
NNaaiirroobbii aanndd AAbbiiddjjaann CCoonnvvenenttiioonn

Dixon Waruinge Regional Seas (Nairobi and Conventions) UNEP, UN Complex P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi, [email protected] http://www.unep.org/eastafrica/

1 AAbbiiddjjann and NNaaiirroobbii:: CCoonvveennttioonss

FFoosstteerriinngg rreeggiioonnaall ccooooppeerraattiioonn iinn tthhee pprrootteeccttiioonn,, mmaannaaggeemmeenntt aanndd ddeevevellooppmmeenntt ooff tthhee ccooaassttaall aanndd MMaarriinnee eennvivirroonnmmeenntt..

• The History of the • Ratification of the Nairobi Convention • Political will and the role of governments in protecting the environment • Financial Sustainability and Contributions to the Trust Fund

RREEGGIIOONNAALL SSEEAASS CCOONNVVEENNTTIIOONNSS GGeeooggrraapphihicacall cocovveerraaggee aanndd KKEEYY DDaatteess n n o o i i t t •Abidjan Convention –Signed in 1981 n n e e • v Came into force 1984. v n n o o •Convention Area covers 22 countries 12 have C C

i i ratified. b b o o •Nairobi Convention -1985; Came into force r r i i a a May 1996. N N

•Covers 10 Countries and all have ratified. d d n n a a

n n a a j j d d i i b b A A

3 OOUURR MMaannddaattee ;; TThhee CCoonnvveennttiioonn aanndd tthhee pprroottooccoollss ((AlAlll ssiiggnneedd))

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a Nairobi Convention a Nairobi Convention n n o o i i g g • Nairobi and Abidjan convention identified as e Nairobi and Abidjan convention identified as e R R kkeeyy ppllaattffoorrmmss ffoorr iimmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn ooff tthhee

e e NNEEPPAADD Coastall and Marinine component . h h t t

s s g g n n n n (SINEPAAD Seeneegall 15 Novembbeer 200044) o o i i i i z z t t

i • i Use the conventiions as one of the pllatforms for l l n n e a e a imimpllementiing NEPAD's's coastal and mariine programs t t v v i i n n v v e o e o 4 R C R C HHooww aarree tthhee IInnssttiittuutitioonnss OOrrggaanniizzeedd Conference of Parties : 2. Dialogue with Ministers on Priorities 3. Focal Points and partners set Conference of Parties priorities.

4. The Secretariat helps forge P A C N R o M partnerships and maintais the R a m T t e a i N m g

dialogue o h i n E u e o Focal

a Focal R n

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S a t n W i

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s r O s s Secretariat at UNEP 5 TheThe NNaaiirrobiobi CConveonvennttiionon –– PaParrttnneerrsshhiipp CCoonvnvententiioonn

6 Financing Mechanism aanndd Partnerships

- December 2001 was a turning point for the Convention. Financing Mechanism - Trust Fund sustains” the secretariat •The contracting parties are contributing to the Trust fund; (Re-Union) $70k RSA $37k $30k Kenya $45k(2002-2005). •The Trust Fund supports development of the Work Programme – Collaboratively with Governments, WWF, IUCN, WIOMSA, IMO, GPA etc. – But work plan implemented by partners Projects (visibility vehicle) Core support from Sweden (Sida) $1.2m for Coordination Programme support; Norway (WIO-Lab), USA-Corals, Ireland-PADH, France, Belgium-Database •GEF Projects – WIOLAB $ 4.2 m, •African SIDS approx $ 12m, 7 •(UNDP and WB e.g. ASLME, SWIOPF) Future

•Support the development of National based programs- and implementation of NAPs (Kenya and ) (WB and UNEP) •Support the establishment of Trans- frontier MPAs and management of MPAs (WWF, IUCN and NB Convention •Offer a llegal pllatform and framework to discuss trans- bounddarryy EEZ iissues .. •Develop and iimpleemmeenntt rregioonnal projjects •Data and Information management

•Diisseminate information http:://www..unep..org/eastafrica/.. •What iis the neextt bbigg IIddeeaa fofor WIO? BByy IUUCNN,, WWWF,, WIOMSA •Fiisheries!!!!!!!!!! Fiisheriies agreement iis a 11989855 GGAAP

8 NNaaiirrobobii CCoonvnveennttiiononss The story • Signed 1985. • Came into force 1996 • First Interim Coordinator left MMaarrchh 19999 (( nno acttivityy oor projects Zero funds in the Trust Fund) • COP3 -20011 Turrniinngg poinntt (GPA, HHEELCCOM, Sidda, WWF,, Belgium, Ireland, USA and contractingg ppaarties • 2004 a workk prograammme and projects = $ 12m