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7-11-1914 Spanish American, 07-11-1914 Roy Pub Co.

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RHT7T? SMISI-AIFRICA- M lil i j O With Malice Toward None-- With Charity For All- - And With Firmness In The Right'' 11 ' Vol. XI. ROY, hlORA COUNTY. NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY, JULY H. 1914, No. 25

4th of July. Fixin' up Convict Captured Wid Deer. ,

The Celebration of the Fourth The Goodman Mercantile Co. Jose Inez Turrieta, who stole Wednesday a wild deer came to of July at Roy was almost spoil- is fitting up an office in the rear Leandro Archuleta's black mare the home of John Schneider. It ed by the excess of rain which of their new store which, when last year and wks sent to the was a full grown Doe and so ex persisted in falling the previons complete, will be a model of con- Penitentiary- - escaping several hausted that it lay down and per- three days and rendered the venience and practicability. It month ago from the Road-Camp-wa- s mitted him to put up a shaJe of streets one continuous mild hole. is fitted with a glass side to per- apprehended while visiting blankets over it, bring it water Despite the rain and mud a good mit the light from the west win his family in Roy Sunday. . He and nurxe it back to life again. crowd was present. The Barbe- dows to pass thru to the store was arrested and returned to the' He has made a place for it in his cue was a success but there was and will have many conveniences Penitentiary this week . by Mr. barn and will care for it until it more than enough to feed the devised by Archuleta where he will likely be is able to care for itseif again. crowd. book keeper, for the better more carefully watched in future. It is a mystery why it left the The Ball game between Roy handling of the great mass of de- It seems incredible that the shelter of the canyons to come - and French Téams , entertained tail accounting of a big store. fellow would co ne openly back out on the mesa. the crowd in the afternoon. It The big cellar has also been clean- to the scjne of his crime nd ex- ; Later: The deer died. was one-sid- ed ending in a score ed out and when they are through pect to escape arrest. of 14-- 3 in favor of Roy. with the improvements it will be The well a splendid dances at night were business place. "Tuck" purchased Fred Herery Watterson, the great patronized and made a good fin- The contract' was also ft-- r let a Brown's Maxwell car last week editor of tho Louisville Courier ish for an otherwise rather tame stone building adjoining the P.O. and has joined the army of ama- Journal, in an analysis of the celebration. ' for The Palace Bar. teur auto drivers in Roy. He is politicál situation thus charac- The events of the preceeding having the usual experiences of teristically defines a "Bull weeks had taken all the enthusi- Mrs. A. L. left Monday all the amateurs including get- Moose". all and we seemed asm out of us for Maxwell where she visited ting hung, up out on the prairie, "The Bull Moose is at once an to celebrate as a duty than - rather her daughter, Mrs.VPelphrey a kicked by the starting crank- and amphibious animal and a herma- - a pleasure. The supply of lire-work- s couple of days before leaving for as usual increased popularity , - - on hand was mostly burn an extended visit with her with the fair sex. tween'liell and the Iron Works, , ed up during che evening and con- daughters and other relatives in the Devil and the deep blue sea, sidering the handicap we were Illinois. She expects to be ab- Thus he can swim or eat live coals laboring under, we did pretty Cypriano Luján, the merchant sent several months. . as the case reauires. he a woman from Sanchez, was in town Mon- well. It is to be hoped that we or a man at will". day and'made this office a friend- will get in line for the Roy Fair Mr. Russel finds "In the north he is a dissatis- it impossible ly call. Mr. Lujan is one of the with better .conditions and more to preach Roy Sun- fied Hepublican, in the south a at the second pioneers of this region and has ehthusiasm this fall. day in the month will have disgruntled Democrat. In Roos- and made a success of his many en- to preach on his old date the " evelt he is masculine, in Perkins Roy terprises. The easy victory of the third Sunday of the month. feminine, and in Pinchot neuter. ball team over the French boys All things by turns and nothing The Roy Base Ball Team will Saturday 14 3, was a disappoint- loud, his votaries worship at the' Just when Clint Traister left go to Springer Sunday to cross ment to the crowd who, looked shrine of Teddy the Forked Ton- town for his home on Ute Creek bats with the Springer team. ' for a fast game, The second gue and the tiger Heart, whilst Friday after three days rain Wehoppthey will go fixed to game Suday morning was a rev-e'atio- n. for which his presence here is Teddy rides him for all he may win. . . The manager of the blamed and after the sun shone be worth". French team got after them and brightly the rest of the day, the waked them up to the situation heavy rain'falling in the evening The Victor Clas of the Roy School, officers Mr. Coffin and family came while the Roy boys supplied with no clouds to shed it, can on- Sunday elected Sunday coming term. down from French Saturday to 'where their players was absent. ly be accounted for by the ap- last for the celebrate the 4th and see the The result was that the French pearance on the scene of Johnny Irvin Ogden Sr. was French-Ro- y Ball Game. Mr. team walked all over them to the Gallagher driving in from Ute President, Leora Hall Vice Pres. 14-1- Coffin is engaged in General tune of The French team Creek. Until weneed rain again Carlos Bratich Secretary and G. Merchandising at French and ex- played to bad luck in the Satur- we are going to have that whole Treasurer and Rev. B. Hall presses genuine surprise;-a- t the day's game. Three times they Ute .Creek bunch - including Joo teacher. The class is planning a of things to make the size of Roy, the extent of our went out with the bases full and Ballard- - enjoined from coming number business and the show- serious errors at First cost them to town. social features of the organization interests lesson ing our crops are making here: several scores. , They are a fine more attractive and their bunch of boys and can play ball hour'' is always devoted to discus- Mrs. J. Floérsheim is recovering subject con- if they are lined out right but sions of the under The Donaldson Brothers came from her recent illness is All young people in they didn't realize what they but sideration. down from French with their unable to get out regardless years, were going up against here and still much. Her sentiment of Ball team Saturday and remained "Dry-Farmers- " daughter, Mrs. A their respect for the Hanson, is are invited to meet with the class. for the game Sunday morning. has increased consid- caring for her at her home and They are very much pleased daughter in-la- w, Mrs, Mel-yill- e erably. We ,hope these teams her with Roy and her business pros- Mrs. Marie Martjn, who came may meet again this season Floersheim has assumed the pects and made the best of the care of the so She down two months ago from Yan- with a better understanding of homej should celebration in spite of the rain each and settle the question worry, and has nothing to do but kee Camp and has been farming ' other and mud. . well. on claim was in town for of who is champion., . iret out the the first time Wednesday and 0. H. Kerns and family return- A special agent of the U. S. alled, to attend to her subscrip- Millard Alldredge came down ed Saturday f romstheir vacation Land office was riere last week tion account. Her husband is from to celebrate the 4th visit with friends in Illinois and looking up some cmims. He found still working at Yankee but they with old friends here. It was elsewhere. They had a fine time as usual some reports founded hope soon to be able to come to too rainy for him to get out to and seem glad to be home again. on malice rather thVn on facts, the claim to live permanently. his horn e on the claim. SPANISH-AMERICA- THE N.

Never would she forgive such base- rectify this mistake. It Is only five is vouched for by the gentleman at ness. And only, a little while ago she minutes to the tram. A carriage is at his side, whom doubtless mademoi S5r J had been as happy as the nightingale the door. Will mademoiselle be pleased selle recognizes," to which they compared her. Never to remember that we have treated her Nora eyed the great man doubtfully. had she wronged anyone; she had been with the utmost courtesy?" "What is the gentleman to you?" PLACE gr kindness and thoughtfulness to all "I shall remember everything," she was Interrogated. with whom she had come in contact ominously. "Absolutely nothing,"- - contemptu But from now on! . . . Her fin- "Very good, mademoiselle. You will ously. Y- gers tightened round the bars. She be in Paris before nine." With this The minister inspected his rings. HONE- might have posed as Dido when she he bowed and backed out of the room "He has annoyed me at various learned that the noble Aeneas was as though Nora had suddenly made a times," continued Nora; "that Is alL dead. War, war; woe to the moths who distinct ascension in the scale of im- Andhls actions on Friday night war- every enter- fluttered about her head hereafter! , portance. rant suspicion I have Ah, but had she been happy 7 Her "Wait!" she called. tained against him." , hands, slid down the bars. Her ex- His face appeared in the doorway The chief pf police turned toward pression changed. The mouth drooped, again. the bandaged chauffeur. "You recog- the eagle-ligh- t in her eyes dimmed. "Do you know who I am?" nize the gentleman?" From out the bright morning, some- "Since this morning, mademoiselle." "No, monsieur, I never saw him be where, had come weariness, and with That is alL" fore.- - It was an old man who engaged this came weakness, and finally, tears. Free! Her veins tingled with me." She heard the key turn in the lock. strange exultation. He had lost his "Go on." Pictures They had never come so early before. courage and had become afraid of the "He said that mademoiselle's old She was astonished to see that her consequences. Free! Monsieur Cham- teacher was very ill and asked for as- jailer did not close the door as usual. peaux indeed! Cowardice was a new sistance. I left mademoiselle at the He put down the breakfast tray on the development in his character. He had house and drove away. I was hired CD. table. There was tea and toast and been afraid to oome. She drank the from the garage. That is the truth, fruit tea, but did not touch the toast or monsieur." ' "Mademoiselle, there has been a ter- fruit There would be time enough Nora smiled dlsbelievmgly. Doubt rible mistake." said the man humbly. for breakfast when she arrived In less he had been paid well for that "Ah! So you have found that out?" Paris. Her hands trembled violently lie. . on and she was "And you?" asked chief of No 1 she cried. as she pinned her hat, the to angle. "Yes. You are not the person for not grtíatly concerned as the ra's chauffeur. cloak, is certainly gentleman, mon- - whom this room was Intended." Which She snatched up her puree and "He the WfeM out A phae- Bieur, who attempted to bribe me." SYNOPSIS. a and perfectly true, and sped into the street was half truth with paradoxical as it may seem. "Eat your ton awaited her. "That is true," said Courtlandt utmost Eleanora de Toscana was singing In breakfast in peace. You are free, "The tram," she said. calmness. Parla, which, perhaps, accounted for Ed- "Yes, mademoiselle." "Mademoiselle, If Monsieur Court ward Courtlandt's appearance there. Mul- mademoiselle." "And go quickly." She would not landt wished, he could accuse you of timillionaire, he wandered about where "Free? You will not hinder mm tt I fancy dictated. He might be In Paris one feel safe until she was in the tram. attempting to shoot him." day and Kamchatka the next Following walk through that doorr - ac- win- "It was an His sudden ap- the opera he goes to a cafe and Is "No, mademoiselle. On the con- A face appeared at one of the accident costed by a pretty young woman. She cor- pearance in my apartment frightened trary, I shall be very glad, and so will dows. As the vehicle turned the gives him the address oí Flora DeBimone. me. BesideB, I believe a woman who vocal rival of Toscana, and Flora gives ray brother, who guards you at night ner, the face vanished; and perhaps him the address of Eleanora. whom he is that particular visage disappeared for- lives comparatively alone has a legal determined to see. enters I repeat there has been a frightful mis- Courtlandt ever. A gray wig came off, the and moral right to protect herself Eleanora's ' apartments. She orders him take. Monsieur Champeaux .' . ." little out and shoots at him. The next day gray side whislcers, the bushy gray from such unwarrantable Intrusions. dis- "Monsieur Champeaux?" Nora was Paris Is shocked by the mysterious not I wish him no physical injury, but I appearance of the prima . Realizing bewildered. She had never heard this eyebrows, revealing a clever face, that he may be suspected of the abduc- more than thirty, cunning, but humor- am determined to be annoyed by him arranges for name before. tion of Eleanora Courtlandt ously cunning and anything but scoun- no longer." an alibi. "He calls himself that" was the dip- drelly. The painted . scar aslant the The minister's eyes sought Court lomatic answer. young V -- Continued. nose was also obliterated. With landt's face obliquely. Strange CHAPTER All Nora's suspicions took firm Nora, as she stood In the full morn- haste the man thrust the evidences of man, he thought From the expres- ground again. "Will you describe this disguise into a traveling bag, ran here sion of his face he might have been a ing sunlight, was like to gladden the Champeaux to me?" asked Monsieur and there through the rooms, all bare spectator rather than the person most eyes of all mankind. She was beauti the actress coming into life. applicable would and unfurnished save the one with the vitally concerned in this little scene. ful, and all adjectives "He 1b short, dark, and old, made but serve to confuse rather than to bars and the kitchen, which contained And what a pair they made! She moiselle." two cots and some cooking utensils. "Monsieur Courtlandt, you will give embellish her physical excellence. not tall, blond and garden rose is, "Rather is be Nothing of importance had been left me your word of honor not to annoy was as beautiful as a young?" ironically. needing no defense, no ramparts of behind. He locked the. door and ran mademoiselle again?" The jailer concealed what annoy- - cloying phrases. The day of poets Is all the way to the Place d'Armes, "I promise never to annoy her "knee he In his way he was Just gone, otherwise she would hare been felt catching the tram to Paris by a frac- again." as capable an actor as ehe was. The sung in cantos. She was tall, shapely, tion of a minute. For the briefest moment the blazing accuracy of her description startled fine-skinne- eyes brown deep-bosome- d, d. Critics, All very well done. She would be blue clashed with the calm him ; for the affair had been carried police made any were first to deviate In praising her charms, delved into , in Paris before the ones. The latter out so adroitly that he had been posi-- move. thing line. was not agreeable mythology and folk-lor- e for compari- definite The one that dis from the It tive until her real captor ap- sons, until wasn't a goddess left that turbed him was the thought of the to look into a pair of eyes burning there peared would be totally in the on Olympus or on Northland's icy she blockhead of a chauffeur, who had got with the hate of one's self. Perhaps regarding his identity. And here capes; and when theee images became dark drunk before his return from Ver- this conflagration was Intensified by she had hit it off in less than a dozen well, he could of gaze. only there a little shop-wor- n, referred to certain sailles. If he talked; the placidity his If Oh, well; did not matter masterpieces of the old fellows who words. it say nothing beyond the fact that he had been some sign of anger, of con- might try to make un- had left nothing more to be said in now. She it had deposited the singer at the house tempt, anything but this incredible pleasant for his employer, but he oils. Nora enjoyed it all. as directed. He knew positively noth tranquillity against which she longed doubted the ultimate success of her , not happy the selec- ing. to cry out! She was too wrathful to She had been in attempts. However, the matter was at stage name; but she had The man laughed softly. A thou notice the quickening throb of the tion of her an as far as he was concerned. Toscana because end sand francs apiece for him and An veins on his temples. chosen Eleanora da "Have you thought what this means? she believed was good luck in toine, and no possible chance of be- "Mademoiselle, I find no case there It is abduction. is a crime you have Once, long before the world knew It ing discovered. Let the police find against Monsieur Courtlandt, unless it committed, punishable by long Impris- of her, ehe had returned home from the house in Versailles; let them you wish to appear against him for his Italy unexpectedly. "Molly, here's onment" trace whatever paths they found; the forcible entrance to your apartment." "I have been mademoiselle's Jailer, Nora, Tuscany!" her delighted agent would tell them, and honestly, Nora shook her head. The chief oi" from not And when one is had cried; who at that time her abductor. that an aged man had rented the police stroked his mustache to hide father poor and in need of money!" He had a nebulous idea that Tuscany was house for a month and had paid him the fleeting smile. A peculiar case, shrugged. Í somewhere in Ireland because it had a in advance. What more could the the like of which had never before will give you a thousand francs one-bi- Celtic ring to Being filled with love "I agent say? Only t of puzzle- come under his scrutiny! "Circum- it name of the man of Italy, its tongue, its history, its for the and address ment: why hadn't the blond stranger stantial evidence, we know, points to physical beauty, naively tran- who Instigated this outrage." appeared? Who was he, In truth, and him; but we have also an alibi which she so "Nora from Tuscany" info Itali- Ah, he thought; then she wasn't what had been his game? All this Is Incontestable. We must look else sited you name, mademoi- an,, and declared1 that when she went sure? "I told the waiting and wondering, and then a where for your abductors. Think; I not upon the stage ehe would be known selle. As for his address, dare curt telegram of the night before, say have you not some enemy? Is there by that name. There had been some give it, not for ten thousand francs. ing, "Release her." So much the bet no one who might wish you worry Besides, I have said that there, has ter, What his employer's motives were and inconvenience? Are your asso smiling over the pseudonym; but N Nora was Irish enough to cling to it been a mistake." did not interest him half so much as elates all loyal to you? Is there anj g whom I mistaken?" By and by the great music-lovin- pub "For have been the fact that he had a thousand francs Jealousy?" lic ceased to concern itself about her "Who but Monsieur Champeaux's in his pocket, and that all element of (TO BE CONTINUED.) name; it was her fresh beauty and wife, mademoiselle, who is not in her danger had been done away with, to see right mind?" with Inimitable sadness. True, the singer herself would move Scandal. her wonderful voice they craved ' and hear. Kings and queens, em- "Very well," said Nora. "You say heaven and earth to find out who had How Is it that the evil which men perors and empresses, princes and that I am free. That is all I want been back of the abduction. Let her say spreads so widely and lasts so princesses what is called royalty and freedom." make her accusations. He was out long, whilst our good, kind words don't - nobility in the newspapers freely gave "In twenty minutes the electric tram of it seem somehow to take root and beai her homage. Quite a rise in the world leaves for Paris. You will recall, blossom? It Is that in the stony heart! for a little girl who had once lived in mademoiselle," humbly, "that we have "Mademoiselle," said the great po of mankind these prétty flowers can'l a shabby apartment in New York and taken nothing belonging to you. You liceman soberly, "this is a grave ac find a place to grow? Certain it it run barefooted on thevwet asphalts, have your purse and hat and cloak. cusation to make."! . that scandal is good brisk talk, where summer nights! The struggle was most unfortunate. "I make it, nevertheless," replied as praise of one's neighbor is by nc But Nora was not recalling the But think, mademoiselle, tnuak; we Nora. She sat stilly in her chair, her means lively hearing. An acquaint happy scenes of her childhood; in- thought you to be insane!" face colorless, dark circles under her ance grilled, scored, deviled and served deed, no; she was vtlll threatening "Permit me to doubt that! And you eyes. She never lpoked toward Court with mustard and cayenne pepper, ex Paris. Once there, she would not lack are not afraid to let me go?" landt. I cites the appetite; whereas a slice o1 for reprisals. To have played on her "Not in the least, mademoiselle. A "But Monsieur J Courtlandt has of cold friend with currant jelly is bul pity! To have made a lure of her mistake has been made, and in telling fered an alibi such as we cannot iz a sickly, unrelishing meat-- lander concern tor the unfortunate! you to go at once, we do our best to nore. More than that bis integrity THE BI AN lSU-AJuldtlUA- Tf .

