r?v :-- '.,.

7 ' N VVpv f Tfk From San Francisco: Columbian September S Practicnlly every copy of the For Shu Francisco: EVENING .Mum Inula September 13 BULLETIN goes into the home where enre is taken ns to the From Vancouver: character of 1R Evening the paper, ita news, and Zealanilla September its advertisements, Fnr Vancouver: Bulletin Mnrama September 13 3:30 EDITiON Circulation is of the Kind that BringsFe turns


i TO EAT WITH FROM SCOUT TRAGEDY AT IN NAVY OIL , NrV LORIMER OPENING OF CONVENTION SEA FUEL TEST ' v (Asiooliiinl Prm-- i t'aUc ) Found No Recent, Evidences of Marshal Hendry Is Asked to I An 'tit- - ,t lriM Cnlito )' " CHICAHO, Sept. S. Col. noose ' 01.11 POINT 8.i ?'. Poachers on Bird Keep Watch for Missing COMFORT. 8 'Pi. wit linn lofused to nttciiil n banquet the and Oil fuel took Rs first loll ut klllej planned In Ills liunnr by the rcpre-tentati- Guano Islands. SHINGLE FOR TREASURER ; CRABBE FOR SENATE Murderer. and Injured from the rani s of tin moti Of llils rlty, If the navy today. ? list of guests Includes United Stales Three coal panaern were filed hii) Senator l.orlmer. seven Uinchllilsts nnJ llrenieu weie In . of Col. Roosevelt's GOOD WEATHER The Itopiih.lcuu (County and DIs- - will win out and laud their tendon railed hcfoio the Torrlto-til.'- t SLEW CAPTAIN AND The Incident eis Jurod In an explosion of fuel oil oi iofua.il become public today. The C'liiitoiuliiu will bo culled tti choice In tho chair. 'rial, which ppoiis Monday, Is to per- - ALL THROUGH VOYAGE THEN JUMPED OVERBOARD board tlio warship No. lb DilcoM committee In i barge hail roimmnil nriler in the Uiphtuni 'I'liealer to- - Hauls staled this morning that feet the organization tomorrow . The accident occurroj ir the com si uited with Mr. Roosevelt ami ho lnoiinvv iiviiiiIii)-- .it o'clock, for-- ho Is not a cainllil.Uo fur n place on night and then adjourn until niter ':" of n test of nil ns a furl courtesy nialI nntlci) In effect hiving- been I Supervlsois, he Is lor warships isl.nlly accepted the planned, this tho llo.uil of that the Territorial convention frames Local hut made hla acceptance roiiilltliinnl Visits Midway and Leaves pie. mod i. clan-m- crai.1,0. t.mr - out for olio thing only, and that Is the platform upon which tho patty Authorities Told of At- the nlisciico of Senator Uirlmer (Jl)GratOr tO "ln" "r ,,,l" inuunlltee, this the chaliui.iuslilp uf the loutity eon- - will go before the voters. tempt of mi MM VaonilPV ""' Despeiate Men to FRED GEBHARD i guosts. morning, ventlou. lie stntos emphatically ho Crnobo countv from the list ol o. n rv 11 mi Chairman or the Captuio The committee, nut of consldern- - vjiwauu uy uuillll VVIIIUII, tt was thought tliat the conveu- - Is not a Miportlsorial camlldate. commltteu stated thls niornliiR that Passenger Steam- tlnn for Mr. Itoosevelti withdraw the Took Place Recently, t Ion would convene In the morning Claroiuc ('rablie Is a candidate this ptan wim favored, mid said that ship, IS DEAD Invltallim Hint hnd al ready been ox- - and urbanization bo purfected so fnr nomination uu the Republican he thoiiKht It quite probable that Ah'iitiil l'rmn Ciliti-.- ) "tended to the United Stilton Senator. Although many ilayn vvcr) sprnt In that iiouiinatloiis uould be In full ticket for the upptr hotiKe of the this Idea would be put Into execu An echo of the holdup of tlio steam- - NHW YORK. Sept. 8. Frederick I.nrliner In chorged with having making 11 thnnmjJi noaicli el the hwIiik by the aflotniHin Kesslou. Hut Territorial LoKlshilure, and so nn- tion. er lliickmau between Seattle nnd San (lebb.ird died here today. pun based votes in the Illinois Leg- In the South, there wpro pructl-enll- tho boor fur toiuciiliiK is now set nounceil himself formally this morn- - Aiimui; the tnmllilntcg fur tho Francisco and tho killing of the can islature to secure his cleetlon nil no kIrus of the piosenco of tho nl 7:::n. ini;. Crabbe will enter the lists House of Representatives from the tain has reached Honolulu In a letter Mr. Cobban) was a ovei llnlte.l StatPS Senator. Whllo no Japanese pu.ichrrs, who were piovl-oiihl- All of the delegates. fioni the nth- - .with Cecil llrowti, ChlllliiKWortlt ruiirth District who have appeared lecelvod by Marshal Hendry from tiille IIHy fall1' Lay-sai- years old, had been In rrluilnal charge has been fastened lepnrted to havo hnded at l or Islands aie In town and read) for and .Ii.1i n Hughes, and. tHioutil bo on tho horizon Is IM. Towgo, wlio Marshal F.lllott in Sun l'riiuclsco. and lug health for directly upon the Senator, tho legls-tuto- Island lo slaughter tho blnis the woik of iioiiiln.itliu; Uepiibllrau nbtu to muster KtroiiB support ln has asked for support as a candl The teller gives the details of the six months, brought breed-In- holdup-un- d on by an pneumonia. Involved nrc under which f,alliiT'llieiu Annitilly fnr candidates for nlllce. Tho piob'.em his ratnpnlen. ior 1! pliuo. - i .dale for tho lower bouse. "M." S. Iho shooting of Captain nttuck of f lnd!t good went. lis to who will handle tho Ravel In Robert Shingle has defl- - Deponte also publishes uu announce Wood by the two men Frank Wood many jeais ngqjio, was the (leuige owner n fine Tho officers of tho United States the ((invention h mill an o,ien ciues- - nltety to be iiiiio a raudldate for the iiient that lie is n candidate for tho and Wise, und puts tho mar of string of rnoo horse shul hero on iho lookout and inplured many AinerlCsin 1 revenue cutter which returned this Hon, the present tiond of things nomination of treasurer of the city House from tho I'mirth. for U'(,. races, FOR BALDWIN from the Smith, lepoiled Unit' peailug to favor It. W. lHecknns, and inuiity and will luiikn the run William Hoogs and Frank Km tho murderer who Jumped overboard aiqplrlng much wealth. ' fiom the stoa. u--i and has not been (lebliard's Bef! ovcr.vlhlng thorn was lovely and thatjwllh W. W. Harris still a posslhll-11- 0 ngsjiist Itlrhard Trent, the liiriim- - ger, who are candidates fur tho jut star commenced tu heard from. when (Annocluteil liem (ihlo.) vessels wore slKbtod duiliiB their. Ity. Thon, doe not niHar lo bo bent Sblngli will undoubtedly Hoard of Supoivjsors, have been ho took up with Mrs. Ijiiib4 Sept. 8 alMiut It is thoiirht ioshIIiIo that ho wns try, tho Jersey NKW IIAVHN, Conn. Tim crulso tho bird Islands. nnv Kunenil opposition lo lln-- i lions' n strong candidate, with every dort,ed by precinct delegates In I.lly, who at that, their picked up at ,rn by some passing ship Democratic convention tndiiy nomin- i nu niAiieu ua;s urii uni uio nitliiK. while there Is riilbor well- - possibility of being able to bent caucus and will go after tho plum time w,s considered tho world's cnndl-ilut- o Thetis, ns his 'body has never been washed greatest beauty. ated Judge Simeon Il.itdwln as raised her anchor nt tho na ilellued objection to Harris '""Iiir se Tient at the polls I with this backing when tho coin en 4 val row mid South In com- nshoio. (Icbhnnl mid Mrs purjS for Clnvcrnor. Ho has been chief started looted for th 1IU1 u. . - .Many of tho delegates to the Hon gets around to business. Uuigtry Captain C. The teller from the San Francisco Justice of tho Court of llriors since mand of S. Cochran. Tho As a rtnsoquonco of this rnnitl county ((invention believe that the In the Democratic camp it Is now chased adjoining ranches In C.illfoiJj nmccrs, from leporls broiiKht to JIaixhal wlih lliu description of the I'JOi. P"rtt(o, of ,,. w.t.mll ri,aw)llll,!B best waj out of the dlllliulty pre declared to he practically certain nla and spent much or their tliiifl by coastlnB expected to iilnko u ( unntiil mull follows: ' "M vessels, o ))eu-- th.lt ri, Umg. sllH,rt. seated by having the county tnn- - there. V (Continued on Page 2) San Francisco, Cnl., Aug. 2fi, 1810. u few captures In tho neighborhood' Jealousy. at last n falling 11 caused - linn !. Hendry. of tho (.'llano and bird Islands hut dln- out between the two they U. S. Mnrslial, nftor had npHiiuinirii owiuiru mom, ah iiio become Hie Honolulu, T. II. talk of two continents Thetis raised tho Islands Iho horizon 1 1 3 wns clear In every direction. After Dear Sir. On August 21, 1910. two MAY FORCE PANAMA ANNEXA-- n thorough niisrrvatlnii, tho Thetis men naui-,- 1 Frank ICdwnrd WikhI. alius 1 Frisco 8795 Feet TION. I sailed on to tho other Islands, Here Fionch II. West, nllas Pence West olllcers failed to find any alia I "il Thomas, nnd tlcorso Wash also tho (AsKHlati'd l'renn ("nl.l., 1 11151 Vise, alius Alfred Wilson, uu truces of recent visitors. oopi. . roimcal ac-- In order to make no mlstakn. Cap del I ma id hold up tlio sttamer "lluck uvuy in the Panama Republic 11 Isl- man then en I o from Scuttle to The Waterworks Department lain Cochran ordered' that all tho roil moving In a direction that foreshad In Ban Wlie-- i the steamer was ands l.ayxan, I.aslansky, French Celebrates the Air Francisco. ows intervention by the ' Secretary Wood Reports on sailing aluiig coast, said to bo Amerlum Shows Balance on Shoals. Illrtl Island, Neckor Isl- tho unveriiinciit. (Inrdiier and and nearly opposite tho mouth of the Uni-iju- a ' Right Side. and. Island l'enrl Promotion Work-Law- yer The I.lbeial party of the republic j thoroughly Investi- Itlver, F, l. Woo!l Jumped over Hermes Island bo Is planning to eloit a candidate for (A I'iciift Cable ) (AsMoclntrd ss Cable.) board after having shot and kilted gated heroin returning to Honolulu. d Wants Papers Served. President who Is Total receipts from tho water Capt. K, P. Wood in an unsuccessful nvovvedly rhls wns done, hut nothing nutsldo R. Open- 8. works department of the illy for the SAN rilAXCISCO, Ropt. I'AltlH, Sept. Aviator Chavez es- Mlnt American Chaign de es of birds wns seen. At a meeting of the attempt to rob the ship. Tho year $13 1, 377. Ml, ing ceromonles of the three days col- Hawaii tablished a new record fur attitude Marm slated tiHlaj" last fiscal weio Tho Thells .arrived tills mining whom ho JuiniKMt ovtilioard Is said that It expenditures In with Admis- Committee, to ho held this today when ho sailed In his mono- this lino of iKillilcal action is follow- and the for the jear, from her crulso nnd look her iosltlnn ouration connection In bo some 7 miles from shore. Ho Including on Day morning. following report of plane to u 8,7u." although ed, It may become necesmr interest bonds and In tho naval row. sion began this The afternoon, the height uf feet. was probably drowned, he fur the '.'S, Secre- I'nlted Stales ((imiy-o- bond letlienient, were 111 1.70.'. She Is cleaning up today, after event of today was the format crown- progress will be submitted by may havo been picked up by a pass- tiovoriimeut to ex- even to annex rcpufjile. uiakiiiK tho purely operating which she will uvvalt further Instruc- ing of the carnival nueeii, who will tary Wnud: ing vchstl ,or having u life preserver tho penses of tho department approxi- tho department. IMforo preside over gaieties that will be DAILY SCORES OF on ho jnuy possibly lmvo reached tions from the "Honolulu, Sept. 7, 1910. I mately $80,000, as tho amount ex- going on another scouting trip. Dur- In full blast tonight urd greet Ad- shore or his body may havo wiishod pended Interest exerl-ence- .Members, for and rctliemont ing the entlro trip, tho Thetis mission Day, September 1), in :i bluzo "Chairman ami Hawaii BIG LEAGUES ashore. PALOLO VALLEY I'l'miiotlon I was born In Chicago. Illinois, of builds was pt.IiU'.CS. fair weather. of glory. Committee. He - of kin Arthur Wood, J (1 l'or permanent improvements ;lur- Durlug tho crulso of tho Thells a "llentleiiien: The week past has (Hpecl.llMlllllf till ('utile ) next White. New York, N. Y aged 29 Iiir the year thero was expended lsit was paid to Midway where a en n very busy one nlllce; SAN FltANCISCO, Sept. 8 Tho MEXICO'S CENTENNIAL been for the height S ft 10 In. weight 145 J:H,07S, and from the sewer depart bio oporalnr was left to take tho Ml on re- srores In the big leagues' play iodayipar' STABBING CASE upwards of copies of the I Hyes liluo N ment thorn was transferred tho sum pluco of the r who recently OBSERVED me: lbs perhaps heavier print of of the Fish , 3 1 A TOJE aciount 'Filug uonunuca on of JM.tSU.U, lo make up tho dlf died there Hhootlng 1'aily' were Bout out. Tho Amcrlrmi- - St Louts 0, Chi ago' tKc t. Jereiice of expoiii ( ures over re- Next Tliuisday tlio Date When list' included everyone counoitcd I; St. fi, Chicago 4; Cleveland ceipts In tho waterworks depart- - 7, Detroit A; llo-to- u u, Deadly Mexicans tho World Over with the passenger trullk- depart- I'hlladelplil Weapon Used on a ment. rail- ,'!; Washington 2, Now York S. iCOPIT WILL RACE ments of the various lines of Young Such Is the statement submitted Will Celebrate. way controlled by the New York National Philadelphia 6, llrook Japanese House by the Superintendent of I'ubllc lyu 1; Pittsburg Central Rallio.ul Company, of which :'. St. Uuls 4; New .By un-- 1 maid Man. Works to llnvernor l'reur In his One week fioni today, September Mr. Warren J. I.micIi Is passenger York 1, Iloston (game called Ini HORSE nual lepoit lecently. tenlii Inning on account dark-- ANY LOCAL ir, will be the one hundredth an trutflc tiiauugor: ulso of the station of Tills morning nt ton 'TxccntilhiR to these flfiiiros the Uc Chliago 8. inlnulon to sev- niversary of tho founding of tho Re agents ahing these roads, as well ns ei,s: Cincinnati 3. en o'clock, n pirtmont In S0,0UU hurry call was turnod' tisik about general passenger agents of oth- -' - i public of Mexico, ami all citizens of tho Into the loillce stailon fro 1,1 hi.,i.. inoio than tho actual runnliiK ex Wo Standlnfl of National Learjue. 8ept. 7. (tint republic In Honolulu will prop; er lines of tullwny. have Will Vullej. wlioro two Japanoso servants pomies of tlm department during the publicity' cluB' w- - Jerry Brodcrick Match Grand Jury Charnes Silva day. son to expect much good '" I'ct of .Mr. Itbleoiit. had hecomu mlxisl lip jear. erly observe tho 78 fi81 fiom this erfort. !F,',r'1,R" His Champion Mare In n stabbing nfTalr It appears With Taking Coal from This observation wilt bo carried Pittsburg r,9 so .570 that was T. Husiita, n .lamnee yard Ixiy had ORDER REPEAL OF FOURTEENTH, out In whatever pail of tlio world "Mr. I.Mich greatly pleased Now York 117 r,j .50:1 - At Once. mailn violent lovo to Hid limiscmaM, the Helga. 11 nd on with his visit In Hawaii and prom- Philadelphia en r,( '.r.nn J sons of Mexico themselves who Is also n Jaimuohp ( AHriOClllletl I'MfM I'llltli. 1 the day of tlio (eiilenulal of the Imm Upon Ills ilium Inline to Issue Cincinnati 1)1 fi.1 .181 AUSTIN, S. Jcru Ilroilorlrk, tho veteran tioise Tho girl rvM'MiM llnsala's advances.' Tex., Sept. Tho oo vvoi h) 11 to Tin Indictments loliiiued birth of their piesent form of gov circular teller tho pnNtenger lliooklyu 47 i;k .iOS1 a sliippml Texas Assembly voted today to In-- trainer and owner, tndn Issued unit the man's tare: bo then Terrllorlal (liiind .liny at ernment, nnd the nhservaure will agents of lliu New York Celllral 81 Units 4R 71 ,38 net Iho challenge to any owner In tho ! became very angry and. nicking uu u CniiKiessuien of the Statu four ii'olnek and inn returnable be grandlloiiuent Hues, giving reasons why they Ronton 43 81 .3S7 lose nothing from tlm tSUO In I Din rhino, Iwtio slabbed the Kill In ihit In wink for the repeal of Iho Four- Judgo I limits, und ho will lay loin Cooper Itiuionow nioiu handed down to Hie pienenl people should oi minuend travelers to visit' bead Coimtltu-Hun- . Hint nmro I'npll can limit nny The wouiiiU wuio morn nils teenth Amendment lo the lug. Duns vvlin Hawaii. The work uf tho toinuill. Standlno of American Lsioue, 8enl, 7 his fiom the Spanish than nnvlhliiK else nnd 11 I'M of bo.hl This Is Iho aiiiendmelit that ngaliint lospiiimlhlo' Club. w. horo In Iho gnmi over a Tlio Hist lliillilnient U Man tho (Oillili) ii few liuuilreils loo ill Atlantic I'll) Is u I'll. was lorn Hxviiul wnpUi In ,u, 4lin plolecls Hie negro ill his rights of I Philadelphia 83 10 iIIsihiuo. in I. Hllva wlio Is iiccuse,! of slivilliiK of ami, for Mr. Lynch, vlull Railway men erttsiiMi of Hie M'rl un, )t''im 1111 they iai in I'lllitoiislilp, Iiiiih vviei'k Voik . Tl SI A ten nil In tlm challeime, tin Ihlllicu of nil) fioni llui Koiieiiill) inn Inking nolo nf niir Nw .m Hie 01 I he (lllli'lul liul lie. of tlm iilnwiviinre l nt In tho neuti sIshbliiK uf Iho lli'lKH nl Walkllil llui coal ho ilioie, anil as it Id policy Doiruli ,, tl m . linrro thai iiitHMiu ' III been li'i'eUi'il by wntli, Ibelr llbl'iml Hislde, IIii.his and lipid Two iliMiiffiMiis. named Wilson ami liiK aluiM pi I.Hiieuy In tho llnnnlulll lias to .1(0 Is Iwrrei), mid a iiihUIi oa't fiitn. - In liidi Hiiiw wliii help HieiiuxihK, l,"m llllll Mil Hi ulHi'M' lie-ll- (liitpriim- Cunsiil IxiiKi isiliru at llclirilKl HlHltil lo IliU IhlllHM nil Is I'rwir finm WMlilUBin GO he uiflile b ptiwwiinlialliiH wUh nrivr llll ili'Miro Hio I'hniKii aitilllliil llllll we lmo rwwni lo imi'li I If lit Iho iimiMi 'I he X no Hio Hun lliu t'Hpliul KriinihU mml Huiiisii wat iptlMl Hirol nliiiul Mils nfii'iniMii (bin mi Tliiuuns I niidei iipliniiP'iii mill mi 3B" II or IH llnflBrtPh hi the Twrimry iahliK, lirnlor lini'iml In Havel In llnwnlllj!' , HI tho hui4lill Slid Hin W1U1J1IM WIIihiii was iiiihkH'iI mid iIiimhihI vvlih rm uu ulll llr mini Hie nr Hid tlHlt mi Tl ITU WllSlfl kM HH U1 fHHIIil HI H 1 WO lllllh lllli'H luieiimurMi wlili a ttlil ip Mi lliu uf men nr II S Mini miHpli its) pil mllay wl .l""1" deter llikin in Iho mlliu Ull0li Ikiiiiiv I IMI of IIUO lliu hni liM," II 111 I 'up! I l isaiulii MHil del lolllleon Ills lliMklfH ", It Ulll' TM iiioiiiiiiu louia MUitMojivl linf w 1st hwi CHI r'j.1 tin i'ImI Wlmn Iv'inoun iimiv,i lltittlsilik U mil ulll In I) JurfHlt Allill t .'i, llllll i.b Slid tlllim) Hi i llllll Mllll His mm-i- s- Aiimiti, Kill) M Hll H IIMIUIIINIH Hell In .ll.ile Hie uliliuil of Hie mtil - SIK Imrwt 'Ull 'OU lsii Mine ltll 11 ik , miii iuiiis iiiu'Ui 04 in. rim dj lv III laud lmuw V 4lt4iu l,lt Ml III'! II Mill Ulll M dslisoiiiin. In lilt till' HlMik Iikv Ule 4i nl llll SUGAR I. pill up lit'l lllSSIKMIHt I , ' u.ilMl onils 11 .ilvid MiioiiilMi'irrsfid d Alriiiiulrr In ii Moid on Miioiliei Itiin.iii ri bill hoi In v nil- bus nil HiIikijIIi iiiiil in 11 Ik, I iii'li, o ,1,11 u ins Hit .mi slliillie HisintiiH un hi 4h nyfUUllI l nui in inn ml liu iiiii'iiiiun iii pciiil iiii'i ultlHH ill a iiiniH nl His vN IIUMIMII Itspt n - -- 1 ' YHIIJ MiBlrp''"'"' IN In lit Flu uu iuN TMlMlW I , u UUU noil Hi t lllp In !! itiipiluii ulul ili n liH SMI)I 4 I I It) pit l MtMM IIm.i imiall) Mini in ill b'"' iH HiltllllHII V'i Kit If ultttll Wf" Ittf ikw tk wm ' mini a ' llulrl n HHi.Hi nl idin nit --" ln.,i iiii Uf llltnl si ml l'ili lot lb? hfUDttl nl Hie I'm IM I ui HHMWi'HUI vlH" I) III I'isMum, MIM1M i w tfcMi WiiMM m it) mm tmn I fm nsn U "' fliiyfr IM MMNtV IM M Iuiuliy 'utmitl b Nl l' flfliillMiml m h "wtmrmTBr fBPW v ;y:


