The original documents are located in Box 10, folder “Common Situs” of the Robert T. Hartmann Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 10 of the Robert T. Hartmann Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHIN.TON

To: From! Jack Calkins

.. ? I

Date __/_f-H-~--· _...______v HELM, HAROLD • The President Ford Committee 1:.<:'k-ts:·trtrtrtrt.d:.rtrtdi:~-ts:i>. P -¢:-{::;. Pi::<.f> -!J-&'> .,;_~~..p;p-f!:

New York Office of the New York Finance Committee National 120 East 56th Street Harold H. Helm Howard H. Callaway Gustave L. Levy Room 1420 Campaign Chairman Co-Chairmen New York. New York 10022 David Packard Vice-Chairmen Telephone: 212-759-9380 Finance Chairman George F. Berlinger Thomas E. Dewey, Jr. Max M. Fisher Melvin C. Holm Vice-Chairman Robert C. Moot Treasurer

January 9, 1976

Mr. John T. Calkins Deputy to Counsellor Hartmann The White House Washington, D. C.

Dear Jack:

'lllank you for your thoughtful note of December 23rd advising me of the President's veto of the Conmon Situs Picketing Bil 1.

I have had a number of letters from contractors expressing appreciation for this action but don't think it worthwhile to send them to you unless you particularly want me to do so.


A copy of our report is filed with the Federal Election Commission and is available for purchase from the Federal Election Commission, Washington. D.C. 20463. JOHN C. STENta9, MISS., CHAUIMAN STUART SYMINGTON, MO. 9TROM THUllMOND, 1.C. HENRY M. JACK-, WASH. JOHN TOWER, TEX. HOWARD W. CANNON. NEV. MllRY GOLDWATElt, AllllZ. THOMAS J. MC INTYllE, N.H. WIUJAM L. SCO'TT, VA. HARRY .... SYllD, Jll., VA. ROBERT TAFT, JR., OHlO SAM NUNN, GA. DEWEY P'. aAln'LETT, OKLA. JOHN C. CULVER, IOWA GARY HART, COLO. PATRICK~. LEAHY, vr. COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES T. EDWARD 8RA8WnL., Jll., CHIEI' COUNSEL AND STAP'P' DlltECTOR WASHINGTON, 0.C. 20510 December 29, 1975

Hon. John T. Calkins Deputy to Cotmsellor Hartmann The White House Washington, D.C. Dear .John: Your letter of December 23, 1975 has been received.

I was delighted that the President vetoed the CoJllllOn Situs Picketing bill. This will strengthen his support aioong the businessmen down

South and over the Nation. I coJllllend him for vetoing this tmreasonable bill. With kindest regards and best wishes for a New Year filled with good health and happiness, Very truly, J Sf :n William G. A mos P.O. Box 1184 Valdus':.a, Ga. 31601

December 31, 1975

The President The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: You have done the country, the construction industry, and your campaign effort a tremendous service by vetoing the so called "Common Situs" bill. This took gr~at courage on your part and I certainly admire you for it. Now that this is over let us all put our efforts toward electing you, in your own right, President.

William G. Amos

WGA: lj CC: Mr. John T. Calkins Turner Construction Company

.-oUNDED 1902

ISO EAST 421',!P STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10017



7 January 1976

Mr. John T. Calkins Deputy to Counsellor Hartmann The White House Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Calkins:

Thank you for your letter of 23 December passing along the 22 December decision of the President to veto the Common Situs Picketing bill. I trust you will find an opportunity to ex­ press my appreciation to the President for this decision which was indeed a "very tough call! 11

From a purely craft union point of view, one can under­ stand the members' desire for the extra bargaining leverage that approval of the bill would have provided. However, this action would have surely led to serious disorder and interruption of employment, since any dispute between the 20-30 employers and their separate union employees typically on a construction site could have halted employment for everyone.

Even so it was a difficult decision for the President, but one that has won him much respect.



Date 17: • 3v TO:U~ FR~ -DAVID LISSY

FYI --- For Appropriate Action

COMMENTS -- -~ {_tn:i.) ? ~" ... 7 ~V.TES PO~® ""Q ~ UIm ,0MG~SMT\HSB '''U !:: ~ 2·020542.15& 12122/15 western union Mailgram®~ U.S.MAIL Q ICS IPMBNGZ CSP * - * 21~4i3&545 MGM TOBN PLANO TX 100 12•2Z 1211P EST .***** ...




- -

-Y B't' ~IL AM - SE. ID s rl December 30, 1975

Dear Mr. Matich: President Ford baa asked me to thank you for your letter of December 24 regar41n9 hia decision to veto the Common Situa Pictetin9 • < Bill. I thought you miqht be interested in the full text of the President's statement explain­ ing the reasons for hia decision and have enclosed a copy. It ia 9ood to know of your support of the Preaident•s position. As you are aware, the President received a great deal of oorreapondence on this issue, much of it froa members of the Associated General Contractora of America. That corres­ pondence was helpful in indicating the concerns which people had with the propoaed legislation. I hope you will convey to the membership our appreciation to those who took the time to write and express their views. Sincerely,

David B. Li••Y Associate Director Domestic Council

Mr. John N. Matich P.O. Box 390 Colton, California Encloaure / bee: Jack Calkins •


P. 0. BOX 390


December 24, 1975

The President The White House Washington, D. C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

< ••• ,..__----- As a life-long Republican who has devoted a great deal of time to the Party and its candidates, I congratulate and salute you for your courageous decision to veto the proposal to legalize secondary boycotts in the· construction industry.·.· · ·.

