-- :

View from the Chair ANNUAL SPRING FLING Join us at 4pm for a non-alcoholic happy hour Your Chapter needs you! With all the talk of war and followed at 5pm for a fantastic potluck dinner. Bring military personnel being shipped off to the Middle East your favorite main dish, salad, vegetable or dessert to we certainly do wish them well and God Speed. I need to serve 6. Chapter will provide happy hour & paper bring to your attention another voluntary "draft", your products. At 6pm there will be a speaker & a slide AMC chapter is in need of a few men or women to fill program about the . So come and enjoy some special needs. We have a vacancy for Vice-Chair the food, company and find out what is in our own back for Biking and Trails. In addition, someone or family to yard on Sat. May 3 There also is going to be an take the role for 2003 as archivist/ historian;social equipment sale so bring in any equipment w/ a price in chairperson and family activity chair. Also. I will soon be mind to sell. Also planned is a photo swap so bring in contacting members to solicit participation on the 2003 those pictures too. Nominating Committee. So, see there are many opportu- DUXBT]RY SENIOR CENTER nities. lf you should be interested in one and want more Deadline is IO MAYFLOWER STREET information on the specific roles please feel free to Apriltt 28th so DITXBL'RY. MA 02332 contact me. [email protected] or (508) 824-8871 . Our 78t-e31_s771 chapter is blessed with a great board and leaders for a v Send your registration payable wonderful array of activities. Whether you have been a & check to SEM/AMC chapter member for decades or two months we are inter- to: Mike Woessner ested in your availability to volunteer a few hours a 252 Dedham St Wrentham, MA 02093 Name: Telephone #

One Time Onlv Address: Order Now' ( Operator currently standing by) 25th Anniversary Multi-Media Show people@$5.00=$ " B re e zin' T hro ugh the Ye ars" VHS Video @ $f5.00 each $ From the North-Rt 3 S to Exit 10(Rt 3,{) Take a Loffthe _ DVD Disk @ $27.00 each $_ exit & follow for about 4 miles. You will pass the Mile Total Order $_ Post Restaurant on the R, go thru the intersection, Holy (The Chapter receives $2.00 for each rtem sold) Only Family Parish wilt be on your R . Follow until you orders paid in full will be accepted. Mail order form come to the Duxbury Fire Department on your L. Take & check payable to SEM /AMC for exact amount to: the next L onto Mayflnwer St. The Senior Center is on Anne Chace the R. 168 Hart Street #28 Taunton. MA 02780 From the South-Take Rt 3 N to Erit 10(Rt 3A) Take a R Questions: Call Anne Chace (508)824-8871 offthe exit and then follow the directions above. 2

CANOEING AND KAYAKING the town launch at the S. end of Great Herring Pond. Dave Shepard, 508-548-87 17, [email protected] - (508)-420-7245 Chair Ed Foster Wed. Apr 16 - Barnstable Hbr. Scorton Creek. Take [email protected] exit 6 N off Rt 6 to Rt 6A.Turn right on Rt 6,{ & go 1.5 Vice Chair -Bill Fischer (508)420-4137 miles to left onto Scudder Lane to town landing. Dick Coveney, 508-548-6821, [email protected] v, mb ar b ar afi s c he r @ a t tb i . c om Sat.Anr 19 - LowerWev'eantic & Sinoican Rivers. AII trips: Allow time to park,unload, & be on the water Wareham. Rt 195 W to exit 20. R on Rt 105 & then back ready to paddle at 10:30am. Registration is required onto Rt 195 E. Go 2.2 miles to a rest area & then follow only for those trips which don't have directions to the the signs in the rest area to the boat ramp. Don Savino. put-in. A Coast Guard approved Personal Floatation 508-29 5 -4562, DONSAVINO@ webfv.net Device (PFD) should be worn at all times. In addition Wed. Apr 23 - Leader's Choice. Call L for information. to a PFD, a complete change af clothes in a dry bag, Jeff Tubman, 508-896-7 85 8, [email protected] water, lunch, & sunscre e n. Sat. Anr 26 - Centerville River. Rt 28 to Old Stage Rd south at Centerville Shopping plaza. Turn R at S. Main NOTE: The possibility of strong winds &lor rough wa- St. at Light & left onto F{aywaid Rd to town landing. ter mqy make some trips unsuitable for open canoes or Steven LaBran. 508 - 420 - 491 9, slabran@ attbi. com kayaks without spray skirts. Check wl the Leader for Wed. Aor 30 - Nauset Marsh. Eastham. From the Orieans Rotary, go N or.r Rt 6 fbr L8 miles to a R onto Sat. Mar 22 - Weweantic River. Wareham. Quickwater Hemenway Rd to the torvn Ldg. BobZant,508-,130-1914, class I -2. Wet suits required, call L for details. Jeff [email protected] Tubman, 508-896-7858, [email protected] Sat. May 3 - Pamet Hbr. Truro. Rt 6 N to exit for Pamet Wed. Mar 26 - Unper Charles. Norfolk/Medfield. Call L Villa-ee. R at end of exit ramp onto S. Pamet Rd. After0. 1 fbr details. Art H art . 1 8 1 -1 62- 5 2-5 I ; aj hart@ webtv. net mile take a left. then immediately bear right onto Depot Sat. Mar29 - Nemasket River. Middleboro. Quickwater. Rd & tbllow it I.4 miles to the Pamet Hbr boat ramp. Dick Call L for details. Dave Shepard,508-548-8111 Coveney, 508-548-682 1, [email protected] davesheprd@ aol.corn May 7 - Megansett Hbr.& Fiddlers Cove. Falmouth il Wed. Fr 28A in Me-eansett (N. Falmouth) tum onto County Rcl Kayak/Canoe season. Let's all get together & plan the paddling schedule for June-Oct. All trip leaders & aspir- & follor,r, it to the end to Megansett Yacht Club & Town pret'er -2362, ing trip leaders are invited. Would people to -eet Ldg. Nancy Wigley, 508-5.18 nrwi-siev@ cape.com together on a Sat. afternoor"t right after a paddle. Sun. Sat. May 10 - Oyster Pond to Stage Harbor. Chathgm. afiernoon, or a weekday evening. Let me know & I'll R off Rt 28 onto Stage Harbor Rd & fbllow it to parking schedule a day. lt'll be at my house in Cotuit unless lot on other side of bathhouse.Don Costa. 508-760-

