
President Fatulatetele Tolo

Board Karen Fifield (Chairperson) Fiona Cassidy Jo Minchin – resigned 21 Aug 2017 Karen Harvey Mitch Jordan Nicki Zande Anthony Karauria – co-opted 21 Aug 2017

Staff General Manager Sue Geale Games Coordinator Peter McDonald Development Officer Maria Hegarty Netball Development Coordinator John Neho Finance Administrator Jo Beckwith Emerging Talent Officer Sandra Edge

Life Membership Committee Dale Wortman, Chris Archer, Pat Maddocks, Fatulatetele Tolo

Life Members Mrs K.E.J. McCann (MBE), Mrs D. Wortman (MNZM), Mrs C. Archer, Miss P. Maddocks, Miss M. Munro, Mrs M. Perry, Mrs H. Verry, Mrs D. Wilson-Young, Ms M. Haggie, Ms W. Taumaunu, Ms F. Tolo, Mrs M. Taru, Mrs B. Brider, Mrs B. Reweti

Service Award Holders Miss A.M. Temple, Mrs P. Cleland, Mrs J. Prankerd, Mrs K. Doyle, Mrs M. Dixon, Mrs J. Patchett, Mrs G. Hare, Mrs D. Morris, Mr B. Hare, Mrs F. Maurirere, Mrs M. Bradshaw, Mrs A. Hay, Mrs S. Raemaki, Ms V. Mitchell, Mrs K. Greaves, Mrs C. Meredith, Ms K. Herbert, Ms K. Lloyd, Mrs P. O’Reilly, Ms. S Edge, Mrs D. Mills, Ms D. Patchett, Ms J. Minchin, Mrs R. Aiono, Mrs L. Cournane, Ms S. Sullivan, Mrs S. Geale



Netball Centre is leading the way with another successful year. As ever, we are committed to growing talent, supporting our players, developing our coaches, umpires, officials and volunteers, and continuing the success we have had as a premier netball centre. Everyone can feel very proud of all that has been achieved by our Centre this year across all of our competitions and activities.

I would like to give my utmost thanks to our very committed Board who have made sure we govern our Centre in a professional and supportive fashion. Our President, Fatulatetele Tolo, and Board members Mitch Jordan, Nicki Zande, Jo Minchin, Karen Harvey, Fiona Cassidy and Anthony Karauria have made sound decisions and allowed the game we love to thrive in our City.

During the year NWC has achieved much and continued to be financially sustainable, making a surplus this year of $66,806. The Annual Report reflects the stellar work done by our capable management team and all of you throughout the year. I want to say a huge thank you to Sue Geale and her team for all the work they do on our behalf - they work long hours and always have your interests at heart. Sue's Sport Wellington Trish McKelvey Leadership award is a testament to her leadership skills and her sound management of our Centre.

I would like to congratulate Fatulatetele (Fatu) Tolo on her Netball New Zealand Service Award this year. A great honour for the work, dedication and commitment that Fatu gives to the game of netball. I also want to express our thanks to our outgoing Board members, Jo Minchin and Mitch Jordan for being so committed to leaving the Centre in good stead. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you. For those remaining or coming onto the Board I look forward to working alongside you for the coming year.

Thank you all for the privilege of allowing me to be the Chair of NWC. I look forward to working with you during the year ahead, to us achieving great things and taking the opportunities open to us to shine our light even further.

Chairperson Netball Wellington Centre November 2017



Joyce McCann It was with great sadness that we said farewell to Joyce McCann, a Life Member of Netball Wellington Centre and Netball New Zealand on 8 March 2017. Hearing what Joyce (more commonly know as Joycee by her friends) had accomplished in her 96 years and how much of these years were given to the game of netball was simply legendary. It was an incredibly humbling experience for General Manager Sue Geale to get the chance to read some of her diary entries about her netball accomplishments. The detail included in the diary, the commitment and passion shown in all that she did for the game of netball, and her desire to have netball showcased was inspirational. Not to mention her hand writing was a thing of beauty as it was so delicate and almost arty which made it an even more pleasurable read.

Very few will know what an amazing leader Joyce was as NZNA President from 1959 to 1967. This was at a time when netball was emerging as a burgeoning semi-professional sport. With it came complexities which required organisational leadership that was undreamed of only a few years before. All this was achieved as a volunteer with the help of a very astute secretary in the form of Marjorie Jenden at her side and a board of local Wellington women. Joyce’s astute knowledge and careful attention to detail was absolutely incredible and was an attribute that saw her initiate change successfully.

One of Joyce’s more recent highlights was when Irene van Dyk called on her for a visit and talked about her many highlights in the netball world but in particular about when she was Manager at the 1963 World Tournament in Eastbourne for the Silver Ferns. One can only imagine the many laughs that were had between these two legendary people.

Joyce is still very much a topic of conversation when our Life Members gather, just as true legends should be. We know that wherever Joyce is she will keep the game of netball going strong, as she won’t be able to help herself. Netball has benefited in so many ways from having her play a key part and we thank you Joyce for being the game changer that you were.

Ann Temple We were saddened to hear the loss of one of our Centre’s early stalwarts in June 2017. Ann started as a club player for YWCA yet later gave her time in an official capacity taking up the role of Netball Wellington Union Secretary from 1964-1966 before moving into the role of Netball Wellington Union President from 1966 to 1977 inclusive. She was one of the original group of institutional women based in Wellington who played a major part in the establishment of Netball New Zealand as a national body. These women all contributed greatly to the growth of netball internationally at this time.

Ann was justly awarded a Netball Wellington Union Service Award in 1978 and in the same year also received her Netball New Zealand Service Award. She continued to support the netball community as one of the dedicated Committee Members responsible for organising the Union’s 75th Jubilee Programme and celebrations in 1993. Ann also held a role as Convenor of Netball Wellington Union Life Membership & Service Awards Committee from 1997 to 2001 before relocating to Te Awamutu in her later years. Ann’s apparent love of the game and desire to lend her knowledge and assistance wherever needed are true testament to her generous nature and passion for the game. In the absence of a recent photo we’ve opted to throwback to an image taken during the height of her involvement in netball in the late sixties/early seventies. We thank Ann for her effort she put in so willingly to benefit many. She will be dearly missed.



With another strong season and year completed it is pleasure to say that once again that Netball Wellington have exceeded expectations both on and off the court. Each year the Board and the staff set up some pretty strong targets to meet and in the past 5 years we have managed to meet or exceed these as a business both operationally and strategically. We have continued building and creating successes in all facets of the business and the game of netball, and have a solid structure and brand that we believe does the Centre, the Board, the staff and its members proud.

This year we have introduced new services/programmes to engage a wider community of people, and refined some of the services to align ourselves to our 5 year Strategic and Annual Plan. The refinements are always the hardest to implement, especially if they are things we as a Centre have always done. However to ensure we have a sound business structure and services in place, we need to refine and diversify to ensure we are keeping up with the needs of our community. We were excited to secure Sandra Edge as an integral member of the team in the later part of the year as our Emerging Talent Officer. This was an area of our core business that was already in progress however if we wanted to align ourselves to the Pulse KPI of having a home grown team, we needed to be doing more in this space. We knew that this it would be best to have a dedicated person in this area, and this was fully supported by the Board. The structures and programmes that have already happened in a short space of time have assisted us to get more of our players to trial for Beko and Pulse Training partner status and squads, NZ U21s and to make the Netball NZ National camp.

This year we introduced a Year 9 team into the representative mix. We were excited by this venture as it would give another 12 girls the opportunity to represent Netball Wellington Centre. They competed against U15 teams and still managed to come 2nd in the 3rd division. Despite introducing a Year 9 grade our trialist numbers for U15 were still solid and produced a strong Black (1st) team and equally determined developmental Gold (2nd) team.

This year our U19 team attracted a good mix of players who have been involved with the Centre for some time along with some new players. This team proved to be the surprise factor at the National tournament, hosted by Netball Wellington Centre at the ASB Sports Centre, as they only narrowly missing out on a top two placing. U17 Black (1st) the team to beat at National Champs yet they held their cool and finished very strongly in the final against in Pukekohe. The U17 Gold team had a solid start considering how strong their pool was and they showed true spirit as they gave their all right to the end. In addition to this our three Junior Netball Satellites – Motu Kairangi, Wellington West and Northern Suburbs Netball all secured commendable results with their Year 7&8 teams. We thank all the coaches, managers, officials, players and whanau for their dedication and support towards their various campaigns.

We continued to celebrate success in the Centre’s high performance area not only with our players but also our coaches and umpires. Many a comment is made asking what we are doing at the Centre because whatever it may be, it appears to be working. We have had a good number of our players named in the tournament teams at the national and lead-up tournaments plus umpires and bench officials allocated to finals. We have had players named in the NZ U21 Squad, NZ Secondary School trials and team, Netball Central Beko team and team.


We have also had players inducted onto the and Pathway to Podium programmes, coaches achieve the Netball New Zealand Performance Coach Qualification, accepted onto the Sport Wellington’s Performance Coach Award programme and appointed as Beko coaches and Netball NZ Selector programmes, and umpires named in Netball NZ Squads. The alignment of our pathways and the fact that they are now clear and visual for players, coaches and umpires is guiding these successes we believe.

This year we brought in a new style of netball that is slowly gathering momentum. We followed the footsteps of our English counterparts and introduced Walking Netball. A number of people have laughed at this concept but as many of attendees have found out – they leave the court with a sweat, they are grateful for the option of subs, and they have had to be way more strategic and had to play a thinking-style of netball. Players have to keep one foot on the ground at all times i.e. they cannot jump and cannot run but other than this all netball rules apply. We are always looking for more players so if you think this sounds like fun – which it is – then put Friday nights from 6:30pm to 7:30pm aside and look out for dates on our Facebook page.

We know that without our solid base of volunteers Netball Wellington would not be able to operate as efficiently and effectively as it does. Our netball community helps us to deliver the game of netball and tell a lot about who we are as a Centre. We want to thank all of our volunteers for the work that they do tirelessly behind the scenes to get teams together from Year 1 right through to our senior grades. The many Board, Life Members, Service Award Holders, coaches, umpires, bench officials, managers, primary care people, school coordinators, club presidents and committees, and the parents and partners of our players – you are amazing individuals and your time and commitment towards the game of netball is appreciated fully by us here at the Centre.

I would also like to sincerely thank my team of dedicated and loyal workers. Maria, Peter, John, Jo and Sandra have continued on with passion and commitment to the game of netball and the Centre. This year I was awarded with the Sport Wellington Trish McKelvey Leadership award and I know this would not have been possible without this solid team of people behind me. This is most definitely a Netball Wellington Centre team award as I am only as good as those around me.

We unfortunately said farewell to Peter in September after taking on a role with Victoria University. Peter left a big hole when he departed yet thankfully we were able to welcome Kylie Tuffery as a team member in October who has stepped into the role seamlessly. We also have a number of casual workers that assisted in the running of the programmes and competitions successfully over 2017. Thank you in particular to our long standing casual staff members - Ray Hogan, Bubs Reweti, Laura Chu, Georgina Pohe, Rose Hegarty, Lauren Small and Geoff Howard for their steadfast support to the Centre.

Sue Geale General Manager – Netball Wellington Centre



Hataitai Park ASB Sports Centre houses our premier, senior club and college game play, social twilight and development for the Centre, with long term plans to maintain this arrangement. Hataitai continues to be the home of our winter competition minor collegiate grades (4 to 8) and the inter-satellite intermediate competition, coach development, umpire development, centre and club meetings, representative team trainings, regional tournaments, storage, spring and summer Twilight, and show casing the history of Netball Wellington Centre.

Mike Neilson and the team from Pita Pit Newtown provided a great selection of healthy food and drink options up at our Hataitai courts with demand exceeding supplies in many instances. The provision of indoor café facilities remains an important way to provide essential services and adds a welcoming atmosphere for our Saturday winter competition attendees.

We had a great uptake on the hire of the courts and pavilion to both our members and the outside public in the past year. With a variety of spaces available including the large upstairs area, an upstairs board style room, and small meeting room and a downstairs room on offer, it has the potential to remain well utilised for sporting events, prize-givings, private functions, seminars & workshops, indoor trainings and meetings.

This year maintenance on the Hataitai building has been a priority. We’ve successfully repaired the showers, board room window, drains leading from the roof, installed heat pumps, removed old lighting, repaired the emergency lighting system, installed a new water cylinder, and painted and repaired the foyer area. In 2018 there are plans to paint the main lounge, install new flashings and signage florescent lights, update wiring in the commercial kitchen and replace the oven door by February.

We are continuing discussions with Wellington City Council (WCC), Sport Wellington and other park users around the long term plans for Hataitai Park and the possibility of a Sportsville Hub being established. A feasibility study was funded by WCC, with recommendations on how all users can collectively work together on shared services, with a long term goal of better utilisation of buildings. We need netball to have a long term place at Hataitai Park so we will remain actively involved in discussions in regards to our Hataitai building and how we can best use our asset.

ASB Sports Centre The Centre remains one of the highest users of the ASB Sport Centre fully utilising 12 courts as part of our Saturday winter competition, for three nights a week for our twilight competitions and Kids’ Comp, Tween League and development programmes, our school holiday programmes, and school coaching programmes for year 1-8. We continually look for opportunities that we can offer during the day to the community to include all age groups, gender and abilities. This year was no exception with the introduction of walking netball and continuation of korfball coaching.



The funding from Gaming and Charitable Trusts is invaluable to support the Centre, securing staff 12 months of the year, providing a wide range of competitions to meet the diverse range of patrons in the game of netball, development programmes and academies to cater for all ages and abilities, providing a pathway for players, umpires, officials and coaches by running representative programmes for Year 9, Under 15, 17, 19 and 19+ age groups, and emerging talent programmes.

During 2017, gaming and racing board trust funding was granted by New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT), Infinity Foundation Limited, Four Winds Foundation Limited, Pub Charity, Pelorus Trust, The Lion Foundation, New Zealand Racing Board, and Wellington Community Trust. We thank these funders greatly for their ongoing support to the Centre and our members. Without these funders the cost to play the game of netball would be beyond the reach of many and we would not be able to sustain our current status as the 3rd biggest netball centre in New Zealand both financially or in playing numbers.

The New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT) and Infinity Foundation Limited provide a large portion of the funding outside of the membership fees. These funds were put towards the salaries of staff for the Centre, court hire and Netball Central Zone affiliation fees. The additional funders contributed towards the costs of representative team travel and accommodation, development, operational cost and first aid services.

We are incredibly fortunate that all our previous partners renewed their sponsorship in 2017, contributing to the Centre’s operational success. We would like to thank them all for their support, and the trust they put in us to deliver back to them. We look forward to continuing to grow and foster our relationship in 2018.

PAK’nSAVE Kilbirnie continued as naming rights sponsor assisting with costs associated with our Kids' Netball Comp, Junior Netball Academy, holiday programme and representative food costs. Thanks to Dean Galt and the team at PAK’nSAVE Kilbirnie for their ongoing support.

Jamie & Will Williams and the team from Wellington Hospitality Group continued their generous support implementing their player of the day initiative across the Centre for our ASB winter competition, and our three Junior Satellites – Motu Kairangi, Northern Suburbs Netball and Wellington West Netball for primary and intermediate students. As they offer a number of venues throughout Wellington the meal vouchers prove popular and cater perfectly to our member’s needs.


Mama Brown is our naming rights sponsors for our Centre Twilight leagues and Get Ready For Netball player development programme for Year 5&6 in term one. They contributed towards food and drink vouchers for our winner and runner-up teams plus spot prizes throughout the competition and also on final nights. We extend much thanks to Shah & Arsel Aslam, Johnny Durham and the team located at Mama Brown on Tory Street.

