers and equipment, time requirements for design, procurement, and installation,

Sketch site walks for remaining Continued efforts are required to schedule visits for lndependent Cities. the remaining sites for the development of sketches and LA site Approval of sketches Continued efforts are required to approve the remaining submitted sketches and begin 1-A site surveys. SHPO approvals are required to begin tower

5. Disputes and Claims This section describes any disputes, potential claims, and claims made during the reporting period.

this period

LA-R I CS PSBN Month ly Re po rt #2 - 04/ t8 / L4 Thr u O5 / 1,6 / t4 Page 9 @ Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Author¡ty. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 6. Financial Status The following represents the invoice payments that were completed during the reporting period and the remaining amount to be invoiced and paid. On April 7,2OL4 the Authority issued a Notice To Proceed for Amendment 2 to add detailed design services to Phase L for Additive Alternate L - Home Subscriber Server (HSS) and Additive Alternate 2 -Redundant Evolved Packet Core (EPC). The addition of these design services raised Phase L by $395,044for a totalof 5L6,435,292.

PSBN Contract Sum Full Payable Amount (Phase 1) 5 L6,43s,292

Cumulative lnvoice Payments from Last Report (S o)

Total lnvoice Payments This Period (S o)

Remaining Amount to be Paid s L6,435,292

7. LA-RICS PSBN Proiect Schedule For this monthly report, there is no executive view depicting the status of the primary activities, The executive view of the schedule will be provided in the next monthly report.

LA-RICS PSBN Monthly Report #2-04/I8/t4thruO5/1,6/t4 page 10 @ Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Author¡ty. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 PSBN Phase L Executive Summary

2014 2015 QL Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Ju Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Phasel-SystemDesign

LA-RICS Deliverables: CEQA, ROE, SHPO, NEPA Phasel-SystemDesign :ONSl. SA Aereements System Design Activities Project Management Phase le, 1b, 1c, 1d )la n Gantt-bar diagram

System Des¡gn

RF Emission Report

Project Description ìeview

Site Design Activities

System Design \ctivit¡es

System Design Review

Phase 1a - Acceptance Test )lan Development

Phase 1b - Frequency _rcensr ng -1

Phase lc - Zoning and - )ermitting

Phase ld - Order )rocessing

PSBN Phase l Summary - % complete_05-16-14.xlsx Sna pshot Date: 5 / I5 /2074 LA-RICS PSBN MSI

LA-RICS PSBN Month ly Report #2 - 04/ t8 / 1.4 thru 05 / 1,6/ 14 Page 11 @ Copyright 2013, LA-RICS Author¡ty. All Rights Reserved. AGENDA ITEM 4 LOS ANGELES REGIONAL INTEROPERABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM AUTHORITY GÐ 2525 Corporate Place, Suite 200 Monterey Park, California 917 54 Aâ (323) 881-8291 LA.RICS


June 5,2014

Board of Directors Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority (the "Authority")

Dear Directors:



Board approval is requested to authorize the Executive Director to execute an amendment to Agreement No. LA-RICS 008 Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communication System ("LA- RICS") - Public Safety Broadband Network ("PSBN") System to allow the Authority to exercise the Unilateral Options for all Work pertaining to Phase 2, Site Construction and Site Modifications, and Phase 3, Supply PSBN Components. The Amendment will be substantially similar in form to the attached.


It is recommended that your Board:

Delegate authority to the Executive Director to (a) Execute an Amendment, substantially similar in form to Attachment A, to Agreement No. LA-RICS 008 Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System - Public Safety Broadband Network ("PSBN") System with Motorola Solutions, lnc. ("Motorola") (a) to exercise the Unilateral Options for allWork pertaining to Phase 2 and Phase 3, for a total Contract Sum of $91 ,972,723; (b) to issue one or more notices to proceed for ordering equipment necessary for Phase 3; and, (c) to issue one or more Notices to Proceed to Motorola for Phase 2 site work, but only after receipt of the required NEPA and other Federal approvals for the sites for which the Notice to Proceed are being issued.


On March 6,2014, your Board awarded Agreement No. LA-RICS 008 for Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Public Safety Broadband Network ("PSBN") to Motorola Solutions, lnc. ("Motorola") to provide Long Term Evolution ("LTE") broadband technology to approximately 34,000 first responder and 17,000 secondary responder personnel to the greater Los Angeles region.

AGENDA ITEM 6 LA-RICS Board of Directors June 5, 2014 Page 2

Additionally, on March 6,2014, your Board authorized Amendment One to allow for all Work in Phase 1 to begin. Phase 1 included the development of final design documents for the PSBN, which included the PSBN configurations for all hardware, software, and physical and network infrastructure included in the PSBN. Phase 1 also included the development of detailed architectural-engineering Site Design Documents for the future proposed Site lmprovements for each PSBN site, and the packaging of Site documents for permitting purposes.

On April 3,2014, your Board authorized Amendment Two which added the Home Subscriber Server ("HSS") and the Redundant Evolved Packet Core ("EPC") to the design work in Phase l. The HSS is the repository of user related and subscription information for an LTE system. lt is queried by other Components in the network to determine if a particular device is authorized to use the LTE Subsystem including the ability to roam on other networks. The Redundant EPC provides geographically redundant core network services for the LTE Subsystem from the LAPD Valley Dispatch location. Amendment Two also corrected the Limitation of Liability amount in Section 24.4 of the Base Agreement for the PSBN.

On May 28, 2014, your Board adopted a Funding Plan. The adoption of a Funding Plan grants your Board the authority to proceed to Phase 2, Site Construction and Site Modifications, should your Board desire too. Phase 2 work at each construction site will not commence until after receipt of the required NEPA and other Federal approvals for that site. lt is anticipated that some or all of these Federal approvals will be received soon.


Approval of the recommended actions will authorize the Executive Director, on behalf of the Authority, to authorize Motorola, to include allwork pertaining to Phase 2, Site Construction and Site Modifications, as well as Phase 3, Supply PSBN Components.

As your Board is aware, the PSBN project schedule is very aggressive due to the pending Broadband Technology Opportunities Program ("BTOP") grant spending deadline of September 30,2Q15. Motorola is required to achieve final PSBN System Acceptance by August 15,2015, based on a mutually agreed to Project Schedule. ln order for the build out of the PSBN System to meet the developmental milestones of the Project Schedule, the Authority is requesting to move fonruard with Phase 2 and Phase 3.


The work to be performed under Amendment Three shall be fully reimbursed by the BTOP grant. This grant is fully funded by the Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and lnformation Administration ("NT|A"). As for the cash match, the County has previously paid approximately $+ million since the start of the BTOP program, and is expected to loan $7 million in the next fiscal year budget, which can be used as part of the cash match. As such, up to $1 10 million can be encumbered. LA-RICS Board of Directors June 5, 2014 Page 3


All work included in the Unilateral Options for Phases 1 through 5 of the PSBN Agreement, as well as any Amendments and Notices to Proceed, is within the scope of the previously approved PSBN project, which the Board determined previously was exempt from review under CEQA. The current action is within the scope of the exemption finding previously made by the Board, and there have not been any changes to the PSBN project, or to the circumstances under which it is being undertaken, that would affect the determination that these activities are exempt from CEQA.


The Authority's counsel has reviewed the recommended actions.


Upon the Board's approval of the recommended action, on behalf of the Authority, the Executive Director will have authority to execute a contract amendment with Motorola, substantially similar to the attached form, to incorporate revisions contemplated in the recommended action.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR c: Counsel to the Authority




This Amendment Number Three (together with all exhibits, attachments, and schedules hereto, "Amendment No. 3") is entered into by and between the Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority ("Authoritv") and Motorola Solutions, lnc. ("Contractor"), effective as of June _,2014, based on the following recitals:

Authority and Contractor have entered into that certain Agreement No. LA-RICS 008 for Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System ("LA-R|CS") - Public Safety Broadband Network (PSBN), dated as of March 6,2014 (together with all exhibits, attachments, and schedules thereto, all as amended prior to the date hereof, the "Aqreemen!").

The Agreement has been previously amended by Amendment Number One, effective as of March 6,2014, to exercise the Unilateral Option for all Work pertaining to Phase 1, System Design.

The Agreement has been previously amended by Amendment Number Two, effective April 7, 2014, to (a) make changes necessary to reflect the Authority's exercise of the Unilateral Option for all Work pertaining to Phase 1 for Additive Alternate No. 1, System Design Work for Home Subscriber Server ("HSS"), and all Work pertaining to Phase 1 for Additive Alternate No. 2, System Design Work for the Redundant Evolved Packet Core ("EPC"), and (b) to make other changes as reflected in Amendment 2.

Authority and Contractor desire to further amend the Agreement to exercise the Unilateral Options for all Work pertaining to Phase 2, Site Construction and Site Modification, and Phase 3, Supply PSBN Components.

As provided in Section 4.1 .2.2(c) of the Base Document to the Agreement, Authority has determined in its sole and unilateral discretion to exercise the Unilateral Options for all Work pertaining to Phase 2 and Phase 3.

This Amendment No. 3 is authorized under Section 2 (Changes to Agreement) of the Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, all of which are incorporated as part of this Amendment No. 3, and for other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, Authority and Contractor hereby agree as follows:

pase 1 nn,""^:I'ni:W[i:r3å:, AGENDA ITEM 6 - ATTAGHMENT A 1. Capitalized Terms: Section References. Capitalized terms used herein without definition (including in the recitals hereto), have the meanings given to such terms in the Base Document. Unless othenruise noted, section references in this Amendment No. 3 refer to sections of the Base Document, as amended by this Amendment No. 3.

2. Exercise of Unilateral Option. As provided in Section al.2.2(c) of the Base Document, Authority has determined in its sole and unilateral discretion to exercise the Unilateral Options for all Work pertaining to Phase 2 as reflected in Exhibit C.3 (Schedule of Payments - Site Construction and Site Modification) and all Work pertaining to Phase 3 as reflected in Exhibit C.4 (Schedule of Exhibits - Supply PSBN Components). Subject to Section (Notices to Proceed) of the Base Document, the Contractor agrees the Contractor shall, on a timely basis and in accordance with the Agreement, fully perform, provide, complete, and deliver all Work encompassed in such Unilateral Options, in exchange for the amounts set forth on Exhibit C (Schedule of Payments) for such Work. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the Authority will not issue a Notice to Proceed for Phase 2 Work at any project site until the Authority receives the required NEPA and other Federal approvals applicable to that site.

3 Amendments to Agreement Exhibits. 3.1 Exhibit C.1 (Schedule of Payments - PSBN System Payment Summary) to Exhibit C (Schedule of Payments) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Exhibit C.1 (Schedule of Payments PSBN System Payment Summary) to Exhibit C (Schedule of Payments) attached to this Amendment No. 3, which is incorporated by this reference.

3.2 Exhibit C.3 (Schedule of Payments Site Construction and Site Modification) to Exhibit C (Schedule of Payments) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Exhibit C.3 (Schedule of Payments - Site Construction and Site Modification) to Exhibit C (Schedule of Payments) attached to this Amendment No. 3, which is incorporated by this reference. 3.3 Exhibit C.4 (Schedule of Payments - Supply PSBN Components) to Exhibit C (Schedule of Payments) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Exhibit C.4 (Schedule of Payments - Supply PSBN Components) to Exhibit C (Schedule of Payments) attached to this Amendment No. 3, which is incorporated by this reference.

4. This Amendment No. 3 shall become effective as of the date identified in the recitals, which is the date upon which:

4.1 An authorized agent of Contractor has executed this Amendment No. 3;

4.2 Los Angeles County Counsel has approved this Amendment No. 3 as to form;

tåZ Page z eg,",*!#"^lodffi:AE AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT A 4.3 The Board of Directors of the Authority has authorized the Executive Director of the Authority to execute this Amendment No. 3; and

4.4 The Executive Director of the Authority has executed this Amendment No. 3.

5. Except as expressly provided in this Amendment No. 3, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain the same and in full force and effect.

6. Contractor and the person executing this Amendment No. 3 on behalf of Contractor represent and warrant that the person executing this Amendment No. 3 for Contractor is an authorized agent who has actual authority to bind Contractor to each and every term and condition of this Amendment No. 3, and that all requirements of Contractor to provide such actual authority have been fulfilled.

7. This Amendment No. 3 may be executed in one or more original or facsimile counterparts, all of which when taken together shall constitute one in the same instrument.



lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No. 3 to be executed on their behalf by their duly authorized representatives, effective as of the date first set forth above.


By: By:

Patrick J. Mallon Executive Director


JOHN F. KRATTLI County Counsel


Michael S. Simon Deputy County Counsel

tål, Page 4 on,"",!#",,i!ffi:AE AGENDA ITEM 6. ATTACHMENT A EXHIBIT C.l Agreemenl No. LA-RICS 008 - Amended and Restated under Amendmenl No. 3


Contract Sum : Payment Less Unilateral l07o Holdback Description Full Payable l0%o Holdback Option Sum Amount Amount Amount

lhase I -SvstemDesisn $ s 16.040.248 s 1,366.947 $ 14.673.30r

)hase 2 - Site Construction and Site Modification $ s 44,324,412 $ 4.386,198 $ 39.938.214

lhase 3 - Supply PSBN Components $ $ 47.648.31 I s 4.743.435 s 42.904.876 )hase 4 - PSBN Implementation $ 21,899,970 $ $ 2, I 81 ,203 s 19,718,767

Subtotal (Phases I to 4) g 21,899,970 $ 108,012,971 s 12,677,783 $ 117,235,158 Phase 5 - PSBN Maintenance (First 5 Years of Maintenance) $ 32,369,744 $ S 3,236,974 s 29,132,770

Subtotal (Phases I to 5) s 54,269,714 $ 108,012,971 $ 15,914,757 s 146,367,929 ¡tdditive Alternate I - Home Subscriber Server (HSS) Notel ) $ 887.000 $ 73.888 $ 96,089 $ 864.799 {dditive Alternate 2 - Redundant Evolved Packet Core Note I ) $ 3,260.21 0 $ 321.156 $ 358,137 g 3,223,229

{dditive Alternate 3 - Location Services $ 2592246 $ s 259,22s s 2,333.021 Maintenance for Additive Alternates I to 3 (First 5 Years rf Maintenance) $ 6,166,090 $ $ 616,609 $ 5,s49,481

Su btotal (Additive Alternates) $ 12,905,546 $ 395,044 $ 1,330,060 $ 11,970,530

TOTAL CONTRACT STJM $108,408,015 MAXIMUM CONTRACT SUM (fotal Unilateral Option Sum * Total Contract Sum) $175,583,275

Note l: Pursuant to Amendment No. 2, effective April 7, 2014,the Authority exercised the Unilateral Option Sum for Phase I for both Additive Alternate No. l, System Design for the Home Subscriber Server (HSS), and Additive Alternate No. 2, System Design for the Redundant Evolved Packet Core (EPC). In connection therewith, the Unilateral Option Sum for System Design for Phase I for both Additive Alternate No. I and Additive Alternate No. 2, in a total amount of $3591044 was converted into a Contract Sum, The cost for the System Design for Phase I for both Additive Alternate No. I and Additive Alternate No. 2 are reflected in Exhibit C. 7 (Additive Alternates) as amended and restated in Amendment No. 2. The balance of the remaining Unilateral Option Sum for Additive Alternate No. I and Additive Alternate No. 2 is reflected in Exhibit C.7 (Additive Alternates).


Iixhihit C.l (I'SBN Paynent Sunnqry) ExhibitC.l (Page I of2) [.A-NCS ]'SRN Agreement EXHIBIT C.l Agreemenl No. LA-RICS 008 - Amended and Resloted under Amendment No. 3

Note 2: Pursuant to Amendment No. 3, effective June _, 20l4rthe Authority execised the Unilateral Option Sum for all \ilork pertaining to Phase 2, Site Construction and Site Modification, and the Unilateral Option Sum for all Work pertaining to Phase 3, Supply PSBN Components. In connection therewith, the Unilateral Option Sums in a total amount of $91,972,723 (544,324,412 from Phase 2 + $47,648,311 from Phase 3) were converted into Contract Sums. The cost for the Unilateral Option Sum for Phase 2 is reflected in Exhibit C.3 (Site Construction and Site Modification) and the cost of the Unilateral Option Sum for Phase 3 is reflected in Exhibit C.4 (Supply PSBN Components), both amended and restated in Amendment No. 3.


Exh¡b¡t C I (PSBN Poyment Snnnary) Exhibit C.l (Page 2 of 2) LA-NCS PSBN Agreenent EXHIBIT C.3 Agreentent No. LA-RICS 008 - Anended and Restated under Amendment No. 3


Unilateral Optior Deliverable/ Sum Unil¡teral Optior Payable Task NoJ Project Sum for Site Unilateral Optior Contract Sum - l0% Iloldback Amount læss Subtask No,/ Deliverable Administration Construction Sum Payable Amount Amount l0% Iloldback Section No. for Site B,ùtu Only Amount lEùabhL Construction lNote 1) General Criteria for Phase 2 - Site 1.41 Construction & Sìte Modification Per Site: $ A4 AlhambraPD ALHPDOI $ 6.37s $ 1.013 s 7388 $ 739 s 6.649 A4 Arcadia PD ARCPDOI $ 6.37s s 1.013 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A.4 AzusaPD AZPDO0I $ 6.37s s 1.013 $ 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 4,4 Bell GardensPD BGPDOOI $ 6.375 $ r.013 $ 7388 $ 739 $ ó.649 Beverly Hills Rext'ord 1 Dnve BHR s 6.37s s I 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6.649 ^.4 A4 Bald Mountain BMT $ 6.375 s 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6-ó49 A4 BaldwinParkPD BPPDOOI s 6 375 s 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6649 A4 Blue Rock BRK s 6 375 $ 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6 649 A4 Bumt Peak BIJR $ 6 375 s 0r3 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 BurbankPD BIJRPDOI $ 6 3'75 $ .013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6649 A4 f-riminql l-n,:r R¡¡ilrli¡o l'l-T $ 6.37s $ .013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6 649 A4 Centurv CEN $ 6.375 $ .013 $ 7-388 S 739 $ 6 649

A4 Carlton J Peterson Park CJP $ 6.375 $ .0 l3 s 7.388 S 739 $ 6.649 Llafemonl Mlctowave A4l Towe¡ CLM $ 8.84? s 1406 s 10.2s3 $ | .025 s 9.228 Claremont PD CLRMPDI s 6.375 $ .013 $ 7.188 $ 739 $ 6-649 ^.4 FS 2 CPTFDO2 s 6.37s s .013 $ 7388 $ 739 $ 6-649 ^4 FS 4 CPTFDO4 $ 6.375 s 0t3 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 ^4 Culver City A.4 t Communications Tower ClIl,V00l $ I 847 s 1.40ó $ t0-253 $ 1025 g 9.228 A4 l)ownev PD DWNYPDI s ó.37s $ 013 $ 7-388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 El Monte Pl) ELMNTPI) $ 6.37s $ 013 s 7.388 s 739 s 6.649 A 4,l El SegundoPD ELSGDPD $ 6.37s $ .01 3 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FCCF-HQ FCCF $ 6.37s $ .013 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 5 FS5 $ 6.37s $ .013 $ 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 Gardena GARDOOI $ ó.37s $ .01 3 s 7388 s 739 $ 6 649 A4 Glendale Civic Center GCC $ 6.375 $ 013 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 Glendale Water & Power 4.4 I UOC GDWPOOI s 6.f75 r 013 $ 7.388 s 739 s 6649 FS 23 GLNDL23 $ 6-3't5 $ 013 $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6 649 ^4 A4 FS 24 GLNDL24 s 6-375 $ 013 s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS 28 GLNDL2S $ 6-375 $ 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6 649 A4 FS 3 LACFOO3 $ ó-375 $ 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6 649 FS 4 LACFOO4 s 6375 s .0 ll $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6 649 ^4 A4 FS I6 LACFOI6 s 6375 s 013 s 7.388 $ 739 $ ó.649 A4 FS 2I LACFO2I s 637s $ .0tl $ 7-388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 23 LACFO23 $ 6.37s $ .013 $ 7-388 s 73ç $ 6.649 A4 FS24 I,ACFO2A $ ó.375 $ .01 3 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 28 I,ACFO28 $ 6.375 $ .013 s 7388 s 739 $ 6-649 A4 FS 30 I,ACFO3O $ 6.375 $ .013 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6 649

A4 FS 3I ],ACFO3I $ ó.375 $ .01 3 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 38 I,ACFO38 $ 6.37s .013 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6-649 A4 FS 44 LACFO44 s 6375 .013 s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6-649 FS 48 LACFO4S s 637s .013 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 ^4 A4 FS 50 ],ACFOsO $ 6.37s $ 1.013 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS 53 I,ACFO53 g 6.375 s 1.013 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B tìxh¡b¡t C 3 (l'hase 2 - Sire (:onstmct¡on ond S¡re Motltficarirn) Exhibit C.3 (Page 1 of l5) LA-RICS pSBN Asreentent EXHIBIT C.3 Agreenenl No. l-/l-RICS 008 - Amended and Restated under Amendnent No. 3

Un¡lateral Opt¡or Sum Unilâteral Optior Project Payable Sum for Site Unilateral Optior Contract Sum - l0% Holdback Deliverable Administration Amount læss Construction Sum Payable Amount Amount 10% Holdback for Site Only Amount Construction lNote lì

A4 FS 56 LACFO5ó $ ó.375 s .01 3 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 FS 58 LACFO58 $ 6.37s s .013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6-649 ^4 A4 FS 59 LACFO59 $ 6.37s $ 013 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS 6I I,ACFO6I $ 6.t75 $ 0 3 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 65 LACFO65 $ 6.375 $ 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6-649 A4 FS 68 LACFO6S $ 6.375 $ .0 -t $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS 69 LACFO69 $ 6.375 s .0 J $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS 7I LACFOTI $ 6.37s s .0 J $ 7.388 s 739 S 6.649 A4 FS72 LACFOT2 s 6.375 s 0 3 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6 649 A4 FS 73 LACFOT3 s 6.37s $ 0 s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6 649 FS 76 LACFOT6 $ 6.37s s 0 3 s 7.388 s 739 s 6 649 ^4 A4 FS77 LACFOT'7 s 6 375 s 0 3 $ 7-388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 78 LACFOTS $ 6375 s 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6649 4,4 FS 79 LACFOTg $ 6.375 s 013 $ 7.388 s 739 s 6649 FS 80 LACFOSO $ 6.375 s 0 3 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6649 ^4 FS 8I LACFOSI $ 6-375 $ 0 3 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6649 ^4 A4 FS 83 LACFO83 s 6-375 s 013 s 7.388 s 739 s ó649 A4 FS 84 LACFOS4 s ó.375 s 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6649 FS 85 LACFOSs $ 6.37s $ 0 3 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 664S ^4 A,4 FS 86 LACFOS6 $ 6375 s 0 J $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 87 LACFOST s 6375 $ .0 3 s 7-388 s '739 $ 6.64ç A4 FS 88 LACFOSS s 637s $ .013 s 7.388 $ 739 $ ó.64ç A4 FS 90 LACFOgO $ 6.375 s .01 3 s 7388 S 739 s 6.649 A4 FS 9'I LACFOgI $ 6.37s s .0 l3 s 7.388 s 739 $ ó.649 A4 FS 92 LACFOg2 $ 6 375 $ .013 $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6.ó49 4,4 FS 93 LACFO93 s 637s $ .01 3 $ 7.388 s 739 s 6.649 A,4 FS 95 LACFOg5 s 6375 S 013 s 7-388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 96 LACFO96 s 6-375 s 0r3 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.ó49 A4 FS 98 LACFOg8 $ 6.375 s 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 99 LACFOg9 s 6,37s s 013 $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 'I02 A4 FS LACFI02 s 6375 $ 013 $ 7-388 $ 735 $ 6.649 A4 FS t05 LACFl0s s 637 s 013 $ 7.388 s 739 s 6 649

A4 t FS I06 LACFI06 $ ó.37s $ .013 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6-649 A4l FS I07 LACFIOT $ 6.375 $ .013 $ 73 s 739 $ ó.649 A4 FSIOS LACFIOS $ 6.375 $ .0t3 s $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS II LACF1II $ 6.37s $ .013 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 4.4 FS 12 LACF112 6.37 5 $ 013 s 7388 $ 739 s 6.649 A4 FS I 14 LACFI 14 $ 6.37s s .0t3 s 7388 $ 739 s 6.649 4.4 FS 1 17 LACFI 17 $ 6.375 $ 0r3 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS I I8 LACFI I8 $ 6.375 $ .013 s 7388 $ 139 s 6649 FS I2O LA,CFI2O $ 6.375 $ .013 s 7388 $ 739 s 6.649 ^4 A4 FS 23 LACF123 s 6.375 $ .013 s 7388 s 739 $ 6649 A4 FS 29 I,ACF129 $ 6.375 $ 013 s ?i8R $ 739 s ó649 A4 FS 32 L^CFI32 $ 6.375 $ 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 40 LACFI40 $ ó.37s $ 013 $ 7.388 s 739 s 6.649 A4 FS 41 LACF14I $ 6.37s S 0t3 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 664ç A4 FS 44 LACF144 $ 6.375 s 013 $ 7.388 s 739 S (5 64ç FS 46 LACFI46 $ 6,375 $ ,0f3 s 7.388 S 739 $ 664ç ^4 A4 FS 49 LACF149 6,375 $ l.0l 3 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 664ç A4 FS 5I LACFI5I 6,375 013 7.388 S 739 $ 6.ó49 A4 FSI53 LACFl53 6,375 013 7,388 s 739 $ 6.649 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B

qnd lirhihit C 3 (Pha,re 2 - S¡te Con.\truct¡on Site Mod¡/ìcqt¡on) Exhibit C.3 (Page 2 of 15) LA-NCS l'SB N Agreenrent EXHIBIT C.3 Agrcente,tl No. LA-RICS 008 - Amended and Restûled undet Amendment No. 3

Unilateral Option Deliverable/ Sum Unilateral Optior Payable Task No./ Project Sum for Site Un¡lateral Optior Contract Sum - l0% Holdback Amount I¡ss Subt¡sk No/ Deliverable Administrat¡on Construction Sum Payable Amount Amount l0% Holdback Section No, for Site tFÅ¡üt ..1. D. d M. Only Amount Construction (Note l)

1.41 FS I54 T,ACFI54 s 6.37s s .0 J $ 7.388 $ 739 S 6 649 A4 FS I57 LACF157 $ 6.375 $ 0 3 s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS I59 LACF159 $ 6.375 $ .0 t s 7.388 S 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 16I LACFI6I s 6.375 $ 0 J $ 7-388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 162 LACFI62 $ ó.37s $ 0 J s 7.388 s 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS 63 LACFI63 $ 6.375 $ 0 3 s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS 64 T,ACF164 $ ó.375 s 0 3 s 7.388 S 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS I69 I,ACFI69 $ 6.37s $ 0 3 s 7-388 s 739 $ 6.649 ¡.41 FS 7I t,ACF 71 $ 6.375 s .0 J $ 7-388 s 739 $ 6.ó49 4,4 FS 73 T,ACF s 6.375 $ .0 J s 7.388 s 739 g 6.649 441 FS 8I I,ACF 8 s 6.375 $ 0 3 s 7.388 s 719 s 6.649 A4 FS I83 LACF 83 $ 6.375 s .0 3 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 FS 84 LACF 84 $ 6.375 $ 0 3 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 ^4 A4 FS 87 LACF 87 $ 6.375 $ 013 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS 88 LACF 88 $ 6.37s s 013 $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS I92 LACFI92 $ 6.375 s 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS I94 LACFI94 $ 6.375 $ .013 $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 CP2 LACFCPO2 s 6.37s s 013 s 7388 $ 739 s 6 649 A4 CP 9 LACFCPOg $ 6.375 s 013 $ 7388 $ 739 $ 6-649 A4 CP I4 LACFCPI4 s ó.375 $ 013 $ 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 LAC/HARBOR+UCLA MEDICAL A4 r CENTER LACI]AR $ 6375 $ I 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6 649

LAC/OLIVEVIEW+UCLA LACOL\ $ ó.37s $ 1.013 $ 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 ^41 LAC/USC MEDICAL 441 CENTER ],ACI]SC s 6.37s s I 013 s 7-388 s 739 g 6.649 A4 FS 005 t.AFD00.5 $ 6.375 $ .0 l3 s 7.388 s 7f9 s 6.649 A4 FS OI2 I,AFDOI2 $ 6.37s $ .013 $ 7.388 s 719 $ 6.ó49 A4 FS OI5 I,AFDOI5 $ 6.37s $ .013 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS OI6 ],AFDOI6 $ 6.375 $ .013 s 7388 S 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS OI9 LAFDOI9 s 6.375 $ .013 $ 7.388 $ 719 $ 6.649 A4 FS 029 I,AFDO2g $ 6.37s $ 013 s 7388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 035 LAFDO35 $ 6.375 $ 013 s 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649

A4 FS 042 LAFDO42 s 6375 $ 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6 649

FS 044 LAFDO44 s 6375 $ 0r3 s 7-388 $ 739 $ 6.649 ^4 A4 FS 047 ì,AFDO47 $ 6.375 $ 013 s 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 049 I,AFDO4g $ 6.37s $ .013 $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6 649

A4 FS 055 T,AFDO55 $ 6.37s $ .013 $ 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4l FS 061 LAFDO6I $ 6.375 $ 013 s 7388 $ 739 s 6.649 A4 FS 066 LAFDO6ó $ 6.37s $ .013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6.649 A4 FS 074 LAFDOT4 $ 6.37s $ -013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6.649 A4 FS 076 LAFDOT6 $ 6.37s s 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 S ó649 A4 FS 077 LAFDOTT $ 6.375 s 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6649 A4 FS 079 LAFDOTg $ 6.37s $ .0r3 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6649 A4 FS O8O LAFDOSO s 6.37s $ I .013 S TJRR $ 7f9 $ 6649 A4 FS O8I LAFDOS1 $ 6.375 S I .013 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6 649 A4 FS 082 LAFDO82 $ 6.375 $ t0l3 $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6 649 FS 084 LAFDOS4 s 6.375 $ I 013 $ 73RR $ 739 s 6 649 ^4 FS 085 LAFDOSs $ 6-375 s I 013 s 7.388 $ 739 s 6 649 ^4 A4 FS 088 LAFDOSS s 6.375 l0l3 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6 649 A4 FS 093 LAFDO93 $ 6,375 I,013 $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS 094 LAFDO94 6,375 I 013 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B

I:.\lì¡b¡t C 3 (l'hase 2 - Site Ctnstuctto,, aill Site Modifrcatron) Exhibit C.3 (Page 3 of l5) LAJùCS PSBN Agreenenr EXHIBIT C.3 Agreement No. LA-RICS 008 - Antended and Restated under Amendment No. 3

Unilateral Optior Sum Unihteral Option Payable Project Sum for Site Unilateral Optior Contråct Sum - l0% Holdback Amount læss Deliverable Adm¡nistrat¡on Construction Sum Payable Amounl Amount 10% Holdback for Site Only Amount Construction (Note l) A4 FS 095 LAFDO95 $ ó.17s $ 0 J s 7388 $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS 096 LAFDO96 $ 6.375 $ 0 J $ 7388 s 739 s 6 649 A4 FS 097 LAFDOgT $ 6.375 $ 0 J s 7388 $ 739 s 6 649 A4 FS I01 LAFDIOI $ 6.37s $ 0 J s 7388 $ 739 S 6 649 A4 FS I05 LAFDl05 s 6.375 $ 0 3 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 FS I14 LAFDI14 s 6.375 $ .0 J $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6.649 A4 Hermosa HO LALGI00 $ 6.375 s .0 J $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6 649 A4 Zuma Lifesuard HO LALG300 s 6.375 s .0 J s 7.388 $ 739 s 6.649 A4 Lifesua¡d Division LALG-HO s ó.375 S .0 3 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 Lancaster l,AN s 6.375 s .0 3 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6.649 Comnlex LAPD077 ß 6.375 s .0 J $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6.649 ^4 A4 Ceniral Area Comnlex T.APDCEN $ 6375 s .0 J $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 Devonshire Area station LAPDDVN $ 6.375 s 0 J $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 Foothill Area station LAPDFTH s 6375 $ .0 3 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4^4 Hollenbeck Area station LAPDHLB s 6375 $ 0 $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 Hollywood Area station LAPDHWD s 6375 $ 0 3 $ 7.388 S 739 $ 6-649 A4 Mission Area station LAPDMIS $ 6 1'15 s 0 3 s 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 Northeast Area station LAPDNED $ 6.375 S 0 s 7388 S 739 s 6.649 North Hollywood Area 4.4'l Station I,APDNHD s 6.375 s 1.013 s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.ó49 A4 Newton LAPDNWT s 6.375 $ .0 J s 7-388 $ 739 $ 6.ó49 A4 Olvmnìc Area station LAPDOLY s ó.375 s .0 J s 7-388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 Pacific Area station LAPDPAC $ 6-375 s .0 J s 7-388 $ 739 s 6.ó49 A4 RamÞart Area station LAPDRAM s 6 375 s 0 3 s 7.388 $ 739 s 6.649 ToDansa Area station LAPDTOP s 6-375 s .0 J s 7.388 $ 739 s 6.649 ^4 A4 Vallev Disnatch Center LAPDVDC s 6-375 S .0 3 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 Van Nuvs Areâ stâlion T,APD\¡NS $ 6.375 s .0 ) s 7.388 s 739 s 6.649 Wilshire Area station LAPDWII, s 6.37s $ 0 J $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 ^4 West Los Angeles Area A4l statron LAPDWLA $ 6.37s $ 1.013 s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 wesr valey Area A4t facilitv LAPDWVD s 6.375 $ l0t3 s 7388 s 739 s 6 649 A4 Altadena LASDALD $ 6.375 S 013 s 7.388 s 739 s 6649 Carson LASDCSN $ 6.375 S 013 $ 7.388 s 739 s 6649 ^4 Crescenta Vallev LASDCVS $ 6375 S 013 s 7.388 $ 739 g 6.649 A4^4 lndustrv LASDIDT s 6375 s .013 s 7.188 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 Lakewood LASDLKD $ 6375 s .013 s 7-388 $ 739 $ 6.649 Lennox (Closed) LASDLNX s 6375 $ 013 s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 ^4 llut Ltt uuuilLy LUr rçuuur4r A41 Facilitv LASDNCC $ 6.375 $ t.013 s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 4.4 Norwalk LASDNWK $ ó.375 $ .0 ) s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 4,4 Pico Rivera LASDPRV $ 6.37s $ 0 J $ 7.388 $ 739 g 6.649 4,4 Santa Clarita Vallev LASDSCV s ó.375 $ .0 J $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 San Dimas LASDSDM $ 6.375 s 0 J $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 '739 A4 Temnle LASDTEM $ 6.r7s s 0 J $ 7.388 $ s 6.649 A4 FS 2 LBFDOO2 s 6.375 $ 0 J $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6.649 A4 FS 6 LBFDOO6 s 6.37s $ 0 J $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 9 LBFDOOg s 6.375 $ 0 J $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS I2 I,BFDOI2 s 6-375 s 0 J $ 7.388 s 739 s 6-649 A4 FS I3 I,BFDOI3 s 6.375 $ 0 J $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6-649 FS 2I I,BFDO2I g 6.375 $ .0 3 s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 ^4 A4 HQ LBFDO26 $ 6375 S .0 J s 7-388 $ 739 s 6 649 A4 HO LBPDHQ s ó375 s .0 3 s 7-388 $ 739 s 6649 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTACHMENT B

Dxhíh¡t C 3 (Phase 2 - Site Conslruct¡on and S¡le Modi.f¡cqlon) Exhibit C.3 (Page 4 of l5) IA-RICS PSBN Agreement EXHIBIT C.3 Agreentent No. LA-RICS 008 - Amended and Restaled unde¡ Amendment No. 3

Unilateral Option Deliverabld Sum Unilateral Option Payable Task No./ Project Sum for Site Un¡lâteral Optior Contract Sum - l0% Holdback Amount l¡ss Subtask No./ Deliverable Admin¡strat¡on Consfruction Sum Payable Amount Amount l0% Holdback Section No. for Site ttuíürÅ,a,ùtu Only Amount Construction lNote l)

