von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects tall buildings gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects

tall buildings

Since 1991 von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects (gmp) has completed over 25 high-rise buildings in Europe and Asia, several more are under construction or currently in planning stages. The over 55 projects are ranging from hotels, apartments and office towers to mixed-use multi-tower ensembles connected by public plazas and high-end retail functions in the connecting base. At 415 m our highest tower to date for Nanjing Financial City is projected to be completed in 2024.

Collaborating with strong international engineering partners such as ARUP, WSP, Buro Happold and Jacobs for building structure and building systems (SMEP) gmp has deve- loped a BIM (Building Information Model) planning process and is familiar with emplo- ying other cutting specialty digital modeling tools to control the particular challenges in high-rise design (people flow, wind engineering, security design). LEED and DGNB in-house specialists allow for an integrated design approach and certification along all planning stages. The Deutsche Bank Towers for Frankfurt for example were certified at DGNB Gold level.

The architects of gmp are experienced in aligning client expectations with site opportu- nities - towards iconic sustainable projects on time and on budget.


1 Selected projects

2 Index tall buildings

2 3 Selected projects 1 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

Our favorite Development Central Dalian Twin Towers, Deutsche Bank, Greenland Central UnionPay Vanke ZhuZhu, NFC Phase II, Nanjing Building, Guangzhou Dalian Frankfurt am Main Plaza, Zhengzhou Tower, Shanghai Guangzhou Fincancial City Site 47 projects Meinhard von Gerkan with Nikolaus Goetze Meinhard von Gerkan with Nikolaus Goetze Volkwin Marg with Hubert Nienhoff Meinhard von Gerkan with Stephan Schütz Meinhard von Gerkan with Nikolaus Goetze Meinhard von Gerkan with Stephan Schütz Meinhard von Gerkan with Nikolaus Goetze with Volkmar Sievers and Dirk Heller and Bernd Gossmann and Nicolas Pomränke and Magdalene Weiss and Stephan Rewolle and Marc Ziemons compared Building use Building use Building use Building use Building use Building use Building use Office Office, stock exchange, hotel Office Office, shopping center Office (headquarter) Office, stock exchange, hotel Office, shopping, hotel, service appartment, commercial space Special feature Special feature Special feature Special feature Special feature Special feature Concrete skeleton sructure, Steel skeleton structure, Remodal of a 1984 tower, 4,000 m² per floor in two fire- Tube-in-tube steel stucture, Concrete structure, Special feature natural stone curtainwall with mixed use 1,200 desks added, seperated use areas, commercial column-free floor space natural cross ventilation, Concrete structure 6 tower ensemble morable sun shading fins DGNB gold, LEED platinum use on the top three levels garden terraces with integrated podium design

Competition 2001 2003 2010 2015 2016 2016

Completion 2005 2011 2011 2017 2021 ? 2024

Max. height 150 m 240 m 155 m 286 m 150 m 149,5 m 415 m

Towers 2 4 2 2 1 2 6

Max. floors (above ground) 53 53 40 63 33 35 81 Max. shafts per tower 10 32 11 31 14 12 27

Parking spaces 462 2.134 298 2,692 598 920 4,740

Gross floor area 86,574 m² 352,780 m² 121,522 m² 746,202 m² 136,946 m² 130,937 m² 785,098 m² (above and 70,486 m² above ground 314,680 m² above ground 101,753 m² above ground 572,493 m² above ground 90,481 m² above ground 94,017 m² above ground 499,628 m² above ground below ground) 16,088 m² below ground 38,100 m² below ground 19,769 m² below ground 173,709 m² below ground 46,465 m² below ground 36,920 m² below ground 285,470 m² below ground

Site area 6,960 m² 70,000 m² 9,100 m² 54,490 m² 18,218 m² 13,173 m² 65,677 m²

6 7 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

NFC Phase II - NFC Financial City Site 47, Nanjing Financial City, Nanjing, China

Competition 2015 – 1st Prize Client Nanjing Financial City Construction Development Co., Ltd. Gross floor area 785,098 m² Height 154-197 m, 415 m Floors above ground max. 81 At planning stage

8 NFC Phase II - NFC Financial City Site 47, Nanjing Financial City, Nanjing, China [at planning stage] NFC Phase II - NFC Financial City Site 47, Nanjing Financial City, Nanjing, China [at planning stage] 9 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

