News Features Egyptian Non-Traditional Pyramids rise Point of View from the sands of Galloway THE ARGO (see pg. 2) of the Richard Stockton College (see pg. 5) Serving the college community since 1973 Volume 57 Number 6 Pomona, New Jersey Monday, October 25, 1999 October is Stockton's fundraising atrocities Breast Cancer could be aided by Atlantic City Wes Schnell sity for Stockton College to rely ble reason for the problem is that have older alumni who are gener- Awareness The Argo on income outside of tuition in Stockton does not possess as ally more generous than their order to prosper and grow. affluent alumni as other colleges, younger counterparts. When teacher's salaries The Foundation department due to the parameters in which "We don't have anyone whose Month increase with the promise of the deals with the unquenchable the college was created. 80 years old, rich, and about to college not raising tuition, one thirst for money that all colleges' "You had a huge amount of kick off to give us money," said has to ponder how that is eco- face. men who wanted to go to college Rahmeyer. Andrea Maione nomically possible. It begins to The three main sources for to get out of the draft. When the Stockton also lacks the tradi- The Argo distort the myth that the student's contributions to a college come college was opened you had to tion that many students from tuition pays for everything. from the alumni, faculty, and pri- till up the classroom. Just about wealthy families crave. October is National Breast Have you ever had a friend say vate sector. The fundraising anyone who came got in," said "Average, middle-class people Cancer Awareness Month. to someone how he partly owns staff's latest task has been to revi- John Rahmeyer, Head of the come to Stockton," said Breast Camcer is a serious dis- the school because he pays talize their efforts. Foundation Department. Rahmeyer. ease that kills many women each tuition or how the professor is his Stockton faces many obstacles Also due to the relative youth The reality is that Stockton year and affects the lives of not employee because he partly pays to allocate the funds necessary of the college, when compared to draws from a smaller economic only those who suffer from it, but his salary? for expanding existing programs, an institution like Yale pool when it comes to soliciting those who lose their loved ones The reality is that it is a neces- such as scholarships. One possi- University, Stockton does not (Fundraising continued on page 2) as well. Still, many are not aware of their chances of getting it, how to prevent it, or even the magnitude Stockton of the disease's seriousness. Lakeside problems Breast Cancer is not some- tries to thing to be taken lightly, since lUls iiiseaiie louches the lives of S.A.Y.E. so many people. But what is there to know? Your chances of getting breast American cancer increase with age, as with other diseases, but certain other landscapes factors can put you at risk as well. On Thursday, October 28, the According to the National Southern Utah Wilderness Cancer Institute, some risk fac- alliance will present "Wild Utah: tors are a high fat diet, not get- America's Redrock Wilderness. ting proper exercise, and smok- A 20-minute multi-media ing. slideshow. Wild Utah is a jour- In some cases, a gene inherit- ney through some of America's ed from your parents could also most stunning landscapes that put you at risk. highlights the threats to our However, these factors don't wilderness heritage. necessarily mean you'll get the It also documents citizen disease. efforts to protect lands in south- Unfortunately, avoiding these ern Utah's spectacular canyon risk factors doesn't mean you Photo by Sham I Re illy country, with the hopes of moti- can avoid the disease either. Since Lakeside Center has extended its meal plan hours from 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. lines have been horrendous. vating viewers to get involved in As the NCI states, "doctors Students often wait for 45 minutes to an hour for anything from a cold sandwich to a hamburger. the movement to defend these can't always explain why one Dan Grote from a cold sandwich to a ham- the amount of student traffic at unique landscapes. person gets cancer and another The Argo burger takes 45 minutes to an Lakeside every night. The slickrock canyons and doesn't." hour. I ordered a chicken sand- "We look at how to improve mesas of the Colorado Plateau And this disease is not limited This semester, aside from the wich the other night and waited the service at Lakeside on a are some of the most visually to women as commonly thought, opening of the West Quad, one of 45 minutes before approaching weekly basis," Polash stated. stunning landscapes on earth, since men can get this form of the most noticeable changes at the counter. As I went to the "Once people started finding out and are in danger of being lost to cancer as well. Stockton, was the addition of a counter, I saw the bag with my about Lakeside being open at commercial development and Although, according to the 10 p.m.-12 a.m. meal plan ser- number on it sitting on the shelf. night, and we started getting traf- overuse by off-road vehicles. NCI, "the number of new cases vice at the Lakeside Center. The I figured they would soon be call- fic, our first concern was: how do These landforms are scattered is small." new program, which was planned ing my number, but after 20 more we control that traffic?" around the state, which already ' It is suggested you visit your in the spring and went into effect minutes of waiting, I said, 'the Polash's first official act was boasts five worid-class interna- doctor regularly and inquire on Sept. 8, was well-received by hell with it', and left." to increase the staff behind the tional parks, including Zion, about ways to tell if you specifi- Stockton's residents, who now This is just one of the com- counter from three to four. Arches and Canyonlands. cally are at serious risk. have some place within walking plaints made against the pizzeria. Adding a fifth staff member was Narrated in part by Pulitzer Even though this disease is not distance to go for food at night The most common complaint is considered, but the Lakeside staff Prize winning author Wallace common among young women, while they are studying. that students feel they are waiting said that it would take up too Stegner, the show features the it is still a good idea for everyone However, not everybody is com- too long for their food. Food much room, and a fifth person talents of internationally recog- to get checked out and learn pletely happy with how the Services Director, Michael would only be in the way most of nized photographers Tom Hill, about ways to examine yourself Lakeside staff deals with the size- Polash, has heard many of these the time. James Kay, and others. at home. able amount of traffic they complaints through his dealings The next step taken was to In conjunction with a 20 "Early detection and effective receive in that two hour period.. with thee Stockton Resident's open up the window in the lobby. minute presentation on the status treatment, is expected to reduce One student remarked, "No Association (SRA) and acknowl- Students placed their orders at of the Utah Wilderness the number of women who die matter if it is busy or not. edges that there are many glitch- the window and could pick up Protection movement by SUWA from breast cancer, and these Lakeside seems to take forever es in this new program, both their food at the window in the Grassroots coordinator Keith issues continue to be studied," when making my food. Anything because it is new and because of (Lakeside continued on page 2) (S.A.V.E. continued on page 2) Page 2 October 25, 1999 NEWS THE ARGO New religion sparks original temple architecture

