
Principles of my work first to want then to have to white black


drive - compulsion - drive

which means, creating reserves, or to be precise to have reserves

dog active - not reactive

no training through the helper


Learning comparison human - dog

To build an indelible memory it requires

human dog about 7 repetitions about 30 repetitions

How does a dog learn

1 phase Learning through habituation and through success 2 phase Intermittent reinforcement 3 phase Learning reinforcement through conflict

IForcel IPrais~


Bernhard Flinks Albersdorferfeld 4, 25767 Phone: 04835-950345, Mobile: 0171-7028186 E-Mail: [email protected]. Home: [email protected] Options for teaching "what to do" in tracking

1. forced tracking (pole, two leashes, electric collar) 2. prey or toy reward at the end 3. food in footprints 4. "dragged scent" track

1. drag

2. dip

3. corners

4. articles



. Speed

. Leaving the track

Bernhard Flinks Albersdorferfeld 4, 25767 Albersdorf Phone:04835-950345,~obile:O171-7028186 E-Mail: [email protected],Home: [email protected] Obedience

1. teaching I "upbringing" (in support of the phases of maturity)

building up character - environmental self-sureness

Drive Promotion

read the dog and his Individualcharacter

outA gnp

concentration (focus)

2. training

a) sit b) heel c) down d) send out, separated from the "down"command e) recall, retrieve f) jumps

3. Signals, provoking mistakes, proofing with compulsion 4. Remotes

Bernhard Flinks Albersdorferfeld 4, 25767 Albersdorf Phone:04835-950345,~obile:O171-7028186 E-Mail: RFlinks@-online.<.}&,Home: [email protected] The bite-work in the "OG-Pahlen" - Club.

The bite-worktraining is divided into three phases:

First phase 1. drive promotion in prey drive and defense drive, maybe in aggression drive 2. high bite target 3. calm, fulland hard grip 4. countering 5. regrip 6. the attack

Second phase 7. hold and bark exercise 8. "out"- exercise 9. heeling in protection (to the attack, transports - side and rear) 10.patting down the helper (searching for weapons) 11.blind search (running the blinds)

Third phase 12."turnon and off' 13.fine-tuning, provoking mistakes

Handler rules

1. The dog's attention must be gotten by a clear signal 2. Inthe beginning of your training enter the fieldwith the dog on a short leash, later with the "heel"command to keep the dog in drive or to promote drive. 3. Focus the dog in the helper's direction (tight leash held at a slant). Once the dog challenges the helper let out the leash untilthere is no longer any body contact between you and the dog. The handler stands calmly, and holdingthe leash with both hands becomes a post. Important: Only the helper tightens or loosens the leash. 4. Ifand when the dog shows the required behaviour, the helper rewards the dog with the sleeve. Depending on the dog's individualcharacter, he is now allowed to run while carrying or has to immediately stand still.The handler holds the dog gently and calms him. Don't grab the dog's throat. 5. Afterthe "ouf' command the sleeve is kicked in the helper's direction (immediatelyor after a short pause). Afterwards the handler smoothly lengthens the leash. 6. The handler must learn to read his dog and then, matching the situation, employ the differentforms of compulsion or praise (calming, stabilizing, and buildingup). 7. Important: The dog is supposed to learn to trust his handler, since only through this is stress- and trouble-free learning possible.

Bernhard Flinks Albersdorferfeld 4, 25767 Albersdorf Phone: 04835-950345, Mobile: 0171-7028186 E-Mail: B.Flinks(illt-Qnli~.@. Home: [email protected] NOTE:This test was developed by someone in the USA as a means to find ideal candidates for training as assistance dogs, based on the seminal work by J.P. Scott & J.L. Fuller as documented in their 1965 (Several reprints since) book "Genetics & the social behavior of the dog"

A simple test for puppies 6 to 8 weeks old.

