HHr Health and Human Rights Journal

A Constructivist Vision of the First-TrimesterHHR_final_logo_alone.indd 1 10/19/15 10:53 AM Experience sam rowlands and jeffrey wale


How might the abortion experience look in a world without the existing regulatory constraints? This

paper critically assesses the evidence about how a high-quality abortion experience might be achieved

in the first trimester. There would need to be positive obligations on states in pursuance of women’s

. The onus would be on states and state actors to justify interferences and constraints

upon a woman’s right to terminate in the first trimester of her pregnancy. In this vision, abortion is

person-centered and normalized as far as possible. High-quality information about abortion would be

freely available through multiple sources and in varying formats. Whenever possible, abortion would

happen in a place chosen by the woman, and in the case of , could be self-managed

with excellent clinical backup on hand should the need arise. The overarching purpose of this paper is

to highlight the broader environment and framework of state obligations necessary to underpin the lived

experience of abortion.

Sam Rowlands, LLM, MD, FRCGP, FFSRH is Visiting Professor in the Department of Medical Sciences and Public Health at Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK. Jeffrey Wale, LLB, PhD, PGCE, FHEA, is Senior Lecturer in Law in the Department of Humanities and Law at Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK. Please address correspondence to Sam Rowlands. Email: [email protected]. Competing interests: None declared. Copyright © 2020 Rowlands and Wale. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non- Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

JUNE 2020 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 Health and Human Rights Journal 237 s. rowlands and j. wale / general papers, 237-249

Introduction outside the womb may soon be possible (ectogen- esis), we assume that some demand for abortion Criminalization of abortion has well-known (as currently envisaged) will persist.3 Necessarily, 1 deleterious effects. Much has been written on these assumptions limit the transferability of this decriminalization of abortion, specifying what framework in the real world, but our intention is 2 legislation needs to be dismantled. In contrast, to encourage policy makers and reformers to think we adopt a ‘constructivist’ approach, looking at critically about the possibilities that a constructiv- what is needed to support a high-quality abortion ist approach might offer should the opportunity experience, drawing upon research and literature arise for genuine reform. Further, our purpose is that includes the lived experience of women who to highlight that in the absence of direct regulato- have undergone abortion. We set aside regulatory ry constraints, it is the broader environment and constraints that could hinder progress toward framework of state obligations that underpin the giving people with a (in the interest of brev- lived experience of abortion. ity, ‘women’ is used hereafter) the ability to freely Defining quality in abortion care is at an early choose how they respond to an unwanted pregnan- stage, despite abortion being such a commonplace cy. As far as possible, we have used a fresh sheet occurrence. There is no standardized, validated of paper. We take a ground-up approach, building set of quality metrics for abortion as there are, from scratch and beginning with no abortion-spe- for example, for maternity services.4 This paper cific laws at all. does not focus on safety, effectiveness, timeliness, Although we use the term ‘abortion’ through- efficiency, and equitability; there is a considerable out this paper, we recognize that this may be 5 construed as a loaded term with preconceived body of work on these. Instead, we concentrate connotations. In keeping with our constructivist on person-centeredness as a major ingredient of approach, we use the term simply to denote the a high-quality abortion experience. Person/pa- steps necessary to bring about the end of an estab- tient-centered care means an approach that informs lished pregnancy (that is, after implantation of the and engages women (and partners, if appropriate) in ). These steps would, in the ordinary course their own individual health care and also to engage 6 of events, result in ending the life of the unborn service users in health care service co-design. We entity or entities. assume that appropriate regulatory mechanisms re- main in place to maintain the safety of all abortion services.7 Starting points and core assumptions We do not assume that women will have di- In this paper, we make several core assumptions. rect contact with health services. This is in line First, we assume that the state has unlimited with current World Health Organization think- resources to address its positive and negative ob- ing, the general principles of self-care, and the ligations to pregnant women. Second, we assume experiences and perceptions of women who have that those resources are distributed fairly, justly, undertaken self-management of medical abor- and equally within society. Third, we make no at- tion.8 We do, however, acknowledge that there tempt to accommodate the plurality in this vision. are still some research gaps on self-managed There is no sense that competing views require abortion; for example, how best to inform and accommodation or that compromises are necessary support women in using the medicines safely and in the regulatory rules. Fourth, our vision does not effectively and how to facilitate the community seek to erase the private sphere, or any socio-po- distribution of high-quality drugs and information.9 litical objections to, or prejudices against abortion. We know that many women have opted, for Rather, our focus is on a world without pre-existing various reasons, for “informal sector” , regulatory constraint on the choices that women even when they are entitled to a legal abortion in can make in this context. Fifth, although gestation the formal (approved) health sector.10 On the face of