441 E LDWP22O s 637s $ t.0 3 $ 7.388 s 739 s 6 649 A4r Lost Hills/Malibu LHS $ 6 375 .$ 0 3 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4I FS 2 LVFDOO2 s 6375 $ 0 3 $ 7.388 s 739 s 6 649 A4t LaVernePD LVRNPD s ó375 $ 0 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6.649 A41 FS I MBFDOOI s 6375 $ t.0 3 $ 7.388 s 739 s 6 649 Mrra Loma Delentron A4t Facílitv MLM $ 6.37s $ r.013 s 7388 s 739 $ 6 649 A4 MonroviaPD MNRVPD $ 6.375 $ .0 J s 7388 S 739 $ 6.649 A4 Montebello PD MNTBLPD $ 6.37s $ .0 J s 7388 $ 719 s 6.649 A4 Monterev Park PD MNTPKPD $ 6.375 $ .0 3 s 7388 $ 739 s 6.649 Mount OlivetReservorr MOR $ ó.37s $ .0 7 s 7388 s 739 $ 6.649 ^4 A4 FS 2 MRFDOO2 $ 6.37s $ .0 J $ 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 3 MTBFDO3 s 6375 s 0 J s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649

Mount Washinmon MTW $ 6.37s s 0 3 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6 649 ^4 Goodrich PASAOOl $ 6.375 s 013 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6 649 ^4 A4 FS 33 PASFD33 s ó.375 s 0t3 $ 7.388 $ 739 $ 6-649 A4 Puente Hills PHN s 6_375 $ .0t3 $ 7.388 $ 739 s 6.ó49 A4 Palmdale PLM $ 6.37s S 013 s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 LAU/KANUHU LUS AMIGUS A4 t NATTONA], REHAB s 6375 $ 1.0t3 $ 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS2 RDBFDO2 g 6.375 $ 0 J s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 Redondo Beach PD RDNBPD s 6.375 $ .0 s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6 649 A4 Reservoi¡ Hrll REH $ 6.37s $ .0 s 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 San Pedro Citv Hall SCH $ 6.375 $ .0 s 7388 S 739 $ 6.649 A4 Southeast Area station SEP s 6.375 $ .0 s 7388 $ 739 s 6.649 A4t FS 3 SFSFDO3 $ 6.375 $ .0 s 7.388 s 719 $ 6.649 A4 FS 4 SFSFDO4 $ 6.37s $ .0 s 7388 S 739 $ 6.ó49 A4 South L A SLA $ 6.37s $ .0 s 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 2 SMFDOO2 $ 6.37s $ .013 s 7.388 $ 739 s 6.649 A4 SouthGatePD SOGTPD $ 6.375 $ .01 3 s 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 San Vicente Peak SVP $ 6.37s $ .01 3 s 7388 s 739 $ 6.649 A4 Southwest Area station SWP $ 6.37s $ 013 s 7388 $ 739 s 6.649 A4 City Hall Radio Tower TORC001 $ ó.37s $ 0t3 s 7.388 $ 739 s 6.649 A4 FS 2 TORFDO2 $ ó.375 $ .013 s 7.388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 3 TORFDO3 s 6.375 $ 013 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 4 TORFDO4 $ 6.375 $ .013 s 7388 $ 139 $ 6.649

A4 FS I VEFDOOI s 6-375 $ 013 $ 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 3 VEFDOO3 $ 6.17s $ .013 s 7388 $ 739 s 6-649 A41 WalnutrT)iamond Bar WAT. $ 6.37s $ -013 s 7-388 S 739 $ 6.649 A4 FS 4 WCFDOO4 $ ó.375 $ .0 l3 s 7.388 s 739 $ 6.649 1.41 FS 5 WCFDOOs $ 6.37s $ .01 3 s 7388 $ 739 $ 6.649 A4 West Hollvwood WHD s 6.375 s 013 s 7388 $ 739 s 6-649 A4 lite PreDaratron Per Site $ r'.4.2 AlhambraPD ALHPD0I $ 25.505 s 4.052 s 2S 557 s 29s6 $ 26 ó01 442 Arcadia PD ARCPD0I $ 2s.s0s s 4-0s2 $ 29.ss7 $ 2.956 s 26 60r r'.42 AzusaPD AZPDOOI $ 2s.50s $ 4-052 $'t $ 2.956 s 26601 r'.42 Bell Gardens PD BGPDOOl $ 20.340 s 3.232 s 23.s't2 $ 2.357 s 2t 21s Beverly Hills Rexford A42 Drive BHR $ 2s.s0s $ 4.052 s 29.ss7 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.ó01 442 Bald Mountaìn BMT $ 2s.s0s 4.052 s 29.ss7 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.601 442 Baldwin Park PD BPPD00I $ 20.340 3.232 s 23.s72 s 3s',t $ 21.2t5 442 BlueRock RRK 25.505 4.052 s 29 557 s 2.9s6 $ 26.ó0t AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B

qnd Exh¡bit C 3 (Phase 2 - S¡te (:onstructrcn S¡te Mod¡/ìcat¡on) Exhibit C.3 (Page 5 of l5) LA-IUCS PSBN Agreement EXHIBIT C.3 Agreement Na LA-RICS 008 - Anrcnded an¡l Restaled under Amendmenl No. 3

Unilateral Optior Deliverable/ Sum Unilateral Optior Payable Task NoJ Project Sum for Site Unilateral Optiol Contract Sum - 10% Holdback Amount læss Subtask No./ Deliverable Adm¡n¡stration Construct¡on Sum Payable Amount Amount l0% Iloldback Section No. for Site Only Amount Construction lNote 1) /.42 Burnt Pmk BIIR $ 2s.50s s 4.052 s 29.ss7 $ 2.95( $ 26.601 r'.42 BurbankPD BURPDOI $ 25.505 $ 4.0s2 $ 29.55? $ 2 95(. $ 26.601 1.42 Criminal Court Buildine CCT $ 19.080 $ 3.032 s 22.112 $ 2.21I $ 19.901 A.4.2 Centurv CEN $ 20.340 $ 3.232 $ 23.572 $ 2.351 s 21.215 1.42 Carlton J Pete¡son Park CJP $ 25.505 $ 4.0s2 $ 29.557 $ 2.95( s 26.60t 1.42 Towe¡ CLM $ 5.020 $ 798 $ 5.818 $ s82 $ 5.236 /'42 Clarernont PD CLRMPDI $ 25.505 $ 4.0s2 $ 29.ss7 $ 2.95(, $ 26.601 A 4.2 FS 2 CPTFDO2 $ 20.340 $ 1.232 s 23.s72 $ 2.1s7 $ 21.21 5 FS 4 CPTFDO4 $ 20.340 s )-z)z s 23.s72 s 2.3s7 $ 2r.215 ^42 uurver Llly 4,4 2 Communications Tower CULV00l $ 5.020 s 798 $ 5.818 s 582 $ 5.236 4,42 Downev PD DWNYPDI s 20.340 s 3.232 s 23 s72 S 23s',1 s 215 A4 El Monte PD ELMNTPD s 20 340 s 3232 s 23 572 s 2357 s 2 2 El Sesundo PD ELSGDPD $ 20.340 s 3232 s 23 s72 s 23s7 S ^42 1.42 FCCF.HQ FCCF s 20 340 s 1232 s 23 572 s 2357 s 2 FS 5 FS5 $ 20.340 $ 3.232 $ 23.s72 s 2.35'l s 1 ^42 r''42 Gardena GARDOOl $ 20.340 $ 3.232 s 23J72 $ 2.35'l $ ) r'.42 Glendale Civic Center GCC $ 25.505 s 4.0s2 s 29 557 s 2 9s6 s 26 60r r''42 UOC GDWPOOI $ 25.505 $ 4.052 s 29 557 s 2 956 $ 26 60r /.4.2 FS 23 GLNDL23 $ 25.50s $ 4 052 $ 29.557 $ 2.956 $ 26.ó01 A.4 2 FS 24 GLNDL24 $ 2s.505 $ 4.052 s 29.557 $ 2.956 $ 26.60 I A.4 2 FS 28 GLNDL2S $ 25.505 $ 4.0s2 $ 29.557 $ 2.956 $ 26.601 1.42 FS 3 LACFOO3 $ 20.340 $ 3.232 $ 23.572 $ 2.3s7 s 2 ) 1.42 FS 4 LACFOO4 s 20.340 g 3.232 $ 23.572 $ 2.357 $ 2 2 1.42 FS 16 LACFOI6 $ 20.340 s 3.232 s 23.572 $ 2.357 $ 2 A42 FS 2I LACFO21 s 20.340 $ 3.232 $ 23.572 s 2.357 $ 2 2 r'.42 FS 23 LACFO23 $ 20 340 s 3.232 $ 23.572 s 2.357 $ 2 2 1.42 FS 24 LACFO24 $ 25.505 $ 4.0s2 $ 29.557 $ 2.956 $ 26.601 ¡.4.2 FS 28 LACFO2S $ 20.340 $ 3.232 $ 23.572 $ 2.3s7 $ 21.2 1.42 FS 30 LACFO3O $ 20.340 $ 3.232 fi 23.s72 $ 2.3s7 $ )1 ) FS 31 LACFO3I $ 20.340 g 3.232 s 23.s72 $ 2.3s7 $ 2t.2 ^.42 FS 38 LACFO3S $ 20.340 $ 3.232 s 23.572 $ 2.3s7 s 21.2 ^42 FS 44 LACFO44 $ 2s.s0s $ 4.052 s 29.557 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.60r ^42 r'.42 FS 48 LACFO4S $ 25.505 $ 4.052 $ 29-557 s 2.9s6 $ 26.601 FS 50 LACFOsO s 20.340 $ 3.232 $ 23.572 $ 2.357 $ 2t.215 ^42 1.42 FS 53 LACFO53 $ 25.s05 $ 4.052 $ 29.557 $ 2.956 $ 26.601 r'.42 FS 56 LACFO56 s 25.505 $ 4.0s2 $ 29.557 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.ó01 r'.42 FS 58 LACFOsS $ 20.340 g 3.232 s 23.572 $ 2.3s7 $ 21.2 t5 ¡.42 FS 59 LACFO5g $ 25.505 $ 4.052 $ 29.557 $ 2.956 s 26.601 A42 FS óI LACFO6I $ 25-505 $ 4.0s2 s 29.ss7 s 2.9s6 s 26.601 /.42 FS 65 LACFO65 $ 25.505 $ 4.0s2 $ 29.ss7 s 2.9s6 s 26.601 A42 FS 68 LACFO6S $ 25.505 $ 4.0s2 s 295s7 s 2-956 $ 26.601 4.42 FS 69 LACFO69 s 25.505 s 4.0s2 $ 29.ss7 s 2.956 $ 26 601 4,42 FS 7I LACFOTI s 2s.s05 s 4-052 s 29.55'.Ì s 2.956 s 26 601 442 FS72 I.ACFO72 s 25.s05 s 4.052 s 29.55"t $ 2.956 s 26 601 r'.42 FS 73 T,ACFO73 s 25 s05 s 4.052 s 29.551 s 29s6 s 26 601 ¡.42 FS 7ó T,ACFO76 $ 25 505 s 40s2 s 29.ss1 s 29s6 s 26 601 /.42 FS77 LACFOTT $ 25,505 s 4052 s 29 557 .q 2 9s6 $ 26.ó01 /.4.2 FS 78 LACFOT8 $ 2s,505 s 40s2 s 29 557 s 2 9s6 $ 26.ó01 r''42 FS 79 LACFOTg s 2s 50s s 40s2 $ 29 557 s 2 9s6 $ 26.60r FS 80 LACFOSO $ 25.505 s 40s2 s 29 557 $ 2.956 $ 26.601 ^4.2 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTACHMENT B

Erh¡b¡t C 3 (Phase 2 - Site Con.stucl¡on and S¡te Modificatrcn) Exhibit C.3 (Page 6 of l5) lÀ-RICS PSBN Agreenenr EXHIBIT C.3 Agreement No. LA-RICS 008 - Antended snd Restured under Antendmenl No. 3

Unilateral Option Deliver¡ble/ Sum Unilateral Option Payable Task No,/ Project Sum for Site Unila tera I Optior Contract Sum - l0% Holdback Amount lÆss Subtask No./ Deliverable Administration Construction Sum Payable Amount Amount l0% Holdback Section No. for Site tUnütA, D. ù tu Only Amount Construction lNote 1)

A42 FS 8I I,ACFOSI $ 25.505 s 4.0s2 s 29.557 $ 2956 $ 26.601

r'.42 FS 83 LACFOS3 $ 25.505 $ 4.0s2 s 29.557 s 29s6 $ 26.60 I r''42 FS 84 LACFO84 $ 25.505 $ 4.0s2 s 29.ss7 s 29s6 $ 26.601 A42 FS 85 I,ACFO85 25.505 $ 4.052 s 29.557 s 2.956 s 2660 r'.42 FS 86 T,ACFO86 $ 2s.s0s $ 4.052 $ 29.557 $ 2-956 s 2660 r'.42 FS 87 ],ACFO87 s 20 340 $ 3.232 s 23.572 s 2.357 s 21 215 r''42 FS 88 LACFOSS s 2s 50s $ 4.052 s 29.557 s 2-956 s 26 601 r''42 FS 90 I,ACFOgO $ 20 340 s 3.232 $ 23.s12 s 2.35't s 21 215 442 FS 9I I,ACFOSI $ 2s.50s $ 4.0s2 s 29.557 s 2956 s 26 601 r'.42 FS 92 LACFO92 s 25.505 $ 4.0s2 g 29.557 $ 2956 $ 26.60t 442 FS 93 LACFOg3 s 25.50s $ 4.0s2 s 29.557 s 2956 $ 26.601 442 FS 95 LACFO95 $ 20.340 s 3.232 s 23 s72 s 215',1 s 21.215 2 FS 96 LACFO96 $ 20.340 s 3.232 g 23 s72 8 2.357 g 2t.215 ^.4 FS 98 LACFOgS s 20.340 s 3.2t2 s 23 s72 s 2.357 s 21.215 ^42 r'.42 FS 99 LACFO99 $ 25.505 s 4.052 s 29 5s7 $ ) o\6 $ 26.601 1.4.2 FS IO2 LACFIO2 $ 25.505 $ 4.0s2 s 29 557 $ 2.956 $ 26.601 ¡.42 FS IO5 LACFIOs $ 20.340 s 3.232 s 23.572 S 2 35't g 21.21s 442 FS 06 LACFIO6 $ 25.505 $ 4.0s2 s 29.ss7 s 29s( $ 2ó.601 1.42 FS 07 LACFIO'I $ 25.505 $ 4.052 s 29 557 $ 2.95(, $ 26.601 4.42 FS 08 LACFIOS $ 25.505 $ 4.052 s 29 557 s 295(. $ 26.601 FS II LACFIII $ 25.505 $ 4.052 s 29 557 $ 2.95ó $ 26.601 ^42 FS 12 LACF 12 $ 25.505 s 4-052 s 29 ss7 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.601 ^42 /'42 FS 14 LACF 14 $ 2s.s0s s 4.052 s 29.557 $ 2.956 $ 26.601 4.4 2 FS 17 LACF t7 $ 25.505 s 4.0s2 $ 29.ss7 $ 2.95ó $ 26 601 442 FS 18 LACF l8 s 20.340 $ 3.232 g 23.572 s 2.357 $ 21-215 4.42 FS 20 LACF 20 $ 25.505 s 4.052 s 29.ss7 s 2.9s6 s 26.601 A42 FS 23 LACFI23 $ 25.505 s 4.0s2 s 29.5s7 $ 2.956 $ 2ó.60r r'.42 FS I29 LACFI2g $ 25.505 $ 4.052 $ 29.557 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.601 A,4 2 FS 32 LACF iz $ 25.505 s 4-052 $ 29.557 s 2.956 s 26.601 /.42 FS 40 LACFI4O $ 25.505 s 4.052 s 29.557 $ 2.956 $ 2ó.601 r'.42 FS 4I LACF 4t $ 25.505 s 4.052 $ 29 s57 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.601 4,4 2 FS 44 LACF 44 s 25.505 s 4.052 s 29 ss7 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.601 /.42 FS 46 LACF 46 $ 25.505 s 4-052 g 29.ss7 $ 2.9s6 s 26.60r FS 49 LACF149 $ 25.505 s 4.052 $ 29.s57 $ 2.9s6 s 26 60r ^42 A,4 2 FS 5I LACFI5I s 25.505 s 4052 $ 29.557 g 2.956 s 26 60r 4.4 2 FS 3 LACFI53 $ 25 s05 $ 40s2 $ 29.557 s 2.956 s 2660 r'.42 FS 54 LACFI54 s 25.s0s s 4052 $ 29.557 s 2.956 s 2660 1'42 FS 57 LACF157 s 25.505 s 40s2 s 29.557 s 2.956 s 26601 FS 59 LACFI59 $ 20,340 $ 3.232 $ 23.s72 s 2,3s7 $ 21.215 ^42 4.4 2 FS 6I LACFIóI $ 20.340 g 3.232 s 23.572 s 23s7 s 21.215 442 FS 62 LACF162 $ 20.340 ì tì, s 23-572 s 2357 $ 21215 '\ 1'42 FS 63 LACFI63 $ 20.340 )1) s 23-572 s 23s7 $ 21.215 442 FS 64 LACF164 $ 20.340 1)\) s 23.512 s 2357 $ 2t.215 1.42 FS 69 LACFI69 $ 20.340 3.232 s 23.572 s 2357 $ .215 FS 71 L^CF171 s 20.340 ì tt, s 23.572 s 2357 $ 215 ^42 4,4 2 FS 73 LACF173 $ 20.340 3.232 s 23-572 s 2357 $ 215 A42 FS 8I T,ACFI SI 25.505 4.052 s 29.557 $ ? o<Á $ 26.60t A42 FS 83 l.ACFl83 20.340 3.232 s 23 s72 S 2.3s7 s 21.21s 442 FS I 84 I,ACFI 84 20.340 7 )1) s 23 572 $ 2.357 $ 21.2t5 442 FS I87 I,ACFI87 ,5 50S 4.0s2 s 29 557 $ 2.9s6 $ 26-601 r'.42 FS I88 LACFl88 25.505 4.0s2 s 29 ss7 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.601 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B ljrh¡h¡t C: 3 (l)hase 2 - Site Construct¡on and S¡te Modificotion) Exhibit C.3 (Page 7 of 15) lAJllCS PSBN Agreenenr EXHIBIT C.3 Agreen ent No. LA-RICS 008 - Ante,tded ortd Restated under Amendment No. 3

Unilåterâl Optior Deliverable/ Sum Unilateral Optior Payable Task No./ Project Sum for Site Unilateral Optior Contract Sum - l0% Holdback Amount L€ss Subt¿sk No,/ Deliverable Administration Construction Sum Payable Amount Amount 10% Holdback Section No. for Site Only Amount Construct¡on (Note l) 1^4.2 FS 192 LACFIq2 $ 20 340 s 3.232 s 23 572 s 2 35'1 $ 21.215 442 FS 194 r.A,CFl94 $ 20 340 s 3232 s 23 s72 $ 2.357 $ 21.21 s A42 CP2 I,ACFCPO2 s 25 50.5 s 4052 $ 29.557 $ 2.956 $ 26.60r 442 CP 9 ],ACFCPOg s 25 505 $ 40s2 s 29.557 s 2.956 $ 2ó.ó01 r'.42 CP I4 I,ACFCPI4 s 25,505 $ 4.052 $ 29.557 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.601 L1qL/IIAI(bUK+ U LLA ML,IJIUAL r'.42 CENTER LACHAR $ 19.080 $ 3 032 s 22.112 s 2.211 s 19901

442 T,AC/OI,IVEVTEW+I]CI,A t,ACOI,\ s 19 080 $ 3.032 s 22.112 s 2.211 $ 19.901 LAC/USC MBDICAL 4.4.2 CENTER LACUSC $ 19.080 $ 3.032 s 22.112 s 2.211 s 19.901 FS OO5 LAFDOOs $ 20.340 s 3.232 s 23.572 s 2.357 s 21 215 ^42 FS OI2 LAFDO12 $ 20.340 s 3.232 s 23.572 s 23s7 g 21 215 ^42 FS OI5 LAFDO15 $ 20.341 $ 3.232 s 23.573 s 2.357 g 21 216 ^42 /'42 FS OI6 LAFDOI6 s 20.34t s 3.232 s 23.s73 s 2357 ï 21 2t6 4..4 2 FS OI9 LAFDOIg s 25.506 s 4-052 s 29 558 .$ 2 956 $ 26.602 A42 FS 029 LAFDO29 s 20.341 $ 3.232 s 23 573 s 2357 s 21.216 r'.42 FS 035 LAFDO3s s 2s.50ó s 40s2 s 2S 5s8 $ 2.956 s 26.602 r'.42 FS 042 LAFDO42 s 20.34 S 3 232 s 23 s73 2.357 $ 216 1'42 FS 044 LAFDO44 s 20.34 s 3.232 s 23 573 s 23s7 $ .216 A42 FS 047 LAFDO4T S 20.34 s 3.232 s 23 573 s 2357 $ .216 FS 049 LAFDO4g s 2014 s 3232 s 23 s73 $ 2.3s7 $ .216 ^42 r'.42 FS 055 LAFDO55 s 20.34 s 3232 g 23 s73 g 2.3s7 $ .216 r'.42 FS 06I LAFDO6I s 20.34 g 3232 s 23 5'1 $ 2.3s7 s .216 ¡'42 FS 066 LAFDO66 s 20,34 s 3232 s 23 57f s 2.3s7 s 21.216 442 FS 074 LAFDOT4 s 25.506 s 4052 $ 29 558 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.602 442 FS 076 LAFDOT6 s 25.506 s 4052 s 29 ss8 $ 2.956 $ 26.602 4,4 2 FS 077 LAFDOTT s 25 506 s 4052 $ 29.ss8 $ 2.956 $ 26.602 442 FS 079 I,AFDO7g s 20 341 $ 3.232 $ 23.573 $ 2.357 s 21.216 442 FS O8O I,AFDOSO s 20 341 s 1 $ 23.573 $ 2.357 s 21.216 Á.42 FS O8I LAFDOSI $ 20 341 3 232 s 23.s73 $ 2.3s7 s 21.216 442 FS 082 f ,AFDO82 $ 2s 506 $ 4.0s2 $ 29.s58 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.602 442 FS 084 I,AFDOs4 s 2s s06 $ 4.0s2 $ 29.558 s 2.956 s 26.602 A4 FS 085 I,AFDO85 s 20 341 g 3.232 $ 23.573 $ 2.357 s 21.2t6 A4 FS 088 I,AFDO88 $ 2s s06 s 40s2 $ 29.5s8 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.602 FS 093 LAFDO93 $ 25.50ó $ 4.052 $ 29.558 $ 2.9s6 S 26.602 ^42 4,4 FS OS4 I,AFDOg4 s 2034 ï 3.232 $ 23.s73 $ 2.357 g 21.216 A4 FS 095 I,AFDOg5 s 2034 s 1232 $ 23.s73 $ 2.3s7 s 21.216 1.42 FS 096 LAFDO96 $ 25.506 $ 4.052 $ 29.ss8 $ 2.956 s 26-602 r'.42 FS 097 LAFDOgT $ 25.506 $ 4.052 $ 29.ss8 s 2.9s6 s 26.602 FS IOI LAFDIOI $ 25.506 $ 4.052 $ 29.558 $ 2.9s6 S 26.602 ^42 r'.42 FS IO5 LAFDI05 $ 25.506 $ 4-052 $ 29.5s8 s 2.956 s 26602 r'.42 FS I14 LAFDI 14 s 20.341 ç ??1t $ 23573 s 2.3s7 s 21 216 1.42 Hermosa HO LALGI00 s 20.341 $ 3.232 s 23.573 s 2.3s7 s 21 21( /.42 Zuma Lifeeuard HO LALG300 $ 25.506 $ 4.052 s 29-558 s 2956 g 26602 A4.2 Lifepuard Division LALG-HO $ 20.341 s 3.232 s 23.573 s 23s7 g 21.216 A4.2 Lancaste¡ LAN $ 2s.s06 s 4.0s2 $ 29.ss8 s 29s6 $ 26.602 / / ln òrreer Area A42 Comnlex LAPD077 $ 20 34r S 3.23 s 23.s73 g 2.3s7 $ 21.216 r'.42 Central Area Comolex LAPDCEN s 20341 g 3232 $ 23.573 s 2.3s1 g 21.2t6 A42 Devonshi¡e Area station LAPDDVN s 2s.s06 s 4.0s2 .q 29 ss8 $ 2.956 $ 26.602 A,42 Foothill Area stafion LAPDFTH s 25.s06 s 40s2 s 29 ss8 $ 2.956 $ 26.602 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B

Eú¡b¡t C 3 (l'ha,se 2 - Sire Construct¡on and Sile Modificotion) Exhibit C.3 (Page 8 of l5) LA-RI()S PSB N Agreenent EXHIBIT C.3 Agreenent No. LA-RICS 008 - Anended and Restated under Amendnent No. 3

Unilateral Option Deliverable/ Sum Unilateral Option Payable Task No,/ Project Sum for Site Unilateral Optior Contract Sum - l0% Holdback Amount Iæss Sublâsk No./ Deliverable Administrttion Construction Sum Payable Amount Amount l0% Holdback Section No. for Site ¡FÀ¡bÍtLBqhB Only Amount Construction lNote I ì

Hollenbeck Area station LAPDHLB s 20.341 s 3.232 s 23 s73 g 2.357 $ 21 .216 ^42 Hollvwood Area station LAPDHWD s 25-s06 s 40s2 $ 29.558 s 2.956 $ 26.602 ^42 442 Mission Area station LAPDMIS $ 25.506 s 4.0s2 $ 29.558 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.602 /'42 Northeast Area station LAPDNED $ 25.506 s 4-052 s 29 ss8 s 2.9s6 $ 26.602 North Hollywood Area 4.4 2 Station LAPDNHT) S 25.506 $ 4.0s2 $ 29.558 s 2956 s 26.602 ¡'42 Newton LAPDNWT $ 20.341 s 3.232 s 23.5?3 s 2357 s 21.216 r'.42 Olvmpìc Area station LAPDOLY $ 20.341 $ 3.232 g 23.573 s 23s7 $ .216 442 Pacrfic Area station LAPDPAC s 20.341 $ 3.232 s 23.s73 s 23s7 $ .216 r'.42 Ramoart Area station LAPDRAM $ 20.341 s 3.232 s 23 s73 s 2.3s7 $ 2 .216 Topan!,a Area statron LAPDTOP $ 20.341 s 3.232 s 23 5'13 s 2.357 $ 2 .2't6 ^.42 Vallev Dispatch Center LAPDVDC s 25.506 $ 4.0s2 s 29 558 s 2956 $ 26.602 ^42 4,42 Van Nuvs Area station LAPDVNS $ 20.341 s 3.232 s 23 573 s 2157 s 21.216 p^42 Wilshire Area station LAPDWIL $ 20.341 s 3.232 s 23 573 s 2.3s7 s 21.216 West Los Angeles Area r'.42 stâtion t.APDWT.A $ 20.341 8 3.232 $ 23.s73 s 2.3s7 s 21 216 West Valìey Area r'.42 facilitv LAPDWVD s 20-341 3.232 s 23.57 3 $ 2.3s7 g 2r.2t6 r'.42 Altadena LASDALD s 25.506 $ 4052 $ 29.558 $ 2.95( $ 26.602 r'.42 Carson LASDCSN $ 20.341 s 3232 $ 23.573 $ 2.3s7 $ 21.216 4.42 Crescenta Vallev LASDCVS s 25.506 s 40s2 $ 29.558 s 2.9s6 $ 26.602 4.4.2 lndustw LASDIDT s 20.341 s 3232 s 23.s73 s 2.3s7 s 21.216 A42 Lakewood LASDLKD g 20341 s 3232 $ 23.s71 $ 2.3s7 g 21.216 A.42 Lennox fClosed) LASDLNX s 20.341 s 3232 $ 23.s73 $ 2.357 s 21.216 A.4.2 Facilitv LASDNCC s 2s s06 s 4052 $ 29.558 $ 2.956 $ 26.602 4.4 2 Norwalk LASDNWK s 20 341 s 1232 s 23.573 $ 2.3s7 $ 21 216 r'.42 Pìco Rivera LASDPRV s 20 341 $ 3.232 $ 21.573 $ 2.3s7 s 21 216 r''42 Santa Clarita Vallev LASDSCV $ 25 506 s 40s2 $ 29.558 $ 2.956 s 26602 r'.42 San I)ímas I,ASDSDM s 2s s06 s 4.0s2 $ 29.5s8 s 2.956 s 26602 r'.42 Temole LASDTEM s 25.506 $ 4.0s2 $ 29.ss8 s 2.956 $ 26.602 r'.42 FS 2 LBFDOO2 s 20.34 s 3.232 s 21 571 s 2.3s7 $ 2 216 r'.42 FS 6 LBFDOO6 $ 20.341 g 3232 s 23.s73 $ 2.1s7 $ 2 216 g 44.2 FS 9 LBFDOOg s 20.341 3232 s 23.573 $ 2.3s7 $ 2 .216 A42 FS 12 LBFDOI2 s 20 341 s 3232 s 23.573 $ 2.357 $ 2 .216 FS 13 LBFDO13 s 20341 g 3232 $ 23.s73 s 2.3s7 s 2 2't6 ^42 g r'.42 FS 2I LBFDO2I s 20 341 3212 $ 23.573 s 2.3s7 S 2 216 442 HO LBFDO26 s 20 341 s 3232 $ 23.573 s 2.3s7 $ 2 216 4.4 2 HO T,BPDHO s 1908 $ 3.032 $ 22.113 s 2.211 $ l9 s02 ùylmar Lonvener òtatron - E LDWP22O $ 25.506 s 4.052 s 29 5s8 g 2.9s6 $ 26.602 ^42 Lost Hills/Malibu LHS s 25.506 s 4-052 $ 29 ss8 s 2.956 s 26-602 ^42 r'.42 FS 2 LVFDOO2 $ 2s.s06 $ 4.052 $ 29.5s8 $ 2.956 $ 26.602 1.42 LaVernePD LVRNPD $ 25.506 s 4052 $ 29.ss8 $ 2.95ó s 26.602 /'42 FS I MBFDOOI s 20.341 s 3.232 s 23.573 s 2.3s1 s 21.216 Mrfa Loma Detenfion p.42 Facililv Ml.M $ 25.50ó $ 4.0s2 $ 29.558 s 2.956 s 26602 A.42 MonroviaPD MNRVPD $ 25.506 $ 4.0s2 s 29.558 $ 2.95ó s 26.602 4.42 MONIEbEIIO PD MNTBLPD $ 20.341 3.232 s 23.s73 s 21s7 $ 2t.216 1.42 Monterey Park PD MNTPKPD $ 20.341 3.232 s 23.s73 s 23s7 $ 21.216 Mount Olivet Reservoir MOR $ 2s.s06 4.052 s 29.558 s 29s6 $ 26.602 ^42 /.42 FS 2 MRFDOO2 $ 25.506 4.052 s 29 558 $ 2.956 $ 26.602 4.2 FS 3 MTBFDO3 20.341 3.232 s 23 573 g 2.3s7 s 21.216 ^ Mount Washìnston MTW s 20.141 3.232 s 23 573 $ 2.3s7 $ 21.216 ^42 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B lirhihit C 3 (l'ha.\e 2 - S¡te Construcl¡on and S¡tc Mod¡/ìcat¡on) Exhibit C.3 (Page 9 of l5) LA-RI('S I'Sß N Agreenenr EXHIBIT C.3 Agreement No. LA-RICS 008 - Amended and Restated unde¡ Amendment No. 3

Unilateral Option Deliverable/ Sum Unilateral Optior Payable Task No,/ Project Sum for Site Unilateral Optior Contract Sum - 10% Holdb¿ck Amount IJss Subtask No/ Deliverable Administrafion Construct¡on Sum Payable Amount Amount l0% Holdb¡ck Section No, for Site OnlY Amount Construction lNote ll 442 Goodrich PASA00l s 25 506 s 4-052 s 29.558 $ 2.956 $ 26.602 1.42 FS 33 PASFD33 s 2s 50ó s 4052 s 29 ss8 s 2.9s6 s 26.602 1.42 Puente HilÌs PHN s 25 506 .q 4 052 $ 29 ss8 S 2.9s6 s 26602 r''42 Palmdale PLM s 25 506 s 40s2 s 29,558 s 2.9s6 $ 26.602 LAC/RANCHO LOS AMIGOS r'.42 NATIONAIREHAB $ 20.34r s 3.232 $ z5 573 s 2.357 $ 21.216 r'.42 FS 2 RDBFDO2 $ 20.341 s 3.232 $ 23 573 s 2.357 s 21.216 442 Redondo Beach PD RDNBPD $ 2s.s06 s 4.052 $ 29.558 $ 2.9s6 $ 26.602 r''42 Reservoi¡ Hr ll REH $ 20.341 s 3.232 s 23.5'73 $ 2.-ls7 $ 21.216

4,42 San Pedro Citv Hall SCH s 19.081 $ 3.032 $ 22.1 13 s 2.211 s r 9.902 r'.42 Southeast Area station SEP s 20.341 $ 3.232 $ 23.573 $ 2.357 s 2l 6 442 FS 3 SFSFDO3 s 20.341 s 3.232 $ 23.573 s 2.3s7 $ 2l 6 A42 FS 4 SFSFDO4 s 20.341 s 3.232 $ 23.s73 s 2.Js7 s 2l 6 442 South L A SLA $ 20 34r s 3.232 s 23.573 s 2.357 S 21 6 442 FS 2 SMFDOO2 $ 25.s06 s 4-052 s 29-558 s 2.956 $ 26 602 A4 SOUIh GAtC PD SOGTPI) s 20 34t s 3.232 s 23.573 s 2.357 s 21 216 San Vicente Peak SVP s 25 506 $ 4.0s2 s 29.s58 s 2.956 s 26.602 ^4 Southwest A¡ea slation SWP s 20 341 g 3232 s 23.s73 g 23s7 s 2t 216 ^4.2 Citv Hall Radio Tower TORC00I s 20 341 s 3232 g 23 573 g 2.3s7 s 21 216 ^42 4.4 2 FS 2 TORFDO2 $ 25.506 $ 4.0s2 s 29 558 s 29s6 s 26602 FS 3 TORFDO3 $ 20.34 $ 3.232 s 23 573 s 2157 s 21 216 ^42 FS 4 TORFDO4 $ 25.506 s 40s2 s 29 s58 s 29s6 g 26602 ^42 FS I VEFDOO1 $ 20.341 $ 3.232 g 23 573 s 2 35'.t S 21 216 ^42 A42 FS 3 VEFDOO3 $ 20.341 $ 3.232 g 23.s73 g 2.3s7 s 21.216 A42 Walnut/Diamond Bar WAL $ 25.506 $ 4.052 $ 29.558 g 2.9s(. $ 26.602 1.42 FS 4 WCFDOO4 $ 25.506 s 4.052 $ 29.ss8 g 2.9s(. s 26.602 r'.42 FS 5 V/CFDOOs $ 2s.506 s 4.052 s 29.558 $ 2.956 $ 26.602 r''42 West Hollvwood WHD $ 25.506 $ 4.0s2 $ 29.558 $ 2.95é $ 26.602 443 Construct Sile lmprovemenls Per Site $ $ $ r'.43 Alhamb¡a PD ALHPDO1 $ 43.077 s 22.732 $ 65.809 $ l6.s8l $ 49.228 r'.43 Arcadia PD ARCPD0I $ 43.077 s 22.732 $ 6s.809 $ 16.581 $ 4q 1)R 1'43 AzusaPD AZPDOOI $ 43.077 $ 22.732 $ 65.809 $ 16.581 s 49.228

r'.43 Bell Gardens PD BGPD0OI $ 43.077 s 22.732 $ 6s.809 $ l6. r s 49.228 bevefly nl ils Kexroro 443 Drive BHR s 143077 s 22732 s 165 809 s 16 581 s 149 228 1.43 Bald Mountain BMT s 31 284 s 20 858 s 52 142 s 5 214 S 36 928 r'.43 Raldwin Park PD RPPDOOl 43 077 s 22732 s 6s.809 s 6s8 S 49 228 A43 Blue Rock BRK f 077 s 22'132 s 65 809 $ 658 $ 49 228 Bumt Peak BUR 105 510 s 16763 s 22273 $ 222',1 s r0046 ^.43 BurbankPD BURPDOI 43 077 g 22732 $ ó5 809 s 658 S 49 228 ^.4.3 /.43 Criminal Court Buildinc CCT $ 62.869 $ 9.988 $ 72.8s7 8 7.286 $ ós.571 /.43 Cenlurv CEN $ 131.284 $ 20.858 g 1s2.142 $ 15.214 s r 3ó.928 A'43 Carlton J Peterson Park CJP s lll.284 $ 20.858 $ 1s2.142 $ I 5.214 $ I 3ó.928 Claremont Microwave A4 Tower CLM s 16.528 s 2.626 s 19.154 s I .915 s r 7.239