Capital Business Technology provides support that enables the Centre administration to have a more professional and efficient appearance with an amazing photocopier/printer/fax. Thanks to Stephen Watt and the team at Capital Business Technology.

Les Mills supports our emerging talent players and umpires with 12 gym memberships. This sponsorship has supported our athletes to achieve and perform at top level with invitations to a number of Netball NZ camps or squads. A big thank you to Jacqui Randell and the team at Les Mills for their ongoing support.

Sport Wellington has been an amazing supporting body in our emerging talent development programmes, coaching, coach developer training, player alignment and governance training. The ongoing support they have extended to us as a Centre has greatly assisted in allowing us to function as a successful business and sporting body in 2017.

Wellington Sports Med has once again been our ‘go to’ service provider at the ASB Sports Centre for injury care, strapping and for major injuries sustained by netballers at all levels and follow up treatment and also providing educational workshops. Sport Doctor expertise has also provided additional professional care. The players appreciate the support that they received over the 2017 season.

Jason Pine from Newstalk ZB provided us with the opportunity to showcase our premier competition over the 2017 Winter Competition along with any special events we had on the horizon. We really appreciated the air time and exposure that this gave our teams and players and look forward to continuing this relationship in 2018.

Mike Neilson and the team from Newtown Pita Pit provided some amazing healthy food options at Hataitai during the 2017 season and other events such as WRC Combined Year 7&8 Tournament, Primary SportsFest and NNZ U19 Champs. Player of the Day vouchers for college grades at Hataitai plus drink bottles and for the grade winners were also gratefully received.

BLK have continued their support supplying our representative t-shirts and hoodies. As a result our Centre representative proudly players showcase themselves and take pride in their appearance in not only tidy t-shirts and hoodies but also a stand-out playing dress.

It was a pleasure to partner up with BCD travel again this year. Their support assisted us in providing warm coats for all members of our representative team management which was very well received allowing all to look incredibly smart and stay warm and dry court-side.



It is exciting to say that the Centre is still running one of the strongest netball competitions throughout the Wellington region and New Zealand wide. The games continue to be exciting throughout all grades with results quite often unpredictable until that final whistle blows. We want to thank the many volunteers behind the scenes who ensure that we have the club and school teams gracing us with their presence every Saturday over the winter months, and make sure that they bring their ‘A’ game to the court so that we remain a highly competitive Centre.

Having a strong competition not only allows our players to showcase their skills and talents, it also allows our coaches, managers, statisticians, physios and officials to step it up too. This year we have seen a range of highly skilled management team members courtside on a Saturday, along with some consistently solid umpiring occurring as well. A goal for our winter competition was to try and grow our white umpire numbers so that we could try and reduce the need for player umpires. This unfortunately wasn’t able to happen but we do however now have a solid base of new umpires coming through thanks to ongoing development from our Kiwi Whistlers with others achieving NZ badges.

The movement of players wasn’t as high this year which allowed for some stability to be achieved in team combinations. It was really pleasing to see a number of new players take the court across a range of clubs and teams. The pull of Victoria University and Massey University definitely assist us when it comes to attracting new players to the Centre. Some of these players and our home grown players have moved onto higher honours from our winter competition as they are invited to Beko and Pulse trials. Our strong Premier 1 competition definitely helps these players to lift their game.

Players coming in and out of Beko and Pulse squads provided its fair share of challenges for us as a Centre and also for the teams in our Premier 1 competition. Winter competition afforded players a chance to gain valuable game time necessary to not only support their club/team but also keep their mental and physical game sharp so as to be ready when called-up to take the court for the Beko or Pulse team. We thank all of the Premier 1 teams, their management and our umpires for their patience and working with us with rescheduling these games throughout the season.

Our feedback survey has identified some areas for future consideration. We received a lot of positivity surrounding the competition and are fortunate to have an excellent facility at Hataitai and a truly first-class facility in the ASB Sports Centre. With room for expanding the competition should team numbers increase, there are a lot of good elements surrounding our winter competition which all bodes well for the future.

Overall it has been another positive season for ourselves and our three Satellites - Motu Kairangi, Wellington West, Northern Suburbs Netball. We look forward to providing a competition in 2018 that will serve the needs of our netball community as best we can.



Premier 1 2017 saw a continuation of the format that allowed our Premier 1 teams to stay in our competition for the entire season. Like last season Beko National League brought about some challenges for some teams with a number of games deferred and rescheduled to accommodate the need to give benched Beko players game time, and club teams could play with their full playing numbers. The franchise players were able to join their teams in the last few weeks of our competition which brought about some high quality games being played, and the top teams alternating wins against each other across the season. The final placings could have gone to a number of teams with the way the teams were playing. We congratulate Wellington East Netball Club on their Premier 1 win over a tightly contested game against SMOG. An exciting way to end the season for both of these teams and their clubs.

Premier 2 & 3, Premier Reserve & Senior competition The rest of the grades from Premier 2 to Senior 7 went well over the season with very few issues eventuating other than code of conduct and umpiring concerns which is unfortunately something that is an ongoing issue for all sports when passion becomes involved. Our umpire group were quick to move courtside to right the wrongs that were happening which provided a mostly positive season for participants.

This year we did see the Secondary School teams move out of Premier 1 into Premier 2 which made for a tightly contested competition with six school team in this grade. Four of these six teams ended up at the top of this grade – St Mary’s College, Queen Margaret College, Wellington East Girls’ College, and Samuel Marsden Collegiate, which provided great preparation for Lower North Island Secondary Schools. St Mary’s and QMC then progressed from Lower North Island to make it through to the 2017 New Zealand Secondary Schools. A first ever for QMC so a very proud moment for these players, coach Frances Solia and the school. Next season we do envisage that two school teams will make it back up into premier 1 if they retain a number of their players.

The 2017 season ran from 29th April through to the 2nd September (Finals Day), taking into account holidays and a split round in July. This year we removed grading games for Seniors which has brought about a lot of discussion in the review and something for us to address again for the 2018 season along with a number of other initiatives that may enhance the way we currently run our winter competition.


Results and final placings for Winter Competition Premier Grades Prem 1 Prem 2 Prem 3 Wgtn East 1 St Mary’s 1 Wgtn East 4 SMOG 1 QMC 1 SMOG 5 PIC 1 WEGC 1 PIC 4 PIC 2 Marsden 1 Newlands 1 Vic Uni 1 SMOG 3 HHF 1 SMOG 2 Wgtn Girls 1 Tawa 1 Wgtn East 2 Vic Uni 2 Kia Ora 1 SMOG 4 PIC 3 Wgtn East 3

Prem Res 1 Prem Res 2 Prem Res 3 Prem Res 4 Vic Uni 5 NCOG 2 PIC 5 St Mary’s 4 Karori 1 St Mary’s 3 Vic Uni 6 Karori 3 Wgtn East 5 St Francis 1 St Caths 1 Kia Ora 4 Vic Uni 3 Wgtn United 1 WEGC 3 Wgtn East 8 Vic Uni 4 Kia Ora 2 Wgtn Girls 2 SMOG 7 Wgtn East 7 Wgtn Girls 3 WEGC 2 HHF 2 St Mary’s 2 Wgtn East 6 Kia Ora 3 Karori 2 Ories 1 SMOG 6 NCOG 1 Vic Uni 7

Senior 1 Senior 2 Senior 3 Senior 4 SN Wags Kia Ora 7 Ories 3 SCOG 2 SMOG 8 SMOG 9 St Francis 3 Kia Ora 9 Kia Ora 6 Vic Uni 10 SMOG 10 Vic Uni 13 SCOG 1 St. Francis 2 Vic Uni 12 Kia Ora 11 Vic Uni 9 Nga Mokopuna Misfits 1 Vic Uni 16 Vic Uni 11 Wgtn East 10 NCOG 3 HHF 3 Wgtn East 9 Ories 2 Wgtn East 11 SMOG 11 Vic Uni 8 Kia Ora 5 Kia Ora 8 Vic Uni 14

Senior 5 Senior 6 Wgtn Olympic Ab Fabs Vic Uni 18 Vic Uni 19 Wgtn East 12 Vic Uni 17 IB Descentdentz SCOG 3 Wgtn Wildcats Ories 4 Kia Ora 10 Vic Uni 22 Vic Uni 15 Kia Ora 12 Karori 4 Vic Uni 21 Vic Uni 20

Kia Ora 13

Regional Secondary School League (RSSL) This was the sixth year this competition has been run by the Centre and College Sport Wellington, where 23 teams in three divisions took part from across Wellington, Hutt Valley, Kapi Mana, Kapiti and Wairarapa. The competition began on Monday 26th June after the first round of the school’s winter competition with seeding’s based on 2016 Lower North Island Secondary School tournament results. The finals day took place at the ASB Sports Centre on Monday 28th August where St Mary’s College won against Sacred Heart College (41-21) to win the Division One title. Tawa College won against HVHS (35-28) to win the Division Two title. St Catherine’s College won against Otaki College (34-28) to win the Division Three title.


The Netball Wellington Centre teams finished in the following positions:

Division 1 St Mary’s College 1st Queen Margaret College 3rd Wellington East Girls’ College 4th Wellington Girls’ College 6th Samuel Marsden Collegiate 7th

Division 2 Tawa College 1st (9th Overall)

Division 3 St Catherine’s College 1st (17th Overall) Onslow College 3rd (19th Overall)

NWC Collegiate Competition The Collegiate grades are made up of three distinct groups: Collegiate Grades 1-3 Open grade (No age limit), Top four grades Hosted at the ASB Sports Centre Collegiate Grade 4 & 5 Open grade (No age limit), more ‘social’ grade Hosted at the Hataitai Netball Courts Junior Collegiate Grades 1-2 Junior grade (Year 9 & 10 Only) Hosted at the Hataitai Netball Courts

Our collegiate 1 competition this year was a highlight for us with some very tightly contested games and great netball skills on display. Most of the Collegiate 1-3 grades were well contested and played in good spirit across the whole season. We have noted that for some of the larger schools with teams in the lower social grades, these games appear to be not so even. This is something that we shall aim to monitor a little more during grading games at the start of the 2018 season. Overall the season has been a good one for our college teams and we look forward to seeing our numbers grow in this space as we strongly believe that these teams are foundation to the long term future of the Centre.


Results and final placings for Collegiate Competition

Collegiate Grades Coll 1A Coll 1B Coll 1C 1 Onslow 1 St Mary’s 5 St Caths 3 2 Wgtn Girls 6 QMC 3 St Mary’s 6 3 WEGC 4 Newlands 2 Wgtn Girls 7 4 Marsden 2 QMC 2 Wgtn Girls 8 5 Wgtn Girls 5 Marsden 3 WEGC 5

6 Wgtn Girls 4 Wgtn High 1 Newlands 7 Coll 2A Coll 2B Coll 2C Coll 2D 1 Tawa 2 Wgtn Girls 14 WEGC 7 WEGC 9 2 St Mary’s 7 Newlands 10 Wgtn Girls 14 Tawa 3 3 WEGC 6 Wgtn Girls 10 Wgtn Girls 11 Wgtn Girls 16 4 Onslow 2 Onslow 3 Wgtn Girls 13 WEGC 8 5 Newlands 3 Tawa 4 St Mary’s 9 St Mary’s 8 6 Wgtn Girls 9 Wgtn High 2 Marsden 4 Wgtn Girls 15 Coll 3A Coll 3B 1 St. Mary’s 12 Wgtn Girls 18 2 St Mary’s 10 Wgtn Girls 17 3 Marsden 5 QMC 4 4 St Mary’s 11 Onslow 4 5 St Caths 4 WEGC 11 6 WEGC 10 QMC 5 7 Newlands 4 Coll 4A Coll 4B Coll 4C Coll 4D 1 St Marys 13 QMC 6 Marsden 6 WEGC 17 2 WEGC 14 WEGC 13 WEGC 12 Onslow 5 3 Wgtn Girls 19 St Mary’s 15 St Mary’s 14 Marsden 7 4 WEGC 15 Wgtn Girls 20 Wgtn Girls 21 St Caths 5 5 Wgtn Girls 23 Wgtn Girls 24 Wgtn High 4 Wgtn Girls 25 6 Newlands 5 Wgtn Girls 22 St Mary’s 16 QMC 7 Coll 5A Coll 5B 1 Marsden 9 WEGC 19 2 Wgtn Girls 44 Wgtn Girls 32 3 Wgtn Girls 27 Wgtn Girls 28 4 WEGC 16 Wgtn Girls 30 5 Wgtn Girls 31 QMC 10 6 Wgtn Girls 26 WEGC 18 7 Marsden 8 Marsden 10 8 Wgtn Girls 29 QMC 9 JColl 1A JColl 1B JColl 1C JColl 1D 1 St. Mary’s 17 WEGC 22 St Mary’s 18 WEGC 24 2 Newlands 8 St. Mary’s 19 WEGC 21 St Caths 6 3 Wgtn Girls 33 Wgtn Girls 35 Wgtn Girls 37 Newlands 9 4 Wgtn High 5 QMC 11 Onslow 6 Wgtn Girls 39 5 Marsden 11 Wgtn Girls 34 QMC 8 St Mary’s 20 6 WEGC 20 Newlands 11 Wgtn Girls 36 WEGC 23 JColl 2A JColl 2B 1 WEGC 25 Wgtn Girls 42 2 Wgtn Girls 41 Newlands 12 3 Wgtn Girls 38 Wgtn Girls 43 4 Onslow 7 Wgtn Highs 6 5 Wgtn Girls 40 6 Marsden 12



Congratulations to the following award recipients honored at our 2017 Prize-Giving Ceremony.

