Draft awaiting confirmation at the next Parish Council meeting


Minutes of the Annual meeting of Fawley Parish Council held on Wednesday 11 May 2016 at 7pm in the Jubilee Hall, Fawley.

Present: Cllr A Alvey, Cllr B Coyston, Cllr O Foster, Cllr A Glass, Cllr S Read, Cllr C Reece, Cllr B Spearing, Cllr B Thorne, Cllr R Wappet.

Also present: 2 members of the public.

In attendance: Steve Postlethwaite, Clerk to the Council Sue Markides, Deputy Clerk Pauline Coombes, Responsible Finance Officer

Cllr Wappet as the presiding Chairman took the Chair and welcomed all to the meeting.

PUBLIC SESSION: The members of the public present did not wish to speak.

1. Election of Chairman – to elect a Chairman of the Council to hold office until the Annual Meeting in 2017.

It was proposed by Cllr Alvey and seconded by Cllr Thorne that Cllr R Wappet be elected as Chairman of the Council.

As all members present were unanimously in favour it was RESOLVED that Cllr R Wappet be the Chairman of Fawley Parish Council for 2016/17 until the next Annual Meeting.

Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the Chairman.

Cllr Wappet remained in the chair and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, which was formally witnessed by the Clerk, Steve Postlethwaite. He thanked members for their support and advised he would do his best to represent the Council for another year. He also thanked the new Clerk for his efforts since his arrival in making the business of the Council sound and fit for purpose.

2. Apologies. Apologies were sent by Cllr S Carroll, Cllr B Hall, Cllr L Lllewellyn, Cllr K Smith, Cllr P Wappet-Madden for personal reasons. These were accepted. Cllr M Langdale was absent.

3. Declarations of interest and dispensations 3.1 To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda Cllr Wappet declared a non-prejudicial interest in minute 09, Planning, as he is a member of the Council Planning Committee. He stated that he would consider the applications on the evidence in front of him at this point in time.

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Draft awaiting confirmation at the next Parish Council meeting

3.2 To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests None 3.3 To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate None

4. Election of Vice-Chairman: to elect a Vice-Chairman of the Council to hold office until the Annual meeting in 2017.

It was proposed by Cllr R Wappet and seconded by Cllr C Reece that Cllr A Alvey be elected as Vice -Chairman of the Council.

As all members were unanimously in favour it was RESOLVED that Cllr A Alvey be the Vice- Chairman of Fawley Parish Council for 2016/17 until the next Annual Meeting.

5. Appointment of Committees including Chairman and Vice-Chairmen appointments:

a) Amenities Committee:

It was RESOLVED that the Amenities Committee Membership for 2016/17 be as follows: Cllr A Alvey, Cllr O Foster, Cllr A Glass, Cllr L Llewellyn, Cllr S Read, Cllr R Wappet, Cllr P Wappet-Madden.

It was proposed by Cllr A Alvey and seconded by Cllr O Foster that Cllr A Glass be elected as Chairman of the Amenities Committee.

RESOLVED: That Cllr A Glass be elected as Chairman of the Amenities Committee.

It was proposed by Cllr A Glass and seconded by Cllr A Alvey that Cllr S Read be elected Vice- Chairman of the Amenities Committee.

RESOLVED: That Cllr S Read be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Amenities Committee.

b) Public Services Committee

It was RESOLVED that the Public Services Committee Membership for 2016/17 be as follows: Cllr A Alvey, Cllr B Coyston, Cllr Glass, Cllr B Hall, Cllr C Reece, Cllr B Spearing Cllr R Wappet.

It was proposed by Cllr Glass and seconded by Cllr A Alvey that Cllr B Coyston be elected as Chairman of the Public Services Committee.

RESOLVED: That Cllr B Coyston be elected as Chairman of the Public Services Committee.

It was proposed by Cllr B Coyston and seconded by Cllr B Spearing that Cllr A Glass be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Public Services Committee.

RESOLVED: That Cllr A Glass be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Public Services Committee.

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c) Policy, Resources & Personnel Committee

It was RESOLVED that the Policy, Resources and Personnel Committee Membership for 2016/17 be as follows:

Cllr A Alvey, Cllr B Coyston, Cllr A Glass, Cllr S Read, Cllr K Smith, Cllr B Thorne, Cllr R Wappet.

It was proposed by Cllr Wappet and seconded by Cllr B Thorne that Cllr A Alvey be elected as Chairman of the Policy, Resources & Personnel Committee.

RESOLVED: That Cllr A Alvey be elected as Chairman of the Policy, Resources and Personnel Committee.

It was proposed by Cllr A Alvey and seconded by Cllr A Glass that Cllr B Thorne be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Policy, Resources and Personnel Committee.

RESOLVED: That Cllr B Thorne be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Policy, Resources and Personnel Committee.