I am, incidentally, president this year of the Associated General Contractors of America, an organization you know well, and I. am urging every . other member of the Association to express their appreciation to you and to support your Administration and its continuation.

Your action was in the best interest of the entire nation, and the entire nation should be grateful.

Sincerely, ~'!!~atich THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON·~· Yl;o TO: kb~ FROM: Robert K W.Olthuis~, For your information---!""--- Please handle ~~~~--~~~- Other

:. ~ -:--:-.~: _-. -._ .,. : .:..;..~_~,,.~·"!": ..

·- ' .~ .... - 11588 ·CONGRESSIONAV RECORD---.HOUSE :February 2, 1976 One example .ot this Js the'l' Nevertheless, Dr. Kissinga- .has ini- .counts out 4100 Millon. The 'Program to build a relatively small plant-- tialed-a propcsed military defense!.ngert..stheaudiencc the ~cunch River Breeder .Reactor"' 11.t Oa1t treaty -with ·Spain and reportedly has 8oes wild. · Ridge, Tenn.-••to ''demonstrate" that such a agreed to provide $1.2 billion worth of ••Now don't ,go_ .away," .says Henry. -vou reactor will woi:k. ·.ca.D. keep the -&100 mlllio::i -0r give it -back to "'!'.he government ;e1a1ms 'the ::nation must ·-·militazy hardware in exchange ·for the me in exchange for what is .behJ.ud .one or · bulld breeders -because 1t is nmning -short 'treaty, . - · the three curtains -over there. .Joa:n Braden, · of U:ra.nium-235, .a. ha.rd-to-getelement which The .political effects in Spain -0bvl-• . .will you _tell ·us some ot th~ pnzes that · is growing more costly. · . . ous. This action can -0nly serve to bolster .behind the.curt&J.ns?.. · -U:ranium-235 · Js used Jn. the presently the ,position of Franco's _political heirs, "'He=y. we have the new version ot -the · operating ··ught Water Reactors," in wbich who .have already ·announced the post- . .liawk missile. a 1976 &uper Sher.mB.D tank, a .'the ~eat -of <:hain -reaction boils -water and panement for l .--year .of ·the -elections year~ .supply .ot --cruise missiles. a complete generates electricity. _ which they "Promised for this coming - nucle:ir •enei:gy plant whlch will .be bstaRed .A breeder-rea.ctoruses-Uranlum-'238; -which - April, -who have made ·no rlisclosure·-as abselutely frea, 'and a squadron -o! F-15 :is very -plenttful and actually ;erea.tes .more ..fighter:planes." nuclear :tuel:-in the . .form -or plutonium-' -to whether such elections will indeed take 4 'All :right, !.fr. Ambassador:· .Henry :says. it uses.·. ..Place on :.demo::r.atic lines er merely be .a . ·~o :you -want -to keep the t;loo· million or 'do .. The -Original 1972 -cost -est!mii.te -toi .the ,Perpetuation G! the .present '".appointed" -you want to go :for the prizes behinl! the Clinch River 'Reactor was S700 million, .ot parliament. . .and who are .continuing ·.curtains?" ·.-;- - which '$258 .million was 'to come 'from ·720 :many of'. the .repressions and :all of the -- The ambassador clutching the money loo~s · ·privately-owned ~tilltles and nuclear power Tepressive laws '°f 'the 'Franco-era. ·. -outat'the audience.c-•Keep'tbe money,".some -compa.nies · · · · -- - · " ·- • -· -- :- · · Onl t d tel vis' Aimba.s:sadors &cream. -Others yen. ."Go :ror c.. The priv~te ~ntribuii.oU:liii.s"remalned·the - · _ Y_Y~S er ay, W~ -saw on e ion .-.'l.he~urtain.'"· .:. _ _ . But the -.esttmated ·cost ot "the project ·_ . tII_9.SSlVe 'demonstrations · in Barcelona, · .i The ~ad::ir-sa:ys to Hen.7, '"'Can x ;eou- llas risen to .$1.7 bUlion, and ERDA -0fticials -_ _"Wlth -the de:11-ands ·of _the ~e~onstrators ,.ault -with my· ~overnment'?"' · ·-.., ' :. acknowledge , t;qS.t - tiley -are, about to gtve Io:. l'estoratio_n of basic polit~cal ·liberties · ."rm .sorcy.:iwe ,don't lmve :time. 'What's it :·c .· " · Congress a .new .estl.mate.wh!ch close· .being.met .Wlth_ brutal rep:"lSals by the ~I.Di: to be?'"~: ..!.'-;'.:· : . . _ _ · - · · - to $2 billion. And construction on the proj- · · 1>0lice;· One may well· ask bases · · .. The a.mbass&d.Or :hands back the $100 mil­ --ect, now nearly 'two "bebl,nd .sCbedUle;· :in.. .a ,-country with such :a dubious and · ..11on. ".I'll go· tor 'What's behi-:id the-curtain." ha.snot yet begun. :" . - · :· ·· . . . _ ;precarit>US regime :are -worth the politi- . -: ·Tho audience applauds loudly.. .: . _ Why -the T'Unaway cost <>verruns"? 'ERDA houts -0ut, ·"'.'XWo." :"One." -rhree... end o! the next decade and 20 years after .wotild have to -wait until we have_ a "-·Finally.,;· ·he says·-eurtaln number three." "the turn ot·the -century, when other r~ clearer picture as to the steps the regime 'The cur' and ther-e :ts ti. 'J)!.le of and -energy so=ces mu be -avaUable. _. . . ···-;is .prepared to· take -to. restore -at least a, r.:>tten wbe&t.-~' ,_,.. · · - '· .. _-~ ~~-:-..-,., ·