ShaunReilly ing and atonement according to Nicola. The Argo She does however say some things that Anyone who has driven down Route 30 may push away many potential wor- in Galloway within the last few years has shipers. most likely noticed the strange building Some of her more inflamatory quotes across from the Galloway Diner. include: "Christianity is gods worst This building looks very out of place. It enemy," and "I'm interested in truth and is a pyramid, much like one would expect salvation so I don't trust many versions of to find rising out of the sand in Egypt, not the bible." the pine barrens of southern New Jersery. She does say, "Don't be afraid to sup- Many Stockton students have marvelled at port us. We are not in the business of sell- this roadside oddity, yet few stop in and try ing God. He is not ours to sell. We actu- to find out what it is all about. ally plan on opening a Kentucky Fried The sign in front of the building reads Chicken to support the church." "Temple of Hope and Knowledge." This With her unpopular attitudes, the town- temple was built by the founder of a ship fears what effect her church/house unique form of worship. Mrs. Nicola, as will have on the community. she refers to herself, built the pyramid as a Her neighbor Pat Sticher, an area busi- house for her god. The pyramid is the cul- nessman, has no problem with them and mination of a ten-year battle with the zon- actually enjoys the company on the lonely ing board. It is built within one inch toller- road. ançe to scale of the pryamid in Giza. "People are always stopping by and ask- Photo by Shaim Reilly Nicola teaches a very literal interpreta- ing about the place, but they [Nicola and The 'Temple of Hope and Knowledge" on Route 30 stands in homage to their God tion of the Bible and espouses many non- followers] have never been anything but named Supreme God, Creator, Infinity, Architect, Master Builder of the Universe. western ideas. nice to me," said Stecher. "I'm getting on in years, and I just want- This may be due inpart to the fact that worship with any particular religion, she ship as soon as she gets aproval from the ed to leave something behind," said Nicola really does want to reach out to studies the Bible, paying particular atten- zoning commision of Galloway township. Nicola. "With all of the tragedy aproach- Galloway township. tion to the Ten Commandments. She does finally have the permit to have ing in the year 2000, Atlantic County She hopes for the healing of all human- She claims that if people were to follow religious services, and those that are inter- won't see any of it. God won't hurt his lit- ity. "There is no diease that can't be cured the first three commandments of the Bible, sted are welcome on Saturday between the tle house in Atlantic County." by god, not even AIDS," she said. they would be saved. hours of 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. The temple welcomes all that seek heal- Although she doesn't asscociate her Nicola plans to live at her place of wor-

Fundraising need for Stockton to tap into the private Lakeside sector for funds. (continued from page 1 ) (continued from page 1 ) THE ARGO "By 2005, Stockton should be generat- donations from graduates. ing at least $1 million a year, have suc- main hall. Then, the number system was The Richard Stockton The average Stockton graduate con- cessfully completed a capital campaign for initiated. Every student that ordered was College of New Jerse> tributes $2.04 per year (Foundation $l-$3 million, and be making plans [for] a given a number, and that number was Department), li s an atrocious number second major gift campaign for $1 to $3 called when the food was ready. Pomona, New Jersey 08240 compared to most schools. million (Fund Raising Feasibility Study This was done in an attempt to eliminate Phone (609) 652-4560 • "There's a lack of community. Report)." confusion as to who ordered what, and also FAX (609) 748-5565 I Graduates 1 t ee. no allegianci" lo the The most likely path lo achieve this goal to'keep students from crowding the win- The ARGO is iK)t an ol'ticial pLiblieaiion school.' sa; Ram never is to pursue bringing a Hospitality J dow after they order, as ihey tend to do. of The Richard Stockton College, iuii f ^ Aiumii: arv not the ont> niciuoers of the Management School to Stockton. Many "It helped i. hitle bit, hut not entirely," published independently by studem.^ at Slockion .;i»inir)unit) who art" guilty of members in the Stockton community have Polash admits. "Our biggest problem is Stockton College. bemg meager contributors. quaireled over this issue. that we need the students to step away EDITOR-IN -CHIEF The hu'uliN' and staff of Stockton, con- "The climate is right for hospitality i'rom the window and sit dov\ii oecause it Josluia Hemes si.-.tinii ot i.,)ui:h!v 600 peoph.-. donate an management to happen." said Rahmeyer. the window is crowded, nohody can hear avérai!'.' of • man $30 each, 'cr > ear. Many students also agre^ with tiiis their number being called. That's when ASSISTANT EDITORS This nuiniK- i!m> '"ilis beiow average notion people's orders get placed on the side." .AndreAnna Weber compared with Mhei insuun'.ins. "We re right nevi to .ALtlantic City, After the number system was started, Shaun Reilly (Fnuiuliiiioi: DepariiDi Mt) there's no betier plai. - to put it," said Mike separate pick-up. lines were created for LIFESTYLES EDITOR Tiioiigh. 1!! both examples 'iie majoriiy Mandola, Student Senate President. pi/za, cold sandwiches and hot sandwich- Dan Grote of'lliose I'uiid^ are from u snial! pcrceniage There is a good and an e\ i! in using (his es, aiKl stations were set up to differentiate COMICS EDITOR ol'gr.iduatc:, .Hid siatT taking tin- ...ick tor potential source of fundraising revenue as between the lines. Michelle Mcl-aughhn the p;'Sl a stiurce. Despite the progress made thus far in OFFICE MAN.UÎER The sc.hool >iIm) li ie.s to alioeaie funds l)y The casiiui's v,lii.::i are nestled uUo ihe trying to make Lakeside run more effi- Carrie Dragovtic haviii.: îaeMliv- lucniiv!,', / "o i ..tis Atlanlie City conumiimy wmiki Ix' the cieiiily, students still see thaï a lot more COPY EiirroRS lot ^'i.inis Im \.iru)us i istiiutir.- one:> most likel'.' to lie then attracted to work needs to be jnit inti' expediting the Stevie llelmec/.i, Kevin (..ira\es. '' u /VViiat t!ie i.ieiill\ need,-; do .s find tlonaling possibly enonnou;- am..tints oî' mattei. Shaffer. Rebecca .Mar/ce. Hrii^it lime away fmni leaehiui; aiul research iiioney lo the college. "In general, you wait too damn long foi- Martin h';. ;iuou iiii-;.isiir • lo The questloi, I-. whrUier the the hnui. I'.very nevv •.••'sieiii sueL^- i \D & BUSINESS M A NAGER show the e(.>i:i!i!ili)H'ni to an or. ,.uii ilioii. " sluuilv! become enlanyled 'vitb tfie casino:.. seems like tliev almost li ixe ii right but \\ •fara (..luiilc said Belli () Grants Adniinisii.iioi for If n isfiiialitv Maiiagcnient is noi the ne\ci works ouï "ou'rc tliete lor at lea'-;, STAEF WRI I ERS aCadenii:' atfairs answer, some have called tor Stock'.m t(; an houi, and in the li!e .li" u. hu.iV college !