Supporting the region’s food industry



4 Agriculture and food-processing The Pays de la region is known for its in : consolidating an dynamic, diverse agriculture. The food we grow here is part of our identity. already-powerful asset Our region’s agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture and food-processing industries work hand in hand. 6 Helping the region’s food industry They are a key part of our economy. Yet a series of gain a competitive edge crises now poses a threat to this vital industry. That is why the authorities must step in to maintain standards and keep the sector competitive. 8 The method: consulting within and between The Pays de la Loire Region is determined to do sectors whatever it can to give local farmers a helping hand and support the development of the region’s 9 A four-part food industry strategy agriculture – in all its variety. The Region has 1. Create devised a ground-breaking agriculture and food 2. Promote industry competitiveness strategy to ensure 3. Protect good-quality food for all, bringing together 4. Unite farmers, food-processors, retailers and consumers. Monitoring implementation of the strategy will be a team effort too, with regular meetings to report back on what has been done and on progress towards our end goal.

This spirit of cooperation guides everything we are doing at the Pays de la Loire Region to strengthen

© Région Pays de la Loire / Ouest Medias de la Loire Pays © Région our entire food industry – From Farm to Fork.

Christelle Morançais President, Pays de la Loire Regional Council DE NOTRE TERRE À NOTRE TABLE


billion euros th6 (5 nationally) 14billion euros Sectors with a strong ripple 25,000 in turnover effect: aeronautics, farms (2013) and 70,000 (3rd nationally) shipbuilding, jobs in agriculture food-processing (2015) THE REGION’S NUMBER-ONE INDUSTRY CLOSE TIES BETWEEN 170,000 AGRICULTURE AND THE jobs FOOD-PROCESSING INDUSTRY

More than 110 Label Rouge (Red Label) certifications, 30 AOPs of wines protected2/3 by an AOP or 1,049firms (protected designations of origin) AOC (controlled designation of employing 47,500 people and 34 PGIs (protected billion euros of the region’s origin) mark (excluding independent geographical indications) traders) in turnover exports

A BOOMING LIVESTOCK CRISIS TIMES FARMING SECTOR for the region’s Number 1 region for beef and rabbit livestock farming sector and agriculture more generally, as A POWERFUL FISHERIES SECTOR Number 2 region for cow’s and goat’s milk, pork and poultry prices have fallen in recent years for many reasons (withdrawal of European milk FERTILE GROUND FARMLAND SHRINKING quotas, falling meat FOR FRUIT AND YEAR ON YEAR consumption, Russian VEGETABLES embargo, etc.).

France’s number-one region Over the past 35 years, for market gardening A PRESSING NEED biggest region 25,656 tonnes 359 boats Shellfish farming 6,000 TO BOOST THE of catches landed, worth employing 360 companies hectares in of farmland have been lost in the INDUSTRY’S for marine fisheries more than €110 million 1,187 fishermen employing more than COMPETITIVENESS by value (2016) (2015) 1,000 full-time region annually. equivalent staff


The priorities for each sector, and actionable ways to achieve them, were determined The Food Industry Strategy 2016-2020 is designed to be collectively by local experts (Regional Chamber of Agriculture, DRAAF, Cap Aliment and immediately actionable and to help the region’s agriculture sector SMIDAP) and at workshops attended by more than 400 people. Since February 2016, become more competitive and move upmarket by adding value. the Regional Council Working with its partners (the European Union, the French has voted to: government, the French Water Agency and departmental • Release around €52 million councils), the Pays de la Loire Region has voted to mobilise Common priorities across all sectors in arrears and advances on European agricultural aid for around €200 million to support local agriculture. - Boost economic performance and profitability 2015 The cross-cutting Food Industry Strategy aligns with and - Manage workload (quantity and quality) • Inject more European supplements the Regional Council’s other strategies and plans: and regional funding into - Achieve adequate return on investment - Economic strategy modernising farms and - Tourism strategy - Attract new people into the industry building new ones (around - Energy transition roadmap - Make it easier to access land 1,000 farms were modernised in 2016) - European strategy - Improve environmental performance without impacting competitiveness • Mobilise €1.2 million to - Rural pact support struggling farmers. - Digital plan