The test is conducted in a room unfamiliar to the puppy. The room should have at least minimal furnishings, to motivate the puppy to explore and if needed offer it a place to hide. Each puppy is tested separately in the presence of two strangers (to the puppy). If needed the breeder too can perform the tests, but the most meaningful results are obtained with strangers. Prior to beginning the tests a list should be prepared for each puppy withthe individual tests already listed, so that only the scores and any other comments need to be recorded. The scoring is as follows: 1 = Very Good; 2 = Good: 3 = Still satisfactory; 4 = Insufficient. The total time required for all seven tests is about 10 minutes (each takes about 10 - 15 seconds). Items required for the tests are: A ball that the puppy can easily carry in his mouth. An empty plastic water bottle, again of a size commensurate to the puppy. An empty cigarette box on a string.

Test 1: Coming when called (Fearfulness, social attraction, environmental confidence, curiosity) The puppy is placed on the floor of the room; the testers stand still ignoring him. The puppy should immediately, without fear (tail/ body posture), begin to explore the room. Negative: if he reacts to the unknown environment with fear or panic, wants to go outside, curls up, whines, shakes, or urinates. After 15 seconds, one of the testers goes through the room while calling the puppy. Positive: he immediately interrupts his action, follows the call willingly, without grumbling and without aggression, lets himself be petted without biting or growling. Grading example (the "standard" has to be established prior to testing, so that all puppies will be evaluated the same): 1 = reacts quickly to the call and stays with tester 2 = must be called again, stays with tester 3 = must be called again, only stays with tester briefly 4 = does not pay any attention to call, indifferent, fearful, aggressive, etc.

Test 2: Retrieving (Hunting instinct, intelligence, willingness, trust) As the puppy continues to explore the room, the tester rolls a ball past the puppy's nose towards a wall, so that the puppy can follow the ball's course. With this test significant differences and a wide variety of behaviour can be seen by how the puppy reacts to the ball. It is not to be expected that the puppy fetches the ball and returns it to the tester. Negative:Puppy hesitantly follows the ball; pays more attention to the tester than to the ball; a sluggish dog does not pay attention to the ball; a fearful dog does not follow the ball at all, or not under a table/chair etc. Positive: Puppy chases the ball without hesitation, even under a table/chair etc., picks up the ball, plays with it. When the ball bounces off the wall, the puppy ducks so it can immediately chase it. Dogs with pronounced enthusiasm to retrieve hold the ball in their mouth, others are more inclined to chase the ball and play with it. A good dog is willing in everything that a human does with him, full of energy, curiosity, self- assuredness. Enthusiasm in retrieving is tightly correlated with intelligence, self-confidence, and willingness to work.

Bernhard Flinks Albersdorferfeld 4, 25767 Albersdorf Phone:04835-950345,~obile:OI71-7028186 E-Mail:,Home: Translatet by Claus Whiteacre (Albuquerque, m..1) Test 3: Luring (,willingness) The puppy is now lured back and forth between the two testers. Tester A kneels, tester a crawls at a distance of about 3 meters, attracts the puppy with words and gently slaps the floorwith his hand. Once the puppy arrives at a, Athen repeats the procedure, a total offour or fivetimes. Negative: The puppy does not respond at all and continues to explore the room; he comes hesitantly and fearfully;approaches the hand while growling. Positive:the puppy runs without hesitation to the one calling, head and tail held high, withthe same enthusiasm he followsthe call from the second tester, and repeats this tirelessly. Every time he arrives he is strongly praised and petted.

Test 4: Paw pressure (Bodysensitivity,vindictiveness,dominationbehaviour) The puppy is picked up intothe arms and gently stroked. Then the skin (webbing) between the toes of a front paw is pinched firmlybetween the thumb and index finger for 5 seconds (be sure not to use your fingernails). Normally,puppies of 6 weeks don't have any pain receptors in that area yet. Negative: Puppy whines, squeals, struggles, tries to bite (Later in lifeit is likelyto be shy, panicky, insecure); Puppy does not let itself be held, does not let himself be pinched, tries to bite (later likelyto be sensitive, independent, and overly dominant). His defensive reactions typifyhis surmised character. Positive: The puppy accepts everything done to him calmly, and appears not to notice the pressure at all.

