Great Basin Naturalist

Volume 38 Number 1 Article 1


Endangered and threatened of : a reevaluation

Stanley L. Welsh Brigham Young University

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ISSN 0017-3614

Volume 38 March 31, 1978 No. 1


Stanley L. Welsh'

Abstract.— Endangered and threatened plants of Utah are reevaluated. The lists are brought up to date, and species now known to be common are recommended to be removed from the proposed lists. Additional species are proposed to be added, including the new species, Astragalus montii Welsh.

Passage of the Endangered Species Act of consider the presence of such species 1973 (Public Law 23-205) provided the le- before any land use planning can be accom- gal basis for establishment of lists of endan- plished. This constraint applies to all devel- gered and threatened plant species. Such opments which take place on federally con- lists were prepared under the direction of trolled lands. the Smithsonian Institution, and were pub- Information on the nature of endangered lished in the Federal Register (40: 27824- and threatened plants in Utah must be ex- 27924. 1975; 41: 24524-24572. 1976). These plored on a continuous basis, since stability lists are preliminary and were based on best of plant populations is an ideal only; they information available at the time. Much in- fluctuate with the many variables of cli- formation has been developed since those mate, biotic, edaphic, and human devel- lists were published, and since the work by opmental factors. The philosophy of human- Welsh, Atwood, and Reveal (1975) was ity wishing to preserve plant species of completed in summary form. unknown value has been questioned by

This paper is written in an attempt to many people. Examples of construction evaluate the status of rare plants in Utah projects being halted when endangered based on current best information. Several plant or animal species have been found plant species were placed on initial listings serve to fuel a controversy in our utilitarian which are known to be commonplace. Oth- society. Idealistically, industrial and other ers were omitted by error, oversight, or lack kinds of development should be able to pro- of information. Taxa have been described as ceed without regard to any living species— new which were unknown at the time lists whether plant or animal. Since that is not were first compiled. All of these factors possible in many instances, then which must be considered, and the lists should be should give way? A "three worms" argu- maintained to be as current as possible. ment can be brought to focus. Human en- Constraints placed on federal land man- terprise should not be halted, or even se- agement agencies provide justification for riously modified because of the presence on continued work on the status of rare plants the site of anything as insignificant as judged to be categorized as either endan- "three worms." Therein lies the problem. gered or threatened. All such agencies must Our basic ignorance of the nature and role

'Department of Botany and Range Science, and Life Science Museum, Brigham Y'oung University, Provo, Utah 84602. Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 38, No. 1

of rare organisms in the ecosystem, and sequences to plant populations. The cost of their place in the lives of mankind, should such a mode of operation was presumed to cause us to allow sufficient time to explore be advantageous in our competitive society, the possibilities. but was potentially high in cost of a basic

The fact that is a reasonable natural resource—our rare plant species. practice in nature is pointed to by knowl- They became endangered from human ex- edgeable people as an excuse for the reduc- pansion for two reasons: ignorance of their tion of those species encountered in the existence and of their importance. course of human expansion onto the natural Given the opportunity of passing the plant communities of the earth. That plant costs of expansion on to future generations, life has been retreating because of utiliza- or of bearing those costs at the present tion of lands for agriculture, cities and time, the present generation will likely de- towns, industrial sites, thoroughfares, and fer the costs to the latter. Cost is not in other ancillary features of our culture is monies alone, but involves all of our re- hardly in doubt. That certain plant species sources, including rare plants of unknown have been pushed to the point of extinction value. The Endangered Species Act pro- is apparent, but the question remains as to vides an advocate for present and future whether extinction by natural processes and generations, allowing all a chance to make that accelerated by our actions represent determinations and to enable examination of two kinds of events. Only the end results rarities provided in our natural system. The are the same. Natural extinction represents costs of protection will be borne by all gen- the removal, in a selective manner, of or- erations. Guaranteed is the possibility for ganisms which, commonly because of condi- pursuit of knowledge about rare plants, now tions of the environment, could not contin- and in the future. All of our indigenous ue to reproduce in sufficient numbers as to plant species are a part of our heritage. We maintain a viable population. Forced extinc- have driven some vegetative types and spe- tion involves wholesale removal or modifi- cies to the edge of extinction. The loss of a cation of indigenous plant communities, re- few square kilometers of some widespread sulting in the death of populations. This species can be tolerated because of the latter type of extinction can involve both large extent of that type. However, the loss inadvertant and purposeful exploitation and of a few square meters of a rare plant pop- has been justified on the basis of necessity— ulation can result in extinction. The Endan- the greatest good for the largest number of gered Species Act stands to prevent extinc- human inhabitants. Exploitation without un- tion. derstanding of natural processes has led to The lands have become increasingly valu- catastrophes affecting both human and biot- able, and the indigenous plants will retreat ic populations. to still smaller areas as demands are made Now, we are at a point in civilization for greater utilization of Utah lands. where an awareness has developed that liv- Rarity of plant species is a concept which ing things represent a finite resource which requires study. Utah is a large state with a cannot be pressed endlessly into a shrinking great many habitat types in a vast eleva- environment without loss of substantial tional range. Botanical exploration of its numbers of species. Lands considered as lands was begun seriously only a century good for little except limited grazing in the ago, and students of its flora have been rel- first century of our occupation of Utah are atively few. Only about a half dozen botan- now important as industrial sites and for re- ists have ever collected more than 5,000 source exploitation, recreation, and other numbers each from the confines of the uses. state. Catalogues of the flora have always Prior to the establishment of the Endan- been incomplete because of the poorly gered Species Act, expansion onto wild known nature of the plant species. Numer- lands took place without regard to rare or ous taxa have been described since 1950, unusual plants. It was easy to work without and likely many more remain to be discov- restrictive regulations, regardless of the con- ered. When a plant species is first recog- March 1978 Welsh: Endangered Utah Plants

nized, its total range is likely known from a the current information available on both small to a very small area. Because of the proposed and candidate endangered and small size of the known range, the plant is threatened species of plants in Utah. judged to be rare. Further exploration fre-

total range is quently demonstrates that the Endangered Plant Lists and larger than initially indicated. However, Proposed Modifications there are those species which occupy nar- row ranges, usually on peculiar substrates, The current list of proposed endangered which are actually rare. plants is presented in Table 1. Some 68 spe- At the present, the knowledge of Utah cies, including 4 which are possibly extinct, plant species is only moderately developed. are included. Evaluation of previous data

The distribution of common plants is fairly and of that taken from recent collections in- well documented, but the rare and pur- dicates that the list should be modified. It is portedly rare plants require much additional therefore proposed that some 12 species be work. The following summary lists represent downgraded to the status of threatened and

Table 1. Current list of endangered plants as cited in Federal Register publications (1975, 1976), their locality by county in Utah, and recommendations of status based on present data.

