Rams Climax Season New China Letter Tomorrow; See By Fr. Malone; Page 4 THE Page 6

Vol. 18 New York, N. Y., February 26, 1937 No. 15 Symposium/ChurchandWorker' Ticket Sale for Fr. Castiello, S. J., Belloc to To Be Held in Keating Hall Annual Town Hall Speak at Alumnae Symposium Concert Begins Metropolitan Sodality Will Graduate School Professors Discuss Problem Positions Vacant PianoDuetbyT.Hartnett,'38, Prayers Requested to Indict Communism Sunday On "Ram" News Staff and J. Cavagnara, '38, For Pope's Intention at Carnegie The large new lecture room In Keat- The RAM invites all Freshmen To Be Featured ing Hall will be the scene of the only interested in journalism, either The RAM will print a brief arti- Nell C. Merrlgan, president of the appearance of the second intercollegi- as a career or merely as an in- Sale of tickets for the annual Glee cle on the Intention of the Apoa- Fordham University Alumnae Associa- ate sodality aym- teresting extra-curricular activ- Club concert at Town Hall, Tuesday, tleshlp of Prayer League Leaflet tion, announced yesterday that the poslum at Ford- ity, to compete for positions on March 9, began early this week. each month in the future. association will ham this year. The the staff. Competition will be Francis X. The general Intention tor conducta sym- public seminar held this afternoon, at 2:30 P. M., O'Connor, '37, March recommended by Pope poslum on the will begin at 4 in the office of The RAM, St. Chairman of the Plus XI is for those suffering per- Spanish crisis, o'clock, Sunday, John's Hall. Ticket Committee secution for Christ's sake. The March 19, at Car- February 28. Rep- announced that Holy Father commends to our negie Hall, featur- The RAM offers to students prayers a very timely intention, resenting the uni- with journalistic aspirations val- tickets can be se- ing Hilaire Belloc versity will be cured at the Rec- for persecution of the faithful is and Father Jaime uable practice in the tracking widespread. Besides the known John L. Conniff of down of news items; training in reation room in Castiello, S.J. the downtown di- the Freshman persecutions in Russia, Mexico, accuracy and in newspaper writ- Germany and Spain today, even The proceeds of vision, and Leo S. ing, an art cultivated by constant building, and also the symposium Loomte, '38. "The In Keating Hall In other countries there is per- practice, may also be gained. secution, more hidden but per- will be given to Church and the Cafeteria. The ad- the Bishop of Worker" is the Members of the Freshman vance sale gives haps more insidious, in the dis- class are reminded that it is from crimination against Catholics In Toledo to help the topic under dis- every indication victims of Com- J. Conniff their ranks that future editors that the perform- civil, professional, business and cussion. and columnists must be drawn. even social life. munism In Spain. Fr. Caitltllo Last Lent, Fordham offered the sym- ance will equal it Billing the pres- posium twice, in Collins Auditorium F. O'Connor nQt aurpas|J pagt ent situation as a "modern Lepanto," In the Bronx, and also at St. Peter's Glee Club triumphs. and "Civilization vs. Communism," Church, Barclay Street. However, this Seniors to Vote Chairman of the Board of Directors Mendel Club Visits printed prospect! announce that Htl- year both branches of the University Gerard J. Coffey, '37, announced today alre Belloc, author and visiting pro- have combined to offer the joint ap- On Preferences that a piano duet of Timothy E. fessor of history at Fordham Uni- pearance at the uptown campus. Hartnett, '38, and James F. Cavag- Botanical Gardens versity, will trace the question his- When the public conference begins nara, '38, would give renditions of torically. Father Jaime Castiello, S.J., Sunday, upon the platform will be so- 'Maroon' Survey Will Begin Tchaikowsky's "Dark Eyes" and "The Members Conducted on Tour author and professor of Psychology dalists from three other metropolitan Waltz of the Flowers." Coffey stated at Fordham will present the "Soul of colleges, Miss Joan Egan of Georgian Next Week, Says also that reports from Kenneth Mc- to Observe Pests Which Spain." Court, Miss Elizabeth Shortall of Notre Editor Carthy, '37, Chairman of the Corres- Tickets in Keating Dame, and Miss Joan Proskauer, Col- pondence Committee and Thomas R. Prey on Plants Miss Catherine T. Delaney, member lege of St. Elizabeth. Martin F. Hession, '37, editor of ths Casino, '37, Chairman of the Patron of the Alumnae Association Board of Plan of Conference "Maroon," announced yesterday that a Committee, have been most favorable. The Mendel Club, led by the presl Directors, said at the same time that The historical development of the survey of Senior preferences would be Emmett Eaton, '37, assistant to Gen- dent, William L. Mullin, '37, journeyed tickets would be available in Keating crisis in the relations between Church eral Chairman William A. Coogan re- north to the New York Botanical Gar- Hall before and after each of the and Worker, studded with word pic- initiated next week. vealed plans for a Glee Club alumni dens last Thursday to observe the current Belloc lectures. Those who tures of the ex-Catholic laborer and his The ballot will determine the most meeting scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 28. methods used in warring on the pests wish to order tickets may do so at the new-found allegiance to Communism popular man In the Senior class, favor- It will be an informal affair, con- prevalent in the greenhouse. University book store. Miss Delaney and materialism will be given by Miss ite author of the class, best dressed sisting of a rehearsal in the afternoon The students were met at the gates called attention to the sentiments Egan. The teaching of the Church, Its Senior, favorite girls' school and sev- and refreshments in Keating Hall in of the large Conservatory by Mr. George noted on the advertising bills. "As is doctrines on Justice and Love, the Mys- eral other Items which will not be an- the evening. Rau, Research Entomologist, who stated in our advance notices, we feel tical Body of the Church, and the Liv- nounced until the preference voting acted as guide throughout the tour. He that the Spanish situation is mo- ing Wage will be outlined by Leo S. has been started. pointed out many specimens of the mentous for the entire Christian Com- Loomie. NOVENA OF GRACE more serious pests which prey upon the monweal. Spain's Inheritance, her con- The refutation of the charge that Subscription! Solicited BEGINS THURSDAY plant life In the greenhouses and of- tribution to the common patrimony the Church has let the worker down In an effort to stimulate undergrad- uate Interest In the "Maroon," the sub- fered several methods used In effecting of Christian thought and culture 1B (Continued on page 8) The annual Novena of Grace In their destruction. "Formerly," he said, our glory as well as hers. It is not our scription committee has been visiting "we have relied mainly on chemical sys- each class during the past week. As a Honor of St. Francis Xavier, the (Continued on page 7) Patron of the Apostleshlp of