Public Document Pack


Date: Wednesday 28th October, 2009 Time: 6.30 pm Venue: Town Hall,


Ainsdale Ward Ward Councillor Councillor Bigley, Conservative Brodie - Browne, Liberal Democrat T Jones, Conservative Hands, Liberal Democrat Porter, Conservative Shaw, Liberal Democrat

Cambridge Ward Ward Councillor Councillor Glover, Conservative M Fearn (Chair), Liberal Democrat McGuire, Liberal Democrat Booth, Liberal Democrat Preston, Liberal Democrat Weavers, Liberal Democrat

Meols Ward Ward Councillor Councillor Dodd, Liberal Democrat B Rimmer (Vice-Chair), Liberal Democrat D Rimmer, Liberal Democrat Lord Fearn, Liberal Democrat Tattersall, Liberal Democrat Sumner, Liberal Democrat

Dukes Ward Advisory Group Members Councillor Byrom, Labour Mr. J. Fairhurst Mrs. M. Pointon Pearson, Conservative Mr. I. Goley Mr. S. Sugden Sir Ron Watson, Conservative

COMMITTEE OFFICER: Paul Fraser Telephone: 0151 934 2068 Fax: 0151 934 2034 E-mail: [email protected]

If you have any special needs that may require arrangements to facilitate your attendance at this meeting, please contact the Committee Officer named above, who will endeavour to assist.


(This first part of the meeting will take place in the Birkdale Room).

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are requested to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the relevant Code of Conduct.

3. Minutes (Pages 5 - 16) Minutes of the meeting held on 30 September 2009

Part “B”

These are formal decisions to be taken by Members of the Council. Only in exceptional cases will the Chair allow contributions from the public (Advisory Group Members may speak but not vote).

4. Budget Monitoring (Pages 17 - 34) Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director

5. Overview Of Youth Provision Across Sefton (Pages 35 - 68) Minute of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services) and report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services

6. Progress And Action On Planning Section 106 (Pages 69 - 76) Agreements Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director

7. Proposed Pedestrian Refuges - Bispham Road Southport (Pages 77 - 88) and Coastal Road Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director

8. Monitoring Of Traffic Regulation Orders (Pages 89 - 94) Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director

9. Scarisbrick New Road Southport - Objections To Traffic (Pages 95 - Regulation Order 102) Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director

10. Wight Moss Way Southport - New Access Road - (Pages 103 - Proposed Traffic Regulation Order 108) Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director

(The next part of the meeting will take place in the Council Chamber at 7.30 p.m.)

11. Police Issues

12. Open Forum Members of the public are invited to ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues which are relevant to . The person asking a question will be allowed one supplementary question and, provided the questioner is present or represented, any interested members of the public will be permitted to ask supplementary questions, provided the total time on each issue does not exceed five minutes.

(If the questioner does not attend the meeting or nominate a representative to attend (at the discretion of the Chair), the question will not be read out, but a written response will be forwarded to the questioner. If a response to a question is required which cannot be provided at the meeting or if the question is not reached within the 1 hour period, the Chair will either refer the matter to the appropriate Service Department for a written answer or to the appropriate Cabinet Member for further consideration).

Part "A" These items are for general discussion. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion).

13. Previous Questions Raised In The Open Forum (Pages 109 - 134) 14. Future Agenda Items

15. Date of Next Meeting In accordance with the agreed programme of meetings for this Area Committee, the next ordinary meeting will be held on Wednesday, 6 January 2010 at the Town Hall, Lord Street, Southport, commencing at 6.30p.m ; and

It be noted that a special meeting will be held on Wednesday, 18 November 2009 at the Town Hall, Lord Street, Southport, commencing at 6.30 p.m. to consider the single issue of the Southport Cycle Town East – West Link Proposals.




PRESENT: Councillor M Fearn (in the Chair) Councillors B Rimmer, Bigley, Booth, Brodie - Browne, Byrom, Dodd, Lord Fearn, Glover, Hands, T Jones, McGuire, Pearson, Porter, Preston, D Rimmer, Shaw, Tattersall and Weavers Local Advisory Group Members: Mr. J. Fairhurst and Mr. I. Goley.

ALSO PRESENT: Inspector N. Moss, Inspector J. McLoughlin and Sergeant I. Allum, Police and 14 members of the public in attendance.



(1) a special meeting of the Area Committee be arranged, if deemed necessary, to consider the consultation responses to the Southport Cycle Town East-West Link Proposals; and

(2) prior to the special meeting referred to above, the Traffic Services Manager be requested to meet with the and Kew Ward Councillors.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Sumner and Sir Ron Watson and Local Advisory Group Members Mrs. M. Pointon and Mr. S. Sugden.


No declarations of interest were received.



(1) the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 September 2009 be confirmed as a correct record; and

(2) further to Minute No. 54 (Southport Cycle Town East-West Link Proposals) the local press be congratulated for their efforts in


highlighting the proposals and helping residents to engage in the consultation process.


Further to Minute No. 48 of 2 September 2009, the Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director indicating that the balance of the budget available for allocation during 2009/10, including sums set aside for the provision of litterbins, was as follows:-

Ward Available Funds £ Ainsdale 9,850.58 Birkdale 16,171.18 8,945.83 Dukes 14,920.28 Kew 4,331.29 11,817.25 Norwood 20,514.84 Town-wide 2,812.50

Total 89,363.75

Details of the allocations made by each ward against the general provision in the current year were set out in the report.

Ms. S. Prewett, Assistant Director - Neighbourhoods, advised that tenders had recently been received and that the cost for the provision/installation of street nameplates was lower than expected. Accordingly, more nameplates could be allocated per Ward. Ms. Prewett urged Ward Councillors to supply her with a list of those locations where they wanted street nameplates to be installed.


(1) the remaining balance of £89,363.75 of the budget available for further allocation for the rest of the year be noted; and

(2) the following allocations be approved:

Scheme Ward Amount £

Match funding for the provision of cycle Cambridge 150 lights for children

Provision of (1) a plastic litterbin on Ainsdale 590 Kenilworth Road at the top of the pathway leading to Bridgend Drive; (2) a robust litterbin on the square at Sandbrook Way near to the clinic


(3) Members be requested to provide the Assistant Director - Neighbourhoods with a list of locations within their Wards for the installation of street nameplates.


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Regeneration and Technical Services advising of the receipt of a petition from residents in Henley Drive, Southport in the following terms:

‘We the residents of Henley Drive PR9 7JU request Sefton MBC cease the practice of ‘patching’ our road hole by hole and that prompt action be taken to resurface the length of the street.

‘In its present state the road surface is a danger to cyclists, a danger to pedestrians; it is unsightly and is adversely affecting property values and property sales.’

The report indicated that the poor condition of Henley Drive was recognised and was included in the prospective three-year Highway Maintenance Programme 2009/10 (the Programme); that however, there were other streets within the Borough which were considered to warrant more immediate treatment; and that based on the level of deterioration evident at the time it was identified in the Programme, Henley Drive may be considered for resurfacing works in 2011/12.

The report concluded that Henley Drive would continue to be inspected on a regular basis and maintenance work undertaken to keep it in a safe condition; and that the petition would be reported to the Cabinet Member - Technical Services and a formal response given to the petitioners following consideration by the Cabinet Member.


That the report on the receipt of a petition requesting carriageway resurfacing works in Henley Drive, Southport be noted.


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Regeneration and Technical Services advising that a range of highway and drainage improvement works were due to be carried out along Scarisbrick New Road in order to eradicate the ponding of water on footways.

The report detailed the package of works to be undertaken; that it was anticipated that the works would start on 5 October 2009; and that residents affected by the works would be notified accordingly.



That the report detailing the proposed highway and drainage works on Scarisbrick New Road, Southport, be noted.


The Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director setting out details of current Traffic Regulation Orders in the Southport area which had been approved for implementation.


That the report on the monitoring of Traffic Regulation Orders be noted.


Further to Minute No. 41(1) of 1 July 2009, the Committee considered the joint report of the Head of Regeneration and Technical Services and the Leisure Director on the respective departmental responsibilities for maintaining hanging baskets and planters funded by the Area Committee.

The report indicated that Area Committee funds could be used for the purchase of items to improve the environment and the amenity of their area such as planters and hanging baskets but they could not, however, use their funding for ongoing revenue commitments such as maintenance. This meant that maintenance of items installed by Area Committees fell on mainstream Departmental budgets.

Problems occurred, as in this case, when mainstream budgets were insufficient to cover the ongoing maintenance cost. Officers had done their best to ensure maintenance was undertaken by redirecting funding from other budgets but this was only ever going to be an ad-hoc solution.


(1) the report on the departmental responsibility for hanging baskets and planters funded by the Area Committee be noted;

(2) the issues detailed in the report be referred to the meeting of Leaders and Area Committee Chairs for consideration; and

(3) the Head of Regeneration and Technical Services and the Leisure Director be requested to submit a joint report on:

(a) the capital costs of installing hanging baskets and planters and thereafter the maintenance revenue costs; and


(b) on the potential to use the savings from the maintenance budget following the removal of planters on Lord Street for maintaining planters elsewhere in Southport.


The Committee considered correspondence relating to the above.


That the correspondence be noted.



(1) the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to submit a report on the length of time of the parking restrictions in Birkdale Village;

(2) the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be requested to submit a report on:

(a) the traffic problems experienced by drivers leaving Southport following the Air Show; and

(b) the potential re-phasing of traffic lights and/or the re- modelling of the junction, in conjunction with West Lancs District Council, on the Sefton/West Lancs boundary to alleviate future problems; and

(3) following Members' complaints that the Northern Rail service from Wigan/Manchester to Southport did not have the capacity to cope when events such as the Air Show and Flower Show took place; and about the conditions of the rolling stock; representatives of Northern Rail be requested to submit a presentation to a meeting of the Area Committee on plans/proposals they may have in the future to provide additional services when major events took place in Southport and improvements to the rolling stock.


Inspector Moss indicated that there had been a big reduction in incidents of anti-social behaviour in the Larkfield Lane area.

Members of the public/Councillors raised the following issues:

• parents continued to do three point turns in the cul-de-sac at Farnborough Road School, which caused traffic problems and danger to pedestrians. Inspector McLoughlin indicated that he would address this problem by his staff enforcing traffic regulations in the area,


including the issue of fixed penalty notices; and that the automatic number plate recognition system would be deployed in the wider Birkdale area shortly

• parking/obstruction problems on Duke Street associated with retailers. Inspector Moss agreed to investigate this mater

• anti-social behaviour/drug use in the former grounds/gym premises, Cemetery Road. Inspector Moss indicated that he was not aware of such activity but he agreed that his staff would monitor the area

• following the events operated at Splash World during the summer as part of the Free and Active scheme, the Police representatives were asked whether they had figures for usage of the scheme. Sergeant Allum did not have such attendance figures, but indicated that during the operation of the scheme there was a marked reduction in anti- social behaviour

• there had been an increase in the frequency of sirens sounding recently and that this heightened residents' perception of crime. Inspector Moss explained the procedure for Police using sirens when attending 'grade 1' calls; but stressed that sirens were also used by the Fire and Ambulance Services so the use of all sirens were not necessarily crime related

• was a machine used to weigh vehicles if they appeared to breach weight restrictions? Inspector Moss indicated that the Police used the weighbridge at Switch Island

• do cycles have to be equipped with bells or horns? Inspector McLoughlin indicated that no prosecutions had been made for cyclists using their bikes without a bell; but that lights were required for cycles

• what was the law on begging? Comments were also made regarding the 'aggressive' form of collecting for charity, particularly on Chapel Street; and that often, such charity collections were not authorised by the Council or had the necessary permits. A further comment was made about the Charities Act 2006 that had not yet been enacted; that the Act contained provisions to enforce such practices but could not be used until the Act had been enacted

Sergeant Allum indicated that beggars would be arrested in the Town Centre and that two beggars were currently in custody; and that enforcement operations had been undertaken to target charity collectors who did not have the appropriate permits.



That the Legal Director be requested to submit a report to the Licensing and Regulatory Committee seeking that Committee's support to request the Home Secretary to enact the Charities Act 2006 to control 'aggressive' charity collectors.

• a complaint was made regarding mobility scooters being used in Southport that were not equipped with lights. Sergeant Allum indicated that the only law governing the use of mobility scooters was that they should travel between 4-6 miles per hour

• an internal Police report was referred to and it was alleged that only one crime was solved for every 1000 CCTV cameras; and the Police were asked whether they considered that this was good value for money. Inspectors McLoughlin and Moss disputed the figure quoted and indicated that CCTV was a very valuable tool in detecting crime

• traffic congestion problems following the recent Air Show were referred to. Sergeant Allum indicated that there were traffic problems due to the attendance at the event by over 90,000 spectators; he also indicated that there were only 21 recorded crimes during the course of the event and bearing in mind the number of attendees in the Town Centre, this was very good.


During the Open Forum the following questions/comments/petitions were submitted:

(a) Local Advisory Group Member Mr. I. Goley indicated that it had been drawn to his attention that there was a Mosquito device on the Southport Town Hall, a device that emitted a high pitched sound and could only be heard by young people, normally aged 17 and below. Whilst he welcomed the proposals for a greater cohesive Area Committee system to include young people he asked were Members aware that this device was in operation on what was a democratic building; and whether there were any other devices on Council property in operation across the Borough.

Mr. P. Fraser advised the meeting of the following comments:

The Head of Civic and Mayoral Services had indicated that a Mosquito Device was installed at Southport Town Hall as a result of continuing vandalism to the exterior of the building and also the immediate area outside the Town Hall with youths in relation to Anti Social Behaviour; and that no other buildings operated by Civic and Mayoral Services had this device installed.


A strict protocol was established with staff for the use of the system at Southport Town Hall and a short training session provided. A log book was also introduced in relation to the use of the Mosquito Device and staff had to enter details of the event and why it was used and also report its use to the Head of Civic and Mayoral Services.

The system however had not been used as shortly after the installation, a Section 30 Dispersal Order was introduced for the Town Hall Gardens and Chapel Street. Since this time the system had been switched off and currently not in use.

The Leisure Director had indicated that on the advice of police, three Mosquito Devices were installed in Leisure Services premises:- outside Southport Arts Centre, Atkinson Art Gallery and Crosby Civic Hall and had been in place for over three years.

Their installation followed considerable and repeated anti-social behaviour from youths outside these facilities. All attempts at engagement with the young people - inviting them into our facilities, explaining our concerns regarding their behaviour were largely ignored by the majority of the youths.

The situation came to a head when (following a fight) the toilets at the Arts Centre were smeared with blood, staff were spat at and abused and in the case of the Atkinson no-one attended an opening, so intimidated were the attendees by those outside. This led to a number of complaints.

As a last resort, following police advice the Mosquitoes were installed. When they were in operation a time lock meant that they were only used in twenty minute bursts when the behaviour of the youths was unacceptable, which was always logged. The Leisure Director informs that the use of the device was effective in dispersing the young people.

Due to the implementation of a Section 30 Order in the area involved, the devices in Southport had not been switched on since early summer last year and Crosby Civic Hall’s Mosquito had never been used.

Whilst the concerns expressed regarding the use of such devices was understood, in the circumstances the Leisure Department felt it had little choice. All attempts at engagement had failed and considerable inconvenience and intimidation was being experienced by other Leisure Service users, leading to people not attending leisure facilities.

The Leisure Services Department was one of the staunchest defenders of the rights of young people; however, with that the Leisure Director believed came responsibilities. Given the


behaviour of a significant number of those outside the facilities, including threatening behaviour to staff, it was believed the responsible use of the Mosquito device was warranted until the Section 30 Order resolved the situation.

No plans were in place to use the Mosquito devices in the foreseeable future; however, should the level and type of anti-social behaviour recommence (once the Section 30 Order was lifted) the Leisure Director would reserve his position to use them once more, unless the Authority decided this should not be the case.