Endangered Plants Locality Recommendations

Allium passeyi Holmgr. & Holmgr. Box Elder Arctomecon humilis Coville Astragalus cronquistii Bameby Astragalus desereticus Bameby Astragalus detritalis M.E. Jones Astragalus hamiltonii C.L. Porter Astragalus harrisonii Bameby Astragalus iselyi Welsh Astragalus lentiginosus Dougl. var. chartaceus M.E. Jones

var. ursinus A. Gray Astragalus loanus Barneby

Astragalus lutosus M.E. Jones Astragalus malacoides Bameby Astragalus minthorniae (Rydb.) Jeps. var. gracilior (Bameby) Bameby

Astragalus pardalinus (Rydb.) Bameby Astragalus perianus Bameby Astragalus saurinus Bameby Astragalus serpens Bameby

Castilleja aquariensis N. Holmgr. Castilleja revealii N. Holmgr. Cryptantha breviflora (Osterh.) Payson Cryptantha grahamii Johnst. Cryptantha johnstonii Higgins Cryptantha jonesiana (Payson) Payson Cryptantha ochroleuca Higgins Cuscuta warneri Yunker Cycladenia humilis Benth. var. jonesii (Eastw.) Welsh & Atwood Cymopterus minimus (Mathias) Mathias Echinocereus engelmannii (Parry) Lemaire var. purpureus L. Benson Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 38, No. 1

Table 1.— contd.

Endangered Plants Locality Recommendations

Erigeron flagellaris Gray Iron no change var. trilohatus Cronq. Erigeron kachinensis Welsh & Moore San Juan no change Erigeron nmguirei Cronq. Emery no change Erigeron religiosus Cronq. Kane, Washington no change Erigeron zionis Cronq. Washington no change Eriogonum ummophilum Reveal Millard no change Eriogonum aretioides Bameby Garfield no change Eriogonum corymbosum Benth. Carbon no change var. davidesei Reveal var. revealianum (Welsh) Reveal Piute, Garfield downgrade to T Eriogonum cronquistii Reveal Garfield no change Eriogonum ephedroides Reveal Uintah downgrade to T Eriogonum humivagans Reveal San Juan no change Eriogonum hylophilum Reveal & Duchesne no change Brotherson Eriogonum intermontanum Reveal Grand, Emery, no change Uintah Eriogonum lancifolium Reveal & Carbon no change Brotherson Eriogonum loganum A. Nels. Cache no change Eriogonum smithii Reveal Emery no change Eriogonum zionis J.T. Howell Kane, Washington downgrade to T var. zionis

Festuca dasyclada Hackel Emery (?), Sanpete no change (PoEx) Gilia caespitosa A. Gray Wayne no change Glaucocarpum suffrutescens (Rollins) Uintah no change Rollins

Hermidium alipes S. Wats. Duchesne, Uintah remove from list var. pallidum C.L. Porter Heterotheca jonesii (Blake) Welsh & Washington, no chang Atwood Garfield Lepidiu7n barnebyanum Reveal Duchesne, Uintah no change Lygodesinia grandiflora (Nutt.) Torr. Carbon check taxonomic & Gray var. stricta Maguire status

Parthenium ligulatum (M.E. Jones) Duchesne, Emery, remove from list Bameby Uintah Pediocactus sileri (Engelm.) L. Washington no change Benson Penstemon concinnus Keck Beaver, Millard downgrade to T Penstemon garrettii Pennell Duchesne (?), no change Wasatch Penstemon grahamii Keck Uintah no change Penstemon nanus Keck Beaver, Millard downgrade to T argillacea Atwood Utah no change Phacelia indecora J.T. Howell San Juan, Wayne no change Phacelia mammillariensis Atwood Kane no change

Physaria grahamii Morton Carbon, Duchesne, remove from list Emery, Uintah Psoralea epipsila Bameby Kane no change Ranunculus acriformis A. Gray Garfield (PoEx) no change var. aestivalis L. Benson Sclerocactus glaucus (K. Schum) L. Duchesne, Uintah no change Benson Sclerocactus wrightiae L. Benson Emery, Wayne no change Townsendia aprica Welsh & Reveal Sevier no change Viguiera soliceps Bameby Kane no change Zigadenus vaginatus (Rydb.) Macbr. Grand, Kane, downgrade to T San Juan March 1978 Welsh: Endangered Utah Plants some 8 be removed altogether from consid- cur in peculiar assemblages with Artemisia eration as potentially endangered or threat- pygmaea, Glaucocarpum stiffrutescens, ened. Two additional species, now listed as Cnjptantha grahamii, Cryptantha hamebyi, threatened, should be upgraded to endan- and many other unusual plants. gered. Those which should be downgraded Eriogonum zionis var. zionis.— This include the following: pretty wild buckwheat is known from the White Cliffs escarpment in western Kane and eastern Downgraded Species Washington counties. The total known range is more than 40 miles long, Astragalus detritalis.— This species is no- and consists of numerous disjunct popu- where abundant in the Uinta Basin, but is lations. broadly distributed, commonly on gravels Penstemon concinnus.— The range of this from the vicinity of Duchesne east into Col- Great Basin endemic occurs in western Mil- orado. lard and Beaver counties. Although rarely Astragalus hamiltonii.— The Hamilton collected, the plants are rather widely dis- milkvetch occurs on the Wasatch Formation tributed in the Tunnel Springs, Mountain west of Vernal and alluvium over a relative- Home, and Needle ranges, and on the ba- ly large area north to the vicinity of Tridel. hadas in both Pine and Hamblin Valleys.