Prayer, tems such as the use of Insecticides, but result of the personal contacts with now we are trying to carry on the bat- February Monthly undergraduates the- committee stated will be held from March 4 to March tle by the Introduction of the pests' that the Freshman, Sophomore and 12. Devotions for this Novena, which natural enemies." Schizophrenia in Makes Appearance Junior classes have indicated their consists of the recital of the prayers, willingness to cooperate with the staff will be held three times each class day Due to the various sources from in making the "Maroon" a financial in the Sacred Heart Chapel at 8:45 which the plants are obtained, there are "Fordham-France" John C. Madigan, '37, Lays success. A.M., 12.10 P.M. and 2:15 P.M. Leaf- all species of insects brought in with War Guilt in Spain Half the copy to be used in the lets for the Novena will be distributed them. While these have not had the •Maroon" has been sent to the printer. to all students. opportunity to do serious damage in Editor Writes Review of to Communism Included are action pictures such as their native lands, owing to the ene- 'The Eternal Mask'; those of the one-act plays printed in The Novena is discussed on page 0 mies which they encounter, when The February Issue of the "Fordham The RAM last week. by Fr. T. Malone, '25. (Continued on page 7) Other Articles Monthly" appeared on the campus last Thursday. In its popular new format, A review of the current foreign psy- It offered a group chological motion picture, "The Eternal of articles on a What, Where, and Why are Quake Detectors? Mask," is featured in this month's issue wide range of sub- of the "Fordham- jects, France," which Of note in this Fr. /. /. Lynch, S. /., Explains Seismographs appeared on the Issue are two es- campuB this week. s a y s presenting By JAMES J. LYONS JR. often expressed surprise that we are The article, which widely divergent Fordham University Is proud of many able to locate an earthquake here that is written by Emll views of just who things. Its notable achievements in tho is occurring thousands of miles away. D. Criscitiello, '37, is responsible for arts, In law and in science have been The answer is, we don't record it, the Editor, deals with Spain's civil war. widely and well sung, But its proudest earthquake records itself. It doesn't re- the split personal- John C. Madigan, moment of nil In the latter field will qulro the talents of a Sherlock Holmes ity in the Him, a '37, In his "Don come one day next month when the to determine the name of a caller in our form of psycho- Moscow," lays the vault of its Seismic Observatory, here absence If the visitor has left his card. logical aberration Maine at the door on the campus, Is thrown open to admit And that's just what the quakes do. We which Is termed of 0 o m m u nlsm J. Madlgan a three-quarter ton seismograph, the supply the pen, the ink and the paper schizophrenia. while Joseph V. newest and most sensitive earthquake and tho quake obligingly writes out its Other contribu- Dolan, '39, in "Nostra Culpa," rogurds detector in the world. own name." tions include an Spanish Catholics as responsible be- essay entitled E. Crlscltlello cause of a sin of omission in not ap- Double Duty A Further Explanation "Providence in History" by John Dunn, plying to Spain the social principles Imported from California, the nin- Could Father elucidate this expla- '38, which asks why history has not °' "Quadrageslnio Anno" and "Rerum chine will make the Fordham Seismic nation? Ho could. First of nil, you prob- been Interpreted from the theological Novarum." Likewise dealing with the Station well nigh perfect, which for ably want to know Just what the seis- point of view. Robert L. Clancy, '38, ProBent "status quo" of tho Church and •cars has Interpreted tho onrth's mograph is. It Is the fountain pen used has written a sympathetic essay on the throat o£ Communism, Is Jnnies M. tromors, both real and fantastic for by the quake to write Its own signa- John Brown In whtch he tries to re- Somervllle's, '37, "The Unity of Error." millions of Now Yorkers, To scientists ture. Its ossontlal part is a delicately habilitate the character of the famous In a lighter vein are James M. all over tho world Fordham in render- supported pendulum, the tip of which abolitionist. James Somorvllle, '37, Keogan's, '37, "A Prosent-Day Menace," Ing service of epochal Importance by Is oqulvnlently tho penpolut. When the continues his "Travels In Europe" and W, doll, Taaffe's, '38, "Crlmo and Senti- locating accurately nud describing the quake occurred in India the whole earth this month he describes the beauty and ment," Robert J. King's, '39, "Every- magnitude of quakoB all over tho globe, quivered and, as tho quiver passed grandeur of the continental mountain body's Friend," and Thomas A. Roy- tho mlnuto they occur, Important ulso through tho ground under our deli- ranges. Holds, HO, "The KoBponslblllty of Being to laymen are tho words of comforting cately supportod pendulum, It made the Sane," dealing respectively with tho •oassurauco Hint frequently pass over pendulum qulvor and tilts qulvor was Gerard C. Durr, '39, offers an article tho Physios Department telephone*. on the International Exposition to be useloBsness of harbor-polos, a change In FR. J. JOSEPH LYNCH, 8.J. traced out by tho pen on our paper "io attitude toward tho criminal, the Many a Bronx housuwlfe hits buun mivod record boiieatli It, giving us the signa- hold In Paris next summer, while John ''"Biieuslbllltlos of dlroctlng pooplo, and from hysteria by tho knowliidKi) that UK Home general IIIIIIDUH about the ture of tho quake, II. Darby, '37, nflks tho question, "Is tho rumblo which broke hor (IIHIIOH wan There Any Art In CommunlBiu?" and ovlcloncea of lucidity. 1 xctleiii'ii of Hi'lmiHilnKy and about his Hut at this stage tho work of the Among tho nooinB are "Fiimo," by not a rocurronco uf thu Vtlmi dlmmtm diltlim IIH Now York's earthquake ox> nuBWorg it in tho nogatlvo, Tho one but a onnBtruotlon company bluHtlni? In earthquake man la still far from com- short story In tho Issue Is "The Man Oorard J. Carney, MO, and "ltofuta- perl. pleted, Tho i|iiako, having been detect- Hun," by Charles n, llyriiG, '88, Tho Urn next block, Who Played Death" by Caesar Alto- Fiithor J. Josoph Lynch, S.J., head ol Well Mannered Qunkei ed, must now bo mattnllled, This can bo mul'o, '38, FroBlminn authors who have I'uvlow of "Tho bettors of Mrs. Honry "HulsinoloKlBlH," BUUI Father Lynch, done In throe ways, mechanically, oloc- Adams," by jamoB J, Walsh, '8-1, la tho 1'hyslcB Departniunt anil Observa- also submitted contributions for the tory nifootor, uraoloualy took tlmu off "are Ion