Clâremont PI) CT.RMPDl s 143 077 g 22732 s r 6s.809 $ 16 581 s 149228 ^43 3 FS 2 CPTFDO2 s l3l 284 s 20.858 s 152 142 $ rs 2r4 s 13ó 928 ^.4 443 FS 4 CPTFDO4 s 143.077 g 22.732 s I 65.809 s 16-581 s 149228 LUlver urry 3 Cornm unications Tower CULVOO I s 16.s28 $ 2.626 $ l9.rs4 $ 1.915 $ 17.239 ^.4 1.43 Downev PD DWNYPDI s 143.077 $ 22.732 $ 16s.809 s 16.58r s 149.228 r'.43 EI MONTE PD ELMNTPD $ r 3 1.284 $ 20.858 $ ts2.l42 $ rs.2l4 s I 36.928 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B

Iixhib¡t C 3 (Phase 2 - Site Constuct¡on qnd S¡te Mod¡/ìcql¡on) Exhibit C.3 (Page l0 of l5) LA-RI(;S PSBN Agreemen r EXHIBIT C.3 Agreement No. LA-RICS 008 - Amended and Reststed under Amendment No. 3

Unilateral Option Deliver¡ble/ Sum Unilateral Option Payable Task NoJ Project Sum for Site Unilateral Optior Contract Sum - 10% Holdback Amount læss Subtask No./ Deliverable Administr¡tion Conslruction Sum Payable Amount Amount l0% Holdback Section No. for Site Only Amount Construct¡on (Nore 1)

El Sesundo PD ELSGDPD 43 0',17 s 22732 s 65 809 $ 6.58 $ 49.228 ^43 4.4 3 FCCF-HO FCCF s 43.077 $ 22.732 S 65 809 s 658 $ 49 228 4.4 3 FS 5 FS5 s 43.077 s 22732 S 65 809 s 658 $ 49 228 Gardena GARD001 $ 43.077 s 22732 S 65 809 s 658 $ 49 228 ^43 A43 Glendale Civìc Center GCC $ 11.284 $ 20.858 s s24 s s 214 s 36 928 Gìendale Water & Power 443 IJOC GDWPOOI s 143-077 s 22.732 $ l 65.809 $ 16.581 s 149.228 443 FS 23 GLNDL23 s 31.284 s 20.8s8 $ 52.142 $ 5.214 $ 36.928 A4f FS 24 GLNDL24 s 31.284 s 20-858 s 52.142 $ s.214 s 36.928 /.43 FS 28 GI,NDI,28 s 31 284 $ 20.8s8 s 52.142 s 5-214 s 36.928 r'.43 FS 3 LACFOO3 $ 43 07'7 s 22732 S 65.809 $ 6.581 s 49.228 l'43 FS 4 LACFOO4 s 43 07'1 s 22732 s 65.809 s 6.581 $ 49 228 r'.43 FS I6 LACFOI6 $ 43.077 s 22732 s 65 809 6.58t s 49 228 4.4 3 FS 2I LACFO2I $ 31.284 $ 20.858 $ 52 142 $ 5 214 $ 36 928 /'43 FS 23 LACFO23 $ 43.077 $ 22.732 $ 65 809 s 6 581 $ 49 228 A.4 3 FS 24 LACFO24 $ 43.077 $ 22;732 $ 65.809 $ 6.s8 s 49.228 A43 FS 28 LACFO2S s 31.284 $ 20.858 $ S 5 214 $ 36.928 A43 FS 30 LACFO3O $ 43.077 s 22.732 S 6s 809 s 65 $ 49.228 A.4.3 FS 3I LACFO3I $ 43.077 s 22.732 S 6s 809 s 65 $ 49.228 r'.43 FS 38 LACFO3S $ 31.284 $ 20.858 $ 52.142 $ 5.214 $ 36.928 1.43 FS 44 LACFO44 $ 43.017 s 22.732 $ 65.809 s 6.581 $ 49.228 p'43 FS 48 LACFO4S $ 4 .071 $ 22.732 s 65.809 s 6.581 $ 49.228 q. A43 FS 50 LACFOsO $ 4 .077 )) 71) $ 65.809 s 6.58l $ 49.228 r'.43 FS 53 LACFO53 s J 284 $ 20.858 $ 52.142 $ 5.214 $ 36.928 443 FS 56 LACFO56 s 4 077 $ 22.132 $ 65.809 $ t6.581 $ 49-228 443 FS 58 LACFOsS s J 284 $ 20.858 $ 52-142 $ 5.214 $ 36.928 A43 FS 59 LACFO5g s 4 .077 s 22.732 $ 65.809 $ 16.581 $ 49.228 4.4 3 FS 6I LACFO6I $ 284 $ 20.8s8 $ 52 42 $ 5.214 $ 36.928 443 FS 65 LACFO65 s J 284 $ 20.858 $ 52 42 $ 5.2 4 $ 36.928 A43 FS 68 LACFO6S s 284 $ 20.858 $ 52 42 s 5.214 $ 36-928 443 FS ó9 LACFO69 s 284 s 20.858 $ \) 42 s 52 4 $ 36-928 A43 FS 71 LACFOT1 s 103.1 I 5 s 16.383 $ I 9.498 $ .950 $ i 07.s48 A43 FS'72 LACFOT2 s 103 1t5 s 16.383 $ 19.498 $ 1.950 s 107.s48 A43 FS 73 I,ACFO73 s 3 284 $ 20-858 s 52- 42 $ 5-2 4 s 36.928 FS 76 LACFOT6 s 3 .284 $ 20.858 $ J¿. 42 $ 5-2 4 S 36 928 ^43 FS 77 t,ACFO77 s 3 284 s 20.8s8 s 52. 42 s 52 4 s 36 928 ^43 FS 78 LACFOTS S 284 s 20 858 s 52 42 s 5 214 s 36 928 ^43 FS 79 LACFOTg s 284 .$ 20 858 s 52 42 s 5 214 s 36 928 ^43 A43 FS 80 LACFO8O s 284 s 20 8s8 S 52 42 s 5 214 $ 36 928 r'.43 FS 8I LACFOsI $ J 284 s 20.8s8 S 5 2 s 52 4 $ 36.928 1.43 FS 83 LACFOS3 $ ,284 s 20 8s8 S 52 2 s 52 4 $ 36.928 A.4.3 FS 84 LACFOS4 S 284 s 20 858 s 52 42 $ 52 4 S 16 928 A43 FS 85 LACFOSs s 4f 077 s 22732 s ó5 809 $ t6 581 S 49 22F r''43 FS 86 LACFOS6 s 31.284 $ 20.8s8 s 42 s 5 214 $ 36.928 r''43 FS 87 LACFOST s 3 1.284 $ 20.8s8 s $ 5.214 $ 36.928

1.43 FS 88 LACFOss $ 03.1 1 5 $ 16.383 s I 498 $ 950 $ 07.548 1.43 FS 90 LACFO9O $ 43.077 g 22.732 $ 6s.809 $ 6.58t $ 49.228 A 4.3 FS 9I LACFOgI $ 3r.284 $ 20.858 $ 52.142 $ 5.214 $ 36.928 1.43 FS 92 LACFO92 $ 43.077 s 22.732 $ 65.809 $ 6 581 $ 49.228 1.43 FS 93 LACFOg3 $ 43.077 $ 22.732 $ 6s.809 s 6.581 $ 49.228 A43 FS 95 LACFO95 $ 31.284 $ 20.858 $ 52.142 $ 5-214 s 36.928 AGENDA ITEM 6. ATTAGHMENT B

Exh¡bit C 3 (l'ha,te 2 - Sile Conslruct¡on and Site Modi/icqt¡on) Exhibit C.3 (Page l1 of l5) IÀ-NCS I'SBN Agreenrenr EXHIBIT C.3 Agreement No. IÁ-RICS 008 - Amended and Restated under Amendmenl No. 3

Unilateral Optior Deliverable/ Sum Unilateral Optior Payrble Task No./ Project Sun for Site Unilateral Optior Contract Sum - l0% Holdback Amount lÆss Subtask No./ Deliverable Administration Construction Sum Payable Amounl Amount l0% Holdback Section No. for Site Only Amount Conslruction lNote l)

443 FS 96 LACFOgó s 143.077 9. )) 1'\) $ 165.809 s 6 581 s 149.228 443 FS 98 LACFO98 s 143.077 s 22.732 s 65.809 s 6-58 I S 49 228 FS 99 LACFO99 $ 103.1 I 5 $ 16.383 s t9-498 $ l-95C s 07 548 ^43 /.43 FS IO2 LACFI02 $ 43.077 s 22.732 S 65-809 s 6s8 s 49 228 A.4.3 FS IO5 LACFIOs s 3t -284 s 20-858 s 52 142 s 521 $ 36.928 A 4.3 FS 106 LACFI06 s 31.284 s 20.858 $ 52 142 s 521 s 16 928 A 4.3 FS I07 LACFIOT $ 31.284 s 20.858 s 52.142 s 5.21 s 36 928 FS 08 LACF1OS $ 31.284 s 20.8s8 s 52.142 S 521 S 36 928 ^43 A43 FS II LACFIII $ 31.284 $ 20.858 S 52.142 $ 521 S 36 928 1.43 FS 12 LACF112 $ 31.284 $ 20.858 s s2.142 $ 5.21 s 36 928 443 FS I4 LACF1 14 $ 31.284 s 20.8s8 s 52.142 $ 521 s 36 928 FS 17 LACFIIT $ 43.077 s 22.732 s 65 809 s ló 581 s 49 228 ^43 FS 18 LACF t8 $ 43-077 s 22-732 $ 65.809 s 658 $ 149.228 ^43 4,4 3 FS 20 LACF 20 s 3't -284 $ 20.858 s 52.142 s 521 .$ 36.928 A,4 3 FS 23 LACF123 s 43 077 s 22732 s r6s 809 $ 6.s8 $ 49.228 r'.43 FS 29 LACF129 $ 43 077 g 22732 S 65 809 $ 658 s 49.228 1.43 FS 32 LACFI32 S 31 284 s 20 858 s s2.r42 $ 5.214 $ 36.928

r''43 FS 40 LACFI4O s 31 284 s 20 858 s 142 $ 5.214 $ 36.928

443 FS 41 LACF141 s 31 284 s 20 8s8 $ 52.142 $ 5.214 $ 36-928 r''43 FS 44 LACF 44 $ 31 284 s 20 858 S 52 142 $ 5.214 $ 36.928 A4.3 FS 46 LACF 46 $ 31.284 s 20 8s8 s 52 142 s 5 214 $ 36.928 A.4.3 FS 49 LACF 49 S 31.284 s 20.858 s 52 142 s 52t4 $ 36.928 1.43 FS 5I LACF 5l $ 43 07',7 s 22732 s 65 80S $ 658 s 49.228 443 FSI53 LACFI53 s 31 284 $ 20 8.58 $ 52 14 $ 5.214 $ )6.928 443 FS 54 LACFI54 s 43 077 s 22732 $ 6s 809 $ 6.58 $ 49.228 443 FS 57 I ,ACF157 $ 31 284 s 20 858 $ 52.142 $ s.214 $ 36.928 443 FS 5S I,ACFI59 $ 43.077 g 22.732 s 65.809 $ 6.58 s 49.228 443 FS 6I T,ACFI6I $ 43.077 $ 22.732 $ 65.809 $ 6.58 $ 49.228 FS 62 LACF162 $ 31.284 $ 20.858 $ 52.142 $ 5.214 $ 36-928 ^43 r'.43 FS 63 LACF163 $ 43.077 s 22.732 $ 65.809 $ 6.58 $ 49 228 A4 FS 64 LACFI64 $ 43.077 $ 22.732 $ 6s.809 $ 16.581 $ 49.228 A4 FS 69 r .ACFI69 S 43 077 8 22.7 32 $ 65.809 $ 16.581 $ 49.228 A4 FS 71 I,ACF 71 S 1 077 s 22.732 $ 65.809 $ 16.581 $ 49.228 443 FS 73 I,ACF s 3 077 s 22732 $ 65.809 $ 16.581 $ 49.228 443 FS 8I I,ACF 8l s 143 077 s 22732 $ 65.809 $ 16.581 $ t49.228 A 4.3 FS 3 I,ACF 83 $ 143.078 g 22.732 $ 65.81 0 $ I 6.581 s 149.229 1.43 FS 84 LACF 84 $ 143.078 g 22.732 $ 165.810 $ r6.s8l s 149.229 r'.43 FS 87 LACF 87 $ 3 I .285 $ 20.858 s 52.143 $ 5.214 $ 36-929 r''43 FS 88 LACF 88 $ 3 r.28s $ 20.858 s s2.143 $ 5.214 s 36.929 r''43 FS 92 LACFIq2 31.285 $ 20.858 $ s2.143 $ 5-214 s 36.929 /'43 FS 94 LACF194 31.285 $ 20.858 $ 52-143 $ 5 214 $ 36 929 A43 CP2 LACFCPO2 $ 31.285 $ 20.858 s 52-143 s 15.214 $ 36 929 443 CP9 LACFCPOg $ 43.078 s 22:732 s I 65.81 0 s 658 $ aa 1)o

A.4 3 CP I4 LACFCPI4 $ 3 r .28s $ 20.858 s 152.143 s 5.214 s 36 929 LAU/TIAICJUK+U ULA MIj,UIUAI r'.43 CENTER LACI]AR s 62.870 s 9-988 s 72 858 s 7286 8 65.572

/.43 LAC/OLIVEVIEW+UCLA LACOL\ s 74.663 $ l 1.862 $ 86.525 s 8.653 s 77.872 LACiUSC MEDICAL 443 CENTER LACUSC s 62.870 $ 9.988 s 72 858 s 7286 $ 6s.572 A43 FS OO5 LAFDOO5 s 143.078 s 22732 $ 165 810 $ ló.s81 g 149.229 A4 FS OI2 I,AFDO12 s l3l 285 s 20 8s8 s l4i $ 15.214 $ 136.929 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B

Esh¡bit C.3 (Pha.\e 2 - S¡le Conslmct¡on qnd S¡le Mod(ication) Exhibit C.3 (Page 12 of 15) LA-RI()S l'SllN Agreenen r EXHIBIT C.3 Agreen enl No. ILI-RICS 008 - Amended and Restøled under Amendmenl Nu 3

Unilateral Option Deliverable/ Sum Unilateral Optior Payable Task No,/ Project Sum for Site Unilateral Optior Contract Sum - 10% Holdback Amount [.€ss Subtask No,/ Deliverable Administration Consfruction Sum Payable Amount Amount l0% Holdback Section No. for Site Only Amount Construction lNote lì

FS OI5 LAFDOI5 s 143.078 s 22.732 $ I 65.81 0 s 6.581 g t49229 ^43 4.4 3 FS O16 LAFDO1ó s 143.078 s 22.132 s t65 810 s 6 581 s 149229 443 FS OI9 LAFDOIg s I 3l .285 s 20.858 s t52 143 s 5 214 $ 36 529 ¡.43 FS 029 LAFDO29 $ I 3l -285 s 20.8s8 s 152 143 5 214 $ 16 929 443 FS 035 LAFDO35 s t3l 285 s 20 858 s s2 143 $ 5.214 $ 36.929 FS 042 LAFDO42 s 143 078 s 22'132 $ 65,8 I 0 $ r6.s81 $ LO 110 ^43 FS 044 LAFDO44 s 143 078 s 22732 S 6s.8 l 0 $ 16.581 s lo ))o ^43 FS 047 LAFDO4T s 31 285 s 20 858 s 52 143 $ 5.214 $ 36.929 ^43 443 FS 049 ],AFDO4g $ 41 078 $ 22.732 $ ó5.81 0 $ 6.581 $ 49.229 4.43 FS 055 I,AFDO55 .$ 43 078 ï 22.732 $ 65.8 I 0 $ 6.581 $ 49.229 443 FS 06I T,AFDO6] s 43 078 s 22.732 $ 65.81 0 $ 6.581 $ LO'r10 A43 FS 066 ],AFDO66 s 43 078 s 22732 $ 65.81 0 $ 6.581 $ 49.229 443 FS 074 I,AFDO74 $ 31 28s $ 20 858 $ 52.143 $ 5.214 $ 36.929 r'.43 FS 076 LAFDOT6 s 31 285 .$ 20 8s8 $ 52.143 $ 5.214 $ 36.929 r'.43 FS 077 I,AFDO77 S 31 28s $ 20.8s8 $ 52.143 $ 5.214 $ 36.929 4.4 3 FS 079 LAFDOTg s 43 078 s 22.732 $ 65.81 0 $ 6.58 I $ 49.229 r''43 FS O8O I,AFDOSO $ 31 285 $ 20.8s8 $ s2.143 $ 5.214 $ 36.929 443 FS 08I I,AFDOSI s 3 078 g 22.732 s r 65.810 $ 6.581 $ 49.229 443 FS 082 LAFDOS2 $ r 43.078 s 22.732 $ 65.81 0 $ 6.581 s 49.229 443 FS 084 LAFDOS4 $ 3 t .285 $ 20.858 $ 52.143 $ 5.214 $ 36.929 443 FS 085 I,AFDO85 $ 43.078 $ 22.732 $ 65.81 0 $ 6.58 I $ 49.229 443 FS 088 T,AFDO88 $ 41.078 $ 22.732 $ 65.810 $ 6.581 s 49-229 443 FS 093 I,AFDOg3 $ 43.018 s 22.732 $ 65.8 I 0 s t6-581 s 49.229 443 FS 094 I,AFDO94 s 43.078 s 22.732 $ 65.81 0 $ t6-581 S 49.229 443 FS 095 I,AFDOg5 $ 1 285 $ 20.858 $ 52.143 $ ts.2l4 $ 36-929 4,4 3 FS 096 I,AFDO96 s 43.078 $ 22.732 $ 65.81 0 $ 16.581 $ 49.229 'I 443 FS 097 T,AFDOg7 s 285 $ 20.858 $ 52.143 $ 15.214 $ 36.929 443 FS IOI ],AFD1OI S 31 28s s 20.858 $ 52.143 $ 15.214 $ 36-929 443 FS I05 LAFDIO5 $ 3 t .285 $ 20.858 s s2.143 s 15-214 s 36.929 A 4.3 FS I14 LAFDI14 $ 43.078 $ 22.732 $ 65.81 0 s 16-581 $ 49 229 4.4,3 Hermosa HQ LALG I 00 $ 43.078 $ 22.732 $ 65.8r 0 s 16-581 s 49 229

A43 Zuma l,ifesuard HO ì.4LG300 r4 909 s r 8.2s6 $ 33.1 6s $ 13.3 17 $ 1 9.848 r'.43 Lifesuard Division LALG-HO $ 43 0'18 s 22'1 $ 65.81 0 $ 16.581 $ 49.229 A.4 3 Lancaster LAN 43 078 22 732 $ ó5.8t 0 $ 6.581 $ 49.229

r'.43 Comolex LAPD077 $ 43.078 g 22732 $ 65.8 I 0 $ 6 58t $ 49.229 A43 Cenlral Area Comolex LAPDCEN s 3t 285 s 20.858 s 52 143 s 5.214 $ 36.929 A43 Devonshìre Area station LAPDDVN $ 43.078 s 22.732 s 165 810 s ós8 $ 149.229 443 Foothill Area station LAPDFTH $ 143.078 $ 22.732 $ 1ó5-81 0 $ 6 581 s 149.229 Hollenbeck Area station LAPDHLB $ 143.078 $ 22.732 s 165-8t 0 s 6 581 s 149229 ^43 443 Hollvwood Area station LAPDHWD $ 143.078 g 22.712 $ 16s.810 s 6 581 s 149229

Mission Area stalion LAPDMIS $ 131.285 $ 20.858 $ 1 52.1 43 $ 214 $ 136.929 ^43 Northeast Area station LAPDNED $ 143.078 $ 22.732 s 16s 8r0 s 65 8 149.229 ^43 North Hollywood Area qfcri^ñ 443 f Á ÞnNHD $ 143.078 $ 22.732 $ ló5.810 s 16.581 s 149229 r'.43 Newton ì.APDNWT $ 43.078 s 22.732 $ 65.81 0 s 16-581 s 149229 r'.43 Olvmnic Area stalion LAPDOLY $ 43.078 s 22.732 $ 65.81 0 $ 16-581 s 149 229 ¡'43 Pacific Area station T.APDPAC $ 43.078 s 22.732 $ ó5.8 I 0 s 16.s81 $ 49 229 A.43 Ramnart Area station LAPDRAM $ 43.078 $ 22.732 $ 65.81 0 s 16.s81 s 49 229 443 Tonansâ Area station T.APDTOP $ 43 078 s 22.732 $ 65.8 I 0 s I 6.581 $ 49 229 A 4.3 Vallev Dispatch Center LAPDVDC 3.078 $ 22.732 $ 65.81 0 $ 16 581 $ 49.229 441 Van Nrrvs Area staiion I.APDVNS s r 43.078 $ 22.732 $ 65.8 I 0 s t6 581 s 49 229 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B

Exh¡bit C 3 (Phasc 2 - Site Construction qnd S¡te Mod¡Í¡cat¡on) Exhibit C.3 (Page 13 of I 5) LA-RICS PSRN Agreenenr EXHIBIT C.3 Agteen ettt No. LA-RICS 008 - Anended and Restaled under Amendment No. 3

Unilateral Optior Deliverable/ Sum Unilateral Optior Tâsk NoJ Project Payable Sum for Site Unilateral Optior Contract Sum - Holdback Subtask No./ Deliverable Administrat¡on l0% Amount læss Construction Sum Payable Amount Ämount 10% Section No. for Site Holdback Only Construction Amount lNote l)

4.4 3 Wilshire A¡ea station LAPDWII. s r3t.285 $ 20.8s8 $ rs2.l43 $ 15-214 s 136529 wesl Los Angeles Area station LAPDWI.A $ I 41.078 s 22.732 $ I 65.81 0 s tó 581 g 149.229 ^43 443 lacilitv LAPDWVT) s 143.078 s 22732 $ l6s.8l0 s 16 s $ 49.229 Altadena LASDAf .D $ r 43.078 s 22732 $ 16s.8 r 0 s 16 581 149.229 ^43 $ Carson LASDCSN s 141.078 s 22732 s I 65.81 0 s tó 58r $ 49.229 ^43 Crescenta Vallev LASDCVS r'.43 $ 43-078 s 22732 $ I 6s.8r 0 s 16 58r s 49.229 4,43 Industrv LASDIDT 43.078 s 22.732 $ ì65.810 s 16.581 $ 4a'r'rq r'.43 Lakewood LASDLKI) $ 43.078 s 22.732 $ I 6s.810 $ 16.581 s IO ))O 4,.4 3 Lennox lClosed) LASDT.NX $ 43.078 s 22.732 $ r6s.8l0 s t6 s8r s LO ))q North County Corectional 4.4 3 Facilitv LASDNCC $ 13 l -28s $ 20.8s8 s 152.143 $ ls.2r4 s 136.929 443 NorwaÌk LASDNWK $ 43.078 $ 22.732 $ 165.810 $ l6.s8l $ 49.229 Pico 443 Rivera LASDPRV $ 31-285 $ 20 8s8 $ 52.143 $ l s.2l4 $ 36.929 4.43 Santa Clarita Vallev LASDSCV $ 43.078 $ 22.732 s 65 8t0 $ 16.581 $ 49-229 r'.43 San Dimas LASDSDM $ 3t 28s $ 20.8s8 $ 52 143 $ I 5.214 $ 36.929 4.4 3 Ternple LASDTEM $ 43.078 $ 22.732 s 65 8t0 $ 16.581 $ 49.229 r'.43 FS LBFDOO2 î, )) 77) 2 $ 43.078 $ 65.81 0 $ ló.581 $ 49-229 443 FS 6 LBFDOO6 s t3l 285 $ 20.858 $ 152 r43 s 15.214 $ 36.929 A43 FS 9 LBFDOO9 s I 43.078 9, )) 7\') $ 65.8r 0 $ 16.581 $ 149.229 443 FS LBFDOI2 12 s 31.28s $ 20.8s8 s 152.143 $ 1s.214 $ l 36.929 r'.43 FS 13 LBFDOI3 $ 3t 285 $ 20.858 s 2 143 $ 15.214 s 136.929 443 FS 2I LBFDO2I s I 285 s 20.858 s 2 143 $ 15.214 s 136929 ¡.43 HO LBFDO26 s 1 285 $ 20.858 $ 2 143 $ 15.214 $ 136.929 443 HO LBPDHO s 62 870 s 9.988 s 72 858 $ 7.286 s 65-s72 Jylmar uonvefter statton - /.4.3 LDWP22O E $ l3l .285 $ 20.8s8 $ 152.143 $ t 5.214 s 136929 /'43 Lost Hills/Malibu LHS $ I3t.285 $ 20.858 $ ts2. $ 15.214 s 136 929 FS LVFDOO2 078 /.43 2 s t43 $ 22.732 $ r6s.810 $ I 6.581 s 149229 4,4 3 LaVemePD LVRNPI) $ r 3l .285 $ 20 8s8 $ 152.143 $ 15.2t4 s 136 929 A,4 3 FS I MBFDOOI s 143.078 s 22.732 $ 165.81 0 $ 16.58t s 149229 LVrUa LOma uelenlìon /'43 Fâcilitv MLM $ I 43.078 g 22.732 s 165.810 $ 16.581 $ 149.229 A4.3 MonroviaPl) MNRVPI) $ 143.078 s 22.732 $ I 65.810 $ 16.581 s 149.229 Montebello PD MNTB[.P|) 1'43 $ I 3l .285 $ 20 858 $ ts2.r43 s I 5.214 $ 136.929 Monterev Park PD MNTPKPD $ I 31.285 s 20-858 $ 152.143 $ 15.214 $ 136.929 ^43 1'43 Mount C)livet Reservoir MOR $ 131.285 $ 20.8s8 $ 152.t43 s 1s.214 s t36.929 443 FS 2 MRFDOO2 $ I 43.078 s 22732 $ I 65.8 t0 s 16 581 s 149.229 4,4 3 FS MTRFDOJ 3 s 141.078 s 22732 s I 65.810 $ 16 581 $ 149.229 A43 Mount Washington MTW $ I 43.078 s 22732 $ 16s.8t0 s t6 581 $ 149.229 A4 Goodrich PASA00l s 143.078 s 227 $ I 65.810 s 658 I 149.229 1'43 FS 33 PASFD33 $ I 3l -285 s 20 858 $ I 52. t43 s 1s 214 $ 136.929 9, )) 11) A 4.3 Puente Hills PHN s 143.078 s 165-810 s 16 s81 s 149.229 r'.43 Palmdale PLM s I 43.078 s 22.732 s I 65.81 0 $ 16.581 $ 149.229 LAC/RANCHO LOS AMIGOS 443 NATIONAI, REHAR $ I 3 1.285 $ 20.858 $ ls2.r43 s 15.214 $ 136.929 4.4 3 FS 2 RDBFDO2 143.078 22.732 s t65.810 s 16.581 s 149229 443 Redondo Beach PD RDNRPI) 120.712 19.178 $ 139.890 13.989 $ l2s.90l 1.43 Rese¡voir Hill REH 143.078 22.732 $ 165.810 16,581 $ 149.229 r'.43 Sân Pedro Citv Hall SCH 62.870 9.988 $ 72-858 7,286 $ 6s.s72 r'.43 Southeast Area station SEP 143.018 22.732 165,810 t6,58 1 s 149.229 r'.43 FS 3 SFSFDO3 143.078 22732 I 65.81 0 16,581 $ 149.229 443 FS 4 SFSFDO4 131 285 20 858 152.143 15,214 $ 136.929 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B

Exh¡h¡t C 3 (l'ha,te 2 - Site Conttructton and S¡te Mod¡ûcation) Exhibit C.3 (Page 14 of l5) IA-RICS PSBN Agreeuent EXHIBIT C.3 Agreemenl No. LA-RICS 008 - Anrcnded und Resløted undet Amendment No. 3

Unilateral Option Deliverable/ Sum Unilateral Optior Task No,/ Project Payable Sum for Site Unilaterål Optior Contract Sum - Subtask No./ Deliverable Admin¡strât¡on l0% Iloldback Amount [,€ss Construction Sum Pryable Amounl Amount Holdback Section No. for Site l0% Only Construction Amount (Note l) A4 South LA SLA S 43 078 $ 22.732 s 165 8r0 $ 16.581 s 149.229 443 FS 2 SMFDOO2 s 08.919 $ I 7.305 s 126.224 $ 12.622 s 3 602 South Gate PD SOGTPD s ß o1a $ 22.732 $ 165.81 0 $ 6.58 s 49 229 ^43 San Vrcente r''43 Peak S\? s 3t 28s $ 20.858 $ r s2.143 $ 5.214 s 36 929 r'.43 Southwest Area station SWP $ 43.078 s 22.732 $ ó5.81 0 $ 6.58 $ 49 229

/.43 Citv HallRadío Tower TORCOOl 143.078 s 22.732 S 6s.8 I 0 $ 6.58 $ 49 229

r''43 FS 2 TORFDO2 $ 43.078 $ 22.132 s 65.8 I 0 $ 6.58 S 49 229 /.43 FS 3 TORFDO3 .$ 3 t .285 $ 20.8s8 $ 52.143 $ 5-214 $ 36.929 FS 4 TORFDO4 $ 3 1.285 s 20-858 s 52.143 $ s.214 s ^43 36.929 FS VEFDOOI /'43 I $ 43.078 s 22.732 $ 65.810 s r ó-581 S 49.229 FS 3 VEFDOO3 s 43.078 g 22.732 $ 65 0 $ 16.581 $ 49.229 Walnut/Diamond WAT. r''43 Bar $ .28s s 20-858 $ 52 43 s I 5-214 s 36 929 A.4 3 FS 4 WCFDOO4 $ 285 $ 20.858 $ s2 43 $ 5.214 $ 36.929 A43 FS 5 WCFDOOs 285 $ 20.858 $ 2 43 $ 5.214 s f6 929 /.43 West Hollvwood WHll $ 285 $ 20.858 $ 52. 43 $ 5.2t 4 s 36.929 Base22 2 2 Builder's Risk Insurance $ 73.938 s $ 3.93 8 s s 3.938 Pe¡formance Bond for Phase 2 - Site Base22 3 2 Construction and Site Modification s 288 800 $ s 288 800 s s 288.800 r{aterials and Labor Bond for Phase 2 - Site Base223 3 lonstruction and Site Modification Jncludec s TOTAL FOR PHASE 2 - SITE CONSTRUCTION AND SITE MODIFICATION: $3831r.104 $6,0t3Jot $t s44324-412 $4,386,19{ $39.938¿14

Note l: Project Administration costs for removed sitcs will be hantlled via the Amenrlment process set forth in Section 2 (Changes to Agreement) of the Bâse Document.

Note 2: Pursuant to Amendment No,3, effective as ofJune----- 2014, thc Authority exercisetl the Unilateral Options for all Work pertaining to phasc 2. In connection therewith' the Unilnternl Option Sum for Phase 2 of 544,324,412 was converted into a Contract Sum.