someone else would rather host it at his place. Ed Foster 5 47 S,pizzzzanan@ aol. com 508 - 420 -7 24 5, efbster@ attbi. com Wed May 14-Hen Cove/Bassets Isle. Pocasset Fr Rt28 Wed. Apr 2 - Coonamessett Pond. Falmouth. Meet at turn at sign, for Wing's Neck which will be Barlow"s the Meetinghouse at the intersection of Hatchville Rd & Landing Road (unmarked), proceed to Shore Road Sandrvich Rd about 2 miles South of Rt 1 5 I at 10:00 and intersection and tum left, then tum right onto Cedar we'll convoy to the put-in. Dave Shepard, 508-548-87 17, Point Drive and follorv it to the parking lot on Hen Cove. davesheprd@ aol.com Nancy Vy'igley, 508-548-2362, nrwigley@ cape.com Sat. Apr 5 fientative date') - RESeUE'IECIINIQLIES Sat. May 17 - Ouivett Creek. Brewster. Call L fbr info practice wet exits, self-rescue, & (pool session). Learn & Margot Fitsch, 508 896-5292. [email protected] aided-rescue techniques. $ 10 for AMC members, $ 1 5 tbr Sun. Mav 18 - Picnic v'ith hikers. Upper Mill Pond. non-members. Register with Ed Foster, (.508') 120-1215, Brewster. Town landing off Stony Brook Road. [email protected] or Bill Fischer (508) 420-4131 , NOTE!M0:00 am start so arrive at put-in no later than wm barbarafi sche r@ an bi.com 9:45 am. Muriel Thomas,508 428-3593, [email protected] Wed. Apr 9 - Bass River & Nantucket Sound. Wilbur. Wed. May 21 - Onset Harbor. Rte 25 Wfromthe Boume Park Yarmouth. Rt 134 S (exit 9Aoff Rt 6) to shary R at 3rd light onto Upper County Rd. Bear L onto Hi-ehbank bridge to exit 1 (Onset Rte 6 E/28 S). Co 1.2 miles to R Rd, L intoWilbur Pk immediately after Crossing the Bass onto Main Ave & then 0.3 miles to L onto Riverside Dr. River Bdge. Bob Zani 508-430- I 9 14, [email protected] The beach is on the L, pk on the grass. Don Savino, Apr 12 - Herring Pond. Bournedale. Take Herring Pond 508 -29 5 - 1 5 62,DONS AVINO@ webtv. net Rd off Rt 6E on the N. side of the Canal to Sat. May 24 - Mashpee River. See page 8 3

HIKING AND BACKPACKING Pond Beginner Backpack (A3C)Final hike in the Winrer - I o -996 -3 -9 pm C hair Erika B om 5 08 290(7 ) Hiking Series, for those new to winter backpacking. [email protected] Reg. w/ Winter L in Training Alan Ruiz (508) 337-2195 Vice Chair-Patrick Holland 78I -925-4423 betbre 9pm [email protected] L Walt Wells C harli e F arrell cfarre ll@t,erizon.com 508 -21 9 - 1 9 63 (7 -9 pm) Waltandlinda@ artbi.com L Charlie Fanell 508-822-2123 (7-9pm)[email protected] MILES PACE/MPH TERRAIN

