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Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers

By Roy Schestowitz Created 19/02/2021 - 2:23pm Submitted by Roy Schestowitz on Friday 19th of February 2021 02:23:41 PM Filed under Red Hat [1]

Remi Collet: PHP version 7.4.16RC1 and 8.0.3RC1 [2]

Release Candidate versions are available in testing repository for Fedora and Enterprise (RHEL / CentOS) to allow more people to test them. They are available as Software Collections, for a parallel installation, perfect solution for such tests, and also as base packages.

RPM of PHP version 8.0.3RC1 are available as SCL in remi-test repository and as base packages in the remi-php80-test repository for Fedora 32-34 and Enterprise Linux.

RPM of PHP version 7.4.16RC1 are available as SCL in remi-test repository and as base packages in the remi-test repository for Fedora 32-34 or remi-php74-test repository for Enterprise Linux.

Why every job in the tech industry is technical [3]

Several years ago, I applied for a marketing job at a tech company. I got called back for the phone screening and had a delightful conversation with the recruiter. The next day, I got an email from the recruiter saying that I was not ?technical? enough to move forward to the next round of interviews. I was shocked.

I had always been the one my colleagues would call on for technical help and feedback. Understanding and using technology came naturally to me. By that point in my career, I had become even more proficient and technical within my specialty. So how could the recruiter think that I am not ?technical??

I wrote a letter to the recruiter explaining why the hiring manager should not dismiss me just yet. Sure, I did not have experience in the tech industry (I had always worked for companies in consumer goods and retail), but isn?t every company a software company these days? I also wanted to alleviate any concerns about my lack of coding abilities. Between managing website migrations, blog redesigns, product merchandising, and fixing that annoying indent on a particularly finicky landing page, I felt that I had that ?in the weeds? troubleshooting practice similar to that of a programmer.

Máirín Duffy: User Experience (UX) + Free Software = ? [4]

Let?s talk about a topic that is increasingly critical as time goes on, that is really important for those of us who work on free software and care really deeply about making a positive impact in the world. Let?s talk about user experience (UX) and free software, using the ChRIS Project as a case study.

Kinoite: Immutable Fedora variant with KDE Plasma desktop on the way[5]

Red Hat's Fedora project is to add a new variant called Kinoite, an immutable desktop operating system alongside the existing Silverblue, which runs GNOME desktop.

The idea behind an immutable operating system is that it is mounted read-only; also, conceptually, it is not patched but rather is replaced when it needs to be updated, in the same way as a container. This has obvious security advantages, as well as making features like rollback easier to implement.

Silverblue was introduced in early 2018 based in part on an earlier project called Atomic Host. The first full release of Silverblue was as part of Fedora 29 in October 2018. Fedora CoreOS, designed for hosting containers, is also designed as an immutable operating system. Both CoreOS and Silverblue are presented as "emerging Fedora editions" rather than mainstream, and Fedora itself is the leading-edge from Red Hat, unlike , which emphasises stability for production.

Why The Founder Of CentOS Is Building The Next Platform [6]

Greg Kurtzer, one of the co-founders of the CentOS Linux distribution, the creator of the Singularity container environment for HPC workloads, the founder of the new distribution that seeks to replace the now defunct CentOS, and an HPC guru in his own right, is on a mission. And it is a mission that we admire and see all the time: To build an integrated application platform that radically removes the complexity of modern distributed computing without dumbing it down.

This is a very hard thing to do, and Kurtzer knows this full well, even though he comes at it from a slightly oblique angle. Kurtzer is a funny guy, even if the work he has done is deadly serious. By his own admission, he wandered a bit in college, studying mechanical engineering, music, and pre-med before getting a bachelor?s of science in biochemistry in 1997 from what he refers to as the ?Northern California Chicken Grooming School,? adding that ?you might think I am indecisive, but I am not so sure.? (That is presumably the University of California at Berkeley, one of the major hotbeds of computer hardware and software architecture in the world.) Kurtzer did work at a biotech firm doing genomics work after graduation, and then landed a job as a software engineer at , one of a zillion Linux distros, just before the dot-com boom went bust in late 2000.

Influential women [7]

When people ask me about success engaging women in some of the mentoring programs for free, open source software, I never feel comfortable taking credit for that. I feel that it comes down to one simple thing: collaborating with a number of successful and influential women in a variety of different places. Today is the tenth anniversary of the passing of Sally Shaw. Sally had made monumental contributions to the success of the Yarra Yarra Rowing Club (YYRC), even while fighting cancer, raising a family and managing projects for IBM.

Red Hat

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