Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences (Turkish J. Earth Sci.),İ. Vol.HOŞGÖR 20, 2011, & Y. pp. OKAN 243–253. Copyright ©TÜBİTAK doi:10.3906/yer-0909-3 First published online 15 October 2010

A New Species of Angariid Gastropod from the Early Th anetian of the Haymana-Polatlı Basin, Turkey


1 TransAtlantic Exploration Med. Int. Pty. Ltd. - Viking Int. Ltd. TR−06680 Ankara, Turkey (E-mail: [email protected]) 2 Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geological Engineering, Tandoğan, TR−06100 Ankara, Turkey

Received 02 September 2009; revised typescript receipt 06 August 2010; accepted 27 September 2010

Abstract: A new trochoidean species, calvii n. sp., from the early Th anetian of the Kırkkavak Formation (Haymana-Polatlı Basin, Palaeocene) in central Anatolia, is described and placed in the family . Previously, the oldest Angaria was recorded from the Early Palaeocene () in France (Paris Basin). In this paper, we report the second discovery of the oldest angariid specimens from the Th anetian sediments of the Tethys realm, a stratigraphic position which is supported by the foraminiferal-red alga assemblages at this locality.

Key Words: Angaria calvii n.sp, early Th anetian, Orthogastropoda, Haymana-Polatlı Basin, Turkey

Erken Tanesiyen’de yeni bir Angariid Gastropod türü, Haymana-Polatlı Havzası, Türkiye

Özet: Kırkkavak Formasyon’unda (Haymana-Polatlı Havzası, Paleosen) erken Tanesiyen’de Turbinidae familyasına ait yeni bir trochoidean türü Angaria calvii n. sp. tanımlanmıştır. Bugüne kadar bilinen en yaşlı Senozoyik Angaria kaydı, Fransa’da Paris Havzası’nda Erken Paleosen’de (Daniyen)’dir. Bu çalışmada Tetis bölgesinde ikinci en yaşlı angariid türü Tanesiyen çökellerinde bulunmuştur, yaş aralığı, birlikte bulunduğu foraminifer-alg topluluğuna göre belirlenmiştir.

Anahtar Sözcükler: Angaria calvii n.sp, erken Tanesiyen, Orthogastropoda, Haymana-Polatlı Havzası, Türkiye

Introduction Paris Basin in France (Pacaud et al. 2000). Here we describe the first discoveries from Kırkkavak hill, Late Palaeocene gastropods of Turkey, particularly representing the first definitive record of angariids from NW and Central Anatolia, are not well-studied in Turkey. Th e of the formation is supported by and there are very few articles dealing with the the foraminiferal assemblages at the Kırkkavak Hill and stratigraphy of this . Stchépinsky locality. (1941) summarized and reported ten species from the Kocaeli region of NW Anatolia. Recently Okan & Hoşgör (2008) listed four ampullinid gastropod Geological Backround species from the Polatlı region (Late Th anetian – A number of Late sedimentary Early Ilerdian). In contrast, Early (Cuisian) basins formed in many localities on the Tauride- gastropod faunas from NW Anatolia (Stchépinsky Anatolide Platform. Th e basins in the central eastern 1946) and from Central Anatolia (Çankırı Basin) part of the platform were formed during Late have recently been intensively studied (Okan & Cretaceous–Early Tertiary time (Şengör & Yılmaz Hoşgör 2009). Th e gastropod record is particularly 1981; Yıldız et al. 2001; Okan & Sirel 2008; Okan & incomplete, with most discoveries represented by Hoşgör 2009). Th e Haymana-Polatlı Basin is located isolated spine and shell fragments. Th e earliest known about 70 km SW of Ankara in Central Anatolia. Cenozoic Angaria [Angaria polyphylla (d’Orbigny Th e material was sampled from the Kırkkavak hill 1850)] is from the Early Palaeocene (Danian) of the (Figure 1) section of the Upper Cretaceous–Middle