AA: 13+ l=Very Fast2.-5 A:Very Strenuous Sat Mar 8 - Snowshoe Hike to Reservation (B3B) Winter snowshoe hike at Notchview Reservation A: 9- 13 2:Fast/2 B=Strenuous in Windsor MA. Hike in the backcountry area & retum to B:5 8 3=Moderate C=Average Visitors Ctr for hot drinks. May run in conjunction w/ XC Ski trip. Area descrip & details can be found at www. zl:kisurely D=Ersy thetrustees.org Reg w/ L Steve Tulip 508-977-9309 (1v. Hikers unsure of tneir ability shoulci try only one level higher than msg. if evening call) [email protected] CL Laura Smeaton previously completed. Note: NO PETS without permission ol Trip 6 11 -323 -61 27 (7-9 pm) Smeaton@ sdac.harvard.edu Leader. Individuals under 18 must obtain prior consenl from Trip Leader. L=Leader; CL=Co Leader Sem/Amc short notice lrio and Announce- Sun Mar 9 - Pemigewasset Snowshoe (NH) B3C/D An I - | ment Email List - lf you have email access easier snowshoe ramble along the Pemigewasset River ( -l!6F}i Rt.r.. sign up for the chapter's short E Side Trail). Scenic winter river scenes, possible animal -nofic-aA-fFl-pqnd announcement email fisl. Our leaders tracks/sightings. Can borrow/ rent snowshoes. Reg w/ will at times offer activities that either are weather Winter L in Training Mike Vrning 781-344-0103 (7:30-9pm) dependent (local cross ctry skiing), or were planned L ErikaBloom 508-996-3290 (7-9 pm) [email protected] after the publication cleadline for our Breeze (for exampie, Wednesday evening or other hikes). The only Sat/Sun Mar 15/16 - Exploring Evans Notch (B3B)Stay way to find out about these trips is to sign up for our at AMC Cold River Camp in a rustic cabin-wood stove Yahoo Group email list. To do so, go to our website fol heat. Hike up to Bicknell Rdge on Sat & Blueberry www.amcsem.org & right from the homepage there is a Mt. on Sun. Reg w/ Winter L. in Training Paul Vermette Yahoo "button" to enter your email to sign up for the 603-598-6623 (5-8 pm) [email protected] . L Patrick list. We'll also send out announcements of events Ilolland 78 I -925 -4423 (6-9pm)pat.holland@ aoltwbg.com (such as lectures/slide shows) that might interest SEM members frorn time to tirne. We neecl as many metnber Sat Mar 22 - (B3C) The ice is os possible to sign upfor this list, in orcler to ntake it gone & the peepers will be singing as we walk around w'ork. the ponds. Reg w/ L Chariie Farrell 508-822-2123 [email protected] CL Pauline Jordan -508-676--5 146 The Wednesday Evening Hikes return! Last year we Hirst30(Oaol.com hiked alrnost every Wed eve all summer. Contact Leader & sign up for the SEM Short Notice Trip List for details SatApril 12- Blue Hills Skyline Trail (B3B) Spring on other Wed Eve hikes as thev are added. warm-up. Start at Rte. 138 in Canton, end at Shea Skating Rink. Not forbeginners. Reg w/L Dexter Sat Mar 1- Great Woods/Norton MA (C3D) Explore Robinson 781 -294-8840 (7-9 pm) [email protected] CL what's left of the Great Woods gone before it's all - flat, Walter Deeter 508-21 9 -0626 [email protected] easy waik. View Old Mill Pd & hand dug canals. Reg wi L Dick Cames 508-285-5790 (7-9 pm) [email protected] Wed Apr 16-8lue Hills (C3D) 'fhe Wednesday Evening CL Anne Chace [email protected] Hikes return! Last year we hiked almost every Wed eve ail summer. Contact Leader/Sign up for the SEM Short - Sat/Sun }/.ar ll2 Mt Jefferson/Grey Knob Cabin Notice Trip List for details on other Wed Eve hikes as (A2A) Long, stren. hike w/ significant time above tree- they are scheduled! Reg w/LBob Vogel508-238-1132 line. We'll spend the night at Grey Knob or Craig Camp ([email protected]) cabins & hike out Sun. Previous above treeline experi- ence reqd. Limited to 6 participants. Reg w/ W Ldr in Wed April23 - Cape Cod Canal Wed. Evening Hike training Mike Wbessner 508 -3 84-8344(7-9pm)strider@ (C3D) 6 : 30 - 8 : 30 Reg w/ L Barbara Lelan d 508 -29 5 -91 45 hotmail.com BRBRLEI.(Eaol.com