College Awards Grade Recipient Trophy Collegiate Cup Winner: St. Mary’s College 1 Premier College Championship Cup Collegiate 1A Winner: Onslow 1 Marie Hopkins Trophy Runner Up: Wgtn Girls 6 Collegiate 1B Winner : St Mary’s 5 NWC Cup Runner Up : QMC 3 Collegiate 1C Winner : St Caths 3 NWC Cup Runner Up: St Mary’s 6 Collegiate 2A Winner: Tawa 2 Esme Moore Trophy Runner Up: St Mary’s 7 Collegiate 2B Winner: Wgtn Girls 12 NWC Cup Runner Up: Newlands 10 Collegiate 2C Winner: WEGC 7 NWC Cup Runner Up: WGTN Girls 14 Collegiate 2D Winner: WEGC 9 NWC Cup Runner Up: Tawa 3 Collegiate 3A Winner: St. Mary’s 12 WNA Cup Runner Up: St Mary’s 10 Collegiate 3B Winner: Wgtn Girls 18 NWC Cup Runner Up: Wgtn Girls 17 Collegiate 4A Winner: St Mary’s 13 Hazel Paul Trophy (plate) Runner Up: WEGC 14 Collegiate 4B Winner: QMC 6 NWC Cup Runner Up: WEGC 13 Collegiate 4C Winner: Marsden 6 NWC Cup Runner Up: WEGC 12 Collegiate 4D Winner: WEGC 17 NWC Cup Runner Up: Onslow 5 Collegiate 5A Winner: Marsden 9 NWC Cup Runner Up: Wgtn Girls 44 Collegiate 5B Winner: WEGC 19 NWC Cup Runner Up: Wgtn Girls 32 JColl 1A (Collegiate 6A) Winner: St Mary’s 17 Jamie Trophy Runner Up: Newlands 8 JColl 1B (Collegiate 6B) Winner: WEGC 22 NWC Cup Runner Up : St. Mary’s 19 JColl 1C (Collegiate 6C) Winner: St Mary’s 18 NWC Cup Runner Up: WEGC 21 JColl 1D (Collegiate 6D) Winner: WEGC 24 NWC Cup Runner Up: St Cath’s 6 JColl 2A ( Collegiate 7A) Winner: WEGC 25 Doyle Cup Runner Up: WGTN Girls 41


JColl 2B (Collegiate 7B) Winner: Wgtn Girls 42 NWC Cup Runner Up: Newlands 12 Intermediate Winner: EBIS Kereru Intermediate Cup Runner Up: KNS Totara Special Mention Won all games – unbeaten: Wgtn Girls 18 St. Mary’s 17 WEGC 24 WEGC 25

No Losses (1 Draw) WEGC 17 WEGC 22 Collegiate Highest Goal Average Wgtn Girls 18 Shirley Smith Trophy

Collegiate Best Defensive Play WEGC 25 Lady Appleton Trophy

Highest Finishing College Team St Mary’s College 1 Acorn Cup

Senior Awards Grade Recipient Trophy Senior 1 (Formerly Senior 1A) Winner: SN WAGs WEOG Cup Runner Up: SMOG 8 Senior 2 (Formerly Senior 1B) Winner: Kia Ora 7 NWC Cup Runner Up: SMOG 9 Senior 3 (Formerly Senior 1C) Winner: Ories 3 NWC Cup Runner Up: St Francis 3 Senior 4 (Formerly Senior 1D) Winner: SCOG 2 NWC Cup Runner Up: Kia Ora 9 Senior 5 (Formerly Senior 2A) Winner: Wgtn Olympic SMOG Cup Runner Up: Vic Uni 18 Senior 6 (Formerly Senior 2B) Winner: Ab Fabs NWC Cup Runner Up: Vic Uni 19 Senior - Highest Goal Average Nga Mokopuna Betty Armstrong Cup Senior - Best Defensive Play Vic Uni 18 Barbara Marchant Trophy Senior Team Award Vic Uni 10 Senior Team Award Trophy

Premier Awards Grade Recipient Trophy Premier 1 Winner: Wgtn East 1 NZ Community Trust Trophy Runner Up: SMOG 1 Premier 2 Winner: St Mary’s 1 O’Neill Cup Runner Up: QMC 1 Premier 3 Winner: Wgtn East 4 Dorothy Smith Trophy Runner Up: SMOG 5 Premier Reserve 1 Winner: Vic Uni 5 Smith Cup Runner Up: Karori 1 Premier Reserve 2 Winner: NCOG 2 Johnsonville/Marion Smith Trophy Runner Up: St Mary’s 3 Premier Reserve 3 Winner: PIC 5 Premier Cup Runner Up: Vic Uni 6 Premier Reserve 4 Winner: St Mary’s 4 Annie Calder Trophy/Trustbank Cup Runner Up: Karori 3 Premier - Highest Goal Average PIC 1 Lady Fowler Cup Premier - Best Defensive Play Kia Ora 4 Umpires Jubilee Trophy


Special Awards Award Recipient Trophy Club Uniform Nga Mokopuna Netball Paul Cameron Trophy Volunteer of the Year Danielle Hannan – Vic Uni Haggie Cup Fair Play Award Crystal Lawrence – Wgtn East NWC Cup Club Administrator Sophie Bradley – Vic Uni Geale Family Cup Coach of the Year – Developing players Leigh Graham – Marsden NWC Trophy Coach of the Year Frances Solia – PIC & QMC Dale Wortman Trophy Most Improved Team SN WAGs Sykes Cup Club Achievement Victoria University Netball Club Marjorie Jenden Trophy Club Championship – Small Club Karori Netball Club Betts Cup Club Championship – Large Club SMOG Netball Club Lady Iris Kitts Trophy

Umpire Awards Award Recipient Trophy Contribution to Umpiring Ann Hay Freda Maurirere Trophy Junior Umpire of the Year Lachlan McLaren Barbara Fabish Trophy Most Improved Umpire Amelia Wheeler Kirsten Lloyd Trophy Umpire of the Year Ann Hay Denise Young Trophy

Representative Awards Award Recipient U19 - Most Valuable Player Grace McLean Ainsleyana Puleiata U17 Black - Most Valuable Players Jordan Vailini U17 Gold - Most Valuable Player Tamara Baker U17 Gold - Most Improved Player Charlotte Strowger-Turnock U15 Black - Most Valuable Player Beyoncé Rehutai U15 Black - Most Improved Player Tesara-Rose Faleafaga U15 Black- Most Consistent Alice Wotton U15 Gold - Most Valuable Player Maia Wilson U15 Gold - Most Improved Player Georgia Rhodes Amelia Feaunati Year 9 – Most Valuable Players Roimata Kapene

Congratulations to the following award recipients honored as part of the 2017 Wellington Regional Netball Prize-giving Awards:

Umpire of the Year Gareth Fowler - HV Regional Cup Contribution to Regional Umpire Paul Smith - NWC/KM Ann Hay Trophy Emerging Player of the Year Renee Savai’inaea - NWC Dale Wortman Cup Bench Official of the year Pene Kora – HV Regional Cup Player of the Year Whitney Souness - NWC The Presidents Cup Special mention to Claire Kersten - NWC

Key: HV = Netball Hutt Valley Centre KM = Kapi Mana Netball Centre K – Netball Kapiti NWC = Netball Wellington Centre Wai = Netball Wairarapa



Social Twilight leagues remain a core part of our competitions on offer and numbers have remained at capacity for the number of courts available at the ASB Sports Centre. The traditional outdoor option was again offered on Mondays in the spring & summer seasons (Term 4 & Term 1). Outdoor competition is not offered during the autumn & winter seasons (Term 2 & 3) due to several factors (weather and court availability). Indoor competitions are held on Wednesday and Thursday throughout the year at the ASB Sports Centre. Mama Brown continued as the major sponsor for our Mama Brown Twilight competitions – an arrangement that benefits both the Centre and Mama Brown which we hope will continue into 2018.

Twilight Leagues offered in 2016/2017 Grade Venue # of teams Spring 2016 (October – December) - Monday Mixed Hataitai 7 Spring 2016 (October – December) - Monday Womens Hataitai 12 Spring 2016 (October – December) - Wednesday Mixed ASB 10 Spring 2016 (October – December) - Wednesday Womens ASB 14 Spring 2016(October – December) - Thursday Mixed ASB 8 Spring 2016 (October – December) - Thursday Womens ASB 14 Summer 2017 (February – April) – Monday Mixed Hataitai 7 Summer 2017 (February – April) – Monday Womens Hataitai 8 Summer 2017 (February – April) - Wednesday Mixed ASB 12 Summer 2017 (February – April) - Wednesday Womens ASB 8 Summer 2017 (February – April) - Thursday Mixed ASB 8 Summer 2017 (February – April) - Thursday Womens ASB 16 Autumn 2017 (May – June) – Wednesday Mixed ASB 12 Autumn 2017 (May – June) – Wednesday Womens ASB 8 Autumn 2017 (May – June) – Thursday Mixed ASB 18 Autumn 2017 (May – June) – Thursday Womens ASB 6 Winter 2017 (July - September) - Wednesday Mixed ASB 4 Winter 2017 (July - September) - Wednesday Womens ASB 14 Winter 2017 (July - September) - Thursday Mixed ASB 16 Winter 2017 (July - September) - Thursday Womens ASB 4 Winter 2017 (July-September) - Friday Mixed ASB 5 Total number of teams in 2015/2016 – 200 (20 Leagues) Total number of teams in 2016/2017 – 211 (21 Leagues)



A new addition to the services we offer this year is the chance for anyone aged 18 years and over to give Walking Netball a go. Walking netball originated in the UK and with a few simple rule modifications it turns the game into a low impact activity which is easier on the joints therefore more appealing for mature participants or those returning after injury or having had a baby. It also makes for a social yet sweat-inducing fun work-out. Rule modifications include ruling out jumping or running so one foot must always maintain contact with the ground at all times, allowing an extra step before coming to a complete stop, and allowing four seconds to hold the ball. From the time we initiated Walking Netball held for an hour on Friday nights at the ASB Sports Centre, participant numbers have slowly but surely increased thanks to word of mouth. In May we started with small numbers of 14 players and since then term two attracted a total of 30 various participants popping in on a casual basis while term three enticed 47 participants into Friday night activity. For 2018 we plan to keep up the momentum by offering Walking Netball in each term and would like to extend to mid-day offerings making the most of the free court space during off-peak hours at ASB Sports Centre. We hope to appeal to the older generation, stay-at-home Mums and shift workers.


Kids’ Netball Comp Running junior competitions ‘out-of-season’ continued in the 2016/17 season. The competition was run on Wednesdays in Term 4 aimed at Year 5&6 players. It is apparently difficult for teams to rally together in time in Term 1 hence the need to cancel our Term 1 offering. In response to Year 7&8 teams seeking more of a challenge the Year 7&8 league has been absorbed into the Year 9+ Tween League. The competition provides not only a bit of fun for our young players but is also a great opportunity for our junior umpires to further develop their skills. The initiative to involve recent ‘graduates’ from the Kiwi Whistler programme from the three Junior Satellites over winter, along with John Neho acting as a dedicated umpire coach, has seen a large number of these youngsters build in their skill level and confidence.

A big thanks to PAK’nSAVE Kilbirnie who returned as major sponsor of our Kids’ Netball Comp.

# of teams # of teams Junior Grades offered in 2016/2017 Grade 2015-2016 2016-2017 Term 4 (October – December) Year 5&6 7 9 Term 4 (October – December) Year 7&8 11 cancelled Term 1 (February – April) Year 5&6 0 cancelled Year 7&8 0 Shifted into Term 1 (February – April) Tween League Total number of teams in 2015/2016 – 18 (4 Leagues) Total number of teams in 2016/2017 – 9 (1 League)



The Year 9&10 Teen League continued as an off-season competition offered on both Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. The competition not only offered an option for those Year 9&10 players looking for a competition to play in a fun environment, but also expanded to cater to the top Year 8 teams looking for a challenge against some stronger opposition. For this reason it was renamed Tween League as of Term 1 2017. A number of teams were self coached and just wanted to have fun with friends whilst other teams were looking to continue on with their winter netball form and combinations.

# of teams # of teams Teen Grades offered Grade 2015-2016 2016-2017 Term 4 2016 (October – December) Year 9&10 12 16 Term 1 2017 (February – April) Year 9&10 0 8 Total number of teams in 2015/2016 – 12 (1 League) Total number of teams in 2016/2017 – 24 (2 Leagues)


The 2017 year has been another successful season for the Wellington Umpires and Bench Officials with a good number of umpires achieving umpiring qualifications and umpires rewarded with appointments to International and national Tournaments, NNZ squads and Talent ID programmes for both Netball NZ and Netball Central Zone. Congratulations to Jess Lea who gained her NZ A Award – a well deserve achievement, and a special mention to Ann Hay on her international appointments.

We attribute their success to the personal commitment and accountability of the umpires and bench officials and also to the work of a panel of volunteers. A majority of these volunteers commit their time to umpiring or bench official work, as well as coaching or mentoring others. The panel put a lot of effort into becoming accredited to coach, mentor or assess, which we know takes a lot of their own personal time and investment, and is deeply appreciated by those they are developing just as much as the Centre.

This year we celebrated great success in the umpire theory arena. Ann Hay and Paul Smith tutored the NZ theory, and Amelia Wheeler tutored Zone theory. We had 100% pass rate with


three NZ and four Zone candidates enjoying the taste of how hard work pays off. The Centre is extremely lucky to have tutors of such high calibre and the results show the importance of these six-weeks of classes.

Some of the Netball Wellington Centre umpires voluntarily assisted in delivery of the Kiwi Whistler programme to junior and adult umpire sessions in all three of our Junior Netball Satellites. It was great to see our umpires giving back - tells you a great deal about the charisma of umpires that are involved in our Centre. Big thanks to Lachie McLaren, Amelia Wheeler and Sue Geale.

We continued on with an umpire holiday programme at ASB Sport Centre which attracted the interest of over 40 student and adult attendees. This was very well received and it is an initiative that we want to further progress in 2018 for all age groups. Going over the rules with these players, along with practical application, provides them with the confidence to complete umpire duties as a player or a family member throughout the season.

Once again our umpires took up the opportunity to umpire trials, attend representative tournaments, attend club/school/representative trainings and coaching clinics, and took up one or more games on a Saturday to ensure that we had all of our premier games covered by qualified umpires. We are still well below the required numbers to meet the objective of being in the position to cover all Premier Reserve games but the foundations are being laid with a good cohort of umpires coming through at the Introductory and centre level.

A big thank you to all for the time, commitment and dedication you give to the game of netball here at the Centre and in support of our teams. It is greatly appreciated.

2017 Netball Wellington Centre Umpire Awards We say every year that it gets harder and harder for us to name one umpire for each of our special awards. This year was no different with multiple worthy candidates for four categories.

Contribution to Umpiring – This year the award was presented to Ann Hay. Ann has a young family and yet still manages to fit so much in for the game of netball, for others and even manages to put a little time into her own umpiring. This year Ann has contributed in the follow way: Appointed as an NZUDG Cadet, NWC Panel Convenor, NZ Theory Tutor, NWC Squad Coach, NZ Umpire Tester, NWC member of development team, facilitator of development workshops, umpire at trials and training games as well as Saturday winter competition when available. This list is not by any means complete as Ann continuously gives her time to the umpires in the Wellington region. Congratulations Ann - a just reward for all you give to the game of netball and our umpires.

Most Improved Umpire – A number of umpires have put their hands up this season however there was one umpire that had the biggest shift when it came to confidence, consistency and ability shown over the 2017 season. Congratulations to Amelia Wheeler on this deserved recognition. In 2016 Amelia gradually ventured into the Premier 1 competition. Despite initial hesitancy due to the high level intensity of the games and some senior player game maturity creeping into the game, Amelia listened to her coaches and mentors and was able to rise above the emotional aspect of the game. She not only became one of our more consistent umpires on our Premier 1 competition but also headed off to U17 nationals in Pukekohe and was awarded the play off for 3&4 and reserved the final.


Junior Umpire of the Year – Lachlan (Lockie) McLaren followed on from his success in 2016 and received the award for a consecutive year as he’s continued to build on his confidence and improved his consistency. He attended a number of regional and national representative tournaments at the U15, U17 and Open Grade levels, and managed some tightly contested Premier 1 games throughout the winter competition. Lockie’s hard work has paid off as he’s became one of the youngest umpires at the Centre to be awarded his New Zealand Practical award. This year he took an umpire coach and assessor role, and shared role of Kiwi Whistler facilitator at Northern Suburbs Netball – which he surely remembers progressing through himself not so long ago. Lockie is a great role model and inspiration to our umpires following in his footsteps.

Umpire of the Year – This year Ann Hay has umpired at ANZ Premiership, Beko National League, Netball World Youth Cup, NWC competitions, training games for Pulse and club trials. But it is not all about attendance - it is about consistency and umpiring to a standard recognised by NNZ and IFNA that has rightly claimed Ann this award with her being justly awarded in International Umpire Award in Botswana at the World Youth Cup. Ann works tirelessly towards her own umpiring and the appointments she is awarded are true recognition of her capability. Ann is an elite umpire that enjoys what she does and this shows through every time she takes the court. It isn’t about her, it is about the players and the game in front of her and ensuring consistency is maintained no matter how intense the game becomes. We look forward to see Ann’s continue on with her successes in 2018 starting in December with a trip to Vanuatu to umpire at the Mini Pacific Games.

