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4-21-1887 The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era, April 21, 1887 The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era

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Recommended Citation The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era, "The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era, April 21, 1887" (1887). Kentucky New Era Tri-Weekly. 232.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kentucky New Era Tri-Weekly by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ILIm61.71F". The Tri-Weekly Kentucky New Era. 89 CHRISTIAN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY. APRIL 21, 1887. NUMBER VOLUME II. 110PKINSVILLE, lOgaII/OLV011 D•ILir The esteem and &arc- , From Crofton. Of Hiram A. Phelps. •Issi happiness. 7...001C CrtrT The Light Draught Steamer Death Judge has deep- I thou I then hail for him, been ...ware tido tette your purelanae reed and widened by long asseelation l'aorroe, Ky., April 19, 's7 -oseose- Jr XL.A. INT 11C r I IS Hiram A. Phelps of my profile The tired!' of Judge a ins hilli 111 the reviles Kra: of flee natural en- 1,11t..r \en Woodsy is a matter of prolounil regret hes. it. was• man of I,. W. ID Ham- J It. TIMMY/10N damage, *tedium, Flank Hamby, Mtn The deceased hail dowments, Illiberal education, ycaterday. SAsli. (ANTEDI in this community. by, left for Texas amid of acknotts hedged ability in r long life the love habits eejoyed throughout Isis profession. I 'weer knew une Mr. Piirb- r lis, hail charge of the rail- people. lie war • whit ii ennoble °dice het, ellIde last Saturday. and esteem of our in Whom all the elements road Will leave Iltvassville I Caoseltos daily Ilidet, un- manhood, were more harmoniously solids', at 6 o'clock. a se,. mallag Nue luau a lovalki• character. true Comfier P.% ling, of our town, had a &inept generous, he blended. Genlisais a child, yet when by a treks eunsectiuus the 0., K.• K. IL R. assuming genial, just and valuable witch tam killed a& refs p occlusion required, dna Wiwi irourage.dio ; Returning. iea is Casseltua daily highest ad- yesterday morning. excepted. aid Owensboro at 9 p. si. instiectively commanded the Klett amid sympathetic its those nee-ling 5., Su witty r ' litlIDAT Vial each nairat:on of those who knew him. Ile stassietautte ,seeklegte know the right, lie After the rain Smoky night sortie- be Leaves I ilia Sc.• . sharp AIMISC10111. kind thing governed by the high- Udall( of the nature 01 sulphur multi Tills word a every lioul the In To was le every White of was . 4 p. Eyoullo[1! drifted up. Lesvos Owsaahoro of the est mei lured t lives liespecte.1 and ecru where the *stets hail man tool his frientliship• were C.hUnot trip os Sunday, but sot loved by all who knew Mut, lie lima left Fare 50e3,, for sytupallietic type. A Beldam party has been organised reepunai de fur store. purchased by thesteward. warmesit and newt a deep impreeelon of hie good character En'sixiErssza, here lad are waking fur suitable weath- BY UNICA I 51401M,•geato Ile tee:opted •lofty position In lie pro- and deeds upon this Ct. narnunalty. making war *hi the finny tribe. Foe ',elm hitr passkey aimil •:" board. on a few of the bargains we are offering to had been the McPherson said: Next to your- er before Below we quote prices fession and for many years Cul. All the details have been arranged ex- air, I am, I believe, the next oldest recognized head of the local bar. self, cept where they will go, as yet It haa the trade survivor of the Ilutskittsville bar, awl, to be to $1.25. afternoon the members of the not beets decided whether it is Gros grain silk in black and colors at 90c, warranted worth Tuesday lu view of our sorrowful eurroundingr, Reelfoot room to eu- friend, lakeilditinetmika,Ailironilacka, price $1.35. her wet to the county court feel sad and lonely to-Jay. Our or Gar Hole. Black and colored rhadzimeres at $1 per yard, regular is gone lie Lake, Long Pend the logise the character of their deceased OUT comrade anti brother a yard, worth 50c. inevitable river ii usi have heen made to have MONEY! Satins in all colors at 26c. has crossed over the Arrangemeet• MAKE brother. Judge H. 'I% ret ree W114 called reale, life's labor done, beneath Use a Missionary ilsy st tiri•atama Chappell Summer Silks at 25c. and 30c. per yard, worth 50 and 76c. II . Brown am ae- are daily made by sure-awful opera- tit the elixir anti C. of the tree of istenortality. ota Saturday betel, Use third Sunday In foetuses shade tors In Isteeke, Orals and Oil. at 60c per yard, sold every- Lander, will on the grounds RRvoTI.C:47,1,41PleIS- Peltzer cloth all wool, 40 inches wide lectcw1 aecretery. Judge J. I. "He should have died hereafter. May. !rimier be The.. invertmaste Tr...0600y pay from MOO to a II ralCTL• “r-4,•81,i . have been a time fttr *itch and will be furbished at 20cts p,.r adult Mum dollars or more ..n ta,11 110o Inv triad A. II. Clark and O. A. Champlin, com- There might IWIDICoall where at 75c and the proceed.' A,Itirests for virrulars, • word. To-tuorrow ausd to-niorrow and Wets. for children, RH HAMA, per yd. mittee on resulittione reported the fol- church. WILLIAM I cloths in melange mixtures and plain colors at 60c. to morrow steal. Its this petty pave from to go fur Wt benefit of the Banker and Broker, Canton lowing, _ day to day, till the last ayliable of re- The following programme ions been ar- ZVola vu• • 6014i Broadway. New 'York Surah silks in fancy stripes, the newest and nobbiest out this season. 11'italla•M, Hiram A. Phelps. a mem- corded time. Awl all our yesterdays ranged for the oceitalott: Song service WACO,ZA. Japanese silk 27 in. wide at 50c, usually sold at 90c per yd ber ut the bar ill'itristian County, Ken- have but lighted tools the way to dusty led by .1. W. Illibro; Scripture lemons, Figured tucky.. for al .t a half century, hats death. Out, out brief candle! Life la Bee. Clay Ford; Welemne Address, PHILADELPHIA silk veiling at 10c. per yard This goods is 20 inches wide I Sewing been taken therefrom by llse timid of a poor player that lunar' and fret* hie Rev. J. L. Crawled; Essay, Why Is heard no Kbling; Ad- Pnrr. ONE &die and well worth 26c. death, and it is fitting that his associates hour upon the stage and then Love Jelitel, Miss Emma Livery and Feea and brethren of the profession, as a mere." dress, Miesion Work. Rev. J. W. Lamb; • Our line of combination suits are simply beautiful, comprising the record collie expreasion we are dropping off. The Beauties of Nature, Mrs. Zatla body, place on Otte by one Essay, A. to 5••411/1, perf,•ps k examiroe se in plaids, stripes and checks of regard for him am a man and • law- young of our liar have pegged away lu Wagner. ab.i I. Isar, • ' ,.."-wase • -•.• newest weaves som a -STABLE,- their sorrow occasioned by aprieg-time of life, and In the bouy- it,. red Triode-'Mark at lc. per spool. yer, att.i of tise nut know which eitle of your .611 MPOOlt •'1IN nopp.,. wt. flue -hie Embroidery silk all colors death,, of a promidng tutore, You may late sad event atilt aut. expecutucy bread is buttered until you drop it in the *eel sod &gigolos.; 1....1414• T. L. Smith, Prop'r, 100 pairs of 75c. kid gloves in tans and of Iliratu A. to lay out tribute of hi I•... im.t. {:crnewl usu. Special drive in kid gloves. Resolved, That in the death and now we come If you are not able to tell Cd.. Christian county and bedew with our tears the bier your lap. Mao-ether re SWAIM LYS, kesokarae. - - Hy. kid glove in tans and browns, sizes 7 to Phelps, the bar of prelft anti Well mammies the le- Hopkinsville, browns at 60c Foster's 6-hook generally has lost a oldest of air 'neither. lie has URIC you had as the legal protemilon of the subjeet. Largesse roomy stable one anode scomatuoda the 'estimation of the styes Se futon* at 65c, worth $1.00, inentber who was an ornament to the fought a goal tight, lie has kept bon for horses. Special ausoiluu 8, Printi tgheathy executed a and vskikles to &II Byer/ °oust who endeared hien/wit !WI gone out front us beloved, man that shipped himself out of J re *good buries French percales and printed linen profession. and faith and The at low nrites. .nelvohone connection everrwhilro. Ladies' collars and cuffs in fancy oods. was a a ondering 'WI /hie oldie *nil unfailing honored. Ile lawyer shirt hest week is to all by the pumemion respected, Iii. dannel • - exhibition attune qualities and qualifi- of large experient•e anti learnieg. lie whether lie had better patch lip hie old very stylish. cations which distinguish the 111811, the was as kiwi stud gentle as a woman, but throat this week or get a itew one. lawyer of the high- of the true, the noble and the gentleman, and the In &tense Hamby, of Hopkins county, test was a Man of cul- as courageous as a lion. No thee Green eat character. Ile good, brought suit against Mr. Crawford jerseys in black at 45c., worth 75c. each. modest and utiaesum- approached him lu doubt on any lute Ladies' cashmere ture, yet withal ever for $50 datnagee fur killing a 'Leppert! and just In COUllfel, or groping Ills way 'seeking at 75e. each, worth $1 25. ing. He wu wise proposition, dog. Ladies' coat back jerseys faithful to his 'limit and strict in male- the light that he did not help, assist mod Embroidered mull fishues at 10c. each, worth 25 and 30c. Whine the honor of hi, loved profess- send away rejoiting with all the all his It, is usually easier for us to tell our legal ion. Ile was all honest man, rendering large experience and well-stored neighbor bow to du a thing than to do it Hamburg edgings at 10c per yard worth 20c. that divine was the friend running of 10 ratil hid ii(IC twevriling to mind could afford. Ile ourselvea. If we had the muslin, adapted for Ladies and to are 10-4 bleached sheeting at 20c. Morris mills batiste Des. sada- of e•liies which is the frue female- -of the young lawyer, ever ready -tiscraseighbore -farm we would tflake a thin of stwiery AS %ell an of the late. slot, to admonish, to cheer and applaud larttole Where he barely makes• living. Children's underwear, at 15c. per yard, 36'inches wide He was the uucompromising enemy of Not like some whom souls are too lean We eouti wilier that What Ise allowa to Lonsdale cambric at 12c per yard. English Nainsooks at 7i and He per yard, worth hypocrisy and trend, a .Irweid of the and aellish to appreciate worth or anew. our tot-rtitattle do not run their word ft Witillera. an advocate of the a roomed, a 'ewe in others, awl who 111111k a business as we ettulti. We would sell 10 and 12 1-2c. in the learn- amather is so mucts liMe to cent, below tut and hie of the oppressor. Rich of praise to geode at 25 per per yard. Fancy dress ginghams at 1-2 per yard, to grasp Why Plain white India Linen at 4c ing of the law., lw Man IlietriletIVe to the thein-e.ves; Ise Wa• ever newly make more y than lie does. wore' bench, and kind Mail eourteotts to his your bawl in trietidthip aud give moot of miscall tell hi. five minute* how worth 10c. brethren, soil was ever ready to aid awl of et courageusesit slid °Will tom re- to pay off the national debt and yet we finished bleached domestic at Icanoe Checked gingharns at 5c per yard, worth 10c. Soft esesourage a Itia his advioe and expert- 'itemiser lull when, 23 year. ago, allow a debt of two dollars cud thirty yer, he etwe-the-youtoter members of theltral- Imre a strange and trokamw al law remit to *laud against us for years and Sc per yard, 36 inches wide. for soseeese. Ilse Words Of encouragement, mot -hue it. I don't know but worth lePaliont in their struggles gave tater Nish Extra heavy brown domestic at oc per yard. 50 dozen TOWELS at 25e each, Rewired. That the- stiembers sit the I ar never since that day have I hesitated to ettmetinwe believe it +you'd be better for Carpets. KY. reeerd- (Luellen ol doubt and thirty any two dollen Carpets, in thus sadly all unantmously a-k islet:pluton on Its to pay the 35 and 40c. These are extra value. leg their clarinet° of the distinguished or Iliffletilty, and never have I tailed to vents and let the stational debt etand fur Gent's white shirts at 40 and 50c, worth 75 and 80c. Gent's cheviot shirts at 25c each. worth ot their departed arwociate and receive a cheerful anti hearty respolase. a year or two more before lei% itig hereby broiler to his trinity Mr. tIllair1111111, 011 /nett pill te•t•as sit), tittessittessa about it. We Fancy border napkins at 75c worth $1 25.. brother Brussels, Tap _ ire t Velvets, Body IP ' . lie IS gene our neigh- ce cu tins , their bereavement. knows its owls biltertietw." oboes x while longer, and let sels---with borders to match. 10c. twerioary of tide We mil • . We try own In their owls way. 40c, worth 50 and 60c. Curtain scrim at 8 1-2 and -1 Moat/red, That the -gone forever. bors Mil their cts. Full stock of wide, taped edges, at 35 and meeting be directed to Pend a op): Of to look up anti say 'Father, thy still b.- If they simulti go a rong then it is Ito Brussels Carpet at 50 three resolutions to the family of tile ILF- done." We eater up our ranks-we fleet of ours. C. A. It. best Extra Super Carpets, Cotton Chains eallhe 14I le pob. hopitg, 'ebonite, trusting ce4ord, VIA CRUMB the march est' stock of Carpets LPS. lioplainsvilie city prem.', th tt when our rani shall c‘ame we may Ia Mentor!** etc. We have the best halted in the to iteourgeti a New Line ofCurtain Poles and that the Chairman be directed go "not like the galley slaves Oil-cloths ever spread out in this Just Received of the Christ- but 'hit we may and prustent them to the Judge to oor ilatragcosa," April 10th, 1557. t istt Circuit Court at 141 next term with ''wrap the drapery 44 our couch about city, with the lowest prices. that tht•y be entered down to plessatit dreatua." Ed New int: ities N,tuest of this bar us ainl lie of uf the court. we ea live awl act that it Mew. Adella E. Williamson. wife In hammered brass and plush. Can be made to fit any window. .., the order book May W. tit as We coy of our be- ott ft•Ilow townsman mid liverymate Pending a vote tau the *Wye _rosolu- 11147 hit said of An honest man and an -T. Williamsorkcioeed a life of . almost were made by Mesas, loved brother: Goods. tious speediest 40 Dress honest lawyer has fallen. years. H. J. Stites, Bush. The subject of this sketch was a Champlin, Lunde*, Judge Landes *aid: Gentlemen -I Petrie daughter ot Esq. Heider MulteltaW, NI , Pherson, Littell, licCarriSil, cannot refrain front giving ef011le lalt• and colorings sister to our County Superintendeut, We have all the fabrics The meeting though it be, to my eCsr- maul Maj. John Stites. preamitoi, brief J. W.'Yancey. for Spring CARPET DEPARTMINT. sad ocembiosi,_ mod front pay- also to Mrs. in the new and stylish_goods SPECIAL BARGAINS IN OUR was-oneof • tim--ssaidestAver__ as num( OW on this -Lreepaitett warrea AAtriselass fe- ing my humble tribute to the memory Bummer wear. Wer Can get up a • n this city. There was uot a dry eye my mild mother. She leaves a lattebenti who and 1i of one whom I was proud to call to iser while the sperehes wire •to led to was alwaya kiwi, gentle awl trut• handsome dress of any kind at the n the room Irk-tub, resolut iot $ nee as well am seven were lull intoned by use ad Its • a guardian angel, DRESS ,,I.eing delivered. 'floe addresses the t mitte, and her own tenderoffspring, smallest possible cost. In LACE in a general dear children, & TIMOTHY, Chairman, express much METZ II love and aaillleell and nothing t OUhl two lovely dauelitena allil five affection- have something way, and all that might to be expressed GOODS,especially, we I. Inure appropriate at thls time than a ate boy. to dwell here beittw without PRICES. in that way-but they do lot awl t•ould stylish. AND CONTROLLERS OF LOW the brief'', rays of a Cllotlierit loVe It/ flut- new, unique and very LEADERS i eproduct loll of it few ot them. Hot set forth all titat Mr. Phelps was to er gently over then* and keep them said: The death of our or to any tine that was brought into Judge Petri... me. harm, as well as a number of rel- attorney II. A. relationehip with him priiteer on- front Old Stand, Hopkinsville,Hy. seed friend awl brother, chew atives sell Mende to mourn tit•r Wes. Grissam's Of I knew like lung r Peelle., %bleb is the tweseloit our ally or otherwise. buds were too youtig saidesis to my- the members% of the bir S • of her little &c., is one ot apeeial than tiaOst of Floollcings, weeding. Edgings, apprrviste the goodness, Hamburg him better or Yst his profeasional and too tender to ,. ll. Not becaurie 1 knew isi re amerubled. even while here with spring of 1810, only a of a mother's love enjoyed him friendaltip anti emifitiestee life began in the realize the greatest loos ot bran new than many later than the earliest peri- them or to all new,_pretty and cheap. A In a greater degree perhaps few months that of a precious nietlit•r. but I have recollection. I too, like Mr. their live*, Napkins, Doilies, ether uteutbers of Use bar, od of niy in the Sabbath* inth•ning preceed- line of Table Linens, perhaps had whose whose remarks you Early known him longer, and Champlin death about noon while her is full of tintierstandieg in ley atudent days re- lug her Ac. Our SHOE DEPARTMENT letter opportutoties have just heard, was aiding her lea her of charac- from him, anti all kind husband and best awl eppreviating his tithility ct•ivell instruction duties she observed to him of good shoes of latest styles, member of the bar. my profeesiotial life I have ex- household ter than any other through that she bit better than she bail for prices. - bar as • candidate for the benefit of his instruction, makes at lowest I came to thin perienced quite a while. And little then did eith- iii iste, and Weis fur the first *Idyll saltpetre() however, in the meth- is "Good Goods practice er of thew have the remotest idea that Our business motto su•wialsited with Mr. of study and ItiVesitlgatIou which . dine breatee od, death was hovering over them ready Call and see us. he wits then • member of Ude were itst•tileateil and learned, rather at Lowest Prices." iPhelps., anti walthig (oily a few short hours en a hat way then learned of the mei in full ',motive. than in snatch a bourn compaition and a luvieg • 'Die bar at that time was untioubteilly /wiener of the law. Mr l'heipa was not those days confiding and tender mother from that a Very Mile our, t: posed of suelt men only oily friend ansi Oda in house. i legal ad- happy little family and loving COI. F. C Sharp, Maj. John Mel.arn- but he was also the frietti and as • bush- Yrs no doubt an angle spirit was near 31 asj. Gray, Major Jtthn Stittes, viser of my (edict., %hue I --Aug, and walling for the sweet TeleMe 04 I it. J. fie. Buckuer, Mr. McKee anti oth- nese was thensin part and alterwarde J. D. RUSSELL. 