Volume45NumberTP3 I^ A- February 11,1993

TheATHE NEWSPAPER OF STOCKTON STATE COLLEGrE Campus hearing board numbers down Awareness may be keeping crime off campus by E.C. O'Hanlon its right to discipline offenders with the which deals with al- The Campus Hearing Board has re- Interim Suspension and Special Adminis- cohol violations on leased it's bi-yearly report, showing Cam- trative Hearing Panel, used in cases where campus, as well as pus Conduct Code Complaints filed from 7/ there is a threat of "imminent danger to the anything else that 1/92 to 12/31/92 to be down to 36, while at individual and/or others on the campus, or to occurs in the dormi- this time last year the count was at 45. the orderly conduct of the college." tories or garden style The Hearing Board has been exercising From its inception, Stockton created apartments. A Me- the Campus Hearing Panel, an alliance of diation Program, students, faculty, and staff members, who where many con- handle discipline action within our com- flicts between room- munity. Disciplinary and discretion prob- mates are discussed lems on campus are often heard before the and reviewed, ends panel, and verdicts of guilty or not guilty the possibility of are decided and acted upon. further strife and the One suggestion for the decline in the need for students to number of Campus forms filed in 1992 is be heard before the that students are becoming more aware of Hearing Board. Harvey Kesselman, Vice- President for Student Services the disciplinary actions they face, includ- According to ing Interim Suspension and Special Ad- the Campus Hearing Board bi-yearly re- service was given, the average being 25 ministrative Hearing Panel. port, 39% of the violations during the hours, ail of which will stay on the official SaidDeanof Students Joseph Marchetti, second half of 1992 were alcohol related, transcripts of the guilty students, "Our students are made aware of what our while 31% were breaches of the cstabii shed However, six Oi the 32 students were expectations are for community behavior. policy, in the 1992-1993 Student hand- subjected to Interim Suspension with Ad- Police reports and publicity bring more book, In Black and White, a violation reads ministrative Hearing. In the Stockton stu- attention to the consequences of violating as "Violations of established college poli- dent handbook, this is defined as: a Conduct Code. There are fewer viola- cies or regulations and any other proce- "In cases where in the judgment of the tions of conduct code or fewer reported." dures or regulations officially promulgated Vice President for Student Services the pres- Another reason the Campus Hearing by the college and/or the State of New ence of an alleged student violator of the Board has had to review fewer cases is the Jersey." 67% of those who went before the Campus Conduct Code presents imminent establishment of a Standards Review Hearing Board were found guilty of their danger to the individual and/or others on the Joseph Marchetti, Dean of Students Panel, through the Office of Housing, violations. In most cases, community SEE BOARD ON A6 SSC Students can now be cozy with COSY by Erin O'Hanlon Five years ago when Stockton's were using COSY at the installation of the last year we changed over to a larger system. Conferencing System was brand new, there system in 1988, including many Ivy League Our count stabilized around 500-600 stu- were 17 computer terminals, but a limited institutions. dents and so we opened the system to more number of classes could utilize them. This "Our original use was for classrooms students," said Tompkins. month, the COSY network will open to all only, on a smaller machine-the Microvax. Currently, there are 30-40 classes using individual students interested in electronic We couldn't open COSY to the whole com- the Conferencing System and as many as mail, sending messages to professors, and munity-it just wouldn 't be accessible. Now, SEE COSY ON B8 participating in conferences. In 1988, Ken Tompkins, professor of Literature and Director of COSY services -Introducing "The Roving Reporter" .received a grant from the State of New Inside: Jersey in the amount of $51,000 to start the System. Stockton the paid $75,000 for -Check out the controversy terminals to go on faculty desks. Initially, the system was meant only for COS Y classes; -Barna's CATS and then it was expanded to include elec- tronic mail between students, discussion of class material, contact with teachers, and -Guess who's coming to Stockton conferences. 81 colleges and universities Professor Kenneth Tompkins B2 Th e Argo Febuary II, 1993

OP/EHomophobiD a at Stockton? Thoughts on Valentines Day But, of course. by James Grambart by John Russo political differences within nations. Add As some of us may or may not know, Homophobia is a disease. It is one of those socially No doubt about it, Homo Sapiens, the variations in language, physical characteris- constructed diseases that is taught or acquired from the ignorance of others. Homophobia man who knows, is a complex creature. But tics and religion. Now, compound the prob- has been around for a long time, possibly for centuries. In the past, gays and lesbians have whether we are Australian aborigines, lem by dividing the major religions, Chris- suffered countless attacks, both verbal and physical, from the heterosexual community. Kalahari pygmies, Eskimos, or blue-eyed tianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and This practice of GAY BASHING is still prevalent in society today and continues to torment Swedes we are physically far more alike Judaism into mutually exclusive sects. the gay population. than we are different. We all have the same Over the centuries inter-tribal tension The obvious question is, why gaybash? (Now " 11 is one of those socially constr ucted cranial capacity and latent intellectual abil- and conflict made ethnocentrism and xeno- it's my turn to be opinionated.) Straight men diseases that is taught or acquired ity. Surgeons operating on humans in any phobia part of the human survival mecha- feel as though gay men are breaking the from the ignorance of others. country or continent find no surprises and nism. Today, however, we are haunted by code of honor in male dominance. Society Homophobia has been around for a are pleased that blood types are completely our past. Modern multi-cultural conditions has geared a stereotypical image for the long time, possibly for centuries." transferable. makes that ancient legacy as useless as our (supposedly) straight man. That butch, Cultural differences, however, vary abdominal appendix— and as potentially tough-guy image must be kept in tack and widely. Too often they inspire the deadly dangerous. not deviate. That is the reason why (supposedly) straight men torture and tease (alleged) gay combination of racism, ethnocentrism and The chimpanzee, just below us on the men. They call them "faggots, fairies, pansies" and god knows what else. They do not xenophobia that has haunted humanity for evolutionary scale, has no such handicap. If realize how painful and aggravating it is to be categorized by such childish words. When centuries. chimps from widely separated parts of Af- a (supposedly) straight man, or group of men, indulge in GAY BASHING, they are calling The most common and deep-rooted rica are brought together there are no cul- attention away from their sexuality and discriminating against someone else's. It is ironic cultural differences are based on the family, tural differences. Once the initial strange- that so many of the gay bashers are the closet queens (you know, men who are married or clan, tribe and nation. Divide those by have girlfriends and cruise parks at night in search of other men for a quickie) who are in SEE GRAMBART ON A5 fear of being EXPOSED, therefore, they put on this Joe-Macho image in order to appear straight. I find that hysterical, I mean really, it is ironic that a man who claims to be straight Illegal aliens? can participate in gay bashing then go out at night is search of some DICK. Does one sexual act constitute a sexual identity? That question is rarely touched upon All of us have broken the law because it is a taboo subject in American culture. For example, if my claim to fame is that I am a straight male and one night get really drunk and decide to have sex with my best friend by Michael Busier check was made to the order of cash? When who is also claiming to be a straight male. After all the sex is done and I realize what I did, Recently, the two top nominees for the we agreed to this, we were guilty of the same am I now going to identify with the homosexual community? I think (NOT!) The statistics attorney general position have withdrawn offense as those hiring illegal domestic help. say 40% (yes boys and girls, 40%) of the male population will have had sex with someone because it was discovered that each had How many of us have a cleaning person of the same sex before they reach the age of broken the law by hiring illegal aliens. This come to our home once every week or so and sixty. Many (supposedly) straight men will resulted in the federal government being pay them in cash? Do you think this income "Does one sexual act constitute a laugh at that and probably deny it, but Get deprived of income tax and social security is being properly