Test 5: Lyingon his back (Dominantbehaviour,trustingnature) The puppy is picked up slowlyfrom the ground, with both arms slightlystretched out; it is gently turned between both hands until he lies fullyon his back. Thereby one hand supports the puppy's neck and the other its body, while he's being held likethat for 10 (!)seconds. Negative: Puppy defends himself against being put on his back (reactions appropriate to his type) Positive: The puppy accepts everything calmlyand is relaxed. Test 6: Noise (Noisesensitivity) The puppy is lured back and forth between the two kneeling testers. When he passes a chair or a lowtable, the empty plastic bottle falls about 60 to 80 cm behind him.When the puppy then arrives at tester a, he is called by A, and the whole thing repeated once more by having a call him again. Negative: Puppy lays back his ears, pulls tail between legs, but does not run away; Puppy has panicky fear, runs away or curls up motionless, urinates. Positive: The motion behind himthat topples the bottle does not spook the puppy, he curiously explores what has fallen I was dropped behind him. Sniffs and touches the bottle and then follows the call.

Test 7: Movingobject. (Huntinginstinct,willingness,curiosity,potentialfor enthusiasm). The puppy remains in the room and explores. One tester, while walkingaround, drags the cigarette box behind him on a string. He excites the puppy by making the boxjump in small or large jumps over the floor. Negative: The puppy is not interested at all; puppy is obviously afraid. Positive:The puppy rushes towards it enthusiastically, paws at it,jumps on it,jumps up. When the box is held in the air, he eagerly followsall the movements of the box and approaches it playfullyor challenginglyand growling(should be scored less favorably).

Bernhard Flinks Albersdorferfeld 4, 25767 Albersdorf Phone:04835-950345,~otrile:OI71-70281~6 E-Mail: [email protected]. Home: [email protected] Translatet by Claus Whiteacre (Albuquerque, NM) Bernhard FUnks- Puppy Test (Evaluation for police or sports dogs)

Test 1. (Exploring the room)

1. Immediately explores, relaxed body posture, behaves confidently. 2. Explores after short hesitation, but then confidently. 3. Explores only after extended period, tense body posture, careful. 4. Almost does not explore, very careful. 5. Does not explore at all, clear signs of fear.

Test 2. (Coming to a stranger)

1. Comes immediately and confidently up to the person, head and body posture confident. 2. Comes immediately but somewhat guarded in the last stretch, head and body posture slightly tense. 3. Comes after a short time, somewhat guarded, head and bOdyposture clearly tense. 4. Comes, but with clear signs of fear. 5. Does not come, clearly afraid.

Test 3. (Retrievetest - rolling a ball)

1. Immediately chases ball, takes ball in mouth and carries it, good speed. 2. Immediately chases ball, first smells and then takes ball in mouth, speed OK. 3. Hesitantly walks after ball, but takes ball in mouth, carries. 4. Hesitantly walks after ball, smells it, does not pick up. 5. Does not follow ball. 6. Clearly is afraid.

Test 4. (Coming to two strangers)

1. Comes immediately and confidently up to the persons, head and body posture confident. 2. Comes immediately but somewhat guarded in the last stretch, head and body posture slightly tense. 3. Comes after a short time, somewhat guarded, head and body posture clearly tense. 4. Comes, but with clear signs of fear. 5. Does not come, clearly shows fear.

Test 5. (Paw pressure - 10 seconds)

1. Allows it calmly and confidently (positive) 2. Defends himself energetically and aggressively (positive) 3. Pulls briefly, then allows it calmly and confidently. 4. Shows unsureness and clear inhibition, tries to free himself. 5. Panicky behaviour, clear fear.

Bernhard Flinks Albersdorferfeld 4, 25767Albersdorf Phone:04835-950345,~obile:O171-7028186 E-Mail:, Home: www.B-Flinks(a) Translatet by Claus Whiteacre (Albuquerque, NM) Test 6. (Laying on his back)

1. Lies confidentlyand relaxed, legs and paws are relaxed (positive) 2. Turns energetically and confidently,eventually becomes aggressive (positive) 3. Lies calmly,but tense, legs and paws are stiff. 4. Shows clear signs of fear. 5. Panicky behaviour, urinates.

Test 7. (Noise)

1. Notfrightened and inspects the bucket. 2. Brieflystartled and inspects the bucket. 3. Frightened and inspects the bucket only after quite some time. 4. Clearlyfrightened and avoids the bucket. 5. Clearly shows fear.