1 g :1111111 her's that they might gently and loving- lig 0100111 member, were Col. intrusted to Ille. And ha three elli i SPri era Thlw visiting wholly ly wing their flight together to • better il Judge iliee, Capt. I Wae brOlIght in direct and in- .1 no. II.. Siellettry, way* land beyond the skies, where Julies' by May.., Col. Barbour and tanitat•t anti seem lation with him, ii Bristow, Maj. timate loved ones gone before and waking for -.Judge Shatthelforti was to regard him with feelingi+ .Judge Urania) anti_leartied dear ones left behind, where, When the il Just Received by then our County Judge. I remember ollesepeet anti reverence that increased be no • happy throng meet, parting will well the esteem iii which our friend with every succeeding year. ii preceptor and tise time is not dual- more. i Perlin was held by my Mr. Chairman, another evidence of hoz, 'gave Disc upou the many admirable This is but tilt-mid, rapt. Briaww, who tient to dwell life is awl that death will and commenda- Mr. rodeo' character, which uncertain l of ta introduction letter of traits Street. vb.- lath for its 6 its all No. *teeter or later claim & WALTON, have PH that i! as a remolutieue La tion. lie represented Mr. Phelps are reeked In the lather, companion chi' and genial im- I shall content tuyaelf Om. So Maid 11 good lawyer of gesierousi been reported. and all, ever keep the dear absent Cheviots, in all the alwaya be only- elle Of Omar tiren A complete line of Custom-Made Suits, consisting of Iii pulse., sod one who would to refer briefly to by gentle and sweet re- I and Caul- [ a help's,* have impressed every one with you 11 new and popular mixtures, plain and fancy Worsteds, Corkscrews ready and willing to letel Inns which must of the Ileht she shed for you was his noillorm, Mila- membrance in new and desirable patterns. The entire stock hand to any young rttoruey who one of 111, alld that in ; mere. I and by the Christian lustre. PROVISIONS- latest patterns a haa beebaesaetlacwtadorkmaeitt. ruse in his profesolon. I and courteay to his brethren, el great taarere,Iinmsedde aunt: after the very struglIng to nese tle:tr have a green spot substantially II in the solu- Little children THE MARKETS. Rasa Took-Per bbl. . I trimmed with materials of beentdowiiiity,l call tow say lifter an intimate acquaint- his willingnes. to help them which let thy 1 They think- upon the tuentory oleo' ri•CON -per lb luoss fail to please. years that his cotifitlence in of difficult quertient. I W101 dealers of I made, elegantly finished and can't ance ot :IS tion mother's lovely features be constantly Correeted ter (iery itane by the Shoulders not mieplaced or his es- moreing on the subject and Clear ribald.* , Mr. Phelps Was ing this floweret upon this eagle Hopkins% it L a i to recall a Islay hew, plant Cleve soles COULat' MN:037W 31:04,31,1114rtlXklEtElt , mute too exalted. For a time found myself utterly unable will gala it discourtesy that the spirit of day gentle mother lurk, Retail Br LE Iti • bad the pleasure of a home in Mr. single act of unkindness or gar- Baron sulOr. - 11612 to meet the 1 ever light tip awl help to make the 14 Is full anti complete in every respect. We are fully preared family, and for the last 38 untrained by Mr. Phelps toward* any Hams, ,sugar cured, Shoulders III Suits in the city; Phelps' den of they happinesta ever blight with la Clear rib aides . 7.64 boys. We have the largest stock of Children's been our forensic cell- professional brethren, Or an Oceit- 11•111a koouutl7). , neetia of the finish s years teeny have of his footsteps of her oft re- Lard. - isal. Clear aides .. patterns; all the new steles; perfect in ally ol them ;tattle from the . Lee I the greatest variety ; beautiful diets, ellen together, but always, anti 'don when he failed to assist FUMY. Fancy. patent - $3 00, $3_50, $400 11 peated visits. 4,M nto* See prleea. Mothers take notice: $100,$50. out of the rich resour- near, Standard - • - - LA6p-Chotee leaf 104 to il arndl o uns er all circutustanoes friends. wisen requested IA I Furnishing s, Hats and bat. Gent's A learning Bran end showing'. less them $0 Prime steam .... , an . Call• Nee our fine stockof that we, his profeesional his profeeolonal wisdom, the rail of angels who surrousded ate . IN And now ces of At Corn Meal. Sue a a CUSID um's- to see them goods at that such will Soon, soon. (lel the flattering Ineellbea:i 71 f caps, dtc. Don't fall omnivore of this lult, have met to honor awl experience. I believe Pearl Meal, - - - . .11: their smiles 1111 hie virtual of us all. New Mitosis' Molasses, firanry, HaemaakBr fast Meow his memory ; and speak of be the testimony sway from my loved one• dear IS 1 our midst, Call me Caladies.etar,114 • - Shoulders .... me it is especially sail, as him removal But he has gone froni TO a 11 on Mali that ever blest isle. to forum Rutter - - - - MOW Dai ID Itsalw- WALTON'S [i the le & of thls once morels 1550 1$ F'YE the senior member rather Louisville lilt leaves me wile" we - Alas: that •life ru hippy should fails, NW. le occasion my in vain for his familiar Hoatiay, per gallon bar. On this inelenclittly we shall look mourning around her in brilliancy fie GRAIN daily life When OHM,per Fallon, reverts to old associates form and presence, anti in our played. Lie Wacky- mind naturally seed, • - only miss Isis kindly and the joy she had thought of at Clover nil profrsaioual friends, a few and association we shall The home est aanweeted., • kelt " No. I Store, ii sight 1.0 Cash on thin side the and his geelal Intercourse. nary, per bashei. 1:1, Clothing I whom still Iingw• greeting before her unfadlngly bright Seams, No.2 Longberry $14 We stni per bushel, LP nearly all, have Awl de we tt eadtiess realise lila death, family who stood over her .lying heal Peas, 6 leer, malty indeed, Wh le the golden. - who will fill the the last words their mother had said Coffee, IS Coas- Hopkinsville, Kentucky. •roesed over. we shall ask ourselves lonliere.1 good green rio, Coffee, 10 at that time, lie iota left vacant i• A lid yet :lava. TI,e officers of the Court place Not the traaotitliet air that the wind,, eeer Coffee, No. I white lj[I front Bank of HopkinevIlle. come to us who good factory, - 111e seri 'Mora I have seen laid away le our again the queation will blew, Cheeye, 1 i Li hem Americas', Ir. the next to fol- tepee of the summer Coe dew. Cheese, Touag 0:91 11-8. cemetery, are tho J udge of from our ranks will be Not the silvery - Mull autiful as the angels gentle USW Rice, _ No. wised ISa -Matiimot tlwe we act our parte well Where ever as sweet b - .77774We___ANINSIRWiiii 'ireisit Court, Judge Shackelford, low him? May I'll take lllll(her home. Cracked Rice No. 9 white 55 -'_••_2g1.7:14•=71:74:911.6.-•=m-0.?E___470::*".61 when the final That said In WI Voles 4 'lark, Mr. John C. Latham, the Sheriff, in life and be reit!y I. vita. Ill, my.- tivad.L...0.6.....- No., .811 RIcharit_ Bradley, the County Court stuniness shall wow. tirsaelated, - . - . 1.47 L0C:166MA UTZ MOOR 1141111111f. the Jailor, McLin; then usual- Is• Veering Contest. eau, Kanawa, i puslieds, 1:1 Clerk I.J. Btitaws, The rmeletions were balled C•reta--tioed as extra shipping, se &news, 7 bulimia. La the following mimed members Salt K export rani* 4 91 to I en and 11110 adopted. vlagsnaw, I bushel'', • - - - 1,66 fig when I mously ht &hippies of the bar, whe were members , 7 busbela, - - - - 1,00 Lig place at the resi- NSW ORLRASHI, April Pf.-John T. Saganatt Iles good to ells* ...... :11 1 Sharp, Mel. N. The funeral took mash. per bushel. l seed ) 11 eatne here, (2ol. F. C. of this city, Peisitoee. COraMoll roves 171" 150 Main Fernandes,• yuting luau beshel. . . lee tzen sad John kiclerning. Mr. dence of the deceased on South 8 4 I' SSG" 3 IC. Gray, Ms). (rum it wound lotlicted by per klt, 11111413 D. S. died Sunday jSa, No. I. J. Stile*, Robert McKee, Gen, Wetineaday morning at 10 o'- Y. Light stockers A. Street, a ensured in a friettally lenving contest se ore! Rarrels. No ...... ,31I 3 • 34 5110 and John B. Enl in. and on to- Immosa, per d..ten. i Hayes clock, Rev. J. N. Prestridge ofliciating. leading Creole club. A party of 'try:Sol:ern!' plait 10 all that at a Orange., per been. • Si) morrow we will lay hod& them Botehers, mwtium a gotot of friends followed youog men, all Creoles, were assembled ear, per barrel, - friend and brother Ill- A large cotwourse Corn% Bute.:fteinia.,canellarnon to median.. 311 006° 40 I. mortal of our club-room Saturday eight, and Oats, per bushel. by tinnee Ittex- remains to tl e grave, where they at tht• Tani, rough steers, poor egging slid ram A. Phelps, and now the monastic, having a good tante cwt. ‘elover 110 "ISO up one wore Step Imams. yeaterday .per set. fable law I move were Interred with Marini& proposted an morale d' York. whets some ime New •ry, of ;2171o, Co., fallen com- packing and baN0MIll " IS Insurance of a 11041.--Choire Life the place Mutual take honorary pall bearers foils were The following &runes. A pair of fencing item • I "510 add that all the visitiug The fairgh ttoLediumarlbutohere bitiehem ...... e. I Well It. T. Fereandra and a friend 4 ark ::46 emn also gone and representing the bar officiated: produced amid We,moss • 7.4/1.24^. 3.. 3.11111117. - 1113.1443.11111.1.11113.a.S. Lumley, named have fenced with them a Sas Minato Autism-re, ▪ J. W. McPherson, henry Bernard Hem. gout p in different parte of the State. relive, John Stites, disermed hie oppo- while, Fernandez cool,- Dealers' grades Iola are bold stye for POLICIES. us "one by one we tire crossing the Littell, 0. A. Champlin, James grew ex- -A TALE OF FOUR H. R. nent several times. The latter Lcy.iisville Market. clothing and Ile For combine and %-bleed ACTUAL RESULTS MaudbSt.w. thel help-- us all to be such he Ouse saris ta the tettewlse Ossapseiss. with raft' ver" and may Breathitt, C. II. Huh anti John Feland cited in the aontest and made a vigorous We quote at ale alreountry mixed lots of Ken- Ma. Dr.newsy Teem of Omaha.100.. (141111a 99) 110 petioles free of hares, E. - ready. the in flu. at Fernandes, FAO parried It, but tucky Inetillow words ealhAAlsish Sr. A noble life has closed, lunge 0 1411 111 part•geg. hurry ant cotton wools. Ilea; Mosel 6. _phi Per Plii.1: I •rifte to eye- the foil entered bortsro.Ls, eons - Aids . ACM. 004. Judge Champlain of which will be felt In title our in doing so the point of black. Ilkelec sail tub washed. Sltotter fee COMPAVIIIII. 19Woolorn Thered adoption of the puce wool, lid the Mellott for the penetrated the brain, the tgy Iota sad lre for dealer.' lots Pulled musky for many years to come, his rye and -1117ireb- k NM 11 -1- ileath Of MT. af- rout)ITT 2,11 sifFS Y ork 14 cat). nillIna j,IY, read in., wounded man living but• few houra IsluM Ilfiiiiiiiiiiiii tie SR of New Jamey. elms the ill -at member of the bar, is foil was essmined 111 ORN811110- Noboal Reseal Mama •II Melo*, "A terwards. When the l'reassery Life MAI 4.Iwo. la a en Manfred listener Journal: -ria6e_ Owed to prime 11.40 I as per Ibis at- New York O&M IraWre IL BIM le Id sad bereavemseet, pectillsrly found to have the button on the BRANS atti• Ine.ultab.La miss a very said to us the other It was for large toots shelled law with him In ilthilt, knowing Republican been driven with -essiory eaves el •al elson to nie. I remotest MIA end, and mint have from him inti,•11 isi toe way day ; 'We have hot the sheath. Ber- Si IN COOT INSIGHT TZARS IN FAVOR Of ?RE MUTUAL awl received this year, but great force to have caused tailed peeked asd Minh. an1Przatorcs bias been of of electing a Governor Pritne 51.1 hit' Overt New T rk Idle. MI 17; Over Lee kik IOW of eounsi%nd sellelIe that 'surrendered to the authorities and TN TIIRRIS- Over Mutual Beeellt, FRIO; to greatly increase our nard Prime dry salted ti •wwwiell; gam. siao--eor nen t and ettvantar• to me Of. we tio 'Intel charged with mu rder. stew ...... Itainms Mac' Sasso • NN AII1111.11per_ vim greet to our numbers in is locked up Ils to 24 lie.s " " le lowerall Is the Ihewaltera Mutual 'inner, lie 0050 ever vote and mid largely utast • June seem Thu esesty, ,tag• is) Melina was la pm wee. MieMilleme peek& 14 eoble and genets's,* par RAT- (age IM) Inottrod la the lawhaal Liam tan kb Lossami Legisistnre.' the Democratic - It II Itelese, Heektemlles,lly and C11,41,11YMgC the viiiiiiK, the been discovered Lotit Ns is tie toll s ready to 'twist the gen- Bituminous (mai has mutat, wiator w lest 141. StoiC All Timothy wood mhos Block, ishes learning* ty owes it to itself to see that Chutes willed a te to ego sor-055cm la McDaniel his Vast It is to and glee them front near Dunnville, Casey misty, and imenta . (SOloS leo Median is very devidedly mistaken in 740 Rear Timothy 11.116 lat $.0 te" experience, rules and maxima, tlemen In paying quantities. Plain palmate lienet nd two last propositions." thought to be hc;e7nAro which If followed would lead to honor the •

Jens IS MILLS W. - t Gitirr.U1 1/171141 VICTORY. I ODD NAMES. w. it, I HE TN-WE Metes. Agricultural The Appetite CO,, Ilt• llor Rimbaud Over l'oesemeas •rsiong American% WHEELER,MILLS & is the How a Sumo -WEEKLY 'INFRA, I hit money 'invested in • taint May be lucreared. the Dere.uve meow - I 1112114DAY THE TM biateasea. saute I.the Halo capital etuelt el Use atwitter. 11 Um strengthened, and the bowels regulated, a 'wont were !deceit In stooks or bonds by taking Ayer's Pills. These Pills are to con- April 18.-A geed deal Merchants --roatiostito 5Y- t rely share would be expected Revivalist Sam Jones is • satsuma M•situurons, purely vegetable in their eusaptielann. Tobacco Warehousemen & Commission divi- in priat about the •tteri Cs. triboite its lull share of intone' or all qualities in the acrid for • has been said new any 31,000.00 aid Pestle/um Above They contain neither calomel Ma. Ere Phistileg or ten per cent. Gentle- old-fashioned name. given to the ik lilt dend ; but In a farm five wife is a spun of gentleness. drug, and may be miters DEALERS, lite Gil is, other dangerous (.IL.k I N allowed to lie idle, and right be- gentle- spi rttell wife. I heard telly and Callitniti Deblois. I) JE is often MAL A of all ages. operator, tou--aud me Old-fashioned awl twld nausea toe rstitee with pealed safety by persons - Editor. neath the eyes of the this lechient once, and it impreseed • .10BN 0. UST, (crater towns gam- Ito' fashion auwarg people of this cleat. from Dyspepsia 'WITair esiscrassiaND H.RIDI 60 Mite Is taken of it. If• very much: Five gamblers sat I was a great sufferer Flir••:,-JE:•rdzsCor land he should ex- 12, soil 1, and What older names are there than newt.- and Coastlpetioa. I had so appetite, ng i„ one hundred acres of bling as the clock struck .1,1 Railroad suet to, 11..04 Misfile, It). Aut!:.r.t.K, that number as gamblers •1 and Benj.:mho ; yet you dud l'oligregg. and wait constantly afflicted with Head- Iiitimorik • pect retort's frogs just and directly one of tee tate...411m4 our 11i but seventy- Read:W.1'a red-listaided and reeieck- ache awl tn'-' I 51'191101ittIPTI0 nearly as possible, anti if spoke up and said: "tieutienteu, you luau doctor, who prtocritied for use, at by losurancri a tool 4110. 10 Mr. family AWAY All 'rob...0 swot Ii. l'uvered el Samuel GIVEN shape that 111011 named out toissigunietits. oar year. Eve etleell were found In such cau play on if you want to but my pre- ing serious %away, without affortiont Moats Liberal Advance Investi- Itutterwortli's boy• ilaweel let j %nolo, tlhi :IiTv.41 11...,s;tymli:isil'.,13:h vesdil:.1:tgi l ate mood. he tenthl realize front them, an sage wife is at hoses right now watching than temporary relief. 1 dually own- TI what Of Joltit and J Awes Kr. toter- lu a abort Three needle gation should he made to discuver and Whiling for wee to *ewe home. The lialatee mewed taking Ayer's Pills. N -five from ably aucient, yet if you go &mune 141111- time my digestion and appetite J. K.(SAN?, Ihtletatas. brute woo roe. U.S ismath. Was hindering the oteer tweet) have got the beet wife in the world." -IN- Ilaasser. ditch- you will dud the J01,,1- SAT. II alT111111, CLIPS *Await. doing Its pest. straightruing out "Welt," said the others, "every man Ilea of statesnieu atedutiant. I. IMPROVED Ccrta.petzly„ II i‘t;t4 'i LI "sio to 1 .-11u li y olio is cease des and (ewes, diepeuslus a ith uselem that." "Well." said lie, "my tiles and J Minikes C-ait)=Lor 'utai nuil IN es thinks were regulated, and, by the Ci-o.n.t Ise . • anti cutting down us- filtliblIng and who down over the hat 01 Utell Who make the my bowels I. I I is - lell you tlutt it,-w4 la aisle et lame and roads, wtfe knows I am out titue I finished two boxes of them Pills age to Nab velem etc., way good laws if 11cr minden and you *ill had ill Ne5nr Wati Lbore at sew ease seiseripthe uiteeesarlly large farneyarde, I am with, I expect, but she's eti my tendency to headaches bad disap- Amu use VS CP• CUTS size of a farm to the coogress thiriy-dve Jollies a id tacitly- wou. Ilk,• springlauek, al 00 irtf wout add considerably to the that if I WAS to take you four tuen peared, and I boriame Strong and 1..itindry. Iii prodding ofillert 4.41 Work. L410--abli'll k ithout enlarging the holier right 'sow and ring the iloor-bell dee J t•,.. Darius M. Ltaast. W thumb/tun, Del. toecon- litgoole, Jerome lest he Warehouse Tbere's no is teeeita, tinted It le neeveseary the door, and I it asi to the senate, Mr. year, with Planters' them elle.