THE into power and refuses to come J Church Directory Professional Cards'"' SPANISH AMERICAN out because the storm he expect REGISTERED APGÜ8T J7. 1012. ed has not arrived, is like the owl UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL I who Irvin Ogden, Sr. refuses to see the sun. Meets each Sunday at 10, A. M. M. D. GIBBS Editor arjd Publisher Success by the Democrats in at Christian Ohurcn. Your this fall's eloction means complete presence is necessary. Physician and Surgeon Subicription $1.50 Per Tear Rbv. G.B.Hall, Supt, success for the party in the next Local Surgeon EP. & S.W. Entered as second-clas- s matter at state election and a complete y' the postoffice in Roy, N. M. Democtatic statt government in CATHOLIC stead of the divided control of Mass once each month at the Office public office -- Call For Democratic State which now exists. Catholic Church. Dates announc- - Fairview Pharmacy From a purely selfish standpoint ed in advance. Convention ROY, NEW MEXICO it is to the advantage of every in Rev. Fr. Ant. Celuer. . A General Convention of the Dem dividual Democrat to work to this Priest in charge, ocratic Party of the State of New end, utterly without regard to I Mexico is hereby called to meet at thu past. The man who is not Albuquerque, New Mexico, on the 17th Presbyterian, p. big enough to see this cannot SELF of August, A. D.194, for the purpose J of nominating a canidate for member hope to go very far in politics in Sermon every third Sunday Physician and Surgeon of the House of Representatives of the any party. at 7.30 P.M. at Christian Church. 0ffice At tosidence United States for the State of New This is no time for even little J.S.Rüssel, Pastor. ROY.' NEW MEXICO Mexico, and of nominating1 a canidate kinks and little local differences. for member of the State corporation It is no time for indifference, no ' Commission of New Mexico, and of BAPTIST transacting such matter now certain the result other business as may First Sunday in each month. . A. S. HANSON come before such Convention, Dele- may seem. You can elect your Service A. M., 7.30, P. M. Notary Public gates from thu several and respective congressmen, probably without Rev R. A. Prick .Pastor. Legal documents and papers Counties of the State of New Mexico trouble, and without very hard to such Convention, apportioned on the - . - acknowledged. work. But to win a majority in basis of one delegate for each 100 votes, ROY, NEW MEXICO or major fractions of 100 votes, cast the legislature, which is even Lodge Directory for the HON. H. B. FERGUSSON in more important than electing a the election of 1912, shall be entitled to congressman, you must work. sit in 9uch Convention as follows: There must be absolute harmony OOFS- COL.. Bernalillo 16 Quay 10 and the most effective - V N F. O. WHITE , Chaves 14 Rio Arriba is' ation between Democrats in Homestead Lodge, No. 46 mills newmkxico Colfax 12 Roosevelt 7 every section cf the Any Curry 7 Sandoval 1 state. L O. O. F. AUCTIONEER Dona Ana 10 San Juan 5 Democrat in this state who has a Meets every Wednesday evening at I Cry Sales Everywhere. Udey 10 San Migul 17 grouch should turn his face res- 1. O. O. F. Hall, Roy, N. M. Distance not Considered Grant 12 Santa Fe 10 olutely to the Vlsttinii membftrs always welcome Terms Reasonable cheerful prospect a Q. Satisfaction Guadalupe 8 . 4 H. Goodman Wm, Johnson. Sierra head, a spectacle GVn't'd Lincoln take slant at the Noble Grand. Secretary. 5 Socorro 11 T" 1 oi ouritepuoiican Dreuiren pro i Luna 5 . Taos 7 l.i Mc Kinley 3 Torrace 5 muting harmony with brickbats Mora U Union 11 grin and forget it.. Harmony Rebekah Utero 5 Valencia 3 Fred Tenney, who was afellew D. of R. The rule of the last state Convention Lodfie No. 24. f. F.JfR that a Proxy student with Rev. S. Kussel could be exercised only J. Meets in L O. O. F. Hall, Roy, N. M. Ui UlCCi OtateS by resi lent vottr of the County repre at Browu University, who after 1st. and 8d. Friday evening of each month, Visiting members always wel- - KQi sented, should be kept in mind in the graduating took up law but ' for- rnHllSSlOllCr giving of Proxies. Cm FILINGS- - CONTESTS PROOFS sook it t manage the Boston Mrs. Anna Shamblin, N. G. A P. J. H. ETC. . dolfh Hill, Paxton, National ball team as a more luc- Secy. Secretary, Chairman, Mrs. Gussie Floersheim, rative business, writes the follow- Office Tiith Spanish-America- 1 Democratic State Central Committee. ing commandments for ball play- Roy, ; New Mc. Modern Woodmen , g ers: -- of America T j We lost patience with ourself We want fellows who make e;j j this week when we discovered errors. fva CampNo.14361 J. t. LUS, that we had written pages of edi- Show me a fellow who is afraid of making an and will Attorney torial and had more pages of error, I " "

show .you a quitter. . ; clippings from other papers on at Law, ; political subjects to the exclusion In looking up young players Prompt and Careful Attention ' f a lot of live local news. we invariably study the error H ARRY WQO DWAR D Gven U Business Entrusted It is our ambition to keep the column, for the men who go after to me. record of local events as complete everything. Mistakes "do not Harness and Shoe Shop Rcy New. Mexico, as possible but it is difficult to re- bother them ; they are looking to Repairing a Speciality frain from urgint? the political make plays. If one is missed, Hand Good. and reform issues that seem so they go for the next one just the AlsoSecond J. FLOERSHEIM Sold necessary at present. It is some same. Bought and Notary Public consolation to note that many of If victories come your way, All Work Guaranteed our exchanges have given way to don't forget to praise the van- the same weakness but we shall quished. Remember that you .ry to guard against it. had to work to win. The closer rOriental Hotel the fight, the more praise to the Conveyances and transfers. Prompt Irving T. Bush, one of the looser. They were good enough zMrS Vina (Mald01iad0 ness and care in all matters. : greatest of New York's "Captains to make you go the limit.' and Daughters, Troprtetors, 1 of Industry" says "All depends If defeated, take the defeat in New Management, Refurnished on Crops and Confidence this manly fashion; admit the other year. So far as crops are con- fellows got more runs than you. w-H-- WILLCOX cerned the Almighty seems tobe Don't blame the umpire. Just X United States a Democrat this year- - and the nurse the blow and work to Roy. New Mexico - strengthen- , people are passing from a con- the weak spots that . - Land Commissioner " 1 dition of uncertainty". He is in- showed in the contest and try n. ROY, N. M. deed blind who cannot see the ' r The loves M. H. KOCH bright sun of prosperity shining world a fighter and Filings, Contests tad Proof. in the futu re. The man who took a good, square tfght, Learn Funeral Director Licensed Embalmer competent8epTOM O. Cyclone-cella- r from reverse; N. M. dered all land matters. to the G. P. each steer clear of PHONE US : TUCUKCAR!. when the Democratic party came former mistakes, keep plugging until success comes your way. SPANISH-AMERICA- THE N.

STRAWBERRY AT ITS BEST i Fashion Dictates. WORK AT BELTSVILLE GOVERNMENT. FARM All sorts of plaids aud checks are in great especially Sunshine Method of Preserving ! favor, for vests and Declared to Be Superior to coatees. Any Other Form. Costs Railroad $10,000,000. Washington. With the Supreme - Unlike many fruits, the strawberry Court's decision sustaining the Inter- changes yX its character completely state Commerce Commission's inter-mountai- when , . it is cooked. It neither gains rate order, the way is opened Ji nor loses; it simply becomes some- for shippers to recover sums esti- thing else almost the moment heat mated as great as $10,000,000 from touches It. Long vi J. 'a:v ' , cooking is, however, railroads, which have been charging detrimental to the flavor. It destroys the old rates while the case was be- that peculiar flavor which is imparted ing fought through the courts. Re- to the berry by heat This flavor, paration, if any, and the amount, will s which in a way is just as delicious as hajve to be decided by the commission x v $ 'ÍI of pre- ' . that the raw fruit, Bhould be in a separate action. Mill 'I T . ÍKÍ t ill I "" I served. Strawberries, too, will not only lose all flavor with long cooking, YEAR'S RECORD GOLD FIND. 1 but they will lose their shape as well. Si) V Three or five minutes of a boiling Discovery of Big Five at . Leadvllle. '..''.'...v. ívy-:- temperature will drive the heat into Runs from $50 to $200 a Ton. the berries thoroughly yet pre- if and Leadvllle, Colo. One of the best serve flavor im- their shape and that gold ore strikes made in Leadville this parted to them by the heat. year is reported from the Big Four To preserve raw the flavor of the mine, operated by the Big Five Mining strawberry, entirely differ- which is Company, of which Preston Gibson, ent from cooked fruit, Horse Barn Erected in 1912. that of the the Washington, D. C, is president. sunshine method of preserving must Details of the-- discovery, are lacking, In summer 1910 depart- be de- the of the enough to determine just how valu- followed. The origin of this but the find was made at a consider- ment of agriculture purchased a lightful by some to farm able the skins from such crosses will method is ascribed able depth. The ore body is said to of 475 acres Beltsville, Maryland, Southern declaring ; at be In this country. housekeepers, it be between three and four feet wide, which Is about twelve miles from the originated In Virginia, is a In connection with the two experi- where it eighteen inches of which will run $200 city of Washington, to be used for favorite process, tracing ments mentioned, about 100 head of and others per ton, while the balance will aver- experimental work In animal breeding - the to Europe. ewes are kept. A roomy and- conve- first use of the method age $50. and feeding, and related subjects. sun-cooke- d preserves are, niently arranged barn for housing The The Big Five company assumed About 190 acres of this are devoted com- however, difflcult prepare, and in sheep and goats has just been to charge of the Big Four the first of the to dairy interests, and the remainder many cases out question, especially pleted and will render it possible to of year. The mine Is one of the best (of which about 95 acres are timber in city apartments, is test methods of winter feeding of "hot- where sunshine known in the Leadville district and land) to other branches of animal hus- not gift. house" lambs and breeding ewes. Dur- a free has been producing for twenty years. bandry. ing summer months the sheep are car- Berries of the finest quality are On this farm many problems of ried upon a succession of forage crops placed on heated platters dredged RATES FOR BIG FAIR IN 1915. economic Importance to the public, with a view to determining the best with heated sugar and covered with and particularly to the agricultural plans heated glas3. platters of planting and grazing forage sheets of The Different Railroad Lines May Be Used public, are given much attention. The crops in eastern states. are placed in strong sunshine to stand to Panama-Pacifi- c Exposition.' farm. work is done largely by mares, For the past few years there has all day long. By evening the juice Percher-ons- , San Francisco. Round trip fares some of which are purebred been great interest In the milch goat, which surrounds the fruit is placed In points and the other grades. These which has often been hailed as the an enr.'eled pan on the fire and from. Eastern to San Francisco Panama-Pacifi- c exposition mares are bred to a Percheron stal- poor man's cow. Today, however, brought to the bubbling stage, thén for the in 191 5, as fixed by of lion, and therefore, not only earn their goats In this country which are' good immediately poured over the fruit the railroads the Lines Association living by the farm work they do, but milkers sell for as much as the aver- again. The fruit Is then put into Eastern Trunk have by exposition traf- in addition produce foals. In the sum- age dairy cow. On the continent of heated, sterilized jars or Jelly glasses. been announced the mer of 1913 the imported Percheron Europe, particularly Switzerland, Usually the sirup, if the familiar rule fic department. They New city, $94.30; stallion Isolant 65096 (78S59) was pur- breeds of goats which are heavy milk- of "pound per pound" is followed, will, are: York . Philadelphia, $92.95; Washington, D. chased by the department. He is a ers have been developed, but on ac- when cold, be sufficiently jellylike to C, $92.S0. The going returning large, black stallion, compact and well count of the prevalence Qf animal di- - permit the fruit to keep perfectly in and muscled, standing 17 hands in height jelly glasses, with only a paraffin cov trips may be made on different lines. and weighing more than a ton. ering. Care should be taken not to The fixing of these rates concludes During the fall of 1912, 20 weanling beyond the present special 1915 excursion re- pm the juice too long nor horse foals and 20 weanling mule foals "wj the boiling point, or it will be sirupy. ductions, the other chief- - ones already were purchased for the purpose of de- determined being Chicago, $02.50; Pittsburg, $81.20; Buffalo, $83.50; De- termining the comparative costs of DON'T FORGET raising these under farm conditions troit, $73.50; Cincinnati, $71.10. It is from the time of weaning until they announced that further reductions are .1 ft A added to the are old enough for work purposes. A i...' II little minced ham likely to be made later as conditions savory change. careful record Is being kept of all omelet makes a warrant. ' peppers are excellent costs, including that of breaking, and Small sweet potato salad. full credit will be given to the animals mixed with celery in a KODAKS Vegetables which grow under the and SUPPLIES for the amount of work done by them. Common Doe and Her Kid, Sired by Send un your Films for developing. Expert ground should be cooked with the It is expected that the test will be Toggenberg Buck. work only. The book of the Brownies free closed in 1916, when all of ani- lid on. , quet. Denver Photo Materials Co the seases in continental Europe their im- mals will be old enough for work pur- Breaded veal served with tomato (Enatmnn Kodak Co.) Denver, Colorado portation is prohibited. In order to de- poses. sauce and spaghetti makes a delicious termine the value of the milch goat There on the farm a flock of the dish. is blood in crossing on our native stock, METZ 22 Barbados woolless sheep. These sheep Clean nickel and silver pieces with a flock of common does was obtained, very prolific, commonly having ammonia applied with a flannel cloth. are : and these were bred to Saanen and and occasionally four lambs at Black stockings should be rinsed in three Toggenburg Milk were birth. They will also conceive at any bucks. records blue water to give them a good color. kept the does, such réc- time of the year. Barbados ewes are of native and Discolored gilt frames can be bright half-bre-d does, being graded up by the use of pure- ords will be kept of the ened if rubbed with a sponge dipped in : bred Southdown rams and selections in order to obtain a comparison. turpentine. A herd of hogs is maintained for are determined mainly by the prolifi- Try adding a little chopped parsley GEARLESS CAR the purpose of studying breeding and cacy and frequency of lambing, with a to the mashed potatoes; it gives them Cliddea Toar Winner view to producing good mutton confor- feeding problems. A modern, sanitary a delicious flavor. r reates t hill climber; SO miles on one ral. Ragollrie; equipped 10,000 miles on one set of tires. Metz and Carteresr mation with ability to breed early for house has been built, and DlHtrlbutorg for Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming winter lambs. The Barbados have for conducting this work. There are Aluminum Ware. THE COLORADO CARTEHCAH CO. Live Asenta Wanted. 1036 Bdwy., Denver also been crossed with Merinos. The also a number of small portable houses The attractive appearance, light great difference in the fleeces and with sufficient space for a sow and lit- weight and the durability of a good breeding habits of the Barbados and ter or two or three mature pigs. quality of aluminum have brought this the Southdown and Merino yields very At the farm house there is also a ware into public favor. It is claimed, LEY valuable material in the crossbreds laboratory for the study of breeding too, that food does not burn as easily INSTITUTE and their offspring for studying the questions. There are usually about in an aluminum utensil as in those of 1,000 guinea pigs on hand, represent- Cor. eighteenth ano Sts. manner of inheritance of wool and other ware. Aluminum, however, DENVER, COLO. breeding characteristics. ing 30 families. The effects of in- stains easily, thus its first good Another industry attracting consid- breeding are being studied as the re- appearance is somewhat hard to keep Alcohol and Drug Addictions cured by a scientific course of medication. erable attention is that of the produc- sults from such . investigations with up. Even water containing an alkali tion of Persian lamb skins, which are guinea pigs throw light upon princi- or Iron will tarnish it. This cornea The only place in Colorado where the the product of tho young of the Kara-kul- e ples that operate In larger animals. oft with whiting or any cleansing Genuine Keeley Remedies are administered or Arbl sheep which are native Results that suggest the existence powder that is free from alkali. Strong in small WALL TENTS to Russian Turkestan. The industry of laws of inheritance these lye cleansers must not be used upon 7x ft. wall, 10 or. . . t 6.1S country is in its infancy and animals can be tested out on larger 8x10-- 3 ft. wall, 10 oz. . . 8.40 in this It, and when it Is necessary to scrape 10x12-- ft. wall, 10 oi. ... 10.80 there is great need of more informa- animals. By using guinea pigs a great it the scraping should be done with 12x14-- ft. wall 10 oi. . . 14.66 saving in time Is effected. It is possi- THE BROOKS TENT A AWNING CO. tion regarding it. The department in a wooden spoon. A mild acid will also 1055 Arapahoe St., Denver, Col. its work at the farm is crossing a ble to secure three generations in a remove stains from it, such as tart Karakule ram on Cotswold, Leicester, year, thus showing the effects of any apples or sour milk boiled In the dish. Motorcycle Bargains frac- Used and rebuilt motorcycles. Cheviot and Lincoln ewes, and has special method of breeding in a Aluminum's one great fault Is that it We must sell. Guaranteed; also made crosses on' Barbados ewes. tion of the time needed with sheep oi shipped subject to inspection. will not stand excessive heat, eapeoial' 100 different machlnes.Send tor This work has not been carried far cattle and at much smaller expense. ly the poorer grades. list and catalog of the Big X. Thb Miad A uro Ctolk Co., 14Ui A Bdwy., Denver Western Distributors of ExoeUior Aatoerclea THE SPANISH AMERICAN.