That the Leisure Director and the Head of Civic and Mayoral Services be requested to submit a report to the Area Committee detailing:

(i) who authorised the installation of the Mosquito devices; and

(ii) how the protocol was established for the use of the system.

(b) Local Advisory Member Mr. J. Fairhurst requested that the Environmental Protection Director submit a detailed report to the next meeting of the Area Committee on what the Graffiti Squad was currently achieving and on what had been done to remove graffiti on the Footbridge, in Ball's Place connecting Eastbank and Tulketh Street, at the Lord Street entrance to Morrisons and in the passageway between "Jaeger" and "East". Mr. Fairhurst concluded that it would be pleasant if Sefton could gain a reputation for having a zero tolerance to graffiti and a determination to catch offenders and to see them remove the evidence of their vandalism.

The Assistant Chief Executive (Safer, Stronger Communities) advised that from the period 29 June to 22 August 2009 offenders, as part of the Community Payback Scheme, had removed graffiti from the following locations:

• Bedford • Houghtons Place/Anchor Place • Beech Court, 38-40 Leyland Road • 16 Claremont Road • 111 Radnor Drive • Parenting 2000 Mornington Road • Alleyway Lord Street between publishers • Alleyway Lord Street Henry Piddick Jewellers • Cambridge Arcade between Café Matisse/Face Value • Demonstrations to Councillors and other visitors - Tulketh Street • Royal Terrace (side of chip shop) • Makus Shop Virginia Road


• Length of Ball's Place - Tulketh Street end to Eastbank Street;

and that as part of the Community Payback scheme, work had been/would shortly commence to remove graffiti at the following locations:

• 24, 34 and 36 Pilling Close • 9 Salwick Close • 11 Elswick Green • 55 Elswick Road • 48 Queens Road • 4 Roe Park Mews, Park Road/Roe Lane


(1) the Cleansing Manager be requested to respond in writing to Mr. Fairhurst; and

(2) the Legal Director be requested to:

(a) write to Network Rail, on behalf of the Area Committee, requesting that they remove the graffiti on the Victoria Footbridge and seeking their views on allowing graffiti removal on their structures and land by the Community Payback 'personnel'; and

(b) submit a report to the Area Committee on the legal position of graffiti removal on non-Council land and premises;

(c) Mr. S. Hagan asked why Sefton Council charged for the Southport Air Show when others, notably Blackpool and Windermere, did not; and he asked what actual profit did the Southport Air Show make in 2008.

The Head of Tourism advised that Sefton used to provide a free Air Show at a substantial cost to local Council Tax Payers. As part of developing a sustainable portfolio of additional large scale regionally significant events such as the Jazz Festival, British Musical Firework Championships and Summer Classics a more commercial approach to staging events had to be taken. This meant that in the case of the Air Show a charge was made for entry rather than it being free. As a result in an average year the Air Show would now break even which meant that the money it previously cost was available to support other events such as those mentioned. In other words Southport had more events at no extra cost to the Council Tax Payer.

The alternative would be for the Council to either not deliver the extra events or allocate more of its overall budget to tourism events


so that they remained free. The Council had taken the view that it was better for the events to be genuinely sustainable rather than rely on increased handouts from the Council Tax Payers or reduce the number of events back to essentially just the Air Show.

Other Councils may take a different approach although it was worth noting that a few years ago, Blackpool was awarded around £3.5m by the NWDA specifically to create an events programme just like Southport’s. It would be interesting to see how sustainable Blackpool’s events programme would be when this funding ran out. It would also be interesting to see whether Liverpool could afford to fund a number of its free events now that public funding, both European and National, was likely to notably reduce.

The 2008 Air Show made a small loss due to the poor weather which was such a feature of last year.

(d) Mrs. E. Gains requested the provision of a litter bin next to the bus stop situated outside 62 Marshside Road, Southport.


That the Meols Ward Councillors be requested to consider Mrs. Gains' request.

(e) Mrs. J. Bowe asked when the weeds in the gutters and on the pavements in Hythe Close, Crockleford Avenue and Ardleigh Avenue were to be removed Mrs. Bowe indicated that no work had been done to remove weeds on the Kew estate during Summer 2009.


That the Senior Team Leader, Capita Symonds, be requested to respond to Mrs. Bowe in writing.

(f) Mrs. I. Gunn indicated that she regularly led out cycle rides for Age Concern and CTC and that she was concerned about how dangerous it was for cyclists on the cycle path on the sea wall, closest to the beach. The main dangers were the amount of sand covering the cycle path; obstacles such as waste bins taken from the beach and put onto the cycle path; and last but not least the danger from people crossing the path to and from the beach and not looking. In view of these dangers she requested that the Council look at moving the path to a safer location and that she would be interested to know if any accidents had been reported in the 14 months or so that the path had been open.

The Traffic Services Manager advised that he was not aware of any actual accidents along this length of path since its opening in July 2008, but that he was aware of regular conflict between cyclists and


pedestrians and the issue of windblown sand. These issues had been raised at the Cycle Forum and the Council was presently seeking a suitable alternative route to overcome these issues.

(g) Mr. S. Taylor asked that now Sefton had joined the Liverpool City Region, could the Councillors please supply to the public five reasons why joining was to the advantage of Southport residents.

Members provided Mr. Taylor with their views on his question.



That the next meeting be held on Wednesday, 28 October 2009 at Southport Town Hall, Lord Street, Southport, commencing at 6.30 p.m.

Page 4616 Agenda Item 4

Committee : SOUTHPORT AREA COMMITTEE Date of Meeting : 28 TH OCTOBER 2009 Title of Report : BUDGET MONITORING

Report of : A Wallis Planning and Economic Regeneration Director

Contact Officer : S Prewett Assistant Director - Neighbourhoods Telephone No. 0151 934 3485

This report contains Yes No CONFIDENTIAL √ Information/ EXEMPT information by virtue of paragraph(s)...... of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local √ Government Act, 1972 (If information is marked exempt, the Public Interest Test must be applied and favour the exclusion of the information from the press and public). Is the decision on this report DELEGATED ? √

Purpose of Report

To update Southport Area Committee on available resources for the Area Committee area.

To request confirmation from the Committee for any proposals made to the Assistant Director – Neighbourhoods for up to £1,000 contribution from the respective ward budgets as set out in Appendix A or raised at the meeting.

To provide the forum for consideration of formal reports for requests for allocations above £1,000.


That the Area Committee:

(i) note the current financial position

(ii) agree the requests for under £1,000 set out in Appendix A

(iii) consider any further requests raised at the meeting for up to £1,000

(iv) consider any further reports for allocations above £1,000

Page 17 Agenda Item 4

Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact

1 Creating a Learning Community ü

2 Creating Safe Communities ü

3 Jobs and Prosperity ü

4 Improving Health and Well-Being ü

5 Environmental Sustainability ü

6 Creating Inclusive Communities ü

7 Improving the Quality of Council Services and ü Strengthening local Democracy

8 Children and Young People ü

Financial Implications

Any financial proposals contained within this report can be contained within the Area Committee’s delegated budgets.

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report

Finance FD 190 - The Finance Director has been consulted and has no comments on this report.

List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this report



1.1 In 2002/03 the Council allocated funds to Area Committees for expenditure on local priorities that would not otherwise be funded from Council budgets. Each Area Committee receives an amount each year and then decides how best to split it across the wards and whether or not to hold a central budget. Southport Area Committee have a dedicated town wide budget as well as individual ward budgets. The overall amount for the Area Committee includes an amount for litter bins and street name plates for each ward.

Page 18 Agenda Item 4


2.1 Current Budget Position

2.1.1 The following sets out the latest position on the budget and the amounts available to spend in each area, as well as commitments made in this year. As requested the amount for street name plates has been incorporated within the report as a defined amount per ward.

2009/10 2009/10 2009/10 2009/10 2009/10 Balance Balance b/f Street Budget Litterbins Available Commitments Available Signs £ £ £ £ £ £ £

WARD Ainsdale 3,141.08 7,662.50 - - 10,803.58 1,543.00 9,260.58 Birkdale 16,751.68 7,662.50 - - 24,414.18 8,800.00 15,614.18 Cambridge 2,526.33 7,662.50 - - 10,188.83 1,950.00 8,238.83 Dukes 13,374.78 7,662.50 - - 21,037.28 6,254.00 14,783.28 Kew 9,521.79 7,662.50 - - 17,184.29 13,410.00 3,774.29 Meols 5,107.75 7,662.50 - - 12,770.25 1,300.00 11,470.25 Norwood 15,395.34 7,662.50 - - 23,057.84 3,100.00 19,957.84 Town-wide - 7,662.50 - - 7,662.50 4,850.00 2,812.50 provision

LITTER BINS BY WARD Ainsdale - - 557.00 - 557.00 557.00 - Birkdale - - 557.00 - 557.00 - 557.00 Cambridge - - 557.00 - 557.00 - 557.00 Dukes - - 557.00 - 557.00 420.00 137.00 Kew - - 557.00 - 557.00 - 557.00 Meols - - 557.00 - 557.00 210.00 347.00 Norwood - - 557.00 - 557.00 - 557.00

STREET SIGNS BY WARD Ainsdale - - - 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Birkdale - - - 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Cambridge - - - 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Dukes - - - 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Kew - - - 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Meols - - - 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Norwood - - - 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1,000.00

Total 65,818.75 61,300.00 3,899.00 7,000.00 138,017.75 42,394.00 95,623.75

Page 19 Agenda Item 4

For information only – Allocations made during 2009/10 :

Ainsdale Ward

2009/10 Commitments Date Approved Cost £ 1 Litterbin (standard) – Heathfield Road 20/05/09 210.00 Contribution to Free & Active programme 2 01/07/09 400.00 of youth diversionary activities Contribution to cleansing & removal of 3 chewing gum along Chapel Street, 01/07/09 500.00 Cambridge Arcade & Corporation Street Contribution towards Southport 4 01/07/09 400.00 Christmas Lights & Parade 2009 5 Litterbin (standard) – Kenilworth Road 30/09/09 210.00 Litterbin (robust) – Square at Sandbrook 6 30/09/09 380.00 Way 2,100.00

Birkdale Ward

2009/10 Commitments Date Approved Cost £ Christmas tree with lights on lamp posts – 1 01/07/09 945.00 Liverpool Road Christmas tree with lights on lamp posts 2 01/07/09 945.00 – near Hillside Road shops Contribution to Free & Active programme 3 01/07/09 400.00 of youth diversionary activities 4 ‘No Ball Games’ sign – Abbey Gardens 01/07/09 110.00 Increase in street name plates budget to 5 01/07/09 2,000.00 £3,000 Contribution to cleansing & removal of 6 chewing gum along Chapel Street, 01/07/09 500.00 Cambridge Arcade & Corporation Street Contribution towards Southport 7 01/07/09 400.00 Christmas Lights & Parade 2009 Contribution towards the improvements 8 01/07/09 3,500.00 to grounds of Birkdale Library 8,800.00

Page 20 Agenda Item 4

Cambridge Ward

2009/10 Commitments Date Approved Cost £ Contribution to CCTV equipment for 1 01/07/09 500.00 Marshside Primary School Contribution to Free & Active programme 2 01/07/09 400.00 of youth diversionary activities Contribution to cleansing & removal of 3 chewing gum along Chapel Street, 01/07/09 500.00 Cambridge Arcade & Corporation Street Contribution towards Southport 4 01/07/09 400.00 Christmas Lights & Parade 2009 Provision of cycle lights for children 5 30/09/0 150.00 (match funded) 1,950.00

Dukes Ward

2009/10 Commitments Date Approved Cost £ 1 2 x Litterbins (standard) – Rotten Row 20/05/09 420.00 2 Dressing Empty Shop Fronts 20/05/09 750.00 Contribution to Free & Active programme 3 01/07/09 400.00 of youth diversionary activities Contribution to cleansing & removal of 4 chewing gum along Chapel Street, 01/07/09 3,054.00 Cambridge Arcade & Corporation Street Contribution towards Southport 5 01/07/09 400.00 Christmas Lights & Parade 2009 Wesley Street environmental 6 improvement proposals – cont. towards 02/09/09 1,650.00 additional sign at 43 Tulketh Street 6,674.00

Kew Ward

2009/10 Commitments Date Approved Cost £ Contribution to Free & Active programme 1 01/07/09 400.00 of youth diversionary activities Contribution to cleansing & removal of 2 chewing gum along Chapel Street, 01/07/09 500.00 Cambridge Arcade & Corporation Street Contribution towards Southport 3 01/07/09 400.00 Christmas Lights & Parade 2009

Page 21 Agenda Item 4

Contribution towards the Portland Street 4 01/07/09 1,500.00 playing field scheme 5 Kew Estate – Parking Scheme 01/07/09 10,500.00 6 ‘No Ball Games’ sign – Nolan Street 02/09/09 110.00 13,410.00

Meols Ward

2009/10 Commitments Date Approved Cost £ Contribution to Free & Active programme 1 01/07/09 400.00 of youth diversionary activities Contribution to cleansing & removal of 2 chewing gum along Chapel Street, 01/07/09 500.00 Cambridge Arcade & Corporation Street Contribution towards Southport 3 01/07/09 400.00 Christmas Lights & Parade 2009 Standard litterbin – Junction of Seacroft 4 Crescent & Glencoyne Drive (at corner of 02/09/09 210.00 the green) 1,510.00

Norwood Ward

2009/10 Commitments Date Approved Cost £ Contribution to Free & Active programme 1 01/07/09 400.00 of youth diversionary activities Contribution to cleansing & removal of 2 chewing gum along Chapel Street, 01/07/09 500.00 Cambridge Arcade & Corporation Street Contribution towards Southport 3 01/07/09 400.00 Christmas Lights & Parade 2009 Contribution towards the Portland Street 4 01/07/09 1,500.00 playing field scheme Contribution to Salisbury & Friends of 5 01/07/09 300.00 Canning Road Home Watch group 3,100.00

Town Wide 2009/10 Commitments Date Approved Cost £ 1 Dressing Empty Shop Fronts 20/05/09 750.00

2 Contribution to cleansing & removal of 01/07/09 2,000.00 chewing gum along Chapel Street,

Page 22 Agenda Item 4

Cambridge Arcade & Corporation Street Contribution towards Southport 3 01/07/09 2,100.00 Christmas Lights & Parade 2009 4,850.00

2.1.2 The requests received for agreement at this Area Committee are set out Appendix A to this report.


That the Area Committee:

(i) note the current financial position

(ii) agree the requests for under £1,000 set out in Appendix A

(iii) consider any further requests raised at the meeting for up to £1,000

(iv) consider any further reports for allocations above £1,000

Page 23 Agenda Item 4

APPENDIX A Metropolitan Borough of Sefton

Request for an Area Committee Budget Allocation

Southport Area Committee


Amount requested from the Area Committee: £1,010 Less than £1,000 - Send to the Strategic Director for the Area Committee More than £1,000 - Send to the appropriate department of the Council for a full report to be prepared for the Area Committee

Applicant/Organisation Description of Project: Additional street signs (please see attached)

Total cost of project: £2,010 Less other contributions/match funding (list with details): Sefton MBC £1,000

Total of other contributions/match funding £1,000

Balance: i.e. the amount requested from Area Committee £1,010 Contact point: Name: Steph Prewett Address: Neighbourhood’s Division

Telephone 1 during office hours … 2 out of office hours…………………………

I confirm this request has been submitted via me in accordance with the guidance notes for Area Committee budget allocations:

Councillor:- Date:-

Ward:- Ainsdale Requests for allocation up to £1,000:

I confirm that Southport Area Committee has sufficient funds available to meet this request.

Signed …… ……….. Date………13/10/09………………..