238 JUNE 2020 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 Health and Human Rights Journal s. rowlands and j. wale / general papers, 237-249 it, this may seem like a second-best option, but as abortion undertaken outside the formal health some women positively opt for self-managed abor- system. Although ambulatory (outpatient) medical tion at home, it is no longer an act of desperation: abortion is generally limited to 10 weeks’ gestation, “self-managed abortion can be a source of reprieve the envelope continues to be pushed on this upper or escape from … indignities of formal settings limit. The World Health Organization recommends and experiences of shame and powerlessness with- self-managed medical abortion up to 12 weeks’ in them.”11 We regard self-managed first-trimester gestation, conceding that evidence is limited for the medical abortion (that is without attending a health upper two weeks.15 Further, we are on slightly eas- facility)—following evidence-based regimens ier ethical ground in the first trimester, whether on using drugs from approved sources, with full in- a rights, , or relational perspective. Our formation—as safe. Self-management could be starting point is that state actors have a much hard- supplemented by advice from an approved authori- er time justifying constraints on pregnant women ty such as a pharmacist or an appropriately trained during the first trimester, partly because there is community activist. more common ground about the moral status of the Unless appropriately registered, licensed, and unborn entity at this stage of development. Conse- trained, procedures undertaken by informal abortion quently, any margin of appreciation that might be providers such as herbalists, street vendors, and tra- granted to states and their agents ought to be nar- ditional birth attendants are potentially unsafe. For rowly construed during this stage of pregnancy.16 the avoidance of any doubt, we are not seeking to Some of the thinking behind this paper has directly constrain the choices of pregnant women. been stimulated by innovative organizations that Rather, our concern is to ensure that women are not provide internet-based abortion services and there- harmed or subjected to the unnecessary risk of sig- by empower women.17 Although women choose to nificant harm by the supply of inaccurate/ inadequate use these services, the organizations only provide information or the provision of deficient abortion medical abortion and so by definition offer no services. Accordingly, we suggest that informal ser- choice within their service provision. Although vice providers, rather than pregnant women, should the development of drugs for medical abortion has be the target of any future regulatory constraints. been a revolutionary scientific advance, in many Our aim is to minimize recourse to untrained ser- high-resource countries medical abortion now vice providers by delivering improved access to the tends to dominate service provision to the exclu- formal (approved) and publicly funded sector. In our sion of surgery.18 Surgery obviously requires direct vision, the formal sector and those who work in it are contact with health professionals. But first-trimes- subject to regulation in relation to the standard and ter surgical abortion can be provided safely outside quality of pre-/post-abortion care. a hospital setting with simple equipment, and sat- When women are asked what they want in isfaction with manual vacuum aspiration is high.19 abortion services, they identify minimal delay as However, unless aspiration is available on demand, a priority.12 Women who have decided to termi- it is not a genuine option; for example, a weekly nate a pregnancy want their abortion procedure operating list is not sufficient. to take place as soon as possible, and find a delay 13 distressing. Most say they do not want counsel- The role of the state ing.14 Facilitating access to abortion services is an important aspect of our vision. All people have the right to expect quality health Although we do not rule out extension of our care from the state. But what exactly are the obli- vision, we limit the immediate scope of this paper gations of the state in pursuance of this right? The to first-trimester abortion due to the current insuf- reproductive justice framework contends that there ficiency of evidence as to safety, effectiveness, and is a right to have a child, a right not to have a child, acceptability of second or third trimester medical and a right to parent a child in a safe and healthy