J2L Our New Phone Number Will He LOCAL AND GENERAL Masonic Temple The tablet sold by the i Bullc hippie t n for a nickel Is og KAHA1HAAK0I twice large SHIPPING OfVl PAGE FOURTEgr. ns the tablet usually sold for this ADDITIONAL Price. . Weekly Calendar , 81 ARRIVED DEPARTED I ' Mrs i Autos, 14'pt.r hour; 12City T Co. (Jan, II Love) Knliakiiliankul one Lewis ansfer MONDAY: of the II Stables. l-i- Wltllall lIlleliM s died tills Minium' ' Helln'1 Stieet Hack Stand Phono, Thursday, Self, 8. Wednesday, Sept. 7. Hamilton Staled, I Uu)t Maru, for Yoko- - fit lici li 'hie mi I .l.li.i tile t. Sin' U. S. II. a Thetis Cochran from Jnp stmr. TUESDAY: wax ali in sett lit Unci- - olil. Hat Id I., man will speak at ll.i Coin Midway, It) n. m I linina, p m. , Honolulu ('Itapler lloynl mill was Mir merclnl Club K:u!ti AMERICAN SHIPS 'BIRDS ARE ALLIES from Sound, S 8tmrl. Wllhelmlna, for Hllo, S p. in. cumin in Charles l'nti noon. I Sell. Hubert Arch. alii Illshop. It goe without saying that uvery Stmr. Helene, for Lntipalioehoe, p. ' ' WEDNESDAY; The deceased wna well' known thing Is? Dest ut Tim Encore. .in. I I p. throughout hnvbig trntel-ci- The 'Anchor WATERFRONT NOTES Stmr. Maul, for Hawaii, m. Oceanic Tlilrd .Di'ttrcc. tho Islands, l Saloon Is now u eurlo ! much with tlio fate Princess Hor- iniiseiiiu worth riclut: Don't forget. INTEIMSLAND W. 0. t THURSDAY: U THE steamer PASSENGERS BOOKED nier Patiahl lllshnp. ilntlii.l the inon-nrcli- 'Listen! Fui a neat hni k, ring up nt u o'clock - Honolulu ('.itiiinnnVry Hall sails this afternoon Win n Mr. '. It lUsliop Icrt PhotiL' 1613 nnd nsk for Frnnk ll.iker. Tor Knual ports with' passengers ami. Per 3. S. Wllhelmlna, Johnson, for .". p. lligular in. tilt" Islands ami went to C'nllfiirnln In Union street. general cargo. Sho will return to San FrniiclEco, Sept. 14. Mr. and Perfection-Spec- ial, 7i!W. Muih-Mcotc- d Question Is Decided reside theic pel manent'y. he made 'Up ti:i! noontime toila iheie had Merchant Marine Expctts Point to town next Wedncsdny morning Mrs. E. 13. Cndwell and child, H. II. rRIDAY: getietous iki lnli.il fur the late Mrs been tik'i niitomoblle legliKied at Ships Rusting m San Francisco Unie tor All by tue Uuvetu- - to Simpson, C S. Davis, A. Illom, L. II. Hawaiian Third Hi grit'. Knhaktihnakol the police Ftiitlon Bay. I inent. ' THE 8CHOONKK Robert I.ewcrs Dee, Vincent Oenoves, Mrs. Chaa. It. SATURDAY! i The remains or iiu deceased nrc iy- - If you unui it good Job donn on an hirlM.I tlila mnrnlnff with a large shin- - Hazier and child, Arthur Oilman, NEW YOUK. Aug. 30 tJiitern-- ! WASlllNUTON. D. C, Aug. 20. I.il A I (i ha Clinptir No. .1 -- Mil! In sinte at the Williams Under- auto or earlingo take It to Hawaiian m,nt ,)f lllml)Cr consKne, I.ewcrs Walter Doyle, T. C. White, Dr. E. ngents who hnvc b'eon secret.' Depaitment of Agriculture,' Regular. taking parlors mi Kurt street Tlio Carriage Mfg. Co. 427 Queen St. inent The & cisike. Sho Is unloading her cargo II. Marshall, II. W. Pogue, Mr. and Iy re- - having Investigations funeral strtlcos will ptnbably be lield Sheriff .l.irretl wnt down to Ewa Investigating Hie rate fixing, loucluded Its n, jiaIOp wharf, Mrs. Harry White, A. Schnatk, W. All visiting members ot tnt bating systems as beneficial ef- - this afternoon. this morning as there Is n gambling of the "rorelgn to the harmful or f P. Kelley, Miss Edna Henry Mrs. J. Order are cordially Invited to 11. on eao to he beniil there that has to do steamship trust In this city, have feet uf California birds iimjii the fin: 8. A. T. Is her PnniRworth, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. attend meeting! of local lodges with Honolulu nffalia. dlscoteied ft Industry uf Stale, bus is- - way to Honolulu from the Const, hav MANY EXCUSED that a large number of lilt that Dreyfus, Mrs. O. F. Ilorcman and JUR0RS j Commencing buiks second mid final paft uf ing port on September 7. Die Sunday. Auuust 28. and papeis that might explain sued the left that child. Misses White (2), Mr, and B 1 1 everything In No. 34.of the Logan Is due here on September U. the u e t i n's phone numbers were lecently taken to Its icport bulletin Mrs. F. L. Hill and child, Mrs. A. Meet on the Quiiin Asks Searching Ques- Busjiess edi- Europe. Illologli.il Surtey. Seventy species "UL will be: office, 225G; r IN FOREIGN PORTS W. Adams, Mrs. E. Olmsted, II. W. and Whnt might among j i. 2nd 4th tions in the Camacho torial rooms, 2185. have frightened the uf the feathered denizens, Knight, Dr. (leo. .J. Huddy, Mr", and Mondays of There wcie twenty eight cases on foielgn shipping rings is Con- - of most Important! Thursday, Sept 8 the them tome the Mrs. II. II. l'enhallow, I. U. Clark, each month Case. the pollee court calendar this morn- gie.sloiial Inquiry which Is to no blidu of the Stule from the farm- - 8AN FRANCISCO Arrived 8ept C: Jl TT- I. Mrs. A. N. -- a D -ll ' Wm. Ideate, Mr. and ju u tr "uw ing nnd with the exception ot six, all held In New York In November. i ers nnd frultgrowcis' standpoint, S. S Nevadnn, from Hllo, Aug, 28, HW 2w .ill Hie tlluo of the rrlm Haysclden. Mrs. J. 3, II. Prntc and V 7:30 P. M. Ne.irh wero sent hut till riiture ilh(js. Prom mi ntithurltiitlte source III weiu systematically Investigated. It SAN FKANCISCO KJlled Sept. 7: t It Id inoriiliig was taken two children, Ernest (lay, Mr. and I UT Members of Inal court A bunch of lining toughs wijr'gjUi Washington It was tonight Is many of them hnve not Transport Logan, for Honolulu. iiidiuc cuMiitrnn said that tine that .Mrs. day, Mr. and Mrs. F. msninc tnuinr.cn.3 other" Asso iili with I he diuwlng or a Jury for crcil In lit Chler '.Mi'lJuflle lns.t lilght, - YOKOHAMA-- Sailed Sept 8: S. 8. Francis the Department of Justice had it been chaiged with the destruction n, KNEFICIAL ngulnst P llaldwln nnd son, Miss V. Ather-to- A?S0SIATI0H elation, the uiw of the Territory nnd ns suer.il of them nro nmlvr nge. n any Chlyo Maru, ton Honolulu. cumulated mass of ctldeine to or Injury of fruit or other farm von Holt, Miss Mary dially invited, Itniiion Cniuncho, incused of iiiuiu' they will I. go to the - Herman ' in la lii Jmenlle show that the , foreign steamship ptodit t, but ns nliuost- till destroy a u ihlld. , von Holt, Mrs. T. K. Heard, Mrs. A. utilise i.f renin. Coutt rings had illctuteil to American ship- - great numbers of hnimfut Insects, HARMONY I0DOE, No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F. Attorney IJultin appears for the II. Ikemoto, n Japanese rlotlies B, Heard, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Dil- pers nnd American inllroads In a or detour seeds or noxious weeds, RUMOR OF FLEET defense In this wite, and tlio iiuei-tloti- s cleaner, was lined ami costJ thlt lingham, Mr. and Mrs. Fennlmore, Meets every Monday evening at ti' manner that appeared to make them they are Important ns a lactor III lie put to the jir)ineii lieforo morning bv.Judge Audrado for neg-l- i Mr. and MrB. II. C. Holmes, Miss P. In I. O. O. P. amenable to the Sherman ntitl trust farm o oiiomlfs, ami the nlm hns 7:30 Hall, Port Street ii i the ero cling to take out a licence for Ills II. Roberts, Mrs. J. II. Roberts. Mrs. allowing to sit mi, isise luw. been to tolleit nil data possible on E. R. HENDKY, Secretary. searching In the extreme. busiutss J. A. Oilman, S. M. Damon, Mr, and " H. E. McCOY, Noble (Irand. A statement was Issued tudnj b) the Tnod or the several species, so) Few of the Jul ylliell weie object- The cn'so agilust J. I'ugl, who Is al- Mrs. L. A. Thurston.' 'All or that a Just teidlct might bo ren t f vUltlng brothers very cordially leged to hate r. celvod stolen goods the Merchant Marine committee Per stmr W. O. Hall, Thompson, ed to b) rminiy Altornet Cithrnit. dered ns to tlie bit its' economic rela- .JnvUcd. i fiom Tin Soon, the notorious Jail 100 which bays the fulled States. for Kauai ports, Cept. 8, S p. m. but (Jutiin asked nianj. iiiestlons ot tions. breaker, wns till Septem-be- r unless it reestablishes American Miss A. .1. OAHU I0DQE, No. 1, K. P. each one. iostHned Stewart. Ethel Lee Toma, of" 13. shipping, will be prnctli-nll- t helpless Pew birds nre always and every- Pacific Warships May Practice Thosj) j hoscn on tho ; ase before n. Alexander, Mrs. J. I). Alexander, In cace or ob- Frl-Ha- Mrs. Leo Song told nil tumbles war. This warning where m dextrin tlte that their ex C. Y. Meets every first and third y the number' In 'the ri Va's exhaust, licr With Big Guns Off E. E. Mahlum and wife, Mrs. II. to .ludgo Andrndo this morning and tain particular force fiom the rait tc i initiation can lie urged on sound Alii .1 Miss L. evening at 7:30 In K. of P. Hall, eil wcie T. C Daw kins, .Inhii Walk- and child. P. Pernrlch, swore that she was afrnlil of her hus- that both Admliul Dewey ami Ad- - economic principles; borne, like the corner Port and Ueretanla. Visiting er. P II. r l Wright. !. E. Maui Coast. Jordan. Kllb. band. Tliu matter was sent for mlral Itobley D. me on the swul ows, sklfts, wrens mid chlcku- - for brothers cordially Invited to attend Jurgensen. I' O S hnildt. .1. K. oter Evans Per stmr. Claudlne, Pcnnett, ouo week us the woman Is slicing her udvlsory lommltteo of this organ- - des, ale mi sti Icily Inse tlvoious that ' In local very Maui ahd Hllo, Sept 9. 6 p. m. Miss . WM. JONES, C. C. llruce Cat t right Jr.. .laiob naval circles there Is a husband for divorce. Izntlun. they aU' exceedingly bencnclul, while P. Ci oiler, Mrs. W. dray. Miss R. O. P. HEINE, K. It. S. I.anilii, Tlioumi. lteNvinsTle am! A- iieflnlte minor that before many r' Today nt noon u flro nlarm was "The United Stutes, Iho richest others may Injure irops ut tertiilu months liavo passed, tho Pacific fleet Roberts, K. Uoendall, Miss Ida Tuck- lbert Hlotn. srit" tho (HAWAIIAN No. 1, 1. M. turned In from Luio struct wheiy I lion-- " times Of the year, bill the loss Is or bd er, Miss Davison, Miss May Alana, TRIBE, 0. R. When these tiieri ".were eliOfon, nation in tlio. world, with lite warships will n Hawaiian kitchen or Jocinllio Freitns had by Mrs. W. K. Hamder nnd child. Miss nftcr"sceraj had been, excused, the. Blind miles or exposed 10.1st, with nl small, and if lis The rumor, which originated at iviPPiH every jjtbi uuu winy-Ainu- .0 caught from n spark from tlio stove. prevents' Mnrc Island, A. Akana, Miss Emily .Wilklns, Eu- . T tlflV tl'IIVU llVIllllltfUll iuost double wealth ot Engluud, isfctlvnrous habits the bird Is to the effect that tho I.unAd.ltl flirt was nlmost gutted, but the .tlays of cich month at KnrjjhroTP' "i"-- "' Tho kitchen the next rl best nation, has less much greater destruction than it In- - naval ships will come hero for target gene Homer, Miss F, Durleln, Master "Mr-- urder tazinakea panel brothovu " anilu. ,,,':' no other damage, was done es-t- Iltirlcln, II, C. and wife. j jpythlus Hall. V<lng filets, the farmer should be willing jpuictlco and that at least twelve Senrle Jr. summons were iisncd'Tor eight adi caught Vine with which to proteit Itselr than many luviieu ui uucuu. - The boys who weic oil bear the leaser loss. sels will bo In Iho squadron. Miss Daisy Apo, Mlsn Achny Ahu. dltlonal men, from whum to choose night by any of the four great powers," says A. I.. EAKIN, Sachem yard street last Chief K this committee. "For the lack of a A reasonable way of lew Ing the u thiiiiRlit that tho Heel will nr MAILS. l 13. TODD, C. ot It. those necessary to complete the who were undi r age were up V. merchant marine tho Pnlted Stutes le.iitlou or birds to the fanner Is 'rlto about Christinas time and that Jury. before Judge Wliltnuy In the Jutenllo Honolulu will htivo of g oue-teut- h Iii iiiiiuIiImi tliMin fiu wufVti u am tho pleasure Malls are due Honolulu from 140, E. men summoned for this iVraw-lu- They will each In time of war would not have nl ii 'HONOLULU AERIE, F.'O. The Court this afternoon lu'secls.l loriBliilii Iho officer and men dur points as follows: II Hen-drlc- k, closo the eiruiuuc of England. ployed to dest.oy weeds nnd were E. I., lliilstem, E. ieKrt ugaln to him after tho lug the festive season Yokohama Per Nippon Maru, Sept WED-- J "Our preseht plight bus made us for whom sufficient fooil nnd need i . Meets on tho 2nd and 4th W. W. Iluclinnnu, J. M. or school Monday aft' rnoon. 13. evenings of each month ut 1). Itodllgues, who the liiughliig-sloc- l. of Europe and J1ESDAY Charles Deskj, K. Tho dentil of Peter r.T-'..i- "; open house may not Colonies Per Marama, Sept. 13. tefljarf o'clock In K. of P. Hall, corner II. (3. I.emkc. accidentally shot Jiljnsoir In tho arm tho Orient. 'The Idea that $i:ir. sr,rr n Walker and Malls wll depart (or the fotlnwlai took place UUO.OOU n year for n navy capital in orj BE BY Jleretanla and Port streets. These men could not 'bo found In riear'Wnlanao last Sunday, without tlie Intested thu nil lu KEPT CLUBS points as follows: InvltH-te- -- Quwu's- - Ilhspltul night ti merchant marine to bark It Is tlie Is moru pay big VUltlng Eagles are time to liii'vu "tbciu appear before last orchard certain to Vancouver Per Zealandla, Sept, 16. fiom Iho biggest folly or nge. en it - tend. noon, so the. rase was continued The m.iu never recovered the lit Interest than the small sum collect- Mwrtln nnH Hnnl.nni' P.liihc Mm Colonies Per Manuka, Sept 16, wns ntupulateil we no part, ,tt , , W. U. nil.EY, W. P. until tomorrow morning, at which shock after his nriu war In which look as ed as loll by thu birds tli harbor ,. ., ' Yokohama Por Manchuria, Sept, 10. the ollco Invitations WM. C. McCOY, Sec. time the additional Jiihiis will be An luuuest will ho held nt for example between (iurmnny nnd near the premises. Issue hor Sydney Zealandla, Bept. 10. half-pas- t en Pr of case pro- station this evening ut set England, who together carry SO perj UeuMctlons from tho extensive lu- B. E. shown and tho trial the Regatta Day. HONOLULU I0DOE, 010, P. 0. o'clock. cent, ot our rorelgn toiniufiic, tiMlgtloiis undertaken In lesponso TRANSPORT SERVICE. I ceed. - Twenty-fift- account of Her i. nnnunl WOUIll plllllge IIS Hllo IIIO glfnlCSlMo immulOIIS tolllplnllltS tOIUerillllg n mi.r.ll!,i' Lodge No. C1C, II. O. There wilt lie nt llm nv.. tllx. nailed from Honolulu for Manila, Honolulu I. nluu lllsliop estate bus beoii tiled with panic we hate eter known and tost ilepiedutlons by birds fu orchards 111 King cutlvo committee of both thu Mvrtlt Aug. 12. Blks, meets their hall, on PAROLE GRANTED I loport on - the coin tmd Iho maslei's (.III- people mole tbull a merchant nml vineyards on the Pacific Coast, unit lle.ilnnl hunt elubn ibis ..venlni-- near Port, every FrMay eve- during tho ptsl lignii arrived at Sun Francisco Aug. Htreet. BY FREAR It nlso. It shows that in.ii I lie would have tost III u bun- show Unit the food habits of ning. Visiting Ilrothers nre cordially GOVERNOR estnto thouiiil some Important ntatterr ortnln 12. year the Income from the dled yea seventy species, whose con- - Ing Day was is. stomach to Regatta will bo considered Sheridan, sailed from , Honolulu for Invited to attend. to $2111.02(1.10 nnd theie - ...... 1 ... amounted e mer- , In.. ..b.....ll...ll.. I. ..II TI... II...... Ir DOUOItEUTY, 13. It. Will Spend 'Trun has doubled hnr .....luiv, i, n i.l'.u miiiivi I lie i.i nui'ii un in wiii-iut-- ij.iun Manila, Aug. 14, JAS. D. Chew Several on hand lit the beginning of the year ...ui'i chant inai'lnu under ptnlectlon In into that but four spetles common house" bo kept nt the clubhouses on If. S. A. T. from Honolulu, GEO. T. KLUEOEL, Sec. il7.C13.7I, making n total of I25H Sherman, Years at Liberty Tin ough the Inst thlity years. under, In California can he regarded us or tho big day, will bo discussed. Tht fop 8. P.. Sept. 3, OflS.SI Tbciu was expended $251 McKINLEY L0DQE, NO. 8, Clemency. the free ship policy had less Uinn doubtful utility. These the tlie lln-- j probabilities are that It will be de 4. WM. 81(1 D! during the leaving n icnr 200,0(10 tons of shipping during thu'iut, Jay, Jay, iiiul'cldcd to hnvo tho affair strictly lnv WATERFRONT NOTES ,;, K. of P. at the beginning of the new year California stellar Hiisbo Japanese war. Under n sys s.tpsticker. Itntlonal, nnd that to procure ndmls to Governor l'reir loiUy gt anted a $0,217 30 ledhreasteil EXTENSIVE CHANGES ore be ' Saturday of In-- , Meets every 2nd nnd 4th parole to Chew Hoy for the re- tem of subsidies she hns since j Theit-roie- when all tho known Rlm ' U'0 clubhouses cards will hnvt made In the S. S. Lurllne, and when P. 1.- ,)0 at 7.30 o'clock In K. of mainder of his senteme of fifteen creased her merchant murine to - methods ot protecting fnjt havo, '" Produced. these changes have been mado It Is Visit- T,l I,n"''r of Hall, cor. Tort and Herotanla. years Imposed Aptll 22, lilt) I. 400.000 tons. Whllo Japnii figures ,eeu exhausted, or call not bo prof-- 1 "f "l0 '" said sho will somewhat resemble the to at-- NIGHT tl10 "10 (,fctallH uf ing hrothors cordially luvlted Chow was (ouiniltteii to prison TOMORROW rloser than any other nation onj Itubly employed, u reasonable reduc-- j race'' lu,"1 "l0 Krai" Wllhelmliiu. The I.urllne will make ,,Ml '" l,t'ld ltcKaU" tend. from the Circuit Court of Honolulu earth, hei statesmen aro euthuslas-- i tlou of the numbers of these oltni.l-,,,ul,- t, "' '"' "" one more round trip utter the present TAYI-OT- t, C. C. "ay p'"g- - '' be, II. A. on a charge of robbery In the first lie over the plan of subsidizing tlielrj B hr,K t periulu lliln; hut tlioj "' '" discussed one and theji put Into the hands of n. S. 13. A. JACOnSON, k. degree, his seuteuie being llfteeli shlpplrg lo tlie extent of ri,4U,r.0() mon, the rail nnblts or birds ato1 mechanics for alterations. The breaks FOR CONVENTION TI c years and costs amounting to 1G.2U. n yen r. As a result Jitpan now op- - studied, thu more evident Is thu' ME-- 1 INu U DC In tho decks of the Lurllne will bo - tilled In und more staterooms added. Upon recommendation of the orates on the Pacific over 201! steam- f t with a iiniiuiil distribution! HELD TONIGHT tlit There will be other changes which board of prison luspectois, Chew thlps of more than 2000 tons each.! of species and a rnlr supply or nat-- j She baa our Bhlps oft that! , will bq the moving of the purser's was granted a parole by (loernor 1 drlten urul food, the damage to ngrlcul-- nn, Rnnr,l n nicpiicc- 1m. (Continued from Pase 11 11 room and smoking room to other loca- prcn- -- . II I It ti .. .. 1.1...1...... iv v condi- nrpjii nml - - lit i .,..!.. i...11 y vi " "w uiuumuu Pi ear, there being but four that W. W Thujer will bo noinl ""- " fiivrtifl mi.,.!ui wiiLi in Ull un m Biiiiill tions. When com- Japanese lake. poitant Business at the alterations are tions Imposed. tinted bv the Demo latlc couYentlon .compared with tlie benefit. plete the Lurllne will hate double "Canada, whoso total weit'th Is. 1 ' Tlieco conditions nro that lie shall on September 15 to make tho run bession. the capacity passengers less for that she wall violate no law of the Territory dur niriilnst John Cat bent t for tlie iitucu estimated at two billion than ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. has present. spending! jjei, at lug the time the purole Is In force, ut iitv nml county attornoy. Tlio New York City nlono. Is At clglit o'clock this evening thori that he shall not lead nil Idle or choice seemed to lie between Idlings annually 11.7n0.i100. or 2 jier cent.j Entercd for Becord Sept. 7, 1910. will be n tegular meeting o'f the Lau.' THE IIONOLULUAN Is looked Tor In dovelop- - In dlssoluto life, that ho shall vlolato Watson nnd Thayer, .Watson declin of her national wealth. From 10;30 a m to 4 , Hoard tho Throno Room at tho Pal to arrive ut this port sometime, dur- Ing foreign shipping. Canada,' ace, 1 . Hono-lulua- no legtilutlou or prison Inspectors, ing to inn and leaving uuings nnii her c llolle. tr, to William Henry.. AM ing January of next year. The n paper Ac- - In luiijiiiiitlnn with Japan, bus, C Aclil, At Its session tonight tlio Hoard has been by Mat-to- n and that evert mouth during the Thayer ambitious for tlio place Wlllliim tr, to William chartered the cam 1) will take up tho of the lease; Hue Amerlcan-lla'wulfu- u first week thereof he shall report raiding to all the signs. 'I buyer will driven off tho Pacific tlie 0 Henry, tr first from the whose ships now rusting I for final dlsisisltlou to he conslderei company. Is to tho warden of Oahu prison be named In place of Ldlngs. line, lie at ju, n D'Almelda to Samuel K She u freighter but will liar-- ! H orginuuiioii. bo iii now and Sneaks. their niiclioni In Sun Prauclseo Klllnuhl Ji and wf Kel """ tltted lu first class shape to ac- bur. lino le-- ! uIla 'al"'M ru ,u uu "'""" commodate passengers. 0LAA STOCK ADVANCES John Wateibnttto Mated today that The loss of tills bus S Kills iioenoo Kiiliiaho Jr ..nil "' about forty San m thoso considered tonight nnd then a he is not u ciiiidliliilo for Iho Senate duced the Imports at Fianclsco Wf to (lusttiv attractive STRONGLY ON .i.. will prouuiliy uu u niiiiiuur 01 iineit-B- i THE WILHELMINA, which depart- EXCHANGE Hint for the place Is fiom Asia and Austinlln nt least Lelalohn K At and by titty ot Ills diolco ed persons present at tho dcllhera ed for Hllo yesterday, wll ChllllngwoUli and John 12,000,000 n year." tr to Walalua Agrctl Co Ltd.. L return patterns Charles lions of thu Hoard. Sunday and depart for San Francisco t Goon Obtained in Sale of Entered 1010, Price Hurl's. for Hecord Sept. 8, Wednesday morning nt 10 o'clock. urn not n candldnto for tho Sen- Two Hundred "I Mcduffie not blamed From 9 a, m. to 10:30 a, m, CASE ON Rn Block of Waterhonso, "and A . 1) - SUMNER STILL speoialsliowrooni ate," stated Mi. line llailley to K Knliaii- THE HARK 8. C. Allen has arrived Chllllug-.votll- i Hughes nro my Shares. . and for chinese' death lello t ,. .ltd at Port TowiiBcnd, making that port I want to seo both of them Yesterday Testified iliolci. Munue) S I'Vnelrn and wf to Witnesses yesterday, September 7. The Allen by Iho conveutl.m and elec Exoner- Olnn advanced to 0.37fi on Hie iiomlnaleil Coioner's Jury Fully City Mill Co Ltd To His Sanity. left Honolulu August C. Slo k Eirtliaiigii this iiioiulng, u t.d," Rebec n Kaae.io et it to Pioneer laa Lowers & Cooke, - i ates Chief of Dotectivos block of two ti mult oil shares or the i Mill Co Ltd THE SCHOONER J. M, Weather-wa- x Limited CA.MIIIHATi:. Tho raso oil beforo J ml go Robinson stock going at tliut llguio. Thd MIT t for Killing. U (I Ross and wf to II Slug Bulled from Hllo tor Hedondr KINO STREET cnlllltd tlie matter of John K. S11111- 177 S. - with load of on 3, oilier session sales weie all In Ottllll I'ook ",1101- 1111 ullcxeil Insuno person was cou a ties September wlio lias been sluted at I go Mr. Ilurrls, asl night Iho colonel's Jmy that Illuuclie C W ma two liloeks of thlity shares each posi- Walker and hsh to I tinned yesterday aitermxm 1111 being out different political iron p.-- lug at 32 f.O. One hundred mid lor enipilied lulo Iho death of thu criuy P Dillingham et al I) THE liner Makuru, which u supurvlsoislilp tir III this nftoriusm and was opcnei tions, espeilully CIiIii.iiiuiii wlni was 'hit over head hence August 19, reported ar-llt- rortv sluiteK of tint slock went at this the again al two o'clock. ineiubur of the House, staled by Chief Mellnllln, ut Sydney, , Sept. I). M. E. 32 375 ami whu siibsu Where there-i- Yosleidii) tho on Silva, morning, tery euiplialleiill), that h there's a will i whole vltneasos tin K The between hoards sales Incluil tiieiitly dIKl 'nt the lusaiio Asylum, lot of ull tho oplnlm ror oil tho folks walling to bear If tku stand testllled that lu A.-I- I. Is nut 11 lumlldale Illinois iilorned a terdlcl In tho erfeel that THE steamship Arlionan Is UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ed twenty klinres of Kuhiikii at nor Icglsliiilto old mail left 'em anything. Haiti-mor- e Sumner wtis sniio and capahlt of man Clly Fathers Hoiird fur the died lieiuorili-ngl- reported to have left Snllnn Crug , Prompt and Polite Attention T.0, twoiiD-tlirc- n Hnwiilliin Elci d'cnased fioui ")i Sun. nglug his own affnlrr, for is hulls. He, hnwntiir, stutes Hint liu Sun I'rniiclsco on August 31. HE. OPPOSITE ut cniiipiesslim due in 11 blow fiom I'ioiii ten o'clock morn I' CHAPLAIN lib at and leu Walalua 111 eliiilnnuimlilp ut Iho yesterday It l.o, would cept tlie nil lion which wns wielded b) u OATHOIJU SISTERS I2N 2f. hir i'nterly limy bo a blessing, hut ev- log until court adjourned lu thu after ciuiHMitlou If orftnud to lllllb Aiilinr .Molliilllu." THE JAPANESE H H, Nippon Maru Theme 1)70 Nluht Call 1014 i " ery man Is willing In Iiiiii his sliuin noon tho nun was mi, nnd dining thai Is Tim Jury mliliui no duo lu uriivii In '.iimolulu next llinl blaino Is to id the hleuslliK over to Iliu fel- many wllnosm on DORN. Viliiwn . .McLean.iii Annul lioo, other lime iheiti weiu Monday, September W bn iillnclinil til Ml'lmllle, win was Jus-lll- l low. ASSESSMENT NO. 12 linliy, ilullv Ides in 11 steel Hie sliiud lirio.noo ed In mtlilit iho (11110 he did. 'I'll Hupt H. 1010, 11 At Urn openliiK of Hits itfiur M'ONO In lilts oil). BiianlPil by small 'oiiri . Till: (U.AIII)INIJ Is loading uud rii)i oil lieid. Chinaman 11 hit nf iiniihlb m tlio Ililinlllly liKil.it 1)1 Honolulu Brunch of the lUrrliun to Mr aitil Sirs Albert Afniin, u WfVlllUS, huid ifooii id us wIumi It lit mi t) llli'iu weiu ten tVllllesMN Hi bull urniv of detmllVliS lltld t 0111I will fur Maul pods iimmriiiw, liiwiilUil ami unylMin liu illud 11 luiMlfs mil mi Mutuil iljiwlilur inn idimiili's in lio liuunl mid i)iu nun will pmb r'llduy, nt & i Allocation ilnro ilia recant nittiiiipi uf luirglure raving indiituo in iibll' ofniiy 11 iuy nr lun Iniignr U lM tllO LWWBIU II elUliTOU A WlB 81l!IiQI',tJui) Ills JIM rmlM mnl IH'lt JUNIt Pillr uttll i'iiic - TIIH V. II IMI.I, a (1,1, isn B3T ! 'rSJU'l)lJWHJHWWT H l liKBS fll Hartef. W'ffU) llH'liPlltl II At u9 tegliinjiiii j WM U'l fflJlUlm wut I'tTMJ'fi iimi iVH'M) IImIiIII l"T M'Ti (or piiim oij iuiiji ff) p. in

