• The Midwest AKYSB has the right to adjust the schedule, length of the game, or any other game conditions for scheduling purposes. • NO ROSTER CHANGES ARE ALLOWED ONCE REGISTRATION CLOSES. • Athlete needs to be checked-in the morning of the tournament through proper registration channels • To begin the game, a will determine the right to a possession. If the game goes into overtime, the team that did not receive possession at the start of the regulation game shall receive the ball. Possessions will alternate for additional overtimes. • The ball will change possession after all made baskets. “No Keeps!” “No Make It, Take It!” • The ball must be “taken back” at the top of the on EVERY change of possession, including an . Failure to take it back will result in a loss of possession and loss of any points resulting from that possession. (“Taking Back” means both feet and ball behind the 3- line). A only occurs when a shot is attempted prior to taking the ball behind the 3 point line. If a shot is attempted prior to taking the ball back and you are fouled, the does not count and the ball changes possession. • The ball must be “checked” at the top of the key by an opposing player before it is put into play. THE BALL MUST BE PASSED TO A TEAMMATE TO BEGIN PLAY. The defender cannot pass the 3 point line prior to the ball being passed. • After all fouls (until the 5th team foul) or any other dead ball, the ball will be taken out behind the 3 point line to be “checked,” unless a player makes a basket while being fouled. In that instance, the player fouled will receive ONE . • Substitutions may be made only during dead ball situations. Substitutes must report to the referee before entering the court.



• A five minute forfeit allowance will be enforced. • 7-15: 15 minute game 16 plus: 20 minute game All games will have a running clock until the last 2 minutes of the game. There will be no halftime. • Each team is allowed two 30-second timeouts. Time-outs may ONLY be called by the team with possession of the ball or during a dead ball situation. o Only players that are in the game may call a time-out. o Bench personnel and coaches may not call time-outs. o After a time-out, the ball will checked in from the 3 point line. • The running clock will ONLY stop when a timeout is called within the last 2 minutes of the game. No additional timeouts will be given if the game goes to overtime. Overtime will be for 2 minutes with the clock stopping on every dead ball and while the ball is being checked into play. • The clock will be stopped if any injury occurs during the game or if there are any scoring discrepancies. In the final 2 minutes of the game, the clock will stop on every dead ball and while ball is being checked into play. • Stalling goes against the principle of the game. An “unwritten 30 second ” is in effect at all times, and may be enforced by the court referee at their sole discretion. Failure to attempt a shot and “draw iron” in 30 seconds, after being advised by the referee, will result in a loss of possession. Also, if a person holds the ball for more than 5 seconds, it will be considered stalling and will result in a loss of possession.


• If any player is less than cordial to our referees, they may be suspended for the game or the tournament. Referees and scorekeepers are your friends. Non-playing coaches are not considered a part of the team. These “coaches” can be asked to leave the site at any time, should they become rude, unruly, or act in a manner that is not in the best interest of the tournament. • Technical fouls will be given at the discretion of the referee. A player that earns 2 technical fouls will receive an automatic ejection. For technical fouls, no free throws will be attempted. The opposing team will receive 1 point for every . If the technical foul is on the offense, the opposing team will receive the point, but possession will not change as a result of the technical foul. • The referee and scorekeeper will call and record all team fouls on the scoresheet. All fouls are common fouls. For the first (4) fouls, shooting or non-shooting, the ball is taken back behind the 3-point line by the fouled team to resume play. If while shooting the basket is made, (1) free throw will be awarded. Beginning with the fifth (5th) team foul, the player fouled will be awarded 2 free throws regardless if player is shooting or not. If player is shooting a 3-pointer and misses, the player will be awarded (3) free throws. • While a free throw is being shot, teams may try to a missed free throw on the release of the ball by the shooter. • Flagrant or Continuous Misconduct fouls can and will result in the dismissal of the offending player. If the referee rules that a foul was a Flagrant or Continuous Misconduct, and the player fouled is in the process of shooting and makes the shot, the basket is scored, 1 free throw is awarded, and he/she shall retain possession. If the player fouled is not shooting or misses a shot attempt, the player shall receive 2 free throws and retain possession. • ANYONE INVOLVED IN PUNCHING, FIGHTING, OR OTHER MISCONDUCT FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, MAY BE EJECTED FROM THE TOURNAMENT.

Miscellaneous Regulations

• All teams must stay near their court at all times, as games will be player in rotation and will progress quickly. Teams not present at the time an calls for the game, the absent team(s) risk forfeiture. • 16 PLUS: ALL PLAYERS MUST HAVE A PHOTO ID OR SOME FORM OF ID AVAILABLE TO VERIFY THEIR AGE AND NAME DURING THE EVENT WEEKEND. FAILURE TO PRODUCE AN ID UPON REQUEST COULD RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION. • A player must leave the game when an abrasion has flowing blood. Once the flow has stopped and there is not chance of blood contacting other players, the player with the abrasion may re-enter the game. • The referee’s calls are final. Offensive language and excessive arguing with the referees will result in ejection from the tournament. • The team captain is the sole representative for his/her team. The captain has the right to ask the referee or tournament official to explain any rules. If there is a dispute which needs to be resolved, request a tournament official to come to your court immediately to handle the situation. DO NOT PROTEST YOUR GAME TO THE SCOREKEEPER, IT WILL NOT BE HEARD. The tournament official and/or referee’s decision is final for the purpose of that game. Once play resumes or once the game is completed after a disagreement, the problem is considered a dead issue.

Key Differences (as compared to NBA, NCAA, IHSA, or )

1. There is no offensive or defensive 3 seconds in the lane. 2. Jump Ball will alternate. 3. Even on an air ball, the ball must be cleared before a shot is attempted. 4. On a technical foul, points will be awarded. No shooting will take place. 5. There will be no shooting on fouls until the fifth (5th) team foul, unless its a or “and one,” regardless of whether player was shooting or not. 6. Players will be removed from games on their 5th personal foul committed or for unsportsmanlike conduct.