(:.3 qnd Dxhibtt (Phqse 2 -,\¡te Cut.\truct¡on S¡te Modtfication) Exhibit C.3 (Page l5 of l5) LA-NOS l'SßN Agreemenr EXHIBIT C.4 Agreement No. LA-RICS 008 - Amen.led and Restated under Anendment No. 3


Unilateral Deliverable/ Unilateral Option Sum Payable Task NoJ Option Sum for Project Unilateral Cont¡¡ct Sum - l0% Holdback Amount Less Subt¡sk No./ Deliverable Supply Administration Option Sum Payable Amounl Amount l0% Holdback Section No, Components for Supply Amount Only Components (Note l)

A5 luoolv PSBN Comoonents A5 Primarv EPC s 2641 266 s 392564 $ 3,033.830 $ 303.383 $ 2.730.447 A5 Network Manaûement Svstem s r 201 185 s 168242 s 1 369 427 s 136 943 $ 1.232.484 A5 Svstem Snares $ l -482-865 $ r.482-865 s 14828'.7 $ I 334 578

A5 Vehicular Routers s 2.345.485 2.345.485 234.549 s 2-l r 0-936 Srte Detart Summary tor eNodeBs and A5l Backhaul Per Site: A5 Alhambra PD AIHPDO'| $ 97.717 $ 2.909 s 200-626 $ 20.063 s 180563 A5 Arcadra PD ARCPD0I $ 82.367 $ 2.683 $ 185.050 $ I 8.505 $ 166.545 A5 AzusaPD AZPDO0I $ 73.314 $ 2.550 $ 175.864 $ r 7.586 $ I 58.278 A5 BellGardensPD BGPDOO1 s 81.614 s 2.672 $ I 84.286 $ 18.429 $ 165.857 Beverly Hills Rexford A5l Drive BHR $ r 93.r 75 s 2-842 $ 196.017 $ 19.602 s 176.415 A5l Bald Mountain BMT $ 26.741 $ 1.864 $ 128.605 $ 2.861 8 ns.744 4.5, Raldwin Park PD BPPDO0I S 76 607 s 2s98 s 179 205 792 s t61.284 A5 Blue Rock BRK $ 90-857 $ 2.808 $ 193.665 s 9 367 s 174298 A5 BurntPeak BUR $ 23.379 $ r.8r5 $ 125.194 s 2 sl9 s 112.675 A5 BurbankPD BURPDO1 $ 78.192 s 2.621 $ 180.813 $ 8.081 $ 162J32 A5 Críminal Court Buildine CCT $ 67.621 s 2.466 $ I 70.087 $ 7.009 $ 153.078 A5 Centuru CFN s 57 292 $ 2314 s tsg 606 s 5 961 $ 43.645 A5 Carlton J Peterson Park CJP S 72.84s s 2-s43 s 175.388 s 7.539 s 157.849 utaremonl Mrcrowave A5l Tower CLM s 167 289 s 2583 s 169 872 $ ló.987 $ t52.88s A5 Claremont PD CLRMPD1 s I 8l _833 s 2.675 $ 84.508 s l84sl s 66 0s7

A5 FS 2 CPTFDO2 $ 156.786 s 2.306 $ 59-092 s I 5.909 s 43. I 83 A5 FS 4 CPTFDO4 $ 182.385 $ 2.683 $ 85.068 $ I 8.507 $ 66.561 uurvef urry A5l Comrnunications s 143.921 s 2-239 $ 146.160 s 14-616 s I 3 1.544 A5 Downev PD D'VVN\?DI $ 192.907 $ 2.838 $ 95.745 $ 19.575 $ 76-170 45. EI MONTC PD ELMNTPD $ 1s6.377 s 2.300 $ 58.677 $ 15.868 $ 42.809 A5 El Segundo PD ELSGDPD $ r50 974 s 2221 S 53 195 s 15 320 $ 37.875 A5 FCCF-HO FCCF $ 494. I 06 s 7.269 s 501.375 s 50 r38 s 451 237 A5 FS 5 FS5 s I 58.3 l0 s 2.329 $ ló0.ó39 $ 16.064 s 144.575 A5 Gardena GARDOOl 8 179.997 $ 2.648 s I 82.645 $ 18.26s $ 164.380 A5 Glendale Civic Center GCC $ 126.741 $ t.864 $ 128.605 $ 12.861 s 115.744 Glendale Water & Power A5l UOC GDWPOOI s t67.242 $ 2.460 g 169.702 $ r 6.970 $ 152.732 A5 FS 23 GLNDL23 $ 26.741 $ 1.864 $ 28.605 $ 2.86t $ 5.744 A5 FS 24 GLNDL24 $ 73.339 $ 2.550 $ 75.889 $ 7.589 $ 58.300 A5 FS 28 GLNDL2S s 71 986 s 2s30 s 74 516 s 7 452 $ 57,064 A5 FS 3 T,ACFOO3 S 57.280 ß 2.314 $ 59.594 s 5 959 s 43 63s 't60.656 A5 FS 4 LACFOO4 $ 58.327 s 2.329 $ $ ó.0ó6 $ 44 590 A5 FS 16 LACFOI6 $ 86.476 $ 2.743 $ Rq tlq $ 8.922 $ 70.297 A5 FS 21 LACFO2I s 56 37'1 $ 2 :100 s 58 677 5.868 s 42.809 A5 FS 23 I,ACFO23 s 19l.962 s 2.824 s 94.786 s 19.479 $ 75 307 A5 FS 24 LACFO24 s 72-732 s 2.541 $ 75.2'13 g 17-527 s 57.746 A5 FS 28 LACFO28 $ 56.377 $ 2.300 $ 58.677 $ 15.8ó8 $ 42.809 A5 FS 30 LACFO3O $ 8.038 s 2.325 s 60 363 $ 16.036 $ 44.327 A5 FS 3I LACFO3I $ 80.869 s 2661 s 83 s30 $ 18353 $ 65.177 A5 FS 38 LACFO3S S 56 377 s 2300 s 58.677 s 15 868 $ 2 809 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B

Exhibit C.4 (Phase 3 - Supply PSBN Components) Exhibit C.4 (Page I of 6) LA-NCS PSBN Agreement EXHIBIT C.4 Agreenent No. LA-RICS 008 - Antended attd Restoted under Anrcnd,nenl No. 3

Unilateral Deliverable/ Unilateral Option Sum Payable Task No./ Option Sum for Project Unilateral Contract Sum - l0% Holdback Amount læss Subtask No./ Deliverable Supply Administration Option Sum Payable Amounl Amount l0%o Holdback Section No. Components for Supply Amount Only Components (Note l)

A5 FS 44 LACFO44 $ 196.805 $ .895 s 99 700 S 9 970 s 79 730 A5 FS 48 LACFO4S $ 173,109 s 547 S 75 656 S 7.566 s 58 090 A5 FS 50 T,ACFO5O $ I 57-499 $ 317 s 59.8 l 6 S 5-982 s 43.834 A5 FS 53 LACFO53 $ I 7l -986 $ .530 $ 74.516 s 7.4s2 $ 7.064 A5 FS 56 LACFO56 $ 191 .448 $ 816 $ 94.264 $ 9.426 $ 74.838 A5 FS 58 LACFO58 $ 157.292 $ )14 $ 59.606 $ 5,961 $ 43.645 A5 FS 59 LACFO59 s 182.691 $ 687 s 85 378 S 8 538 s 66 840 A5 FS 6I LACFO6I s 126741 S 864 $ 28.605 S 2-86 s 5-744 A5 FS 65 LACFO65 s 126.74 s .864 $ 28.60s $ 2.86 $ 5.744 A5 FS 68 LACFO6S $ 126.74 s ,864 $ 28.605 $ 2.86 $ 5.744 A5 FS 69 LACFO69 $ 126.74 $ 8ó4 s 28 60s s 286 $ 5 744 A5 FS 7I I,ACFOT s 123 167 s 812 $ 24-979 $ 2.49s $ 2-481 A5 FS72 LACFOT2 s 123-167 $ .812 $ 24.979 $ 2.498 $ 2.481 A5 FS 73 LACFOT3 $ 71.986 $ 2.530 $ 74.516 $ 7.452 $ 7.064 A5 FS 76 LACFOT6 s 26.741 $ 1.864 $ 8,605 s 286 S 5 744 4.5 FS77 LACFOTT $ 26.741 S I 864 S 28.605 $ 2.861 s 5.744

A5 FS 78 T-ACFO78 s 26.741 $ I 864 S 28.605 s 2.86 $ 5 744 A5 FS 79 T,ACFO79 s 73.572 s 2.553 $ 76-125 $ 7.613 $ 58.5 l2 A5 FS 80 LACFOSO $ 26.741 $ r.864 $ 28.605 $ 2.861 $ s 744 A5 FS 8I LACFO8I $ 26.741 $ 1 864 $ 28.ó05 $ 2.86 $ 5 744 qo) A5 FS 83 LACFO83 s 7) 2 543 $ 75.445 $ 7.545 s 57-900

A5 FS 84 I,ACFO84 S 73.540 s 2-553 $ 76.093 $ 7.609 $ 8.484 A5 FS 85 LACFO85 s 97.023 $ 2.898 $ 99.92'l $ 19.992 $ 79.929 A5 FS 86 LACFOs6 $ 26.741 $ r.864 S 28 605 $ 2 861 s 5 744 A5 FS 87 LACFOST s 57 292 s 2 314 s 59.60ó s 5.961 s 43-64s A5 FS 88 LACFOS8 s 23.167 s I .812 s 24.979 $ 2.498 $ 2.481 A5 FS 90 LACFOgO $ 76.577 s 2.598 $ 79.175 $ 7 918 $ ló1.257 A5 FS9I LACFOgI $ 72.902 $ 2.543 $ 15.445 S 7 545 .$ 57 900 45, FS 92 LACFO92 $ 74.023 s 2.560 s 76 583 $ 7 658 s I 58.92s A5 FS 93 LACFO93 s 84 9s3 s 2 721 s 87.674 s I 8.767 $ 168.907 A5 FS 95 I,ACFOg5 s 192-907 $ 2.838 $ 95-745 $ 19.575 $ 76.n0 A5 FS 96 LACFO96 s 80.992 s 2.662 $ 83.654 $ 18.365 $ 165.289 A5 FS 98 LACFOgS $ 8l .469 $ 2.669 s 84 138 s 18414 s 16s 724 A5 FS 99 LACFOg9 $ 71.493 $ ) 5)1 s 74.016 s t7 -402 s 56.614 A5 FS IO2 LACFIO2 s 71 986 s 2.530 $ 74.s16 s 17.452 $ 57.064 A5 FS I05 I,ACFI05 s 57.292 S 2.314 $ 59.ó06 $ 5,96 I s 1 64s A5 FS I06 LACFIO6 $ 7t^986 $ 2.530 S 74 516 s 17.452 $ .064 A5 FS IO7 LACFIOT $ 72.845 s 2 s43 s 75.388 $ 17.539 $ 57.849 4,5 FSI08 LACFlOS s 2674t s 1 864 s 28.ó05 $ 2.86t $ 5.744 A5 FS LACF $ 71.986 s 2.530 $ 74.516 $ 17.452 $ 57.064 A5 FS 12 LACF 2 $ 72.84s $ 2 543 $ 75.3 88 17,539 $ 57,849 A5 FS 4 LACF 4 s 73.121 s 2.547 s 75 668 s 17 567 .$ 58 t0t A5 FS 7 LACF 7 $ 78.665 $ 2.628 s 81 293 s r8.r29 s 63.164 45. FS 8 LACF 8 $ 67,13 s 2459 s 69-597 S 6.960 $ 52.637 A5 FS 20 LACFI20 S 26 741 S t.864 $ 28.605 $ 2 86r $ 5.744 A5 FS 23 LA,CF123 $ 82-748 s 2.ó88 $ 85.43ó $ 8.544 $ 66.892 A5 FS I29 LACFI29 $ 73.s40 $ 2 553 $ 76.093 s 7 609 s 58 484 A5 FS I32 LACF132 $ 72.90 $ S 7s 445 $ 7.54 $ 7.900 A5 FS 40 LACF14O S 26 74 s 864 S 28.60s $ 2.86 $ 5 744 A5 FS 4I LACFI4I s 26.74 s 1.864 $ 28.605 $ 2.86 $ 5.744 A5 FS 44 t.^CFl44 s 26.74 $ 1.864 $ I 605 s 286 s 5 744 A5 FS 46 LACF146 $ 26.74 $ 1,864 s 28.605 $ 286 s 5-744 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B

Exhibit C.4 (Phase 3 - Supply PSBN Components) Exhibit C.4 (Page 2 of 6) LA-RICS PSBN Agreement EXHIBIT C.4 Agreement No. LA-RICS 008 - Anrcnded and Restaled under Antendnenl No. 3

Unilateral Deliver¡bld Unilater¡l Option Sum Payable Task No,/ Option Sum for Project Unilateral Contract Sum - l0% Holdback Amount l-€ss Subtask No,/ Deliverable Supply Admi¡istration Oplion Sum Payable Amount Amount 10% Holdback Section No. Components for Supply Amount Only Components (Note l)

A5 FS I49 LACF 49 $ 26.741 $ r.864 $ 28.605 $ 12.861 $ I I 5.744 A5 FS I5] T,ACF 5 $ 78.5 l6 $ 2.626 s 8l 142 $ l8.r 14 $ ló3.028 A5 FSI53 LACF 3 $ 71.986 s 2_530 s 74 s16 s 17 4s2 s s7 064 A5 FS 54 LACF 54 $ 84.917 s 2.720 $ 8t -637 s 18.764 S 68.873 A5 FS 57 LACF 57 $ 26.741 $ 1.864 $ 28.605 $ r 2.86r $ 1s.744 A5 FS 59 I,ACF 5g $ 190.920 $ 2.809 $ 93.729 $ I 9.173 $ 74.356 A5 FS 61 I,ACFI6I s 166 969 s 2456 $ 169.4 $ 16.943 $ s2.482 A5 FS 62 LACF162 s 156.377 $ 2.300 s 58 677 $ t5 868 S 42 809 A5 FS 63 LACF163 $ l8t.t13 e 2.664 $ s 8.378 s 65-399 A5 FS 64 LACFI64 $ s7.280 $ 2.3 l4 $ 59.594 $ 5.959 $ 43.635 A5 FS 69 LACFI69 $ 67.792 $ 2.468 s 70.260 $ 7.026 $ 53.234 A5 FS 71 T.ACFI'I s 68 156 s ).4'14 s 70 61îl 7.063 $ 53 567 A5 FS 73 LACFI73 $ 67.0s6 s 2.457 s 69 sl3 S 6 9s1 S 52 562 A5 FS 8I LACFIsI $ 8 I .833 $ 2.67s $ 84.508 $ 8.45 I s 166.057 A5 FS 83 LACFl83 $ 66.223 I 2.445 $ 68.668 $ 6.867 $ I5r.801 A5 FS 84 T,ACFI84 s 56 377 s 2300 58 677 5,8ó8 $ 142.809 A5 FS 87 LACFIST s 73-l2l s 2.547 S 75.668 s 7.567 s r58 lot A5 FS 88 LACFl88 $ 26.741 $ 1.864 $ 28.605 s 2-861 s I I 5.744 A5 FS I92 LACF]g2 $ \1 )a) $ 2.314 $ 59.606 $ 5.961 $ 143.645 qss A5 FS 194 LACFI94 $ 57.235 $ 2.313 $ 59.548 $ 5 $ 43.593 A5 CP2 I.ACFCPO2 s 26 741 S 864 s 28 605 $ 2.8ó I $ t5.744

A5 CP 9 LACFCPOg s r 96.966 s 2.897 S 99.863 s 19.98ó s 79 877 A5 CP 14 LACFCP]4 s 126.741 $ 864 $ 28.605 s 12.8ól s 15-744

A5l MEDICALCENTER LACHAR $ I 57.486 $ 2.317 $ ì 59.803 $ r 5.980 $ t43.823 A5 OLV $ I 83.099 $ 2.693 s 85.792 $ 18.579 $ 167.2t3 LACruSC MEDICAL 4.5.1 CENTER LACUSC $ 157.556 $ 2.3 l8 $ I 59.874 $ 15.987 s 143.887 A5 FS OO5 I,AFDOOs 51.597 $ 2.230 $ 53.827 s 5.3 83 s 38.444 A5 FS 012 LAFDOI2 s 56 377 s 2300 S 58 67'7 s 5,868 $ 42.809 45, FS OI5 LAFDOI5 $ 57.280 $ 2-3't4 S s94 s 5.959 $ 43 63s A5 FS OI6 LAI'DOI6 $ 56.377 $ 2.300 s 58.677 $ 5.868 $ 42-809 A5 FS OI9 LATDO19 $ 7 t .986 $ 2.530 s 74.516 $ 7.452 $ 57.064 A5 FS 029 I,AFDO2g s 56 3',7',7 s 2300 S 58 6'1'1 $ 5.868 $ 42.809 A5 FS 035 LAFDO35 $ 26.741 s 1 864 s 28.605 s 2 861 S t5 744

4.5 FS 042 LATDO42 S 62.155 $ 2.385 s r64.s40 $ 6.454 $ 48.086 A5 FS 044 LAID044 $ 57.280 $ 2.314 $ 59.s94 $ 5.959 $ 43.635

A5 FS 047 LAFDO4T $ .t3t $ I.635 $ 2.766 $ )77 $ 0r.489 A5 FS 049 I,AFDO4g tì 68 842 s 2484 s 71 326 $ 7.133 $ 54.193 A5 FS 055 LATDO55 $ 56-377 s 300 s 58.677 s s 868 S 42 809 A5 FS 061 LAFDOóI $ 167.550 $ 46s s 70.015 s 7.002 s 53 013 A5 FS 06ó LAFDO66 $ 16ó.141 $ 444 $ 168.585 $ 6.859 $ 5t-726 A5 FS 074 I,AFDO74 s 26 741 s 864 s 28 605 $ 2.861 $ 15.744

A5 FS 07ó LAFDOT6 $ 26.741 $ .864 $ 28 605 S 861 5.744

A5 FS 077 LAFDOTT $ 26.741 $ 8ó4 S 28-605 $ 8ól s 5 744 A5 FS 079 LAFDOTg $ 7.436 $ 757 $ 90.1 93 $ 9.019 s 171.174 A5 FS O8O LAIDOSO $ I r31 $ .635 s 2.766 $ 277 s 101.489 A5 FS O8I I,AFDOSI s 57 280 s 314 $ 59.594 $ 959 $ 143.635

A5 FS 082 LAFDO82 s 177.947 s 2_618 $ 80.s65 $ o57 $ r 62.508

A5 FS 084 LAFDO84 $ 173-339 s 2.550 s 75.889 $ 589 .$ 58 300 A5 FS 085 LAIDOS5 $ r 58.038 $ 2.325 $ ó0.3ó3 $ 16.036 s 44.327 A5 FS 088 LAFDOSS $ 182.691 $ 2.687 $ 85.378 $ 18.538 $ 66-840 A5 FS 093 LAI'D093 182,748 $ 2.688 $ 85.436 $ 18.544 $ 66.892 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTACHMENT B

Exhibit C.4 (Phase 3 - Supply PSBN Components) Exhibit C.4 (Page 3 of 6) LA-RICS PSBN Agreement EXHIBIT C.4 Agreement No, LA-RICS 008 - Arne,tded attd Restated under Anten¡lment No. 3

Unilateral Deliverable/ Unilateral Option Sum Payable Task No./ Option Sum for Project Unilateral Contract Sum - l0% Holdback Amount L€ss Subtask No,/ Deliverable Supply Adm¡n¡stration Option Sum Payable Amounl Amount 10% Holdback Section No. Components for Supply Amount Only Components (Note 1)

Asl FS 094 I,AFDO94 s 6).5 s 2392 $ 164975 s 6 498 s t48 477 A5 FS 095 I,AFDO95 s 56 377 $ 2-300 s 58-677 s 5.868 s t42.809 A5 FS 096 LAI'DOgó s 73.092 s 2.546 $ 75.638 $ 7.s64 $ 58.074 A5 FS 097 LAFDOgT $ 72.84s $ 2.543 $ 75.388 $ 7.539 $ 57.849 A5 FS l0l t.AFDt01 s 26'741 1 864 28 605 s 2 861 s 15 744

A5 FS 105 LAFDIO5 s 71.986 s 2.530 S 74-516 s 7 -452 $ 57 -064

A5 FS 114 LA¡'DI14 S 58.327 s 2.329 $ I 60.65ó $ 6.066 $ 44.590 A5 HennosaHO LALGI00 $ 56.383 $ 2.300 $ 58.683 $ 5.868 $ 142.815

A5 Zuma f .ifegua¡d HO l.ALG300 s 71 546 s 2524 s 74.070 $ 7.40'7 $ 1 56.óó3

A5 Lifesuard Dìvision LAf G-HO s 67.138 s 2.459 $ 69.597 $ 6.960 $ 1 52.637

A5 Lancaster LAN s 73.540 $ 2.553 $ 76,093 7 609 t 58.484 77TH Street A¡ea A5l Comolex LAPD077 $ 156.295 $ 2.299 $ r 58.594 $ 15.859 s t42.735 A 5,1 Complex LAPDCEN $ 1s6.377 $ 2,300 s 158 677 s 15 868 142.809 I]evonshrre Area A5 <1o1inn I ÂÞllll\IN s 185 667 s 2731 s r88 398 .$ r8 840 s 169 558

A5l Foothìll Area station LAPDFTH $ r 93.441 $ 2.846 s 196.287 g 19.629 $ I 76.658 noilenDecK Afea A5l stâtion LAPDHLB $ I 56.453 s 2.30 s 158.754 s I 5.875 s 142.879 Hollywood Area A5l station l.APì-)HWì.) s 17226'7 s 534 s t74 80t s 17480 $ 157,321 A5t Mission Area station LAPDMIS s I 73.339 $ 2.550 s r 75-889 s 17-589 s I 58-300 l\oflneast Atea A5l sÎâtion LAPDNED s 166.414 s 2.448 s r 68.862 s I 6-886 s I 5l _97ó North Holl)ryvood Area (1o1ìnn A5l I ÀÞDNtIfì s 1784 s 2 625 s r8r 036 .$ t8 o4 s 162932. A5 Newton LAPDNWT s t58-108 s 2.326 $ 160.434 s t6.043 $ 144.391 A5 Olvmoic Area station LAPDOLY s 175.749 s 2 585 s 78.334 $ 7.833 $ 160.50r 4,5 Pacific Area station LAPDPAC I 169.072 g 2.487 $ 7t 55q $ 7 .156 $ r 54.403 A5 RamÞart Area station LAPDRAM $ l5l .633 $ 2.231 s .864 $ 5.386 $ 138.478 A5 Tonânpâ Area station LAPDTOP s 156 383 s 2300 S s8 683 s 5 868 .$ 142 81 varrey ulsparcn A5l Center LAPDVDC s 224.746 s 3-306 s 228.052 s 22-805 s 205247 4.5 I stâtion LAPDV|IS $ 167.34ó s 2.462 $ 169.808 s 16.981 s 152.827 A5l Wilshire Area station LAPDML s 157.729 $ 2.320 $ 160.049 $ 16.005 $ 144.044 West Los Angeles Area A 5.1 station LAPDWLA $ I 75.838 $ 2.587 $ r 78.425 $ 17.843 s 160.582 West Valley Area A5l facilitv LAPDWVD s 176.213 s 2,592 I 78.805 $ 17 88r s 160924 A5 Altadena LASDALD $ 82.762 $ 2.689 $ 85.45 I s 8.545 $ 66-906 A5 Carson LASDCSN $ 86.920 g 2.750 $ 89.670 $ 8.967 $ t0-703 A5 Crescentâ Valler I.ASDCVS $ 83. I 85 $ 2.695 s 85.880 $ 8.588 $ 61.292 A5 Industru LASDIDT S 8r.4r 3 s 2.669 $ 84.082 s 8 408 s 65 674

A5 Lakewood LASDLKD $ 58.25'l s 2-328 S 60.585 s 6.059 $ 44.526

A5 Lennox (Closed) LASDLNX $ sÁ ?q5 s 2.299 $ 58.594 $ 5.859 $ 42-735 North County Correctional A5l FaciliW LASDNCC $ 126.741 $ 1.864 $ r 28.605 s 12.861 s I I 5_744 A5 Norwalk LASDNWK s 192.962 $ 2.839 $ 95.80r $ 9.580 $ 76-221 A5 Pico Rìvera I.ASDPRV s 57 729 $ 2.320 $ 60.049 $ 6.005 $ 4.044 A5 Santa Clârita Vâllev LASDSCV s 1.833 s 2675 s 84 s08 s 8 451 $ 66.0s7 A5 San Dimas LASDSDM S 26-741 s 1.864 S 28.605 s 86r $ 5 744 q A5 Temnle T.ASDTEM s 92 907 $ 2.838 s 9s.745 $ 575 $ 76.t70 A5 FS 2 LBFDOO2 s 66.223 s 2.445 s 68 668 s t6 867 $ 1.801 A5 FS ó LBFDOO6 S r31 s 1.635 s 2.766 s 11 277 s tO't 489

A5t FS 9 LBFDOOg $ 99.366 $ 2.933 s 202.299 s 20.230 $ 1 82.0ó9

A5l FS I2 LBFDOI2 $ 57.292 $ 2-314 $ r 59.606 s 15.961 s 143.645 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B

Exhibit C.4 (Phase 3 - Supply PSBN Components) Exhibit C.4 (Page 4 of 6) LA-RICS PSBN Agreement EXHIBIT C.4 Agreemenl No. LA-RICS 008 - Anrcnded and Restuled unde¡ Amendment No, 3

Unilâaeral Deliverable/ Unilateral Option Sum Payable Task No./ Option Sum for Project Unilateral Contract Sum - l0% Holdback Amount L¿ss Subt¿sk No./ Deliverable Supply Administration Option Sum Payable Amounl Amount l0% Holdback Section No, Components for Supply Amount Only Components (Note t)

A5 t FS 13 LBFDO13 $ t11 r3l $ 1.635 s 1't2 766 s 11 ).77 $ 101.489 A5l FS 2I LBFDO2I $ 157.729 s 2.320 $ 160.049 s ló.005 s 144 044 A5l HO LBFDO26 s 156 377 s 2300 $ 158.677 $ 15.868 s 142.809 A5l HO LBPDHO $ 156.91 7 s 2308 8 t59.225 $ I 5.923 s 143.302 Sylmar uonverter slabon - 4.5 I E LDWP22O s t7l-986 s 2.530 $ 174.516 $ 17.452 $ 157.064 A5 Lost Hitls,Malibu LHS $ 126.741 s t -8ó4 $ 28 605 $ t2.861 $ l r 5.744

A5 FS 2 I,VFDOO2 $ t 82.ó9 1 $ 2.687 s 85 378 s 18538 $ I 66.840 A5l LaVemePD LVRNPD s 17t 986 $ 2.530 $ 74 516 s 17.452 s 157 064 4,5 FS I MBFDOOI $ 156 587 s 2?01 s 58.890 $ I 5.889 $ 143 001 Mlra Loma Uetenúon A5l Faciliw MLM s I 84.245 s 2710 $ 186.955 $ I 8.696 s t68-259 A5 Monrovia PD MNRVPD $ 18 t .451 $ 2-669 s 84 120 $ 18.412 $ 1ó5.708 A5 Montebello PD MNTBLPD $ 156.377 $ 2.300 s 58 677 s 1s.868 $ 142.809 A5 Monterev Park PD MNTPKPD g 157,292 $ 2.314 $ 59.606 s 15 9ór s 143 64s A5 Mount Olivet Reseruoir MOR $ 17r 986 2.530 $ 74-516 s 17.452 s 157064 A5 FS 2 MRFDOO2 $ l8l-04r s 2 663 s 83.704 $ 8.370 $ 65.334 4.5 FS 3 MTBFDO3 $ 161.362 $ 2.374 $ 63 736 s I 6.174 $ 47.362 A5 Mount Washington MTW $ I 67.93 I s 2.470 $ 70 401 $ 17.040 s 53.361 A5 Goodrich PASA00l s 1828',t) $ 2.690 $ 85-562 s I 8.556 S 67 006 A5 FS 33 PASFD33 s '172.396 s 2s36 $ 74.932 $ 17.493 $ 57.439 A5 Puente Hills PHN $ 230.824 s 3.396 s 14 ).).îl $ 23.422 $ 210.798 A5l Palmdale PLM $ 172.713 $ 2.541 s 75.2s4 s 17525 s 1s7.729 LAC/RANCHO LOS AMIGOS NATIONAL REHAB A5l CTR RANCHO s 156-786 $ 2306 $ I 59.092 $ 15.909 $ 143.1 83 A5 FS 2 RDBFDO2 $ 57 -950 s 2.324 $ t60.274 $ 16.027 $ 44.247 A5 Redondo Beach PD RDNBPD 57.004 $ $ 2.r r0 s ¡59314 $ 15.93 1 $ 43.383

A5 ResewoirHill REH s 93 2R0 $ 2.843 s 196. r 23 s 19 612 s 76.51I A5 San Pedro Citv Hall SCH s 67 824 s 2.469 $ 70.293 $ 17.029 s 53 264

A5 Southeast Area station SEP $ 80.498 s 2.ó55 s 83. I 53 $ 8.3 l5 $ 64-838 A5 FS 3 SFSFDO3 $ 56.377 s 2-300 $ 5R 677 $ 5.868 $ 2.809 A5 FS 4 SFSFDO4 $ 7 )q) $ 2.31 4 s 59 606 s 5.961 $ 3.64s

A5 South L A SLA S 81 745 $ 2.674 $ 84 419 s 8 442 .$ 65.977 A5 FS 2 SMFDOO2 $ 68 4s0 s 2478 $ 70.928 $ 7.093 s 53 835 A5 SOUth GATEPD SOGTPD $ I 113 $ 2.664 $ 83.777 $ 8.378 $ 165.399 A5 San Vicente Peak SVP $ 2.902 $ 2.543 s 7s.445 $ 7.545 $ 157.900 A5l Southwest A¡ea station SWP $ 58. I 08 $ 2_326 $ 60.434 $ 6 043 $ 144.391 A5 Citv Hall Radio Tower TORCOOl s 82 129 s 2.679 $ 84.808 s 481 s 166,327 A5 FS 2 TORFDO2 s 182.748 s 2688 $ 85.436 $ 8.544 $ 166 892 A5 FS 3 TORFDO3 $ I 56.377 S 2.300 s 58.677 $ .868 $ 142-809 A5 FS 4 TORFDO4 s l7t .986 $ 2.530 s 74 516 s 7.452 $ 157.064 A5 FS I VEFDOOI s 157.499 s 2.317 s 59.8 I 6 s 9þ, s 143.834 g A5 FS 3 VEFDOO3 s ts8 327 2129 $ 160.656 $ 16.066 $ 144 5S0 A5 WalnulDiamond Bar WAL $ 172.845 $ 2-543 $ t75 388 $ I 7.539 $ I 57.849 A5 FS WCFDOO4 4 s 126.741 $ 1.864 s 128 605 $ 12.8ór $ 1 I 5.744 A5 FS 5 WCFDOO5 s 126,741 $ 1.864 s 128.605 $ t2 861 $ r I 5.744 A5 West Hollvwood WHD $ 1 7l -986 s 2530 $ 174.5 16 s 17.452 s t57064 452 ìîaøinq $ 515.009 $ 53.50 I s 481 s08 iefforma¡ce _uono lor Fhase J - Jupply PSuN Base22 3 2 lomponents $ 214.400 $ $ 214.400 TOTAL FOR PHASE 3 - SUPPLY PSBN ÎOMPONENTS: $ $ 47.648311 $ 4.743.435 s 42.904.876 AGENDA ITEM 6 . ATTAGHMENT B

Exhibit C 4 (Phase 3 - Supply PSBN Components) Exhibit C.4 (Page 5 of 6) LA-RICS PSBN Agreement EXHIBIT C.4 Agreement No. LA-RICS 008 - Amended and Restoted unde¡ Amendment No. 3

Contract Sum - Payable Amounl

Note 1: Project Administration costs for rernoved sites will be handled via tbe Amcndmcnt process in Section 2 (Changes to Agreement) of the Bâse Document.

Note 2: Pursuant to Amendment No. 3, effective as of June _, 2014, the Authority exercised the Unilateral Options for all lffork pertaining to Phase 3. In connection therewith, the Unilateral Option Sum for Phase 3 of $47,648,311 was convertcd itr to â Contract Sum.


Exhibit C.4 (Phase 3 - Supply PSBN Components) Exhibit C.4 (Page 6 of 6) LA-RICS PSBN Agreement LOS ANGELES REGIONAL INTEROPERABLE 6$) COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM AUTHORITY t\Ø 2525 Corporate Place, Suite 200 D' Monterey Park, California 91754 (323) LA.RICS 881-82e1


June 5,2014

Board of Directors Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority (the "Authority")

Dear Directors:



Board approval is requested to 1) authorize an amendment to the project management services contract with Jacobs Project Management Co. ("Jacobs") increasing the Maximum Contract Sum by $306,600; and,2) delegate authority to the Executive Director to execute an amendment to allow Jacobs to engage in certain environmental work for Cultural Resources assistance and to adjust the staffing plan accordingly.


It is recommended that your Board:

1. Approve an increase to the Maximum Contract Sum in a not to exceed amount of $306,600, which will increase the Maximum Contract Sum amount from $30,179,665 to $30,486,265.

2. Delegate authority to the Executive Director as follows:

a. Finalize and execute Amendment No. 11 with Jacobs, substantially similar to Attachment A; and,

b. Approve an addition to the contract's scope of work to allow Jacobs to engage and perform certain environmental work including, but not limited to, providing Cultural Resources assistance work to the Authority as set forth in the scope of work and adjust the Staffing Plan accordingly.


On March 29,2012, your Board authorized the Executive Director to execute the contract with Jacobs for project and construction management services for the Maximum Contract Sum of 920,871,260, to provide project and construction management services for the voice and data telecommunications system, comprised of an LMR System and a Long Term Evolution ("LTE") broadband mobile data

AGENDA ITEM 7 LA-RICS Board of Directors Meeting of June 5,2014 Page 2 system. Since that time, the Executive Director has exercised delegated authority granted by your BoardonMarch29,2012,toexecuteAmendmentNos. 1,2,4,5,6,8,and10totheJacobscontract, which moved staff hours from subsequent phases of the Jacobs contract to the Preliminary Phase (Phase 0) in order to allow for Jacobs' performance of certain work necessary during the Preliminary Phase.

On July 11, 2012, your Board authorized the Executive Director to execute Amendment No. 3 to the Jacobs contract which increased the Maximum Contract Sum by $1,546,933 in order to add additional scope of work for the complete rewrite process of the Authority's Request for Proposals ("RFP") for the LA-RICS systems which included, but was not limited to, providing technical and functional specification input to ensure consistency with industry standards, preparing new RFPs, providing RFP/Proposal compliance analysis, and participating in the negotiation process.

On October 3,2013, your Board authorized the Executive Director to execute Amendment No. 7 to the Jacobs contract which increased the Maximum Contract Sum in order to (a) separate the Scope of Work into two separate projects, the LMR System and Long Term Evolution ("LTE") broadband mobile data system (or Public Safety Broadband Network); and (b) add additional work to Phase 1 of the LMR System and the Preliminary Phase of the LTE System project, which work was not previously contemplated and constituted new scope. The additionalwork included, but was not limited to, staff support for public relations outreach, environmental services support and additional administrative support required by the parallel LMR and LTE projects.

On March 6,2014, your Board authorized the Executive Director to execute Amendment No. 9 to the Jacobs contract to include an addition to the scope of work to allow Jacobs to engage and perform certain environmentalwork including, but not limited to, preparing and delivering a CEQA-compliant Environmental lmpact Report ("ElR") and a NEPA-compliant EnvironmentalAssessment ("E4") as well as performing various biological and cultural resource surveys and reports, under Phase 1 for the Land Mobile Radio System ("LMR System") and adjust the Staffing Plan accordingly.


The purpose of the recommended action is to increase the scope of services under the Jacobs contract in order to engage Jacobs to perform certain Cultural Resources review and support work to aid the Authority in securing the necessary environmental clearancesiapprovals from the State Historic Preservation Office ("SHPO") and the National Telecommunications and lnformation Administration ("NT|A") to proceed with the build out of the Authority's Public Safety Broadband Network ("PSBN").

As your Board is aware, the PSBN project schedule is very aggressive due to the pending Broadband Technology Opportunities Program ("BTOP") grant spending deadline of September 30, 2015. ln order to meet this aggressive deadline, the Authority has assessed its need, and has determined it to be necessary to seek additional environmental support from Jacobs. The Jacobs Project Management team is already working very closely with the Authority and its Consultants to aid in securing the necessary environmental clearances/approvals to the maximum extent possible within their scope. However, their scope needs to be expanded to contemplate more comprehensive oversight and the direct involvement of the development of processes and the review of documentation required by SHPO and NTIA. LA-RICS Board of Directors Meeting of June 5,2014 Page 3

By allowing Jacobs to assume the oversight process, this will eliminate duplicate coordination by the Authority among the various consultants, and allow for improved integration between the Authority, its Consultants, SHPO, and NTIA on scheduled sensitive activities related to securing environmental approvalto proceed with the PSBN project build out.


The amendment will increase the Maximum Contract Sum under the Jacobs contract by $306,600, which will increase the Maximum Contract Sum amount from $30,179,665 to $30,486,265.

All contract costs related to the services rendered under this Amendment No. 11 will be reimbursed by the BTOP grant. This grant is fully funded by the Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and lnformation Administration ("NTIA').


The Authority's counsel has reviewed the recommended action.


Upon your Board's approval of the recommended action, on behalf of the Authority, the Executive Director will have authority to execute a contract amendment with Jacobs, substantially similar to the attached form, to incorporate revisions contemplated in the recommended action.

Respectfully submitted,

PJM:ms c: Counsel to the Authority




This Amendment Number Eleven ("Amendment No. 11") is entered into by and between the Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority ("Authoritv") and Jacobs Project Management Co. ("Consultant"), effective as of June 2014, based on the following recitals:

Authority and Consultant have entered into that certain Agreement for Consultant Services, dated as of March 29, 2012 (together with all attachments and appendices thereto, all as amended prior to the date hereof, the "Aqreement").

The Agreement has been previously amended by Amendment Number One, effective as of May 15, 2012, to engage Consultant to perform certain work under Preliminary Phase, which was originally contemplated under Phase 1, and to adjust the Consultant's Staffing Plan accordingly, all as further described in Amendment Number One.

The Agreement has been previously amended by Amendment Number Two, effective as of June 4, 2012, to engage the Consultant to perform certain work under Preliminary Phase, which was originally contemplated under subsequent phases, and to adjust Consultant's Staffing Plan accordingly, all as further described in Amendment Number Two.

The Agreement has been previously amended by Amendment Number Three, effective as of July 2, 2012, to engage the Consultant to perform certain work under Preliminary Phase, which was not originally contemplated and constituted new scope, and to adjust Consultant's Staffing Plan, resource leveleffort, and additionalcosts accordingly, all as further described in Amendment Number Three, which increased the Maximum Contract Sum by $1,546,933 from $20,87 1,260 lo $22,418,1 93.

The Agreement has been previously amended by Amendment Number Four, effective as of September 21,2012, to engage the Consultant to perform certain work under the Preliminary Phase, which was originally contemplated under subsequent phases, and to adjust Consultant's Staffing Plan accordingly, all as further described in Amendment Number Four.

The Agreement has been previously amended by Amendment Number Five, effective as of January 1, 2013, to reallocate the level of effort between LTE Project activities and LMR Project activities, and to adjust Consultant's Staffing Plan accordingly to reflect the reallocation of such levels of effort, all as further described in Amendment Number Five.

The Agreement has been previously amended by Amendment Number Six, effective as of May 31 ,2013, to include work for Negotiation and Outreach activities for both the

Pasel or5 on,""^",,,!r\i!rlffif!1,y":1":? AGENDA ITEM 7 . ATTAGHMENT A LMR and LTE Systems, to reallocate the levelof effort between the Preliminary Phase and subsequent phase activities for the LMR and LTE Systems, and to adjust Consultant's Staffing Plan accordingly to reflect the reallocation of such levels of effort, all as further described in Amendment Number Six.