Umpire development opportunities offered by the Netball Wellington Centre for the period between October 2016 to September 2017: Date Event Facilitator Attended Oct Kids’ Netball Comp & Tween League - umpire mentoring (8 wks) John Neho 12 Decision Making Under Pressure Ann Hay 15 Feb Kids’ Netball Comp & Tween League - umpire mentoring (8 wks) John Neho 5 Mar Umpire session – St Catherine’s College Sue Geale 20 Umpiring 101 session Sue Geale 21 Pre Season Workshop Programme for NWC NZ/Zone Squads Ann Hay, Jess Lea, 15 Paul Smith & Gareth Fowler College Sport Secondary School Officials Workshop Sue Geale & John Neho 60 Apr Umpire Holiday Programme - Year 8 and above Sue Geale & John Neho 37

Umpiring 101 session Sue Geale 29 Adult Whistler Motu Kairangi Satellite Yr 5&6 (one-off theory/prac) Sue Geale 60 Adult Whistler Motu Kairangi Satellite Yr 7&8 (one-off theory/prac) Sue Geale 25 In-school Workshop – Wellington East Girls’ College Sue Geale 15 May Kiwi Whistler Wellington West Satellite (6 wks theory/prac) Maria Nunns 24 Kiwi Whistler Northern Suburbs Satellite (6 wks theory/prac) Lachlan McLaren & 12 Amelia Wheeler Kiwi Whistler Motu Kairangi Satellite (6 wks theory/prac) Sue Geale 13 Umpiring 101 session Sue Geale & John Neho 18 Sept Tournament Preparation for NZSSs Jess Lea 2 20 umpire development opportunities offered in 2015-2016 – total participants 541 17 umpire development opportunities offered in 2016-2017 - total participants 383


The goal for this year was to focus on practical assessments so the number of workshop opportunities reduced as a result. The effort put in by umpire coaches and umpires on the court this season was rewarded with the achievement of a healthy number of qualifications. Congratulations to the following umpires who gained practical qualifications and theory passes this year: NZ B Award NZ Theory Zone Theory Centre Award Introductory Award Marlissa Howard Ken Allen John Neho Cailin Broadley Anatia Ioapo Kris Kincaid Kris Kincaid Darleen Manihera Emily Hince Megan Jamieson Regan Thompson (endorsement) Hannah Geale NZ C Award Zone Award Zoe Smith Georgia Henderson Isabella Radka

Amelia Wheeler John Neho Hanna Cockerill Jeremy Gapes Kristin Svendsen Kris Kincaid Hannah Geale Jessie McKee Lachlan McLaren Moana Fox Isabella Gates Kayla Fitzpatrick Marlissa Howard (endorsement) Inger Deighton Rhiannon Bond (endorsement) Jeremy Gapes Sarah Hay Jessie McKee Sharnay Leef Lucille Du Toit (endorsement)

We wish to acknowledge the fantastic achievements of the following umpires appointed for tournaments during 2016/2017: Umpire Tournament selection Amelia Wheeler Netball New Zealand Under 17 Age Group Championship 2017 Lower North Island Secondary School Netball Tournament 2017 Netball Central Zone Super School Tournament 2017 Marjorie Jenden Tournamen2017 Betty Steffensen Tournament 2017 NWC Open (19+) Fixtures 2017 Ann Hay ANZ Premiership Pre-Season Tournament in Otaki 2017 Inaugural ANZ Premiership 2017 Beko National League 2017 Netball World Youth Cup Tournament in Gaborone, Botswana 2017 Finalist NNZ Award 2017 New World Volunteer of the Year – Official Anthony Karauria Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2017 Finalist NNZ Award – 2017 New World Volunteer of the year – Official Clare Green Molly Dorne Tournament 2017

Daisy Smith Netball New Zealand Under 17 Age Group Championship 2017 Geoff Howard Netball Central Zone Super Club 2017 Genevieve Coleman Netball Wellington Centre U17 & U19 Fixtures event 2017 Greg Barbet NZ Mixed & Men’s Netball Association Men’s National Tournament 2017 Hanna Cockerill Waste Management North Island U15 Championship 2017 Jess Lea National Umpire of the Year 2016 ANZ Premiership Pre-Season Tournament in Otaki 2017 Beko National League 2017 Netball New Zealand Inaugural Super Club 2017 Jo Minchin World Masters Games 2017 Ken Allen Betty Steffensen Tournament 2017 Molly Dorne Tournament 2017


Kristin Svendsen Netball New Zealand Under 17 Age Group Championship 2017 Netball Central Zone Super School Tournament 2017 Betty Steffensen Tournament 2017 Kris Kincaid Betty Steffensen Tournament 2017 Lagi Tuimavave Netball Wellington Centre U17 & U19 Fixtures event 2017 Netball Central Zone Super Club Tournament 2017 Lachlan McLaren Netball New Zealand Under 17 Age Group Championship 2017 Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2017 Marjorie Jenden Tournament 2017 Betty Steffensen Tournament 2017 Netball Wellington Centre Open (19+) Fixtures event 2017 Marlissa Howard Netball New Zealand Under 17 Age Group Championship 2017 Netball Central Zone Super Club Tournament 2017 Megan Jamieson Waste Management North Island U15 Championship 2017 Melissa Price Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2017 Waste Management North Island U15 Championship 2017 Paul Smith ANZ Premiership Pre season Tournament in Otaki 2017 Inaugural ANZ Premiership 2017 Beko National League 2017 Netball New Zealand Inaugural Super Club 2017 Regan Thompson Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2017

Rangi Wano Marjorie Jenden Tournament 2017 Molly Dorne Tournament 2017 Sarah Orr Marjorie Jenden Tournament 2017 Betty Steffensen Tournament 2017 Yvonne Small World Masters Games 2017 Zoe Smith Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament 2017

Congratulations to the following umpires who have achieved honours on a regional level: Lower North Island Secondary Schools Netball Amelia Wheeler – Umpires Merit Award

We wish to acknowledge the dedicated achievements of the following bench officials appointed on events throughout 2017:

Official Event selection Bernice Robertson Outstanding Contribution to Netball by a Technical Official at the NZ Netball Awards 2016 Inaugural ANZ Premiership 2017 Greg Barbet Inaugural ANZ Premiership 2017 NZ Mixed & Men’s Netball Association Men’s National Tournament 2017



Efforts continue to enable accessible netball opportunities for our wider community remaining mindful that age, ability, accessibility and overall motivation towards participation is indeed variable throughout different stages in life. Netball continues to be a year-round sport however with participation numbers waning in the off-season and pre-season it may now be recognised that a break to get outdoors and focus on other seasonal activities is absolutely okay. Netball Wellington Centre supports the benefits of applying common skills across other sporting codes and avoiding burnout yet shall continue to do our best to cater to the needs of our community as and when they seek netball activity in future.

In addition to our own programmes the Centre provided ongoing support to our three Junior Netball Satellites as they rolled out Netball New Zealand’s ANZ futureFERNS programme for Year 1-4 and introduced the launch of six-a-side netball for Year 5. We shall continue to be there in 2018 when six-a-side netball extends to Year 6, the Year 7 rep-replacement content is released and Year 8 reps begin to be phased-out in keeping with directive from Netball New Zealand.

Our annual calendar encompasses development opportunities in all four terms of the year. To stay sharp we offer off-season and pre-season programmes for those wishing to prepare for the coming season and assist players to start off on the best foot for school or representative trials. If wishing to just play rather than develop skills we offer the chance for social games within our PAK’nSAVE Kilbirnie Kids’ Netball Comp or Tween League held in term one and four. During term two and three the focus switches to maintaining and fine-tuning skills – for this we offer our PAK’nSAVE Kilbirnie Junior Netball Academy. Our Senior Netball Academy also held in term two and three caters to players who narrowly missed rep selection and may seek guidance on areas of improvement.

NWC Development Staff John Neho and Maria Hegarty worked together to engage people from all walks of life in over 100 hours of interactive coaching efforts. Great satisfaction is derived from hearing young male netball-phobes set aside their reservations and admit they actually had a good time, seeing those who don’t normally engage in team sport experience the thrill of successfully pulling off an intercept, tip, shot, pass or catch and make netball accessible for individuals wishing to start playing no matter what age and stage in life.

The “all-hands-on-desk” culture fostered by our leader Sue Geale is a strong point within our team. If a clash arises we all muck in to help out and gaps get filled with little fuss. Many thanks to fellow colleagues Sue Geale, John Neho, Peter McDonald, Bubs Reweti and Sandra Edge who happily pitch in when duty calls. This united front enables us to spread ourselves ever-further to meet requests including in-school visits, workshop & training delivery, selection duties, parent- info and taster sessions and trialling new initiatives such as walking netball while maintaining consistent and quality experiences. We are also fortunate to benefit from volunteers who lend their skill in developing and supporting young players when called upon. Such willing helping hands really make a huge difference and we are immensely grateful.

Netball Wellington Centre enjoys making the most of further opportunities to foster good working relationships with counterparts such as the Wellington City Council, Sport Wellington, Primary Sport Wellington and College Sport Wellington. As we set our sights on 2018 we aim to further engage and grow our netball community by providing additional development opportunities to meet the ever-expanding needs of our patrons from beginner to experienced players, coaches, umpires, managers and bench officials of all ages.



Netball Wellington Centre again continued to provide coaching services in partnership with the Wellington City Council and private arrangements to deliver quality coaching experiences for schools and groups visiting the ASB Sports Centre. Delivery hours have increased in comparison to the lull experienced last year and netball is yet again more commonly requested over korfball. Netball Wellington Centre continues to assist with korfball coaching given its similar skill-set and rule-base and it also provides a welcome variety for coaches to expand their knowledge-base. Overall school/group requests have increased from 15 last period to 20 this period allowing us greater direct exposure in schools. Interest amongst boys continues to grow thanks to the mixed-gender nature of korfball and realisation that much desired jump shots and lay-ups can be applied with great success in both korfball and netball. We wish to thank the ASB Sports Centre staff Katie Fowler, Amy Lauridsen, Cameron Neilson, Michelle Heath, and Daniel Leggett for working closely alongside us to allow us to showcase our sport to the wider community. We enjoy the chance to welcome newcomers to our sport, showcase the amazing services on offer at ASB Sports centre and engage more people in fun interactive sport participation. In 2018 we’d like to expand on relationships with local primary, intermediate and secondary schools along with tertiary and mature members of our community. Participation figures for the period from October 2016 to September 2017:

Group Age Hours Attendees Term 4 2016 (October to December) Sacred Heart Cathedral School – netball (ASBSC) Year 7&8 12 108 Northland School – netball (ASBSC) Year 7&8 4 40 St Marks Primary School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 8 1.25 25 Raroa Intermediate School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 7&8 2 80 Silverstream School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 7&8 3.5 90 Redwood School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 5&6 3.5 140 Otari School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 5&6 1 24 Crofton Downs School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 3&4 1.5 50 Wellington Home Education Network – netball (ASBSC) Year 1-13 2 40 Term 1 2017 (January to March) Jan Holiday Sporting Skills Hol Prog – netball (ASBSC) Year 1-8 1 40 The Education Abroad Network visit from USA (netball & Tertiary 2.5 22 korfball) Ridgway School – netball (ASBSC) Year 5-8 1 28 Sport Wellington Stadium Sports Festival – netball Year 5&6 4.5 156 Term 2 2017 (April to June) Pulse Community Player Development Activity (ASBSC) Year 7-10 1.5 41 Wellington Home Education Network - korfball (ASBSC) Year 0-13 2 20 Apr Holiday Sporting Skills Hol Prog – netball (ASBSC) Year 1-8 1 40 Wellington Home Education Network – netball (ASBSC) Year 0-13 1.5 22 Kilbirnie School – netball (ASBSC) Year 3&4 6 50 Newtown School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 5&6 4 80 West Park School – netball (ASBSC) Year 5&6 3 112 Mt Cook School – netball (ASBSC) Year 1-8 4 100 Wellington Home Education Network - korfball (ASBSC) Year 0-13 2 20


Term 3 2017 (July to September) ASB Sports Centre July Sporting Skills Hol Prog – netball Year 1-8 1 48 Wellington Home Education Group - netball (ASBSC) Year 0-13 1.5 22 St Patrick’s Primary School – netball (ASBSC) Year 1-8 6.75 125 Te Aro School – netball (in-school) Year 7&8 4 12 Wadestown School – netball (ASBSC) Year 2 2.5 50 St Francis de Sales School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 4-6 10 104 Ridgway School – netball (ASBSC) Year 4-8 0.75 20 Wellington Home Education Group - netball (ASBSC) Year 7-13 0.50 6 Sacred Heart Cathedral School – netball (ASBSC) Year 4-6 1.5 54 Hataitai School – korfball (ASBSC) Year 7&8 3 75 Wellington Regional SportsFest (Hataitai Courts) Year 5&6 6 256 Wellington Regional SportsFest (Hataitai Courts) Year 7&8 6 256 Total coaching hours 2015-2016 – 83.5 Total attendees 2015-2016 – 1686 Total coaching hours 2014-2015 – 108.25 Total attendees 2016-2017 – 2356 ASBSC: ASB Sports Centre


Off-Season and Pre-Season Netball Development Programme The Off-Season Development Programme is offered in term four held at the ASB Sports Centre from October to December with the intention to equip players with ideas to maintain their skills over the holiday period and make the return to netball not so daunting. The programme is held after school for 6 weeks catering to three age groups – future Year 7&8 on Mondays and Year 9 & Year 10 on Tuesdays grouped in anticipation of the age group they enter for the 2017 netball season. By doing so we hoped to give Year 6 players helpful insight into the calibre of players they may be trialling against at Year 7 Satellite Rep trials and the work-rate and application expected from them as they step up an age bracket. Similarly the older age groups have the chance to adjust their mind-set and gain a mental and physical edge.

The Pre-Season Development Programme is offered in term one held at the ASB Sports Centre from February to March. The programme starts soon after the beginning of the school year as a lead-in to school and representative trials allowing motivated players to refresh key footwork, ball and movement skills and gain a confidence boost ahead of trials. In late 2016 we offered three age groups however in 2018 may likely to return to two age groups and extending the time slot for the older age group to 1.5 hours as this age group really start to knuckle down half an hour into a session and it seems a shame to cut-short their learning.

A decline in attendance over the off-season period with a slight pick-up in the pre-season has become a trend and suggests less inclination to view netball as a year-round sport and brings up the possibility of burn-out. By offering the opportunity to pick netball back up at a later stage via the January Skills Clinic or term one programme we aim to help players avoid oversaturation.

We are highly grateful to Bubs Reweti, working alongside John Neho, for generously contributing her sound knowledge base while challenging youngsters to play to the best of their abilities. Big thanks also to all attendees and parents also for your support and interest.


Get Ready For Netball Mama Brown Get Ready for Netball attracted more attendees this year and was again offered as a pre-season six-week after-school programme held for one hour at the ASB Sports Centre on Mondays in term one. While the older age groups have the pre-season programme, this programme benefits players in Year 5&6 seeking a reminder of the basics prior to school trials. It also proves helpful for late starters just becoming acquainted with the sport. Development staff Maria Hegarty and John Neho compiled fun-focused sessions encouraging a balance of good passing, footwork, defence, attack and shooting skills with the support of engaging activities and modified games. As the uptake remains rather low despite concerted marketing efforts, we may look to revamp this programme in future and instead trial a more concentrated programme timed for the April holiday period. We wish to thank our attendees, their parents and our sponsor Mama Brown for continued support shown towards this junior development initiative.

