Wednesday 4th December 2013 McSence Business Park

Attendance: Robert Hogg (Chairman), Nicki McManus (Secretary), Sandra Halliday (Treasurer), Michael Hogg (Vice Chairman), Theresa Hogg, Gina Hughes, George Jackson, Margaret Jackson, Dan Burt, Peter de Vink (Councillor), Charles Morris, A H Moore, A N Other

Apologies : Jose Kerr, Lisa Beattie (Councillor), Judy Thomson, Douglas Thomson, Kevin Quinn ( Advertiser), Lindsey Hughson, (Police ), Ian Kirkpatrick (), Peter Traynor, Pat O’Neill

Minutes of Previous Meeting

As yet no response had been received from Castle Rock Housing Association in relation to their intentions with the Darag building and surrounding land. It is hoped that a response will be provided in time for the February 2014 meeting. Action: Nicki McManus, Secretary

The Chairman advised that no decision has been made in relation to the “Save Kippielaw” site, as the Council meeting scheduled for the 18 th November required more urgent topics to be addressed. The Local Plan Main issues report, which will determine if the housing development at Kippielaw will go ahead, will be heard at a future meeting (date to be confirmed).

The Treasurer advised that the following amendment should be made to the November minute. The bank balance should be recorded as £1,263.31, which is made up of £263.31 Community Council funds and £1,000 which is a donation to help fund the “Big Wall” project at Blackcot.

With this amendment the minute of the 6 th November 2013 was approved by George Jackson and seconded by Theresa Hogg.

Local Planning & Development

Newbattle Community High School/Hub

The Chairman advised that 2 nd phase consultation meetings have been undertaken in the local community (28 th – 30 th November) and confirmed that the feedback received will help the architect with the design and layout of the new School.

Given that comparisons are already being made between the new Lasswade School and the project, Judy & Douglas Thomson visited the Lasswade Complex and drafted a report (which the Chairman read out at the meeting), listing the pro’s and con’s of the Lasswade development. This report will be forwarded to the Architect for consideration.

The Chairman advised that a dedicated Facebook page has been created to keep local residents informed of progress. This page is entitled “Newbattle Centre Update”.

Bryans Primary School

The Chairman advised that no feedback has been received following the public exhibition on Wednesday 25 th September. The Secretary is to invite Lord Kerr to attend one of our Community Council meetings to discuss his plans for site. Action: Nicki McManus (Secretary)

Lawfield Farmhouse & Steadings

The Chairman advised that the Farmhouse renovation is nearly complete and that the planning permission in relation to the Steadings has been amended from 12 cottages to 10 cottages.


Community Asset Plan

The Chairman advised that MAEDT & Y2K are currently drafting a proposal under the Community Asset Plan to take over ownership of Mayfield Bowling Club. This is a valued community building which is being allowed to fall into disrepair by Midlothian Council. Midlothian Council is currently using this building for storage purposes only. The Community Council fully supports this proposal.

Public Transport Guide

The Chairman advised that a new public transport guide is available. Copies are available in local libraries.

Evening News Article

The Chairman read out an article in the Evening News, highlighting the importance of Community Councils.

Police Report

The Community will be aware of an unfortunate incident, which happened at the weekend, in the Rowantree Inn, which resulted in the murder of local man, Craig Essen (28). Police enquiries are on-going, however a man (20) has been charged with the murder and has been remanded in custody. The Chairman, who spoke on behalf of the local Community, expressed deepest sympathy for Mr Essen’s family and friends.

Unfortunately this is the second needless death as a result of knife crime, which has devastated the lives of local residents, in the last 2 years.

The Community Council members expressed their upmost disappointment in the response by Police Scotland, which was shown by their non-attendance again at tonight’s meeting. Although the Community Council are aware that limited information can be provided whilst investigations are on-going, however given the severity of the situation it should have been a priority for the Community Police to attend tonight’s meeting to give re-assurance to its Community.

The Chairman advised that a full investigation into the management of the Rowantree Inn is being undertaken with its findings being presented to the Licensing board. It should be noted that the Community Council have previously raised concerns with Midlothian Council regarding the poor management of this local establishment.

Treasurers Report

The Treasurer confirmed that there was no change to the accounts.

The current bank balance is £1,263.31, which is made up of £263.31 Community Council funds and £1,000 which is a donation for the “Big Wall”.