f NOTES from t DEAU] HALL Ramblinqs Vol. 17 New York, February 26, 1937 No. 15 GENERA!.. FRANCO AND THE Editor.In.Chiit FREEMASONS by Charlie Harriett Jr. H#!m Jamea A. Donovan Business Manager Managing Editor Quite recently a New York news- ' Edmond J. Tehan Thomas B. Lotus paper requested General Franco to THOSE CLASSROOM MUNCHAUSENS ' Sportt Editor Ais't Sports Editor answer two questions of vital interest They thrill J/OK and fill you with dubious tales John P. Shanley Newa Board James Duggan to Americans. The first question had Of Paris and Pisa and Warsaw and Wales, Donald J. Gormley Justin McCarthy '38 John Mcdurty 'S8 Leo S. IiOomte '38 to do with Catholicism. If the rebels They rave of Florence and Chartres and Rheims Newe Staff were victorious, what position would And put to shame a drug addict's dreams. . -Martin F. Henslon George D, Lewie, '39 John M. Keavey, '39 the Catholic Church have in the eyes "Just back from Miami by plane, you fcnoio." Jamea J. Lvons, Jr., 'M Qerard Cosgrove '39 Bruno audantl (In the Winter time they do SO hate the snowl) . T; Baxter Wentworth V Edward Ooett '39 Richard Breen '40 Jf the new government of Spain? In "I ski in the Alps for my Summer fun." William D. Ward, '40 the second question the general was Sports Staff (From June to September they ab-hor the sun I) ' :Gabrlel Cuoolo '39 Edward Lund William W. Love '38 isked whether or not he was a free- But their motive, at least, is to entertain, ..' .Robert A. Johnson William Mulligan '39 Francis Shelley '38 mason. Joseph T. Hartman, ' Thomas McLaughlln '39 And their efforts I find I can't wholly disdain; To the first question General Franco Yet the kings of their tribe I could kill with a look— Business Staff replied that he would try and estab- $MH William A. Pilster '38 Robert Johnston '39 Those Ham who "never take home a book I" ish a concordat between the Catholic , Matthew Dooney '39 Art Contributors Reference Manager John W. Hayes, '39. Church and the State, a aettlement Circulation Manager Warren King '38 Daniel J. Branntgan which would protect the rights of both STACCATO ; George W. Fuller Donald Gormley ind enable them to function harmonl- Photography Editor! Reference Staff Circulation Staff jusly together. To the second question Student passbooks for last Saturday's game with N. Y. U. were at a premium Charlee McNulty James A. Ormsby John Needham '.he answer was a flat denial. Neither ... for the first time since football season. . . Tim Cohane, '35, Fordham Pub- Robert P. Enrlght 'SB John J. O'Connor '39 Michael Monaghan '39 le nor any of his men would have any- llcity Director of Athletics, said that the streak of the Cavanaghmen was |||. Inn Oeliki•rr ta In ly Iht SMtnta il :ause of Ita aubveralve tendencies In FanHuK Callisi. Fardhni Unlwilty, Fordftui Rail and Third Ava.„, N«-« Yirk. 12.M uiburlf Greenhouse back of St. John's Hall. .. . Scientists are supposed to have either Han srlaa. Cirtarad ai aacaiid alau tnaltar Ottaear I, Itll. at tha Patt 0*11 si N.« Ywk, N. V. iontinental Europe. To many of us who live in complete no sense of humor or at least a twisted one . . . draw your own conclusions /( ia tht policy of this paper to present news and other features of interest to mrmony with men whom we know to from the following conversation between one of our fellow reporters and some Fordham men, ami in so doing to uphold the best traditions of Fordham and of unknown in the Biology Dep't . . . "Hello, this it a reporter from The RAM the press. le masons, with men whom we respect is good citizens and gentlemen, this calling. .... Who? . . . The RAM. ... Oh, all right, juat hold your horns." attitude of the General seems ridicu- Ah, well, they have to study pretty hard. . . . Warren King and Bill Schirmer lous. And we are puzzled because the of Junior, Maroon mermen, will swim In the National A.A.U. Championships at Church condemns what Franco con- Yale. . . . Fellows who have claaset in Keating Hall generally park their cars lemns—and just as roundly. What is ilongtlde the building, despite repeated warnings. . . . They won't any more There Is No Room since the air was let out of the tiret on all the cart latt Friday morning. he explanation? According to a Dealy Hall informative, Peter Wellenberger, '40, la carrying the The reaaon la given by Leata Web- •arch for a young lady from upstate . . . who wat recently selected as N. V. • The overcrowded condition of the legal profession in New York City iter in her clasaic work, "Secret So- State's Beauty Queen.... Marty Heasion, '37, Maroon Editor, advises us to in- has long;been obvious to all. Deplored in editorials, heartlessly caricatured Hetles." There are in reality two groups form you that the yearbook will feature more newt of undergraduates... for if Masonic Lodges: (1) the variety circulation's take. 'bySeyer^omedian, the bread-line barrister has swiftly become an accepted vorked In the British Empire, Holland, Sweden, and America, and figure irfthe public mind. New point was given the situation last week when St. John's Hall note . . . from the dormies of said Hall we hear that the (2) the variety known as the Grand new regime" prefect is singing, "You, You're Driving Me Crazy," to those under the Dean of Columbia Law School commented in no uncertain terms upon Orient. Theae last prevail In Catholic [is care.... As our office is in the same building we well understand the reason. lountries auch aa Spain and France. • the numerous members of the New York Bar whose'offices are in their1 . . Joe Kelly of Soph was no little perturbed last week to learn that the object They are violently anti-religious in gen- f his affections had sent 32 valentines to residents of Dealy Hall ... In; proverbial hats. Declaring that their predicament must be faced and reme- eral and militantly anti-Catholic in orilance with the rules of her sorority. ... Joe Schilling of Senior established lartlcular. "We freemasons must pur- died, Dean Smith decreed a scholastic pogrom on undesirable students. new record on the R.O.T.C. rifle range when he shot 197 out of a possible 200, lue the definite demolition of Cath- .. In twenty shots from fifty feet out he hit an eighth of an inch bullseye seven- llclsm" reada a bulletin of the Grand With the wolf staging a sit-down strike at their doors, thousands of jrlent (1885). This purpose is not hid- ;een times. . . .Page Billy the Kid. . . . Jack Qulnn, '40, won a dance contest at young lawyers have turned to other means of earning a livelihood. The len by them. They boast of It. But itoadside Rest last week ... and will compete in the finals some time in March. . Jack Is a smooth dancer ... as distinguished from a "smoothie." . .. The various departments of the WPA abound in men most intimate with Black- ihat ia moat dangerous In this form f freemasonry ia WHAT IS CON- Inie has come when Jack Benny and Fred Allen, radio comics of the first rank, stone. It is argued, of course, that Law is a splendid preparation for any field CEALED BEHIND IT. For the mem- hould realize a little feud goes a long way. . . . Get Dick Healy of Senior to do iis imitations. . . . Anything from a canary in scng to a train in something Di- of activity. To which the obvious retort is, that the time was assuredly lera are enlisted In a cause which Is inknown to them. ther Speaking of feuds, as we were a moment ago ... there is an Italian feud not wasted, yet might have been far more profitably employed. A working between Louis Mlcclo and Hermes Secondarl of Soph . . . since the former The three craft degrees (blue ma- :harged