^iocktoii 1:. jcMîung an uierea.sing iiuni- strive to become a uniNersity. kids, that's not good, ' another student Chick Veager, Wes Schnell. Linm,. tu.'! o1 colleges who are now i'oeusiiii: thcii iiill Lubenow, one of the original facul- commented. Redmer. Scott Mulraney, Amanda attention to the private sector for raising ty rnemhers at Stockton despisc-S; ' this Polash has expressed his dedication in Stiles, Michael McCollum, Paschal money. And last year they did receive sev- notion. He like many other faculty mem- continuing to try and make the Lakeside Drew, Chris Ferullo, Kristina eral substantial contributions from the pri- bers and students feel that Stockton v.'ould Pizzeria run nn>re smoothly and desires to Clauberg. .Tulie Jablonski vate sector. then lose the familiarity that only a smaller make it known that the staff are every bit I'rinti'il by AFL I'rintt'i The Press of Atlantic Ciiy gave school can have. $125,000; the South Shore Foundation The art of fundraising no easy I'l.akeside continued on page 4» gave $210,000 and Antoinette Bigel gave solutions. The above people are the only quali- $105,000. They collected a total of The lack of awareness for the increasing fied representatives of The Argo. S.A.V.E. Letters, opinions, photographs, car- $650,000 from the private sector last year. demand of money needed to run an institu- (continued from page 1 ) toons, and articles are welcome by all. Bui these numbers were not satisfactory tion leads to calls for donations going Deadline for all submission is every to the fundraising staff. Edward F.. unheard. Hammond, this inspirational and informa- Wednesday 5:00pm. The Argo Swenson and Associates were hired to For a truly successful campaign to tional event is a must see for citizens wish- reserves the right to edit or deny all examine the current status of the mobilize Stockton towards the ne.Kt millen- ing to become personally involved in pre- copy. For advertising information, Foundation Department, it's current nium it will require all members of the serving America's vanishing wild places. please call (609) 652-4298. The fundraising activities, and it's opportuni- Stockton community past or present to The event will lake place Thursday Oct. ARGO welcomes all newcomers to ties. give, whether it be lime, money, or com- 28 in B-126 at 7 p.m. It is sponsored by the join our meetings Monday 5:30 pm, upper G-Wing, room 202. The group has also found an increasing passion. .Atlantic Audubon Societv and SAVE. Page 3 October 25, 1999 MEDICINE THE ARGO Meningitis shots are being urged for students

Michael McCoIlum meningitis that circulate in the United may be exposed to bacteria they have not cinated. The Argo States. The vaccine, developed by the U.S. previously encounter. The federal advisory committee acted military, has reduced the incidence of Additionally, some engage in behavior after hearing from a Georgia woman A federal advisory panel Wednesday meningitis among recruits by 90 percent that can compromise their immune sys- whose 20-year-old son died in April 1998, urged college and university freshmen to since it was introduced in 1971. tems, such as binge drinking, smoking 26 days after contracting meningitis at consider getting vaccinated against bacter- The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and/or getting too little sleep. Georgia Southwestern University. More ial meningitis, a rare infection that can kill stated earlier this year that college fresh- The American College Health than 3,000 cases of bacterial menihgitr-S' a healthy person within hours. men living in dormitories were six times Association had already recommended occur every year. The illness is'fatal in'Tô The Advisory Committee on more likely than other college students to that incoming freshmen living in dorms to 15 percent of cases. ' ' Immunization Practices asked colleges become infected. consider getting the vaccine shot. An Initial symptoms include high and health professionals to tell incoming The researchers believe freshman are increasing number of colleges and univer- fever,headache, stiff neck, nausea, vomit- students about the vaccine, which is effec- sities had begun urging students to be vac- . . j' i'l <1 susceptible because they live in close (Meningitis conlinued on page 5) ,, tive against most strains of bacterial proximity with many other people and

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Meriililiiriicl Page 4 October 25, 1999 LIFESTYLES THE ARGO 311 misplace heart on Soundsystem

'Dah'Grote after a two year-plus studio hiatus, the Track ten, "Evolution," is basicaly the would have served its purpose better either ' ' The Argo longest hiatus of their career. This proba- group's ode to computers and digitization, as a bonus track or as a track on Transistor. I 1 bly has much to do with the size and depth with lyrics about both the good and harm VERDICT: 311 was wise to put a little This year seems to be a rather poorly- of their 1997 follow-up. Transistor, which an iMac can do being bandied between bit of Transistor into their formula for chosen time for 311 to release a single saw the band delving into quite a bit of S.A. (the hard rapper) and Soundsystem, as it leant the band a sense called "Come Original." Especially when experimentation, producing seventy-four (the soft rapper). of maturity. Perhaps with a little more you consider the large number of rap-rock minutes of decidedly mellower jams and One disappointing aspect of fine-tuning, Soundsystem could have been hybrids that have dominated the radio air- dubwork. To many, the album was not Soundsystem, as reassuring as it is to see just as good of a party album as any of waves over the past year, whether they be quite as well-received as their previous 311 returning to their roots, is the under- 3irs other efforts. riiôre aggressive groups like Kom and efforts. use of bass on the album. 3irs rhythm However, their big mistake was using Lîmp Bizkit or more good-time, party-vibe Consequently, Soundsystem would section is perhaps one of the best of any more guitars and technology in place of its groups like Zebrahead and Citizen King. appear to be 311 's make-up album, return- nineties group. standout rhythm section instead of in addi- There's really nothing original about it ing to the basic formula, laid out in Music While drummer Chad Sexton gets to tion to it. In a way, 311 ripped the heart anymore. and "The Blue Album," with thirteen more have his solo (see the intro to out of itself and replaced it with a comput- -"''Nevertheless, one must remember that traditional 311 tracks. "Evolution"), bassist P-Nut gets very little er. Nebraska natives 311 have been in the rap- Despite this return to the original recipe, time to show off his skills, which at their RATING: 2 1/2 STARS for lack of P- rock-reggae fusion game since their first the effects producing Transistor had on the best have rivaled those of Flea of the Red Nut album in 1993. Since that time, they have band's creative process can be felt on this Hot Chili Peppers. 3irs live album is the BUY, BORROW, OR IGNORE: Don't -•'developed a strong underground fanbase album. 