* wt.' she came to 1 was troubled, for over • THURSDAY. APRIL 21, 1887. in .urything all not nave lies son iris ot Use old keit- elle's not• due lady otnize iu laud, ad well as tell her to go and cook supper tor shall Loeb of Appetite, and Demerol Debility. WBIAT COMMISSION MZBCIIANTS, of Ilionlentitture le John Jamie In- Pills, and. TOBACCO AND s jo"The two festers 1 elec. you gamblers, she'd du it iii• spirit toiled I easumetseed taking Ayer's a smile ou her galls. Bible sootier are alsootit the rule lator* llid4g halt a box of this mole KY., This seesta to be• period 01 plots cad -growing was 113 if% in- gentleness and is int were re- PREMIUMS HOPKINSVILLE When grape believe it,'' they all swung Malt:min Ii, appaieiitly. There time, my to and strength political envies. The erroneous ideas prevailed at lave." "We don't Daubury, Conn. Y. W'. Mel cCii•eau g . I combinatimn. in fancy, very all come mod are, as lielleats•41 &noose, nearly sixty atursd.- L. 0. Clark. peculiar kiwi id soil exclaiuteil. "Well, you 1011411li .' "in‘;lit tlisly''ile)1:11:tivir.reirit:,:::1 1t4e puWicatiou of an alleged attempt se the to the ueceseity for Jeweled and Jahns Ill the house and Ayer's Pills are the brat medicine Three ideas were I I. ...tor, 111 1.11,oll no. A. 41. Mallia• yeans INA WICII Ober for grossing pretest are a oiouple in Mat- to Me for regulating the bowels, B. Ns",a d I,. 11,„51,...,. It of the other gubernatorial aspirants re he took tiargsill tiler, to his looutie, senate. There knows' IS. part borrowed from Europe, wht And y and for all diseases caused by a disordered des. tbe yonnveit, 1 told largely bell and hie 'site let them thews. Senator Matthew Bistill and to knife Gen. Buckner is no 'sooner mid French vine-clad hills rang the door Stosnise.h and Liver. I suffered for over ER. Jens is 2.1. 1,ord, I, on German I husband nitro- Is..quitor Matt Haissmoi. Mara Brewer N. T. SUM' the Commercial tiourishe.tand white has been lii immediately aliti lid three years with Headache, Indigestion. T. C. IIANIIKRY. three pep, since 1 than deuied. And DO,. grapes have 4.11461,1141, l'utiotity l'araitey bet to all the gamblers and Said : oi a kkialigali and Conattpation. I had no appetite, and "dark and damn- made for l'elittirlre1. Colitioissetirs duced M aingan and i theirs was a queer• thre•tetis to disclose a va- we've been gainbling until late owl Campbell of was weak and nervous most 01 the tune, 10 detect differences in the same "Wife, New Sithscribers "Inileedf" min hi, ed u tit To of Gen. Har- SUP- New y re, Aitratiotes Parker leg scheme" on the part of wine and we *ant oki to go mul prepare .o- riety ot grapes as to the quality until ii„ BY USING "Ay," lie went Judge a Ile egE i ;li it.- York I seat. ntelitit.-wi of Wi..e Louisville friends to twat grown oilthat-relit per tor Atel WAREHOUSE, hi, din's made from it when euiime, Pills, and at the HOPKINSVILLE ste%e and soot Jacob Hoissirlia ol Ohio. 01 throe boxes of Ayer's of the city. of talk was always band, the tire is out in the eas com- outuy:u:sehtivt.71;itlyilat: Richards out of the vote Otrils. Tine sort tie plenty of Samuels tr..isi Ssni same time dieting myself. 1 TO THE-- of wen cook has gone home, but if you'll all thwris acre organs are of tourer largely seu- chiefly the fanciful t.outieuee pletely cured. My digestive Prop'rs , These stories are eine to seated and patient I ciii get it i. •ogif iali and I am In perfect HANBERY & EIHRYER, house, and you nu, who hail taken Jost enough of is hoar in good order, demonstate that the penile on hr./ lace, elletib, dulivgairl.e .1.11%-ri ,111"Eara'4.1:at.:1::r" Kans. rational, but they truth is I eali," awl, with 2 P. Lockwood, Topeka, %\.117,u,..4.,.74,1.14 asNirt.)l, nth: make them feel very wise. The 11111 4 Z Taylor if. health.- boiling and things are the supper, milted them Ohio and there was STREET, Bet. 10th and 11th. pot is that any well-drained soil rich enough she prepared Ayer's Pills have twnented rue-wonder- RAILROAD itt the table a lib s the last owe/reek Joisei bee Rowell if from Indi- 1 I eons become very interesting be- grow good corn will produce good and she *aired fully. Fur months I suffered born, tun. going KO to Jed When they had I.• lg. tee ..I was readmit at used to be thought smile out I rr Mee; gnation and Headache, f.diaceo CI moigoted to us. - trout that tat beam and the convention. gripes. Land which Vieille toe intol Mori I Turple, any mouth girt'a or fil I atteidloo given to at•14 /ding and selling all tween now only ad- the meal lose Ill 1110 yid !gate- [timid night, and had • bail tame in father was a Oen,: best has its chief snit perhaps of taking one box -- - a oil said: -Your ititsbatei odd us be- both 01 Isidiatia, Koltrititil every morning. After nib, and %hen I at Illinois has taken vantage in the fact that it is *la ays Were all three troubles dis- Louisville Times: What ) ws.tthl Me but Maryland lit the sesame, Z Vallee of Ayer's Pals, lug, thirty sever-ere, drained. lure We MHO uty food thgreted well, and LIBERAL A I)\ A NUS ON TOBACCO 1N'STORE. dealing ciih alien hurt- mei ttows I e elli 11 N kith Caruhims4. 1...Mig7.a•mati Knots appeared, • the initiative in we didn't tenser lieu, sleep was refreshing. - Henry C. and bran are usually higher Hoc Call Neiman oh hlt.... emit* hears the slightly my iliogiltii::;.' 4,4 .a1:1..11:11 by decreeing that alien holders Milifeed to ask you nil* tiMeldoll! llenuueuway, Rockport, Mails. ERA. 1"1"..ut.;67i:1::4.111,1tl lordiaus IN and NE Teamsters. than during fall and winter. hbelitir, moderised ver.ij.i or-flie mime Art that Good Quarters for Teams unless they are in spring you be such • wile to Mielt a illes by the use of of realty In that State, that Most cowls ilrol I have nil Dame, hoee curium I was cured of the It is at this Mason Awl she said: •'tilkilletleite sturdy They not only relieved nes fur fifty yew% for 1 must dispose of their lands greater demand for dam by souot N ors egiassa Ayer's Pills. Every cash sulscrilear to either the Weekly, residents, their calves, and the prayed ler that man fur I scaly years tary is held painful disorder, but glee me in- lie; and 111 tell you More a will the fact that Nor.n egian name of that at 111 ai Isar, or therm Weekly, at II. II within three years or the saute ship stuffs DOW is due to that God would stave Maenad, hilt 1 have and liaises. Another cremes' vigor, and restored my health.- etery sulearriber now is the list ,.l,0 pays all (i. ABERNATHY. ABERNATHY. it's shout the girls I believed to be best for wive& lie coming te the swine** In nes! ensigreee John. N. B. it to 'la's. •nd for one year in a,l4aacS, to the State. this law e ill have three Seeds are loot all hope that lie will be John Lazarus, St. arrearsge. ilt le eecheet production. Rut corn ran Nea Hanger is the name I' either paper, gem a twokl"; encouraging milk is going to World of toruerut, ktid is "Nile." r. fthfin.y iinhw-ur tendency to open the eyes of the Eng- pro- hails a and corn meal at present prices are ineke his life in ttos world as oh this embryo etetettetan, and he "i..ungish woman w who have and going to Ayer's Pills, lish cud Dutch pytelicatet portionately cheaper than bran, hint as I can." The gam- from A into ig the odd ‘ic pleasant to by Dr. J. C. Ayer 00...Lowell, Mass. -A-M3=RINTATI-I"Y" of realty in many States is a great advantage in mixing over at her hustesiiii, 'armee are Aolooirim Holmes of Iowa, Prepared iiilie:l sonN' a71"tht in. large holdings Users bler looked up and sod Desists to iiireitems 1:al meld end bran for Vows. If they how can oit be such a Asher l'ariith of Keutucey, t iserubusco Dahl by all Druggists little I heard of my and Territories. Au Amsterdam syn- corn and said : "Sir. TicieliutheDrawmg milk it will prevet4 And Inti ill 1•0114111111. 101.11111 Rayner of lw bad turned out of graz- are on full flow of man with such a a lie as that?" New dicate owns an immense area 'to- gi•ea him a Otani, to .,,,-.ire, without rapid falling off of flesh, which up arid said: intlianis, Jelin itaker olf Illinois. Hilary which (atria to drink, till New the the husband jumped coot,• 5851110dr premien. The hat embrAree mining and fanning lands in cows at this time. Beath Wilkins of N010,1 apt, V/ hell a s ing, nally occurs In unileh 'lientleinen, hear me. My wife has liertwri or Alabama, CARDS. Von •rtielen. the aggriegate eaish MOW of a blell which three or four of Wisoonsin, PROFESSIONAL am sittiog here it Mexico, Arizona and Colorado, A really good cow for won we to her Seviour to-Hight; and Sewyer te Ii,11110 1.10 and after dropping her calf will bear I give my• loliam (1 Harris of Tennessee and Per- TOBACCO 'his very chair for very remunerative reutal, months I have settled the question. returns a without becoming Main pahire. 5'IHIS51141.4114. tip then, though the large pretty heavy feeding self to her God anilher Christ to-night ;" eon •. I'Berry of New capitalists recently made III British lat. After that time corn meal to relate that - smoking lily pipe Gulf too And the Itteldent Jews on THE DRAWING of cotton lands in the used, and bran and Case, M. D. Jou. A Gums, 51 D. got the luta, for at w purchases should be sparingly her husband afterward comineneed Used Results In Every Its A. Yorsti. Thie to stimulate a It 1.4, POter "'untidily an Ohl I, States and grazing lands in Texas. giern food be mainly given preaching, and that lie ars the preacher to %%holt-emir piper deal- GUNN Ben, gate a lonrk. will not tolerate absentee land- milk production. that won these other four gambler, 1). A. Bra.iforti, DRS. YOUNG & country that he COMMISSION - ' down, 114.1 Tenn., in Illinois ot equal value is t er tof Chattanooga. lordism, and the movement No ferns product is itli a severe cold to hold for a raise • was seriously *filleted HOMEOPATHISTS, beginning of a general policy more unsatisfactory : hail tried many '6i''''liJilttii.. then i thote is but the when nea ly that settled on his lungs 1101•KINSVILLK, KT. than butter. Its pricer, Bargain in Rosie. induc- tapping at the olis,r that all the States will adopt. It is remedies aid benefit. tieing Olive our fah aad Mat.. nearly always the best. 1/0 up and op made, is try Dr. King's New leacovery for 4 I got deterioration in quali- Album of Songs and ed to MZZANTS, wrappisl to greater favorite little gills, subject This Consumption, did en and was entirely 5th. TOTE. mat- SEP'T REPUBLICAN other product, and no thirty-two pieces of hilo•h gear. %%s ell, I ty than any Ballads, contenting a few bottlee. Since must suf- full sheet tweed by use of THOM W Iti ter how carefully protected, choke, and popular music, IL M F•taisitor out first to nie if thi of Ken- a hit ii which time he has used it in his family We publish below the vote fer sonic lii comparison a it Ii that alltilie size, with complete words and and Own I 14111.•I an for all Coughs and Colds with best re- Cm I lay and 7th -,--irgsn.S'I' r old fashioned ilai accompauluiesit is fine- NA "-- ante of lLeeils 1,4, tucky for Elates, and give therefrom is freshly made. The music and piano of thou- $210.00 stops. 4 stood,s,,thi sillily hirr used to be good paper with a sults. This is the experience thieves naeh. mold and fully ry butter made in June ly printed upon heavy DAM,. the number of delegates to which each /Antis whose livea have beets waved by guarantri4e1 hr it. it, for a twelve-mouth if packed iii sweet very attractive cover. The following Ky. front both 0 thine entitled in the conven- this Wonderful Dirietwery. • o., Lutil4V11144, county will be and covered with salt brine to the titles ot the songs and ballads Dr. Fairleilh &Blau, -:-Warehouse, het** here II. and crocks are engravings- Central Bottles free at Harry B. Garner's tight fine steel tion to be held in Louisville on the 11th exclude any odors. There is little such contained in the Favorite Album :-As $80.00 haddeme frames, 510 each. I. delis% say aooythin cream- OW Drug Store. next. butter now. That made by the I'd Nothing Else to Do; The Dear rmiolou.• oust tssok the shawl of May but (Ia. Standard 4 - Home Wagon, Delegate ery process Is drat darts while fresh, Songs of Home; Mother, Watch the $75.00 •• that wril Itessie -a Strength nearly al Blue-eyed Talk sloe Extra Session. made of thoroughly seasoned - Ky. Itaiee's Vote. lacks keeping qualities. As Little feet; Oh, You Pretty tiedwr, soaked in oil. Hopkinsville, little feta ansl her 10 -44 Strgcou. OM have creameries Letter; The ati both of tho dairymen Katy's Physician: ereote;ii Alair enterprising Watch; Blue Eyes; Allen Is less rally _good butter made "1 i -11;a•• $60.00 (s).`.1r0,;!;',:"Il'ali-F-9-1e4rte.,4,1 I Dillon in net 44. aettereeeo 413. ratialuit Ks good for a fell 544.1 5 from milk set in lite old- latiliTo-tia-iiay Won't You Tell Me Why, n; he talk of an extra within of Congress loom,ille, me all I began tot Ballard et1 10111.'illaca corner Ilth sad Main ...eras. of Praetieal Book - 1.1714 11 Below the 'Icahn, a ITO MOW. i Fri e of Charge Barren . than formerly. Old Garden Gate; Down in October is of the most confidential Meryl/0 A1111014. A coinimiotistion for "'Please. sir,' ask 1.131 11 and 5 ..... Rath Waving Lindens; Faded Leaves; All character, and is the result of the *suer- 't his Mr. Croft's I Bell ;37 5 Despite some prejudice as well as some SSTS. 530 5 Among the Summer Roses; Touch the talement of the fact that that the strong- MNINT an elegant African Itepultlier noose . .. valid objections against pork as an arti- Fills Premium.. eaeb 1..42e Is My pretty Louise; I re- North and South, East and ta,nd is,iike deed apt 11/0 - little into, Bourbon IS it continues to be more large- Harp Gently, est men $50. -Yes, Boyd 1,311 cle °fillet, Marry; Dream- Preei- Iii.n 101411. 14 /1101 ii the II of meat ally don't think I shall West, are urging the step on the the South Africa' Boyle 1.134 ly used than any other kind retail i.riee ing of Home; 'rhe old Cottage Cheek; The queotion is not put to him as And 1101% who nil, Bracken 1125 are several reasons for this. It dettt. CAMPBELL, An elega t Wheeler & 'Nikon & There P. Caldwil Randle, - A. Breathitt (Si Across the Sea; A Year Ago; Bache a party one, but in a great and /111.4%V.T011. is lees waste, bone arid offal than any strictly $45.00 sewing Marlene with ail It reekearidge 1,170 has Reath anti 1; lived N Ighit; wie affecting the bushiest; latent improved •ttnehments, IN you please, ni 302 food. It is easily kept and lore llall; ineasuni as --;`EALERs - "'If But= other animal the Isola and fully a arrant.-.1 c si VW; 103 One happy Year Ago; Jennie in interests of the whole country. Still ENTIST, 'is bete come to Butler fattened, even by those who have little I. Wool, and on exhibition •t t alttwell 432 Orchard; 'Else Oki Rant Gate; Jock's eitoply as • party question It is repo" Kentucky. tile "•11V bid-!' I loath 354 '4 room, and wheu salted it can be kept Ilopkinsville, lios oilier I% lim.kienr C&WW1/ Whisper in the Twi- attention. 'rime /1% Well I migh 3,31114 a4 spoiling than mos Farewell; Polly; seitteil as worthy of hie tilts, Campion. with less liability of eollection of be called Mae. over M. Frankel A song'. th .. 434 is field light. This I. a very' fine proposition is that the seseten $45.00 711 "'4 fli, dr, nays Carroll 14 other meats. This last point in very the Carter 1.453 real vocal gems, and gotten up tor the specific porpoise of revising 1111 lialiehtn,'fully Warranted Goods big her thin, wet Is. itt CM, to do w Glgssug has as much Stoves, Tinware, 7311 thought of, but Casey handsome etyle„ l'ublitheil 111 the us- tariff, and that a Mil lee ready, indorsed vide- soap, away. Heade is nu Obrietsaa 1.014 14 the popularity of pork as any other of G E. MEDLEY, A be Wire-Twist, 1.144 IS ual way and bought at a ittusic store, by the a,lmiuilstgatkict, upon which I:op- $30.00 breach tieuttwit. shoe-gna, war- too, she 1.sit fit to c Clark its advantages. Clay all these 32 pieces would cost you $11.20. eretta can go at (Oleg on work. It is ranted grit-class. 'Anti she set to • 54.1 l'ultivator at a too, Chides . A writer for the American We bought •job lot of this music thought that pitch a bill could tw easily 3C13MMIC'XIEST 1111111.10.1110. library wet of one eriod Critteaden *14 11 $30,00A 65 'eye that "the crusade against butterine _great awn lice lied as the holidays are disposed of within sixty day. before the HOPKINSVILLIC, 1%Y. Diet er'scomplete Works aympatily. Comberland - _ 1,731 the miiiiiitees'orthe NatIonat Gov- we &are to cloae-iiiit our Start at pesekere, and thus Sinai-He roes- - lcates a Davie* under past, regular ever Kelly's Jewelry More Kalowasua 514 doubtless induce Many eon the entire collect- whole of the regular Orase teamed:at omCemrterri lel Ci!lilegti"e, thy and art them 011 lel ernment, %%ill once. Will send Kira.. to lithe the $30.00 in lentos. elliott their stock of mulch postpai I tor only bill. and semi 'or fare x slue Hobe, the old lloth EMill . S737 farmers to increase ion well wrapped and so Helen to fli-- appropriation 2,444 30 enlarge their dairies. There Send immediate'''. as may I* deettied cooking. Ulla betw. Fayette . cows, and to 40 cents. 1111411 other measure ATTIPIBMIC TS. Tal".!:"1.'„.,1:::!,7.',..W.V.1 Ittlorigatten Flemish, LIM or farming more adjiiiirti before $30.00 and wrapped 00t. is scarcely any branch Address. THY:Eurliut NKWS Co., Wise ii ad expedient, and nod Irmo-Writing Imuitute. Floyd suitable for the pur- the national von- mind fed them with Franklia 1.117 11 profitable, on land Syracuse. N. Y. tIi,- Hine tor bidding 107 a geed select- Mr. Car- JOH. 1,111.