recorded? Do you think sexual identity? That question is Over It, It's True!! revenue. Are these isolated instances? taxes are being paid? rarely touched upon because it is a When children experiment with their sexual- A simple drive through any of the local The list extends to many different ar- taboo subject in the American cul- ity and have an encounter with someone of the affluent communities will reveal that virtu- eas. There are barters that take place where ture." same sex does that homosexual act constitute ally all have domestic help on either a full or individuals trade goods and services. Be- their sexual identity? I could go on and on with part-time basis. Most are probably in viola- cause these transactions result in no ex- questions and rationalizations, but when it boils down to it, who really cares? Why should tion of the la w. But they are not the only ones change of money they go unreported and anyone care about who I sleep with? If everyone would just mind their own sex life the world who are guilty of not paying taxes. therefore no taxes are paid. would be a better place. How many times has each of us needed By some estimates the government is I have now come to the point where I address James Grambart on his HOMOPHOBIC a minor repair done to our homes and the suffering losses in tax revenue of billions of article and Greg Barna on his HOMOPHOBIC cartoon. First of all, if the butt of the joke contractor said he could do the work for a dollars per year. Can this problem be solved? was geared toward black people instead of gay people our school would have Oprah and reduced rate if he was paid in cash or if the Most of the problems comes from the Sally doing a show about it and of course, Vera King Farris would demand a full apology very nature of the progressive federal in- and probably make sure the two bigots never write for The Argo again. If the slander was come tax system. If small business people geared toward any other group (Jews, Hispanics, Women), their would be protests and •••• paid taxes on this extra income, it would investigations and somebody would eventually pay for the wrong doing. But the degrada- by;OregBama make the service unprofitable. A federal tion was toward homosexuals, as usual, and not toward any other group. Therefore, no one SEE BUSLERONA5 SEE RUSSO ON A5 HURLED THRO THE AIR ODE TO TOENAIL WHERE AM I NOW? WHEW! ARTHUR, MY LOVE, SY KEVIN, THE ANGRY The 7 CYY OH DÉAR11F 1 WERfc YOU'RE BACKF I THOUGHT F LE PHANT, ARTHUR THE f GOOD LORDlJBalTiroot C J, ) &ARBRA I WOULDN'T THfc^REPUGL' CFLMS^GOT YOO» GAY, STRAY CAT 15 ( XHr OH TUE^FIoor.Tjy Vt^LÉT BILL ANYWHÉR& Thrown clear off the XATROPNV)Toenat]s RÏ-AR "THOSFC KIDS! OP-ED PAGE! 77 P^ML^RFE^ (ONE 5TÉP1—N f^OH /CLOSER AND\ Y O hp ZFA^ÂV WHÉRÉWILL iwC? ms®HE LAND? VIV. Of YOUTH ^PARTLLV SERVICEShapp y valentines pay ! B 7 February 11,1993 The Argo

Introducing Stockton's RovingStockton Reporter — This week' Peopls question: e "How do you feel about Stockton going geothermal?" "As a natural resource I'm enthusiastic about "This new building the geothermal system will be a vital part of and welcome all im- the environmental cur- provements to the riculum." school." -Michael J. Miduski -Michael A. Martelle

"I'm extremely inculcated " I believe the new build- "The new building will by the alternate form of ing will be a great ben- provide the commu- electrical heating to con- efit for the Stockton nity with not only a serve our environment by community." beautiful facility, but utilizing the geothermal -Katie Andersen also increase the value heating system." of our education." -Hassannah I. Bowe -Rick P. de la Yoga The Argo photos by: Stacy Weisfeld. Word What's the 411? by BB Dean Almighty Around Greeks celebrate their heritage TKE, AGO, QH'O—working together and non Greek— this program can prosper February marks the beginning of Black for education and flourish. As of press time, Lambda History month. This is a time when we Last week, TKE Brother S ha wn Lud wig Theta Phi, Latin Fraternity, Inc. as well as 'the word is, there's a hot tape celebrate the culture and heritage of our (Spanky) organized efforts to have a women's Omega Psi Phi, Fraternity, Inc. have con- going around school full of funny phone African American brothers and sisters. One organization in A.C. The organization helps tributed to this cause. calls. Hey, all you tough guys and month though is not sufficient. UBSS in jerky* be sure to catch it! conjunction with AOA, AKA and AI6 Tell me wuz up... along with other organizations have estab- This week there were complaints to Wednesday night over at the SSC lished "A legacy of truth. In celebration of The Argo editor that some Greek organiza- street hockey venue an unidentified African American history". tions have not received enough recognition player was injured. Possibly a broken As students, and most importantly in my column. If I don't know, you have to leg, campus police were on the scene. J Greeks, we should absorb as much of the tell me. I can't be everywhere and see every- history and culture that will be offered in the young mothers, teenage girls, receive their thing happening on our campus. That is why Have you seen five bleary tyeà upcoming month as possible. Let us learn GED's. Through his efforts books can be I have a box in The Argo office for ques- people walking around campas. Well, about one another, then we can make the provided for all the young women and with tions, comments, and announcements. . . i they are the fiveARG O staff members effort to work together. the help of other organizations—both Greek Forward to BB Dean Almighty. who rock around the clock all night to bring yds this piece of Americas journalism. Be kited if you encounter oneofthem. '' JM Itawfcn, maybe next time you'll win Senate Notes without the help of the officials! "First, I would like to tell everyone about the National AIDS Awareness Week. There will be several different activities and I would like you (Student Senators) to show your role as student leaders and attend some of these functions," stated Robert Bennett, opening last Be sure to Tuesday's Student Senate meeting. Bay (I kttàw I willî). ; The Budget committee led the meeting and proceeded to carry all five of the scheduled motions. The Unified Black Students Society received their new budget request for $14,500. A newsletter, Kwanzaa and a spring concert will be some of the events funded. The Fencing, Aikido and Dance Clubs received $200, $2,040 and $2,700 respectively. The clubs will now be able to purchase equipment, insurance and fund instructor's salaries. The Dance club will be attending the American College Dance Festival in Tampa, Florida. The bulk of the $102,440 distributed, was the $83,000 designated to the Student Senate, themselves. Included in this sum is the Distinguished Lecture Series, senator training and the salaries of the coordinators and trainers who work to make the Student Senate possible. Drew Delaney opened the By-Laws Committee with business as usual. Delaney emphasized the importance for Student Senators to curtail on absences and lateness. The next order of business was the shuttle bus service for off-campus residents. The Student Welfare Committee is still considering the service and a full presentation will be made in two weeks. The campus escort service was brought to aUention by Colleen Cody who has been working with Eileen Conran, Assistant Dean of Students. "Students can get credit for workshops that they can attend, three in all: police training, affirmative action and counseling/ crisis SEE SENATE ON AS B2 Th e Argo Febuary II, 1993 The Argo Editorial Richard Stockton State College Pomona, New Jersey, 08240 Pssst. Hey... you. Yeah you. Are your ears to the ground... wanna hear the latest "word around campus." I can give you something you won ' t find on any other college campus. Yeah, its good stuff— and available only here at Stockton. What is it? Well, keep it quiet now, but Stockton State College has one of the lowest crime rates on a college campus in the State of New Jersey. And this year, the crime rate is down to boot. In the later half of 1992, there were 45 complaints filed with the Campus Hearing Board... this year, only 36 have been heard before the Hearing Board Panel. In addition, Stockton students have become more aware of the danger of crime on campus and have been moved to action— positive action through the crime task force; students, Editor in Chief faculty, and staff working together for a safer academic environment. Though clubs and organizations, through Vaughn Watson fraternities and sororities, and through student networking and communication, our college community is active, Associate Editor refusing to take the passive voice. Positive results through action. Sonja G. Martin News Editor So, you say you haven't heard of this "Hearing Panel." Well, I'll tell you why. Ironically, the less it is used, Trent Seibert the more effective it becomes. Now listen, tough guy, I want you to keep quiet about it. Because if this word gets Managing Editor out, everyone is gonna want to come to Stockton State College. Already we are getting more applications to come Carolina Saavedra to our college than we know what to do with. According to Sal Catalfamo, the Dean of Admissions, applications A & E Editor are coming