At ,& u , idH tk 94, Mm. KM, w..j.'i. feAii- - 4ftyit '1mn rlmniitHftiii ii uir 13 - EVHNtNO IlULLETIN, HONOLULU, T It , TIIt'nSDAY. SHPT 8. 1910 3 """ V SAVED LATEST NOVELTIES F rl! At . ,, , Popular Prices FROM AN ! Woman and C:ntl-- t Jointly Free Accused Free! Free! HOSIERY AND GLOVES This department is one of of Murder In London PoMeo our special attractions. Wc carry all of the lines put up Court. by the best Eastern factories, The "Onxy" hosiery com- OPERATION bines the best qualify with moderate prices. Every pair LONIKJK, AiiV' 29 lloth I In nicy of Gloves or Hose guaranteed. Crlpicii. the Anierlran diMtor ami Kl hoi Clam bis Dplst. VEILINGS In Bla:k, Colors. A large stock weie White and accused of tho murder of Hello lit to purchase from, Including some very handsome "Spider ByLydiaE.Pinkham's Wet" nioie, tho former's wife In iho rorm il effects. Vegetable Compound chjirge road to them In tin How sheet police court toda. WATCHES GINGHAMS A new assortment of serviceable patterns rink-htm'- Miss l.cncvo was charged iiImi wllh in Plain,. Checks and Stripes. 10c a yard, Louisville, Ky. "I.ydla 13. a Vegetable Compound lias cer harboring and mahitalnliig Crlppen LADIES' RAIN COATS The rainy season is close at tainly done me a after the crime, knowing he had com- hand. Inspect our new stock of Cravcncttcd Coats. They world of good and mitted It. I rannot praise it Ileforc thq pmcccdliiRS 1 embody the best in style and quality. enough. I suffered siicotor frnnurregnlailtles, Dow, who brought the pilsoners bark HANDSOME PILLOW TOPS Another lot received dlnlncs.s. ncrvoiu-nes- s, from Canada, Introdiicid ebteiiee to this week. and a severe nlmw that Crlppen ronleiiipliited mil introduce our BOYS' CLOTHING fetnalo trouble. chte while nt sen, follow lug his night LADIES UNDERWEAR AND BABY OUTFITTING l.vdlalM'inkbain's from this country. Crlppui wan quot Dainty, garments for children and infants Ycgctaulo Com. TO also as declaring Hint bin arc a specialty here. All sizes end styles in the "Nemo" pound has restored til roiiipi Department we will give n Ion knew nothing of the tumble In FREE and "R. & G. ' corset. me to perfect health nnil kept mo which ho wns Involved nud MIhx m from the operating novo wan said to have piolcstod her table. 1 will never bo without this Innocence. with every suit purchased a Splendid Co., medicine In tlio house." Mrs. Sam'l Sachs' Dry Goods Ltd., Ltr, Fourth St., Louisville, Ky. Tlicie wns special lutcicst In the Corner Fort and Berctania Streets Opposite Fire Station rlinrnctcr of tho forninl rbargo ns the Another Operation Avoided. Canadian wnrrnnt for the arrest of Gun Metal Stem Wind and Stem Set Oa. untold Adrian, "I suffered tho fugitives had morel) Inlil misery from female troubles, and my nt their doctor said an operation was my only door rcsK)nslhlllty for the death of chance, and I dreaded It almost as an unknown woman, whosi lmdy was Watch. This watch is not a toy but much as death. I,dia K. I'lnkham's found In the cellar of the Crlppen Vegetable Compound completely cured home nt ltllldrop Crescent Tho fact is mo without nu operation. Lena V. Hint both woro today The greatest care used in selecting IlKNitr, it F 1). 3. nicmed of tho watch that is guaranteed for one of Hello Klinore the a. Thirty yenrs of unparalleled sue-re- murder nrticsH the olives for making confirms the power of L)dl.i K. wlfo of the doctor, lends to the supo Plnklinin's Vegetable Compound to sltlon thnt tho mulllnled body hns year by the maker. cure female diseases. The great been Identified to tho satisfaction of unsolicited testimony constant tho authorities. It also suggests that ly pouring in proves conclusively tnai Ljdl.i K. I'Inkham's A'egetablo Com- - the Kllco hao further evidence con NICELLE OLIVE Is a remarkable remedy for those corning MIsr connection Istrcssing feminine Ills from(whlcb with tho tragedy than thev havi made We carry a full lino of BOYS o many women suffer. known heretofore To,la's proreed lugs consisted of introducing evidence OIL against tho nccused, nt the conclusion CLOTHING, ranging from JJ5 up. of which they were rctiinnded until Only stuinil, perfect fruit is used. It is absolutely pire September C without having pleaded or made any comment In rcplj to tho with exquisite flavor. cbnrgo ngulnst them TALK Crlppen and MIsh I.rnevo stood to YOUR GROCER MAS IT PICTURES g'tber In tho dock, lie woro a gray frock suit, whllo his (ompanlon wns dicsscd In n tnllor mnde suit of blue Arthur Newton; tho solicitor en "Klnetophone'' It Successfully Demon guged by friends of his dlent appear stratcd by Inventor In State of ed for Crlppen and J II Welfaio r New Jersey. tallied by tho girl's father, represent ed her. Prosecutor Travers Humph The OIIANOK IN'. J ). August 21!. Willi roB had chnrgo of llm ruso for the IiIh klnctnpliono Thom.iH A. IMIkoii crown and after Introducing evidence demonstrated tonight Hint lie Iiiih In Jiistlllcatlon of, tho arrests ho link metropolitan Market achieved success In making a moving cd that tho prisoners be) remanded picture talk, A limited niuiihcr of for eight days, wlcntlflc men ami iiowap.)per rcort-er- HAS THE FINEST MEATS SOLD IN HONOLULU. KILL- were nt tho lnltl.il exhibition, ami, OlENTAL 8HIPS IN while only a very Kliort film with tlio ED UNDER GOVERNMENT INSPECTION, AND KEPT IN WES. PAC. COMPACT oleu nttachment was YM-M- F present A SANITARY, SHOP. ORDER A STEAK hIiowii, all rcnllrcd that New Road Toyo Klsen Kaltlia to FLYING AS A SPOflT the cause of Keveral fatal accldontH DUROANK'S LATEST 13 great and linn accomplished another Operate Together; Two Nev CEASES TO ATTRACT Tlio Impression In Franco h thai RED NEWTOWN PIPPIN AND NOTE THE FLAVOR. long achievement, and It m:i not ho Steamers. next cnr there Will not Ihi Olio meet beforo great lipoma nro reproduced French Aviators See the Future of Iiir wheio the Wero thlrtv thin year Scientist Exhibits New Species of Ap- by kliictophnne. tho Ni:V YOKK. AiiBilst 21. Tlio Vtnt the Aeroplane Depends on Safety Tlumo intcrcHtcd la tho leal dovelon-incu- t ple at Santa Rota Displays New most IMIson il.innei a appropriate rrn riiclllc'H new truffle nrriiiiKUUiput and Utility.' of iivIhIIoii, Jiowover. bellovo Pepper. II I in tho exhibit. The hccno on tlio W. F. HEILBRON and A. LOUIS. . . .'. .Proprietors for with tlio KUi'ii KiiIkIi.i, tlu thin will be an iiilMpitnKo rather than n Too screen was the reproduction of Orlcntnl Rtennmlilp ciuiiauy, will bo I'AIMS, Auk 11 The falliiro of n drawback. TJie think it will check HAN'T A ItOSA. AiiriiU .10- - I.lillicr Telephone 1814" stngo In a On thin appealed . thcalrc. couiu fflt'clhe Janiinry 26, 11)11. Aftci muni nvlatlon nieetliiK thlH Hiimmor iriiieisBi,,ii,ii iv,flic"M w, tin, i i',i,n., lliirbank. tho ell known sclent 1st, Ii.ih ho lecturer, who cxplnlnol typlr.il ciinipletliiK nrraiiRi inuntH wbcrrby tlio bin Krently illaappoliitoil promoterH. uiaiiufncliiri th to poncet machines two more of his wonderful kliictopliono been per- that ,tho had Klurii Kaltb.i vlll Hover lln run After tho trcniendotiH hiiccoh of Iho within safely IIiiiIIh on ckhlbltiou st the Chamber of Cum found Toci fected only aftur.lt vim lissl ncctloiiH Willi tlio I'.iclflu Mall Hlcam IthiliiiH ineotlnR I.ihI ear liniiilreds of Already tlie) rciillro that the future in' rco rooms here. One of those Is an . (.11 a phonograph and t (... I.. I.. .I..., ... ..k.tln..l ere-H- bio to operato hIiIiv Cdnin.iny ami other lliirrliimii incolH wero orKanlrcd In every coun iiir iieniiiniie ir in men ,imvih.ii ,i improved Newtown pippin Thhi I To - simultaneously Illustrate HncH, ami will brromo allllbitoil wllh try In Kiirono. and even In Kuypt. lie- llt.v and not In their employment Jn Ion has a rtsllsh color. Instead of now Invention THE SHEEREST GARMENTS the possibilities of tho tlio Wentrrn I'uclflc. tlio Roncriit man ginning with tho winter nicotic nlons HportliiR exhibitions, and that the lin tho Iris idlow of tho reRiil.ir n tho eloquent on the canvas lecturer iiKor of tlio Oriental lino Iiiih nnnntinc tho Itlvlern they hivo continued wivk piovemeiits miiKt la iiIoiir tboiio Hues. iilpplii. and Us frultlns hi'.ibom la droppeil u wooden on tho hard Intx- - LAUNDERED WITHOUT INJURY ball oil that after January 20th next IiIh after week In nearly every law) city Iho present time. Instead of In tho stngo pioiluceil n Moor of the and this cnmpnny would niwrnto (Ivo Hteani In 1'rnnco. In almimt every caao tho j.iam:si: aim: nitivi: orr. fall, as Is Hint of the original npiilo. p canvas tlierb FRENCH LAUNDRY abadie, 777 KING loiul noise 1'ioni tho slil,s between Sun KrnnclHco nnl tho results for tho promoters Uavo liecn Tho other creation that Is bcllU! also riune tho sound of an nuto horn now Is a tiler, common- Orient instcni! of tluco, tho mimbor dlKnstroiiH. 30. An- - shown innrt.v linndH of lecturer, and VICTOIMA, II. V., AuRiist In tin the now In Horvleo Kveu lthelniH, with tho prwtlRu ofl ly known as'"l)'Vll Claws." Il wan a loud crash when he a' ' "orloiis .mestlon has arisen be- - thcro also One It New Ship. Inst year and Io.ir series of broken '"" to iho pepper famllv In tho dropped a dish. SfiO.ani). Japan , according to pods Thz New Phone Number! Tlio now Hhlim.vvlll bo tlio Amcilcn rccqrds this hummer lout, tween and nrlRlual of Iho plant the aro tiny In Identified with nvlatlon place received hero today. Tho now affairs, and Ilurb.ink has earned them IIA.VKI Mnru, which boliiR fur tlib Those adviceH AT lMMMvl.M! t'l'l" to mammoth pmisirtlons. . School Stationery orrniiiiit now Kervlro, anil turbtuo titenun'r. the lilnmo not uikiii flaRRlnrt Interest, dimculty Is tho outcome of an order nssiimo afti:ii fiiist iiinlcr coiiHtructlou In tho )anln nt but iilKin tho fplrlt of ci nercbillsm HKUt.,i ,y viceroy Hsu of Manchuria, They havo lareo ihhIh llko a claw. and. new will bo a with which noroplaiilnR la lieliiB cx' to Brow llko a cucumber on larRO vinos. Everything needed for school UOSTON. Aug. 21. Tiio common NnKusahl. Tho turbine ordcrlnR tho Japaneso leave Vienna tOilp Mnru Acroplano tllRht mado such pon Tho martynler Is excessively hoi. Bakery drinking cup will bo absent from pub- Klutor to tho Clilo unit tho ,,rnl ottlm nt t0 rnrclRncrs. and college by teacher and The traffic a vivid appeal to tho IniaRlnnllon thnt Tho or,icr nffecU 800 Jaiuinese, ns lic drinking fountains by older of tho Teno Slam. arraiiKonioutx pupil. promoters hiuiK up enornioiis purses well a larRO of Koreans. dissenting voice tho Tour Ktnln board of Ilea th after Oct. 1, In with tho Western I'nrlflc will bo hlni as number Without a ami paid fabulous sums to Ret tho In protesting iiRiilnsf tho order, of Palr--I accordance with tho act of tho last liar to tho iirraiiKi'ini'iit which cxUtcil Cliilstlan Klidcavor Middles few crncjts who had astonish .In pun Iiiih to prevent tlio spread of with tho Southern I'arlfle. Tho Kteinu Trench maintains that China Riven i,r, Neb . loted that a public reuojt Pencils, Tablets, Iginlatuio, Men llko who forbidden iiIhii ship cnuipany "111 havo n full ami ed tho world l'aiilhnn. tHCt tonHPi to activity of tbo .lapa be sent lo .Mrs Nicholas UmRwirtli dlsonso Tho cups aro J25 a BooKs tbeatcrH, free IntcrcliitiiKo of triifllc, both fourteen months sro rarncil neho In tlio towns by permitting them I'sklng her to glvo tip the clgaietlo Composition In nubile buildings, hotels. bo- - 2124 ami (iiitv.anl buiinil. ThiniiKh month as a mechanician, suddeal) t 10 there unmolostcd for six yenrs I abIL a , railroad curH, stations or feiry boats. iinywheiu dcmaudliiK and Retting from Sin. During this tlmo tho Japanese havo Wc have special preparations Kvery olio found will cost Its uwnur ratcH will bo in. I'lo from In Ran LTD. Iho United Slutcu to tho Orient, via 000 to $23.0im i:crj pilot, whether ncipilrcd property IntcrrslK of Rreat I.osH of finu.OOO wiis suffered by HAWAIIAN FISHERY, school S2.' lino for this year. San rranclHcn, cxierlencod or not wanted to excel vnluo and If tho order of expulsion Ik ,1110 Northwestern railroad through After Cotton Traffic Ills rival In exploits In or-- ' enforced China will bo called upon to i tho destrn On of its roimdlioiifo and It In exjiccted thnt cinmlderablu at der to get more mono and that was compensate tho Investors rhops at Inadron, Neb , by Pro KlnK Street Fish Market Hawaiian News Co., tention '.vlll bo devoted to HceurliiK LIMITED cnttnn tiafllc from tho Kniithwoat, via San I'ranelM'ii, under tho new tin (lie Telephone 2505 Alexander Young Bldg. arrangement. Tho nifmt of tho rotton IriitHe to tlio Orient Iiiih hitherto gnnu Drink via Piled Hoiiuil. tho Hill roads hand Amateur Photographers, MAY'S OLD KONA COFFEE SCHOOL BOOKS; SCHOOL SUP; Hiik tho larKOKt proportion, r-- can bo nuidc In Import Wc have an im- TIIh trado Best in the Market Office Supply Co., W PLIES. oxtcuslVQ mense stock of School Book ant Item With tho Hmleni !! 1 of (Snuld roadH reaihiliiK ovoiy iKirllim Listen & LIMITED Tablets, Pencils, and every. HENRY MAY 00. of tho Knulhwi'Nt, Ibo Wiiiturn I'aclllc. a pupil will require to start Dealers In thiiiR with ItK now Oileiilul connection, Phone 1271 school again. REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS, nhoiild secure a Iiiiku pioiortlon of On until fivo will glvo Public Your Monev-Saver- Saturday afternoon from two wo a 'fjree SEE tho tralllc. I'ailfln oIllcliilH FOR YOUR GROCERIES, TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES, CO., LTD. WALL, NICHOLS havo mado a careful Htndy of tho col Demonstration of Printing anil Developing Velox Papers. ' E FILINQ CABI- Kinir Street ton jMmlhlllllm and expect to AMERICAN BROKERAGE CO. tralllc NETS and BOOKCASES, develop Imixutant liiinliieini from thin Bring in your negatives and havo ono or two piintcd by an Expoit Demon- SCHOOL BOOKS roiiico 03.05. Kinc Street, near Maunakea GENERAL OFFICE STATIONERY strator just from tho East, who will explain ovoiy dolail of tho process. All School 1h rntltlixl lo an evteimloii or Phono 2201 Daily Delivery Pencils, Paper and will bo If of 1'oiter Charlton It will cost you nothing and a most valuable lesson. lAAtXA 031 FORT STREET Supplies ilmn extradition IS dealred, accoriliUK to u Htatellient .oy v ARLEIQH & CO. by ncpailmuut at Saturday from two until fivo. " HooKb! BooKs! Books! A, B. Ibo Hlnle Remember, afternoon REGAL SHOES Hotel, Near Fort Wimhlimton Tlio tint) ility' limit e.plreil nun mi ilciiniml lutt been liuidu Oo to lot Hie wMu xlujer REOAL SHOE CO nit BROWN & LYON CO,, LTD, XfiiK mid Bethel, ChrtN, R, Frazior Hi pint ''iiiu Had), I'ln, m llmi Co., Imh'H limn Supply Acnikr Yomiik IIIiIk, lout iifM haw liiiehwl Honolulu Photo Coanpaiiy Ml lit'l'lll m of llll lillllllg of Ib'MUl' FORT MOTEL -- Ha0W U'vnYMU llat'Hi I'l'Miir llllii lnlHHil Hlid I) ft I MIllMlin TOUll AnVKBTIIRM mirliMin l'tw HIH' llHHIIIIH ItHI tllrlrti llMllHlll llMvlnm llillt i' Ihoi1.ii fur uh HI Hie II l I'll li l'liimv IU7I lUil Kinif SI, oii li(iiiia hmi Hid ItoMIKbl In rimff uurtfi ,Im Ml,, riii'h kin tkb'dtfu nt llu mutUur

ybauubbMbjUj jayjyMyy tJjllf.flwT fiilfl "'""'rt"f lMl4llltfcl I MVAJ -iii tlHitimmm.t, w-j- t