6. Appointment of Representatives to Other Bodies:

It was RESOLVED that Representatives to Other Bodies be appointed as follows: a) New Forest Consultative Panel Cllr Glass b) Sports & Physical Activities Alliance (Officer) Centre & Sports Dev Mngr c) New Forest Environmental Liaison Committee Cllrs Coyston & Read d) Transport Committee Cllr Wappet e) Waterside Youth Steering Group Cllr Reece The Clerk will also be attending meetings of WYSG – see Chairs Announcements f) Project To be removed g) Waterside Heritage Cllr Spearing h) Police Liaison Group Cllrs Coyston, Glass & Thorne i) Age Concern New Forest East Cllr Smith j) Allotment Fund Cllr Alvey

7. Chairman’s Announcements: The Chairman announced the following:

A reminder to members to review their register of members interests and if details need updating please contact the office for new paperwork.

The Clerk to the Council has been asked to join the management board of the Handy Trust and has accepted.

The youth club at Gang Warily opened on 22 April 2016 and is going well with 35 children attending last Friday evening. If anyone knows of any suitable volunteers willing to help at the sessions on Fridays 6.30-8.30pm please contact the Clerk.

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8. In accordance with standing order 5J to conduct the following: xiv Confirm arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks; Members noted the current review process being undertaken – the Clerk will complete an evaluation of the quotes received and advise of the outcome to the Amenities Committee meeting to be held 25 May 2016. xv Review of council’s and / or staff subscriptions to other bodies; Noted. xvi Review of the council’s complaints procedure. The policy is in the process of being reviewed and will be brought to the July Parish Council meeting. xvii Review of the council’s procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998; A review has been undertaken and agreed at the Policy, Resources & Personnel Committee meeting 23 March 2016. xviii Review of the council’s policy for dealing with the press/media It was noted that a review of the council’s policy for dealing with the Press/Media is due July 2017.

9. Planning: RESOLVED: To submit the following observations: a) Parish List: Full Planning Permission 16/10397 20 The Warren, , Fawley SO45 2QB Proposal: 2 metre high fence (retrospective) (see attached) (No 4) We recommend refusal as out of keeping with the surrounding area; we agree with Officer comments.

County Matter Application 16/10450 Forest Lodge Farm, Fawley Road, Hythe, SO45 3NJ Proposal: Extraction of soft sand and sharp sand and gravel, the construction of an improved access onto Fawley Road, the importation of inert materials and restoration of the site to agriculture To not comment at this time.

A member of the public left the meeting.

Full Planning Permission 16/10403 Forest Home, Long Lane, Hardley, Fawley SO45 3FH Proposal: Use of outbuilding as guest accommodation; associated alterations; fencing (No 3) We recommend permission.

Full Planning Permission 16/10381 Denbar, 30A Newlands Copse, Blackfield, Fawley SO45 1YD Proposal: Single-storey extension (No 3) We recommend permission.

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Full Planning Permission 16/10246 2 Long Lane Close, Holbury, Fawley SO45 2LE Proposal: Single-storey side extension and rear extensions; garage extension (No 5) We are happy to accept the decision of the District Council’s Officers under their delegated powers

Full Planning Permission 16/10433 10 Ashlett Close, Fawley SO45 1DR Proposal: Roof alterations and dormers in association with first floor extension; detached garage (No 4) We recommend refusal as out of keeping with the surrounding area; we agree with Officer comments.

Full Planning Permission 16/10365 24 Woodville Road, Fawley SO45 1DB Proposal: Single-storey rear extension; fenestration alteration (No 3) We recommend permission.

Full Planning Permission 16/10468 Lyndale, The Pentagon, Fawley SO45 1EE Proposal: Garage extension and roof alterations (No 3) We recommend permission.

Full Planning Permission 16/10477 9 Raymond Close, Holbury, Fawley SO45 2GH Proposal: Single-storey side extension (No 3) We recommend permission. b) New Forest National Park Authority 16/00275 Calshot Beach West, Calshot, Fawley, 2 No Beach huts (No 5) We are happy to accept the decision of the NFNPA Officers under their delegated powers but would like to suggest that the fire break is maintained. c) New Forest National Park Authority Tree Works: Application TPO 16/0383 20 Hartsgrove Avenue, Blackfield, Southampton SO45 1WG Proposed: Fell 1 Ash tree Reason for work: Structural weakness The Parish Council DOES NOT SUPPORT this application and feel that to fell this tree is unnecessary unless there is an overriding arboricultural reason for doing so.

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Application TPO 16/0450 17 Langley Lodge Gardens, Langley, Southampton SO45 1FZ Fell 1 x Pear tree Reason for work: the tree is causing a nuisance to a neighbour The Parish Council DOES NOT SUPPORT this application – as it considers the reason given does not support the felling of what appears to be a healthy tree.

10. To receive the Annual Return and Governance Statement 2015/16:

RESOLVED: To accept the Annual Return and Governance Statement for the year ended 31 March 2016. Cllr Wappet to sign as Chairman of the Council, Mr S Postlethwaite as Clerk to the Council and Mrs P Y Coombes as Responsible Finance Officer (see attached Appendix A).