JUNE 2020 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 Health and Human Rights Journal 239 s. rowlands and j. wale / general papers, 237-249 environment.20 Access to reproductive services is a ing, a state may be responsible for the testing key component of this framework because “there technology made available in publicly-funded ma- is no choice where there is no access.”21 Under ex- ternity services. The state may also have reason to isting international human rights law, states have intervene where private sector providers promote specific obligations to respect, fulfill, and protect testing and deselection of specific non-health-re- human rights, including reproductive rights.22 lated characteristics.25 However, in these cases, the These obligations include limitations on the actions state and their agents would bear a heavy burden to that states may take (negative obligations) and on justify any constraint on a woman’s reproductive proactive measures that states must take (positive rights in the context of abortion. obligations) to give effect to individual rights and The duty to fulfill requires that states adopt freedoms. States must take steps towards fulfill- whatever measures are necessary—legislative, bud- ing their obligations by all appropriate means, getary, judicial, and/or administrative—to achieve including particularly the adoption of legislative the full realization of reproductive rights. This would measures, and should report on these measures include the provision of appropriate forums to re- and the basis on which they have been considered solve disputes and determine or enforce appropriate the most appropriate under the circumstances. remedies. We address the funding of private sector States have three core obligations relating to provision below. As part of their obligations, states abortion: a duty to respect, a duty to fulfill, and a should ensure that reproductive health information, duty to protect. In the following section, we outline goods, and services are available, accessible, ac- how these obligations would work in our vision and ceptable, and of good quality: AAAQ.26 offer some framework on scope. The duty to protect requires states to prevent The duty to respect requires states to refrain third parties from infringing upon reproductive from interfering directly or indirectly with the rights and to take steps to investigate and punish enjoyment of reproductive rights unless that inter- such violations when they occur. So, for example, ference is justified, proportionate, and necessary to anyone coercing or misleading a woman into an achieve a legitimate aim. Using the work of philos- abortion or covertly inducing an abortion should opher John Stuart Mill as our foundation, we argue be subject to some form of regulation. Similarly, that interference can only be justified or legitimate any health professional acting in bad faith (for if it is necessary to prevent harm to others which example, failing to obtain adequate consent or de- is both morally indefensible and rights-violating.23 livering poor standards of care) should be subject Unless one subscribes to the view that the unborn to some form of sanction. We can debate whether entity is a rights-bearer in the first trimester, it there should be disciplinary, civil, and/or criminal would not be legitimate to interfere with a woman’s consequences in these circumstances. We should right to terminate at that stage in order to protect not criminalize human behavior unless absolutely the unborn entity. We do not take an explicit po- necessary, and then only in a proportionate way. If sition on such interferences in the later stages of we choose to direct sanctions against third parties, the pregnancy but accept that there might be other it may be preferable to use disciplinary or civil legitimate reasons to interfere, or for a state to mechanisms before engaging the criminal law. otherwise take responsibility. For example, where Under its duty to protect, the state should en- the harm or potential for harm arises from related sure that abortion providers do not infringe upon technology that has been released and managed or reproductive rights. Refusals to provide abortion controlled in a public health context; or where the care on grounds of conscience can compromise ac- dignity of humanity as a whole is at stake; or to cess to abortion and harm health and well-being.27 preserve/protect the essential pre-conditions for Such refusals are not permissible in emergency human existence or any social human existence.24 situations or by institutions; they are only valid If we take the specific example of prenatal screen- in relation to direct provision of care and, in such