The Agreement has been previously amended by Amendment Number Seven, effective as of September 5,2013, to separate the Scope of Work into two separate projects, defined as the LMR System project and the LTE System project, to make revisions to the Agreement as necessary to reflect such two separate projects, to add additional work to Phase 1 of the LMR System project and the Preliminary Phase of the LTE System project, which was not previously contemplated and constituted new scope, and adjust Consultant's Staffing Plan, associated resource levels of effort, and additional cost accordingly to reflect two LA-RICS projects, all as further described in Amendment Number Seven, which increased the Maximum Contract Sum by $+,889,427 from ç22,418, 1 93 to $27,307,620.

The Agreement has been previously amended by Amendment Number Eight, effective as of December 12,2013, (a) to include work to deliver certain LTE Project Description documents for232 project sites in the LTE System, (b) to reallocate the levelof effort between the Preliminary Phase and Phase 1 activities for the LTE System, and (c) to adjust Consultant's Staffing Plan accordingly to reflect the reallocation of such levels of effort, allas furtherdescribed in Amendment Number Eight, which corrected the Maximum Contract Sum to $27,317,585.

The Agreement has been previously amended by Amendment Number Nine, effective as of March 11,2014, to (a) perform certain environmentalwork including but not limited to, preparing and delivering a CEQA-compliant Environmental lmpact Report (ElR) and a NEPA-compliant Environmental Assessment (EA) as well as perform various biological and cultural resource surveys and reports for the LMR Project work under the LMR Project Phase 1 , System Design, as described in the Scope of Work, (b) adjust the Appendix A-2 (Staffing Plan) accordingly, and (c) increased the Maximum Contract Sum to account for the scope of work in the amount of $2,862,080 from 527,317,585 to $30,179,665.

The Agreement has been previously amended by Amendment Number Ten, effective May 14,2014, to reallocate the levelof effort between phases of the LMR Project, and to adjust Appendix A-2 (Staffing Plan) accordingly to reflect the reallocation of such levels of effort.

Authority and Consultant desire to further amend the Agreement to a) perform certain Cultural Resources environmentalwork as described in the Scope of Work due to the Authority's increased need for environmental support, and (b) to adjust Appendix A-2 (Staffing Plan) accordingly to reflect such levels of effort; and (c) increase the Maximum Contract Sum to account for the increase in scope of work in the amount of $306,600 from $30, 1 79,665 to $30,486,265.

Pase2ofs on,"r^",,rî,2iÍJf!l,r:;í1"::" AGENDA ITEM 7 . ATTAGHMENT A This Amendment No. Eleven is authorized under Paragraph 40 of the Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, all of which are incorporated as part of this Amendment No. 11, and for other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, Authority and Consultant hereby agree as follows:

1. Capitalized terms used herein without definition (including in the recitals hereto), have the meanings given to such terms in the Agreement, as amended by this Amendment No. 1 1 . Unless otherwise noted, section references in this Amendment No. 11 refer to sections of the body of the Agreement, as amended by this Amendment No. 11.

2. Section 3.1 is deleted in its entirety, and is replaced by the following:

3.1 ln consideration of the performance byConsultant in a mannersatisfactoryto Authority of the services described in Section 2 above, including receipt and acceptance of such work by Executive Director of the Authority or such person's designee (hereinafter called "Director"), Authority agrees to pay Consultant a maximum not-to-exceed sum of Thirty Million, Four Hundred Eighty-Six Thousand, Two Hundred Sixty-Five Dollars ($30,486,265).

3. Attachment A (Scope of Work), is deleted in its entirety, and is replaced by the attached Attachment A (Scope of Work) to this Amendment No. 1 1 and incorporated by this reference.

4. Appendix A-2 (Staffing Plan) to Attachment A (Scope of Work) to the Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety, and is replaced by Appendix A-2 (Staffing Plan) attached to this Amendment No. 11, and incorporated by this reference.

5. This Amendment No. 11 shall become effective as of the date identified in the recitals, which is the date upon which:

5.1 An authorized officer of Consultant has executed this Amendment No. 11;

5.2 The Authority's Board of Directors has authorized the execution of this Amendment No. 11;

5.3 Los Angeles County Counsel has approved this Amendment No. 11 as to form; and

5.4 The Executive Director of the Authority has executed this Amendment No. 11.

6. Except as expressly provided in this Amendment No. 11, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain the same and in full force and effect.

Page3ofs on,"r"r,,!,Tifnf!l,HJ,.:i: AGENDA ITEM 7 . ATTAGHMENT A 7. Consultant and the person executing this Amendment No. 11 on behalf of Consultant represent and warrant that the person executing this Amendment No. 1 1 for Consultant is an authorized agent who has actual authority to bind Consultant to each and every term and condition of the Agreement, as amended by this Amendment No. 1 1, and that all requirements of Consultant to provide such actual authority have been fulfilled.

8. This Amendment No. 11 may be executed in one or more original or facsimile counterparts, all of which when taken together shall constitute one in the same instrument.

9. This Amendment No. 11 shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of California applicable to agreements made and to be performed within that State.

Page 4 of 5 on,""r"r,r!r\"!r*f !1,\Z:lr:Z AGENDA ITEM 7 . ATTAGHMENT A AMENDMENT NUMBER ELEVEN TO


lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No. 11 to be executed on their behalf by their duly authorized representatives, effective as of the date first set forth above.


By: By:

Patrick J. Mallon lssam Khalaf Executive Director Vice President West Division PMCM


JOHN F. KRATTLI County Counsel


Truc L. Moore Senior Deputy County Counsel

Pagesofs onrr"r"r,,!rT|!rHf!l,Y;:1"Y" AGENDA ITENI 7 . ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT A Amended and Restated Under Amendment No. 11


1. INTRODUCTION Jacobs (Consultant) will work within the framework established by the Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System (LA-RICS) Authority (JPA or Authority) and in accordance with the activities and seruices surrounding each phase of program deployment for both the LMR and LTE projects, Consultant will provide experienced and dedicated resources to coordinate the planning, designing, developing, supplying, fabricating, constructing, installing, testing, deploying, commissioning, training, and maintenance necessary for successful completion of the LMR and LTE projects. The projects will be delivered using a turnkey method that will involve the LMR System and LTE System Contractors to perform required site design and construction as well as design and installation of the LMR and LTE Systems.

The Consultant will assist the Authority in making plans, projections, and decisions for its communications needs based on full life-cycle planning steps. The Consultant will also assist in developing criteria to determine when a technology refresh of any aspect of the LA-RICS LMR or LTE Systems should be considered. Many of the steps required for a technology refresh need to be coordinated (subscribers, network, backhaul) but some can be performed independently. The Consultant will help the Authority to consider costs, including labor, out-of- pocket expenses, and the trade-off analysis of continuing to modify and maintain the legacy system(s) versus moving to new system(s) at the right time in the future, when developing this criteria. The Consultant will visit completed and in-progress LA-RICS LMR and LTE transmission sites to evaluate the LMR System and LTE System Contractor's construction methodologies and practices in the conduct of the LA-RICS site builds. Further, they will assist in ensuring that the LMR System and LTE System Contractor's follow construction industry best practices in the construction of Authority LMR and LTE Facilities.

2. SCOPE OF WORK Consultant shall be the Authority's Project Manager for the LA-RICS LMR and LTE projects. The work to be performed by the Consultant under this Agreement will be assigned by the Authority pursuant to one or more Notices to Proceed issued under and in accordance with Section 2 (Consultant's Services) of the Agreement. The work to be performed by the Consultant includes all work as described in this Scope of Work, to the extent they are not inconsistent with Sections 2.1 and 2.2 below:

2.1 Staffing Plan The Consultant's staffing plan is attached to this Scope of Work as Appendix A-2 (Staff¡ng Plan). The Consultant will be required to periodically modify the staffing plan with the approval of the Authority throughout the duration of the Agreement to meet changing LA-RICS LMR and LTE project requirements. Any changes to the Consultant's staffing plan shall not result in an increase of the total number of labor hours approved by the Authority as part of this Agreement. At a minimum the Consultant's staff shall include the following: a. A Program Director who will serve as the Consultant's responsible point of contact for the Consultant's overall performance and compliance with the Agreement; b. A Program Manager who will (a) be responsible for planning and coordinating all work under the Agreement, (b) serve as the Consultant's primary liaison, (c) manage Consultant's staff, and (d) oversee the delivery of the LMR and LTE LA-RICS projects; c. A Senior Project Manager to oversee the delivery of the LM R System project; d. A Senior Project Manager to oversee the delivery of the LTE System project; e. At least one Systems Manager for the LMR System;

Page 1 of48 AGENDA ITEM 7 . ATTAGHMENT B ATTACHMENT A Amended and Restated Under Amendment No. 11

f. At least one Systems Manager for the LTE System; g. A Document Control and administrative support staff; h. A Professional Project Scheduler; i. A Professional Cost Estimator; j. A Contract/Change Order Manager; k. An experienced Outreach Manager; and l. Technical Support Staff experienced in the design and implementation of wireless voice and data communications systems.

2.2 General Scope of Services The Consultant will manage the LA-RICS LMR and LTE projects in accordance with high professional industry standards. The Consultant will be responsible for a combination of essential project and construction management services with respect to the LA-RICS LMR and LTE projects, including, but not limited to, the following functions for each project:

2.2.'J- Coordinate the planning, designing, developing, supplying, fabricating, constructing, installing, testing, commissioning, deploying and training for the successful completion of the LA-RICS project, including the LMR System and LTE System.

2.2.2Develop program procedures for the management of funding authorizations, funding approvals, cost escalation, communications protocols, responsibility matrix, and records management for each project.

2.2.3 Prepare and manage project(s) budgets and schedules, This task includes, but is not limited to the following activities: a. Provide revenue and cash flow analysis for each project; b, Develop project phasing alternatives including cost models for each project; c. Prepare and/or review cost estimates and related cost and contingency analyses for each project; d. Prepare and/or review critical path method project schedules and related analyses for each project; e. Prepare and/or review resource-loaded project schedules for each project. f. Prepare, review, and update a total project cost estimate (TPCE) which includes: land acquisition costs, construction costs, programming/development, plans and specifications, consultant services fees, miscellaneous expenditures, jurisdictional approvals, and services provided by Authority staff for each project. The TPCE for each project shall be updated on a monthly basis; and g. Review change order requests and associated cost estimates for each project.

2.2.4 Review and assessthe each LMR and LTE project's system architecture, design criteria and standards, and coordinate design technical reviews and resolution of technical issues. This task includes, but is not limited to the following activities: a. Review of architectural, technical, and engineering documents and studies for accuracy, constructability, compliance with project technical requirements, and value engineering; b. Assist in developing alternate/value engineering design solutions; c. Evaluate and make recommendations on changes in scope of work and prepare requests for change orders/amendments; d. Prepare authorization documentation including contract/agreement amendments and notices to proceed; e. Develop a Quality Assurance/Quality Control plan;

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f. Conduct quality control/quality assurance inspections and provide reports; and g. Manage, coordinate, and validate systems acceptance criteria; h. Coordinate the implementation of best management practices and, if applicable, CEQA Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program in LMR and LTE system construction documents.

2.2.5 Provide document control, administrative support, and information management for the LMR and LTE projects. This task includes, but is not limited to the following activities: a. Maintain a library for each project of "official" documents including all engineering/as-built documents, project correspondence, and contract documents. The library shall be delivered to the Authority at the completion of the contract. This library shall be available to the Authority for review throughout this contract; b. Safeguard all Authority and Member property, including proprietary and sensitive information; c. All documents to be stored in both hard copy and electronic formats.

2.2.6 Administer LMR and LTE project contracts, including, but not limited to, contracts with the LMR and LTE System Contractors and the environmentalservices consultants, This task includes, but is not limited to the following activities: a. Review the work of other contractors and consultants, certify percentage of work completed, and make recommendations on the approval of invoices for each project; b. Review consultants' and contractors' safety programs for compliance with all local, state and federal requi rements a nd regulations; c. Assist in coordinating and preparing for consultants' and contractors' project status meetings and participate in same; d. Review and make recommendations on consultant and contractor(s) work product for compliance with LA-RICS project technical and contractual requirements; e. Evaluate and make recommendations on changes in scope of work and prepare requests for change orders, and contract/agreement amendments for each project; f, Track, review and make recommendations on contractor requests for information and submittals for each project; and E. Assist the Authority with the separate procurement of other contractors and consultants to perform other services relating to the LA-RICS project, including the preparation of a request for proposals, review of proposals, and implementation of the consultant's resultant agreement.

2.2.7 Provide the Authority's staff and Board of Directors with project reports for the LMR and LTE projects. This task includes, but is not limited to the following activities: a. Prepare and coordinate monthly project status reports which shallinclude a brief discussion of current activities being carried out; activities to be completed in the upcoming month; review and discussion of project schedule (actualvs. baseline); and review and discussion of the project budget including expenditures to date, and budget remaining, for each project; b. Provide risk analysis support, quality control audits, value analysis and constructability reviews for each project; and c. Prepare as-needed reports and materials for LA-RICS project executive staff and Authority's Board of Directors' meetings, and attend such meetings,

2.2.8 Work in a coordinated, cooperative manner with other entities involved in the LMR and LTE projects including Authority staff, other contractors and consultants, government representatives, and other stake

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holders involved in the projects. This task includes, but is not limited to the following activities: a. Provide support in coordination of interagency and public involvement/consensus building, including the preparation of presentation materials, and making presentations; b. Develop and carry out a comprehensive strategic public relations plan including timelines, products and budget, for each project. This includes ability to work and communicate with public officials, local communities and government and professional organizations; and c. Coordinate work of other contractors and consultants performing similar public relations function sunder their respective contracts; and d. ldentification, application, coordination, and acquisition of all required permits and approvals for construction of the LMR and LTE projects.

2.2.9 Provide telecommunication appraisal expertise for valuation on all match expenditure for grant funds for each project;

2.2.11. Ensure compliance with applicable rules and regulations. This task includes, but is not limited to the following activit¡es: a. Ensure that the LMR and LTE System Contractors and other consultants comply with all Federal, California State, County, and local grant fund requirements, and monitor the LMR and LTE System Contractor's and consultants' compliance with same; b. Ensure the LMR and LTE System Contractors' adherence and compliance to the applicable federal, State and local laws, ordinances, regulations, rules, guidelines, directives, policies and procedures, including, but not limited to, Association Public-safety Officials (APCO) Project 25 and building codes; c. Ensure that the LMR and LTE System Contractors adhere and comply with all Federal Communication Commission (FCC) rules and regulations; and d. Ensure that the LMR and LTE System Contractors adhere and comply with applicable standards and regulations pertaining to the Federal Communications Commission Waiver and subsequent Orders regarding the implementation of a nationwide broadband interoperable network in the 700MHz band.

2.2.t2 Assist the Authority with site related activities for both the LMR and LTE projects. This task includes, but is not limited to the following activities: a. Assist in and coordinate activities relating to acquisition of rights to the LMR and LTE sites; b. Conduct preconstruction site analysis and planning for the LMR and LTE sites, including considerations for temporary utilities and structures, construction sequencing, construction site coordination, site

i nfrastructu re, co nstruction-re lated traffic a n a lysis, etc.; c. Coordinate LMR and LTE site activities with utility companles; d. Coordinate LMR and LTE site geotechnical testing and investigation services; e. Coordinate LMR and LTE environmental site assessments; f. Monitor LMR and LTE land surveying services; and g. Monitor LMR and LTE field engineering investigations, assessments, and repofts;

2.2.13 Assist in environmental documentation preparation and processing in conformance with the CEQA and NEPA for both projects, including: a. Coordinate with consultant in charge of preparing CEQA/NEPA related studies for the LA-RICS LTE project; b. Monitor and report on best management practices and NEPA and CEQA mitigation measures (if any) to ensure compliance during LMR and LTE project implementation.

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c. Prepare and deliver a CEQA-compliant Environmental lmpact Report (ElR) and NEpA-compliant Environmental Assessment (EA), as required, for the LMR project. The lead agency for the EIR will be the LA RICS JPA and the lead agency for the EA will be the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

d. Develop a draft project description for a Proposed Action based on input received from the Authority and/or the System Contractors.

e. Develop technical reports to describe the existing environment and analyze potential environmental impacts for the EAlElR.

f. Perform biological surveys and prepare biological reports through the Design Phase of the LMR project, and support federal Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultation with USFWS, and Section 2081 and 2080.1 (California Fish and Game Code)consultation with CDFW.

g. Prepare comprehensive reports including a biological assessment, biological technical report, and biological evaluation (for federal lands).

h. Perform cultural resources surveys and prepare cultural resources reports and in support of SHPO and Native American consu ltation. Coordinate project close-out activities including system acceptance and end-user training for both the LMR and LTE projects.

3. PROGRAM REVIEW AND VALIDATION The Consultant will conduct a series of mobilization interactive planning sessions with the JPA's Executive Director, and key LMR and LTE project personnel to focus on teambuilding, planning, organization, and project kick-off. These sessions will include consideration of stakeholder concerns, obtaining answers to relevant questions, and development of an understanding of roles in supporting other stakeholders. The sessions will be used to establish and document team alignment, roles, responsibilities, and expectations for both projects.

The Consultant's experts in project management, planning, funding, scheduling, and estimating will work with the Authority to address the LMR and LTE projects' unique challenges and begin drafting the Project Delivery Plan (PDP) for each project. Using initial work sessions as the starting point, the Consultant will develop a detailed PDP based on each project's goals and guided by a strategic total project implementation perspective for each project.

The Consultant will deploy the following methodologies and techniques to form a solid foundation for LMR and LTE project execution: a. Perform team building activities: team orientation, information sharing, establishing lines of communication b. Transfer existing project information/documentation to Consultant members c. Confirm project management goals and objective d. Verify the status of ongoing tasks and define critical issues e. Confirm lines of authority, organization, roles, and responsibilities f. Confirm budget and schedule status and funding/cash flow issues C. Engage in interactive planning to develop master schedule milestones h. Develop coordinated work plan with all major players i. Review and develop current project budget and estimates for roll-up into master budget

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j. lnitialize project management control system k. Maintain customized, targeted aA/QC in every facet of the project l. Confirm, verify, and create a project-level communication plan m. Create and distribute the project-level document distribution plan

4. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES 4. 1 Prepare and maintain Master Calendar and Meeting Minutes for the LMR and LTE projects The Consultant will prepare and maintain the master calendar for each of the LMR and LTE projects, which are key management and administrative control systemsthat are both proactive and reactive. Project master schedules are used to schedule and document significant events and maintain records on a weekly basis for all project meetings for each project. Minutes of these meetings are recorded and distributed to a designated list of participants. The Consultant will prepare meeting minutes for all meetings designated by the Authority both the LMR and LTE projects and use them to measure and document work progress, identify problems, and the required action(s) for resolution. Upon completing the LMR and LTE projects, these master project calendars, and the record of all meeting minutes for each project, shall serve as an audit trail of all major project events and milestones.

4.2 Provide document control, administrative support, and information management for the I-A-RICS LMR and LTE projects The Consultant will establish and maintain a records management system that will be a project management control system which will fully integrate all project documentation for both the LMR and LTE projects. The web- based systems will be controlled via a secured access availability based on an approved responsibility matrix and commun ication protocols.

The Consultant shallestablish a project file index, for both the LMR and LTE projects, consistent with industry standards, and as approved by the Authority. Consultant shall implement the approved file indexes and maintain a physical record (hard copies) of all project-related documents and records for both projects. These shall be stored in a secured location approved by the Authority. Project documents and records shall be readily available to Authority staff upon request.

4.3 Administer I-A-RICS Project Contracts The Consultant will assist the Authority with the review all project related contracts/agreements, including but not limited to, contracts with both the LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor, and the environmental services consultant, to determine applicability of the contractors'and/or consultant's scope of work with the overall intent of the LA-RICS projects, and to determine all contractually required deliverables. Working closely with the key stakeholders, the Consultant will determine which deliverables in each project require stakeholder review and/or approval. These review and approval cycles will be in the program-level project schedule and will include deliverables (for tracking) in the project management control systems for each project.

4.4 Assist in environmental documentation preparation and processing in conformance with the CEQA and NEPA for the LTE project The Consultant will review the contract requirements of the Authority's environmental consultant and assist with the coordination of all LTE contract deliverables with the environmental consultant, working with the Authority to schedule review and comment periods for environmental documentation, review and provide comment to such environmental documentation, and ensure all comments are returned to the environmental

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consultant and are incorporated in the finaldocuments forthe LTE project. The Consultant willassist the Authority and the environmental consultant as needed at public meetings required for approval of the LTE environmental documents. The Consultant will ensure that any routine and regular documents or reports (daily, monthly, by site) required by the contract for the LTE project are complete and submitted. Following approval of the environmental documents, the Consultant will ensure that the best management practices and, if applicable, the CEQA Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program is implemented by applicable parties as defined in the environmental documents, forthe LTE project.

4.5 Prepare the environmental documentation and ensure processing in conformance with CEQA and NEPA for the LMR project The Consultant is responsible for all phases and activities associated with the preparation and delivery of the NEPA-compliant Environmental Assessment (EA) and CEQA-compliant Environmental lmpact Report (ElR) for the LMR project. Consultant will work with the Authority to schedule review and comment periods for environmental documentation with the LA-RICS Staff, and ensure that all relevant comments are incorporated in the final documents for, as necessary, for the LMR project. The Consultant will assist the Authority in conducting any public meetings that may be required for approval of the LMR environmental documents. The Consultant will ensure that any routine and regular documents or reports (daily, monthly, by site) required by the contract for the LMR project are complete and submitted. Following approval of the environmental documents for the LMR project, the Consultant will ensure that the best management practices and, if applicable, the CEQA Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, is implemented by applicable parties as defined in the environmental documents, for the LMR project.

The Consultant will review and validate LMR and LTE Contractor(s) repofts for Construct¡on Management Activities (CMA), at all LMR and LTE sites where the LMR and LTE Contractors perform CMA analysis whether Biological or Cultural, and provide the Authority with periodic reports as to the LMR and LTE Contractor's performance during LMR and LTE site construction. These services include, but are not limited to, review of Contractor CMA reports and LMR/LTE site inspections to verify that the LMR and LTE Contractors are proceeding with construction in compliance with CMA requirements as outlined in the LMR and LTE System Contracts respectively.

4.6 Prepare and maintain Project Reports and Records for the LMR and LTE projects lmmediately after notice to proceed, as part of the Consultant's integration plan, they will work with the Authority's key staff to determine the content and regularity of project reports for both the LMR and LTE projects. The Consultant will use the approved communications plan to determine the distribution for drafts as well as final reports for each project. Monthly LMR and LTE project reports will be provide to the Authority with current and accurate information regardingthe program master plans. These monthly reportsforeach project will include: a. A project budget analysis for each project describing the total project cost, actual expenditures to date, percent of budget spent to date, and budget remaining to complete the project. ldentify any potential funding shortfalls and potential ways to mitigate them for each project. b. A project schedule analysis for each project describing activities completed to date, project percent complete, actual progress versus baseline schedule, upcoming project milestones, activities on the critical path, and activities to be completed in the upcoming month (look-ahead schedule). c. Future construction activities and early notification of potential operational impacts for each project that require coordination with the Authority d. Pending action items for each project

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With the approval of the Authority, the monthly report can be a single report containing status of both the LMR and LTE projects.

These reports willtrack float changes in all project areas, flagging those areas where the available float is decreasing (indicating a lack of progress)or increasing (indicating exceeding planned progress)and identifying the factors causing the change. The monthly trend report assists in identifying problem areas before they become critical. Usingthis reportthe Consultant can provide a detailed explanation of the root cause(s)fora delay in any area, as well as recommended corrective plan of action, for each project. The Consultant will prepare these monthly reports in two forms: a. An executive summary, that functions as a periodic newsletter of construction progress for project stakeholders a nd LA-RICS stakeholders b. Analysis of the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's recovery schedule (if applicable). a. A detailed report for each project

The executive summary will be a graphic representation of the current and accurate status of each program's master plan. The detailed report supporting the summary of each project discusses all aspects of the program(s) master plan and the scope, schedule, and budget of current capital projects. The methodology used in preparing these reports for each project will be based on integrating information from various project databases or control systems such as: a. Schedule information (completion status, milestone, critical path, and baseline schedule. b. Total project cost estimates and financial summaries. c. Project cash flow. d. Submittals. e. Requests for information. f. Requests for quotation. C. Critical issues

4.7 Provide and maintain an Electronic Document Control The Consultant will provide a Document Control Plan and project file index which will define control procedures for all project-related documentation for each project. They will establish, manage, set-up, and implement a fully integrated, image-based document and retrieval system, for both the LMR and LTE projects, allowing for the archiving, control and security of all documents, records, reviews, correspondence, and writings, which shall provide the capability for expediting the transmittalof project-related construction documents. Consultant document control staff will maintain the accuracy of these databases through both daily and weekly updates.

The document control system for each project will: a. Enable the management of millions of records and retrieval in seconds b. Store consultant services agreements and contracts for easy retrieval and review c. Shares documents with colleagues while protecting confidential information d. Allow for e-mailing or faxing files with the click of a mouse e. Provide an easy way to share documents with other offices or take them on the road f. Tackle paper flow and information overload g. Providelegaldocumentation

The Consultant will ensure all hardware and software purchased meets the specific requirements to support the proposed electronic document control system and other established programs. They will work with the

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Authority to ensure the management information system for both projects possesses adequate capacity to manage the requirements, such as a shared local area network, electronic image-based document control system, and communications such as e-mail, computerized faxing, and internet access.

4.8 Provide and maintain an lssues Tracking System for each project The Consultant will employ a web based lssues Tracking System such as Oracle Contract Manager as an issues tracking tool for each project to provide: a. Effective communication and accountability from which project performance can be evaluated b. Built-in modules for intuitive form routing and tracking tools to responsible parties c. Allows project executives to focus on managing projects, not paper

5. SCHEDULE AND COST MANAGEMENT Develop program procedures for the management of funding authorizations, funding approvals, cost escalation, communications protocols, responsibility matrix, and records management for the LMR and LTE projects. The Consultant will develop a Project Delivery Plan (PDP) for each of the LMR and LTE projects consisting in part of program procedures for implementation and management of all tasks. Consultant will develop the PDP using industry best practices and will then customize it to meet the specific needs of the LMR and LTE projects. They will meet with key Authority personnel to better understand existing protocols for funding authorization approvals and communication for each project.

The Consultant will use this information to create program procedures, a communication plan, and a responsibility matrix with flow charts for each project.

The Consultant will track and manage cost escalation by using internal cost data for similar programs/projects as well as published industry cost information to establish trending plans. They will use these trending plans to determine the appropriate contingency levels for the LA-RICS LMR and LTE project cost models.

The Consultants' records management system will be a project management control system that will fully integrate all project information for reach project. This will be a web-based system and will have secured access availability based on an approved responsibility matrix and communications protocols.

5.1 Prepare and manage project budgets and schedules The Consultant will develop program-level budgets and schedules for both the LMR and LTE projects. The master schedules will be a roadmap to project completion. Working with the information gathered at the interactive planning session, the Consultant will work one-on-one with the critical project stakeholders to develop a master schedule for each project that details every activity required to complete the project. This includes preconstruction activities including CEQA/NEPA studies, design milestones, third-party contracts, equipment and furnishings procurement and delivery, and JPA requirements, construction phasing, training, testing and commissioning activities, and review and approval checkpoints for each project.

Based on criteria established for the prospective projects, the Consultant's estimators will query the historical database for similar type projects and use factors such as location and escalation to benchmark each project to the center point of construction. They will use data from each of these projects to develop a cost model or budget for the new LMR and LTE projects based on a set of assumptions in the planning documents. ln certain situations or geographies, they will perform market surveys to determine current market conditions such as

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labor costs and availability, market saturation as it relates to the bidding climate, and any special factors to be considered forthe local market.

Consultant shall review the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's baseline schedules and make recommendations to the Authority whether to approve or reject the schedule for each project. Once the baseline schedules are established and approved, the Consultant willensure that the Authority receives monthly schedule updates from the LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor. The Consultant shall review the monthly schedules updates and make recommendations to the Authority whether to approve or reject the updated schedules for each project. The Consultant shall provide review comments to the LMR System ContractorandtheLTESystemContractortobeincorporatedintosubsequentupdates. Schedulereview comments for each project shall include a discussion on the following: a. Overall contractual project duration (calendar days) and any changes to the contractual substantial completion date. lnclude a discussion of any change orders which may have extended the contractual substantia I completion date. b. Discussion regarding the addition/deletion of any activities, calendar changes, changes in the relationship between activities and/or activity lags, changes in the description activities, calendar changes, changes in the duration of activities, numberof activitieswith "actual start" dates, and number of activities with "actual completion" dates. c. A critical path analysis for each of the LMR and LTE projects.

5.1.1 Establishment of a Baseline Schedule The Consultant will establish a baseline schedule with the LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor that is fair to the Authority and LMR and LTE Systems Contractors and is an accurate representation of how each Contractor will actually build the LMR and LTE projects. For each project, the schedule will include consideration of, but not be limited to: a, An understanding of critical tasks to be performed b. An understanding of project schedule and budget objectives c. Consensus of basic schedule architecture, software usage and administrative steps forthe balance of the project d. Review of the telecommunications system contractor's detailed baseline schedule e. Examination of logic durations, constructability, and flow of work laid out in the schedule, including non- implementation/construction restraints and activities (i.e. permits, procurement strings, submittal reviews and approvals, other contractor activities, end user activities, and restrictions) f. Analysis of cost and manpower allocations by trade and examination of cumulative distribution g. Consideration of input from major subcontractors and vendors, thorough the telecommunications system contractor, in development and approval of the schedule.

5.1.2 Key schedule management activities for the LMR and ITE projects will include, but not be limited to: a. Short interval schedules, such as two- and three-week look-ahead schedules b. Updating the schedule monthly c. Preparing float trend analysis on each update (refer to the float chaft on the following page) d. Generating pay applications from the updated schedule e. Evaluating the LMR System Contractor and LTE System Contractor's recovery schedules and identifying mitigation measures needed whenever progress is delayed f. ldentifying mitigation measures needed for the recovery or when changes to the contract scope of work have the potential to impact the schedule

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g. Coordinating allconstruction activities with particularattention to coordination with various contractors working on different bid packages h. Documenting, verifying, and reporting progress monthly i. Performing technical analysis for all the changes submitted and/or subsequent claims made by the telecommunications system contractor j. Conducting negotiation of all time impact settlements

5.1.3 Integration of the System(s) with a Work Breakdown Structure/Chart of Accounts To make the LMR and LTE projects controls process comprehensive to all program aspects, the Consultant will integrate each individual system component into an overall project control system for each project. One of these integrated components is the work breakdown structure (WBS). Consultant will work closely with the Authority to determine and define the best WBS for each project, and determine, for each project, whether projects' structure should be shaped by funding source, bid packages, program phase, or a hybrid of system/structure. These project structures will provide detailed definition to contract packages and major budget elements, and define segregated budgets across the whole organization, such as owner's costs, PM/CM Consultant, and the LMR and LTE Systems Contractor's cost assignments.

5.1.4 Use of Each System as a Management Tool Each WBS entry, for each project, will have a project definition sheet that provides the WBS description, set of functional requirements the projects must satisfy, the allowed budgets (by design or construction phase for each active party), and overall project(s) schedule. Together this matched data provides a tool to baseline and track performance against a pre-determined set of metrics.

5.1.5 Provide telecommunication appraisal expertise for valuation on all match expenditure for grant funds The grant application and approval process for each project involves developing investment justifications based on technical or operational needs, and also developing a financial analysis that provides approval authorities with the confidence that allcosts and benefits have been defined and quantified. This analysis is especially important when the applicant must produce matching funds to qualify. One of the key aspects of developing a cost analysis is creating a viable set of assumptions, particularly in the areas of technology, finance, and operations. For a particular appraisal, the Consultant will work with the Authority's Executive Director to identify and quantify these assumptions for each of the LMR and LTE projects. Using an in-house cost estimating tool, the Consultant will provide a life-cycle cost estimate for the applicable LMR and/or LTE Systems based on actual contract information balanced against industry information, as well as the Consultant's experience with comparable systems. The estimated costs for each project may include: a. Radio equipment and control b. Backhaul equipment c. lnteroperabilityequipment d. Subscriber units e. Antennas f. Dispatch consoles and other subsystems needed to interconnect to the radio network g. Real property, site access agreements, and site modifications h. Microwave upgrade/extensions i. Project management j. Annual maintenance k. First year operational costs l. Projected 10-year capital costs

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m. Projected 10-year operational costs

5. QUALTTY ASSURANCE/QURLITV CONTROL The size and complexity of two simultaneous LMR and LTE LA-RICS projects demand an exacting approach to quality control, risk management, and customer satisfaction. To ensure that the LMR and LTE Systems Contractors deliver the best and most comprehensive solutions for the Authority, the Consultant will employ proven processes for QA/QC and Risk Management services across all project phases for each project. To ensure the Consultant achieves Authority expectations and goals, the Consultant will use a client satisfaction processto measure their team's performance against mutually agreed-upon key performance indicators for each project. The following paragraphs outline the approach to these critical areas. a. The Consultants team members will have performed aA/aC specialized functions on statewide radio deployments in the U.S. b. The Consultant will use the industry's most comprehensive collection of radio technology engineers and analysts available c. The Consultant of QA/QC process experts will have performed similar services for projects similar to the LA-RICS project d. High-level team management involvement will be used throughout the LA-RICS project e. The Consultant's complete and operational radio systems performance approach will: i, Provide a QA/QC plan that encompasses the QA/QC process, reviews, methodology, resources, and objectives of the aA/aC program ii. Apply best practices analytical tools to verify and validate the telecommunications system contractor's approach and estimations ¡¡¡. Provide a detailed, actionable recommendations for system and/or program modifications or improvements

The intent and benefit of a well-defined QA/QC process for each project is to verify and validate the specific work products of each project phase. The Consultant will develop a QA/QC plan that supports Authority expectations of quality from the LMR and LTE System Contractors.

6.1 Verify Technical Compliance The Consultant will assess and report on the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's adherence to the technical requirements of the LMR and LTE projects during all project phases. These requirements include the functional, operational, standards compliance, performance, coverage/capacity, and interoperability requirements of the LA-RICS program. Reports will be generated on a quarterly basis for each project, with ad- hoc reports generated for compliance actions that require immediate response.

7. RISK MANAGEMENT The Consultant will implement a comprehensive risk tracking and mitigation program for each project that will: a. ldentify and evaluate potential risks to the LMR and LTE projects b. ldentify risk mitigation strategies and activities for each project c. Report on findings and recommendations for each project ln addition, the Consultant will closely monitor the LMR and LTE Systems Contractors' project plans to identify potential risks to the timely completion of project milestones and tasks and to the adherence to the project schedule for each project, The Consultant will provide reports with findings and recommendations on a quarterly basis for each project, or as required.

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The Consultant will employ these two key risk management functions: a. Risk ossessment, where the Consultant and Authority staff will determine the risks in each project and identify plans to execute should the risk materialize. b. Risk control, where the Consultant and Authority staff will take a proactive role to minimize and mitigate identified risks in each project before they occur.

The Consultant will develop and maintain, with input from the Authority, a list of potential risks for each project. Potential risks will be included for all participating organizations, including the LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor, all subcontractors for each project, participating localjurisdictions, and the JPA in areas such as: a. Critical path analysis - dependencies and impact of non-achievement b. Schedule realities and anomalies - realistic durations compared to recent past histories c. Design - comprehensive and in sync with industry best practices d. Production limitations - ability to meet schedules and prioritize new orders e. Weather - impact of adverse weather conditions f. Past history with specific products being fielded - issues and anomalies g. Construction and vendor delays - track record of performance and vendor delivery h. Organization - organizational structure that supports requirements and changes i. Third party - regulatory issues, permitting processes, environmental concerns, etc. j. Public relations - impact of political wind shifts, perceptions, and communications

7.1 Dispute Resolution For each of the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will ensure that design documents are well coordinated, easy to read, complete, and as error-free as possible. To achieve this, the Consultant will conduct thorough design and constructability reviews for each project with a multi-disciplined A/E team. The Consultant will conduct reviews at design milestones, often at the conclusion of each design phase, at intermittent completion milestones, or via over-the-shoulder reviews for specific technical needs. The Consultant will ensure: a. That design documents prepared by the telecommunications system contractor comply with state and localcodes. b. Building systems are energy efficient. c. The design accounts for technology needs.