to the college "by the cartload." Mark DeBonis Sports Editor So, quiet as it's kept, crime at Stockton is leaving the campus... like a thief in the night. Jerry Thompson Enviro. & Science Editor E.C. O'Hanlon Atropos Editor Letters to the Editor Kristin Sherwood Photography Editor Stop Clinton bashing fact, there has always been a "de facto sec- To the Editor: Chris Corraliza ond sex." However the rule is that there The homophobic cartoon by Greg Barna To the Editor, shall be no sexual activity in military living which you published on page 1 of the 2/4 Layout & Design Would you please explain why every quarters. All people who enter the military The Argo has no place in a college publica- Robert Aitken week the first two pages of The Argo are do so with the understanding that they will tion nor in an academic community. Studies Business Manager dedicated to Clinton-bashing. Who are lead a very disciplined life. With this in indicate that 10-15% of the American popu- Kristen Spaulding these two people? Do they have nothing mind, it follows that gay men would be as lation is homosexual. This is a larger num- better to do than constantly ridicule "Presi- likely as straight men to abide by the rules of ber than for most racial, ethnic, religious, Advertising Manager dent" Clinton? Yes, President Clinton, the conduct. and cultural minorities. There is evidence John Gill man who won by a landslide over good ole Secondly, Mr. Grambart supposes that that academic communities may exceed these Illustrator George back in November. I have a sugges- straight men will have fears "of being groped numbers. It is a sorry commentary on your Greg Barna tion for these two—Why don't they take all or attacked by homosexuals." These fears judgment, what you perceive as the moral that pent-up energy and do something good are definitely unfounded in that this would climate at Stockton, that you feel that you Typesetter for society by donating time at a child abuse be a question of one's moral character, not can insult, degrade, and harm that large a Joe Maida shelter or the A.C. Rescue Mission. Places their sexual orientation. Whether or not number of Stockton community members. where they are needed instead of still crying straight men have these fears, they are un- Indeed, in the 13 years that I have been here, Feature Writers over George's departure. And to the girl reasonable. The idea that gay men behave in Stockton has not been a friendly nor tolerant Michael Busier who opposed FOCA(Freedom of Choice this manner is stereotypical and damaging. place for homosexuals. As far as I know, I James Grambart Act), maybe she should do some of the same Also, why is it that Mr. Grambart as- was the first (and only?) Lesbian faculty Hal Taylor and see what it's like to be around unwanted serts that gay men are more likely to acquire member to be out about being gay. As far as Chick Yeager children, maybe she will change her views AIDS than straights during their military I know I was (and am) the only faculty Writers & Photographers when reality slaps her in the face. career? The popular press has reported for member in the history of the college to offer Keith Granstrom, Tom Julian, Susan Kimberly A. Crawford some time that now one of the fastest grow- a course explicitly and openly about homo- Senko,DonnaSwartz, Stacy Weisfeld, Ed's note : Viewpoints expressed on page 2, ing groups of AIDS cases are heterosexuals. sexuality. All of this is unusual for an aca- opinions and editorials, and "letters to the People don't understand that they can no demic institution of our size and propertied BB Dean Almighty, Fresh Tone aka editor," are not the views of The Argo. longer call AIDS the homosexual disease. liberalism, tolerance, and dedication to di- Tony Caponegro Mr. Grambart is rightwhe n he says that versity. Advisor Gays' right to defend thousands of gays and lesbians have served Homosexuals are now protected against Michael Busier their country well in the military. Unfortu- certain types of discrimination by New Jer- Dear Editor: nately, they are forced to live lies. They sey state law. Unfortunately this cannot pro- The above people are the only ones quali I am writing to express my opposition always have to be concerned that the career tect us from vicious attacks, verbal and fied to represent The Argo unless other- to the editorial written by James Grambart i n that they spent a lifetime building could fall physical. As long as people feel that it is wise designated by the Editor-in-Chief or last week's issue. On a departure from the apart. Gay Americans should not be asked morally permissible to print such slander- other editorial staff member. norm, Mr. Grambart's column is riddled to allow straight Americans to have their ous and biased cartoons, homosexuals will The Argo is not an official publication with antiquated views which are not well irrational prejudices. White Americans had continue to be beaten, harassed, and killed. of Stockton State College, but is pub- thought out. the same fears before the military was inte- There is a direct line between people who lished by an independent corporation li- We can sum with the assumption that if grated. They are outdated, inappropriate, hold the views of the cartoonist, people who censed in New Jersey. homosexuals were accepted into the mili- and not within the bounds of the Constitu- believe that it is alright to print and publish Unsolicited photographs, cartoons, bul- tary, a "de facto second sex" would be tion that the military is charged to defend. such views, and people who will beat to letins, and advertisements are welcome created. There are already many men and death 'a Navy homosexual simply because Deadline for all submissions is Friday at women who are gay serving in the military he is gay. 5PM in G206. under the described circumstances so, in Sincerely, Jason Nelson SEE LETTERS ON A5 Volume 45 Number 3 February 11,1993

Sports section B Ospreys 12-game winning streak broken Lady Rowan beats Stockton in a close game Ospreys cut The basketball game between to put Rowan up for good. Stockton State College and Rowan Rowan captured their second State College had the intensity of a straight NJAC regular season down by Georgetown vs. St. John's game. title. Stockton had a chance to Let's face it folks, these teams sim- tie the game with 17 seconds ply do not like each other. Stockton left but Chris Mitchell missed Rowan took their 12 game winning streak a 3- pointer. into Rowan, but they fell to the Profs, Chris Mitchell and The score, 72-46 79-76. JermaineClay led the way in The Lady Ospreys suffered another loss The Ospreys jumped off to a scoring with 23 points each. Tuesday night at the hands of Rowan, 72-46. quick 11 -7 lead early in the first half. Rashawn Dowling scored 6 The Osprey's record to 2-18 overall and 0- But the Ospreys also failed to con- points before fouling out late 15 in conference play. The high scorers for vert on some Rowan turnovers that in the second half on contro- Stockton were Christina Casciato with 18 would cost them in the long run. versial inbound play. Ramon points and Nicole Cicero who added 10 Throughout the first half, the Gaines added 16 points. points and 4 rebounds. Colleen Kulesh also two teams traded baskets to the de- All in all, it was an in- had 10 points. light of the sold-out crowd at Esby tense effort by the Stockton Rowan was in complete control of the Gym. The Osprey's cause was helped players. They all gave 110%. game from the opening tip-off. The Profs late in the first half by Chris Mitchell ***The game that was full court pressure defense forced Stockton who pumped home the last ten points scheduled for Saturday, Feb- turnovers which led to easy transition bas- for Stockton. After the first 20 min- Osprey's Ramon Gaines makes an assist. ruary 6 was re-scheduled to kets in a commanding 37-16 halftime lead. utes of play, Rowan led 40-36. Argo photo by Stacy Weisfeld Monday, February 15. The The Profs only shot 34% from the floor but Stockton came out in the sec- Ospreys will play Montclair. got off an amazing 88 shots during the game. ond half fired up . They started the Marcy Darmstadey led the way for Rowan half with a tough defensive pressure which with 15 points. led to an 8 point lead. The Profs countered with a 13-3 run of their own to regain the Points WÊÊÊ&ÊÊ lead. The Ospreys regained the lead when •Assist5 s JermaineClay hit a jump shot from the top JermaineClay 23 of the key and Chris Mitchell sank two Chris Mitchell 23 5 lilllli; lllllHIl clutch free throws. But down the stretch Ramon Gaines 14 1 4 Stockton was out-gunned by Rowan. Rashawn Dovvling 6 g0 ; With the score tied 72-72, Rowan 's Dean Ferguson 6

Michael Burden sank a pair of free throws Joseph Farina 2 111111 1 Robert Blake 2 "^fc'^rHSk r —1 There was more contact in the Ice he is now in Congress. Why?" We should all remember Arthur Ashe's Capades, then there was in the NHL All When you come to think about it, it's Do you think Saddam Hussein's report words, which were captured in an article in Star game. been a good year for the University of Ar- card read something like this: Doesn'twork the New York Daily News this weekend: I have yet to hear Bill Clinton refer to kansas graduates. First, Mr. Bill won the and play with others well. "Never ask'why me?' If you start asking the reflecting pool outside the Capital build- White House and then Jerry Jones and Jimmy Another Star Trek show. Just what the that, when do you stop? If I asked why I had ing as the giant cee-ment pond. Johnson win the Super Bowl. world needed. a bad heart, or why I got AIDS, do I also have A lot of people thought that the wed- There were more sightings of Tank this Jim Abbott just might be the leader- to ask why I won Wilmbeldon? Or why I ding of the century was Charles and Diana. week than Elvis. Sometimes Tank and ship the New York Yankees need to turn had this kind of life? When something bad My vote goes to Pebbles and Bam Bam. Elvis were seen together. things around. I love talking Baseball. It happens, people have this way of forgetting Remember Gofer from the Love Boat? Well, The column is getting difficult to do reminds me that Spring is on it's way. For their blessings. I don't. I've had a wonder- without DanQuayle. But, don't count the record, I am a Mets fan. ful life." Tipper out just yet. Madonna. Okay, Valentine's day is upon us. Who Valentine's would be your fantasy date? Day Have a good one! ~ Did your sweetheart send The BIG Whose advice would you take about My fantasy date is Kathy you a personal? ...... B7 sex: Dr. Ruth or Madonna? Ireland. Inside: I have a distant cousin in West Virginia Sound's good. - What's your sign? Check who reads while she drives. No lie. The I was real surprised to out what's up ... .B5 Picture ironic thing about this thing is that she find out that Student Sen- sells car insurance for a living. ate allocated $102,000 in ~ MTV sports enthusiasts liv- Sure the Sports Illustrated Swim Suit funds this week with ing on the edge B2 by Jerry issue is great, but how does it relate to $83,000 going to itself. sports? Maybe it's one of those things in Gee, they're learning how - " B rothers and System "... Thompson life that fits into the catagory of "Why ask to be good little politicians. B4 B 2 The Argo Febuary II, 1993 Winter Sports Review 1992-93 Men's Basketball standings NJAC OYERAM flçmç A>VAY NEUTRAL Rowan 13-1 .929 18-1 .947 6-0 9-1 3-0 Stockton State 12-2 .857 17-2 .895 9-1 7-1 1-0 Kean 10-3 .769 14-5 ,737 7-3 6-2 1-0 Trenton State 8-5 .615 10-8 .556 7-1 3-5 0-2 William Paterson 8-6 .571 11-8 .579 6-2 5-6 0-0 Jersey City State 6-8 .429 8-12 .400 4-5 3-5 1-2 Montclair State 5-8 .385 7-11 .389 2-5 5-5 0-1 Ramapo 4-9 .308 5-12 .294 3-4 2-7 0-1 Rutgers-Newark 2-11 .154 4-12 .250 3-5 1-7 0-0 Rutgers-Camden 0-14 .000 0-20 .000 0-8 0-10 0-2 Players Clay, Mitchell, and Ferguson line up for an inbounds play. Argo photo by Stacy Weisfeld The lure of extreme sports Poor judgment can mean injury (CPS) The riskfacto r is usually high, and tubed" sky divers make the "HALO drops," other such adventure sport that has gained the timid or the reckless can safely venture. the excitement level near feverish. Poor extreme skiers watch for "decaying corices," enthusiasts in increasing numbers from the The MTV lovers who frequent this sport can judgment can mean injury, sometimes even rock - climbers "place pro ," and yet all of twenty-something crowd over the past sev- attest to that. death in hard-core down- them share a eral years. "When you are into the extreme, you hill skiing, snow board- love for gut- Thomas Graver, a 26-year old sopho- have to be willing to crash and burn a whole ing, in-line skating, road wrenching ad- more at Florida State University, is a cave lot, " observes Alan Vaughan, a 20-year -old "Extremist sports are a healthy venture. enthusiast. According to him, spelunking is junior at Clarion University and a mountain luge, sky diving and and socially responsible way of get- biking enthusiast. bug'gee jumping. Yet, a ting high.-Stan Lindenmuth, 22, "It is a "real study in panic management." growingnumberof people Clarion University of Pennsylvania only through He goes on to warn that cave explora- in the twenty-something the direct con- tion is not a sport for the inexperienced or age group are seekingrec- frontation... anything to try alone. "Losing your way and reational outlets in such only by staring starving to death in the pitch-black depths of extremist sports. into the naked face of death that we discover the earth is a very real danger unless a great The extremists generally speak in a the true nature of self," says 22-year old S tan JOIN THE FAST PACE language all but unintelligible to the average Lindemuth, a rock - climbing junior at ORLD OF SPORTS . EXPERI- person., and they are often the topic of MTV Clarion University of Pennsylvania. ENCE THE THRILL OF VIC- Sports with Paulie Shore. Surfers "get the This viewpoint reflects the premise of Spelunking is a "real study in panic ORY AND THE AGONY OF the rock climber, Lindemuth is among. management, "according to Thomas DEFEAT BY BECOMING A Climbing has moved into the mainstream Craver, 26, Florida State University MEMBER OF THE ARGO with exposure through movies like SPORTS STAFF !!!!!!!! K-2. " Extremist sports, "says Lindemuth, " are a healthy and socially responsible way 3RD ANNUAL of getting high INTERCOLLEGIATE A growing number of universities deal if caution and forethought is exercised," CONTACT The Argo AT SKI WEEKS throughout the United Suites have started he said. EXT. 4560 MT. SUTTON, CANADA adventure-based clubs and organizations . Extremist sports are not a realm where (Just Across the Vermont Border) One such group is Penn State University's Outing Club, which sponsors trips for spe- To do well on any standardized test, you ONLY $209 lunking, sky diving and diving and rock need to know exactly what the test makers Party in the Snow! climbing at a Bellefonte, Pa. quarry. Includes: A characteristic of the twenty-some- are looking for. At Kaplan, that's exactly thing generation is an increased concern what we teach. You'll learn question- 5 Day Lift Ticket with environmental issues. The extremist solving strategies, typical "almost right 5 Nights Lodging enthusiast are no exception to this. answer" traps, shortcuts, easy points, (Mountainside Condo) "The cool thing about (the quarry at) pacing and guessing techniques 5 Days Intercollegiate Activities Bellefonte is that an old environmental scar to help you score your highest. Sponsored by Labatt's, Mt. has been transformed into something use- call 1 -800-KAP-TEST. Sutton and Molson ful," said Andy Arndt, a 24-year-old junior LSAT M CAT G MAT GRE SAT Legal Age for Group Leader Discounts and president of Penn State's Recreation MCAT Classes Start pn Alcoholis 18 and Parks Profesional Society. Members of Springbreak '93 the Penn State Outing Club have made it Campus 2/13/93 CALL SKI TRAVEL UNLIMITED part of their mission to maintain the climb- ing site. KAPLAN 1-800-999-SKI-9 Spelunking, or cave exploration, is an- The answer to the test question. February II, 1993

Recreation fee-from Task Force to Senate intercoUegiatè|®|! sportsprogram îf g| by Erin O'Hanlon Did you ever get angry because—just weekends," said Rob Bennett, President of If this fee is passed, the weight rooms as you were getting into a full sweat—the Student Senate, "is because they can't use and pool will be available to students on llll| Intercollegiate athleticspiay a signifi- weight lifting rooms were closing? Did you the [athletic] facilities." Sunday, as well as staying open later on cant role atSioek&wu Supported by a diver* ever get up just enough courage to take that The cost to the students will be a 75 cent Friday and Saturday. The fee will also help sified athletics and recreation staff, inter- plunge into the pool in your swimsuit, and increase in tuition. the baseball, soft- collegiate sports give students the opportu- the lifeguard says, "Only five minutes to Thisaddsuptoonly ball, and women's nity to participate In a highly selective and swim!" Are you mad because the athletic $25 a semester for and men's crew in skilled program of jje competition^ facilities always close early on Sunday, when full time students, intercollegiate pur- Other college teams. you have time off from work or school? less than what one suits, creating more Stockton is a member of the National This situation may soon be changing. would pay for a opportunities for Collegiate Athletic Association (NÇAA) Members of the Stockton Recreation Fee month at a gym in athletes, according Division IH, Eastern College Athletic Con* Task Force have unanimously decided to our area—usually to Bennett. ferencé (ECAQ and the New Jersey Ath- send a recreation fee to the Student Senate. without a pool. The Task Force letic Conference (NJAC)> ! If passed, the fee will go to Dean of Students Added to the 75 created by the Stu- jjg^lSfefcfc^ ,$tate College» âw^.iëtêr- Joseph Marchetti, Vice President of Student cents diverted from dent Senate to dis- collegiate athletics program Is guided by Services Harvey Kesselman, President Vera the Campus Activi- cuss and review the •Ifee AthletiçEquation;: jj iil-'lf^J®! King Farris, and then Board of Trustees. ties Fee (which has Recreational Fee Winning» 3 & s The Recreational Fee, often referred to always been used with the student Winning Eqwh Grw Grades. Grtat for athletics and Rob Bennett, president of Student Senate. body was well rep- Atbkik Performances and Graduating / as the "athletic fee," is a charge to students Argo photo by Donna Schwartz 2.0 to help keep Stockton facilities and pro- intramurals) the resented by: Or- $UKfcnt athletes must maintain a grams open. Effected will be such sports Athletics Program lando Mercado, cumulative grade point average and fulfill and activities as intramurals, weight rooms, will have over a $200,000 increase in its Vice President of the Student Senate and normal progress requirements to remain in pool hours, and athletic uniforms and travel budget if the fee is passed. chairperson of the Task Force; as well as good standing. During the academic year, expenses. Said Trent Siebert, student Senator, of two intercollegiate athletes, three campus over 240 student athletes participate on the Many students and faculty believe the the proposed fee, 'The important part of the leaders, and four Student Senators. Support college's thirteen intercollegiate , sports Recreational Fee is a necessity because it Recreational Fee proposal is that it still for the Fee has thus far varied. The Athletic teams and^ecaJeading squad, .. .