that the latter's pronunciation of Italian was slang. . . . There will be knowledge of statutory and substantive Law is a valued asset to any busi- lonry) are nothing more than a sorting ness man; but we can leave it at that. ;round from which likely candidates no duel... sorry.... ire picked. In the upper degrees, the There are several reasons for the overcrowding in New York City. nembers feel that they have been on are reminded of the Business Forum's Dance, St. Patrick's Eve, in Keating Obviously, the first to be cited must refer to prevailing economic conditions. idmitted to all the secrets of the order. Hall . . . with the bids costing $1.50. ... A letter from Holy Cross announces Yet in addition to such general grounds for financial distress, there are 3ut in fact, they know only partially hat the Metropolitan Club will hold its annual Easter Dance in the Commodore .he goal towards which they are tend- with Clyde "Sugar Blues" McCoy on hand to provide the music. . . . Dick Fen- others more pertinent to the legal profession. A popular delusion under ing. The true masters who conceal nelly of Soph can't shave until St. Patrick's Day .. . unless he wants to lose his which many of another generation still labor is that Law connotes passing themselves behind high-grade masonry bet with classmates. ... A recent news bulletin claiming that "one Is sober if the Bar Examination, then a life of physical case, comparative wealth and )elong to the "Inner Circle." Admission he Is able to say, 'Susie sat In the soup,' " has Gene Ryan, '37, all a dither these days.. .. Seems he's wondering about poor Susie. . . . With the next trimester I unending security. Two maxims becloud their vision: you are a "professional ;o this circle may or may not be a natter of degrees. It Is rather a ques- this Monday, Gene will have plenty to wonder about.. . . Harry Zarlk of Fresh- man" and "your own master." All objections concerning overcrowding are ion of aptitude. This Inner and invis- man claims he was an old friend of Warner Brothers' latest tinging find, Jean met with an understanding nod but that unfortunate American anachronism, ible masonry is to a large extent Madden ... which has not got his fellow boarders all a dither.. •. Seniors going "There's always room for a good one," It is precisely this attitude toward nternational. nto Med School include Al Swenson and Jack Riordan, who will study at (To be continued) Flower and Dan Kelleher at Columbia. . . . There must be some reason for Jim the legal profession that has made thousands of young New Yorkers the vic- The Student Counselor. Hedley, '37, staying about the Chem Bldg. after hours.... By the way, we advise tims of a bitter hoax. you ., . let's make it stronger ... we warn you to avoid the film, "Champagne Waltz." . . . The director must have gone mad making It. ... We went mad Other factors spring to mind. The intensely political arena which is New What Belloc Said This Week watching It. ... This week's March of Time note Is that the coffee in the York life offers temptation to the college graduate who feels that his Dis Cafeteria is Improving . . . but there's still a long way to go. ... Trimester theme song, "Why Didn't I Start to Study Sooner?" . . . You won't mind if we trict clubhouse is in dire need of his services—with ample reward. This In the third lecture of the series IO out and get an aspirin.... And If you're good we'll bring one back for you, too. is the lad who usually spends several years after Law School anxiously at Keating Hall, Hilaire Belloc, de- scribing the advent of the Catholic awaiting a receivership. There is undoubtedly a wealth of opportunity Faith to the Roman Empire, said: A SENIOR CONTRIBUTES along such lines in New York City; men of talent and integrity are badly "It was not Christianity that came Tom Canning of Senior writes . . . "Rumblings of Senior Week are already needed. But the avenues to political fame and fortune are already thronged o the world, It was the Catholic on the way and the second trimesters still to come. . . . Ounrded Inquiries araoii! Church—" the more optimistic of the Class of 1937, 'Who Is running for Chairman of Senior by a jostling crowd of wayfarers. Week?' reminds one of John Donovan's 'quickie' Interview in this column. "The Church was not one of many 1 1 There are two remedies for the situation. The rising generation of New eliglons, not the winning horse In "The '35 RAMBLER sauntered up to a present-day alumnus in the Rei . Ha' and Inquired, 'Who's backing you for Chairman of Senior Week?' The you"? Yorkers must understand that the idol of Law has extremely large feet of crowded field, it was an organization which claimed authority, the absolute man in question just shook I'IB head and said, 'I'm not running.' John, with»H clay, Secondly, sweeping action must be taken by the Law Schools. Ad right to guide the lives of men; the the wit of a spirited RAMBLER, got off this nifty, 'Oh, so you're the guy!"' mission requirements must be raised higher and higher; students who are others were merely myths and sym objectionable in more ways than scholastic standing must be eliminated hols—" THE GLEE CLUB GOES TO TOWN (HALL) The character of the men should be subjected to the closest scrutiny. The "The Church was resisted by vlo- The years slip around fast and the months even faster. It doesn't seem three ence, but It was this violence that years since as a Freshman we attended our first Glee Club concert In Town Hall' New York Bar is cluttered up with an army of shysters whose legal ethics gave It permanence—" We went first out of Freshman curiosity, sat In the balcony In the fifty «nl sin9 are below reproach. Such a condition does more than discredit the finer "It was persecuted because it repre- seats. During the past two years we have gone nines we appreciate good j members of the profession—it makes for maladministration of justice. sents perfection; and perfection Is al- Ing and are a bit amazed at how well the boys are trained. Although we still ways a challenge, sit In the half dollar seats. Tuesday night, the 9th of March, Is the date of this. We have no desire to become debunkers. Law is still a profession o: the fourteenth annual concert. Come yourself and bring your friends. Show "The Church was a state within r fellm tremendous value to both individual and state; it still presents opportunity, people you recognize good music and appreciate real endeavor by y°" state; it challenged the political union students. But it must be driven home to thousands of students in New York City thai of society, and persecution was the re' such opportunity is not limitless. And on the other hand, the Law Schooli suit. "The coming of the Church innrkei. IN WHICH DETERMINATION WINS OUT have a moral duty to the community that the legal profession in New York the dawn of civilization;— we are now Several months ago, it fellow KAM-StulTer, by uuinn, flabu Cui'i'ln, .!