Sat/Sun l{ar ll2 - Winter Hikine Series #5 Ethan 4

Sat May 10-Mt. Monadnock,NH(B38) Join us for the HIKING AND BACKPACKING continued annual spring trek up this beautiful southern New Han.rpshire peak. Reg w/ L Walt & CL Linda $blls 508- Sat April 26 Blue Hills End to End Skyline Trail - 21 9 -1963 (1 -9pm)waltandlinda@ attbi.com (B38) Atrue end to end of the Blue Hills Skyline Trail :'- from Willard St. to Fowl Meadows. Reg w/LDick Sat May l0-Moose Hill, Sharon (C3C) Explore the (7-9 pm) CI- Fred Yost 508-699- Cames 508-285-5790 varied terrain of this Audubon gem. Great views from [email protected] 9305 FEY the blufls. r.tildflouers irr season. Reg w/L Dic.kCarnes 508-285-5790 Rcames2@ aol.com CL Barbara Hathaway Sat 26- Horseneck Beach (B3C) Beautiful April 508-880-7266 (7-9 pm) Barb))!@ aol.com CL Walter spring walk on the beach. Possible stop lbr coffee & Deeter 508-279-0626 (7- 10 pm) [email protected] pie at end of hike. Reg w/ L Charlie Fanell 508-822- Wed May 14 - , Easton (C3D) 2123 [email protected] CL Rair Butts Wed. Evening Hikel Reg w/LBob \'/ogel508-238-7132 t [email protected]) SunApril 27 - Nlap & Compass outdoorworkshop - : Gilbert Hills State Park. Come learn or refiesh your Fri May 16 - Leader's Choice Full Moon Hike at a local map & compass skills locally. The session will begin destination (B/C3C) We will hike by'the light of the with introduction to topographical n.raps and instruc- moon along a sandy ocean beach or in a nearby State lion on orienting the rnap to magnetic north. The Forest. Bring your dinner and a midnight snack. Hike'8 participants wili then put this knowledge to use by PM to ? Reg. w/ L Steve Tulip 508-911-9309 bushwhacking between various topographically sjtuiip@ attbi.com CL B arbara Hathaway 508-8 80 -1 266 (7 - significant points on the map. Dress for the rveather 9 pni.l Barb224@ aol.com and be prepared to walk off trail. Bring lunch and Sat. May 17 - Lilacs in the Springtime (C4C) Meet at plenty of water. Reg w/ L John Poirier 508-822-1312 the Hunnewell Building in the Amold Arboretum at 10 Sat. May 3 - Gilbert Hills State l-orest, Foxboro (B3C) a.m. for a 2-3 hor"rr walk through the park. Climb Peters Nice wooded 7 mile hike with gentle slopes, around a Hill for a fantastic view of Boston; then climb Bussy Hill pond. L Dexter Robinson 781-294-8840 (7-9 pm) fbr a view of the Blue Hills. Hunnewell Building is [email protected], CL Rick Fordyce 508-430-0268 (7-9 located just inside the Arborway entrance. No reg, no pn) do-es. Questions, email L Michele Bilodeau micheie@ boston-marketitlg. com. 6 l1 -429 -2331 CLs Sun May 4-Mt. Wachusett Old Growth Hike (C3B) Old growth forest enthusiast & amateur naturalist Frank Vlelanie Jansky, Barbara Leland. Shea rvill join us to talk about & point out features of Sat May 17-Old Colony Rail Line-Back by popular the old gror.vth fbrest. His slide show & talk on this demandi(B3D) Hike Old Colony Rail bed thru subject was very well receivecl at the 2002 SENI annual (Taurton to Easton). Be prepared fbr mtg,& you'll enjoy his commentary as we hike thru the mr"rd. Bring trail lunch & water. Reg. wi i-Anne Chace (frequent Erika forest educational stops). Reg w/L -508-824-8871 (1-9pm) [email protected] or CL Barbara Bloom at 508-996-3290(1 -gpm)[email protected] L Hathaway 508-880-7266(7-9:30pm) Barb))l@ aol.com Bob Vo gel 508 -238 -1 1 32(6-9prn )n oge i@ attbi.com Sun. May 18 - Leaders'Choice (B3B) Amoderate, Fri-Sun May 9- 11 - Zealand Hut Family trip - Mother's warmer-upper hike in central or southem New Hamp- Day Weekend (B4C) Ajoint tlip with Boston Family shire or possibly western Mirss., depending on condi- Outings AMC group. IIut is self-service this time of tions. Reg w/ CLWayne Taylor, 508-252-6995 (7-9 pm) year; we will cany in all our own group food, sleeping wjtaylor@ attbi.corn. L Linda Church 508-495 - 1 308, bags & other personal gear. Unheatecl group bunk [email protected] roorns, very basic accommodations. Cost TBD (-$65 PP), includes bunk, group food, & leaders' expenses. Wed May 2l - Myles Standish State Forest, Plymouth (C3D). Wed. Evening Hike! R.eg w/L Barbara Leland Register early (pcty bt. April 5 )w1SEM L Erika Bloom 509 _29 5 _91 45 BRBRLEIIO) aol.com 508-996-3290(7-99pm)ebloom@ attbi.com Boston Ls Valerie Paul [email protected] & Randy Sat.,May 24 - Franconia Ridge Loop (A2A) Hike up Chateriee Falling Waters to Little Haystack & across the exposed