. 'But ChoW-S -stw:ty says ·tbat with <>ther. modicUm. of democracy to the -Spanish 4The sudie:nce;croans. . "tmfer ttaetors -and -energy liOurces 1n the I s· h h _,, il"-" t d . •t 'is . "\Vell. Mr• .Ambassador, 1t 100'k5"'1!ke -you ~arks ..there 1s -prai::ticany no 'justtlicatlon. peop e.· mce e as ~a~ cu 0 _ 0 so•• 1 mafw:;-_;:•-_. · . .· - - .:. • (?\!U", SEIB~LING_'RSked and -wa.s .. Washington Post~:.January 9:. cf. ·_ '•_ .• -Eenryr 'beamln~---y.s to 'the --audience. -given. permisSl_on to eXtend bis rema:ks Lrr's MAKE A~= v.s. MJ:t.lTART -~ :Fo:a __ .. Well, l:hat's it .ror "'°111!ht, 'folks. u ~u _at tlns ])Oint 'lil the RECORD -and to m-_ . _. Woiu.o _FRIENDSHIP ·'an· accredit!!d. member or any 'freedom lonng elude extraneous matter~) _ ·-. . .. __ . ,t-·~<:·~~:·· ..:··-·- ... -:- 1''D Art"'Bucbwald · · ··· ··. . coun~ in ~e:wo~ld 'Bnd-y~u -waald Itke ·to Mr. SEIBERLING. Mr•. Speaker;,some ·~ ·_' : . '. ~Y . - .. . . ) . -· -- ·- · • . be tMr: BROYHILL•s•--reme.r'ks -v.".ill ap- territ-Ory -to resupply lsrael --during- and. . He number.and the am-_ pear he~r in the Extensions·o! Re~ after the 1973 -war. This .is the .regime bassa.dor .from tb.a.t ~. ~ould jump up marks.)· - ·- · · · ~t-h h · "-11ttl · i :li ·.ti to ·on the.stage. · - .· - . . . . th" as s o-wn "o . e nc na on . ·Reri.--y "Would -say, ~·Where .are you !ram· -- move toward a restoration .of democratic - s!r?"-- , · _ ·_ _· . -- . ! -COMMON -SITUS PICKE I'ING Ell.L government the nations 'of the Euro- · -'"Zambia," the ;ambassador -would :reply . - ~ . Al\'D ~BOR pean Ccmmon Market are still unwilling · excitedly. i(Applause) -.... - . ~-, . . ' " t() consider its application ior member- · ·.. All right.. I'm t,;of.Ilg 'to ask you a question. -SSador hes!~tes .. "Gerr:; Ford?" a study has been done sh:::"°ing the C".!1!­ co:nmon "'That .is -correct." .Henry shout&. and he tributions by >0rga.nized labor t.o .Mem- ·.· ..... ·.;.. \ -.~ ......

>--• •• .. -~ .. . .. ~.. , ·--.· CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE.··~. H589 t,.:;s of Congress who voted for the com- . been buying votes with contributions, it situs vote, will be repaid again Jn th.15 ;1~on situs picketing bill December. 'ls Mr. :Meany's own forces of organized election year. , I remember that Mr: Meany had some labor.· . · . It is time to set the record straight on interesting things to say when President Tne study shows that the Senators and this matter. Th~. Amerlean people are I·'ord vetoed that bill. He said the Presi- Representatives who voted for this un­ entitled to know what pressures are be­ dent had sold out .hl3 principles to con- wise and destructive legislation received ing put on their repr~entatlves. I -run tractors and other businessmen who had.·· a total · o! $5,758,780.64 in direct, re­ therefore asking that the Member-by­ promised big campaign contributions. ported contributions in 1974. ·You may Member list of the reci;:>lents of these Well. perhaps it takes one to know~ne,::·.be sure that their loyalty to their con­ contribution.:; be printed here Jn the Rzc­ but the simple !act is that if anyone has · · tdbutors, as evidenced by the common ORD. • " • • • • ' • w~ ORGANIZED LABOR 1974 C;>.MPAIGl't CONTRIBUTIONS TO SEl'IATORS AND CONGRESSMEN WHO VOTED fOR TllE COM)t!ON SITUS l'ICKEfli'IG Sill.