Astragalus malacoides.— This milkvetch is Penstemon nanus.— The dwarf beard- known from the vicinity of Fifty Mile tongue occurs with P. concinnus, but ex- Mountain on the Straight Cliffs plateau tends east across the Pine Valley into the west to Four Mile Bench, and from the Wah Wah Mountains. Circle Cliffs portion of Garfield County. Zigadenus vaginatus.— The sheathed Astragalus saurinus.— Named from Dino- death camus occurs in disjunct populations, saur National Monument, where the plant is commonly in hanging gardens in San Juan locally abundant on saline soils of several and Grand counties. It is less frequent in geological formations, A. saurinus is also those mesophytic assemblages than is Pri- known from as far south as Red Wash and mula specuicola or Mimuhis eastwoodae. from west of Vernal. Cryptantha grahamii.— The Graham cryp- Delisted Species tantha is known from the environs of Wil- low and Hill creeks and from west of the Plants which should be removed (delisted) Green River north of the junction of Wil- from the list of endangered species are as low Creek. The total range is somewhat follows: more than 30 miles in length. Astragalus lentiginosus var. chartaceus.— Cryptantha jonesiana.— This showy cryp- The papery speckled millkvetch remained tantha is known from the Sinbad member of obscure for more than half a century fol- the Moenkopi Formation from near the San lowing its naming. Recent collections in- Rafael River south to the middle of the San dicate the presence of a series of popu- Rafael Swell. The plants grow on shaly bar- lations with compact shorter rens, often in the pinyon-juniper or mixed than the leaves in the near vicinity of the desert shrub communities. type locality of this variety. They are con- Eriogonum corymbosum var. revealia- nected to other populations which are un- num.— This wild buckwheat has been common but scattered through much of shown to occur through the East Fork of northern Utah. the Sevier River and Otter Creek vicinities Astragalus loanus.— The Loa milkvetch is in both Piute and Garfield counties. another species whose identity long re- Eriogonum ephedroides.— The ephedra mained obscure. Collected first a century wild buckwheat is rare only in collections. ago, the species was not named until the

It is known to occur in a rather broad area 1940s. The plants occur on volcanic gravels from western Colorado west to the Green in Sevier, Piute, Wayne, and Garfield coun- River in Uintah County, Utah. The habitat ties. Total extent of known range is almost is confined to Green River Shale. Plants oc- 100 miles in length. 6 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 38, No. 1

Astragalus pardalinus.— The panther esne, and Uintah counties. Additionally, it milkvetch is a mirrored image species of occurs in west central Colorado. both A. pubentissimus and A. sabulonum. P. A. Ryd- Differences were observed by Upgraded Species berg, who described A. pardalinus, and were substantiated by R. C. Bameby, who There are two plant species which were placed it in Astragalus. The habitat occu- cited as threatened on the Federal Register pied by this pretty plant is the sandy foot- list of 1975, but which appear to have the slope of the San Rafael Swell and Henry limited range and potential for extinction of Mountains in eastern Emery, Wayne, and endangered plants. Therefore, it is proposed Garfield counties. Recently, it has been that they be upgraded to that status. In- found along the dip-slopes of the Curtis for- cluded in this category are the following mation near the western margin of the San (see Table 2): Rafael Swell. The total length of the area Astragalus callithrix.— This obscure spe- occupied is more than 100 miles long. cies is known from only a few localities Astragalus serpens.— The plateau milk- throughout its range in Millard County, vetch is a handsome plant, long known Utah, and Nye County, Nevada. The loss of from the type locality at Loa Pass in west- any population might be sufficiently de- em Wayne County. It is a plant of the low structive that the species would be lost. sagebrush community on volcanic gravels. Cryptantha bamebyi.— The total area

Recently it has been found in Piute, Gar- known to be occupiecj^ by this entity is ap- field, and Iron counties. The populations, parently smaller than that in published while disjunct, consist of few to very many maps of the distribution. The plant is a individuals, which wax and wane with local Green River Shale endemic and could be conditions of weather. The area occupied is eradicated through exploitation of that ma- very large. terial for its oil. Cryptantha breviflora.— The Uinta Basin cryptantha occurs from the west central Threatened Plant Lists portion of the basin eastward through cen- AND Proposed Modifications tral Uintah County, and into the south- eastern tip of Daggett County. It is one of Threatened plants as currently constituted the common species of the Uinta Basin. are listed in Table 2. The present list con- Hermidium alipes var. pallidum.— Recent sists of some 85 taxa but includes many taxa collections from the Uinta Basin indicate a now recognized as being common. These broad range for the pale hermidium. It is at were previously poorly known entities, least common, and even locally abundant, which have been updated by contemporary in- in much of its range in lower elevation por- collections. Because of the accumulated tions of Duchesne and Uintah counties. formation, it is proposed that some 30 spe- Parthenium ligulatum.— This caespitose cies be removed from the list of threatened proposed to be composite is known from the Green River Utah plants. Most of those Shale of both Duchesne and Uintah coun- delisted have such broad ranges that they most wide- ties, and from the Carmel and Dakota for- could be threatened only by the mations in the San Rafael Swell in Emery spread destruction of habitat, or by some force. County. It remains obscure, but hardly rare. specific and selective destructive Physaria grahamii.— This plant has been Plants which should be delisted include: one of the enigmatic species of the state. Astragalus convallarius var. finitimus.— Collected by Graham in the 1930s, and There are a series of populations of this named by C. V. Morton during that period, plant extending through northern Washing- the entity was thought to be extinct when ton County, western Iron County, and adja- rare; its in- first listed in the Federal Register. It is now cent Nevada. This plant is not known rather widely from the escarpments terpretation has been obscure. of the Tavaputs, West Tavaputs, and other Astragalus ensiformis.— When expanded western plateaus in Carbon, Emery, Duch- to include the materials known as A. min- March 1978 Welsh: Endangered Utah Plants

Table 2. Current list of threatened plants cited in Federal Register publications (1975, 1976), their locality by county in Utah, and recommendations of status based on present data.

