Lancang-Mekong Bashu Cultural Exchange Youth Camp

This program was held by Youth Federation on the theme of “Bashu Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.” The program aims for the regional social and economic development to help youth of the regional countries engage vigorously in the Belt and Road construction and the regional economic development. There were 49 delegates from the five Mekong countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam) and most of them were entrepreneurs and University students. This camp has lasted a week. (23.6.2019 – 29.6.2019)

On 24th June of our first visit, we went to the Mianzhu New Year Pictures Village where there were traditional handmade crafts and paintings. The walls and doors of the houses in that village were covered by the beautiful paintings. After our lunch, we were at the Erzhong Heavy Equipment Co., Ltd which is a major national advanced equipment manufacturing base. As it was a dangerous working area, the rules were strict that no photo was allowed to take in the factory and all people had to wear helmets for safety. Our next stop, the Dongfang Turbine Co., Ltd, was a large state-owned enterprise of high-tech backbone. It specialized in development and manufacture of power equipment for various kinds of power stations and new energy resources.

At the Erzhong () Heavy Equipment On our second day, the Panda Park also known as Panda Park was visited and we have met the lovely pandas. The park was full of bamboo forests, birds and flowers, fresh air and winding walkways. Then, we went to the International Railway Port which was the first step of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). And we have got a brief explanation about the trade between China and Europe through railway at the Chengdu-Europe International Youth Home.

At the Dujiangyan Panda Park

On the third day, we have learned about the precautions of the natural disasters at the Chengdu Youth Center. And it was a great chance to be in the part of such program. After having lunch, we went shopping to the Global Center which is one of the greatest shopping centers in China. Then, we continued our visit to the Sensetime Co., Ltd which is the innovative Al technology company. They distributed the textbooks of programming to the high school students and trying to be a compulsory subject with the aim of technology development among young people. On the fourth day, we have to wear semi-formal dresses as there was Lancang-Mekong Youth Exchange Forum at the Business & Innovation Center for China-Europe Cooperation. We then visited to the History Museum of after having the Lecture of “Lancang-Mekong Area Economic Development and Southward Opening up” by Professor Dai who is the rector of Sichuan University. During this lecture, we had a chance to discuss with the Professor about the challenges and future prospects of the BRI project.

On the fifth day, we first visited the Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) where we got much experience about the Chinese Traditional Culture. And then, we went to the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) and we had lunch there. After that, we have learned the financial technology at the Fintech Innovative Center which was aiming to transform the traditional financial methods as the innovative ones. Moreover, we had a forum of “Fintech and China’s Practice” at the Museum of SWUFE. Finally, we had the cultural performances of five Lancang-Mekong countries at the restaurant which has been an unforgettable memory ever.

During this exchange, we have visited a lot of famous and important places in Chengdu including three famous universities: Sichuan University; Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Southwestern University of Finance and Economic. Each university gave us a lot of precious knowledge about Chinese business, finances and cultures. As the theme of this project based on “Belt and Road Initiatives” Project, we could explore much about the BRI and have learned how Myanmar is important in this project. Besides, we have a chance to discuss with the Chinese Professor and youths from Mekong countries about the potential future of Southeast Asia countries in the BRI project. Thus, in this exchange youth camp, we have learned not only about BRI project and , but also about Chinese developed technologies, entrepreneur innovations and artificial intelligences programs. We have also got international experiences and can extend our international youth networks. The memories, knowledge and experiences we got from this exchange is priceless and will stay with us forever.

Yoon Mie Mie Oo & May Myat Mon Department of International Relations University of Yangon 日 程 安 排 Schedule



Hotel: Kempinski Hotel Chengdu (Ren Min Nan Road 42, Chengdu)

日期 时间 内容

Date Time Content

6 月 23 日

(星期日) 全天 各国代表入住成都凯宾斯基饭店

rd Jun. 23 All Day Delegations check in the Kempinski Hotel Chengdu



Dress Code: Causal wear


07:30-08:20 Breakfast 6 月 24 日 从酒店统一乘坐大巴前往绵竹 (星期一) 08:30 th Taking bus from hotel to Mianzhu Jun.24

(Monday) 参观绵竹年画村 10:00 Visiting Mianzhu New Year Pictures Village


12:00 Lunch 前往二重(德阳)重型装备有限公司

Heading to the Erzhong (Deyang) Heavy Equipment Co.,

13:00 Ltd


13:30 Visiting the Erzhong (Deyang) Heavy Equipment Co., Ltd


15:00 Heading to the Dongfang Turbine Co., Ltd


15:30 Visiting the Dongfang Turbine Co., Ltd


16:30 Return to Chengdu


18:00 Dinner


19:00 Having rest

6月25日 着装:便装

(星期二) Dress Code: Casual wear

th Jun.25 早餐

(Tuesday) 07:30-08:20 Breakfast 前往都江堰熊猫乐园

08:30 Heading to the Dujiangyan Panda Park


10:00 Visiting the Dujiangyan Panda Park


12:30 Lunch


13:30 Heading to Chengdu International Railway Port

15:00 参观成都国际铁路港

Visiting Chengdu International Railway Port

前往蓉欧国际 “青年之家”

16:00 Heading to the Chengdu-Europe International Youth Home

参观蓉欧国际 “青年之家”

16:10 Visiting the Chengdu-Europe International Youth Home


18:00 Lunch


19:00 Having rest

着装:便装 6月26日 Dress Code: Casual wear (星期三) 早餐

th Jun.26 07:30-08:50 Breakfast

(Wednesday) 前往成都市青少年活动中心

09:00 Heading to the Chengdu Youth Center


09:30 Visiting the Chengdu Youth Center


11:30 Lunch


13:00 Heading to the Sensetime Co., Ltd


13:30 Visiting the Sensetime Co., Ltd


14:30 Heading to the EMHES Co., Ltd


15:00 Visiting the EMHES Co., Ltd


18:00 Dinner


19:00 Experiencing the Tianfu Greenway 入住酒店

19:30 Return to hotel


Dress Code: Semi-Formal (suit, no tie)


07:30-08:50 Breakfast


Heading to the Business & Innovation Center for China-Europe

09:00 Cooperation


09:30 Lancang-Mekong Youth Exchange Forum


Visiting the Business & Innovation Center for China-Europe

11:00 Cooperation


12:00 Lunch 6月27日 出发前往四川大学 (星期四)

th 13:30 Heading to Sichuan University Jun.27

(Thursday) 14:00 参观四川大学缅甸研究中心, “澜湄区域经


为例” 专题讲座, 参观四川大学校史博物

Visiting the Center for Myanmar Studies, Sichuan University.

Attending the lecture of “Lancang-Mekong Area Economic

Development and Southward Opening Up” and visiting the

History Museum of Sichuan University


17:30 Dinner


18:30 Return to Hotel


Dress Code: Semi-Formal (suit, no tie)

07:30-08:20 早餐 Breakfast

出发前往成都中医药大学 6月28日 08:30 Heading to the Chengdu University of TCM (星期五)

th 参观成都中医药大学 Jun.28

(Friday) (中国传统文化体验)

Visiting the Chengdu University of TCM

09:30 (Experiencing Chinese Traditional Culture) 前往西南财经大学

Heading to the Southwestern University of Finance and

12:00 Economics


12:30 Lunch

14:00 参观西南财经大学




Visiting the Southwestern University of Finance and


(Visiting the Fintech Innovative Center, Money and Finance

Museum of SWUFE and attending Theme Forum: Fintech and

China’s practice)


17:30 Banquet


18:30 Return to hotel


(星期六) 全天 返程

Jun.29th-30th All Day Return trip