District and Stal& Cema<:r3l · . R

., ; ... HOUSE J,:in f>.,,.,;.~~~~~-: ...... ~::~. 11.WHampshire •• ~ •••::~i\3_::~;;;;,bss. 93 .:.:•••• - •••• Peter f'l!'fser •• ~ ••••••••••••:;:. 23-tfew York ••••••••.••••••• .:.:•••• ~'. ••• :.: $2l,55s.'co . Birch 11>1:• ••••••••••••••• -•.:.. ln:li••• •••...... :.-": •. "' 170, !H9. 53 ••••~-----·· l.rd Scl\weiker •••• : •••••••••. Pennsylvania ••••••••• _ ••••••:.: ••••••••••• · $107, 266. l hmst Ooersiar ·······---~---·· ll-Minne$1>ta •• : •••••••••••• -· < ta. 850. 00 ·······---~~' • Joh" TU1'n~ •••.•••••••••••••••.Cilifornia •••• ~ ••••••••••• : •• ~•: - .lO'i, 850. 00 ••••• _•••••• John 3'3demas • .: ••••••••••.•••. 3-lndiana ••••••••••••••••••. •· ta. 700.00 •••••••••••• · S'<•"'! Svmin!lon •••••••• ~~ ...... Mi,s0b1 ••• ; ••••••••••••• ll-lndiana ••••• : ••••••••• : •• • 18. 5SQ 00 •••••••••••• V/Jtren Ma,nuson ••••••••••••••. Wa~hin.iton ••••••••••••••~.; ••.... 9~. 5ii0. 00 ···--···'··· Willi•m Lehman •••••••••••••••• 13-Florid••••••••• ~ ••••••• : •• -· 18. SSG.CO••••••••••••• 1 ~hrtin R"ss'·· -·-····-······· 3-lllinois...... -· - 111, 52S. CO ·········"·- • Y:;;; ~~~~:: ::::::::~::::::: ~~ !3;~;~:::: :::::::: ::::::::~::.~·- :~~: ~~. ·· · ss;sH: oa Glany1Soellman ••••••••••••••• 5-Mar/l•nd•••.•• ~ ••••••••• ~·- 1\ lc0.00 •••••••••••• - ~f!i"~'."'!."a!I ••••••••••, •••••••. RK~od; !'lland ••••••••••.~-~--~~ :.'.-' 81;, 74~ 1? ··········'· Toby M?iht! •• ;...... 6-Connec!icut••••••••• ·•••••• · ·11. 916. S? ···-···-·--- \1.rn.. ~·I roteticut. ••••• ~., •••••-' 17, 137. 50 ..~ ••••••• :. W!'it!r M'lndata ...... -...... Min.neJota ...... :.-... ;.,. ....··85, 025. 00 : ...... ·-- ...... Chu.463. '!lZ •••••••••••• Hi!;t Ht1mphte-y ______., ...... Minn~s.ota ...... ,...... : ...... ;.;. ... ~; 63, 000. 00 ..... -~ ...... James Lloy:l • .'o •••••••••••••••• 35-Calil~mia ...... - ta_ OS!l. CG ······-···- Cr.iv h.rt...... ~-~-•- Colotad" •••••••••••••••: •• .-• ..->''.· .62, 610. 53 •••• ~ ••••••• WJyne H•ys ••••••••••••••••••• 13--0hi~...... 15. SQIJ.IJO ·····-·····- ' Cha•!~! M1thias ...... lryl3nd ••••••• ~----······••••-'•········--· 53, 675. 00 Andre·" ~hguire •••••••••••••••. 7-tlew hrsey·········-····· _ IS. ~C-0.00 ••~ ••••••••• -. l»f;;1l Bids• ••••••••••••••••.- O~! ••••••••••••••••.:... ••• '"··. 58, 3Sl. 00 •••••••••~ •• lo• :,liohh .••••••••••••••••••.• lt-New Jersey ••••••••••••••• : 15, ~00. CO ····"·····-~ · P•tr;:< ta>ilt •••• ········-·•··· .V'!fm<>n!.•"······· .•••••••:. • ..: • :'. 49, 8~7. 80 ••••• ~ •••••• Robert [)"ntan •••••·•••••••••••• 3-0regon...... ,_ 15. lCQ. 00 ·······---~ \"M~iim Pr,l,;nir~ ...... ___ .... .,. .. ___ • Wis~$in .... ---~ .... --.... ,...... _.... _.,._ - , . -45, 33t 06 ...... --...... Ge?t?.• SMP:e1 ••••••••••••••••• U-!lliaoh•••••••••••••••• -. 15, lC-0.00 ·-·-·-··"·.; l.eo z,:i,,,ttil...... •.. lS-tlew Y·>rk •••••••••••••••• _ U, 7>2. 96 •••••••••••.­ ~:!;~'d;~~cli:::::::::::::::::: ~~:'.~~:::::::::::::::::::::· •· :~: ~: gg :::::::::::: Hel>n :.•e1nar •..••••••••••••••• 13-l'lew J"etEay...... H, 7CU.00 •••••••• : ••• (/e•otin !lurd1c~ •••.