Threatened Plants Locality Recommendations

Arabis demissa Greene Daggett no change var. kinugida Rollins var. riisseola Rollins Daggett, Uintah no change Asclepias cutleri Woodson Grand, San Juan no change Asclepias ruthiae Maguire & Emery, Grand, no change Woodson Wayne Astragalus ampullaritis S. Wats. Kane, Washington no change Astragalus barnebyi Welsh & Atwood Garfield, Wayne no change Astragalus callithrix Barneby Millard up grade to E Astragalus chloodes Barneby Uintah no change

Astragalus convallarius greene Iron, Washington remove from list var. finitirnus Barneby Astragalus cottamii Welsh San Juan no change Astragalus duchesnensis M.E. Jones Duchesne, Uintah no change

Astragalus ensifomiis M.E. Jones Washington remove from list Astragalus lancearius A. Gray Kane, Washington no change

Astragalus oophorus S. Wats. Beaver, Iron remove from list var. lonchocalyx Barneby Astragalus rafaelensis M. E. Jones Emery no change

Camissonia parryi (S. Wats.) Raven Washington remove from list Castilleja parvula Rydb. Beaver, Piute no change

Castilleja scabrida Eastw. Carbon, Duchesne, remove from list Emery, Garfield, Grand, Kane, San Juan, Sevier, Uintah, Wayne, Washington

Corydalis caseana A. Gray Salt Lake, Utah, remove from list Wasatch, Weber Cryptantha barnebyi Johnst. Uintah upgrade to E Cryptantha compacta Higgins Millard no change Cryptantha elata (Eastw.) Payson Grand no change Cryptantha semiglabra Barneby Washington no change Cryptantha striata (Osterh.) Payson Daggett, Summit, no change Uintah Cymopterus basalticus M.E. Jones Millard remove from list Cymopterus coulteri (M.E. Jones) Juab, Sevier, no change Mathias Utah Cymopterus duchesnensis M.E. Jones Duchesne, Uintah no change

Cymopterus newberryi (S. Wats.) Garfield, Grand, remove from list M.E. Jones Kane, Millard, San Juan, Uintah, Washington, Wayne Cymopterus rosei M.E. Jones Iron, Sanpete, remove from list Sevier, Washington Draba asprella Greene Washington no change var. zionensis (C.L. Hitchc.) Welsh & Reveal Draba sobolifera Rydb. Garfield, Piute no change Draba subalpina Goodman & Garfield, Iron, no change Hitchc. Kane Epilobium nevadense Munz Washington no change Erigeron abajoensis Cronq. Garfield, Kane, no change San Juan Erigeron cronquistii Maguire Cache no change Erigeron garrettii A. Nels. Box Elder, Salt remove from list Lake, Utah Erigeron mancus Rydb. Grand, San Juan no change Eriogonum clavellatum Small San Juan no change Eriogonum eremicum Reveal Millard no change Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 38, No. 1

Table 2.- contd.

Threatened Plants Locality Recommendations

Eriogonum jatnesii Benth. Kane, Washington no change var. nipicola Eriogonum nanitm Reveal Box Elder, Weber no change Eriogonum osthinilii M.E. Jones Piute, Sevier no change Eriogonum panguicense (M.E. Jones) Iron no change Reveal var. alpestre (Stokes) Reveal Eriogonum saiirinwn Reveal Uintah no change Eriogonum thompsonae S. Wats. Washington no change var. alhiflorwn Reveal var. thompsonae Kane, Washington no change

Eriogonum viridulum Reveal Duchesne, Uintah remove from list Euphorbia nephradenia Barneby Emery, Kane, no change Wayne

Geranium marginale Rydb. Garfield, Iron, remove from list Sevier, Wayne

Cilia mcvickerae M.E. Jones Garfield, Kane, remove from list Iron, Piute, Sevier, Uintah

Haplopappiis scopulorum (M.E. Jones) Iron, Kane, remove from list Blake San Juan Hymenopappus filifolius Hook. Kane, Washington no change var. tomentosus (Rydb.) Turner Lesquerella garrettii Payson Salt Lake, Utah, no change Wasatch Lesquerella ruhicundula Rollins Garfield, Kane, no change Piute Ixrmatium minimum Mathias Garfield, Iron, no change Kane

Lupinus niarianus Rydb. Garfield, Piute, remove from list Sevier

Machaeranthera grindelioides (Nutt.) Beaver, Millard remove from list Shinners var. depressa (Maguire) cronq. & Keck Mertensid viridis A. Nels. var. cana (Rydb.) L.O. Williams Summit var. dilatata (A. Nels.) L.O. Williams

Noma retrorsum J.T. Howell

Opuntia whipplei Engelm. & Bigel. var. multigeniculata L. Benson Parrija rydbergii Botsch.

Penstemon ahietinus Pennell

Penstemon acaulis L.O. Williams Penstemon caespitosus Niitt. var. suffruticosus A. Gray Penstemon compavtus (Keck) Crosswhite Penstemon leiophyllus Pennell

Penstemon parvus Pennell Penstemon uintahensis Pennell

PenstBTUon ivardii A. Gray Peteria thompsonae A. Gray March 1978 Welsh: Endangered Utah Plants

Table 2.— contd.

Threatened Plants Locality Recommendations

Phacelia anelsonii Macbr. Washington no change Phacelia cephahtes A. Gray Kane, Washington no change

Phacelia constancei Atwood Emery, Garfield, remove from list Kane, San Juan

Phacelia demissa A. Gray Piute, Wayne remove from list var. hetewtricha J.T. Howell Sevier Phacelia howelliana Atwood Grand, San Juan no change Phacelia rafaelensis Atwood Emery, Wayne, remove from list Washington Phacelia iitahensis E.G. Voss Sanpete, Sevier no change Phlox cluteana A. Nels. San Juan no change Phlox gladiformis (M.E. Jones) Garfield, Iron, no change E. Nels. Washington

Phlox grahamii Wherry Uintah remove from list

Phlox pnesii Wherry Washington remove from list Primula 7nagiiirei L.O. Williams Cache no change