N ANKARA N Ankara Sincan N T U R K E Y limestone 0 200 km Gölbaşı Kırkkavak section sandy and clayey

limestone Temelli Kırkkavak H. Kırkkavak Formation Kartal Formation (conglomerate, Macunköy sandstone, marl, limestone) Polatlı Çaldağ Formation (limestone) İkizce Danian

Karahamzalı V. P a l a e o c e n e

1 km Haymana Yenimehmetli NW SE

Yenice 0 20 km

Figure 1. Location, geological map and field photographs of Kırkkavak hill (Okan & Sirel 2008).

Eocene forearc sequence of the Haymana-Polatlı marl and limestones (Kartal Formation, Danian– Basin succession (Koçyiğit 1991), which includes ), while the upper part consists of yellowish, extremely fossiliferous shallow marine beds. Th e thick-bedded limestones with sandy marl interbeds Lower Cenozoic sediments are rich in marine fossil (Kırkkavak Formation, Th anetian). Th e present microbiota and consist of various rock types. Th e gastropod inventory is based mainly on sandy and Palaeocene to middle Eocene parts of the basin clayey limestones outcropping in the Kırkkavak sequence are characterized by abundant and diverse section (Figure 3). Th e Kırkkavak section, measured nummulitds and alveolinids (Özcan et al. 2007). northeast of Kırkkavak hill southwest of Karahamzalı Molluscs are locally abundant in some horizons, Village (Figure 1), is the type locality of Angaria scarce in others (Stchépinsky 1941; Erünal 1942; Okan calvii n. sp. Th is section, containing only Th anetian & Hoşgör 2008). Many researchers have focused on rocks, is composed of limestones, sandy and clayey the stratigraphy, tectonics and general geology of the limestones (Figure 3). area due to the importance of the Haymana Basin sequence in terms of oil potential. Such studies were Micropalaeontology and Palaeoenvironment carried out in diff erent parts of the basin (Figure 2). Th e age of Lower Palaeogene shallow-marine Th e investigated outcrop is situated near carbonate successions of the Haymana-Polatlı Basin Karahamzalı Village, 13 km south of Polatlı (SW has usually been determined using the very rich fauna Ankara) (1: 25000 scale topographic sheet-J28-a2). of larger (Dizer 1968; Sirel 1975, 1998, Th e section starts from Karahamzalı Village and 2009; Sirel et al. 1986; Özcan et al. 2001; Özcan 2002). extends to the north of Kırkkavak hill (Figure Th e sediments of the Kırkkavak Formation yielded 1). Th e Palaeocene sequence, up to 900 m thick, numerous foraminifera that could be studied in thin unconformably overlies Upper rocks and section (Figure 4). Th e sediments containing them can be divided into two conformable units, both were collected in association with the gastropods attributed to the Danian–Th anetian (Sirel 1975, described herein (Figures 3 & 4). Th e benthic 1998, 2009; Sirel & Acar 2008). Th e lower part of foraminifera include Smoutina subsferea, Nummulites the sequence comprises a conglomerate, sandstone, heberti, Spherogypsina globula, Quenqueloculina sp.,


Rotalia sp., Orbitoclypeus sp., Discocyclina seunesi, Valvulina sp., Missisippina sp., Glomalveolina sp.,

ation 1990

Polatlı Glomalveolina primaevea. Other fossils that are Kırkkavak Formation

Kartal Form Duru & Gökçen recognizable in thin section include calcareous red Eskipolatlı Formation Yamak Yeşilyurt algae and bryozoa. A particular Palaeocene element Formation Formation is Distichoplax biseralis, a taxonomically uncertain Çayraz Çaldağ Formation Formation

et al. calcareous red alga (Lithophylloideae) that is Kırkkavak Formation Beldede Kartal Haymana-Polatlı Sirel 1986 Formation generally restricted to this time interval (Rasser et al. Ilgınlıkdere Formation Eskipolatlı Formation Formation Yamak Yeşilyurt Formation Formation 2005).