•ND. JOHN IILAND,Ja. half an hour they Fulton pose, theta that of keeping ‘Unt i•ena. It in eIllerhill that $20 00 wAinthKalleigAlt aital lieratiere!-v Gallatia INA cows, manufact uring butter here, IA ill he fur- ther fur wood or coal. sold mid a hit frightened. IA* Ii ion of milch llexleo. lisle, Upon his return Garrard stock and fat- The Boas Strikes is now warranted by aldweii a ithadie. "'Anti now, yo Grant 54 or cheese, raising young ther (*moulted on this point. Ile THE FELANDS, here A fine Suit of Clothes to bs se- and give inte a Lisa Graves . 1,0441 tening hogs." hi Kansas anti will probably come 00 Repairing Neatly and .of II) llonr SIc lin. the onl, parties .n ti an a ho mate at anode of -1111 aw, $20. lected by the purchaser. hers Grayson 1.030 Louis, April 17.-Advice. from from there solute time in May. L 'noted Iron Work. hole you came 7* Mr. Isaac Hammond, a leading farm- ST. Attorneys at fine Silver Watch, standard toilt Green 12 state that the following potable A '&1541 this Ls th, Greene* 1.111 er in Wyoming county, N. Y., says that Mexico Coo. $20.00 make, and warranted ant- 531 investments in Mexieen real Pills are suited to Will practice in all the amuse of this et cry rea:ort. No. 19 = 9th Street. I-Icrlritlim-ille. ICentta.cley. pleted, of course, f Hancock keep more sheep through the American Ayer's Cathartic clam in Hardin nil 111 be can recently. A ward- -Min rill odd' than he can estate have been (listed every age. They are mild and pleasant eflopper Block. A handsome decorated Dieser Harlan ... Mu summer in an apple orchard capital- 11".01116' tily half brother in 1.130 11,1 trees. The syndicate comported of Chicago $20 90 Set of China. Mareisost. in the same acreage without has in action. through and searching in ef- y:ortiog throe Hart MI ben- ists and United elates army officer*, premiums, ructione year's 213 orchard and the sheep are umtually easy Five iiog Wax• sir Henderson 1,970 purchased a tract of 5,000,000 acres, ly- fect, and, being sugar-coated, are mberript ion to the Trl-Weekly Ils Henry see efitted, the fallen fruit feeding the $12.50 lie te• the States of Coahuila, Durango pills newer (all to give New Bra. ther, mid Hickman 4:41 and the latter not only 'leaning ing in to take. Tiwee C. A. Champlin, 1,115 11 sheep, in Northern Mexico. made by the Frames fudy re-eleeted bet Hopkins and Chihuahua, one screw, Pictures, improv- $12.5(1 Taboo* Me the fruit of worms, but greatly sat Newsiest. two little go IS, till Jack** The tract is traversed by the Mexican Attornev and Counsellor at Law `to Newell* Maaufactenag Co Jefferson 1,70e /47 ing it by manuring the trees. weak as she waa f, 071 10 Central and also by the Internatirmal by the Jeettamiae Fifty ('soviets Versed to Jail. over Plantera Bank Om Tobacco Screw, wade \ I , ,add bear it it,, I,, Johnson 1.140 11 Decorative planting has a value be- road, which Huntington is building Office $12.50 Metcalfe MaaufactunesCo ' 3,436 35 Idea of eitcaping t Keaton yond its immediate rawly; and effects; from Eagle hese to Laredo. Of this on Knox !ell Ptais, Ey , April 17.-The tunnel Ropkineville, - - - - Ey webeter's Unahri tied Diction • mg herself mon ai II it stimulates people to read of,and Amity tract 1,000,000 acre* is the finest ary. !atmt tally illus- Knott 1 iv the Maysville brauch of the Kentucky $12.00 iiow diriperate si I;arue 456 the habits of trees, and acquire a knowl- -otton land in the C011fitry. It is In the and trated, leather-bound. 141 Central railroad cleft] in last night, .wapr.1 together a Laurel 1,045 of their effect upon climate, vegi- Laguna district. A company, mup "No 110" Oliver chilled 1.111 13 edge femme fifty consicts on their way to May-atone pay for Lawrence and in mitiga- Hartford, Coon., $10.50 ARTISTS' enough to supply, of MATERIALS. 410 4 tation and water composed chiefly to be placed Lee to work ous the railroad had to Natal arid II (to Leslie Ills 5 ting the effect of dangerous winds and capitalists has bought b0u,000 acres, ly- $10.00 oArites,!1:Zzirde gentleman's jell here slid will remain until to- 11.1) her 357 grits-. in •foil stork of Books. Stitt .....rry, and %rho°,Sopploo. Orders by emit pr. attended when her bnite ..1 Letc storms. ing in Sonora and Chilielditia, all loon atnaritiffirrtl. I 1ft114.4 Inrime la thr offlintr). i• 1,4114 ItiOrrow. to and aatipfat the drink SIMI gall Lew ing and agricultural land. A purchase Lierolne 1.67.4 11 The principal evidence we have Mat • $10.00 ite,r,'",,,,„,,,c"Naltretrl.ia railing ship iii the Livittie•ton 370 4 of 125,000 SOW NM been mote in the cotton-seed meal is very valuable as a Sick headache aii.1 a sensation of op- each 1 hoz fine be knew anythini Logan 1 ell le part of l'hilitialie by Ucalt men. Tire premiums, 571 • food it the feet that it is in such western and &Mertes itt the head, are Thompson&Ellis.$10.00 want,lie Isia La"SrONT. ow. Dot stock to Lvon is adjoining the Mot Ifteliaon 1,111111 Si heavy demand by the old established As this tract ter, nly produced by intliges- Two prentienta. each I Ise Oil poor, dear soul, ;tie many, the purpose of the purchase Vali $10,00 worth P.M. (17 Main St. .1 I It, I 151 I/ Mairoffin feeders of the East, and the additional thin ; morbid tiegiondency, irtitability Chrome, It fluidics' I Marein vas be readily guessed. Clay Mann, the One "Devi*" Swing Churn 10 2 fact that English feeders will pay still anti over sensitiveness of the nerves $8.00 been tell days at Marshall cattle man, who bought 360,- -- Martin 401 higher prices tor it anti take it across Colorado may, in a majority of cases, be traced to DIBALS110 IN the two leen' rhit 1.110 21 000 in Chihuahua about two years $7.50 Ten premiums. each one (alien Mason the Atlantic. • acres the same cause, Dr. J. II. McLean's wr 3E3E la what they must Met -mu-ire 1,2410 13 his tract at an advance of Drealfreattara. tea yards. CI ago, has sold Liver and Kidney Balm and l'illets will what poor Jew McLean he so as lo give Five premiums. each one set Meade Ite Trees should planted 100 per cent. positively cure. $7.50 books-45 in a set. was old enough it 1.1 3 to both bipeds and quadru- Menifee protectiou which Five premiums, each one year's I can tell you Olt Mereer 1.0.1 15 sides of You should avoid all medicines peds; the north and northwest -Distress After Eatieg. $7.50 subscription to the Weekly New shock to this bou Metcalfe del and cause you horrid griping patine; they MAN buildings shriuld be d,-fended kept Hardware, Ira. let Monroe destroy the coatings of the stomach awl I er. sir lint, II warm by evergreen groves. *ill Oil long- A rise Stereoscope, with 14 Mesabi itowii,r Montgomery tS This result of inoligestiott may make you an invalid for life; the tlwoo Is a Mono,. . $5.00 Photographs power Mutilenbeirg Ai er tot• t xperienced if si Liver mild power is the beet. Dr. J. It. Mc- 16- and that Johaay's Composition en Iledleine. Worth of advertising in Tri•Week- LEADS THE WORLD! wandering Nelson Regulator is taken after each meal. It Lean'e Little Liver snot Kidney rilleta Kra Nichols@ Cutlery and $5.00 ly New tain of the veross•I and so mild will cure chills and fever, billiousness, "There Is two kinds of medicine be- is such a good digester, Worth of advertising Is Weekly at last they got t oldharn etc. 25 mote • vial. $5.00 New Kra. Owen sides the kind you Rub On and the first and 'dement in ite effect that it is used gent mole a sub, The "Life of the flesh is the blood iweley kind is the Soft Kind which you take to insure of Job Priming at New Ira who was mining by many, after a hearty meal, pure blood means healthy Worth Pendleton with a spoon while A man holds your thereof:" Guns, $5.00 ofbee the l'reutovnal. hi Perry digestion. The Regulator doe* activity anti this bears with Head and you kick and Riggie some good functional The Boer and hi Pike stomach, certainty of quick restoration $5.00 Worth oflhant w are. Powell because it Tastes so anti the other kir d not naufwate Or irritate the it the fairly well, but picknese or Ifichient. Dr. J. 11. Pulaski I. the Hard hied which is dated Pills but corrects acidity, dispels foul gases, from more thai, they Robertaon McLean'o Strengthening Cordial and Queens ware, $5.00 Worth of Domestic- and It is the Hardest of the whole be- aekiete the stomach from the iVnkt. Ittickrastle allays irritation, and Blood Purifier gives blood, and Kowa. cause it is so Hard to go Down but it does .00 Worth of t 'thing to-dity, Ito- in its digestion. Genuine sold by II. vitalizes arid strengthens the whole $5 Russell not make any trifference which kind Lhw'y had 1111 1.11.; Scott . Garner. body. $1 00 per bottle French, of Dry Goods. ther. Shelby. You Take when you get it Took you B. $5.00 Worth went eking flimpsoa wish you Had not for it makes quite a I.ife will acquire new zest, and cheer- beer Croft's Iwo Spencer Row in your Stomach and Riots A- The Whit. Elephant Was No Go. hiltless return, if you will impel your $5.00 Worth of Mueeesware of the afternoon Taylor to the of Todd round." liver and kidneys performance, getting lbele. This Evidently Johnny's experience in Philadelphia North taaenean. their functions. Dr. J. hi. McLean's China and $5.00 Worth of lirmertes. Was fainter th, Trimble medicine does not include Dr. theme's "What haat becomeof tile sacred white Liver anil Kidney Balm will stimulate antineren off ha mos 5 Ii "Pleaeant Purgative Pellets," which elephant?" was asked of Mr. Mullikin- , them to healthful actions. $1 00 per A Ilan Nome heavy plate sitter, perishes' there Warren bottle castor Washington are easy to take anti do their work Pon. itirinim'a zoological expert?" bottle. $5.00 not chanced to Mrs Ito. was Wayne quietly and calmly. Neither does it in- "Ile's le Bridgeport eating ids head The quality of the blood depends much Glassware, Worth of blilliney trent And that Webster elleeeld, Clarksville, Tenn. Niel. &I Whale, 11 clude in the way of"Soft Medicine" Dr. off." tipon good or bad digestion and assimi- $5.00 Capt. except f Wolfe Pierce'. "Golden Medical Discovery," "And the Brahmins, who used to lation; to make the blood rich in life and $5.00 A l'alr of Flee Boots. slime% Wall Papers them to t Woodford which though powerful to cure all worship him to the Dine of 'Climbing otretigth giving eonetitiitee, use Dr. J. sent $5.00 One °N,i A l'• Oli•errhIlled plow. liewly man 1 w Totals 1'33 chronic derangements of the liver and Up the Golden Stairs?" II. Mchean's Strengthening Cordial THE T et II Wt.Ii tAIT hill ChM OS 11 how al blood Is pleaeant to the taste and agreea- "Cone to the land of Orestes, John." and Blood Purifier, it will nourisili the. "And . A 1111.e silver plate ant glass pickle deeply hit A perfectly pound body and a mind ble in its effects. 1'nequale.1 as a rem- "Why leave this 11100,000 worth idle?" properties of the blood from which the and $4.00 WA. Niel, any more of Iiii with pure edy for all acrofulteia diereses, pimples, "Ile wasu't white. We were swim- elements of vitality are drawn. unimpaired are possible only $3.50 A Tine flat. "liter of him blotches, erruptione, ulcers, swelled died. We had to stand it, but we Leading medical authorities in- Take one of Dr. .1. H. MeLean's Lit- Ceiling Decorations old man, blood. (Iambi, goitre or thick neck, fever-sores couldn't make the public stand it. We The Weekly Scimitar American the best Liver and Kidney l'illets at night him, I be dorse Ayer's Sarsaparilla as the and hip-joint disease. advertised him as the sacred white ele- tle $3.00 one year. PIANO ti-n go to bed and you will be all of the latest styles. HARDMAN ti hefore you In think, The purifying medicine in existence. -.- phant, but when the public came in and $3. 00 Set fine tri ple- plat,1 Rogers K nit ea. blood and VIKOV011s coat and pink surprbwil hoer hilt/ye/it sin. eighteen I and pro- Richards in Woodford. saw him with his gray Tel 1 y lit! I It vastly increases the working feel Ow next day. Only 25 rA.517eara. itrul lne alekkesel rlrork, war- kern hu lore tI face they derided him. We took lilni you will $2.50 hand and brain. me illofilli ductive power* of both of the first season, and cente a vial iitie Illuettrs•• i I home at the end of Tube Pinata a w ere Rheumatic or other & ELLIS t,* Two dollars' worth new kraal wall left him there. Mr. Barnum Is very To core pains, THOMPSON -To Be Seen Is But To Be Admired,' E. Richards, of Leilisville, Two dolla.s' worth of •rtist's Materials of 1/1.1. 11/1 A Great Vest. Judge A. lose piece of thick dilute!, estimate It $S 011 &II sensitive to ridicule. He'll rather take a an) kind desirml. was in Woodford Monday anil Tuesday, IL McLean's Volcanic I. iui,, n the whole thing than have any one de- well with Dr. J. 111.00 I ladies' lace Pin, Ilene) -elate rolled Is Arkensaw Traveler: A man from mixing among his old friends and mak- It round the St. But When Heard Sure To Be Desired. aii.1 soil t•ditt ride his show. The man who bought Oil Liniment, holdout No. 8, S. Main relit stood watching a perform- ing new ones', anti prowling his candida- *COO I pair fine Plated Sleeve Monona are, non is mfl-,7i Pine Knob the elephant. simply made a blunder. limb, or ate rever the pain is, and place for the of Attorney General. of design 100 III11141 1 /I iiirt1r. I While ,4.1,1 f11/0,11/011111140,1P. lovely hat's no ance on a slide trombone. Sieldenly cy office iron, or 110111 LO the lire, so 1111.00 I pair nos Venorian Vases, and, a Nothing but pipe-elay will make a Sa- over it a lee avel nal .110.04114, ham made it the arm, the Pine Ile sthireeted an assemblage of Demo- Handsome Toilet let touch Noe 1 .11.1 foft g seising a companion's cred elephant really white, and pipe- as to epply as •It heat as possible ffe•tio Knob sum excitedly exclaimed: "Fur crats at the oourt-house In Versailles on 1111 Two dollars' worth of rise stationery. father*s that clay rube of very easily, very." vegetation of the Lawd's sake, look char, Lige." Monday afternoon. and, from general The dank and decaying A Itea•y gold plated watch chain. sbould It" of timber, expos-. and Standard Piano of America, "W hat's the matter I"' expression. we think he made a moat regions newly cleared 81.50 Leading 'Is your eve Scraping. the ann. Is Imre to "Look titer; be dun k twin." favorable impression upon them. Jurige Ai gad to Boas ed to the rays of $1.15 1 pair lathes kid glove*--hest notke. "'Ay,' I ries 1/r. J. II. MeLeares "Ihme what?" Richard.* peeved tine district on the Sit- breed malaria. $1.410 One Scar. InlecrIption to Weekly "'So is I1111w. Harrisburg, III., by mild and Tney Mae reeentiv intriniweed the crowded mo's lia'f that blamed perk* Court bench recently, and mule Bkiwatil Shepherd. of Chills and Fever Cure, eerier Journal Iii It leniently taking front reek in Feces'. drunken her. "Why, Neatly and &women y ammo ted at sod metal iron frame itex bottom, two ef the n *Wahl. initieovameaes and upright Judge, iliardaying says: "Having received so Mliell benefit gentle action will medically cure. 60 sitar harp Mop atteehnseat your ho'n Inter his mouth. Ind you seer an able 111.410 oilrer.plated He ttee-K We have also a full line of other mates of Pianos and s gam., "Am Bitters, I feel It my duly of the age. that? Wall, sw'ar." legal acumen, judgment, Integrity from Electric emsta a bottle. 01 noir large Linen Towels back up, for 1 limusulty know It. Have Cloffic34,I and inthistry-elemeuts which %%mild to let suffering There are many accidents and diseases Handkerchiefs. gentlemen's. 'and slam AM on my leg for eight •1 %It fine Linen Sr ea Emmy 'sn'sriii.y tiN QI AHTINI.% PAIN WRVS. Arnica Salvo. guarrantee a fantaill and intelligent Ilia- hail a running wire whieh rift-et Stove awl cause serious In- Lew rem CASH, once, aen Bactioa's me 1 would have 01 six Ladies' Ilanilkerrhiefs . Marge of the duties, of the office, she'll.' years; my died:ors told convenience and ,nes the former in le-other you ei•raped or leg amputa- 111 For pair. gentlemen's Ilritiab Mad foe CaLalognee, Terms, Itte Tea liner Sates in the world for Cute, he obtain It. He will have many frienolo te have the bone his work, which may be pitch ly reme- wax"le VHS Instead, three bottles of Si Your pities Ladles' Hose Sniffled, Sens, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe- in the oonvetetion to Instruct delegst s to ted. I Hien, died by the use of Dr. J. H. McLean's with and *even boxes Buck- LOANS at Om dollar's worn' of %heel Music. JESSE FRENCH, ver Sores, Tatter, Chapped Hands, Chil- the general convention. Electric Bitters Volcanic Oil Liniment. romereemov fillPTIIII• pardenyaor and my leg Is now em 1 line Mew roi ....meal. and all Skin Eruptions, and len's Arnica Salve, with week or in- of well rated hostas= mem "mandrel.' blains,(7orna If yon are suffering WA!fT1D-10411Ges SI uin Mimic Irollo-In.trii mental 'T7:71:eo1imem101 laletribteting• Depot for the Solatki. cures Pima, or no pay regale- "Golden Medical Discovery" will not sound and well." eyelids, you for me mieth Is Weise months. Amounts "Oh, tiet's positively fifty cents a flamed eyes, or granulated Strictly roe'Malian aid $1 One Fine Ornamental I•k•Wavid. perfect sat, cure a person who*. longs are almost Klectrie Bitters are mold at 111,0000 to 11.10/1411111. sew. 'Wu s& Ills guarsrteed to give can be quickly cured by using I/r. J. sees ogee.assuessesta wade. Corms a wasted, teit it is en unfailing remedy bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Helve at was. fi .75 As.. eeli4 silver thimble. 157 Isfactios. es mosey reloaded. Price 96 II. McLean's Strengthening Eye Salve. eamisnes IL W.roopia tilaater. NASIIVILLIC, TWIN. Wets for nortsumption if taken In time. All 25 cents per box at Harry B. Garner's aretweay. N. mess per bee. For sale by Harry I. 26 seats a box. Garner. druggists. Drug Store.