311 have wisely decided to best recorded example of Chad and P- get me wrong, this isn't a bad album, per • '"^'vï relentless touring and welcomed a embrace the technology they pursued in Nut's prowess, both of whom get the se. It just doesn't show 3irs full range of meteoric rise in mainstream support, due putting their previous album together. , opportunity to go off into minutes-long talent. largely to the success of their two 1996 Keyboards and cuts lie everywhere, cour- jams worthy of a Rush performance. I wouldn't go so far as to call " - hits, "Down" and "All Mixed Up." tesy of 311 CO-vocalist and tumtablist S.A. A cover of "Leaving Babylon," a toked- Soundsystem an ignore, but I would sug- Rç^ardlfss of their state of popularity Martinez. out, strictly reggae number, also needless- gest BORROWing the album if you're a "throughout the years, 311 has always A perfect example of this is "Flowing," ly breaks up the flow of the album, pro- bit skeptical. Newcomers to 3irs sound remained true to their message of peace, which sports a beautifully melodic distort- viding a ridiculous interruption between might be better off listening to their first love, and ganja. ed keyboard intro before bursting into rock tracks. The song itself seems like lit- three albums before passing their own Soundsystem, 3irs fifth album, comes 3irs homegrown, reggae-tinged flavor. tle more than a nice afterthought that judgements. nv/o 'M-jiLaughte r is the best medicine for mid-term blues

Emma Redmer George C. Scott also gets in a great (and Hollywood safe for satire and gross gags. around the same time period, the movie The Argo rare) comic performance in this indictment "Blazing Saddles", the 1974 western doesn't have a traditional ending. What it It's said that laughter is the best medi- of the utter ridiculousness of war in gener- comedy, wasn't Mel Brooks' first movie does have is wonderlul performances from cine. Certainly, it's one of the best cures al and nuclear arms in particular. The cold (that was 1960's "The Producers"), . nor Cleavon Little as the Sheriff, Gene Wilder nîy^r 'im-Wà-tétm blues. Here's a list of war may be over, but the parody still rings was it the first crack at the conventions of as the outlaw who aids him and Mel classic comedies that'll tickle your funny true. Classic lines abound, including my the western movies. Brooks in dual roles as the town's owner bone and make you smile even while favorite - "No arguing here, gentlemen. However, it was one of the most suc- and a Yiddish-speaking Indian chief studying for exams. All of these films are This is the war room!" cessful movies of the very grim mid-70's Rating: *** available on video. "The Princess Bride" Rating: **** and one of the first to exploit humor that The Mel Brooks and Monty Python can also be found on SSTV. many people would find tasteless (notably movies inspired later filmmakers to push The cold war goes boom and Peter Peter Sellars is probably best known as the scene involving cowboys eating a few the envelope of comedy to new (and occa- I ..Sellars goes with it in "Dr. Strangelove, or- Inspector Clauseu, the extremely clumsy too many cans of beans around the camp- sionally offensive) heights. The Farley •^.bol) tMow 'Ii Stopped Worrytrig and Léarhed to French detective of the Pink Panther com- fire). The concept is an interesting one - Brothers flick "There's Something About Love the Bomb". edy/mystery series. Black comedy would what would happen if the sheriff who Mary" and several of this year's teen Just the title should tell you that we're peak in the 70's with such films as The saves the day in the good-guys/bad guys comedies owe a debt to Brooks and the not dealing with a normal movie. Peter Hospital, die in the 80's, and return in a western was an African-American? Monty Python troop, not to mention Sellars is well known for his ability to play somewhat muted form in the 90's in inde- Typical racial and old west stereotypes "Airplane!" And the many films in the 80's b. many roles in a single film, and this 1964 pendent films like The Usual Suspects. are blown to bits and, like the British satire and 90's that cheerfully made fun of half rii HÎno . black cbmedy about nuclear war shows Mel Brooks' "Blazing Saddles" makes "Monty Pythpn and the Holy Grail" made the movies in existence. this off to great effect. He portrays the title character as well as one of the political . leaders who "learns to love the bomb".

Lakeside (continued from page 2) ' as concerned as the students are about the ine lingerie. Designer style handbags, •time it takes for customers to get their food.t' J. fendi look, watches and sunglasses. Another concern currently being (addressed between Food Services and ^Olga, Bali, Maidenform & other designer 1. 1 (. SRA is what happens when housing holds programs inside Lakeside, and the pizzeria name bras. Massage oils & lotions. il jur. staff are unable to open the pick-up win- dow, creating long lines in the lobby and Lingerie costumes, or order more congested traffic. " ^ ^ Also, being considered is rolling back something speciall Lalciëside's nighttime service hours from 9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., so students who Club wear, platform & spike shoes order towards the end of meal plan have time'to sit and enjoy their food before ' ' Lakeside is closed without feeling rushed ymtusd:: to eat and leave. However, this might also conflict with 24 Î White Horse Pike any programming held in the main hall at Lakeside, unless, as is also being consid- Tupcttd ike0-dtmK^ "hiner or aiti 652-8446 ered, Lakeside only use their main hall for big events. Any students who has concerns, ques- tion, or suggestions regarding the service at Lakeside should contact their SRA rep- 150/0 OFF• - resentative. 1 per customer « exp. 11-6-99 Page 5 October 25, 1999 FEATURES THE ARGO Stockton campus activities are not to be missed

Paschal Drew VanFossen continues to grow as an actor. A believable character. The kind of guy were too long for me to wait. Nice going The Argo When I first enjoyed her work last year, I you want to hate. Great job. for those of you who contributed. thought of her as a combination of Lily Congratulations to producers Pam Anyway, you poetry people eould do a Let's get ospreyed, or is it, "Let's go Tomlin and Bette Midler. Now I compare Hendrick and Derek Lane. This kind of little more advertising. David Floyd said I Ospreys." Whatever. I love this school. her to no one. She is an individual star with production makes me more proud to be missed an exceptional evening, and that's But part of this is unreal. unique qualities. associated with the college. quiet a statement frorrv 3 nationally pub- People are talking about preceptorial When not in the spotlight, always I hope your work continues for years to lished poet like himself,, advising for the Spring Semester, and I'm delightful scenes, she diligently works at come, and a personal thanks to Jen Tovrea There's probably a ton of other things still trying to remember all the names of her craft, contributing to the comedy with who taught me more about theater than I I'm missing on campus, but there's plenty my fellow classmates for the Fall facial expressions of shock, surprise, and ever knew existed. That's it for the stage. I don't miss out on. . Semester. Is there no rest? disbelief. Over at the field, the soccer players are Like the pepperoni