The Palestinian civil’s attitude: Source/ Gaza aggression 2014- Analytical Reading

On Tuesday, July 8th 2014, angry masses launched demonstrations in the west bank cities, 1948 territories and refusing the aggression against the Gaza strip. More than 110 Palestinian were wounded by the occupation’s bullets and tear gas. In , the demonstrators called the Palestinian leadership to stop the security coordination with the occupation and to support the national resistance.

on Thursday, July 8th 2014, the political forces, institutions, associations and syndicates held a meeting in calling for the activation of the national movement against the occupation to confuse and disperse it, while on Wednesday, July 9th 2014, the protesters, citizens, civil institutions and national powers launched a demonstrations denouncing the occupation's policies and its aggression against the strip.

On Friday July 11th 2014, protests and clashes hurled in several areas in the West Bank supporting the Gaza Strip. Those areas includes: the center of , Bani Nuaim, Suair, Al- Azza camp, Housan’s town in Bwthlehem, Deir Abu-Meshaal and Ras-kakar in Ramallah, resulting in a number of wounded. While in , dozens of people gathered in solidarity calling for by the national and Islamic forces to put an end to 's crimes. Moreover, Jerusalem witnessed violent clashes causing injures to more than 150 Palestinians.

On Saturday July 12th 2014, rallies in Hebron, , Arroub camp, Al-Fawwar, the villages of Kharsa, Beit Ummar and Bani Naim marched condemning the Israeli aggression on Gaza. The marches turned into clashes with the occupation forces leaving 150 young Palestinians wounded. Fatah also called for a march at the Qalandiya checkpoint laving four wounded young people. Moreover, clashes erupted in Shuafat camp and Anu Dis town in Jerusalem causing injuries to 18 young people. In the areas of , Ni'lin near the Beit Eil’s settlement in the Ramallah and , four Palestinians were wounded. Also, violent clashes erupted against the occupied forces in shuafat neighborhood in Jerusalem, Hebron and Qalandia checkpoint.

On July 13th 2014, Fatah's youth movement launched in the Gaza Strip campaign entitled: 'My blood resists', to support the Palestinians in Gaza while they resists the Israeli aggression, calling all supporters of the youth movement to donate blood in the Strip’s hospitals.

On July 16th 2014, the public employees' syndicate organized a stand in solidarity supporting the people of the Gaza Strip in front of the Nativity Church in Bethlehem. Late on Wednesday July 16th and until the dawn of Thursday July 17th 2014, confrontations erupted against the Israeli occupation in different parts of the West Bank. At the Qalandiya checkpoint between Jerusalem and Ramallah, violent confrontations erupted in which about five hundred young people from the refugee camps of Al Amari and Qalandiya Palestinian refugee camp near Ramallah participated. 24 young men were wounded in confrontations. Also, an Israeli force came under fire in the town of al-Ram north of Jerusalem, and a bus of settlers was stoned while passing near a town in the same area. Jalazoun refugee camp, north of Ramallah also witnessed confrontations against the occupation after a massive march in the camp after the Tarawih prayer, in which protestors chanted slogans supporting the resistance in Gaza.

Confrontations erupted against the occupation forces in several areas of Hebron its surrounding areas including Arroub camp, Fawwar and Beit Ummar village in the north, resulting in 4 injuries by life ammunition. The youth movements in the cities of Ramallah and Al Bireh called for a central march and a clash with the occupation near the colony of Beit El, but the Palestinian police prevented it which resulted in clashes between demonstrators and the Palestinian police

On July 18th 2014, after Friday prayer in Ramallah, hundreds of Palestinian demonstrated and marched in the city carrying flags, supporting the resistance and calling for rapid intervention to save the lives of innocent people in Gaza, while the worshipers in Al-Aqsa demonstrated after Friday prayers to denounce the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

On Sunday July 19th 2014, rallies came out from several of Nablus after Tarawih prayers, towards Martyrs' roundabout downtown to support the Gaza Strip, at an invitation of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the national action factions in Nablus, Hebron and Ramallah.

On Sunday, July 20th 2014, there were violent clashes between Palestinians and Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem. The clashes carried on till Monday in a number of cities in the West bank including Ramallah, Nablus, Tulkarem, Hebron and Bethlehem. Also, on Monday, July 21st 2014, the West Bank, the occupied city of Jerusalem and the territories of 48 witnessed rallies and a general strike to denounce the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, especially the massacre of Shijia neighborhood on Sunday. The commercial strike prevailed in the cities of the West Bank, including Jerusalem's banks and the Palestinian universities in response to a call by the leadership of the PLO National and Islamic forces.