The site of “Nanjing Financial City – Pha- se II” lies to the south-west of Nanjing’s inner city next to the trade exhibition grounds, and is the key project for linking two urban axes in Nanjing’s expansion area Hexi New Town. The architects were already successful with their design for the first phase of “Nanjing Financial City”, which is now under construction. For phase II of Nanjing Financial City, an ensemble of five high-rise buildings with heights of between 157 m and 415 m is proposed. The master plan provides a 415 m high tower block directly at the crossing point of the “Youth Olympic Club” axis and the “Central Business District” axis, which will create a landmark with a strong re- cognition effect. The 65,000 sqm site will be developed into an urban quarter with Site plan mixed uses, including offices in combinati- on with an upmarket infrastructure for nu- merous conference and meeting facilities, as well as serviced apartments and shops. A green axis, which runs from north to south and crosses the completed Central Business District and both development sites of Nanjing Financial City, divides the overall site of phase II of Nanjing Financi- al City into three parts. On the two outer development sites, high-rise buildings in line with the road layout and the specified building lines are planned. The third area is part of the crossing green axis, creating a breathing canyon in the midst of the high-density high-rise building structure. In order to provide a structure to the ove- rall building volume with its 500,000 m² of net floor area above ground, joints are used to divide the building façades. Verti- cal recesses define the outer shape of the buildings, and horizontal inserts define the functional uses. Four-story structures form the plinths of the outer towers. In the interiors of the respective parts of the site, these plinth buildings are supplemen- ted by three-story retail developments with a small-scale structure. Perforated façades of natural stone slabs in the la- nes and squares generated between these buildings create a pedestrian-friendly and familiar atmosphere of a scale that is re- miniscent of historic inner cities. Section

10 NFC Phase II - NFC Financial City Site 47, Nanjing Financial City, Nanjing, China [at planning stage] NFC Phase II - NFC Financial City Site 47, Nanjing Financial City, Nanjing, China [at planning stage] 11 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

NFC Phase I - NFC Financial City, Nanjing Financial City, Nanjing, China

Competition 2011 – 1st Prize Client Nanjing Financial City Construction Development Co., Ltd. Gross floor area 740,000 m² Height 132 m to 200 m Floors above ground 30-46 Construction period 2013-2017

12 NFC Phase I - Nanjing Financial City, Nanjing, China [2017] NFC Phase 1 - Nanjing Financial City, Nanjing, China [2017] 13 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

Site plan

In the “Hexi New District” southwest of lines, and boundaries. These existing con- the old city of Nanjing, new buildings are ditions were transformed into a concept to be designed for an as yet unexploited that reinforces the block perimeters of parcel of land as part of the development the plot and, along with a clearly defined of a Central Business District (CBD). The center, leaves plenty of room for green “Nanjing Financial City,” comprising ten spaces and pedestrian connections on to twelve high-rises, will be built on a the grounds. The fronts of the 100-to- plot measuring approx. 80,000 square- 200 meter-high buildings are reminis- meter and will provide a total of about cent of the Nanjing City Wall. Although 550,000 squaremeter GFA above ground. the ensemble is composed of only two The site is to a large extent controlled by types of façade, each tower is tinted a external parameters such as a river, sub- different color shade from the city wall, way lines, an urban green axis, building giving each one its own identity.

14 NFC Phase 1 - Nanjing Financial City, Nanjing, China [2017] NFC Phase 1 - Nanjing Financial City, Nanjing, China [2017] 15 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

Greenland Zhengzhou Central Plaza, Zhengzhou, China

Competition 2010 – 1st Prize Client Zhongyuan Real Estate Business Department of Shanghai Greenland Group Gross floor area 746,202 m² Height 284 m Floors above ground 63 Construction period 2010-2017

16 Greenland Zhengzhou Central Plaza, Zhengzhou, China [2017] Greenland Zhengzhou Central Plaza, Zhengzhou, China [2017] 17 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

The double-tower feature Greenland To- wers terminates the west end of a town axis spanning from a new railway stati- on in the east of the city. The gateway- like, mirror-image twin towers with a height of 284 meters form a vertical contrast to the horizontal shape of the station building. The towers themselves, built on windmill-shaped ground plans, contain not only offices but also a ho- tel, apartments and a business club. Re- volving recesses forming two-story sky lobbies give the towers their distinctive outlines. Site plan