j-- t

EVENING nOLLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., THURSDAY, SEPT. 8, 1910. 'CEvening and, WEEKLY Published by BulletinBULLETIN PUBLISHING CO., LTD. ,'BAILY BEST AND SAVE MONEY S'At 120 King Street, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. GET THE Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday of each week. jjiDaily every day except RATES PER $1,000.00: These.quotations are spec- all ages at pwpor. $ MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Age 21. $11.38 imens; - Editor 25. 11.82 tionate rates. See us for J R. Parrlngton , Wallace 30. 12.50 full particulars about this School Shoes ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADYANCE. 35. , 13.65 new policy. 40. , 15.22 . 17.59 TRENT CO., LTD. UUUl-aTI- 45. TRUST liVUNINCJ tlUl-UIJTI- N W11UKL.Y N Pet Month, anywhere In U.3. ..4) a7A fcfSlaMonla .no Cut this Coupon out and mail to us: PerQuatler, aiiywbert In U.S 3.00 rf Year, mjwtnie In U.S I.oo TRENT TRUST CO.. LTD., Superintendent, Girls , Canada,, and PerYtat anywhere n I. no Boys Fei Yur, ...... For nlietelnl)S.. H.oo Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York, foreign Per Year lostpalJ.toitiin 2,o The Per Vral, pnttaid, 13. ou Honolulu, Hawaii. ' Gentlemen; PUBLISHED U CIRCULATION LARGEST OF ANY NEWSPAPER Without obligating myself to take a policy, I would ji ' in the Territory of Hawaii. like information as to your new contract and the rates for & same. r r-- p J Editorial Rooms, - 2185 1 l.t.Buslness Office, - 2256 Name None better than those carried by us Rnlncil at Ine PoatoKcc at Honolulu Address . . ., u eecond-clai- s matter. I was born on the., day of. 18. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1910 Don't you be a "leaner," be a "lift- vnntaga In building It on Fort full value for your money er" if you can; street In the place of the business Get se- , Don't "hinder"' men, but "help" block thoro now, to make nny them on their way; rious illlfcrenco to tho residents And vow whatever else you do of tho City or tho nrrlvnls at tho vou're coinc to be a man waterfront, or tn compensate. In FOR SALE by buying from us A full-size- d man, right here, just any decree for tho loss which fmfy? now, today. would result to the plan for tho ' Nixon Waterman. hc.tutlucntlon of the city If tho Very desirable home, corner K buildings nro Kntml tlilnkn Honolulu would like finest of our public Pensacola and Kinau streets. I over 4 tin (V,1ni-n- iiitl Iff tit fin - scattered nt haphazard all jtV HI I...... llini' I ID 1 lUt'l HI UUililH tll." Your choioe of two proper- Square. No, thank you, very town t1tco office nnd Is Your Time Pniui h. Please. There has not been n sufficient ties. Call at our reversal of Honolulu public sentiment we will take you out to see ? if' rooper-- to Right Store Kciiiotnlicr that unity anil ou tho Federal building matter Regal Shoe them. i organlratlon eye- -In The K'ntlnn In tlio campaign make It apparent to tho naked 'are quite ni liiiinrtatil as tho noinl-'natlo- ii Honolulu Docs your watch keep of good men on tlic ticket. good timet If it does not, it and Bethel right nnd McCandless Bldg., King The price is in need of expert services. Seldol and FOR PROMOTION. is Hot ween Roosevelt, 50,000 terms can be arranged. Lorlmer. tlie list of undesirable your watch is not run- ns lone If guests llil fair to become Twcnty-fli- o thousand dollars Is tho bring it to us for Ana ning right, its Ilia membership roll of the modest sum tho Promotion Committee examination. We will give nias Club ask? this year for Its work, and tho you an honest report on its Sho can' carry 22,1 passengers. Thoy secretary adds that fifty thousand dot BishopTrustCo.,Ltd. and if needs re- to prize condition, it migrants, Tho man who wants In- Standpatters tarried the gobd havo cabled to London about her lars could bo used to purpose pairing wo will give it care- a pass-nbl- o fight State. Republican Insurgents BETHEL STREET establish a homo must havo EXCURSIONS surance, ob that docs not cover a And why not fifty thousnnd dollars ful and competent attention. which to trnvel never been vetv strong tn com highway over decp-sc- a voyage; so wo oxpect to bae for Promotion, the coming year' that are corrupt and Oood roads certainly go hand In hand know definitely about hrr nnd I will inniiucnlilm every ono ought to bo satisfied rontented. Most with conservation. then forward photos for uso In our money expend ARE COMING that the this city has The only lime when the Ilcpubll-ca- n locnl papers. Mr. Yandell nnd Mr. Itopubllcans need not worry over ed for promotion Is on the wholo H. F. Wichman party can afford to bo arbitrary Klug are both enthusiastic about the Is n good ihnt tho Democrats will do. If tho money well spent. It Is when exposing the falsity and excursion nnd I feci assured of suc- Investment and excellent prac' SEND A Rcpitblltan party In Its platform and the schemes of Its enemies. 1) cess.' tlcji returns, direct nndtfridlrcct, have & Co.. Ltd., (Continued from Page performance demonstrates Its gijpd gates, have been widely distributed Teachers to Come. faith In Keeping closo to tho people. bien secured. principal of tho Humboldt WIRELESS LEADING- - JEWELERS through tho malls. "The Tho direct return is evidenced In High School at St. Paul, Minn., Members of tho District and increasing of FORT STREET Excursion Matters. again" stating definitely that ' the steadily number TO YOUR PRIENDS AT SEA MURDERER WOOD matters seem to ho writes County Convention will show their every "Kxcurslon twenty teachers tourists coming to tho Islands Office Open Sunday Mornings From progressing satisfactorily. Through a party of llftccn or P good Judgment by postponing action city will spend next year to J.en Mr. James Mc from that until the Ter- Eignt tho efforts largely of on nominations after Xo less Important is the indirect Indofatlgablo worker j car's lutig vacation In Hawaii. ritorial Convention has outlined the T Can ill ess, that value that comes from a wider circle enemy's coun Ono phase of tho Immigration work Hawaii, tho S. S. Wllliclnilna has Pointers for Porto Rico. party's position on the main Issues. carried right Into tho for "In compllnnco with tho request of American citizens gaining it knowl energy has gone under the nnmo of n failure. been chnrtered for her February tilp try and waged with unceasing of Governor Coulton of Porto Ulco. edge P(. the (actB of tho Territory of to bo tho caso, let It ho Is expected to bring ns many Mayor Scldel of Milwaukee docs to expose their hypocrisy nnd deceit. Admitting this and wo reported hull fully ns to our Hawaii Irreparnblo damage may bo Shrlncrs ns sho nut possibly carry. not strengthen himself nor does he Tho blazo of publicity will send them noted that work in that direction (Xon''iucd from Pasr 1) work at Atlantic City. y the last done the Islands by misinformation or Immediately threat- '- rod-- If the present schedule Is maintain add dignity to his oflltc by refusing scurrying to their holes. Hut tho stopped failure I. lie brown complexion mall we itro In receipt of Informa- All the fncts and ' two ed, this steamer will arrive at Ho- to meet Theodore Roosevelt or any campaign of education and exposure ened s .tat marks and scars, tion that tho Legislature of Porto development nnd nxllhi; molo 1 In nolulu February 21, In tlmo for her other guest of his city. A mayor Is the truth nbouto.nr must bo vigorous, Intelligent and In All will admit that Portuguese Im- molt., .(.uw right Rico has appropriated the sum of opportunities Is." the best possible in- below right nipple; molo upper left passengers to participate In the supposed to represent nil the people ccssnnt. migration lias been a success. Tho 1 1B, 000, which, with n llko amount common surance foolish hip. Hoar right cjebrow; threo niolet Floral Parade and Carnival. An ef- of IiIh city In matters of 'against adverse and differ- Portuguese lias not run nnyone out furnished by tho merchants nnd With tho second class It Is scapula; mole below left but- fort should bo made, however, to lourtesy. legislation. found homo mak- between planters, will bo expended by their ent. They must be met half wny. of work, nnd he has tock. keep the steamer In port until tho Fifty thousand dollars a year paid Chamber of Commorco In advertis Tho leaders nnd tho enthusiasts on ing In Hawaii to his liking. Kindly arrest and wire mo nt my 23rd, In order that tho Shrlncrs may Sonic of Ilalllngcr's friends must out for publishing broadcast the facts ing Porto Rico at Atlantic City, both sides must remember thnt all The wise policy therefore for the expenso If ho Is discovered or If his nn opportunity to enjoy nil of havo slipped a cog when they al concerning Hawaii Is a comparatively havo commencing Mnrch 1, 1311. government and tlie best of represen- Itcptibllcnn party In dealing with Im- body Is found. I hold warrant charg- festivities. lowed tho minority of tho Investlgat on hun- tho small insurance premium a com with murder. Publicity. ' lng committee to get off by Itself tative government Is a Bystcm of migration, Is to stand firmly for tho ing him From Los Angeles. dred million or more of value In per- Will forward photograph If I can 'Hie puuiicity ui mo and pass a resolution promises, proved success of the Immigration "Ilcgnrdlng .tho Los Angeles ex- commcrco nnd sonal and'propcrty Interests obtain one. various chambers of must appear on the record nny particular mcabiire docs not policy, and meet nt lenst half way the cursion, Mr. Frank Wiggins, secre- Unit- that This has been a prosperous vear. If Kindly request your locnl nowspa-nor- s boards of trado throughout tho Usually tho minority's only chance of majority, It voters who bcllcvo that a portion of - tary of tho I.os Angeles Chamber of Tho peopfo can afford to Invest their meet the approval the to Klvo as much publicity as ios- ed States nro planning for vigorous Is to oto "No" on tho whitewash go to The tho fund secured from the conserva- Commerce, writes under date of Au- fow money In further guaranteeing tho villi sooner or lator defeat. slblo to this matter In tho hopo of campaigns during tho next will tion and Immigration tax should bo gust 29 us follows; resolve. prosperity of tho clear headed and honest pnrtlzan apprehending this mnn If ho Is allvo months. Following Is a short list future. Im- proposi- do his utmost to make tho compro- expended for such permanent of finding his romntns u iieau. " 'Wo are taking up tho of appropriations decided upon its overyono feolB Glio tho Promotion Committee fifty or How much better mise before going to tho peoplo for provements us permanent construc- respectfully, tion of running nn excursion to Ho por recont letters: the thousand dollars, Tho peoplo nro pay- VourB when an ancient dispute llko votes, than court defeat tion of tho main highways of tho Is- (Signed) C T KLMOTT. nolulu some tlmo In February, Just .tluffalo, $100,000; Poughkccpsle, Is ing tho tax that provides the fund. tholr rather old Newfoundland fisheries case upon lands. For, wo must remember thnt United States Marshal. now it Is all talk, but I would llko $50,000; Des Moines, $30,000; Port- They reap tho benefits promotion and havo tho compromise forced In a civilized manner. Wheth- of . glvo Informa $100-00- icttled him by successful opponents. roads nro equal In Importnnco to lm- - to havo ou nio this land, Me.. $50,000; Scnttle, 0; er America won all tho' vital points tion Huntington, W. Va.. $25,000; contended or not. tho off, $50,-00- 0; for which It THE IMMIGRATION ISSUE. " 'If wo succeed In pulling It Chicago, $500,000; Memphis, peoplo will bo mu-- better satisfied TIS TONIGHT whnt arrangements can bo inndo nt Portland, Ore., $100,000; Spo- past with tho result than with tho Illlo for tnUng tho party to tho kane, $75,000; Minneapolis, $25,-00- 0; counter-bluf- f. Immigration bo a lending hundred cars of bluff and will issuo volcano, nnd the rate? Pnrkorshurg, W. Va., $100,000. In this ) car's campaign, becauso soma " 'What nro tho facilities now for "I hopo that our committee may of tho errors of tho Republican Imm- Following Is, tho program for tho Trust docking tho vessel at Illlo; what securo ii fund of at least $25,000 for Watcrhouse CIiiib, glvon tonight In Honolulu should bo regarded ns igration policy nro to bo selected its concert to lie are tho hotel rates there, and ulso this year's work. Wo could use Illshon Punahou. at 8:15 nn especially appropriate center to tho special object of attack by the k. Hall. whnt will bo tho hotel rates In Ho. $50,000 to distinct udvantagc. first glvo expression of America's Democrats. o'clock. nolulu? Wo havo PAUT I. Distribution. good will toward China. Immigration will bo it tower of had a conferenco with Mr. "During this month and next wo ono of Its Solo Mrs. S. M. Halloti "'Wo furnished China with strength for the Republican party If Piano Diinuii. Saturday, and ho Is moro should gct special clrculur matter Interpreters, Itncltotlon Sombre. Miss Kay Hell most Important luw u campuign or enlightenment, a cam- than mixlous to cooperate In pull Into tho hands or fully 25,000 rail- ulso Its most famous revolutionist Solo Mother o' Mino. . .Philip Hall paign of truth and it campaign of Special lug off a first-cla- excursion, using way mid steamship agents. Tho extremes liecn filled in Opportunity Accompanied by Mrs. Henry Tlmo havo honest consideration of obvious facts tho Uueon ns a means of transportn matter for n special mailing card Is n good nuinbor of hlgh grado , Illcknoll. with Ik carried on. Hon. Mr. Hnymond Is enthusiastic, being prepared, and will ho submit- average Hecltntlon Sweet (llrl Graduates citizens. In framing up tho party's position, and I think will tiso very strong ted to tho committee, one side giv- During this month only we offer the following choice Miss Hay Hell representing It will bo worso than folly to ap- nigiimonts with tho board, Wednes ing a series of views JOCKEYING. Kaimuki residences for purchase, upon terms within the Piano Solo Mrs. llallou rEDKRAL SITE proach tho peoplo day, urging that wo accept tho prop 'Winter Sports In Hawaii,' tho other In nn nrbltrary anybody desirous of acquiring home. Small cash PART II. reach of a osition he makes.' containing', besides tho address, a style nnd attempt to Jam down their in monthly Call and get "Tho Porslau Oardon," payment and balance instalments. Dunan roforrcd lo in tho brief message to tho man(Wo want Co uway from homo to learn tho throats a harsh, tyranlcal, arbitrary they are Mrs. White, Mrs. "Mr. particulars of these two special bargains before Artists Allan gonornl passenger ugent to reach. news. Is ono of tho remarks ono ofton declaration that a fow very reputable Hobo, Arthur Wall, letter Is the withdrawn: Stephen Norton Coast Steamship Com "A of camo to In matters hnvo opinion of the Pacific number letters liearB business citizens expicsscd their (Icorgo A. llrown. dif- Three-bedroo- s. pany. Mr. llavmond Is chairman or hand by tho Wllhclmlna from It applies to the following from tho that the Immigration luw is all right NO. 1 house on car line. Spacious Accompanist Mrs, 8, M. llallou. Ncwlv nainted throughout. tho IJa Angeles Chamber of Coin- - ferent pnTls of tho world, many of (Jardcii Island editorial columns, that and thoreforo It must he so mid It nanered and ' Tickets aro ono dollar. Tho s Lot aljade and fruit nierco excursion committee owner them stating positively that tho Indicates how tho schouicrs for ma- must bo continued In exactly Its pres- 100x225, covered with of this contort go to buy n lit aMr-tr- ni-- Hawaii the com- trees. wmuivafit ali ntiunnd miattr of tlib Itaymond Hotel, Pasadena, wrltors would visit nipulating tlie Federal building slto ent form, and it must be this or It piano for tho dirts' Industrial Wlilt-com- suh uivn nnd piesldeul of tho Raymond b ing wlntor. have become loss cautious In talking must bo that. 2 bungalow. Magnificent view school. NO. New excursion Agency. New Work, outsldo friends than no one Crater (re- This Is tho last opportunity of Promotion's to their Island Let fool himself with nn Idea of two oceans; adjoining Kaimuki "With rcfoiento to the proposed "While tho Promotion Committee they lit tho peoplo of Territory served as a one or two lots, as hearing Mrs. Allan White, ns sho nro Honolulu: that tills ran park), Either oxcurslon from Puget Sound, our times received pecu-ll- leaves on tho China for Huropo, has at dlfloront Many of our residents am ha driven or scared Into doing that desired. agent lit Seattle, Mrs. lleadlco, nnd asked to iiitali to tho regret of Honolulu loiters been do I' iliiK('tl to no that public opin- which, for want of Intelligent discus- ns follows: wo scarcely ex poet ed people writes queer things, ion In Honolulu Is Inclining more sion, does not appeal to their Idea of From the Sound. to bo called upon to serve legal pa- anil more to slto for tint what Is right. WE ALSO OFFER FOR LEASE ' am the favor the Mrs. Ilasmus Hugo of Warren, 'I happy to leport that pers, nnd et by the lust .steamer building which Is In Opponents of Hid Immigration law Is moving un at- liuw Federal Three-bedroo- furnished bungalow on the Kaimuki car Minn, and her pumpettlvo excursion, a letter came to hand from Ju- may bn very tatUfnttnrlly. Mr. Vandell, llio villi Ity or th" Capitol mid divided Into two classes. line, One of the most comfortable homes in Honolulu. dilld wore drowned when tholr nil torney In n Western (Ity, asking us diciary UlllilillK. th" ' II ' First those who kmm lliuy mo nils loinobllu Kllppoil limit Into the river Mr. King, nuvuial otlieis lilul ni)elf In servo pupers In it divorce action, I I led Rupert, tlm Placed i the plan drawn lust leading the pinplu and thereby nnd after falling lo mount an Incline impel the Prime. nun nf tho put lies being uuiipoui to Meinuer Unit will probably bn lined III iwr by A 'mimus iMiiiUrapii iirtut, in mining tlm piimpurliy of iim Terri- fiiim a feirj hunt In n dot k, ri'tldo Honolulu ltei'iettflll pith-li- e for Iliu trip. Hint U Imbed n beauty fur tho IiImhI kiohiuk of the tory, hut willing In do anything In - i submitted, Kill- till largo ami nf Hie tit)' III a 'CU-il- l K'i II a few Miles; and, ti'iniid thorn Hrti'iiil linlluii luliorriw wt'in nuuldtt stulmoniiis, "II, I'. WOOD IWlltlJllK" ' n nil); iinl) tv. n lierths In imii'Ii, Hlie 'Hrcri'liny (Vltiif " '1 lIMllHI' liflVtrH'll linliwlb iipWtwM Ihmiiuw tin rri'l ed ami liiign Milliliter "Pin Injured lt' limiiiilfiilly (iirnlidiwl, new uinl I Urn nf II ilPlil Is bl. U mul tn Miitr Mttw II) he iwtwi' stMirsil nom ilu o- - to iniKipio of h imil Trust 01 trim, iibi us miKhi wim w Ai&flail ,.n I,. .. Watcrhouse tlm I' Nmipanv, hi iRir at II ul "TRfl plimiU fill liariiioii) iiniLitartiliiiti of tMNptftwi I utel b im i ...i n. (Illlp np' mh Miiwoiik, N V Mu poner m iii iMiiiilii. Imi In fVMir In niiln," lla in lllddr in it Htti i)WH,-.H-- i) till tlt did ki IWfMiillf f$ wunul ullmr imtfwi Jut liut It iHM mlnm ihv linn) lijft!rtt ikv flrt (tt HSI Hunt III for ii4 Hertlim, RlnMi ,t. ,,tr

mt&m&-- . , J&kidtmt&k fc . a -- mg TifTiMiiiiiiriiiii V-n-fi ite riifil nn liiifH In l I "L WJF) !S!WBM l"Wlggfim mfHv'"rllri "VESBIRPKSIHHBBSHHfilBBHKiSBSEBGSSiKSBBSBH iTrciMfliWHiHMFllEBfnKHMHHIBIVHMIHHH' '