Strategic Director / Assistant Director Neighbourhoods Steph Cordon

For official use only Date Name Min. No Approved Received Less than £1,000 Y/N Y/N Estimates included Y/N or N/A Committee report (all) Y/N Copied to Finance Payment made Y/N Evidence received Y/N Y/N Inspection Y/N Y/N

Page 24 Agenda Item 4


Plate's required Location Wall Mounted On Legs Total Missing BURNLEY ROAD 0 2 2 EASEDALE DRIVE 2 0 2 ELIZABETH AVENUE 0 2 2 LILAC AVENUE 2 0 2 PINFOLD LANE 0 2 2 WD (YELLOW BRICK ROAD) 0 2 2 WIGSTON CLOSE 0 2 2 BELVEDERE ROAD 2 0 2 £270.00 £850.00 £1,120.00

Additional Signs Chipping Avenue 1 0 1 Daneway 1 0 1 Dorset Avenue 1 0 1 Limont Road 1 0 1 Orchard Lane 1 0 1 The Paddock 1 0 1 Petworth Road 1 0 1 Trevor Road 1 0 1 Vale Crescent 1 0 1 Westminister Road 1 0 1 HALIFAX ROAD 1 0 1 KENDAL WAY 0 1 1 KNOWLE AVENUE 1 0 1 MOSSGIEL AVENUE 0 1 1 ROSE CRESCENT 1 0 1 SEAFIELD ROAD 3 0 3 £720.00 £170.00 £890.00

£990.00 £1,020.00 £2,010.00

Page 25 Agenda Item 4

Metropolitan Borough of Sefton

Request for an Area Committee Budget Allocation

Southport Area Committee


Amount requested from the Area Committee: £640 Less than £1,000 - Send to the Strategic Director for the Area Committee More than £1,000 - Send to the appropriate department of the Council for a full report to be prepared for the Area Committee

Applicant/Organisation Description of Project: Additional street signs (please see attached)

Total cost of project: £1,640 Less other contributions/match funding (list with details): Sefton MBC £1,000

Total of other contributions/match funding £1,000

Balance: i.e. the amount requested from Area Committee £640 Contact point: Name: Steph Prewett Address: Neighbourhood’s Division

Telephone 1 during office hours … 2 out of office hours…………………………

I confirm this request has been submitted via me in accordance with the guidance notes for Area Committee budget allocations:

Councillor:- Date:-

Ward:- Cambridge Requests for allocation up to £1,000:

I confirm that Southport Area Committee has sufficient funds available to meet this request.

Signed …… ……….. Date………13/10/09………………..

Strategic Director / Assistant Director Neighbourhoods Steph Cordon

For official use only Date Name Min. No Approved Received Less than £1,000 Y/N Y/N Estimates included Y/N or N/A Committee report (all) Y/N Copied to Finance Payment made Y/N Evidence received Y/N Y/N Inspection Y/N Y/N

Page 26 Agenda Item 4


Plates Required Location Wall Mounted On Legs Total Manx Janes Lane 1 1 Albany Road 2 2 Lathom Road 2 2 Park Ave 2 2 Alexandra Road 1 1 Alexandra Road 1 1 Alexandra Rd 2 2 Alexandra Rd 1 1 Salcombe Dr 1 1 Queens Rd 1 1 Allerton Rd 1 1 Avondale Rd North 2 2 Bakers Ln 1 1 Cambridge Rd 1 1 Cambridge Rd 3 3 Cambrige Rd 1 1 Cambridge Rd 1 1 Churchill Ave 1 1 Court Rd 1 1 Gordon St. 3 3 Albany Rd 1 1 Hilbre Drive leading to Hilbre Close 1 1 Park Crescent 1 1 £1,215 £425 £1,640

Page 27 Agenda Item 4

Metropolitan Borough of Sefton

Request for an Area Committee Budget Allocation

Southport Area Committee


Amount requested from the Area Committee: £2,185 Less than £1,000 - Send to the Strategic Director for the Area Committee More than £1,000 - Send to the appropriate department of the Council for a full report to be prepared for the Area Committee

Applicant/Organisation Description of Project: Additional street signs (please see attached)

Total cost of project: £3,185 Less other contributions/match funding (list with details): Sefton MBC £1,000

Total of other contributions/match funding £1,000

Balance: i.e. the amount requested from Area Committee £2,185 Contact point: Name: Steph Prewett Address: Neighbourhood’s Division

Telephone 1 during office hours … 2 out of office hours…………………………

I confirm this request has been submitted via me in accordance with the guidance notes for Area Committee budget allocations:

Councillor:- Date:-

Ward:- Dukes Requests for allocation up to £1,000:

I confirm that Southport Area Committee has sufficient funds available to meet this request.

Signed …… ……….. Date………13/10/09………………..

Strategic Director / Assistant Director Neighbourhoods Steph Cordon

For official use only Date Name Min. No Approved Received Less than £1,000 Y/N Y/N Estimates included Y/N or N/A Committee report (all) Y/N Copied to Finance Payment made Y/N Evidence received Y/N Y/N Inspection Y/N Y/N

Page 28 Agenda Item 4


Page 29 Agenda Item 4

Metropolitan Borough of Sefton

Request for an Area Committee Budget Allocation

Southport Area Committee


Amount requested from the Area Committee: £330 Less than £1,000 - Send to the Strategic Director for the Area Committee More than £1,000 - Send to the appropriate department of the Council for a full report to be prepared for the Area Committee

Applicant/Organisation Description of Project: Additional street signs (please see attached)

Total cost of project: £1,330 Less other contributions/match funding (list with details): Sefton MBC £1,000

Total of other contributions/match funding £1,000

Balance: i.e. the amount requested from Area Committee £330 Contact point: Name: Steph Prewett Address: Neighbourhood’s Division

Telephone 1 during office hours … 2 out of office hours…………………………

I confirm this request has been submitted via me in accordance with the guidance notes for Area Committee budget allocations:

Councillor:- Date:-

Ward:- Meols Requests for allocation up to £1,000:

I confirm that Southport Area Committee has sufficient funds available to meet this request.

Signed …… ……….. Date………13/10/09………………..

Strategic Director / Assistant Director Neighbourhoods Steph Cordon

For official use only Date Name Min. No Approved Received Less than £1,000 Y/N Y/N Estimates included Y/N or N/A Committee report (all) Y/N Copied to Finance Payment made Y/N Evidence received Y/N Y/N Inspection Y/N Y/N

Page 30 Agenda Item 4


Plate's required Location Wall Mounted On Legs Total Missing BANKFIELD LANE 3 0 3 BOTANIC ROAD 0 3 3 BERESFORD DRIVE 0 1 1 DAWSON AVENUE 1 1 2 HOLMDALE AVENUE 1 1 2 IRVIN AVENUE 0 2 2 PRESTON NEW ROAD 0 2 2 RIBBLE AVENUE 0 2 2 TURNBERRY WAY 0 1 1 £225 £1,105 £1,330

Page 31 Agenda Item 4

Metropolitan Borough of Sefton

Request for an Area Committee Budget Allocation

Southport Area Committee


Amount requested from the Area Committee: £2,185 Less than £1,000 - Send to the Strategic Director for the Area Committee More than £1,000 - Send to the appropriate department of the Council for a full report to be prepared for the Area Committee

Applicant/Organisation Description of Project: Additional street signs (please see attached)

Total cost of project: £3,185 Less other contributions/match funding (list with details): Sefton MBC £1,000

Total of other contributions/match funding £1,000

Balance: i.e. the amount requested from Area Committee £2,185 Contact point: Name: Steph Prewett Address: Neighbourhood’s Division

Telephone 1 during office hours … 2 out of office hours…………………………

I confirm this request has been submitted via me in accordance with the guidance notes for Area Committee budget allocations:

Councillor:- Date:-

Ward:- Norwood Requests for allocation up to £1,000:

I confirm that Southport Area Committee has sufficient funds available to meet this request.

Signed …… ……….. Date………13/10/09………………..

Strategic Director / Assistant Director Neighbourhoods Steph Cordon

For official use only Date Name Min. No Approved Received Less than £1,000 Y/N Y/N Estimates included Y/N or N/A Committee report (all) Y/N Copied to Finance Payment made Y/N Evidence received Y/N Y/N Inspection Y/N Y/N

Page 32 Agenda Item 4


Plate's required Location Wall Mounted On Legs Total Missing KENSINGTON ROAD 3 0 3 POPLAR STREET 3 0 3 BISPHAM ROAD 2 0 2 COBDEN ROAD 2 1 3 WENNINGTON ROAD 1 1 2 CLIFTON ROAD 1 1 2 LIME STREET 1 1 2 CROWLAND STREET - Specific Locaiton (Straight across junction, centre of kerbside by field 0 1 1 and grass) 45 Crowland Street being mistaken for 45 Endbutt Street


£1,485.00 £1,700.00 £3,185.00

Page 33 Agenda Item 4

Metropolitan Borough of Sefton

Request for an Area Committee Budget Allocation

Southport Area Committee


Amount requested from the Area Committee: £210 Less than £1,000 - Send to the Strategic Director for the Area Committee More than £1,000 - Send to the appropriate department of the Council for a full report to be prepared for the Area Committee

Applicant/Organisation: Mrs S Walton Description of Project: Litter bin by bus stop by petrol filling station in Scarisbrick New Road by Kew Roundabout

Total cost of project: £210 Less other contributions/match funding (list with details): Sefton MBC £

Total of other contributions/match funding £

Balance: i.e. the amount requested from Area Committee £210 Contact point: Name: Mrs S Walton Address:

Telephone 1 during office hours … 2 out of office hours…………………………

I confirm this request has been submitted via me in accordance with the guidance notes for Area Committee budget allocations:

Councillor:- M Fearn Date:- 19/10/09

Ward:- Kew Requests for allocation up to £1,000:

I confirm that Southport Area Committee has sufficient funds available to meet this request.

Signed …… ……….. Date………19/10/09………………..

Strategic Director / Assistant Director Neighbourhoods Steph Cordon

For official use only Date Name Min. No Approved Received Less than £1,000 Y/N Y/N Estimates included Y/N or N/A Committee report (all) Y/N Copied to Finance Payment made Y/N Evidence received Y/N Y/N Inspection Y/N Y/N

Page 34 Agenda Item 5



The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services, which provided information regarding the provision of youth opportunities for the young people of Sefton by geographical area. The report outlined the following:-

• Targeted Provision and Partnership Working; • Targeted Youth Support and Children and Young People aged 8-19; • Family Intervention Project; and • Parent Know How Directory.

Appendix One to the report set out an overview of Youth Provision Activity across Sefton.


That the report be accepted and referred to the Council’s Area Committees for discussion

Page 35 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 36 Agenda Item 5

Meeting: Overview & Scrutiny

Date of Meeting : 22 nd September 2009

Title of Report: Overview of Youth Provision across Sefton

Report of : This report contains Yes No The Strategic Director of Children’s CONFIDENTIAL √ Services Information/ Contact Officer : EXEMPT information by virtue of Gill Mullen 0151 934 3334 paragraph(s)...... of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local √ Government Act, 1972 (If information is marked exempt, the Public Interest Test must be applied and favour the exclusion of the information from the press and public). Is the decision on this report √ DELEGATED ?

Purpose of Report

To provide information regarding the provision of youth opportunities for the young people of Sefton by geographical area.


That members note the contents of the report and comment as appropriate.

Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact 1. Creating a Learning Community ü 2. Creating Safe Communities ü 3. Jobs and Prosperity ü 4. Improving Health and Well-Being ü 5. Environmental Sustainability ü 6. Creating Inclusive Communities ü 7. Improving the Quality of Council Services and ü Strengthening local Democracy 8. Children and Young People ü

Page 37 Agenda Item 5

Financial Implications N/A

2006/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2007 2008 2009 2010 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE £ £ £ £ Gross Increase in Capital Expenditure Funded by: Sefton Capital Resources Specific Capital Resources REVENUE IMPLICATIONS Gross Increase in Revenue Expenditure Funded by: Sefton funded Resources Funded from External Resources Does the External Funding have an expiry date? Y/N When? How will the service be funded post expiry?

Links to ensuring integration

The Integrated Youth Support Strategy IYSS is for all young people according to their needs across Sefton. Sefton Children’s Services work with key partners to reconfigure and improve services to ensure universal access to good quality information, advice and guidance on education, training, employment, health issues, access to positive activities and personal development opportunities, alongside more targeted work and support for the most vulnerable and challenging young people.

Impact upon Children’s Services targets and priorities

Youth provision across Sefton supports; NI 110 Young people’s participation in positive activities; NI 111 First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10–17; NI 112 Under 18 conception rate; NI 115 Substance misuse by young people. It also supports indicators around anti-social behaviour and people's sense of satisfaction with their area. .

Page 38 Agenda Item 5

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report

Connexions Leisure Merseyside Fire and Safety Sefton Youth Service Sefton CVS

Page 39 Agenda Item 5


1.0 Overview of Youth Provision across Sefton

1.1 Appendix 1 Overview of Youth Provision across Sefton, forms the main body of this report.

It provides an outline of the universal and targeted provision that is available for the young people of Sefton by the area in which they live. This is not an exhaustive list but it contains the majority of provision within those areas. Youth opportunities from many private, profit-making sectors have not been included.

2.0 Targeted Provision

Targeted provision is part of the IYSS strategy and supports young people with an identified need, usually via an assessment. Targeted provision shows excellent examples of partnership working across service sectors. Targeted provision operates across Sefton and isn’t necessarily restricted by area, although many services can be largely dependent on grants.

2.1 The following gives an outline of targeted provision provided by the Fire & Rescue Service and by Merseyside Police.

2.1i The Police and Community Youth Encouragement Scheme (PAYES) delivered from Police Station links in with Youth Services and schools to identify young people who will benefit from this scheme. The scheme is provided through an independent registered charity managed by Bootle dedicated officers to target individual young people to build positive relationships between young people and the police. It forms part of a Neighbourhood Strategy to reduce anti-social behaviour. Young people attend a series of workshops and also benefit from a week’s residential trip where they participate in team building and confidence building programmes. Police officers who provide this service give of their time voluntarily. Young people selected are not necessarily those who are known to the criminal system, they are also young people where it is recognised that they live in challenging home circumstances and have had limited experiences to develop the life skills needed to make a full contribution to society.

2.1ii Merseyside Fire and Rescue’s Youth Engagement Team based at Bootle and Netherton Fire Station support targeted programmes for young people. Many other staff from the service also hold additional contracts to support youth activities, supported through external funding.

2.1iii Merseyside Fire and Rescue offer the complete Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme from Bootle and Netherton Fire Station in partnership with Sefton

Page 40 Agenda Item 5

Youth Service. The delivery of this award is joint funded by the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and Sefton Youth Service.

2.1iv Merseyside Fire and Rescue deliver two targeted early intervention programmes for young people who are considered to be at risk of exclusion, of fire setting behaviour and anti social behaviour; the Beacon Project and LIFE Project. Referrals are made by services including Sefton’s Youth Offending Team. The programme focuses on building confidence and developing skills and provides a qualification on completion. In 2006, Merseyside Fire and Rescue became the first fire and rescue service in the country to receive two Beacon awards, namely Early Intervention (Children at Risk) and for its services for Older People.

2.1v Merseyside Fire and Rescue is the delivery partner for The Prince’s Trust 12 week fulltime programme for young people who are not in education, training or employment and would benefit from a course aimed at increasing confidence and developing key skills. This is delivered from their Training and Development Academy, Croxteth. Young people are referred mostly through Connexions. Once completed the young person has the option of repeating the course as a mentor. For some, this has led to employment within the Princes Trust organisation.

2.1vi Merseyside Fire and Rescue work with individual young people who display fire setting behaviour at home, in their school or within the community. The community Fire Safety Co-ordinator also works closely with Sefton Leisure Service, Sefton Youth Service, schools, and the community to support community events in parks, schools etc...

2.1vii Merseyside Fire and Rescue have three Fire Safety officers that can link in directly with senior schools. The Fire and Safety officers work directly in schools for one day a week, for up to a year, with disengaged young people, either individually or in small groups. This is externally funded through the schools themselves or through funding opportunities identified by the CVS funding portal.