Primula specuicola Rydb. Grand, Kane, remove from list San Juan, Wayne

Puccinellia parishii A.S. Hitchc. not in Utah remove from list Sclerocactus pubispinus (Engelm.) Box Elder, Beaver, no change L. Benson Sevier, Millard Senecio dimorphophyllus Greene San Juan no change var. intermedins Barkley Silene petersonii Maguire Sanpete no change var. petersonii Viola charlestonensis Baker & Washington no change Clausen

thorniae var. gracilior, the species becomes not known to be threatened at the present rather broadly distributed in a series of in- time. terconnected populations, which are hardly Cymopterus basalticus.— While the range threatened. of this species is known from Millard Coun-

Astragalus oorphorus var. lonchocalyx.— ty only, that county is one of the largest in

Previously known from only a single local- Utah. And, C. basalticus is broadly dis- ity in western Iron County, the taxon is tributed in the western portion of that now known from several localities in Iron, county. Indeed, the plants are common to and in Beaver County also. Additionally, abundant in much of the region. the species is locally common in Lincoln Cymopterus newberryi.— This is another County, Nevada. example of a plant which should not have

Castilleja scabrida.— This species was been placed on the list. The broad range of placed on the list by oversight. It is a wide- this common plant has been known for ly distributed paintbrush, flowering early in many years. the growing season, and rivaling C. chro- Cymopterus rosei.— The plant remains mosa in abundance. rather obscure, but even fragmentary rec- Camissonia parryi.— This plant has a re- ords demonstrate an extensive range for the stricted distribution, occurring only in entity. Washington County, Utah. It is hardly rare, Erigeron garrettii.— The Garrett fleabane however. When the water regimen is con- daisy has a wide area of distribution in the ducive, this species grows in great abun- northern and central Wasatch Range. dance. Eriogonum viridulum.— The range of E.

Corydalis caseana.— The distribution of viriduhim is known to extend for more than this taxon indicates that it is rather wide- 100 miles across the east-west axis of the spread, although only locally common. It is Uinta Basin. 10 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 38, No. 1

Geranium marginale,— The plateau gera- Though disjunct, this variety does not seem

nium is a common plant over a broad sec- to be threatened in any portion of its range. tion of south central Utah. Phacelia rafaelensis.— The problem of Gilia mcvickerae.— While occurring in range is the same as with P. constancei. It is disjunct populations, often on peculiar soils too broadly distributed to be treated as (either modified volcanics or calcareous threatened. gravels), the current knowledge indicates Phlox grahamii.— The type, and only that the plants are widespread. known collection of P. grahamii, is a tera- Haplopappus scopulorum.— A plant of tological specimen of what is presumed to protected coves in sandstone, this species be P. longifolia. Aecial sori of a rust are has a broad range which defies classification evident on the leaves and stem of the speci- as threatened. men, and distortion of vegetative and floral Lupinus marianus.— This represents a parts are in keeping with that observed in portion of the variation within L. sericeus, other diseased plants. with which it grades. The distribution of L. Phlox jonesii.— The type of P. jonesii ap- marianus in its narrowest sense is known to pears to represent little more than a shade be more than 60 miles in length. form of P. austromontana, and certainly be- Machaeranthera grindelioides var. dep- longs within the limits of that species. ressa.— This plant is widespread on knolls Primula specuicola.— While of great in- and ridges in western Millard, Tooele, and terest from a phytogeographical sense, P.

Beaver counties, where it is locally common specuicola is found in too many sites to be to abundant. classed as threatened. This is true even Nama retrorsum — The distribution of N. though one stronghold of the species has retrorsum precludes classification as threat- been eradicated by the rising waters of ened. Lake Powell. The plant has almost an iden- Opuntia whipplei var. multigeniculata.— tical distribution as that of Mimulus east- This is a taxonomically questionable and ob- woodiae. scure unit. The plants should be removed Puccinellia parishii.— There is no evi- from the threatened category pending addi- dence to support the presence of this entity tional research. in Utah. Penstemon abietinus.— Large poulations Scelerocactus spinosior.— Indications of of this taxon are present within its rather the relationship of this plant with S. broad range. ivhipplei, in a broad sense, require a reeval- Penstemon caespitosus var. suffruti- uation of this entity which, though some- cosus.— The populations of this entity, what obscure, seems to be rather broadly which has a rather broad distribution on distributed. volcanic gravels, seem to be enhanced by disturbance, either natural or artificial. Candidate Endangered Species Hence, roadcuts and slide areas support vi- able stands of this pioneer plant. There are four taxa which require consid- Penstemon leiophyllus.— Collections of P. eration as endangered species. Of these, leiophylliis are so numerous and from such only one was known at the time when in- a broad area, that one has difficulty in as- itial lists were prepared (Table 3). That one, certaining how it could be threatened. Lesquerella tumulosa, had been placed into Peteria thompsonae.— An unusual and in- synonymy with a related species, L. rubi- teresting plant of broad distribution, this cundula. In the judgment of this writer, L. plant is locally common or even abundant. tumulosa is distinct morphologically, spa- There is no reason to list it as threatened. tially, and substrate-wise from L. rubicun- Phacelia constancei.— Known from divers dula. The two plants are separated by populations over much of southern Utah, about 900 meters in elevation. They flower there seems to be little justification for at different times, with the low elevation L. keeping this handsome plant on the list. tumulosa completing flowering at about the Phacelia demissa var. heterotricha.— time L. rubicundula begins. Lesquerella March 1978 Welsh: Endangered Utah Plants 11

Table 3. Candidate endangered species not currently on Federal Register lists (1975, 1976), their locality by county in Utah, and justification based on present data.

Endangered Plants (Proposed) 12 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 38, No. 1

T. argillacea is narrowly restricted. The Astragalus castaneiformis var. con- small population is known at present from a sobrinus.— This is an obscure tiny plant of single north-facing slope. Based on that in- volcanic gravels with its main locus in Rab- formation, and given the potential for de- bit Valley, Wayne Co., where it is only lo- velopment of oil shale, T. argillacaea has cally common. Further materials might dic- the features of an endangered plant. tate its removal from the list. Astragalus henrimontanensis (Welsh, nom. nov. based on Astragalus stocksii Candidate Threatened Species Welsh Great Basin Nat. 34:307. 1974.- The There are several species and varieties of Dana milkvetch is known from the Henry very limited distribution which were over- Mountains only. It is restricted to an eleva- looked or unnamed at the time when the tional range corresponding to the ponderosa original lists of species were proposed as pine belt in the Penellen Pass vicinity. To- threatened. The candidates for inclusion on tal extent of the population based on cur- the threatened list for Utah is presented in rent information is through approximately Table 4. Justification for inclusion is pres- six miles of the eastern flank of Mount Pen- ented below. nell. Development of any kind, including

T.\BLE 4. Candidate threatened species not currently on Federal Register lists (1975, 1976), their locality by county in Utah, and justification based on present data.

Threatened Plants (Proposed) Locality Justification

Astragalus castaneiformis S. Wats. Garfield, Piute, var. consobrinus Bameby Astragalus limnocharis Bameby

Astragalus henrimontanensis Welsh Astragalus monumentalis Barneby

Astragalus sabulosus M.E. Jones

Cymopterus hi^insii Welsh

Dalea epica Welsh

Draba maguirei C.L. Hitchc. Eriogonum natum Reveal

Gaillardia flava Rydb.

Hedysarum boreale Nutt. var. gremiale (Rollins) Northstrom & Welsh Helianthus deserticolus Heiser

Hymenoxys depressa (Torr. & Gray) Welsh & Reveal

Lepidium montanum Nutt. var. neeseae Welsh & Reveal var. stellae Welsh & Reveal Lomatium latilobum (Rydb.) Mathias

Lupinus jonesii Rydb.

Machaeranthera glabriuscula (Nutt.) Cronq. & Keck var. confertifolia Cronq. Machaeranthera kingii (D.C. Eaton) Cronq. & Keck March 1978 Welsh: Endangered Utah Plants 13

Table 4.— contd.

Threatened Plants (Proposed) 14 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 38, No. 1

range of the species is in northcentral projections along the reticulations of the Grand County. fruit, this plant occurs in west central Uin- Atriplex welshii.— The Welsh saltbush is a tah County. The plants apparently grade local species of the Mancos Shale a few with the more typical H. boreale materials miles southwest of Cisco in Grand County. in the region. However, this is the only

It is a restricted plant of the Mancos Shale, known taxon of American Hedysarum spe- in a region where few plants occur on the cies with spinulose projections. The popu- formation. Other local species are known lation is poorly known, and further work is from the vicinity, and perhaps the entire needed to elucidate the total area involved. range of the species should be considered Helianthus deserticolus.— This sand- for preservation. inhabiting sunflower is known to occur in a Cymopterus higginsii.— A plant with lav- limited low-elevation portion of Washington ender flowers, C. higginsii, is known from County. More information is necessary to the Tropic Shale (Tununk equivalent) from understand the total limits of the taxon and the vicinity of Coyote Creek east to Smoky to clarify its relationship to H. anomalus Mountain in eastern Kane County. The area Blake. is being subjected to heavy use by off- Hymenoxys depressa.— Although first highway vehicles, and other anticipated ac- named by Gray (1849), this plant has re- tivities along with that use might jeopardize mained obscure. The type was taken by portions of the population, which is only lo- Fremont on his second expedition, possibly cally common in the region. in the Uinta Basin of Utah. Dalea epica.— The Hole-in-the-Rock Lepidum montanum var. neeseae.— This prairie clover is known from a small popu- tiny phase of the polymorphic L. mon- lation on Navajo Sandstone some distance tanum is known from high elevations on east of Halls Crossing in San Juan County. Sandstone only. The population has been interpreted by R. Navajo C. Barneby (personal communication) as a Lepidium montanum var. stellae.— The portion of D. flavescens, to which it is un- Stella Lepidium grows with Lesquerella doubtedly closely allied. The population de- tumulosa on the Winsor formation in west- serves preservation, even if it is only an ex- em Kane County. clusive phase within the total variation of Lomatium latilobum.— The broad-lobed that species. The taxon is recognized at spe- biscuitroot is a narrow endemic of sandy cies level by Welsh (1977) in a treatment of soils, usually at the base of monoliths in En- the legumes of Utah, which is in prepara- trada Sandstone in south central Grand and tion. north central San Juan counties. The species Draba maguirei.— This entity, in a broad is only locally common. Development of sense, is very restricted to mountain sum- those regions might cause the species to be- mits in a small portion of the northern come endangered. Wasatch Range. Lupinus jonesii.— The Jones lupine in- Eriogonum natum.— This wild buckwheat habits sandy and calcareous soils of central is a narrow endemic of Lake Bonneville la- and western Washington County. The spe- custrine deposits in Millard County. The to- cies has long remained obscure, and much tal known area of the population is very more information should be gathered prior small. It is worthy of being regarded as to final disposition of this taxon. threatened. Machaeranthera glabriuscula var. confer- Gaillardia flava.— A smelly, resinous plant tifolia.— The total area occupied by this of canyon bottoms in portions of the Man- handsome white-flowered daisy is confined cos Shale, this handsome yellow blanket- to the gray colluvial and in situ soils of the flower has long remained obscure. Total Kaiparowits formation. The plants grow on

range is over a region only about 20 miles crests and eroded flats of that formation, in length. generally within the juniper-pinyon wood- Hedysarum boreale var. gremiale.— An land. The formation is local in the northern unusual phase of H. boreale with spinulose portion of the Kaiparowits Plateau vicinity. March 1978 Welsh: Endangered Utah Plants 15