Junior Netball Academy The PAK’nSAVE Kilbirnie Junior Netball Academy caters to players in Year 5-8 seeking after- school netball development and runs over 6 weeks on Wednesdays during term two and three at the ASB Sports Centre. The Academy is broken into two age groups - Year 5&6 and Year 7&8 - and focuses on increasing player’s understanding of how to confidently perform basic fundamental skills such as movement, footwork, ball skills, attack, defence and shooting. Some participants opt to attend as an added skill-boost when they not have weekly team trainings. This year we also welcomed an entire team seeking to expand their skills ahead of their Saturday game yet still have fun at the same time. Netball Development staff Maria Hegarty coached the Year 5&6 group while John Neho took up coaching duties for the Year 7&8 age group with help on occasion from Sue Geale. While attendance has improved group sizes still remain low yet manageable despite active promotion via mail- out to schools and previous participants. We sit in a competitive market with a myriad of sports on offer these days and are constantly aware that we need to tweak our product so it remains beneficial to our attendees. Big thanks to our sponsor PAK’nSAVE Kilbirnie for your ongoing support. Thanks also for the support from parents keen to make the most of such junior development initiatives and our participants who are always keen for some fun with their coach.

Senior Netball Academy Since its inception in 2012, the Senior Netball Academy has met the needs of the U15 age bracket run as a six-week programme held Tuesdays in term two and three at the ASB Sports Centre. Bubs Reweti led the sessions in term two and upon her arrival into the Emerging Talent Officer role, Sandra Edge took up coaching in term three with assistance from John Neho. Sessions have a keen focus on fundamental skills that players need to be consistently performing well in order to make an impression for representative team selection. This programme is an invitation-only programme tailored specifically to those who narrowly miss U15 selection. By providing this opportunity we aim to avoid a trend for this particular age group to drop-out of sport due to fear of failure following disappointment after non-selection and maintain a pathway for those on the cusp. By monitoring players who step-up, show initiative and are committed to improve, we hope to lay the foundation for successful selection the following year. Also keep tabs on active players who can be called-up at short notice in the event a selected player may face injury or need to withdraw. We are grateful for the efforts of Bubs and Sandra to engage this particular age group and ensure they remain challenged, extended and turn them into thinking netballers. Both have a real knack for tapping into the needs of players nurturing a resilient attitude serving them well both on and off court.


ANZ futureFERNS We are proud to report that each of our three Junior Netball Satellites have now established their own ANZ futureFERNS programmes within their individual satellites. Netball Wellington Centre continues to facilitate training workshops and information sessions designed to ease nerves during a time when parents are gently coaxed into taking up support roles. With the support of Irene van Dyk, we hosted two Year 5 six-a-side Taster Sessions in February in an effort to gently introduce this new experience to the masses and guide both parents and players through the changes. These were very well attended with 63 Year 5 players relishing the chance to give the modified game a go. We are very happy with the progress within each Satellite and look forward to showing our continued support during the roll-out of six-a-side netball for Year 5&6 in 2018 and changes in the Year 7&8 age group impacting the current Year 7&8 representative space.

We wish to thank Netball Central Zone staff for their ongoing support implementing the ANZ futureFERNS initiative – in particular Junior Development Officer Irene van Dyk and Community Netball Manager Stuart Savage for guidance offered throughout the year. It has been a pleasure getting to know our Satellite liaisons who put in many volunteer hours in your own areas - Shelley Banks from Motu Kairangi, Shannon Maddern-Daniels and Yvonne Hill from Northern Suburbs and Maria Nunns from Wellington West. A big thank you also to the enthusiastic parents, teachers and wee netball stars enjoying themselves and helping to spread the word.

Fitness Initiatives Fitness February was a welcomed return to the calendar this season. It was so well received that it went through to mid March. It was fantastic to see a good mix of players, umpires and even parents joining in making it a real community affair and feel. The attendees provided great support to one another due to the way Ngarama Milner-Olsen ran the session and encouraged a team spirit in every challenge she set the group. We look forward to getting these fitness sessions into the calendar for 2018 as it most definitely provided a base fitness for the season ahead.

NETFIT with proved popular when introduced at the end of 2016 and we were very keen to make it a regular feature in 2017. Despite indicating our interest in hosting more events in 2017, the NETFIT concept faded away without further presence. We look forward to its hopeful return in the hopes of hosting it again as a fun netball-specific fitness alternative for all.


Participation figures for the period from October 2016 to September 2017: Development Opportunities 2015-2016 2016-2017 Term 4 2016 (October to December) Off-Season Development Programme Year 7 & 8 36 30 Off-Season Development Programme Year 9 9 12 Off-Season Development Programme Year 10 & 11 25 12 Term 1 2017 (January to March) Pre-Season Development Programme Year 7 & 8 38 47 Pre-Season Development Programme Year 9 15 17 Pre-Season Development Programme Year 10 & 11 23 22 ANZ futureFERNS Year 6 6v6 Taster Session #1 N/A 24 ANZ futureFERNS Year 6 6v6 Taster Session #2 N/A 39 Fitness February N/A 61 Get Ready For Netball Programme Year 5 & 6 8 14 Term 2 2017 (April to June) Junior Netball Academy Year 5 & 6 11 13 Junior Netball Academy Year 7 & 8 4 6 Senior Netball Academy Year 9-13 21 8 Term 3 2017 (July to September) Junior Netball Academy Year 5 & 6 20 13 Junior Netball Academy Year 7 & 8 12 10 NETFIT with Laura Langman Year 5 & 6 59 N/A NETFIT with Laura Langman Year 7 & 8 45 N/A NETFIT with Laura Langman College & Club 44 N/A Senior Netball Academy Year 9-11 17 24 Total number of participants in Development Opportunities 2015-2016 – 387 Total number of participants in Development Opportunities 2016-2017 – 352

HOLIDAY PROGRAMMES Netball Wellington Centre continued to offer holiday programmes during the October, January, April and July school holidays. Efforts to gauge demand continued as we opted to downsize to one week in January to avoid a clash with a staggered return to school in the last week of the holidays. It was also decided to offer just one week of full day programmes throughout the year in the second week of each holiday period. Two clear motivations for seeking holiday activities persist – those who seek fun activities to entertain children during parental work hours and those craving netball-specific skill extension. We continue efforts to cater to both motivations by clearly dedicating mornings to netball-specific activity while afternoons consist of alternative activities catering to limited attention spans and a desire for variety. The reduction to one week of holiday programmes per holiday period accounts for the notable reduction in participant numbers. A gradual reduction in full day attendance is also evident. It was reassuring to note that other Council-run holiday programmes and sporting codes experienced a similar dip in attendance this year.

Looking ahead to 2018 we feel it may be timely to try a new approach in the holiday programme space. Given many other summer sports are on the go in January and may also offer their own holiday programmes we shall refrain from offering a January Holiday Programme with the mind to utilise this time as preparation for Term 1 programmes and implement an alternative holiday programme in April and July. In line with our holiday skills clinics the holiday programme format may become reduced in favour of higher intensity delivery and condensed content delivered over fewer days rather than stretched out for 6 hours over five days. These changes may also


support both participants and staff with maintaining higher energy and concentration levels. We shall ultimately continue to do our best to provide a quality product that appeals to the needs of our netball-loving and netball-curious community.

Thank you to PAK’nSAVE Kilbirnie for their ongoing support as naming rights sponsor of our holiday programme. We appreciate the support of parents, caregivers and participants who continue to return and share fun and games with us and spread the word amongst friends and associates.

Participation figures for the period from October 2016 to September 2017: Holiday Period Held 2015-2016 2016-2017 Week 2 21 half day, 15 full day 18 half day, 17 full day October 36 total 35 total 2nd to last week 9 half day, 11 full day January 15 half day 20 total January Last week 11 half day Not offered* 33 half day, 18 full day 30 half day, 12 full day April Week 2 51 total 42 total July Week 1 61 half day Not offered* 32 half day, 24 full day 32 half day, 14 full day July Week 2 56 total 46 total Total participants attending Holiday Programmes 2015/2016 – 230 Total participants attending Holiday Programmes 2016/2017 – 143 *not offered last week of January to avoid return to school or first week July as hosting NZ U19 Champs

Holiday Netball Skills Clinic After successfully trialling a holiday netball skills clinic initiative in September 2016, it was decided to offer similar content in 2017. Two January Holiday Skills Clinics were run a week apart. The first was a three hour netball-specific skills session coached by Bubs Reweti and John Neho. The Year 7&8 were run in the morning while the afternoon session was opened up to Year 9-13. The second January clinic took the form of a two hour position-specific session run with assistance from shooting specialist Irene van Dyk, mid-court specialist Sandra Edge and defence expert Bubs Reweti. Both clinics attracted healthy numbers of participants with some attendees opting to return both weeks as well as sign-up to attend multiple position-specific sessions. Bubs Reweti and John Neho also offered a netball-specific skills clinic in April that attracted a slight increase in participants. We were not able to continue offering a clinic in July due to limited staff resources while hosting the Netball NZ U19 Champs at ASB Sports Centre and furthermore this major event also limited court availability. We can conclude with fair certainty that the Year 7-13 age group have an interest in making the most of the holiday period to upskill and shall therefore continue to offer similar opportunities in 2018.


We are grateful for the support of our coaches who readily give their time, energy and enthusiasm engaging players in conscious development while promoting a love of netball.

Holiday Period Held 2015-2016 2016-2017 Mid January 19 Year 7&8, 14 Year 9-13 January 33 total 29 Shooters 22 Mid Courters 2nd to last week 29 Defence January 80 total Week 1 23 Year 7&8, 20 Year 9-13 April 43 total July Week 1 Not offered* Week 1 19 Year 7&8, 17 Year 9-11 October 36 total Total participants attending Holiday Clinics 2015/2016 – 36 Total participants attending Holiday Clinics 2016/2017 – 156 *not offered in July due to hosting NZ U19 Champs


Netball Wellington Centre has three affiliated Satellites. Wellington West Netball, Northern Suburbs Netball and Motu Kairangi Junior Netball are stand alone entities and the Centre supports them with opportunities such as Kiwi Whistler and adult umpiring programmes, coaching programmes, Intermediate Inter-Satellite Year 7 & 8 competition, ANZ futureFERNS for Year 1-6, player development opportunities from Year 1 through to Year 8, and operational support.

It was a pleasure to host the annual Intermediate Inter-Satellite Competition over the 2017 season. We enjoy seeing the future Netball Wellington players in action and once again we were not disappointed with what we witnessed in regards to skill level and abilities for these Year 8 players. These teams bring with them energy and finesse that draws in the crowds and creates a real family environment.

The grand final was between Evans Bay Intermediate School (EBIS) Kereru and Karori Normal School Totara with EBIS securing the win on the day with a consistent display of netball. Raroa Eagles once again secured 3rd place following on from their 2016 season against Karori West School Zingers. QMC Red and Newlands Intermediate played off for 5th & 6th with QMC Red very happy that they finished higher than the previous season. South Wellington Intermediate School and EBIS Takahe rounded off the competition. Well done to all players, coaches, managers, umpires & supporters who made the season another highly enjoyable one. We are very excited about the strong foundation of players that will join us as college players in 2018.



The 2017 season has featured numerous successes amongst the seven teams representing Netball Wellington Centre. We introduced a Year 9 team this year, two representative teams in the U15 and U17 age group, one team in the U19 age group and one team at Open Grade (19 +) level. It is always a joint effort to ensure all seven campaigns run smoothly for the duration with various input covering all facets from logistics to fundraising and all-important human resources committed to investing their expertise for the season.

The Year 9, U15 and U17 team trials were held in April. Trials for the shorter U19 campaign were held in May and the Open Grade (19+) in September at the ASB Sport Centre. Trial dates were promoted directly to all previous trialists courtesy of mailing lists collated from past trial attendees and via the Netball Wellington Centre website and Facebook. Sport Coordinators and Club Captains were emailed and encouraged to prompt Senior/Junior A and B players and Premier/Prem-Reserve level players to nominate. In addition Sport Coordinators were updated with a list of registered trialists in an effort to afford the chance to follow-up glaring player omissions by coaxing those they felt would benefit from trialling.

Trialling numbers remained strong for Year 9 and U15 with a drop in U17s and U19s. The weather was unfortunately not so kind to us for the first Year 9 trial leaving only one indoor court available to make the most of. The selectors and trial management team did an outstanding job at keeping track of players and ensuring that all 80 girls got warmed up well and were seen at least twice with one of these being their preferred playing position. It was near on mission impossible for this group but the force was with them and they accomplished it. Needless to say the next trial held outdoors at Hataitai was a breeze.

U15 trials continue to attract a strong level of talent from 48 players supporting the selection of two strong teams made up of 24 players. Both teams had a steady season with some good learnings along the way. The U17 trials managed to attract 33 trialists this year, making it still feasible to select two teams to attend Nationals in Pukekohe. Our U17 Black team were the team right from the start of the tournament due to their 2016 champion status however this didn’t deter them and they went on to clinch the National Tournament win from a clinical and skilled Auckland team.

U19 trialist numbers for 2017 were encouraging with 22 attending, a number of which were new to the Centre. The group remained as a squad for a short time which brought about some strong healthy competition from within and also assisted with some of the difficult decisions that


needed to be made around final selections. This team had an air of mystery about it with little known about some of the players, giving the team the upper edge when it came to Nationals. They finished 3rd after coming up against a very strong Hamilton City team in the semi final.

The success of the Netball Wellington Centre representative programme was made possible by funding towards travel, accommodation, training venue hire and uniform costs generously provided by The Lion Foundation, Infinity Foundation Limited, Pub Charity and the New Zealand Racing Board, and PAK’nSAVE Kilbirnie for the food side of things, for which we are once again incredibly grateful.

This year we had a very high standard of coaches and managers appointed for all of our teams. Open Grade (19+): Sandra Edge Lead Coach, Kelly Herbert Manager U19: Pelesa Semu Lead Coach, Helen Glading Assistant Coach, Natasha Jacobs Manager U17 Black: Dion Te Whetu Lead Coach, Irene van Dyk Assistant Coach, Melissa Salvador Manager U17 Gold: Belinda Wotton Lead Coach, Delphina Gray Assistant Coach, Sandy Wooldridge Manager U15 Black: Tash Tawhara Lead Coach, Rona Singer Assistant Coach, Sonia Kupuri Manager U15 Gold: Marchelle Dann Lead Coach, Nicki Zande Assistant Coach, Linda Imlach Manager Year 9: Bubs Reweti Lead Coach, Maria Bertram Assistant Coach, Judy Proops Manager

This is a formidable line up of coaches and is what Netball Wellington Centre would consider as one of their secret weapons for why we as a Centre are doing so well in the representative arena and also with players making the Beko and Pulse squads. The players in their own right are skilled but it takes good coaching to harness these skills and have them perform when it matters the most. A massive thanks to the above mentioned management teams for giving their personal time, and the dedication and commitment that they give to their campaigns and players.


As a centre we have some KPIs for each of our teams and these are always in the back of the minds of the coaches when putting their coaching plans together. There are a number of pre-national tournaments that each of the teams attend. This year our focus wasn’t so much on winning but more around building on combinations so that when teams attend nationals they were ready for action, no matter who takes the court. In saying this, each of the coaches still exhibited that competitive spirit with their 2nd goal most definitely about putting themselves under pressure so that they could feel what it was like to secure the win as a team.

