Mum's the word on KaNgwane and WHOHVFR KNOWS the 'real* independence when asked to. reason why ihc South Alrican Out of the three RSI. countries. Government is keen to give away Swaziland has always enioycd the hundreds of thousands of hectare* closest relationship with the South of South African land to Swaziland African Government, and many is ecruml> not talking. people have seen the land deal as an Ever since Gatsha "Huihclc/i, attempt to bring Swaziland even Chief Minister of KwaZulu. lifted closer into the much spoken about the lid on discussion* he had with 'constellation of Southern African top Government cabinet minister* States*. and officials, there have been plenty of theories and speculations on the The South African Government's deal motives have been seen largely as an attempt to get Swaziland to partici­ The South African Government pate in the constellation and crack­ has yet. in the words of Prime down on ANC guerillas in the Minister Pieter Botha "to put it's couatry. cue\ Both claim* have heen refuted by Reasons such as Minister of Co* the Swaziland Government who operation and Development Pict maintain the land deal comes with Koornhofs one that they would like no strings attached. to re-unite the Swam so that King SobhuT* can die a happy man* One theory is that the South cannot be the main motivating African Government offered Ka­ factor behind the deal. Ngwane but the Swaziland Govern­ But while the South African ment said it wanted Ingwavuma as Government sits tight waiting for well. the Appeal Court's decision on The land deal will give Swuitand For the Swaziland Government, whether the State President exceed­ the deal would mean a significant ed the powers given him by issuing a access to the tea. gain of land to the liny kingdom. But proclamation handing the control of Ntunja along with hU followers there is also an even more significant Ingwavuma from the KwaZulu crossed the border into Swaziland gain HI population. II the deal Government to the Department of and were recognised by the UN as should go through the new inhabi­ Co-opcrulionand Development,the refugees from . Since then tants will outnumber Swazi* two to KwaZulu and Swaziland govern­ there have been numcrou* raids one. The other aspect is that gaining ment* have taken up the issue. Km the border. In 1976 the area the Ingwavuma area will give Partially duo to the fact that the was handed over to the KwaZulu Swaziland access to the sea ahd with South African Government is keep­ Government. outside help, a harbour could be ing quiet, the controversial deal is I he Swaziland Government is built. fast becoming an issue of cthnicit) claiming that the refugees had to and conflict between the Swazis and leave lngua\ uma as thev weft* being The 'harbour theory" on the deal the Zulus leaving out Ihc main terrorised by Inkatha and m»ny had goes further to involve the United protagonist in the whole drama. to deny their Swazi heritage and States Goxcrnment. There have hcen widespread rumours that the The Swaziland'Government has become Zulus. These claims aic getting wide publicity including USA would aid the development of launched a world-wide public rela­ Kosi Bay into a harbour. The tions campaign to win suport lor it\ interviews with refugees on South African Television. comeback for the USA would be controversial dealing* with the that it would havea base in the South African Government. Their For the KwaZulu Government South Indian Ocean. claim to KaNgwane rests on the fact the two important issues are land that most of the close to one million and citizenship. The KwaZulu US officials in have inhabitants arc Swa/i speaking Government has organised protest said that they know nothing about people. meetings in the area and other parts the plans and that the> "arc absolute The case for Ingwavuma is more of Natal. Petitions have been nonsense*. complex, and the Swaziland launched to gain more support for Government claims to have over their opposition. They have also Since the outset the position of the 20.000 refugees from the area* 1 he tried lo win support internationally African National Congress has been United National High Commis­ but the Buthele/i Government's drawn in. But the reporting on it has sioner for Refugee* has stated that position is severely compromised by been confused. Initially Secretary there are 5.000 registered refugees in their participation in the General Alfred N/o came out in Swaziland. system of government in South opposition to the deal saying the Africa. ANC viewed it in the same light as There are 5.000 inhabitants in the Lesotho's claim* to the Orange Free Nd/cvanc refugee settlement across Many commentators have said State. Then two weeks later it was the border from KwaZulu. It was that if the South African Govern­ announced that the ANC would not established in 1980 by the United ment is able to push the deal oppose the deal but negotiate Nations (UN) after a feud amongst through, Buthcle/t's argument for separately with the Swaziland factions of the Mngomezulu tribe participating in government-created Government. Three days later a which lives in the Ingwavuma area. institutions as a means to promote statement was released from Lusaka The trouble started in 1974 when change will be severely compromis­ slating that the ANC never support­ Chief Ntunja. installed as a chief by ed. Many have also hastened to add ed the move and would continue to the South African Government, was that if Buthelczi had accepted oppose it. stripped of his chieftainship, again independence for KwaZulu the issue by the Soutl\African Government. uould never have arisen. But the Meanwhile, thousands of pam­ One of the reasons given at Ihc time land deal must run deeper than the phlets condemning the land deal was that Chicl Ntunja had Swazi South African Government trying have been distributed in the personal documents. to leach Buthclezi the lesson of what Ingwavuma area under the name of happens to those who do not take Fighting broke out and Chief Ihe ANC.