SAINT JOSEPH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA September 22, 2019 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Time not a "celebration toward the wall"; it did not mean that the Christ, Our Mediator priest "had his back to the people": the priest himself was not Dear People and Friends of Saint Joseph’s, regarded as so important. . . . [I]n the On Tuesday we opened a year of the congregation looked observances for the 170th Anniversary of Saint together "toward the Lord". As one of the Joseph with a beautiful of fathers of Vatican II's Constitution on the Thanksgiving. I am grateful to Dorothea Liturgy, J.A. Jungmann, put it, it was much Parrish and our choir for enriching the Holy more a question of priest and people facing in Mass with their music, and to Mary Ellen the same direction, knowing that together Gardner and Angela Stanavage for recalling they were in a procession toward the Lord. our past with Scripture readings in Latin and They did not lock themselves into a circle, German. Thank you to all who gathered to they did not gaze at one another, but as the begin this special year of Gratitude and Grace. pilgrim People of God they set off for the Anniversaries are more than memories or Oriens, for the Christ who comes to meet us.... factoids from the past. As we recall or learn for Please join us this Tuesday, September the first time our history, heritage, and the 24th to learn more about Sacred, Catholic contributions of so many, this anniversary year Architecture in the presentation by Dr. Paul R. Thibault, and will be an occasion of growing in gratitude to the LORD and so continue eagerly seeking to come to the Father through to all those God has used during these 170 years to build up Christ in the celebration of the Eucharist. this community of faith. Thus, this year will also be an opportunity of tremendous graces, for “Jesus Christ is the In the Peace of Christ, same yesterday, today, and forever.” Fr. Allan F. Wolfe Saint Paul reminds today of the Father’s immense mercy and love for mankind as he writes that God: “wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the Sacred Scripture for this Week truth. For there is one God. There is also one mediator between Sunday, September 22 - Twenty-Fifth Sunday in God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as ransom for all.” First Reading: Amos 8:4-7 Thus, we have access to the Father through Christ Jesus. Second Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-8 : Luke 16:1-13 As Catholics, we experience this most clearly every time Monday, September 23 - Saint Pius of Pietrelcina we gather for Mass, for it is “Through him, with him, in First Reading: Ezra 1:1-6 Gospel: Luke 8:16-18 him, O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Tuesday, September 24 Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, forever and ever.” First Reading: Ezra 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20 We express our faith in Christ as our mediator with our Gospel: Luke 8:19-21 resounding “AMEN,” but our “Amen” also expresses the Wednesday, September 25 offering of ourselves to the Father through Christ Jesus. First Reading: Ezra 9:5-9 Gospel: Luke 9:1-6 For centuries, the priest and people faced East for the Thursday, September 26 - Saint Cosmas & Damian celebration of the Mass. This “East” was often geographical, First Reading: Haggai 1:1-8 but when this was not possible, it was at least liturgically Gospel: Luke 9:7-9

“East,” represented by the crucifix. This orientation made it Friday, September 27 - Saint Vincent DePaul clear that in the priest, who was serving , First Reading: Haggai 2:1-9 Gospel: Luke 9:18-22 we make our offering to God the Father through Christ. Saturday, September 28 - Saint Wenceslaus, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI, Pope Saint Lawrence Ruiz & Companions Emeritus, warned of forgetting this orientation: First Reading: Zechariah 2:5-9, 14-15a Gospel: Luke 9:43b-45 The turning of the priest toward the people has turned the community into a self-enclosed circle. In its outward form, it no Sunday, September 29- Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time longer opens out on what lies ahead and above, but is locked into First Reading: Amos 6:1a, 4-7 itself. The common turning toward the East was Second Reading: 1 Timothy 6:11-16 Gospel: Luke 16:19-31


