St. Peter's (Catholic), London road (mixed), for 180 Caudle Green-Butler, Spread Eagle vaults, man. &; sat children j average attendance, lOO j Miss CatWeen Can­ -Brown, 'Lower George,' daily at 4 tillion, mistress Cinderford-Brown, ~ Saracen's Head,' man. wed. &; sat British, Wellington street, erected in 1840, for 275 boys, Cirencester-Butler, Spread Eagle vaults, man. &; sat 220 girls &; 120 infants; average attendance, 205 boys, Corse Lawn-Awford, King's Head stables, man. &; sat 200 girls &; 78 infants; Joseph William Ropkins, mas­ Ebley-Dangerfield, 'Talbot,' at 4 p.m. daily ter; Miss Elizabeth Williams, mistress; Miss Kate E. Eldersfield-WilliSl, ' Old Dial,' mon. wed. &; sat. at 4 Cole, infants' mistress Elmore H. Knight, 'Talbot,' mon. wed. &; sat Wesleyan Day, Northgate street (mixed), for 270 child­ Epney John Knight, 'rI"allbot,' man. thur8l. >& sat.; ren; average attendance, 230; William George Taylor, Fryer, 'Arbion,' man. wed. &; sat master; &; 95 infants; average attendance, 80; Mrs. Framlode Fryer,' .Albion,' mono wed. &; sat Mildred E. Essex, mistress Frampton-on-iSevern-Orchard, 'Talbot,' man. wed. &; Wesleyan Day (Ryecroft), Conduit street (mixed), estab­ sat.; Hazel,' Talbot,' man. wed. &; sat. at 4 lished in 1871, previous to which date it was the Wes­ Fretherne Fryer,' .Albion,' man. wed. &; sat • leyan chapel; it will hold 470 children; average attend­ Hardwicke Rarris,' .Albion,' man. wed. &; sat. 3.30 p.m ance, 434; William Lear, master; Miss Jane Watkins, Hartpury-Shaw, 'Booth Hall,' man. &; sat infants' mistress Rasfield-Turner, 'White Swan,' man. wed. &; sat. at 4 NEWSPAPERS. Horsepools-Brook, '.Albion,' mon. wed. &; sat. at 4 Hucclecote-Butler, Spread Eagle vaults, mono &; sat Citizen, St. John's lane, Chance &; Bland, publishers j Huntley-Gardner, 'Anchor,' sat.; Ruck, King's Head published every evening stables, mono wed. &; sat. 4 p.m.; Ha.rry Churchman, Gloucester Journal; office, St. John's lane, Ohance & , Old Bear,' mono wed. &; sat. at 4 Bland, publishers; published saturday Longhope Bullock,' Coopers' Arms,' mono wed. &; sat.; Gloucester Standard, Commercial road, James Buchanan, Cottrell, ' Saracen's Head,' wed. &; sat propriet{)r &; publisher; published saturday. See advrt Longney-Ellis, 'Talbot,' wed. &; sat.; John Knight, Gloucestershire Chronicle; offiee, 91 Southgate street, , Talbot,' mono fuurs. &; sat.; H. Knight, 'Talbot,' mono Carringbon &; Co. proprietors; published saturday wed. &; sat.; Smith, 'Talbot,' mono wed. &; sat Gloucestershire Echo (Oheltenham) (branch office), t6 Misarden-Butler, Spread Eagle vaults, man. &; sat Queen street Mitcheldean-Blewitt, King's. Head stables, wed. &; sat. at RAILWAYS. s; Cottrell, 'Saracen's Head,' wed. &; sat Newent--Davis, 'Booth Hall,' daily Great Western &; Railway Station, Edmund Morgan Bridger, station master; William Sparks, dis­ Painswick-Ranks, 'Saracen's Head,' mono wed. fri. &; sat Pendock-Bailey, ' Old Dial,' mono wed. &; sat. at 4; Shaw, "rict goods manager Midland Railway Station, William Orton, station master; 'Booth Hall,' man. &; sat Henry Hunt, goods agent; George Frederick Warden, Quedgley-Harris, '.Albion,' mon. wed. &; sat Redmarley-Bailey, 'Old Dial,' man. wed. &; sat. at 4; locomotive superintendent Willis, 'Old Dial,' man. wed. &; sat.; Parker,' Coopers' &; (Midland) Arms,' mOD. wed. &; sat. at 4; Shaw, 'Booth Hall,' wed. Oheltenham Branch (Great Western) &; sat.; Watkins, 'White Swan,' man. wed. &; sat. at 4 Gloucester &; South Wales (Great Western) Rodley-Butler, 'Booth Hall,' wed. & sat Hereford &; Ross (Great Western) Saul-John Knight, 'Talbot,' man. thurs. &; sat.; Fryer, Newent &; Ledbury (Great Western) '.Albion,' man. wed. &; sat. 3 p.m CONVEYANCE. Slimbridge Jones,' Talbot,' sat. 4 p.m Omnibuses from the Bell hotel, Ram hotel &; the New inn Staunton-lShaw, 'Booth Hall,' mono &; sat hotel meet the up &; down trains &; convey passengers StonE:lhouse Dangerfield,' Talbot,' daily 4 p.m to any part of the city