Test 8. (Cigarette pack - empty box)

1. Chasesfullycommitted,immediatelytakes inmouth,fights. 2. Chases, takes in mouth. 3. Chases after short motivation,takes in mouth. 4. Only chases after quite some time, takes in mouth. 5. Chases, does not take in mouth. 6. Does not chase.

Test 9. Makingattraction withthe box,then pullingthe box up (Nerves)

1. Watches the box for a long time (more than 5 seconds) without letting himself be distracted. 2. Watches the box briefly,then jumps and barks at the box. 3. Watches the box briefly,becomes distracted and then watches the box again. 4. Watches the box only briefly,then is no longer interested.

Bernhard Flinks Albersdorferfeld 4, 25767 Albersdorf Phone:04835-950345,~obile:O171-7028186 E-Mail: B.Flinlcs0:; www.B-Flinksta) Translatet by Claus Whiteacre (Albuquerque, NM)

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Bernhard Flinks - PUpJ>Ytest score sheet Date: Breeder: Welping Date: Gender: Age: Markings: 15 seconds Coming to Rolling the Coming to 10 seconds 10 seconds Noise Pulling box Holding Exploring 1 person ball 2 persons paw laying on box high room pressure back and still ".------

1975 I bought my first dog (Blitz yom Sternbusch). I trained him to SchH 3 and FH 1. 01.01.1976, I stept into the German SV 01.10.1976 I startet my profession as a police officer 1981 I bought my second dog (Ingo yom Stembusch) I trained him to SchH 3 and FH 1. 1981 I settelt into the North of and startet my work as a helper. 1982 I startet as a police-

Bernhard Flinks Albersdorferfeld 4, 25767 Albersdorf Phone: 04835-950345, Mobile: 0171-7028186 E-Mail: B.Flink.§(ii)t-on1inc~ Home: [email protected] 1999 I become a official SV-teaching-helper in my State Four Seminars in America, (fwo in Albuquerque, Two in Milan, Michigan) 11 Seminars in Germany 2000 I bought back ,.Dunja von der Dithmarscher Schweiz" (a female ftom my third breeding) Four Seminars in America (fwo in Ford Dodge, Iowa and two in Boston) 12 Seminars in Germany

2001 I was voted to be the Assistant Training Director of my State. r bought a new puppy, "Nando Op de Hyde". He died in 2002. One Seminar in Albuquerque, one Seminar in Kansas City, one Seminar in Peoria, Illinois, one Seminar in Boston.. Six Seminars in Germany "Itor" Qualified for the FCI-Qua1ification in Gotha Member of the BSP in Giittingen, 98,92,88 =278 Points, Place 46

2002 I bought an new puppy, "Farah von der Schwedenfestung "Itor" Place one in the Police-Championchip in my State, 80,97,91 = 268, Place five in the SV-Qualification, 95,91,93 = 279 Member ofthe BSP in Lubeck, , 100,88,93,=281, Place 13 SchH 2 with "Dunja" Three Seminars in Germany. One Seminar in Albuquerque, one Seminar in ElkwaterlIndiana, one Seminar in Boston (Inner City Schutzhund Club, one Seminar in Boston (Bay State Club),

The results in protection on the BundessiegerprUfungwith my dogs. 1994 BSP in Karlsruhe, "Packo", 99 Points by training Director of Gennany, Hans Riidenauer. The highest Points in the competition since 1993until now. 1995 BSP in Krefeld, "Packo", 98 Points, The highest Points 1996 BSP in Bochum, "Packo", 93 Points 1997 BSP in Ludwigshafen, "Eyra", 97 Points, The second highest Points 1998 BSP in Baunatal, "Eyra", 97 Points, The highest Points International-Police-Dog-Championchip in Lubeck, "Packo" (nine years old) 97 Points 2002 BSP in GOttingen,"Itor", 88 Points, Nationals in Amerika, Boston, 95 Points 2003 BSPin Lubeck,"Itor", 93Points

Bernhard Flinks

Bernhard Flinks Albersdorferfeld 4, 25767 Albersdorf . Phone:04835-950345,~obile:O171-7028186 E-Mail: B.Flinks( Home: Packo yom Holibachgrund,WT: 29.05.1989 Bernhard Flinks Stand: 31.12.1998