Key sectors Fisheries Mutton and lamb Market gardening and strategies Make fisheries companies Meet consumer product Meet consumer-citizen more competitive; secure demand and bring farmers demand and maintain their long-term future while and consumers closer competitiveness, especially making fishing quotas together; improve farms’ on the export market. clearer; communicate about technical and economic occupations and products performance to secure a Wine Cereal, oilseed Rabbit meat Arboriculture in the sector while meeting viable future and boost Create new vineyards and Meet consumer-citizen and protein-rich crops Educate consumers about consumer demand. production. secure a viable future for demand in terms of Work together to tackle rabbit meat and develop existing ones; maintain innovation and sustainability; climate change and protect innovative new products Beef Pork competitiveness, especially remain competitive, soil in a globally competitive, that meet demand; better Meet consumer Maintain competitiveness in on the export market; bring especially on the export strictly regulated environment. promote rabbit meat demand; add value (through a multi-tier market and producers and consumers closer market. products in medium and segmentation); think “glocal” meet demand for organic together and meet consumer Aquaculture large supermarkets and Develop new aquaculture (local and export market). produce. demand for sustainable Poultry maintain production. practices. Modernise existing facilities markets and products; reduce Dairy and build new ones; bring shellfish losses. Veal Goat’s meat Secure a viable future Work together to create and farmers closer to consumers Promote veal to consumers; share added value; strengthen in Pays de la Loire and showcase the diversity and and improve farms’ technical and economic performance. ties with consumers and nationwide to regain the quality of produce; expand the change mindsets to produce region’s hold over the local and national market and for a market. domestic market. innovate.


1. CREATE 3. PROTECT Helping farmers set up, Shielding farmers from When devising its agriculture, food-processing and food industry competitiveness strategy, pass on and modernise geopolitical, economic, food the Region was determined to consult widely and foster dialogue both within and between their farms, deliver training safety and climate shocks sectors. The process was spearheaded by Lydie Bernard, Vice-President of the Regional and foster innovation Council, with input from industry experts, competitiveness clusters, the region’s economic, social and environmental council (CESER), and local elected representatives. 4. UNITE 2. PROMOTE Bringing the entire industry Spreading the word about the together region’s agriculture across France A three-stage Create, promote, and around the world preparation process* protect, unite 1 The “From Farm to Fork” strategy was 1. CREATE Sector-by-sector analysis of the unveiled at a regional conference region’s landscape, performed by experts on 2 December 2016. The four-part Helping farmers set up, pass on and modernise their farms, 2 strategy – create, promote, protect, unite deliver training and foster innovation 11 workshops attended by sector – outlines the Regional Council’s roadmap representatives to identify priorities and for agriculture and the food-processing actionable measures industry going forward. 3 More than 800 trainees on Sector-by-sector consumer research agriculture/landscaping vocational 48years (8,000 people surveyed) Lydie Bernard, 500new farms courses each year, with €8 million in average age of Vice-President, Pays de la set up support from the Region farm managers Loire Regional Council; each year Chair, Agriculture, Food- processing, Forestry, Claude Cochonneau, Fisheries and Sea President, Pays de la Loire / de la Loire Pays © Région Ouest Medias Committee Regional Chamber of Helping young farmers Agriculture; President, Improving farms and securing a viable future Julie Nayagom, Permanent Assembly of A ground-breaking method young farmer in Azé © Région Pays de la Loire / de la Loire Pays © Région Ouest Medias Chambers of Agriculture Pays de la Loire has more young farmers setting © DR to build collective momentum (Mayenne) up their own businesses each year – around 500 in total – than almost any other region in Leading by example France. The Regional Council is working to give After completing our studies at Laval The ground-breaking method involved them every chance of success in the long term: “ “ agricultural college, my husband and I gathering input from 11 sectors - increasing the young farmers’ allowance (DJA) decided to stay in the region because our over a period of several weeks. We focused The quality of the group work was simply to around €10,000 three children were born here. My husband set “ on practical ways to help farmers make a remarkable. Its sets the bar for other regions to - allocating 10% extra funding to modernisation up the farm, GAEC des Trois Soleils, where we decent living from their work and to meet follow. projects for young farmers farm poultry and veal calves. I joined him later. consumer demand. The collective momentum We found plenty of common ground. Our When I joined, we invested in more veal calves, we built should serve as an example. Our aim - covering property storage costs prior to collective priorities are to gain recognition for taking the total from 200 to 400. We also is to gain recognition for the work that farmers launching operations local produce, create value and share it evenly added a new building and paid some set-up do, keep consumers happy, share value evenly - supporting initiatives to promote farming as between farmers and the food-processing costs upfront. It took five months to earn our across the sector and – most importantly – a career industry, and cover all markets – from local first income from the new calves. The Regional boost competitiveness. - developing innovative set-up funding methods. consumers right through to markets across the Council’s decision to increase the young region, and elsewhere in France and beyond. farmers’ allowance made a real difference, “ especially to our cash flow. “ “ *in September and October 2016