Çayraz Çaldağ

et al. Serra-Kiel et al. (1998) defined twenty shallow- Formation Formation

Kırkkavak Formation water benthic foraminiferal (SBZ 1–20) Beldede Kartal Ünalan 1976 Haymana-Polatlı Formation Eskipolatlı Formation

Ilgınlıkdere Formation Formation Yamak Yeşilyurt in the Tethyan Palaeocene and Eocene. Th e age of Formation Formation the studied section in the Kırkkavak Formation, Çaldağ Çayraz Formation Formation determined by the rich assemblage of foraminifera, Eskipolatlı Formation Kırkkavak Formation MTA 1975 Beldede Kartal is well constrained. Th e foraminifera indicate a

Haymana-Polatlı Formation Formation Ilgınlıkdere Formation Late Palaeocene (early Th anetian) age. Th is age corresponds to the SBZ 3 benthic foraminiferal zone ation based upon the Serra-Kiel et al. (1998) scheme. Polatlı Sirel 1975 Kırkkavak Formation Eskipolatlı Formation

Kartal Form Benthic foraminifera were the most common

Kartal Formation constituents of Upper Palaeocene–Lower Eocene Formation

Çaldağ shallow-marine carbonates. Th e foraminiferal and

Akarsu 1971 calcareous red algae assemblage are supposed to Eskipolatlı Formation Haymana-Ş.Koçhisar Kırkkavak Formation bear photosymbiontic microalgae, which explains their maximum abundances in oligotrophic, tropical

shallow-marine environments. Additionally, the Çaldağ Haymana Yüksel 1970

Karlıkdağı Formation Formation Gedik Formation Kadıköy Formation problematic alga Distichoplax biseralis and the well- Çayraz Formation Kavak sorted components suggest deposition in a high- Conglomerate energy shallow marine environment (Rasser et al. 2005; Scheibner et al. 2007). Most of the trochoids Harhor Haymana Karlıkdağı Formation Schimidt 1960 Formation can be interpreted as inhabitants of hard substrates Gedik Formation Çayraz Formation Kartal Formation of coral reefs or other shallow-water oligotrophic habitats, where they scraped algae (see Harzhauser 2004). Polatlı Reckamp & Özbey 1960 Eskipolatlı Formation Kırkkavak Formation

Kartal Formation Systematic Palaeontology Çaldag Formation. Figured material is housed in the Paleontological Rigi & Corteseni 1959 Haymana-Polatlı Eskipolatlı Formation Kırkkavak Formation Collections of the Geological Department of Ankara Cuisian Il erdian Montian University, with specimen numbers prefix AU08. OI. Th e systematic study follows the classification of

Study Hickman & McLean (1990) and Bouchet & Rocroi Lütetian Selandian Danian Thanetian

Bartonian (2005). Late Middle Early L a t e E a r l y EOCENE Age P A L E O G E N E Class Cuvier 1797 Figure 2. Correlation of Tertiary units of the Haymana-Polatlı Subclass Orthogastropoda Ponder & Lindberg 1997 Basin succession. Order Salvini-Plawin 1989









Age Lithology Sample no.



Spherogypsina globula Spherogypsina

Valvulina .

Nummulites heberti

Smoutina subsfer

Glomalveolina primaevea

Quenqu loculina

Discocyclina seunesi

Glomalveolina sp.

Angaria calvii n.sp. Distichoplax biseralis


08.K.12. 1

08.K.11. 1

08.K.10. 1

08.K.9. 1 08.K.8. 1 08.K.7. 1 & 7.2

08.K.6.2 E a r l y l r a E

08.K.5. 1 & 5.2


08.K.3.1 08.K.2.1

08.K.1.1 & 1.2 08.K.01 & 02

sandy and clayey Algae Benthic Foraminifera

limestones 10 m 10

Figure 3. Measured stratigraphic section and distributions of benthic foraminifera, calcareous red algae (Lithophylloideae) and Angaria calvii n. sp., in the early Th anetian of the study area.