A B C Ges. Bew 1991 17.03.91, WestkOstenpokal. , SchH 1 98 V 19/20.4.91, OG Pahlen, SchH 1 96 83 99 278 SG 03.06.91, Polizeidirektionsmeisterschaft, Horst. DPO 2 96 97 193 V 14.07.91, DithmarschenpokaL St. Michaelisdonn, SchH 1 100 V 28.08.91, Polizeilandesmeisterschaft, Eutin, DPO 2, PI. 1 94 99 100 293 V 30.09.91, Schau in Gut 4-6.10.91, IDMin Bayreut, WPO 6 95 95 12,10.91, AusdauerprOfung, Elmshorn bestanden 9/10.11,91, OG Pahlen, SchH 3 99 97 96 292 V 16.11.91, K6rung, Bardowik KKI.2

1992 4/5.04.92, OG Pahlen, FH 92 SG 1O.04.92,OG Farnewinkel,SchH 3 99 97 98 294 V 2/3.05.92, Bereichsmeisterschaft, GottrupeL SchH 3, PI. 1 99 98 96 293 V 05.07.92, LG-Pokalkampf, Hamburg-Rahlstedt. SchH 3, PI.1 95 99 194 V 31.07.92, Polizeidirektionsmeisterschaft, Quickborn, DPO 2 96 96 192 V 29/30.08.92, LG-Ausscheidung, Itzehoe, SchH 3, PI.6 94 91 98 283 SG 21.11.92, Flutlichtpokalkampf, Kiel-Vieburg, SchH 3, PI. 1 95 99 194 V 28/29.11.92, OG Pahlen, SchH 3 100 96 94 290 V

1993 20/21.03.93, OG , SchH 3 100 96 100 296 V 24,04,93, HSGTimmendorfer Strand, SchH 3 83 96 98 277 SG 8/9,05.93, Bereichsmeisterschaft, Pahlen, SchH 3, PI. 1 97 97 99 293 V 13.06.93, WUSV-LG-Ausscheidung, NeumOnster, SchH 3 99 85 73 16.06.93, Polizeidirektonsmeisterschaft, FarnewinkeL DPO 2 97 90 187 SG 04.07,93, LG-Pokalkampf, Schleswig, SchH 3 94 76 18.07.93, DithmarschenpokaL Albersdorf, SchH 3, PI. 1 97 100 197 V 25.08.93, Polizeilandesmeisterschaft, Eutin,DPO2, 96 95 191 V 30.10.93, Wiederankorung, Pinneberg KKI.2 07.11.93, HSGTimmendorfer Strand, SchH 3 91 94 95 280 SG . Packo yom Holibachgrund,WT: 29.05.1989 Bernhard Flinks Stand: 31.12.1998 Seite2 ABC Ges Bew. 1994 17.04.94, WUSV-Ausscheidung, LOneburg, SchH 3 87 97 99 283 SG 07.05.94, Heide, SchH 3 96 92 99 287 V 18.05.94, Polizeidirektionsmeisterschaft, Horst. DPO 2, PI. 1 98 98 196 V 20/21.08.94, DVG-LG-Ausscheidung, Susel, SchH 3, PI.3 93 95 99 287 V 27/28,08,94, SV-LG-Ausscheidung, Pahlen, SchH 3, PI. 1 99 96 97 292 V 7-9.10.94, Bundessiegerprufung, Karlsruhe,SchH 3, Vizesieger, 96 93 99 288 V 14/15.10.94, -Eckernf6rde, SchH 3 99 97 100 296 V 1995 23.04.95, WUSV-LG-Ausscheidung, Barkelsby-Eckernf6rde, SchH 399 96 99 294 V 29/30.07.95, WUSV-Bundesqualifikation, Eislingen,SchH 3 95 89 97 281 SG 15-17.09.95, WUSV-Weltmeisterschaft, Budapest, 1. PI. Mannschaft Reservestarter 13-15.10.95, Bundessiegerprufung, Krefeld, SchH 3, PI.33 93 87 98 278 SG 11/12.11.95, Emkendorf, SchH 3 100 98 98 296 V 1996 14.04.96,WUSV-LG-Ausscheidung, NeumOnster, SchH 3, PI.4 92 90 100 282 SG 14.05.96, Polizeidirektionsmeisterschaft,FarnewinkeL DPO 2, PI. 1 98 96 194 V 03/04.08.96, VDH-Bundesqu. zur FCI-WM, Rheine, IPO 3, PI. 7 90 92 97 279 SG 28.08.96, Polizeilandesmeisterschaft, Eutin, WPO, PI. 1 99 94 92 285 SG 4-6.10.96, BundessiegerprUfung, Bochum, SchH 3, PI. 34 94 88 93 275 SG 26.10.96, Flutlichtpokalkampf, SOdbrookmerland, SchH 3, PI.3 97 V 16/17.11.96, Emkendorf, SchH 3 96 96 96 288 V 1997 13.04.97, FCI-LG-Ausscheidung, SChleswig, IPO 3, PI.3 96 88 97 281 SG 21.05.97, Polizeidirektionsmeisterschaft, Horst. WPO, PI. 1 98 98 194 V 16/17.08.97, LG-Ausscheidung, Itzehoe, SchH 3, PI.7 99 92 91 282 SG 26.08.97, Polizeilandesmeisterschaft, Eutin, WPO, PI. 1 99 92 83 274 SG 3-5.10.97,IDM, RUsselsheim,WPO, PI. 10 98 98 90 286 V 1998 28.05.1998, Polizeidirektionsmeisterschaft, Quickborn, WPO, PI. 1 92 96 188 V 19.08.1998, Polizeilandesmeisterschaft, Eutin, WPO, PI. 1 92 92 98 282 SG 2-4.10.98, Intern. Vergleichswettkampf, lubeck, WPO, PI. 2 99 95 97 291 V 1999 18.05.1999, Polizeiinspektionswettkampf, Farnewinkel, 97 98 195 V " Eyra op de Hyde, WT.: 02.04.1991 Bernhard Flinks Stand: 31.12.1998 1994 07.05.94,OG Heide, SchH 1 99 95 98 292 v 19.07.94,Wurf mit "Packa vam H6I1bachgrund",4/7 Welpen 22/23.10.94,OG Pahlen, SchH2 98 90 93 281 SG 29.10.94,K6rung, Kiel-Ellerbek KKI.2