^Jg;,: will extend athletic facilities hours, expand keeps tuition under the 4.5% cap set by the Department and Athletic Director Larry Stockton 's diversified program is sup* intramurals and improve the performance of Governor. I know Rob Bennett certainly James and Vice President of Student Ser- portedfey excellen t indoor and outdbdr fa- scholastic athletes. had this student concern in mind as the vices Harvey Kesselman supported the pro- c il Hies. The Indoor Fitness Center complex "The reason a lot of people go home on proposal was being developed." . , . posal, while some students openly expressed provides college members with the oppiv- their dislike at earlier Student Senate meet- tmitytocbooœfmmeightdîmmt&cUity ings concerning the Recreation fee. areas, locker rooms, steam'rbom, sauna, However, when the Recreational Fee pool, gymnasium, tourracquethaiI courts, Task Force had an open-door "town hall" and weight rooms ï> II, and III Outdoor meeting, only those in favor came out for it facilities include an eight-lane all-weather Orlando Mercado reports, "When we track, basketball and tenais courts, base- headed our town hall meeting on 12/7/93 ball, football, lacrosse, soccer and Softball regarding the Athletic Fee there were 50 fields. people present. Yet, I learned nothing from At the intercollegiate level, Stockton this meeting that I didn't know already. competes in: Men's and Women's soccer, People are so unaware of where their money Men's and Women'sbaskethalt, Men's and is going— and they don't care." Mercado Women's cross country, Men's and continues, "The only people who talked at Women's track and field(mdoor and out- the open forum were senators and Task door), lacrosse, volleyball, and Softball Force members. As chairman of the Task Stockton 'sintercollegiateprogram may Force, my position is to collect, decipher, begetting a boostfrom di e proposed Recre- and disperse information. My job is not to ation Fee, which wilt enhance the facilities; rally support for the fee, that is the job of the and equipment, and expand the hours of student athletes." SSC's Athletic program, (see related story this page)

Payment Plans Available JOSTENS m Monday February 15 and Tuesday February 16 11 AM to 3 PM Outside the Library (E-Wing) $30 Deposit Required B2 Th e Argo Febuary II, 1993 MUSIC MUSIC STUFF Over the vacation I spent some time looking for new relases and some more music for my collection. It was a pretty good vacation but I didn't get to see that many live bands but I'm trying to make up for that this semester. I searched for the Nine Inch Nails remixes and after coming up dry at Vintage Vinyl and Soundwave, I had to call up my contact at Formula. I now posess six cuts from NIN that are remixed by Coil, Butch Vig (Who also remixed "Shamrocks & Shenanigans" from House of Pain) and various others. It even includes two new songs called "Fistfuck" and "Throw this away". A MUST for Nine Inch Nails fans. Another industry aquisition was POSSESSED from Nettwerk, which is a sound sampler from their various bands. Consolidated has a Crackhouse remix featured. A new band called Peace, Love and Pitbulls cranks an industrial cut called "I'm the radio King Kong". Abassnotized version of The Final Cut's, "I believe in you". Skinny Puppy puts out the old style with "K-9". Childman (Adam Sheburne from Consolidated) puts in a solo effort called "Refused to be a Man". Nettwerk puts out the best industrial stuff and this is a good way to find out what's good and what BROTHERS and SYSTEMS sucks. I bought the release of Based in Toronto, Canada, the core of including his collaboration with performance artist Terminal Power Company's, "Run Brothers and Systems is a partnership between Meryn Cadell on her single "The Sweater" from vinyl archaeologist Tom Third and his computer. her debut release "Angel Food for Thought" and Silent, Run Deep". These guys are Utilizing the latest digital recording techniques and traveling to Madrid with installations artist Phillip hard-core cyberpunks and cite AKIRA scratchiest vinyl possible, Tom creates a funky Barker to perform a live soundtrack for his piece as an influence. Tracks like "Slow amalgam that draws influence from various musical "Campos Magneticos" as well as producitn a talking formats. "Transcontinental Weekend" is a showcase book "Ungulate Siesta" with avante garde poet Motion Riot" with samples and a of the cross-pollination between Soul, Funk, Bosa Christopher Dewdney. dancable backbeat, "Burning Nova, House, Hip Hop and Technology. Enhancing Tom's experimental adventures with Chrome" (Title of the and lending a formidable personality to each song various projects along with his obsession for vinyl is an array of vocalists including the power of (scratches and all) is an integral part of the Brothers "Neuromancer's" William Gibson Sahirah, the sensuality of Alvin Watts, the rap of and Systems sound. His instrument is the digital book) which is a pretty good track The Last of An Ancient Breed and the warmth of sampler and it is used to combine styles and sound with a solid beat, and "Urban Psycho" Zulema Clas. in a way that stretches the limits of what one would Before signing to Nettwerk Records in normally categorize as House or Hip Hop. which explains the mind of an product 1991, Tom Third worked alone with multi track You will find acarnival of activity between of Interzone. N tape recorders and synthesizers releasing the music, the technology and the various vocalists Well, coming up soon will be independent cassettes. Tom ' s art school background on 'Transcontinental Weekend", after all, dance in film making and general audio tinkering led him music should be at least a little challenging and this some stuff from Cop Shoot Cop, into soundtrack work for various art projects is the mandate of Brothers and Systems. Boneclub and some more bands. February 11,1993 The Argo B 7 MOVIE REVIEW VourRe^/Horoscopc by Ruby Wyner-b TWO COMEDIES CHASE THE WINTER BLUES mA-AB-P-ceitilied Astrologer By Michael Kaylor Aries: (Mar. 21-Apr. 19) Your week ends pitifully when you're stranded on Did you ever notice movies go to the dogs after performance in "sex, lies, and videotape." One hopes a deserted island with, among other, a all the Oscar-caliber biggies of the Christmas season? that more challenging roles are on the way. movie star, a college professor, and a This year, the champagne had barely been "Get a Life" star Chris Elliot has a few funny millionaire. uncorked before the ghastly "Children of the Corn II: moments as Murray's cameraman, a role similar to the Taurus: (Apr. 20-May 20) Your nosey The Final Sacrifice" was unleashed on unsuspecting ones Ramis himself played in "Stripes" and neighborbecomes hysterical when she audiences. "Ghostbusters." witnesses your mother-in-law conjure But things are starting to look up for 1993: the As the winter doldrums continue, "Groundhog up a baby elephant in your living room. year has gone to the hogs. Day" casts a shadow of charm that will keep audiences Ask your spouse to reverse the spell. Writer-director Harold Ramis, responsible for satisfied until the spring and summer seasons. Gemini: (May 21-June 21) Need a some of Bill Murray ' s best (he wrote and co-starred with new personality? Try saying the comic in "Stripes" and "Ghostbusters"), takes a "Used People." Shirley Maclaine has been "Porkchops and applesauce" in a concept that does not sound especially promising (aman "Shirley MacLaine" for so long now, meaning that Humphrey Bogart voice. lives the same day over and over) and turns it into a witty every time audiences see her, they can't stop thinking fantasy chock full of humor, romance, and (surprising) about those new age crystals and her reincarnation Cancer: (June 22-July 22) You'll lose your candy factory job after you're sentiment. theories. caught shoving chocolate down your Murray, at his deadpan best, stars as a sarcastic This has negatively affected her believability in shirt in orderto keep up with aspeeding weatherman forced to head to western Pennsylvania for recent films; she may have portrayed piano teacher conveyor belt. the legendary "Groundhog Day" festival (you know, if Madame Sousatska and Meryl Streep's mom in the little guy sees his shadow...) Like the living dead, "Postcards from the Edge", but she just seemed like Leo: (July 23-Aug 22) Tell your Murray walks through the process, saying the likelihood Shirley MacLaine. brother's creepy best friend to stop of his departure from the hick town the second after he "Used People," a warm, loving portrait of calling you "Squirt." 