3.0 Targeted Youth Support TYS for Children and Young People aged 8-19

3.1 Targeted Youth Support is a service to support young people with clearly identified unmet needs. A key aim of TYS is to help vulnerable young people early to address their difficulties as they emerge and prevent problems escalating, This will often mean working with young people who may not meet traditional thresholds for statutory or specialist services, but who, without assistance, are at risk of further problems such as substance misuse, offending, teenage pregnancy, anti social behaviour and homelessness. It may also mean working with young people who are coming to the end of their involvement with a specialist service.

3.2 The Targeted Youth Support Service contributes to the five Every Child Matters outcomes; be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, making a

Page 41 Agenda Item 5

positive contribution and achieving economic well-being. In addition, by offering support to vulnerable young people, TYS will contribute to strategic and corporate priorities and those of the Children and Young People’s Plan: community cohesion, narrowing the gap between disadvantaged and other areas of the borough, shift towards early identification and prevention and the development of three areas for delivery of children’s services,

3.3 It is important to recognise that TYS in Sefton is a service; it is not a Panel to meter services. TYS in Sefton will not duplicate any existing services rather it will plug service gaps and offer a service provision that is both flexible and at times immediate.

4.0 Family Intervention Project FIP

4.1 The Family Intervention Project is a new initiative to provide an intensive, high quality family support and intervention service for families that have stopped engaging with statutory services and whose anti social behaviour is putting their tenancies at risk or has already resulted in them becoming homeless. Positive outcomes will be achieved through persistent and timely interventions via a comprehensive needs assessment, support and effective partnership working. The children and young people of those families engaged with the FIP will receive the support of Targeted Youth Support via the CAF process or a Child in Need assessment.

4.2 FIP is funded via a new funding made available through the Youth Crime Action Plan (YCAP) which outlined a comprehensive package of measures to prevent and tackle youth crime. Funding has been provided for 2009-10 and 2010-11 to strengthen support for families at risk. Recruitment of FIP staff will begin in the summer.

5.0 Parent Know How- Information Repository for Children, Young People and their Families

5.1 Parent Know How is a £60 million programme from the Department for Children, Schools and Families, which seeks to transform the quality, choice, provision and awareness of parental information and support services, in order to help improve outcomes for children and young people. It is designed to improve provision to all parents, with a particular focus on meeting the needs of parents who are not as well served by current sources of help as they could be, including parents of disabled children, fathers from all backgrounds and parents of teenage children. Working with key third-sector organisations to deliver services, Parent Know How enables support for all those in parenting roles through: • telephone helplines – consisting of continued and increased support to existing helplines; enabling expanded capacity so more parents can get through to ask for help and advice

Page 42 Agenda Item 5

• new communications platforms – including text messaging, instant messaging, social networking tools and improved internet use

• a 'virtual magazine' – printed content that reaches parents who would prefer not to use telephone helplines or internet technologies to access information, advice and support.

• Parent Know How Directory - a comprehensive online directory of local and national childcare and families services available from the 7 th September 2009. Created for parents, carers and those that work with them, it will provide them with a single trusted source of information. The Directory will be available through DirectGov, local authority websites, and Children's Centres; plus other locations such as third and private sector websites.

5.2 The Parent Know How Directory will offer parents, and those working with them, the ability to search for information about childcare and families services in both their local community and nationally. The PKH Directory supports local authority (LA) delivery of their duty under section 12 of the Childcare Act 2006 to provide such service information to parents.

5.3 All Local Authorities are currently working on implementing systems that will communicate with the Directory for all information regarding services for children, young people and their families to be accessed through this central portal. Sefton has formed a steering group, comprising of representatives across many services for children, young people and their families to ensure that details of all service provision available for children, young people and their families in Sefton is entered into this system. This will replace all other information portals for children, young people and their families.

Page 43 Agenda Item5

Appendix One


September 2009 Lisa Howard Children’s Services Area Manager

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 4734 , MARSHSIDE & CHURCHTOWN MEOLS WARD 1551, CAMBRIDGE WARD 1095. NORWOOD 2088 CROSSENS Parks Youth Band Crossens Crossens Community Community Park Association Rufford Road Recreational Southport Page 45 Grounds PR9 8HT Bank End Youth Club Preston New Crossens Road Community


Rufford Road Southport PR9 8HT MARSHSIDE Free & Active: Army Cadet Scouts Youth Group Stanley Youth Centre Dance Camp Stanley High Emmanuel HQ Marshside

Marshside Road Marshside School Sports Cedars Methodist Agenda Item5 Southport PR9 9TF School of College Garden Church Dance Fleetwood Centre . Marshside Rd, Centre for Duke of Chapel Lane, Road, 86-88 Radnor Southport PR9 9TL Edinburgh Award Banks, Southport PR9 Drive, 9RS PR9 8EY 9TF Boys’ Brigade Scouts & 10 th Southport Explorer Scout

1 Information reflects overview of Holiday provision for young people in Sefton, comprehensive list of activities are available on Sefton’s intranet 2 Information regarding church provision was obtained from well developed Church websites, therefore the information provided does not contain a comprehensive overview of Church offered youth provision

Agenda Item5

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Marshside Griffin Unit Methodist St. Patricks Church School Hall Marshside Rd, Radnor Drive Southport PR9 9RR PR9 9TL CHURCHTOWN Borough Parks: Boys Brigade Scouts Page 46 Botanic 4th Southport St. Cuthberts Gardens St Simon and St HQ Bankfield Hesketh Park Judes Lane Old Park Lane Gardens PR9 7BQ Scouts Floral Gardens Leyland Rd Methodist Sea Recreational Scouts Grounds Leyland Road Tarleton Road PR9 9JQ Salisbury Street Russell Road Scouts Holy Family Sea Scouts HQ Manning Rd PR8 6AT

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

2756 SOUTHPORT & KEW KEW WARD 1690, DUKES WARD 1066 KEW Playground Air Cadets Scouts King George V Page 47 Meols Cop Youth Centre Meols Cop Youth Town Lane St. Peter’s Kew Woods College Meols Cop Road Centre School Primary School Scarisbrick Southport PR8 6JS Meols Cop Road Playing Field Air Training Corps Ovington Drive New Rd PR8 Southport PR8 Portland Street St Peter's School PR8 6JW 6LR 6JS Centre for Duke of Upper Aughton

Edinburgh Award Recreational Road PR8 5NH St. Peters Air Centre for Centre for

Ground Scouts HQ Duke of Duke of

Meols Park Boys Brigade Mosley St Edinburgh Edinburgh

st Award 1 Southport Birkdale St Award St Philip & St Paul Peters School Meols Cop with Wesley Upper Aughton High School Church Road PR8 5NH Meols Cop

Scarisbrick New Agenda Item5 Road Road PR8 6PY PR8 6JS

Centre for Sea Cadets Duke of Meols Cop High Edinburgh Meols Cop Award Road

PR8 6JS SOUTHPORT Free & Active Free & Active Lakes St. John’s Scouts Arden College LEISURE CENTRE Friday Football Tennis Camp Marine Lake Ambulance Birkdale United Specialist Further Dunes Leisure Club Coaching Victoria Park 20 Scarisbrick Reformed Education The Esplanade Greenbank High Tennis Courts Parks Street, Church Hall 40 Derby Road Southport PR8 1RX

Agenda Item5

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 School Hyde Park Southport PR9 Trafalgar Rd Southport PR9 0TZ Hastings Road Free & Active Princes Park 0TU PR8 2HH

PR8 2LT Dunes Splash Rotten Row Centre for

World Scouts Hip Hop Street Victoria Park Centre for Duke of Youth Only Zone Holy Trinity Dance The Esplanade Duke of Edinburgh Dunes Leisure Club Parish Centre Southport Arts Southport Gardens & Edinburgh The Esplanade Hoghton St Centre PR8 1RX Promenade Southport Many activities South Marine PR9 Lord Street PR8

Page 48 PR8 1RX including: Park Scouts Saturday Saturday Athletics Kings Gardens Lord St United Performing Arts Targeted Work Badminton Floral Hall Reformed Youth Club Club Young People Cricket Gardens Church Hall Southport YMCA Southport Arts with Football The Lord St West 81 Houghton Street Centre Disabilities Hockey Promenade, Southport PR90PR Lord Street PR8 Multi Sports PR8 2BH

Roller Disco Roller Blading Greenbank High Youth only Zone Southport YMCA Rugby Skate Park Scouts Hastings Rd Southport YMCA 81 Hoghton Street Swimming St James Southport, PR8 81 Hoghton Street PR90PR Table Tennis Church Hall 2LT PR90PR Friday Sefton Youth Tennis Lulworth Road Friday Theatre Volley Ball Birkdale, PR8 Southport Arts Taster Sessions: 2BQ Centre for Centre Dance Duke of

Lord Street PR8 Tae Kwon Do Edinburgh Tri Golf Awar d Street Games: Street Cheer Hyde Park , Youth Clubs x 2 Water Polo Southport Elim Christian Fun Games: Friday 6.30- 8.30 Centre It’s A Knock pm 80 Manchester Out Road, Southport, Lazer Quest PR9 9BJ

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

Page 49

3431 BIRKDALE, HILLSIDE, AINSDALE & WOODVALE BIRKDALE WARD 1978, AINSDALE 1453, BIRKDALE & HILLSIDE Free & Active Park s Boys’ Brigade Birkdale High Birkdale Youth Centre Birkdale High Bedford Park Girls’ Brigade School Windy Harbour Road School Compton Road 7th Southport Windy Harbour Southport PR8 3DT Windy Harbour Park Methodist Rd Rd Church Southport, Centre for Duke of Southport, Recreational Birkdale PR8 3DT Edinburgh Award PR8 3DT Grounds Merseyside Athletics Camp Carr Lane PR8 4PD Centre for Agenda Item5

Football Camp Road Duke of Waterloo Road Edinburgh Centre for Award Duke of Gardens Edinburgh Hartley Road Christ The King Award /Blundell Drive High School Gardens Stamford Rd Floral Gardens Southport PR8 4EX Common Birkdale Centre for Common Duke of Edinburgh Award

Agenda Item5

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

Southport Rugby Club Community Sesssions Waterloo Road,

Page 50 Hillside, Southport, PR8 4QW Wednesday

AINSDALE 1453 Street Games Green Boys Brigade Scouts Ainsdale Ainsdale 9th Southport 1st Division Recreational Village Green Methodist HQ Pinfold Centre (the old Church Lane Ainsdale Bods Gym) Recreational Ainsdale PR8 Wednesday Ground Liverpool Road 6.30pm – 8.30pm Liverpool Road Ainsdale Sandbrook PR8 3NQ Road Boys Brigade

14 th Southport Playground St Johns Parish Pinfold Lane Hall

629 Liverpool

Road Ainsdale Southport PR8 3N

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

WOODVALE Youth Club Woodvale Community Police Centre Meadow Lane Boxing Club Woodvale PR8 3RS Woodvale Community Centre Centre for Duke of

Page 51 Meadow Lane Edinburgh Award Woodvale PR8 3RS

3131 HARRINGTON 1659 1472

FORMBY Agenda Item5 Formby High Free & Active Parks Air Cadets Scouts Range High SWIMMING POOL Rd Football Camp Dukes Street RAF Woodvale Holy Trinity Stapleton Road Formb y Pool & Gym Formby L37 3HW Formby Park Formby L37 Church Formby L37 2YN Elbow Lane Football Club Redgate Park 7AD Rosemary Formby L37 4AB Altcar Road Smithy Green Lane Formby Army Cadet Centre for Centre for Duke of Formby L37 8DL Park L37 Formby Guild Duke of Edinburgh Award Free & Active Hall Edinburgh Playing Field Scouts Fencing Church Road Award Sefton Music Deansgate Our Lady's RC Raven Meols Formby L37 Centre King George V Formby Guild Community 3NG Formby Youth Centre Sefton Jazz Hall Centre Redgate Orchestra Recreational Church Road Friday Youth

Centre for Duke of Edinburgh Award

Agenda Item5

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Formby Redgate Formby Park Road L37 Ground Army Cadet Formby Formby Christian L37 4EW L37 3HG Cambridge Force L37 3NG Fellowship Road St. George’s 93 Church Rd, Free & Active Ravenmeols Centre Scouts Formby L37 3NB Formby Pool Lane Altcar Rifle The Scout Hut Elbow Lane Smithy Green Range L38 7JD Rosemary Friday Youth L37 4AB 13- 18 years old Lane Formby Formby Baptist Many activities L37 Church including: Page 52 1 Furness Avenue Athletics St. John’s Scouts Formby L37 3NP Climbing Walls Ambulance St. Lukes Tag Rugby Raven Meols Church Tuesday Youth Swimming Community Kirklake Road Group Centre Tennis Formby L37 Holy Trinity Taster Session: Park Road L37 Church and St. Tri Golf 3HG Scouts Lukes Church Swimming St. Peters Kirklake Road Church Hall Centre for Formby L37 Paradise Lane Duke of Formby L37 Our Lady of Edinburgh Compassion Award Scouts Youth Group United Formby Guild Reformed Hall Church Church Road

Church Road Formby L37 3NG Scouts Formby L37 ages 14+ Harrington Centre Dunes Drive Centre for Duke Formby L37 of Edinburgh

Award Youth Group/ Coffee Bar Dove’s Nest Formby Railway

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Station Kirklake Road Formby L37 2JF

Youth Theatre Formby Little Theatre Rosemary Lane Formby L37

Page 53

Agenda Item5

1902 HIGHTOWN, , THORNTON & 1902 3 HIGHTOWN & INCE BLUNDELL Parks Hightown Children’s Park

3 Population for the total number of young people aged 10-19 in Manor Ward

Agenda Item5

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

THORNTON & LUNT Detach Youth Work Parks Scouts Holy Family High Delivered from Holy Runnels Lane St. Fridewyde Virgin’s Lane Family School Park Water Street Thornton Thornton L23 L23 4UL Targeted Work 1TB Vulnerable Young

Page 54 Centre for Duke People of Edinburgh Award

Youth Group The Kings Church Drummond Road Thornton L23 9YP


4 This figure includes the total population for Church and Manor Ward

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

BLUNDELLSANDS Parks St. Michael’s Alexandra Park High Blundellsands St Michaels Road Park Crosby L23 7UL Hall Road Merrilocks Park Centre for Duke of Edinburgh Page 55 Award

Youth Choir St. Nicholas’ Church Bridge Road Blundellsands CROSBY Free & Active Parks Air Cadets Scouts St. Mary’s LEISURE CENTRE Crosby Crosby Leisure Coronation Cadet Hut Kilnyard Road College Private Leisure Centre Centre Park Manor Endbutt Lane Crosby L23 5UE School Mariners Road Mariners Road Park , Everest Road Crosby L23 6SX Scouts Crosby L23 6SX Moorside Park L23 0TT L23 5TW Scout Hut Agenda Item5 Activities All Saints include: Centre for Duke Forefield Lane Youth Club Athletics Gardens of Edinburgh Crosby Youth Centre Basket Ball Crosby L23 Adelaide Award 58 Coronation Road Climbing Wall Gardens Merchant Crosby L23 5QR Cricket Beach Lawn Taylors’ School Dodge Ball Crescent Scouts Boys & Girls Centre for Duke of Football Camp Gardens St. Luke’s Private Schools

Edinburgh Award Multi-Sport Marine Scout Hut Rounders Gardens Rotary Endbutt Lane Centre for Duke Soft Ball Gardens Crosby L23 of Edinburgh Swimming Seafront Awar d

Agenda Item5

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Tag Rugby Gardens Scouts Volleyball Methodist Crosby High Camps : Playing Fields Church Hall Special School Archery Camp Devilliers Estate Brompton Ave De Villiers Ju-Jitsu Playing Field Crosby L23 3BA Avenue Tennis Camp L23 2TH Taster Sessions: Boxercise Centre for Duke

Page 56 Dance of Edinburgh Health Award Promotion: Boot Camp Targeted Work Young People with Disabilities