. , .WW

EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU. T II , THURSDAY SEPT 8 1910 Alfred D. Cooper LOCAL AND GENERAL MEN NR PEARL Hawaiian Stocks and Hands Bouqlit and Sold The nickel tablet sold by the Home for is the biggest and best S The 307 JUDD BUILDING Bulletin Telephone 2480 P. 0. Box C07 tablet for fcchool work that tan be found. .lj-- Wm. Williamson, One Two Hlght One. AccordltiK to' itt.rlci that ore drift- Try a cas of Plnoctnr. It Is pure. ing nut I ruin army circles, the hlg -. Good Clothes I'hono in:- guns tbnt have been planted at Penrl If your horso or dog In nick. A. It. HniLor for the lust )eur, und under Stock and Bond Broker, Rowat, I). V. 8.. phone 2429. the euro of watchmen Kilt. In the Hear Mrs. Hilda 1. Armstrong; and W. I). futute be surrounded by the real thing In the sliupu of three or four 83 MERCHANT STREET Ilarnard wore mnrrlvd In Illto yester- day. companies of coast artillery. Do you n comfirtnblo Culoi.il Dullard will iirrUc on the Phone 1482 P. 0. Box 528 want '.dean room 11.50 or $2 weok? Call 1281 next tinni'i.ori from the coiul nml Fort St. with Mill will come 11 number of o U- Honolulu Stock Exchange Mrs. Rosalia It. NVIr and M. W. lcers to aid him In the liihtructlon I'ulnam wcro married on SpptPinbcr class he will establish. C In San Francisco. There Is ulsu a rumor ihnt two com Thursday. Sent. 8. Miss Iliicklnnd'H dancing class will panies of field artillery will also be meet tomorrow afternoon In (Mil Fel- ordered here presently. Ouns for NAME OF BTOCK, lows hall at 3:30 o'clock. such troops arc already In Honolulu, MERCANTILE Did Asked Pauline I'nlama was today granted having arrived several months ago C. Brewer ACu a divorce from her husband Albert from the mainland. They are now Shoes for Growing SUOAR. the ground being desertion. packed under innvus cover near Uni- Ruger. Ewa Plantation Co. .. MHl Shoes griming girls should lie te ry llnrlow, Fort When Agric. . for Hawaiian C. "5 iy n constructed of lentlirr that staudt coast artillery troops ure sent here, ' Huw. Com. it Hug. Co. 40 u sulllcleiit number will probubly be Hawaiian Sugar Oj. . 41 sculling. Mclntmy has them. , Girls detailed to mini the great guns at HonomuSuga'Co. .. I jo Pay cash und ask fur green stamps. Honokaa Sugar Co .. IH4 "isir They're free. Call at the show rooms Fort De Itussy, Walklkl. The guns Haiku Sugar Co iiso 155 and see what you get free tor for this fort luive not been for SCUFFING Hutchinson Sugar PlunL , iV "7 stamps. warded from the arsenal, but every- Unremitting Vigilance STAND Kaliukii Plantation Co. ... 8 thing Is In readiness for them when Wlinti mt linvn Irln.l nil tl.n,,,v r,..f fiT ,, . Kukaba Sugar Co 20.S ay "" ' " " Koloa Sugar Co U7'i 103 the Honolulu bars. ou will find that,""' ""'" McRryde Sugar Co SK fj the Pacific SnliHiu Is the best. Ask Secures Absolutely Pure Milk From Discase-Frc- c Cows Oahu Hugur (.0 an for n Nleln. AN OPPORTUNITY Oniinea Sugar Co 48i 5 . For distilled water, Hire's Root MclNERNY SHOE STORE Sugar Cc. Ltd " f'i ticer anu nil oinnr popular uruiKH. j 3tTelephone 2890 Olowalu Co 150 Rvcry man who engages In busl- - Pond Dairy fa., mau Sugar IMant. Co. 2fi'i 17X Ring up Phono 2171. Consolidated 125 Soda Works. I'esa takes a chance the furmer's '35 MILK, A QUART Fort Street above King I'nla Plantation Co MO William Henry hna nicd tbo final crop may fal.l; the ship may sink, 12Vs0 I Sugar Co nccounts In tbo rstiitc of Ooorgu' ven your llfi) Insurnnco Is a gnmble. Pioneer Mill Co J 10 m Smith, value of tbo estate belli!; ' Some gambles nre oven chances; Wnlalna Agrfc Co UO the ig glw-i- i ; some In your fnvor. A Wulluku Sugar Co 175 ns $88. have odds Wulmannlo Sugar Co no Mothers Bhould rend tholr children) gamble In Lakevlcw No. 2 oil coin-t- o . For Sale Lease' Walmea Sugar Mill Co. . 143 155 Wall, Nichols Co. I.td. for school , pany would be J10U0 to 11 In your or MISCELLANEOUS. supplies ns they have an ImTiieuse favor. All) man with Intelligence Two-rlor- mosquito-proo- f Cot- tnter-Isloa- Steam N. Co t,Uv.:k this year. tnl.es a chance and develops Into a revou rooms; Hawaiian Electric Co. . . . 170 Latest Styles of tage, practically now, 28,'Klobe-troite- r on CLERKS Hon. R. T. & L Co.. 1074 Commencing Sunday, August or tourist and lives nil modern conveniences; grounds Pnf. 107 the phone numbers street; the other man who foliage Hon. R. T. & L Co . Com. 'a Bulletins well planted with (rult nml Mutual Telephono Co. . .. IS will be: Business office, 2250; edi- - didn't Is still a clerl; at his old Job. good neighborhood, con ' trees; nml who ipend all their income Hahlku Ituboei Co.. torial rooms, 2185. John 1). Rockefeller might still be venient lo curs. nre likely to remain clerks, PuldUp The amount named In tbo lien;,, rlcrk. but he took a gnmblo In Co., Ass. . Boys' School Suits, Nablku Rubber placed by Mr. Qulnn tbo plumber -- Employers don't repose con- Osnii R. & Co 140 oil his salary Is now about half n - i4; against thu Orphtum Is $1184 and suit fidence in spendthrift em- Illto R. R. Co. Pfd minion dollars dally: ho don't work 11 1 1 '4' $184 us yesterday. For Rent HIloR. R. Co stated . Today Is your opportunity Pants, Hats, Shoes, ployes. Save your money and 20 2 1.Mi Tho Saloon to good Hon.R AM.Co Fashion continues tomorrow may be too late. Cut this Small Cottage, large grounds; Plnenpnlo ., 31 get out of the old rut. Be- Hawaiian Co 3l'i be ono of the most KipuInr and v.ell;j(mt ,, rome ,, ,, me. ,, neighborhood, nml convenient to R. u 1 up 41 J(m Tanjong Olnk Co. 41'i kept bars In tho city, with a central ,,, , ,, come an Employer not an 34 ,,, ,0 gnlllMe. and cam. do do asu. G5 p location on Hotel tiff Fort. BONDS. Street Just , s,m(.H mw J0(1 w hQ w,)r0l Employe. .., .p,.m-- s Haw. Tor. f nre CI.) .. eiec.no c.irre.H. wnici. ,,,. wlcI , cal,c. , ,,,. Haw.Ter.4 the hoinei In Palolo Volley was shut , , . Squaredeal One Dollar starts n I.U I Guaranteed off n couple of hours evening. unnAI.U lull, For Lease How.Ter.4MX for Fort naw.Ter.4HX making It very disagreeablei, for tho Street, next to Covent. l.nrgo two-stor- completely-fur- . I will September 13. Haw.Ter.3 time being, leave for Illln Stockings nlshed House; very deslrablo In Cal. Sug. &. Ref. Co. 6 W' Saving Account Reel On Saturday from two every respect; every convenience, Hamikua Dltcb Co., afternoon LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS. be demon-titratio- inn! located In best resldeneo miction Upper TJItch 6s until five there will n frco Haw. lrr.Co.,Ci.45JCi'd.. nt the Htoro of tho Honolulu of town. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Molokal Isl- Late New Shipments of aw. irrgtn. Co., es ...... 10.1 Photo Supply Co. of developing and BEI3 and, SK'ly sldo Lighted lluoy to b i Haw. Com. & Sug. Co. r 105 printing on Wlox paper. UA Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. R. R. Co., 190 ioo'f established Instead of other buoy BEDSPREADS, SHEETS, PILLOW SLIPS, BLANKETS Illln Issue Mr. William Mntaon, of the Matson IUIoK.n.Co..Cnn.SX ... 97 a I On or about October 1. 1910, KA- Pratt, the Land Man I02 Navigation Company states Ihnt thu Woolen and Cotton Capital and Surplus, Hnnokaa Sugut Co.. 6; . . ioj1; MA I.O RHUF OAS UUOV I. marked Hon.R.T.&IfcCo.C5i ICO use of name In connection with Telcphono 1G02 125 Merchant St. $1,000,000 ... his "KAMAI.O," characteristic Occulting FINE MOSQUITO NETS Already Made, in All Sizes Koiml Ry. Co. 6s 99 100 oil well transactions Is being F liny While, will bo established lu place Kohala Ditch Co. 6 100V mado without his sanction. McDryde C of Kiimalo Point Reef Hell lluoy. Sucai Co. ... Tho engagement Is announced, by VOU'LLFIND OahuR. &UCo. 57 IOJ1) which will then bo discontinued. Cupid, of well-like- d resi- Oahu Sugar Co. C' of two our m Build- Olna Sugar Co. 6 dents, William N. Stewurt and Miss Fine IN OF Ono of thu cliler Industries In Amer- YEE CHAN & CO. WHEN NEED 1:0. Gs rac. huk. Mill Julia Qulnn, both of whom live in the Is Maine. It Pionnor Mill Co. 6 ica raising the nourishes ing Lots in the neighborhood of "Kllobana" crater. chiefly In Washington. CORNER KING AND BETHEL Walalua Agrln. Co. 1 . . III - Uiirdun Island. Courier-Journ- beautiful Ocean Murla Fragas wos arresled yester- day nud chargrd with assaulting an View District. SAM'S Uetwoen Iloaids: 20 Ka- nlllccr. Policeman Kahaavvluiil went Paper liukii, $18.C0; 23 Klectrle, 10 $170; to tho Frugas homo to arrest the sou NEW TODAY txmmmmmmammmm Walalua, $129.25. of Mrs, Frngas, when tho mother STOP at the HOTEL MANX Kaimuki Land Session Sabs: 200 Olaa. $fi.37'...; 30 Jumped tho o Mirer. of any description Oahu Sug. Co.. $32.50; 30 Oahil'Sug. John Drew, of Castlo & Cooke, left IN SAN FRANCISCO Co., Ltd. Co. $32.50; 25 Oahu Sug. Co.. for Ho on tho Wllhelinlun yesterday, Convention This magnificent hotel is situated on Powell street, in $32.3714; 50 O11I111 Sug. Co. $32.3714; they Mrs lliew accompanied him and the heart of the city, immediately accessible to all the Phone 1410 50 Oahu Sug. Co., $32.3714; 10 Oubu will visit volcano before return- tio shops, theaters, railroad ticket offices, etc. Sug. Co., $32 37'.,: 5 Oahu Sug Co., ing. Is tho first visit of Mr. Stop Paying Rent This EUROPEAN PLAN Bedroom, $32.37 '4. big Notice with detached bath, $1 Drew to the Island. nnd upwards; with private See the HONOLULU'S LARGEST Wlthlngton of Harvard Ib captain bath, $2 and upwards; parlor, bedroom and private bath $5 to $10. HAWAIIAN REALTY CO. Latest tufjar quotations 4.30 cents of the football team, and, he Is get- AMERICAN PLAN and up per day. Phone 2553 83 Merchant St PAPER HOUSE or 187.20 ner ton ting his men together for the com- $3 Tho Republican Dlstrlrt and County NOT ONLY THE BEST AT THE PRICE, BUT THE $500 to $15,000 ing r.e.'iKon. Tim Honolulu youth I EQUAL OF ANY AT ANY making good and ho Is n credit to Convention for Honolulu and the PRICE. Honolulu Representative: WILLIAM the "tropica where men can not Island of Oahu will meet lu tho D0UTHITT. AMERICAN-HAWAnA- Sugar, 436c.s ROOM 308. McCANDLESS BUILDING last" (7) Orphniim 1 heater, on Hotel street, CALIFORNIA PAPER & SUPPLY CO.. LTD. Thing Sheo as Turn administratrix Friday evening, September 9, 1910 4(1 of the estate of C. Wlnaiu has sold a Fort and Queen Streets Beeis, I2s 5 .it 7:30 p, m OIL MAP FREE portion of tho real estate belonging for organization. asked tho to thn deceased and has CLARHNCi: 1.. CRAIIIli:, We are giving away tree to OEO. O. GUILD Manager court for confirmation of tho sale. answering this advertise- Is at Kapiiliulii Road Chnliinnn, Itepubllraii County Com those HENttV WATERHOUSE TRUST CO. The land bltuated ment before July 31st. a limp of mid vvus sold to .1. Allied M030011 fur tultteo. 21 all the California oil fields; also $r,no. Members Honolulu Stock and Bond Oahu HaRnball NOTICE. Ladies, u free subscription to our trude This evening tho Journal. "California Oil Fields. Exchange LoAguo will hold Its regular month FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS Kagur-Loom- Co., 833, 831, 83!) ly meeting, and omu lmKiriaui To Whom It May Concern. Plate Glass The undersigned, l'liolon llldg., San Krauclmo, Telephone 1208 matters will be attended to. The on behalf of Captain Win. Matson WE WILL OFFER 48 CASES Cullfornlu, final ns regards the se-rl- of San Fran. settlement Cisco, will be made, have been authorized to pub- wltli tho Wascdas licly of NEW Insurance will bo state that thn usn of his name MERCHANDISE bought P. H. BURNETTE HarryArmitage und It Is oxpected that there In nny manner whatsoever lu n Stock and Bond Broker a good sum for each of tho clubs. t'om'r. of Deeds for California nail with tbo sain nny oil by our Mr. Curtis for 58 cents on Tho Installation of the now third of Hew York; NOTARY PUBLIC, Mein'ier of Honolulu Stock and stocks In these. Islands Is totally Grant Marriage Licenses; Drawil The window smiiBhor Is at largo Iluud lCicbungo "unit" at tho Wnlnllin Ulectrlo powor the dollar. Mortgages, Deeds, Bills of Sale, Campbell Block, Merchant Street houso vvus completed tho first week .'lid Insure your plato glass Is now giving satis- CABTLi: & COOK!:, I.IMITKD. Leases, wills, itc. Attorney for the mtle In August, and It factory (torvlco It develops about Honolulu, September 8, 1910. District Courts 79 MERCHANT BT ninl it expense, A li.ue replared without In to H71S-- The goods are all here, and total HONOLULU. PHONE 1310. 1500 hoursepower. nddltlon what before, and 4000 vent Ion, 2t or limn 011 our part. Roth & Giffard was dollvored ubout horsepower Is now being delivered, lu in value nearly $25,000. nil, on Mcllrydn plantation, almost all STOCK AND BOND BROKERS POLITICAL NOTICES. Insurance Department It being pumping purposes. For Sale Members Honolulu Stock and Bond of for Cnidnn Isluud. This will be the greatest oppor- Exclinnce I horohy announce, my candidacy, 848 XAAHUMANU STREET Hllhlect III tllH till, Hawaiian MARRIED, liellllll lit Itelillll. public of Honolulu Itroii roiiveullon, for liouiluatloii as tunity the Complete Office Fixtures STOCKS AND BONDS llAHNAItl) AltMSTIIONd In llllo, Trust Co., SENATOR ever had to save Big Money. Hefitviuber 7. 1910, Mrs. Hilda F. immediate for delivery, Address P, Trout Trust Co., Armstrong to W. I) llarnard. from tho Third Henatoilnl Dlstrlrt 0. Box 207, Honolulu Ltd., Limited Pl'TNAM- - WKIU In San Francisco, WfOT A, -- t CLARENCE L, CRABBE. VlT'.-ii- J' MEMBER HONOLULU STOCK AND September 1010, Mrs, llosnlln Tor Hont D23 Tort Sticct BOND EXCHANGE It Weir In M W I'litimm. Watok for Our Anuounoomout m- ,i- - ' ,,,.. I hereby nunimuit m rnndldaiy COLDS CAUSE London uiiiple n 11111111 In thu HEADACHE for Folding Chairs & I 1 I'Utuiii.tei . (huiuriil Tables MARTIN GRUNE, elfiit hat J.VXATIVH HIvOMO-QUIrllNI- ro. lll'i'liioi h, "liir huliii of thn tali llKl'llKSENTATIVi:, 1IKAI, K8TATR AflKNOY hHiilli Dlalilrl, mih)iil lu Hie n .T, flf Ileum N II . Hoiui & Go,, Ud, m WinyU. (lUOVICH uu wvliU, MU Hon of I In !H)ijiiii Dimilu u.i Is eimlllwl Willi I) I II II" of flfti" j,y 1'iiniil)' liMiiyttijiion, JORDAN'S Uuu'uul' (lull) Hull. Hi, n ,, ,,,)r,fi: mvi. ,..im m 'lrlr,iunr DTfiO nil Mr'niklNIUu Mui Uw, UNA. - - ri i ; a- ... i 1W . V .. ' !! J i. & ;,';i '?'''' -'-'r- 'I V-'- "?'

St" s, rvrvino ntn.i.ETix, noNoiri.r t ii , Tiirnatvw. si:pt mm.

LAND SALE LOCAL KOREANS FOR RENT OR LEASE If You Arc SicRIy Lunnlilo sticet, near Pensacoln, house, six rooms; vcrftndn Some of Om' mom mosquito wired; detached kitchen and dining-room- ; out- STAND READY Just let Hostcttcr's Stomach side tctvnuts' house; stable and automobile sheJ; larrje yard, Bitters build up anil renew with fruit tices. Trice, $40. the entire system, make the oil near Vineyard; suitable for Lot on lane Nuuanu s'rect, strong healthy stable or tenement house?. stomach and Manila Times Gives Another Bitj Fund Being Raised for the and keep the bowels free from FOR SALE Version of Martin Purchase of Arms Trou- constipation. It has done so New Silks ON EASY TERMS in hundreds of cases in the ble May Come. House and lot on cast side of Nuuanu street, near Vincyaid Statement. past 67 years nnd most cer- .street. tainly will not fail you. Try lesue of July 23 tho Manila It must be mild of the local Korean. House and lot on Nuuanj street, near School street. Ill its it for Indigestion, Dys- TliiH'i Inn n ri'Biiino of tlio chnrgoB who nio making strenuous moves In Yoang streets, near Fuuahou. Bilious- Lots, Beietnuin and nitule uy Kenreseatntlvo Martin of tho way of organizing with a view to pepsia, Costivcncss, consisting of Hare chance of acquiring land suitable for raising chickens; Colorado In reRiird to the Rain and assisting their country In throwing ness, Headache and Malaria, Wnikiki, flowing 22 acres at Kapahulu, with artesian well leime of uhllc land In tho Philip- off the nW of .Inpin. that there have Fever and A?ue. Ask for Farming lands in Kalihi, pines nml tho reply of Captnln been no domonttrnllnna that would Th."ce aeies at Sea View, with Brand view from Palolo to Charlca Sleeper, Director of Ianils, (o call for the action of the iiollc", or Changeable Foulards Barber's Point; superb building plot in Kaimuki. theno Htnteincnts by Murtln. even disturb the quiet of the neigh Houec and lot north side of Ecictania street, near Kccau-inok- u The llepreselitutlve clnlnm that lh.0 borhood In which the meetings nre OSTETTER'C street. House has five bedrooms, Atcn of lot, 20,000 land leased hy Hxccutlve Secretary held. CCLEDnATKCt sq. ft. Carpenter vmih bo leaded nftur the 'There nre smi 1.500 Koreans In Kimono Silks Property bought and sold in various patts of Honolulu and passage of tho I'liyiiK Hill nnd othnr theno Islands, nml they nre every one RTDIWACH outlying districts, chargea which those who are ac- vitally Interested In the recent changi quainted with the conditions know to that has come to their countrv. and he wrong. they make no hones about expressing Figured Poplins In Tliniia itterS In hW Interview tho what they think of the move. The IVIagoon Agul-nuhl- Brothers Sleeper polntM out that 'u mining of funds seems to ho prin TRUSTS, REAL ESTATE, COLLECTIONS the lensea a largo tract of land on cipal ohlect of tho present meetings, For sab by Iicnson, Smith ft Co., Are Now On Display Agents for the THOR MOTORCYCLE, the fastest most re- the Kaino condition as Carpenter ns do nnd It Is reported that over $2rt.ono Ltd.; llolllster Drug Co., Ltd.; P. liable and mest comfortable marhi ever built. also provincial oulclaU: have been nibscrlbed hy the local Chambers Drug Co., Ltd.; llllo D'Ug Office Room 1 Magoon Building, Mercliant and Alakca Streets The Times story follows In part: Koreans. Hy the terms of a reaolu Co,; and ut ull Wholesale Liquor P. 0, Box 384 Telephone 2G91 "These aggressions on thu part of tloti, pnssPil at one of tho meetings Dealers. trusts of tho United Just One Dress of Each HONOLULU T. It. tho criminal each Korean In the Islnnds will don- States marked tho beginning of tho ate $1 per month lo the fund. This stroke which will eventually prove will show up nearly Ij.OOn pr month the death-hlo- to the prospective toward tho gsneral fund. of the , i Just, ultlmato outcomo of TIIONE 21G0 PHONE 2160 what the "I know that tho sale of tho Tula the movement will bo cannot ho WHITNEY SJUitSH, Ltd. Frlur estate to tho tixccutlvo Secre- learned, hut ft Is expected that a largo tary of the I'hllliiplno noverninent, portion or the funds will ho used In Trunk V. said Mr. School Tallyhos Mr Cariientcr," tho piirchnse of arms. I I SightSeeing tur- .Martin, la thu capsheaf of olllclal It Is stated, however, that all Ko- pitude down to date. 1 have been try- reans on these Islands are collecting WILL RECOMMENCE SERVICE. MONDAY. SEPTEMRER 12, LEAVING ing fur several months to ascertain a call to return to the mother conn HAWAII PROMOTION COMMITTEE HEADQUARTERS who got the Tain estate and I am not try at any time for tho purpose of I Shoes I at alt surprised now at the delay In defending their rights against Japan scouring s, MOANALUA OR the Information. On. nnd that every tino has cxprezsod a WEEKLY BULLETIN chief of the insular Ilureati, to answer call without PALI willingness the For Boys DIAMOND HEAD, must have known that Carpenter had hesitation. my 10:30 A. M. this estato when hn nnswered llrst Koreans on Coast. 3 P. M. I ('solution and Girls Daily of Inquiry, but euro was HAN KltANCISCO. August HI $1 a Year taken not to give It out. Claiming that tho usurpation of the country, Charpjo yov Passenger, "In tho report Just received tho salo rights of their mother Tho largest and $1.00 of tho Tula eslato to Carpenter Is through annexation hy Japan, was mewt roniplete as- hpokeii bind- ev- of an a lease, tho leshco against the wlrhes or practically sortment of chil- Tally ho Seats 12 Pctsons Can Be Hired for $5.00 Per Hour ing himself to rent nil the vacant land ery Korean subject, the Koreans of dren's shoes wo on tho and all lauds now a Fcr partxuiais apply HONOLULU TOWER WAOON CO., 875 South Tala est(ite San Francisco passed resolution have over shown, occupied which may become vacant. denouncing the cession nf Street, near King. last night The fact Is, as shown hy another re- tho rights of their mother country to port In my possession, that this was the emplie or Japan. Oxfords a progressive, sale of the cnttro es- - Japan bar vlolat BARGAINS It is claimed that i tate. Carpenter gets the land as fast ed the protocol of April, 1898, bolwcen Pumps . 3fil dl.iposBe.-imnl- as the tenants are They Hus-da- . form-e- r Japan and wherein the I I go will as fast as he wants In tako It country nuim-i- l to guarantee the In- Auklo The Great oer. dependence and tenltorlal Integrity Straps Exceptional Bargains in Clothing "Kiirthciinore, until such time nn or the Korean rniplro. the llii.il certlllcati) of sale Is execnt liming tho meeting It was also ro In Low Cuts for Men and Boys. Now is the. ed. Carpenter pays only C cents per solved that ns members or the Na ' ...... 1,1...... 1 lie White Frost Refrigerator milium nil iiiiniiiiimi'ii lliiiilI.....I tlnnnl Korenn Association the Horn tim to the boys out for schoql. ill. only 30 cents per acre per annum nns of this country would never ahldo Button on land from which ho produces a by the condition ns now existing, but Combines Bequty and Usefulness crop that pays him a net prollt fixed would continue to struggle lor inn es- Bluclior in ua-- Independ of the contract of sale, while the I tablishment or liberty and Lot No. 145 the Latest Shades tlvo tenants pay $1.17 per acre, hit or own countrv and Lace - ---. No. ence In their 321 miss. How does that strike you as n High Shoes in Men's Suits, reduced to j.-- cinch? I CONCERT. ITS?- "I linvo a letter from n former olll- -, BAND $4.00 a Suit WSF.u Pripp - $9.fi00. :V KM - w, el.il of the Philippine Olllce stat-- I Wo pay pal tic m!IM give a con f otlirtT.II lag that a number of tho olllclals In The Hawaiian band will ular attention to 2-- r - '!, No. 50 Men's Suits in tho Interior Department and IjiihI cert this evening at i.even ininy m tho correct fitting Lot Hotel. The program I I Olllco hought theinsolves choice Inca-- 1 Uio l'leasanton of ch d r 0 ns Greens, Grays and Mixtures, tlons III Ilagulo, tho summer cailtal follows: a h o 0 a. toucan . .Riipiio No. 323 of tho Philippines, nnd at choice Overture l'net and Peasant head your clijl reduced to $5.00 a Suit lo-- II 0n11 prices. This summer capital was I Mlhcrero Trovaloro It 011 heio In pe- up In riavotle fllowworm - cated tint mountains for, the 1 rfect roullduii'O 3- Price, $3100 beuellt of tho Philippine Commission Selection II Trovntore cnli Co they ho Lot No. -80 of the Latest Cut ' by Horner that will and others high In olllclaldoui. A Vocal Hawaiian wings.. Ar properly lilted. million dollars wero squandered on Spanish Knntnsla-llllb- ao tnew) .. and Styles in Men's Suits, forty miles of wagon road to connect Uetrnrd South , llugulo with Uio rallioad. Selection llrcezes riom the reduced to $6.00 a Suit No. 325 "On August :, 190'J, the present law Myddleton MANUFACTUllEnS' (providing for Klnale Tho Merryinakers (hy re- - I 4-- virtual free with I trade SHOE CO., LTD. Lot. No. 35 2 and 3 Piece tho Philippines became effective. It queM) Mjddletou ,3 Price, - $36.00 Spangled Ilanner. M 'its: , was since the passage of that act, The Star 1051 Fort St. Men's Suits, reduced to $7.00 Jfc within one month In fact, that thu ac- 1 quirement Key-- , of the various plots of the It Is belloved that the It. J. a Suit Krlar lands began. These aggressions Holds Tobacco Company ot Winston Mflr For Sale Only in Honolulu at on the part of thu rjy ciimlnal trusts of or Salem, N. C has bought an Ullll.lk 5-- the t'nlted States marked the begin- or Lot. No. 33 Finest Mixed nearly ull tno 1909 pooled crop ning of the stroke which will eveutii- - Deicloplug nml Hurley Tobacco Society, amount- Suits, ally prove the deathblow to the pros- the l'i lullng Tweed Men's reduced ing to 120,000.000 liounds. Co., pective liujcpendenco of the Philip- 1 mm M :: Coyne Furniture tt n m a :J " luiniedlato to a Suit pines." 2KxV Deliver, $9.00 la a report scut to Congress by the Captiiln Sleeper said tho most llugulo, Hawaii .V. Smith 6-- War Department at tho Instigation of piece or land belonged to No. 35 to $20,00 Young Building utti active Cur In Lot. $18.00 Mr. Martin, mention Is miulo of tho (lovernor (leueral, but that It was Sinn Co., tho Young llullilliig. sate of tho Sun Jose estate to .Mr V.. bought hy him at publlo miction, Men's Suits, reduced to $10 I uc-c- ol Toole, who, .Mr Martin alleged, which wus advertised in advance, lepreseiits Mr. Welch, an ussoclnto or ding to law. C. a suit Mr. Horace Havcuieyer of the Ameri- "It Is true," ho wild, "that a niinibor L. can Hugar Itelliilng Company, and al- ot governnieiit olllclals, Including Lot. No. 7- -47 Pair of Men's so mentions tho special lease of lO.Ml some employees or this olllce. own Systcmatizcr, Notary Public, At;cnt hectares or laud on tho linns eslato land at Ilagulo, but It was ull bought tu Grant Marriage Licenses, Hawai- Mixed Pants, reduced to Goods to Ihuillo Agulualdu which Mr. Martin nt nubile miction mid vvus knocked ian Interpteter and Ttnnslntor New asserted aro really options to buy bidder. Filipinos, OFFICE Judiciary Bldrr. HOURS down to tho highest $1.25 a Pair without fair competition iilso, have bought Ilagulo land, 0 n. m, to 4 p. m. Cuptaln Churles II, Sleeper, director also Aniei leans In private lite, Bathing Caps of lunds, wus Interviewed this morn on exactly tho same terms Willi mo Lot No. 8 Large Assortment of New Color Schemes lug with influence to tho statements Klllnlpo or, In ract, iinvono eisu wuo made by .Mr. Martin, 3 Mixed Pants, reduced to lie Btnted that deslicd to hid on It at the auclun Chairs Now at the $1.50 the Tain estate, which was leased by sale. Water Wings for Swimmers Mr Carpenter, contained much mid "Absolutely no favoritism was UNION BARBER SHOP a Pair lauds and ton this reason tho prlcn shown or spoclal privileges given In NEW BARBER A competent man New Styles was small, lint the lease, ho said, the disposition of tills laud, and Mr. has just arrived from the Coast, No. 9-- Extra .Mirrors M. Lot Fine Quality was according lo law, and drew ntlen-tlo- ii Martin's slatemeutu lo tlio comiury VIERRA Proprietor to thu fac that Agulualdu pays not only cannot bo borne out hy tho Men's Pants, reduced to $2 uvea less for Ills land. facts, hut 1110 the height of ubsuidlty fc Co., As to the illsjmsnciisloii or tenants Ah to thu lease ut laud In a Pair Benson, Sniitli at the will ol Carpenter, ho said this Mr. WoiceBter, llophuw of Secretary ART GOODS PHONE 1U97 could not be done under the law, and Dean C, Woicesler, of the I'lilllpplue No. 10-- Best that as long 114 tenants paid their Commissi he slated Unit adjoining FRAMING Lot Quality Men's lelils they would not he molested. are thousands or that properly llicic YE ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOr Hilling IHo eaiM, he said, only two of land uMtctly Hut siiiiio as Tweed Pants, reduced lo limtuiiK Fort below Kinir Street ti Hants weio dlHpnuiMed for this that IimmmI by Mr Win cosier, and $2.50 a icaxoii, ami ilicy ueio but small hold-- 1 which may he Ii lined iiltdei exactly Pair Honolulu Institute for Physiotherapy is llin inline lei ins hy which Mr. Won en- Fiiliuei' (loviiruor IMmul, lie said, ter leaned his laud ANSC0 FOR ONE WEEK ONLY cnuNr.u nr.ui;TANiA and iuohars stbews p. o, uox mq has leased liUO Imm'Iiiips nn ekurlly lllu III mm limloh Captain Mli'i'i'ci mid FILMS AND (JAMF,JtAS sullin tl'lins 4 Mr ('Hlpellr Itixei Unit When Hi" CuUMH'iuilolliil viiiiitull-le- e Open I'rmn fi A. M. to 7 V. H., Sinulny tlie 'I alii os at iv an AhuIikiMu's Iwiuh iliiiilllei In lniealltiiln llin wile Kil watt iiImi miplu iiiiilnr llin wimu iuiin Id llhll' luii'l" hi Ives la the UluiiiU, (Jurrcy's, Ltd 'I lin Tula emilM, nli t'liplMln Mwif lip will be iilad in tnl.e llivin in Hie All Mind of UUrlilu l.lplit Jlulln (Id ii. red, white mid yot), L.B.KeiT&Co.,Lt(l. eoiHprl' nun tmy wr IhihI, le,w. hi Ml Ibw mum) HutMi TmiWiIi. Hiihwii. I'l'in Hrrlk HmiliHiu, (IkiImiiiIo Add ei. jiiupxllj' i'himuii ItelllH lUMnlly eliiy will hipI ImIIIum III iliHl HiIhk, uml tH lluw iM 'tlmi lw Oiyuriii ur Mnllwil llnllm Miwi'. m lllfih I'lrfirncy. m mi II u l (sWilW ! lUl' M Ml IllMK iiwitvinr. ibHi lllll Willi IflW rW'"lM Hulf Mrila l IIUllMf Hi, flP m tmn& Alub.) HLrool . 0iMlj) lllflluDJ)! fflf i)li. .1 m Uaii'mMiii n mi UirfiHUllIll Hlf- s i .: ?