The Treasurer advised that she contacted Mr Goldie to enquire about the Midlothian Allocation Grant, which was forwarded to Midlothian Council on the 29 th September. Mr Goldie advised that to date this had not been received. The Treasurer has completed a new form and will post this first class registered post tomorrow (5 th December 2013). It is hoped that this Grant will be received and available early in the New Year.

Community News

The “Big Wall” – Blackcot

Local Residents from the Blackcot area, attended tonight’s meeting to discuss the “Big Wall” mural at Blackcot. The residents expressed their dismay that after years of waiting for the wall to be fixed, it has now been earmarked for the “Mural”.

Mr Morris, whose property backs onto the wall, wondered why money was being spent on this project, when the ground at the back of the wall has been neglected for years. Mr Morris circulated photo’s of the area, just off Blackcot Road, to the Community Council members. The Chairman advised that this is the first time that this area has been brought to the attention of the Community Council and that we would contact Midlothian Council to initiate a “clear up” of the area. Action: Nicki McManus (Secretary)

In response to Mr Morris’s concern regarding the funding of this project he confirmed that the money being raised for this project is Environmental Money and is being allocated in line with the Neighbourhood plan to make Mayfield, brighter and more welcoming. Councillor De Vink advised that the mural would be designed on large boards which would be screwed onto the wall, and there would be a condition of this project for the wall to be maintained.

Mr Burt, who is not in favour of the “Big Wall”, asked for clarification as to whether or not planning permission is required for this project. The Chairman advised that Planning Permission is not required for this type of project but we would write to Midlothian Councils Planning Department to confirm this in writing. Action: Nicki McManus (Secretary)

The Chairman confirmed that approval has been given to go ahead with this project, but consultation/community engagement in relation to the actual detail of the mural is still on-going.

Right of Way

Concerns have been raised in relation to the Farmer at the top of the camp at Blinkbonny, who is blocking public rights of way between Mayfield and Gorebridge by locking gates with heavy chains. Although it was acknowledged that this was probably to ensure the safety of his animals this is a public right of way and should not be blocked. It was agreed that we would right to Midlothian Council to make them aware of this problem. Action: Nicki McManus (Secretary)

Councillors Report

Councillor Peter de Vink

Councillor De Vink advised that changes have been made to the SNP Administration of Midlothian Council with Bob Constable stepping down as Leader. Owen Thompson is now Leader of the Council. Midlothian Council is also currently undertaking a Management Review which will reduce the number of Heads of Service.

Councillor De Vink also advised that a lot of his time being taken up with the consultation for the Cauldhall Moor Open Cast development in Rosewell. The planning application from Hargreaves Surface Mining Ltd was recently approved by Midlothian Council. It is expected that 100 million tonnes of coal will be excavated over the next 10 years. The new mine is expected to create 280+ jobs and provide an economic benefit of £475 million. Councillor de Vink stated that he wants it stipulated in the contact that it will be local people who will be employed at this site.

Any Other Business

It was agreed that a £50 donation would be made from the Community Council to the local Christmas Raffle. This was approved by Gina Hughes and seconded by George Jackson.

This is a true representation of the meeting.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Mayfield & Easthouses Community Council will take place on Wednesday 5th February 2014, 7.00pm at McSence Business Park, Mayfield


During the month of November in the beat area of ME04 (Mayfield) there were 20 recorded crimes reported of which 10 have been solved, a rate of 50% solvency. In the beat area of ME03 (Easthouses) 9 crimes were reported and none have been solved, which is a 0% solvency rate.

During November there were 218 calls in the area.


Around 9.30am Saturday 2 November 2013 in Kippielaw Park, Mayfield, a male was subjected to abuse from a male known to him, this was witnessed by a female who was close by, the second male was later traced, charged and issued with an Antisocial Behaviour Fixed Penalty Ticket,

Between Wednesday 30 th November and Thursday 7 th November 2013 the Occupier of a flat at Laurelbank Place, Mayfield had been away visiting family, he had left the address secured and unoccupied. at this time. Somebody has forced entry to the address by smashing the front door windows and unlocking the door from the inside. The Occupier has returned home and found a digital camera, xbox 360 and a quantity of cash stolen.