18 Greenland Zhengzhou Central Plaza, Zhengzhou, China [2017] Greenland Zhengzhou Central Plaza, Zhengzhou, China [2017] 19 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

Tsingtau Center, , China

Competition 2006 – 1st Prize Client Qingdao Zhongjin Yuneng Properties Co., Ltd. Gross floor area 330,000 m² Height 172-238 m Floors above ground 50 Construction period 2008-2013

20 Tsingtau Center, Qingdao, China [2013] Tsingtau Center, Qingdao, China [2013] 21 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

The new Tsingtau Center is located in the heart of the CBD of Qingdao and, with its neighbor to the east, forms a square which opens up to the main road to the north. The base develops on the narrow site in a southerly direction towards the nearby beach, and finishes off with a 172 meters high apartment tower. The cen- tral location of the site and the height of the building mean that the project can be seen from various places throughout the city. The main towers to the north, each 238 meters high, are identical in shape but stand at an angle of 90 degrees to each other in order to emphasize the opening gesture towards the forecourt. At the same time, however, multifaceted urban design references are created. The apartment tower closes off the sculp- tural ensemble towards the south. The entire building complex is perceived as a design unit and is unified to a whole by Site plan the sculpturally treated façade areas and a uniform façade principle. The empha- sis is on the vertical orientation of the buildings, manifested in the continuous lesenes in the façades and the sculptural formation of the tower tops. The tow- ers feature slight recesses in the façade, which are staggered in height, “rotating” around the tower. The recesses are opti- cally reinforced by the fact that the 60 centimeters deep façade louvres end at the recesses and merge into a more ho- mogeneous, flat façade structure. While the towers seem to dissolve towards the top, their bases are “grounded”, so to speak, by closed wall panels clad with local granite. The apartment tower to the south has similar sculptural recesses, but not the deep façade elements, in order to avoid limiting the unique view.


22 Tsingtau Center, Qingdao, China [2013] Tsingtau Center, Qingdao, China [2013] 23 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

New Deutsche Bank Towers, Frankfurt, Germany

Direct commission Principle architects Mario Bellini Architects Technical architects Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff Client Deutsche Bank AG, Corporate Real Estate & Services Gross floor area 121,000 m² Height 155 m Floors above ground 38, 40 Construction period 2007-2011

24 New Deutsche Bank Towers, Frankfurt, Germany [2011] New Deutsche Bank Towers, Frankfurt, Germany [2011] 25 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

The striking double towers of Deutsche Bank have become an urban-planning icon on the Frankfurt skyline since their completion in 1984. After a three-year program of refurbishment – the largest such program in Europe, involving a to- tal gross floor area of 120,000 m² – the modernized company HQ was reopened in 2011, and sets exemplary ecological standards since, as witness American LEED Platinum certification and German DGNB Gold certification. The energy consumpti- on was halved, water consumption cut by 70 percent and CO² emissions were redu- ced by nearly 90 percent. The entrance to the new Deutsche Bank features the ar- chitectural sculpture of the “Sphere”, a fi- ligree but large entity that symbolizes the Site plan global links of Deutsche Bank.

26 New Deutsche Bank Towers, Frankfurt, Germany [2011] New Deutsche Bank Towers, Frankfurt, Germany [2011] 27 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

UDC Twin Towers, Hualian Qianjiang Times Square, Hangzhou, China

Competition 2005 – 1st Prize Client UDC Union Developing Group of China Gross floor area 122,800 m² Height 137 m Floors above ground 33 Construction period 2007-2011

28 UDC Twin Towers, Hualian Qianjiang Times Square, Hangzhou, China [2011] UDC Twin Towers, Hualian Qianjiang Times Square, Hangzhou, China [2011] 29 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

The ensemble is in an unusual situation in offices and reduce visual intrusion. Two- in summer. The double facades of the a new part of Hangzhou directly on the story winter gardens are integrated into towers consist of fixed glazing and ope- banks of the broad River Qiantang. The the office floors on two opposite sides of ning windows, with the floor-to-ceiling- twin towers have square ground plans, the building as thermal buffers and to re- height, unitized fixed glazing being made and are joined by a three-story base. The duce energy emissions. Large supply and of neutral-color, high-efficiency insula- towers are skewed relative to each other, waste air apertures provide ventilation ting glass. The opening windows on the to allow the optimum views from all and prevent the offices from overheating inside provide natural ventilation.