-- 1 I -v I I 1010 STERLING: M3DEL A. TRICE $25.00 ort.,,.- - JA I , ajaftsrs L 3'-- - ' have enthusiastic bnckers who will n a a u t: :: n t: :: :t : ti u t: tt -- - Option 2), 21. Alnln tubes 1 Incii kciinlcaa FRAME: lch. not llstciAtir anv sucBestlou of lie . :: Etcut. Flush Joints. Crank llrnckct dropped ! Inches. FINE PROGRAM ARRANGED feat. Tho .Myrtles have such u long! tt COMINQ EVENTS. It CROWN: Oval. Nickel pinto I. siting of victories behind them that! :: . t more' St Secretaries nnd managers of II FINISH: Wack cnnmcl, nickel trimmings. Option Sterling Orcen. they think they can mid one FOR BIG REGATTA DAY on .September II. The llcalanis, It athletic clubs are InOtcd to Lend St WHEELS: Nickeled spokes, double butted and swuged. 32 to front howoor, know that they have Im. It In tho ilntm of nn utenta which SI 3G pattern I111II retain-- , tt they may be getting up, In tt wheel, to rear. Hubs, spindle with proved u lot, ntnl, having lowered1 .Mfi&b for tt serllon tinder the nbovo hend. St ers. Wood rllns ciiuumlcd to mat'li frame. the colors of tho .Myrtles In tho lin-- j tt Address nil communications to SS Now Oxford Single or SI. & W. Doublo proiuitu regatta some months ugo. TIRES: Tube Tube. TWELVE EVENTS WILL BE ROWED AND SAILED SHELL 'St tho Sporting Fdltar, SS they feel that they can rcpc.it the llullutlu. DEAR: 7fi, 21x9 sprockets. SS SS RACE ATTRACTING MUCH ATTENTION MANY OF dose. SS Oahu Juniors, tt block, 1 pitch. CHAIN: Inch Inch Thctu has been n general revival SS Sept 1 AkuIiIh St CP.EWS OUT vs. I'alama3. THE WERE YESTERDAY. really amateur sports lately, and SS 1 SADDLE: Wheolcr No. ISO. of Sei t Mil llocku Ml. Atalils, II what with polo, tenuis and rowing, SS Golf. SS Unt-trn- PEDALS: things look bright for clean sport. tt Oct 2.1 I'nui Hall, Fournonip, II, SS I HANDLEBAR: 18 Inch up curve reversible. Thu polo series attracted more at- tt (! C MiMiinliia. SS tention than ever before, and tho U Cricket. . U 7 Inch slnglo piece, forged from selected stock. CRANKS: gcncinl publics was 11111c.l1 Interested tt Sept 10 Mulch. St In the scries. Then the annual ten- SS Tennlj. it uis 1 liamplouslilp caused much ex- SS Sept 1: O Hall Cup. St citement, and many people who, us tt Rowing. ' SS E. 0. HALL & SON, LTD. a rule, do not attend tho. matches, SS Sept Annual !( itta SS did ro nml wore very pleated with tt SI the games. tt SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS St St The regatta this jcar will be THOMAS V.KING brunch of clean amateur sport RECREATIONS. that will siitcly draw a crowd, nnd The vicll Itiunni jarhllng ami rnnliiK thu program that lias been arranged man vihn It chairman of the llcgallii Is us good us any of the past. Tho D.i) ('(iniinlltce. hi in; viut one of eventu will b as follow: Hie rren of the llaiiall In I he Irunv l'ltOHHAM. I'urlllc nice. ' ParK Theater If It's Paint 1 Senior 81 -- Our Sliding -- Scat AND YOU WANT A Q00D JOB, SEE ME TOM SHARP llarge. Prize, $2.r trophy. 2 C.uioc. Klrst prize. CONNIE MARINA $30; heuind prize, 1!. DOTS AND DASHES FROM 3 Freshman Six Oar Slldlng-Scu- t SPORTING CENTERS. Australia's Own Comedian Sharp SignS llarge. Prize, $25 ttophy. 4 Four Paddlu Canoe. First prize, MISS ALMA LYNDON ARE SEEN EVERYWHERE 120, second prCvc, M0. the Rlckard Circuit - Ilugbyt men who may bo settled In Jrom PHONE 1CT7 ELITE BUILDING- r. Palr-O.i- r (sliding Senior llo.its Honolulu will ic.nl with interest the scats ) Prize, $20 trophy. lecord of tho California!! 'varsity BANVARD & FRANKLIN C Four-Paild- lo Canoo (modern). team which visited Australia and Acrobatic Sketch Team First prize, $20; bccoihI prize, New 'calami lately. Thu record la $10, as follows: EMPIRE- - THEATER 1 l'alr-Oa- r (sibling fj 7' Junior l)oats XlMTUAMA. ' scats). Prize, $20 trophy, .iioTr.UBTitiiirUiHK Pair-Oa- 8 Special r lloats (sliding I PotbtU J. A. MAN, peats). 9 Sailing Itaco for Sea Wrens. Date .Matih , ltslt.For,Ag. Rockwell $15 cup. Maud Shipping and Commission Prize, J liner 18 Sjdncy l'nlv.,l.ost li 17 Sailing Prlio, ., AKU TUB lliaT lo Itaco for Pearls. Syilifcy rnlv.,l.ot !) 10 j illT $lf) cup, ' 2.r Maoris lllo'it ljl H ( Sailing prize, , Agenti for ll Canoe Itaco, First 27 Mudrls '.Ust a 21 THE PEARL second prize, $10. $1",; 2 Hunter dlst..W.oli.i't0''t!i' MotionPicturestVi I.nllier Hough's I'carl, Mlilclt has lice 11 altered 11 ml nlnin .rebuilt. Thli 12- - Sailing Canoo Itnco (modern). July 2K)illiej Arthur Sowall & Co., Bath, Me. llllli' craft litis shown ruucli M'rp l, mill her .Upper huuille. her In Hue First prise, $1.; second prize, 8U IN THU CITY form. IVnrl will Compete Iti the sailing llcgnttii Hay. 5 Cen. West'in.l Won 11 ti The races mi $10. Admission 15c, 10c. 5c. & Co.; Sail 3 Metropolitan l)rn 8 8 Parrott Francisco Cutrles will bo received nt the Now program 11 Extinguisher Co. that tlic for ltogutta milt should be line, exciting ruco. Hawaiian News Company from Tues. nkw zi:ai.and. NOVELTY Badger's Fire Day Is pair-oa- r THEATER announced, tlio dozen or bo Tho special racu between day till Friday of next week. events that llgmo on thu schedulo tho Prime ami Ale. Hoticrtson, Inly Ifi Wellington. .Uist O 22 Extinguisher Co. j General '.I Fire look pretty good to tho followers of ngnlm-- l Charlie C'hlllliigworth nnd 20 OtllRCI !.OHt 3 Corner Nuuanu and Fauahi Streets (aRINNELI. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER) OAHIJ COUNTRY CLUB rowing uml sailing. There may pos-- I'rank TliompMin, Ik going to lie n 2S Canterbury. .Iist 0 I l'. Co. blly ho unnther race that does not poach. Thu training Blunts of thu TO MOLD MEETING 20 V'ingniiiil. ,.'l,oi-- t r, 18 Neuinan Clook " (WATCHMAN'S CLOCK) llguru on tho program, uml that la veterans hae liecn gooil, anil nl- - " oruii. . . . Wnn 0 :t CLARENCE TISDALE tho shell event Unit has been cans-- ; Chilllngnorth Aug. :t '.11 kland. . . iDr'u 1:1 tlinusli Cliarlle did ui The Greatest Australian Tenor Royal Typewriter ing ro much tall, lately. Tom King, mcrcxert himself on Labor Day, Standard Elcction of Officers for Year StrMJIAItY. & tho energetic chairman of tho re- while trying to iiuvlgulo tho globo WISE & MILTON ' Aachen Munich Fire Ins. Co. gatta committee, has been rounding In a small bout, the crews are get- and Other Matters. AiistralliNew 'ealalld.Total Singinc Dancinc and up thu oa lumen who to take part ting Into line shape Lots of wugera uiu -- Comedy ., 1 Artists FORT STREET, NEAR MERCHANT In the shell race, uml jesturday have been made on tho result of tho Tonight at the Young Hotel root Won - men up ut Ui."t . . And v !, livo turned the nice, and Panama hats uml other garden, tho annual meeting of thu Myrtlu boathouso. useful articles will tie purchased by Drawn. LATEST MOTION- - PICTURES y. Oahu Countr) Club will lie held uml --1 Shell Crew. one side or the other utter thu event Uus Schaefcr, Uiuls Underwood, Is pull. somu Interesting und Importnnt mat Joe Forrest, who Ss leaving for Benefit Dance" Aithur Kwnrt, Halph Johiutou and Many Crews Out. ters will be nltcnded to. Tho meet Australia In tho near future, will Next SATURDAY EVENINO, - - Ijoulu King were on tho spot uml 11 Yesterday afternoon all wns bus Ing will bo called to- order ut half- find that on tho big rinks of Sydney 10, 1010, nt Lusltana Hall, W. C. Peacock & Co., Ltd. crew was gotten together for u trial tie on the harbor, and no less than past bcveu o'clock, and uftcr the and Mclbnurno are to bo found sknt 1355 Alapai Street, given by Carna. spin. Schnefor, King, Johnston and livo slx-o.- ir barges came racing in 1iMi.1l business Is transacted, tho ers who can clip n lot off his Ho tion Social Club, Refreshments (reel AND LIQUORS WINES Kwart manned tho shell, and tho from tho spur buoy at one time. Tho election of officers will bo pro'-ccde- nolulu record for tho mile, lie Tickets at door: Cents 50c, Ladies way they sent the boat through tho rcnloru, Juniors nml' freshmen were with. is tho principal diversion 25. Everybody cordially invited. SOLE AGENTS water was u treat to watch. All nil out, and u great sight tho fleet The Country Club is nourishing, Just ut present In the Australian four men are good enough, uml al presented us tho ours lifted and und many Improvements have been cities, ami tho rollers are somewhat MONT ROUGE WINES though Schncfcr has not rowed in llatilieil In the sunlight. made on the links nnd ut the club neglected, although somo of tho THE WINES OF CONNOISSEURS any shell races, ho knows how to Tho Myrtles would like to hnvo house. Tho policy of the manago rinks are still going. TRY US Wt deliver to til parti of the city twice daily. pull u ile'.cut stroke. three barge ceuts for freshmen nml luent Is to keep on Improving the FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY The Ilealanls have a shell crew seniors on Iteguttn Day, hut us there property all tho time, uml many al- The Wulnlua baseball ulna wcru WE GUARANTEE OUR GOODS which lines up us follows: Charlln Is a shortuge of boats and there Is terations have been madu during tho defeated on Monday last ut l.ale h) PACIFIC SALOON

Brown, Will James, Sumner ami mi chum u of tho men getting prop- past car. - thu Knliuku outfit. Thu bcoro was King- nnd Nuuanu Streets ' Cameron. This iiuaitet will make erly trained for tho events, tho pro Tho Stewart Cup tournament will 10 to 8, uml thu defeat of tho Wul-uluu- tho Myrtles do their very best In gram will stand uu nrruuged. ! ulfco coma up for consideration, und was u surprlbe, us they had order to win, llnth crows will do Much speculation Is going 011 uu tho matter will ho attended to by won every game plajcd this bcabou some strenuous training between to whlrh club will win the prcinlerj tho committee In charge of tourna so far. Tho game on Sunday went now nnd September 17, and tho ro- - honors this 5 ear, and both sheds mentB. to tho Walulua tram by n score of PRIMO Yosemite Valley 16 to 7, so the defeat on Monday was ut unexpected one. BEER OPEN ALL YEAR O. I,. Stiirdovaut of the Corps, U. S. A., made u The Scenic Attraction of California world'B record at Camp Terry, when ho shot twenty-fou- r straight bull's-ees- , great beauty grandeur, unique In Order A vallcp of and Iti and finished the Leech Cup asiemblanej great height, imposing peaks, of ihccr walls of Jumps ut : Two match with thu perfu't wore the of its stupendous waterfalls. Cream Rye and mmber three ranges. ills total w.ib 10.,, Pure Is one moro than Cupt. K. K Solf bv Now Reached by Rail A QuicK, wlil'h anywhere take you to V. Casey madu In 1008. L0VEJ0Y AND 0 0. Comfortable Trip From downtown will the !TSS?I Best Bar in Honolulu Mrs. Coulter, who was defeated In Dally train service from Merced to the Park Line, eon thu Callfoiulau tenuis tournament nects at Kcrced with Southern Pacific and Santa Fe. on August 27, has evidently fared uu inier Beer In the preliminary uiuiiiU or 0. W. LEEMER. Traffle Manager. Y. V. R R Merced, Cal. -- better Right around the corner from Fort on Hotel the Del Monte championship lurci Tin) imiriiamont la innr now, ami no FOR SALE AT ALL JJARI and there you are imIiIh lias III nil roculved ikivliiic him Telephone'.! 131 the Honolulu 'h;ilHiloll lad pla.ver ha land. Stylish Millinery Learn to Dance Siuilli Africa l sllllllna on Hi" IIiimIi Inotbull llohls IH vstll sit Ills K. UYEDA At llio ,Nt I Rt The rliksl HrmiiMls JuhsiiiiMiiiirK n2H Nuuanu "It's Fashion" lulidi Dm isttiiili AfrlrHiit iltfmisil lloynl Academy Tho Two JiiukH, Hotel nunr Fori Hih ItinlUh tui b) to lb Dnnclnd TT1 llvenlnft Bulletin 75c, lei Month (A.MlllOlial 8ji UU 1'4 0,) HrrHj llnlli'ilii7Trr Tmu KV