The Consultant will work in cooperation with the Authority to develop a checklist approach to document review for each of the LMR and LTE projects.

The Consultant will attempt to resolve issues in each project as early as possible and at the lowest management level. During the initial phase of the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will conduct an interactive planning session to ensure all project details and needs are discussed early and openly. The Consultant willdevelop a defined project execution plan for each project with established key milestone dates for each phase, identifying key interface points, identifying the project critical path and setting coordination procedures and soliciting the LMR and LTE Systems Contractors' buy in to the overall plans. lt will establish a protocol identifying how Contractor issues will be addressed. The Consultant will subsequently monitor each project for potential issues and work quickly to resolve them while impacts are minimal. lf the Consultant observes or suspects a problem exists that could lead to a claim in either project, they will: a. Evaluate the potential risk b. Explore alternatives for resolving the problem

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c. lf required, prepare supplemental guidance to clarify contract requirements d. Begin preparing a potential claim file to capture all correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, and other documents relevant to the issue e. Proactively address and fairly resolve telecommunications system contractor's issues as they arise so that they don't become claims f. lf a claim is filed, assist with the resolution with expertise, lessons learned, and strategy development g. lnitiate a change order, if appropriate, to compensate a contractor for changed conditions

8. PROJECTCLOSEOUT Coordinate System Acceptance and End-User Training for each LMR and LTE Project For each LMR and LTE project, the Consultant will determine the project closeout requirements during the program's integration phase. The Consultant will work closely with key stakeholders, especially maintenance and facility personnel, to understand their requirements for closeout, including warranty requirements, start-up, training, and usual and ongoing maintenance. The Consultant will include these requirements in the project management controls system for each project, as well as on the projects' master schedule. The Consultant will provide a comprehensive issues tracking system to provide visibility and definition to outstanding deficiencies and an integrated project schedule for both the LMR and LTE projects. The Consultant will coordinate acceptance activities for each project with the Authority (including their program managers, execution of a work acceptance certificate) and applicable jurisdictions to ensure all LMR and LTE Contractor obligations are complete. This includes: a. Obtaining jurisdictional approvals of the site design documents b. Completing all contract milestones c. Obtaining work acceptance certificates for substantial/final completion of LMR system acceptance, LTE system acceptance, and final telecommunications system acceptance

9. STATEMENT OF WORK BY PHASES Both the LMR and LTE projects in the LA-RICS program will be executed in the following six phases: Preliminary Phase (Phase 0) - Project Startup (LMR and LTE) Phase 1- System Design (LMR and LTE) Phase 2 - Site Construct and Site Modification (LMR and LTE) Phase 3 - Supply Telecommunications System Components (LMR and LTE) Phase 4 -System lmplementation (LMR and LTE) Phase 5 -System Maintenance (LMR and LTE)

9.1 PRELIMINARY PHASE O - LMR AND LTE PROJECT STARTUP Upon the effective date of Consultant Agreement and a Notice to Proceed (NTP), and prior to the execution of the LMR System Contractor's contract orthe LTE System Contractor's contract, Consultant shall fully perform the Preliminary Phase tasks and deliverables in this Section 9.L for both the LMR and LTE projects.

9.1.1 Document Management System Consultant shall establish a document management system for both the LMR and LTE projects in both electronic and paper documents format.

9.1.2 Cost Modeling Consultant willassist the Authority in developing a project cost modelfor each project that considers grant funding allocations, proposed/required Member contributions, proposed/required Member/subscriber/affiliate

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fees, timelines and cash flow requirements by phase. Consultant shallcreate a baseline cost of the LMR and LTE System Contractors'scope of work, identifying costs by phase, project schedule(s), and migration plan(s). Consultant shall work with the Authority and other relevant entities to create reports for each project analyzing the optimization of LA-RICS project funding/grant funding with the LA-RICS projects schedules.

9.1.3 Project Delivery Plan (PDP) Consultant shall create a Project Delivery Plan draft for both the LMR and LTE projects, subject to subsequent revision under Section 3.0 above.

9.1.4 LMR System Analysis Consultant shall prepare an analysis regarding the LMR system addressing a. The potential wasteage if the Authority were to implement the LMR system on the T-Band frequencies (47Oto 512 MHz) and then migrate the LMR system to 700-800 MHz band frequencies or other hybrid network prior to the T-Band frequencies being auctioned under HR 3630 b. The feasibility of the Authority forgoing implementation of the LMR system on the T-Band frequencies, and rather implementing the LMR system on 700-800 MHz band frequencies or other hybrid network.

Regarding item a. of this task, issues to be addressed include: a. How much of the T-Band design would be reusable? b. What is the breakage/throwaway? c. ln a notional design, how many sites would be needed for a 700-800 MHz band frequency, or some hybrid thereof, LMR system? d. Where could the Authority co-locate the 700-800 MHz band frequency sites with the LTE system sites? e. lf the Authority could co-locate some number of 700-800 MHz band frequency sites with LTE system sites, how many frequencies would the Authority need? f. ls the migration from T-Band frequencies to 700-800 MHz band frequencies a significant forklift effort? g. What percentage of what the Authority deployed on the T-Band frequencies will require replacement (breakeage)?

Regarding item b. of this task, issues to be addressed include: a. How many sites would be needed? b. What is the estimated cost? c. What is the total cost of ownership? d. ln a notional system, what are the number of frequencies the Authority would need in order to build-out a system to cover Los Angeles County at the coverage and capacity specifications noted in Request for Proposa ls? e, Does the Authority or its Members have those frequencies now? f. How long will it take to build out the network? g. What else is possible? h. What other frequencies could the Authority use? i. How could the Authority use the analog overlay? j. Could the Authority use the LTE system sites for 700-800MHz deployment and enhance frequency reuse? k. What would coverage and capacity look like depending on the design?

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9.1.5 LMR Site Assessments As part of the project descriptions, the Consultant will perform detailed site assessments for all 109 identified LMR sites. The project descriptions will include site drawings showing construction boundaries, footprints of towers and shelters, and disturbance areas. lt will also provide tower and shelter details, including quantity, height, size, foundation, lighting, number and type of antennas, and amount of grading and clearing necessary. Since the documents will be used as a reference for the environmental analysis, the Consultant will employ specialized technical support staff, experienced in the requirements, environmental impact, and documentation of radio tower site construction, to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all information.

The Consultant will work closely with the Authority to schedule, coordinate, and review these documents to ensure they accurately describe the systems and site components at each of the 109 LMR sites, and that they provide the necessary information for the environmental CEQA and NEPA review process. Also, the Consultant will complete site visits and inspections for all existing 109 LMR sites to ensure the accuracy of the LMR site database as provided in the RFP and supporting documents. The Consultant will perform visual site surveys to include, but not be limited to, the following elements: a. Structural analyses of existing towers and other antenna support structures. b. Equipmentinventory. c. Access road conditions. d. General site conditions. e. Physical availability of surrounding land space. f. Perimeter security. g. Commercial power. h. Emergency power. i. AC and/or DC power, j, Equipment shelter design. K. HVAC. l. Grounding and lightning protection. m. Tower FAA obstruction lighting and painting. n. Fire suppression and prevention. o. Telco service. p. Site safety radio frequency radiation compliance. q. Grounding and variances from specific vendor standards. r. Transmission line support structures. s. Waveguide and dry air systems. t. Civil and eafthwork performance criteria. u. Nearby obstructions that may impact microwave paths and mobile radio coverage. v. lmplementation of best management practices and CEQA/NEPA mitigation measures (if any).

The result of LMR Site Assessment task will be a complete and comprehensive LMR site database of all 1-09 LMR sites. The site database will be resident in the SharePoint system for easy access by the Consultant, the Authority, and subsequent Telecommunications System Contractor(s), 9.1.6 LMR Hybrid System Analysis Consultant shall prepare an analysis regarding the feasibility of a potential hybrid LA-RICS LMR system consisting of: a. The use of the County-owned UHF T-Band frequencies for a County-wide digital trunked voice radio system DTVRS for the agencies which currently use that frequency band. b. The use of the seventy (70) 700 MHz County-licensed frequencies to provide County-wide coverage for

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migrating selected UHF T-Band subscribers away from that spectrum in preparation for the eventual requirement to vacate the T-Band spectrum. c. The use of the County-owned UHF T-Band spectrum to provide NMDN (narrowband data, 25 KHz)County- wide coverage until LTE services are available from the National Public Safety Broadband Network or a compatible network implemented by the Authority. d. The use of the existing County-licensed 800 MHz spectrum (64 channels) for the Analog Conventional Voice Radio System (ACVRS).

The areas to be included in this analysis include the following, for both the 700 MHz and UHF T-Band components: a. Coverage b. Capacity c. Spectrum use including high-level channel planning for simulcast planning and channel reuse d, lnitial high-level identification and mitigation of interference issues e. High-level implementation and migration considerations f. Rough order-of-magnitude costs for the LMR and microwave equipment, infrastructure, and vendor-related im plementation/project ma nagement

This task does not constitute a network design, but is rather a feasibility analysis. Preliminary and detailed analyses will be conducted by the future LMR System Contractor during Phase 1 design activities, and reviewed by the Consultant.

Assumptions from the initial LMR Feasibility Study (section 9.1-.5 above) will be used in this hybrid network feasibility analysis, including the areas of user requirements, technical and functionalspecifications from the 2011 Telecommunications Seruices RFP, spectrum ownership, currently awarded grant funding, and site availability. No consideration will be given to determining the timing of the availability of additional 7OO/8OO MHz spectrum, the availability of LTE capacity, legislative or policy changes related to the T-Band giveback process, or the availability of any funds related to H.R. 3630. Channel requirements per site will be developed using existing system use information and the minimum channel count of 1-0 per site defined in the RFP will not be used; rather, the channel counts per site will be based on a high-level assessment of requirements based on current use and projected growth as outlined in the RFP.

Additional scope of work in this section 9.L.6, and as a follow-on to completed activities for the LMR Hybrid System Analysis as outlined above, will include an interference analysis of two (2) 7OO MHz guard band channels.

As a result of the enactment of HR 3630 on February 22,2012, LA-RICS is tasked to look for additional radio spectrum to construct a UHF T-baní/TOOMHz hybrid voice and data network. LA City has contributed thirty-four (34)TOOMHZ frequencies. Two MHz of 700 MHz spectrum was also identified for potential use. These two are the guard band frequencies 768-769 MHz and 798-799 MHz which separate the broadband from the narrowband frequencies, and are not currently allocated for use by FCC rules. The Authority plans to apply for a waiver to the FCC rules to utilize these frequencies in support of its Hybrid network.

TheAuthorityhascontactedFCCcounseltobeginthewaiverprocessforthesefrequencies. Theaddedscopetothe Jacobs Scope of Work (restated herein) is as follows: a. Provide a needs analysis demonstrating and justifying that other spectrum is not available. b. Provide an interference analysis to ascertain that the use of the spectrum as identified above is possible without significant interference to adjacent services.

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c. Complete the FCC Form 605 License Application, articulating the technical parameters for use of the spectrum.

Consultant will utilize subject matter experts skilled in the areas of RF frequency coordination, frequency interference engineering, knowledge of FCC rules, and familiarity with the waiver and licensing process. Additionally, Consultant will generate technical supporting documentation in the form of interference contours. This scope is anticipated to take no longer than six (6) weeks from issuance of notice to proceed to completion.

9.1.7 RFP Rewrite (LMR and tTE) Consultant will support the RFP Rewrite process for both LMR and LTE, in the following areas: a. LTE and LMR network specification b. Site and constructability considerations c. Overall program rollout expectations d. Design, deployment, test and acceptance processes and specification e. Phasing and schedule considerations f. Overall site and network requirements generation

The Consultant will perform the following minimum program support activities: a. Provide input with respect to technical and functional specifications for consistency with industry standards and client requirements,

b. Provide input with respect to LMR and LTE RFP(s) for inconsistencies in technology, methodology, and performance.

c. Provide input with respect to the review of LMR and LTE RFP(s) to ensure consistency with the proposed evaluation and scoring methodology and process.

d. Provide input with respect to the review of LMR and LTE RFP(s) to validate that proposals can be verified th rough future accepta nce testing.

e. Provide input with respect to the review of boilerplate terms, conditions, and instructions for appropriateness and applicability to the goals and objectives of the LA-RICS initiative.

f . Provide input with respect to the review of service level/performance guarantee requirements to validate that they can be achieved.

g. Provide input with respect to the review for unnecessary risk items that may be ascertained in proposer(s) proposals.

The Deliverable for this 9.1-.8 RFP Rewrite task is the Summary Report of activities performed in support of LA-RICS RFPs for both the LMR and LTE Systems resulting in a LMR System Contractor RFP and a LTE System Contractor RFP that willeach be the basis for LMR and LTE Contractor(s) selection to perform the design, deployment, test, and acceptance for the LA-RICS program.

9.1.8 RFP/Proposals Compliance Analysis Consultant will perform the RFP Proposal Compliance Analysis for both the LMR and LTE proposal(s), specifically in the areas of LMR and LTE network specifications, site and constructability considerations, and with respect to specific Proposer(s) proposed deployment decisions and infrastructure development considerations for each project. The Consultant will perform the following minimum proposal compliance activities for each project:

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a. Review LMR and LTE RFPs to validate proposer(s) knowledge of LA-RICS requirements for each project.

b. ldentify key areas of LMR and LTE RFP response to be used for compliance analysis for each project.

c. Develop a format for the Compliance Report that will be specific to each proposer(s) proposal for both the LMR and LTE proposals.

d, Develop analytical processes to ensure consistency across compliance report sections, and aid in consistency in the evaluation and scoring processes for each project.

e, Review specific technical sections of each proposer(s) proposal to validate compliance with RFP requirements and expectations for each project.

f. Review each proposer(s) response for both projects to validate thatthe required services and functions can be delivered operationally by the proposer(s), and that their proposed solution is viable and cost effective for each project.

g. Provide inputwith respectto reviewof the LMRand LTE RFPstovalidate proposer(s)approach, cost, and acceptance criteria for the LMR and LTE network deployments for each project.

h. Review tra nsition and implementation plans for reasonableness, adequacy, and com pliance with LM R a nd LTE RFP considerations for each project,

i. Review and prepare an analysis of each proposer(s) proposal response for each project, indicating the strengths and weaknesses of each proposer(s) responses with respect to LMR and LTE RFP requirements.

j. ldentify major concerns and risks with each proposer(s) response for each project.

Additionally, Consultant will provide LMR and LTE Subject Matter Expertise (SME) support to the Evaluation Team, to include the following tasks for each project: a. Provide clarifications to the Evaluation Team, as needed, with respect to proposer(s) proposed technology and infrastructure solutions for each project.

b. Provide guidance to the Evaluation Team, as needed, with respect to industry best practices for LMR and LTE network deployment and site/civil construction for each project.

c. Assist the Evaluation Team, as needed, to fully understand the nature and intent of proposer(s) proposed technology and infrastructure solutions for each project.

d. Closely coordinate with the Evaluation Team across all components of the Evaluation process for each project.

e. Provide expert advice and recommendations to the Evaluation Team, as needed, to help the team understand not only the written solutions proposed by the proposer(s), but also the nuances of the proposer(s) proposal(s) with respect to design, deployment, test, cutover, and acceptance activities for each project.

f. Drawing upon the Consultants'expertise in the public safety market, provide reasonable estimations of constructability and network deployment success with respect to the proposer(s) proposed solutions and activities for each project.

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g. Generally, assist the Evaluation Team with all aspects of the LMR and LTE evaluations with respect to each section of proposer(s) proposal(s) for each project, but not to include actual scoring activities.

The Deliverables for this 9.1.9 Proposal(s) Compliance Analysis tasks are the LMR and LTE Summary Compliance Reports for each proposer(s) of activities performed in response to the LA-RICS RFP(s)/Addendum(s). The Compliance Analyses will form the basis for the Proposal evaluation process for each project, specifically with respect to the design, deployment, test, and acceptance of the LA-RICS program. Additionally, written clarifications, recommendations, comparisons, and statements of expert witness, as provided to the Evaluation Team, will be compiled as paft of the Deliverables for these tasks.

9.1.9 Negot¡at¡ons Consultant shall participate in and advise the Authority during negotiations of both the LMR and LTE Systems contract documents to ensure that the Authority obtains the best terms and conditions, as accurately and effectively memorialized in the agreements for each project.

Consultant shall participate in and advise the Authority during negotiations with the selected LMR and LTE Systems Contractors to assist with identifying/clarifuing Contractor(s) scope of work with respect to radio network deployment and site constructability, terms and conditions (including the justification for claimed exceptions), network design, deployment, test and acceptance, and all components and aspects of proposer(s) proposals(s)that would be the subject of negotiations for each project. Consultant will specifically support these LMR and LTE tasks in the following areas: a. Assess LMR and LTE Contractor(s) proposal(s) with respect to terms and conditions as pertains to radio network deployment, site assessment, construction, testing, and acceptance for each project.

b. Assess LMR and LTE Contractor(s) proposal(s)for site networktechnology applicability, construction schedules, methodologies, processes, and plans for each project.

c. Assess LMR and LTE Contractor(s) proposal(s) processes for telecommunications equipment deployment, site upgrades, builds, over-builds, modifications, etc, for each project.

d. Assess LMR and LTE Contractor(s) proposal(s) for compliance with industry LMR, LTE, and construction standards, and radio deployment and construction best practices for each project.

Additionally, the Consultant will perform the following services in support of LMR and LTE Contractor negotiations: a. Participate in the development of the initial negotiations strategy for each project.

b. Develop what-if scenarios and devil's advocate positions for possible negotiation(s) positions for each project.

c, tdentify weak and strong points in the LMR and LTE Contractor(s) negotiation(s) positions.

d. Provide'best current practices'for key negotiation areas based on recent experiences in other negotiation processes.

e. Review proposed LMR and LTE Contractor(s) schedule(s) to validate the viability of the proposed program schedule for each project.

f. Review component and network test procedures for reasonableness for each project.

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g. Review payment/acceptance terms and conditions with respect to the adequacy of milestones and program performance metrics for each project.

h. Review and provide comparative pricing for seruices and equipment based on other similar negotiations efforts for each project.

i. Validate amount and applicability of equipment proposed to ensure adequacy of program deployment and performance for each project.

j. Provide aA/aC of Contractor(s)-proposed microwave routes, coverage, and service guarantees to identify weak areas for each project.

k. Review Terms and Conditions for areas that might impact design, implementation, testing, or acceptance criteria for each project.

The Deliverables for these 9.1.9 Negotiations tasks are the Summary Report of activities performed in support of LA- RICS LMR and LTE Contractor(s) negotiations(s) resulting in a LMR System Contractor contract and a LTE System Contractor contract.

Once negotiations for each project are completed, Consultant will also provide an additional Deliverable of preparing and providing a written analysis and recommendation of the respective LMR and LTE System being considered for awardbytheAuthority. Suchanalysisisanticipatedtobeusedand/orincludedintheboardlettertotheAuthority's Board of Directors recommending award of a contract to the selected LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor. Consultant'sanalysiswillsetforth(1-)thespecificsofeachoftheSystemsbeingconsideredforaward,(2) whether, in the Consultant's opinion, each such System will meet the technical and operational needs of the Authority and the Authority's members, and (3) the Consultant's technical recommendation for award of each of the LMR and LTE Systems. The sufficiency of such analysis will be reviewed and approved by the Authority.

9.1.10 Outreach The Consultant will provide outreach support activities to the Authority for the purpose of informing and advising the local community, local public safety agencies, and Authority Members in the following program areas for each of the LMR and LTE projects: a. Provide an overall project description and anticipated program timelines for the LMR and LTE projects.

b, Provide and maintain the master file of LA-RICS presentations, and keep presentation materials current and up to date,

c. Outline infrastructure development and construction, and the impact of such work on localjurisdictions and communities for each project.

d. Provide information and support for public dissemination of environmental assessments, as may be originated by either the environmental consultant or the Consultant, including providing LMR and LTE site assistance to the Authority for each project.

e. Provide analysis to the public and affected Authority Members regarding the expected capital expenditure and operations/maintenance costs of the LMR and LTE Systems.

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f. LA-RICS brochure and marketing material preparation for each project.

g. Assist with development of timelines specific to the work to be performed for each affected Authority Member and/or City, so targeted communities know what to expect from the LMR and LTE projects.

h. Provide a LA-RICS Fact Sheet to include common questions along with answers for each project.

i. Assist with prioritizing follow-up meetings for each project with cities and public safety agencies.

j. Prepare a marketing packet for meetings with City officials regarding Site Access Agreements for each project.

The Consultant will provide coordination seruices for local outreach meetings and attend such meetings as desired and requested by the Authority for each project,

The Consultant will provide other outreach services and/or activities to assist with specific environmental issues that may be identified and requested by the Authority for each project.

Although commenced in the Preliminary Phase, outreach activities may extend over various phases of each project.

The Deliverables forthese 9.1.10 Outreach tasks are presentations, marketing materials, and fact sheets, as well as other work product generated from these 9.1.10 Outreach tasks.

9.1.11 Environmental Support For the LTE project, in Phase 0 of that project, the Consultant will provide best practices analysis to include Biological, Archeological, and Botanist seruices to assist and validate the Environmental Consultant's analysis that environmental documentation is prepared and submitted as stipulated in CEQA and NEPA guidelines. These validation activities will result in specific review of all environmental documentation provided by the Environmental Consultant. These reviews will be provided to the Authority weekly, as they occur, through edits/modifications to documents and recommendations to the Authority regarding the process, schedule, and deliverables for the environmental cenification process for the LTE project.

The Deliverables for these LTE-PH0-9.1.1-1 Environmental Suppon activities are the environmental documents themselves.

9.t.Lz Project Descriptions

For each of the232 LTE sites, Consultant will provide a detailed Project Description of the LTE Project that provides information on the activities that will be undertaken bythe Authority atthe sites, including but not limited to the following information for each LTE site: a. Confirm location of site boundaries, including aerial and topographic representations showing those boundaries as required for analysis under CEQA and NEPA .

b Purpose and needs.

c. General description of the LTE Project'stechnical, economic, and environmentalcharacteristics as required for analysis under CEQA and NEPA review, as well as identifying existing structures on site.

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d. lncorporation of all Monopole types that could be considered for use at an individual site (disguised, undisguised, rooftop, facility attached, modified flag pole, etc.)

e. lncorporation of all types of lighting that could be considered for use on each Monopole considered,

f. lncorporation of a general description of the type and extent of proposed trenching and excavation expected to occur.

g. lncorporation of a description of the time of day work and days per week work is expected to occur and work schedule.

h. lncorporation of estimates for duration of construction, the number of truck trips, and the type and duration of use of construction equipment/machinery that is assumed to be used.

i. lncorporation of generalized description of infrastructure development expected to be required for project implementation.

j. lncorporation of Construction Management Requirements (as defined in the LTE System Contract) proposed for implementation at each site.

The Deliverables for these 9.1.12 Project Descriptions are the Project Description documents for each of the 232 LTE sites that will be provided to the LTE Contractor following LTE Contractor contract execution for confirmation by such LTE Contractor.

LTE deliverables for this Phase 0 at a minimum will be: a. LTE-PHO-9.1.7 LTE RFP Rewrite Summary Report b. LTE-PH0-9,1.8 LTE Proposals Compliance Analysis Reports c. LTE-PH0-9.1.9 LTE Negotiations Summary Report; Written Analysis and Recommendation to Authority Board d. LTE-PHO-9.1.10 Outreach Presentations, Marketing Materials, and Fact Sheets e. LTE-PH0-9.L.1l- Environmental Documents Review Reports f. LTE-PH0-9.L.12 Project Description documents

9.2 PHASE 1- LMR AND LTE SYSTEM DESIGN Early in the design phase for each project, the LMR and LTE Systems Contractors will prepare detailed Project Description documents that will describe the LMR System and LTE System respectively. The Consultant will work closely with the Authority and the LMR and LTE Systems Contractors to schedule, coordinate, and review these documents to ensure they accurately describe the systems and site components, and provide the necessary information for the environmental CEQA and NEPA review process for each project.

The LMR and LTE project descriptions will include site drawings showing construction boundaries, footprints of towers and shelters, and disturbance areas for each project. lt will also provide tower and shelter details, including quantity, height, size, foundation, lighting, number and type of antennas, and amount of grading and clearing necessary. Since the documents for each project will be used as a reference forthe environmental analyses, the Consultant will employ specialized technical support staff, experienced in the requirements, environmental impact, and documentation of radio tower site construction, to ensure the accuracy and

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completeness of all information for each project.

The Consultant will conduct a Constructability/Design Review for each of the LMR and LTE projects which will include review for compliance of rules, regulations, and codes. The Consultant will document and track any compliance issues found during the review process for each project and send the non-compliance issues to the A/E of record for correction. The Consultant will confirm compliance/correction of the issues either in a subsequent submission or through review of the documents for each project.

The Consultant understandsthat no system acquisition actionswill be authorized foreitherthe LMR orthe LTE projects until the Phase l system design process is complete and associated environmentaldocumentation is approved for each project respectively. Therefore, th¡s task will commence as soon as possible after the LMR and LTE system(s) contracts are awarded in order to expedite the environmental CEQA and NEPA processes and reduce the risk of project schedule delays for each project.

9.2.1 Review Detailed Design Documents The Consultant's vision for delivering each of the LMR and LTE systems design review services will be based on: a. Applying experienced personnel with extensive public safety communications technology experience

b. Working within a structured quality management system that includes the JPA-approved processes, milestones, and checklists that the Consultant has successfully tested and implemented on similar projects

The Consultant will employ a combination of experienced personnel, coupled with the use of best practice quality management processes, to provide a comprehensive understanding and articulation of the LMR system design and LTE system design in each project respectively. The methodology for Phase 1 system design is depicted below and in the following sections.

9.2.2 System Design Methodology Key elements of the design review activities include planning, scheduling, and coordinating preliminary design reviews (PDR) and detailed design reviews (DDR) with the Authority and the LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor respectively, scheduling key milestones within the project master schedule for each of the LMR and LTE projects, and an independent assessment of the LMR System Contractor's and the LTE System Contractor's detailed design specifications. The Consultant will review alltechnicaldocumentation for accuracy, constructability, and value engineering for each project, The evaluation of system specifications will consist of the following elements: a. Requirements traceability - LMR System Contractor's and the LTE System Contractor's design specifications must be inclusive and comply with all requirements outlined in the final system performance criteria and environmental documents for each project. b, Allocationof requirements-Eachrequiredfunctionalelementof thedesignspecificationsforboththe LMR and LTE projects must be allocated to a system element that can be verified through factory, field, and acceptance testing. c. Specification verification - Key performance elements should be independently evaluated and verified compliant with system performance criteria for each project. d. Risk assessment- Based on the technologies specified for each of the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will identify high-risk areas and develop mitigation strategies for the Authority's review and approval.

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For the design and subsequent phases for each of the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will work with the Authority to create a requirements traceability matrix (RTM) for each project which will separate each documented LMR System and LTE System requirement into a distinct tracking item. Using the RTM, the Consultant will monitor the project and ensure that functional, operational, performance, and user requirements are addressed throughout the planning, design, implementation, and testing phases of each of the LMR and LTE projects.

Design review activities for each subsystem of the LMR System and the LTE System will include a detailed evaluation of the following elements, as well as other elements that may be identified in the early planning with Authority staff: a. Overall architecture and its feasibility within the entire system of systems for each project b. Adherence to P25 standards and guidelines for the LMR project c. Compliance with all federal, California State, County, and local fund requirements, rules, regulations, guidelines, directives, policies, and procedures for each project d. Compliance with applicable FCC rules and regulations, including the 700 MHz waiver requirements for each project e. Compliance with CEQA and NEPA regulations for each project f. Verification of coverage, capacity, growth potential, and throughput for each project g. Antenna designs for each project h. Frequency/channel plans for each project ¡. FCC licensing for each project j. lnterfaces and features for each project k. lnteroperability to existing systems and backhaul networks for each project l. Backhaul network design, capacity/throughput analysis, microwave path analyses, fiber connectivity, redundancy, lP routing and addressing for each project m. Reliability, fault tolerance, and scalability for each project n. Network security and encryption for each project o. Consoles for the LMR project p. Logging recorderforthe LMR project q. System management and monitoring for each project r. lnventory and maintenance tracking system for each project s. Testing plans including factory (staging), component, integration, performance, and acceptance test plans for each project t. Cutover plans for impact on operations; parallel operation on reuse sites for each project u. Maintainability for each project v, Disaster recovery plans for each project w. lnterference, particularly in the case of the LMR project, in simulcast mode. x. Subscriber functionality for each project y. Local and environmental regulation compliance for each project z. Hardware, software, and services parts list to ensure no missing or extra items for each project aa. General compliancetoeachoftheLMRSystemContractorandLTESystemContractorcontractsand risks to future change orders for each project bb. LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's value engineering plans for each project

The Consultant will evaluate the detailed design of the LMR system network Subsystems, which will include the P25 digital trunked voice radio system (DTVRS), the analog conventionalvoice radio system (ACVRS), and the Los

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Angeles RegionalTacticalCommunications System (LARTCS)and narrowband mobile data network (NMDN). The Consultant will similarly evaluate the LTE system detailed design and Subsystems for that project.

The Consultant understands the incumbent challenges of designing two new regional systems that must not only leverage existing infrastructure, but also accommodate interoperability among disparate systems and over varying terrain for each of the LMR and LTE network initiatives. Forthe LMR project, the Consultant will review the DTVRS design specifications for compliance to its stand-alone performance requirements and its interoperability with regional P25 (lClS and Riverside County) and non-P25 (Orange and San Bernardino County) systems, as well as state agencies such as the California Highway Patrol and federal agencies such as the FBl.

9.2.3 Verify Coverage and Capacity For each of the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will provide independent verification services for key network performance criteria such as coverage and capacity. The Consultant understands that the Authority has requested that the LMR System and LTE System Contractors supply copies of their coverage software to the LA- RICS project team for use throughout the project.

The Consultant is familiar with a number of vendor-specific and other industry coverage modeling tools for both the LMR and LTE networks. Should the LMR and/or LTE System Contractors furnish copies of their coverage software to the Consultant, the Consultant will be able to operate and leverage the software to meet any LA- RICS coverage prediction requirements, within the terms and conditions of the Agreements with the LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor. Where either the LMR System Contractor or the LTE System Contractor does not make their coverage modeling tool available to the Consultant, the Consultant will provide independent verification of coverage and capacity using other industry-approved modeling tools, as necessary to provide the Authority validation that the Contractor(s)coverage and capacity meet the technical specifications of their Agreement. ln all cases, and for each of the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant willevaluate coverage and system performance by adhering to guidelines and recommendations outlined in the TIA publication, TSB-88. This document is an industry-accepted and widely used reference for radio frequency coverage modeling and system performance va lidation.

The Consultant will use a comprehensive network design toolset to independently verify the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's performance predictions. The design tool set shall include the following modules: a. A complete coverage analysis tool b. A high-resolution mapping tool c. A reliable network capacity analysis tool d. A system-wide interference analysis tool

The network design toolset shall provide microwave design/path planning for backhaul design verification for each of the LMR and LTE Systems. This will facilitate point-to-point and end-to-end performance analyses by modelingthe paths in detail, taking into consideration both urban (building)and terrain clutter. ln addition to LMR system design and analysis, the Consultant will also perform LTE system design and analysis. The Consultant will perform the following tasks related to both the LMR and LTE Systems: a. Recommend ideal radio site candidates b. Evaluate coverage propagation

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c. Analyze uplink and downlink rates for user equipment within coverage area d. Analyze and mitigate potential interference

9.2.4 Design Review Act¡v¡t¡es a. The Consultant's Phase L design activities will depend on the number and level of design reviews proposed by the LMR and LTE System Contractors.

The Consultant recognizes that due to the size and scope of the LA-RICS program, there could be multiple PDR activities for each of the LMR System and LTE System reviews, depending on how the Authority contracts with the LMR System and LTE System Contractors. The Consultant will adjust their design review activities to accommodate the Authority approved final schedule for each project.

As part of the overall risk assessment and mitigation process for each project, the Consultant will create a master punch list independent from the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's lists. The master punch list for Phase L in each project will be based on the Requirements Traceability Matric (RTM) and will be used in subsequent phases to track construction, radio system implementation, and testing deficiencies for each project. The master punch list for each project will include, but is not limited to: a. A complete description of the deficiency b. Which section of the RTM or test procedure the deficiency is related to (as applicable) c. Target correction date d. Actual correction date e. Scheduled re-test date (if applicable)and results f. Assignment of responsibility g. Resolution

During design review activities for both the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will identify high-risk areas and work with the Authority to require the LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor to develop alternatives to targeted aspects of the design solutions.

To meet the objective in providing the most cost-effective LA-RICS solution, the Consultant will evaluate procurement and implementation costs for each of the LMR and LTE System designs proposed by the LMR System and LTE System Contractors. Their analysis methodology will include system modeling and providing budgetary cost estimates for baseline and alternative design solutions. Cost estimates are based on the Consultant's extensive knowledge and estimates will consider the following costs for each project: a. LMR System and LTE System equipment and control b. Core and backhaul network equipment c. Subscriber units d. Acquisition and placement of towers and shelters e. AC and DC power systems f. HVAC g. Backup generator systems replacement or upgrade h. Site acquisition and development i. Permitting j. Delivery, staging, and other testing costs k. Project management, engineering, and service fees l. Life-cyclemaintenance

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m. Contingency

For each of the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will coordinate and participate at each PDR and DDR presented by the LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor. They will establish exit and entrance criteria for each of the reviews and work with the Authority to determine when those criteria are met, opening the gate for the Contractor to go to the next design step in the prescribed design process.

Once all design specifications are reviewed and risks, alternatives, and cost estimates established as part of the PDR and/or DDR processes, the Consultant will prepare a design analysis and recommendations report for each project and present itforAuthority approvalto proceed to Phase 2 Site Construction and Site Modification.

For each project and as required, the Consultant will assist the Authority in contract administration and preparing change orders/amendments to the LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor. They will assist in negotiating change orders using the baseline contract specifications, performance criteria, and terms and conditions as a starting point.

For each project the Consultant will review the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's proposed change orders in detail, looking for specific items such as: a. Extra equipment or software that is not necessary to build the system, b. Open-ended or vague statements. c. lnadequate vendor program management and/or quality assurance. d. Unclear or immeasurable performance specifications. e. Accuracy/applicability of labor rates and hours for the scope being performed.

9.2.5 Develop Detailed A/E Design Documents for Site lmprovements/Assist with Jurisdictional Approvals During the system design phase for each project, the LMR System Contractor and LTE System Contractor will develop architectural-engineering plans for site improvements and facilities construction for both the existing sites and any new sites. Throughout that process, the Consultant will provide over-the-shoulder peer/design reviews of the designs to ensure that best practices are being implemented, infrastructure capacity is being planned with appropriate contingencies, and that all best management practices and environmental mitigation measures (if any) are incorporated.

The Consultant will perform visual site surveys as necessary to verify site selection and design decisions. For each project, the Consultant will review the following elements of the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's site design : a. Structu ra I a na lyses of existing towers a nd othe r a nten n a su ppo rt structu res. b. Equipment inventory. c. Access road conditions. d. General site conditions. e. Physical availability of surrounding land space. f. Perimeter security. g. Commercial power. h. Emergency power. ¡. AC and/or DC power. j. Equipment shelter design. K. HVAC.

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l. Grounding and lightning protection. m, Tower FAA obstruction lighting and painting. n. Fire suppression and prevention. o. Telco service. p. Site safety radio frequency radiation compliance. q. Grounding and variances from specific vendor standards. r. Transmission line support structures. s. Waveguide and dry air systems. t. Civil and earthwork performance criteria. u. Nearby obstructions that may impact microwave paths and mobile radio coverage, v. lmplementation of best management practices and CEQA/NEPA mitigation measures, if any. w. Confirm site availability including - specifically if site is owned by the Authority and/or Authority members, and if the Authority has procured the legal rights to carry out the proposed improvements on the selected site.