The last application of the Néw Miss Owens and Miss Bentley Mexico "Libel Law" is made to both 5PERS0NAL andt former residents , of Rov the person of Elfego Baca, Editor came down from Dawson for the Restaurant of "La Opinion Publica''' for ex- 4th and LOCAL remained till Wednesday B 1 pressing his honest belief regard- visiting friends. Casa an c a ing the death of his uncle, Solo- Emilia Romero Josephine Pacheco mon Luna last year. Mrs. Rollin Cross, of Mills was Proprietors Young Farr and wife have de- His three editors were kept in was the guest of Mrs. Ethel Har cided to take their little daughter Jail a day or so by refusing them per Tuesday returning home Good Meals. 25 cts to coast bonds. The press of the State Wednesday. the until she recovers . We feed you well and treat you right from of is speaking in whispers mostly her attack Rheumatism Across from the Bank, regarding the Affair and Roy.N.M. from which she has been suffer- the Dem Satisfactory Settlement ocratic con- - ing. Miss Belle Van Horn has Press is especially - j. mi 1 a been caring f stjrvauve. rnis.aoes not mean jr her here. We are well that we don't al) know and appre pleased with the D .S. .Durrin, prompt and equitable adjust Mrs. Henry Stone returned to ciate the situation. Attorney at Law, ment of the losses sustained by her home at Koehler Monday. It is the same old Chestnut. U, S, Comn)issioner, us in the recent Fire in Roy, by Baca's enemies take up an utter- - Solano, New Mex. é. a . the Northern Assurance Associa FOR SALE OR LEASE:--3- anceof nis swear it means them, 20 tion, of London, England, for acre farm - good improvements. fand some more enemies to say which C. L. Justice is Local 70 acres good crop, good ey thinkit means them too and, BoLi-tholome- farm Agent in Roy. The policies held Dr. implements and team. Close to Prest. He is headed for the Pen- - Physician and Surgeon, by us in this Company have been school. 6 miles east of Rov on itentiary and a big fine the Mills, New Mexico. R. F. p. I. ' Address;- - The SantaFe New Mexican has iU)!yand prrpt,ypaid t0 er ,uu U1 ""Jir-uaouii- ana Mondays at B. W. Sturgis, ven enrpssinn tn kfcftaiw.?m, Roy. Owner. to our entire but it is a fight between Stand satisfaction. We Roy New Mexico. heartily Patters and Progressives and as recommend this com pany to our Pete and Dan Laumbach were we Sot ,n bad for quoting the friends. Goodman in town Monday. The latter was New Mexican, we will let it pass. Mercantile Co. F. H. , Are You Woman re-leas- e ? filing application for of " does seem to indicate a de a some 'sire to make of the School . land iu his use of the Nefarious Af precia! ion pasture. , ; Libel Statute beford common - decencyi applied by the next This is to call attention of the FOR SALE: Fmfi. thrpp ,par democrat Legislature eliminates Public to the prompt and - satis old. Holstein milk row with K and maybe some of its devo- factory settlement of our losses DÉ in the recent fire, covered by offer will take it. Address Rnx Mr" polices of insurance in the 197, Springer, N. M. 22 1 Steinbauch, the Mosquero ill mo pd Springfield The Woman's Tonic tnresnerman, was in town Tues Fire and Marine In su ranee Co. of Springfield Jake Kern arrived from his ie says he will thresh out his Mass acnusetts, of which W. H. home in Ohio Saturday to look own neighborhood before com- - Mr. ín Villcox is Local Agent. We after his interests in the Good- - "P this way this season. FOB SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS commend this company man Mercantile Co, and visit his to all in F4 need of insurance and appreciate many mends here. He is get Dick Boulware and son, the courteous treatment we have ting busy and helping along with were in town Thursday to meet a 60 YEARS - received from their Agents. toV: EXPERIENCED the work of the store in the same high class Dairy Cow which Dr. w É s VW Goodman Mercantile Co old way and seems glad to be Brady, of Dawson, sent down on .I. F. H. back. Itne FolJv to him and take - her Foster, out home. The "Aristocrat" of Not for Him to Rejoice. the Bovine clique came in a FOR SALE: Team good work- "You say you haven't anything to Trade Marks horses, two seated spring wagon special car and was received with be thankful for?" said the clergyman Designs due to one of his parishioners. "Why, 7ttH Copyrights Ac and harness. $80.00 ceremony at the stock yards. Anyone sending sketch and description ma) look 'at your neighbor, Hayes; he has quickly ascertain our opinion free whether at 24 L ilion is proDaoiy paténtame, comrounlc tf. A. R. Davis. Just lost wife by influenza.", lions strictly oonQdentfal. HANDBOOK on Patenti .his sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Miss Virginia Me dure came "Well," said the parishioner, "that raienis tasen tDrousn Munn a Co. recelTl don,t do piíaí notice, without charge, in the A new raditor has been pur- down from Mills to celebrate the me anv sood; I ain't Hayes." Ath on,) 4.u a uauas JN'ews. Scientific for Mrs. F. A. Roy's,nnA t American. chased car A handsomely Ulnstrated weekly. I.arsest clr We are told she has been ill culatlon of any scientific Journal. Terms, $31 and it is repaired and in commis- since. ; four months, $L Suid by all cewsdealers. Tnnmiifli PYnibmont! ' The Soul's Health. sion again. She- will a-w- ilDHN8Co.86,B""dNewYorl keep it A good conscience is to the soul BraMh Office. 625 F Bt. Washington. D. 0. from barbed wire fences in what heaich is to the body: it Dre- - future. ' , Miss Alice Jackson, came down serves a constant ease and serenity Of Gardens. from Mills for the 4th and was within us, and. more than countervails God Almighty planted a garden; and all the calamnities and afflictions fcideed It Is the purest of pleas For dressmaking, the guest of Mrs. that human embroidery Ethel Harper. can possibly befall us Addison. ," ures. It Is the greatest refreshment to or fancy needlework. See me in She is taking a real vacation this the spirit of man, without which build ings and palaces are but gross handi the Mrs. Mc Dowell residence, summer. Purely Figurative. work. In the royal ordering of gar- Roy, N. M. "Every man," says the bishop of dens there ought to be gardens for all 23-1- 2 London, "must be his own Columbus pd. Mrs. Ethel Harper, Little "Muggins" Brown came the months In the year, In which, and find the continent of truth." This severally, things qt beauty may be near being run over by the G.M is the first time we had beard that then in season. Mr. Galey, foreman of theT.E. Co; delivery team Wednesday. America called the continent of truth, p one Mitchell ranch at. Altwr tq0 i The vouner mules wpt-- havA t. and wonders where the present - J To Stain Black Walnut. , , fas&ion of flattery is going to end. .- - u J xvií.tu.uitj ai.bu uj riving some iancy Lnjw.luoUifec ttUU 11CI urumergraooea Punch. Black walnut may be stained to re- horses that made you look twice her from under their feet. A semble ebony by washing It two or ' three times with , a solution of sul- at them. . . slight bump on the forehead was 's 25,000,000 Horsepower phate of Iron. After the wood is thor- the only injury she received. Commander Regnanlt of the French oughly dry apply two or three coats of Farm For Sale- ;- 320 acres, of navy in an address to an association of a strong solution of logwood. Wipe civil engineers calculated that the with a wet sponge and polish with lin- Patented Land 9 miles East oi Mr. Long, of Kansas City, has ;,orce developed in the heart of a large seed oil. Roy, N. M. near Pleasant view oeen town cannon firing a 500 kilogram projectile in the past week. He with a School. For price etc. address-To- m muzzle velocity of 900 inches a is an old friend of Mrs. Ida Wat- second is equivalent to 25,000,000 Took No Chances. Pauley! Valeria, Tejas. height son and came with a view buy- horsepower. That of a field gun firing The of caution is Illustrated of by the Brooklyn man advt 85 t8. . a projectile weighing about seven kilo- who did not ing her Restaurant. marry grams witi a muzzle velocity of 500 until assured by his doctors Inches is 115,000 horsepower. that he had only one more day to live. THE SPANISH-AMERICA-

Fort Missoula to be in readiness in FOREIGN. THE WORLD IN case of trouble. .The Court of Claims has adjourned The Eari of Wemyss and March, the BpWÍPaíS'S'Oafí. fcf? 'yfft sifls,(0)wr for the summer after clearing the dock- "father" of the house of lords, died in ZZD of all cases ready argument. London. PARAGRAPHS et, for JT JJ á M IIJ m During the term 7,830 cases were dis- Edmond Payne, a comedian, well posed of. Of these, 6.84S were dis- known to English theatergoers, died Selected missed on the government's motion in London. He was born in 1865. , A BRIEF RECORD OF PASSING because of the failure to prosecute on Henry Willard Denison, legal ad- jr Olives th part of the claimants. The re- EVENTS IN THIS AND FOR- viser to the Japanese department of Every maining 982 were contested cases. one from Seville, long famed EIGN COUNTRIES. foreign affairs, is seriously 111 with m the home of the world's best obres. The agreement to withhold from paralysis in St. Luke's hospital in Only the pick of the crop U offered publication to the correspondence that Tokio. you under the Libby label. has taken place between United the Pope Pius at Rome received, in au- States government and Japan in re- IN LATE DISPATCHES dience 100 American midshipmen, Sweet, Sour Dill Pickles gard to treaty negotiations is said to and twenty-fiv- e officers and fifty sailors, apply only to the correspondence that, who are on the annual cruise of the Nature' finest, put up like the borne passed Aug. 26 in the has since last Annapolis Naval Academy. made kind end ell your trouble saved. DOINGS AND HAPPENINGS THAT course of an effort to settle the Cali- This extra quality is true of The tragedy at Sarajevo is bound to VPHMmmf MARK THE PROGRESS fornia alien land law issue by a new all Libby s Pickles end Con have a momentous political effect on fWerffsd ' treaty. diments and there is real OF THE AGE. the dual monarchy. The situation pro- Secretary Wilson announced, that he economy -- duced by the equally tragic death of . had referred to the solicitor of the la- in their use. Archduke Rudolph repeats n mil' n Western Newspaper Union News Servlca. itself. on bor department for investigation and Intht 1 1 WESTERN. report charges of unbecoming conduct The three mediators and the Amer- Libby', fl and neglect of duty pending against ican and Huerta delegates held a final Libby, Construction work on the athletic Frank H. Ainsworth, Immigration in- session at Niagara Falls Wednes- day and then adjourned M?Neill & field of the Panama-Pacifi- c exposition spector stationed at San Francisco, "subject to fell Libbv has been started. with counter charges filed by Ains- call." When the call will come, none ,ii Chicago of them knows.. ' The Intermountain Good Roada As- worth against other officials of the w sociation convention will be held at service. Preparations were made at St 21-2- Johns, N. F., for work of assem- Butte, Mont., July 3. Admiral Dewey on the bridge of the the bling the hydroaeroplane America, in F.'D. Coburn, for twenty years sec- Olympia, his flagship at the battle of which Lieut. John Cyril Porte, a retary of Kansas Board of Manila bay, and Rear Admiral C. E. Throw Away the State former British naval officer, hopes to your complexion Agriculture, and widely known Clarke on the battleship Oregon, troubles with your cross the Atlantic. powder puff - throughout the country as a crop au- which he brought around Cape Horn no need of either thority, has retired from public serv- and fought through the battle of Santi- The future of the Mexican revolu- when you use pure, harmless ice. ago are headliners in the navy's plans tion, probably of Mexico itself, hinges on a conference to be held between Josh M. Brown, twice governor of for the Panama Pacific exposition at Paco delegates appointed by Gen. Venus-tian- o Georgia, formally announced his can- San Francisco. Carranza and Gen. Francisco Pomade didacy for the United States Senate to After days of parliamentary wrang- "The ALL DAY BEAUTY POWDER" Villa for the settlement of their per- Senator Smith. Sena- ling both Houses of Congress agreed At by succeed Hoke sonal differences and the policies to all dealers or mail 50c. expires March 3, to appropriate for automobiles for tor Smith's term be pursued by the Constitutionalists. Zona Co., Wichita, Kansas. 1915. Vice President Marshall and Speaker . Each will have a car costing Three thousand bags of corn ar- GENERAL. DAISY FLY KILLER ? 2TKS rived at Seattle from Japan, consigned $4,500. Mas. Neat, clean, or. namental.conTenlent to a milling company. .The price of After a conference with Secretary While seated in a chair in the office cheap. Lasts all grain is the Itiioi, Mad of the landed in Seattle Bryan, President Wilson authorized of Dr. Edward Carman, a Freeport, N. metal, can't spill or tip same as that of corn from the Mid- the statement that the Mexican situa- Y., physician, Mrs. Louise Bailey, wife over; will not loll or I Djure anything, dle Btates, and the quality is high. tion was as favorable as it may be un- of William D. Bailey, a Brooklyn (guaranteed effectWa. Further importations are expected. Mexican get together, All dealers orteent til the factions manufacturer, was shot and instantly '..agjstg..,,, M express paid for tl.M. Warrants for the arrest of those Further, the President refused to dis- killed. v , HAROLD 80MEKB. IBS Dtialb At., Brook rya. H. T. 4-- implicated in the raiding of the Butte, cuss the Mexican situation. While the figures in the 1913 report Mont., headquarters of the Western Archibald Thomas, a leper, confined of the Court of Special Sessions indi- SPECIAL TO WOMEN Federation of Miners and the blowing at leper colony at Panikes Island, cate an increase In crime in New York the The most economical, cleansing and and robbing of the miners' union safe, near New Bedford, Mass., will receive city of forty-fiv- e per cent over 1912, germicidal of antiseptics after stealing the powder from the a license from the Navy Department Frank W. Smith, chief clerk, sounds a all is Stewart mine, were issued by the as arj amateur w'ireless operator, different note, especially as the re- county attorney's office. should he prove himself competent, port has to do with children. The shot that wounded six persons and it is said, there is no doubt he New York city lost $40,000,000 seated on the observation platform of will. through deaths of babies under one an eastbound Burlington train near year of age, says Garrett Smith, sec- A soluble Antiseptic Powder to-b- e liberty, Mo., was an "honor salute" SPORT. retary of the baby week' committee. dissolved in water as needed. fired for the women on the platform, This figure, obtained by deducting the As a medicinal antiseptic for douches according to Fred Scudiero, twenty-fou- r Standing of Western League Club. cost of rearing a baby from aver- Clubs Won. Lost. Pet the in treating catarrh, inflammation or years old, who admitted at Kan- 27 .607 age earnings of an adult, was made by Denver ...42 ulceration of nose, throat, and that sas City that he fired the shot. St. Joseph 39 30 .565 the observation committee, which Sioux City ..39 31 .657 caused by feminine ills it has no equal. ' places average Gov. John K. Tenner of Pennsyl- Lincoln 38 32 .549 the value of a baby at For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham1 execu- Des Moines ,..37 33" .529 $2,900. vania sent a telegram from the Omaha 31 38 .449 Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtine tive offices in Harrisburg to a temp- Wichita 29 44 . .405 A law whjch has existed since 1721, in their private correspondence witft. Topeka . .25 41 .379 orary station on the grounds of the fifty-fiv- e yearB before the Decelara-tib- n women, which proves its superiority. Panama-Pacifi- c exposition at San Herr Landmann, an aviator, Ber- of Independence was signed, was Women who have been cured say inaugurated at Francisco and thus p invoked by police department of weight lin finished a non-sto- flight of twenty-- the it is "worth its in gold." At ground-breakin- g exercises for the Philadelphia druggists. 50c. large one hours forty-tw- o minutes. It is to insure a safe and sane box, or by mail. building in which Pennsylvania state claimed this constitutes a world's rec- Fourth of July. The ancient ordi- The Paxton Toilet Co Boston. Mass. , exposition officials hope to see housed ord. nance forbids the sale or use of squibs, Librty bell. . rockets and other a LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED the Winston Spencer Churchill, first fireworks without special license from the governor, and by Cutter' Blackleg Pill. d, lord of the admiralty, has yielded to BUCK fresh, reliable; preferred by WASHINGTON. is still in force. western stockmen because they .re the repeated appeals of his wife and ap m teet where other vaeeinei till. 1 Km m Write for booklet and testimonial. Surgeon General Blue of the public has resolved to make no more aero- At Sagamore Beach, Mass., the race I a pkgs. Blackleg Pills $1.00 year. PI pkot. Blaokleg Pills 4.00 health service will go to New Orleans plane flights this problem in America, with special ref- TJse any Injector, but Cutter's best. The superiority of Cutter products la due to over IS to take' charge of the campaign Freddie Welsh, the British light- erence to the negro, the Asiatic and years of specializing in vaccines and strums anly, plague. weight champion, training Insist en Cutter's. If unobtainable,- - order direct against bubonic who is hard the Jew," is the general topic set for THE CUTTER LABORATORY, Berkeley, California, It is expected that Mrs. Woodrow for his coming fight with Willie discussion at the eighth annual ses- Wilson will leave the White House Ritchie, has just received a demand sion of the Sagamore sociological con- soon for Cornish, N. H., for a summer for $1,500 income tax on an income of ference. FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS If you feel 'out of sorts' 'rum down1 oot the blues' vacation. The President hopes to be $22,500. suffer from kidney, bladder, nervous diseases. When he was called on to decide CHRONIC WEAKNESS, ULCERS, SKIN ERUPTIONS, PILES, able to accompany her. Leford, Gerds and Abe Slupskey write for FREE cloth bound, medical booe oh whether he would remain a widower these diseases and wonderful There appears to be considerable were the winning public choices at No.1No2NoÍ and thereby enjoy a fortune of $600,-00- 0 joy in the Postoffice Department over Overland park Wednesday. Leford remarry THERAPIOW the fact that since July 1 money or- was a little better than even; Gerds or and be compelled to tbe remedy for your own ailment. Absolutely FREE. money, No 'follow up' circulars. No obligations. ders are payable at any postal money 3 to 2, and Abe Slupskey 3 to 2. It renounce the Frank Palmer Usd. Co., Bavkrstock Rd.. Hampstead, London. Khq, wa want to provb thbbapiom will, cubb too. order office in the country. was a day of long shots. The wise Speare, director of the Boston Y. M. C. A., chose the latter course. President Wilson signed the naval money went right, most of the time, OooWq of to1 PaPer desiring to buy appropriation bill providing for the but in such small piking drabs that After less than twenty-fou- r hours of anything advertised in its col- construction of three additional dread-naught- s the price on the winning horses quiescence, Lassen peak, near Red umns should insiát upon having what they for the United , States navy soared skyward. Lukemaw, second Bluff, Cal., burst forth in a stupend- ask for.ref using all substitutes or imitations permitting the sale of the battle- choice in the opening event, proved and ous eruption the fourteenth in the ships Mississippi and Idaho to that he is a stayer, by sticking all E, BURTON A83AYER ANO series that began May 30. No flames HOWARD .CHEMIST Greece. through a long stretch drive to win Cnonlman nr find. S VflP. LPflfl. : liOlQ. were seen, but .the vast plume of Ml' President Wilson will take no action over Skinny B., public choice, by a few Silver, 75c; Gold, 50c; ZlncorCopper,$l. Mailing blackened steam from the envelopes and full price list Bent on application. in the strike situation at Butte, Mont., points. Miss Clark won the third race. crater Silver "blossom" Stick Pins (pure silver), price pending further developments. Fed- She ran loose', only a few piking bets waved a mile high in the sky and vol- $1.50. Leadvllle, Colo. Itei. Carbonate Nat. Bank. eral troops will not be moved for the being placed on her, 16 to win in the canic ash fell at Macomber Flats, Watson B.Coleman,'Wash present from Vancouver barracks to $2 mutuels and three in the $5, thirteen miles distant, lngton.D.O. Books free. High- PATENTS est referenot fm rmltfc SPANISH-AMERICA- THE N.