•'. |' is not permanently impaired by miscreants and incompetents, In the evening of our olvlllzation, and to us and mentioned a plan which ho and Beviu-iil olhur young men lmil ["' ' p. the nightfall may be upon us." duclng a magazluo dedicated to young men. After ninny setbacks uuil < •' pointments the first Issue of the publication entitled "I'RKl1," niip1'"1'1'"; ^ circulation does not yet oqual thnt of Collier's. Yet each Issue bring" """'' *jt Patronage or Principles? Bcrlptlons, We sincerely hope this magazine, of which Cucolo Is lOtlHoi. • Fordham Student success. The size of the venture, scared un whim we first heard of it' ""' 'r Edits Magazine have gone ahead determined to HUCCOCII. And It looks ntt though Hi')' Moving with decision yet dignity, the Roman Catholic Bishops of New The March Issue of I ho maga- ABOUT CAMPUS DANCES York State struck out this week at one of the most subversive measures evei zine PREP, edited by Gabriel F, framed in the —that misnomer of all misnomers, the "Chili Clicolo, '3D, and Victor 3, Dl Plore, Labor Bill," The danger of the act was convincingly exposed at the Alban; 'Sfi, features mi article by Wil- liam McQurn, '35, former editor hearing, despite a fervent pica by Fiorcllo H, La Guardia which was mon o[ The RAM, ontltled "Don't Namely, the business of selecting outside music to play at Fordham i noted for its bombast than its logic. Print Thlsl" dances, There are three ohapB In Senior, Larry Sperandel, Johnny B •- ^(| In tht) muiio IHHUO Arthur Mul- Fred Querkln, who have orohostrnB we would class as "swell." Now, s, If patronage should cause State Assemblymen to desert principles, aiv heard Harry Arnold, In fact know him, like his muslo and him P01'8 " j ii llKiin, '30, lust year's BiiortH Kdl- 1 the machine passes this attack on liberty, the voters of New York sliouli tin1 unuti'lliiitod ii short story, no one think we are directing thlB note at him. It just seems that "j ^ there are good orohostras amontj the students a more Maroon atmos|>l'«ie remember certain names at the polls next November. prevail If they were selected to provide the motive for dancing. FORDHAM RAM, FEBRUARY 26, 1937 PAGE 3 German Society FORDHAM'S SEISMOGRAPH VAULT—BEST IN WORLD Ram Means Butchery To Hold Banquet To Chinese Postman St. Patrick's Eve The following excerpt is taken from the letter by Father Malone, '25, on page 6. Attendance To Be Limited "Not long after arriving at San- to Forty Banqueters; clan, the Chinese postman came in with a copy of The RAM, He Meeting Today had a quizzical look on his face. 'What's the matter,' I said, 'do I Hnrold E. Spille, '37, president of the owe you some postage?' 'Not at Fordham German Club, has announced all, Shin Fou,' says he, 'but I was that the sixth annual German Banquet wondering at that goat's head on will be held on the paper. Have you friends in March 16 at the the butcher business?' I ex- Franciskaner Res- plained that the Ram's head is taurant. the emblem of Fordham's teams Because of its and that my Alma Mater didn't tremendous popu- turn out butchers—but that when larity In past It came to slaughtering an oppos- years, the club has ing line, they can do a pretty nice decided to limit job. Then I turned over to the the attendance to sports page and showed him pic- forty. However, tures of the football players. this limitation is 'Boy,' he said, 'those fellows must not expected to eat a lot of pork.' " dim in any way the frivolity which tradition- ally prevails at H. Spille this function. The usual price of two dollars Is to be charged. Fr. Charles J. Deane, S.J., Dean of Studies, has been invited to attend as guest of honor and will be asked to say a few words to the members. William FR. LYNCH EXPLAINS Hlrten, '36, president of last year's club, Belloc Describes Dean Forbids Use is also expected to attend. NEW SEISMOGRAPH Entertainment will be provided by Advent of Faith the talented members of the club. With (Continued from page 1) Of College Name the exception of the beer and food, the cally. The most sensitive seismographs most popular features of the evening now at Fordham magnify the motion YOU MEAN Spirit of Despair Prepared Connection With Fordham THIS NEW will be a rendition of a Danubian Waltz Roman Empire For of the ground about 2,000 times. The PIPE? by Terence M. Hoverter, '37, and Daniel new seismograph when It is put into Often Claimed to Win V. Duff, '37, and a mock impersonation Christendom by Harold Spille. All those desiring to operation will be 50 times as efficient, Patronage attend are asked to be present at the The advent of Christendom to the magnifying the movements 100,000 The following announcement has club meeting today. times. Graeco-Roman Empire was the subject been issued from the office of Rev- of the second lecture delivered by Hil- Quakes Eailly Distinguished erend Charles J. Deane, S.J., Dean of aire Belloc, noted English historian and You can't help but wonder, If you've Studies: Fordham Debaters "No Fordham student has been au- author, in Keating Hall Friday. read this far, how the record of one SAVED ENOUGH quake can be told from another. Con- thorized to solicit magazine subscrip MONEY SMOKING Outlining the civil, religious and so- tlons in Fordham's name. In view of Attack Rule By cial trends of the Empire prior to Chris tinuing in the same metaphor Father I0CIWORTHJR! Lynch explains, "Just as every person the many imposters, none will be au- TO BUY IT. tianity, Belloc declared that it was a thorized. There are many who solicit 'Nine Old Men' has a Christian and a family name so spirit of despair that eventually made subscriptions saying that they are too haB every quake, in the form of a the sovereignty ripe for the coming of Fordham students and are paying their the new faith. This despair, Belloc said, double quiver. The first of these pushes way through college by this means Lee, McHale Argue Check on was a result of the failure of the people or compresses the earth ahead of it and Some evidently have letters with Court With Villanova of the period to arrive at a state of travels five miles a second. The second forged signatures. They collect money certitude or to discover doctrines in twists and shakes the earth from side and the magazines are never received OverWIP,WMCA to side as it travels and averages but which they could believe and for which We are continually getting complaints 'CAUSE THERES NO three miles a second. The farther an they might live. that the students of our medical and WASTE. SMOKES SWEET Fordham's debaters Journeyed to observatory is from the scene of a dental schools solicit subscriptions. AND MILD DOWN TO Describing the Empire's civil struc Philadelphia to debate the fate of the quake, the longer will be the interval Apparently no one even knows of the THE HEEL. IT'S CREAT ture, Belloc minimized the influence of "Nine Old Men" with Villanova Mon- between the arrival of the two quivers, non-existence of these schools. its deeds of conquest on the spread of day. Myles McHale and Vincent Lee, and the more drawn out will he the Roman civilization. It was, he said, "There are others who run dances both of Senior, upheld the affirmative signature of the quake. We can easily the factor of coalescence rather than and other benefits claiming they have for Fordham against William Differ recognize the signature of the quake by conquest that exerted the most pro- the backing of Fordham University, and Robert Carroll on the question, these quivers. If they are recorded close found influence on the Empire's that Fordham University is represented "Resolved, that Congress be enabled by together, the quake is near at hand, the growth. on the committee, etc. a two-thirds majority to override deci- exact distance being calculated at once "At times it would seem that the sions of the Supreme Court declaring by measuring carefully just how far students of our schools, together with acts of Congress unconstitutional." apart the quivers are on our record, others who are not at Fordham, spon- The discussion was aired over Station Library Secures which is marked automatically every sor dances and do not hesitate to use WIP in Philadelphia and WMCA here, second by the clock. the name of the college as a means but an unexpected encounter with the New Publications of getting patronage. Such a situation Queen Mary interrupted the broadcast The Mighty Trio shall not be tolerated." from the local station. The remarks of Father Lynch sat back, but we were not completely enlightened. We saw McHale, opening the argument, were Biography Chief Subject; NOTED IIS THE PRESS abruptly short-circuited and listeners Works by Belloc, how the seismograph could tell the dis- found the scene shifted to the arrival tance of a quake from the observatory of the gesticulating movie star, Zasu Goldstein but how could It tell just where It was? The persistent superstition that all Pitts, on the British liner. Fortunately That was an easy one for Father Lynch. things happen in threes popped up Miss Pitts confined her arrival to New Biography heads the list of newly We use a whole family of seismo- again in a metropolitan newspaper York City and the presentation over acquired books at Duane Library graphs. We could tell by the long drawn with a Fordham graduate as Its chie character. Dr. Oscar Pallatuccl, '30 WIP was not interrupted. among which are also a number of out signature of a quake that It was 7,600 miles away hut with jUBt one seis- attached to Fordham Hospital, wa: Fordham centered the major portion works on sociology, psychology, relig- recently called to the scenes of thre of the attack on the Supreme Court mograph in use we could not tell ion and history. whether it was in India or Chile which fatal accidents In one day. All th upon the "present position of nine old accidents occurred along elevatei men as an obstacle to progress." Vll- Hilaire Belloc, now on Fordham Uni- are both the same distance away. There versity's faculty, Is represented by fore we must employ three instruments lines and all three victims died befor lanova replied by asserting the impar- Dr. Pallatucci could reach them. tiality of the court and its status as "an "Characters of the Reformation," which of any one type, one of which responds unpopular but blnmolesH umpire." A only to motions from the north and contains short life histories of the out- south, another only to those from the decision was left to an audience vote. standing figures of that period. "Wil- FOUNDED IN 1841 James Somervllle, '37, and Alphonse east and west, and a third which tells us della Pietra, '37, condemned futllely the liam Hogarth; the Cockney's Mirror," whether the ground is pushed up or extension of consumer cooperatives in by Marjorle Bowen, is a biography of pulled down as a result of the quake. a debate against Holy Cross in Mont- that great painter with thirty-one plates Piecing all three together we get a clear Fordham flair, N. J., Sunday evening. This was picture of distance, direction and mag- of his portraits and paintings, David nitude." the first intercollegiate debate for della Goldstein, zealous convert to Catholt- Pietra who spoke lust for Fordham. The Why Are Seismologists? University clsm from the Jewish faith and a former judges who delivered a split verdict for Having been given a general picture Fordham Road at Third Avenue Holy Cross were the Hev. James F. Socialist, tells "the story of 30 years of how quakes are detected we had but Adjoining Bronx Park Kelly, president of Seton Hall College; In the Catholic Church" In "Autobiog- one question left, why are they de- NEW YORK CITY tected? What practical use is an earth- Fr. John P. Smith, S. J., director of de- raphy of a Campaigner for Christ." quake observatory? Limited space pre- limits for St. Peter's College, and George Other Subjects CONDUCTED BY THE naute, college uml address IHmitli contributor to the Commonweal vents a detailed recounting of Father Lynch's answer but briefly It Is this. JESUITS on the wrapper)—mid we "Social DootrlneB of the Catholio Fordham College ...Fordham Rd. will send your pouch. Ouly Seismology evolves Itself into four lines School of Law one to a customer. Church," by Robert 0. Brehemer, Is of Investigation and tremendous prog- Woolworth Dldg and Fordham Rd. College of Pharmacy.Fordham Rd. Debates Scheduled "an attempt by n non-Catholic" to con- ress hns been made in all four. They are Fordham College, Manhattan Dlv. cisely nnd accurately give "the teach- these, a study of the nature of the Woolworth Bids. For Coming Week School of Social Service SPECIAL ings of tho Catholio Church In matters earth's Internal structure, of the use of Woolworth Bldg. seismology in prospecting for coal, oil OFFER AHihonse tlellu l'lotrn, '37, und social, economlo nnd political." Graduate School nnd similar materials, of the construc- Woolworth Bldg and Fordhum Rd. Mdwnrd Sclimldleln, '37, take the "This Creature, Man," Is a new psy- Teachers College negative against New York Uni- tion of quake proof buildings und the Woolworth Bldg and Fordham Rd. chological work by Fr. Jamos Francis prediction of the arrival of quukes. School of Business Administration vorsity, March 3, on the question Woolworth BldB. Lnriii & lire. Co., Illehiiuntil, V>. Barrett. It doals with man's constitu- The Fordham Quake "Unsolved, that the extension of tion under two asnectB, "The Humnn Summer School Fordham Rd. F.uelowil I'...il lilt ami one ln