240 JUNE 2020 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 Health and Human Rights Journal s. rowlands and j. wale / general papers, 237-249 instances, referral must be made to an alternative can choose how their first-trimester abortion is willing and capable provider.28 Objector status carried out and their degree of presence; some pre- should be disclosed at an early stage to employers fer to be awake and experience it, some prefer to and patients so that timely alternative plans can be be sedated. Women can have privacy and discreet made; in all regions of a country there must be ade- care; they may fear judgment when grouped with quate numbers of health professionals who provide others undergoing abortion.35 abortion care and the state must take measures to The needs and rights of the pregnant woman ensure that women’s access to legal abortion care is are at the center of policymaking, information, not undermined.29 Personal beliefs must not be pur- service delivery, and one-on-one consultations. A sued where they are in conflict with the principles person-centered framework and culture supports of good medical practice, where they cause patients every person on their journey.36 Person-centered- to be treated unfairly, or where they deny patients ness was identified as a key dimension of quality access to appropriate treatment or services or cause health care by the Institute of Medicine and further distress.30 developed into a framework of eight domains for Also, under its duty to protect, the state must maternity care by Sudhinaraset et al.; Altshuler and 37 ensure that members of the public with anti-choice Whaley adapted this structure for abortion care. views, while otherwise being permitted freedom of There is inevitably some overlap between these peaceful assembly, cannot infringe upon reproduc- domains. The priority rights at the heart of this tive rights using intimidation and harassment close framework, and our wider discussion in this sec- to abortion care facilities.31 Due to the distress wom- tion, are the rights to individual autonomy, human en have experienced as a result of protests outside dignity, and privacy. Many of our points (including facilities in many countries, safe access zones are an domains 4–8 below) are drawn from these priority absolute necessity to keep any protests away from rights. This overarching framework is facilitated facility entrances that women and providers use. and realized by engagement of the state duties to Crisis pregnancy centers are run by non-med- respect, fulfill, and protect. The eight domains are: ical organizations; they attempt to intercept those seeking abortion and persuade them to continue 1. Dignity the pregnancy.32 Under its duty to protect, the state Dignity refers to the ability of women to receive must ensure that crisis pregnancy centers do not care in a respectful and caring setting. The care jeopardize women’s health, disseminate misinfor- supports an individual’s self-respect. Any percep- mation, and target marginalized groups.33 tion that this will not be the case can drive women into the informal sector where the informational framework may be less reliable; or they may self-in- The essential ingredients that facilitate a duce abortion without sufficient back-up. positive high-quality abortion experience In this section, we identify the fundamental 2. Autonomy ingredients of a positive high-quality abortion Human rights considerations dictate that autono- experience. Some of these are not applicable to my is the overriding determinant when choices are women who self-manage their abortion. made in early pregnancy. This takes into account women’s embodied experience of being pregnant. Person-centeredness The two basic requirements for autonomy are agen- In a person-centered approach, care is individu- cy (the capacity for intentional action) and liberty alized and tailored to women’s preferences. It is (freedom from controlling influences exerted by acknowledged that there is no joy in the context of external sources).38 Women should have control abortion—as with and ectopic preg- over their bodies and be free to make choices and nancy and in stark contrast to childbirth.34 Women decisions without external constraint in the first