pizza in t),;e cafete- Papers are due. Presentations are due. She brings characters and setting continuing their magic, sometimes under ria, and the sit down chats over coffee with Observations are in progress. together in a believable suspension from the lights, but I haven't been able to get to the teachers and fellow stude,nts, ^ I haven't received my student loans yet. life. She makes things work. She has stage a game yet. That's the part of the school I like best: Still have no clue on how to get my grades presence. These 6-10 p.m. classes just won't quit. friendly staff and faculty. ,, r^ off the computer, and the theater people Fellow actor Michael Francis well Anyway, you people could roll a game off Makes for a pleasant atmosphere. One are working on their second production. pulled off the complicated demands of his like that at ten in the morning? Good luck. of these days, someone's going to intro- Their first was splendid. Moliere's character. I wish I could be there. duce me to President Farris. (Lunch?) Tartuffe wonderfully directed by Leonard He had me laughing before he delivered I also missed the blood drive and the There's not many colleges you could go Kelly entertained from ticket presentation his first line, and kept me in that elevated poetry reading/blues jams over at the E.T. to where almost anyone i? accçs^jlble. to theater exit. state until the end. The best I can say for the It's the reason I didn't go to Jliitgers or He had his crew working before Act I the title role presented by Christian W. Saturday night before last. St. John's. I like it here. I like being and through the intermission. Rachael Macchis is hssssssss. A wonderful villain. Twice I went to give blood but the lines ospreyed. Verse of Bible being enfor;ted while others are looked over

Chick Yeager the rest of the Bible says and use The Argo a small part to^advancé;|[heir own AT TIAA-CREF, political agenda/ ' Thought for the day: Actually, the rules in Leviticus "Great minds discuss ideas. were designed for forbid Average minds discuss events. Israelites from following the LOW EXPENSES ARE Small minds discuss people." - pagan custom^ of their neigh- Eleanor Roosevelt. bors. One of these customs was A fflGH PRIORITY. "sacred prostii^tion" twith men Religion (3): Many Gay and/or women in the temple itself people did not learn the word as a form of worship. pleasure. This form of worship is the When sex entered their lives, abomination that is talked about there was no work for pleasure to in Leviticus 18:22. ll fmancial companies charge fmancial services industry." name it. In other words, it is about vio- Instead, it was sin;^was lating the First Commandment: Aoperating fees and expenses - work. It often felt sad, Guilt'and iJThou shalt havé nO'MJtlfcr Gods some more than others. Of course, the A focus on your future shame became attached to sex, before me. ' • ' and to make matters even worse, Whether it is against homosex- Of course, expenses are only one factor lower the expenses you pay, the better. Leviticus 18:22 was often used uality or against killing divorced That way, more of your money goes to consider when you make an invest- by radical fundamentalists to say people who remarry, the Bible disapproved of gays.i{ Christians have additional rea- ment decision. Morningstar also noted where it should - toward building a There are several responses to sons to dismiss the statements in our commitment to "consumer education, comfortable future. those who look at only at this one Leviticus. service" and "solid investment perfor- verse of Bible: (a) If you read the In Galatians 3:23-25, As the largest retirement system in whole Chapter of Leviticus, you Christians are taught,that they are mance." Because that can make a differ- will find that we are also instruct- . no longer underlhe,|MXaw and the world, ' we have among the lowest ence in the long run, too. ed to eat no pork, no lobster, no that the Old Law is brought to an expenses in the insurance and mutual shrimp, no rare meats, not oys- end in Christ (Romans 13:8-10 ters, no intercourse during the and Galatians 5:14). The new law fund industries.^ At TIAA-CREF, we believe people menstrual period, no inter-breed- i of Christ is the Law of Love, ing cattle, and a whole host of In fact, TIAA-CREFs 0.36% average would like to spend more in retirement, Next week.f.this column will other laws which include the law discuss what Jesus 'had to say fund expenses are a fraction of the not on their retirement company. Today, to kill all divorced people who about gays. , / remarry. expense charges of comparable funds.^ over two million people count on that You may be surpriseid because It seems natural to wonder it is so different from what mahy It's one reason why Morningstar says, approach to help them build financial why some people only want to TV preachers say/s, "TIAA-CREF sets the standard in the security. So can you. enforce the prohibition of gays. But if you have a Bible, you'll Perhaps this is because these be able to check it out for your- people want to forget about what self. , ..

Meningitis or kissing, health experts said. To find out more - give us "An otherwise healthy 18- (continued from page 3) a call or visit our website year-old can walk intoiyour clin- ic with symptoms: of the flu and Ensuring the future 1 800 842-2776 ing, confusion and sleepiness. within three hours be in a coma," for those idio shape itT The illness can cause death said Dr. Jim Turner of the within 24 to 48 hours, the CDC American College. Health said. Association. The bacteria infectsthe fluid of "Many of the cases I have seen the spinal cord and the fluid that could have been prevented by the ' Based on $250 billion in aiM(s under nianagenisnl. ^ SteiiiWf'Pivr'^liuunutct lUlmi Antlyjii, J999; and Upper Anilytical Service», Inc., Lifffr-DmcUn'Aiud^lkalData 1999 (qiuneriy). \Ujnimf/lar VarUUt AnnuiluJUii, &Î(VI999. Ofllie6.îî2 variable onnuiiin Incited by iV\ominp«ir, the average fund had iMal fees cwnbining iiuiuj expensei of 0.84%surround s the brain. vaccine." plus an insurance expense of 1.26%. TIAA-CREF expenses are subject to ckange and are noi guaranteed for the future. Past perfomunce is no guarantee of future reiulti. TIAA-CRETheF y are usually spread Health officials içautioned that Individual and Institutional Services distributes CREF cenificalet and inierrsls in the TIAA Real Estate Account. For more complete iotwmation. including charjes and expetises, call I 800 6^2-2776, extension &&09, for prospectuses. Read them carefully before you invest or send money. through respiratory and throat the vaccine does not completely 8/99 secretions, such as by coughing eliminate the risk of contracting Page 6 October 25, 1999 LETTERS & OPINIONS THE ARGO Lollipops and wrestling Board of Trustees candidate voices disappointments quotes don't win elections Sally Land rum didates were incompetent to This is a letter written in begin with. Perhaps you may response to the article written by know some of these candidates and that's the bottom line Joshua Heines. I was offended by personally enough to make such the article printed in the Argo a claim; however, you do not Carmen Gampise make a decision. the students body's thoughts and during the week of October 11, know me well enough to make "This is a goddamn Greek This turned out to be a useless opinions. entitled "Stockton's election such a bold, rude statement. In tragedy." five minutes of "I will make sure What makes you any differ- nightmare". fact, you do not know me at all. /\nn^geddon, 1998. that our voices are heard" or "I ent? In all honesty, to win my It is not at all rare or unusual I wrote this editorial because I 1-tend to use this phrase peri- will do the best I can for vote I wanted to hear what to distribute items to catch a was disappointed when I was odically to describe moments on Stockton." I'm pretty sure every- specifically each candidate voter's attention. Whether the informed that only II percent of an eveijyd^y basis that end up body running had that in mind. would do with their vote on the item is a bumper sticker, button, the student body had voted. having.a negative effect on my So, it was still a dead heat - seven board. Would you support a or lollipop attached to a flyer is However, I am a firm believer current However, candidates all even heading into tuition hike? indifferent. that if you are not part of the there are no words to describe the home stretch. What side would you take in The purpose of the lollipop solution, you are part of the prob- how difficult it was to decide But there was no previous the dispute over an additional attached to a flyer that I handed lem. which candidate to vote for in the track record on any of them, at technology fee? out was meant to encourage stu- It is evident that the material Board of Trustees election. least nothing at my disposal. How would you use your vote dents to become more involved printed in the Argo the week of —Instead -of an election filled This led to the second conflict for the betterment of everyone in politics by going to the polls October 11 was not written with with ideas and propositions as to - the remorseful, childlike tactics that attends this college? I don't and voting. the intent to provide any sort of how to improve the quality of life by the candidates to obtain my care how well you can imitate a I would also like to address the student unity. Writers, if you are at Stockton College, the competi- tally in their quest for victory. professional wrestler. editorial in large print titled. going to use the media, use it to tion turned into a glorified popu- One sign in the cafeteria had I'm not interested in whether "Pride and embarrassment: A bring out school and its students larity contest.''Tliére were two the phrase "Know Your Role" it's a green apple or a mystery week at Stockton." In your edito- up, not down. main predicaments 1 had to oveV-^ displayed right in the middle. flavor.Most importantly, "IT rial, you state you were embar- Last, but not least, I would like come before I could choose my Now, I have been a wrestling DOESN'T MATTER WHAT rassed by some of the Board of to congratulate the newly elected person for the spot. fan for the past seven years and YOUR MAJOR IS," ( I had to Trustees candidates' campaign Board of Trustees member, Jose One main problem that hin- can trade quotes with the best of say it)! tactics and you even went as far Gamboa. dered niy decision was the lack them, but if you think that using a After some heavy thinking and as to say you hoped someone By students uniting, working of knowledge about the candi- cliché tliat I hear 1 out of 5 stu- hours of constant second guess- incompetent was elected. together, and continuing to sup- dates. dents on campus say on a daily ing, I came to one vote: no vote at There is nothing prideful about port on another, Stockton can The only real source of com- basis is going to get my \{ne aii. There was no wa_v to put one that statement. In fact, it discour- become the positive, diverse munication with our Board of think again. AtK-tlicr poieiHiai . ^ndidare above any other on the ages other students from voting, eiivironmeni !nat .;: ^ the poten- Trustees hopefuls came in the candidate tried K^ gum inv bali^.ii rotem pole ni my opimon. l-or because yuu implied thai the can- tial to becomt' form of the ""Meei i!ie Candidates with a lollipop. uivselt to vote, 1 would have Nighf on SSTV and the article Now. despite ?hc !u\cious fruit tiik-d out a ballot t'ur no reason, Public Relations defends ï arris published in the third issue of the flavor and pulsing juices, u Yum- voted witiiuul any teusuiiiny,;, Ar^'O. Yum doesn't give rne any reast)n voted without knowing deep from comment m 'Spotlight' I had missed the SSTV special to check your name off come down that 1 picked the best candi- due to the examinations that were election day either. date. Hopefully, the ne.Kt time Timothy Kelly mascot) an eagle." looming in my near future the Another sign that I noticed this school has an election, those Stockton Coordinator of I don't know where he heard next morning, along with the fact later on that day had inscribed on politicians will take the time to Public Relations this. Considering that President I didn't even realize at the time it "Philosophy majors are cool." let me know how they will help 1 was surprised to see Jason FaiTis is in her 17th year at the that the show was taking place What does that have to do with me and my fellow Stocktonites Hitchner's comment in college, is a biologist, a designer that fateful night. the Board of Trustees and you on our quest to make this school "Spotlight on Stockton" in the of the osprey sculpture, and a That left me with an issue of representing me on that panel? better for all.instead of usmg October 11th issue, regarding basketball fan who is front and the Argo - a mere half page with Yes, I do know a few very cool famous movie excerpts and col- Stockton's mascot, the osprey. center and virtually every home pictures and a sentence or two majors of the mind, but that does- orful Iruit candy to get their name Mr. Hitchner states, "1 heard game, it is my belief that she can from each prospect for the job to n't mean they are fit to represent placed in a box. that Vera King Farris called (the distinguish between these two verv different birds. The Argo newspaper welcomes and There is hope for natural encourages the submission of opin- ions and letters designed for the science majors at Stockton peaceful expression of diverse views Roland Jones over the country and world to peaches and cream. If you are a natural sciences give a hand in the effort to con- This is basically a volunteer and beliefs. Submissions which pro- major here at Stockton, chance serve parks, forests, wildlife position, which I know is hgard are you aren't so sure what you refugees, and other public for a lot of Sti.)ckton to handle. mote demeaning stereotypes, nega- want to do when you graduate. lands;.Experience in education, They will provide you with tive attitudes or anything otherwise I've been here for four years environmental science, park enough money to live on, some- and I honestly still do not totally management, and even carpentry times a little more, but you obvi- deemed hateful by the editorial staff know what I want to be labeled as can be attained. ously would do better waiting for the rest of my life. I've looked I personally worked on an tables in Surf City. Applying does will not be printed. Content includ- into everything from wildlife island on the Peugeot Sound in not garuntee the internship management to teaching to pho- Washington. The amount of prac- altliough I found that persistently ing spelling and