8 9 Boosting farm performance - roll-out of the Positive-energy Businesses on three fronts* (PEPs) scheme, which helps companies, Turning environmental challenges into especially in the agriculture sector, reduce growth opportunities their energy consumption, find alternative Anticipating the impact of climate change is a sources, or even produce their own energy key challenge. The energy transition can help by 2021 farms regain their competitive edge by cutting - efforts to strengthen the firewood sector and costs, generating additional income, or even pilot a new, local carbon market. producing their own renewable energy. The Region’s energy transition roadmap Tailoring training to business includes a series of measures that will be of demand benefit to farmers: Preparing for the economy of the future - a new regional fund to develop renewable Agriculture and landscaping courses make up energy production projects (anaerobic a large part of vocational training provision digestion) in Pays de la Loire. These programmes alone - a regional call for proposals for receive €8 million in regional funding each self-supply solar power projects year, benefiting more than 800 trainees. The courses are changing to address the new challenges that the industry faces and to attract *economic, environmental and social more people into farming as a career. © Région Pays de la Loire / A. Monie - Les beaux matins beaux Monie - Les A. / de la Loire Pays © Région

Modernising agricultural production technologies is also proving a boon for the food and processing equipment industry, boosting precision agriculture and Boosting competitiveness improving microbiological testing capabilities. Modernising equipment is a key priority across all With support from the Region, a regional group 2. PROMOTE sectors. Every innovative investment – in farmer of digital and food industry experts is involved Spreading the word about the region’s agriculture across and livestock well-being, in energy efficiency, in a European “Traceability and Big Data” France and around the world or elsewhere – helps to make a business more partnership. competitive. The Region is mobilising EU Innovation is vital to driving up performance 4th biggest region in 64 products with More than Pays de la Loire is funds, through the Farm Competitiveness in agriculture. In 2017, the Region once and Adaptation Plan (PCAE), to channel aid France by organically guarantees of origin 110 Label Rouge France’s number-one again participated in a European Innovation farmed land (PDOs and PGIs) (Red Label) veal-producing region directly to investment projects – €52.8 million Partnership call for proposals, mobilising certifications of the Region’s own funding and €59.5 million around €2 million in regional funding and nd from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural €1.9 million from the EU. A diverse array of crops: 2 biggest region in France Development (EAFRD) by 2020. arable crops, small-scale horticulture, for marine fisheries Five solutions to five blue growth problems have vegetables, wine, etc. by value The Region is also supporting investments in already been identified through the RéSolutions advanced production technologies, which not regional call for proposals, which helps only boost competitiveness, but also make work businesses find innovative solution suppliers. less labour-intensive for farmers, especially in Locally And a further five solutions, this time focusing produce certified as organic or to another the livestock sector. Encouraging more mass catering providers to on the future of agriculture, were selected at the source locally quality standard. end of 2017. These included a bone detection The Region is determined to encourage more The Region is spearheading a regional local and removal solution for poultry products, and Strengthening the food industry mass catering providers to source locally and do sourcing in mass catering observatory in a biodynamic farm data analysis solution. innovation value chain their bit for the region’s economy. It is currently partnership with central government (DRAAF) Innovating to meet consumer demand working on a pilot scheme with 30 colleges to and the Regional Chamber of Agriculture. The Region launches several R&D calls for boost local supply chains and give farmers new It is also involved in, and supporting, the proposals each year. In 2017, more than outlets for their produce. The ultimate target is “Local Network” in each department – a forum €200,000 in funding was awarded to six fisheries to have these providers sourcing 100% French for discussion and dialogue on local sourcing and aquaculture projects. The rise of digital produce, 50% regional produce, and 20% issues and challenges.