•••••••••••• ·tl,,th Oaltot•··············•··"· 44, 701.CO ··'········· hm•~ O'Hara,••••.••••••••••.• 1!-Mic~ g3n.. ••••••••••••••• U, J.'.:O. 00 ...... _ t!H:')rd Cu!•••••.•••••••••••• " tlaw Janey ...... :.. 39, SQD. 00 Joh~ '.~·11!l1a ..... ; ...... l~-Pannsylvani• ••••••••••••• - 14, 156.00 •••••••••••• Edrnun1 Mos).00 •••••••••••• ld,,~:d Keonlldy ••••••• : ••••••• Massachusetts...... · 30, 955. CO •••••.•• Pni!ip S>rton •••••••••••••••••. 6-C• ifotnil...... 13, 300.CO ...... Plni~l loouya ••••••••••••••• ~-- Hawaii ...... - ... 30,500.CO 20, ..: ... Henr~ NHma• •••••••••••••••• 24-C•lilornia .•• _...... U,000.00 ••••••; ••••• Tel! St,'°''············-······ Alaska ...... - ·· ••••••••••••••300.00 Sob .\hl!~!lan...... I-West V1t;;inia...... 12. 950.C.O ···-·--····· h1nir.5s ?.a~dolpb ...... Vlost Virginia •••..•••••••••••• · -17,475.GO ·••••..•••••• Ma< 33ue-"··-············'·-- 1-Monl•fl•-·-············-· ll. 731. 30 ••••••••••••- f,•,1~~,,, Rillicoft •••.••..••••••• Connecticut.. .•• , ···-·-····-··•••-15, SSv. 03 ••••••••.•.. Anj1•w Yo•Jng ...... 5-GtJrgia ••••.•••••••••••••. lZ,635'.00 •••••••••••• · Jc·h:i Pa~t•re .••• _ ••••••••••••• Rllode Island •••••• ··'-·····-· 16, 100. 000 •••••••••••• James 5!3nlon ••••· ••••••••••••• 20-0lli?••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• __ · lZ, 57S. CO ··-···-··-- • Boo Pa~kwo~d ...... ~ ••••• Oregon •••• ·······---·······-- :· •••••••••••• H4, 300. O:OlaL •••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••-2, 871, 99?. 44 E50, 16Z. 59 Mitt.nw Rinaldo ••••••••••••••• 12-r!ew hrsay •••••·-····--···-·······-··- l0,3-1il.UO Tctll..•••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••: ••••••.•••••• L...... - 3, ZZZ, 155. l W.Uhm rord ••••••••• ~ ••••••••• ti-Michigan._...... !ii, 650. tU •••••••••••• James H,w3rd ••••••••••••••••• 3-Ne.v ,ersey...... lU, SD.l W •••••••••••• HOUSE fern and St Germain...... 1-~hoie lsl•nd...... 10, 3llll. 00 ••••••••••• ~ P.~j•rlTrader...... 8-Michigan ••••••••••••;.~.: - 188, 355. 00 ••••••• :~.~- Robar! Berghnd ••••••••• : •• : ••~ 1-Mmnesota •• ~-----········ ~ .Ju, z:iu.ou •••••••.•••• R~be.r! C1rr ...... ·······• 6-lt.ich1ga11 ••••••••••••:.... 57, 093. 00 •••••••••••• James Ambro •••••••• : ••••••••• 3-NeN Yock...... 10.173. )3 •••••••••••• P.khar~ \lander Veen ••••••••••• ·!I-Michigan...... 50, 852. 00 •••••••••••• Ray M1ddon...... 1-lndiana •••••••••••••••••• · • lll. 100. OU ••••••••• :._ J1m,s Bl~nclla1d ••••••••••••••• 18-Michigan ••••••••••••••••- 48, 211. 99 ...... Dlnald ki?&I• ...... 7-Michigan...... · S. 7;il). ~IJ ····-·-··-·· h~:. lhr:on...... 5-Calllorma...... 37, 430. 00 •• : ••••••••• Jam as Huver.~---···-········ · 4-0re1on...... !ii, bo&.£1 ··········-· l:·;·e;s O'Neill...... 8-Massachusetts...... 35, 750. 00 •••.•••••.•• Lhn fos•~il Moakley...... 9-Mas.lac~usetts •••••••••••" 9. liJU. 00 ·········-- l~; AuCoin...... 1-0regon...... 35, 500. 43 .: •••••••••• Josepil Early ••••••••••••••••••• 3-Mu.ach;sotts...... !ii, )5Q.00 ·-····-·-- _ 0 Ooc.'l'"···-: ••••••••••••••• 2Z;...l'enn;ylvania ••••••••••••_ • •. 9.3>11.W ••••••••••. r·,·~; ~~~~~::::::::::::::::::: ~=L ~:::::::::~:::::::::::: ig~~:~ :::::::::::: Robert Giaimo...... 