30 UDC Twin Towers, Hualian Qianjiang Times Square, Hangzhou, China [2011] UDC Twin Towers, Hualian Qianjiang Times Square, Hangzhou, China [2011] 31 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

Poly Plaza, Shanghai-Pudong, China

Competition 2005 – 1st Prize Client Shanghai Poly Xin Real Estate Co., Ltd Gross floor area 100,000 m² Height 143 m Floors above ground 30 Construction period 2007-2009

32 Poly Plaza, Shanghai-Pudong, China [2009] Poly Plaza, Shanghai-Pudong, China [2009] 33 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

Site plan

The Poly Plaza project is situated on the prominent shore of the Huangpu Ri- ver in Pudong. One high rise tower and four waterfront buildings with an outer ventilated double façade provide office spaces. The tower is 143 meters high and hosts 30 floors which will partly be occupied by the POLY group. The site is terraced over three levels, giving direct basement access through cut out deep yards leading into the commercial area. The terrace on the second level provides a magnificent outlook on the riverside. The lower waterfront buildings create a rhythm along the shore, which will host a public park and green promenade along the Huangpu.

34 Poly Plaza, Shanghai-Pudong, China [2009] Poly Plaza, Shanghai-Pudong, China [2009] 35 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

Dalian Twin Towers, Dalian, China

Competition 2003 – 1st Prize Client Dalian Commodity Exchange, Construction Engineering Group, Parkland Gross floor area 353,000 m² Height 240 m Floors above ground 53 Construction period 2005-2008

36 Dalian Twin Towers, Dalian, China [2008] Dalian Twin Towers, Dalian, China [2008] 37 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

Floor plan Tower B, Level 1 Floor plan Tower A, Level 1

With 53 floors above ground the Twin To- wers reach an overall height of 240 me- ters. Both towers are based on rectangular floor plans, with full height conservatories recessed into the center of each. Within the conservatories sky lobbies span the height of eight floors each, allowing for spacious lobby and entrance situations on all floors. The design of the façade is based on the structural composition of the building: The concrete core within and the grid like shell outside are load bearing.

38 Dalian Twin Towers, Dalian, China [2008] Dalian Twin Towers, Dalian, China [2008] 39 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

COMAC Headquarters – Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd., Shanghai, China

Competition 2011 – 1st Prize Client BGF 86,200 m² Parking spaces 800 Height 120 m Construction period 2012-2017

40 COMAC Headquarters – Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd., Shanghai, China [2017] COMAC Headquarters – Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd., Shanghai, China [2017] 41 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Selected projects 1

The new headquarters of the Chinese aircraft manufacturer COMAC are being built on the former EXPO site in Shang- hai, which now serves as Asia’s largest art museum. The building ensemble consisting of a 120 meter-tall main building and three 50 meter-tall ancil- lary buildings will be of steel construc- tion with a reinforced concrete core. Similarly to the very short and tightly scheduled planning phase, construction in this prominent location is progressing rapidly. As the construction site photo shows, the project is already taking on a definite shape. The renderings illustrate how lavishly glazed lobbies in the verti- cally structured stone façade set the tone and provide spectacular views of the Huangpu River.