1960's finishes the report is "100%". motherhood and sisterhood set in the late Queens, Virgo: (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) While His prediction turns out to be as accurate as a offers the perfect antidote for MacLaine. From the very hunting, you'll strike oil. Move to call for beach weather in Brigantine tomorrow. Murray first scene, where she hesitantly dances with her husband, California. becomes stuck in time, reliving the same day over and MacLaine becomes this Jewish matriarch dealing with a over. dysfunctional family, her husband's death, and her Libra: (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) While walking Ramis reveals the comic possibilities in this yearning for new love. around campus, you inadvertantly fall concept, and, with the help of Murray, leaves no stone Likewise, "Used People" is lovely from the first into a big hole at a construction site. A unturned. "Groundhog Day" is the kind of comedy that scene to last, tenderly dealing with the lives of MacLaine's memorial statue is built in your honor. starts out amusingly, and builds such momentum that family: her bitter, overweight daughter (), Scorpio: (Oct. 24-Nov. 21 ) Teach your audiences will find themselves laughing harder and her other daughter, a disturbed single mother unable to son not to play hooky from school. Tell harder as the film continues. deal with the death of her son, the woman's other son, your deputy to lock him in jail with the Murray romances women (including his producer who is emotionally disturbed, and MacLaine's aging town drunk. Andie MacDowell) by stunning them with shreds of grandmother () and her friend (Sylvia personal information he gained the "day" before; gets Sydney), who are battling the realization that they will Sagittarius: (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) An thrown in jail after a wild pursuit with the cops and of die soon. important NASA assignment is nearly flubbed when the helium balloon you course, wakes up the next morning in his hotel room, Into the fray dances the charming Marcello let go of in fifth grade becomes like nothing ever happened; becomes a master at the Mastroianni, a happy go lucky bartender who has pined entangled in the space shuttle's engine. piano and ice sculpting; and kills himself by jumping in for MacLaine from afar, and uses the occasion of her front of a train, jumping from an eight-story building, husband's funeral to request a date. ("It's not a date, just Capritorn: (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) After and, in a most bizarre "murder-suicide", drives off acliff coffee", MacLaine explains). Mastroianni, a famed Italian being trapped under a pile of rocks, a with the legendary groundhog in tow. actor who makes very few English language films (that's loyal skunk will run into town to alert Along with the humor, "Groundhog Day" has a shame) is an absolute delight, lending to "Used People" the authorities. some unexpected touching moments: Murray tries to a sense of joy that will leave audiences on a high. Along Aquarius: (Jan. 20-Feb. 10) Don't save the life of an old homeless man who he initially with being a fine actor, Mastroianni is like a screen trouble troubles till troubles trouble you. neglects, and he really learns to love MacDowell for magician. who she is, not how she looks. Andie MacDowell, for Unlike the overrated "", which I felt Pisces: (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) The lake her part, is as luminous as ever, and demonstrates her was a situational comedy that should had have a laugh may look frozen solid, but always think untapped skill for humor. The role is hardly challenging, track, "Used People" is messy, offbeat, and occasionally carefully before venturing onto thin ice. however, for the actress who delivered a flawless melancholy, much like real life. It's a sweet slice of life. LISTEN TO THE ECG-OLYMPIC CHAMPIONS ARE

LAKE FRED RADI>V O 91.7FM fit® S , » t. » it' " S§ ' g ' i £« , | " ' f r ' f v T", ' t i '!$ D-COURT!Thanks guys- Mark DeBonis ! SOUTH JERSEYS RADIO ALTERNATIVE B 6 The Argo Febuarv 11,1993

X * KM X X X XXX XMXWMX MK* M X M* ^ W H N . . Some Rambling MN nM M M §B Apple tree lust East side where buses weather is poor and M M n M for full grown riuers park only for jaywalkers cannot afford happiness n N M M parked on a bench and not bikers or punkers like the auerage M M somewhere in Manhattan's that shop in CUS and other human being who M M M fancy for Brooklynite teenagers plain drugstores that sell is forced to take n M tuho spit and cuss and cheap merchandise to Bduil for headaches M M throw soda cans ouer the willing participants who instead of a uacation M M M M old man's shoe that is will buy anything to to some alien planet M H untied and worn leather satisfy their urge these located in the far-off M M M newspaper pictures days when candy galaKy of Rnteater M § M show escaped conuicts M&M brats strike a where nothing is M M M M from Home Rlone two in ten-pin homer in the sewn straight in M M skyscrapers and restaurants fifth inning of euery lines like M N that own shades and home game shown on baseball gloues M M M M not blinds on the upper CNN euen when the Krisitn Sherwood H M M M k February 11,1993 The Argo B 7 Classifieds CALLING ALL CHRISTIANS FELLOWSHIPS WASHINGTON INTERNSHIPS - The InterVarsity Christian Fellowship will The Stockton Board of Trustees Fellow- Washington internships are available for all 4Help Wanted^ |§ meet this and every Tuesday at 4:30p.m. in ships for Distinguished Students program majors and cost only about $1300 more than room G208. Join us for a semester of Bible offers finacial support in amounts up to a semester at Stockton. Put experience on Cruise Ships Now Hiring* Earn studies, prayer, games, praise & worship, $ 1000 to non-freshmen who wish to develop your resume and help get a leg up on stu- $2»00G+#nonth +wortd travel Holiday, videos and more! For more information, projects of a research and/or artistic nature. dents who have nothing but classroom expe- Summer and Career employment avail- contact Rosemary Pivinski Box 2944 or Interested students are urged to pick up rience. The only time this semester when able! No experience necessary,;; For Gregory Huff Box 4740. application information packets prior to 1/ you can get on the mailing list and meet with 19/93 in any of the following offices: Dean former interns will be Thursday, 2/1 lat employment program calï 1-206-634- GAY & LESBIAN ALLIANCE of Students, Student Senate, Academic Af- 4:30p.m. in B126. In order to make sure that 0468 ext, C5119. : GALA, Stockton's Gay & Lesbian Alliance, fairs, Development/Alumni, ARHU,GENS, you can plan the program within your regu- : * EXTRA INCOME U9T * i, will hold its first meeting at 4:30p.m. on 1/ NAMS, PROS, and SOBL. Application lar 128 credits, it is important for students to Earn $2004500 weekly mailing 1993 28 in H115. deadline is 3/4/93 attend this meeting in their freshmen or UWTJ travéïbrochures.For more infor- sophomore year. mation send to;Travel INC., P.O. Box ESSAY CONTEST 2530, Miami, FL 33161.SKI- AUDITIONS FOR CHORUS Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated EARN ULTA CREDIT Springbreak Intercollegiate Ski Weeks, The Stockton Chorus and Chorale have be- salutes black history month with it's third VOLUNTEERING ONLY $209. ' Includes :5 DAY LIFT gun rehearsals for a gala performance of the annual essay contest. Deadline is March 1, This is a great way to earn ULTRA credits. TICKET/ 5 NIGHTS LODGING Verdi Requiem on 5/2 at 8:00 p.m. Inter- 1993. A $75 cash prize will be awarded to The following volunteers are needed for the (MOUNTAINSIDE CONDOV5DAYS ested singers are invited to attend rehearsals, the 1st place winner. Volunteer Center of Atlantic City, Book- Mons. 7:30-9:30p.m. in H102. Please join binders, transportation helper, pregnancy INTERCOLLEGIATE ACTIVITIES us. It will be a great experience. JR. WRITING TEST counselor, classroom aid, tax counselor, in- (DRINKING AGE- IS), Sponsored by All students who have 64 or more credits vestigator, cub scout den leaders and Labatt's, Evian, Molson and Mt. Sutton, UNITY JAM and have not taken the junior writting test cubmasters, and clerical work. The VCAC Canada (Jusf across the Vermont bor- Delta Sigma Theta & Omega Psi Phi pre- are required to take it this semester. ^Regis- needs you. VCAC, a United Way Agency, der). Group Leader Discounts. sents , The Ultimate Power of Unity jam, on tration for the test will be held the week of serves as a clearinghouse matching poten- Springbreak '93. Call Ski Travel Un- 2-19-1993. N-wing Cafeteria. Party starts Febl5-19. Any questions, call Chris King, tial volunteers wth the needs of Atlantic City limited. 1~80. at 9p.m. till? ext 4542. non-profit organizations. Call 272-2488. FREE TRIP ; : TO : CANCUN, MEXICO-Organize a group and travel "THE SILENT KILLERS" SOCCER TOURNAMENT MEETINGS free as a college rep. with Sun Bound Alpha Kappa Alpha , Pi Chi Chapter pre- Anyone interested in playing in a possible The Argo meets every Thurs. at 4:50p.m. in Vacations, Prices start from $419.00. sents: 'The Silent Killers". A workshop on soccer tournament (after spring break) please G206. Writers, photographers, typesetters, Complete packages include round trip Hypertension & Heart disease. 