3-CnnnecticuL •••••••••••••• • 9, 100.00 •••••••••••• Eln !h!dus ••••••••••••••••••• 3-Wisconsin •••••••• :'...... 28,650.CO •••••••••••• CMrl'5 Wilson ••••.•••••••••••• 31-Calilcrnia...... is, !>IA).00 •••••••••••• 1 John Moss ...... 3-Californi••••••••.• .;...... 8,-i.~u.OO •••••••••••• ~-,;;;~~,~~~~it:::::::::::::::: t:~isc:o~~:~:::::::::::.::::: ~U~: &\: :::::::::::: Clifford !': •••••••••••••••••• S-TenMssee••••••••••••••• - 8,41.0.CO •••••••••••• !';;: ""''°~---················· 24-lllinois ... ;.~...... 28.075.CO •••••••••••• John S!'!ek.-••••••••••••••••••• 3-West V1riima...... l.3!ril.OO •••••••••••• /,c,;•s Sln•ini...... At larg')-tlevaca...... 211, 050. 00 •••••••••••• Fran% Horton •••••••••••••••••• 34-tlew Ytrk ••• ···-····················-· 8, ~00.~lt !»n't> Florio ••••.••.••••••••••• 1-tl9wJersay...... 26,600.82 •••••••••••• Margaret H•ckltt ••••••••••••••• l~Mas!kldiusetts...... ll,. . f,,,., Toamp$0n...... •••••••• 4-Hew Jerse1 •••••••• :...... 26, 300. 00 ••••••• ·••••• Torbert Macdonald ••· ••••••••••• 7-Massa.:nusetu...... &.100.00 •••••••••••• · b. ·~ S'.arp •••••.••••••••••••• !O-lndia11a •••••••••••••••••• ·. · 26, 250. CO ······'····· Willi3m Cotter...... !-Connecticut...... 1. :iOO.tO •••••••••••• l!'.l 1-,·1r1~--··················· 2-Colorado...... 24,894. 74 &••••••••••• Mario Biag11i ...... l~tlew York...... 7,.4!i0.00 ...... l:crr-?o r-1inell ...... 13-Cahfornla...... ~ 24,636. 50 •••••••••••• Matthew McHugh ••••••••• ~ ••••• 27-tiew York...... 1. 31",0.GO ···-······- ;.-,1\~1 K;,ys...... 2-K•n'llls ....•• ~ •..••••••••• · 24, 053. 51 •••••••••••• Louis Sto•es ...•••••••••••••••• U--Ohio...... 1,3CO.OO ·········--- L' ~ l.!ce •.••••• ··----·--··· 36-r!ew York ••••••••••••• ".. 23, 739, 30 •••••••••••• Ral~h Metcalfe ••••••••••••••••• 1-ll!inois...... J,Z:iO.CQ ····-·····-- ~''''"'' er~~-~ad ...... 17-itliehi~an...... 23,674. 50 ...... larr:u Scheuer ••••••••••••••••• 11-New Yor~---············- 1. 250.CO •••••••••••• ''' lll;ns .•• -•••••••••••••••• 8-V11g1n1a...... Z?,595.00 •• ; ...... Jam~s DelMey...... 9-l'lew 'tock...... 1. l~. CO •••••••••••• ra•k foonaicrd ...... 34-Cahlornia...... 23, 430. co ·······-···· Geori~ Danielson ••••••••••••••• 3Cl--Cahfcrnia...... 1,2t0.tO •••••••••••• bid '-'e'~'--······ ...... 2-Washin;iton...... 22. 500. 00 •••••••••••• Tnomas Fc!ey •••••••••••••••••• S-Vla$o~ingto11...... 7, l)l).00 •••••••••••• r))j f.thnn ••••...••••••••••• 2-lndiana•••••••••••• .''...... 22.425.00 •••••••••••• B~b Ec~hardt .••••••••••••••••• 8-Texas...... 7, IS.0.00 •••••••••• O•i:p H•1e.s...... 8-ln1ian3...... 22, 100. 00 •••••••••••• Lindy Bo~gs ••••••••.•••••••••• 2-loui>iana...... 6,8~().00 ••••••••• :· 0 ~., eo~<"-··········-········ 3-W3shingto!I...... 22,050.00 •••••••••••• Peter P.odi•o ••••••••••••••••••• l~llew Jersey •••••:...... 6,61"..0.oo •••: •••••••:- fcotn~:es at end of tabl•. ... ~UNu~~lUNAL Rh<...URD-HOUSE · . .Ollbl.NIZED LABOR l97~ CAMPAIGN .CONTRIBUTllmS TO SWAiOP.!: ANDGONGR£SSMEN WliO VOTEO.fOR THE .COML!Ofi SITUS PJCl'.£.llN.G BIU-Cont:nued

Oistrict end State Democrat. llepublican 1 .Oislrid .1111d Slate tlOUS£. . .flOUSE • -Geor!:'! Brown __:::_ •• ·.:•••••• : 3&-California...... '6, '350.00 ••.••.•••••• Joek £rook ••.••••••: ••••••••:.. 9--'T~xas ····-······--····· n, 200.00 ····-···••• · Jct.n McFzll •• _ •• _ ••••••••••• 14-Caliloroia______€, 175.ll'J ····------Shirley Cnosbolm.------··-- 12-New York •••_...... 2, 12.5.00 ---·····-· 0.niel Flood ______11-PEnnsylvaoia•• ----···- t, lC0.03 ...... D•nle fasce1L •••---·-·--··· 15-fbrida...... 2, ln::i.OG ----···---~ llobert Leuett••••••••••••••••• 4-Califomia.______6,"050.00 •••••••••••• Bill Burliso•~-.-··········--··· 10-f;;i!:sc~rL...... 2, l"il.ClO ...... Dan RO$lt'nkOW$kL ••••••••••••• 8-lllinois...... 6,COO.llO •••••••••••• ·1 Erlw•rd !Inch ••••----····- 1&-ffew York ••.•• ----·---- 2;01~.Cll --····-··-· David Obey...... 7-Wisconsin...... 5, 9!'>0. Gil •••••••••••• William Rilnd•ll ••••-...... 4-Mis•Ol•rL...... 2. O~O.til ...... Glenn Anderson •••••••••.•••••• 32-California...... • ~.9':0.00 •••.••.••••• Al Quie ...... 1-Minnesrta .• "····--··'-···-············-· ~.l'OO.ij') Otis Pi~e...... I-New York.············-·- 5, SOC.O'l •••.•.•••••. Fred Rooney ••••••••••••••••••• l!>-l'emisyl,ania______2, 000.0\l •••.•••••••• Joel Pritchard .••••• ~---········ t-Washington .••••••••••••• -...... •.• ~5, S50.00 tee Hamilton...... 9--lr.di•na .. ········-·---- I, 9SG.CO ••••••..•••• Joseph-Addabbo •••••••••••••••• 7-New York ••••••· ••••••• - .5,&0'J.00 ·------·-·. J.'l;c!Jael Harringlall...------6-lf.assachusetts______I. SS;J.OO ...... Gillis Len~...... 8-Louisiana .••••.•••• c··-·· 5, 650. Ga •••••••••••• Harold Johnson...... 1-CalifGrria...... 1, e~~.C:l ••••.•.••.•• l)()nald fraser ••••••.•••••••.••• 5-tllinnesota...... 5, 550.0J •••••••••••• l>lphonro Bell. ••••••••••••.•••• Z7-<:•liforria••••••• ----·--······-······--· l,SOiJ.00 -i!ich•td S~lling_...... 5---f.hssouri...... ~·~i~-0~ •••••••••••• Thomas Rees ••••••·--······· 23--California.-...... l, 700.00 ··--·------Joseph fi.ner •••••••••••••• , ••• 10-\lirginia...... , .64 ••••••••.••• Seni•min Gilma~ ...... 26-l{ew York •••••••••••-. ••••·•••• • •• · 1, 50:J.OO • Bill Hun~ate ...... 9-tllissouri...... ~.... 5,350.00 •..•••..•••• Richard !chord ••••••••••••••••• 8-MissourL...... ·1;600:0.'l ·•.•..••.•..• •Edward Beard •••••••••••••••••• 2-Rhode Island...... 5,350.00 •••.•••••••• Au~ustus Hawkins .•••.••••••••• 19-Caiifornia...... t,45C.OO ...... -Morg•n Murphy ••••••••••••••• - 2-lllinois...... S, ;~-llO •••••••••••• -B .. .f.S~k ••••••••••••••••••••• l!>-Californi~----············· l, l!>fl.C() •••••••••••• -t'aul 1song•s •• ·-······-···-· 5-Massadlusetts...... II, .CS •••••••••••• Elaabe,h.Holtzir.An. -·····--·- .16-Nev1 Yor'L..----········· . J, 2.50. 00 -·-·-····· •• P,,,bert Oriilen_ ____ ~---····· 4-Massachusells...... C., S00.00 •••••••••••• .Charles Dil!;;s ...... 13-Michifan ___ ~~------l, Q;.0.03 ...... Oavid £va"s • .:.._...... 6--lndi~na. -···········•··•·' 4, 860.00 •••••.•••••• !Jan Clausen ••••••• -·-·---- 2-C•lifMnia...... ______••••••• 1, OOC.Cll flelia Ab1•~---·--····-·-·-·· l!o-tiew York •••••••••••-- .C.,S50..00 •••••••.•.•• Hami!lon fc,h ...... - 25-New Yo1k.~·····-·--··--····---- !!OU.GO Slephfll So!an:_ __c •••••.••• 13--!bloekt....--····-·-- 4-li>l.!.rol1SUI... •••••••••-- , • 0 ------Sidney Yale>---···-·····-··- !l-llhnotS ...... ___ 250.00 ·----·-···· --l~ R)'&n.~'----·----- Jl-.Cahfllfnia______;(, 000.00 ····-·-···· Robert bJ?~marsina ______19-C•lifo:11ia...... ---······· 25() .. \J:l #enry -Nowak .••·------l7-.New York. ••: ••••••-- . 3, 975.0J ···------· Herman Sadillo. ______21-N"w Y••k...... · 240.f)'.l ·-·-······· &rbilra Jorida.••• -----········ 0 ••••; ••••••• f<1nnsylvania •••••••-- 3, 600.00 -----· John Breau~----·-·-···· 7-louisiana_"·······-······· ti ···-···--· .f.alsr¥>iok •• ; •••••••••••••• - 2-l!•w•iL•• ______. 3, 560.00 -~---·-···· Joe Evin>.------·-·····:. 4-Tennessee•••• -----······ -0 ---·-··- H~yd HiclnnetticuL-----·-····-·-···-··--- 0 luci•n Nedti...... ------J4-.Micltil!an ••______3,450.00 ...... ~--- William Natcher ____• .,•••• 2-Ken1ucky••• ----······· · --o ------~--- Ch•lle~ R•P!!el.---·······--· 19--New York.----·-··- 3,450.00 ____;__ Robert Ni•.---·-········· 2-f'ennsylvania•• - • ..:...... 0 ····--····· Jti(h~rtl.Ottinger ...... _:_ 24-New Vnrk ...... ---~- ~.400.00 ------· lleal Smith.·-········-······· 4-lowa...... --"····.--- 0 ------~;••• · .t.l~net \'~n .Oeerlin ______41-Catilorrua.______3, 350.0-l ...... :. Bun Ta!CfJtt. ______~---·· lG-Califomia•• ______~- . IJ J;! Ullman .••.•••-----·-- 2-0regon-...... 3,210.oo·.------· · Cliarles Vaoik______,:..... 22-0!ri.r•.••••••••• ---······ I) ...... John Sei!l<;ley______9-0hio...... 2,650.00 •••••••••••• Abner M!lwa: ______: •••• IIJ-lllinois •••.••------· · 35, 325.113 ------· Jon" F~ry .• ---·-·-····-···· 5-lllinois...... 2, 600.00 ••••••.•..•• John Jenrette_...... 6-South Carolina______· l!.. 60'J. CU ···------Silvio Coote______1-l/.a$s>Chu•etts...... •.•• 2, roa.oo Henry Helsfoski-----········· .!1-Nt'w Jersey...... 13, 3SU. 00 ...... Rot.ert F.oe. ·--·----········-·· S-Ne"' Je1s•Y•-····-····-·· 2, ~s7:3Q •••••••••••• l'iende_I ~2VIO •••••••••••••••••• 1-Sootll Carol!na.______E,&J"J.OG ______:_ . .Seni•rr-in Rcsenthal. _____,...... 8-New York...... 2, 550.llO ···-·-····-~ Jo_h~ lie1nz. ••••-- ••- •••••••• 13-P~nnsytvan!a...... ••••• .5, 850. 00 . Charlu W:l.500 •••--······- 2-Tuas•. ------2,500.00 •••.•••.•••• Wilham Green ...·-·"-·········· 3-l'enns1·!1•ama •• _.______5, 1ro. 00 •••••••••••• Par!M •••• ______7-Maryland•• _...... 2,~S!l.00 -----·-····· Harley Sta&geC$---········ 2-Wesl Virtinia.---····; :i!, 551!. 0:1 ••••••••••.• .l\Qna;d Sarasin••• ---···--· 5-Connecti~ut. •••----.·······-·········.:.. 2,:350.-0Q .l!oilet1 i{;.st~nmeie~---·-- 2-Wisconsin ••• ----······· 2, '000.00 ----·--··· Ill, 605. 00 5,.85(). 0!!. . Willian:.V;iori\easL.._ •••• __ 14-l'ennsylvania ______.___ • ~250.DO -·--·--· i:~e~---~:-:::;::::::::.::::::::::=-- ~-·· :;:::: £'1, 4S5.ll0

.: ;rru;, amount of contributicn taJo_hn Durkin represents. b< the. .General and Sp~ciiil EleeUo~ ·

-~~- ..~ ... ~ Jolal.i~te~ ••• ::.•••• : ••• , ••••• __. _..:__~--~-~---".:~ •. :~ ••.·: ___.:_:,~_-~~l3;222,T55.13 i:louse...... •• · ·...: •• "3,'"49, 170."51 •'.Y.aireil M.embm~."cc·-·------,....,.-~.,..- .· 8~,,55.00 ' · GranG' tota1.._.,!.C: •••••-·- .. ~---·······: ••• ~-~----=······;·;.;.~ "!i,758,780.~ .

.. ."IZ.'1.VE OF ABSENCE ~ · . . -SPECLa\L-ORDERS GR~~"TED .~ . .and ex.tend ·th~ir·:_remarts ·and j.nclude ~unanimous ccnser.t, -e:f absence By ·~animous consent. permission tO ~xtraneous material:-> • . v:a.s.granted2S follows: address the House .following tbe legisla- Mr. KRUEGER, !or 60 m~utes, toaay. ·Mr. ~:.£EHMAN f!cial orders· N...r. -Oom:.ALI:Z, for ~, ·today. O'NEu.L). for today_. on a.ccount of illness · heretoro:e entered, was-granted t.o: Mr. VA1''"IK, for 5 mm~tes. todar. in the family. .Mr. PATMAN for 30 minutes today· and · Mr. ANNUMZJO, for~ mmutes, tooay• Mr. -Coi..-n: (at ·tbe Tequest "Of Mr. ·to 're7i!!e e.nd extend his r~n...arks' and .Mr. 1.llCUE!.), for tociay., Dn. Account. of inc1uC!e extraneous matter. . Mr. Moss, for'° m.mutes, too.ay. "t\'eat!l~r.:_snowbmmd ·in Massachusetts. .(The. :following Men:i.berS Cat tb& re:.. ... 1'1r. R't:;r