2SZSZS2SScL5H5ZSZ525Z525Z2Z52SES Frank Pugh writes from Mc-Ghe- e, S. R. C rouse and U. L. Swaim Tennessee to ask that his have got in bad over leasing Ed S-- be sent there in future. Cantrell's claim. Both parties LIBERTY LO CAL NEWS His baby died from Spinal Men- claim to have leased the land and ingitis before hisarrival. Frank it is now up to the court to de- will remain in Tennessee till cide between them. It is too fall; bad that two good fellows can't Pleasant days after the rairl Mrs. J. G. Valarde, and three get together and adjust such and crops are growing rapidly. children, of Denver, arrived here matters themselves but some Jeff Moore, the Homesteader-blacksmit- h Mr. Several from here celebrated at! Tuesday to visit her parents. of way they can't always do it. Mills was in Rov Koy and all and Mrs. Allejandro Gonzales. report a good , time Saturday and called to pay a although They are next door neighbors car- there was plenty of years subscription to the S-- Jess Davenport has been Branch family in mud. to the Pablo and say some kind words regard-ou- r rying the mail with a team this and bring greetings to Denver policy and the paper gener- wee instead of with the "Ford"! The Stork visited J. W. Now, their many friends here. They made road so ally. He also ordered the paper The rain has the lids and left a fine girl, has been Hotel S tVia fVift I were guests at the Bruce nl.iino tVnf toctn iek sent to his mother back in UJUaU 111 J'AnvCa uuav mv vmuu vuw properly christined Anna Bertha until their folks came for them. safer if slower means of travel, Liberty Union Sunday School F. C. Hutchinson, of Oregon, t is progressing nicely under the will able arrived in Iioy Sunday and management of Mr. Wood- - climate to recuperate ard as Superintendant try this Home-Tale- and Mrs. his health for a few weeks. nt Play Woodard as Secretary. The Protracted Now is the time to save .sam- meeting that has Deenin progress ples of our crops for the fair The Man From here, conducted J by Rev. this fall. Put away the wheat White of Arkansas has been a success and other early crops you want to in every respect with several exhibit before they get too ripe. additions to the BORNEO church. Work was commenced Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. L Kirby of near day morning clearing away the Roy attended churrh "here Sun-da- y, getting ready to re- rubbish and CAST taking dinner Whiting's business and spending build Mrs. the afternoon at Newly-Wed- s the Nowlin room on the site of the Palace Tne Waning Honeymoon home. Bar. Harry Woodward has the Edgar Floersheim and Helen Alídredge,' contract for the Foundations and Geo. and Cas. Jackson have , Quarrelsome Lovers Reconciliation wails which are to be of Cencrete been having a very exciting chase Carlos Branch and Lillian Griner blocks. It is to be a better build- after two of their horses that ing than has been the rule ran away. They found The Invisible Aunt Behind Scenes them in the big Mitchel Pasture with a Peter, with the long yawn Al. Hanson herd of wild bronchos. They The School Board had a meet- were compelled to corral the Borneo B. Binns, of Ban jermassin, Borneo. ing Tuesday evening and decided whole herd in order to catch their Irvin Ogden Sr. to go ahead with the enlarging of horses. Building. Hnrr.v the School The Wild Man From Borneo, Claude A, Armor. Woodward was awarded the con- Owing to ill health I will tract of making the; Concrete sell the Roy Café with the Blocks and Win. Scott will be entire including Kitchen employed to superintend the and Dining Room furniture construction work on the build- Popular Songs Between Acts and two furnished rooms. This is the ing. The Board believe they best equipped Restaurant in Rov can complete the building as Frank L Schultz. and has always enjoyed a liberaf planned for the amount called patronage. Prices and terms in the Bond Issue. for made known on application. Lia E. Watson, Proprietress. Earl Trible is home from Nor Admission mal atTucumcari and is busy with AVuLs, 25c. C ildren 15; his crops the weeds are getting No Reserved Seals FOR SALe: Span of work after his Soudan Grass and he horses, seven and eight years has declared war of extermina- Auspices, Roy Ball Team, old, weight 1,000 lbs. each, tion against themv His Alfalfa Guaranteed sound, gentle, and is nearly a foot high and growing true to pull one of the best teams

- Jike weeds in spite of the exces- I.O.O.F. on the mesa.- Also good steel-tire- d sive rain and he is planning to Opera House, wagon. plant a lot more as soon as he gets See them and eet Drice at mv his rve harvested. We don't see home one and a half miles north just how a fellow with so much .oy, N, M, of Mills, N. M. Virginia work afield can get time : to cook Mc Clure. then, of his own meals but 22 T6, Pd. course, that's his business. Friday Evening, Hen Sandin came in from Okla Nelepinskicame down from Leo homa with a car of farm Machin- the Fourth and to Dawson for ery this week and unloaded it at some business matters attend to 10 Mills. He brought a header to to homestead. He relative his cut his wheat here with after fin us "Tommy" has a position s tells ishing there. He will return to at the big ven- as night engineer thresh his Oklahoma crop and at the Dawson mines Mrs. Freda Jones and baby tilating fan T. E. Mitchell was in town market it and return to do the gets a good salary on a job he came up from Tucumcari Satur- and this week business. He is es- same for his crop here nicely. We a re pleas- day to visit the maternal Leach can handle pecially busy now with his ranch He and Miss Phidelia Sears note his success.. home and attend the ed to interests. were in Roy Wednesday. SPANISH-AMERICA- THE N.