Sacred Heart Catholic High Liverpool Road, Crosby, L23 5TF

Centre for Duke of Edinburgh

Blundellsands Archery Disabled Children’s Group Sacred Heart Catholic High Liverpool Road, Crosby, L23 5TF

Targeted Work Young People with Disabilities OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

WATERLOO Waterloo Detach Team Free & Active Gardens Police Cadets St. John’s Scouts Merseyside Sefton Voices South Sefton Detach Judo Potters Barn (16 -18) Ambulance Rear of Norma Accomodation Merseyside 3TC Workers Waterloo Judo Crosby Police Blundellsands Rd Waterloo Merseyside Centre (based in Mission Club Station Methodist (via Lyra Rd) Accomodation 16 Crosby Road

Page 57 Youth Club) Bath Street Parks Alexandra Road Church Mersey L22 Project Sefton North Thurs 7-9.30 p.m. Waterloo L22 Victoria Park Waterloo L22 road, Waterloo 16 Crosby Road Waterloo L22 ONY Scouts 5NZ 1RX L23 3AE St. Edmunds North Waterloo Taster Session: School Hall L22 ONY

Centre for Oxford Rd Targeted Work Duke of Waterloo L22 Vulnerable Edinburgh 8QF (homeless) Award Scouts Young People St Faiths Church Hall Milton Rd Waterloo L22

Scouts Agenda Item5 Waterloo United Free Church Crosby Rd North L22 4QQ

Agenda Item5

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

5032 , MELLING, & , & MELLING 1811, PARK 1537, 1684 AINTREE

Page 58 Sefton East Youth Club - 1811 Aintree Youth Centre Explorer Scout Harvest Oriel Drive Aintree L10 Old Roan Aintree Baptist 6NJ Methodist Church Long

Church, Lane Aintree L9 Centre for Duke of Aintree (LIVERPOOL) Edinburgh Award Youth Club – Junior & Senior Old Roan Methodist Church Altway L10

Youth Orchestra Old Roan Methodist Church Altway L10

Youth Club Holy Rosary Parish Hall Altway L10 2LG MELLING Melling Youth Club Parks Youth Club 12 Chestnut Walk Rainbow Park Melling Tithebarn Community & Melling L31 1LL Playing Fields Youth Centre

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Wheeler Drive Tithebarn Lane

Field Melling L31 1EE MAGHULL Street Games 5: Free & Active Parks Air Cadets Scouts St. Deyes High LEISURE CENTRE Glen Park, Deyes Lane Glen Park Moorhey Road James Church Deyes Lane - Currently Deyes Thursday 6.30pm – Swimming Pool (Parish Council) Maghull, L31 Green Lane Maghull L31 6DE Lane Swimming Pool 8.30pm Deyes High Maghull Old 5LF Maghull L31 Deyes High School Saturday 6.00pm – School Hall Site 8BW Deyes Lane Centre for 8.00pm Activities St. John’s Maghull L31 6DE Scouts & Duke of

Page 59 include: Open Space Ambulance - to be replaced by Sefton East Edinburgh Swimming Northway Maghull Town The Meadows Explorer Scout Award Football Camp Hall Hall Lane Public Open Unit Multi-Sport Maricourt Space Maghull L31 St. Andrew’s Catholic High Tennis 7BB Church Maghull Coffee Bar School Hall Lane Tag Rugby 22 Damfield Hall Lane L31 7BB Maghull L31 3DZ Dodge Ball Centre for Lane Maghull

Basket Ball Duke of L31 6DD Stafford Moreton Youth Rounders Edinburgh Centre for Scouts & Club Climbing Wall Award Duke of Explorer Scout Stafford Moreton Way Taster Session: Edinburgh Unit L31 2PJ Cheer Leading Award Street Cheer Rear of Agenda Item5 Free & Active Maghull Youth Group Centre for Duke of Methodist Amaze Maghull Aintree Golf Edinburgh Award Church Chapel Centre Liverpool Road 85Foxhouse Taster Session: North L31 2HP Lane, Maghull, Golf L31 Scouts

Northway Youth Group - County Rock Solid Primary School Maghull Baptist Dodds Lane Church Maghull L31 Hall Lane L31 9AA 3DY

Agenda Item5

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 LYDIATE Scouts & Sefton East Explorer Scout Unit Rear of Lydiate Parish Hall Southport Rd

Page 60 L31 5199 6 SEAFORTH, & CHURCH 1587, FORD 1851, LITHERLAND 1761 SEAFORTH Seaforth Detach Team SING Centre Parks Boys Brigade . (based in Linacre Cambridge Bowersdale 16 Mission Youth Club) Road Park Beaconsfield

Monday-Thursday Seaforth L21 Open Spaces Road, Seaforth 7.00pm - 9:30pm open access Seaforth L21 1DT provision Triangle

Playing Fields Chaffers Playing Field FORD Street Games Air Cadets Litherland Youth Centre Youth Club Stanley Estate Carr Meadow 41 Sefton Road Gorsey Lane The Backy, off Bark Hey, Ford L30 Litherland L21 9HD Youth Project and Daley Road, 2NZ 40-48 Carr Friday 6.30-8.30 Centre for Duke of Meadow Hey Centre for Edinburgh Award L30 2NZ Duke of Sefton Youth Inclusion Edinburgh Project Hornby Centre Award Sefton Estates

Targeted Work Vulnerable Young People

Centre for Duke of Edinburgh Award OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Sea Cadets 29 Field Lane, Litherland, L21 9LX

St. John Ambulance Marjorie McKay Centre

Page 61 Carr Meadow Hey L30 2NY

LITHERLAND Positive Futures Free & Active Parks Army Cadet Scouts LEISURE CENTRE Football Academy Litherland Scout Hut Litherland Sports Park Hatton Hill Park St. Phillips Litherland Sports Sports Park Kirkstone Park Church Hall Captains Lane Boundary Road. Park Litherland L21 7LA Boundary Litherland Church Road , Bootle L20 Wednesday Road. Sports Park Litherland L21 Scouts 3 sessions for Girls Litherland L21 Lonsdale Park 8NG St Elizabeth of only ,boys 12-14, 7LA Longfield Park Linacre Mission Youth Hungary RC

boys 15 - 18 Activities Melanear Park Boys Brigade Agenda Item5 Club Linacre Road Church Include: Linacre Litherland L21 8NS Pan Disability Webster St Athletics Playing Fields Methodist Football Academy Litherland, L21 Climbing Wall Brookvale Mission, Linacre Centre for Duke of - Litherland Sports 8JH Football Playing Fields Road, Edinburgh Award Park Multi- Sports Litherland St John’s Thursday ages 8-24 Roller Blading L21 8NS Ambulance Cadets Rounders Targeted Work Camps Centre for Goddard Hall Young People Summer Duke of 297 Knowsley with Disabilities Football Road L20 5DF Edinburgh Athletics Camp Sefton Rugby Award Cycling Camp Centre for Academy Duke of Edinburgh Award

Agenda Item5

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Litherland Sports Street Cheer Park Camp Tuesday Taster Sessions: Tri Golf

Page 62

3933 BOOTLE DERBY 1932, LINACRE 2001 BOOTLE Basket Ball Free & Active Borough Parks Youth Projects LEISURE CENTRE Army Cadet Scouts & Coaching Bootle Leisure Derby Park Police Ykids Bootle Leisure Centre Ash St. Baptist Venture Scout s St. George of Centre North Park St. John and St. Washington Parade Church YMCA Sports Washington South Park Police and James Bootle L20 5JJ Ash Street L20 Park Street Centre Parade Community Community 3HA Bootle L20 9AD Fernhill Road L20 5JJ Gardens Youth Centre Bootle Stadium Bootle L20 6AQ Activities Centenary Encouragement Boys Brigade Kirby Road Maguire Avenue include: Gardens Scheme (PAYES) Christ Church Bootle L20 6AR L20 9 Street Games Badminton Kings Gardens Bootle Police Youth and Leisure Facility Derby Park Dodge Ball Oxford Station Community Youth Group

Friday or Saturday Football Camp Gardens Marsh Lane Centre 8 Christ Church St. George of England Swimming St. Martyr L20 5HJ Oxford Rd Youth and Sports Centre Street Games: Multi-Sport Gardens Bootle, L20 Community Fernhill Road L20 6AQ North Park Cricket Targeted Work 9HW Centre Vulnerable Young People Centre for Duke of Edinburgh Award

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Leisure Facility Friday Tag Rugby 8 Oxford Rd 6.30pm – 8.30pm Basket Ball Parks Bootle L20 9HW Soft Ball Deepdale Park Media Training Community Athletics Hillside Park Young Men’s Football Session Group Rounders Menai Park North Park SPACE Climbing Wall Peel Road Friday 106 Marsh Lane L20 4JQ Camps: Poets Park Centre for 6.00 – 8.00 p.m. Rookie Duke of Edinburgh Youth Club Lifeguard Playing Fields 408 Project for Young Taster Sessions: Hawthorne Award Page 63 People Boxercise Road Field 408 Stanley Road Cheer Leading Marsh Lane Drama L20 5AB Street Cheer Estate Field Bootle YMCA

Tri Golf Stuart Road Park Street Youth Club L20 9AD Bootle YMCA It’s A Knock Playing Fields Park Street L20 9AD Youth Out Junior Youth Club Club Lazer Quest Queen’s Road Neighbourhood Centre Brunswick Youth Centre 40-42 Hertford Rd 104 Marsh Lane L20 4JQ Bootle, L20 7DH

Youth Club Young Person’s Agenda Item5 St . Leonards Church Hall Project 13-18 Peel Rd Bootle L20 4RW Queen’s Road Neighbourhood Centre Targeted Youth Support 40-42 Hertford Rd Service Bootle, L20 7DH 312-318 Stanley Road, Bootle L20 3ET Tuesday Targeted Youth Support &Thursday Club Vulnerable Young St. Joan of Arc People Presbytery Peel Road L20

Agenda Item5

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 4RW

Netball Brunswick Youth Centre 104 Marsh Lane L20 4JQ

Page 64

NETHERTON MANOR, NETHERTON & ORRELL 2050, ST. OSWALDS 1841 NETHERTON Street Games: Free & Active Gardens LEISURE CENTRE Army Cadet Scouts Youth Club Netherton Activity Netherton Marian Fire & Rescue Netherton Activity TA Centre Netherton Park Orrell Youth Centre Activity Centre Gardens Centre Pelham Drive Community Project Northfield Glovers Lane Glovers Lane Glovers Lane Bootle and L30 4XN Centre Chester Road, Bootle, L20 L30 3TL L30 3TL Greens Netherton L30 3TL Netherton Fire Ave Netherton 0AF

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 Friday 6.00pm – Activities Netherton Station Army Cadet L30 9 Youth Club Youth Club 8.00pm include: Green Netherton L29 Cadet Hut SPARC Maritime Multi-Sports 1YB Browns Lane Scouts Orrell Mount Pavilion Christian Climbing Wall Parks Netherton L30 Netherton Orrell Road L20 6DX Ministries Taster Sessions: Abbeyfield Moss Primary Centre for Duke of Centre for 11 Worcester Boxersize Park Boys Brigade - School Edinburgh Award Duke of Road Bootle L20 Street Cheer Killen Green 6th Liverpool Swifts Lane Edinburgh 9AA Park St. Oswald's L303RU Youth Club Orrell Mount Beacon Project Church Office, Youth Room Gordon Youth Centre Park Bootle and Ronald Ross Page 65 Netherton Park Brecon Ave L30 1RQ Netherton Fire Avenue, L30 Pendle Park Community Pinfold Station 5RD Youth Club Centre, Chester Cottage Netherton L29 The Escape Ave Netherton Woodland Park 1YB Netherton Activity Centre L30 9 12 Week Glovers Lane Play Area Personal L30 3TL Acme Expressive Copy Lane Development Arts Wildlife and Programme Netherton Park Centre for Duke of Play Area 1 day per week Community Edinburgh Award Fernbank Play Centre, Chester Area Ave Netherton Parkdale Play L30 9 Area Agenda Item5

Sefton Amateur Playgrounds Boxing Club Ollery Green Targeted Work 1a Harrops Croft, Playground Vulnerable Netherton, L30

Young People 0PQ Playing Fields

Buckley Hill LIFE Project Gorsey Lane/ Morris Dancing Bootle and Edge Lane Marian’s Stars Netherton Fire Corner St. Oswald's Station Church Office, Netherton L29 Ronald Ross

Agenda Item5

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006 1YB Avenue, L30 5RD

Targeted Work Vulnerable Young People

Prince’s Trust 12

Page 66 week programme for 16-18 year olds not in education, employment or training – delivered at TDA, Croxteth

Targeted Work Vulnerable Young People

1 to 1 School/Youth Club in put delivered at home or school or community community fire safety

Targeted Work


Young People

OVERVIEW OF YOUTH PROVISION ACROSS SEFTON Population Leisure Centres Other Sefton Holiday Parks Fire and Boys Brigade, Cadets, Other by Ward & Clubs/Activities Provision Rescue & Explorer Scouts, Scouts, St. organisations 2 Number of Sefton Youth Summer 09 1 Police John’s Ambulance Young Club/Commissioned People Youth Clubs aged 10-19 Census 2006

Page 67

Agenda Item5

Agenda Item5

SEFTON M.B.C. Page 68

Agenda Item 6

Meeting: Southport Area Committee

Date of Meeting: 28 October 2009

Title of Report: Progress and Action on Planning Section 106 Agreements

Report of: This report contains Yes No CONFIDENTIAL √ Andy Wallis Planning and Economic Information/ Regeneration Director

Graham Bayliss Leisure Director

Contact Officer: EXEMPT information by virtue of paragraph(s)...... of Part 1 of Jim Alford 0151 934 3544 Schedule 12A to the Local √ Government Act, 1972 Mandy Biagetti 0151 934 4313 (If information is marked exempt, Mark Shaw 0151 934 2393 the Public Interest Test must be applied and favour the exclusion of the information from the press and public). Is the decision on this report ü DELEGATED?

Purpose of Report

1. To update the Area Committee in respect of recent spending of monies received through planning agreements (Section 106 of the Planning Act) for tree planting and public open space.

2. To seek the views of the Area Committee on the spending of monies received through planning agreements (Section 106 of the Planning Act) for tree planting and public open space.

3. To advise Area Committee of any forthcoming developments which will afford monies towards tree planting and public open space.

4. To provide a breakdown of street trees planted in Southport Wards.

5. To seek the views of the Area Committee on the concerns expressed by Members of Planning Committee at their meeting on 16th September 2009.

Page 69 Agenda Item 6


1. That the progress with spending at (1) above and the forthcoming schemes in (3) above are noted, and

2. That the recommendations for tree planting and public greenspace contained in (2) above be agreed.

3. To note the breakdown of street trees planted in the Southport Wards.

Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corpor Positive Neutral Negative ate Impact Impact Impact Objecti ve 1. Creating a Learning Community ü 2. Creating Safe Communities ü 3. Jobs and Prosperity ü 4. Improving Health and Well-Being ü 5. Environmental Sustainability ü 6. Creating Inclusive Communities ü 7. Improving the Quality of Council Services and ü Strengthening local Democracy 8. Children and Young People ü

Page 70 Agenda Item 6

Financial Implications

2006/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2007 2008 2009 2010 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE £ £ £ £ Gross Increase in Capital Expenditure Funded by: Sefton Capital Resources Specific Capital Resources REVENUE IMPLICATIONS Gross Increase in Revenue Expenditure Funded by: Sefton funded Resources Funded from External Resources Does the External Funding have an expiry When? date? Y/N How will the service be funded post expiry?

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report

Finance Leisure Services

List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this Report



Page 71 Agenda Item 6


1. It has been agreed that Planning Committee will seek the views of Area Committee on spending the monies derived from legal agreements under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act, which relate to tree planting and improvement to greenspace. This process will take place once an agreement has been signed, a start on the development has been made and the monies have been paid to the council.