AMC Activities Risk Statement: Acfivitres /isted here involve varying degrees of danger. When you particrpate in these activities, you shoutd be prepared physically and mentally, and equipped with appropriate gear. You should be aware of the, risks and conduct yourself accordingly. Volunteer trip leaders are not responsible for your safety; you are. Before registering for any acilvity, you should discuss your capabilities with the trip teader. To participate in chapter activities, individuals undet age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult, or obtain prior consent from the trip leader. Those accompanied by a minor are responslb/e for the minor s actions. $J,.,i*r 'lr c.l


THURS HIKING and BACKPACKING continued Mar 6 MASHPEE Mashpee River Woodlands West (C3D) From the Mashpee rotary go E on Rt 28, turn ridgeline over Lincoln to Lafayette. Enjoy breathtaking R on Quinaquisset. Approx. 500 pkg on R. MPD re- views as we descend Old Bridal Path. Reg w/ CL quests that tires of parked cars be completely off paved Michele Bilodeau 611 -983-2121 michele@boston- road. LNancy Wigley 508-548-2362 marketing.com L Paul Vermette 603-566-0881 pvermette@ att.net SUN. Mar 9TRURO Ryder Beach (C3C) From Rt 6 in Truro L on Prince Valley Rd. Go to end. R on county Rd. then immed L on Ryder Beach Rd. park at end. L Jack Wda Uuy 28 , Dedham (C3D). Wednesday Handlen 508-255-5292 Evening Hike! Reg w/ l. Michele Bilodeau 611 -429-2331 mrq@ Thurs Mar 13 Wellfleet Marconi Beach (C3C) Fr Rt 6 Rock Climbing go R on Marconi Beach Rd. at lights. Go L past HQ bldg. Rock Climbing can be fun & rewarding if done correctly. Take I st R at pk at end. L Barbara Hoilis 508-240- 1973 The following activities are being offered to introduce people to the sport & help them learn basic techniques. SUNMaT 16BARNSTABLE Spruce Pond (C3D) Exit 5 No prior experience is needed, just a sense of adven- from Rt 6. Go N short dist. and pk at grass triangle in ture. The basic top roping activities will introduce prin- front of church on L. L Heidi Moss 508-362-6440 ciples of belaying, rappelling, & climbing techniques. Bouldering activities will help participants gain valuable THURS Mar 20 MASHPEE Johns Pond (C3C) N on hand & feet technique that can be applied on roped Cunier Rd off Rt I 5 I , then quick R on Hoophole Rd. R climbs. Intro to Sport climbing will introduce basic on Back Rd. Follow signs to Town beach through trailer principles of lead climbing for those who would like to pk. L Farley Lervis 508-775-9168 move up to the next level climbing while situated in a safe environment. The co-leader training date is being SUN Mar 23 MASHPEE South Cape Beach (C3C) From offered fbr those who would like to co-lead climbin_e Mashpee Rotary take Great Neck Rd. S 2.7 mi. to L on activities & eventually move up to being a leader. Great Oak Rd. and follou'to end to Town beach Dks

approx. 2 | l2mi.L. Gary Miller 508-540- 1 857 All activities require participants to provide their own rock shoes. In addition, participants will need their own THURS Mar 27 YARMOUTH Chase Garden Creek harness for top roping activities, and the co-leader (C3C) From Rt 6 take Exit 8N to R on 6,4. (Go 0.-5 to L at training date will require basic climbing gear as well. Rod & Gun Club sign. Pk in pkg area. L Janet Kaiser 508- All activities have the possibility to be canceled due to 315-0514 weather or other acts of God.

Basic Top Roping-Nlay l0,June 7 SUN Mar 30 BREWSTER (C2B) Bouldering-May 24 Pk at main pkg lot at entrance on Rt 6A. L Don Costa Intro to Sport Climbing-June 21 508-760-5478 Rock Climbing Co-leader Training May l7,June 14 THURS April3 SANDWICH Ryder Conservation Land/ Lowell Reservation (C3C) From Rt 28 in Mashpee take CAPE COD HIKES Rt 130. Go I mi. take R on Cotuit Rd. 1.8 mi. to Ryder Cons. land pkg lot on L. If traveling W on Rt 6, take Exit C hai r -J anet D iM artia ( 5 08 94 -9064 )3 3 S on Quaker meeting House Rd. At intersection L onto llice Chair - Heidi Moss (508)362-6440 Cotuit Rd. Pkg lot on R. [, Nancy Wigley 508-548-2362 Thurs hikes:9:30-11:30am;Sun 1- 3:15pm NO DOGS:Heavy rain cancels. If in doubt, call leader. SUN April 6 YARN{OUTH Inkberry Trail (C3C) From Rt PLEASE NOTE-Sat hikes will be listed separately 28 in West Yarmouth tum N at light on Winslow Gray under "LONGER CAPE HIKES". Sat hikes are faster- Rd. opposite Molly's Rest. Go 0.4 to pkg on L. L Cheryl paced : l0am-2pm. Bring lunch. Newman 508-394-9064