and attached to a plain foundation DAINTY LITTLE DRESS skirt underneath. This may, be ol . strong net or of chln& silk or mous-sellne- ' V PARTICULARLY DESIGNED FOR The bodice will need a net inner chiffon over-par- t was cut WOMEN OF SLENDER FIGURE. waist. The with short kimona sleeves finished with a frill of chiffon, and the open neck, too, had a finishing frill. Nothlna Better In 8ummer Evening The girdle was rather broad and Frocks Has Been Offered Than topped by an upstanding ruffle of the This Typically French Confec skirt material. It tied at one side i tion Described. with a long end and loop caught un- Dark Parks and Bashful , Lovers Spoon der a natural-lookin- g rose. , If you are slender and rather tall The Bame dress would be delightful lovely you can wear the dress of the sketch in taffeta and chiffon of that Vtt ASHINQTON. At times Harry will be found with his head in Minnie's suggests might and know that it was designed for cream shade that it smoothing his damp brow and fanning him. Again, at- with rinnie your particular type, but if you ar-e- have lain for years in some old 'Ian.Frank and Florence mav be more ardent, or the night may be cooler, and he be of well, if you are not, it will certainly tic chest, and the girdle could will have his atronar arm pressed pro-- a never do. It was worn oy a young turquoise blue velvet caught with teotinglv around her shoulders. In gauze rose, while the small her woman to whom it was not at all silver this arrangement Flo always rests in the skirt could be made clean suited at a recent private dance, but bowknots slightly tinted cheek on Frank's very narrow silver gauze ribbon. Frank the dress itself was so altogether of shirt lust below the collar. taffeta, in one of the when dainty and youthful that I am Bending Again, flowered then has a blush coming to him patterns, will make an happened to home a sketch in case any one wishes small wreath the boys ask him what charming variation. hia shirt. Positions without number to copy it for a lovely summer eve other You will probably be able to guess may be assumed by these spooning ning frock, writes Lillian E. Young in from designs such as this that fuller couüles. Borne even preferring to walk a letter from Paris to the Washington on way. along the shaded Daths with their Star, skirts are really the hands tightly clásüed or their arms These many ruffled skirts are ex ivy across each other'8 tremely modish just now, and are twined like WAIST. SHOULD BE NORMAL Vi d rwo A irt f ca f riT rannrtpri discovered a becoming to the type that suit, DUVUIUCImil Di XA. IU1fnrfiiTiatflkUUUVrO A tractVW IiíqmvVI umwioa iv-v.v- that" - ha has most' Sally. weighing nearly 210 Archer, size, two and six-eighth- for, naturally, the design lends full couDle. and Always One of the whirh invnrlnhlv assiittipr the nosition of nana tn a slight figure and cuts the Correct Corseting Important Aids to Health Taken as a whole this class of spooners is an interesting one for the height as well Most and Beauty. curiously inclined. We have them, and the police have not rid us of them, In this Instance dawn-pin- k chiffon why zoological or anthropological point of view? throughout, though if some so not study them from a was used which SDecimens mieht even be secured and mounted A new fad! Let's start it thing a little more substantial íb pre At the root of the ills to incorrect cor Oh vea. stranger, those wide. cool, open green squares and triangles ferred the skirt may be of taffeta, and feminine flesh is heir is Tn lacing. are ínhahltert hrniul rtavllght we see bodice of chiffon to match. The seting and tight These the synonymous terms. One nurses and tiny children enjoying the protecting shade, but at night ah at little bow knots set at the top of each by no means incorrectly yet loosely cor night we do not see the denizens or tne pars, wno are enjoying me pruuctir flounce down the left side of the skirt may be ing darkness. How do we knew there Is any one there? We fall over them. seted. Today it is the exceptional tightly Pan rma vcmtnrn i tft T.nfnvptto - or- narkmr or Lincoln woman who her corset so WbU UUJonv SU W T W (uwv Rnuare laces park or any dark place provided with benches these summer evenings with that her figure assumes an unnatural out feeling the presence or these amorous mortals i contour. Ten years ago many women - did. This improvement is to somw ' decree to the credit of the wearers Says Capital Policemen Always Have Manners ' of corsets, but to a still greater degree it Is to the credit of corset manutac- - tffF COURSE, Pittsburgh may need a school of manners for her police-- U tnrftra and the mandates of fashion. men as she does for some of her millionaires. Washington policemen Women who have just regard for their have. their manners before they get on the force." health and beauty realize that tne MaJ. Richard Sylvester smiled normal waist measurement is an im grimly as he read the dispatch from portant adjunct thereto. This is the Smoky city reciting the frantic at- proved by the fact that all ready-maa- e tempts being made to civilize the po- garments are two inches larger around lice. Director of Public Safety C. S. the waist than they were two years Hubbard, the report said, Is going to ago, which means that most women have classes where young cops will who used to wear a 22 corset now- - learn to be kind to dumb drinkers and wear a 24, and so on through the dif automobilists. ardent ferent sizes. . "How about a course like that Leading Dhvsicians all admit that ere?" was suggested to the major. women require support for the abdo policemen to cut out the rough "Teach men. Support is entirely different work with burglars and thugs and al- from suppression. If the abdomen is ways speak gently to second-stor- y workers." suppressed, a lot of trouble Is brought sign of which Is constipa- "If we Washington policemen," said he, "were In the habit Of on, the first colon cannot function prop 1H?ona this town wnnlrt ho In n fnrnrfl InRlda of twentV-foU- T hOUTS. tion. The upon the colon About every third person in Washington is a diplomatic attache or a public erly. More depends than most people are aware of, even "Can you Imagine what would happen in this city If the police force aoma nhvBlclans. The direct results developed the habit of clubbing military attaches and chiefs of government of restricting the action of the colon dyspep- Dureaus r are weakness, insomnia and Thn Interviewer Dassed the buck sia; the indirect results are too nu "You see," continued the major, "policemen in Washington have civility merous to mention and would be su preached them before they get on the force. I believe .that Washington perfluous, because the prevailing nnKnAman Viava mnro tart thnn tho Tinllro of nnvi other rltv in th countrv. styles in corsets conform in a great If they use too much force get too free with their clubs they quickly ap-- degree to nature s demands. pear Dexore me mai Doara. The wise nhysician raises his voice not againBt the use but the abuse of which supports Little Boy Met "Man the corset. A corset When the oft Importance" the abdomen will never be condemned by those who are conversant with the MAV I mnnrtonpA vnn rttn fllwnva ennf Mm Ma w fiivnr.v mascu- rfSK lilt V j vtm u " muí hv "Ir n mm structure of the human body, AiUAil White House neighborhood with his Btately, tread when a small line or feminine. More men wear bov BtoDned him. He was such a tiny boy as to still be wearing white kilts abdominal belts than is dreamed of by and a shiny red belt, ana he taisea the public. Some of the most ad- with a baby lisp. In his outstretched state that women . vanced scientists sparrow. hand lav a dead can wear corsets now which conform .". child said "Make him kc The to the latest fashion without sacri- the Important it as Imperatively as if ficing their health. Harriet Edward? man were own daddy "I his 7ery Fayes, in Woman's World. picked him up and he won't g-o- Make him fly far. Dainty Aprons. To be requested to make an ex--. On dainty aprons it is well to sew ceedlngly dead bird fly is too much to wore in azure-blu-e velvet ribbon, and On regulation bind ask of any man of importance. a delightfully quaint touch to the beading instead of the " lent beading should "Throw that thing back in the costume. The sleeves were similarly ing and strings. This street How do you suppose I can be about an Inch In width, ana wasn trimmed. through This make it fly?" said the "Man of Importance." Don't get the idea that such a skirt rlhbon should be run it. lrpv " string's, and at the "TOIna him tin Wlf ft is hard to make. It isn't but it will ribbon serves for fnrtTinata man whose overlmüortance had hindered arrange same time lends to the beauty of the require some time and care to ... i i I wound-u- p toys, for he De suppeu uui him from an acquaintance with little children and th flnnncfia evenly. They are simply apron. The rlDDon can his stately treading. soiled. It can then merely flung the proposition aside and resumed atraleht strips of the material when the apron is would have been ashamed of himself if he had up and And perhaps again he (doubled if of chiffon, but single in be pressed out, freshened th Mnv kid with the bird In his outstretched palm. apron has returned tiiffntA about six to seven lncnes when the bewildered hurt at doubtless the first rebuff he had a visit to the tub. and on hia face the deep and evenly gathered at the ton snow white from ever received in all the four years or ms me. becauee of these dangers cold Is de- al motive to fulfil her ends. In other pended on to keep foods In fit condi words, humanity must react according ICED TEA FOR SULTRY DAYS tion la the average home. Cold does to each individual nature and Its en- not Hot-Weath- I Fundamental kill, bacteria, but it does Inhibit vironment. Because of this fact puni No Better er Beverage Than J or check their rapid growth, and in tive laws have never been deterrent, This Preparation Has Ever this fact we find the need of and the never can be deterrent. In our ig Been Devised. ; reason for public ice fund subscrip- norance we establish laws running against Principles of tions in the battle disease counter to natural law and thereby There is probably no drink more re- I among the poor in our cities. But it make "criminals." Because of, this freshing and none that can be mor must be carefully noted, however, that fact society has been forced again and ftttractlvely served than iced tea. It Ice can be, at best, but little superior again either to remove the cause or to can be made before it is needed and m puruy 10 tne water from which It amend or repeal the law and legalize kept on' hand, always chilled, in the is made, and therefore ice Is itself the crime. Ice box, or it can be made at a mo- factor of enormous importance in the But we can neither amend nor re- ment's notice, provided there is plenty development and spread of disease. peal natural law nor by of ice, plenty of fresh boiling water As increasing intelligence opens resolution nul our lify the effect of a given action; and, md the right sort of tea on hand. A" 1 A" minds to a comprehension of the By ALBERT S. GRAY, M. D. f W x as each act has a positive and inevit- There are two methods of making '7 cause underlying ill health, particu able result, irrevocable and extending Iced tea and both' have their expon- larly of the gastric disturbances 6 of to the end, either we must adapt our ents. One says to put cracked Ice childhood, we learn that most of , our selves to the new conditions or suffer In a glass and then put in a slice or (Copyright, 1914, by A. S. Gray) ills are due either to insufficient or in consequence. If we are so of lemon and, sweetness is liked, a Daaiy prepared and elastic and BRIGHT'S DISEASE. unclean food adaptable we lufflcient number of lumps of sugar. rather than to any "react" and continue to excess In food enjoy good Then make tea, strong, with values or quantity. health, but if rigid and rather Last year approximately 100,000 unadaptable freshly boiling water. After the water very prevalent we suffer disease and pre Americans died from Bright's and ine "summer com mature has stood on the ground for four or plaints" and other digestive extinction. other diseases of the kidneys. troubles five minutes pour tea on the Ice. of We do not break natural laws; they the Had a railroad wreck or a Titanic childhood and of humanity in gen A. break us if we are 6tupid enough to safeguard against broken glasses disaster killed one-hundred-th this num- eral are traceable directly to a com try to Is to put a spoon In each glass. The ber the world would gasp In horror mon cause filth. High infant mor run counter to them. Therefore. logic epoon serves as a conductor of heat and the newspapers of country tality goes hand In hand with filth. the of the situation should drive the The other method for making iced would be to special Food may be easily contaminated by us diligently to familiarize ourselves taxed issue tea is more economical, for, according editions In sufficient number to meet washing dishes and other containers with the fundamental laws of the uni to It the tea Is made and poured Into the public demand for information on with polluted water, and fresh vege verse of which we are an integral part, we may in harmony ft big bottle, fruit jar or covered Jug the subject, and senatorial or con- tables, such as are eaten raw, are open that live there fulfil or pitcher, when it is sufficiently gressional committees would be ap-- to the same danger frcm the use of with and our destiny, whatever strong and Btood in the Ice box Pointed to investlrat th ransa and Impure water on them. Dirty hands it may be. then until it is thoroughly chilled. Slices of formulate laws for prevention of and tne Seneral ignorant indifference the lemon and sugar can be added before like disasters in the PT m08e nancmng and preparing food In short, good health does not come future. or after Is served, and a litue But because we materials; partly decomposed fruit, out of bottles nor law abiding citi it are used to It and deli-clousne- ss chopped ice adds not only to the because they are snuffed out only a vegetables and meat; flies on the but zens out of cells. Both are matters of but also to the sound of the few at a time we ignore this appalling ter, on the bread and in the milk, di physical balance, the product of intel tea and nothing is more suggestive sacrifice of 100,000 human lives and rect from, the stable or gutter; dust ligent breeding and of training begin of refreshment when the mercury Is take it as a matter of course. And from the street composed of finely ning not later than the cradle period. climbing then sound of tinkling Ice the absurdity of position is ground horse manure all contribute Even morality, concerning which we the this the and glass. more startling when we know that their quota of filth, and It is this ele are hearing so much under the cap fully 60 per cent of these deaths, or ment of things too small to be seen tions "social evil" or "white slavery," 60,000 could be prevented or at least that is allowed to accumulate on the is not a matter of wage, but of charac BEST WAY OF DOING THINGS postponed for many years with greater surface of foods, rather than the foods ter, and therefore absolutely the result ease and certainty than a Titanic dis themselves, that is the cause of many of training. Trio of Useful Aids to Good House aster can be prevented. of our troubles immediate and remote In the final analysis civilization Is wifery and Preservation of a Tran- uur siupiany Becomes still more Undoubtedly in the near future it nothing more than the development of quil State of Mind. amazing in the face of the fact that will be conclusively demonstrated that Inhibitory centers enabling us to curb deaths from these diseases are stead Bright's disease and the degenerative and subdue the remains of our jungle To make candles last double the ily increasing at an enormous rate. In diseases of the kidneys, heart, arteries nature always very near to the sur usual time, take each candle by the the vital statistics registration area, and brain in general, including apo face even in the best of us. But so wick and give it a good coat of white now covering approximately 60 per plexy, now assumed to be caused by ciety deliberately breeds disease and varnish. Put the candles away a day cent of our population, deaths from deranged metabolism, the diseases crime, then coddles the one and pun or two to let them harden. The var kidney diseases have increased 72 per now responsible for our heaviest and ishes the other, and all the time per nish prevents the grease from running cent in 20 years and 23 per cent in a steadily increasing economic loss by mits both to breed more incompetents. down and so prolongs the life of the last ten years. In the city of Chicago reason of the drain on the matured Science has demonstrated that good candle. the increase has been 47 per cent in lives of the nation, originate In the health and freedom from crime may To remove scorch marks on linen the last ten years. "mild infections," those "insignificant be purchased by intelligent co-ope- (unless they are very bad) cut an Bright's and the allied diseases are dysenteries" arising from carelessness tion and the expenditure of money for onion in half and rub the 'scorched clearly diseases of civilization; they in the matter of personal hygiene and the benefit of men en masse. And the part with it; then soak in cold water. advance together. They are the dis the saturating of , the system with day will undoubtedly come when ill The marks will soon disappear under eases of highly seasoned food, or drink, toxins from long continued ingestion health will be considered a greater this treatment if they can be reme- of indolent habits of body and mind, of toxic elements In dilute polluted disgrace than to be imprisoned, be- died at all. and of mental "strain," commonly water and food matter In general cause the latter is only the result of To clean light colored or drab cloth spats or gaiters shoetopB, peel called worry. breaking man-mad- e laws, while ill and and some potatoes, The 1910 census gave the United THE CURE IDEA. health is the result of transgressing wash then grate them Into a basin, and while quite ap- States a population increase of 21 per nature's law, for which there can be wet ply to the surface of the gaiters and cent in the ten-ye-ar period between Four thousand years of human his' no excuse among intelligent people shoetops. in the open to dry 1900 and 1910 and showed the, rural tory demonstrate the utter futility of When that day does dawn there will Put air and then brush the grated potato off population to number 54 per cent and curative medicine in disease or of be no. more prisons, for they will have with a clean brush. the urban population 46 per cent of punitive remedies for the cure of passed with the thumbscrew, the rack To the whole. crime. On the other hand, the marvel and the stake. In place of jails, re mend a coal scuttle that has holes In the bottom take a piece of Within this ten-ye- ar period the rural ous results following the practical ap formatories and penitentiaries, what cork lino or linoleum and cut as near population increased only 11 per plication of theories evolved from we need are more organized nurseries cent as possible to shape while the urban population modern scientific investigation must and training schools for children, more the and size of Increased the bottom of the scuttle; then scrape 34 per cent and this very material convince the most skeptical that only hospitals and training institutions for the bottom of the scuttle until it la change in the ratio between the pro- along rational lines of prevention can the adult. quite clean. Next apply a moderate ! ducers and the consumers of the steadily rising tide of disease and the neces amount of glue, and also put some on sities of life must become powerful crime be successfully combated. we to a Meantime have meet the de the piece of linoleum. Place the Uno factor in health of our people There are no accidents in world the for this mands of today: First, relief to the or linoleum In the bottom of the coal two reasons; first", Every happening Is the inevitable because of the re sufferers from our past blindness and sduttle, fill up with coal and allow to change proximity to sult of a specific cause acting - In food supplies. accord folly and most of them can be re- stand a few hours. It will then be Less food being ing to fresh is consumed by definite and immutable law, ieved. Second, to teach the injustice firmly set, and the scuttle will last the increasing numbers flowing Into what we term "accidents", being a of passing limitations along to future quite a long time, "as good as new." our cities, and it is a self evident fact happening unexpected only because of generations. that the longer food is held greater our ignorance con- the ofthe fundamental Ginger Creams. is the danger of contamination. Sec- ditions and law. As heat and cold are Golfer's Prayer. To one package of cream ond, the increase in the ratio of con- one and the same, varying only in de- cheese add Give me a day of clear sunshine a dozen finely sumer to producer of the necessities of gree, so accident, disease and crime seeded and chopped and crisp wind, a turf that springs table raisins. Take enough life means a perfectly logical increase are only varying results from a com- sirup Ike velvet beneath the feet, and a from preserved ginger to in the cost of the production, hence an mon cause Instability, a lack of har- make with green that plays fair with a rolling one tablespoonful of whipped inevitable increase in the cost of liv- mony in existing conditions. cream ball. Grant that my brasseyv may clip a spreading paste; one branch ing and the worries incident thereto. Accident and disease are the of the result the ball clean from a fair lie and that ginger may be added if chopped or The Bubject of the preservation and of transgressions of natural law; my niblick may not fail me in the ground very fine. Spread on rye transportation of food is of vast im- crime is the result of breaking man- - hour of need. Help me to pitch my bread and cut Into rounds. portance and is now receiving the at- made law. All three are very largely approach shots fair to the green and tention of the federal and state au- matters of geography, for reason the ay my long puts dead to the hole. Pftieapple Ice. thorities, but it Is a subject on which that what will result In one or the Above all give me strength of will to Peel and slice a pineapple and re the individual citizen must, seek en- - other in one country or state will not my eye keep on the ball and my tem- move the hard center;, chop fine, and lightenment if we are to make any produce a like result in another per under a firm check. Then will nty bruise the pulp in a mortar, adding a progress towards a happier humanity. place. partner bless and praise my name little lemon Juice, a pint of water, and , We are fairly well informed through Either unknowingly or In of spite nor will. I find that all the eight tablespoonfuls of sugar. Mix all the daily press as to' the dangers of ourselves, and whether we like It or matches have been made up the day together, pounding well, then strain chemical preservatives in foods, and not, nature leads us by purely person before, Outing. and freeze. ISH-AMERICA- THE HPAH !'. . Business Cards 0 301 3SB (II Everbody Reads Dr. S. Locke, D. D.S. of THE JOURNAL Tucumcari Hospital Modero Equipmeut, O Why? Because it Prints Largest X-Ba- y Coil in N. M Today's News Today Graduate Nurses. Doughty, and Lots of it. And be- Drs. Noble & cause it is independent TUCUMCARI, : : N. M in politics and wears the collar of no political par- Will be in ROY July 12th ty. to 19th to do your Dental work. THE ROY '60 cts. A MONTH Dependable Work at Reasonable Prices. BY MAIL BARBER SHOP Teeth Extracted Withcut Pain. C. A. ARMOUR, Prop. Of e with Dr. M. D. GIBBS. Albuquerque New Bath Room aixl up-t- o date Fixtures. CZD CZD C 30E Morning Journal A modern Barber Shop.

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Notice For Publication Department of the Interior, U S Land Office at Clayton, N M, Department of the Interior, -- June 23, 1914 U. S. Land Office át Clayton, N. M. Ben, Notice is hereby given that Marie . June. 23, Í914. ' son-Turn- er (formerly Marie Bénson.) Notice is hereby given that Benjamin TAKE THE of Roy, N M. Hobson of Mills N. M. who on made HE Serial No. No 06533 Additional who on mado HE SPANISH-AMERICA- ' -- N 012748 for SEJ. No. 011114, for NJ NEJ.and NJ" NWi Sec 7 Twp 20 N, Range 27 E, N.M.P. Si-NV- Vi Section 18, Twp. Meridian, has tiled notice of intention 21N. Range 26 E. NMP Meridian has to make three year proof, to establish filed notice of intention to make Final The in Northeastern New Mexico claim to the land above described, be- three year proof, to establish claim to Weekly fore FH Foster, U S Commissioner, the land above described before Be8t at his office at. Roy, N M, on the 14th F. H, Foster,, U. S. Commissioner at day of Aug. 1914 Roy, New Mexico, on the 11th day $1.50 PER YEAR claimant name3 as witnesses-Charl- es of August, It 14. E Kidd CF.Williams Claimant names as witnesses- - Gale G Kidd William Hill 3E Fessler' Sam Fessler All of Roy N M, John Paz Val verde, L VV Peiffer George Cochran A. L. Hanson,

7-- 8-- N.1 3 1 Register All of Mills, M., Paz Valverde, Deputy State Game Warden NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. 7-- 3 8-- 1 Rpgister, Executed U. S. Land, Office at Claytqn, N. M Hunting Licenses NOTICE 0ft PUBLICATION. June 23. 1914 Notice U heredv given gun for any purpose widow of Rhyneer F.vervbodv desiring to carry a that Nellie Palmer, Department of the Interior. . hunts Palmer, of Riy, New Mexico, who, U. S. Land Office, Clayton, N. M. must secure a Hunting License wheth er he Homestead en on Mav 10. M0, made june 23, 1914. his own property or elsewhere. try serial No, 011300 NEi and SEi Sec Notice is hereby in ven that Oliver C jj 1 8 Twp. 22 N Redic, of Mills, N." M. who on PUBLICATION. M. P. Meridian, has NOTICE FOR Range 26 E., N. made HE No. 016108, 'for the NJ of filed notice of intention to make Notice for Publication. Tnoo Voar Proof, to establish claim Sec 25 Twp. 23 N Rng 26E N.M.P. Department of the Interior,! f- - described, before tho land above Meridian, has filed notice of intention Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Clayton, N. M. - Commissioner, at ir- u iTr.ctir it S. three year v.i .Vff-- , 11'h to make final ov. at Rov.- -N. M.. on tae New June. 241914. ins u i a ' 1 j (Old Soldiers) proof, U. S. Land Office at Clayton, day of August, 1914 Mexico June, 24th., 1914. Notice .is hereby given that Lulu J. to establish claim to the land above Claimant names as witnesses hereby given that Neis L. Cox-Rhyn- e, Formerly, Lulu J. Cox, described, before ,U. S. Com- Notice is R Proctor Wetterhus, óf Roy'NM. who on Of Rov, N M who on ' H Willcox,' at his 4 M Melton Fi Thetford missioner Vw. 08976 MrirtVAUf w Ira Serial No. 011117 for NWi N. M., on the 11 day made HE 2, Mexico, office at Roy, l, HE No; 016501 for Lots I and all of MilJs, New Sec,5 Twp 20 N. 'Rng 28E. andbi-S"r- made 1914. , -- J, N M, of Aug, . ,andthe SEi Section Kate L Dunbar, of Roy, Si - SE, Section 3) and Si NEi names as witnesses: 19 N. "Range 26 E. N. M. Paz Valverde Claimant Township 21, North Range 28E. N.M.P Twp. r W .Seright Frank O Serigh t Meridian, has filed notice oi in 8-- Lowell 7,3 1 Register. Meridian, has filed notice of E. Epp Thomas A. Smith tention to make Three Year Proof, to Francis intention to make Three year, Proof, to establish claim to the land above Notice For Publication all of Mills, nM establish claim to the land above des- described, before U S. Commissioner of the Interior, r Paz Valverde, ... cribed, before F. H. Foster, U. S. Department Roy, N. M., on the 7-- 8-- F. H. Foster,, at 3 1 Register. his office at Roy, U. S Land Office, uiayion, is. w. Commissioner, at 14 day of August, 14th day of Aug. 1914.. June 28, 1914. N. M. on the . - as witnesses: , FOR PUBLICATION; Claimant names given that William NOTICE leu..,. Notice is hereby Ogden A. S. Hanson w witnesses: Irvin Sr. of Carthage, Missouri, Fa-- Depatment of the Interior, Claimant names as Patterson B F. Cole, P." M. Hooper nf Robert.V.Patterson(deceased) U.S. Land Office at Clayton, N. M. Wm. G. Johnson R. W. Mitchell 1909 - N. M. rtf R . N M. who on Mar. 10, July 6, 1914, L. Hayes J. W. John son all of Roy, 35, Paz Valverde, No 07551 for SEi Sec. is hereby given that John W Roy, N. M. made HE Notice X All of ' 7-- 3 8-- 1 Kegister Tm Ri? 26 East Bentley, of ,Mll3 N,M, who on PazValverde, . filed notice of Tj m P. Meridian, has 0, made HE Serial No. 012160 7-- 3 8-- 1" Register. intention to make five jear Proofto for Lots 1- -2, Si-N- ..tahlfeh claim to the land above des and SEi Sec 6 Twp ,22N Rng 26 E Com-'mission- cribed before United States NMPM, has filed notice of intention three-yea- r ÍBea Own Houi of Labor. F. H . Foster, . to make Final proof to es Make Some aDDarently work on the his office, at Roy, N. M., on the lift tablish claim to the land above descri bees Baht hrmr schedule, others on a ten of August,' 1914' bed, before F. B. Foster, U S Com ,.0- - . .. . day nr twelve hour basis t tneir worKmg missioner at Roy N. M. t Claimant námes as witnesses: Aav A hee keeoer Bays that one of on the 21st day of Aug, 1914. jERussel William De Force hia bee colonies begins its day's labor Claimant names as witnesses, and continues Uliarter dar, Wilkins at sunrise j W C E Deáton J B Proctor makine a working day two or three of Mills, N. M. all . A F Allen Ernest G Parks, longer than any other colony In of Roy, N. M, hours G R Abemathy all of Mills, N, M, over a hundred. No two colonies ox Valverdi, alike. Paz ' Paz Valverde, bees, says this apiarist, are ' Regietsr, 7-- 3 -- 8 Register. (4P7rtlht. by McClur BynilcfcU.) ( I


