Fabulous, original photographs are the cornerstone of good publicity and marketing.

You need strong images for your marketing, and we need original photographs of TM humanist ceremonies to successfully promote Humanist Ceremonies .​ ​

SEEKING PERMISSION FROM PHOTOGRAPHERS By law, you need the signed permission of photographers (professional or otherwise) before you can share any photos on your website or via social media.

When sharing photos, you need to reference the copyright owner.

Please familiarise yourself with the guide, ‘Copyright Law and Using Other ​ People’s Photos’. ​

If you have created your own consent form, please check that the form and your storage of information complies with GDPR, and the Data Protection Act 1998. ​ ​

When you’re seeking permission from photographers to share their images on your website and social media pages, if you ask them to sign Humanists UK’s Photographer’s Permission Form, it means that we can use them too. Our forms are legally compliant and give permission to you and us!

Remember our lovely new wedding banner? That’s thanks to Simple Tapestry (and the featured couple, the Martins, of course!) That’s the kind of marketing material great authentic photos enable us to produce. And our latest adverts are also powered by original photos.

PERMISSION FROM CLIENTS Our Photographer’s Permission Form asks that they have sought permission from couples/families, but we consider it best practice if celebrants also seek permission from clients directly by sending a Humanists UK Photo Release Form. Humanists UK ​ ​ ​ requires copies of both forms in order to be able to use photos.

WHAT WE NEED TM In terms of marketing Humanist Ceremonies ,​ these are the images we’re looking for: ​ 1. Photos of ceremonies taking place (especially featuring celebrants!) 2. Celebrants in action 3. Celebrant portraits (Ask the photographer if they could take a couple of you for you - and us - to use. Tell them we will credit their work) 4. Couple saying their vows (weddings) 5. Symbolic acts (weddings and namings) - e.g. exchanging rings, confetti, throwing the bouquet, handfasting, sand-blending, tree-planting, etc 6. Unusual features - e.g. pets at ceremonies, unusual transport, interesting signage, etc 7. High resolution images (for printing) (1,200 pixels wide is fine for web.)


Saying vows © Emma Kenny

Celebrant in action © Emma Kenny

Ceremony - and celebrant - in action© Creative Flux

Couple with celebrant in the background © Alexander Crane

Celebrant portrait © ETT Photography

Celebrant portrait © Simple Tapestry

Symbolic act - with celebrant © Alex Miller

Symbolic act © Ben Jenkins

Confetti shot © Alex Miller

Signing the certificate © ETT Photography

WHAT WE DON’T NEED Because the majority of images we receive are used individually on social media, we need each one to tell a story without needing more context. So we can’t really use individual photos of the following to promote ceremonies or celebrants:

1. Empty venues 2. The couple getting ready for their wedding 3. Photos of the reception 4. Photos of guests without the couple (wedding) or child (naming) 5. Photos of bridesmaids or groomsmen (without the couple) 6. Photos taken by non-skilled photographers, e.g. mobile phone shots 7. Photos without signed release and permission forms

NEXT STEPS We’d love you to send us the best one or two - or half a dozen - photos from each ceremony you conduct. Appendix 1 - Draft email for contacting photographers to request permission. ​ Appendix 2 - Photographer’s Permission Form they need to sign and return to you. ​ Appendix 3 - Photo Release Form for the people appearing in the photo. ​ Appendix 4 - Videographer’s Permission Form. ​ Appendix 5 - Video Release Form. ​ You can download the forms from the ‘How to’ guides section of the Celebrant Area.

Email photos and permission forms to: [email protected] ​ ​



Email template

Dear ______, am a Humanists UK accredited celebrant and I recently conducted a humanist ceremony for ______and ______on [date] at [venue]. I was wondering if you might be willing to grant permission for me and Humanists UK to use some of the photos you took of the ceremony for our promotional and marketing activities - with the understanding that you have the permission of the identifiable people in the photos for the images to be used in this way. Humanists UK will credit your work and to tag you into social media posts wherever possible. What we are looking for: 1. Photos of ceremonies taking place (especially featuring celebrants!) 2. Celebrants in action 3. Celebrant portraits 4. Couple saying their vows (weddings) 5. Symbolic acts - e.g. exchanging rings, confetti, throwing the bouquet, handfasting, sand-blending, tree-planting, etc 6. Unusual features - e.g. pets at ceremonies, unusual transport, interesting signage, etc 7. High resolution images (for printing). (1,200 pixels wide is fine for the web.) 8. Filename format: ‘your business name - couples name 1 - celebrant name’ If you are happy to grant permission, please complete the attached Photographer’s Permission Form and return it to me. Thanks, [Your name]



