April 25, 2021 10 am

Prelude Christ, Be Our Light Sally Drenna Mossing, arr. Lynn Liepold,

The prelude is a time for quiet reflection.

Call to Worship Gail Morrison from “Earthrise” by Amanda Gorman One: We’ve known that we’re caught in the throes of climactic changes some say will just go away, All: While some simply pray to survive another day. One: For it is the obscure, the oppressed, the poor, who when the disaster is declared done, All: Still suffer more than anyone. One: I tell you this not to scare you, but to prepare you, to dare you, All: To dream a different reality. One: All of us bring light to exciting solutions never tried before, All: For it is our hope that implores us, at our uncompromising core, to keep rising up for an earth more than worth fighting for.

Hymn I Sing the Almighty Power of God see back if bulletin Matt Pokorny, cantor

Reading Whistling Swans Julian Sellers by Mary Oliver

Response Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness James K. Manley (b. 1975) You moved on the waters; you called to the deep; Then you crossed up the mountains from the valleys of sleep; And over the eons you called to each thing, “Awake from your slumbers and rise on your wings.” Spirit, spirit of gentleness, Blow through the wilderness, calling and free. Spirit, spirit of restlessness, Stir me from placidness, wind, wind on the sea.

Passing of the Peace

Anthem Somewhere to Begin T.R. Ritche Matt Pokorny, baritone and guitar (1946-2014)

People sa y t o me: Y ou mus t be cr azy. How c an y ou sing (dr eam, lo ve) in times lik e these? Don’t y ou r ead the ne ws? Don’t y ou kno w the sc ore? How c an y ou sing (dr eam, lo ve) when so man y people grie ve? And people sa y t o me: Wha t kind of f ool belie ves That songs (dr eams, lo ve) will mak e a dif ference in the end? By w ay of a r eply I sa y: A f ool such as I, Who sees a song (dr eams, lo ve) as some where t o begin.

A dr eam is some where t o begin, To sear ch f or some thing w orth belie ving in. If chang es ar e t o c ome, There ar e things tha t mus t be done. And a dr eam is some where t o begin. Love is some where t o begin, To sear ch f or some thing w orth belie ving in. If chang es ar e t o c ome There ar e things tha t mus t be done. And lo ve is some where, And dr eams ar e some where, and a song is some where t o begin.

Children’s Message Michael Stoick

Scripture Acts 4:5-12 Rev. Don Christensen


Hymn Wakantanka Taku Nitawa see back of bulletin

Welcome Kira Pollack

Moment for Mission with Rep. Betty McCollum

Gathering Our Prayers

Lord’s Prayer Our Father/Creator, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Offertory For the Beauty of the Earth Carol Tornquist Lynn Liepold, piano

Doxology and Prayer of Dedication Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below, Praise God above, ye heavenly host, Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Hymn Let There Be Light see back of bulletin


Response May God’s Blessing Shine Upon Us Curt Oliver (1943-2018)

Postlude They'll Know We Are Christian By Our Love Mark Hayes, arr. Lynn Liepold, piano (b. 1953)


Notes About Our Service Support people growing in love of God and neighbor through Macalester Plymouth United Church! To give t o the church, text GIVE2MPUC to 73256 and follow the prompts, send a check to the church address below, o r c lick here. We’ve found Sunday mornings to be a time of heavy traffic for online giving overall. You may find it easier to give online later in the day, or another day. Thank you for your patience and flexibility!

Church Staff Adam Blons, Lead Minister Lauren Dickinson, Youth Faith Formation Corinne Freedman Ellis, Minister of Coordinator Congregational Life Lynn Liepold, Organist and Accompanist Christine Ford, Seminary Intern Penny Heubach, Wedding Coordinator Brad Bradshaw, Director of Music and Visuals Ellen Hedrick, 55+ Director Ginger Schneider, Office Administrator Cassie Sawyer and Mike Jenkins, Student Meegan Hall, Communications Specialist Residents Iris Carroll, Video Editor

Macalester Plymouth United Church (United Church of Christ/Presbyterian Church USA) 1658 Lincoln Avenue · St. Paul, MN 55105 · Ph 651-698-8871 · macalester-plymouth.or g