HANDBOOK ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN INDIA Rajkumar S. Adukia B. Com. (Hons.), FCA, ACS, AICWA, LL.B, Dip.IFR (UK), MBA Mobile +91 98200 61049/+91 93230 61049 Fax +91 22 26765579 Email
[email protected] www.carajkumarradukia.com http://rishabhacademy.com PREFACE Intellectual property rights (IPR) have become important in the face of changing trade environment which is characterized by global competition, high innovation risks, short product cycle, need for rapid changes in technology, high investments in research and development (R&D), production and marketing and need for highly skilled human resources. Regardless of what product an enterprise makes or what service it provides, it is likely that it is regularly using and creating a great deal of intellectual property. There is an emergent need for enterprises and professionals to systematically consider the steps required for protecting, managing and enforcing intellectual property rights, so as to get the best possible commercial results from its ownership. This book provides an insight into the laws related to intellectual property and the administration of these laws. 1 INDEX S.No Contents Pg Nos 1 Introduction 3 2 History of IPR in India 10 3 Overview of Laws related to Intellectual Property 16 Rights in India 4 Copyright 17 5 Patent 38 6 Trademark 66 7 Designs 76 8 Geographical Indications of Goods 84 9 Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Design 91 10 Biological Diversity 96 11 Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer Rights 101 12 Undisclosed Information 106 13 Indian Intellectual Property – Administrative 107 Machinery 14 The Agreement of Trade Related Aspects of 111 Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) 15 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 113 16 Intellectual Property Treaties 116 17 Commercialization of Intellectual Property 119 Rights(IPR) 18 Important Websites 122 2 1.