grammar errors are tojournalism. I was also com- tical knowledge I picked up in bugging the SCA to send out my pletely baffled as to how T was the ten weeks I was there is par- application helped. All in all, it the responsiblity of the article's going to find a job once I did allel to two years of college. will not hurt to get more informa- author. Names are required for all graduate.My CPA lands me in the Because of this, after school tion. To do .so, you can go to the top third of the bottom half of my became a little bit clearer. I also SCA web site at published materials, unless otherwise class and the only club I've ever had the chance to meet some or write to SCA joined was the Intramural influential people who 1 am still 689 River Road approved by the editorial staff. The Recreational Council. Does this in touch with. Back here at P.O. Box 550 sound familiar to you? If it does, Stockton, I earned four credits Charleston, NH 03603 views and beliefs expressed in this than an internship with the stu- and now my internship will stand Although I can only provide section are not necessarily those of dent conservation association out on an otherwise unimiiressise ndormation nased .'U iDv experi- miglit be just wliat the docitjf transcript.! could gv'. on and un ence, 1 would bt iiapoy io ansvver the Argo, its staff, or the Richard ordered. about how great my experience any questKtn.s. If are interest- The student conservation asso- was, but instead I should proba- eJ. you can email mc at kcniiel- Stockton College of New Jersey ciation recruits students from all bly make you aware that is not all irianC"' Page 7 October 25, 1999 LIFESTYLES THE ARGO

Clubs & Asian Student Alliance International Students Stockton Christian shapes. Viewers-are inyited meets every other Thursday Organization meets every Fellowship meets every to interact with the exhibition Organizations @4;30pm in Room C-135. Wednesday. @2:30pm in Tuesday @ 8:00 p.m. in the by exploring their vafigtipns. Meeting Room F-202. TRLC Multi-purpose Room. Ms. Smithson use^jet«^rpg'as Announcements Atlantic City Boys and Girls a basis of her mixed media Club meets every Friday Stockton Education Club sculpture which translates her @2:30pm in front of the Karate Club meets every meets every Tuesday in memories and experience Aikido Club meets every library. Tuesday and Thursday in the Room C-009 @4:30pm. nietaphorically into birds, tex- Tuesday and Thursday in H-Wing Dance Studio tures, surfaces, and found Upper A-Wing Gallery @8pm. Board of Activities meets @9:00pm. Stockton Students for a objects. Mr. Fernetti"received every Wednesday @8:00pm Free Tibet meets every his Masters in Art Education in Room N-107. Marine Science Club meets Thursday at 4:30 in F-206. in 1968 at Pennsylvania State Alliance for Sexual every Tuesday @5pm. University and Ms. 'Smithson Orientation meets every Caribbean Students Stockton Gaming Guild received her Masters 'of Fine Tuesday @4:30pm in F-212. Association meets every New Jersey Animal Rights meets every Thursday Arts in printmaking' from second and fourth Thursday Coalition meets the 2nd @5:00pm in Upper N-Wing. Indiana University, Hetiry of every month at 4:30 p.m in Wednesday of every month in Radford Hope School of Fine CLASSIFIEDS B-103. N-115 @7pm INFO: 652- Stockton Peace Action Arts in 1997. Both aréf- ' How does $800/Week extra 4818. meets on Monday, March 29 adjunct professors at income sound to you? Chemistry Society will hold at 6 p.m. in G-212i. Stockton. Amazingly, profitable opportunity. Send self-addressed its meetings every third Non-Traditional Students stamped envelope to: Monday in B-103 at 5:30pm. Organization meets the first Water Watch meets every Events International, 1375 Coney Island Contact Dr. Ken Overly for Saturday of every month. The Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. in I Ave. PMB #427 room specifics or call Melinda next meeting will be Oct. 21 G-206. Brooklyn. New York 11230 October 25 at 823-3684 for more informa- at 4:30 p.m. in F-205. $3.50 Men's Soccer vs Lycoming: VIP Established Rose Girls- Now tion. for students, children of stu- Yearbook Staff meets every Field 1,6 p.m. hiring to service nightclubs in Wednesday @8:30pm in dents eat free. October 26 , A.C. and Vineland. Approximate Chess Club meets and plays Room N-1 OS- hours 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Must Dancer's & Drummers: every Monday at 1:30 - be 18, plus have drivers license Platypus Newsletter meets Performing Art Center, 8 p.m. and car. 692-6200 6:00pm and on Thursday every Wednesday @8pm in from 4-7 pm in front of the General the S.A.V.E Office. Women's Volleyball vs New Spring Break 2000 Library. For more information Announcements Jersey City University: Cancun. Bahamas, contact Terek at stk7887. Jamaica, Florida and South Gym, 7 p.m. Padre. Psychology Club meets BoardA/ideo Game and Call USA Spring Break every Thursday @4:30pm in Movie night will be held every October 29 for a free brochure and rates. Christian Liturgy & Catholic ,Room F-212, unless other- Ask how you can GO FOR Saturday night from 7:00 to Lost Highway: Performing Mass will be held every FREE! wise posted. 11:30 p.m. in upper N-Wing.. Arts Center, 8 p.m. Fore more information Sunday @8pm in the TRLC. Call 1-888-777-4642 Public Health Society meets Fr. Jeff Burton, SJ, Stockton Lambda Theta Alpha or go to Circle-K International meets every first Thursday at 4:30 and ACCC Chaplian is orga- Dance: N-Wing, 8 p.m. every Wednesday @8pm in p.m. and third Wednesday at nizing a trip to Ireland trom ^ ^ / My husband and 1 have been Room G-208. 8 pm. of every month in March 9-17, 2000 during col- October 30 blessed with each other and long Room F-205 lege spring break. The trip Public Health Society for the day that vye can extent Creative Writers Group that blessing onto our baby. Will cost $1499, including Dance; N-Wing, 8 p.m. Please call Cliff and Sue in NJ at meets every Tuesday in the S.A.V.E. meets every round trip air fare, 3-4 star our toil free number 1-877-857- Stockton Library in Room E- Tuesday @4:30pm in H-118. hotels for seven nights, food, U.LT.R.A. 4001 or Family Options at 1- 210 @6pm. tour guides, and entrance 800-734-7143 Social Work Club meets fees. Call Fr. Jeff Burton at Help Wanted - Video Assistant • Criminal Justice Society every other Tuesday 487-7540. Donations for the "Road to Wellness:" For p/t, flexible hours. Locai video meets every Tuesday in C- @4:30pm in Room 0-135. trip go to Stockton's Newman more information call - services/productior! cornpany 103 @ 4:30pm. center. ext.4722 seeking computer & video savvy Stockton Amnesty individual with good eye/hand coordination, manual dexterity Ebony Ensemble practices International meets every The Stockton Board of Writing Effective Resumes non smoker, "all VTS ^'>5^-1660 every Tuesday at 8:00pm in Thursday at 4:30 p m in F- Trustees Fellowships for & Cover Letters: J-204, 9:55 the A-Wing Lecture Hall All 206, Distinguished Students a.m. License Hair Colorisi - Ottering are welcome. For more infor- 50% off ALL hair color services Program offers financial sup- Will come to your location. mation please call 626-1580, Stockton Bowling C!ub Dirt in amounts up to $1000 Yoga; TRlC 5'15 p.m. Available Sun.