Saturday, September 21 Saturday, September 28 - Saint Wenceslaus, ? Change margin to get most 4:00 pm Confessions Saint Lawrence Ruiz & Companions 5:00 pm Mass - People of the Parish 8:15 am Mass - Dolores McNee (Weber Nieces, Nephews & Families) Sunday, September 22 - Twenty-Fifth Sunday 4:00 pm Confessions in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm Mass - Intention of David & Patricia Nicklaus 7:30 am Confessions (Elaine Ginther) 8:00 am Mass - Dolores McNee (Judy Reese) Sunday, September 29 - Twenty-Sixth Sunday 9:15 am Tipitina’s - Hospitality, Friendship, Faith Sharing in Ordinary Time 9:15 am CCD - Religious Education Building 10:00 am Confessions 7:30 am Confessions 8:00 am Mass - Ed Darrenkamp & Ted Martin (John F. 10:30 am Mass - Dina Gazza (Pat & Vickie Hallock) Kirchner) 12:45 pm Confessions 9:15 am Tipitina’s - Hospitality, Friendship, Faith Sharing 1:30 pm Mass - Extraordinary Form - For a Special Intention 9:15 am CCD - Religious Education Building (Rose Mary Nightingale) 10:00 am Confessions 3:30 pm Swahili Mass 10:30 am Mass - People of the Parish Monday, September 23 - Saint Pius of Pietrelcina 12:45 pm Confessions 6:30 am Mass - Intention of Jean Robertson (Pat Slagel) 1:30 pm Mass - Extraordinary Form - Mr. & Mrs. Angel 9:00 am Legion of Mary - Good Shepherd Room Bustillo (Robert Carballo) 5:30 pm SoWe - St. Francis Room 7:00 pm RCIA - Religious Education Building LEGION OF MARY: Legion of Mary’s Day of Spir- 7:00 pm Boy Scouts - Scout Room ituality will be held at St. Joseph Church on Octo- ber 5 starting at 9:30am with registration followed Tuesday, September 24 by recitation of the Rosary at 10:00am, Legion 6:30 am Mass - Dorothy Krall (JMR) Tessera prayers, Confession, Mass, Lunch and 8:00 am Morning Prayer concluding with Benediction at 2:00pm. Calls will be made 8:15 am Mass - Intention of Margaret Gardner (Elaine to determine attendance. Questions? Call Lydia Zimmer- Ginther) man at 717-872-2483. 6:30 pm Cub Scouts - Scout Room 7:00 pm Presentation - Catholic Church Architecture - Upper Flowers on the Blessed Virgin Mary & St. Joseph Church Altars are in memory of Helen M. Anderson given 7:00 pm Stewardship Committee - GSR by Ellen, Craig & Benjamin Collister. Wednesday, September 25 FLOWERS FOR THE CHURCH: Main (2 vases) or 6:30 am Mass - Robert Zeller (Saint Joseph Parish) the Blessed Mother or Saint Joseph side altars can be or- 8:00 am Mass - Extraordinary Form - All Poor Souls in dered to celebrate a happy occasion, for a special intention Purgatory (Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cunningham) or to remember a loved one who has died. The cost per 8:00 pm Young Adult Group Meeting - Tipitina’s vase is $50.00. The High Altar is available September 29; October 6, 13, 20. The Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph Thursday, September 26 - Saints Cosmas & Damian Altars are available September 29 and all weekends in Oc- 6:30 am Mass - Joan Manual (JMR) tober. Call Judy at the rectory, 717-397-6921. 8:00 am Morning Prayer 8:15 am Mass - Joan Hauck (Estate) CELEBRATE OUR PARISH’S GERMAN HERITAGE! at October GermanFest on Fri- 5:30 pm Mass - Knights of Malta - Chapel day, October 18 from 5:30-10:00pm in the 6:30 pm Women’s Club Meeting - St. Francis Room Msgr. Smith Social Hall. Homemade food, drink, a live band Friday, September 27 - Saint Vincent de Paul and fellowship for all. Tickets will be on sale after all Masses 6:30 am Mass - Anna Bauer the weekends of October 5/6 & October 12/13. Tickets pur- (St. Joseph Parish) chased by October 13 are $10 for adults, $5 for children (8th grade or younger). For more information contact Eileen Hostetler at 717-288-3111. Also don't miss the decorating and food prep party on Thursday October 17 at 5:30pm.

production, multi experience is a plus for those looking to volunteer a few hours a week. We can help with training SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH and will work around your sched- LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA September 22, 2019 ule! If you can donate any time to our cause or have questions, please contact us 717 Intentional Discipleship email [email protected]

"Gaze upon him, consider him, contemplate him, as you desire to imitate him.” ~ Saint Clare of Assisi Consider becoming an adorer or a substitute. You can choose the time that would work best for you.