04 leave Von ow/ of 101.41. to forti.gziora, v.4$4.41$4.-i lii 14.1h14 I I with 1 We grime half linonwr at loaner-for hats maniee Niel, I would not sak you to idiot Joao. .1.1 nut STEEL STORE. 1/1 X MILLS tin, ('apt. 1hr ta.ruat STEEL, 1401 STEEL, DRUG 1. ensigns to have thaw to NEW Ohm- who again, lake a share in this plate if I waso't sure that andel-sae-ad, met geeing at the ',quiz, holy Ii. with,en if yea will triseeepeel HE NEW En play it to stbriethaiii MOM-- tbc Undid% thtz bur 1•••lllll r, Jeftia norie IMIV TRI-WEEKLI tiwiti away at mine' giver, I'll take damn We a all talk ef all ties another tam, and now pit 4:411/1. I li courbe it MIN Ito of his, IRL.313. "'You'd Lake them away, will you I, fir Ti WOOL Chaalltaly kept is skeet " Men nuttier, but tits Degas,, as eth CORM I,. Lu breakfast sod he had me ititsetwet ColerotodL Hai *awned has new Wet el Dress. Roar all of •tremble with rage and fear. far Om ham loesiug I 31, NO. After breakfast, at. Joint was all that lie timed tbe remarkable APRII. Hiles, 1 si ill. They are by lair, "'Yea, to go al"'ill the fans, Use fair lissie NNW Dumbness mossdnigly d ogizrass Lie. At his', gut going to limed( -fairest eir you and I am irealo.1 tbut he should Now and balp has to holuol, he a. 4.1d sealed It ao longer, and bob- Fresh Drugs,Chemicals, Patent Medicines rchants to have the comfort of tbefr surarty. I've feathers, end, as with Jew, who, In weal a of crotch 1,10,1 out lor a little walk Mi. ae. Nem, that% sound law,' salassuNto luau, Ll., taws , oft be Went. l'har 1011.111 011.1-11111411 her alsruiet %ay, offered to 'Wow him the Bider, PAINTS, 1114141i1. Steel he Iveribl ut nu- Deering and ars la a story of gram in the rear of a little geirdeis. sheet and ese...1 at tee 11•111, met thoUght Y61 "usatche" orange tram, of a luck "Viaa 'twit lila that suatir she tiabl to 1,1111, The mtrungeat, BASE BALLS, BATS, TOPS AND MARBLES, JESS. dame poor clatterer' and 'if how he heal heated In 11 old it •U. fruit is like that of thu Mathew seaman ea they 'lowly Wahl MONO, Mar elope The Nsuipleat, - A 1 sti • Halt List LESde), young end my 14..1 lolled cod H.RIDER 1jAGG:10$ their litlithelle ()Lily larger. Hem went placed an ordinary he 1,Iglitest Draft, --11FilMsnirt ateither were I I grew met washing tub half with warm water and ,6 :17. v•Uts r The Siuiplest K hotter. Designs ofStationery, llz.r -KIRt iolerrauffs.A ureellestbell flon.ieit call and 'aught Perfumes, Toilet Articles, and all new jumped •tin loth full of oil.' The setrich feathers, -1 thieli." teptiod Jew, slowly and with he Moat 1)Urrbilli. I Ca, a ett 111011 en him by the leg the wlikil %Vero volititolortorly Coated nab "that lies, the ewe' odious Moire of them sold man any ether Miele/. Ill of ray owe me1111111141- id ti.- le wee, A. many of nuce eroploww, thee e of t 'gam Toltet t, lb Ni te SITAIIMICATtIK, ry I tatUratice. year. sigm feel jerkol lain first into LIM t4111 of the twat a-arum..." the 'gate of heatuely. ter "rotary paid iies. Pnielielenteas sere- IT:1U;a t• Iles 1".114 ::.411," 11•41 from red dirt, were Mutilated items that 1 sew, and tun, that I will w steals.tor II utoutto or ciii refund lie tea. ie.,. 'prod the spirals.1 1 aavistood them only 1 • 1,1 111701, melting the ollutlu bottles toward warm water, sown Joh. Nevi ASP I amen uks toillpsed man 11,11*/11..11, II) i toe oiled day as aught. bawl, awl I relight hold of it (eel then the tin that has wait soap, fuel then tranderred to and moon by Iasi nersowaial re- pint,. 'pen anal it after Mae mauling hiding a mui bruhisi wow and there gave Iblin the eieusdret [loom Otto,' them awl then laid and trews. iXT,flaissana• . Woo lvw. By the we), I travail'I of ‘v Willi, where lative gleiet the flotiere THE CELEBRATED l'aide over hail. le Wave lie olj the run to ill The rr, IliaLo.1 enough for enb fug lily &wird this.., on a sheet in half /111 11,411 afterward, when the) arrived ).0 was tired I let letta get up. mad John etun MOPICIKtit 11.1.1 AND mzr. But I do Monk you, e is, that .! do. I mud lelsorning Wax %pry pleaeant, Nom at the t. 0( 11102 slew, Mr. Muller was ()own's His rBOrEmisIoNAt. altliVICICS To THE CITIZENS OF 'Niie e I said,' off with eu, nod if you tIvat t of NUS V1131111111AL DIaltAAICa tell )0u that Mao.. .ny fermate Move Caine to tile 4144111.11101/4 jue Ming Mr down the ISM1Ilbe DEERING MOWERS t IthiT11•14 COUNTY. glp$t,IAI, ATT11111101 &OVUM TO 1.011144 bark 114•1, bid Kattirs hunt von more dodges...elite .... 110. u1,00/, au mod a ilietetitet ollimE AT HIS DRIL-Ca *TOILE Never was there *nib a gel- never. Mores meaty lie tic. Ver111,014 AKIO Hare no knurl. Car• LI. a11111. back t., Natal with their Thies la the ; of ...trek Itke• springleuck, and what an eye and fonts! 14.145 World thiall the eeleel Jame., she beil holihrtg Abe Aft 1,111 It/pit/11, /11141 an don't care eu; raw Wig-le too she'll 10 it, much work le three. South feathers with a lovely girl to telp lomehausti'. honer. Me wore eurrous, wearied ne`airinucli nisei( hi* bele' 'limb we 111.11,1 see Wino use There's no 11/riacilat 130111/444, 110111.1 at all. there was no doubt but that lovely. up link. droamd to rage. mid oath 'bon wottieohonel, rs, Slue. hit a flee Icily, ler all Lee fine teem" in timer • eery type of happy, Wealthy lirte the wort, top. al a woolen EXCELSIOR WAGONS, '"AU right, Mime lie said, 'all nicht, you thane suipoene to Lin, est time little amytillug Whisky taro 'listens mem very different.," mid minim sat lilt lig. Alight Lave been POWDER Kentucky -The .'",lort- Pure iet to the „tot e on of all Mice We shall lay for thi. hove thaws cloldresa, stool, her ekieve, Jebel ieul awl SO; it peal hommoble to form IA 1111,, foh bred Jobs. I.-twos". A Pure. a arrant every wagon IV partwt sati.fae. the old man. mad, toe your stake, I'll teak., their life a bell tile• pub .4 craw that would bawearr, Absolutely "Ay, ,,seer're rteht there," amid dweller, show aui optaa....a the petal J,,,t row. 4or ref wit" the I/144We. hay your a Kamm ...Y.-tans, awl "You'd laver thee. that the same blood ran -you meek words--Fouth Afrioeu nut Mimi diegraeol a statue of hi.'allow tiamkey fa... Nos voliTili..44 with tor .1.1.1. iic,r 1,,trie0. A ill %el of puri- at *seem it 114.1e tho- bi err:oat., la soot. ..r 1,0 Knith .1frivan Republic. l'et a ki• .lik, washed the awl• 13-irrsvaies 42,es. their 'OILS, would you! There's three putile• laughed SIMI ,tin!teol kok it) expressman et tiossusw assaigiaty, aaid ty. pin...sib ly014140.olnellIts. 210Cs3C11011:1831.1 1:73 HU ''5,11,01 lie Ike got law. on my- how, .1 -Si., Nt. wa. me aloo.repti- Ieah II,..,, the orollioary I net., end wild I. Melee yeara betel-ea them that's one thing. the (aatispre. 110 %IA, At/1.11/11111g there in !lg. K1111.1111W tition ith tl•.• of ow test, II( )IT nee, A1141 /104.1irilig, sod I it,.' )0/014 les nouope dee the yowler'', you OPP --she's just 30 and ble man, he 11,111 throll,;11 I upt.11y and I. !teeth bin leenta telitift *eight aloe. for ploo.loloille ponder, Aoki it Wally set it Irma GEO. O. Jena LS Loril, to think that it is twenty- flung la- syn. II.• r alter him. And are before and Imo lied lila 'Inger. Moe !hitch, nod els/eking his lee after the iiannt godly ntt,... keit LIS •ft I se l'ulrelia Any wee yb, wards a punt Whisky for pri ate or niedaranal use tan F. SU HY hat. I s./41y. my brother." , but, oIll [let Wall Strurt, S. I , y. , at pore* ranging three years since that girl wax born! And the licst and 1.-I time another 4:011l1.1 Pig v /Ullgst,r mg Its',. a very epitome of impotint, ever- alfTINGILK a CO., Wholesale. Mestere. Owensboro, tif 1 Joh. Niel, eat 1 lwre end Fine Carnakes and &aim attention bee..i.oi no Le and careful tbeirs was a queer stery, too." "IA hat $ekoe, be dad ,...11.1er tillettet•ing isassileaa , Mau II :re Iota Wiper gal. Orders vent this arm w91 reeelve prompt III ti.. i.e jeu again that tiatthew remiseled V..' PON have the moat omelet*. Mork of "litileolr mei hie listener, interrogatively. 111 tell you, bed wati•beil title (strive, whew -Whet atikallasstss tat_ 1111 111, I emirate, ageing Magus*. lei stele nit abitently. knecking eut there is a poorr Unit keep., jimt suet, Mut of a rich rosebud belta•mg into blown, J0101 tangles'. -Japtjasiella net like Frank 010 k aell the 405.1 Hallarat NI GOT )USE, it out of a big, brew., its e e. ii.'gut book te Ne‘t castle that night, bow long a **eel be to live in the hot I don't know and flaw 1 erring.. They are to ter rem,' me les pipe and tedillieg Muller aby more that rbo, t Ute 4.1111a.M11 tlieemaknoing me beling meter •• flist I lane pooh. jar ii( 01111-10 out Meer tobaeoo; ell tell it to suet weld. Alton curse bowie with her witheut why, lie wid 11811rOW IV,' ins." An Minot REM 31133Ellerr 1811.113FIGIALIWEll1 anti at late beauty. Awl Yoe if ,.0 like; ritt sre gots' to live in the and getting druirber 4tuulthr, the spell of her charm and • II all 4.1100,1 of iireecialel has boys to tut n tool what • house, and you may aa well know it. I am the i anteen teeter sent for then he Logan to thauk of Jena, hawk, hawk, and blow, I low, nary %,11, I hit's 1 111K111/Y the lops were neigh, as • eure, Capt. Niel, that it will go no further. him out. Well, strange ivintraet the twit were. disgusting every laxly, but nee l'e.i poi: I "11 1.04414iied HMI 11th. driiisktel all, preeently. • • iIic;.1 and Yin Mee I was born in England; yes, and mill Kaffir,. are apt to be with -Where LI yeur meter r he asked Beistutly. profession. MCONT.IMMIVITME; en the i011411 to ilsgr'• Catarrh 111.1.1) 4 faiiiisiee. fer the 11141,ra, tore. I come from Cambridgeshire- - 111/111, aid he druggliel awl lough-,mei "Jo.' OIL I think that she he. blood began to :Ull from Ms oitelo-liki;:, 1 olonet • le • to of all Ely. My nieldle of at the readinz tor a Belting Sizes. down round OW 1.1011 Kliiot, It .1 le lit I eel I to tie. from that fat fettlaud reeple. 1111.4141:41, , ie 1...T-1=69 ami't lw i1toppeol dem if a lenikeu we, ii, this ieteblehment We 4.1111 0111.1.1) all thrallher Mee at Iner .A..1NTIZIR=W father was a i•lergy man. %tell. mouth, k 11,11W whieh. You -pwooraootova.... to he taken 8th Strosts. mtopkIrussrillo, I, there wits an eisd of him. prie 16. e •1 -to to tall tpe.tial etteation to Ccrmor wax!. rich, and a Ilea 1 ala I he gave me he. less' ee.e atel I 1111.realielit lallotor and Jewi lopreeentr hi '.me -mall ipirat .f 'IA a few dflobbo,„ -Wet 011 thle ts prettily at w Ill start on the fart that or hero lbe largest RE. thirty in my iseket That is he $ the t ve girl. ('alit. ' aid aim melded her bead Cisauhery U. 'It 11 'Oho ,141-4. 11..1 to tile ,,n-Is- steep. of • 11111111 I. sTI) 'show elato II). pewee. to the 4'ape. 111141 I 011.14,k Ms hats', 1111.41 111,1, I 01T I., 10./1. TO-1110f1 OW him, and oleo', -There is' a mineke 1.0111e- aaortlwr Europe-ail trip swill or velem ih et R •Ule, blem I ' moil off I came, meil here in y1,11 1.01111,1 it,, 1111.111, 111.4,1 we wit. have• talk $0,0$ Set all the leranus." •11,11NeAo t et aro: life. 'I'Irtre H_OP-KINSVILLE LADIES sters. wh•sre; -O-otalito In atreepil lie% do, the tlitti- ban-s -to their Intereet to •Isit- - that emittry I hare leen about bUslIKVI. litPULI 'tight le -you, Caph John, quietly, and kisitbig SPA • ..(lairda dielit the old weever neil "lb."said putter, Is to be erected'lla V trims. )awtervlay. ,-ii, Nal; guol night!" thIck that gen ars ardided So Separators & Engines. by fifty year...Int I was Tu her, "'Awl 2111CRIEI. NeCIOSE5=MilrFIDEIIIAMO, time, natme has treated Carnegie has given soother I'll tell you mere abiut that- number e'llAP'Tr.R ourdpiatn of the way that Andrew Cherry Pectoral e represent a full liar of the leading %ego - -The leader III style. and prisms, exclusively in-.- nig after 'a free library. Ayer's straw .staraemi nod sit BICRNATIFT. it'a alone thee girls PlIcal. now. nn. 'MANE MULTIItt. Yott" $10,000 to Allegheny arsioni issel Engine,. ink at the tone of his $1.4 itTe+4 .1, ,•1 of great numbers other "(brambles hoods. I lert homer teen: y yen, nfIrr or hard ',ext.:mire:tee. feelbg taw blushed a little, moris Washington MILLINER'S( AND FANCY GOODS! John Niel woke early on hardily: . W. W. Cormsran. the .441.•, «Ursa Ilk: ill' at it.4/1.1.1e11t- of lottsroar Clare• I ie, Tem.. It- lily dear old father interned &gem, • leel lora well otdb than the worth, and went $9,1110,1Jt41 Direst lasportationa received daily ' Irronblie . ri. owe anal as though he plillantbropiat. is taxed oss la...) ago. a-. I iron, 1$11 is, youngish woman /0,11144 100n,y, bet be home "Jean is the ileare,at, beet fuel (-levered toenail broten then %trapped up titeit mortis ot al. I Vie isn..einry 4 onaltiaptlian, slid by meth Iii..i "entree hat hi it., and by her be in the whole world--thore, I believe that ta • .. !roe .1.. it •. MiLha.amry lees* girth's. Ile made slat, however, to dreg. Ile. C. W. MIITCALI/S. Prose. -u W. Maircstra, Vase Praet. win /11141 I111.11. Well, it was hut an.' fault, and that 14 that she thinks N'ott Taxer*, the new Ati-Iiian i I, ...•14 iriply for lise in every lie,I, and then, with the help of ft ottani!, hue ant! Baron SP=CI half brother, except that hhneett, rise. Utiele tide tle• that he Wasiliiiiigtaiti, esicake Eligheli • Its re lir • to it lea little I beard of my the French outdoes that ton much alout We 1mi 114%e IL/ our e mph.) S. merman .4 married and limped through we "ante liere first "I,.',, I -Ian. ei • it• rior to all miters In the I..' hail turned out very Melly, on to tile ertuela arid bail tole you how diseittly at .1 in a t- I. t'. t nook "sir wagon awl marnine de paronent. Mr. it. W. opiates' from his room that • is IIi imp, ale latIon of Ky. HIT 16111,11a1Ighly lateen to drink, till one night son e twelve It was a was 1,4 years olii. Well. I remember titatelierr. Ilarroilateurg, surveyed then-tele !ohm-plaint Tlw of J. 'I'. 'Tiros% bridge, the Cough.mid 11,1.11r. inideretawle repririe g ail triode of leachloberb years ago, when• strange thing happened. I when we lint our way on the vehlt that lightful spot. At tee leek of the lettere was hot eefitill., at.5 It in 1 xperted • I tor enzia, boon'. pet Whirl). 1111111 aagan.. 4k$.. We a to eau' atientiei, vet y ay, in was so mid, Joe author, was sitting here an this remit- strewn fern of the flat night, awl it ratritel mend •• In I As 141141 /,11111. 1.11441414{- that our facilities are Mien that We can repair the steep,.howider round that his recov. ty will be !aril. tor lees kosone that, this very eltair--for this part of the bouse was on cach side, esik eff her own shawl awl wiappol it .. I o I ,O ; .111 :41.11,1.... of $$$$4 your septum le better •nd tv.pped hi:1 that curved round like lotly cies h. lot them in ear!I e e•it illiltilullifiligEompu, them thsetigh the Wangs weren't Inuit and my own. Well, it has be ti just 4 ay. 11.1110.4 illiVo11411144.. The in. g great slope of envie ha the lap ate over Witeliburn tio eon. liefory I' 3' vest. oo JJ 1.; to, the embryo. ed ways to have • i•• It. many mime, ,tniikisig my pipe and liste ithemal. That. hien& that with her always, I am pont,health, but expects to recuperate •la of which the howse was way to me. nee-. IN' nbi waste General Founders and Macionists. 13.7=C:L.A.rarimg3: give •,7 3 »bat Is to ef the ruin, fee it was• very feu/night, of brown stone, and, the eh:awe-everything wish a trittinier'e rerialt lit e vaned itself wits solkIly built all over; die is very • 'We- !it ,'x p. rime-Ming with emleketly an old pointer deg I had, of the waves* shed sad But there, that Is .1404.1 pine %wale of Value. -Manufacturers of-- with the if eoeption but as ef 'Leib.tele Ilteaej, while the Tobacco Groper, lime leave a bark. gal- cold, coldi as• dope, 1 warnethrtee think, Homettead other outhouse, wine"' were rooted with thinks the "Mikado" !want Iv twining a deeper 11:201 "'lee down, Iket; it's only tlie Kaffirs,' when else domes:Is for itityhody it is enough l'rinue Bismarck Iron Fencing gleitened in the . • at once the sed Wrought vanized iron that ghetto modem operas. This ossolint 'eel I. I,. frightea one. I don't kwaw a great ittint- the greatest tad 1 mm 1.11 ..P o iire„ rays of the neer ' g sun In a a ay that week' rook ill Wag- Barbed Wire, -Jibe teen I thought I Want a bent fort of her Of woaieti, bat oraiwileew I don't think will strike' a chill to the Saw Mills an 11111achillory, have made AR eagle blith, was coveted with a ripping at the thew, and Ben larked again, there can be easily In tho world ilke Jebel. netiatis. s Cherry Pectoral, Pumps, all thatch. All along ib front ran a that in thrums, up anil evened it, and hi cause Imo full brown this pliesi, she ought so I gut the trellis work of which She is too goes' for id Hai-weld is at pres- I--.' PIMP b UV Pulley ahaftang, Hauser@ ICHAITS, up In eh" dew's or monies wide veranda, up Issekis lw- l'reeident Belting, Wrapped write little blooming e•reepe•res trailed to go away to England, in a here i.e is el j..yitag him- J. Ater & Co., Lowell, Maas. diet; the iloer, looking green Vines mid added, re- ent such gear. Well, I broad ear- (Intro a (ammus woman, only," she proposea slotting .1 I. a" Harness, pkmantly, ate' beyond was the Issdra Mall Very timid'. Ile lereetees. And Make a Specialty of Repairing Ri WROUGHT IRON TOBACCO SCREWS out Let to wee if there weix, any mo,-w outsele, fieetinefe, "I am afraid that Jess' It :oat tiler) l-Lege drive of rd tete leurderril with bushy, Malta, Saelly and Soutlwrsi Italy. Grates, since an I Mill and tient I etittel andistared at the two little would all be reit onsa." orange tress ladeu wit It Ottorolie flowers sad things, with nty mouth open. There they Jug{ then Berle stopped awl siohlenly It is reported that the glisiet of Fred Lime, Ratchet Screws. and golden fruit. tbo farther.!.!. And ,itood, banal in hand, the water drippimg green color, the banish of hank, wet Archer, tbe Jockey, riding furiously up- °ranee tore were the ganiees, fineed (+angel teen loth o them, and (be eldiet might ef the hand dropping from horse, is haunting the - Mantels, et ef eite-ti stone, and tho feather,.she held in her on a spectral We have recently 4,1.14,1 t./. .,11f faetery We are manufacters of the Americas use, aware! about N. They I,, with I ealls the bath. Fol- New Market.. ---eL levee leen II, and Use It, alike,little. laek. Me' elintaltiO__Lileties almost Hair, oreheril ef seamier-I fruit trees, -.Asa . : delve!. say aity thing. but lb.' eidetic Nitwit lowing her glawo, jahrt look.' down the beyond tbss• aeitin tee mien one alarich l'rofees,,r Golds% Its :limit's Is bitterly Cement, General Repair Department, I. mid took the ellen! R11.1 hat off the younger- ot loos mitil perceive.'