2/17/93. call 748-2198 and ask for Harold. etc. Stop by. jet service, hotels**, ? nights ho- 4:30 p.m. in room C-134. tel , beach parties, daily sunshine, exotic nightlife; tequila happy hour beach par- ties and much more. For the best value and the most fun filled spring break package call I-800-SUN*TREK or 1- Personals are anything you want them to be. Well, kind of. You can send a message to anyone you want to through The Argo. The $00-786-8735 for details and'reserva- cost is a dollar, and we need a lot of personal info, like name, Stockton ID#, a phone # or Box #. Without this stuff, your personal will tions.? • t • i '•• P • ' • I • : | not be printed. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Oh, last names and addresses will not be printed in the personals section. As always, deadline Florida SPRING BREAK? nights is FRIDAY. Drop off personals in G206. Sorry, personals can no longer be submitted through the mailroom. Beachfront $139-159. .RESERVE Dear Slappy, Cool Guy #3, roomsNOWCall CMIÎ-80Ô-423-S264. I know you people are "always looking to Happy Birthday! You're the best. SPECIAL VALENTINE Babysitter Needed- Preferably m my make a deal", so I'll go to Florida again under two "Faithfully", TheC.C.G.'s PERSONALS home. Mature, caring and good with conditions: I get to sleep with Grandpa and you'll drive Gert's car so I can eat bananas for the Dear Stockton, To my best friend/ boyfriend Joe C. children; For 2 chiîdren-iand 4 years, truckers. Think about it and let me know if I Certain members of the Argo staff have made Thanks for everything these past two years. Hours 2:30pm-5ptrL Call 748-8094. ? f should get my thong out. (While you are think- Tank out to be some kind of hero. Here's the Only one thing has really changed. In addition to Spring Break-CANCUN, NASSAU* ing, remember us people are "genetically prone truth: Tank was a dirty, rotten, little S .O.B. Tank being my best friend, you're now my boyfrend. From $299»0rgantize a small group tor to violence" and I'll be salty if you say no.) left owing many people a lot of money. Tank As long as you are still there for me, I will be FREE trip, - - Love always, Your best friend forever- refused to wear clothes and did nothing but drink happy. Happy Valentine's day! I will always be Shmaltzy all day long. Tank was a back stabber and a con- here for you. Call 1-800-GET-SIJN-l, P.S. Bird is a dead duck. artist that couldn't be trusted. Tank, if we ever Much love always, «GREEKS & CLUBSHÔ0Ô AN see you again, we're going to throw you out the Your best friend/ girlfriend HOUR. Each member of vourfrat, so- Dear Shmaltzy, window. You'll never be welcome in H-court Doesn't it seem like everything is such a again. To my one and only love, Bill, rority, team, club, etc. pitches in just one project lately? What a big to-do it always is ! Spitefully yours, H-court and Dirty Happy Valentine's Day! I got a perfect score on hour and your group can raise $1000 in There's always something up, especially with P.S.: Tank, don't think we're going to pay your that little quiz- you make me sizzle. I love you just a few days! Plus a chance to earn you. By the way, did ya receive any letters from tab at Louie's. and miss you when we are apart and I always look $1000foryourse!fl No cost.No Obliga- the MCI people lately ? I can't believe that Bird forward to seeing you! signed us up for that! Now, we have AT&T and Love you now & always, tion. •• MCI on our cases... another whole ordeal, fi- To the Tough Guy Editor, Christy l-800-932-0528>ext 65. asco... this could really hock one's china! Hey, Jerky! Letme talk to Bret Weir! You're EXCELLENT EXTRA INCOME Love ya lots, the best damn editor we've ever had, and we hope Dear Pete, NOWiENVELOPE STUFFING-- Slappy you stick around for awhile! Listen up, tough I love you so much and I'm glad we are guy, what time are you going to put this paper spending another Valentine's Day together. This $600-$800 every week-Free Lost your phone #. Will the student I talked to out?! has probably been our worst holiday but I know Details:$ASE to International Inc., about part time income opportunity, please The Argonauts this year we will make it great. 1356 Coney Island Ave. .Brooklyn, Love Forever, NY 11230, call 494-2890. Leah To Rob and Vaughn- You do Sports! 6 HRS! NEED CASH Thanks to everyone for helping me through week Delirium! "Aahhh- put a big 'recycle' there." Buying S tar Wars toys and related items. three. Vaughn This is space filler. Love- Sonja- "General" SEE PERSONALS ON B8 Call Tony at 201-25^2108. Febuary 11,1993 The Argo February 11,1993 The Argo SENATE BUSLER RUSSO Historical Perspectives on FROM A3 FROM A2 FROM A2 intervention. After students attend the three income tax system where each individual gives a shit except for those brave students Contemporary Issues seminars they will be eligible to participate paid the same proportion of their income who have the balls to come forward and BISEXUAL NEWS as escorts," stated Cody. (above the poverty line) to taxes would voice their opinion. Robert Bennett brought up the possibil- eliminate the need for otherwise honest in- I think the article (The Economy, Stupid! 2/ By Chick Yeager AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH SERIES- ity of extending library hours for those non- dividuals to break the law. Surprisingly most 4/93 ARGO) is trash and the person who A Dialogue Over Expanding Perspectives on Equity traditional students. "I've talked with Presi- studies done on flat-rate would probably be wrote it needs to grow up and come to grips dent Farris and she thinks it to be a good in the 11% to 15% range if all deductions with his own sexuality instead of oppressing .DC—Secretary of Housing and William J. Gilmore-Lehne, Associate Professor idea, it is just a question of available funds." were eliminated. Almost all of us would someone else's. As for the cute (NOT!) Urban Deveiopmoiu Cisnçros told a The Academic Policies is still working "gladly" agree to that rate, rather that have illustrations by Stockton's very own Greg group questioning sonic appointments of History with Jan Colijn, the Dean of General Stud- the complicated and grossly unfair system Barna, is their some self expression or per- about patronage that Roberta ies, about the multi-cultural diversity class. that we now have which almost encourages sonal message about yourself you are trying Achtenberg, an openly gay City Thursday February 11 and Sunday February 14 There will be a meeting on February 18th. dishonesty. to convey to us in your art work? In the Councilperson in San Francisco, "is at noon On a final note, Housing will be accept- If every one of our elected government future, if you must burden us with your she only name thai Clinton spoke to me only on 91.7 FM WLFR ing applications for court managers and officials, at all levels, would be asked to scribble, please pick another group of indi - directly abouL" resident assistants. reveal their illegal transactions, I would viduals to poke fun at, because some of us Germany—Ou Nov. 22, a plaque venture to say that the vast majority would will not take it as lightly as others. commemorating the 15.(XX) gay vie- ^ Do questions come up be in serious trouble. Maybe, in that case, we timsol Hitler's Ho tocau,stwa s unveiled ValentinePersonals after the sun goes down? should be able to have action taken on a GRAMBART at Sachsenhauxen. German gays are FROM B7 problem that really should not exist. FROM A 2 beginning to see they have a toi m Donna, Bruce: Call ness is overcome they harmoniously eat common with Jewsand Blacks when it I never thought waiting in line at the book- I'd like to run my tongue up and down your together, groom each other, and copulate store would be so rewarding. Love you forever, ABS. Then, grab you by your little waist and LETTERS comes to being hated. Darren show you what pain really Is. I could bring you FROM A4 because a chimp is a chimp, is a chimp; all ^Minn—Openly gay Stale Senator so much pleasure. You'll never go back... As those who have taken my classes chimp cultures are essentially the same. Allan Spear was ejected president of To Jermaine: They gingling Baby...Go head Baby! know, I oppose censorship. But I do advo- Fragmented as we are by the diversity the Minnesota senate on Jan. 5. Thanks for being there for me; Love is a John cate a sense of decency, responsibility, and of our cultural heritage can we hope for Religion <3>—Uviiicus 18:22 is process not a destination and I thank God that 1 L1BRAKY INFORMATION concern for the rights of the less powerful peace, for togetherness? Of course we've often used by radical militant funda- have you too. To the cute, sexy, blonde, snuggle-bunny, and the socially disadvantaged. I would hope learned that education and understanding go mentalists to argue (he Bible disap- Love, I can't wait to rock your world and try out ...for the answers! that, in the future, The Argo, could lend hand-in-hand, but is it realistic to hope for proves of gays. There are several re- Shaketa our new toys this weekend. itself toward easing discrimination, preju- eventual human harmony? Among all the sponses to this: (A) It you read the with Love and Lust, cultural differences is there one that binds us whole chapter .if the whole Book or To 1301 from 1301 : Stay cool, you nerd! your heavy breathin, rootin, tootin, dice and the oppression of minorities, rather Wendy: Who's die Looker?!? How in the world shootin, bearded buddy Monday-Thursda1.800.922*223y • 9 P.M.