I ______[print name] of ______[business name], give my consent for photographs taken by me be used by Humanists UK and the celebrant of the ceremony for the purposes of their promotional and marketing activities. This consent only applies to photographs provided by me directly to Humanists UK or the celebrant for this use, with regard to the ceremony of ______[insert names] on ______[insert date] conducted by ______[name of celebrant].

In signing, I warrant that I am the sole owner of the rights requested and that my material does not infringe upon the copyright or other rights of any other person or organisation. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photo.

I confirm that I have the permission of identifiable people in the photos for their images to be used by Humanists UK and the ceremony’s celebrant.

I hereby irrevocably authorise Humanists UK /celebrant to publish, distribute, or exhibit these photos for any lawful purpose. I also authorise that Humanists UK can crop images to maximise their effectiveness for marketing purposes (e.g. Instagram and ).

Signed: ______Date: ______

Email address: ______

Website: ______

Twitter: ______

Instagram: ______

Facebook: ______

Please return this form to the celebrant. Thank you.

President: Professor Alice Roberts. Vice Presidents: Professor Jim Al-Khalili OBE, Professor A C Grayling CBE, Shappi Khorsandi, Polly Toynbee. Registered charity no. 285987 (British Humanist Association). A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales no. 228781 APPENDIX 3


I,______[print name], give my consent for the photographs of me taken at ______[insert ceremony] on ______[insert date] conducted by ______[insert celebrant’s name] to be used by the celebrant and Humanists UK for the purposes of their promotional and marketing activities, including printed and online materials. I hereby authorise the celebrant and Humanists UK to publish or distribute these photos for any lawful purpose. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photo.

I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time by emailing [email protected]. ​


Print Name: ______

Signed: ______

Date: ______

Please send your signed form to your celebrant as a scanned image or photograph.

President: Professor Alice Roberts. Vice Presidents: Professor Jim Al-Khalili OBE, Professor A C Grayling CBE, Shappi Khorsandi, Polly Toynbee. Registered charity no. 285987 (British Humanist Association). A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales no. 228781



I ______[print name] of ______[business name], give my consent for the video made by me be used by Humanists UK and the celebrant of the ceremony for the purposes of their promotional and marketing activities. This consent only applies to the video provided by me directly to Humanists UK or the celebrant for this use, with regard to the ceremony of ______[insert names] on ______[insert date] conducted by ______[name of celebrant].

In signing, I warrant that I am the sole owner of the rights requested and that my material does not infringe upon the copyright or other rights of any other person or organisation. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the video.

I confirm that I have the permission of identifiable people in the video for their images to be used by Humanists UK and the ceremony’s celebrant.

I hereby irrevocably authorise Humanists UK /celebrant to publish, distribute, or exhibit this video for any lawful purpose.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Email address: ______

Website: ______

Twitter: ______

Instagram: ______

Facebook: ______

Please return this form to the celebrant. Thank you.

President: Professor Alice Roberts. Vice Presidents: Professor Jim Al-Khalili OBE, Professor A C Grayling CBE, Shappi Khorsandi, Polly Toynbee. Registered charity no. 285987 (British Humanist Association). A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales no. 228781 APPENDIX 5


I,______[print name], give my consent for the video of me and my family taken at ______[insert ceremony] on ______[insert date] conducted by ______[insert celebrant’s name] to be used by the celebrant and Humanists UK for the purposes of their promotional and marketing activities, including online materials. I hereby authorise the celebrant and Humanists UK to publish and share the video for any lawful purpose. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the video.

I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time by emailing [email protected]. ​


Print Name: ______

Signed: ______

Date: ______

Please send your signed form to your celebrant as a scanned image or photograph.

President: Professor Alice Roberts. Vice Presidents: Professor Jim Al-Khalili OBE, Professor A C Grayling CBE, Shappi Khorsandi, Polly Toynbee. Registered charity no. 285987 (British Humanist Association). A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales no. 228781