-Tues. Offer good or send e-mail to kaîa - bowls every Monday at the '' non-freshman, undergradu- for students and clysm@'e-maiî.com Egg Harbor Lanes @9ptn di;: i.'id graduate students October 26 faculty ONLY. Book your Tournament meetings will be appoiii'ment soon, the holidays jvno ^ish to develop projects Thinking About Grad are coming. Greek Hellenic Heritage held Oct 14 .at 4:3- Oct 18 ai It a research and/or artistic School: J-204, 10:30 a.m. Gal! (609} 432-5429. Society meets every 8 p.m. and Oct 27 p.m i^i F- nature. Thursday @4;30pm jh the 205The cost is $4/! L fo' Intere-stfcd students are urged October 27 LATCHKEY AIDE - Margate City Upper G-Wing cubicle by the more information conuic? School Di::.trict is seeking to pick up application informa Alcohol and Tough responsible and G-Wing Lounge- Rodney at 748-6723 tion packets prior to Oct, 22, Choices; G-208, 2:10 P-ni. energetic after-school aide to 1999 in any of the following: work Monday througli Friday Dea:i of Students; Student The Return of Martit, from 2:45 PM to 6:00 PM at a 'salary of $7.00/1 iour. Beepers Bpepers Beepers Se;iiiîe: Academic Affairs: Guerre: Arts and Science Responsibilities include prepaiing Deveiopment/Alurnni. College 102, 7 p.m. daily activities, arts, and crafts. Beepers Beepers Beepers Ceni^î; or ARHU, GENS, homework assistance, etc. NAMS, PROS, SOBL "The Price if Right" on Creativity and experience with Beepers Beepers Beepers children preferred. Please call Substances Abuse, 822-7720 for application. Special Offer for the Faculty and To Vote on November 2 for Lakeside Center, Ô p.m. NJ State Assemblypersons, Margate Community Education & Students of Stockton College local mayors and other local Recreation is seeking certified officials, you must be regis- October 28 Aerobics instructor to teach a For A Limited Time Only variety of physical fitness class- tered -by Oct. 4. For forms, Job Search Strategies for es. (Kickbo.xing, Step Aerobics, Get a Motorola Pager, information and advice about the New Millennium: J-204, etc.) Also accepting proposals for obtaining absentee ballots, 2:30 p.m. educational and/or recreational and One Year of Service programs for adults and children please contact your County for the upcoming Winter/Spring For Just $99.99 Clerk, or Dick Colby at 0-120, "I Know What I Want but I brochure. Please apply in person MWFfrom 10-11. Can't Find it Here" and mail written proposals and Alternatives to the Regular salary requirements to 8103 Winchester Ave., Margate, NJ Call for Details Art Gallery Course Offerings: TRLC, 6 08402 Alpha Message Center, Inc. p.m. ROOMATE WANTED: Absecon, Rape Aggression Defense Female, room and private home (609)641-6066 November 1-21 Systems Training Series: with all amenities, storage, $300 TrScc iodudej a Motorota Bravo Digital d^jlay pagcf with Jocal phone number and Mr. Fernetti's "conceptual a month. Call 383-9014 rejicmal covaage wid» airtime service fiw 12 morkhs blocks" are large moveable TRLC, 8 p.m. Page 8 October 25, 1999 NEWS THE ARGO SPOTLIGHT ON STOCKTON

It seems that everytime you turn around at Stockton, something is different. They are changing the classrooms, the gym, the tennis courts, and the web page. Many are amazed at the speed in which the administration at this school are able to change policy, or how quickly they can get projects accomplished when they decide it needs to be done. What many wonder is if these changes are the changes that the campus needs the most. I asked Stocktonites, "What is the first thing that should be changed at Stockton? "

Steve Emaneel Melissa Voos Conrad Burnside Melanie Basiaga Gina Abbatemarco Junior Senior Junior Sophomore Freshman They have to do some- It takes housing months I don't like the way the I just want people to stay I want people to clean the thing about N-wing, the to fix anything. When police operate. They tend here on the weekends. bathrooms for us in the food is so greasy. they do get around to it, to not let Stockton kids dorms. half the time, it still won't enjoy themselves. work.

Photos and Responses compiled by Shaun Reilly Nothing stops Stockton's Best students on the same day," laughs Cordino. of character. Cordino's charm and whit have earned Connoly says, "R.J. has a great sense of him many friends and aquaintences. He pride and independence. He's not afraid to STOCKTON'S BES says, "I've found that people in college are ask for help when he needs it, but he'll be much nicer than those in high school." the first to pitch in a helping hand of his He has also found a friend and mentor in own when he can." the average person, and has a few teachers. The first to come to his Cordino has changed a lot of attitudes trouble navigating the hall- mind was literature professor Penny around campus, as well as defining his ways. Dugan. "She's just great, I love Penny," own character. No matter what it is that Somehow he still manages to said Cordino. No one that knows him can he plans on doing with his life he is bound hardly ever miss a class, and find a bad word to say about him. This for sucsess. This is why R.J. Cordino is carry a good grade point aver- may be in part to his humility and strength one of Stockton's Best. age. Sometimes people take for granted the efforts that some people go through to do Tired of providing things that most people can do with ease. Except for his apperant disabiltiy, R.J. is a is maid service for not much differnt than, any other students. He does however bring many out-of-town guests? postive things to this campus. According to an ex-classmate and friend Belinda Connoly (We're not.) he brings a uniqe angle to classroom dissensions and thought provoking comments. It's a real treat for friends and "He's a great listner and a relatives to stay at Fairfield Inn® good friend. He helps lo put by Marriott® They'll get a clean, everything in perspective," said Connoly. comfortable room, free continental When asked what drives him breakfast,a pool and smart, friend- to succeed and what brings Photo by: Shaun Reilly ly service. And Marriott Rewards® him back to classes everyday R.J. Cordino has been diagnosed with Cerebal Palsy, but has he replied, "I'm just lookin'g members earn points toward a free not allowed it to stop him from succeeding to find something to excite vacation. Call your travel agent or Shaun Reily me." 800-228-2800. Or visit us on the The Argo Apparently it is the learning and the exchanging of ideas that excites him. Web at Every once in a while there is someone Cordino, an Absecon resident, faces the who redifines words like courage, integri- same dillema that every college student ty, and strength. A person who despite any- faces, plus some that others don't have to thing that may have stood in their way, still deal with. finds a way to succeed. As a literature major he faces the age R.J. Cordino is one of those people. old dillema of what to do with a Literature This literature major excels in his classes, Degree. "I've given some thought to has many friends, and in his free times teaching, and I also want to write," says enjoys writting poetry. Cordino. One of his problems is that This may sound no differnt than many because of his illness he grows tired much students, but Cordino is diffemt. He suf- faster than a person not afflicted with the fers from Cerebal Palsy that has plagued sickness. him since childhood. "I have to take less classes than most You can expect more He grows tired much more quickly than people. I'll probably retire and graduate