ANNOUNCEMENT. Oceanic Steamship Company Alexander & Baldwin, SHIP TRUST'S, Subject lo nomination and election MOVEMENTS OF SCHEDULE S. S. SIERRA, 10.000 TONS DISPLACEMENT LIMITED. liy tho convontlon of the Hepubllcan S, P. Arrive leave Hon.Lcavc Hon. Arrive S. F. .Established in 1858 OFFICCR8 AND DIRECTOftS. party, It Is hereby announced thai MAIL STEAMERS 11. P. Ilaldwln President UillllM II WOKK I am a candidate for the olTlce of SEPTEMBER lOSUPTLMDEHlG HKITI.MIUCIt SI . .HKPTHMIIKR 27 W. O. Smith., Firm W. M. Alexander Second SENATOR - & Co. ?G5 first clois, single, S. F.j $110 first class, round trip, San Fran- Bishop J. P. Cooke i:x.('mgroMii;in TcIIh Unit II Con VE88EL8 TO- ARRIVE ttoco, for the Third Senatorial, District. Third Vice Prce. and Manager trnli if.1.'(l,0l)(l,(HI0,0U(l of t'nlkil Septembers T.'lDlO. C. BREWER & CO.. LTD., Ocncral Agents. J. Walot house Treasurer Stntix. Honolulu, Tiiftiriav. Sent. 13. BANKERS K. K. Puxtini Secretary ports Via' Suva Marnwn, 4717-4- 1 CECIL BROWN. Australian II. Cnntlu Director for-elg- J NKW YORK, August. 21. "The n C.-- 8. B. J. 11. Unit Director steamship trust, lo Insure It'i) I "hereby nnnounco myself as' n San Francisco Nippon Marti, T. K. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Commercial and Travelers' W. IL.Castl ...- - Director grip upon tho (390,000,000,000 tnndldalo for. tho nomination as K, S.i 3, Letters of Credit iwucd on annual trade nt the United Stntoj, Inn Hongkong nml, Japan ports Man- packed not only Congress, but also churia", M. S. 8. and Toyo Kisen Kaisha tl;c Rnnk of California and Sugar Factors. REPRESENTATIVE, P. hiivIi lullueiitlal civic iuntltullrina as Hawaii portST-Maun- a, t.on. The London Joint Stock Bank Commission Merchants, tho New York Chamber of Commerce. Kiibjerl to the action of tho Hepubll Friday, Sept. 16. Within Ltd., Louden. the chnmlcr their lire more can County' "Convention. Ban Krnnclsco Sierra, O. 8. 8. Steamers ot the above Companies will Cull at HONOLULU tiil LT and Insurance Agents than fifty men who might be describ- Vancouver and Vlctorln Zcalandla, this on or about tin Date tucnlloued bolow: ap- CHARLES BROWN. l'ort Agents for ed as commercial lories. While H. C. A. 8. 8. pearing to be parllollc 17. Correspondents for the Hawnllsn Coiiuiicrcli.1 & Sugar Co. Americans 4711-t- f Saturday, Spt. Sugar Company. they nro Rccrctly allied with it mo Japan ports Chlyo Leave Honoluln For Orient. leave Honolulu For 8. F, Amcri'nn Express Company Italku Hongkong and Nippon Mam September 13 Manchuria September 10 I'jla Plantation. nopoly which Is hostile to American ANNOUNCEMENT. Maru, T. K. K. 3. 8. Maul Agricultural Company. Siberia Scntrmbcr 10 Chiyo Hani September 17 and Tlics. Cook & Son. Interesta," Monday, 8ept, 19. Hawaiian Sugar Cntnpuny. Wil- This statement win made by 1 ,ns u Siberia, P. M. 3. 8. China September 20 Asia September 24 Kaliuku Plnnt.itlon Company, hereby announce myself San Francisco liam A. Doitglaat, a man exceptionally nomination of Friday, 8ept. 23. Manchuria October 3 Morgol'a October 8 Interest allowed on Term Kahulul Railroad Company. candidate for the well nualincd to spenk on present Hongkong la Japan jiorts Klyo Halcakala Ranch Company. ngltatlon nnd Savings Bank Deposits. Ilnnolua Itnnrli. for tho of REPRESENTATIVE Maru, T. K. ,K. 8. 3. For further Information nppl) to i Mcllrydn Sugar Co. tho American merchant marine. Mr. Saturday, Sept. 24. Fifty-se- w tho District, subject to - Koual Hallway Co. Douglass was a member of tho from Kourth Hongkong- via Japan iior8 Anln, nth mid I'lfly-elghl- h Congresses. the n lion ot tho Hepubllcan County H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., agents P. M. 8. 8. Ho Is n member of tho New York Convention, Tuesday, Sept. 27, Chamber of Commerce. In 1900 and Chlnni!'. M. 8. 8. lflOi 47 17-- it LIMA KAHAUNAELE. 8an Francisco ho was president of tho New Wednesday, Sept. 28. York Prodtico Kxchnng". Ho has Castle & Cooke, Ltd I hereby nnnounco myself an n can San Francisco Lurline, M. N. 8. 3. long been active In Uio Maritime Kx for nomination the ofllco Matson Navigation Company BANK OF HONOLULU Honolulu, T. H. chango and Merchants' Hxchangc. dldato for of j VEB8EL8TODEPA fff LIMITED Ak president of tho export nnd lm- - .i utflS! BETWEEN SAN FRANCISCO AND HONOLULU SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MCR tl.l.t llnltdn ..f l1...1l P. T1....l . t. Thursday. Scot. 8 CHANTS, 8UQAn FACTOR3 comes'ln , wHh CITY AND COUNTY TREASURER. For Kauai .ports 8tmr. O. Hall, From San Francisco For San FAII) CAPITAL $000,000 itodoor Francico and most every counliy. Tho firm hart subject to tho action of tho Demo 5 p. in, S. S. Lurline September 28 S. S. Lurline . . September C GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS hianchca In, enry quarter of tho. cratic County Convention. Friday, Sept. 9. S. S. 1 S. . Wilhclminn October S. Wilhclmina September 14 Successors lo Representing globe and Mr. DnugliiBH spends most For Mnul ports Stmr. Claudlno. S S. S. Wilhclmina November 1 S S. Lurline October 4 Kwn Plantation Co. CLAL'S A CO. of his lime trnvellng from ono foreign RICHARD H. TRENT. p. m. S November 1G S. S. W.ilrtlu.'t 470G-t- ' S. Lurline Wilhclmina ... .October 12 Agricultural Co., Ltd. country lo another. f , Tuesday, Sept. 13. Kohaln Hug.ir Co Coiiipanlei Practice Vlclorln and Vancouver Mnrnnm, S. S. NEVADAN of this line from Seattle for Honolulu direct and Intrigue. sals Invites your Account Wnlmrii Siu-n-r .Mill Co "The tlmo has como when on or about SEPTEMBER 17, 1010. the truth C.A. 8. 8. offers satisfactory service. AKikaa Sugar Co., Ltd. must bo known," continued Mr. Doug- I hereby announce myself ns n Japan ports nnd Hongkong Nippon For further particulars, apply to lass. "Ono of tho chief rensona that for nomination ns Maru, T. K. K. 8. 8. "--' Loans at market rates. CASTLE & COOKE. LTD.. General Apents, Honolulu Fulton Iron Works of St. Louis, this country today Is at the mercy San Francisco Manchuria, P. M. Exchange nnd Cable trans- llnbeock & Wilson Pumps. of the. foreign steamship companlos Is SUPERVISOR, 8. S. nrcon'B Kind Kroniitiilters. beciiiiro fers. through tho most Insidious subject lo the action uf tho Demo- Wednesday, 8ept. 14. MaUou N.nlgitlnn Co. methods thr." hnve set us lighting cratic County Convention. San Francisco Wllholmlnn, M. N. Canadian-Australia- n among Royal Mail Travelers' Credits and ntirseltes. 8. 8. I71t-t- f Checks available everywhere. "Tako for example the way this M. C. PACHEC0. Friday, 8ept. IB. iil't.,l I STEAMSHIP COMPANY foreign monopoly hns hoodwinked the Australian ports via, Suva Zcalan New Yoik Chamber of Commerce. dla, C.-- 8. 8. FOR AND AUSTRALIA: VANCOUVER! Itenllr.liig FIJI FOR C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. that the volco of tho cham- Saturday, 8ept, 17. 7.13ALANDIA .SKPTEMUnil HI MAKAMA- .SHITEMIlKIt 13 ber would have LEGAL NOTICES. I a potent Influence San Francisco Chlyo Mnru, T. K. MANAMA, ..OCTOBER 11 MAKIMIA OCTOIIHIl 11 among the law In Washington .. 8UGAR FACTORS AND COM makers K. S. 3. JIAMIHA, s It conspired In IN THE CHtCUIT COURT OF TUB ... .NOVEMIIERlt zkaijAnuia octoiihii MISSION MCRCHANT8 throw Its members Into Monday, Sept. 19. Circuit, Territory Hawttl.V-- At THE0 H. DAVIES & CO., LTD.. GENERAL i.QENTS. confusion.' It accordingly became First of Japan ports nnd Hongkong Sibe powerful Inside tho chamber. Through Chambers, In Probate. In tho Officers and n ria, P. M. 8. 8. Directors: large number of gentlemen who aro matter of tho Kstate of Robert 21, 4MERICAN-HAWAIIA- Wednesday, Sept. -.U v STEAMSHIP COMPANY. nlllllatpil with Its Interests It' entered deceased. Order Notico ot K. V. Illrhop Prcftldr--.l-t of San Francisco Sierra, O. 3. 8. Hie committees, talked In the debates Hearing The Yokohama Specie (Iro. II. Itolicrthon Petition for Allownnco of Friday, Sept. 23, !" From Hew York to Honolulu, via Tchuantepec every sixth day. and In' other ways made IIh Irtlluenco ....Vice I'rcolilciit nnd Manager Final Accounts, Distribution am! Dis- Central and South American ports Freight received at nil times at the Company's wharf, 41st Street, W. W. Norili TreiiHiirer rIL charge. On reading tiling Bank, Limited 'and tho Klyo T. 1C. IC. 8. 8. South Brooklyn. Itlcliard Iveis Secretary "Ah it result of mich lutrlguo the Maru, Petition and AccountB of A. J, Camp- 24. FROM SEATTLE AND TAC0MA TO HONOLULU DIRECT: J. It. Onlt Auditor chamber labors year after year for n Saturday, Sept. r Capital (Paid Up).Yuii St.flUQ.noo (leo. It bell, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Ban Francisco Asia, P. M. 8. 8. ' S. S. ALASKAN, to sail SEPTEMBER 11 Carter Director solution which It never flndsj Ah soon Hub- Itcaervu nmd ....Yen XC.2GO.000 C. II. Cooku administrator of tho Kstate of Tuesday, Sept. 27. S. S. ARIZ0NAN, to sail . .SEPTEMBER 23 Director ns ono member suggests a certain i It. A. CMoko ert Hycroft. deceased, wherein ho China," Director course of action another Is proposed, Japan ports nnd Hongkong ,11. & LTD. HEAD A tlarllcy asks to bo allowed I3C70.98 and For further information apply to HACKFELD CO., OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. Director then a third, and ho on. Argument P. M. 8, 3. agents. Honolulu. charges himself with 11350.83,' and argument. A resolution Ih sub-mltt- ul C. Tho bank liujs asks tho same may bo examined P. MORSE. Ocncral Freight Aeent. nnj recehes for and amendment follows amend- that rnlluitlun Mill of oxrlinugo. C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. approved, a dual order ment until everything Is In a tangle. and and that NATIONAL ItmiioB DrnflH and I.i'Uern of may be made of distribution of tho FOR N Credit, niiil (Miixacts a general "Tho lowest possible calculation of bunking prolltH we pay others for carrying property rcma'ldng In his hands to liuslucsa FIRE AND MARINE porsons dls The Hank receives Local our frelcht nml mulls, the ! H.rminh i "" thoroto entitled, dnd and Head Onico-Dopoul- ts toimlra nt forelirn norts nf fnreli--n charging him and his sureties from for flxcil perlodg. responsibility as ONE OF THE INSURANCE AGENCIES ships In our trade and the l1 furthor such WORRIES duposlts $2S ho lirnl and upwards of Biiniilles. . hero with the ml.', , mlnlfstrator. and wherein also for year 4 ouo at ruto of per dltlomil loss of commerce resulting asks that his accounts ns temporary from this situation, approximate administrator of tald estate may bo Presidential and OF TRAVEL Head Ofllco DcponltH, Yen 25 Itoynl Liverpool. .May by Insurance Cc, nt JIOO.000,000 Is t'lindldatr.i lie Nominated and upwards for onnlialf year, one to a year." examined and allowed; It Order- year, two yourn. or tlirc-- years at London ABSiirnnco Corporation, ed, that Monday, tho 3rd day of Oc- llnllot StuIciii. i rate of iv, per REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. tober, A. I). 1910, at ten o'clock a. DK8 MOINES, Aug. 24 Whon con- the unccitainty of the delivery of baggage Hiinum. Commercial Union Assurance Co. i jour Partlculiirs to bo obtained on of l.onr.jn. in., before the Judge of said Court gress convenes In December United apldlcatlou. Entered for Record Sept. 7. 1010. of Stutes Cummins ot Iowa ex- ELIMINATED IF YOU EMPLOY THE Scottish Union & National Ins at tho courtroom tho said Court, Senator PW Honolulu Omce B7 S. King fit. I.ucy Furtado and hsh to l,aha-In- a presiding at Chambers In Prqbato, at pects to proposo tho cnactmont ot a P. O. Uox 168. Co. of IMInburgh, p!; ; Agretl Co Ltd D Honolulu. Islnnd of Oahu, bo nnd tho federal primary law providing for tho Caledonian Ins.iranco Co. ot ICriln James Meheul.i to Lahalna Ag- nomination of president Yu Akal Manager burgn. snmo hereby Is appointed ns tho tlmo candidates for ricultural ; Ltd D and placo for hearing said petition and vlco president at natlon-wld- o pri- Upper Ithlne Insurance Co. (Ma- - Julia Seong and hsh to accounts, persons mary elections. Union PacincTransfer Co. rlne) and nnd that all Oahu Shop Agretl Co Ltd U Interested may then and there appear It It shall dovclop that enactment of Machine John Kaukaii and wf to show cause, if any they have, this legislation can not bo achieved Alex. and King St., next to Young Hotel Telephone 1875 Agretl Co Ltd D Cummins cxpcctB to offer n proposal - - - why tho same should not be granted, MnnflRer H. L. ROSS and may present evidence as to who for the regulation by law of tbo na- Teiritorial Board of tional political pnrtloa 301 QUEEN AND RICHARDS Recorded Aug. 2G, 1010. nro entitled to tho Kild property. Hy conventions of SIS. to repre- David P ttVilwalolo to doehua D tho Court; JOHN MAIICALUNO, and muko tho basis of tho Telephone S14 Immigration sentation tho party voto, In- Walwalolo, I); lilt In por kills Clerk, Circuit Court of First thorcln Office btangtwald the of population. 403 VUr. 1170 and 1117, up 2. LUIha St, Ho- Circuit. Dated at Honolulu, this stead ENGINEERS AND Hon nl n In "Tho nomination of party candi- HUSTACE - PECK GENERAL nolulu, Oahu; .'l Int In 11 P G3!i, 2Ctli day of August, 1910. Smith, CO., LTD MACHINE dates for president and vice president REPAIRS kill 2311), Waliiiaiialo, Kooluupoko, Warren & Hcmcnwny, attorneys for nt primary elections, Just us nomina- QUEEN STREET THONE Oahu; 300. II 310, p 12G. July petitioner. II 2205 Automobiles, Motor Cycles, Gas Sta- tions now aro mado for stuto and in, io ui. 4700 Aug, 2G,; Scpji. 1, 8, iG. given on of Braying, tionary and Marine Engines, Rice SCANDINAVIA county ofllcinls at primaries, is n nat- Estimates all kinds Teaming, Road BuilAut, C II llrown to von Hamm-Youn- g (xrsvntjne. Filling. Mill Macluncry, ural step In tho movement which Etc BELTING Co Ltd. C Mj model 10 FIREWOOD AND COAL, WAIANAE SAND FOR SALE BY AUTHORITY. progrcsslvo Republicans need," snld llnlcK toiirabout No 0312, Tor of Senator Cummins today. II p BUILDING MATERIAL Hawaii; $12S. 333, 370. Aug "It Is u proposition which, I think, HONOLULU IRON WORKS 2C, 111(1. NOTICE TO Oahu Railway Time Table Of AIL XINDI. HOMESTEADERS. will appeal to cvory voter as u per- FIRE INSURANCE DKALXR1 Arents Hawaii. Land Co Ltd by comr to fectly feasible, natural and dcslrablo IH LUMfili. Petition for tho opening of Gov- Tih of list of 8 O Allen, Comr D; Int step to take. ernment lands must be on Outward. In 2 pes land and bldgs, Houokua, made "Thut nominations for president and ALLIK t BOBIHSOX. Chemical Engines and blanks Issued by the Commissioner The B. F. Dillingham Co. For Walan.io. Wnlalua, Kahtiku and lurrn Srrtct :: :: :: Tfonohln etc, 8 Kona, Hawaii; S8S0. II 340, vlco president may bo determined. .nt -;- of Public Lands, copies of which may Way Stations ). IB a. in.. 3.ro m p 127. Aug 20, 1910. any tlmo If not at ull times, and, In- LIMITED Clocks ho In person For Petri Clly. llwn Mill and Way Watchman's obtained or will be deed, nctually have boen determined BtutiuiiH PLANISHED STEEI-- A on request, offlco pf foil Oeneral Agent for Hawaii: 17:30 a. in., 9:1G a, m. SPECIAL CARRIER. mailed nt tho lu national conventions by the voto of 11:30 ii 2:1D p. p. full assortment, sizes 21"x00" omco m. in.. 3.20 m For Sale by tho or nt tho of delegates from Mutes which cast prac- I:1G p m. 9:30 p m tllUG p. m. to 48"xl20", and No, 1G to Atlas Assurance Company of London. Raugts J. A, A special is tho Commissioner of Public Lands, tically no votos ifor tho purty ticket ' Kur Wahl.iwn and l.elleuua 0:20 No. 20 just to hand. OILMAN carrier at the B u New York Underwriters' Agency. e Honolulu, and never elect tho party electoral ii. in., '5.15 u. in., 18:30 p. m., 111:15 We do metal Fort Street t i n office every evening after Providence Washington Co. sheet work of all MAIISTON CAMPI1ELL, tlckot, Is und Indofonstblu. Insurance p. in. kinds, and guarantee 5:30 p. m., to deliver the Bulle- absurd th FLOOR, STANQCNWALU OLDG. satisfaction. Commissioner of Public Lands, "Tho proposal for enactment of a Inward. Your palioiiRRc is solicited. PACIFIC ENGINEERING tin to subscribers who fail to re- Arrive. Honolulu from Kiihuku, Wul Datod at Honolulu, August 10, federal prlmari law which .will glvo rROMFT ATTENTION TO JOBBING COMPANY, LTD. ceive it from the regular carrier, niilua ii ml Walanao 8:3li a. 1910. tho voters ot tljo parties tho right di- in. EMMELUTH & CO.. LTD. Consulting, Designing and Con- Telephone 2250 and paper will b( 5:31 p. m. structing Engineers. 4C94 Aug. 11. 13, 18, 20, 26. 27; rectly to nomliato tholr candidates LIFE INSURANCE Honolulu Phone 1511 145 KinB Street immediately delivered. Arrho fiom Mill ami Bridges, Buildings, Concrete Struc- Sept. 1. 3, 8, 10, IG, 17, 22, 24. for president ahd lco president, Just Pearl Clly 1 7 : 1 5 n. m.,Ia'8:38 a. in. tures, Steel Structures, Sanitary Sys- 29; Oct. 1. as they now fiomlnato tholr candi- It not a Luxury; It Is a Nicectlty. 11 02 a in., "1:40 p. in., '1:20 p. in. SUMMER DAYS AND tems, Reports and Estimates on BUSINESS NOTICES. dates for governor and other olllcors, But you Must have the UF.OT C. 31 p. in., '7:30 p. in. Pro PROPOSALS FOll 1IUILD1NO MA- - jccls, Phone 1045. Is but tho natural development in the end that Is provided .iy the lamgiii Arrlvo Honnliilii from Wnhlnwi nnil TKIHAL. Honolulu, H. T Sept. 7,' a OAHU COUNTRY CLUB. progrosslvo tculency nf tho times and most equitable Laws uf 15 a. in., tl: 10 . in., '5:31 1910. Scaled proK)Hals Mau.i ' In triplicate' voter P in , 110' ,o p. in. Pau Ka Hana editorial rooms yfjO bust toward giving tho individual chusetts, In ths ItiTi will be rciclvcd hero until 10 a. m.,' Tim llalciwa Limited, n Iwolicur nM offlcs. Then ars tho tetaphsnt Tho niiiiuiil meeting of tho O.ihu tho fullest meiifciiro of political power train (only Herein liuimroil), (1001) THINGS Country Club will bu held lit tho and at tho ulllio of Chief Quartcr--I "I know of nothing which possibly lrslclnn Dept.' New England Mutual liuveu Honolulu ovi'iy Hundiiy at 8 30 Yrjng Hotel. September 8, 1010, nt muster. of California, and De- could contrllnitj us much to the po- nrzr.vizar; -- -- la in; returning unlvi.D n llfinnliilu 8 p. m. pot Quartermaster, Scattlo, Wash,' litical well being, tho Independence, Life Co. ill I'i.IO p. in Limited strips imly 12 Insurance llni A. O. ItOIIINHON. until noon, Sept. 20, 1910, anil und tho NntlBfijctlon of every voter, at Pearl I'lly nml Walanao di- outward 1708 td then opened, for fiiriilnlillig liudHK as to know tlml ho has thn right OF UOOTON, MADSACHUOLT II nml Wulniiau, WMIpaliu nml I'oarl Clly TRUCKING Htici clary. In want material for Hclmllchl Ilarracks, 11.' rectly to parlldpalo lu choosing the candidates linlly. tSuudar l!ceplcil. (Sunday REMOVAL NOTICE, T Prefoioiico given to irtl'.'le of of )s parly." If you would be fully Informed abeut It be on- Onlv may Just small box or n many-to- boiler American piodii.tinn, conditions uf tr- - these laws, adilrpu a i We will hnmllc it PERRY PAINKILLER hhmpon. r a smith The Hawaiian Ballasting Company iiunlli) anil pili n being i'iiiul. In-- ri DAVIS' UiipeiliiiviiUunt I), p. , hns mavril fiom MniiimkiHi million fiiiiiUlieil strert to mi application idiiuild bo I uk ii wlilionl delay nlpui CASTLE & COOKE, lo N, Honolulu Construction &l)rayinii Co., Ltd. llciotimln itu'rt, iirur Niiiianii. II llm iindeiHliined M. I'AI.LH, snip idlest II II ii J Jul I n plumi' niiiiihirs mid IU'MIiik tliiual hill nri't has no connection with (lie Oiilm Cup) nod t)ii;iiiirmiitnr, I1 H, A . ynu (JBNeHAL AQEHT8, ' llllttiirss flfilni mn. linn mi iiu)ii)iik ihii tlin'uii'iin Quiitu Html, 0ipont Kiuliuiimiiu TclepliQiie 8281 llallatllim Co, which now nccuplei CiinmiiiiHnu ()uiiilDniiuisr, At (on MPMtHVI.U, T H. lidlluri.ii HmiHji iH,i, nil ilmiutMn In Me, M mid lit old ollkc, 'IGOl'lm ITU Hvpl. 7, b, 9, U, U, bUHM

. . y y - ytyrs tv&tt 'Tvf t""" "irf" '?' T


A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forevei

DANGER T. FELIX GOl'RAUD'S ORIENTAL I 1 Every Cable News DR. IUU are a menaoo to health CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER A S find I N rropertr T ib Drat W A Jewelry Ittn o( a rat, uie Tin. rifllitJ Utensil (Continued from rase 1.) rtckim itb latchr STEAMS' ELECTRIC nub, tnd Mil 1m LH'm y !', HAT and ROACH PASTE ITrM Sterilized hMM.pod Irft It U th v. C irf ontf frntrintid tttrtnlntor Ha cV ,--r for rati, tnlo, rockf"cbs) and otter H of vrrrnln Iwtlrr refund monr y tf It I m tiftrni t the latest produc- fill. Bokl forw ritrt, wlthlnrffftM! titelti btntt WAJTTM TO LIT and every precaution tions of MittromTrrootormtrlt.lufant Ij trflptrlr mA the best Amer- mitt thi it nd run out ct doors to til. Acrrpixieountr taken to insure abso- ican (fit of lmji Large, elegantly - furnished front factories such as I of. hot IV t Hot bof 11.00. (kM DfttDf Or. L Everybody to use the large nickel lutely pure br r Mvrff tail O ft gen- is pleasing and will lJniffiuorint BrM TO INVESTIGATE school figuring use. room, suitable for one or two on rtretlpt ot prlvo Mr of the b .ot-- pad for and stand the test of In pntlrnlt; good paper tlemen ; walking distance from the tremvcif ctiic rwt co, ctitui.tu. " l Mltt Two hundred sheets of most exacting is will umji th j. five cents, this olDce. tl town; private residence. Addres J t fftimtnfllA for at by nearly every fUrninr h Mrmfwi ft all 'M "11. W.", llulletln offlce. kin pre pwu'omCem" I wit u df m r mail, 'f tr ciit Kurortf Have your hat cleaned by the Hxpert 4717-t- f Milk GENUINE Uoodi IB tb Ubttad 3UUb,1'muI iU !!! Hat Cleaners, 1123 Kort St., opp. IB1T.H0PIM, fog. 3 Gttit Sliul lew V MAIL ORDERS Im Club Stables. Uest workmanship; House of three bedrooms, parlor, PROMPTLY no acids used. 4C9-t- l dining room, pantr), kitchen, (Amncl.ttot I'rmn CillI' 1 bathroom; electric lights nnd gas. The ATTENDED TO GIN WASHINGTON, D, C, Sept 7 Strong boy, and DUTCH between fourteen King, nenr McCully. Call on W. The Department of Comnicr o ami sixteen of age, as paper car- jcars I.. Katon, at llulletln office, Lnlinr olllclnls arc not aatlKfird with rier. Apply after p. tu. at llul-letl- ti i Vi nnd 1. 4711-t- f PondDairy The drink of those who know that the reports that have been mnite office. 471C-2- t Telephone 2890 it gin ever imported into the condition of the Ilus-iln- n Hotel Dclmonlco; under now man- J.A.R.Vicira&Co. is the finest UNION BUSY S00 watches that do not keep time. MILK Immigrant brought to Hawaii agement. Rooms by the day, 121sjc A QUART Hawaii. Wm. l'rucha, expert watchmaker, 113 HOTEL STREET Made by P. Loopuyt & Co,, in under the auspices of tho'Terrltorlal week or month. 130 Ilcrctnnla board of Immigration. Alakca street, near (las Co. street, ltcatonable rales. Schiedam, Holland. 4717-l- Delivered to any part ft the city. So many lontrnry reports arc be- 4711-t- f ing received that n special Inquiry Would worker. Affiliate With Kxperlcnced marblo State On Alewn Heights, about October 1, PRICE, $2.00 A BOTTLE Ii.ih been ordered and ngcntn will be experience leave credentials, A. BLOM, and a cottage. W L. Katon, llulletln sent from the department to llawnll 4712-t- ! Long Shoremen "7..", llulletln. offlic, fro 12 to 1 4717-t- f to look for themsclvea Intli the treat- Cyphers or a Dry Goods ment that the Russian nrc receiv- Of Coast To buy one or two Two furnished rooms. Apply Mrs. Apply "K. I) ", ing on the sugar plantations, brooders. U. McConnell, 1223 Emma 8. ROSA & CO., enro llulletln. 4717-t- f Tort Street, Opposite Catholiq Church (Special CorrcsK)tideuce.) solicitor, COTTAGES FOR RENT. IIII.O, Sept. A, Tho most Import- (Icncinl store man and Alakcn and Queen Streets ROOSEVELT NOT aivo ago, and experience. "V.". ant business transacted by tho Illln Elegant, new, furnished and unfur- Dunn's Hat Shop, llulletln. 4712-t- f l.alMir Union at Its meeting hist Sat- nished, at Walklkl Ilcach. (looil i urday was relative to the tlnlon'ii vvell-bic- d Jersey cows, Ad- - bathing and boating. Crcssaty's, IMPORTERS and DESIGNERS To buy is constantly IN HIS CLASS Joining tho longshoremen's Union of dress "Jersey," this office. 2011 Knlla ltd next Crissldy's). HONOLULU San Francisco, and through that 4708-t- f MILLINERY in importance yORX STREET tho American Federation ROOMS AND BOARD. cs a maritime town; of Ijibor. Lessons In Japanese by foreigner. (AiunH'ltttcil Prrit (.lll( I It will bo remembered Hint soma Address "T. S.". this ofllce. T11K LKLANIV C27 llerctanln nvo-nu- e. Mll.WAUKKK, 7. In spite New Fall Millinery ., but none of the ships Sept time ago President 'Hwallko wns 4715-3- t Mosqulto-proo- f Innnl roonn, of the parlous speeches he hn nmdo to wilto to President (lorn- with or without board. Kverjthlng bought that come to this port can during the past rcw uag in favor icr.i of the American Federation of Anything of valua for cash. modern; moderate prices. Central Y MISS POWER'S MILHNERY of unionism and In denouncement of Address or call 1117 Fort street. hold a candle in popularity I.nlior, sajlng how badly tho Union location, Phone 130S. Mrs. II. PARLORS tainted wealth, grasping corpora- 4711-t- felt nlKiut tVo Husstatis who had been Clean wiping ragi at the Bulletin Dlnklago, prop. f Boston Building Fort Street politicians. Col- brought to the schooners of cold beer tions and dishonest to Hawaii, and also to nsli office. onel Roosevelt wus met on his nl that tho Union bo allowed to nlllllHto Cool furnishes rooms nnd cottages, LEAD1NO HAT CLEANERS. Automobile that pass continually over the hero with the news that Mayor with tho mainland labor organizations, with board. Ui3l Nuuanu Ave, I All Kinds of Hats Cleaned and Scldel, the socialist, absolutely re- As a. result u liiinch of letters wero SITUATION WANTED. near School St. Prices moderate. CRITERION Bar. Try one on 4IC0-t- f Blocked. fuses to have anything to do with rcrehed by F.wnllkn fiom vnrloits la Mr. (lustav ltlorkman, graduate Acids No Used. Work Guaranteed Supplies & Repairing a warm day. any of his meetings or with tin wel bor olllclnls, all were read Hoyal (lymn. Inst., Stockholm FELIX TURRO, Specialist, coming receptions planned In his U tho meeting, (Hitlcntlflc mnssago nnd Swedish FOR SALS. 1154 Fort Street. Opp. Convent honor. (lumpers' answer was as follows: and movements), seeks employment. time-savin- g Honolulu. T. H. Corner Hotel Bethel Washington. 1). C, Aug Hi, 11110 Tho Transo envelope a Heldel has stated that ltoocelt Hcply, care Swedish Consulate, neces- Mr. P.ivld I'.wnllko, Hllo Hawaii, invention. No nddreislDR e Associated Garage, C. A. PEACOCK, Proprietor docs not represent that class in Honolulu. 471S-- 3t re- Orders Taken for Dear Sir Your favor of recent date sary In sending out bills or favor of real socialism, and is there ceipts, llulletln Publishing Co.. MRS. KEARNS1 ISLAND FRUIT Limited foie not n person he cares either to hah been duly received nnd read with Japanese Cooking School. Families or 1 solo ngonta for patentee. tf PRODUCTS hear or be associated with. a gicat deal of Interest. am exceed- hotels supplied with cooks. O. M. I ' And Tho clvl delegation which greet ingly gratified to learn that what Matzle. 1407 Auld Lane. Tel. 1664. One No. 1 Hansoma concrcto mixer ' THOMAS' SLICED PINEAPPLES havo done and uttcniptul to do In No, completo. with San Francisco Hotels ed Colonel Roosevelt was therefore Jnpancso couple experienced took (new), behalf of tho Ktuslnu emigrants com C32 minus the executive head ot the "J-"- trucks, ctc Jl. S..fJray, Fort I nnd waller 10 week up. . MISS WOODWARD. Fort Street - mends Itscdf to the body of organize P. O. llox XVi. Autos clt). It was an enthusiastic teeep- O. 817. 4715.Ct street; ' workmen which sou represent. It Is P. llox tlon, nevertheless, Always Something New at Repaired my deslro to bo helpful In every ty Three-year-ol- saddo pony. 1). (). HOTEL my to my fellows of any shop, Illchards Your machine will be ready fot wtthn iuor LOST. Hamman'H namess YAT RING STORE BALLINfJER MAKES REPLY. and nil nationalities. Mcrchnnt streets, ,ou when we say it will be. Wi (.Xnittclahd rrr ,lbl?l Gold Chinese stickpin, with Jade and STEWART 7. Secretary I note your reference to tho recent 4708-t- f Importers and dealora- - in Fancy ion't experiment ou autos; wt rtyali snATTI.i:. Sent. setting, between Punnhou street 'llulllnger, organization of longshoremen of Hllo, Dry Goods, Qents', them. of the Interior who was Knplolanl. please re-- , Oriental, Silksnnd SAN FRANCISCO and that It is tho Intention of ou nnd tinder Selected Carnvonlcn wool cotton Furnishings. Tranki.l Suit. Gasesi etc" prccent as a guest ut a smoker given to this office nnd rctrelve Geary Street, abort Union Square and your fellow workers to become turn seed. A. V. Gear, 1211 Fort St. ST,.lO?P.fTHEiKMPinEi( Von - here tonight in 'honor of Secretary 47in-3- t 4093-t- HOTEL Ilamm- Young Juit oppoille Hotel St. Ff.ncl. ntrtllatcil with tho longshoremen of P. O. llox 401. f Nngei AUurncy-(;cncr- Wick- - 4 e and with J European Plan Sl.CO a day up the Pacific, and through thorn Inter-Islan- , crshaui, loumlly denounced those op About ten minutes' run from the d and Oahu Railroad ship -- FANCY "DRY. GOODS American Plan $3.00 a day up Arsoclattmi. Tho J Co., Ltd. posed to his administration of his tho International Hatclwa road, n large dusty ping books, at bulletin offlce. tl closer unity nnd of tho Steel and brick structure, furnish, department, whom tin referred to In thirst, at the Walpahu Kxchango. .LEXAHDTJ? YOUNO BUILDniB. ings cost $200,000. nigh class longshoremen of Hawaii with organ . hotel speech as Finder please leave It there, atmoderate rates. Center of theatre his his detractors. ized longshoremen of tho mainland, SPECIALISTS Vah Ying Chong Co., It was not expected, that the Sec andretalldlstrlct. On carlines trans, can but result to their mutual bene Diamond link cuff button, with Ini EYE EAR NOSE THROAT ferrlngalloverclty. Omnibusmeets retary would refer 3o pointedly to King St., Ewa Fish Market COMING fit. It shoiil 1 bo unnecessary for me H. plenso ro Young Building all trains and steameri. Send for department, the tials "A. IV Finder the affairs of his to say to you that 1 hliatl bo glad to DR. 0 to 11 and 1 to 3 PIERCE ARROW MOTOR CYCLE booklet jvlth map of San Francisco. turn to this offlco nnd receive ro N0TTAOE .. smoker being an Informal affair and my siw-cr- . CO Hotel Stewart now recognized as bo of any assistance within ward. 471C-3- t DR. ROfJERS., . 11 to land 3 to 5 WING CHONG HowilianlsLand headquarrs. Cable In honor ot two of his associates who I trust that ou will let mu hoar Sundays 0 to 11 addres:, "Tiawets." ABC Code. have Just returned from a trip over from oii at any tlmo )ou can find Other Hours by Appointment KINQ ST- BETHEL R. C. AXTELL j - NEAR tho ground In a more or less Inves It convenient to write. In tho mean- ELOCUTION. Sole 1048 Agent Alakca Street HOTEL STEWART tigation of against I Dealers in Furniture. Mattresses, the charges him time am hendlng copy of your letter MISS KAY D. IIHLI-Teac- her of etc, etc. All kinds of KOA and MIS- to Mr J. J. Joyce, Secretary of tho Klocutlon. Orntory, Physical fill SION FURNITURE made to order. TONO WAR AOAIN STARTED. International longshoremen's Asso- turo nnd Voice Culture. Studio i .NtK'IUtl I'lVHH ('.till. 1 ciation. Hoping to hear from you fur- LOCOMOBILE 7. 1253 Lunnlllo street. Phono 1342. THE LAST CHANCE BEFORE SAN KItANCISCO, Sept. What convenience, I You'll Find ther ut your mil 4717-l- m FRAMED PICTURES Is expected to ho tho beginning of Fraternally yours. "The Best-Bui- Car in America" SCHOOL OPENS SPEND THE V for Gifts at another 'tong war broke out In SAM!.. OOMPKIIS, SCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO., LTD. Chinatown hero tonight, n spectn AUTOMOBILE. Agents WEEK AT President American Federation of Wing On Chong's, tor In a crowded theater In China Labor. Around tho Island, four or mora pas town being shot. In tho confusion Several other Icttors wcro received sengers, $6 each. Independent When your eyea tire after reading Bethel St., Between King and Hotel J. W. KERSHNER tho murderer slipped away ami es from various officials of tho Federa- Auto Stand. Special rates by the a short time, they need attention. Ha'eivva caped Identification or arrest. tion, to whom tho matter had been hour. Phone 2603. 4677-t- f See IMPORTERS OF ORIENTAL referred, and laBt of all a letter from I GOODS Auto Tire Repairing CHOLERA IN ITALY. C. '. Fouch of tho San Francisco For hire, seven-seate- d Packard; ALFRED D. FAIRWEATHER ( Associated I'nwt c'util' ) branch of tho Intornatfonul phone 2511. Young Hotel Stand; MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN hcon HOMK, Sept. hnvo Association. After referr- Chas. Reynolds. 4640-t- f 1177 Alakca St. Phone 2431 new cases of cholera nlno - Harrison Block WING WO TAI & CO. WAIKIKI INN six and ing to- tho manner In which the re Fort Street deaths reported from the Infected quest from Hllo had reached him, EMPLOYMENT AQENOT First-Clas- s Familv Hotel twenty-fou- r 041 Nuuanu Street Phone 1020 districts for tho past Fouch witito In .part: Best Bathing, on the Beach Those fighting Javanese Employment Association. hours. tho outbreak "It Is with tho greatest pleusuro Call Horses for Sale Is Improv Maunakea near Assl Tniater. S. E. Lucas believe that tho situation that I am performing this duty for RIINEST W. C. BERGIN. Prop. un Phono 2CD7 Is you want a OPTICIAN PIT ing. num ' And Cloth of Al Quality Can be tho reason that ! hnvo tried on cook, good hoy or servants. In Building, corner Hotel nnd Purchased from Work, Dr.ving and Hack erous occasions to get touch with Masonic Majestio KILLED. our brother longshoremen In tho Ter Alakea Hotel l.ltl-,- l'n-N- CLOTHES CLEANING. i AftlUM .lll? ) ritory of Hawaii. to SANO CHAN, 1IINUI1A.M, Me., Sept. 7. Ocorge The best Lenses in town fit MC CANDLESS BLDG. Sachs Block, Fort and Beretania Sts. In bchnlf of tho American Fed City Clothes Cleaning Co., No. 4 Ma W. Weymouth, it former Congress- every eye. P. 0. Box 001 Telephone 1731 CLUB STABLES Fine furnished rooms, tl per day eration ot Labor and tho Internallon sonic Temple, Alakea 8t. Clothei Ma-v- was i ., ' and upwards per month. Splen- man from " liusctts, killed al longshoremen's Association I wish called for and delivered. t0 to- Meat Market and Importers. Telephone 1109 did accommodations, In an automobile accident here to extend to our brothers In tho port MRS. C. A. BLAIS2ELL. Prop. day. of Hllo a fraternal and hearty Invita PLUMBING. tion to afttllato with our International, Kte-Plnm- Delivered to residencei KAUFMAN AND KUBIAK. ami become a part of tho American fee lbs; ber and Tinsmith DR.SCHURMANN (AMiK-liiu-- l'ri-H- St., and offices at 25c, per rublt,) of Labor tho recog- Smith bet. Hotel and Pauahl. Y. 1IAI.T1MOIIK, Sept. 7. Kaufman Federation and Yoshikawa hundred in 10-l- lots nized Labor movement of tho civiliz- C. Q. YecHop&Co. mill Al Kuliluk have signed an agree Osteopath or more. ed world, ni our International Is also The BICYCLE DEALER and RE- ment to meet for a d go here Ice W. 0. BARNHART not only affiliated with tho A. F. of J., F. E. DAVIS, 175 BERETANIA STREET PAIRER, has moved to oti'Septembor 19. S. MIYAMOTO 133 Merchant Street but with tho International Trausiort Phone 1733 Carpenter Telephone 1400 Federation of Kurope, an orgnnlzutlon WHOLESALE CANDY DICKINSON FOR Contractor for Building, Stone and ISO KINO STREET SAILS SHANGHAI whoso scoiHi Is world wldo." (AiUiMlatiit rrt'MH tiMe ) followed Instruction Cement Work, Painting, Fapernang' IIONOKOKO, Sept 7 Secretary With thU letter New location Red front, near to be observed In order to Merchant and Nuuann Streets ing. ICE of War Dlrklnuin nnd party sailed of rules Young Building, Telephone 2518, Association, ns well as a No. 1310 L1LIHA ST., Cor. Kukui, Manufactured from pure distilled wat- todaj Shanghai. Join tho for slgnatino of Honolulu er. Delivered to any part of city by blank charter for tho Hllo WE RENT PIANOS courteous drivers, members. THE RENEAR CO. meeting decided In Instruct the H, Y0SH1HA0A The Forcegrowth Ice & lVi'Sldent to (rocced to secnru i Limited Emma Street, above Beretania Oahu Electric Co., Inflamed Kidneys Kcwalo Telephone 1128 rharter ! Arrangements wein then nmdo for BER0STR0M MUSIC CO., LTD. TJcw BICYCLES arrived for racing ALGAR0RA BEAN MILLS Labor Day parudi'. and In this .ml up to Will general use. Prices, $25 do it For the Best SODAS, 0INUER ALE Have mi had klilue trnublo (In II was decided In nsk tlio Repairing and JOINTS $35. without brake!. nnd DISTILLED WATER, telephone llatiiiiiiiilnii of Hie tililnvisi over six IiuhIiichs limine to let such of llielr OPEN PLUMDINO TI0HT done neatly. 2270, mouths? Ir so uMKiile.l nillhorl I'lnphiii's as lieloilKi'd lo Hie Phlim ties tt lit i II iiiciii.ilile I' H Iiiiid a linlldli) In iilih'i thai Hk'V Steinway Ilili'i'-Ulam- l anil II I. HhlpplllK JOHN NOTT i' u iiimiI) Uii.lluil tiuiiil.illy llilslil luU I'ail III Hi" Miml oTiiim riANoa lioiiliN m)Ii iii Hie HI II Vh and for llllll Ryorof Fountniit (nil lul Inn dlut 111 llllll IIIHIH nlllie ..Hi en b OWL - Soiln Worlcft mi Hun insy prolong Or mvn ynin (JIltMKII l IIUiltilMl'R- III IIIISrH.il TIip l'loncer rimutirr Thnyor Piiuio Oo, ii llle mu phh nt iiwMiir .iwi,wii if IBjl AI.AKJIA ST Tclcpl.oiifl l)3 HI Vlione II II 1 p 1 1 li lillliil.il IIimiiii I'lmlli' lilUAU HOW Bo ISO ll'Hil 2313 kt invnr t,m.m (IhIih iiunio y n ii 1 1' i in llent" cards on Mil ft TIINIMO QUAHANTKKn lHr. in iiii.inii u lHT'uPr CaV J I'h'Mu uur,i, H. A, 0UWW .V CO. Ati'iiU lh( Uulltlln ollld, jionqiiVi-- "jiyp co, in, MPDULUTIM AP8 Vj1 m i,i-x:-- . vt Si --4i.tA' i,lmLmt-iu- i .rdliii . EVENING HUU.ETIN. HONOLULU. T. It., T1IUHSDAY, SEPT. 8. 1910.