SUN Mar 2 BARNSTABLE Conservation Land (B3B) THURS April 10 ORLEANS Pochet Island (C3C) From Exit 5 from Rt 6. Go S on RT 1'19 to immed. R on Servrce Rt 28 in Orleans take Main St. to L on Beach Rd. Follow Rd. Pk in lot bv oower lines. L Heidi Moss 508-362-6440 signs to Nauset Beach pkg at end. L Perer Selig 432-1656 6

CAPE COD HIKES continued SUN May l8 Annual HIKE/PICNIC withkayak-canoe- ists. Hike starts at 1:00 following a goumet lunch at SUNApril 13 WELLFLEET White Crest Beach (C3B) noon in BREWSTER Punkhom Parklands (B3B) Exit 9 N From Rt 6 R on LeCount Hollow Rd. L on Ocean View Dr. from Rt 6 onto Rt 134. R at 2nd L on Setucket Rd. then R to beach pkg lot on R. L Jack Handlen 508-255-5292 on Run Hill Rd. Go to pkg lot on L at end of pavement. Hikers - Bring potluck picnic dish to share. Come to hike, THURS April 17 DENNIS Ftax Pond (C4C) Rr 134 N to L just picnic, or kayakl L George Byron 508-760-3883 on Setucket. Go approx 1 mi. and pk on R in small lot. L Janet Kaiser,5 08-31 5 -051 4 THURS May 22 DENNIS Indian Lands (C3D) Search for the first appearance ofLady Slippers. Exit 9N from Rt 6 SUN April 20 EASTER - BARNSTABLE Sandy Neck onto Rt 134. At lst light turn L on Bob Crowell Rd. Ar (B3B) Rt 6,4 to Sandy Neck Rd. Pk at end in farrhest iot. end tnrn L to pkg lot on R by Dennis Town Offices. L This will be a 3 hour hike with sand walking. parn L Barbara Rogers 508-362-394-5 carer 508-398-2605

LONGER CAPE HIKES -10 am-2 pm: Faster-paced. 8- THURS April24 MASHPEE Nationat Wildtife Refuge l0+ mi. Bring Lunch (C3C) This new hike is offered in celebrarion of EARTH DAY (Apr 22) from Rt 28 in Falmourh S on Red Brook Rd S.dT Mar I EASTHAM Doane Rock. From Rt b take R Go L5 mi. & pk on cornerof Red brook Rd & Great Hat at light on Nauset Rd & Nat'l Seashore Visitor Ctr. Rd. (unmarked but the Rd on the L afier Wintergreen Rd Follow road to Doane Rock area and park on R in 2nd loops back to Red Brook). L Nancy Wigley 508-548-2362 iot. L. Brigitte Falzone 508-394-6343

SUN April27 COTUIT Little River Sanctuary (C3C) SAT Mar 8 BREWSTER Nickerson State park (C2B) Meet at Cotuit Landing Shopping Ctr at corner of Rt 28 Pk at main pkg lot at entrance on Rt 6A. L Bob Freeman & Putnarn Ave. in Cotuit to carpool to trailhead. L Farley 508-376-6198 Lewis 508-775-9168

SAT Mar 15 WELLFLEET pond - THURS May I BOURNECana| Wdk (C3C) pkon N Great North & South. From Rt sideof canal 112 way between bridges ar Visitor Center. L 6 take R on Cahoon Hollow Rd. to pkg on L at Great Pond. L Blanche Grei_e 508-77 1 -3696 Ron Vander Wiel 508-25.5-2362

SUN May 4 HARWICH HawksNest State Park(B3C) SdI Mar22 BARNSTABLE Conservation Land/Trail of Tears From Rt 6 rake Exit I I S on Rt 137. Take immed. R on Exit 5 from Rt 6. Go S on RT 149 to imrnecl. R on Spruce Rd. At 0.-5 mi. pk on side of road. L Janet Service Rd. Park in lot by power lines, L Bob Freeman DiMattia 508-394-9064 508-375-61 98

THURS May 8 BREWSTER Punkhorn parsons perch SAT Mar 29 WELLFLEET Newcomb Hollow ro Fox Bottom. (D4D) Exit 9 N from Rt 6 on Rt 134. R at 2nd light on From Rt 6 turn R on Gross Hill Rcl. Take L on Ocean View Setucket Rd. R on Run Hill Rd. Pass main pkg lot ar end Drive. Follow to end to pkg at Newcomb of pavement bearing L at first junction. Stay on Hollow Beach. L Ron VanderWiel 508-255-3361 Westgate Rd. 0.5 to secluded pkg lot on R. L. Harry Dombrosk 508-385-9502 SATApT 5 YARMOUTH Inkberry Trail to Sandy pond. From Rt 28 in West Yarmouth rum N at light on Winslow Gray Rd. SUN May 11 BREWSTER Nickerson State Park (C2B) opposite Molly's Resr. Go 0.4 to pkg on L. L Brigitte Falzone Go in main ent. of park on Rt 6A,. Take lst I- on Flax Pond 508-394-6343 Rd. Continue to end. Pk at Cliff Pond. L Jack Handlen 508-255-5292 Sat Apr 12 Wellfleet Center Island/Jererny Pt f rom Rt 6 tum L at light towards Wellfleet Ctr. Take L at dory on THURS May 15 BARNSTABLE Bridge Creek Conser- E. Commerical St. to Hbr. Go R on Chequessert Neck Rd. Follow to Great peter vation/Deacons Farm (D4D) Exit 5 from Rt 6. Go N short Neck Island pkg lot on L. L Selig dist. and pk at grass triangle in front ofchurch on L. 508432-16s6 Walk N to trailhead behind firehouse. L Harry Dombrosk Sat Apr 19 Truro Ballston Beach to Fox Bottom.L Ron 508-385-9s02 Vanderwiel 508-255-3 36 1 7