The Consultant will provide assistance with JurisdictionalApprovals. Because the site locations fallin different cities and unincorporated areas, jurisdictional approvals for each of the LMR and LTE projects will be more complex to assess, coordinate, and track. The LMR System Contractor and LTE System Contractor are responsible for pulling permits. For each of the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will assist the Authority with site related tasks including, but not limited to, the following: a. Conducting activities relating to the acquisition of rights to the sites b. Conducting preconstruction site analysis and planning, including considerations for temporary utilities and structures, construction sequencing, construction site coordination, site infrastructure, construction-related traffic analysis, etc. c. Coordinating site activities with utility companies d. Coordinating geotechnical testing and investigation services e. Coordinating environmental site assessments f. Monitoring land surueying services g. Monitoring field engineering investigations, assessments, and reports b. For each of the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will ensure that proper planning takes place for a successful outcome of the jurisdictional approval process, which will minimize any potential project delays. The Consultant will support the LMR System Contractor and LTE System Contractor to ensure that: a. Early in the design process for each project the LMR and LTE System Contractors identify the agencies having jurisdiction for the review and approval of the plans for each site or number of sites in the same municipality b. The LMR and LTE System Contractor develop a comprehensive checklist of all the agencies required to provide clearances c. Each project is properly introduced to jurisdictionalagencies d. The LMR and LTE System Contractors meet with each of the major lead agencies to better understand their requirements and the turnaround time for plan checks e. The LMR and LTE System Contractors develop a checklist of the type of documents and number of copies each agency requires for the submittals

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9.2.6 Prepare CEQA EIR and NEPA EA Documentation and Supporting Studies For the LMR (Phase 1-) Environment lmpact Report (ElR) and Environmental Assessment (EA), the Consultant will prepare and deliver a CEQA-compliant EIR and NEPA-compliant EA. The lead agency for the EIR will be the Authority and the lead agency for the EA will be the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). There are five (5) tasks associated with this Scope of Work as follows:

TASK 1- - Project lnitiation

The Consultant will develop a Work Plan consisting of project schedule, budget, communication plan, roles and responsibilities, and safety plan forthe EIR/EA preparation and delivery.

The Consultant's Program Manager will meet with LA-RICS Staff to present the Work Plan for the LMR project and discuss roles and responsibilities, deliverables, and schedule.

The Consultant will establish an Electronic File Transfer (ETF) system to be used to move data between the Consultant, the Authority, FEMA, and other project stakeholders.

TASK 2 - Develop Project Description

The Consultant will develop a draft project description for a Proposed Action based on input received from LA-RICS and the LMR System Contractor. The project description must be fully developed prior to the onset of environmental analyses, as changes to this could result in re-analysis with cost and schedule impact.

TASK 3 - Develop Technical Reports

The Consultant will develop technical reports to describe the existing environment and analyze potential environmental impacts for the EIR/EA. The Consultant will coordinate within its project team, with the System Contractor and with Authority's staff to review and incorporate applicable vetted and accepted data, outreach information, etc. in the working draft document. Resources anticipated for review include:

a) Aesthetics. Ageneralizeddescriptionofexistingvisualcharacterwill beconductedformostsites. Areas, byways, or highways that have special scenic designations will be focused on in greater detail (i.e., on a site specific basis), Up to 4 visual simulations will be developed.

b) Air Quolity. The Consultant will develop an air quality analysis sufficient to quantify anticipated emissions associated with project construction and compare these against significance thresholds established by the South Coast and Antelope Valley AQMDs. Emissions will be estimated using the CaIEEMOD program. Project parameters including construction schedule, construction equipment fleet mix including Clean Air Act compliance (i.e., tier 3, tier 4), intensity and duration of use, ground disturbance will all be made available to analysis during Task 2 to support analysis. Greenhouse gas emissions will be estimated based on CEQA guidelines.

c) BiotogicotResources. Technicalstudies associated with this discipline are discussed in detail in latersections of this SOW. Under the EIR/EA, significance criteria will be developed and impacts identified in relation to these.

d) CulturalResources.Technicalstudies associated with this discipline are discussed in detail in later sections of this SOW. Under the EIR/EA, significance criteria will be developed and impacts identified in relation to these. ODCsare included fortravel and fora cultural resources recordssearch atthe South CentralCoast lnformation

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Center and other regional California Historical Resources lnformation System (CHRIS) information centers applicable to the LMR project sites. e) PoleontologicalResources. Technicalstudies associated with this discipline are discussed in detailin later sections of this SOW. Under the EIR/EA, significance criteria will be developed and impacts identified in relation to these. ODCs are included for a paleontological resources records search at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History.

Geology, Soils and Minerals. Generalized descriptions of geology (including earthquake potential), soils, important (state- and federal-designated) farmland, and mineral resources will be prepared. Analysis of soil erosion, loss of farmland, and seismic activity will be conducted. The Consultant will review results of the site- specific geotechnical investigation provided by the System Contractor and will incorporate applicable information as needed. c) Hozords ond Hazordous Moterials. Analysis of impacts associated with airspace hazards, hazardous materials management, and potential to encounter past releases will be conducted. The Consultant will review and incorporate information from the site-specific hazardous materialassessment report and the RF emission report provided by the System Contractor in this analysts. h) Hydrology-Woter Resources. A characterization of existing surface and groundwater resources will be conducted and an analysis of project impacts on these resources made. The Consultant will review and incorporate information from the site-specific geotechnical investigation provided by the System Contractor related to groundwater resources as needed. i) Lqnd lJse. Documentation of existing zoning and general plan characteristics will be made for all applicable jurisdictions. The Consultant has assumed that the Authority's intergovernmental immunity strategy used for the LTE EA will hold for the LMR EIR/EA but will adjust the analysis as necessary based on outcome of agency outreach. i) /Vorse, A generalized description of the noise environment will be developed. Two generalized models showing noise contours associated with construction activities will be developed and applied to rural and urban sites. k) Populotion/Housing/EnvironmentalJustice. General population characteristics will be described. The expectation is that this analysis will be qualitative and of minimal length. An environmentaljustice analysis will be prepared following the Council on Environmental Quality guidelines.

PublicServices. Abrief descriptionof publicserviceswillbedeveloped,andananalysisoftheProposed Action's effect on public services will be performed. m) Recreation Resources. A brief description of existing recreational resources near LMR sites will be provided, along with a discussion of impacts associated with construction and operations. n) Tronsportotion-Troffic. A qualitative discussion will be provided regarding transportation and traffic.

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o) L|titities-Service Systems. A brief overview of electric, water, wastewater, and solid waste providers will be included, along with a high-level analysis of project demands against system capacities.

Additionally, the Consultant will perform literature searches and order data from reputable repositories to establish baseline conditions in the proposed project area for each of the resources identified above.

TASK 4 - Prepare the EA and EIR

The Consultant will develop a draft and final EA/EIR and prepare document necessary for filing and public notices compliant with CEQA and NEPA. The effort will include:

a) A working draft EA/EIR will be provided to the Authority with one round of comment incorporation (followed with a screen check copy).

b) An administrative draft EA/EIR will be provided to FEMA with one round of comment incorporation (followed with a screen check copy).

c) A published draft EA/EIR used to solicit public comments.

d) A working f¡nal EA/EIR will be provided to the Authority with one round of comment incorporation (followed with a screen check copy).

e) An administrative f¡nal EA/EIR will be provided to FEMA with one round of comment incorporation (followed with a screen check copy).

f) A published final EAlElR will be used to support a Finding of No Significant lmpact (FONSI) and for certification purposes (ElR).

Total document size including appendices (but not including supporting tech studies such as 620/621. forms or EDR reports) is anticipated to be no more than 3000 pages. Up to 5 hardcopies of the Public Draft and Public Final versions of the document will be printed. Cost of outsourcing of printing is to reimbursed by LA-RICS to Consultant. Rema¡ning public versions of the document will be made available on the Authority's LA-RICS web site or CD/DVD. Copies of working, administrative, and screen check versions will be made available to internal reviewers by FTP or SharePoint site. Any document filing fees is to be reimbursed by LA-RICS to Consultant.

TASK 5 - Maintain Administrative Record

The Consultant will be responsible for maintaining the administrative record for the LMR environmental EA/EIR project. This will include draft and final reports, references, correspondence with lead, cooperating, or regulatory agencies, etc., public comments, internal written communications, data contact logs, project notices, final modeling runs for noise and air quality analysis, GIS database, and field logs.

Regarding Biological Resources, the Consultant will perform biological surueys and prepare biological reports through the Design Phase of the LMR project. The Consultant will support federal Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultation with USFWS, and Section 2081and 2080.1 (California Fish and Game Code) consultation with CDFW. There are two (2) Tasks for the biological scope of work: 1) Conduct Surueys and 2) Prepare Biological Reports, which are defined below:

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'J,. Conduct Surveys

While it is possible that hundreds of special-status species could occur in the action area, effects to this many species arenotanticipated. Asaresult,basedoncurrentknowledge,atotal of9typesofsurueysareproposedfortheLMR project. Specific information necessary to determine need for additional survey (over that discussed below) can only be gained through the habitat assessment, which is the first survey proposed.

A stepped approach to surueys is included in this effort, in order to more efficiently tailor more expensive focused surveys to those areas expected to require them. Each is described below.

a) Generol Habitat Assessment. This involves a desktop analysis of t2O sites to describe general biological character (i.e., urban or rural), and the land cover present. Land cover will be classified using either Holland (1986), or the Manual of California Vegetation, 2nd Edition (2009) method. A field study area (FSA) extending 500 feet from the LMR tower centroid and at least100 feet from the LMR site boundaries (whichever is greater) will be established. Field maps will be created based on land cover identified during the desktop assessment. Field teams will mobilize to the 120 sites. For urban sites, site access will not be required (rather, more natural appearing areas within the surrounding FSA will be visited). For rural sites, areas within the LMR site and surrounding FSA will be classified. For all sites, land cover identified during the desktop analysis will be confirmed. The data will be compiled in GIS and a letter report developed.

b) Botonicol Surveys, Focused botanical surveys can be accommodated at up to L2 sites. For the survey, a plant compendia consisting of special-status plants (down to California Rare Plant Rank 28) will be developed. The field botanists willvisit reference populations of subject species (either at appropriate herbaria or in the field), Teamsof 2botanists(oneasenior-levelbotanist)willbefieldedateachoftheL2sites. Onespringsurveyis anticipated at the l-2 sites, with follow up survey at 6 sites to identify any late-blooming sensitive species. The data will be compiled in GIS and a letter report developed.

c) Arroyo Tood. Survey for arroyo toad has been accommodated for only one site. This is based on an assumption that only one LMR site would be located within one kilometer of arroyo toad habitat. The six required surveys are at specified intervals and must occur between March 15 and July L. Survey will be conducted in accordance with the USFWS' Survey Protocol for the Arroyo Tood, Moy 1 1-999. The data will be compiled in GIS and a single letter report developed for the entire set of surveys.

d) Californio Red-Legged Frog, Survey for the California red-legged frog has been accommodated for only one site. This is based on an assumption that only one LMR site would be located within one mile of California red- legged frog habitat. The eight required surveys are at specified intervals and six of these must occur between February 25 and April 30. Survey will be conducted in accordance with the USFWS' Revised Guidance on Site Assessments qnd Field Surveys for the California Red-legged Frog, August 2005. The data will be compiled in GIS and a single letter report developed forthe entire set of surveys.

e) DesertTortoise. Survey for the desert tortoise has been accommodated for two sites, each identified at NTP. The LMR site itself will be surveyed, along with three additional belt transects, at 200 meters, 400 meters, and 600 meters from the LMR site boundary. Survey will be conducted in accordance with the USFWS' Preparing for Any Action thot May Occur Within the Ronge of the Mojave Desert Tortoise, 201.0 Field Seoson. The data will be compiled in GIS and a single letter report developed for the entire set of surveys.

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Coqstal California Gnotcotcher. Survey for the coastal California gnatcatcher has been accommodated for two sites, usingthe spring survey protocol. The six required breeding season surveys are at specified interuals and these must occur between March 1-5 and June 30. lf this survey window is missed, then non-breeding season surveys consisting of 9 surveys can occur between July l and March 14 at an additionalcost of 535,000 forthe two assumed sites, as nine surveys would be required outside of breeding season. Survey will be conducted in accordance with the USFWS' CoostalCalifornia Gnatcotcher Presence/Absence Survey Guidelines, February 28,1997. The data will be compiled in GIS and a single letter report developed for the entire set of surveys.

c) Least Bell's Vireo. Survey for the least Bell's vireo has been accommodated for only one site. This is based on an assumption that only one LMR site would be located within 500 feet of least Bell's vireo habitat. The eight required surveys are at specified inten¡als and must occur between April l-0 and July 3L. Survey will be conducted in accordance with the USFWS' Least Bell's Vireo Survey Guidelines, January 19, 2001. The data will be compiled in GIS and a single letter report developed for the entire set of surveys.

h) Southwestern Willow Flycotcher. Survey for the southwestern willow flycatcher has been accommodated for only one site. This is based on an assumption that only one LMR site would be located within 500 feet of southwestern willow flycatcher habitat. The five required surveys are at specified intervals and must occur between May 15 and July 17. Suruey will be conducted in accordance with the USFWS' A Natural History Summary and Survey Protocolfor the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher,2010. The data will be compiled in GIS and a single letter report developed for the entire set of surveys.

Burrowing Owl. Efforts for burrowing owl are two-phased. A focused survey is assumed as required at a single site. Habitat assessment and survey will be conducted within the FSA only in accordance with the CDFW's Stoff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigotion, March7,2012. The data will be compiled in GIS and a single letter report developed for the entire set of surueys.

General Assumptions:

a) lt is assumed that there are 120 LMR sites in the "universe of sites" and that no new sites will be added to this universe after receipt of the initial NTP.

b) The Authority recognizes that new sites added after NTP can affect the overall project schedule as well, if required biological resources surueys are not conducted in accordance with timelines stipulated in state or federal protocols or guidance,

c) lt is assumed that escorts will be required for LMR site visits. Authority will schedule and cluster site visits to minimize travel time.

d) New sites will not be added to the "universe of sites" after NTP. Cost of additional sites will need to be negotiated.

e) Unless otherwise identified, all effort identified herein represents maximum 10 hours per day effort, including two hours round trip drive time.

f) No wetland delineations have been included in this cost proposal.

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g) lt is assumed that no work would occur within an existing applicable HCP or NCCP except for one site. lt is assumed that no work would occur within lands administered by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy.

2. Prepare Biological Reports ln addition to the small tech memos (letter reports) to be developed for the individual species survey efforts, the consultant will prepare up to three comprehensive reports for the project. These include a biological assessment and a biologicaltechnical report covering l-20 sites, and biological evaluation (for federal lands),

a) A Biologicol Assessment will be developed to support Section 7 consultation under the Federal Endangered Species Act, and consistency determinations under Section 2080,1 of the California Fish and Game Code. Up to 41 species would be included for consideration in this document, however, only 20 of the species would be expected to occur within the project area (reducing full analysis to 21 species).

b) A Biological Technical Report would be developed to document occurrence for and impacts to special-status species in the project area. This document would be used to support Section 2081 permitting with CDFW, and provide supporting analysis for the EA/ElR.

c) A Biological Evoluation will be developed to support special use and right of way permitting on federal lands. This document will account for species occurrence and impacts for agency-designated special-status species such as BLM Sensitive, BLM WEMO HCP, ForestService Sensitive, and/or ForestService Management lndicator Species.

General Assumptions:

a) Consultant will cooperate with the Authority in the draft preparation and incorporate comments of the Authority's internal reviewers to finalize a draft document, with an additional screen check copy provided prior to submission to other agencies. Comments will be incorporated and submitted for federal lead and / or cooperating agency review.

b) Two rounds of review will be accomplished by federal lead and/or cooperating agency reviewers, with an additional screen check copy provided prior to submission to other agencies. Comments will be incorporated and submitted for regulatory agency (e.g., USFWS, CDFW) or land management agency (e.g., USFS, BLM) review and concurrence with findings.

Regarding Cultural Resources, the Consultant will perform cultural resources surveys and prepare cultural resources reports through the planning phase of the LMR project. The Consultant will support SHPO and Native American consultation. Therearethree(3) Tasksforthecultural resourcesscopeof work, 1) Archaeological Resources,2) Native American Resources, and 3) State Historic Preservation Office coordination, which are defined below:

1-. Archoeological Resources

a. A Work Plan and Research Design will be prepared for the project to determine the likely presence of archaeological resources that may be affected by project implementation. This will set the framework upon which the subsequent work will be conducted.

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b. The Record Search will be conducted at the South Central Coastal lnformation Center (SCCIC) and other regional California Historical Resources lnformation System (CHRIS) information centers applicable to the LMR project sites. The SCCIC houses information about archaeologicaland historical resources (e.9. location, size, age, etc.) within Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties as well as information regarding previous research conducted in the vicinity of our project locations. This will inform us about the potential for impacts to known and suspected archaeological resources on or in the vicinity of the project locations.

Fieldwork Planning and Preparation will be conducted next to determine where field surveys need to be performed on the basis of the above research. We assume that at least 65 rural locations will need to be field surveyed.

d Fieldwork will be performed to determine presence/absence of archaeological resources, whether previously documented or newly discovered. Teams of qualified archaeologists will mobilize to the project sites and prepare field notes, take photographs, and document the results of their field efforts as individual locations are examined.

e. Data Compilation (mapping and photos)will be conducted to provide information regarding the results of the research, record checks, and field investigations to use for preparation of the report.

f. Report Preparation will include the preparation of FCC Forms 620/621in accordance with NEPA compliance requirements. This will form the basis for reporting the results of the above effofts and for making recommendations for avoidance or for mitigation, as appropriate. A summary of the findings for Forms 620/621. willalso be provided.

2. Notive Americon Resources. ln accordance with the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), contact will be made early on with the NAHC to determine the presence of any sacred sites or sites of special significance to Native Americans in the project area. Tribal contacts will be established from information provided by the NAHC and will include follow-ups with tribal leaders as appropriate. Data will be compiled and documented through mapping, site photos, and site forms as needed. This information will then be inserted into the FCC Forms 620/62L as necessary. No separate report will be prepared.

3 State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Consultation. The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Consultation process will be conducted in accordance with state and federal requirements. This will include the development of correspondence with SHPO for sites that may be of state-wide or federal importance that may be impacted by the project. Consultation will begin early in the process of preparation forthe project and will continue throughout thelifeoftheproject. ThistaskalsoincludesparticipationinAuthorityMeetingsthroughoutthelifeofthe project.

General Assumptions:

a) ltisassumedthatthere areL2O LMRsitesinthe"universeof sites"andthatnonewsiteswillbeaddedtothis universe after receipt of the initial NTP.

b) The Authority recognizes that new sites added after NTP can affect the overall project schedule as well, if required cultural resource surueys are not conducted in accordance with timelines stipulated in state or federal protocols or guidance.

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c) lt is assumed that escorts will be required for LMR site visits, The Authority will schedule and cluster site visits to minimize travel time, and provide site escorts as required.

d) The Authority recognizes that there could be fees associated with the filing of documents with relevant authorities. These fees will be reimbursed to the Consultant as part of Other Direct Costs (ODCs).

As specified in the LMR and LTE System Contracts, the LMR System Contractor and LTE system Contractor are to document site conditions sufficiently to design and accomplish the improvements required at each site. The Consultant will review the resultant geotechnical reports and site environmental assessments for each project to evaluate the findings and recommended solutions, particularly for foundations and any potential underground environmental hazards, along with biological, archeological, and botany considerations.

Forthe LMR or LTE projects, should any hazardous materials be uncovered unexpectedly during excavation, the Consultant will provide qualified technical personnel to assist in evaluating materials procedures for testing, handling, transport, and/or disposal of such materials with minimal project impact and in full compliance with governing laws and regulations.

LMR deliverables for this Phase 1 will at a minimum be: a. LMR-PH1--9.2.L Project Description Review Document b. LMR-PH1-9.2.2 System Design Review Document, Requirements Traceability Matrix, and Coverage and Ca pacity Verification Docu ment c. LMR-PH1-9.2.3 Site Design Review Document d. LMR-PH1-9.2.4 Final Design Document Review Document e. LMR-PH1-9.2.5 Outreach Presentations, Marketing Materials, and Fact Sheets f. LMR-PH1,-9.2.6 Environmental Documents Preparation

LTE deliverables for this Phase 1 will at a minimum be: a. LTE-PH1-9.2.1 Project Description Review Document b. LTE-PH1-9.2.2 System Design Review Document, Requirements Traceability Matrix, and Coverage and Ca pacity Verification Docu ment c. LTE-PH1-9.2.3 Site Design Review Document d. LTE-PH1-9,2.4 Final Design Document Review Document e. LTE-PH1-9.2.5 Outreach Presentations f. LTE-PHL-9.2.6 Environmental Documents Review Reports

9.3 PHASE 2 - LMR AND LTE SITE CONSTRUCT AND SITE MODIFICATION ln this phase of each of the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will oversee the implementation of the site improvements developed by the LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor during the system design phase. The plans and specifications developed during the design phase should address modifications to existing sites, facilities or infrastructure, as well as site improvements and construction of new facilities and infrastructure at new sites for each project. ln this Phase 2, the Consultant will verify that the LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor delivers the work of site modifications and construction of facilities and infrastructure meeting the quality specified in the plans and specifications that were reviewed and accepted during Phases 1-, System Design.

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The Consultant's field engineers/construction managers will be involved hands-on on a daily basis to make sure that the following items are addressed for each project: a. Verify that all required permits are on hand before starting any construction activities b. Communicate upcoming construction activities in advance to allstakeholders and the appropriate communities if impacts are expected c. Process and address any requests for information and submittals coming from the LMR System or LTE System Contractors d. Conduct construction observation to resolve any quality-related issues as they arise e. Coordinate the services of the various specialty consultants, including special inspection and material testi ng f, Monitor construction progress against the respective LMR or LTE project baseline schedules for each site and address recovery plans if delays become necessary C. Review progress payment applications against work in place and process for payment as appropriate h. Process any potential changes arising out of unforeseen field conditions or Authority-initiated directives i. gEnsure that all best management practices and environmental mitigation measures (if any) are addressed as defined in the environmental documents j. Ensure that all master punch list work is completed properly and in a timely manner k. Coordinate all inspection activities with the lnspector Of Record (lOR) and with deputy inspectors as may be assigned for each project.

The approved LMR and LTE System Designs may require modifications to existing sites, or new shelters and towers may be needed to accommodate coverage requirements, new equipment, or correct existing deficiencies. These modifications may include grounding system improvements, electrical system upgrades, tower reinforcements, or equipment shelter expansions.

The Consultant will oversee any LMR System or LTE System site modifications to evaluate construction methodologies and practices of the respective Contractors. Upon notice from the LMR System or LTE Sytem Contractor that site improvement work is ready for final inspection, the Consultant will conduct site inspections to ensure a quality installation and that applicable punch list items have been resolved.

LMR deliverables for this Phase 2 will at a minimum be: a. LMR-PH2-9.3.1 Final Site Construction Report b. LMR-PH2-9.3.2 FinalSite Acceptance Report c. LMR-PH2-9.3.3 Outreach Presentations, Marketing Materials and Fact Sheets d. LMR-PH2-9.3.4 Environmental Document Review Reports

LTE deliverables for this Phase 2 will at a minimum be: a. LTE-PH2-9.3.1 Final Site Construction Report b. LTE-PH2-9.3.2 Final Site Acceptance Report c. LTE-PH2-9.3.3 Outreach Presentations, Marketing Materials and Fact Sheets d. LTE-PH2-9,3.4 Environmental Document Review Reports

9.4 PHASE 3 - SUPPLY tMR AND LTE SYSTEM COMPONENTS For each of the LMR and LTE projects, upon successful completion of Phase 1 System Design and Phase 2 Site Construction and Site Modification, Phase 3 Supply Telecommunications System Components will commence. This Phase 3 consists of ordering, supplying, fabricating, and delivering the LMR System and LTE System

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components. As this Phase 3 kicks off, it will be important to confirm or re-establish the baseline project schedule, critical path drivers, work plans, and budget for each project.

The Consultant will work closely with the Authority to administer new contract orders and/or change orders, as necessary, for procuring the hardware, software, and other materials and services necessary to implement the LMR System and LTE System respectively.

For each project and before factory orders are placed, the Consultant will review all equipment lists for accuracy and completeness, ensuring they match the requirements of the LMR System and LTE Systems Contracts and the final design documentation. For each project they will use the RTM developed during Phase L System Design to monitor compliance with the system performance criteria and environmental documents.

9.4.1 Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) and Equipment Staging For each of the LMR and LTE projects, the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) and equipment staging process involves assembling system infrastructure equipment for each site at the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's facility(s)and conducting as much of the Acceptance Test Plan (ATP) activities as possible. The Consultant, as adjunct to, on behalf of, or as proxy for the Authority, will attend the FAT for each project and verify that the accepted testing procedures are properly executed and that the results concur with the system performance criteria as specified in the respective LMR and LTE technical requirements. For each project and after staging, the site equipment will be packed by the LMR System and LTE System Contractors for delivery or storage.

To provide the appropriate level of quality assurance during the FAT, the Consultant will perform the following actions for each project: a. Re-review all applicable factory test procedures and confirm that they are designed to simulate, as closely as possible, the final overall system configuration b. Verify test equipment metrology to ensure it is properly calibrated c. Verify testing results will be properly documented and that any subsystem that was not tested as part of the overall staging effort is properly tested and documented by the specific supplier d. Verify that any issues requiring a software, firmware, or hardware upgrade, downgrade, or retrofit will be clearly identified prior to shipment e. Update master punch list throughout FAT, including recommended remedial action f. Maintain results in a FAT report that includes FAT items from the master punch list g. Update the requirements traceability matrix with FAT results

9.4.2 MaterialsManagement For each of the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will establish a logistics management process to ensure that the right materials are at the right place at the right time during deployment, including specifying, ordering, staging, kitting, shipping, sparing, and returns.

For each project and immediately following the FAT/staging process, while still at the manufacturer's facility, the Consultant will conduct an inventory of equipment for each site to include but not be limited to: a. Electronics and ancillary equipment, including respective LMR System and LTE System, and microwave radios, equipment racks, power and signaling cabling, transmission lines and wave guides, antennas, grounding, and surge suppression b. Components for shelter, antenna support structure, commercial power, emergency power, HVAC, site

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security, cable ladders and ice bridges, lighting, fire suppression system, and overall workmanship and materials c. Site documentation and manuals for completeness; we will be particularly sensitive to as-built drawings and ensure that they reflect actual site conditions d. FCC licenses and other regulatory permits and documentation.

For each project, the Consultant willverify that inventories document quantity, model, revision level, and serial numbers as appropriate. The Consultant will note any deviations from the factory orders/equipment lists in the master punch list, even if the inventory isto be placed into storage after FAT/staging.

LMR deliverables for this Phase 3 will at a minimum be: a. LMR-PH3-9.4.1 Final Factory Acceptance Test Report b. LMR-PH3-9.4.2 Final Equipment Staging Report c. LMR-PH3-9.4.3 Final lnventory and Maintenance Tracking System (IMTS) Report

LTE deliverables for this Phase 3 will be: a. LTE-PH3-9.4.1 Final Factory Acceptance Test Report b. LTE-PH3-9.4.2 Final Equipment Staging Report c. LTE-PH3-9.4.3 Final IMTS Report

9.5 PHASE 4 - LMR ANd LTE SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION For each of the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will provide implementation planning and execution support services using the proven processes described below. The Consultant understands that the LMR System and LTE System deployment plan may vary from the Phases defined in the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's Contract: a. The LMR System Contractor or LTE System Contractor that the Authority selects b. Whether Notices To Proceed (NTP), or partial NTPs are issued for the Phases of each project c. The LMR System's and LTE System's final technical, geographical, and/or operational attributes d. Funding sources e. Evolving priorities and other influences, such as political, environmental, and budgetary conditions

During system implementation and deployment for each project, the Consultant will provide oversight services to ensure the LMR System Contractor and LTE System Contractor executes according to the approved implementation plan and in conformance with the system performance criteria in each of the LMR System Contract and LTE System Contract.

9.5.1 lmplementat¡on Planning For each project, the Consultant will work closely with the Authority and the LMR System Contractor and LTE System Contractor to define a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation plan and lntegrated Master Schedule (tMS)forthe LMR and LTE projects solutions. The implementation plan and schedule willbe based on industry best practices for developing LMR and LTE radio systems and will address, at a minimum and for each project: a. Conformance to the applicable of the LMR System Contract and LTE System Contract and system performance criteria b. Adequate, phased schedule c. Risk identification and mitigation planning

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d. Frequency planning and FCC licensing e. lndication of system acceptance and other testing completion sign-off by appropriate Authority sta keholders f. lndication that users and operations personnel must be fully trained g. Minimizing the impact on system operations and service disruptions to public safety critical systems h. Detailed procedures for acceptance testing, cutover, and operations i. Minimal operation disruption during transition for users and dispatch j. Roles and responsibilities of Authority personnel and LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor personnel k. Subsystem migration plans l. P25 and broadband mobile data (LTE) upgrades m. Other technology upgrades

The Consultant understands that the aspects of the design and implementation plans may change in each project, prompting the need for additional or refined cost analysis. They will evaluate variances from the baseline established in previous Phases and revise cost estimates as previously described.

9.5.2 Radio Service M¡grat¡on Planning For each of the LMR and LTE initiatives, it is extremely important to have a detailed migration plan for orderly transition from the legacy voice and data radio systems to the interoperable LMR and LTE Systems. Each step in the migration plan for each project should consider minimizing service interruptions and the impact to system users. The Consultant will review the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's migration plan and assist the Authority in coordinating the migration process with alljurisdictions in advance of acceptance testing. Among other considerations, the migration plans for each project must account for frequency utilization as well as how legacy and new equipment can coexist to facilitate a smooth transition.

The Consultant recognizes that overall system migration for large regionaland statewide systems is best executed in phases-bringing live the new system's various segments one at a time. They will work with the LMR and LTE System Contractors to transition the Authority's voice and data radio operations in coordinated phases,

For each of the LMR and LTE projects, starting in the Phase 1 Design Phase, and continuing through Phase 4 System lmplementation, the Consultant will assist the Authority in evaluating how the new LMR and LTE Systems will affectthe current regionaloperations, interoperability, policies and procedures, and governance. For each project, and in order to determine what changes may be required to meet the public safety needs with the new/upgraded LMR and LTE System, the Consultant will review the following: a. Current regional tactical interoperable communications plan (TICP) b. Operating agreements and memoranda between the County, City, and participating jurisdictions c. Governance structure with the Authority and appropriate stakeholders

For each project, the Consultant will assist the Authority in updating or developing new policies, Memorandums Of Understanding/Agreement (MOU/MOA), and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to implement effective regional interoperability and governa nce.

9.5.3 Acceptance Test Plans (ATP) The LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor will prepare detailed system Acceptance Test Plans

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(ATP) that the Consultant will evaluate during Phase 1 Design Review activities to ensure the system is thoroughly and meticulously tested to system performance criteria. For each project, the Consultant will conduct a series of recommended ATPs that will include:

Field Acceptance Test Ptan - Verification that the plan tests proper operation, features, interoperability, and reliability of the LMR or LTE System, and backhaul network subsystems for each project, including system infrastructure, subscriber units, and consoles,

b. Coverage Acceptance Test Plan (outdoor) - Verification that the plan is consistent with TSB-88-C; provides objective evaluation the DTVRS for bit error rate (BER) and DAQ of 3'4; specifies pass/fail criteria, test areas, and size of each test tile, as per the technical specifications in the respective contracts.

c Coverage Acceptance Test Plan (indoor) - Review ofthe Coverage Acceptance Test Plan (CATP) and verification that the evaluation of mandatory building coverage for each of the LMR and LTE projects will be either 1) service areas, or 2) byverification of indoor coverage for critical structures where the subjective indoor testing must occur. For specific critical structures, the Consultant will verify that the CATP includes a detailed map showing coverage requirements for each location, illustrating portable coverage with clear markings.

d lnfrastructure Installation Test Plan - Verification that the infrastructure installation test plan includes validation of all critical components (e.g., antennas, cabling, tower lighting, backup power, fault monitoring systems), especially those with significant importance to prolonged site operat¡ons during critical events or times of emergency response escalation.

e. FullsystemAcceptanceTestPlan-Verificationthat thefullsystemacceptancetestplancontainsan adequate subset of each of the other test plans to validate final acceptance and simulates, as closely as possible, the final overall system configuration.

9.5.4 lnstallation Support Services For each project, the Consultant will oversee the new and upgraded equipment delivery installations, checking for quality and verifying activ¡ties against approved plans. The Consultant will inventory delivered equipment when it arrives at each site to make sure and verify it is in acceptable condition and suitable for installation.

The Consultant will accompany the LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor at each site to verify that all LMR and LTE systems and equipment are present, properly installed, and that installations conform to industry workmanship standards using site-specific quality checklists. For example, the Consultant will inspect cabling for proper routing, bundling, and labeling. lnspections will also document any engineering design issues that must be dealt with and recommend corrective actions to be taken. The Consultant will update the master punch list according to issues found at each site in each of the LMR and LTE projects.

For each project, site verifications that commenced in Phase 2 will continue to ensure that site support systems (such as power, batteries, and emergency backup systems) are properly installed and operating with the system equipment. Upon notice from the LMR System Contractor or the LTE System Contractor that system installations are ready forfinal inspection, the Consultant will conduct site inspections to ensure installation requirements and quality standards are met. The Consultant w¡ll visit LMR and LTE sites, and dispatch sites and document any

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deficiencies on the master punch list, and will work as the Authority's agent with the respective LMR and LTE System Contractor to ensure that any required remedial action is taken. lf additional site work is needed in either the LMR or LTE projects, the Consultant will check progress against the implementation schedule to see that potential delays are quickly identified and that schedule delay mitigation plans are developed. They will document inspection results, including digital photos, for each site.

Depending on the site configuration, the following is a list of candidate items for inspection in each of the projects: a. Access road b, Generalsiteconditions c. Physical availability of surrounding land space d. Perimeter security e. Emergency power f, AC and/or DC power C. Equipment shelter h. HVAC i. Grounding and lightning suppression j. Tower(s) and transmission line support structures k. Antennas l. Waveguide and dry air systems m. Electronics: radio(s), microwave, terrestrial interconnect, ancillary systems n. Nearby obstructions that may impact microwave paths and mobile radio coverage o. Evidence of approval by local building inspectors p. Site availability - specifically if a site is owned by the Authority and/or Authority members, and if the Authority has procured the legal rights to carry out the proposed improvements on the selected site through a Site Access Agreement

9.5.5 Commissioning The Consultant will track and supervise the remaining work for the LMR System and LTE System respectively, and all of its parts, subsystems, and components to ensure they are fully functional in their respective service environments and in accordance with specified requirements in the respective contracts. As a prerequisite to final system acceptance in both the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will monitor and report the completion status of all master punch list items, further tasking, and deliverables.

Migrating public safety agencies to respective LMR and LTE operations will be one of the most critical portions in the deployment schedule for each project. The Consultant will work closely with the Authority, the participating agencies, and the LMR System Contractor and LTE System Contractor to define a comprehensive, step-by-step migration plan that will have the least impact on each agency's system operations, and minimize disruptions to public safety critical systems.

For each project, the commissioning process will take into consideration how legacy and new equipment can coexist in the same environment to reduce risk and facilitate a smooth transition. As part of that process, the Consultant will assist the Authority in planning and monitoring the decommissioning, removal, and disposal of equipment from legacy radio systems, as necessary, for each project. The Consultant will also continue to maintain the master punch list and ensure that final punch list items are completed prior to final milestone

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payments being approved. This will include delivery of all as-built and site record documentation that will enable the Authority to maintain and support the LMR and LTE Systems.

9.5.6 System Acceptance For each project, the Consultant will oversee the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's field acceptance testing. They will observe testing to ensure tests are conducted in accordance with the aforementioned test plans and verify system functionality, performance, reliability, and loading for each project.

The Consultant's system acceptance test oversight methodology for each project will be based on the processes outl¡ned in the respective LMR and LTE aA/qC plans. The Consultant will use the RTM for requirements validation and will coordinate the methodology development and approval with the Authority and the LMR System Contractor and LTE System Contractor respectively. During their review of each of the LMR System and LTE System Acceptance Test Plans, the Consultant will supplement each with their explicitly-defined verification procedures.