The Open Grade (19+) team changed tact this year as we reviewed what we wanted to achieve as a team. When looking at what was on the horizon, it was decided that there were players within our Centre that needed fitness and game time if they wanted to be seriously considered for Beko or Pulse opportunities. We put the trial dates out to all clubs and talked to players about this opportunity and the benefits to them being part of this campaign. Sandra as Lead Coach knew that it was going to be a short sharp campaign and that to be of benefit and meet the objectives we had set for this team, the three planned tournaments would need to have clear and targeted key learnings.

We want to commend all of our management teams and players for the way they have showcased themselves and the Centre when at pre-national tourmanents and at nationals. The pressure that goes on the players and their management team to secure the KPIs they have set themselves or securing a win can be immense. It tests the mental agility of all parties. The pride and passion that our teams display towards their netball does not go unnoticed, with many compliments passed onto the Centre about how our players look and behave. It is a credit to who these players as individuals as well as their whanau.

Another representative season has come to an end with some great results listed below. We know we are still growing as a centre but that doesn’t stop us from celebrating where we are at today, and embracing the way our players and coaches are steadily developing towards their future goals. Reach for the stars girls because they are there for the taking if you have a well laid out plan and a long enough arm.

Photocredit: Fiona Cassidy



Lead Coach: Sandra Edge

Manager: Kelly Herbert

Team Members: Alice Cooke, Ameliaranne Ekenasio, Anania Kerehoma-Cook, Ellie McManaway, Emma O’Neill, Emma-May Fifita-Murray, Hanna Tevita, Marcelle Parkes, Molly Weenink, Ravai Henderson, Rebecca Strickland, Selina Duggan, Silia Setefano, Tara Maniapoto, Te Aumihi Jones

Open Grade (19+) Representative Team Results

Taranaki Open Grade (19+) Tournament 2017Open Grade (19+) Invitational Fixture Open Opposition Score Win/Loss Open Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Hutt Valley 61-52 Win Game 1 Hutt Valley 44-35 Win Game 2 Taranaki 88-57 Loss Game 2 Taranaki 37-41 Loss Game 3 Kapi Mana 42-46 Loss

Final placing 2nd / 3 teams 1 win, 1 losses Final placing 2rd / 4 teams 1 win, 2 losses

Open Grade (19+) Intra-Zone Fixtures Open Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Hutt Valley 26-27 Loss Game 2 Taranaki 34-28 Loss Game 3 Kapi Mana 41-34 Win Game 4 Manawatu 50-35 Loss Final placing N/A 1 win, 3 losses



Lead Coach: Pelesa Semu

Assistant Coach: Helen Glading

Manager: Natasha Jacobs

Captain: Kate Wells Vice Captain: Georgia White Team Members: Danielle Tafili, Ema Lees, Emily Malaulau, Grace McLean, Hinemiri Tohiariki, Jade Fox, Jenna Barrett, Julia Law, Ruby Stirling, Tekiriahi Weston

Under 19 Representative Team Results U19 & U17 NWC Invitational Fixtures Steffensen Tournament Opposition Score Win/Loss Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Manawatu 44-40 Loss Game 1 Manawatu U19 24-31 Loss Game 2 Hawke’s Bay 42-12 Win Game 2 Hawke’s Bay U19 29 - 8 Win Game 3 Hutt Valley 31-19 Win Game 3 Christchurch U19 31-17 Win

nd Game 4 Invercargill U19 36-25 Win Final 2 / 4 teams 2 wins, 1 loss placing (on goal differential) Final N/A 3 wins, 1 loss placing

Netball New Zealand Under 19 Age Group Championships Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Selwyn 46-27 Win Game 2 Howick/Pakuranga 41-23 Win Game 3 Hutt Valley 31-22 Win Game 4 Invercargill 42-18 Win Quarter Final North Harbour 36-29 Win Semi Final Trust Waikato Hamilton City 25-30 loss Final Waitakere 39-21 Win

Final placing 3rd / 20 teams 6 wins, 1 loss

Congratulations to the following players for selection amongst a list of 14 players named in the U19 NZ Age Group Championships Tournament Selection: Danielle Tafili (PIC Netball Club) Georgia White (SMOG) Emma Lees (SMOG) Grace McLean (Queen Margaret College)



U17 Wellington Black

Lead Coach: Dion Te Whetu

Assistant Coach: Irene van Dyk

Managers: Melissa Salvador

Co-Captain: Ainsleyana Puleiata & Jordan Vailini Team Members: Charity Polu, Grace Masseurs, Lauren Smith, Lynette Sosefo, Mairangi Karaitiana, Renee Savai’inaea, Paris Lokotui, Salote-Alison Taufa, Saviour Tui, Tiuana-Marie Aiono

U17 Wellington Gold

Lead Coach: Belinda Wotton

Assistant Coach: Delphina Gray

Manager: Sandy Wooldridge

Co-Captains: Anna Price & Egypt Moeke Team Members: Charlotte Strowger-Turnock, Emma Tickelpenny, Izabella Ockey, Katherine Rayasi, Kitana Tawera, Luisa Stillwell, Maya Stillwell, Rachel Albiston, Sophia Tutuila, Tamara Baker Training Partner: Sarah Cunningham


Under 17 Representative Team Results

Marjorie Jenden Tournament U17 BLACK Opposition Score Win/Loss U17 GOLD Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Hutt Valley 42-7 Win Game 1 Manawatu 26-23 Win Game 2 Nelson 36-12 Win Game 2 Kapiti 25-10 Win Game 3 Wairarapa 60-5 Win Game 3 Kapi Mana 30-12 Win Game 4 Wellington Gold 35-16 Win Game 4 Wellington Black 16-35 Loss Game 5 Manawatu 46-19 Win Game 5 Manawatu 30-28 Win Semi Nelson 42-13 Win Semi Nelson 30-26 Win Final Wellington Gold 36-19 Win Final Wellington Black 19-36 Loss

Final placing 1st / 8 teams 7 wins Final placing 2nd / 8 teams 5 wins, 2 losses

Congratulations to the following players for selection amongst a list of 12 players named in the Marjorie Jenden U17 Tournament Selection: Anna Price (St Catherine’s College) Jordan Vailini (PIC Netball Club) Egypt Moeke (St Mary’s College) Tiuana-Marie Aiono (Queen Margaret College)

Steffensen Tournament U17 BLACK Opposition Score Win/Loss U17 GOLD Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Hawke’s Bay 42-17 Win Game 1 Hawke’s Bay 27-23 Win Game 2 Manawatu 38-18 Win Game 2 Manawatu 24-26 Loss Game 3 Wellington Gold 40-14 Win Game 3 Taranaki 28-11 Win Game 4 Taranaki 33-5 Win Game 4 Wellington Black 14-40 Loss

Final placing 1st / 5 teams in Div 1 4 wins Final placing 3rd / 5 teams in Div 1 2 wins, 2 losses

U19 & U17 NWC Invitational Fixtures U17 BLACK Opposition Score Win/Loss U17 GOLD Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Manawatu 38-17 Win Game 1 Whanganui U17 31-28 Win Game 2 Christchurch U17 31-19 Win Game 2 Kapi Mana U17 26-22 Win Game 3 Taranaki Amber U17 38-12 Win Game 3 Taranaki Black U17 33-15 Win Game 4 Invercargill U17 46-12 Win Game 4 Christchurch U17 16-27 Loss

Final placing N/A 4 wins Final placing N/A 3 wins, 1 loss

Netball New Zealand Under 17 Age Group Championships U17 BLACK Opposition Score Win/Loss U17 GOLD Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Papakura 51-8 Win Game 1 North Harbour 2 34-36 Loss Game 2 Christchurch 46-24 Win Game 2 Thames Valley 34-33 Win Game 3 Hamilton City B 47-18 Win Game 3 Eastern Bay of Plenty 33-39 Loss Game 4 Kapiti 42-15 Win Game 4 Nelson 47-30 Win Game 5 Hawkes Bay 44-21 Win Game 5 Hamilton City A 24-21 Win Quarter Final Manawatu 44-19 Win Quarter Final Waitakere 1 31-35 Loss Semi Final Howick/Pakuranga A 29-22 Win Semi Final Hutt Valley 31-21 Loss Final Auckland 1 34-25 Win Final Mangere Otahuhu 41-28 Win

Final placing 1st out of 38 teams 8 wins Final placing 23rd out of 38 teams 4 wins, 4 loss

Congratulations to the following players for selection amongst a list of 17 players named in the U17 NZ Age Group Championships Tournament Selection: Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary’s College) Paris Lokotui (Queen Margaret College) Renee Savai’inaea (St Mary’s College) Saviour Tui (St Mary’s College)



U15 Wellington Black

Lead Coach: Tash Tawhara

Assistant Coach: Rona Singer

Manager: Sonia Kupuri

Captain: Tesara-Rose Faleafaga Vice Captain: Maddie Feaunati Team Members: Alice Wotton, Beyoncé Rehutai, Charise Perez, Clare Tutuila, Danae Abolins-Thompson, Emma Benfell, Lucy Ross, Sophia Higgs, Tara Campbell, Waimarie Weston

U15 Wellington Gold

Lead Coach: Marchelle Dann

Assistant Coach Nicki Zande

Manager: Linda Imlach

Captain: Maia Wilson Team Members: Adelene Imlach, Arnia Toheriri, ‘Eleminoti Paasi, Georgia Rhodes, Lourdes Faifua, Mollie Nicol, Ollie Preston, Phoenix Noanoa, Quila Head, Rhiannon Bond, Trinity Richardson-Dann


Under 15 Representative Tournament Results

Marjorie Jenden Tournament U15 BLACK Opposition Score Win/ U15 GOLD Opposition Score Win/ Loss Loss Game 1 Hutt Valley 35-25 Win Game 1 Manawatu 13-36 Loss Game 2 Kapiti 23-18 Win Game 2 Kapi Mana 34-11 Win Game 3 Horowhenua 44-19 Win Game 3 Wairarapa 37-23 Win Game 4 Manawatu 20-36 Loss Game 4 Manawatu 22-34 Loss Game 5 Wellington Gold 28-12 Win Game 5 Wellington Black 12-28 Loss Semi Final Hutt Valley 38-14 Win Semi Final Hutt Valley 30-26 Win Final Manawatu Win Final Hutt Valley 30-23 Win

Final placing 1st /8 teams 6 wins, 1 losses Final placing 3rd / 8 teams 4 wins, 3 losses

Congratulations to the following players for selection amongst a list of 12 players named in the Marjorie Jenden Under 15 Tournament Selection: Charise Perez (St Mary’s College) Tesara-Rose Faleafaga (St Mary’s College)

Steffensen Tournament U15 BLACK Opposition Score Win/ U15 GOL Opposition Score Win/ Division 1 Loss Division 2 Loss Game 1 Hawke’s Bay 22-24 Loss Game 1 Wairarapa 20-22 Loss Game 2 Manawatu 23-26 Loss Game 2 Hutt Valley 15-24 Loss Game 3 Taranaki 38-8 Win Game 3 Kapiti 23-20 Win Game 4 Whanganui 30-25 Win Game 4 Kapi Mana 32-5 Win

Final placing 3rd / 5 teams in Div 1 2 wins, 2 losses Final placing 3rd/ 5 teams in Div 2 3 wins, 1 loss

Molly Dorne Tournament U15 BLACK Opposition Score Win/ U15 GOLD Opposition Score Win/ Loss Loss Game 1 Kapi Mana 33-19 Win Game 1 Kapi Mana 31-8 Win Game 2 Manawatu 18-24 Loss Game 2 Horowhenua 26-20 Win Game 3 Hutt Valley 17-22 Loss Game 3 Whanganui Blue 15-30 Loss Game 4 Horowhenua 28-18 Win Game 4 Hutt Valley 16-25 Loss

Final placing 5th / 8 teams 2 wins, 2 losses Final placing 4th / 8 teams 2 wins, 2 loss

North Island Under 15 & Year 9 Netball Championship U15 BLACK Opposition Score Win/ U15 GOLD Opposition Score Win/ A Grade Loss B Grade Loss Game 1 Howick Pakuranga U15 2 47-4 Win Game 1 EBOP U15 14-52 Loss Game 2 Thames Valley 40-25 Win Game 2 Cambridge U15 27-27 Draw Game 3 Auckland U15 2 23-29 Loss Game 3 Hawkes Bay U15 Dev 29-19 Win Game 4 Auckland U15 1 32-31 Win Game 4 Papakura Year 9 32-17 Win Game 5 Auckland YR 9 1 30-19 Win Game 5l Manawatu U15 Dev 24-19 Win Semi Final Rotorua U15 35-16 Win Semi Final Whangarei U15 32-24 Loss Final Auckland Yr 9 1 36-20 WIn Final Manawatu U15 Dev 30-26 Win

th th Final placing 5 / 16 teams in 6 wins, 1 loss Final placing 11 / 16 teams in 4 wins, 2 losses, A Grade B Grade th th 1draw 5 / 48 teams total 27 / 48 teams total

Congratulations to the following player who were named amongst 12 players selected in the 2017 North Island Under 15 A Grade Championship Team: Sophia Higgs (St Catherine’s College)



U15 Wellington Black

Lead Coach: Bubs Reweti

Assistant Coach: Maria Bertram

Manager: Judy Proops

Captain: Temalesi-Isabel Rayasi Team Members: Amelia Feaunati, Ashley Barr, Anna Tirikatene, Frida Keenan, Heavaln Tolova’a-Stanley, Joy-Maria Edwards, Lamai Mataiti, Lusahn Wyatt, Matisse Lefaoseu, Paradise Lesatele, Roimata Kapene, Taylor Bryers, Torren Isaako. Training Partner: Lily Marshall

Year 9 Representative Tournament Results Marjorie Jenden Tournament Steffensen Tournament Year 9 Opposition Score Win/Loss Year 9 Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Hutt Valley Year 9 29-21 Win Game 1 Hutt Valley Year 9 25-17 Win Game 2 Manawatu U15 Dev 36-16 Win Game 2 Kapiti Year 9 27-15 Win Game 3 Hutt Valley U15 Dev 34-15 Win Game 3 Manawatu Year 9 39-12 Win Game 4 Kapiti Year 9 37-11 Win Game 4 Whanganui Year 9 37-5 Win Game 5 Kapi Mana Year 9 47-6 Win Game 5 Horowhenua Year 9 32-22 Win Semi Final Hutt Valley U15 Dev 31-13 Win Final Hutt Valley Year 9 31-15 Win

Final placing 1st /6 teams 7 wins Final placing 1st / 6 teams 5 wins

Molly Dorne Tournament North Island Under 15 Netball Champs Year 9 Opposition Score Win/Loss Year 9 Opposition Score Win/Loss Game 1 Manawatu 35-10 Win Game 1 Wairarapa U15 33-24 Win Game 2 Kapiti 23-16 Win Game 2 Hamilton City U15B 27-25 Win Game 3 Hutt Valley 13-22 Loss Game 3 Hutt Valley YR 9 41-19 Win Game 4 Kapi Mana 36-6 Win Game 4 Whangarei U15 Dev 47-22 Win Game 5 Kapiti U15 34-30 Win Semi Final Horowhenua U15 29-27 Win Final Harbourside U15 36-38 Loss

rd nd Final placing 2 / 5 teams 3 wins,1 loss Final 2 / 16 teams in 6 wins, 1 loss C Grade Promoted to B placing th 34 / 48 teams total Grade for 2018

Congratulations to the following players named amongst 12 players selected in the 2017 North Island Under 15 C Grade Championship Team: Temalesi-Isabel Rayasi ( St Mary’s College) Torren Isaako (PIC Netball Club)