1995 15.02.95, Wurf mit "Packa vam H6I1bachgrund", 5/5 Welpen 11/12.11.95, OG Emkendorf. SchH 3 92 85 99 276 SG

1996 05.04.96, Wurf mit "Enza von der Ottilienau", 8/2 Welpen 30.06.96, LG-Pakalkampf, OG Harburg, SchH 3, PI.5 90 96 186 SG 20.07.96, OG GIOckstadt, SchH 3 98 91 99 288 V 31.08.96, LG-Ausscheidung, Winsen, SchH 3, PI. 9 90 88 97 275 SG 26.10.96, Flutlichtpakalkampf, SOdbraakmerland, SchH 3, PI.5 92 SG 09.11.96, K6rung, NeumOnster KKI.2 16/17.11.96, OG Emkendorf, SchH 3 96 77 82 255 G

1997 13.04.97, FCI-Landesqualifikation,SChleswig,IPO3, PI.4 91 92 98 281 SG 18.05.97, Wurr mit "Jago van der Lindenhalle", 6/7 Welpen 12.07.97, OG Handewitt, SchH 3 100 93 90 283 SG 16/17.08.97, LG-Ausscheidung, Itzehoe, SchH 3, PI.4 95 96 99 290 V 19-21.09.97, BSP,Ludwigshafen, SchH 3, PI.31 94 87 97 278 SG 22/23.11.97, OG Schleswig, SchH 3 100 92 99 291 V