Western Newspaper WOMAN AMONG KILLED Union News Service. London. The Right Hon. Joseph And feci your thirst slip Chamberlain, for years the most com manding figure in British national and awflv. You'll finish refriRhH I AGITATORS FACING TRIAL FOR international politics, died here at his home Garden, S. W. ATTACK ON ROCKEFELLER in Prince's cooled, Chamberlain succumbed after a pro satisfied. DIE AFTER CONFERENCE. tracted illness which for years de (be - barred him from an active part in pub Demand genuine by full name- Ulcknamei encourage substitution. lie affairs. Several months ago he an 5? Western Newspaper Union News Service. nounced that he would not again stand - A New York. Three men and a worn for to Parliament, and for Art. tUtA'tUJ-- tu. Whenever an were killed when a'dynamite several years, on account of his age iuuiia, 1,11. rfS too tee aa bomb 52 --sP"" Arrow think said to be the most powerful ever and feebleness, he seldom was seen on I 1. oca-- v vis. used In this city, exploded with tre the floor of the Commons, whera his mendous force in an apartment ten tall form and the ever-prese- mono anted by Industrial Workers, of the cle in hi3 eye made him a landmark. Color Consolation. Bolt Moves Shaving Brush. Vine-lan- d, World. The upper part of the six-stor- y Chamberlain was born in 1836 in the "I am feeling very blue Just now." , During a thunder shower at tenement house in which the bomb was city of Birmingham, which for many "Can't I do something for you? Let N. J., a ball of fire cut curious being made was wrecked. years he held, politically, in the hollow me get you a pink lemonade." capers in the home of Louis Castel-len- a, A score of persons were seriously of his hand. He was variously known on Grant avenue. Five chil- injured and much property damage as "Brummagem Joe" and as the ''King Ten smiles for a nickel. Always buy Red dren were seated around the table Cross Bag Blue; have beautiful, clear was done in of Birmingham." power mid when the lightning ripped open the a wide radius from the His in the white clothes. Adv. - scene of the explosion. land city was almost absolute. All the tablecloth in several places, cut the linoleum on the floor in places, In the ruins of the tenement seven parliamentary seats of the great No Doubt About It. several singed the hair of one child which wrecked by the explosion of the bomb manufacturing city are held by Cham "Does it take long to learn to drive was on the floor, changed the talcum wnicn it is Deiievea was intended tor berlain nominees and a politician he an aeroplane ?V powder from the box to the shaving use against John D. Rockefeller or his opposed was simply wasting time when depends on who is "It the instruc mug on put shav- son, .the authorities found evidence he made the race for Parliament. the shelf, and the tor." ing into powder that Arthur Carrón, who was killed, Chamberlain had huge commercial brush the talcum box. The of kitchen with three others, had used his apart interests throughout England and was framework the was splintered in several places, ment as a center for the distribution enormously wealthy. LARGE BALD PATCH ON HEAD but ' none of the family felt the slightest of inflammatory literature and Chamberlain was thrice married, his that it shock. was filled with death-dealin- g explo last wife, who until his death nursed Longmont, Colo. "About one year sives. him with rare solicitude, being Mary, ago our little girl was bothered greatly If a man expects to convince his A small printing" press, revolution' only daughter oj Judge W. C. Endicott, with what seemed a very bad case of wife that he is a genius he must get ary pamphlets and circulars, an elec- who was secretary of war in the ad- dandruff. Her beautiful hair got dry busy during the courtship. tric dynamo, two electric batteries, ministration of President Cleveland. and dead and flew in all directions. cartridges and bits of steel were The dead statesman started political One morning I noticed a large bald among the articles uncovered which life as a Radical, but left Gladstone's patch on her head, larger than a dol- tend, in the opinion of'the police, to party pn the question of home rule for lar, covered with tiny blisters sur- chow an anarchistic plot at assassin Ireland, to which he was bitterly op- rounded with an angry red ring. They ' A Stitch in Time ation. posed. He held the highest posts in finally began running. They itched Colds, fevers, congestion and germ dis- That the demonstration, halted by conservative administrations and wa3 and she never rested at night. eases are pretty sure to overwork the kid- the bungling of someone who was pre secretary to the colonies from 1895 to "It was pronounced a bad case of neys and leave them weak. In convales- cence, in fact at any time when suspicion paring an infernal machine for its 1903. eczema. 1 was given a prescription is aroused by a lame, aching back, rheu- mission, was planned against the While Chamberlain's greatest claim which I continued to use till my baby's matic pains, headache, dizziness or Rockefeller family in Tarrytown, Is to fame was his determined and bril- head was entirely covered with sores disordered urine, the use oí Doan's protect- was Kidney Pills is a stitch in time that the theory upon which the authorities liant advocacy for years of a and she had lost all her hair. She may avoid serious kidney disease. are working. ive policy for Great Britain, the cita- compelled to wear a silk cap and I Doan'sKidneyPillscommandconfldence, Two of the killed in the wrecked del of free trade, he will also be thought she wa3 disfigured for life. A for no other remedy is so widely used, apartment were prominent agitators, as the bitterest and most visitor in our neighborhood recom so freely recommended or so generally successful.' who were to be placed on trial at forceful opponent of Gladstone in that mended Cuticura Soap and Ointment. A Wyoming Case Tarrytown on charges of disorderly statesman's efforts for home rule for I used the Ointment at night and gave conduct in connection with the dem Ireland; as one of the founders of the her a shampoo in the morning with Kvtry Picturt Aron Holm, Tills Stun" Cody, Wyo., says: onstration inaugurated against John Liberal-Unioni- st party, and as the min the Cuticura Soap. In less than three "Whenever I stood long, cutting- pafns D. Rockefeller, Jr., as a protest ister whose policy in South Africa in- months my girl was entirely healed." truck me In the in Colorado country in greatest war (Signed) Mrs. G. E. Dilts, Apr. 8, 1914. email of my back. against his attitude the volved his the This pain also coal mine strike. it had experienced since the Crimean Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold came on when I of two Boer Sample each was doing any The body of the fourth victim the conflict, but blotted out the throughout the world. of work that obliged explosion was found Sunday. It was republics and made South Africa "all free.with 32-- Skin Book. Address post- me to stoop and it was getting that of Charles Berg, known in I.W.W. red." . card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. worse steadily. I circles as the "Big Swede" and asso- It is reported that King George is used two boxes of No man long enough to Doan's Kidney ciate of Caron. The other , victims likely posthumously to honor Joseph ever lived Pills and they on understand why his neighbors dislike cured me. The were Charles Hanson and Mary Chamberlain by conferring a title pain has never Eaves. The woman lived In an apart- his widow, formerly Mary Endicott, him. come back and I an't be too grateful for this cure." ment next to the one occupied by daughter of the late William C. Endi-- , Caron and his associates. cott of Saleni, Massachusetts. Mr. Important to Motners Get Doan's at Any Store. 50c m Box One of the papers found was an Ap- Chamberlain himself persistently re- Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, peal for funds to pay the fine of fused to accept any title. a safe and sure remedy for DOAN'S WAV Infants and children, and see that it FOSTER-M1LBUR- N CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. Frank' Tannenbaum, who was sen- The Dean of Westminster offered to tenced to a year in prison and fined the family interment in Westminster Bears the $500 for disorderly conduct in connec- Abbey for the dead statesman, but Signature of tion with an I.W.W. 'demonstration. his relatives decided to abide by his In Use For Over 30 Years. wishes and haw) him buried at Birm- Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Don't Persecute ' Denver Thousands Had Merry Time. ingham, , Many got Your Bowels Denver. Twenty thousand Denver-ite- s a woman has her husband Butte Mayor Stabbed; Assailant Shot. into a bad scrape by using his razor Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They are celebrated the Fourth of July In uruiai, narsn, unnecessary, l ry to sharpen a lead pencil. the mountains. Twenty thousand more Butte, Mont, 'Louis P. Duncan, CARTER'S LITTLE "witnessed the News' big swimming mayor of Butte, was stabbed three LIVER PILLS protect him- contest at Washington park. The races times. While trying to Be happy. Use Red Cross Bag Blue; Purely vegetable. Act SPjirvrrrVel Lan-tala- . drew 15,000, and a crowd of 15,000 self he shot his assailant, Eric much better than liquid blue. Delights gently on the liver, abdomen. the laundress. All grocers. Adv. eliminate bile, and ro filled City park during the afternoon. a Finnish minor, in the soothe the delicate jh a 1 mayor will v wm hf 1 The Swedish reunion drew a crowd of Lantala died later, but the membrane of the f" f i v r We feel sorry for the fussy old bach- 1 bowel. Cure A 1 1 -PILLS. 6,000 to Rocky Mountain lake. At Ber- recover. who is compelled to live in the Constipation, jer s w x lia-- 1 elor Biliousness, keley park, where the school children same house with a clever child. Sick Head had a field day, 5,000 participated and Bodies of Archduke and Wife Buried. ache and Indigestion, as million! know.

, of SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL watched the sport. , Artstettin. Austria. The bodies VOCR OWN DIirOGIST WIM. TKIX TO If PRICE. Francis Try Murine Kye Remedy lor lied. Weak, Watery the; assassinated archduke, Kyes and Granulated Myellds: No Smarting- - Genuine must bear Signature Nobleman Robbed of $20,000 In Jewels. consort, Duch lust Eye Comfort. Write for Book of the Kye 'erdinand, and his the by mail Free. Murine Kye ttemudy Co., Cnicugo. Calais, France. Count Mouravieff ess of Hohenberg, arrived here and has been robbed of jewelry valued at were interred beneath the castle cha- A feeling of superiority is the sole $20,000 and $1,000 in mon' pel with simple ceremony. satisfaction some men get out of being good. W. N. U., DENVER, NO. 28-19- 14. SPANISH-AMERICA- THE N.

Officers and Stockholders Roy Telephone Company H. B. JONES. Pbbiidbnt. C. L. JUSTICE. Cashier, Dr. F. B.. IGNACIO MAESTAS. C E. MoGINNIS, Attorney. J.J. Taylor, Mgr. W. H. FUQUA, ' Directors.

Now connected with Soláno and Mosquero, on the South. Protection Our Mills, Abbott, Jaritas, Chico, Taylor and Springer,

on the North ( Fundamental Principle

Connected with all Bell Long Distance Our claim to your confidence is based upon the staunch- - ness of our organization, our stea1y growth, careful methods Telephone Lines our special precautions to safeguard depositors and the char- acter of every man who is officially connected with the bank. Do your business by phone and get your answer at same This will be by who has ( attested anjose studied carefully our time and save telegraphic delays. financial statements and watched us build the founds tion of 'SAFETY FIRST" adding to our strength the good will of Office and EXCHANGES AT cur customers through sincere and helpful service. ROY, N. M. Cash Reserves Local Residence Private Line Local Busines In amounts large enough to meet any emergency SI.50 'per mo. $3.00 per mo. $2.50 per m are always kept in our vault and our assets are always convert- ible into cash with sufficient speed to double our patrons finan cial protection in combatting any crisis. Eternal vigilance Notice For Publication precludes any save gilt-edge- d investments of 6 on our funds, loans farms, orchard We know Department of the Interior, and feel the responsibility of the modern banker, lands, city resident or business we are conscious of broadening U, S. Land office at Clayton, N. M. our field and alert to the prob- property, to buyi build, improve, lems ahead of the May 29 1914. American Banker. Every transaction is considered from tbe'standpoint of how much aid Notice is hereby given that Leslie M extend or refund mortgages or it will give the cnstomer and how much strength will add to Walker of Roy N. M. who, on other securities, terms reason- it the Bank. July 5 l'sll, made HE No. 752593 able, special privileges. Cor- Sd.No.0l3475for lot3 5,8, 11,12 andSWJ respondence invited. Common- Section 1 Township 20 North, wealth Securities Loan Company Range 27 E. N. M. P. The Meridian has , Roy R 767 Gas & Electric Bldg., Den-er- Trust and filed notice of intention to make final 74') three year proof, to establish claim to Colorado. Henry Bldg.. the land above described before F.H. eattle, Washington. Savings Foster U. S. Commissioner, at, Bocnk, his office at Roy,N. M. od the 13 day of July, 1914. The proposition of 6 per of Claimant names as cent ROY witnesses: Loans obtainable with SDecial J. L. Hayes Wm, G. Johnson Hal Warner Mrs. Minnie Hays privileges and on reasonable to All of Roy, N.M. terms remove incumbrance Paz Valverde, rom real estate; or to improve 1.10111 6-- 7-- WANTED 4 Register, and buy farm, orchard and city MEm property, may be had by IN BACH TOWN and dlstrictto ride and exhibits sample Latest Model Notice For Publication addres ta kll urn nanear- - Dicycie lumumea Dy us. uur Klder Agents everywhere are mSSKPS!i!yJisi ..H'Sii6'orfuU Particulars and special offer at once. sing DcpV R. E.1527Busch Biy mwwx. Department of the Interior, urn. "w KBwwiNKuuninyou receive ana approve your bicycle. no sum wj u;iymo snywnere in wie u. . vmnout a cent deposit in Dallas, Texas advance,prepavreioM.andallowTeNDAY'FREBTRIALdurlnft- - U. S. Land Office at Clayton, N, M, nuiui nine may nue we oicycie ana put any you Am mi you it to test wish. May29 1914. If are then not perfectly sattsfled or do not wish to keep the bi- cycle ship It back to us at our expense and you will not be out one cent. Notice is hereby given that Phidelia FlfiTflRV PRinFC We ?"rnh the. aiirhest grade bicycles It Is Desert Claims rww possible to make at one small profit above Sears, for the heirs of Rufus Alonzo actual factory cost You save f10 to $25 middlemen's profits by buy- ing direct or us an d have the manufacturer's guarantee behind your Sears, Decceased of Mills , N.M. bicycle. DO NOT BUY a blcvcle or a nalr of tira from any price you on October 24, 191Ó The Commissioner of the General until receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of (who, made HE. Jfffllfactory price and remarkable special offers. Land Office has I 17 IAJ IX B i. Kr'iE II t 435132 Serial No. 012313, fir NEJ and issued recent sup- PU WILL BE ASTONISHED t&E7&Z2Zg2tt 4 2(5 plemental instructions in regnrd to W the wonderfully toe price we an make you this year. We tell highest NWJSec-1- Twp 23 N. Range E. the grade desert land bicycle for leas money than any other factory. We are satisfied with 11.00 profit N-- P. Meridian, entries, requiring all ap- - above factory cost BICYCLE DIALERS, yon can nil our btovclee andar vour own name Dlate at double onr nrtoea. Orrira fliiari th ). has tiled notice of plicants at the time of filing their m w SECOND HAND BICYCLES. Warin tint K.11I..I. k.n,lli ,.- -s K VI intention to bnt nralaly hare a number on hand taken In trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we olea desert land declaration to also file plans í.piIífílí.',JPíl'í?tnllng,fro.ln .W. or 10i Descriptive bargain lists mailed free,.' make final three Year Proof to estab- l ? describing COASTER BRAKES. minf h,, '""Ported roller ehalne and aedale, parts, repair lish claim to the land above described in detail the source of biiiIVb) and equlpiueut of aU kinds at halj t neniar retail priced. water supply, character of irrigation before F, H. Foster. U.S. Commission s Puncture-Proo- $ works constructed, in course of, con- n Eledgcthorn f er at his office at Roy. N. M., on the am or proposed 14th day of Jaly, 1914. struction, to be construct- 3el-- 4 SAMPLE PAIR ed, i h iling Tires TO Claimant names as witnesses; that is, reservoirs for storage, INTRODUCE, ONLY canals, flumes or other methods by Tht retratar retail prist of thtte Abe Proctor J C Spickert - ... iv. utWMUprr pair, out 10 Intro which water is to be 'conveyed to the Nate Tucker Mrs, Nell Schlitz land; or if by diversion, the nature of KOM0RETS0DSLÍFS0MP0XCTC5ES All of Mills. N. M. the flow of streams or springs, Nilla,TioharOIaawlllnet let tha air out A hundred thousand pairs sold last year. 6-- 6 7-- 4 Paz Valverde, whether perenially flowing or inter- EESGWPTWm be Register mittent. It must shown whether riding, very durable and fclLlined Inside with the irrigation works are by an irriga- a special quality of rubber, which never be- Notice For Publication comes porous and which closes ud small tion district, a corporation, an associa- - punctures without allowing air to escape. They weigh 1 no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting Notlos ths thick rubbsr trati Department of the : by puneturs strips"B" interior, tlon or the applicant himself If Qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially "A" snd .i i i . prepared on snd r'D"slto rim strip "H" U. S. Land Office at Clayton, N. M. me worKs nave no', been fabric the tread. The regular price of these prsvsnt rim cutting. constructed tires is J10.00 per pair, but for advertising purposes we to This May 29 1914. a general statement as to the propos- are making a special factory price" to the rider of only tirs will sutlast sny othsr W.80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter la maks-SO- FT, ELASTIC snd Notice is hereby given that Phidelia ed plan, whether surveys and invest- received. We will ship O. O.D. on BDDrovaL Yon ñn EASY RIDINO. need to pay Sears, (Formerly Phidelia Sears Har- igations have been made, and by whcm not a cent until you examine snd find them strictly as represented. ÍSÍÍ mgSyXjXSS nt hereby making the price $4.55 per pair) i rison) of Mills, N, M who on April to demonstrate the exhtance of a youJZ2müi7 WITH ORDER and enclose this advertisement You run no risk la us an as 25, 1910 433632 011139 se.n , ord?r thetires may be returned at OUR expense If for any reason they are not made HE Serial sufficient water supply. If irrigation lactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as aafe at In a bank. If yon order a. pair of then tires, you will Snd 14, thai they will tide easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer for SEi and SWl, Sec Township is to be by artesian wells or pumping than any tire you have ever nsed or seen at any prioe. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a wcycte you will give us yourorder. We want you to send us a trial order at onoe, henoe this remarkable t" offer. 23 North Range 26 E from underground sourves, evidence J7F" doof any kind at any prioe until you send (ora pair of Hedfrthora YOU J Puncture-Proo-b7 iF aasMaaW NlfaW f tireson annraval and trial at tha anental Introlotorr N. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice must be submitted as to the existence price quoted above! or write for our bis Tire and Sundry Catalogue which describee and quote all maKee ani kinds of tires and bicycle ecmipmentcad sundries at about half the usual prices. of intention to .make final three year of such water supply. In this con- BQ IVilflT bnt write ne a postal today. DO NOT THINK OP SUYINO a bicycle or a oalr tlfíT of tires from anyone until you know Cue new and wonderful offers we are mating. proof, to establish claim to the land nection a specified showing must be It coets only a poittal to learn everything. Write It NOW. above described, before F H Foster, made as to tjie elevation of the land, J.LUEAO GYGLE GOLIPAHY, GIHGAGO. ILL U.S. Commissioner at his office at Roy character of the soil and to what point New Mexico on the 14 day of July, upon the tract the ditch or lateral is ' 1914. tobe extended, The Map required to Creating Business, Seems Th! Some Claimant names as witnesses, be filed must be sufficiently definite to who undertake to show that Some men'eucceed In life by gun isn't loaded" ln8 their own business. Others man-provi- de Abe proctor J C Spickert show a practicable and feasible plan immediately occasion aSQ to large neg-aiioth- Nate Tucker Mrs. Nell Schlitz for conducting water for undertaking of draw salaries for to the land to be lectins; other people's of Mills, N. M. sort business. all irrigated, Washington Star. Paz Valverde, Register. THE SPANISH-AMERIOAl- f.

