Report on TABBDA Service Level Agreement

Reporting Officer Head of Parks

Contact Officer Nigel Hill

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1.0 Purpose of Report

1.1 Amended proposal on Service Level Agreement (SLA) for Traad, & Development Association (TABBDA) for the financial year 2017/18.

2.0 Background

2.1 District Council’s review of Service Level Agreements was undertaken and brought to committee in April 2017.

2.2 The proposal for TABBDA was deferred pending further consultation with the community group. Council have meet with TABBDA Boards members on three

separate occasions to negotiate a resolution that would fully reflect the changing

nature of the services provided by TABBDA at Ballyronan Marina. 2.3 th A resolution has been proposed as a result of a meeting held on Thursday 26 October with TABBDA and Mid Ulster District Council.

3.0 Main Report

3.1 Negotiations with TABBA Ltd in relation to replacing the current Service Level Agreement with a lease arrangement has not progressed. This proposal suggested Council leased a portion of the community building for the purposes of developing a range of improved visitor services and the creation of a consistent positive visitor experience at Ballyronan Marina. This proposal was not possible

has no available area of the premises was identified as surplus to current

community group needs.

3.2 The arrangement will now reflect an amended Service Level Agreement and will reflect a reduction of £3,950 on the current SLA with TABBDA Ltd. from £9,950 to £6,000 per annum. This is based on a recognised reduction of services provided by TABBDA at Ballyronan Marina. The community group no longer provide visitor administration and operational staff services associated to the site. These services are managed by council staff alongside the introduction of a computerised on-line booking payment system as from March 2017. TABBDA continue to provide visitor ablution facilities (public toilets and associated duties)

at Ballyronan for which an annual payment of £6,000 will be allocated and made via payments of £1,500 invoiced quarterly, in arrears.

3.3 The TABBDA Board are in agreement to accept the proposal from Council.

4.0 Other Considerations

4.1 Financial & Human Resources Implications

Financial: Annual Service Level Agreement payment to TABBDA of £6,000 commencing 1 st April 2017. Reviewed annually.

Human: Existing staff resources sufficient.

4.2 Equality and Good Relations Implications


4.3 Risk Management Implications


5.0 Recommendation(s)

5.1 Council approval on the terms of the amended Service Level Agreement with TABBDA doe 2017/18.

6.0 Documents Attached & References

6.1 None.