Call 717-397-6921 to schedule your hour. Open Hour(s) Monday - 2:00pm - 3:00pm Tuesday - 12:00am - 1:00am Wednesday - 1:00am - 2:00am

Perpetual Adoration is held in our Holy Family Chapel. The is reposed during all Masses and Sundays from 7:45am until 2:45pm. INDIVIDUAL & PARISH RENEWAL THRU INTENTIONAL DISCIPLESHIP As athletes train to become proficient in their sport, so Christians must cultivate our relationship with the Lord through the habits or disciplines of discipleship. To be strong enough to enter through the narrow gate, we must constantly nurture and deepen our relationship with the Most Blessed Trinity. Plan on renewing this relationship by participating in the ChristLife process beginning Wednesday, October 2nd. Renewal Comes to Saint Joseph’s Parish

The ChristLife Process consists of Three Stages 1. Discovering Christ Beginning October 2, 2019 2. Following Christ Winter 2020 3. Sharing Christ Spring 2020 Visit the Website to learn about this powerful opportunity for everyone: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 1st Session of ChristLife —Come & See “What is the Meaning of Life?” Sessions are held on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Monsignor Smith Social Hall. Each evening begins with light dinner, followed by prayer and music, a short video teaching, and small group discussion. (If there is sufficient interest, a 7:00 – 8:30 a.m. session is also being considered on the same dates. Please indicate your preference.) To register, simply call the parish office at 717-397-6921, email [email protected] or drop your registration form (available in the pamphlet rack) in the collection basket.

SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA September 22, 2019 Liturgical Life 170th Anniversary Observances September marks the 170th Anniversary of the founding of St. Joseph Church here on Cabbage Hill. To assist us in properly observing this milestone and appreciate more fully our rich history, culture, and future, various events are being planned for the coming year. September Tuesday, Sept. 24 7:00 PM Presentation – Sacred, Catholic Architecture Dr. Paul Thibault October Wednesday, Oct. 2 6:30 PM ChristLife begins Thursday, Oct. 3 7:00 PM 133rd Anniversary Mass of the Dedication of the Church (1886)

Friday, Oct. 18 5:30 PM GermanFest Sun-Tues., Oct. 20-22 7:00 PM Forty Hours Devotions November Saturday, Nov. 2 12:00 PM Mass for All Souls Day in Parish Cemetery beside the church Remembering in Our Prayers

OUR SERIOUSLY ILL & HOSPITALIZED: Please pray for: John Bender, Rudy Bauer, Pat Bostick, Isaiah Crespo, Carmen Cruz, Anthony Ogbumkpi, Mary Reisinger, Pat Slagel, Clare Tongel; and all those in nursing homes; those presently or recently in the hospital; and those listed in our Book of the Sick. OUR FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Please pray for the repose of the soul of Carolyn Schlutker. May she rest in glory with the Lord.

REMEMBERING OUR SEMINARIANS IN PRAYER: Tyler Roman, Matthew Smith, Drew Tanguay, Damon Tritle, Aidan Warren. Social Justice—Service to Others BABY BOTTLE BLESSINGS: In conjunction with Respect Life Sunday on October 6th, our parish is partici- pating in the Baby Bottle Blessings fundraiser for A Woman’s Concern. Baby bottles will be available in the com- munication center the weekends of October 5-6 and October 12-13 to take home and fill with cash, coins, and checks. Checks should be made payable to A Woman’s Concern. Bottles should be returned to the church no later than the weekend of October 26-27 and put in the basket that will be placed in front of the Blessed Mother Altar.

MISSION TRIP COLLECTION: St. John Neuman parish is going on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic late 2019. The following items are needed. Please put in the Communications Center in the marked box.  Full size toothbrushes and toothpaste- NOT small size  New or gently used flip flops or sandals for children and women. Questions ? Please email [email protected] or call 717-344-9349. The DEADLINE is November 30th!

SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA September 22, 2019 Our Catholic Schools Traditional Community Resurrection Catholic School SCRIPTURE READINGS: Your Parish School MASS IN THE EXTRAORDINARY FORM Fifteenth Sunday after GIANT A+ SCHOOL REWARDS: Participating in the Giant A+ - Galatians 5:25, 26; 6:1-10 School Rewards program helps the school earn money for needed Gospel - Luke 7:11-16 supplies. Simply go to to regis- September 25 - Mass for the Dead ter your bonus card. Every time you use it between now and Lesson - Apocalypse 14:13 March 16, the school benefits. If you need help, call the office at Gospel - John 6:51-55 717-392-3083 and provide your last name, the 11-digit card num- OR - Feria 15th Sunday after Pentecost ber, and your phone number in case we need to get back to you. Epistle - Galatians5:25, 26; 6:1-10 Gospel - Luke 7:11-16 SCHOOL MASS this Thursday, September 26, 9:30am, at St. An- The weekly morning Latin Mass is now 8:00 am on Wednesdays except for thony of Padua Church will be led by the sixth grade. First Friday when Mass will be at 8:15am in the upper church. Saint Michael the Archangel MARKETING DIRECTOR sought part-time to handle development, Epistle - Apocalypse 1:1-15 fundraising, recruitment and communications. Candidate should Gospel - Matthew 18:1-10 be a practicing Catholic. Send resume and cover letter to Principal To receive announcements, go to and Jeffrey Hughes, [email protected]. click on "Newsletter Signup" on the homepage.

We invite your family to become part of the Resurrection family! Family of Faith – Kindness Changes Everything. Activities & Ministries

3rd Annual GALA D E FE !"Every Child Brings us Lancaster Catholic High School God's Smile." Come join Pro-life speakers Ryan and Bethany “An Evening of Trumpets” is being hosted by the Fine & Bomberger of The Radiance Foundation for dinner and a pro- Performing Arts Department on Tuesday, October 1 at gram to benefit Plaza San Juan Bautista’s after-school pro- 7:30pm in the Old Main Auditorium. This concert in the gram for the children of southeast Lancaster. Ryan and round will be performed by William Kasel '79 from Boston, MA Bethany speak of the Consistent Life Ethic - how pro-life ex- and accompanied by Debra Ronning. Repertoire will include music tends beyond the womb to every single human person in our of Johann N. Hummel and Alexander Arutunian. This is a free community… each of whom has immense value and worth. event however, donations to the Fine & Performing Arts will be Saturday, September 28th at Plaza San Juan, 441 S. Lime accepted. Questions? Contact Tony Brill at 717-509-0310 or email Street Lancaster. For more details and to RSVP, visit [email protected]. or call 717-392-4118, ext 311.

ST. PHILIP THE APOSTLE PARISH, Lancaster is in need of a part- THE FALL VENDORS AND CRAFTERS BAZAAR to be time Coordinator of Religious Education. This position is responsi- held Saturday, October 26 has been CANCELLED due to ble for overseeing the coordination and direction of the K-8 Reli- lack of vendors. gious Education Program. To apply, call 717-872-2166 or email a cover letter and resume to Linda Neff, Pastoral Associate at CATHOLIC WORKER HOUSE WINTER [email protected]. CLOTHING GIVEAWAY: Please donate your GUS LLOYD, the exciting and engaging host of “Seize the GENTLY used CLEAN WINTER clothing for Day” on Sirius XM 129: The Catholic Channel, is coming to The Catholic Worker House’s annual winter Sacred Heart Church for a Day of Reflection on Saturday, Octo- clothing giveaway at San Juan Bautista’s Plaza, ber 12. We will begin with small group sessions with the topic on Saturday, November 9. We are asking for WINTER WEAR “Magnetic Christianity”. Gus will host an hour long presentation ONLY for all ages and sizes: Coats, Hats, Gloves, Sweat- after 4:00pm Mass. Afterwards Gus will attend a dinner and ers etc. KEEP IN MIND, WE WILL NOT ACCEPT SPRING/ meet and greet at the Pressroom Restaurant in Downtown Lan- SUMMER ATTIRE, BLAZERS, SUITS, PANTS OR LIGHT caster. There is no cost to attend the day events. All proceeds SHIRTS. WINTER CLOTHING ONLY! To support the sig- from sponsorships and the dinner will benefit Sacred Heart nificant needs, donations may be taken to the Good Shep- Church and School. Registration forms are in the vestibule herd Room before all Masses the weekends of October 20 pamphlet rack or register on-line at and October 27.

SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA September 22, 2019 Around the Diocese Parish Stewardship CATHOLIC CHARITIES SHELTER SHUFFLE: The annual Shelter Shuffle 5K Run/Walk will take TIME TALENT and TREASURE place on Saturday, September 28 at 9:00am at the for- mer Harrisburg State Hospital Campus (across from A Way of Life at Saint Joseph’s the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg). Runners, walkers of all abilities are invited. Pet & stroller friend- In Pew Collection $7,924.00 ly. Proceeds benefit the Interfaith Shelter for Homeless Fami- lies. For more information and to register online, visit Electronic Giving 3,810.00 Online Giving 1,620.00

DIOCESE OF HARRISBURG WOMEN’S CONFER- Budget Actual Difference ENCE: All women are cordially invited to the 5th annual Diocese 9/15/2019 $13,354.00 $354.00 of Harrisburg Catholic Women’s Conference, October 12 at Bishop $13,000.00 McDevitt High School, Harrisburg. Our theme is Women of Light, Sisters in Christ! Early-bird, reduced-fee registration is $37 and Vigils 373.04 lasts through October 7. On-site, same day registration is $60. Reg- Five children offered their time, talent and treasure ister online at to God on September 15th totaling $4.00 which goes to the Missionary Childhood Association. ANNUAL FISHERS OF MEN DINNER: The Diocese of Harris- burg has been blessed with 27 men, training to be “fishers of men,” but they MASS ATTENDANCE need your help. It costs $40,000 annual- September 15, 2019 ly per seminarian to support priesthood 5:00 pm Mass 129 formation. These men are giving their 8:00 am Mass 117 lives to service for the Church and its 10:30 am Mass 178 people. Will you help them along this Nursery 5 journey? Please consider attending the 1:30 pm Mass 111 Annual Fishers of Men Dinner on Friday, October 4 at the Diocesan Total Attendance 540 Center, 4800 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg. More information, including an RSVP form can be found at GIFT CARD SALES fishersofmen or by calling the Diocesan Office of Vocations at 717- Sales Profit 657-4804 ext. 282. Deadline for registration is Friday, September $1,020.00 $54.73 27.

ANNUAL WHITE MASS: The Catholic Medical Guild of the ANNUAL RED MASS: The Most Reverend Ronald W. Gainer, Diocese of Harrisburg invites all Catholic physicians, healthcare D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Harrisburg, will be the principal celebrant workers, medical students, residents, and their families to attend and homilist for the Annual Diocesan Red Mass on Monday, Octo- the annual White Mass on Sunday, October 20 at 9:30am at Saint ber 7, at 5:30pm. at the Cathedral Parish of St. Patrick, Harris- Patrick Cathedral in Harrisburg. The Most Reverend Ronald W. burg. Priests of the Diocese of Harrisburg will concelebrate the Gainer, Bishop of Harrisburg, will be the celebrant and homi- Mass. At the Red Mass, law students, , , and public list. A reception will follow in the parish hall in the base- gather to pray for God's wisdom/guidance in their pursuit of ment. Please RSVP for the reception to [email protected]. justice. The Red Mass originated in medieval at the time of SCAM ALERT: Scam artists CONTINUE to target parishioners King Edward I, when the 12 judges of the High Court attended Mass by sending text messages or emails posing as Fr. Wolfe or Fr. together on the opening day of the judicial calendar. Today, the Red Olkowski asking parishioners to send cash or purchase gift cards. Mass coincides with the time period in which the U.S. Supreme Know that Fr. Wolfe or Fr. Olkowski or any member of our Court begins its new term. The Saint Thomas More Society of Cen- staff WOULD NEVER send these requests. Please verify tral Pennsylvania, an organization of Catholic lawyers, sponsors the with the Rectory any email requesting cash or gift cards Red Mass each year. All are welcome and encouraged to attend! BEFORE responding or taking action.

Thank you to our Bulletin Sponsor of the Week Christine & Company Hair Designs 541 West Lemon St., Lancaster 17603 ——— (717) 390-8890 You can read the bulletin online at our parish website: