
December 2- Shelly Bauer & Chris Hoagey December 10- William Carville & Tacha O’neil December 11- Scott Hudson December 20- Bob Ditter & Tonia Carlile December 22- Roy Spalding December 24- Todd Cole December 26- John Karver December 29- Nick Fay December 31-David Warner

December’s flower is the Holly. It is the World Aid’s Month, Bingo’s Birthday Month, Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, Write a Business Plan Month, National Tie Month, Rising Star Month, Spiritual Literacy Month, Winter Month, National Stress-Free Family Holidays Month, Safe Toys & Gifts Month, Universal Human Rights Month, & Read a New Book Month.

Dec. 1st- Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day, Earmuff Day, Civil Air Patrol Day, Day With(out) Art Day, Day, Special Kids Day, World Aids Day, High Five Day, Skywarn Recognition Day Dec. 2nd- International Day for the Abolition of Slavery Day, National Mutt Day, Special Education Day Dec. 3rd- International Day of Disabled Persons Dec.4th- National Cookie Day, National Dice Day Dec.5th- AFL-CIO Day, Bathtub Party Day, International Ninja Day, International Volunteer Day for Economic & Social Development Dec.6th- Miner’s Day, National Pawnbrokers , St. Nicholas Day Dec.7th- National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, Civil Aviation Day, Cotton Candy Day, Faux Fur Friday Dec.8th- Day of The Horse, International Shareware Day Dec.9th- or Chanukah 9-16, Anti-Corruption Day, Worldwide Candle Lighting Day, Weary Willie Day, World Choral Day Dec.10th- Dewey Decimal System Day, Human Rights Day, Nobel Prize Day Dec.11th- International Mountain Day, UNICEF Birthday Dec.12th- Poinsettia Day Dec.13th- Pick A Pathologist Pal Day Dec.14th- Monkey Day, National Salesperson Day Dec.15th- Bill of Rights Day, Cat Herders Day Dec.16th- Barbie and Barney Backlash Day, National Chocolate-covered Anything Day, Zionism Day Dec.17th- Dec.18th- International Migrants Day Dec.19th- Day for South-South Cooperation Dec.20th- International Human Solidarity Day, Mudd Day, National Re-gifting Day Dec.21st- Crossword Puzzle Day, Forefathers Day, Humbug Day, Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day, Underdog Day, Yalda, Dec.22nd- Ann & Samantha Day, National Haiku Poetry Day Dec.23rd- Dec.24th- Eve Dec.25th- A’Phabet Day or No ‘L’ Day, Asarah B’Tevet, Christmas Dec.26th- , Candy Cane Day, Thank-You Note Day, Whiner’s Day Dec.28th- Holy Innocents Day, National Chocolate Day, Pledge of Allegiance Day Dec.29th- Tick Tock Day Dec.30th- Bacon Day, Falling Needles Family Fest Day Dec.31st- Leap Second Time Adjustment Day, Make Up Your Mind Day, New Years Eve, No Interruptions Day, Hour of Peace Day, Peace Meditation Day