Floor plan, Level 1

42 COMAC Headquarters – Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd., Shanghai, China [2017] COMAC Headquarters – Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd., Shanghai, China [2017] 43 Index tall buildings 2 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Index tall buildings 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Sheraton Hotel, Ankara 7 Hualian Qianjiang Times 13 GDA Plaza, Hangzhou 19 Shenzhen Software Square, Hangzhou Industry Base, Shenzhen Height 119 m Height 130 m Towers 1 Height 137 m Towers 1 Height 103 m Gross floor area 96,000 m² Towers 2 Gross floor area 149,200 m² Towers 3 Completion 1991 Gross floor area 122,800 m² Completion 2017 Gross floor area 137,900 m² Program Hotel Completion 2011 Program Hotel, shopping center Completion 2014 Program Office Program Office, research 2 Canhigh Center, Hangzhou 14 New Deutsche Bank 8 Poly Plaza, Towers, Frankfurt 20 Zhuhai Hengqin Height 115 m Shanghai-Pudong Headquarters, Zhuhai Towers 1 Height 155 m Gross floor area 117,000 m² Height 143 m Towers 2 Height 490 m Completion 2009 Towers 5 Gross floor area 121,522 m² Towers 4 Program Office, Terminal, Gross floor area 100,000 m² Completion 2011 Gross floor area 631,000 m² 7 8 9 10 11 12 shopping center Completion 2009 Program Office Under construction Program Office, shopping, Program Office, hotel, restaurants shopping center 3 Development Central 15 Fanes Tower Cixi, Ningbo Building, Guangzhou Height 90 m 9 Jiaming Center, Beijing 21 Chuang Ye Towers, Jining Height 150 m Towers 1 Towers 1 Height 100 m Gross floor area 30,500 m² Height 100 m Gross floor area 86,574 m² Towers 1 Completion 2012 Towers 2 Completion 2005 Gross floor area 90,300 m² Program Apartment, Gross floor area 150,000 m² Program Office Completion 2011 boardinghouse Under construction Program Office Program Office, administration 4 Wanda Plaza, Beijing 16 Ningbo Bank 10 Tsingtau Center, Qingdao 22 Foshan Poly Center Height 104 m Height 133 m 13 14 15 16 17 18 Towers 3 Height 238 m Towers 2 Height 249 m Gross floor area 155,000 m² Towers 2 Gross floor area 101,800 m² Towers 2 Completion 2007 Gross floor area 330,000 m² Completion 2017 Gross floor area 200,000 m² Program Office, hotel, Completion 2013 Program Office Completion 2015 shopping center Program shopping center, Program Office, hotel hotel, apartment, office 17 Dayuan International 5 Dalian Twin Towers, Center, Chengdu 23 Greenland Zhengzhou Dalian 11 Guangzhou TV Central Plaza Height 108 m Height 240 m Height 100 m Towers 5 Height 286 m Towers 4 Towers 2 Gross floor area 192,340 m² Towers 2 Gross floor area 353,000 m² Gross floor area 319,000 m² Completion 2015 Gross floor area 746,202 m² Completion 2011 Under construction Program Office, apartment, Completion 2017 Program Office, hotel, Program Office, broadcast shopping center Program Office, 19 20 21 22 23 24 stock exchange shopping center 12 Qingdao Finance Plaza 18 Hangzhou D9 6 Marriott Hotel, Ningbo 24 Meichen Dalian Height 150 m Height 150 m Waterfront Height 160 m Towers 2 Towers 4 Towers 1 Gross floor area 131,700 m² Gross floor area 291,862 m² Height 180 m Gross floor area 86,630 m² Completion 2011 Under construction Towers 2 Completion 2008 Program Office, apartment Program Financial center Gross floor area 104,800 m² Program Hotel, office Completion 2016 Program Office, apartment

46 47 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Index tall buildings 2

