: begin at the arrow

: coda sign

: D.S. sign

: eyeglasses; pay attention to this spot

: /hold

: “Railroad Tracks”/; a stop in the music

: Ritornello sign; repeat the preceding measures indicated

1X, 2X, etc.: the number of time a passage is to be repeated

AABA – the 32-bar song form

Accel.: accelerando; accelerate

Ad. lib: improvise

B.D.: bass drum

Back Beat: emphasize beats two and four in the 4/4 bar

Bap – to play a sound with impact

Bell: bell of the cymbal; cow bell

Bell Cue: single note/octave on orchestra bells

Bigger: play louder/stronger

Blocks: play on temple block/emulate blocks

Blues: follow blues form

Bone: trombone (t-bone)

Bows: special music/reprise to signal the return of performers Br.: brass instruments; brushes

Break: a stop in the music/drum break

Bridge – the B, or contrasting section of a tune form, e.g., AABA

C.B.: cow bell

Changes: the chord changes of a tune

Chart: the music/guide used for drumset

Chaser: music that shuttles the act off stage

Chorus: one complete time through form; describes the chorus in verse/chorus form

Click: the presence of a click track; use cross-stick sound

Closed: closed hi-hat

Comp: accompany soloist or ensemble; align with other section players

Crash/Cr.: crash cymbal description; using the word crash as a cue

Cresc.: crescendo; get louder

Cue: words/actions/music that identifies a change

Cut: cut off; cut to a different place in the chart

Cym.: cymbal

D.C.: ; back to the beginning of the chart

Decresc.: decrescendo, get softer

Dim: diminuendo, gradually get softer

Ding: to play a bell-like sound on the cymbal

Dixie: Dixieland style

Dome: play on the bell of the cymbal Downbeat/D.B.: the first note of a tune or section

Encore: additional material at the end of a show

Ens.: ensemble

Entre’ Act: music at the beginning of an act/show

Elvin/Gadd/Philly Joe/Tony: to play in the style/feel in the style of a particular player

Fade: fade out

Fake: improvise section of music; solo

Fill: fill in specific space; drum fill

Four: four beats to a measure. e.g., move from a two-beat to “four” feel, etc.

Gospel: play in gospel style

G.P. grand pause; stop in the music

Groove: the basic time/feel/style of the tune

Hat: hi-hat

Head: the melody/theme of the tune

Heavy 2 & 4: strong back beat

High Tom: mounted tom-tom

In 1/2/3/4: describes the numbers of pulses in each bar

Intro: introduction or beginning of the piece

Jungle: repetitive pattern on tom-toms

Krupa: to play in the style of Gene Krupa, typically on tom-toms

Latin: play in Latin style

Lay Back: relax the time feel Lay Out: do not play

L’istesso: play same

Loose: to loosen the time feel

Low T.T.: (LTT) low tom-tom

L.V.: let vibrate

Mrcs.: maracas

New Orleans: play in early jazz style; to play New Orleans Second Line style

Open Up: louder/busier

Out Chorus: last chorus of the tune, typically stronger

Pno.: piano

Purdie Shuffle: half-time rock shuffle

Rall.: rallentando; slow down

Reprise: repeat of earlier music

Ricky-Tic: triplet-based style, usually on rims

Ride: play time on ride cymbal; horn player takes a solo (ride)

Rim: play on rims

Rit.: ritard/slow down

Safety: A repeated section/vamp, until cue to continue

Sax: (Sx/Sxs.), saxes

Segue: move to a new piece of music without pause

Shaker: Brazilian

Shout Chorus: last chorus of the tune, typically stronger Shuffle: play in shuffle style

Sock Cymbal: hi-hat

Soft Shoe: to a dance, typically on rims or block

Soli: solo line played in unison, typically in a big band

Solo: playing alone; identifies a specific soloist

Spiritual: typically slow, 12/8 style

S.D.: (Sn./Sn. Drum) snare drum

Straight Eighth: play even eighth note feel

Straight: play basic/simpler time

Stripper Beat: loud tom-toms, typically in triplet feel with strong back-beat

Stx./Stix: play with sticks swing: play swing feel

Swish: to use swish cymbal; move the brushes in a “swishing” motion

Sx./Sax: saxophone

Synth. – synthesizer

Tacet: do not play

Tamb.: tambourine

Tight: a very compact feel; very , as in tight hi-hat

Timb.: timbales

Time: play time in specific style/feel

Timp Roll – mimic a timpani roll on the floor tom

Tog.: together Tom/Toms/T.T.: play on tom-toms

Top: the beginning of the tune

Tri./Trgl: triangle

Tutti: all together

Two-Beat: feel in two beats per measure

Unis.: in unison

Vamp: repeat measure or group of measures until cue

V.S.: volti subito; fast page turn

Walk: play straight time in swing feel; walking bass style

Waltz: 3/4 time feel or section

W.B./Wd.Blk./Blk.: wood block

Zing: to scrape the metal brush handle around the perimeter of the cymbal