and it might be endangered by proposed Silene petersonii. var. minor.— Endemic and future developments. to limestone members of the Wasatch For- Machaeranthera kingii.— more in- Much mation, this variety of the striking S. peter- formation is required to assess the total sonii is known from small populations lo- range of M. kingii, but indications are that cated in two main areas. The type locality the plant is restricted to limestone outcrops is at Red Canyon in Garfield County, and in the mountains of Cache, Salt Lake, and the other main locus is at Cedar Breaks. Utah counties. Collections and known local- Sphaeralcea caespitosa.— The Jones globe ities of the plant are few. mallow has a similar area of occupation as Mentzelia argillacea.— clay blazing The does Penstemon concinnus and P. nanus, star is restricted to Arapien Shale and allu- but it does not always occur with those spe- vium derived from that formation and oth- cies. Portions of western Millard and Beaver ers adjacent to it. Total area is apparently counties not inundated by Lake Bonneville from near Monroe on the south to Salina on seem to be the primary areas occupied by the north. Mining for gypsum and other this beautiful plant. minerals shrinks the area occupied by this Thelypodium sagittatum var. ovalifo- distinctive plant each year. lium.— This peculiar plant is known from Musineon lineare.— This species is known the vicinity of Panguitch Lake in western from a localized portion of Cache County, Garfield and adjacent Iron counties. The which is being impressed by construction populations are poorly known, indicating a and other activities. need for much additional information. Najas caespitosa.— Fish is Lake the only Townsendia mensana.— The range of T. known habitat of this aquatic plant. The mensana is only generally known. The stat- relationship apparently lies with more wide- us of the species should be indicated as spread species in the genus. Until the rela- threatened imtil such a time that this entity tionship is clarified, it is best to consider is demonstrated to be more common than these unusual plants as threatened. currently indicated. Penstemon atwoodii.— The Atwood Townsendia minima.— The least town- beardtongue has a similar smaller range but sendia is known from the white and pink than Astragalus malacoides. Both are con- limestone members of the Wasatch Forma- fined to the Straight Cliffs and associated tion. Usually, the plants occur in narrow formations on the Kaiparowits Plateau and bandlike strips along the margin of breaks vicinity. Prospective development of re- and ridge tops on the formation. sources in the Kaiparowits could result in eradication of portions of the population Distribution by County and might lead to endangered classification. Federal agencies and others interested in Penstemon humilis var. obtusifolius.— development of lands in Utah require infor- Confined to Navajo sandstone and alluvium mation on proposed endangered and threat- derived from that formation, this remark- ened plant distribution so that decisions on ably low beardtongue is known only from land use can be made. The summary lists eastern Washington County. presented below will allow interested par- Penstemon tidestromii.— Long obscure, ties to determine whether more specific in- the Tidestrom beardtongue is known only vestigations will be necessary. The lists re- from the Sanpitch Mountains in eastern flect the recommended changes indicated in Juab and Sanpete counties. the present paper. Psoralea pariensis.— The few known pop- ulations of the Paria scurfpea occur on Beaver County Wasatch Limestone and alluvium derived Castilleja parvula (T) Penstemon concinnus (T) from the formation, or less commonly on Penstemon nanus (T) sandstone and sandy alluvium. more Many Sclerocactus pubispinus (T) collections might indicate a rather broader Sphaeralcea caespitosa (T) range and require a reevaluation of the Box Elder County threatened status. Allium passeyi (E) 16 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 38, No. 1

Eriogoniim nanum (T) Eriogonum corymbosum Sclerocactus pubispinus (T) var. revealianum (T) Eriogonum cronquistii (E) Cache County Draba sobolifera (T) Draba maguirei (T) Draba subalpina (T) Erigeron cronquistii (T) Heterotheca jonesii (E) Eriogonum loganum (E) Hymenoxys depressa (T) Machaeranthera kingii (T) Lepidium montanum Miisineon lineare (T) var. neeseae (T) Penstemon compactiis (T) Lesquerella rubicundula (T) Primula maguirei (T) Lomatium minimum (T) Carbon County Machaeranthera glabriuscula Eriogonum corymbosum var. confertiflora (T) var. davidesei (E) Penstemon atwoodii (T) Eriogonum lancifolium (E) Penstemon bracteatus (T) Lygodesmia grandiflora Penstemon parvus (T) var. stricta (E) Phlox gladiformis (T) Daggett County Psoralea pariensis (T) Silene petersonii Arabis demissa var. minor (T) var. lanugida (T) Ranunculus acriformis var. russeola (T) var. aestivalis (PoEx) Cryptantha stricta (T) Thelypodium sagittatum Mertensia viridis var. ovalifolium (T) var. dilatata (T) Townsendia minima (T) Parrya rydbergii (T) Penstemon acaulis (T) Grand County Penstemon uintahensis (T) Asclepias cutleri (T) Duchesne County Asclepias ruthiae (T) Astragalus iselyi (E) Astragalus detritalis (T) Astragalus sabulosus (T) Astragalus duchesnensis (T) Atriplex welshii (T) Cymopterus duchesnensis (T) Cryptantha elata (T) Eriogonum hylophilum (E) Cycladenia humilis Lepidium bamebyanum (E) var. jonesii (E) Parrya rydbergii (T) Erigeron mancus (T) Penstemon garrettii ? (E) Gaillardia flava (T) Sclerocactus glaucus (E) Lomatium latilobum (T) Townsendia mensana (T) Phacelia howelliana (T) Emery County Iron County Asclepias ruthiae (T) Astragalus lentigenosus Astragalus rafaelensis (T) var. ursinus ? (PoEx) Cryptantha jonesiana (T) Astragalus limnocharis (T) Cryptantha johnstonii (E) Cymopterus minimus (E) Erigeron maguirei (E) Draba subalpina (T) Eriogonum intermontanum (E) Erigeron flagellaris Eriogonum smithii (E) var. trilobatus (E) Euphorbia nephradenia (T) Eriogonum panguicense Festuca dasyclada ? (PoEx) var. alpestre (T) Gaillardia flava (T) Lomatium minimum (T) Hymenoxys depressa (T) Phlox gladiformis (T) Sclerocactus wrightiae (E) Silene petersonii Garfield County var. minor (T) Astragalus bamebyi (T) Thelypodium sagittatum Astragalus castaneiformis var. ovalifolium (T) var. consobrinus (T) County Astragalus henrimontanensis (T) Juab Cymoptenis coulteri (T) Astragalus malacoides (T) Penstemon tidestromii (T) Astragalus monumentalis (T) Astragalus perianus (T) Kane County Castilleja aquariensis (E) Astragalus ampullarius (T) Castilleja revealii (E) Astragalus lancearius (T) Cryptantha ochroleuca (E) Astragalus limnocharis (T) Eriogeron abajoensis (T) Cymopterus higginsii (T) Eriogonum aretioides (E) Draba subalpina (T) March 1978 Welsh: Endangered Utah Plants 17