2. Planning committee at their meeting on 16 th September 2009 agreed recommendations where to spend S106 money; this report includes those recommendations for your views in paragraph below.

3. Members may be aware that the current financial situation has had a significant impact on the number of planning applications submitted and the number of commencements on site. This in turn will mean that there will be far less commuted sum’s available in the future and places a greater focus on how money is spent.

Progress on Current Schemes in Southport

4. Commuted sums for greenspace are being collected in various ‘pots’ for the Southport area. The intention is to wait until at least £50,000.00 builds up in each pot so significant and meaningful work can be carried out. The amount of money which has already collected for each pot is set out below. These totals include the monies agreed at the 16 th September 2009 meeting.

Progress on current schemes in Southport

Area/site Amount Reached £50k for Comments implementation Southport £45,000.00 N/A Lord Street phase 2 completed Area Action October 2008. Next phase Plan could include Kings Gardens/Market Hall Public Realm/Scarisbrick Avenue Bedford Park £39,583.00 No Developing Phase 2 works with Friends of Bedford Park. £6,000.00 spent on park furniture in Summer 2009. Meols Park £89,507.96 Yes £39,000.00 to provide match to Portland Street facility Devonshire £6,425.00 No £42,000.00 recently spent on

Page 72 Agenda Item 6

Rd and play facility Canning Rd Portland £350,000.00 Yes Scheme under revision Street Playing Fields Hesketh Park £109,000.00 Yes To be added to major HLF works Queens £10,984.00 No Jubilee Trail Rotton Row £11,776.80 N/A Vision plan under development with Birkdale Civic Society

Planting Season 09/10

Number of Trees Subject to internal, member and public consultation (Autumn 2009) and site conditions when planting commences (Autumn/ Winter 2009/10) There is a total of 161 trees in the table below.

Page 73 Approx Ward Road Name No. Of Comments Agenda Item 6 Trees Birkdale Guilford Road 30 As per previous years proposals and in line with draft Tree Planting Strategy Birkdale Carr Lane 17 Continuation of Guilford Rd as per previous proposals and in line with draft tree planting strategy Birkdale Liverpool Road 16 As per previous years proposals and in line with draft tree planting strategy Ainsdale Welwyn Avenue 4 Continuation of focussed project started last year trees removed due to root issues around Ainsdale – residents already consulted with local ward members support Meols Rufford Road 25 As per previous years proposals and in line with draft tree planting strategy Meols Bankfield Lane 6 Continuation of Rufford Rd as per previous proposals and in line with draft tree planting strategy Ainsdale Cornwall Way 21 Continuation of focussed project started last year trees removed due to root issues around Ainsdale - residents already consulted with last year with local ward members support Meols Cambridge Road 7 Focussed project fells completed previously, this phase will replant in line with draft tree planting strategy Meols Beresford Road 13 Focussed project fells completed previously, this phase will replant in line with draft tree planting strategy Cambridg Cambridge Road Page 18 74 Focussed project e fells completed previously, this phase will replant in Agenda Item 6

7. Recommendations for spending of further monies agreed by Planning Committee

Application Address Amount to Spend Recommendation to Spend N/2008/0233 Sum: £6,989.63 Southport Action Plan 9 Saunders Street, Trees: Nil Southport Greenspace: £6,989.63 N/2008/0384 Sum: £826.50 Southport Action Plan 76 Eastbank Street, Trees: £826.50 Southport Greenspace: Nil N/2006/0651 Sum: £2,287.44 Meols Park Land at 154a – 156 Trees: Nil Sussex Road, Southport Greenspace: £2,287.44 N/2005/0994 Sum: £9,810.00 Southport Action Plan 4 Norwood Avenue, Trees: Nil Southport Greenspace: £9,810.00 N/2006/0921 Sum: £6,330.00 Southport Action Plan 29 Park Crescent, Trees: Nil Southport Greenspace: £6,330.00

Forthcoming schemes

8. Any developments, which are granted consent in the near future, will be reported to planning committee in March 2010. I will therefore report to your April/May 2010 meeting on any relevant action or new payments in the next 6 months. If you wish to query any specific schemes please contact [email protected]

Page 75 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 76 Agenda Item 7

Meeting: Southport Area Committee

Date of Meeting : 28 October 2009

Title of Report: Proposed Pedestrian Refuges – Bispham Road, Southport and Coastal Road, Ainsdale

Report of : This report contains Yes No CONFIDENTIAL √ Andy Wallis Planning & Economic Information/ Regeneration Director

Contact Officer : EXEMPT information by virtue of paragraph(s)...... of Part 1 of Dave Marrin 0151 934 4295 Schedule 12A to the Local √ Steve Johnston 0151 934 4258 Government Act, 1972 (If information is marked exempt, the Public Interest Test must be applied and favour the exclusion of the information from the press and public). Is the decision on this report √ DELEGATED ?

Purpose of Report

To seek approval for the progression of Pedestrian Refuges on Coastal Road, Ainsdale and Bispham Road, Southport


It is recommended that: -

(i) The Traffic Regulation Order, as set out on the plan in Annexe C, and as detailed in the report, be approved;

(ii) The necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council's intention to implement the Order, be approved.

(iii) Subject to a positive outcome from the public consultation, the design and implementation of the pedestrian refuges on Coastal Road, Ainsdale and Bispham Road, Southport be progressed as soon as possible.

Page 77 Agenda Item 7

Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact 1. Creating a Learning Community √ 2. Creating Safe Communities √ 3. Jobs and Prosperity √ 4. Improving Health and Well-Being √ 5. Environmental Sustainability √ 6. Creating Inclusive Communities √ 7. Improving the Quality of Council Services and √ Strengthening local Democracy 8. Children and Young People √

Financial Implications

2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2010 2011 2012 2013 CAPITAL EXP ENDITURE £ £ £ £ Gross Increase in Capital Expenditure 30,000 Funded by: Sefton Capital Resources Specific Capital Resources 30,000 REVENUE IMPLICATIONS Gross Increase in Revenue Expenditure Funded by: Sefton funded Resources Funded from External Resources Does the External Funding have an expiry date? Y/N When? How will the service be funded post expiry?

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report


List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this Report


Page 78 Agenda Item 7

1.0 Introduction

1.1 At its meeting on 15 July 2009, Cabinet Member – Technical Services received a report detailing the results of the 2009/10 Pedestrian Crossing review.

1.2 As in previous years, officers have used the approved methodology in determining the proposed pedestrian crossing priority list of new sites. This is based upon the pedestrian / vehicle conflict occurring at each location utilising the formula - PV², where P is the number of pedestrians crossing, and V is the volume of traffic present over an hourly period. The hourly figures used are based on the average of the four busiest hours for the site.

1.3 Each of the 54 requested locations have been surveyed, and the results, in numerical order, are shown in Annex A.

2.0 Results of Assessments

2.1 Advice from the Department for Transport suggests that signalised pedestrian crossing facilities should only be provided at locations where the PV² exceeds 1 x 10 8, which is the case in all of the Pedestrian Crossings previously provided within Sefton.

2.2 As can be seen from Annex A, only one site exceeds the 1 x 10 8 PV² criteria :-

The By-Pass, Crosby (Southwestly leg of The Northern Road/Moor Lane roundabout)

This gives the highest PV² value, but Members may be aware of potential major redevelopment of the Crosby Village area that would likely impact on traffic and pedestrian movements on this section of The By-Pass. A crossing provided at this stage would have to be situated on the By Pass south of the Moor Lane roundabout and it is considered that there is a high potential that subsequent alterations would be required as part of any development proposals. Consequently it is proposed to defer further progress of a scheme at this site, but retain it for consideration in future programmes, subject to the progress of the development proposals.

2.3 In accordance with DfT advice, the remaining locations do not meet the criteria for a separate signal controlled Crossing and other facilities, such as pedestrian refuges, should be considered.

2.4 Members should be aware that the proposed allocation included within the 2009/10 Capital Programme will allow for eight pedestrian refuges. It is recommended that each of the remaining locations, if appropriate , are provided with refuges in priority order and their suitability for inclusion within the pedestrian refuge programme is discussed below:-

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Coastal Road, Southport (Adjacent to The Sands Public House)

There is already a splitter island on the northerly leg of the Coastal Road, leading onto the roundabout, although this does not comply to current standards in relation to tactile paving and dropped kerbs. It is recommended that this island is upgraded to current pedestrian refuge standards.

Balliol Road, Bootle (Adjacent to University Road)

There is already an adequate tactile crossing point, utilising the central reservation of the dual carriageway, therefore no further work is deemed necessary.

Hall Lane, Maghull (Between Damfield Lane and Brooklands Drive)

The carriageway width at his location is extremely narrow (5.6m) and cannot accommodate a pedestrian refuge. In addition, there is already a refuge at the junction with Damfield Lane.

Stuart Road, Crosby (Junction with Derwent Road)

Pedestrian refuges (with tactiles) have already been provided across Stuart Road and Derwent Road. The Endbutt Lane leg of the junction is too narrow to accommodate a refuge close to the junction. Hardly any pedestrians were counted using the Brownmoor Lane leg of the junction. No further work is deemed necessary.

Cross Green, Formby

Splitter islands already exist on each of the three legs of the roundabout, with very few pedestrians crossing at Liverpool Road or Cross Green. The heaviest volume of pedestrians cross at the Three Tuns Lane leg, but this already has adequate tactile paving and dropped kerbs. No further work is deemed necessary.

Damfield Lane, Maghull (Between Hall Lane and school entrance)

An existing, sub-standard refuge already exists at the junction with Hall Lane, so it is recommended that this is up-graded to current standards, with new dropped kerbs and tactile paving.

Liverpool Road North (Junction with Dodds Lane)

This location is adjacent to a very busy Doctor’s surgery, resulting in a pedestrian desire line across Liverpool Road North. The wide bellmouth of Dodds Lane also hinders pedestrian movement along the easterly side of Liverpool Road North. To provide safe pedestrian crossing facilities in the whole location, it is recommended that two refuges are provided. One would be located on Liverpool Road North to the north of Dodds Lane, and one would be located in the bellmouth of Dodds Lane.

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Duke Street, Southport (Between Lord Street and Beach Priory Gardens)

A splitter island at the junction with Lord Street has already been provided. This is fully accessible with dropped kerbs and tactile paving. No further work is deemed necessary.

Stuart Road, Crosby (O/S No. 92 – South of Cranmore Avenue)

No facilities currently exist, and this is close to two bus stops on either side of the road. The road is wide enough to accommodate a refuge, and the pedestrian count demonstrates a steady flow of pedestrians throughout the day. It is recommended that a pedestrian refuge is provided.

Bispham Road, Southport (By Canning Road)

No facilities currently exist, and this location has a number of shops on both sides of Bispham Road. The road is wide enough to accommodate a refuge, and the pedestrian count demonstrates a steady flow of pedestrians throughout the day. It is recommended that a pedestrian refuge is provided.

Station Road, Ainsdale (Adjacent to the Railway Pub)

A splitter island has already been provided at this location, but is situated adjacent to a limited waiting parking bay. In order to convert this to a pedestrian refuge with tactile paving, a kerb build-out would be required on the northern side of Station Road, thus resulting in the loss of at least two on- street car spaces. A fully accessible crossing point (Zebra) is located 100 metres to the west, and given the likelihood of objections from traders to the removal of on-street parking spaces, it is considered that no further work is done at this location.

Ash Street / Scarisbrick New Road junction

This junction has already been included in the 2009/10 Local Safety Scheme route action programme and approval to progress a junction improvement scheme incorporating push button pedestrian facilities will be made to Southport area Committee on 1 July 2009.

Gorsey Lane, Litherland (Adjacent to St Marks Grove)

No facilities currently exist, and this location links the adjoining estate on the southeast side of Gorsey Lane with a bus stop directly opposite, and would also provide access to the Pendile Drive Estate and shops. The road is wide enough to accommodate a refuge, and the pedestrian count demonstrates a steady flow of pedestrians throughout the day. It is recommended that a pedestrian refuge is provided.

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Cambridge Road, Churchtown (Adjacent to No. 187)

A Zebra Crossing already exists at this location. The PV 2 calculation does not support the conversion to a Puffin Crossing, so no further action is recommended.

Park Lane West, Netherton (Adjacent to Leonard Cheshire Drive)

No facilities currently exist, although a School Crossing Patrol operates at this location at school start and finish times. The road bisects a large residential area with bus stops on both sides close to this location. The road is wide enough to accommodate a refuge, and the pedestrian count demonstrates a steady flow of pedestrians throughout the day. It is recommended that a pedestrian refuge is provided.

3.0 Financial Implications

3.1 A sum of £60,000 has been allocated within the Local Transport Plan Capital Programme for the provision of a Puffin Crossing within 2009/10.

3.2 A further sum of £50,000 has been allocated to “local safety - small schemes” which was intended to fund up to four pedestrian refuges.

3.3 Given the fact that none of the surveyed sites meets the numerical criteria for the provision of a signal controlled Crossing, it is proposed that the allocation for the Puffin Crossing be amalgamated with the funding for the pedestrian refuges, allowing for a total of eight refuges to be provided.

4.0 Proposed 2009/10 Programme of Work

4.1 Cabinet Member – Technical Services approved the report and it was resolved that the design of pedestrian refuge facilities be progressed at the following locations:-

Coastal Road, Ainsdale (Adjacent to The Sands PH ) Damfield Lane, Maghull (Adjacent to Hall Lane) Liverpool Road North (Junction with Dodds Lane) – 2 refuges Stuart Road, Crosby (O/S No. 92 – south of Cranmore Ave) Bispham Road, Southport (Adjacent to Canning Road) Gorsey Lane, Litherland (Adjacent to St Marks Grove) Park Lane West, Netherton (Adjacent to Leonard Cheshire Drive)

4.2 Approval for the design and provision of these refuges will be sought from each relevant Area Committee.

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5.0 Southport Area Committee sites

5.1 As detailed in paragraph 2.4 two sites within the Southport Area Committee locale were recommended for progression of Pedestrian Refuges, namely Coastal Road, Ainsdale and Bispham Road, Southport.

5.2 At the Coastal Road site, it is proposed to relocate the existing, sub-standard crossing onto the splitter island of the roundabout. This will allow proper dropped kerbs and tactile paving to be provided, and will bring pedestrians into a much safer crossing point. Visibility of approaching traffic will be improved, and pedestrians will only have to deal with one lane of traffic at a time. A plan showing the proposed crossing facilities is shown as Annex B.

5.3 At the Bispham Road site, the proposed pedestrian refuge would be sited in the vicinity of the Post office and local shops. On the southerly side, customer parking for these shops is provided via several dropped kerbs, which give access to the private forecourt fronting the shops. The proposed refuge will be sited to allow the continued use of these access points. Likewise, on the northerly side, the refuge will be located between existing dropped kerbs and computerised tracking has shown that access for large vehicles to the industrial premises at 127a Bispham Road will still be possible. The width of Bispham Road at this location is approximately 7.5m, which means that carriageway widths adjacent to the refuge would be reduced to approximately 3.1m in each direction. Daytime parking restrictions already exist on the northerly side, and extensive double yellow lines have been provided on both sides (approximately 35m) from its junction with Canning Road. As part of the proposal, it is considered necessary to extend the double yellow lines to a point approximately 15m southwest of the proposed refuge, in order to prevent obstructive parking. A plan showing the proposed pedestrian refuge and associated waiting restrictions is shown as Annex C. Members should note that the proposed waiting restrictions would result in a loss of approximately 4 on street parking spaces.

6.0 Consultation

6.1 Consultation with frontagers at the two sites will take the usual form of a letter drop of documents containing a covering letter, plan and questionnaire. At the Coastal Road location, occupants of only The Sands and Railway Cottages will need to be consulted. At the Bispham Road location, all frontagers on Bispham Road, between Canning Road and Wennington Road will be consulted.