Congratulations to the following players, teams, management and administrators who have been recognised for various regional and national honours:

UPDATE FOR 2016 Netball New Zealand Service Award Fatulatetele (Fatu) Tolo

2016 NZ Secondary Schools Netball Championships 5th – St Mary’s College (coach Ngarama Milner-Olsen) 6th - Wellington East Girls’ College (coach James Laursen) 13th Wellington Girls’ College (coach April McLaughlan ) Tournament Selection Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary's College) Lyric Faleafaga (St Mary's College) Renee Savai'inaea (St Mary's College)

Saviour Tui (St Mary's College) 2017 Netball New Zealand Service Award recipient Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls' College) Fatu Tolo with NWC General Manager Sue Geale & NWC Chairperson Karen Fifield Tournament Awards Shooter of the Tournament: Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls' College) Mid-Courter of the Tournament: Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary's College) Defender of the Tournament: Renee Savai'inaea (St Mary's College)

Men’s & Mixed Netball Representatives - International Test Series October 2016 NZ U23 Team Henry Tutaka - Cook Strait Open Men’s Grade Team Matt Couper – Cook Strait Josh Gubb – Wellington John Kassey – Wellington Dennis Napara – Cook Strait Cameron Powell – Wellington Mark Sutton – Wellington Cameron Van Baarle – Wellington Australia Open Men’s Grade Team Taylor Glassie (ex Cook Strait) Samoa Mixed Grade Team Gene Solia-Gibb Cathrine Tuivaiti (Captain) Niue Open Mixed Grade Team Maria Clark (Captain)

2016 New Zealand Netball Awards Winner NNZ Award 2016 National Umpire of the Year – Jess Lea Winner of NNZ Award 2016 Contribution to Netball by a Technical Official – Bernice Robertson Winner of NNZ Award 2016 BEKO Netball League Player of the Year – Karin Burger

2016 College Sport Wellington Sportsperson of the Year Nominees (SPOTYs) Netball NZ Honours 2016: Julia Law (Kapiti College) Salote Taufa (Newlands College) Tiuana-Marie Aiono (Queen Margaret College)


Lyric Faleafaga (St Mary’s College) Dana-Jayne Mills (St Mary’s College) Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary’s College) Renee Savai’inaea (St Mary’s College) Ariana Tepania (St Mary’s College) Ruby Stirling (Tawa College) Rapata Wiki-Cummings (Tawa College) Chyna Leota-Ah-Him (Wellington East Girls’ College) Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College) Abby Collier (Wellington Girls’ College) Finalists for Netball Player of the Year Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College) Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary’s College) Renee Savai’inaea (St Mary’s College) 2016 Netball Player of the Year - Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College)

NZ U21 Squad Trialists for 2017 Youth World Cup in Gaborone Api Taufa* (PIC) (*withdrew due to injury) Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary’s College) Kimiora Poi (PIC) Maia Wilson (PIC) Mila Reuelu-Buchanan (PIC) Renee Savai’inaea (St Mary’s College) Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College)

NZU21 Team 2017 attending Youth World Cup in Gaborone Kimiora Poi (PIC) Maia Wilson (PIC) Mila Reuelu-Buchanan (PIC) Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College)

2016/2017 Ikaroa ki te Tonga Māori Netball Teams U13 Squad Grace Bennett (Motu Kairangi Yr7A Rep) Eve Waititi (Wellington Girls’ College) Kyrah Whitman (St Mary’s College) U15 Team Alice Wotton (Wellington Girls’ College) Maia Karena-Barrett (St Mary’s College) Taylor Bryers (Wellington Girls’ College) Waimarie Weston (St Mary’s College) U17 Team Mairangi Karaitiana (Wellington East Girls’ College) Sharnay Leef (Wellington East Girls’ College) Paris Lokotui (Queen Margaret College) Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College) Izabella Ockey (Paraparaumu College) Tianna Rutene (Wellington Girls’ College) Renee Savai'inaea (St Mary's College) Tomairangi Weston (PIC)


U19 Team Eden Anderson (PIC) Colleen Faleafaga (PIC) Jade Fox (Wellington Girls’ College) Julia Law (PIC) Dana-Jane Mills-Albert (St Mary's College) Mila Reuelu-Buchanan (PIC) Danielle Tafili (PIC) Premier Team Jermaine Howard-Vallance (PIC) Talia Hullena (PIC) Te Aumihi Jones (PIC) Tenika Leota (PIC) Blaze Leslie (Wellington East Girls’ College) Nyla Vainikolo (PIC) Tori Watt (PIC) Francesca Wotton

2017 Aotearoa Māori Netball Oranga Healthy Lifestyles Tournament Runner Up – Ikaroa ki te Tonga U13 (coach Marchelle Dann) Te Poutokomanawa Fairplay Trophy – Ikaroa ki te Tonga U13 ACC Injury Prevention Award – Ikaroa ki te Tonga Premiers U13 Tournament Team Lamai Mataiti (St Mary’s College) Kyrah Whitman (St Mary’s College) U15 Tournament Team Maia Karena-Barrett U17 Tournament Team Paris Lokotui (Queen Margaret College) Renee Savai’inaea (St Mary’s College) U19 Tournament Team Jade Fox (PIC) Premier Tournament Team Te Aumihi Jones (Victoria University Netball Club)

2017 Pulse Training Partner Trialists Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary’s College) Api Taufa (PIC) Blaze Leslie (Wellington East Netball Club) Colleen Faleafaga (PIC) Crystal Lawrence (Wellington East Netball Club) Danielle Tafili (PIC) Ellie McManaway (Victoria University Netball Club) Emma-May Murray Fifita (SMOG) Jermaine Howard-Vallance (PIC) Kate Wells (Wellington East Netball Club) Kelsey McPhee (SMOG) Kimiora Poi (PIC) Laura-Meg McGlone (Wellington East Netball Club) Layce Walker (SMOG) Marcelle Parkes (PIC) Mila Reuelu-Buchanan (PIC) Nyla Vainikolo (PIC) Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College)


2017 New Zealand Masters Games 45+ Netball Gold Medal – Wellington East Diehards Seniors

2017 World Masters Games 30+ Netball Gold Medal – Wellington East Dyehards

2017 National Development Camp Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary’s College) Api Taufa (PIC) Jermaine Howard-Vallance (PIC) Julia Law (PIC) Lyric Faleafaga (St Mary’s College) Renee Savai’inaea (St Mary’s College) Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College) Tori Watt (PIC)

2017 NZ Secondary Schools Team Trialists Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary’s College) Julia Laws (PIC/Kapiti College) Renee Savai’inaea (St Mary’s College) Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College)

2017 NZ Secondary Schools Team Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary’s College) Renee Savai’inaea (St Mary’s College)

2017 Aotearoa Māori Netball International Secondary School Team Trialists Julia Law (PIC) Paris Lokotui (Queen Margaret College)

2017 Aotearoa Māori Netball International Secondary School Team Paris Lokotui (Queen Margaret College)

2017 Central Pulse Team Claire Kersten (Wellington East Netball Club) Karin Burger (SMOG) Katrina Grant - Captain (PIC) Te Amo Amaru-Tibble (PIC) Tiana Meturau (Wellington East Girls’ College) Whitney Souness (Wellington East Netball Club)

2016/2017 Central Pulse Captain – Katrina Grant (PIC)

2017 Netball Central Zone Super Club Tournament Winner – PIC

NZ U17 & Under Mixed Netball Team attending Indoor Netball Junior World Series in Johannesburg July 2017 Sharnay Leef (Wellington East Girls’ College) Tianna Rutene (Wellington Girls’ College)


2017 Netball Central Beko Team Finished 1st Place in 2017 Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary’s College) Danielle Tafili (PIC) Jermaine Howard-Vallance (PIC) Kimiora Poi (PIC) Mila Reuelu-Buchanan (PIC) Renee Savai’inaea (St Mary’s College) Tori Watt (Wellington) Training Partners Marcelle Parkes (PIC) Monalisa Groom (Wellington East Girls’ College)

2017 Super Club Tournament Central Pulse Team Finished 4th Place in 2017 Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary’s College) Claire Kersten (Wellington East Netball Club) Danielle Tafili (PIC) Jermaine Howard-Vallance (PIC) Karin Burger (SMOG) Renee Savai’inaea (St Mary’s College) Te Amo Amaru-Tibble (PIC) Whitney Souness (Wellington East Netball Club)

2016/2017 Silver Ferns Captain – Katrina Grant (PIC)

2017 Silver Fern & NZA Trialists Claire Kersten (Wellington East Netball Club) Karin Burger (SMOG) Katrina Grant (PIC) Maia Wilson (PIC) Phoenix Karaka (Central Pulse) Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College) Whitney Souness (Wellington East Netball Club)

2017 Silver Ferns Development Squad Ameliaranne Ekenasio (PIC) Claire Kersten (Wellington East Netball Club) Ellie Bird (Wellington East Netball Club) Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College)

2017 Silver Ferns Constellation Cup (August/September 2017) Katrina Grant (Captain) (PIC) Maia Wilson (PIC) Whitney Souness (Wellington East Netball Club)

2017 Fast5 Ferns Ameliaranne Ekenasio (PIC) Maia Wilson (PIC) Whitney Souness (Wellington East Netball Club)


2017 College Sport Wellington Junior Netball Tournament 1st Place – St Mary’s College 2nd Place –Wellington East Girls’ College 5th Place – Wellington Girls’ College 6th Place – Queen Margaret College 7th Place – Newlands College 10th Place – Tawa College 12th Place – Samuel Marsden Collegiate School 18th Place – Onslow College 20th Place – Wellington High School 2017 College Sport Wellington Junior Netball Tournament Winners St Mary’s College with Runners-Up Wellington East Girls’ College 2017 Wellington Sportsperson of the Year Awards Finalists Emerging Sportswoman - Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College) Personality of the Year – Katrina Grant (PIC) Trish McKelvey Leadership Award – Sue Geale Overall Winners Emerging Sportswoman - Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College) Trish McKelvey Leadership Award – Sue Geale

2017 College Sport Wellington Premier Netball Tournament 1st Place – St Mary’s College 2nd Place – Wellington East Girls’ College

2017 Netball NZ Youth Advisory Group Member Amelia Wheeler

2017 Lower North Island Secondary Schools National Tournament A Grade 2nd Place – St Mary’s College (coach Ngarama Milner-Olsen) 4th Place – Queen Margaret College (coach Frances Solia) A Grade Tournament Team Ainsleyana Puleiata (St Mary’s College) Beyoncé Rehutai (Wellington East Girls’ College) Grace McLean (Queen Margaret College) Paris Lokotui (Queen Margaret College) Tiuana-Marie Aiono (Queen Margaret College) Saviour Tui (St Mary’s College) LNISS Service Awards Eileen Dorricott & Debbie Mills (Newlands College)

2017 NZ Secondary School Tournament qualifiers St Mary’s College Queen Margaret College

2017 Wellington Sportsperson of the Year Emerging Sportswoman Tiana Metuarau with NWC Life Member Dale Wortman



Wellington City Council Sports Talent Development Programme This programme was funded by Wellington City Council and supported by Mark Watson and his team at Sport Wellington with ongoing administration behind the scenes and providing UPDATE FOR 2016 workshops targeting the needs of athletes at this level. Les Mills kindly sponsored gym membership for all the players on this programme. The programme had a strong focus on sustaining an increase in the number of sportspeople from Wellington City achieving national and international sporting success. Thank you to Strength & Conditioner Alex Johnson & Helen Regan from High Performance Sport NZ for your wealth of knowledge shared with our young emerging talent, and to Sue Geale and Sandra Edge for their ongoing support of these players. This team of people have contributed to the successes achieved this season.

Netball Wellington Centre Emerging Talent athletes Charity Polu (PIC) Grace McLean (Queen Margaret College) Jordan Vailini (PIC) Julia Law (PIC) Mairangi Karaitiana (WEGC) Luisa Stilwell (St Mary’s College) Paris Lokotui (Queen Margaret College) Ruby Stirling (Massey University) Salote-Alison Taufa (Newlands College) Saviour Tui (St Mary’s College) Tomairangi Weston (PIC) Tiuana-Marie Aiono (Queen Margaret College)

Photocredit: Sport Wellington

Eastern Institute of Technology Pre-Season Conditioning Programme In 2017 NWC were once again involved in a conditioning initiative targeting under 17 age grade players. This programme was researched and compiled by Leanne Taylor based in the Hawke’s Bay. At her request we were asked to trial the programme and we chose to invite 11 players who took part in our 2016 representative programme. The programme ran two mornings a week over a six week period from end of February to mid-March. Sessions were held at 6:30am for one hour duration at the ASB Sports Centre. Thank you to Sue Geale and John Neho for their concerted efforts to lead the programme and motivate attendees. Congratulations to the following players for showcasing the Centre by displaying great improvement over the duration of the programme:

Alice Wotton (Wellington Girls College) Anni Makisi (Wellington East Girls’ College) Beyonce Rehutai (WEGC) Grace Masseurs (St Mary’s College) Charlotte Strowger Turner (Samuel Marsden Collegiate) Sharnay Leef (WEGC) Ella Feaunati (St Mary’s College) ‘Eleminoti Paasi (St Mary’s College) Emma Benfell (Onslow College) Kitana Tawera (Wellington East Girls’ College) Lauren Smith (Newlands College) Lynette Sosefo (St Mary’s College) Lusi Abernethy (WEGC) Maya Stilwell (St Mary’s College) Maria Deligiannis (WEGC) Sarah Cunningham (Wellington Girls College) Saro Thompson (Samuel Marsden Collegiate) Waimarie Weston (St Mary’s College)



PLAYERS Congratulations to the following player who has been identified for inclusion in player development programmes organised by Netball New Zealand in 2017:

Pathway to Podium Squad Programme Pathway to Podium is a national talent development programme aimed at supporting young talented athletes to realise their potential. 1st Year Julia Law (PIC/Kapiti College)

High Performance Sport New Zealand (HPSNZ) Carded Athletes Carding is used to identify which athletes are eligible for performance support. HPSNZ and national sport organisations jointly consider and agree cases for carding status. Karin Burger (SMOG) Katrina Grant (PIC) Phoenix Karaka Tiana Metuarau (Wellington East Girls’ College)

UMPIRES 2017 National Umpire Squad Ann Hay Jess Lea Paul Smith


Netball Wellington Centre continues to hold the role of Lead Centre for Coach Development in the Wellington region and successfully does so with valued support from the Netball Central Zone (NCZ). NCZ continued their work organising coach development and delivery of Netball New Zealand (NNZ) accredited coaching modules throughout our Zone. The Zone maintain oversight of plotting course dates in liaison with netball centres, arranging coach developers to facilitate courses and administration duties such as compiling registrations, payments and providing course resources. We continued to work alongside Sandra Edge in her role of Coach Development Officer at the Netball Central Zone until she left the role in early January 2017. We wish to express our gratitude in acknowledgement of the passion and devotion Sandra emanated during her time at the Zone. Sandra often went above and beyond to create and maximise learning opportunities. Many benefited from her generous time given.

Tash Rowlands took up the Coach Developer Officer role with great enthusiasm and dedication. Her fresh perspective and time invested as a coach developer delivering numerous workshops throughout the region has been much appreciated to date complemented by the organisational proficiency of Office Manager Aimee Henderson.