On Friday 9 th November 2013 police were called to a property in Mayfield Place, Mayfield where it was alleged that a 33 year old local male had assaulted his 28 year old female partner by punching her to the face. The male was arrested and held to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.

At 11pm on Thursday 14 th November 2013 police observed a vehicle travelling at speed at Stone Place, Mayfield. The vehicle was stopped and the driver was smelling of alcohol, the male driver failed the roadside breath test and was arrested . The driver was released on bail undertaking to appear at ESC on 12/12/2013.

At 11.30pm on Thursday 14 th November 2013 the occupants of a property in Laburnum Place, Mayfield, Midlothian, heard a male knocking at the veranda door and saw the a male standing at the veranda door. On being refused the male began kicking at the veranda door causing the occupants alarm and prompted them to phone police. The male gained entry to the property by smashing a window. Enquiries are on going to trace the culprit.

During the evening of Sunday 18 th November a 21 year old local female reported to police that her 22 year old male partner had made threats to assault her. This male later traced to an Edinburgh address, arrested and charged and held to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Wednesday 20 th November.

About 9pm on Tuesday 19 th November 2013 police were called to an address in Oak Crescent by a 23 year old female who had been assaulted by 23 year old Gorebridge male. On police arrival the male resisted arrest and assaulted officer. The male was charge with 9 separate charges and held to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court the following day.

Between 20 th October and 18 th November, a large quantity of copper was stolen from the roof of Mayfield Primary School, Stone Avenue, Mayfield. It is unknown if this has happened over a period of time. Members of the public are asked to be vigilant and be aware of workmen carrying out work at strange times of the day.

In the early hours of the morning on Thursday 21 st November police were called to an address in Langlaw Road, Mayfield following a report of a disturbance, a 31 year old female was traced and charged, she was held to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court later the same day.

At 2330 hours Sunday 23 rd November police were called to a disturbance at the Rowantree Public House at Eskview Road, Mayfield where it had been reported that a male had been stabbed. On police arrival it was established that a 20 year old local male had stabbed a 28 year old male, the victim succumbed to his injuries. All parties involved in the incident were traced at the locus at the material time, following a full investigation of the incident, the 20 year old male has been charged with murder and remanded in custody. The Rowantree is to remain closed for a fortnight to allow a full licensing investigation to be carried out, this has been done with the cooperation of the licensee Mr Martin.


On Monday 18 th November a report was received from Newbattle High School that 3 mobile telephones had been stolen from a changing room. An 11 year old male was established witnessed to run from the changing room and he later confessed to stealing the telephones. The male was charged with the thefts and a report is being sent to the Children’s’ Reporter.


Around Midnight on Saturday 16 th November 2013 a 21 year old local male was searched and found to be in possession of Cannabis on Easthouses Road, Easthouses. A report has been sent to the Procurator Fiscal.


At 2pm Saturday 2nd November 2013 a ford fiesta was observed by police being driving along Bogwood Road, Mayfield. The vehicle was stopped on Old School Crescent, the driver of the vehicle was smelling strongly of alcohol, the male driver then refused to provide specimen of breath. He was arrested and taken to Police Station. A report has been sent to the Procurator Fiscal.

Shortly after midnight on Sunday 10 th November 2013 a Vauxhall Astra motor car was seen being driven without headlights on Bogwood Road, Mayfield. The vehicle was stopped by police and it was suspected that the driver a 23 year old male, was under the influence of alcohol. The male was arrested having failed the roadside breath test, at this time he was also found in possession of a substance suspected to be cocaine.

On Saturday 16 th November a 38 year old driver of a vehicle was stopped on Easthouses Road, Mayfield and at this time it was found that there was no valid MOT certificate for the vehicle, the male was charged with the offence.


Members of the public are reminded to use the 101 non-emergency number when contacting Police Scotland for routine or minor matters. 999 should still be used in all cases of emergency.

The Police report submitted to community councils contains details of incidents, which are of interest to the general public; however, not all crimes reported to the Police are mentioned in the community report. This is for a number of reasons including confidentiality and operational security.

Community Officers: Ian Kirkpatrick and Lindsey Hughson Community Inspector: Michelle Ritchie Community Sergeant: Hamish MacLean Email: LothianScotBordersMidlothianEastCPT Twitter@Midlothpolice Tel. 0131-654-5548