JUNE 2020 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 Health and Human Rights Journal 241 s. rowlands and j. wale / general papers, 237-249 trimester of their pregnancies. The consent process cluding childbirth.42 Doulas offer compassionate should be valid. Providers convey to women that care and are trained to counter stigma. Women they are seen as moral agents, capable of making overwhelmingly recommend doula support for decisions about their bodies and lives.39 abortion care, despite the fact that such support is not associated with measurable effects on phys- 3. Privacy ical comfort or emotional responses.43 C l i n i c s t a ff Again, we are not attempting to expunge the dis- believe doulas contribute to more patient-centered 44 tinction between the public and private spheres care. entirely, although the former is necessarily limited in our vision. Opting for an abortion is an intensely 6. Compassionate care private matter. This includes physical privacy in the Care is provided in a compassionate manner.45 It is treatment setting and the confidentiality of sensi- responsive to the person’s specific needs. Such care tive medical information. Physical examinations protects women from distress, pain, or harm. Small should be carried out discreetly. Some women pre- gestures can make an enormous difference.46 fer to travel out of their area of residence in order to maintain anonymity. Some may prefer self-man- 7. Trust aged abortion, perhaps with external support, Trust comprises how women assess the delivery of because it offers greater privacy. care by a specific provider in terms of their honesty and how confident service users feel about the pro- 4. Communication vider’s competence. Treatment options are fully explained and dis- cussed; women participate actively. The woman’s 8. Health facility environment preferences, needs, and context are taken into This domain includes comfort, cleanliness, ade- account. Non-directive counseling is available, if quacy of equipment, and a pleasant environment. sought, before and after the procedure or medical As well as the physical environment, this includes administration. human aspects such as a supportive and non-judge- mental atmosphere. Women sometimes have 5. Support preconceived ideas about the appearance of a clinic This needs to be individually tailored as women and may be surprised by the cleanliness of their differ greatly in the degree of support they desire. surroundings or facilities, for example.47 In our vi- Some women are grateful not to be questioned too sion, there are no Targeted Regulation of Abortion much. Others welcome some acknowledgment of Providers laws (that is, burdensome and medically the emotions they are grappling with, or possibly unnecessary legal requirements that target abor- some discussion of them; these might be contradic- tion providers).48 For example, requirements suited tory emotions (ambivalence) or existential issues to hospital surgical facilities may be imposed which that can be triggered, such as life and death, moral- are far in excess of those needed for the relatively ity, and meaning.40 While some women want to be ‘low-tech’ nature of abortion procedures. alone, many value the support of a companion of their choice. Support should extend into the work- Normalization place, so that women are guaranteed time off work There are two aspects to the normalization of without probing into their rationale or purpose.41 abortion. The first is full integration of abortion An important resource for support is the volunteer into health care as a mainstream service and, more abortion doula or pregnancy companion. Many particularly, as part of comprehensive sexual and doulas are “full spectrum,” meaning they will reproductive health care.49 This should render ap- attend a woman during any pregnancy event, in- proved private-sector provision (that is, those not

242 JUNE 2020 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 Health and Human Rights Journal s. rowlands and j. wale / general papers, 237-249 publicly funded) unnecessary, but we would not years, but unnecessary restrictions have got in the outlaw these providers unless there were conse- way.57 Absent such restrictions, including those quential considerations undermining public access. governing where the medicines are administered, a In any event, approved private sector provision woman can use both and would not be available on more favorable terms in the “safety and security” of her home, the home than public services. of someone of her choice, or a place of safety.58 She The second is normalization with respect can also choose who is present in that setting to to society. Abortion is mostly subject to negative support her. Those conducting their abortion at framing in the media. There are associations with home need sufficient information that can alert controversy, sensationalism, and immorality.50 them to medical conditions which would make There are also associations with ‘deviant’ prac- them high-risk and therefore in need of medical tices such as teenage pregnancy and undesirable advice and supervision. We would not seek to characteristics such as promiscuity; these tend to constrain the choices of the high-risk patient, but stereotype and falsely marginalize women who we would want to ensure that they were adequately have abortions.51 informed and supported. Information provided Despite a broad social narrative that abortion would also ensure that women understand what is by default negative, many women undergoing symptoms should trigger contact with medical ser- abortion say it is the right choice for them; some vices. A few women request inpatient care because even call it a positive experience.52 Language used to they do not feel safe at home, and this needs to be describe their experiences can be non-negative but is accommodated. often intertwined with negative framings. Neverthe- For those accessing formal health services, we less, negativity can be resisted and rejected. envisage woman obtaining their abortions locally, Normalizing representations of abortion without extended travel possibly entailing crossing can help destigmatize the practice.53 For example, borders.59 Ideally, care could be accessed in a local Australian abortion clinic websites unapologeti- health center, and at the nearest hospital for those cally present “a uniformly clear set of values and who need hospital care. Special arrangements are practices: a woman’s competency and ownership needed for sparsely populated areas such as north- of decisions relating to her pregnancy; her entitle- ern Canada and central Australia, and for remote ment to good quality non-judgmental care; and the communities with no road/rail links. In such cases, generally positive effects of an abortion.”54 This es- clinicians can provide medical abortion via tele- tablishes “women’s position as the rightful subjects medicine; this service delivery is effective, safe, and of abortion decisions and constructs abortion as has a high satisfaction rating.60 a normal, positive and straightforward procedure that enables women to lead the lives they imagine Reproductive health commodity supply and for themselves.”55 security Feminist groups supporting women in In our vision, mifepristone is licensed in all coun- self-managed abortion are driving a reduction in tries. It is currently licensed in only 68 of the 193 stigma. They share a belief “that every person who countries in the world (35%).61 Our vision would comes to them has the capacity and right to a safe supplant the current situation, in which millions and dignified abortion informed by the values and use the less-effective misoprostol-only regimen. needs most important to them.”56 Secure systems are in place for procuring abortion pills and appropriate pregnancy tests Place of choice for follow-up after abortion from reliable sourc- Care closer to home as a means of contributing to es: mainly internet-based abortion services and the delivery of person-centered care has been in the accredited pharmacies.62 These systems would su- sight of enlightened health professionals for some persede widespread circulation of substandard and