mmmiiuiimiiuiiiinmmmmimninmwttmumti ctttmntnttt) t! jggpgQggxjjiSj Short Stories For Evening Hours tiitiMniimttututtmtitttiiimtmitimmtiitittiitifttttmttttirititttnitt'rittiftt: Road and Private MUSTARD SEED for Infants and Children. 1'nit nml parcel of Kathleen Mow-urd- 's she?" sympathized tho man who un- Driveway derstood. Construction love fur all liiiniiinklnil was n Somehow hand found a resting - hcllcf In its gnodiiciiii. inciU'illisn of his The Effects of Opiates- place on Kathleen's shoulder; some- I ore peculiarly maceptlble, to opium nml Its various prep- - diinatroiiH results, her cxpcrlcnco with 'rllAT IMMVTS how his voice found nn extia d ruler By Capable workmen under the superintendence of nrationa, nil of which aro narcotic, is well known, l'.vcn lnthanniallc.it HUiidry women nml men left upon licr not. Uipio ilyf, if continued, opiulra cuiko changes In llio functions nntl growth ol conisclotiMicfiii only nn ntuiurnnco Unit "I don't know, but It may bo mj an experienced engineer insuring selection of llio tolls, which nro lil.ely to bccoino permanent, the cnulnj ImWilUy, mental their nltimiilo Intention had been fair own vnnlty that's hull," Kathleen said perversion, a craving fur ulcohol or narcotics In later life. Nervous divvies, uncli enough. That Rlrl friends borrowed nftcr n moment. "I wauled In look the proper approach and correct grades withthe M intractable nervous ilypopia nml lack of staying power, nro a result of doling her prettiest clothes nnd leturned my best tumoiruw night, as If clothes v.llh opiatCT or narcotics to leep children quiet in their Infancy. Tho rule among them ripped nnd soiled wns no proof niado tho girl, and as If nti body-woul- intelligent use of accurately proportioned materials lRlcJans H Hint cliildren should never receivo opiates In tho smallest doses for of their meniiness. Knthleon incepted euro inure lor me lir a pink uioro tli.in a day nt a time, nml only then if unavoidable. tho euro ot llttlo Hilly Kludge for nn dress than he they would In n blue and the permanency of the work. Tlio administration of Anodynes, Drops, Cordials, Soothing Syrups nnd other afternoon or of Hatty Upton fur u one." Hhe 'Hushed nt tho little slip narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot bo too strongly decried, and day, nnd boro with sweetness nnd she had made. ques- tliodruggistshould not henparty to It. Children who are III need tho attention (ho responsibilities they Incur- -' "Tomorrow night?" the man tioned. on TENNIS if n physician, nnd It is nothing less than a crime to doo them willfully wlllmar. red, with tho thought uf how much "What Is going then?" COURTS - Ills fnee showed some disturbance. ic lis. Castoria contains no narcotics If It hears the signature of Clias. II, Fletcher, worn- it must he for their mothers to . H' Ime had responsibilities liidcilnltcly. I "Why, Mrs. Urn. told me she ask- ed youl" oxilalmed. "She's out Tho S? i jr Bimriuilccs cciiuliio No wonder ever) body loved Kath- Kathleen Laid and built with macadam, oil surface, nlffiiitture of futyr,,TjcucAttf Ctiatorlii leen nnd Imposed on her and tried her giving n danco for Just a few Intimate;! iouI nnd Hindu her happy nnd miser- nnd she usked me It there was any- earth or' sod Physicians Recommend body I to ask "Trnirprtl'aratlonknnftnaaCsstnrlalliarou'td 'I hsta Castoria.your Castoria In many cases able nnd blessed according to tho particularly wanled her tor jrars In cMMrsn's coinplainta ami Mure found and hare always found It an eftlrient and speedy point of view yuu wish tu take. No do you mean she has overlooked touring Itttrr." Jons J. M. 1)., remedy." A. F. M. D., St. Louts, Mo. Lirri, l'trim, wonder, cither, that people marvelled . itr CliTttan.l, Obtn LOTS " I bare nntl your Castoria In my own household her wanted to shuko be- The man put his hand In Ills pocket, FILLING and GENERAL Fer sewal jrars 1 rrrr.mmmlM jour Tastnrla at and her with pond rrenlta, and bate adilsrd several patients In pulled out several unopened letters and .liall Alwsjf cnnUntre to da as It has 'j lief angelic qualities masquerading h, tn ue It fur Its mild, lsiatlve effect and freedom nnd dropped lap. Cndarf I UnWlclal rraulls." under commonplace, skins. They duo in Kathleen's lie from harm, Kdward Pannisn, M. P , Uuhih r. riniiri, M. 1)., Nrw York Citr. found It hard to awaken even a sus- - I looked happy again, mid conlldently ' Brooklyn, N. T. awaited tho glance she gave him. GRADING "Your CsMorla fa a meritorious household ' Your Castoria holds the esteem of the medtrat piciuu in miiiuccii, uui, iur ana near wns in glance, irrmil. Hlaprirrlr vegetable and arts at a mild profession In a manner held by no other proprietary anion); her iiianv friends dwelt tho Thcro confusion that cathartic. Atiro alt, it d'xs no harm, nblch la preparation. It Is sun and reliable medicine for purpose to shutter Kathleen's notions shy luipplnrSs and Infinite belief In his - mote can said cMU Is of thio la of the at majority of Infants and children. In fact It n, understanding. en tho aolnrsal and make of her a more normal pcr-su- With the use portable track, and cars consider siren's y uniedlee." household remedy for Infantile ailments." "It wns nil so lopsy-tune- fur a Viotos II, Corrxix, It, D., Omaha, Neb, J. A. Parker, M, D., Kansas City, Mo. ... Ono nfternoon, abuut 5, Kathleen moment," she said smiling, "llrst Amy ably reducing the cost. Cry was iK.urlng tea for Hilly und then Mrs. U.vcll forgetting and Children for Fletcher's Castoria. ltlndRc's " mother. Mrs, HlndRO was Just back ninyuo you refusing In Use For Over 30 Years. from town nnd her arms ached with """Hut what now?" ho asked with tho weight of her shopping, and her moro intention In look and voice than PLANTATION RESERVOIRS feet nehed with tho heat nnd too much ever can bo put In spoken word. walking, and her head ached. More , "Now I can move mountains again," than all, her heart surged and Ailed Kathleen said. Hut with tho next And all work of this character inovo the wholo wurld changed, nnd SUMMER IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT and bubbled over with bitterness at Hie sight of Illlly's best white plquo not only tho world, but the meaning Huston suit, ou--r which Bwept In graceful thereof. i'ost. ME lilies n perfect wonder of green nnd LET FURNISH AN ESTIMATE u a it u it u u u u ti xi 11 ti red paint. Hilly had osenped Kath .t a rj i?l leen nnd everybody else lutcrcsted,. u lv uui Invaded a painters equipment In It On contemplated work Kiittilr.'11'B kitchen while the painter ti 'iad his lunch out ot doors under tho SPORTS tl ' trees. Tho trees wero green, so It Q n n tt u tt u u u u u u u 'Hilly, nnd why not ho? Tho u tt it ui TOT roses wero red, nnd ho, with equal O fjffWfmmm UMPIRE IS CHASED rcasunnblcness, why lie? JL- - Contractor,. PtfSt not This was ' JLTJ.9 9QJm , J aaHEaaaaaali what Kathleen had made, out ot his OUT OF GROUNDS answers to her remonstrances. Office at Pond's Dairy Telephone "Von have no Idea, Kathleen," Mrs. Disgraceful Riot -, 2890 ; at Los Angc- Kludge was saying, "what 11 euro that Moke it Cool and Cornmfortable by Installing an child Is. if I should have. another one .,, JJo,s .Baseball Game. ' I I ,K ', - think should die. That suit Is 1 t 0 s LOS AN(!I:LKS, Aug. US. itowdy-Iki- n, J ruined, utterly, helplessly ruined. Of i --"- " - h Fain I i"- w. Electric course, don't blnmo you, you muslj tvt) indthci pollco were the iTrn77rl not tliltuk that, but really, Isn't 'it chief features of ucftli gumts today enough to break anybody's The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd. heart to in the Coast- - league between the look nt that sultr 'Vernon teams. So seo how "I don't It could have been mo- - ,r helped, Amy," Kathleen answered, ineeiiKcd uui vcrnomics become ut I'luplic rinncy's decisions In tho' '",,w'". V patiently 'Hilly seems to know what n... ' THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE morning gnmo that they dashed '""";''"t. .... ,,,. ho must do and what ho can't do, and ,( promises to sweetly and looks such a f I oui the stands unto thu Held and dear when he nsks you things, that made fur Kinney. The small furce Milk III Horlick's Malted yuu don't know how to refuse him, of polite available wus us nothing is tiic most delicious, nourishing food-drin- k known for nnd then, suddenly, tho world topples hecklug the onrush, und Kinney, i the an.umic, the debilitated and the dyspeptic. So easily over your head nnd you eincrgo to see seeing the situation ut n glance, it agrees with the weakest Hilly In some wretched plight. Hut made for the gate. The crowd fol- and promptly digested that yuu lowed. food, must love him so, Amy! Think stomach. It is simply a pure invigorating and what a baby girl would bo liko If bIio I'luuey reached the gate llrst, and vitalizing. had Illlly's curls and illlly's eyes " seeing he wns still pursued, Kept on , It is pure, rich milk, with the extract of malted grain, "And Illlly's love of mischief und across country until he reached the HIlly'B guile in powder form, soluble in water. A nourishing drink is and Hilly's paint tlint tracks of the, Lung Death Hue. where won't come off," Interrupted his moth- he boaidcd u car and eluded his pur- prepared in a moment by stirring vigorously in water, hot er. "Now wu will go homo, III IneK whsslua 35SSKftieMBaar' Kathleen; suers, several of whom kept, up the SSBftaaMaamfcaws' ai inch wtisrla though I do mfKG&B or cold. Unequalled as a food for infants, invalids and hate to leave here, every- chare lo the cud. The Bcnutois won ' ' I thing Is so cool mid nursing mothers. Endorsed by physicians everywhere. restful." this game, S tu '2, principally be- ' I"JH1II Hut they did go nt last and Kath- cause they Italelgh Samples free to Phyilci&m and Druffliti. leen hammered hard watched them turn to waul home In the llrst two innings. At all Druggists. with relief In her heart. Suddenly sho In the afternoon at tho Chutes .Doliyorios strictly on soliodule bethought her of something nnd rush- HORLICK'S MALTED MILK COMPANY, Racint, Wit., U. S. A. the polko were again culled in to i ed madly out of tho house after Selection of clates.Dy 'ordeF'of them. I quell the crowd. As In the morn 'sale "Oh, Amy!" she shrieked after the lug, the trouble began over what the rapidly retreating figures, "did you crowd termed unfair huso decisions, get tjiat ribbon for mo nnd the laco though Vernon was In the lend all nt Mark's?" tho time. Top bottles, ut llrst Just u "I'm so sorry forgot It until few, und then un avnluuclic, fairly didn't hnvo uny time left ," came rained over tho Held, und so excited back the disjointed sentences, nnd did one spcitnlor become that he at- Kathleen's courage failed her. Her tacked Jess Stovcll of the Vernon Spendthrifts dress for tomorrow night's team, dnnco was evidently mlstnl.lng hi in fur a a dream, but It had no sash and she Senator. For a few moments this simply could not wear It unless she fight waxed warm, but tho police, on hud some lace to finish the neck nnd hand In gondii' numbers, finally suc- ! slccies, ceeded in restoring quiet und the A man on horseback met her beforo game proceeded. Vernon wun the people who spend foolUily. she Ho are money Ofton reached her gateway. noted game In the fourth by making five her dejection. Mnybe ho Bho Chalmers thought runs on ono lilt und four errors, It is an estate that is wasted away or. a busi- would accept a llttlo cheorlng. Any- n n n " way, he stopped his horso and drop- ness, A spendthrift Is often a foolish young ped nt Kathleen's side In time to ho DOROTHY NEWKIRK ISSUES asked within for a cup of tea and a SWIMMING CHALLENGE man without braids or;eperience, cuke, it wiib very cheerful In Kath-locn- 's den, Thcro wero a Just few Duruthy Newklrk, tho I'aclllc chalis that were made to In and n st Const champion woman long-ills-ta- - broad, low couch nnd n fireplace. He-fo- re But not. always, ; , tho llropliico Kathleen's favorite swimmer, who resides ut Santa The Verdict of : . rug gave light to tho otherwise dusky .Moului, Is anxious tu havo a race America Interior, u pruyor rug, till umber nut with Annette Kellermunn, the won Tlfero aro'also advcrtisfug spendthrifts ruby und u summer-bc- n blue. Drop- derful Australian swimmer und ping upon It nnd resting lior head diver. In If it's built by Chalmers right" men ordinarily sound business who throw P'le 01 pillows, isatlileen MUs Newklrk challenges Miss it's'built ""her experiences for that ono Kelleimuiin to u long.dlutiilico ocean their mpney away in injudicious advertising. duy swim fur uuy distance over half a "And she borrowed my pcuil bu.ocli milo. The challenger won the ra tn fusion her collar becnuso alio came il lie Coast championship l.y swim- 'I away In such a lurry Don't scnllor your firo, Uso 0110 medium that she forgot ming fiuln the Iong whuif ut Hantii lo put line on. uid now she hits gone Mmiliu In Ilia Veiilie pier, in July, Iiiiiiiu und forgnlli'ii tho Jjost and spend your monoy whom you lo give It to me." I Dull. The distance Is iihuu lliiin Kathleen eiul..i Hlio looked llieil and Ihu miles, hut the young woman mv-- e Inn t will got 8omo rolurn, I I'd ( wllli pel (iMt ease, vvliiuihu u T'eulud )tm piull) inuu.ily ilhln'l Associated iiuhl nimlal Garage, Miss NuwMik has pjillilp.ilvi III JlU.. In llnwnll tho papnr Hint pivot, tho bust mi:sciJRi:nir.To m pays. iiimiy nwliiiiiiliiii .wun. und imi. won I'.MO OINTMIJNT U Binnnlrnl munition. inHai. Hln h nut tv Dniilm-- in Motor Oiivn .('suits Is llio (Ivmilnii niillolln. mm uiiv rum of Itriilmi nn... i I IT II of ( and .he ill-- luiu I )r. IIMtoiinr I'nMfii'lliiK I'lK In ri f I Inn kln will wlin m Ivi'iii'Mimiin i'MymiriiHiiiuntfiiiiw -- Mii'ln jy Ml HID HHI.l'HU'ni I lilts' Ills. lull. I I'MilH MlfllJi'lKH C0..HUIMI bull, I IHU) Mil, HHd IM gu, dl.UiKi' kli m M m Um iHtfi Wki" bill WilU1 i