11. To receive Fawley Parish Council Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2016

RESOLVED: To accept the Statement of Accounts for year-end 31 March 2016. Cllr Wappet to sign as Chairman of the Council, Mr S Postlethwaite as Clerk to the Council and Mrs P Y Coombes as Responsible Finance Officer (see attached Appendix B).

12. To receive the Internal Audit Report 2015-16 (Final): The Chairman of the Council thanked the RFO for an excellent report once again and wished to congratulate her on her outstanding record in maintaining the council’s finances.

RESOLVED: To accept the Internal Audit Report 2015-16 (Final) (see attached Appendix C).

13. To consider undertaking a staff role and pay review within Fawley Parish Council: Members noted that a review of staff roles and pay has not been undertaken for some time and that currently there may be some anomalies in roles and applicable pay scales. The Clerk advised that he would work in conjunction with an independent consultant to complete this.

RESOLVED: To accept the recommendation of the Clerk to employ an independent consultant to undertake a staff role and pay review for a maximum of 5 days at a total cost of £3250. Costs may be able to be met from the savings hopefully made once the review of the Council’s insurance is completed but if this is not the case then Reserve Budget Code 7912/1 to be used.

14. To note that the Fawley Dog Show in aid of All Animal Rescue will be no longer be run by Fawley Parish Council; in accordance with Strategic Plan Policy 13 c this will be coordinated by Cllr Sally Read. Noted.

15. To consider renewal of Licence for the use of Ashlett Green : Members were happy to renew the Licence for the use of the green at Ashlett (without change) but requested that the Clerk contact the Licensees and raise the issue of parking in the area. The Clerk to also look into the possibility of erecting “Keep Slipway Clear” signage.

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RESOLVED : To renew the Licence for the use of Ashlett Green with no changes made for a further 5 years.

16. Fawley Parish Council (FPC) Strategic Plan coordinators: Discussion took place as to whether Strategic Plan Coordinators would fit into the current structure of Fawley Parish Council and its committees.

RESOLVED: Each Committee of Fawley Parish Council to elect a member to act as coordinator to work on the action plans with the Clerk.

17. Annual Risk Assessment 2016/17 (Matter referred from meeting 13 April 2016, see attached). Members noted the revised Risk Assessment with realistic dates. The Clerk advised that these risks are now managed using the Wrike system.

RESOLVED: To accept the Annual Risk Assessment for 2016/17 . Cllr Wappet as Chair of the meeting to sign the Risk Assessment for 2016-2017 as presented and Mrs P Y Coombes to sign as Responsible Finance Officer (see attached Appendix D).

18. To receive an update on the traffic management programme for Church Lane, Fawley. Members noted the update and hoped that a consultation event could be organised at Jubilee Hall with all agencies present. It was suggested that the Parish Councillors, as well as a District Councillor for the Fawley Ward be involved along with Hampshire County Councillor P Fawkes.

19. To consider the options for the alternative use of the golf course post closure: Members noted the report provided and the options available.

RESOLVED: To proceed with the Foot Golf option as offered by UK Foot Golf Association for an initial period of 5 years. Funds from the lease fees are transferred to earmarked reserves in order to fund any changes post the term of the lease if required.

20. To identify councillor volunteers to man Parish Council Stall at the Armed Forces Day Event Saturday 25 June 2016. The Deputy Clerk to suggest a time table - members to advise the office of their availability to attend.

Cllr Alvey queried why the minutes of the last meeting were not on the agenda and was advised that these will be on the agenda of the July meeting.

21. Correspondence: a) For response: i) New Forest Business Partnership: Invitation to New Forest Expo, Friday 03 June 2016. Noted.

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b) For information: i) NFDC Planning: Notification of planning appeal: 16/10071, 1 Ridley Close, Holbury, Fawley, SO45 2NR, Proposal Retention of 1.2m high boundary fence and trellis. Noted

22. Councillors News and Comments Cllrs are reminded that this agenda item involves no more than an exchange of information.

Cllr Glass advised of a forthcoming tour of local Wetlands in conjunction with the New Forest Consultative Panel. He had also attended a meeting at NFDC where local recycling centres were discussed.

Exclusion of public and press.

RESOLVED: That, considering the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public, including the press, be excluded from the remainder of the meeting.

23. Staffing matters: a) Ratification of decision of the Probation Panel that the Clerk to the Council has successfully passed his probation period.

RESOLVED: To accept the decision of the Probation Panel that the Clerk to the Council has successfully passed his probation period. Cllr Wappet congratulated the Clerk and considered he had made a good start with a promising future ahead. The Clerk advised that he was learning on the job, he may not always get things right. He valued and welcomed discussion and considered it good to have interaction.

b) Verbal update from the Clerk on recent staffing matter.

Members noted the on-going staffing matter.

The Clerk further advised of the sickness absence of the Maintenance Officer. It was noted that he was keen to return to light duties as soon as possible and if this went ahead he would work on developing the 5 year plan. The Clerk asked members to note that due to staff shortages some jobs may not be completed as normal. He thanked the remaining members of the team for the hard work they are undertaking which is much appreciated.

24. Date of next meeting: 06 July 2016.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.32pm.



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