6.2 Running concurrently with the letter drops to occupiers, legal advertising of the proposed extension of the double yellow lines on Bispham Road will also take place.

6.3 Any comments arising from the letter drop, or objections to the proposed waiting restrictions will be reported back to this Committee at its meeting on 6 January 2010. If no objections or comments are received, and Members

Page 83 Agenda Item 7

approve this report, works will commence on site as soon as possible after the objection period ends.

Andy Wallis Director of Planning & Economic Regeneration

Page 84 Agenda Item 7


Road Location PV²

The By-Pass, Crosby @ RAB between Northern Rd & Richmond Rd 1.381 Coastal Road, Southport @ Sands Public House 0.938 Balliol Road, Bootle @ University Road 0.919 Hall Lane, Maghull Between Damfield Lane and Brooklands Drive 0.864 Stuart Road, Crosby @ Endbutt Lane 0.720 @ Brownmoor Lane 0.054 @ Derwent Road 0.619 @ Stuart Road 0.635 Cross Green, Formby @ Three Tuns Lane 0.684 @ Cross Green 0.219 @ Liverpool Road 0.322 Damfield Lane, Maghull Between Hall Lane and school entrance 0.416 Duke Street, Southport Between Lord St and Beach Priory Gardens 0.415 Liverpool Road North, Magull @ Dodds Lane 0.404 Stuart Road, Crosby O/s no.92 0.401 Bispham Road, Southport @ Post Office to no.142 0.384 Station Road, Ainsdale Between no.14 Station Rd to 561 Liverpool Road 0.377 Ash Street & Scarisbrick New @ Scarisbrick New Road (east of junction) 0.149 Road, Southport @ Scarisbrick New Road (west of junction) 0.333 @ Ash Street (north of junction) 0.055 @ Ash Street (south of junction) 0.041 Gorsey Lane, Litherland @ 50m either side of end of St Marks Grove 0.310 Cambridge Road, Churchtown @ existing zebra crossing near no.187 0.278 Park Lane West, Netherton O/s no.79 0.258 Liverpool Road South, Maghull Between no.’s 36 and 52 0.243 Brownmoor Lane, Crosby Between Vogan Avenue & Sharples Crescent 0.238 Liverpool Road South, Maghull @ 50m either side of Ormonde Drive 0.211 Roe Lane, Southport @ 50m either side of Bibby Road 0.201 Leicester Street, Southport Between Gordon Street and RAB at Lord Street 0.191 A59 Northway, Maghull @ Kenyons Lane south of junction 0.173 @ Kenyons Lane north of junction 0.017 @ Kenyons Lane east side 0.008 @ Kenyons Lane west side 0.006 Green Lane, Maghull @ Milton Way / Green Lane 0.167 @ Swalegate / Green Lane 0.056 @ Westway / Dawson Gardens 0.048 @ 143 Green Lane 0.036 @ 137 Green Lane 0.026 Stuart Road, Crosby O/s no.120 0.130 Coronation Road, Crosby O/s ‘Sandalwood’ 0.123 Old Park Lane, Southport @ 50m either side of Devonshire Road 0.120 Sumner Road, Formby @ 50m either side of passageway from Chapel Lane 0.113

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A59 Northway, Maghull @ Hall Lane east side 0.193 @ Northway north of junction 0.109 @ Northway south of junction 0.471 @ Hall Lane west side 0.043 Green Lane, Thornton O/s The Nags Head 0.105 Lulworth Road, Southport @ Gloucester Road, between entrance of ‘Clairville’ to 0.078 common boundary of no.’s 17 & 17a Marine Drive, Southport @ Marshside Road 0.075 Moor Lane, Crosby Between Esplen Avenue & Poplar Avenue 0.069 Town Lane, Crosby Between Janes Brook Road & Rivermead 0.069 Lulworth Road, Southport @ 50m either side of Saxon Road 0.067 Buckley Hill Lane, Netherton @ pedestrian refuge 0.066 Southport Road, Formby @ Deansgate Lane North, east of junction 0.060 A565 Formby By-Pass @ Moss Side junction (both sides of by-pass) 0.057 Breeze Hill, Bootle @ pedestrian refuge opposite Worcester Court 0.056 Knowsley Road, Bootle @ May Logan Centre to Stanley Road 0.056 Marine Parade, Southport @ Ocean Plaza 0.049 Cambridge Road, Southport @ Darwin Court 0.049 Weld Rd & York Rd, Birkdale @ Weld Road, east of junction 0.046 @ Weld Road, west of junction 0.014 @York Road, north of junction 0.012 @ York Road, south of junction 0.009 Manor Road, Crosby O/s no.’s 58/60 0.038 Freshfield Road, Formby @ entrance to Formby High School 0.038 Marine Drive, Southport @ Plough RAB 0.035 Town Lane, Kew, Southport @ 50m either side of Althorpe Drive 0.028 Queens Road, Southport Between Alexandra Road & Leyland Road 0.023 Lambshear Lane, Lydiate @ 50m either side of Sandy Lane 0.014 Brooke Road West, Crosby O/s no.45 0.009 Heathfield Road, Ainsdale @ junction with Carr Lane 0.009 Kerslake Way, Hightown RAB @ Kerslake Way 0.014 @ Thornbeck Avenue 0.009 @ Lower Alt Road (west) 0.007 @ Lower Alt Road (east) 0.003 @ St Stephens Road 0.002 Marine Drive, Southport @ 50m either side of steps to beach, N. of Yatch Club 0.005 Dartmouth Drive, Netherton O/s no. 16 0.000 Park Crescent, Southport Between no.9 and Park Road 0.000

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Agenda Item 8


Date of Meeting : 28 th October 2009


Report of : This report contains Yes No Andy Wallis CONFIDENTIAL √ Director of Planning & Economic Information/ Regeneration Contact Officer : EXEMPT information by virtue of Dave Marrin 0151 934 4295 paragraph(s)...... of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local √ Government Act, 1972 (If information is marked exempt, the Public Interest Test must be applied and favour the exclusion of the information from the press and public). Is the decision on this report √ DELEGATED ?

Purpose of Report

To appraise Members of the progress of proposed Traffic Regulation Orders which have been approved by the Area Committee.


That the report be noted

Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact 1. Creating a Learning Community √ 2. Creating Safe Communities √ 3. Jobs and Prosperity √ 4. Improving Health and Well-Being √ 5. Environmental Sustainability √ 6. Creating Inclusive Communities √ 7. Improving the Quality of Council Services and √ Strengthening local Democracy 8. Children and Young People √ Financial Implications

Page 89 Agenda Item 8

There are no new financial implications as a result of this report

2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2010/ 2008 2009 2010 2011 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE £ £ £ £ Gross Increase in Capital Expenditure Funded by: Sefton Capital Resources Specific Capital Resources REVENUE IMPLICATIONS Gross Increase in Revenue Expenditure Funded by: Sefton funded Resources Funded from External Resources Does the External Funding have an expiry date? Y/N When? How will the service be funded post expiry?

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report None

List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this Report None


Page 90 Agenda Item 8


1.1 This report summarises the process involved in introducing a Traffic Regulation order (TRO) and provide accurate monitoring of progress.

1.2 Once a proposal has been approved by the Area Committee it is advertised in the local press and on site notices and a period of 21 days is allowed for any objections to be made. If no objections are received then the Order will be made and an operational date set. If objections are received then a subsequent report will be made to the Area Committee for resolution. Any changes made by the Committee will then be incorporated into the Order, the Order made and an operational date set.

1.3 Officers only place orders and issue instructions to the Contractors for the implementation of road lining and signing associated with Traffic Regulation Orders once the operational date is known.

1.4 Once the order has been issued to the Contractor the works should be completed within 4 weeks.

1.5 Annex A shows the current position of TRO’s which have been approved by this Committee and which have not yet been implemented on site.

1.6 Changes since the last meeting of the Area Committee have been highlighted in bold

1.7 TRO’s will only been removed from the list when Members have confirmed that they are satisfied that they have been completed on site.

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Coronation Walk Taxi Stand 4.4.07 16.5.07 No N/A 25.5.07 October 07 Note 1 30

Elswick Rd/Hornby Rd NWAAT 7.1.09 13.5.09 No N/A 28.10.09 9 Court Rd/Leyland Rd NWAAT 7.1.09 13.5.09 No N/A November 09 9

Welbeck Road NWAAT 4.2.09 30.9.09 8 Sandbrook Rd / The Brooklands NWAAT 4.2.09 20.5.09 No N/A 28.10.09 8

Southbank Rd, Westmoreland NWAAT 1.4.09 20.5.09 No N/A 28.10.09 6 Rd, Chestnut Rd

Page 93 Sandringham Rd, Belvedere rd, NWAAT 1.4.09 13.5.09 Yes 1.7.09 28.10.09 6 Hatfield Rd Virginia St Amend 1.4.09 20.5.09 No N/A 28.10.09 6 Parking Bays Hope Street Amend 1.4.09 13.5.09 No N/A 28.10.09 6 Parking Bays

Kew Estate Various 1.7.09 7.10.09 Yes 3

Scarisbrick New Road NWAAT 2.9.09 16.9.09 Yes 28.10.09 1 Roe Lane NWAAT 2.9.09 Note 2 1 Note 2 Sunny Rd / St Cuthberts Rd DPP 2.9.09 1 Agenda Item8 London Street DPP / 2.9.09 Note 2 1 Loading Bays Slaidburn Crescent Revoke 2.9.09 Note 2 1 NWAAT

Friday, October 16, 2009



Note 1 Part of this proposal for a rank on the north-easterly side of Coronation Walk has been completed. The introduction of the proposal for the south-west side will not be completed until the Council property at Pavilion Buildings has been vacated

Note 2 These proposals have been delayed due to the current spending freeze.

Page 94

Friday, October 16, 2009

TRO/MON/dm/alb Agenda Item 9


Date of Meeting: 28 OCTOBER 2009


Report of : Andy Wallis This report contains Yes No Planning & Economic CONFIDENTIAL √ Regeneration Director Information/

Contact Officer : EXEMPT information by √ Dave Marrin 0151 934 4295 virtue of Paula Butt 0151 934 4227 paragraph(s)...... of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972 Is the decision on this √ report DELEGATED ?

Purpose of Report

To advise Members of the receipt of objections to the proposed ‘At Any Time’ waiting restrictions on Scarisbrick New Road, adjacent to the new pedestrian refuge in the vicinity of 23 Scarisbrick New Road.


It is recommended that :-

(i) The objections be noted

(ii) The proposed Traffic Regulation Order to introduce 50 metre sections of ‘At Any Time’ restrictions on both sides of Scarisbrick New Road be progressed as originally advertised as an integral part of the approved local safety scheme.

(iii) The objectors be advised accordingly.

Page 95 Agenda Item 9

Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact 1. Creating a Learning Community √ 2. Creating Safe Communities √ 3. Jobs and Prosperity √ 4. Improving Health and Well-Being √ 5. Environmental Sustainability √ 6. Creating Inclusive Communities √ 7. Improving the Quality of Council Services and Strengthening local Democracy √ 8. Children and Young People √

Financial Implications

2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2010 2011 2012 2013 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE £ £ £ £ Gross Increase in Capital Expenditure 230,000 Funded by: Sefton Capital Resources 230,000 Specific Capital Resources REVENUE IMPLICATIONS Gross Increase in Revenue Expenditure Funded by: Sefton funded Resources Funded from External Resources Does the External Funding have an expiry date? N When? How will the service be funded post expiry? Traffic Management Budget

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report:


List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this report

Committee report entitled ‘Scarisbrick New Road – Proposed Local Safety Scheme’ submitted to 1 July 2009 Southport Area Committee.

Committee Report entitled ‘ Scarisbrick New Road, Southport – Results of Public Consultation’ submitted to the 2 September 2009 meeting of the Southport Area Committee.

Page 96 Agenda Item 9


1.1 At the meeting of the Southport Area Committee held on 2 September 2009, the Committee resolved to proceed with the legal procedures for the introduction of a traffic regulation order, the effect of which would be to introduce 50 metre sections of ‘At Any Time’ restrictions on both sides of Scarisbrick New Road at the features included in the Local Safety Scheme at the locations specified below:

§ Pedestrian refuge located adjacent to Worcester Lodge and property number 23 Scarisbrick New Road

• Pedestrian refuge located adjacent to Vernon Court and property number 59 Scarisbrick New Road

• Traffic island located adjacent to property numbers 84 & 65 Scarisbrick New Road

• Pedestrian refuge located adjacent to the Richmond Hotel on Scarisbrick New Road

1.2 Site notices and an advertisement stating the Council’s intentions was placed in the Southport Champion on 16 September 2009 and twenty four written objections were received by the objection deadline date of 7 October 2009. One objection was a letter, whilst the other twenty three objections are in the form of identical pre-printed, pre-stamped postcards. The correspondence plus one of the pre-printed postcards is shown in Annex A.


2.1 The first objector has written in to object on the following grounds:

‘We are writing to formally object to Sefton Council’s proposals for traffic calming measures on Scarisbrick New Road in Southport, specifically those affecting numbers 14 to 20 and 19 to 25 and specifically the imposition of a pedestrian refuge 10 metres from the entrance to our drive and the associated double yellow lines.….The proposal to site double yellow lines on the road frontage of our property will mean visitors cannot park outside our house; deliveries will be impossible and will have a negative impact on our business which is conducted from home. The lack of on-street parking will also significantly reduce the value of our property as well as causing us considerable inconvenience……We note that where pedestrian refuges have been imposed on the length of Preston New Road, they have not been accompanied by double yellow lines or parking restrictions of any kind…..The double yellow lines will cause great inconvenience to us and may have a negative impact on my wife’s small business’.

Page 97 Agenda Item 9

2.2 The other twenty-three objectors have filled in their name, address and signature onto pre-printed and pre-stamped postcards which state:

‘I wish to register my objection to the planned pedestrian refuge and double yellow lines on Scarisbrick New Road between Sefton Street and Linacre Street'.


3.1 An analysis of the addresses on the pre-printed postcards indicates;

§ 4 are from residents of Scarisbrick new Road, of which 2 are directly affected by the scheme

§ 19 are from residents of Sefton Street or Linaker Street

Consequently with the addition of the single letter received, three residents directly affected by the scheme objected.

3.2 Members will be aware that the Southport Area Committee at its meeting of the 2 nd September 2009 considered a report on the results of the consultation exercise for the Local Safety Scheme on Scarisbrick New Road including the refuges and associated waiting restrictions. Objections were reported to the refuge proposal, however the Committee agreed a recommendation to progress with the scheme.

3.3 Purpose of Proposed waiting Restrictions

50 metre sections of ‘At Any Time’ restrictions are proposed on both sides of Scarisbrick New Road to prevent obstruction of the highway by vehicles parking too close to the pedestrian refuges/traffic island. 25 metres either side of the traffic islands/pedestrian refuges is considered the minimum length required to facilitate safe passage past the features by larger vehicles such as buses, delivery vehicles, emergency service vehicles and refuse collection vehicles. Without the proposed ‘At Any Time’ restrictions on sections adjacent to the proposed features, it is likely that vehicles will park in locations too close to them thereby obstructing the passage of all vehicles and creating further congestion on Scarisbrick New Road and encouraging potentially unacceptable driving practices.

3.4 Availability of Parking

Most properties on Scarisbrick New Road have off-street parking availability for at least one vehicle, many can accommodate more than one. Parking will be available in close proximity to all properties.

Any road user loading/unloading goods from their vehicle is legally allowed to park on an ‘At Any Time’ restriction for the duration of the loading/unloading activity taking place. However the vehicle must be moved away from the restriction once the loading/unloading is complete and the vehicle must not be

Page 98 Agenda Item 9

parked in a position that obstructs the highway, otherwise the Police can issue a penalty charge notice for obstruction.

3.5 Objections from Sefton Street / Linaker Street

` The scheme will not impact on properties on Sefton Street and Linaker Street who objected to the scheme as there is extensive availability of on-street parking in both streets. Any displaced parking will have limited impact.