• big fall .if long kel avenge blue gum bl r Girolstosie 'ea Moine Mile was Ikeeie -and there Was her swat t kraal., the latter orounte.1 am • oppsised tl S -, that With a 14411.1111 hat and RAMO RUM Citric Plaster, Ky. mei .lamp To tile right of tbe houso grow thriving t.- policy, hut dete tee likt- the Fepce little face and her goblet, hair, splendid Meek linfla, cantermg leisairely gombination plantation's SI blue pint and Meek mettle, als) 'better. The )(Poi! leso vo is eV1 earet4;11 nab of then, Were, and ihe ut her house. liell Mixed Paints, -warilibe befit _tit trIra.e. WAGONS, PLOWS, 110 .$4, 4.4 to din len %Iv& bri.tkear...„ MM.httoftT' L,.. k. eelantleer dime iffilirlirrITInerbrItlidlieunierv.$1.4 so that y ondit Le`trii- m It (tor,' White Lead, to thiek that I was dreaming. 1 vated lands, lying she wa I, a ill, u inl•- Ye, Christian. Todd •t. L'I 'It It lot 1,04 tell L liegau means of water led "It ie a nom I don't like," Sep or 5'.1.- the Veitextielset sHOEINC , gated flif ititcr 'eine by Fi Linseed Oil, It hell,., bast sad lietgi• "•Pleass, snr,' mid the bi,zgest, at last, tlie little shin" of her foot, "Ills name •.ur at Muskingum, it boo 11110 Nen relies' FEIkLE that gushes! from South l (remitted, great spring and half art •11.1 0114.11 like. 'tor smiths and wood- Mr. , Croft's house-Mr. Croft. the no..., nail gays Mutter, asal he a. half a beer ed lions dip.lllll arse ditties, loos avow Machine Oil, _mountain Nide high alio... very erkmen are lean Itepublicr Engliabinait Be is very rich and Da take charge- of,. Iii.•rative Imo I as nuns of 24....thaitiiii to the 'thee. home Oil Cans. CHEAPEST 111194, this looneeR. itin1 Ode clever, and owns rill the land round tho place, on ii country. Met baolt• of F xperleestre " Yes, littio the.. and many more thin,,o John Niel lima* in his REgniTOR All South African liepublic, SUM I am he. at so nude lina to be eivil to bin', though he In all do partmenM. manufactured. Lan and exam e the paw as ho haoked out (rota the veranda Lord %Viewer) i• incorrectli %Twini d bnwi. ononlele Tenn now who might you be, my dears!' I ttaso not like. Irian either. I wonder what be • an he 14 lied en 1..411.1( ; man. lie, :se Awl Morefontein, hut, for the. 'nonacid at any the ealliel e• rp.. lAsol o 1111 iliVelotllot WI'answered. in tho wild and wonderful wont. now." 7- rate, tbey were hat that ier toed tete Ill Seilide w heti M - 'If you phew. wir, we are your Metre and for (hi( -ante the horse, and John thought Nal ''. beauty of the paiterania that tolled away sicarrely out of Isio eradle; •od 1 We ni ne fet• t het •11 goods we sell and .,. hi.° 4,111114 IO )1/11 from Euglande its ruler we,. kiting to lam without toeing I">' w sia Iron Cistern Top Ids feet, till it was ende.1 Our of my miles and mile. at nine omega of ilea Napoleon Itonaporte had One hi. Lott pi OMA ASPNT DISEASESrt •-'What" I hallowed, starUed out the Draketerberg to them, wben maidenly the by tlei mighty mitge of caurzla Wo'llel) was bora. Them Fully. ii..e e., fah Vt..11 I might be. *mew, eie's drew between the "natsble." trees. benne l.the mod cont.-went. durable and cheap Guarantee left, tinned here. mid there with 44. H a. - pour little thing, clasp- the he pulled up mad looked wood li 8 rat 1.011 Manufactured. We manufacture "'III,, air, says the of the swell- Peers,•tul t,all I. eIad to pint* priefe OT nwse sad by the dint and Vast horizon inindesene Art(raw. J81 don't Nene OS iisom.luigly Another I Forbes' Our line. 1 ing her thin, wet bands,'phew ti tho right and far in lle was a Mops and rregraiee --rims le, roi all work 1I3 1 plains Goods :ail Trams wet anit cola and hungry,'" ing about -to years and OUR PUMPS away. li.mie is NU It was a beautiful eight, wet inan, nprarently Pahafelrefuse 1101eanty trent of loin. light !due to in and a lie lee re art work mooing It liee 1. Very Truly, she Lea lit to go any farther.' in r1 man's velment" clear cut features, odd, 'I and um the beat of materials. one tit nixie. the betel tun bUlig 14.4111 "Pooch I 'raz,„" le 'o 'Anil she set to work to ley, wherven the 141•111 USA Ignitor. ea the ENSTRUATION or THE MINT RUNNING hie heart brat tieing y rte. tt too, fasten (need fuel cold umd. Orme Ms Aber. For a ler le wise ember rating , -punterr, little one cried it. Mile epos mils of grams clothe.* IlloWn both mONTELY8IOKSE$Si• • .140 10 Is sessartly droned, in noels& mash, tweed contella. g rah lily ,1r sympathy. a a dining the ellArnLIC OF LIFT, yros 4?%* nifitereletnetetbein -teeth eneltre vsidt._beripatit._lansion't ...rtialag._!" ratmg--brietx po avol--tatio-ioattog.- -It- ia_trery -11 taken --"1. Velt,-01- 1...k 1•1'..41! -elachegand weenne tied itanb,,r be avoided. tit-semi for Un- coma Geld En;;Iash, New York, Hoet..ta sod other Ore aid set Hem 011 111y kartaii1411011104.1.41 -Ab, Mi,. Waxer," lie melee out in 11114111111111' itt Mask "hi WAYS TO Wunne.” smiled nos. spews awe swam .4 atom. Nue sly overhead iletering to Hottentot wornsa who iliii my ether,. yen ore with year pretty artio all lore, Etteterts TO ladies Co., Atlanta, Oa liebe, the old with 11,:om a et owl too dila it, unlit •tiles 14111•DVIZLII Itsumsrat tows' them. send an elegant awl bet wean us we undimmed them Fin ail lack to come jittit in Mine learn the Art, we ail! a Work cooking:, rush of tee wind between. 'lima to die t temp old clothes help you tei wash the feath- a plc. toeo (.1z.- IS inclws,) hand- RCM and wrapierel 1111.111 up in to, on anal ettleklUelb e 1J lean I come awl chin is. there, imprebelbee 1,04. nnalel, together land fol them n with letup and wine, at that rear timir ers? Only say the wool, now"- owitelt denentted, tor a to/lentil tlitotib:htti, the 11114n$1t$011. ,ie- Niue they were quite balm, awl not the ith hi X_of mon rial, 100 csdiirest half an ..reets against the sky, awl, crowned with I hit frightened. gc ahgtee itt 11 'W. re, animal., mal- a catbird *Hew, the centime, whose isoinu• young 'ladies; I Mitt, 'mine anent, Iii dreat.w., etc:- complete, with e'Mid now, they ere, feint min to gm( i inset of you, and tell in., silents Imes iieri.,,,a, upon tweept of only Menders lire' give me a kiss, both the lull Max • teal, s'l limits 01 Orally out ever Ole Wale planes mei 10 ,ty you eame here.' nee $1 $g) 'I he iileeque alinie is worth more t pheineraJ, aid like races that treed taelli, this is the tale they told nie-cone Ulan Ilte 1411114•11111. ellarge,1. TO every "And while they 411141111.41 111111k" the 101s- goods Kele, ky. of...unite from west I learned after. bidy order it g tills lie ember. New Spring and Summer tee.c levied, t-re of their little wurbh And over all- an edit one it ie. It seems that whine. 111 thre ettier ladle* kerne- offer- waril--and isrouutain, platit Mitt tl Ishii% stream -tie the have arrived and he is now marrial • Norleilk lady-a isi Art woorre„ 10 a 1111111 we can my hilt ',nigher icier-ems light of the At, ii•aii emit uml the lee nowhere else sweet young thisio--mal %netts' her like • IlloVill mail mar p,i w catalogue sit Art lioNeleb • ing inducements spirit of life tnevia," liMit CM It UMW a drunken rascal, wax my half eincloow extra and without , (log lie wee the ilarkelllll water,. we will be found, in Dry Goods Cloth- hei ewe wife Riel ellaillne- U11011 MI gnisidiuted to brether, and be lest and gerizel at the unbent, l eharge, a la nautili even ill treated the John stood 'AkA Boots and Shoes, les tee:helot her, and la Itc. e•enniciring it pla. aloe. ing, Notions, beauty of the Nellie, hot the peor woman, News Co., .: tWO little gunt, till at cuitiYateel leVt.• t11 3t. lie had Lii./.14 Ausir, s-, Tug Enclitic &c Call and see and ill health, to ming SEWING0MACHINE Hats Hosiery, -; weak as she was from mirroring mosedi....2 that, bmverto St reetiee, N.Y. the wild abd owittag to the of new Prints and could bear it no longer, and forme' of 11.1,11611101 1111.111 1114.111 NO EQUAL his elegant line throe- deeirable the tirieeute HAS eke of meaning to thee country Knit be mad the: he nicest, show 110 ha the weirel, it multi trot oxlip, prolll i llent lo business examine and price the ing hereelf upon itty nroteetimi. It will Fel M. II. K operatimet merit- tubleil to ate beauty. misfiling, arid oral- desperate alio mast lurvi• been. KIM. tie c'reles of Atlanta, PERFECT SATISFACTION stock of White Goods how 411,1 1111.4. •• Nature uuolorned cheapest Anil l'orrowiel Milne money. the hors-who hold forged papier and other 101T1tp4.41 together ifinlii/114/ Usio I,, mont meow Um. the place, esemal "law pelleolge• meet," dill worthless securIti.... to the -arnnuns of in the city. Remember IALS. - i•lieuee. too pay for three hei 11•1114.111 it igis Wen, isit..r. 'eke,. 1'n/wally hie where- Machine Co: atel di few isouteis ilVer,: 111.1 4,1inal•:1. $45.11.0 are abitiotia to know New RCN Sevin Block, Sixth Street, .1.4 too Natal 'it Sala. t'net, while not Postell away 011 ruptol by the elep MASS.- .iespti y •tteaded when her brute ie a Mohan.' wae cii abouts. -ORANGE, withetateliii‘ 111/4 lige anal bent bailie, " - MOC3=IR drink fuel gamble, dee slipped in. Imard• M-0't7IZ Swam, N. Y. Ch,rage, IL St buil, am. ' thin rung !Iran anou„;la- awl ha- turned ba gawt Abel/ 30 Who eallitig diet in the L011414111 docke, and before Atha;6a, Dallas, Is& Sr. Franc eo, Cal. know anything about Illabisy were well oat he "Well, Capt. Ni.'!," said the net man, eat "AL meta Inirs11,” HE CALLED Ore IN A NN, But it was her last effort, to sea. already! It looks well if you mean to tale Sample Bottle Free. Mendel's. of Max dear soul, and the excitement it 'A ritiV LEL IIIID. peor, to farming. Yes, it's a pretty ykete and Jug then he eaught sight of John Niel and It flubbed her. Before they hail v MNta be made Cut t his out Med - pretty else, time %Vele I mole it.. checked hineself, we ran bye at home. and make more tetl days at era she sank and died, suel Trtnes to us.anl...ihng been yeses ago I role tip here. anil saw the have mime to look for • black ox, of great neioey at went for ma (banal any. left 11101W. Awl live el 411...itit 3E3M9VIEILlaX.. not Lb. two 11001- eliddren Were see that rock then, belier arid a'W' inaide.of the 'value and impnrtanee to you, thing eler in the Ororlo1 l•pital rather nett. look, you brandol with a heart it il-•?-', YOU are started free; both sufferel, or win brine niedee; you what they iinue4 have slept under it and 'role at stM if your uncle has seen it P:1-00:4411 that will *ten you in hosierse which for she the bear. I heart. Do you know i right away than ant-thin:? e.te.: all ages. Al.rose east do tee work. what prior Jem nniat have suffered, yin, an. you in more money Costly outet rime and looked out at this bertutaul on the plum any wheref" the world. Any one can lb the work .•ireing. enre from lirst start teal, Lied only Meows. But e•or In you • was old ensue. to great .,.,.It ot wait all elite watt gamn Muller," mailed Bernie, live at home. Either sex, all ages. awn... nod term. free. Better sot delay. Casts never got over the at the "No, Streamer nee Rend us your Addeo. anal and out; If I can tell VoU the., do. has mrielf, Yfilaa. for flee down there," pointing at a 'longue's'. that lust coots money bold' werk College leaning NI them, and I mid to • "but be is emale once H. Hat- Von W111,10 so at to Ude hour. It hae left Ite mark on ere. We will dart you; capital not needed are 44144. sheet veers have you wanderee aboot eenie half mile may,"if - A to., Maine. atel twenty lima on tie- plain important charmer let iteciple vay Iv hat they will, raw" This is one of the genuine, I er. sir. But, country, need tete y,,n ore,, to, $o and ask about it." life-time. Thome who are andoitious looks after the Mobile..., Mlle great you want of• there ise• power that nevi r men a lancer &pet be, by ways,carrestkft, _ enterprieing will not delay. Grand ou Hupkinsville,Ky. hemolsse, Oral of At aou've 'Mr. Mulleg,"eabl Maine, and that power took thorn poor. now •101 iota the brow. DRUGS!addrem Tat-a a Co., Animate, holt la• of cap- unto tisb or a hoar: mei with a ..uricnts contractioa will open on •1011:1) AI • wandering children under its wing. The die. I f.a.the Deem, bin Invalids Rote! and Surgical Institute The Pall Term and sop hen ' A'•.t I tillage. is all very will esperieno-cd faculty, %Nor- CLARK, nisi *ben "bleinheer' 1.itrsT Cl. le. An RENSHAW& vo tam if the veseel lefreeddiwt theme or Ms. for 01 halite,. I• po rIcosoree Mod P4.4114 heretofore. Pa.' &gni isseeepaa 01,000 acme mons We um all PligIbission now. Wielellte Staff of I ough,leatruction anit terms a. at last they got to liurbms ,..'ow of the retailety I setup rat Maselleiten. wrimeems, call ea or welter /10 down and a caw of gin, and MU wait. With emir permission. I'll other intionsation -TII gee. made a aubserintion noel it.* am "IA lever, SPECIALTY.- set to well to make this place, and you Ilea. till AKII' 1'i-tort (1.11o•le l'iort1 conies ALL CHROMIC DISEASES A Siatiollory. AYER'S J. a-, niusT„ to & 1114 wit. Books we.. with Many who am ieetetig up this Ay, it lia. growr ado, be jumped Patients treated here Or 11t III, kr hoiliken. Heath:or tile. 13- ;.-r• see I have 111141o, Lt. heck," and, without further vorriepoomli Ite Trainees!, to take them ureter het vibe' it its treated at home, throm bin t undue my halal, every stoon and tree of off Iris bor.. and, slipping the reins over 6.4 if bee in is rein. 1 otile and Biter mid hie emitter treated dr ehiblien ad- aucomMilly tor our The and you know what that Weanm in a new bead as an indication to it to stand still, see its, or wind ten (slats iti stamps Cure well, but they 46111 het do tiling •lio I, ratite all partic- Ague !''''' fairly one way rind another I bate with outs!I e•ts•bed band. "Irrellodle Geacte-Boolt.” Grocers, lett IL'..,,' New turn country. vanced leeward 111,-.1.CM• 11 V M[Mt - more that. they bargained for. Alt!," WO ti i both her ulars. A.1.111,41; 11111.1is every form of disordt T 4101191 it, i11.11 111/W I 11:11Vf, got trit/MUM ..he .1i.1 au the yeutig, plunged :sea trios, SKI 4.1111 i.e. 1111111110„ N.Y. Never fails to cure from the Vinkkerstrom road, that you enine it CA 1. districts. It Main Street, ilopkInsville, Ky., ' It, anil that's bow I Milne giy le out that I maid up to Om elbows las the bath, anal lordlier to Malaria-tnfected P. Payne, they put the children down, fer L. ,i along to-slay, a. old iersovr t.l4 doer ,,I,., was ollswerving the eb,,h. told them if they wanted a partitsr, struck Jade., Ir Next item ti dee mereitt, they hail se' dii:gage, and in Dere.", 'rim ewe I teld Snow it MUM. lot thiA it. Oroler to avoid tie. SON'S Is Warranted, ,hi• E4 that Ell would mum to Meill- Settle, ell E- w ti,le is dot k the anima assorlaselet of , went Meng there they lamas with her stalwart every ease, when used in accordance keep. el the midille neowity at Masking In Fancy Groceries, en. bracing everythiag need In beer Croft". 110111W. That was in with direction.. It contains no ainininv, selertlon of Cigars It Visiltoon t. lot...n. table amiaines; also • Thou.* attic afternom, and they wee, until o'eloek said, giving awl not only neutralizes Miaow° "Newry my hawk are wet," alto Melt Ilt 114'14111. and Tsobaccos getting here, pew little dears, for the track SHEARS AND SCISSORS. but ;annulate. the Liver to bins n 41111.1 little tool. "lot me intnaluee you. and promote- Goons ramaym$ sitIELIVIEJALLS fainter then than it is now, and they gist's tone to lb.. Storni/ch, MBA etivilartet Proud' Mistier-Capt. Iltstsweir Patter as.- -New Om veldt Wel WI;Uhl butyl. Mr. {with_ witen•out," "rtinelown," ttebilltated Harper*. the appetite. etty Call at tarn store on W1111,10r$,1 telf into to help my wicle with For " Poem- ones receive! st Ito' IVY 1 h any% here In the hail they Niel.- I WIN Moo isehool trucheina milliners, townie retriew. South Main street perelmi there in the wet and colil .11 women mrerlidlr• lute "Pottersvilie, Te.ras,t home. tbe place." keenera. and overwork. beet If you would make home reinfert•ble Grow, to 1410 the lights of the Onecription te the 1 Peoples' chained not atretehol out his twirl ant Muller Dr. Faeroe's Favorite your earnests with Jan., 15, 1884. how my nieces esti*. Ilene Jelin all reatoratlen Menke. It Mote a Anil that was of of purpose seaortment of they have ben ever thirlik it. but adminthly fultIlle a etnelenitie "Dr. J. C. „lyer #• Co.: Keeps always is stock the !skeet t eet, Niel. Ate' here intterogatirely;"a ship Prieelle• for all those Grocteric$. elkoloracieg eetrything need of when I "I.'stealer lie said, being • moat regent Paper Twill, snore titan hi 1411,e, except for a eouple yeare Chronic Weaknesses and Beseeitee 'reviler to Heavy "Gentlemen: For lit OW a choice miectioo of aehoLmoIlng, an I n rateable I summer treaty thousands table promptly dente-nen FRITZ BROS., wait then, to the ('ape [kW Engli,ba Thin treatment of save Tem eerpeta. I have lived in-locali- gars and Teter... teed.. "No." mid John,"a captain of.the en -s, at the Ifficallele Motel and Mire- keep mit the robl and 40 years in tlie eity tall at the mom on man I was when they were away." of mph large stork of Statiolasey. you anywhere, lonely artily." teal Ito: at .at.. ha. 'drooled a hinrc te"' flew, have a ties abounding in Malarial Ninth street. near depot. bew admit the fatberr asked Jobe their cure, need weal de well to e• am ne. Their stork of "Ate' al*,• rtiaattatje pant jOrthOth Weil, I In sauteing remedies tor li'ave been the sulileet Sale Stable, Niel, ileeply internited. "'led you ewer hear disorders: Livery, Feed and dont Walla" at ).nirIaltiag to fabbingolgter Eschongod For Country Produce mese. of him r Favorite Prestriptiea of their attacks in many forms. fractron• my ilie Zulu %%fir." Dr. Pierce's -hirer of him, the villain!" alniont nhouted Juba; the result of this vast et pertenee. For Points &c. no remedy so reli- "I't quite understand you," bad Is inflamssitatiors Drip, Iledicines, Oils, and found out man, jumping lip In wrath. "Ay-, Internal congemliiii, rue Ninth St., Near Depot, the -r oddly. It I• a OpeeMle. It able and safe as .4yer's I Ismael of him. What do yon rash sad ulceration. LNO d-n him, no Wrens., captain, tio offense. I is 1•110Wo•rfui sp.114.,ryt1. mi 4, NB uterine. toren. I, T.-melee-. Taken according to think! The tee (leeks had been with in.' not curse IllerVIlloo, and Imports Igor and str. north Cure. nomad that you rouiliaatir did and weakness of to eighteen Months, 14 nig enough for Ine to only to the whaler modem. It mire* directions, it will never fail tome nell taut of Ux• war. I was there with weak heck, Eentacky. theme with all my heart, when very stonineti, Indbove km, bltmtlitIf. Pictures, Picture Frames! PATEN rS love 'eerie to it was $$ght, I 511 You. nervosa% pellet nit ton, 1'th/flail/M. do 1,11111y and CUM. we. seeing Mout the /het l'y and Pervert Vs taw lbw meriting, as I bhissi himself 4ftight and ekeriewiem, t,u either pew. Favorite -AND J. B.X HUYTER." Obtained for new investions, or few improve- tip 111-. A Zulu 4ssOA by drusreisis meeker (Air poithke mmtleal or other cam new knuil wall. I owe a fellow come riditig Arse* (dam. thin is eel.' old ones, for I Awl cars moth sheet the ene who'd srostrese regtiniests u.441rti ,af ee. bee wrapper 1111.011114/ 144/411`. trade -marts sad labels. caveats, A - on an old, raw booed, "pity home. Up he • rentlearan; they wind • ported" In- teems ansl veharles are se good sassy la a thimaand for a third share pole) like• *pen of oxen when an alit WWTTLIIM signmente, Interferences, Appeekt, Senator at- me, and as be 01/1118 1 leiked at hint, neiney, I'll take iltimoso„ Cure. all eases arising under retest the city. hmweelestiy torso.' awl ample cornea to of y,,ur fk,ers Awl then thevel tire-als, they did the 111.00, YOU Ayer's Ague hingementa, and roomy buggy Ade, red. 'yeu are a drunkard, you if I I•all get a gentleman-none bon. PRICE MOULDING! attended to. Inventions that ,,wainodations. Mays a anti raid to niyeelf, hut !mealy at the fi•r Dr. Pe Tree large Laws prompt!' for me. I tell yeti, I beer -anyhow, y burr, Send ha aeon In stamp. PRItr Aim', By ;teem:TS e by the Patent olllee Ma) far our eustomers, at"'• rogue; it's written on your foe, or email whites In) !um ay..; .4 V. own I IMO MR* Save bees are, their wins; the beel eloots, there no no suipping them;aid se, Treat IRV In most cages, be patented by nit. Being Ar- tone, lovely more, I know your fair.' You had enough of Doers and impereviverede Addeo., d itm tee dorms. Tooth Brushes, ATER & 00., Lowell, Maas. still 'Telesis and, what's !Milestone Inn waddllballe Allitet, en Kahl Retie, ••7. C. end" the U 8.1ratent 110ne llepariniest first I laws 1111111 ill Elora, W on• was a aral of my owu day of nly life was when 01.1 you we, I thought that you tar MEDICAL Arrest Patent business exclusive- see I dhl not guests it as the Bible y, Combs, Toile Soaps Sold by all Druggists. beim:engaged lathe lielvers. Iliiw the Vilion Jaek thole in eretetta and I your swore into a pkeighshare, Mole Beissloiso, stake closer rearree• awl serum Pat also Careful father's that I was looking at. sap ly, we eau 01.11100. myself an lInglithinati agate. say.-but no offense, Int inire- me offenee." Pelee 1111; six bottles, $6. more promptly, and with broader 1 r amid call and everything in • well ordered drils ,tont. sets Washington. should that there ere taro who while John Niel, being Englieh to than throe who arereetote from merica, mid. Lordl and thiak All Mei e-s LITTLE Illandistmet Mork of 11111 • Model or sketch et - 'I. your name Croftr be want Ita. he sub thee reput n iou Nex,c Imyremall,00n.1 Sr.. sal,ress ef the'ewes Mil hi, hack boue, and cherishing einem. We maks eraesisaMons Mid ed- .e% ye I agswireett as hi. own your Jere. of n republie again' Mad! Cant Ni 4, of bie erefewent almost as uearly 0 N.onsoc.t LIVER X2les.rse•ir ifice as to paMatahil eye tree of ehargre. All ewe- "'it. is melee he went on with a sort of• -I wrath, *Web ea strictly renadestlal. Plies. low, tall you, quite maill However. there's ma honor, wiei belie: veldt hover "Lit respondesee WORKING CLASSES We are sow .rit the weederfol leer. 'I'm your broths'.' I 'barge anima p11•11•1 111 speared. - drunken You kaow what bar Oar. this aerate hsesuse lose that Mane • PILLS. Sad no prepared to fareleit all slams with Ode inipnivreneets mei, beginning to get nay end a4 it all now. WWI 41 ets Waverer In Wasblagtes TO Ho.. Post-Harper atprutbs "'Are Your I the name of the the Insult& Ile had PAPERS, 'Tire meet at home, the V told thein in truth in OLD Key, Rey. F. D Power. . gummed what has game was, net Weetteley waasomo General D. H inallealkl. bark Up, for I river, that this to keep 1b hamper-out- AiNTI-Itii.10t S nisi ('ATTIAlIFTIC. - Anserlean National illank,toadiarials is 1 tall joust quota up at the Vaal Pao Mule, linwever, Ceiling Decorations. donnas sad 'awl sib•taing inn Is short tit: the U. S. Patentnt Mane, and to a noel= rired a fire. ormittry w.ati1.1 ostnain English wardly, at any rat. Comgrose, and remenally to MS ansisP r rniirmaanirs. once, and to your face, that If you are my More atflestlest is given to them itmoratioes Itssiressatatiem le !enemata sour by lime WO. stoni stall la. the heaven' `l was $10$ la the Zulu War, Mr. Muller," MEASURE, is the testes gad • blackgeiar.1, and I don't the sun SICK Man ever before Call and aer is •nd we will FOR SALE NIT *Mesta is every State nearly ce brother yeti are the Vaal ran hark want Odinien otl bibs Croft onus amid arrythIng to do and the wares of he swill. Awl fuse iftUil noodoebe, with ph 11411Te show you our goods. Caserta. HO UMW That all w may wan{ In linger yell or hate ins dropped. coeretipms we wale tab sag, I ba$ Tour That's good enough for toe, for, as 1 teil t11011111 /1,11114-01 , le e the versal masts Heepertfully, atorr.,,R= ream the with yea' and it. yen are back danner and lion, to toriatiors, a. wet a grumbling fellows who want the land Z.Ifr look blailer stoma-4 al iraEc, pardon for couplIng you with 112 40.441.1.41 aiid RIllousAltaicka. & mil saw dallar Ma now that we base paid their delea and do oi k 11be eftermaal. Ili. tat Li.-ioin r$:4•1:;etir;l etetDoaalei C. A.SNOW •.1.1easo scoundrel' leer, no English 14.o-eminent iii Maimed big ITIonien y, Office. D. C feed.' their (menet*, 1111/Ve eitteeet) At This Pabsat Mee, Wasbleynee, IlvtaLerrOir. with &;1114ons. A Opp. "Oh, that's your tune, Is It!' mid lw, breaks engagements fair Illsosia, einnitirsz awl Fergettiris on It. word, or he sob claw he the & goat lock on Druggists. Hopper oWsp,sow, my dear brasher Elilaa, with sera& AM.tir •maw. solemnly entered Lpto by its representative,. it...inkhig gin Mid water, and talking ILLI,T131111. I Inuit ray shadow. Thgy hare wit • HD'e INN"

Ir. Beare A WPM. /local PREFERRED LOCALS THE TI-WEEKLI NEW ERL of Clarksville, who Rev. A. D. Sears, UORRECT-Mir-w% Rabbitry represents the Penn has been invited to make a prayer at -PUBIJSRLED ST- Mutual TM. insurance Company. the unveiling erreetioniess, accepts in 111e manner. NW Era PriaIing and Puthalust Co. Canister's stock sale next Saturday. following kindly Mrs. It I Martin will not devote all Messrs C. F. Jarrett, Hunter Wood her lime at N. B. Shyer's Millinery Ine- ax.. 91L13181E Ii\T-C11. Furnishing Goods. Court has adjourned at Madisonville. pertinent as we stated itt our last home, Ladies' and Joe F. Ford. Jou 0. Ron, .. - Editor. Mr. J. B. Causter, of Vas, Ls critically 6eaitan:-your invitation for use but *ill emitlime her reetauratit VOLUME 11 to be preasout at the unveiling of• mon- Bridge street, where the Iiiingr) van at mow,erected to Hie memory of the all hours Mud •good meal and • ides, and mass! svoscatPirtle 11111.11115. Mr. Thomas W. Long has been sick " Unknown Confederate Dead," was pleasant place to sat it in. Miss Mollie Our stock is new and complete in The best in the city • Itilltary Coup oss rest ...... for several days. duly received. It was my sad privilege can be found at Shier's at all tlnies, said -- Mrs. Martin also at her leisure hours fitting. w • to *Wiese moat of the sufferings of all styles. On last high;,. A Tares Peter Ryan, of this city, loot been dead heroes, anti to perform re- Will recetve a new line of shaper, mot ...... those sal I tree =sash...... greeted a pension. ligious !services at many of their graves, 'rrionniings to-day...... ry '.iiiipatil CUPID IMATMIL N. B. SHIER ., the following t ol John Day has mounted his du- arid 1 cordially accept the invitation to la aloha et Mrs he piertent on the ticertaion. No adverse !heed by ('apt. ties as tobacco auetioneer. Shoes. la end* et lea . .. prootietice hat-netting 1 is in be is Oh 1\TCVPICO1NTIES Boots and nanimuusly passel Use extra oubeoriptioa free to club racer 'flie leading jeweler and moat reliable you on the Veil of May. WO lit MMUS ARV talt.T ISCPAi. Resolecd: By tit watch-maker is M. D. Kelly. Fraternalle , A. O. Sears. I) that in token AGENTS 'lite heavy frost Tuesday night threat- April 18th, 1587. BANJO SOLO nut the noble 1 ened serious damage to the fruit. . - - met townionan, are authorized to collect sub- Who Breeders of good mules and horses The Assessor Again. evr York. who fu scriptioue to the New La:E that ever) body coot hilord In buy one, should examiue Polk Catlike* stock. is native town, Ii Lee Thacker-Lafayette, Ky. *liter New Era: and violins, harps, acoordeons and oth- at the Odic work lookiii, Dr. G. W. Rives- Williams P. 0. Mrs. II. L. Holt ia quite sick The people to whom an appeal lies in er musical instruntrots, with •complete ho is itit an teat C. A. Brasher-Crofton. residence of Mr. IL Reuallaw, at Era. regard to every official act, must decide members ',domed the city of Gilliland .1, Kennedy-Bainbridge. There are rumors *duet of several whether the defence of those' assortmei t of strings, et111 always be had HOPKINSVILLE KY. ol Claims who voted against M.FRANKEL Memory of his distl of the Court &SONS, D. 11. Armstrong-Cerulean Springs. weildiege is hIch will occur in the near Increasing the pay of the Assessor out alter a long life of t W. W. & J. P. Gareett--Perubroke. future. is satisiactory or of the county levy lii that t•1ty tlitia be J. W. Richardson-Fruit Hill. Foe }Uhl: Cottage with four rooms, not. At least the funny argument oh the majority that becase the Legislature 11111 bellevieg that good garden. Apply to M. A. ilanbery calculated the pay of the Assessor upon .it ion Imi the lives THURSDAY,JOWL 111, 1157. or B. A. Anderson. the bash* of Use property ussratIed, in- AtAILIWthofi iligegrIty, honor, It brow ot the number of Mr. Sion Fleming is operating a sand stead of upou the lad of all vir lists taken, the county wits receiviog Headquarters for Smokers and Chewers. crusher at his place near the city. Ills “aomething for uothieg. DRY the respect and elk RAILROAD Till TWA. from hitu GOODS. CAPS. deserving industry. It Best Assortment of Confectioneries in and a seems to have been abandoned. HATS 011 men, and so ricl admitted that the court 10.15, * T. n. Encelle Graves, little son of Mr. Otho seems also to be the city. All the leading Magazines and 1111011 of the citlici 111•11111 MIST. • 2I assumed a jurisdiction unauthorized by 11:111, parents That this C !SAM 11017,11 11:0 5.5. Mat, '• Graver, died at the house of hie law, as no statutory enactment has been pocket Literature. Daily paper* de- 1 • " now Ii and design' lu Louisville last l'hureday. referred to (ruin which it could derive livered anywhere in the city The largest and most complete stock All the latest styles and novelties advovatea Little Minor Latham fell off of the power in the premise-s. Timer to select from. .1glit of the action of the majority however in any quality. fu,tPi.r : porch at her lathers residence Tuesday county sov- ePSAIDIMI• still cling to the doctrine of reeollttiotio lie spry and received several painful wounds. ereignty Will still maintain that the It triad, ad our I'mops Abernathy 1 Co. sold Wednesday a Court of claims has power in certain NS alto Perry is is Evansville. caws in opposition to the Legislature. forwarded to ilia blue of tobacco tor Mr. E. 11. Fritz, for Marhyille yesterday. This is a different* of opinion between eri.or, the A iliaj tam M. W. Tibbs wila la ERY fin `aRTAstipidog 11213resis6 $15.23. They sold • lihd. last week for them and the Court of Appeals and GENTS'FURNISHING GOODS. C. D. Rotuma, Treatos, was ia the city Wed- Others hi like moth, Mr. Fritz for they may settle the point. with' that sa•day. learned body. But my object in again liters of our city be Col. J. F.?met pared trmough the city Weil. Mr. John Logsdon attended the fu- writing, is to proteet against the word Mine. destiny. neral of F. A. Fonda at Nashville, "liberal" being used in connection with [Irma IhnicatlTollacco NI:Wi4 Sarah Coleman went to Ilentieison any giviug away of other peoples' Mrs. Tuesday. Mr. Fonda was one of the •Ag The rink is iou Wednesday.. money. The county Minis are derived $17.26 Tobacco is most popular railroad melt in the South. drilling than the o ✓ H. Quarles, tiarrett.aburg. was in the city in a great part trout the poll taxes, raised with Hom e- Wednesday. ThonipkIns was not tried at wrung in some cases from the citizen There is a full The Assessor went Cadiz Monday because of the critical by levy or attachment. stead First-class Fer- ril Mrs. U B. t.atther sad Mrs. J P.(Aare to become a candi- inembers every condition of Purdy, the man wisest was not compelled le 10!'"'''''T-IFT,r-r-,'"?'!- ---w.- --r-'!"!'"F","ir-Ir"0"7 -1?-4r-S--""`r-"""!Immy' ,..,. to Eves/myths Wednesday. date and knew or had an opportunity tilizer makes first-class,....1.-.1--,41.-..aLsei...eakt She Company is at .-.1.-A6-.1u- ..ii..-.U.-4- Mr. aad Mrs. Joie Loarell, ?embrace, were life was so nearly taken at Cerulean of him .. - --1- "k ''almaib..ilLiullb- . '.aliaraft....Aj....ii.....i—a-.46- required 7 of knowing the duties to your ._,.,. .._ . ..:._. _.... a .L....'- tobacco. Look 'There are a grei were in the city Tatielay. compensation allowed him by Springs. and the night it may be safely estimated interest. I sr ry each Mr J. D Hunt sad lards, of Jackson, Term 'file tobacco market this week Is firm. law, and as are• outing Mr. Walter Kelly that one half of my constituents do not are quiet, the boy' The prices have been surprisingly high, as• Forbes & Bro. Mrs. H. IL Pierce, t loverpert. Is rotting ber realize In two years as much money ellee. and it is that the Assessor mould, even with his 41 daughter, Mrs. Montgomery May. an uudieputed tact jihlicions The Metcalfe Manufacturing bio.iti reduced pay, make in two months, to Call at Owing to I!siting home market is now the best in IdliS Co. and see their new patent Tobacco K T Campbell. of Kansas t its. take their money to give to the Assessor, -Master it. I. ant his father, Hon 5. P Csn.pbell country. Screw. 