Superfamily Rafinesque 1815 Angaria calvii n.sp. Family Turbinidae Rafinesque 1815 Plate 1 (Figures a–f) Subfamily Angariinae Th iele 1924 Derivation of Name. In honor of Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Angaria Röding 1798 Salomon-Calvi, the founder of the Geological Department of Ankara University.

Type Species. Turbo delphinus Linnaeus 1758, Recent, Type Material. Holotype and paratype from the type Indo-pacific, (Wenz 1938–1944: figure 742). locality.


2 1

4 3

5 6 7 9


10 11 12

14 13 15 200 μm

Figure 4. Biota, identified in thin section from the Kırkkavak Formation; 1– Smoutina subsferea 08.K.01, 2 – Orbitoclypeus sp., 08.K.10.1, 3– Nummulites heberti 08.K.4.1, 4– Spherogypsina globula, 08.K.02, 5– Quenqueloculina sp., 08.K.2.1, 6– Quenquloculina sp., 08.K.6.2, 7– Discocyclina seunesi., 08.K.5.2, 8– Valvulina sp., 08.K.7.1, 9– Missisippina sp., 08.K.8.1, 10– Glomalveolina sp., 08.K.11.1. 11– Glomalveolina primaevea, 08.K.12.1, 12– Rotalia sp., 08.K.2.1, 13– Dictichoplax biserialis 08.K.11.1, 14– Dictichoplax biserialis 08.K.8.1, 15– Dictichoplax biserialis 08.K.5.1.

Type Locality. Central Anatolia, Haymana Basin, Paratype. Th e specimen illustrated on Plate 1 , Figures Karahamzalı Village, Kırkkavak Hill, Turkey, at GPS d–f. 08.K.11.1. coordinates x: 0425041, y: 4368092, on topographic map sheet-J28-a2, 1: 25000 scale, sandy and clayey Age. Kırkkavak Formation, early Th anetian. limestones units, 08.K.2.1 and 08.K.11.1.

Geographic Distribution. Known only from the type Holotype. Th e specimen illustrated on Plate 1 , Figures locality. a–c. 08.K.2.1.


Dimensions. Holotype 08.K.2.1: Height: 4.4 mm, Description. Shell small, rather thick, evenly convex, Width: 5.8 mm, Height of the last whorl: 2.6 mm, with three to four rapidly increasing penultimate Height of the aperture: 2.1 mm. Paratype 08.K.11.1: whorls. Spire low, slightly elevated. Body whorl large Height: 6 mm, Width: 8.6 mm, Height of the last and ornamented with wavy keel at the periphery whorl: 4 mm, Height of the aperture: 3.1 mm. of the whorl. Suture deep with a fl at sutural ramp ornamented with angular rows of undulate striae on the teleoconch whorls. Last whorl descends to Diagnosis. Shouldered whorls with pronounced aperture. Aperture circular, inner lip and outer lip spines at the periphery, sutures deep, wide umbilicus smooth. A wide and deep umbilicus; the umbilical with dentitions. margin is broadly dented.

























N Angaria permodesta Martin 1914





R Angaria (Angaria) scobina (Brongniart 1823)

Angaria apenninica (Sacco 1896)

Angaria lima Lamarck 1804 LATE

PRIABONIAN Angaria cristata Baudon 1853

Angaria regleyana Deshayes 1832

Angaria pakistanica Eames 1952

Angaria subcalcar d’Orbigny 1850 Angaria doncieuxi Villatte 1964

Angaria calvii n.sp.