Netball New Zealand reviewed their current coaching framework and released a revised pathway replacing the former three tier system with a new five tier system. The new pathway introduced an introductory Foundation level for coaches engaged at ANZ futureFERNS level. The former Community Coach Award has split into two levels – one technical and the other tactical and requires more modules to be completed than under the former system. Entry onto the fourth tier Performance Coach Qualification (replaces the former Performance Coach Award)


has also become stricter with the aim to nurture coaches aiming to perform at Centre U17/U19, National League and Premier Club level. Reaction to the changes has been varied. This year has focused on re-educating coaches about the changes, managing individual needs with regards to transitioning those with previous qualifications onto the new pathway, and informing those close to completing awards under the previous pathway of timeframes to avoid being waylaid in the change-over process. With the changes to the Netball New Zealand coaching framework in mind, in 2017 a concerted effort was made to expand the number of formal Netball New Zealand accredited coaching modules offered throughout the zone and Wellington region. A year-long calendar was introduced with the intent to provide coaches more insight into upcoming opportunities and allow them greater foresight for planning attendance as and where suited them. The calendar appeared to be well received yet a significant number of modules were cancelled in the first half of the year. This could be as a result of the need to spend the first half of the year re-educating coaches about the changes including renamed modules and revised qualification criteria which caused a little confusion which seemingly ironed itself out in the latter half of the year.

Staff members John and Maria received further upskilling opportunities in support of their growth as coach developers. Both attended the NNZ Community Netball National Coach Development Forum held in Auckland in February and further progressed their presentation skills and networked with fellow development staff attending from around New Zealand. The theme of the 2017 forum was “Better Than Before” focusing on the tools of mindfulness, critical reflection and self improvement as a coach developer as well as outlining changes to the NNZ coaching framework, ANZ futureFERNS roll-out for Year 1-8 and ongoing promotion of the ACC NetballSmart initiative.

The pool of coach developers within the region has diminished therefore has become area of improvement for the coming year. Approaches will be made to suitable candidates and training will be undertaken in the new year. Coach developers will be relied upon heavily for delivery in the first half of next year yet fortunately a move to share delivery wider throughout the Zone will prove beneficial as coach deliverers opt to travel further afield to gain additional practical experience within their “training the trainer” role.

We are fortunate to have an experienced group of independent coach developers delivering in the Wellington region. We owe much thanks to current Coach Developers Sandra Edge, Karen Bevan, Tash Rowlands, Irene van Dyk, Nikki Lynch, Carmell Wagg along with Kirsten Hellier and Parekura Muraahi who have also travelled to deliver. Your unfaltering gift of time and flexibility towards travel is hugely appreciated as you boost the knowledge-base of our community of coaches and empower them to expand their coaching methods. We fondly farewell Lindsay Filiata who has moved away from Wellington to take up a new job. Lindsay’s many years of experience as one of our region’s early coach developers shall be missed yet we wish her all the best continuing to make the most of her talents wherever she goes.

It has been a pleasure liaising with our Junior Netball Satellite representatives who continue to do their best to support their local Year 1-8 coaches by organising coach workshops locally within each satellite. Thank you for the volunteer time and dedication shown by Tania Marie Smith, Shelley Banks and Jenny Smith from Motu Kairangi Netball; Kelly Herbert, Yvonne Hill and Shannon Maddern-Daniels from Northern Suburbs Netball; and Winona Hewitt and Maria Nunns from Wellington West Netball.


Netball New Zealand accredited coaching modules hosted by Netball Wellington Centre between October 2016 to September 2017 with kind assistance from Netball Central Zone:

Date Course Attendees 3 October Mental Skills TBC 9 October ANZ FF Year 3&4 Coach Workshop – Motu Kairangi 30 9 October ANZFF Star Helper Workshop – Motu Kairangi 15 9 October ANZFF Junior Coordinator – Motu Kairangi 3 10 October Shooting 3 17 October Ball Skills 3 31 October Player Centred Coaching 6 7 November Planning 7 14 November Team Building postponed - earthquake 17 November Fit for the Season 5 21 November Communication & Managing Others 5 23 November Selecting cancelled 28 November Skill Analysis 4 12 December Team Building 5 26 January Planning Annual Tournaments cancelled 3 February Player Centred Coaching 4 4 February Selecting 6 4 February Planning 5 5 February Shooting 6 5 February Ball Skills 8 16 February Communication & Managing Others cancelled 16 February ANZFF Junior Coordinator Training – Motu Kairangi 2 20 February Fit for the Season cancelled 26 February ANZFF Star Helper Workshop – Motu Kairangi 8 2 March ANZFF Year 3&4 Coach Workshop – Motu Kairangi 6 13 March Mental Skill 8 23 March NetballSmart 14 27 March Game Analysis 8 1 April Player Centred Coaching – Wellington High School 7 29 April ANZFF Year 7&8 Coach Workshop – Wellington West cancelled 1 May ANZFF Year 3&4 Coach Workshop – Wellington West 9 2 May ANZFF Star Helper Workshop – Wellington West 11 2 May ANZFF Junior Coordinator Workshop – Wellington West 4 5 May ANZFF Year 3&4 Coach Workshop – Northern Suburbs 20 5 May ANZFF Junior Coordinator Training – Northern Suburbs cancelled 6 May ANZFF Year 7&8 Coach Workshop – Motu Kairangi 12 6 May ANZFF Year 5&6 Coach Workshop – Motu Kairangi 21 11 May ANZFF Year 3&4 Coach Workshop – Wellington West 22 11 May ANZFF Junior Coordinator Workshop – Wellington West 1 25 May Planning Annual Tournaments 7 11 June Player Centred Coaching – Victoria University Netball Club 7 7 August Mental Skills cancelled 4 September Player Centred Coaching 17 11 September Planning 8 18 September Developing Physical Capacity 6 25 September Team Culture 11 46 courses offered in 2015-2016 – total participants 401 47 courses offered in 2016-2017 – total participants 324 *cancellations due to factors such as insufficient participants, postponement due to earthquake occurrence


As Lead Centre for Coach Development, Netball Wellington Centre assisted with promotion of the below Netball New Zealand accredited offerings attended by a variety of coaches from within the Wellington region and wider zone. Many thanks to the Netball Central Zone for facilitating such a wide array of opportunities accessible to all.

Day Course Location Attendees 12 October Circle Work Hutt Valley 6 27 October Game Analysis Hutt Valley 6 2 November Skill Analysis Hutt Valley 5 19 November Player Centred Coaching Kapiti 11 20 November Planning Kapiti 10 20 November Team Building Kapiti 8 27 November Team Building Wairarapa 7 13 February Player Centred Coaching Wairarapa cancelled 18 February Shooting Wairarapa cancelled 18 February Attack 1 Wairarapa cancelled 19 February Defence 1 Wairarapa cancelled 19 February Communication & Managing Others Wairarapa cancelled 19 February Centre Pass Wairarapa 5 19 February Circle Work Wairarapa 8 22 February Selecting Hutt Valley cancelled 23 February Selecting Kapiti 7 27 February Communication & Managing Others Kapiti 8 6 March Attack 1 Kapiti 8 9 March Game Analysis Hutt Valley cancelled 14 March Player Centred Coaching Kapi Mana 11 17 March Planning Kapi Mana 4 19 March Circle Work Wairarapa 8 19 March Centre Pass Wairarapa 5 22 March Skill Analysis Kapi Mana 6 23 March Through Court Hutt Valley 6 23 March Defence 1 Kapiti 8 29 March Player Centred Coaching Hutt Valley 7 30 March Team Building Kapi Mana 5 1 April Fit for the Season Kapiti cancelled 1 April Centre Pass Kapiti cancelled 2 April Through Court Kapiti 10 2 April Mental Skills Kapiti 7 5 April Circle Work Hutt Valley 6 8 April Planning Hutt Valley cancelled 8 April Skill Analysis Hutt Valley cancelled 11 April Ball Skills Hutt Valley cancelled 19 April Shooting Kapi Mana 6 26 April Centre Pass Kapi Mana 8 17 May Circle Work Kapi Mana 5


22 May Attacking Fundamentals Kapi Mana 5 29 May Defence Kapi Mana 3 16 August Player Centred Coaching Kapiti cancelled 11 September Planning Wellington 8 19 September Building Effective Relationships Hutt Valley 4 26 September Shooting Hutt Valley 14 45 courses offered in 2016-2017 – total of participants 225 *cancellations due to factors such as insufficient participants

While the number of informal offerings remains low we aim to tap into a growing desire to harness the aural, kinaesthetic and visual learning needs of our coach community in 2018.

Informal coach development opportunities attended by coaches within the Wellington region from October 2016 to September 2017 include:

Date Opportunity Attendees 8 October NCZ Coach Conference - Think, Do, Grow 52 – 7 from NWC 15 October Talent Development NCZ Pre-Cluster Day 15 – 8 from NWC 6 November Talent Development NCZ Cluster Day 15 – 8 from NWC 2 February Player Diary Management session for rep coaches 6 25 February My Team & Me – Wellington High School 10 25 March NetballSmart practical session – Wellington High School 11 6 April College Sport Student Coaching Day 95 10 April Injury Strapping Workshop 16 14 May Player Defence Workshop with Waimarama Taumaunu 2 21 May Dr Bobby Willcox Performance Analysis 13 - 7 from NWC 8 June My Team & Me workshop – college coaches cancelled 22 June My Team & Me – Wairarapa 12 27 June My Team & Me - Chilton St James 9 28 June Coach Observation Session – Upper Hutt College 3 5 July My Team & Me – Kapi Mana 12 6 July My Team & Me – St Mary’s College 7 8 August NetballSmart practical session – Northern Suburbs 17 9 August My Team & Me – Wellington East Girls’ College 3 13 August NetballSmart session – Motu Kairangi 4 16 September Talent Development Cluster Day 15 – 7 from NWC 23 September NCZ Coach Conference 36 – 18 from NWC *cancellations due to factors such as insufficient participants registered

Netball New Zealand launched a newly revised Coaching Framework with changes taking effect from February 2017. This brought about a time of re-education as many who were familiar with the old system now had to get their head around the changes which include the need to attend more formal modules in order to be eligible for accreditation. The former four-tier pathway has extended into a five tier system. In addition, the former Community Coach Award has split into two branches – CCA 1 which is technical and requires two online modules and nine formal modules to be completed. The other is CCA 2 which has a tactical focus and requires an additional seven formal modules to be completed along with coach observation. There was an initial period of uncertainty surrounding the revised format which could be the cause for a number of coaching courses being not so well attended in the pre-season period. Moving into the off-season it appears coaches are now on board with the changes with many spurred into


action to utilise their down-time to attend modules resulting in some outstanding attendance figures reported at the latter part of the year. Given the two CCA levels required prior to applying to enter Performance Coach Qualification we anticipate fewer coaches progressing rapidly along the pathway as they will need to take more time to complete pre-requisite modules. We look forward to reaping the rewards of the next wave of coaches coming through and benefiting from a healthy pool of coaches eager to put their hat in the ring for National League, Centre U17/U19 rep team and Premier level roles given this is a pre-requisite for entry onto the PCQ coaching level.

In the period spanning October 2016 to September 2017 a total of 4 coaches from throughout the Wellington region have completed the necessary accreditation to receive the Netball New Zealand Community Coach Award. Due to recent changes in the accreditation pathway there has been just one new coach accepted onto the Netball New Zealand Performance Coach Award Qualification (PCQ) yet a number of coaches are still actively progressing towards achieving this by attending NNZ’s advanced modules.

Congratulations to the following coaches affiliated to the Netball Wellington Centre for their dedicated efforts throughout the past year in order to achieve the following accreditation:

Community Coach Award (CCA) Performance Coach Award (PCQ) Tash Tawhara (PIC) Tash Rowlands Andreas Cherry (Northland School) Irene Katsougiannis (Wellington Olympic) Irene van Dyk (Wellington High School)

High Performance Sport New Zealand in conjunction with Sport Wellington have also established their own independent coach development pathways in support of coaches from all different sporting codes. Congratulations to the following coach who has been accepted onto the following programmes:

Sandra Edge Performance Coach Advance programme (Sport Wellington) Coach Campaign Leadership Programme (High Performance Sport NZ)

We wish to extend congratulations to the coaches below who achieved honours on a regional or national level:

Anna Andrews-Tasola Beko National League Assistant Coach 2016/2017

Belinda Wotton Victoria University Tertiary Netball Team Head Coach 2017

Bubs Reweti Ikaroa ki te Tonga Māori Netball Premier Team Head Coach 2016/2017

Dion Te Whetu Men’s & Mixed Netball Open Men’s Grade Team Assistant Coach 2016

Gail Parata Scottish Thistles National Head Coach 2017


Marchelle Dann Ikaroa ki te Tonga Māori Netball U13 Head Coach 2016/2017

Sandra Edge Central Beko Assistant Coach 2015/2016

Tania Wilson Ikaroa ki te Tonga Māori Netball U15 Head Coach 2016/2017

Congratulations also to the following managers who achieved honours on a regional or national level:

Jo Holmes Central Pulse Team Manager 2016/2017

Kelly Herbert Beko National League Team Manager 2016/2017

Matt Kelly Men’s & Mixed Netball Open Men’s Grade Team Manager 2016

Moana Fox Ikaroa ki te Tonga Māori Netball U19 Team Manager 2016/2017


Independent Auditor’s Report Audit Grant Thornton New Zealand Audit Partnership Level 15, Grant Thornton House 215 Lambton Quay PO Box 10712 Wellington 6143 T +64 (0)4 474 8500 F +64 (0)4 474 8509

To the Members of Netball Wellington Centre Incorporated

Report on the Audit of the Special Purpose Financial Statements Opinion We have audited the Special Purpose Financial Statements of Netball Wellington Centre Incorporated (the “Centre”) on pages 4 to 10 which comprise the statement of financial position as at 30 September 2017, and the statement of financial performance and statement of movements in equity for the year then ended, and notes to the Special Purpose Financial Statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies.

In our opinion, the accompanying Special Purpose Financial Statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Centre as at 30 September 2017 and its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with the Accounting Policies set out in the Note 1 to the Special Purpose Financial Statements.

Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (New Zealand) (ISAs (NZ)). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Special Purpose Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Centre in accordance with Professional and Ethical Standard 1 (Revised) Code of Ethics for Assurance Practitioners issued by the New Zealand Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Other than in our capacity as auditor we have no relationship with, or interests in, the Centre.

Emphasis of Matter We draw attention to Note 1 of the Special Purpose Financial Statements, which describes the basis of accounting. The Special Purpose Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with a special purpose framework and, therefore, may not be suitable for another purpose.

Chartered Accountants Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd


Board Members’ Responsibilities for the Special Purpose Financial Statements The Board Members are responsible on behalf of the Centre for the preparation and fair presentation of these Special Purpose Financial Statements in accordance with the Accounting Policies set out in Note 1 to the Special Purpose Financial Statements and for such internal control as those charged with governance determine is necessary to enable the preparation of Special Purpose Financial Statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the Special Purpose Financial Statements, those charged with governance are responsible for assessing the Centre’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the directors either intend to liquidate the Centre or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.

Auditor’s responsibilities for the Audit of the Special Purpose Financial Statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Special Purpose Financial Statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (NZ) will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these Special Purpose Financial Statements.

A further description of the auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the Special Purpose Financial Statements is located on the External Reporting Board’s website at: responsibilities/audit-report-8/

Restriction on use of our report This report is made solely to the Centre’s members, as a body. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Centre’s members, as a body, those matters which we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Centre and the Centre’s members, as a body, for our audit work, for this report or for the opinion we have formed.

Grant Thornton New Zealand Audit Partnership

Brayden Smith Partner Wellington 21 November 2017

Chartered Accountants Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd 59