11 • S and then to call this gift, ••Liberaiity," lost night, pi Irate Attornel Judge aad i. ommonwealth's Tux DiAstose Ica Co. will deliver ice is adding insult to injury. When Robin pointed to his plai J. B Garnett mere tn the city Tties.lit. at your residence. Make your con- Roughhead suddenly came into a large C It. Helium, of Herndon. Hallow A Co., tontine he swore there should be 110 FORCED SALE On amount ol ii Dealers supplied THE GREAT trate for the season. Clarksville, was the east. IA elna.slay, of Mr. hungry people in his neighborhood, for (absence front the at lowest factory priers. Call on W. C. O. D• It. IS Withers, on Nouth Main street be would feed them; there should be no 1 pm was trillIced I them; Mrs Carrie Hart and Mar Hattie Lipetme G. Perry, manager, i Mee on 7th, or orphans for he would father Meath% consignment of Irozier-Weyle's be no widows for Ise 'alter tatailibull will return from florid& Saturday We are old Bridge Street. there should ii4S.Crackers lacgreat variety, al- would marry - them. But genero Ka •01. Arad gi rurra to learn that the health of How Hattie is Stock of ways fresh. Of The mo. T,Wright Wheeler, Mille it Co., have erected a no better. dwelled Robin proposed to bicliheral on liar Company large corrugated iron shed, fifty by one his own money and not on that of other aaliington oil tl, Mr. R. P. Stevens received a fine, 50 hundred and fifty feet, on a lot across people. The widow cast her two Mite* into the treasury voluntarily, but if • B. Neittut 'ity Comps pound buffalo fish yesterday.. the railroad from their warabouse._Thel beat its now have as much storage room as any tion and donated by the Pharisee, there Means Fielochmantee Ofiltimil Brand of The Secret Exploded. corps warehouse in the city. dos wool I not have been so nine) commen- Compressed Yeast. 2 cakes for 5 cents. Th.. thrill dation due. Whatever other term may 'leg of the LAtlii We publish in another column the he employel, let not the wool -liberal" Orr John Moayon, our well-known dry drrait. Republican conventional vo:e in goods merchant, who suffered for 18 long this he used in connection with the expendi- • • B• State. Our Republican friends will do ture of somebody else's money, DO Mat- The bu)s are iti months with sciatic rheumatism, was well to clip out this table and keep it ter how lavish that expenditure. may be, Denotes Base Ball Bate, Caps, Ham- pettier tip the deo cured by the use of Dr. H. M. Sher- no indeed. Let the Court of Appeals mocks, etc. to that they may watch Itompany, atoll man's Favorite Prescriptions "XXX," intelligently the be pronounced wrong; let the principle vote of their in buy what is tie "99" and "2000." Sold by all druggists. convention. of county sovereignty be admitted • let Foroislitu goofil Ilt,lloo8 lllt1 Coinpany: We were shown •deed by Mr. W. T. the Anarchist doctrine of disregard' for F. F. The law and official obligation be estab- Read Sarveys. Radford, drawn on the 10th day of "frit week. lished; but do not let am u lautlicrimd Applies to Finest Florida Fruits at Now in progress at his old stand, Glass' Corner. We guarantee you a July, 1745, in which Ling George, the appropriation of the peoples' money- .1. B. Galbreath it Co's, Main Street. saving of fully ONE THIRD off the lowest retail price. Remember we Calls Engineers Townes and Spurr have Second, grants to William Walton 400 poll taxes collected by attachnieeit-ever been instructed by the Turnpike Com- be claimed as "Liberality." Boaros BUTTItit have marked down every suit and overcoat throughout this great stock acres of land in Goochiand county, Va. From Lebanon pany to complete the survey of the A Jessica. N. B.-A hew more pieces of hand- and you will realize a saving of from The deed is written on parchment and painted queeneware to give away. lie Alexander di R useeliville road to Fairview, also to it is• real curiosity. BYrilP rigs rrdsy afternooi make surveys of the Princeton and Can- Deputy Collector Gus Moore left yes- Manufactured only by the California Fig her brother-In-la' ton roads. The reports on the other The best terffly fOr Iirttesirt comity where-lie Sjrup Co.; San Traileisco, is Na- WARRANTED 2 dollar 2 to 10 Dollars on EaCicPurchase. roads surveyed have about been com- goes to arrest some moonehiners. It ture's Own true Laxative. It is the Vapid fever. pleted. Ladies Kid and Grain will probably be a perilous expedition, most easily taken and the most pleas- Come and see us at once. Notwithstanding the immense trade we Mrs. Howard ele Mis Button Shoes in town, Row They Toted. and we trust he will acquit himself as antly effective remedy known to cleanse have had since we commenced this great slaughter sale, our stock is Bs,• slater of Me handsomely as he did In the raid on the the system when billoua or costive; to in D,E. and E.E. Lasts, still complete and comprises all the newest styles in Cutaway, Frock urt, of Lebanot At the recent meeting of the county Grayson county Wild Cat still. dispel headaches, colds anal friers; to at N: B. Shyer's Corner. at Wednesday cure habitual constipation, indigestioa, and Sack Suits for men, and an endless variety of styles and qualities billing her shoe court the following vote was had which The committee on music for the un- for boys and children, also complete lines of Hats, Boots, Shoes, Shirts, will be of interest to the people of the veiling ceremonies will engage the Ev- etc. For gale In 50 cents and 61.00 bot- We carry best line of as about 25 yi county : On motion to lay the county ansville band of twenty pieces in addi- tles by H. B. Garner, Hopkinsville, Ky. Misses Sailers, also the Collars, Cuffs and Ties. Every garment perfect in fit and quality, for it sins were COM' levy at 37'4 cents, making with the tion to Eichorn's band, of Louisville. is a well known fact that the Wright stock consists of the best quality Maxey Terrill. cheapest. see them. state tax of 47,1, cents, the total tax s5 It is intended that nothing shall be of goods ever brought to Hopkinsville. You should come at once while The former w cents, N. B. Shyer's Corner. and the in the Court of Claims, the ayts onii•ted to make the occasion one of the CLARKSVILLE, TKNN., April 17.- the stock is complete, for such a cbance may never occur again, when urt and nays were called and resulted as fol- grandest in the history of the State. Maxey Terrill, who was caught in the - you can buy First-Class Goods (no old stock) at such sacrificing prices. urt, formerly lows: Bud Brame and Robt. White, colored, Indian Territory and brought to Dov- ovr TOBA Ayes. Nays. er,lTenn., several weeks ago for the Come in and see our charged with robbing the store of Jack- of William RussellRussellmurder E W in Stewart Davis P F Rodgers son it Gossett, at Herndon last Friday, county, last Call, was brought to this city M A Fritz Jae D Steel The time for were tried betoreiudge Anderson Tues- by Sheriff Turner,of Dover, this even- J R Penick B D Lackey tag, and confined in the Montgomery send to headquarters litcrent wareho C day aid acquitted. The only evidence Iowa GriMn B 1.) Martin county jail for sae-keeping. The re- Special inducements to fol J T Coleman Thos Martin against them was that they were seen CrVM1RJOC).A.U'O suggestioutof *mock le C B Frasier J 11 Cavanah around the store several times that day. artm"val county was atgrand the jury. who recommend- tile Stew" CONSUMERS,who will berwathy- 0 J R Fuller J A Boyd removal for safe-keeping. 'heeler Mills , J no II We are requested by Mr. ed his The be supplied in any They are going at prices never before heard of. Only a few more White 11 B clark T. 1.. Gra- grand jury sustained Judge Munford in left N G Brasher J I"Pool ham, Chairman of the Cask,/ Grange quantity at wholesale ant it. Gaither W removing Terrill to the Houston county and they must be sold IC Wardeld I: II Myers Stock Sale weeks ago lanbery & Mir) W 1) Committee, to state that ow- jail two from that county. prices. JUGS can be Furguaon W T Davie Terrill was carried back to M D Davie ing tel the unveiling of the Latham Stewart, ilanbery & di If II Johnson hence the action of the grand jury in shipped direct at less T H Major-13 John S Long Monument being on May 19th, that the bate() this wet recommending his removal to this expense than from oth- Stand of Jno. T. Wright, Dec'd, Glass' Corner. S hhds. good J A Lockhart date of the Grange Sale has been place. it seems that an attempt to res- J II " UMNI. T Johnson changed from May 210th to Friday, cue 'Terrill by his friends is feared, and er points Write for C S liuret-16 • " coin. May 13th. the jailer of Stewart county, being also prices or send trial or- " lugs ft Making 13 In favor of the tax O and 1G Sheriff, is necessarily absent froin the Market steady against. Mr. James M. Howe is actively at jail much of his time. when Terrill's der to work rescue by his friends of preparing the speakers stand and Russell would ..1.... • ..--e-aleseirksp—r---1----s--,----e- -.---ea--..--.---v---se--..-7---le-r-v*---e-w-ae---7.--"s--"""-"r.-.--). -- e---T-7'--r--7)--7---v-7"‘-'" AV heeler, Mill he an easy matter. S. KAFIN & SON Elettion Eehoes. seats around the Coufederate Monu- L a - a- -••• --a-_, as -., - ...... _...__...... _...... _ ....-,...... -....._...:-....--i...... _...:-..00s-do._...... - ...-..ds-...1.-...i...... _.‘...... - a.- -ds-oii.-..i...i. "..h.-...i..---oi.-..u...d.-.d.- ••'..o..-.,-,--- ,...1k,"-- - 3 Weis. of Lobe ment. Specification* will be drawn up W HOLESALE ANOR ET 1 L- 14 idols. good I lilide. We have found it impossible to get In a day or two, and it le intended that pREFERRED II LOCALS. ,Liquor 14 Mids. east returns from many of the precincts in the work ohs!' be first class. An artist ' Dealers. 12 bleb'. luso, the county, but enoufili is now known will be here front New York to deco- Evansville. Ind. Market stead to confirm the belief that the county le rate the stand in the most elegant man- MRS. RODGERS. solid for Buckner, Bryan, Richards, ner. is at home from the Eno is ith a large stock of new, fresh millinery. Call 1416T4/2>NA1 IllUr C"11 1004:1 NIL Spring Millinery. Gant it Grafi Hewitt, Corbett and Tate. The race for County Superintendent Renehaw and early anti see the latest styles. We are receiving our Si) Mids. of tobs Superintendent Is not settled, but Bor- the New Ens have conceived the plan 14 Mils. good ing has the lead. of holding a popular mass meeting of worth of Boots Spring stock; consist- 20 kink. lined The ladies of the town and county are specially invited to call at once nimbi. 001111 Since our last report we have heard the teachers of the county and the ating of the following nov- SI and Shoes at my store and see the ,largest and most beautiful stock this side of N. Y. Pi huhtdq. hogs from Crofton which went for Buckner, friends of popular education in this 45,000 city DABNEY elties in Dress Goods, Market firm Richards, Rodger., Tate, Boring and and on some day in the near future. When ' BUSH'S to close out at &C: Sebas- *1011 00 0010001 Corbett. There was no instruction for the day la selected prompt publication 1 1 Trimings• Spring Dress Goods Lieutenant Governor. tonool; English Serge, will be made. Already a strong list of I remarkably low prices Abernethy • Union School House No. 2 went for speakers has been engaged in all the newest colors; and the oc- lovely! And just to are being received and opened daily and the handsome patterns—all the very lilids of tobocce Buckner, 011,1nm think latest—and ler Bryan, Hewitt, Richards, casion will be one of unusual Impor- how cheap! The Hazlentit Bracelet Grey goods in every I dii due bargains in these goods cannot be duplicated in Hopkinsville. Weis good I Corbett, Tate and Taylor. tance. 50c, Pin to match at 25c, at N. B. Shy • ir shade out this season; hitds sued Setae.' Mill Instructed for Buckner, era, 5. 1.1 Capt. John Feiand Issued a circular! 2e1 and 203 Main street' Plaids; Checks and Ii hinis coin Bryan, Richards, Hewitt, Tate, Corbett, letter appealing for aid in behalf of — Spring Clothing. 23 hints lugs and for Superintendent — Hairlined stripes; Cash- stead Goodnight first, Company D. that his,. boys might re- Market Boring second. meres, in all colors; SatSat-- purchase the brilliant uniforms formerly 1 I am now opening several cases, which came direct from the manufacturers, Garrettsburg went fur Buckner, Rich- ver 0 ines and Batiste; Vel- made to or- The IlawaItai worn by the company. One of these ards and der for me and guaranteed the beat. All I ask is a chance to show the goods and l'ickeu. letters lodged in Bowling Green, dy ons, in all shades, the name and FAANC Oulu Instructed for the prices. thAN Buckner, Bryan, the rascally °Meer' of the military corn- newest wash goods out; Knplolt111, Hewitt, Tate, Richardo, Corbett and pany there Is invited to attend an Embroider made it a pretext for a letter Exhibition at C. E. WEST'S oMoeY, Cable-cord or Rope arrive* this in Boring. In behalf of the Third Regiment band. three days, April 28, 29 and 30th, whichh Spring Boots and the moonier A, Ginghams;Zephyr Shoes. Prt, Since our last report we have been iii. 'The Times publishes the spicy corm- will be In charge of a lady operator partied hy number of hig formed that Longview did hold a con- poodence which graphically illustrate* from Cleveland. She will have here • Ginghams in p 1 a in I am now offering the cheapest stock in town, and by "cheapest" I don't mean the , large and expensive line of Saniples lowest Government. vention and Instructed for Buckner d the dispositon of the stripes, checks and buys W guy tuewhit-It she will explain free to all viol- grade goods; but the best goods for the same money—either fine or lOw grade. Cottle the Queen'. ilardin. Lafayette did not instruct, and andeotne captain of 1mr local °maul- tors how Ills done on the Sewing Ma- Plaids; Surah Silks and and see my goods and compare my prices. queen Victori we are reliably informed that Bennetts- zation. chine. London ha Jo Velvets in every color, at for main, here town went Hielianle instead of for both plain, plaid and leave for Wag liarfiln. Oar Streets. White Goods, _the No Boast, But Business. (recta to Preel The latest news from the other coun- handsomest line in this stripes; a beautiful line After a short ties that held primary conventions Sat- For the benefit of• great many peo- of White Goods, Laces I have no goods to give away; am not making any forced sale; can't anrd to wick will proceed ti place. Don't fail to see for Bet urday is that Mason ple who do not know, w give below I A'felon. went for Buckner and Embroideries; Kid glory alone, but will make good by goods and prices all I say and treat everybody honestly {Maul will ale old and new name. the our line and Hines, instead of Harris and Hines. of the streets of Shyer's Corner. and Silk Gloves; Ladies and fairly. Come and see me. of the Work AO. Hopkineville: "Princess of Wales" col- !wen outside 1, The Best Method. New Last First no middle lars and cuffs; Ribbons, M. Negre The most agreeable as well as the most Jackson swami men's com- Ruching Sic A full line LIPSTINE. effective method of dispelling Head- Atirgens Third Broad N. B. —Miss Laura McCrosky has charge of the millinery department, 1110i tiv.ftionq aches, Colds Fourth mission on of Clothing,Piece -goods and Fevers or cleansing the Market Fifth in the absence of Mrs. Hart, and will be glad to see all of her friends. lies beers reet system is by taking• few doses of the Court Boots & Shoes and Hats. Carpets, Oil that took plat Sixth night. .1 pleasant California liquid fruit remedy, Russellville and ltrlilze Seventh but go to Dab- cloths, and rugs. ,is Spring art unsurreeast Syrup of Figs. It sets gently yet effect- Eighth Would be pleased to terviorin to SIM Nashville Ninth yney & Bush's ively, strengthening the organs on Buttermilk customers was 0;101111t. Tenth who get them direct have our filackhorn which it acts, so that regular hablta may Hickory Ereventh from the manufacturer and friends call and ken otiuddc be formed. Manufactured only by the Williams Twelfth Bargains in Paints, Oils and Varnishes tree. California Fig Syrup Co.,San Francisco, Adams Thirteenth and sell them on the see us before purchas- South Cal. For sale in 50 cent Fourteenth Respectfully. Medicines, Toilet Articles, Toilet Soap, Combs, Brushes, and $1 bottles Maple Sixteenth smallest possible mar- ing. Perfumes, &c. I carry also by H. B. Garner. Palmyra Seventeenth gin JONES & Co. Drugs'School Books, Slates, Inks, stationery, and a fine line of cigars. J. R. ARMISTKAD.