Prior to witnessing any tests for either project, the Consultant will check the Contractors' test equipment metrology to ensure that the equipment has been properly calibrated and that the certification of calibration has not expired. The calibration should be traced to National lnstitute of Standards and Technoloey (NIST) recognized standards.

The LMR System Contractor and the LTE System Contractor must update the design documentation according to the accepted, final system for each project. The Consultant will review allfinal documentation, verifying not only that the documentation accurately reflects the final design, but that the final design implements the requirements captured in the RTM (i.e., meets system performance criteria) and that the master punch list is updated. lf retesting is recommended in either project, the Consultant will verify the additional tests are properly executed and passed.

9.5.7 Training For each project, training will be necessary for system equipment setup and operation, subscriber use, dispatcher use, and system management/maintenance personnel. The Consultant understands that training can become complex and costly if not standardized, since different agencies will require training on different systems, equipment, operations, and procedures. Therefore, the Consultant will work with the Authority and the LMR System Contractor and LTE System Contractor to identify a combination of standardized formal and on-the- job training requirements for the new systems.

The Consultant will review the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's training plans for each project, to ensure compliance with the respective LMR and LTE System Contracts and performance criteria. ln addition and for each project, the Consultant will review training plans for items such as the adequacy and best use of the schedule, training equipment, facilities, and presentation materials.

For both the LMR and LTE projects, the Consultant will also identify training requirements that align with the regional governance plans and initiatives, along with national SAFECOM and/or FirstNET requirements and standards. This will include proper training and regular exercises criticalto the implementation and maintenance of a successful interoperability solution, including but not limited to: a. General orientation on equipment b. Multi-agency tabletop exercises

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c. Multi-agency functional exercises d. Continued, regular comprehensive regional training

9.5.8 WarrantyServices For each project and during the warranty period, the Consultant will verify that the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contracto/s preventive and corrective maintenance plans include a warranty period as well as long-term, quality operations and maintenance functions throughout the LMR System's and LTE System's life- cycles. During the warranty period for each project, the Consultant will evaluate, at a minimum the following maintenance plans for: a. Warranties b. lnfrastructure equipment repair/replacement c, Subscriber unit repair d. First year system maintenance e. Ongoing system maintenance f . 24-hour call center g. Quality assurance inspection recommendations h. Deficiencyresolution i. Technology upgrades j. Software upgrades k. Extended support services l. Networkmonitoring/NOCservices m. Disaster recovery plan n. Field engineering o. Network, asset, and configuration management p. Major system infrastructure component spares and their locations q. Transition/termination plans r. Maintenance fees

The Consultant will verify, during the warranty period, the LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's life-cycle planning plan, and verifythat LMR System Contractor's and LTE System Contractor's system enhancement and support seruices capabilities willconsist of the following steps: a. Needs assessment/problem definition b. Feasibility study c. Requirementsdefinition d. High-level analysis and design e. Detailed design f. Procurement g. lmplementation h. Testing i. Maintenance and operations j. Review/refresh (which will generate a new problem definition, thus making the process iterative)

LMR deliverables for this Phase 4 will at a minimum be: a. LMR-PH4-9.5.1- Final Test Completion Report b. LMR-PH4-9.5.2 Final Training Completion Report c. LMR-PH4-9.5.3 Final Acceptance Report

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d. LMR-PH4-9.5.4 Final Warranty Report

LTE deliverables for this Phase 3 will at a minimum be: a. LTE-PH4-9.5.1 FinalTest Completion Report b. LTE-PH4-9.5.2 Final Training Completion Report c. LTE-PH4-9.5.3 FinalAcceptanceReport d. LTE-PH4-9.5.4 Final Warranty Report

10 CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSISTANCE 10.1 General a. Consultant shall develop a written plan as a path forward to Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) / geotechnical approval from SHPO. b. Consultant shall meet with SHPO to determine path forward to both interim approvalto accomplish geotechnical work and documentation required to further the MOA discussion between NTIA and SHPO. i. Consultant shall demonstrate to SHPO how the Authority has corrected the pathway. ¡¡. Consultant shall, in concert with SHPO, determine if the work completed/planned is sufficient to secure geotechnical/MOA approval. iii. Consultant shall document (confirm with SHPO) and identify any remaining tasks required to secure the necessary approval(s). iv, Consultant shall update the written plan and provide recommendations of feasible a ltern atives for geotech n ica l/M OA a pprova I as necessa ry. c. Submit 620/62tforms: i. Consultant shall initially, identifythose sites "readyto go" (i.e., that have adequate archaeological work described and a proper building inventory conducted) and begin submitting 620/621. forms and prioritizing those that SHPO has already reviewed or started to review. The Authority provide the Consultant with the forms they deem ready, and said forms will be provided to Consultant for initialtechnical review and a final Quality Assurance (QA)/Qual¡ty Control (QC) review. ii. After the first 2 weeks, the focus shall shift to the list of priority sites developed by the Consu lta nt/Auth o rity. t0.z 620162l Forms a. Consultant shall develop a quick and easy assembly process for the 620/621. forms that includes all authorship, word processing, QC (including QC of work and deliverables), and approval tasks. b. Consultant shall review and comment on a new field form for use by the archaeologists that better drives the information to be used in the 620 forms (i.e., using multiple choice rather than open- ended questions). c. Consultant shallworkwith the Authority and its EnvironmentalContractorto institute a requirement that all field forms completed be submitted daily, reviewed daily, and corrected within 24 hours of the site visit. Consultant shall also ensure that this submission is done by an individual knowledgeable about the forms and data placement. Consultant shall further confirm and review the initial 20 forms and a select number thereafter to ensure the assembly process is implemented correctly.

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d Consultant review and comment on new boilerplate language as needed for FCC Form 620 that captures the concerns SHPO has regarding site data. Consultant shall fully QC the form before initial use. The forms are to include the following: i. A statement of the age of all buildings in the APE. This includes a range of dates if only aerial photo documentation exists, and a more precise date if there isotherdocumentation. All sources must be referenced when a statement is made about a particular building or structu re. ii. A statement regarding whether an archaeology survey had been completed for each property, along with a brief description of existing conditions of the property to determine levels of recent disturbance. e. Consultant shall verify that documentation exists for the archaeological and architectural effort: i. What was surveyed (provide documentation of who, where, when, and what found to meet professional standard of care). ii. That a statement of findings included, even if negative. iii. Fully document sources of information and statements made, in particular for concluding statements regarding age of structures. f Consultant shall add at least two layers into the 620/621. creation/QC process. One layer of QC should occur after the form has been created (this shall be done by Consultant's senior level technical staff and a generalist comparing against source data for each site). The second should be post-signature and prior to submission to SHPO (this will be done by Consultant's generalist) to ensure the forms are complete and polished. Consultant shall create a process to get errors/omissions corrected quickly and back into line for submission to SHPO.

Þ.o Consultant shall verify that two Pl signatures on the 620 forms, one for archaeology the other for a rch itecture, h. Consultant shall meet with SHPO to see if it's possible to increase review rate (based on a much improved document).

10.3 Architecture a. The Consultant shallverifythat reliable data sources have been obtained foryear built data within each LTE site, and where required by SHPO, outside the LTE site in the 0.5 mile indirect APE. lt is expected that the feedback regarding successes is provided within one week. lf unsuccessful, Consultant and Authority will assist in identifying data/data sources. lf unsuccessful at obtaining more reliable data sources, the Consultant shall verify a statement that historic aerial photos were the only sources available if no other sources were used is made. b. Consultant shall ascertain the QC processes put into place is correct and improved upon if appropriate. For example, check building inventory vs. count of structures seen using Bing or similar satellite/aeria I imagery. c. Consultant shall verify that each structure for each 620/621form is discussed separately and a narrative that discusses the date of construction or date range based on the use of aerial photos to document the date of construction is included in the form. d. Consultant shall verify that data collected is consistent with what is required by SHPO. e. Consultant shall have a conversation with SHPO regarding need for DPR 523 forms for all buildings (i.e., whether better documentation of the resource will assist SHPO in making no effect or no adverse effect determinations. f. Consultant shall assist the Authority to streamline inclusion of building inventories into 620 forms. g. Consultant shall assist the Authority's to clarify the work that needs to be accomplished at site SCH.

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h. Consultant shall verify the paths of communication between the Authority's Contractors and Subcontractors to foster understanding that no sites are "exempt" and in the event of collocation, FCC Form 621 needs to be used (in lieu of form 620).

10.4 Archaeology a. Consultant shall streamline the field forms for archaeology to minimize variability in data collected. b. Consultant shall work with the Authority to eliminate the disjointedness between field work and inclusion in the 620 forms to minimize opportun¡ty for error. c. Consultant shall work with the Authority to develop a detailed schedule and timetable for completion of the fieldwork.

Page 48 of 48 AGENDA ITEM 7 . ATTAGHMENT B APPENDIX A.2 AMENDEDÊD AND RESIATED UNDER ÀITIENoME¡¡I No. II Los AnqêlB Reg¡onal lnkÞpeÉble Commun¡car¡ons Systms (U RICS) cEnd Torat -schdute and FG€


Los Àngeles Rcg¡onâl lnt€rcpeEble Commun¡cdions Systms (LA RICS) cÞnd Tdd -Schedule and Fæ

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AGENDA ITEM 7. ATTAGHMENT G AGENDA ITEM 7. ATTAGHMENT C APPENDIX A.2 AMENDEDED A'{O RESIAÎED UNDER AMENDMENT NO. I1 Los Angeles Reg¡onal lntercpeEblo Commun¡cat¡ons Systms (LA R|CS) cEnd Totat -schdule and Fæ



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AGENDA ITEM 7. ATTAGHMENT C APPENDIX A-2 AMENDEDED AND RESTATED UNDER AMENDMENT NO. II Los Angêlès Reg¡onal lnþÞp€Ebla Comhun¡cat¡ons Sysrm3 (LA RICS) cEnd Tdd -Schedulê and Fæ

AGENDA ITEM 7 . ATTACHMENT G APPENDIX A-2 AMEI'IDEDED AND RESTATED UNDÉR ATTENDMENT l.lo. ll Los Angel€s Regional lhtercFEble Commun¡cat¡ons Systehs (LA RICS) GEnd Total -Schedule ahd Fæ

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June 5,2014

Board of Directors Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications System Authority (the "Authority")

Dear Directors:



Board approval is requested to authorize the Executive Director to execute a Spectrum Use Agreement between the County of Los Angeles ("County") and the Authority to allow the Authority to use County's certain 700 MHz and UHF radio frequencies ("Shared Frequencies") to design, test, implement, and operate on the Land Mobile Radio ("LMR") System. The Agreement will be substantially similar in form to the attached.


It is recommended that your board:

Delegate authority to the Executive Director to Execute an Agreement, substantially similar in form to Attachment A, with the County to allow the Authority to use the County's Shared Frequencies to design, test, implement, and operate the LMR System.


The LMR System was originally intended to be implemented in Ultra High Frequency ("UHF") spectrum in 470-512MHz ("T-Band"). However, as a result of H.R. 3630iPublic Law No. 112- 96 (Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012), all public safety users, including the Authority, were subjected to the rules of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") auction, and must vacate the T-Band spectrum by no later than early 2021.

On October 4,2012, your Board authorized the release of Request for Proposals ("RFP") for a LMR System which included a hybrid transition plan that includes both T-Band frequencies and 700 MHz narrowband frequencies. ïhe RFP was issued on October 25,2012. On August 15, 2013, your Board approved Agreement No. LA-RICS 007 for the Los Angeles Regional lnteroperable Communications ("LA-RlCS")- Land Mobile Radio ("LMR") System with Motorola Solutions, lnc. ("Motorola").

AGENDA ITEM 8 LA-RICS Board of Directors Meeting of June 5,2014 Page 2

The County currently holds or has pending applications for one or more valid FCC licenses for Shared Frequencies for use by its Sheriffs Department ("LASD"), Fire Department ("Fire"), and lnternal Services Department in the Countywide lntegrated Radio System ("CWlRS"). The Shared Frequencies will be programmed into and operated on the LMR System infrastructure equipment, which will allow Members, Subscribers, or Affiliates of the Authority to program the Shared Frequencies into their subscriber equipment and, thus, communicate on those frequencies through the LMR System. LASD and Fire's UHF frequencies will not be released for full operational use by the Authority until such time as the LMR System has been fully tested and deemed operational, and LASD and Fire have agreed to transition to the LMR System. Use of the Shared Frequencies is limited to the parameters pursuant to the FCC licenses, rules, and regulations as well as the Spectrum Use Agreement.


Execution of the Spectrum Use Agreement is exempt from review under CEQA because it is not a project as defined in Sections 15378(bX2) and (bXs) and 15061(bX3) of the State CEQA Guidelines. Approval of the Spectrum Use Agreement is an administrative activity of government which will not result in direct or indirect physical changes to the environment. The use of the Shared Frequencies is also exempt from CEQA because CEQA does not apply when it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the use of the Shared Frequencies may have a significant effect on the environment.


All costs for frequency licensing before the FCC as it relates to the Spectrum Use Agreement are reimbursable to the County of Los Angeles by the Authority. Such costs may be reimbursed by future grants such as the State Homeland Security Grant Program ("SHSGP") or Urban Areas Security lnitiative ("UASl").


The Authority's counsel has reviewed the recommended action.


Upon the Board's approval of the recommended actions, the Executive Director, or his designee, will have delegated authority to proceed in the manner described in the recommended action.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR c: Counsel to the Authority


This SPECTRUM USE AGREEMENT (hereafter referred to as the "Spectrum Agreement") is made and entered into as of the Effective Date by and between the LOS ANGELES REGIONAL INTEROPERABLE COMMLTNICATIONS SYSTEM AUTHORITY, a joint powers authority created under the laws of the State of California (the "Authority"), and the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, a political subdivision of the State of California (the "County"). The Authority and the County are sometimes collectively referred to as the "Parties," and sometimes individually and generically as a "Party."


Rl. The Authority operates pursuant to a Joint Powers Agreement under California Government Code section 6500, et seq., executed by its various public agency members ("Members") during the first quarter of 2009, including the County on February 3 , 2009 as County contract number 76933 (the "JPA Agreement");

R2. On August 15,2013, the Authority entered into contract with Motorola Solutions, Inc., a Delaware corporation, to design and implement a land mobile radio interoperable communications system ("LMR System") for use by its public entity Members, as part of the planned Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System ("LA-RICS"). That contract, Authority agreement No. LA-RICS 007, is hereinafter referred to as the "LMR Agreement";

R3. Prior to 2012,the LMR System was originally intended to be implemented in Ultra High Frequency ("UHF frequencies") spectrum in 470-512 MHz ("the T-Band") currently licensed to the County and various other Members of the Authority. But, as a result of H.R. 3630/Public Law No. 112-96 (Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012), all public safety users, including the Authority, would have to, subject to the rules of the FCC auction, vacate the T- Band spectrum by no later than early 2021 (47 USC $1413). Instead, the Authority has developed a hybrid transition plan for the LMR System to include both T-Band frequencies and 700l|l4Hz narrowband frequencies allotted pursuant to the Southern California 700 }l4Hz Regional Communications Plan Region #5;

R4. In the absence of access to the T-Band spectrum, the Authority wishes to share certain 700 .}i4Hz and UHF frequencies of the County for the LMR System;

R5. The County holds or has applications pending for one or more valid Federal Communications Commission (FCC) licenses (the "Licenses") for certain 700 MHz and UHF frequencies (collectively the "Shared Frequencies"), as identified in Appendix A, for use by its Fire Department, Sheriff s Department, and Internal Services Department in the Countyrvide Integrated Radio System ("CWIRS"). CWIRS is used by a number of County depaftments, including Health Services, Public Work, Probation, Animal Care &, Control, and the Intemal Services Department, for day-to-day operations, and is the County's primary disaster recovery mobile communications system in a major emergency incident;


AGENDA ITEM 8 . ATTAGHMENT A R6. The County is currently using, andlor has intended public safety purposes for, the Shared Frequencies, separate and apart from LA-RICS;

R7. Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $90.179, the FCC allows for sharing of radio frequencies under certain specified conditions;

R8. Section 5.05 of the JPA Agreement, operates as a statute of frauds, requiring that frequency sharing between any Member and the Authority is valid and enforceable only by written agreement; and

R9. The County desires to assist the Authority by allowing the Authority to use the Shared Frequencies to design, test, implement and operate the LMR System, per the terms and conditions of this Spectrum Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE, based upon the foregoing Recitals, and in consideration of the obligations herein contained, the Authority and County agree as follow:

1.0 Sharinq of Frequencies

1.1 The Authority may install the Shared Frequencies set forth in Appendix A into the infrastructure of its radio network and allow governmental entities that are Members, Affiliates or Subscribers of the Authority to install the Shared Frequencies into subscriber equipment (mobile and portable units) for the purpose of transmitting and receiving public safety communications through the LMR System. The Shared Frequencies will be integrated into the LMR System pursuant to a final system design to be determined and approved by the Authority.

1.2 The Authority acknowledges and agrees that the UHF Frequencies that make up the Share Frequencies as identified in Appendix A, are currently being used by the County's Fire and Sheriffls Department, and that these departments will not release the UHF frequencies for full operational use by the Authority until such time as the LMR System has been fully tested, deemed operational, and these departments have agreed to transition over to the new LMR System.

1.3 Use of the Shared Frequencies is limited to the locations and technical parameters authorized pursuant to the Licenses, as well as by the terms and conditions of this Spectrum Agreement. The Authority acknowledges and agrees that expanded use of the Shared Frequencies by the Authority within the current geographic coverage area of the Licenses may require County to apply for and obtain license modifrcations from the FCC. Pursuant to Section 5.05 (Sharing of Frequencies) of the JPA Agreement, the Authority shall pay all fees associated with such license modifications.

1.4 The Authority agrees to limit use of the Shared Frequencies to Members, Subscribers or Affiliates of the Authority that are eligible for separate authorizations in the Public Safety Pool pursuant to Section90.20(a) of the FCC's rules (47 C.F.R.$ 90.20(a)), and

AGENDA ITEM 8 . ATTAGHMENT A further agrees that use of the Shared Frequencies shall be limited to purposes compliant with the requirements of Part 90 of the FCC's rules.

1.5 The Authority will only implement radio equipment that meets or exceeds all applicable communication industry standards, including but not limited to Parts 90 and l0l of the FCC Rules and Regulations. t.6 The Authority is responsible for mitigating any interference issues caused or created by the use of the Shared Frequencies. If the Authority's equipment causes interference to other users, the Authority must fully cooperate with the County, the injured party, and the FCC, to eliminate the interference. The County reserves the right to turn off offending equipment if harmful interference cannot be eliminated.

1.7 The Authority agrees to coordinate use of the Shared Frequencies with the California Public-Safety Radio Association ("CPRA") and to resolve any interference experienced to or from adjacent or co-channel users.

1.8 County agrees to cooperate with the Authority and its vendors to allow for system testing on the Shared Frequencies. The Authority warrants and agrees (i) that such testing shall be conducted compliant with FCC rules and in a manner that will minimize the potential for interference, and any actual intereference, to existing County operations, (ii) that County shall have an opportunity to pre-approve and observe the tests, and (iii) that the Authority and its vendors shall immediately cease any tests that in any way interferes with the County's operations as determined in the sole discretion of the County.

2. Licensee Control

2.1 This Spectrum Agreement does not constitute an assignment or transfer of control of the Licenses, and nothing in the Spectrum Agreement modihes or limits County's rights and obligations under the rules of the FCC or the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act"). County shall take appropriate steps to perfect and maintain Licenses in good standing with the FCC and make necessary applications to renew its Licenses in a timely manner. If County fails to do so, then the Authority shall so notify the County of its failure, and County shall, subject to the terms of this Spectrum Agreement and the JPA Agreement, take all reasonable actions necessary to perfect or maintain the Licenses.

2.2 In the event that the County is subject to fines or penalties for violations of the FCC's rules or the Act, and to the extent the violations are the result of acts or omissions of the Authority, another Member, or a subscriber or an affiliate of the Authority, then the Authority shall pay the relevant fines or penalties forthwith, as provided in Section 5.06 (Violations) of the JPA Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing, the Parties acknowledge and agree that the Authority is responsible to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the County for, among other things, such fines, penalties, acts, and/or omissions pursuant to Section 7.16 (Indemnification) of the JPA Agreement.

AGENDA ITEM 8 . ATTAGHMENT A 2.3 While all frequency licensing will be performed by the County with all costs reimbursed to the County by the Authority, the County will promptly notify the Authority of any issues, questions, or requests for additional information that may come from the FCC. The County will also promptly respond to the FCC after first conferring with the Authority, unless events outside the control of the County prevent such consultation with the Authority.

2.4 The County will provide the Authority with copies of all licenses granted by the FCC for the Shared Frequencies, so that the Authority may post such licenses at the LMR System sites.

3. Term and Termination

3.1 The County reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate this Spectrum Agreement, with or without cause, at any time. Subject to any shorter termination periods allowed to Members in the JPA Agreement, the County shall give written notification to the Authority at least twelve (12) months in advance of the termination date.

3.2 Prior to termination of this Spectrum Agreement, the Parties shall cooperate and take such steps as are reasonably necessary to minimize the impact of termination on public safety radio communications of the Parties.

4. Notices

4.1 Any notice required or permitted to be made hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered in the manner prescribed herein at the principal place of business of each Party. The Parties shall give notice by: (i) Personal delivery; or (ii) E-mail.

4.2 At any time, by providing written notice to the other Party to this Spectrum Agreement, any Party may change the place or e-mail address for giving notice. All written notices or correspondence sent in the described manner will be deemed given to a party on whichever date occurs earliest: (a) the date of personal delivery; or (b) the date of transmission, when sent by e-mail.

4.3 Any notice required or permitted to be made hereunder will be made to the following:

For the Authority:

Patrick J. Mallon, Executive Director 2525 Corporate Place, Suite 200 Los Angeles, Califomia 90063 (323) 881-8291 Pat.Mal [email protected]


Jim Jones, Director Internal Services Department County of Los Angeles 1100 N. Eastem Avenue Los Angeles, Califomia 90063 (323) 267-210t [email protected]. qov

5. Severability

If any one or more of the terms, provisions, promises, covenants, or conditions of this Spectrum Agreement were, to any extent, adjudged invalid or void for any reason whatsoever by a court of competent jurisdiction, each and all of the remaining terms, provisions, promises, covenants, and conditions of this Spectrum Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law, unless such would materially frustrate the purpose of this Spectrum Agreement.

6. Assignment

This Spectrum Agreement may not be assigned by the Authority without the prior written consent of the County, which consent may be given or withheld in the County's sole and unfettered discretion. Any such attempted or purpofted assignment by the Authority in violation of this Section is null and void.

7. Governing Law

This Spectrum Agreement shall be interpreted, governed, and enforced under the substantive and procedural laws of the State of California, except to the extent that such are pre-empted by federal law. This Spectrum Agreement is executed and shall be performed in the State of Califomia, by Califomia public entities.

8. Headings & Initial Capitalizations

8.1 The section headings are for convenience only and are not to be construed as modifying or governing the language of the Spectrum Agreement.

9. Effective Date

This Spectrum Agreement shall become effective as of the date that it has been duly authorized and approved by the Authority's Board of Directors and the County's Board of Supervisors (the "Effective Date"). Thereafter, the Shared Frequencies shall be made available to the Authority pursuant to a mutually agreed-upon schedule.


This Spectrum Agreement, along with the JPA Agreement, is the complete and exclusive statement of understanding between the Parties, and supersedes any previous agreements, whether written or oral, and all communications, relating to the Authority's use of Shared Frequencies.

11. AuthorizationWarranty

EachParty represents and warranty that the person executing this Spectrum Agreement is a duly authorized agent who has actual authority to bind the Party to each and every term, condition, and obligation of this Spectrum Agreement, and that all requirements of the Party have been fulfilled to provide such actual authority.

[End of Terms & Conditions - Signature Page to Follow]

AGENDA ITEM 8 . ATTAGHMENT A IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Spectrum Agreement to be executed and attested by its proper officers, directors, or members, thereunto duly authorized, as follows:


By: PATRICK J. MALLON Executive Director



JOHN F. KRATTLI County Counsel

By: TRUC L. MOORE Senior Deputy County Counsel


By: JIM JONES, Director Internal Services Department



JOHN F. KRATTLI County Counsel

By: Deputy


Available Date (PT=Post Trans¡tion or Date) Motorola w¡ll put in Channel Channel Nâme/Trunked Downl¡nk Uplink Ava¡lab e Not \gêncy des¡gn, Radio Systeñ Talkgroup Frequency F16quency test, but w¡ll not actlvate unt¡l agency approves,

41 473 6A7! >5 KH7 PT 47î 7?71 473 737! ,5 KH7 PT 470 750( 473 750( 12 5 KH7 ¡ntêßtitiâl PT ASD DATA 7 4707624 4737â2! l5 KH7 Pf ASD ASD NEW 470 77 51. 473 77 il 12 5 KHz lnteßtilial PT ASD ASD PAGING 470 747Í 473747! ¡5 KHz PT LASD ìSD NEW 470 800t 473 800 12 5 KHz lnterstiliel 8 UOUN I Y UNLY SHARE WI IH "ASD DATA -N CNY lORIH LASD PT LASD ÀSD NEW PI LASD ASD DATA 5 -ASD LASD LASD LASD LASD LASD

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479 7 12Í 479 725C 479 7374 479 750C 479 7625


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JASadena System / /-z ASD 477 2121

ASD 477 t25( 1 ASD ÀsD 477 2374

.ASD ASD 477 250( 1

-ASD 477 2625 4AO 262! LASD -ASD 477 27 5r â80 275t -ASD .ASD 477 287Í 48î 2A7t -ASD -ASD 477 300C 480 300f -ASD 477 3125 4AO 312! -ASD 477 325C 4Aî 325( 1 -ASD 477 3375 480 337¡ -ASD 477 3504 480 3500 rasadena system / /-z Äsn



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477 862! 4BO 662! 1 -ASD 477 675( ¿80 675( .ASD 477 687! 4ÃO 647! -ASD ÁSD 477 700( 480 700f Jasadena system 7 /- Ásn 480 712t 1 4AO 725( 480 737f 480 750( 480 7625 480 7750 480 7875 480 800r


ASD ÀSD 477 B50t 1


ASD ASD 477 1

ASD ASD 477 AA75 1 ÂsD ASD 477 9îîA


ASD ¿81 î75( ÂsD ÀsD a7a¡a7l 481 0a7! LASD ASD 474 100( ¿81 100t LASD ÁsD 474 1125 481 1121 LASD ASD 474 1254 441 125( LASD ASD 478 1375 4A1 137! LASD .ASD 478 150C 481 150r LASD 441 162! LASD -ASD LASD -ASD 474 147Í 481 1871 LASD .ASD 478 2000 481 200( LASD .ASD 478 2124 481 212! LASO .ASD 478 225 441 225( LASD .ASD 474 237! 441 2374 LASD .ASD 478 250( 441 250( LASD .ASD 474 262! 441 2625 -ASD ASD 474 275t 441 2750 -ASD .ASD 474 2A7l 441 2475

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441 750( A CNTY FIRE U-21 RPÍ/DIR -ASD 481 7621 -ASD ASD 481 7750 -ASD ¿41 7875 -ASD 481 800(


I tc sÀFFry I ÂW. 441 qA? |-24 F I t9 ¿82 0001 ìAR VINCH'Â SRS] I

L ASD ìFPFATER ASD CTAC-I ¿Ã2 4125 445 412! ÁSD Sneciâl linit Onêrâliôn l1 LASD l2 5 KHz lnte¡stitial PI Ásn ASD CTAC-2 ÂsD ASD NEW 482 850r ¿85 Â50r l2 5 kH7 lnlerst¡tiãl PÏ LASD ìEPEATER .ASD DISP.s 485 862i -ASD PIERCE COLLEGE Þt

ÂsD ASD I TAC-2 442 À87! ¿85 887t ÀSDW IÀCOIIFGF ASD .ASD NEW 485 900( 12 5 KHz lnterslil¡el P-f


LASD ìEPEATER ASD I HSMHD SIMPLEX 1 ASD NFW aA2 9251 485 925( t2 5 KHz lntsretit¡al PT

ASD IFPFATER ÀSD DISP-6 442 9375 485 937t ÂSD WÂI /SDM SIMPI FX 1 LASD ¿45 q50f l2 5 KH7 lntêhlitiâl PT Äsn 442 942! 485 S62t PT ASD ÁSD NEW 442 9750 t, 5 KH7 lñr.rclirirl PT qA7 LASD 445 ASD TFM/ALD SIMPLEX 1 Ásn ÂSD NFW 4A3 000Í ¿86 000( l2 5 KHz lnterstilial PT

ASD ìFPFATER ASD ATAC-3 4A3 0 125 ÁSD Sñê^rrl I lnir ônêrãriôn !5 -ASD 4Aâ O25t l2 5 KH7 lnteßlil¡âl PT Àsn ASD DISP-I5 4Ai 0375 486 0371 LÀSD LAN/PLl\,1 Sll\rlPLEX 1 ASD TSD NEW 483 0500 l, Ã KH7 lnrarcliliãl PT -ASD ASD TSB I TAC 1 Àsn 483 075r 486 075( l2 5 KHz lntsßlil¡al ÞT ASD ìEPEATER ÁSn SnÊ.iãl I lñif Onêrât¡ôn !3 Âsn ¿Â3 100r 486 1001 l2 5 KHz lnteßlil¡al PT ASD ìEPEÀTER ASD LTAC.8 443 1125 ÀSNI A VÂIIFY'OIIFGF -ASD lr 5 KH7 lñtêrslir¡âl Pf Àsn ÂsD DtsP-1¿ aa3 1371 486 137: LASD LKD/CER Sll\,lPLEX 1 ASD ÀSD NEW 483 1500 486 150( l, q KHr lñlaÉtitial PT

ÂsD ÂSD Sôê.¡âl llnil Onêrâtiôn g 1 ¿43 175f 486 l75f l2 5 KHz lnl€rslitiãl PT

ASD ASD LTAC-11 aa3 1a7t ¿46 147! -ASD tR 2îî1 l2 5 KH7 lnlêrstifiãl Pf 443 212! aaâ 212! ASDEASTLA COLLEGE 1 ÂsD ÀSD NEW 483 2251 446 225( ,4 kHr lñlêrêt¡riâl PT

ASD IÊPEATER .ASD LTAC.7 ASD AVA/FI A SIMIPI FX 1 443 2501 446 250( 12 5 KHz lnlêrst¡tial ÞT ASD ASD DISPJ 443 262! 446 262! acn cFN/asN silÀ¡Þt FY -ASD l2 5 KHr lnrêr.titirl Pf Âsñ ÂSD FMRGFNCY 443 247! 446 247! ASD Preserved for leoacv redios i ÂSD ¡SD NEW 483 300 t 4 kHr lñta¡.riri2l PT 441 112! 486 3121 ìSD TSB D¡SP I Äsn ASD NFW 443 325( aa6 325( t < rHr lnrô¡êlifi.l PT

ÀsD ìEPEATER LASD DET-2 ÂSD COIIRT RFPFATFR +5 1 Àqn ¿43 350f ¿86 350r 2 5 KH7 lnteßlil¡âl PT

Âsn ASD DISP.2 483 3â2t 486 362: ÂqñtÀctTvaôìtFGF 1 ASD úSD NEW 483 375( , 6 kH7 lñrar.lil¡rl PT -ASD ¿46 387¡ ÂSD MDR/LNX SIMPLEX 1 4ß3 4n0t 486 ¿00r l2 5 KHz lnteßlil¡ãl ÞT ASD IFPFATER ASD LTAC-12 443 412! 446 4121 ÀSD EÔI IRT RFPFÀIFR !' -ASD ¿À6 425( 2 5 KH7 lnlâ¡slitíãl PT ÀsD ASD DISP-12 443 437! 486 4375 -ASD S W COLLEGE 1 ASD úSD NEW 483 450( lr q kH7 lnlÂRlitiâl PT -ASD ASD COIJRT REPEATER #9 I ÂsD ASD NEW 443 471 486 4750 l2 5 KHz lnt€rst¡tial ÞT ASD ìEPEATER LASD LTAC-6 483 447! ÂSN CÕI IRT RFPFATFR {1O ¿43 5001 486 500r 12 5 KHz lt P-f ASD IFPFATER ASD DET.7 483 512( ÂSD CÔI IRT RFPFATFR ¿A ASD l2 5 KHr lntêr¡t¡tiâl PÏ ASD SIID aal 537t 486 5375 .ASD SEB SIIVPLEX 1/2 I ASD JSD NEW 483 550( PÏ ASD ARTCS 'I 483 575t 486 575f l2 5 KHz lnterslifial ÂsD ASD MAID.1 483 587t 486 587t ÂÞTas ÂsD l2 5 KH7 lntar

.ASD 2 5 KHr lñlêr

ÂsD IFPFATFR ASD I TAC.1? 443 9124 446 9121 ASD UTRADE TECH ÂsD ÁSD NEW 483 S250 486 S250 12 5 KHz lntêrstitial Àsñ côt tRT sR\/aF ASD CÔI IRT RFPFATFR ü1 ASD ÀSD NEW ¿83 o50a 486 950r l2 5 KHz lntêrstitial PT -ASD ìEPEATER ASD LTÀC-4 483 S62t 486 9625 AqN IRT ÞFÞFÁTÊÞ ø 'ÔI l2 5 KHr lntÞ¡

ÂsD ìFPFATFR 4A4 137! 487 137! ÁRTCS 1

LÂSD ASD NEW 484 150( 487 1 50



Fire Department UHF Communications Resource Potential and Available Channels

CH Uolink Downlink

I 470.35 473.35

2 Blue l0 470.3625 473.362s

Ja 470.4 473.4

4 Blue 6 470.4125 473.4125

5 470.425 473.42s

6 Blue 2 470.4375 473.437s

7 470.45 473.45

I Blue 7 470.4625 473.4625

9 470.475 473.475

l0 Blue 12 470.487s 473.4875

ll 470.5 473.5

t2 Blue 4 470.5125 473.5125

t3 470.525 473.525

14 Blue 8 470.s37s 473.5375

15 470.55 473.55

l6 Blue I 470.s62s 473.562s

t7 470.57s 473.57s

l8 Blue l1 470.5875 473.5875

t9 470.6 473.6

20 Blue 3 470.6125 473.6125

21 470.625 473.625

22 Blue 9 470.637s 473.637s

23 470.6s 473.65

24 Blue 5 470.662s 473.662s

25 470.675 473.67 5

HOA 1070660 r AGENDA ITEM 8 . ATTAGHMENT C Appendix 4.3 lnternal Services Department 700 MHz Frequencies (12,5 KHz Center)*

1. 769.25625 39.771.98L25 2. 769.26875 40. 77L.99375 3. 769.30625 41..772.20625 4. 769.3L875 42.772.21875 5. 769.50625 43.772.23L25 6. 769.5L875 44.772.24375 7. 769.55625 45.772.45625 8. 769.56875 46.772.46875 9. 769.75625 47. 772.48125 1.0.769.76875 48.772.49375 1,1.769.80625 49.772.70625 12.769.81875 50.772.71.875 13.770.00625 sL. 772.731.25 L4. 770.0t875 s2. 772.74375 L5.770.05625 53.772.981.25 L6. 770.06875 . 772.99375 L7. 770.25625 55.773.18125 18.770.26875 56.773.19375 L9.770.50625 57. 773.43L25 20. t70.st875 58.773.44375 21.770.55625 s9.773.68L25 22.770.56875 60.773.69375 23.770.8062s 6L.773.93t25 24.770.81875 62. 773.94375 25.77L.00625 63.774.181.25 26.77t,OL875 64. 774.19375 27.771..23125 65.774.43t25 28. 771.24375 66.774.44375 29. 771..33125 67. 774.63L25 30.771..3437s 68.774.64375 31..771..48L25 69.774.88L25 32. 771..49375 70.774.89375 33.77L.58125 34.77t.59375 35.77L.73125 36. 771..74375 37. 17t.95625 38.77L.96875

* Mobile input frequencies 30 MHz up. AGENDA ITEM 8 . ATTAGHMENT D