CAPE COD HIKES continued ice cream stop on return Aprox. 25 mi Elsie Laverty 508- Sat Apr 26 Barnstable Conversation Land (B3B) Exit 5 823-0634 [email protected] from Rt 6. Go S on Rt 149 1.5 to roundabout. R on Race Sun. Anr 27 - Rochester/Lakeville/Marion featuring Lane. R on Crooked Cartwav. Pk at end. L Heidi Moss lakes, farms & the famous lunch with the Clydesdales. 508-362-&40 Intermediate 38-43 mi. Jim Kilpela 508-295- 136 I [email protected] Sat May 3 Truro Ballston Beach to Jenny Lind.Frorn Rt Sat. May 3 - Hingham/Scituate/Cohasset - rolling hills 6 in Truro tum E at Pamet Rd. Meet at end of S. Pamet w/ nice stops at the harbor & lighthouse Leisurely I 2- 14

Rd. L Ron VanderWiel 508-255-336 I mph Dave Haris 78 1 -7 49 -664 1 daveharris5S@ mac.com Sun. May 4 - Sagamore - Beautiful Cape Cod Bay Sat May 10 Truro Paradise Valley/Duck Hbr From Rt 6 before the mad rush 35 +mi. Intermediate Paul Currier take L on George Neilson Rd. soon after entering Truro. 508-83 3 -2690 pbencurrie(Ohotmail.com Pk on side of road. L Brigitte Falzone 508-394-6343 Sat. May 10 - Sharon- Moose Hill. Lake Massapoag. Borderland State Forest.30-35 mi. Intermediate Nancy Sat May 17 Providencetown Beech Forest/Clapps Pond/ Beach 508-699-0032 [email protected] Dunes. From Rt 6 take R at light on road to Province Sun. May 11 - Powder Point/Duxbur.v - from rural Lands Visitor center. Pk at Beech Forest pkg lot on L. L Kingston in the ocean. 30-35 Intermediate Walter Mark