HUSBAND SHOOTS WIFE VIENNA MOURNS For Bad Burns. Don't thrust a burned foot or hand . into cold water. It relieves for a STATE NEWS moment, only to be followed by an in- WOMAN KILLED WHILE TWO RIDE FOR ROYAL DEAD crease of pain, peeling off of tbe cuti- OF INTEREST TO ALL IN BUGGY. cle, and very frequently by ulceration tfEW MEXICO 'of the wound. Don't tie up in a dry PEOPLE cloth; all woven material ia porous Francisco ViJM Charged With Murder BODIES OF SLAIN HEIR AND WIFE and admits air. Don't drag off the of Spouse Jn Pecos County Sec- - , Western Newspaper Union News Service. ARE ESCORTED TO THE IM- - clothing. Don't rub or cut off the ond Tragedy In Month. DATKS ,'.-- hanging skin. Tour object when FOR COMING EVENTS. . PERIAL CHAPEL. , :' , July 11-2- 1. Encampment N. M. N. a., called upon to treat a burn is at once at Deming. to exclude air. For this purpose noth- Any. 8. institute of Science and Ed- western Newspaper Union News Service. ing is better than oil of some sort ucation. at Santa Fe. ' Aug-- 17. Democratic State Convention Roswell, N. M. The second tragedy Paraffin is not a bad thing, or vase- ' at Albuquerque. up the Hondo river in the past month KAISER IS NOT PRESENT Aug. 24. Republican State Convention line, or common olive oil, or lard and at Santa, Fé. ' occurred when Francisco Vijil killed butter, if both be entirely without salt. August Meeting State Press Ass'n at his wife, Albuquerque. between Hondo Junction and First Aid for Everyday Accidents. August Democratic State' Convention San Patricio. Vijil is under arrest Albuquerque. students riot in at and was arraigned before a Justice of the street? Marital Reciprocity. Sept. San Juan County Fair at v ' - the peace from Lincoln. near where solemn cor- 1 Aztec. HeMy ; dear, , 4have invited my Sept. 1618. County Fair at Farming-ton- . The report gives it Vijil and " "" ' . that tege'passes. mother to spend the week with us. 23-2- 5. his wife had separated some Nov. Meeting State Teachers' been for j She Oh, James, I'm not prepared ' ,;. '' Association at Albuquerque. time past. That the past month they I for company, i Why did you ask her had been living together near Hondo, Western Newspaper Union News The Santa Fó will buüd an $18,000 Service. now? . i but had quarreled again. depot at Silver City. Vienna, July bodies of the He Because I am determined you The report ?The states they agreed that murdered Archduke Francis Ferdi- shall not have this mother-in-la- joke Tbe Charles Springer ranch at she should go to brother's, at San ber nand and his wife, duchess of Hohen-berg- , all to yourself. Springer Bhipped 100 bulla to Lander, Patricio. Tey hitched up the buggy Wyo. arrived at the Southern Railway and horse, along sev- and had ridden station here on board a special train Impossible. Alamogordo is making heavy ship- eral miles, few quarreling, when just a from Trieste. Prince Montenuevo, the He My dear, our neighbor, Mr. ments of early peaches to El Paso and .miles from home, he the brother's court chamberlain, and other high of- Smith, the paper says this morning, Oklahoma. pulled a through revolver and shot her ficials were in waiting. is a bachelor of arts. Fourteen or fifteen cars of honey the, heart., She died. immediately. , ' She Then the paper doesn't know Escorted by halberdiers and life will be shipped from Pecos valley what it's talking about. You know as the guardsmen the coffins were carried this season. New Mexico Metal Production in 1913. well as I do that Smith is a married to the imperial waiting room, which man. Farmington is shipping one hundred Albuquerque. Large gains were had been converted into a temporary crates of cherries daily. The crop is made in the production of gold, silver, chapel, where they were, blessed by reported large. copper, and zinc at mines in New Mex- The Retort Courteous. court chaplains. They were then car- "When you look at me, my dear, 250,000 crop ico In 1913, according to figures com- That bushel wheat for ried out and placed in two great black your eyes always have a stupid expres- Quay county piled by Charles W, Henderson, of the is creating lively interest court hearses. sion." all over state. United States Geological Survey. The the The funeral procession, which mean- Is,, without doubt, my dear, production of gold showed an increase ..."That New Mexico will have a display of time had formed outside, started for because they always reflect your ador- of $97,480 over the output of $784,446 gems of the value of $25,000 at the Hofburg.' ' Two outriders, carrying able Image." Pages Follies (Paris).' 1912; silver, an increase of 94,572 San Diego exposition. ' in lighted lanterns, led the cortege. They ounces over the production ct 1,536,-70- 1 A of on plainsi were followed by an advance guard of number farmers the ounces in 1912; lead, a decrease We can see where the minority is in claim they will thirty bushels cavalry. Then came an official on minor- harvest of 1,347,654 pounds from the yield of the right when we are of the of wheat to acre. horseback, known as the ;"Hoieins-panier,- " '; the 5,494,018 pounds in 1912; copper, an in- ity.' dressed in the picturesque A number of lawyers of the state crease of 22,277,742 pounds over the costume of a Spanish cavalier. are up for disbarment for practice un- yield of 34,030,964 pound's in 1912; and Necessity is the mother of invention, becoming their profession. zinc, an increase of 2,956,524 pounds The court carriages were next In but she isn't always proud of her off- Over 350,000 pounds of wool clip of over the output of 13,566,637 pounds in line. . Two riders preceded the hearses, spring. by sheep owners around Carlsbad will be 1912. Despite lower average yearly each 'of which was drawn six black taken to Roswell for selling. prices for copper and zine, the total borces. On either side walked non- HIT THE SPOT. commissioned officers and , court The department of public instruc- value of the output was $11,694,002, an Post urn Knocked Out Coffee Ails. increase for 1913 of $3,166,047. lackeys. A special guard of twelve tion has granted state aid to district life halberdiers and twelve mounted good deal of satisfaction 42, San Miguel county, for $350. fol- There's a guardsmen with, drawn swords hitting upon right It is stated at Clayton that one firm Stabbed Three Times in Back. , carriages and comfort in the lowed the hearses, and two thing to rid one of the varied and has shipped a million dollars worth of Springer. News was received here of archduke and Jwith the suites the constant ailments caused by coffee cattle this season from Union county. stating that Henry Fair, a cattle, man, the duchess completed the cortege, formerly a resident of Springer, was drinking. To Mrs. Charles A. Garrett of Ala- No troops were stationed along the "Ever since I can remember," mogordo belongs being stabbed thre timés in the back at Roy the honor of route, the procession .pade , "its by Tom Miller, a dry fármer of near but writes an Ind. woman, "my father the first woman peace officer in New way the lines of a moving Roy. Miller attacked Farr from behind between has been a lover of his coffee, but the Mexico. military guard. At the Hofberg the and sunk the blade of a pocket knife continued use of it so affected hia Crops are reported growing at a master of ceremonies and the palace into his back three times before Farr stomach that he could scarcely eat at rapid pace all through Quay county. clergy awaited the cortege at the foot could defend himself. Mr. Farr knows times. ; Wheat is on an idle man , ambassadors' staircase, and coffee-headac- he harvest and of no reason why he was assaulted. of the "Mother had and . pre- is a curiosity. ; ' slowly forward to meet it, He will recover. walked dizziness,' and if I drank coffee for The postoffice site at' Arroyo Seco ceded by the boy' choir of the court breakfast I would taste it all day and 250 yards chapel, chanting "Miserere." usually go to bed with a headache. has been moved east of its Ranch Near Hope Brings $6,000. former site and Juanita G. Mares has After a short benediction the cham- "One day father brought home a been appointed postmaster. Carlsbad. H. E. "Tod" Barber and berlain of the late archduke handed pk'g. of Postum recommended by our Dr. F. F. Doepp bought the twenty-fou- r coffins to Prince At thirteen hundred feet more oil the keys of the grocer. Mother made it according to section ranch, four miles south of the chapel was locked was found in the hole of the Seven Montenuevo; directions on the box and it just "hit Hope, belonging to Hugh Gage and seal-brow- and all departed. ' the spot" It has a dark, n Rivers Oil & Gas Company southwest . Rich Bell, paying $6,000 for The , ' officially announced to the of Artesia. Also considerable gas. it It was color, changing to golden brown when deal did not include any cattle, but disappointment of the Viennese popu- cream is added, and a snappy taste Reports which seem to be from a re- new will ranch pre- the owners stock the lace, that an attack of lumbago mild, high-grad- e coffee, and liable source state that oil in paying similar to and engage in the cattle business on vented the German emperor from at- we found that its continued use speed- quantities has been reached at Oil ' an extensive scale. tending the funeral. v our coffee' ills. City, twelve miles west of Lakewood. ily put an end to all The anti-Servia- n agitation, which is "That was at least ten years ago "Pumpkin Day,". fa- Pie Maxwell's Fair Association Incorporates. becoming an exceedingly, dangerous and Postum has, from that day to mous festival, may be doomed. There Santa Fé. The State Livestock and Bymptom, shows no sign of abating. this, been a standing order of father's is now more possibility than a that Products Exposition has been incorpor- Even while the funeral cortege was on grocery bill. may be changed to it "Gooseberry Pie ated with office at Roswell, A. D. Crile, its way to the Hofburg, hundreds of "When I married, my husband was Day." ' engaged in a ' statutory agent, The capital stock is excited students were a great coffee drinker, although he ' to The department of public instruc- $25,000 divided into 5,000 shares at $5. desperate struggle with the police admitted that it hurt him. When I tion has issued a special instructor's The incorporation of an exposition reach the' Servian legation, within mentioned Postum he said he did not certificate in the department of phy- company is for the purpose of holding three blocks of the procession. like the taste of it I told him I sical training to Junie Y. of an annual county fair in Roswell. could make Jt taste all right. He Albuquerque. MORGAN VISITS WHITE HOUSE. smiled and said, try it The result b.e any- The Gypsy Queen Mining Company . Fire at Roy Does $50,000 Damage. was a success, won't have Bus!-- , has acquired title to the Madero mine Roy. A fire which started from For First of Wilson Series of Big thing but Postum." $6,-00- 0. ,', V ! Co., Battle at Steins. The purchase pric is some unknown cause caused a loss of ness Discussions. Name given by Postum Road to It is a good producer, running $50,000 here, the buildings being those Washington. J. P. Morgan and Creek, Mich. Read "The from $8 up per ton. of the Goodman Mercantile Company, Wilson had nearly an hour's Wellville," In pkgs; President two Work has begun on two big im- the Dunbar building and the Palace conference at the White House on gen- Postum now comes in forms: ; Regular Postum must be well provements to the United States In- bar. eral business conditions. dian ' Industrial school near Santa Fé, It was the first of a series of talks boiled 15c and 25c packages. Instant Postum is a soluble pow- consisting of a $16,000 brick building Taos County Murderer Suicides. the President plans to have in the - der. Made cup with hot w- a . of industry in the and large reservoir.- Taos. Meliton Garcia, who killed near future with captains views and aterno boiling 30c and 50c tins. Bert E. Siseo, of Columbus, Luna Barela in a card game at Questa and finance, learning their Pedro and The cost per cup of both kinds is county, haB filed a petition bank- six yeara ago, committed sui- giving his own, on the industrial in five or country as about the same. ruptcy in the United States District cide at Hanna, Wyo. Garcia was financial situation of the in Congress. . "There's a Reason" for Postum. office, giving $1,-882.- and unable to find employment. weir as measures clerk's his debts as. broke sold by Grocers. and hia assets as $1,10X28. i cSill Sii Our 'New Store Ideal Grocery Corner

...... ' And see thé Large New Stock of GROCERIES Now on pur Shelves. Our Market is Complete with a line of Fresh and Cured Meats.

Hamilton-Bro- wn Shoes Large Stock now here waiting for the Shelving-Mo- re Com ing. American Lady and American Gentleman Styles. A Fine New Stock of Dry Goods Is now here and will be displayed as soon as the Shelves are up. See those new Patterns.

New Stock of Hardware and Cutlery

Gar--Load o w agons ano rarm Machinery Coming.

We are Better Fixed than ever to supply your wants in every Department.