1998 18/19.04.98, FCI- Landesqualifikation , , IPO 3, PI.1 96 92 100 288 V 10.05.98, OG Pahlen, FH, Richter: GOnter Diegel 98 V 13/14.06.98, SV-FCI-Bundesqualifika., Hermeskeil, IPO 3, PI.2 97 90 99 286 V 172.08.98, VDH-Qualifikation, Paderborn, IPO 3, PI.6, 98 92 95 285 SG 3-6.09.98, FCI-WM-IPO,Meppen, IPO 3, Mannschaftsweltmeister Reserve 18-20.09.98, BSP, Baunatal, SchH 3, PI. 12 99 87 97 283 SG 17.10.98, OG Schleswig-Pakalkampf, SchH 3, PI. 1 98 90 97 285 SG 1999 04.07.1999, Landesgruppenpakalkampf, LOneburg, SchH 3 88 97 185 SG 20.07.1999, verstarben I . */tor Op de Hyde WT.: 07.02.1995 j Datum Ort Richter Prfg.- A S C Ges. Sew. PI. I~. . Art 27.09.98 Pahlen W. Tautz AD bestanden 06.04.00 Polizeilandesmeisterschaft, Eutin C. Scherping WPO 90 91 90 271 SG 15/16.04.00 LG-FCI-Qualifkation JObek Silkenath,Streck,FIOgge IPO3 87 88 90 265 G 10/28 18.05.00 Famewinkel, Polizei, PI- Heide C. Scherping,S. Lott WPO 94 92 186 SG 2/9 05.06.00 Itzehoe, Polizei - Dir.West H. Tamm,S. Lott WPO 96 98 194 V 1/15 15.07.00 -Famewinkel W. Tautz SchH 3 94 89 86 269 G 29.07.00 HH-SOderelbe T. Knote SchH 3 100 95 94 289 V 12/13.08.00 LGA - Winsen Tautz,Tuchs,Diegel SchH 3 78 94 88 260 G 12/28 06.09.00 Polizeilandesmeisterschaft Eutin Tamm, Lott,Streck WPO 92 97 85 274 SG 1/19 29.9-1.10.00 IDM Hannover Fieseler, Scherping WPO 70 96 92 258 G 25/90 15.10.00 Gottingen-Hirtenbrunnen Wilfried Scheid Schau sehr gut 29.10.00 Nottuln B. Blawath SchH 3 100 87 93 280 SG 31.03.01 Pahlen Kormeister. H.J. Begier Korklasse 2 28/29.04.01 LG-FCI-Qualifikation Heide Pruehs, Tuchs, Bottcher IPO3 99 89 93 281 SG 4/21 31.05.01 Famewinkel, Polizei, PI - Heide H. Tamm,J. Cordts DPO2 97 80 177 SG 217 09/10.06.01 SV-Bundes-FCI, Gotha IPO3 90 89 89 268 G 19/50 28.06.01 Quickbom, PD -West Tamm,Scherping WPO 95 95 190 V 1/12 11/12.08.01 LGA-Luneburg-Deutsch-Evem Tautz,Schultz,Hoffmann SchH 3 96 87 90 273 SG 5/24 05.09.01 Polizeilandesmeisterschaft Eutin Tamm, Sulima,Freitag WPO 91 96 86 273 SG 2/4 21-23.09.01 SV-Bundessiegerprufung, Gottingen Tautz,SoBalla,Hoffmann SchH 3 98 92 88 278 SG 46/124 14.10.01 OG Rendsburg ErhardHaase SchH 3 99 99 99 297 V 02-04.11.01 Boston, Nationals + Police-Dogs Szentmiklosi, Bill WPO 94 95 95 284 SG 1/9 13/14.04.02 NOtzen,LG-FCI-Qualifikation Bottcher,Pankraz,Silkenath SchH 3 95 90 87 272 SG 22.05.02 Famewinkel. Pol. PI - Heide Tamm,Scherping WPO 91 93 184 SG 3/9 03/04.08.02 LGA-JObek Honemann,Evers.Endmann SchH 3 95 91 93 279 SG 5/29 04.09.02 Polizeilandesmeisterschaft Eutin Tamm, Sulima WPO 80 97 91 268 G 1/22 20-22.09.02 SV-Bundessiegerprufung, Lubeck Roddewig,Balonier,Endmann Sch 3 100 88 93 281 SG 13/122 28.03.02 Heide Dirk Stocks SchH 3 100 92 96 288 V 31.10.-3.11.02 Nationals in Gadsden/Alabama UlrichGerling, PHM WPO 90 92 97 279 SG 2/9 23.11.02 Schleswig Kormeister H. J. Begier Korklasse 1