10 11 3. PROTECT At the European level Around the world Shielding farmers from geopolitical, Enabling regional businesses to benefit from Growing the international market and economic, food safety and climate shocks EU programmes and raising local concerns at promoting the region’s expertise. the European level. As a major player in agriculture and the food- The European Union has a decisive role to processing industry, exporting is vital to the Jobs in agriculture: Food-processing: 9% of fishermen Shellfish farming: play in supporting agriculture. For that reason, Pays de la Loire Region. That is why the 4% of the region’s 24% of the region’s working in 11.4% of shellfish the Region has invited the Regional Chamber Region’s economic strategy and international workers industrial workforce mainland France farmers working in of Agriculture to join forces with its Brussels roadmap for 2016-2021 focuses on “hunting mainland France office. A multi-disciplinary working group has as a pack”, featuring tools and platforms that been set up to make the case for the region’s emphasise collaboration with Food Loire, CCI Lightening the regulatory burden Making sure all sectors get their fair interests during talks around the new Common International, the Regional Agency and inter- Making life easier for all share of value Agricultural Policy. The Region also spearheads branch organisations. Some €5.4 million has Regulations play an important role in keeping Ensuring that value is shared equally a network that aims to mobilise EU funding been assigned to these initiatives each year, and people safe and protecting the environment throughout the value chain for R&D projects, especially those focusing on they will undergo annual reviews. and society. Yet a growing body of often The Region is determined to ensure that all digital technologies. inconsistent regulations, coming from Europe sectors receive their fair share of its support. It then transposed into French law, is undermining has set up a working group to explore the best farmers’ ability to remain competitive. Although ways to achieve this aim, for example by placing the Region does not set its own standard and conditions on aid and producing a charter of regulations, it is determined to make those commitment. In late 2016, the Region ran an processes for which it is responsible as simple awareness campaign, entitled as possible. For example, it has doubled the Helping those in hardship Eating regional is vital, to amount of time given to farmers to submit Giving struggling farmers the vital support showcase the diversity and proposals under the Farm Competitiveness they need excellence of the region’s and Adaptation Plan. And it is also working As the crisis gripping agriculture takes hold, agricultural produce. elsewhere to lighten the regulatory burden, many farmers across the Pays de la Loire Region lobbying its partners in Brussels and working are struggling. The Region is working with the with Régions de France to do the same at home. departments to help these people through tough times. It has also launched a trial programme to Creating certainty for farmers and help farmers retrain for careers in other sectors fishermen and industries by paying them a wage while Helping to contain the threat of climate they train. The programme is expected to pay hazards. out around €300,000 to 500 farmers in total. The Region is helping farmers and fishermen cope with the consequences of external threats, especially climate hazards, through schemes such as harvest insurance and emergency assistance. © Région Pays de la Loire / M. Gross / M. de la Loire Pays © Région

Yannick Yobé, “We were more than happy to take part in the Region’s initiative because we Emmanuel Bertaud, “The Region granted a two-year repayment holiday on interest-free loans Chef, François Arago understand the importance of local sourcing and promoting produce such as Shellfish farmer, taken out in 2014, and pays our interest on our commitments and loan vocational college, Ancenis poultry, Val de Loire pork, organic produce processed in sheltered South Vendée guarantees from BPI. Without this emergency support package, the local workshops, and bread baked with local flour. The aim is to forge connections mussel farming industry could not have survived. Many businesses would across sectors, foster discussion about pricing and working methods, and be have gone bust. The Region also plays a key prevention role through its open and transparent – to weigh up mutual constraints and look ahead to the shellfish loss research programme. The support we receive is instrumental future. It’s a process that takes time, but it’s extremely gratifying to share our during these tough times. expertise and pass on our knowledge to students. “ “

12 13 4. UNITE Bringing the entire industry together

70% of the region’s A common goal: €6 billion in land used for to foster collective projects that serve all turnover across the farming sectors of the industry. agricultural sector

Fostering dialogue within and between Coordinating group work sectors and promoting collective The Region, working with its partners and governance with government in particular, will grow its Maintaining the collaborative spirit that began presence in regional governance bodies. It with the consultation process. will meet with agricultural unions and inter- The spirit of collaboration that underpinned the branch organisations, step up its support for region’s Food Industry Strategy will continue in the Regional Association of Food-processing the years to come, with an annual inter-sector Industries (LIGERIAA), engage in dialogue with meeting. the departments, other regions and European networks, and make its voice heard in decision- making bodies such as general meetings. Guy Emeriau, Head of Meat and Poultry, Système U Bringing farmers and consumers closer together © DR Embedding produce in the community The fact that consumers are taking a growing interest in food from farm and sea is an As a retailer, we have“ a first-hand insight into opportunity to embed local produce in the consumer trends and can adapt our offering community. The Region is determined to accordingly. It’s also useful to pass on the encourage this movement, particularly by information we hold about changing demands supporting farm and wine tourism. It supports and sensibilities to farmers, so they can do the farms looking to invest in tourism initiatives and same. facilities, as well as events that showcase local It will take an industry-wide effort to serve produce. demand across all markets. We shouldn’t settle on one particular consumption and The Region is also committed to supporting production model, but instead develop a wide, Local Food Projects (PATs) across the Pays de segmented range of offerings at different la Loire Region – a method, laid down in law, quality and price points. It’s in the whole to strike the right balance between supply and industry’s interest to have these conversations. demand in a given area. Moreover, the Region is contributing to preparations for Nantes “ Métropole’s PAT.

14 Fourny / PB. de la Loire Pays © Région 15 Région des Pays de la Loire - january 2019 de la Loire des Pays Région