25 Hangzhou Baoyi 31 Deutsches Haus 37 Guomao Tower, Hangzhou 43 Qianhai Traffic Hub 25 26 27 28 29 30 Ho Chi Minh City, T6, Shenzhen Height 180 m Height 170 m Vietnam Towers 2 Towers 1 Height 270 m Gross floor area 157,800 m² Height 110 m Gross floor area 64,900 m² Towers 1 Completion 2016 Towers 1 Under construction Gross floor area 1,948,090 m² Program Office, apartment Gross floor area 52,704 m² Program Office (headquarter) (complete Traffic Hub) Completion 2017 At planning stage Program Consulate, GI, office, Program Office, hotel, industry 26 Tongzhou CCA, apartment 38 Xiamen Longyan Filport near Beijing Hotel Complex 44 Qianhai Traffic Hub Height 163 m Height 180 m 32 Nanjing Financial City T7, Shenzhen Towers 4 Towers 2 Phase 1, Nanjing Gross floor area 350,000 m² Gross floor area 205,544 m² Height 300 m Under construction Height 200 m Under construction Towers 1 Program Office, apartment, Towers 10 Program Office, hotel, Gross floor area 1,948,090 m² 31 32 33 34 35 36 shopping center Gross floor area 740,000 m² shopping center (complete Traffic Hub) Completion 2017 At planning stage Program Office Program Office, hotel, industry 27 Bund SOHO, Shanghai 39 Nanjing Financial City Phase 2, Nanjing Height 135 m 45 Qianhai Traffic Hub 33 Hanyu Center, Jinan Height 415 m Towers 1 T8, Shenzhen Gross floor area 189,510 m² Height 300 m Towers 6 Completion 2015 Towers 7 Gross floor area 785,098 m² Height 270 m Program Office Gross floor area 1,381,200 m² Planned completion 2024 Towers 1 Under constuction Program Office, hotel, Gross floor area 1,948,090 m² Program Office observation deck (complete Traffic Hub) 28 Soho Fuxing Plaza, At planning stage Shanghai Program Office, hotel, industry 34 Trendy Headquarter, 40 Poly Greenland Plaza, Height 105 m 37 38 39 40 41 42 Guangzhou Shanghai Towers 1 46 Huarong Tower, Hangzhou Gross floor area 136,540 m² Height 180 m Height 100 m Completion 2014 Towers 1 Towers 6 Height 160 m Program Office, Gross floor area 154,762 m² Gross floor area 248,412 m² Towers 2 shopping center Under construction Completion 2017 Gross floor area 106,000 m² Program Office, exhibition, Program Office, Under construction shopping shopping center Program Office 29 New Energy Research Center, Taiyuan 35 COMAC, Shanghai 41 Qianhai Traffic Hub 47 German Center, Height 119 m T3/T4, Shenzhen Foshan (Zongde) Towers 6 Height 120 m Gross floor area 285,329 m² Towers 4 Height 277 m Height 264 m Under construction Gross floor area 141,884 m² Towers 2 Towers 3 Program Office, hotel, Completion 2017 Gross floor area 1,948,090 m² Gross floor area 335,000 m² 43 44 45 46 47 48 shopping center Program Office (complete Traffic Hub) Planned completion 2019 At planning stage Program Office, apartment, Program Office, hotel, industry industry 30 Central Office Towers 36 Damei Central Plaza, Fengtai Plot 16&18, Beijing Beijing 42 Qianhai Traffic Hub 48 Greenland, Hefei Height 159 m T5, Shenzhen Height 200 m Height 192 m Towers 4 Height 250 m Towers 5 Towers 1 Gross floor area 353,666 m² Towers 1 Gross floor area 801,600 m² Gross floor area 151,858 m² Completion 2016 Gross floor area 1,948,090 m² Under construction Completion 2014 Program Office, apartment, (complete Traffic Hub) Program Office, apartment, Program Office, apartment, shopping center shopping center At planning stage hotel, shopping, connection Program Office, hotel, industry to public transport

48 49 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Index tall buildings 2

49 50 51 52 53 54 49 Xuhui Bingjiang 130D, 55 Heizhou Trading Center, 61 Qingdao Port Tower Shanghai Qingdao Height 200 m Height 260 m Height 137 m Towers 1 Towers 4 Towers 1 Gross floor area 111,853 m² Gross floor area 1,280,000 m² Gross floor area 62,000 m² At planning stage Urban design completed Under construction Program Office Program Office Program Office 62 Kangmei Pazhou, 50 Qianhai Trade Center, 56 CNPEC Headquarter, Guangzhou Shenzhen Shenzhen Height 174 m Height 162 m Height 197 m Towers 1 Towers 1 Towers 3 Gross floor area 78,600 m² Gross floor area 79.640 m² Gross floor area 327,064 m² At planning stage 55 56 57 58 59 60 Under construction At planning stage Program Office (headquarter) Program Office, showrooms Program Office (headquarter), Research & Development 63 Kaisa Global Center, 51 AVIC Africa, Shenzhen Nairobi, Kenia 57 Inventec, Caohejing, Shanghai Height 260 m Height 184 m Towers 1 Towers 2 Height 100 m Gross floor area 171,650 m² Gross floor area 184,300 m² Towers 2 Under construction Under construction Gross floor area 81,988 m² Program Office Program Office, hotel At planning stage Program Office, industry 64 Vanke, Guangzhou 52 China UnionPay, Shanghai 61 62 63 64 65 66 58 Qianhai U2N5, Shenzhen Height 162 m Height 150 m Towers 2 Towers 1 Height 147 m Gross floor area 121,000 m² Gross floor area 136,946 m² Towers 3 At planning stage Planned completion 2021 Gross floor area 151,179 m² Program Office Program Office (headquarter) At planning stage Program Office, shopping 65 Wuhan Citic 53 SF Express, Shenzhen Height 250 m 59 VIPshop Pazhou HQ, Height 212 m Towers 6 Guangzhou Towers 1 Gross floor area 769,240 m² Gross floor area 100,000 m² Height 173 m At planning stage Under construction Towers 2 Program Office, shopping Program Office (headquarter) Gross floor area 165,355 m² Under construction Program Office (headquarter) 66 Greenland Jiangxi, 54 CETC, Shanghai Nanchang Height 120 m Height 250 m 60 Greenland Shenwan, Towers 1 Towers 7 Shanghai Gross floor area 116,500 m² Gross floor area 508,763 m² Under construction Height 140 m At planning stage Program Office (headquarter) Towers 1 Program Office, hotel, shopping Gross floor area 110,000 m² Under construction Program Office, shopping