In the Palestinian occupied territories, a solidarity events were launched while a number clashes broke out between demonstrators and Israeli occupation forces who arrested dozens of them inside the Green Line. In Nazareth, on Monday, July 21st 2014, hundreds of Palestinians marched through the city to protest the Israeli aggression, at the invitation of the Follow-up Committee of Arab solidarity with Gaza. Also, the Commission condemned the "silence of the world about what is happening in the Gaza Strip," and they called for "an unitary demonstration involving all the citizens of the city of Nazareth." Clashes broke out between Palestinian youth and Israeli soldiers in the village of Bil'in west of Ramallah. The areas of Shuafat and walled in the city of Jerusalem after the Eid prayer, resulting in life ammunition and rubber bullets injuries. Imams of mosques and worshipers called the citizens to donate to the Gaza Strip. Different cities set up tents in solidarity, also many of the citizens and officials visited the war-wounded in the Gaza Strip who were being treated in the West Bank.

On Thursday, July 31st 2014, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) called for marches on Friday in all towns, villages, camps and all places of the Palestinian’s people against the occupation and its settler's forces in solidarity with Gaza. On Friday, August 1st 2014, at the end of protest marches against the Israeli occupation, violent confrontations erupted in Qalandiya checkpoint and Ofer crossing in the Ramallah area, causing dozens of injuries to Palestinian and two Palestinian young men were martyred in Ramallah and Tulkarem.

Thousands of the Palestinian took part in solidarity rallies in the cities of Hebron and Bethlehem, called by the Palestinian forces and factions, causing 85 civilians injuries with life bullets, hundreds with rubber bullets and cases of suffocation.

Nablus has witnessed violent clashes within a massive march against Israeli forces. Marches were also launched in the towns of Salfit, Ni'lin and Kafr al Dik north of West Bank. While in Beitunia area north of Jerusalem, hundreds of demonstrators closed one of the main roads and attacked the Israeli police stationed in the area with stones.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) called for a rally of thousands of Palestinians in several West Bank cities and towns after Friday prayers August 8th 2014 to support the resistance in Gaza, and ask the Palestinian delegation in Cairo to adhere to the demands of the resistance. The rally caused 12 young men to be wounded in Bab corner of the center of Hebron. Other confrontations broke out in Beit Ummar village north of the city near Karmi Tsur’s settlement.

Thousands of Palestinians marched in Nablus, including masked gunmen from the Al-Qassam resistances. Moreover, the National forces called for a march in which hundreds of Palestinians participated in the Balata refugee camp in the direction of Beit Furik checkpoint east of Nablus. Mass rallies sprang in the cities of Ramallah, Bethlehem and Jenin attended by thousands of Palestinians. The slogans focused on the participants' support of armed resistance, as well inviting the Palestinian delegation in Cairo to persist to the demands of the resistance. There were also violent confrontations with the occupation forces at the checkpoint of Azzun east of , causing ten injuries with rubber bullets.

On Saturday August 9th 2014, different cities in the West witnessed a strike in where shops were closed as an invitation of the national forces, the Islamic forces and factions which issued a statement calling for an escalation of resistance in all forms in all the Palestinian territories. It also called for an escalation of boycotting Israeli products and companies. While dozens of citizens rallied in the center of Ramallah in support of the Palestinian’s negotiating team in Cairo.

On August 11th 2014, the national and Islamic forces in Ramallah called the Palestinian, Arab and Islamic masses to advocate the Palestinian in Gaza through demonstrations and marches after Friday prayers, with the continuation of activities in all governorates of the West Bank. They thanked the International Solidarity Movement which came out in both cities to express their rejection and in denunciation of the crimes of occupation. It called for the boycott of the occupation and its goods. Moreover, the forces thanked President Fidel Castro and the Latin America and South Africa countries on their actions in support the rights of the Palestinian people and their rejection of the aggression against the Gaza Strip.

Thus, the West Bank had strongly reacted with the Gaza Strip, through marches, confrontations, strikes, and boycotting the occupation’s goods. The activities were clearer on Friday of each week more than other days. It showed that these events were attended by hundreds and sometimes thousands of Palestinians, but they lacked the national momentum to influence the Palestinian Authority in order to exert more efforts to stop the aggression on Gaza. While the national events in the Gaza Strip and the occupied territories of 1948 were very limited due to the atmosphere of war in the Strip, and tight security grip in the occupied territory.