Subscribe Now! PEnnaylvuiiiu 0-1)5'* ASK FOR CHARLIE HARNETT. Jr., '37 ATwater 9-3000 EDDY DELL'S MUSIC otKis, hiv,—Nt'w Yttrli (lily's l.mnvst l'ovtl "Younger Set's Favorite" FORDHAM RAM, FEBRUARY 26, 1937 PAGE 7 Hughes Discusses MENDEL CLUB VISITS Many Volunteer ALUMNAE SYMPOSIUM PREFECT GENERAL BOTANICAL GARDENS Minimum Wages As Gatechists (Continued from page 1) VISITING FORDHAM (Continued from page 1) part to allow her to tight this new Lepanto alone." Fr. Edward B. Rooney, S.J., Prefect With Catholic U. brought here they are freed from these Fordham Students Working Miss Marie Marique is chairman of General of Studies for the Colleges of and they thrive upon the plants. There the symposium which will include a the Maryland-New York Province, be- is one species ot Insect, known as Aphis, Now in West Side program of Spanish music by the Plus gan a tour of Inspection of Fordham Dooney, Hogan and Keavey X Choir of liturgical music at the Col- on Monday, February 15. Fr. Rooney which, unmolested by parasitic enemies Settlement has been visiting the various classeB, Defend Wages, Hours and living in proper atmosphere, multi- lege of the Sacred Heart, Manhattan- The call issued at Sodality meetings vllle. Tickets are priced at $1.50, $1.00, questioning them and ascertaining the Legislation Plies so rapidly that in one season they two weeks ago for catechetical directors $.75, and $.50. progress they have made during the would outweigh the whole population has been answered with great enthu- year. The Hughes Debating Society co of the world. From two Aphids weigh- siasm. Thomas A. Mitchell, '37, who ducted its third Intercollegiate contest ing one milligram, there would result a is organizing a religious and social club of the year last Thursday afternoon for young men at the Casita Maria progeny weight of 822,000,000 tons. House on West 110th Street, Manhat- King's when it met a At yesterday's meeting of the Mendel tan, was well pleased with the large VERY SORRY TO SAY team from Catho- Club, Edward Stearns, '28, now em- number of volunteers. lic University of Restaurant ployed by a mm of exterminators, ad- Now working at this settlement house THAT IN Washington on dressed the club on "Termites." During are, besides Mitchell, Benjamin Stabile 373 E. FORDHAM ROAD the question, "Re- the course of his talk, he thanked '37, Eugene O'Brien '38, Edward Mor- NEW YORK CITY solved; that Con- Father Joseph Assmuth, S. J., to whom tola '38, James Nally '37, Malcolm Het- Jxealing (riall gress should have he said, he owes all his knowledge of zer '37, James Keegan '37, John Meade STUDENT LUNCH 25c the power to legis- termites. '37, and Frederick Casalena '34. SPECIAL DINNER 35e late on maximum Club rooms were furnished by the (cafeteria hours and mini- DR. RYAN APPOINTED Elizabeth Seton League, and the direc- 5 COURSES mum wages for tors are now fitting them out with a Chinese and American Food Industry." There TO REGENTS BOARD piano, pool table and facilities for ath- BUSINESS IS was no decision. letics, such as a boxing ring and a bas- PICKING UP* Matthew J. Doo- Dr. George J. Ryan, L.L.D., '25, was ketball court. The St. Vincent DePaul recently appointed to a position on the Society of Fordham is donating books WE WISH IT WASN'T ney, William J. Board of Regents of the University of Hogan and John and magazines for a library. In addi- the State of New York. This honor tion to the recreational activities being M. Keavey pre- was accorded Dr. Ryan in view ot his instituted, catechetical classes are be- 'Papers, used napkins, candy sented the Hughes' affirmative case In previous work as President of the ing formed to prepare the young men 9 cartons, butts . . . and papers. opposition to the negative arguments Board of Education of the City of New of the neighborhood for First Holy advanced by the Catholic University York. Communion and Confirmation. CLASS RINGS , debaters. 263 E.FOHDHAM BDLWOKVALENTINE /WE. Evili Outlined Matthew J. Dooney opened the de bate for Fordham by outlining the ex- isting evils in the United States and the Inability of the individual states to cope with the problem. Catholic Uni- versity countered with the contention When we say Chesterfields that It was a problem for neither the states nor the Federal government, but rather a situation to be solved by in- creased production. are Milder and Better Tasting William J. Hogan continued the Ford- ham case by stating that no other solu- tion was possible In view of the present conditions. He reiterated Mr. Dooney's it means something... outline of the abuses under state super- vision, and Insisted that the proposed legislation would not require the ex- tended bureaucracy generally sup- posed. The succeeding Catholic University debaters clearly Indicated that their major objection to the legislation lay In the fact that naturally Increased pro- duction would be more feasible and practical. John M. Keavey concluded for Fordham with a denial of the prac- ticality of trusting to increased pro- duction. He asserted that production could not be Increased by a mere wish, but rather has to be Initiated with suf- ficient wages. Keavey then proceeded to give the affirmative plan, Justifying the Increase of Federal employees by calling it perfectly consistent with our modern conception of democratic gov- ernment. The rebuttal revolved about the practicality of the proposed plan. At the conclusion of the debate an open forum was held for twenty minutes, William J. Smollen presiding.

The engagement of Miss Marion O'Reilly and Joseph F. Kelly, '24, was announced recently by the prospective bride's aunt, Miss Margaret Hayde.

L AND HIS ORCHESTRA like fine wines Every Friday nighi is College Night (free au- HOUSANDS of casks just like it improves fine wine. tographed pianos from Tof mild, ripe tobacco are Nothing else can take the Lopez lo the ladies) but you'll have fun any stored away in these modern place of mild, ripe tobacco. night in the Aslor Grill. Dinner from $2.25. Sup- Chesterfield warehouses, wherf Nothing can take the place of per Couvert only 5Oo, for three long years they be- three years of ageing if you except Saturday and holiday eves-then $1. come milder and mellower. want to make a cigarette that r.t.MNKIIINMIM,rtH.,liJ.CIt«l]TIMU*r,*ta.l>|l, Ageing improves tobacco is milder and better-tasting. HOTEL Mild, ripe home-grown and aromatic Turkish tobaccos , , . aged three years. . . make Chesterfield an ASTOR outstanding cigarette . ., milder and better>tasting. Copyright 1937, Uowrf U Mviw TOMCCO Co, PACE 8 FORDHAM RAM, FEBRUARY 26, 1937

SODALITY SYMPOSIUM ALUMNUS ENGAGED Madigan, '40, Speaks Fr. Moore Traces AT KEATING HALL IN LAW PRACTICE The Review Origin of Sodality On "Kyrie Eleiton" By JOHN McGIVER, '37 (Continued from page 1) Arthur E. Flood, '31, Is now actively At the regular weekly meeting and the explanation that our light I Frank C. Madigan, '40, lectured engaged In the practice of law. His of the Holy Rosary Sodality Fr. briefly on the "Kyrlo Eleisos" Without cold-bloodedly setting out to Thomas Moore, S.J., discussed ngalnst an attitude will be presente offices are located In the Lincoln Build- by Miss Shortall. John L. Connlff will and the "Gloria" at the weekly ing, 60 East Forty-second Street. establish a thesis It seems to us that the origin and purpose of "BO- meeting of the Mass Study Club the present miserable theatrical season dalltles." Personal sanctiflcntlon, then show how the best members ol sanctiflcation of others and the the Church, Its saints, have alway Friday. has proven quite "The 'Kyrie,'" Madigan de- conclusively, In actual practice of the corporal lived up to the spirit as well as the let- works of mercy were set forth ter of its Bocial dogmas. A plea that we clared, "expresses the pathos of Fordham Rd. Nur J«rom. spite of the breast unredeemed man crying for ex- Doon Opm 11:w A. M beating of some lo- as the three underlying motives return to the radicalism of Christ, tha Smoking All. 10c to IP. M, of these religious groups. we practice the tenets we so enthusi- pression." He discussed the two Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday cal