4.1 Area Committee has previously considered objections to the provision of refuges within the Local Safety Scheme and resolved to progress the scheme.

4.2 The waiting restrictions are an integral part of the scheme and the length of the restrictions proposed is considered necessary to maintain the safe free flow of traffic on Scarisbrick New Road.

4.3 All properties affected by the proposal have some off-street parking facility within the curtilage of their property and access will not be adversely affected.

4.4 To achieve the road safety benefits identified it is recommended that the objections be noted but the Traffic Regulation order be approved as advertised

Andy Wallis Director of Planning & Economic Regeneration

Page 99 Agenda Item 9 APPENDIX Annex A

SEFTON COUNCIL 6 Committee/Scarisbrick New Road, Southport Page 100 Agenda Item 9 APPENDIX

SEFTON COUNCIL 7 Committee/Scarisbrick New Road, Southport Page 101 Agenda Item 9 APPENDIX

SEFTON COUNCIL 8 Committee/Scarisbrick New Road, Southport Page 102 Agenda Item 10


Date of Meeting: 28 OCTOBER 2009


Report of : Andy Wallis This report contains Yes No Planning & Economic CONFIDENTIAL √ Regeneration Director Information/

Contact Officer : EXEMPT information by √ Dave Marrin 0151 934 4295 virtue of Paula Butt 0151 934 4227 paragraph(s)...... of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972 Is the decision on this √ report DELEGATED ?

Purpose of Report

To seek approval for the introduction of ‘At Any Time’ restrictions to prohibit waiting at all times and for the introduction of a ‘Prohibition of Driving’ TRO with an exemption for buses, taxis and cycles on the full length of the new link road extension to Wight Moss Way, Southport.


It is recommended that :-

(i) The Traffic Regulation Orders be approved, as shown on the plan in Annex A and set out in the schedules in Annex B

(ii) the necessary legal procedures, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council's intention to implement the Order(s), be approved

. .

Page 103 Agenda Item 10

Corporate Objective Monitoring

Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact 1. Creating a Learning Community  2. Creating Safe Communities  3. Jobs and Prosperity  4. Improving Health and Well-Being  5. Environmental Sustainability  6. Creating Inclusive Communities  7. Improving the Quality of Council Services and Strengthening local Democracy  8. Children and Young People 

Financial Implications

2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2010 2011 2012 2013 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE £ £ £ £ Gross Increase in Capital Expenditure Funded by: Sefton Capital Resources 2000 Specific Capital Resources REVENUE IMPLICATIONS Gross Increase in Revenue Expenditure Funded by: Sefton funded Resources Funded from External Resources Does the External Funding have an expiry date? N When? How will the service be funded post expiry? Traffic Management Budget

Departments consulted in the preparation of this Report:

Capita Symonds Merseytravel

List of background papers relied upon in the preparation of this report


Page 104 Agenda Item 10


1.1 A new access road to link Wight Moss Way with Town Lane (Kew) to the north-west and Town Lane to the south-east is being constructed within the approved Local Transport Plan Capital Programme, specifically to facilitate bus access to the Southport Business Park. On this basis Merseytravel are providing a substantial funding contribution for the scheme.

1.2 Due to the potential extension of the Kew Estate it is necessary to restrict parking and introduce ‘At Any Time’ restrictions to both sides of the full length of the new access road section of Wight Moss Way.

1.3 To create the dedicated bus link and hence prevent ‘rat-running’ of vehicles on Wight Moss Way from Town Lane (Kew) to Town Lane it is necessary to progress a ‘Prohibition of Driving’ traffic regulation order with an exemption for buses, cycles and taxis on the full length of the new access road section of Wight Moss Way.

1.4 A plan showing Wight Moss Way and the new access road section plus the extent of the proposed traffic regulation orders outlined in paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3 is shown in Annex A.


2.1 Wight Moss Way is currently accessed only via Town Lane (Kew) to the north- west and is the access road into Southport Business Park. It contains business premises that have off-street parking provision facilities for staff and visitors. It is subject to a speed limit of 30 mph and has a carriageway width of approximately 7.4 metres.


5.1 It is proposed to introduce ‘At Any Time’ restrictions to prohibit waiting at all times on both sides of the new link road section of Wight Moss Way and to introduce a ‘Prohibition of Driving’ TRO with an exemption for buses, taxis and cycles on the full length of the new link road section of Wight Moss Way.

Andy Wallis Director of Planning & Economic Regeneration

Page 105 Agenda Item 10

Page 106 Agenda Item 10

Annex A

Page 107 Agenda Item 10

Annex B Schedule: 11

Restricted Roads (No Waiting At Any Time)

Roads and parts of roads in which waiting is prohibited twenty four hours a day

1 2

Street Side

Wight Moss Way Both Sides

from south -east kerbline of Town Lane (Kew) to the north-west kerbline of Town Lane



Wight Moss Way - access link road

No person shall cause any vehicle except buses, pedal cycles and taxis to enter the new link road section of Wight Moss way from a point 160 metres north-west of the north-west kerbline of Town Lane to the north-west kerbline of Town Lane.

Page 108 Agenda Item 13 TOURISM DEPARTMENT 10 Portland Street Southport


Mrs M Pointon Date: 22 nd September 2009 Our Ref: CL/11129

Please contact: Carolyn Lowry Contact Number: 0151 934 2322 Fax No: 0151 934 2326 e-mail: [email protected]

Dear Mrs Pointon

Southport Summer Classics 2009

Thank you for your recent comments regarding the 2009 Southport Summer Classics. It is always good to receive feedback from our customer, both positive and negative.

With regards to the queuing system on the Friday evening, we did have security staff operating both inside and outside the site. These staff were located both on the gate and inside the site checking tickets and providing assistance to our customers, in addition security staff were also allocated outside of the site to patrol the queue prior to the gates opening. These stewards were advising customers queuing without tickets that the box office was open for ticket sales prior to the gates opening and generally monitoring the crowd.

One issue that we did experience on the first evening was due to the huge response we had from customers purchasing tickets on-line. This method of purchasing tickets had far exceeded previous events and the system in place on the Friday for customers exchanging on line confirmation letters for tickets was slow. This did result in some customers having to wait to exchange letters for tickets. As a result a different exchange system was implemented on the Saturday evening and this proved to be far more efficient for both customers and staff.

With regards to toilets, I appreciate your comments in particular for the ladies facilities. It is always difficult to prevent queues during the interval when a large proportion of the audience all wish to use these facilities, however the toilet numbers are calculated in accordance with the event health and safety guidelines based on number of people attending. I accept that the main toilet block needed servicing and will make arrangements for this to happen for future events.

I am pleased that generally you had a good experience at the classics, and would like to thank you for taking the time to let us know your views.

Yours sincerely

Carolyn Lowry Events Manager

Tony Corfield Head of Tourism

Minicom: 0151 934 4657 www.VisitSouthport.comPage 109

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Environmental Protection Department Magdalen House 30 Trinity Road Bootle Merseyside L20 3NJ

J Fairhurst Date: 2 October 2009 Our Ref: ENF/4400/Southport AC/Graffiti/GB Your Ref:

Please contact: Mr G Berwick Contact Number: 0151 288 6134 Fax No: 0151 285 5217 e-mail: [email protected]

Dear Mr Fairhurst

Re: Graffiti Removal

I refer to your letter dated 27 September 2009, addressed to Mr Fraser, Committee Clerk – Legal Department regarding graffiti removal, the contents of which I have noted.

I will deal with each issue in the order you have raised them in your letter;

Additional funding - Councillor Byrom

I have, as indicated, written and verbally communicated with Councillor Byrom. He has provided details of the potential source of funds available and I have made enquiries with colleagues in Community Safety about this potential funding stream.

I am informed that this is a ‘new fund’ under the ‘Proceeds of Crime Act’, Section 2, Confiscation of Assets. The response from Community Safety states that;

'An application for Community Cashback Fund was made to the Office for Criminal Justice Reform through our Local Criminal & Justice Board. It was an application to further fund materials for Sefton's Community Payback Scheme and would have given resources for the coming year. However, this bid was unsuccessful in making it through the first round. I will continue to investigate future available funds to maintain this invaluable and excellent service.'

May I clarify that the Council currently has one graffiti crew for the whole Borough, supplemented in specific areas of the Borough by an additional externally funded graffiti machine. The Council ‘Task Force’ that you refer to does not at present exist.

Request for a detailed report on graffiti activity

You have asked for a detailed report about graffiti removal activity to be presented the next Southport Area Committee however it is my contention that a report of this nature is not required, at this time, for the following reasons:

Bill Milburn Environmental Protection Director Regeneration Directorate

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• A report on Graffiti Policy was recently presented to the Cabinet Member Environmental. . • The Probation Service (Community Payback) is currently supporting and enhancing current core service provision. The Southport area does receive its share of all of the resource currently available.

• A bid for funding linked to the ‘Proceeds Of Crime Act’, referred to by Councillor Byrom, has already been made but unfortunately was unsuccessful. The Community Safety section will continue to explore any future opportunities to bid for additional funding that will help to enhance the resource available for graffiti removal within the Borough.

• There are obvious signs of recent graffiti removal within the Southport area, offensive graffiti has been removed from the Coastal Road and a spillage of paint has been attended to on Lord Street.

Southport locations with graffiti present

May I thank you for providing details of locations in the Southport area where graffiti is present. Unfortunately at most of these locations the graffiti is on private property and is therefore not the Council’s responsibility. The Cleansing section will respond to any request to remove graffiti, from the owner of a property, however a disclaimer is required and a charge will apply. The only exception to this is the graffiti at Stanley Street (“Police are scum“). Unfortunately this has not previously been reported to the Cleansing section and I was not aware of it until I received your letter. I can assure you that this will be removed before the next Southport Area Committee meeting. All the other locations; Victoria Road footbridge, Balls Place and the Arcade entrance have been referred to the Community Payback scheme for attention.

As graffiti removal is a reactive service, that deals with incidents as they arise, I would endorse any form of ‘zero tolerance’ operation instituted by Merseyside Police within Southport or indeed Sefton.

Finally, may I thank you for your interest in this subject and for supplying information about places within Southport that are currently blighted by graffiti. I trust that my response clarifies the action taken by the Council in relation to the graffiti issues referred to in your recent correspondence.

For your information a copy of my response will be forwarded to:

Paul Fraser (Committee Clerk) Councillor M Fearn (Chair of Southport Area Committee) Councillor D Tattersall (Cabinet Member Environmental) Councillor L Byrom (Dukes Ward) Graham Parry (Community Safety)

Yours sincerely,

G Berwick Cleansing Services Manager

Bill Milburn Environmental Protection Director Regeneration Directorate

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From: Mike Morris To: Paul Fraser Date: 05/10/09 12:53 Subject: Fwd: 90467 - SAC Wednesday 1st July 2009


>>> Alan Baker 30/09/09 16:38 >>> Good afternoon Mike

Minute 39 Open Forum question (g) raised by Mrs Middleton


I have spoken to Mrs Middleton and identified that her question relates to weeds only. She complimented Sefton on the standard of grass cutting

I have informed her that the 3rd weed treatment has just started and that I have asked my contractor to pay particular attention to the Kew Estate ( Westwood Close Area)

I have told her that the treatment takes 3 - 4 weeks to take effect and that I have asked my supervising officer to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment. regards

Alan G Baker Senior Team Leader CAPITASYMONDS Magdalen House,30 Trinity Road,Bootle,Merseyside.L20 3NJ Tel: 01519344735 Fax: 01519344567 Email: [email protected] ( mailto:[email protected] ) Web: ( )

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Page 114 Agenda Item 13 Legal & Administrative Department Town Hall Lord Street Southport PR8 1DA

Karen Toon Date: 7 October 2009. Northern Rail Ltd. Our Ref: PGF/BB P.O. Box 208 Your Ref: LEEDS LS1 2BU Please contact: Paul Fraser Contact Number: 0151 934 2068 Fax No: 0151 934 2034 e-mail : [email protected] Dear Mrs. Toon,


At the meeting of the Southport Area Committee held on 30 September 2009, Members complained that the Northern Rail service from Wigan/Manchester to Southport did not have the capacity to cope when events such as the Southport Air Show and Flower Show took place; and also complained about the condition of the rolling stock.

The Area Committee resolved that representatives of Northern Rail be invited to make a presentation to a meeting of the Committee on plans/proposals you may have in the future to provide additional services when major events take place in Southport, together with improvements to your rolling stock.

The purpose of my letter is to find out whether representatives of your company are willing to make a presentation to the Area Committee. For the remainder of the Municipal Year meetings of the Committee will be held at 6.30 p.m. at Southport Town Hall, Lord Street, Southport PR8 1DA on the following dates:

28 October 2009, 6 January 2010, 3 February 2010, 31 March 2010, 12 May 2010.

If you are unable to attend a future meeting to make a presentation, your views in writing would be welcomed so I could report them to Members.

Thank you for your help in this matter and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Fraser Senior Committee Administrator

Minicom: 0151 934 4657 Caroline Elwood, LL.B. (Hons.) Dip.L.G., Solicitor Legal Director

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Iain Coucher Date: 9 October, 2009 Chief Executive Our Ref: PGF/KA Network Rail Your Ref: Kings Place 90 York Way Please contact: Paul Fraser London Contact Number: 0151 934 2068 N1 9AG Fax No: 0151 934 2034 e-mail : [email protected]

Dear Mr. Coucher,


At the meeting of the Southport Area Committee held on 20 September 2009, a local resident complained about the amount of graffiti at various locations in Southport; and one such location was the Victoria footbridge that crosses the Southport/Hunts Cross line and the Southport/Manchester line.

I was requested to write to you, on behalf of the Area Committee requesting that Network Rail remove the graffiti on the Victoria footbridge and seeking your views on allowing graffiti removal on their structures and land by the Community Payback ‘personnel’.

I would be most grateful if you could let me have your views on the above so I can report them to Members of the Area Committee.

If you would like to discuss any aspects of this letter please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Fraser Senior Committee Administrator

Minicom: 0151 934 4657 Caroline Elwood, LL.B. (Hons.) Dip.L.G., Solicitor Legal Director

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Page 118 Agenda Item 13 Capita Symonds Magdalen House 30 Trinity Road Bootle Merseyside, L20 3NJ

Date: 1 October 2009 Mrs J. Bowe Our Ref: HMG M 0120 AGB 90629

Your Ref: Please contact: Mr A Baker Contact No: 0151 934 4421 Fax No: 0151 934 4567 e-mail: [email protected]

Dear Mr Bowe

Re: Weed Treatment

I refer to your recent question at the Area Committee and comment as follows:-

The 3 rd treatment of the weeds has just commenced. Once treated the weeds will take 3-4 weeks to die off. A final treatment will be carried out later in the year, but this will be of a more selective nature but will cover the whole of the Borough.

The weeds are not removed as part of the contract. Once the weeds have died off, then the normal action of the cleansing department (mechanical or hand sweeping) will remove the dead weeds.

I have brought this matter to the attention of my contractor and have asked my supervising officer to ensure compliance with the specification.

Yours faithfully

Mr A T Hogan Highways Manager On Behalf of the Strategic Director of Regeneration & Deputy Chief Executive

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Further to our response at the last Committee meeting, the Mosquito devices were installed as an operational matter, being authorised by management following advice from the police as to how best to address the severe anti-social behaviour of youths outside the civic building.

We would stress once more that this action was only taken due to real concerns for the safety of staff and other members of the public being caused by the behaviour of some young people.

The protocol of use was established using the manufacturer’s guidelines and advice from police as to what would constitute “reasonable use”.

We would reiterate that fortunately, due to inter-agency actions which include the use of Section 30 orders and provision of diversionary activity, the Mosquito devices have not been used in well over a year. This is not to say that there has been an end to anti-social behaviour as acts of vandalism to property still occur. However, in terms of safety concerns for staff and public, these are now at a level that does not warrant taking further action.

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