50 51 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects

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Headquarters Elbchaussee 139 22763 Hamburg Germany T +49.40.88 151 0 [email protected]

Campus Rainvilleterrasse Rainvilleterrasse 4 gmp International India 22765 Hamburg Asia Pvt. Ltd. Germany Room 1208 c/o Hemant Arora & Co. LLP T +49.40.88 151 200 South America CYTS Plaza, No.1212 Qing Ke Mansion Landmark Building Floor 12 Chartered Accountants [email protected] No. 5 Dongzhimen 10th Floor Unit 3006 No. 2 Ngo Quyen Street 1118–1119, 11th Floor OOO gmp International Av. Rio Branco 311/1305 South Avenue No. 138 Fen Yang Road No. 4028 Jintian Road Tung Shing Square DLF Galleria Tower, DLF Phase IV Hardenbergstraße 4–5 Rennbahn 5–7 Shchipok str. 11/1 Centro Dongcheng District Xu Hui District Futian District Hoan Kiem District Gurgaon 122 002 Haryana 10623 Berlin 52062 Aachen 115054 Moscow 20040-903 Rio de Janeiro 100007 Beijing 200031 Shanghai 518035 Shenzhen Hanoi Delhi National Capital Region Germany Germany Russia gmp International Spain S.L. Brazil P.R. China P.R. China P.R. China Vietnam India T +49.30.617 855 T:+49.241.474 470 T +49.30.617 855 T +49.30.617 855 T +49.30.617 855 T +86.10.58 15 61 61 T +86.21.54 65 51 51 T +86.755.84 36 39 01 T +84.24.39 35 10 00 T +91.124.257 08 88 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