Jeremiahs, explanations of the source of the that the theatre Is The sodality movement dates astically advocate, will then be voiced Feb. », 27, March 1 by Miss Proskauer. Invocation, and concluded that it Dick Powell—Joan Blondill alive and kicking back to the middle of the six- was taken from the "Litany of and that the pub- teenth century when a Jesuit The symposium appeared Thursday "GOLD DIGGERS OF 1»37" at Georgian Court, and subsequent ap the Station." Gorgeous Glrltl Songil Comedy! lic Is still grandly scholastic organized a religious ALSO appreciative of group of laymen. The Idea gained pearanccs will be made at the other Turning to the "Gloria" which, according to Madigan, is "assur- "THE GARDEN OF ALLAH" line acting on the popularity and spread through- schools whose students are repre- with Marlene Dletrich-Chai. Boyer stage. This was out Europe. Some twenty years sented. edly one of the most beautiful demonstrated in after their founding the Pope prayers we have," he traced Its Tuti., Wed., Thuri., Mar. 2, 3,4 the way New attached numerous Indulgences history from the period when it Blng Croiby In Yorkers beat a to the movement and today in SCIENCE FACULTY was not a hymn but a collection "PENNIES FROM HEAVEN" of prayers In the early Church. alto Charlet Laughton In path through the the United States sodalities have ATTENDS LECTURE "REMBRANDT" wreckage of one been established all over the night stands along deserted alleyways country. in midtown, treading lightly amid egg- Mr. James J. Pallace, S.J., chemistry shells to sit (nnd stand) with bated Instructor at Fordham Prep, lectured 'America's Most Underpriced Shoe' breath and reverent silence before that FORMER MANHATTAN m "Science Teaching" In the Chemistry Hamlet of Hamlets, John Olelgud. Building before the Science Faculty of ; More particularly It is being demon- COLLEGE HEAD DIES Fordham, Tuesday. strated at present in another surprise In his talk Mr. Pallace pointed out production of a season that otherwise The Reverend Brother Thomas, seemed doomed to a lingering death. F.S.C, who was president of Manhat- ivhat the teacher of science should We refer to the "Tragedy of IUchard tan College from 1921 to 1927, died itrive to teach his students. Among H" with Maurice Evans in the title hese, he explained, is the cultural value rolo. Saturday. He wiis prominent In educa- SHOES tn MEN tional circles and president of the Col- if the natural sciences. He held that The latter you may remember as the lege Department of the National Cath- nuch of a nation's power and culture 376 E. FORDHAM ROAD one bright feature of the ill-chosen "St. olic Educational Association for two :an be attributed to the natural scl- AND Helena" a few months back. An asso- 19 OTHER STORES IN GREATER NEW YORK ciate of John Gielgud at the Old Vic years. mcos. repertory in , he exhibits the same skillod mastery of Shakespeare's English, a rare comprehension of the beauty of spoken language. The vehicle he has chosen for re- vival was last seen In these parts over sixty years I ago and starred the late 'The Voice of Experience", • • Edwin Booth'. We have only a vague recollection of that performance. "Richard H" structurally is simpler and more pat than that of "Hamlet," be- ing one of the earliest of the tragedies the man with the million dollar throat of Shakespeare. The action takes place during the last two years of the 14th Century In . Richard, the wastrel, pleasure-loving king, faced with rebellion on the part of the nobles insists on a light smoke led by the fiery Bolingbroke, tries and fails to redeem himself, is forced to ab- dicate and finally murdered in the Tower. MMy voice is my career. It has in* It Is as simple as that. Yet the char- acter ot Richard is one of the subtlest spired more than five million people and most noble in all Shakespeare. It Is to confide in me their personal prob- the tragedy ot a man who strives to rise above himself, to be a king in nature- lems. During 25 years, first on the as well as in name. lecture platform and then on the air, "Would I were as great as Is my grief." I have never missed a single engage- Richard is an unforgettable, one of the immortals of the stage. We watch ment because of my throat. I am a him change and grow under the deli- steady smoker, and because my throat cate fashioning of Maurice Evans: the frivolous young fop of the early court and voice are vital to my career I in' scenes] the heart-breaklngly tender sist upon a light smoke. In Luckies 1 Richard in the scene at Flint Castle on his return from the Irish wars—"Weep- find a light smoke plus the enjoyment ing, smiling, greet I thee, my earth"; the valiant, bewildered Richard as he of fine tobacco . . . and that's why stands before his conqueror Boling- Lucky Strikes have been my choice broke; finally the pitiful Richard in the Tower trying to stave off madness and for 14 years." expiring under the knife of an assassin. Mr. Evans is capably supported by a distinguished cast that Includes that fine old trouper, Augustln Duncan as John ot Gaunt, and Ian Keith as the / tompestuous, proud Bolingbroke. The FRIEND AND COUNSELOR settings and costumes, rich, not TO MILLIONS OF RADIO LISTENERS gaudy, and the staging of the play are a tribute to the artistry of Margaret Webster, who staged the play In Lon- don seyeral years ago and directed Mr. Evans In the party. k.n independent survey was made recently Superlatives are in order but some- how seems inane when applied to such among professional men and women—lawyers, a grand emotional experience as "Rich- ard II." It is one of the finest produc- doctors, lecturers, scientists, etc. Of those who said tions We have been privileged to see in the theatre, We recommend it to you they smoke cigarettes, more than 87% stated they with all our heart. personally prefer a light smoke. "MABOON"TOUSE "The Voice of Experience" verifies the wisdom CANDID CAMERA of this preference, and so do other leading artists Following its former policy of insert- ing Informal snapshots of the studontB, of the radio, stage, screen and opera. Their voices the "Maroon" Photography Editor, Clont Palazzolo, '37, announced last are their fortunes. That's why so many of them week that the candid camera would again be employed to photograph these smoke Luckies. You, too, can have the throat pro' pictures. A largo part of the back of the year tection of Luckies-a light smoke, free of certain book will bo filled with shots taken about the campus. In order to avoid harsh irritants removed by the exclusive process monotony, Martin Hessian, '37, Editor, THE FINEST TOBACCOS— requests Seniors to bring In any pho- "It's Toasted". Luckies are gentle on the throat. "THE CREAM OF THE CROP" tographs taken during the past four yeui'B, olthor un campus or away. Tho olllco Is situated on Ilin third floor In Doaly Mull. A Light Smoke FR. MARTELL, '31, GIVEN NEW POST Tli» Her, AiiKuatlno 10. Murtoll, '31, "It's Toasted"-Your Throat Protection him boon Inilmfarroit from St, John's I'lii'lsli, Whllo I'luhiH, tii Ht. MIchaal'B, WustiMtliHtruot, AGAINST IRRITAT1ON-AGAINST COUGH l 1037, Tin Amirlnn Toliun (•our1