JUNE 2020 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 Health and Human Rights Journal 243 s. rowlands and j. wale / general papers, 237-249 counterfeit medicines and other medical products; would be accessible. This includes emotional, so- such medicines include inactive substances, impure cial, and financial support. products, toxic substances, or other substances Third, there would be information about the entirely.63 Pharmacy supplies can be provided at need for Rhesus disease prophylaxis after 10 weeks’ a distance; an example of regulations applying to gestation for those who are Rhesus negative, when such activity is that issued by the UK General Phar- antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended, and which maceutical Council.64 medical conditions require special precautions and In our vision, over-the-counter status for medical input.71 mifepristone and misoprostol is operational. Only a Fourth, there is good information about what small amount of additional information would need to expect when undergoing an early medical abor- to be gleaned about self-administration of mifepri- tion and what human resources can be called upon, stone/misoprostol in order to make an application such as doulas.72 to the US Food and Drug Administration for over- Finally, information about contraception is the-counter approval.65 Mechanisms for community freely available, together with the recommended pharmacy provision have been elaborated.66 timing of initiation after abortion.73 There is free- dom of choice: no disproportionate emphasis on Information long-acting reversible contraception and no coer- The motto “knowledge is power” has become a cion in relation to sterilization.74 cliché but is nevertheless true. Easy access to accu- rate and clear information is a key element of our Clinical excellence vision. Information is supplied in varied forms to In our vision, clinicians are still needed to provide suit different individuals. Animated films, as well expertise in complex medical situations, to provide as pictures and diagrams, supplement the written surgical services, and as a back-up for self-managed word.67 Access to this information is in a variety medical abortion; the number of such professionals of modes including print, audio, and electronic. is scaled down by adding a more varied skill mix. Abortion hotlines providing information based on Policy makers and managers ensure there are suf- official World Health Organization protocols play ficient trained professionals, an even geographical an important role. They release reliable information spread of services, hygienic facilities, and ongoing into the public domain where people can share it.68 focused capacity building.75 Careful service design It is important that relevant information is made ensures availability and accessibility. Waiting times available that speaks to all, including any margin- operate according to specified national standards.76 alized/intersectional groups and individuals. Services are operated in a variety of settings in- What explicit information would be made cluding community facilities.77 Acceptability is available? First, the actual choice available would continuously monitored. be spelled out. Except where there are medical Telephone advice and emergency consulta- contraindications, of which there are few, wom- tion at a local medical facility would be available en could freely choose the options of medical or 24 hours a day. Women are given an idea of how surgical abortion. Early surgical abortion in the much bleeding to expect. The direct experience form of manual vacuum aspiration is available of pain and bleeding can be distressing and often without delay and not necessarily in a hospital some discussion and reassurance from an adviser setting.69 Manual vacuum aspiration is available is all that is needed, so direct live contact by phone, from a range of providers, including nurses, mid- video link, or web-based chat is available. Compli- wives, and general practitioners.70 There are many cations are inevitable and experienced staff need to websites offering science-based information about be on hand to deal with these. self-managed medical abortion. Task shifting or sharing optimizes the roles of Second, information about local support health care staff.78 Few abortions need to be provided