Ron VanderWiel 508-255-336 1 508-884-8 1 85 [email protected] BIKING Sun. May 18 - Ml'les Standish State Forest - cycle thru pine forests & ponds heading toward historic Plymouth ( C hair-N an cy B eac:h 5 08 )699 -003 2 Hbr. 40 mil Intermediate Jim Kilpela 508-29-5 - 1 36 I Vice Chair - open and needed. [email protected] Inflated tires/water necessities. Spare tube/pump helpful.Beginner rides: mostly flat,15-18 mi @ 10- 2003 Tiresday Evening Cape Bike Rides l2 mph pace Intermediate rides: some hills,25-35 mi Rides stan at 6:00 pm. Approx. 12 mph, 13-18 miles. @ 13-16 mph pace. Call or e-mail leaders before 9pm Helmets Required. L. Alice Oberdorf (508-77 1 -826 I ), CL to register and match rides with abilities. Paul Currier (508-833-2690). April 8. Cape Cod Canal, Cape side: Fr 6A in Sandwich, Sun. Mar 9-N. Falmouth/Woods HoleiFalmouth Tupper Rd to Freezer Rd. to Army Corps of Eng. pkg lot Heights - Early Cape peace & tranquility ride rl'/ ocean at end. Ride Canal & into historic Sandwich. views. 35 mi. + Intermediate Paul Currier 508-833-2690 Aoril 15. Cape Cod Canal, N Side: East end, Sagamore [email protected] Bridge rotary, R by Friendly's to pkg. at canal. Ride Sun. Mar 16 - Massasoit State Park - Mountain bike around Sagamore Beach and alon-e Canal. mph pace Walter beginner l0- l2 miles, 6 Mark April 22. Cape Cod Canal, Cape side: From Shore Rd in I 85 wlfmark3@ aol.com ,508-884-8 Bourne take Bell R to RR bridge canal parking lot. Ride Sat. 29 Rehoboth quiet, rural roads thru historic Mar - - to Mashnee Island & along Canal. N.E. town w/ farms & villages. Leisurely, some hills, 25 - Anril 29. Cape Cod Canal, N Side: Rt 6 in Buzzards Bay mi. Nancy Beach [email protected] 508-699-0032 to pkg lot by RR bridge. Ride Canal to Scusset Beach. Sun. 30 Massasoit State Park Mountain bike Mar - - May 6. Rail Trail, Yarmouth: Rt 134 (Rt 6, exit 9), meet beginner 10- 12 miles, 6 mph pace Walter Mark - -508- at head of . Ride to Fisherman's 884-8 I 85 [email protected] Landing in Brewster. ride thru rural Sun. Anr 6 - Rochester - Scenic spring Mat'13. Falmouth Shining Sea Bike Path:-meet at pkg farms, lakes and villages.lntermediate 35+ mi. Paul lot on Woods Hole Rd, ride to Wd Hole & Quisset Hbr. Cunier - 508-83 3 -2690 pbencurrie(E hotmail.com May 20. Eastham Visitor's Center: Rt 6 from Orleans Sat. Aor 12 - Attleboro/Norton/Taunton - Pretty ride Rotary N to Visitor's Center on R. Ocean Beaches, Rail past ponds, reservoirs, old farms on surprisingly quiet Trail. Marconi Site. backloads. Intermediate, Flat 30 mi. Stephanie Olbrych May 27. Cape Cod Canal, Cape side: Fr 6A in Sandwich, -286-0067 508 [email protected] Tupper Rd to Freezer Rd. to Army Corps of Eng. parking 19 Adorable seaside town with Sat. Apr - Westport - lot at end. Ride Canal & into historic Sandwich. spacious farms abundance of wildlife w/ gentle ocean & .Iune 3. Rock Harbor, Orleans: Meet at harbor parking breezes. Leisureiy 25-30mi Charlie Sullivan 508- 61 8 - 4464 iot at end of Rock Harbor Rd off Orleans Rotary. Ride Sat.. Apr 26 - Bridgewater - Easy ride from Taunton to into Eastham to First Encounter Beach. Bridgewater on backroads wflunch stop at pretty park & Southeastern Massachusefts Chapter Non-Profit Organization APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN CLUB U,S. Postage 5 Joy Street PAID Boston. MA 02108 Taunton, MA 02789-9998 Permit No.511


Chair - B arbara Hathaw ay 5 0 8- 8 8 0-7 2 6 6 South onMain St. off Rt 28 just E of Rt 13O(Cotuit Sign), L onto PutnamAve&then R onto Old Shore Rd to pkg, Vice Chair - Sarah Beard 508-758-2613 or S on PutnamRd off Rt28 & then straight onto Old Sat Mar 8-Notchview Reservation. Windsor: MAThis Shore Rd when Putnam bends sharply R. Bill property has 27krn ofgroomed & back country trails ranging from gentle slopes to challenging 2 Fischer, 5 08 4 20 4 | 37,\r{rrbarbarafi scher@attbi. c om hills; trail- Wed Mav 28-Pleasant Bav.Chatham/Harwich. Exit I I side shelters & a visitor center to warrn you. Planned to (Rtl37) S fromRt6 & an almost immediate L onto run in conjunction w/ showshoelhiking trip led by Steve Pleasant Bay Rd. After 2 mi turn R onto Rt28 & after an Tulip. After the day's activities,the 2 groups may gather another .8 mi take a L onto road down to Pleasant Bay & together for dinner before heading home. To reg. contact Barbara at number above. pkg. Peter Seli 9,508432-7 656,[email protected] Sat. Mav 3l-Monomv. Spray skirts reqd. Call L for dirs. TRAILS Dick Coveney,508-548-682 l,[email protected] Chair- Patrick Holland 7 I I -92 5 -44 2 3 Annual Leadership Trainin g Vice Chair - Lou SikorslE 508-678-3984 The training will be held on Sat. Apr 5th, at Borderland Sat. Mav l7l18-Lonesome Lake.NH. Join inthe first State Park in Easton from 9am-4pm. This course offers Lonesome Lake work weekend of the season. We need training to anyone interested in hiking,trailwork, to get the hail in shape for the Memorial Day holiday & bicycling or canoelkayak activities with the AMC. the spring hikers. Space is limited. Sat. June 7-National Trails Dav-Mvles Standish State We invite all members to participate and see how we run Forest. MA Our annual workday on the Bentley Loop our volunteer progmms thru leadership and active part- trail. We have a large project planned & need a lot of icipation. This is a fun way to be involved. Whether you help. This is a national event! are a new member, just cruious, or want to lead yoru own To register call the Chair or Vice Chair (see above) activities, come join us. It's freel We hope you will find this training, informative, educational and rewarding. For oI tne passmg more information, please contact Education Chair Steve ydney Smith on12/15/02. He would of been 90 this Tulip 508-977-9309,[email protected] or Larua Smeaton May. He was an active AMC member & a wonderful 617 -69 5 -9903,6- I Opm [email protected] person. There will be a service this spring.