Stroud-Dangerfield, 'Talbot,' daily 4 p.m.; Pegler,' Sara-· Wotton, Barnwood &; Hucclecote.,-Omnibus (Symond's), cen's Head,' man. wed. &; sat daily from the Cross Taynton-Fluck, 'Anchor,' wed. ,&; sat The tramways run from the Cross along Eastgate street & Tewkesbury-Green, 'Saracen's Head,' wed. &; sat Barton street (for Barton end district), Northgate street Tibberton-Fluck, 'Anchor,' wed. &; sat & London road (for Wotten &;c.) & Southgate street & 'l'irley-Awford, King's Head stables, mono & sat Bristol road, for about 1 mile each way j also along Westbury-Butler, 'Booth Hall,' wed. &; snt.; Ayland, Worcester street to KingshoIm 'White Swan,' mono wed. &; sat. at 3 Omnibuses also run from the Cross to Tuffiey bridge, Whitminster-Overbury, 'Talbot,' man. wed. &; sat Qlledgley, Kingsholm, Longford &i Twigworth, &; from Witcombe Butler, Spread Eagle vaults'. man. &; sat Clarence &treet to Matson CARRIERS BY WATER. RAILWAY CARRIERS TO LONDON &; ALL' PARTS OF Bristol Steam Navigation Co. Limited &; The Gloucester THE KINGDOM, DAILY. Steam Shipping Co. Limited (branch office), 25 Com- :Midland Railway Co. (Henry Hunt, goods agent; James mercial road (A. Gowan, agent) Reeves, 21 St. John's lane, passengers' parcel agent) Severn & Canal Carrying Co. Limited-General carriers Pickford &; Co. Station road (& London & North Western between Bristol, Gloucester, Newport, , , railway agents) , Worcester, Hereford, Birmingham, Stourbridge, Smith R. 'r. &; Co. Station road (&; agents, Great Western Wolverhampton & other places in the Midland &; West- railway) ern Counties &; South Wales; offices, DockS! Sutton &; Co. 21 St. John's lane (JameSl Reeves, agent) Jacob Rice & Son, to Bristol, Tewkesbury, Pershore, Wor- cester &; Evesham &; all parts of Staffordshire, twice 11 CARRIERS, with the places they go to, inns they call at, week from Docks, per steam conveyance &; days of departure. 'Berkeley Castle' &; 'Avonmore Castle,' to Apperley daily Ashleworth-Davis, 'Booth Hall,' daily during the summer, calling at intermediate places from Birdlip-Butler, Spread Eagle vaults, mono & sat Westgate bridge Brangreen-White Callard, 'Lower George,' sat The' Wave' &; 'Lapwing' steam packets, to & from G!.llU- Brimpfield-Butler, Spread Eagle vaults, mono &; sat cester &; Point (calling at the sever':l1 inter- Brockworth-Butler, Spread Eagle vaults, man. &; sat mediate places as occasion requires), three times daily Brookthorpe Cook,' .Albion,' mono wed. & sat in summer, once daily in winter, from the Docks, Glou- Cambridge Jones,' Talbot,' sat. at 4 cester CA. W. Francillon, proprietor) Ass Axel, 26 Brunswick square Allaway Mrs. 29 Worcel\ter iStreet Andrews Mrs. 43 Pdrliament street Abell James Paul, 9 St. Mark street Allen Evan Thos. 2 Pilcroft, TnfRey av Appleby John, 9 'St. MichaePs square Abell Thomll,s Henry, 6 Priory place AlIen John, 7 Heathville road Appleby Mrs. ~9 Henry road Acworth Rev. William Pelham M.A. Allen M:mrice Stephen, 2 Worcester Apted Miss, 3.5 Parliament street (vicar of Christ Church), Christ villas, Linden road, Stroud road Arkell Jamer, Femside ho.Belgrave rd Church parsonage, Park road Allen Mrs. 13 Regent street Arkle Mrs. trs Kingaholm. road Adam81 Miss, Oakleig'h vil.Belgrave rd .AlIen Ralph, 120 Oxford road Arnold W .ter J. 9 Roward street Adams Williatn, Bene Vue house, Spa Allen Swinborn Edwd. t7 Midland rd .Arundell iss, 86 Regent street Adams Wm. Ernest, 20 St. Pa.ul's road Alston Rev. William Tuso (curate of Ashlbee en, Munsley, Seymour road Adamson Emest Arthur, 1 Pilcrcft, St. Paul's), 47 Park End road Ashbee hur, 36 Brunswick road Tuffley avenue Alston Mrs. 140 London road Ashbee J hn, 2 Sherborne vils. Spa rd Addison Thomas Fenn, Horton road Ancrum George Wayland M.B. I & 3 Ashbee lrs. Hy. 17 Brunswick Toad Afford Rich. Withington villas, Tufiley Clarence street Ashby Frank, 28 Park End road avenue Andrews Francis, 94 London road A.,oon rs. 61 Falkner street

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