244 JUNE 2020 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 Health and Human Rights Journal s. rowlands and j. wale / general papers, 237-249 by gynecologists.79 General practitioners play a sig- of individual rights/freedoms, and on the possible nificant role in service delivery.80 So-called mid-level deconstruction of existing regulatory constraints providers (nurses, midwives, and physician assis- in the context of abortion. We do not besmirch or tants) can safely provide both medical and surgical seek to undermine these efforts. Rather, our cen- abortion.81 Pharmacists and pharmacy workers are tral purpose in this paper is to shift attention away able to safely provide medical abortion.82 from discussions about the lawfulness of abortion. It is envisaged that many women will practice By starting from a world without constraints, the self-care. It has been demonstrated that self-man- primary focus turns to the environment and frame- aged early medical abortion is mostly equivalent work of state obligations in which abortion services to that which is medically supervised, in terms of are accessed and delivered. It is these background success rates and safety outcomes. Rates of incom- factors that provide the critical foundation for the plete abortion requiring surgical evacuation are realization of individual rights and freedoms. Any somewhat higher, which may be because of care reformist agenda should never lose sight of this. provision by clinicians with little experience in 83 settings where abortion is legally restricted. Acknowledgments Women obtain abortion pills through phar- macies or other reliable sources for self-managed We thank Dr. Fiona Bloomer, Professor Sally Shel- abortion.84 Self-care has equal status to clini- don, and Ms. Susan Yanow for commenting on a cian-provided care among health and regulatory previous draft of this paper. Any errors remain our systems. own.

Funding References Many studies report financial barriers to access to abortion.85 In our vision, women are not expected 1. J. N. Erdman and R. J. Cook, “Decriminalization of abortion – a human rights imperative,” Best Practice and to rely on charity for such an important component Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 62 (2020), pp. of health care. Some women will have health insur- 11-24. ance which may cover abortion. Although women 2. M. Berer, “ and policy around the world: would be at liberty to pay for private services if in search of decriminalization,” Health and Human Rights they wished to, drugs, materials, and fees are all Journal 19/1 (2017), pp. 13-27; M. Berer and L. Hoggart, covered by the state for anyone, regardless of their “Progress toward decriminalization of abortion and univer- sal access to safe abortion: National trends and strategies,” citizenship status. Such cover is the same for any Health and Human Rights Journal 21/2 (2019), pp. 79-83. pregnancy outcome (delivery of any type, miscar- 3. N. Hammond-Browning, “A new dawn: Ectogenesis, riage, or ectopic pregnancy). Travel costs are paid future children and reproductive choice,” Contemporary by the state when necessary, for example, for people Issues in Law 14/4 (2018), pp. 349-373. on state benefits or in a low-income bracket.86 4. B. G. Darney, B. Powell, K. Andersen, et al., “Quali- ty of care and abortion: Beyond safety,” BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health 44/3 (2018), pp. 159-160; A. Dennis, K. Conclusion Blanchard, and T. Bessenaar, “Identifying indicators for quality abortion care: A systematic literature review,” BMJ We have proposed a vision where there are ob- Sexual and Reproductive Health 43/1 (2017), pp. 7-15. ligations on the state in pursuance of women’s 5. World Health Organization, Quality of care: A process reproductive rights under the headings of duties for making strategic choices in health systems (Geneva: WHO, to respect, fulfill, and protect. We recognize that 2006); National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Abortion care NICE guideline [NG140] (London: NICE, this imagined world is far from current reality 2019); World Health Organization, Safe abortion: Techni- and might never be achieved. So, why bother to cal and policy guidance for health systems 2nd ed. (Geneva: formulate such a vision? Many of us have spent con- WHO, 2012). siderable time addressing the existence and scope 6. A.R. Gagliardi, S. Dunn, A. Foster, et al., “How is

JUNE 2020 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 Health and Human Rights Journal 245 s. rowlands and j. wale / general papers, 237-249

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