. 81 O


the ranking offlcer among the navies and, when . occasion requires, turned BIG FLEET of the world that might come here. out to fight MENU FOR SIX DAYS U.S. As soon as the United States At- A division consists of five battl- lantic fleet started to assemble at Vera eshipsone of which usually is docked Cruz Admiral Craddock, In the West for repairs and when In fleet or- By LIDA AMÉ3 WILLIS. Indies, was ordered to proceed at all ganization a varying number of aux- FORCED TO PLAY MONDAY speed to this spot. As soon as he ar- iliary cruisers, gunboats, destroyers, BREAKFAST. rived on the cruiser Essex, flying a colliers and other craft A fleet of five Fruit. (Cereal. . Cream. rear admiral's flag, he was the rank- divisions would be much larger than t ing offlcer in port In case of any an army division. Codfish cakes. Creamed potatoes. SECjiFIDDLE concerted move by the world powers A captain in the navy ranks with a Toast . . Coffee. -- LUNCHEON. he would have commanded, and Great colonel In the army. A rear-admir- major-genera- Deviled ham loaf. Cucumbers. Britain with its one cruiser now the ranks with a l. Egg bannocks. Orange marmalade. : Officers at Vera Cruz Outranked cruisers Berwick and Lancaster have Rear Admiral Farragut after the Joined the Essex would domi- Da- Iced tea. have Civil war was made an admiral. ' by the British. nated the situation. vid Porter was made a vice-admir- al DINNER. "Rather technical," says the layman. and on Farragut's death succeeded to Stewed hearts, French style. True, but in affairs of the sea and the full rank of admiral. The rank Boiled potatoes. Spinach souffle. nations rules of precedence Egg salad. HAVE NO ADMIRAL IN NAVY are strict of admiral died with Porter. Consequences have been Berious and Appointment of temporary admirals Little strawberry puddings. Coffee, g froiri a Blmilar situation. for command of fleets has been sug- In the time of the Boxer uprising in gested. ' They would always be aut Mexico Situation TUESDAY BREAKFAST. Calls Attention to China, when the allied powers landed Policy by Which American Prestlgo their forces to restore order, it was be- Fruit Cereal. Cream. Is Sacrificed Clash at Port lieved that Captain McCalla, an Amer- Liver a la Narrowly Averted. - ican campaigner of long experience In Bordelalse. Potato souffle. Raised China, would command. But Great corn bread. Coffee. LUNCHEON. Vera Cruz, Mexico. Mobilizing the Britain, with foresight in 1900, Just as ' ' ' , Vice-Admir- Macaroni, with cheese Bauce. Atlantic fleet oft Vera Cruz has dis- today, had hurried Sey- " "' Stuffed green peppers. Butter rolis. closed an astounding situation the mour to the scene of action. He out- ' in ' I Rhubarb sauce. American navy, says James B. Wood ranked the other officers. Great Brit- Ginger sponge cake. Tea. in Chicago Daily News. With the ain wanted to dominate the situation. , Vice-Admlr- al DINNER. largest fleet .this nation has ever Seymour surprised every- body Velvet soup. for active service, ono of the by going ashore and taking com- Chlnese-fro- m Egyptian chicken. Mashed potatoes. largest any nation has ever had in one mand himself.. To the Creamed cauliflower. port, its commanding rear admiral is mandarin down to coolie Great Brit- ain was the ruling power. American String bean salad. outranked because of seniority by the ' on Lemon cr.eam pie. Coffee. British rear admiral, whose entire naval officers the Asiatic station say the opinion con- command has been from one to three that formed then tinues. small cruisers, representing not one-twentie- th WEDNESDAY Among officers of BREAKFAST. of the Btrength qf the Amer- the American ' navy whose duties take them on con- I W Fruit ican battleships. ' a K Cereal. tinuous round of foreign capitals, Cream. In the event of any' united action Ham toast Potatoes, there is constant Al- maltre dliotel. Rear Admiral Craddock of the royal embarrassment most invariably the American Coffee. navy would command. Unless trails there the British, German, Austrian, LUNCHEON. should be special agreement between after Italian, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Nor- Baked shad roe, with bacon. the British and United States govern- wegian, Russian, Japanese, French, Radish and cucumber salad. ments the entire American naval Spanish, Greek, Turkish, Grape fruit marmalade. Cookies. forces would be under his orders. Portuguese, Argentine, Brazilian, Chilean, Peru- Tea. Washington by which is meant con- vian. Chinese. DINNER. gress and the national administration, Baked All outrank him. All have vice-- ad- shad. Spinach. this and preceding ones is responsible Potatoes a la Italienne. Peas. for the situation. With all its claims mirals and most of them full grade ad- mirals. Foreign war vessels which Lettuce salad. as a world power, with a $130,000,000 Orange Ice. come into Vera Cruz today salute the Brownies, British colors first, steaming silently i Coffee. past the rows of American ships, some of them as large as all three "limeys," THURSDAY BREAKFAST. as the Britishers are called. Fruit. Native Mexico sees. Mexico also Cereal. , Cream. pays respect to the British. If Amer- Scrambled eggs. ica had admirals or even vice-admira- ls Spring onions on toast in command of Its imposing fleets, the Coffee.

situation might be reversed. , LUNCHEON. In the Atlantic fleet along the east Clam chowder. coast of Mexico, centered at Vera Boiled rice, with orange compote. Cruz, are six rear admirals. All are Nut bread. Cocoa. of equal rank, but hold precedence DINNER. Rear Admiral Henry T. Mayo. ( according to the date of their promo- Asparagus puree. tion. The commanding organization, ranked by admirals of other nations Smothered steak, with red bananas. Mashed potatoes. Cold slaw. according to precedence among the because of length of service, as po- rear admirals consequently is: litical pressure would be strong to Sweet fruit salad. Wafers. cheese. Charles J. Badger, commander-in-chie- f pass the honor around as rapidly as Cream Atlantic fleet, March 8, 1911. possible. . Coffee. McR. Winslow, command- The result Is that the great Ameri- ;;; ing special service squadron, Septem- can navy, which has been built up to FRIDAY BREAKFAST. ber 14, 1911. hold the nation In a place as a world Fruit. F. commanding power, Is always at a tactical disad- Frank Fletcher, first Cereal. 4 Cream. division, October 17, 1911. vantage when its commanding officers Fried butterflsh. Frank E. Beatty, commanding third are forced into back seats by the off- Creamed potato hash. division, April 27, 1912. icers of other nations. One-eg- g muffins. Coffee. Clifford J. Boush, commanding sec- LUNCHEON. ond division, March 26, 1913. FORTUNE NOT TO CHANGE HIM Swiss eggs. Stuffed tomatoes. Henry T. Mayo, commanding fourth Old-fashion- strawberry shortcake.' Rear Admiral Cameron McR. Wlnslow. division, June 15, 1913. Pittsburgh Professor, Now Worth Mil- Iced tea. In any American commercial organi- lions, Won't Quit Work in the DINNER. , a year navy, including the largest zation of the magnitude of the At- Asparagus soup. ' Schoolroom. of any nation, the lantic fleet there would be an ascend- Boiled sheepshead, 'sauce Hollandalse, American officers in foreign waters ing order of ranks, the officers dimin- Pittsburgh, Pa. Prof. E. M. Wollaak Boiled potato balls, butter and parsley, are usually outranked by those of Oth- ishing in number as the rank ascends. of the chair of languages at the Pitts- ' New beets. er nations because America has neith- In almost any other navy there would burgh Normal, who may be the rich- Cucumber salad. er admirals nor vice-admiral- s. Its be 'an admiral in command of such a est schoolmaster in the United States, Fruit ambrosia. Sponge cake. highest rank is rear admiral, except large fleet and two or moré vice-admira- ls will stay In the schoolroom and work, Coffee. ,the grade of admiral of the navy, and rear admirals in command despite his wealth. which is held by George Dewey. His of each division. ' Professor Wollank and his son will I duties are seldom on sea, and the rank The men in a division of a fleet out- soon get a $25,000,000 estate in Berlin. SATURDAY EAKFAST. - . goes out when he goes. number those in a brigade of the The estate is that of a great-uncl- e , "Fruix. , In Mexico's waters the situation al- army; A single ship compares to a whose will provided that it go to the Cereal. Cream. ready has threatened serious conse- regiment in men. In armament it male descendants of the Wollank line Cieamed chopped beef. quences. Rear Admiral Craddock and equals three or four regiments of ar- after a certain time. The time has ex- Lyonnalse potatoes, cream Rear Admiral Fletcher were on the tillery. The smallest battleship has pired 'and the professor and his son, Toast. Coffee. "of verge friction at Vera Cruz, but the between 600 and 700 men. The entire who is a banker at Delhi, La., , are the LUNCHEON. ' British government diplomatically ad- Twenty-eight- h regiment . of infantry only heirs. Spiced salmon. vised Craddock to waive his rights of here has only 550 men. A dreadnaught The possession of at least twelve and Potato and cucumber salad. precedence. has between 1,100 and 1,200 men. The a half million dollars will not mean the Raisin bread. Iced tea. Before the Mexican situation as- Seventh the largest regiment here retirement of the professor, he asserts'. DINNER. r sumed its serious phases Great Britain, has not 1,000. A battleship is a city He Intends to stay in the schoolroom Fried veal cutlets, tomato sauce. with customary alertness in affairs in- In , Itself homes and workshops In until age retires him. He couldn't be Boiled rice. Spinach, with egg. ternational, assured itself of having which the population must be drilled happy elsewhere, he says. Rhubarb and raisin pie. Cheese. Coffee. THE SPANISH-AI.Q- r ICAl?.

Notice For Publication. Notice for Publication Notice For Publication. p. N. Nutter, O. II, Kerns, i Department of the Interior, Department of Interior. Department of the Interior, Nntter-Kern-s U. S. Land Office Clayton, N. M. U. S. Land Office at Clayton N. M at U. S. Land Office at Clayton, N. M. " June 5, 1914. June 11 1914,; July. 3, 1914. Notice 3 hereby given that Lizzie K. Realty, Co. Notice is hereby given that Marcelio Notice is hereby given that,Kather-in- e Mitchell, of Roy, N. M. who on Juue Esquibel, of Roy, N. M. who on Lucrttia Dunbar, formerly Lucre-ti- a Business entrusted to 24, 1910, made HE Ser. No 011404, for made HE No. 012989 for Strong of Roy, N. M. who on Lots 2 3 and 4; Swi-NE- J; NWÍ-SE- J. our will 0, care receive SWJ-SE- J Sec 22 NEi-NW- i; NJ-NE- i; 1909 Si NWi and NWÍ-SW- 1 at- NEi-SEi:S- ec 27; WJ-NW- J; NWl-SW- f made HE 07980 No. 08512, for NWi prompt and careful Sec,5 Iwp, 19N Rng 26E NM P. M. Section Township .18 North and NEJ, Sac. 14 Twp. 21 N. Rng. tention, 2, has filed notice of intention to make Range 26 N. M. P. Meridian, 26E. N MP. Meridian, has filed no- E., has Three Year Proof to establish claim to Nutter-Kern- s filed notice of intention to make three tice of intention to make ThreYear the land above described, before F, H year Proof, to establish claim to Proof to establish claim to the land Real Co, Foster, U.S. Commissioner at Roy, Estate land above described, before F. H, above described, before F. H, Fos- N. M. on the 20th day of July, 1914. Roy, N. M. Foster, U. S Commissioner, at Roy ter; U. S. Commissioner, at Roy, N, ' N, M. on the 23d daj of July, '1914, Claimant names as witnesses: M. on the 20th day of August, 1914, O L Justice Geo 0 Cable Claimant names as witnesses, Claimant names as , witnesses; Fred Brown Frank Roy S. F. Davis, Andrew Mace, David Esquibel Rosendo Esquibel All of Roy, N. M. Charley Davis Charley White, Notice for Publication . Leopoldo Andrada PJ Laumbach Paz Valverde, All of Roy, N, M. All Of Roy, N; M. 6-- Department of the Interior, 13 7 11 Register. U. 8. Land Office. Clayton, N.M. Paz Valverde, Paz Valverde, Register; Juue 17, 1914, Register. Notice Notice is hereby given that Roman For Publication Notice For Publication Maestas, of Mills, N M. who on Aug. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, 4, 1!K)8-Jnn- e 22 1911 made HE. No. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Clayton, N. M. 0492-01343- Department of the Nj-NW- Interior, Serial No. 2, for i; U. Office U. S. Land Office N. M. July 3, 1914. Notice is S. Land at Clayton, N.M J; SEJ-NWi;- at Clayton, Ni-NE- SWJ; 8WJSE hereby given that William Fred July, 3d, 1914. Sec. 11 Twp" 21 N Rg 25 .E N.M. P. June 8 1914. Ogdn, of RoyrN. M. who, on Feb Notice ii hereby given that George Meridian, has filed notice of inten- Notice is hereby given that William 1, 1908, Feb. 23, 1911 H. Mericle of Mills, N. M. who, on tion' to make Three Year F roof, to M Bowman of Roy NM. who on July27 made HK Serial 06248-012- 741 Apr, 11 1908, July 21, 1913, made HE establish claim to the land above 1907 May U 1914 for NEjSec 19, SEJ Sec Township Serial Nos. 06844 and 016720 for described,. before W.H. WillcoxU. S. made HE 05207 Addition 017872 for 1, 21 N. Range 27 E. N. M. P. Meridian, NEJ and SEJ, Sec. 33, Twp. 22 N. Commissioner, at his office, Roy, N.M SE & NEJ Sec 17 Twp 20N. Rng 27 E. has filed notice of intention to make Range 26 E. N. M. P. Meridian, has on the 28 day of July 1914. In. M. P. Meridian," has filed notice of intention to make three year final three year proof, to establish filed notice of intention to make final Claimant names as witnesses, proof, to establish claim to the land claim to the land above described, be- three year proof, to establish claim to Jose Miguil Montoya Juan Maestus above described, before U. S. Com. fore F. H. Foster U.S. Commis- the land above described, before W. H. Francisco Mo&toya Ignacio Maestaa F. H. Foster, at his office, at Roy, sioner, at his office at Roy, N. M. on Willcox, U. S. Commissioner, at his all of Mills, N. M. N. M.. on the 20th day of July 1914. the 18 day of August 1914. office at Roy, N. M. on the 18th day of Claimant names as witnesses: August 1914 6-- 7-- 18 Paz Valverde, Claiman names as witnesses: Claimant names as witnesses: Register, R W Boulware Charles E Kidd C F Williams George Lucas W M Hill CP Williams John Beard T M Ogden James R Melton George W Hewlett Jesse C Grinstead Mark E Melton all of Roy, N M. All of Roy,N. M. Notice For Publication. Paz Valverde, Paz Valverde, All of Mill, N. M. 7-- 11 8-- 8 Register, -7 U Register Paz Valverde, Department of the Interior, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Roister. Ü, S. Land Office at Clayton, N. M. Notice For Publication June 15, 1914 Department of the Interior Notice For Publication N M Notice is hereby given that Franklin M, US Land Office, Clayton, Department of the interior, 3, 1914, Woodard, of Roy, N.M. who on 9-- 07. July U. S. Land Office at Clayton, N. M. is hereby George made HE No 05467 for SE Department of the Interior, Notice given that July. 3, 1914, N M, who, on May Section 35, Township 2l' N Range U. S. Land Office at Clayton, N. M, Laca?, of Roy, Notice is hereby given that Roy D. 1914. 17 Aug. 22, 1907 made Home- - 27E. N, M.P. Meridian, has filed notice June 5, M0, Proctor of Mills, N.M, who entry 05306 & Add'l No. 011367 of intention to make final five year Notice is hereby given that Cristiano tead on May. 17 1910 ' ,made HE, Mexico, Section 20,and Sec. 29 proof, to establish claim to the land Rigoni. of'Mills.New who on for SW1 NWJ Serial No. 011365 for the Wf Sec. 32, 24014 21 N Range 27 M P Meridian above described, before F. H. Foster, Mar, 11 1íh8 made HE. No. Twp E,N Twp. 23 N. Range 26' E. N. M. P. EJ-SE- J 9 to make IT. S. Commissioner, at his office at Seriar No 06549 for Sec. has filed notice of intention Meridian, has filed notice of intention Three-yea- Wi-SWiS- 10, Twp.21 N, Rng. 26 E. r proof to establish claim to Roy, N. M. on the 24th day of Jul v to make final three year proof, to es- before H 1914. N M P Meridian the land above described F tablish claim to the land above describ U S at his of- Claimant names as witnesses: has filed notice of iLtentton Foster, Commissioner ed, before F. H. Foater, U. S, Com- 18th day of to make final five year proof, to estab fice in Roy N Mm the missioner at his office at Roy, N. M. J H Mitchell J W Woodward described, 1914. lish claim to the land above Aug., on the 20th day of August, 1914.v J M Elder DP Moore W. H. Willoox U & Commis- before Claimant names as witnesses Claimant names as witnesses, nil of Roy, N. M. sioner at his office at Roy N. M. on ' W, Fred Ogden, L. A. Brown Frank Goehri J H Lebert Paz Valverde, 20th day of July, 1914. the C. F. Williams, John Beard, John Bentley Ernest G Parks 20 7-- Registers Claimant names as witnesses; all of Roy.N M Frank Wahrhausrn Clark R Rush . all of Mills, N. M. of iills N. M. Paz Valverde, Register Paz Valverde, Notice Fo Publication. Leandro Archuleta Barney Rigoni Register, of Roy N. M. .t Department of tue Interior, Paz Valverde Notice for Publication. U. S. Land Office, at Clayton, N. M. 6-- 7-- Register. Variety Department of the Interior. S6e June 11 1914. , U. S. Land Office at Clayton,' N. M., Machine July 3, 1914. Notice is hereby given that Silas G. Fuller, of Mills. Moia County, N. M. Cutting of Timber on Notice is hereby given that Thomas Works, - who on, Miy 25, 1910 mada HE Serial Homesteads M. Ogden, of Roy, N. M. who on C. E Anderson (SL Sons. Propr's, N ). 011427, for Si 8 H. Sic. H and 8 29, 1907, HE No. 05355 Well Equipped with Power Machinery NW-NEl.a- Sec ,20 Town- al th9 NEK NW, Sec. 010159, for NWÍ& NEJ for all kinds of Shop work of congress of 3 M. 33 Tp. 23 N., Rg. 25 E N.M. P. Merid- Under the Act June ship 21 N. Range 27 E. N. P. General Blacksmithing, ian has filed notice of intention to 1878 and Mar. 3, 1891, Settlers are en- Meridian has filed notice of intention procure to exceed $50.00 Engine and Automobil Work, make three year Proof to es- titled to not to make thre Year Proof, to establish

de-crib- worth of timber Stumpage value above described, be Carriage Work tablish claim to the land above ed claim to the land Wagon and before U. S. Commissioner F. in any one year, without the necessity f q r e U. S. Commissioner F. H. a Specialty. H.Foster at his office at Roy, N.M. on of filing application therefor, though Foster, at his office, at Roy, N. M.

intention to procure 1914. g. the 23, day of July, 1914. notice of shonld on the 20th day of August, Horse Shoeing, Pump and Pipe-Fittin- be filed in this office, copies of forms Claimant names as witnesses: Band-sa- w and Planer Claimant names as witnesses, of such notice ar supplied free by this O Higgins M Higgins L A Brown C F Williams J J Where more than $50.00 worth of tim ' Work. John Baird George Lucas Adolfo Montrya Ronaldo Montoya ber is desired application should be All Work Guarantied, all of Mills, N.M. made to this office. all of Roy, N. M. N. 6-- Theo Espe, Paz Valverde, 8 Paz Valverdf, Hoy New'; M Register Chief of Santa Fe, Field Division. Register,