52 53 gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects

The practice Reference projects (selection) Our philosophy Contact

The architects’ practice gmp was formed in 1965 by Meinhard von Germany Simplicity Kristina Loock Gerkan and Volkwin Marg. The practice now has four additional • Music and Conference Hall, Lübeck (1994) Search for the clearest solution for your design. Business Development Manager T: +49.40.88 151 125 partners, one partner for China, and eleven associated partners. • New Trade Fair, Leipzig (1995) Strive for the best of simplicity. [email protected] With over 500 members of staff distributed across thirteen offi- • Christ Pavilion, EXPO 2000, Hanover (2000) ces, gmp is active in Germany and abroad. The practice is one of • Berlin Olympic Stadium, Conversion, Reconstruction Variety and uniformity the few with a generalist design approach, taking on responsi- and Roofing (2004) Create uniformity within variety. bility for a project from its outline design idea through to the • Berlin Central Station (2006) Create variety within uniformity. construction and interior design. Over a period of more than 50 • State Ballet School, Berlin (2010) years, Meinhard von Gerkan, Volkwin Marg, and their partners Distinctiveness have completed projects in nearly all major cities of the Federal China Develop an identity of the design from the specific Republic. • International Convention and Exhibition Center, conditions of location and task. The practice’s architectural approach is characterized by the Nanning (2003) Vitruvian criteria of solidity, durability and beauty. Architec- • Convention and Exhibition Center, Shenzhen (2005) Structural order ture can justifiably be called sustainable in the sense of durable • Zhongguancun Cultural Center, Beijing (2006) Render a structural order to the design. when it takes into account climatic conditions, uses appropriate • Universiade Sports Center, Shenzhen (2011) Organize functions as clear building forms. materials and provides a building envelope that accommodates • Oriental Sports Center, Shanghai (2011) the complexity of human living in a way as natural as possib- • Grand Theaters, Chongqing (2009), Qingdao (2010) le. Beyond this approach, the practice always complies with the and Tianjin (2012) different certified guidelines applicable in different cultural sphe- • National Museum of China, Beijing (2011) res, as agreed with the respective client. • West Railway Station, Tianjin (2011) Their projects include single-family dwellings, hotels, museums, theaters and concert halls, offices, retail centers and hospitals Vietnam through to research, sports and educational establishments as • National Conference Center, Hanoi (2006) © gmp August 2018 well as transport and commercial premises, and master-plans. • Hanoi Museum (2010) gmp · von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects gmp made its name primarily through its airport architecture: • Vietnamese National Assembly House (2015) Business Development Berlin-Tegel was opened as a drive-in airport in 1975. This inno- Elbchaussee 139 · 22763 Hamburg · Germany vative design has been further developed for the departure and FIFA WC South Africa T +49.40.88 151 0 arrival levels of the Stuttgart and Hamburg airports. • Stadia in Cape Town, Durban and Port Elizabeth (2009) [email protected] In national and international competitions gmp has won over www.gmp.de 380 first prizes and numerous awards for exemplary architecture. FIFA WC Brazil More than 410 projects have been completed to date. Current pro- • Stadia in Brasília, Manaus and Belo Horizonte (2014) jects include Kunsthalle Mannheim, Kulturpalast Dresden and the Index Bernabéu stadium of the Spanish football club Real Madrid. With their UEFA EURO Poland and Ukraine 1) Heiner Leiska, 2) Hans-Georg Esch, 3) Bauherr GDCB, 4) Christian Gahl, urban design studies for HafenCity Hamburg and numerous • Stadia in Warsaw and Kiev (2011) 5) Hans-Georg Esch, 6) Jan Siefke, 7) Hans-Georg Esch, 8) Hans-Georg Esch, urban design projects in China, including Lingang New City for for 9) Christian Gahl, 10) Christian Gahl, 11) gmp, 12) Christian Gahl, 800,000 inhabitants, the architects von Gerkan, Marg and Part- 13) Hans-Georg Esch, 14) Marcus Bredt, 15) Christian Gahl, Picture credits 16) Hans-Georg Esch, 17) Christian Gahl, 18) gmp, 19) Christian Gahl, ners have demonstrated their competence in this field as well. Plans © gmp Architects 20) gmp, 21) gmp, 22) gmp, 23) Jianghe Zeng, 24) Gärtner & Christ, Current gmp involvement outside Germany includes projects in Renderings NFC Phase II, Nanjing, Atchain Art Technology Chain 25) Hans-Georg Esch, 26) gmp, 27) Christian Gahl, 28) Christian Gahl, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, China, India, Vietnam, South Korea, Photos NFC Phase I, Nanjing, Hans-Georg Esch 29) gmp, 30) Christian Gahl, 31) gmp, 32) Hans-Georg Esch, 33) gmp, Brazil, Italy, Spain, Russia, Qatar, Iran, Pakistan and Luxembourg. Photos Greenland Zhengzhou Central Plaza, Jianghe Zeng 34) gmp, 35) Hans-Georg Esch, 36) gmp, 37) gmp, 38) gmp / Andreas Maue, Photos Tsingtau Center, Qingdao, Christian Gahl 39) Atchain Art Technology Chain, 40) Hans-Georg Esch, 41) gmp, Photos Neue Deutsche Bank Towers, Frankfurt, Marcus Bredt 42) gmp, 43) gmp, 44) gmp, 45) gmp, 46) gmp, 47) gmp, 48) gmp, Photos UDC Twin Towers, Hangzhou, Hans-Georg Esch 49) Willmore, 50) gmp, 51) gmp, 52) Crystal Digital Technology, 53) gmp, Photos Poly Plaza, Shanghai-Pudong, Hans-Georg Esch 54) Rendertaxi, 55) gmp, 56) gmp, 57) Frontop Digital Technology, 58) gmp, Photos Dalian Twin Towers, Dalian, Hans-Georg Esch 59) gmp, 60) Willmore, 61) gmp, 62) gmp, 63) gmp, 64) gmp, 65) gmp, Photos COMAC Headquarters, Shanghai, Christian Gahl 66) gmp

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