MIDDLE Angaria polyphylla (d'Orbigny 1850) Late Palaeocene 0





IS E O C E N E N E C O E U 0 C 60

Turgay Strait E u r a s i a


Black Sea ILERDIAN Depression

France THANETIAN ? Turkey Pakistan 0



Arabian Plate

PALEOCENE African India DANIAN Plate EARLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90

Figure 5. Stratigraphic range and geographic distribution of the most representative Cenozoic (Palaeocene–Early ) Angaria species in the Tethyan-Mediterranean region (Cossmann 1915; Martin 1931; Eames 1952; Moisescu 1972; Llompart 1977; Piccoli & Savazzi 1983; Baldi 1986; Bonci et al. 2000; Pacaud et al. 2000; Harzhauser & Mandic 2001; Harzhauser 2004 and this study). Palaeogeographic map of the Late Palaeocene (redrawn from Smith et al. 1994).


Discussion. Th e superfamily Trochoidea has Mediterranean Alpine fold belt. Th e genus Angaria been described as the diverse clade within the has been reported sporadically in Eurasia, E. Africa Vetigastropoda, and as one of the most diverse and within shallow warm-water faunas from among all marine gastropods. Trochoideans have an to Recent, with a significant radiation extensive fossil record, thought to extend back at least since the Eocene to early (Piccoli 1984). as far as the Middle (Hickman & McLean Known Palaeogene occurrences of Angaria within 1990). Angaria polyphylla (d’Orbigny 1850) (Pacaud the Tethys-Mediterranean region (Palaeocene–Early et al. 2000; figure 2.6) which is strongly reminiscent Oligocene) are summarized graphically in Figure 5, of the Paris Basin (Vigny) shells in its spire whorl based on Cossmann (1915), Martin (1931), Eames shape, diff ers obviously in its spiral ornamentation (1952), Moisescu (1972), Llompart (1977), Piccoli at the adapical suture, and the less rapidly increasing & Savazzi (1983), Baldi (1986), Bonci et al. (2000), whorls. Angaria pakistanica Eames 1952 from the Pacaud et al. (2000), Harzhauser & Mandic (2001) Eocene of Pakistan is larger and diff ers in having a and Harzhauser (2004). Th ese works focus mainly broad-conical shape. Angaria calvii n. sp. is similar on Old World Cenozoic Angaria species. Angaria to Angaria apenninica (Sacco 1896) (Harzhauser has been variously reported as ranging from Early 2004; p. 108, plate 2, figures 12–15) from the Early Palaeocene–Danian [Angaria polyphylla (d’Orbigny Oligocene strata in Western Tethys from France, 1850)] to Early Oligocene (Figure 5). Angaria calvii n. Italy, Greece and as far east as Iran, but diff ers in sp. provides the first evidence that representatives of having a smaller shell, ornamentation on the upper surface of the shouldered whorls and strong spines the family Turbinidae belonging to the genus Angaria on the peripheral angulation of the body whorl. Th e lived in Turkey in the Late Palaeocene. Th is suggests new species somewhat resembles Angaria (Angaria) that central Anatolia was located on the east-west scobina (Brongniart 1823) from the early Oligocene migration route (Figure 5) of the Late Palaeceone– of Romania (Moisescu 1972; p. 69, plate 36, figure Eocene Angaria species. 8) but diff ers in having a deep sutures, strong spines, and a wide umbilicus. Acknowledgements Th is study was supported by Scientific and Conclusions and Palaeobiogeographic significance Technological Research Council of Turkey of the new species (TUBİTAK) under Project YDABCAG239. We are Th e present paper presents Angaria calvii n. sp. grateful to Dr. Ercüment Sirel who helped in the from the Kırkkavak Formation of the Haymana- determination of benthic foraminifera and for his Polatlı Basin near Ankara, Central Anatolia in the help during the field work.


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(a) – (f) Angaria calvii n. sp., Holotype: (a) apical view, (b) lateral view, (c) basal view 08.K.2.1, Paratype: (d) apical view, (e) lateral view, (f) basal view 08.K.11.1. (scale bars 10 mm).


a d

b e

c f