Erigeron abajoensis (T) Senecio dimorphophyllus Erigeron religiosus (E) var. intermedius (T) Eriogonum jamesii var. rupicola (T) Sanpete County Eriogonum thompsonae Astragalus desereticus (PoEx) var. thompsonae (T) Astragalus montii (E) Euphorbia nephradenia (T) Festuca da.syclada (PoEx) Hymenopappus fiUfohus Penstemon tidestromii (T) var. tomentosus (T) Penstemon wardii (T) Lepidium montanum Phacelia utahensis (T) var. stellae (T) Silene petersonii Lesquerella rubicundula (T) var. petersonii (T) Lesquerella tumulosa (E) Sevier County Lomatium minimum (T) Astragalus Machaeranthera glabriuscula castaneiformis var. consobrinus (T) var. confertiflora (T) Cymopterus coulteri (T) Penstemon atwoodii (T) Eriogonum ostlundii (T) Phaceha cephalote.s (T) Mentzelia argillacea (T) Phacelia mammillariensis (E) Najas caespitosa (T) Psoralea epipsila (E) Penstemon wardii (T) Psoralea pariensis (T) Phacelia utahensis (T) Townsendia minima (T) Sclerocactus pubispinus (T) Viguiera sohceps (E) Townsendia aprica (E) Zigadenus vaginatus (T)

Millard County Summit County Astragalus caUithrix (E) Cryptantha stricta (T) Cryptantha compacta (T) Mertensia viridis Cuscuta wameri (PoEx) var. cana (T) Eriogonum ammophilum (E) Parrya rydbergii (T) Eriogonum eremicum (T) Uintah County Eriogonum natum (T) Arabis demissa Penstemon concinnus (T) var. russeola (T) Penstemon nanus (T) Astragalus detritalis (T) Penstemon parvus (T) Astragalus duchesnensis (T) Sclerocactus pubispinus (T) Astragalus hamiltonii (T) Piute County Astragalus lutosus (E) Astragalus castaneiformis Astragalus saurinus (T) Astragalus perianus (T) Cryptantha barnebyi (E) Eriogonum corymbosum Cryptantha grahamii (E) var. revealianum (T) Cryptantha stricta (T) Castilleja parvula (T) Eriogonum ephedroides (T) Draba sobolifera (T) Eriogonum intermontanum (E) Eriogonum ostlundii (T) Eriogonum saurinum (T) Lesquerella nibicundula (T) Glaucocarpum suffrutescens (E) Hedysanim boreale Salt Lake County var. greiniale (T) Lesquerella garrettii (T) Hymenoxys depressa ? (T) Machaeranthera kingii (T) Lepidium bamebyanum ? (E) Parrya rydbergii San Juan Count\' (T) Penstemon grahamii (E) Asclepias cutleri (T) Penstemon uintahensis (T) Astragalus cottamii (T) Sclerocactus glaucus (E) Astragalus cronquistii (E) Thelypodiopsis argillacea (E) Astragalus iselyi (E) Townsendia mensana (T) Astragalus monumentalis (T) Dalea epica (T) Utah County Erigeron abajoensis (T) Cymopterus coulteri (T) Erigeron kachinensis (E) Lesquerella garrettii (T) Erigeron mancus (T) Machaeranthera kingii (T) Eriogonum clavellatum (T) Phacelia argillacea (E) Eriogonum humivagans (E) Lomatium latilobum (T) Wasatch County Phacelia howelliana (T) Lesquerella garrettii (T) Phacelia indecora (E) Penstemon garrettii (PoEx) 18 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 38, No. 1

Washington County Astragalus harrisonii (E) Arctomecon humilis (T) Euphorbia nephradenis (T) Astragalus ampullarius (T) Cilia caespitosa (E) Astragalus ensiformis (T) Phacelia indecora (E) Cryptantha semiglabra (T) Sclerocactus wrightiae (E) Draba zionensis (T) Weber County Echinocereus engelmannii Draba maguirei (T) var. purpureus (E) Eriogonum nanum (T) Epilobium nevadense (T) Erigeron religiosus (E) Erigeron sionis (E) Literature Cited Eriogonum corymbosum var. matthewsae (E) Gray, A. 1849. Plantae Fendlerianae Nove-Mexicanae. Eriogonum jamesii Mem. Am. Acad. 4:1-116. var. rupicola (T) Welsh, S. L. 1976. Proposed threatened, endangered, Eriogonum thompsonae presumed extinct, or extinct and disjunct relict var. albiflonim (T) plants in the Cedar City and Richfield districts, var. thompsonae (T) Utah. Final Report, Bureau of Land Manage- Eriogonum zionis (T) ment, unpublihed ms. 205 pp. Helianthus deserticolus (T) 1977a. Endangered and threatened plant spe- Heterotheca jonesii (E) cies of the Central Coal Land, Utah. Final Re- Hymenopappus filifolius port, Interagency Task Force on Coal, U.S. var. tomentosus (T) Geological Survey. 422 pp. Lupinus jonesii (T) 1977b. Endangered and threatened plant spe- Pediocactus sileri (E) cies of the Southern Coal Lands, Utah. Final Penstemon humilis Report, Interagency Task Force on Coal, U.S. var. obtusifolius (T) Geological Survey. 415 pp. Phacelia anelsonii (T) Welsh, S. L. and N. D. Atwood. 1977. An unde- Phacelia cephalotes (T) scribed species of TJielypodiopsis (Brassicaceae) Phlox gladiformis (T) from the Uinta Basin, Utah. Great Basin Nat. Viola charlestonensis (T) 37:95-96.

S. L., N. L. 1975. Wayne County Welsh, D. Atwood, and J. Reveal. Asclepias ruthiae (T) Endangered, threatened, extinct, endemic and Astragalus bamebyi (T) rare or restricted Utah vascular plants. Great Astragalus castaneiformis Basin Nat. 35:327-376. var. consobrinus (T)