-Midnigh3 t than contributing to them. together? A long time ago 1 came upon a you will find that you are also in- do the women in 306 get all those men!? P.S. Power 20 Friday-Sunday • 5 P.M.-Midnight Dr. Elinor Lemer poem that suggests that possibility; I pass it structed to eat ub oork, no lobster, no buppoited by Federal Library Services and Construction Act on as a thought-provoking Valentine. 1201 : Come up and see me sometime! funds, and administered by tne New Jersey State Library. Associate shrimp, no oystore» no intercourse dur- Andto m y little chigger on the 1st floor: You're Carlito el Bandito, Professor, Sociology M en of All Nations ing thçmmstrmipôi-iod,™ wcme&% RAD! Stay Strong, victory is only six weeks Armfuls of Love, on this, our First Author unknown no inter-breedmg cattle, and a whose away! You know where to find me if you're Valentine's Day. Dancey, Dancey. Feminine Zulus don't strike us as lulus, host of other laws including tne law to moped out! I'm kinda hungry. Let's go buy some Your Mother and Father : CROUP 543 We wouldn't like dames from Tibet, kill all divorced people who remarry, it spaghetti! ! Paul-Victor AIDS Awareness wc'tc : V W/ Stockton ID are 30 conferences, 20 of which are mainly All of 'em spending the bulk of their lives (Stop in for a Free V.I.P. Card) class conferences. There are also a small set 7:30 PM until ????????? Chasing through cities and jungles and veldts, of faculty conferences unavailable to stu- Reaching for sweeties and capturing wives. | ^ dents. COUPON- For be ladies thin, ugly or fat V Pomona Shopping Center (To become a member of COSY, con- ADMISSIONS IN ADVANCE one dollar Yellow, white, brown or of ebony hue, ! 10 White Horse Pike 609-965-5552 tact Prof. Ken Tompkins at 652- 4497, or -$10 AT THE DOOR off Sooner or later you'll discover perhaps VALENTINES RoomD008. Name and address are needed, admission That you've got to marry 'em too. Pomona, New Jersey Tompkins will hand out service codes and FOR TICKETS & INFO CALL Men of all races, the end of the chase is... passwords.) 391-1806 OR 398-7461 $1 —COUPON—$1 You've got to marry 4em too. A February 11, 1993 ' . ,', . The'Argo ~", ~.i ",'_" :.~=.' . -'. . . A 5 SENATE BUSLER RUSSO FROMA3 FROM A2 FROMA2 intervention. After students attend the three income tax system where each individual gives a shit except for those brave students seminars they will be eligible to participate paid the same proportion of their income who have the balls to come forward and as escorts," stated Cody. (above the poverty line) to taxes would voice their opinion. Robert Bennettbrought up the possibil­ eliminate the need for otherwise honest in­ I think the article (The Economy, Stupid! 2/ ity ofextending library hours for those non­ dividuals to break the law. Surprisingly most 4;93 ARGO) is trash and the person who traditional students. "I'vetalked with Presi­ studies done on flat-rate would probably be wrote itneeds to grow up and come to grips dent Farris and she thinks it to be a good in the 11 % to 15% range if all deductions with his own sexuality instead ofoppressing idea, it is just aquestion ofavailable funds." were eliminated. Almost aH of us would someone else's. As for the cute (NOT!) The Academic Policies is still working "gladly" agree to that rate, rather that have illustrations by Stockton's very own Greg with Jan Colijn, the Dean of General Stud­ the complicated and grossly unfair system Barna, is their some self expression or per­ ies, about the multi-cultural diversity class. that we now have which almost encourages sonal message about yourself you are trying There will be a meeting on February 18th. dishonesty. to convey to us in your art work? In the On a fmal note, Housing will be accept­ Ifevery one ofour elected government future, if you must burden us with your ing applications for court managers and officials, at all levels, would be asked to scribble, please pick another group of indi­ resident assistants. reveal their illegal transactions, I would viduals to poke fun at, because some of us venture to say that the vast majority would will not take it as lightly as others. be in serious trouble. Maybe, in that case, we should be able to have action taken on a GRAMBART problem that really should not exist. FROM A 2 ness is overcome they harmoniously eat LETTERS together, groom each other, and copulate because a chimp is a chimp, is a chimp; all FROMA4 As those who have taken my classes chimp cultures are essentially the same. know, I oppose censorship. But I do advo­ Fragmented as we are by the diversity cate a sense ofdecency, responsibility, and of our cultural heritage can we hope for concern for the rights of the less powerful peace, for togetherness? Of course we've and the sociallydisadvantaged. I would hope learned thateducation and understandinggo ...for the answers! that, in the future, The Argo, could lend hand-in-hand, but is it realistic Lo hope for itself toward easing discrimination, preju­ eventual human hannony? Among all the 1.800.922.2233 dice and the oppression ofminorities, rather culturaldifferences is thereonethatbinds us I Monday-Thursday • 9 P.M.-Midnight than contributing to them. together? A long time ago came upon a Friday-Sunday • 5 P.M,-Midnight Dr. Elinor Lerner poem that suggests that possibility; I pass it :>u~~olled by federal Library ServIces and Construction Act on as a thought-provoking Valentine. fund!>. ClnO iJdl11lnlstered by tile New Jersey State Library. Associate ~ Professor. Sociology Men ojAllNations Author unknown I , .._.._------.....- ...... Feminine Zulus don't strike us as luIus, G UP 543 We wouldn't like dames from Tibet, We wouldn't make passes at Eskimo lasses AMN(~TYINTfRNATIONAL -BENEFIT DANCE CONCERT FEATURING..... ROSE HILL ALSO APPEARING..... DEAR DARKHEAO· PATTY LAX . LARRY HICKMAN- KOMBO ZOOM -g GENO WHITE &STAN_DING IN STEREO THE YOUNGER BROTHERS


Il I, 1111.'.'-FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12th I' I" 7:30 PM until ????????? Ii $1--COUPON-- $1 ADMISSION-$8 IN ADVANCE one dollar -$10 AT THE DOOR off FOR TICKETS & INFO CALL a.dmission I 391-1806 OR 398-7461 $1 --COUPON--$1 B 2 The Argo Febuary II, 1993 BOARD FROM A1 campus, or to the orderly conduct of the college, the accused student may be sus- pended and barred from the campus from the campus by the Vice President for Stu- dent Services prior to a hearing." This was the case in a violation last semester of one of the 16 Campus Conduct Code Violations. A student was discovered allegedly violating the tenth Campus Con- duct Code, which reads: "Disorderly con- duct or lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression on the college property or at college-sponsored or supervised functions." The student was immediately removed from campus, and was not allowed to return to school until the case had been resolved. Thus far, the rule has been upheld as consti- tutional. In an unrelated case in the fall semester of 1992, a student was accused of assaulting a police officer. Some factions on campus were distressed because the student had gone before the Hearing Board, and the decision came back that the student could stay on campus until proven guilty by a court of law. Vice President of Student Services, Harvey Kesselman, had to say of the policy, jEOF,A©o award academic scholarship "The Interim Suspension and Special Ad- Stockton student Sandra Rodriguez received an academic scholarship in the amount of $150 from Stocktons ministrative Hearing Panel is invoked when Educational Opportunity fund and the Brothers of Lambda Theta Phi, Latin Fraternityïncfpictured) The ; : an individual is determined to be an immi- Mïçiward is given annuaiiy to the candidate with an owstandM& wrtitett essay and academic performance ." nent danger to himself or herself or to others. • throughout the BOP summer program. The scholarship is to be used far books. & It usually is invoked when the alleged viola- tion of the code of conduct is serious in -^wïiW' j'y '; iv W The Argo photo by: Stacy Weisféid nature. WÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ matÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊm E 177 th fighter group NATIONAL fAtiantic City International Airport GUARD NJ Ain NAtlONAl OU AND Part-Time Job/ Full-Time Benefits: • N J College Tuition Assistance • College Accredited Training • Montgomery G.I. Bill • $100,000 Life Insurance • Retirement Program AND MORE!!! Tor More Information LOCAL 646-2113

OUT OF TOWN 1-800-392-6377 February 11,1993 The Argo B 7 Pine cones and thistles SAVE YOUR by E.C. O'Hanlon on contaminated land. One of the Pine cone-To the State of New better suggestions for the land is to PLANET! Jersey for adopting strict regula- turn it into a wildlife refuge. tions to protect flatfish, including -Newsweek, February 8,1993 flounder. In addition to limiting Skies over Stockton < the number of commercial and pri- Thistle-To Waste Technology vate catches, the Department of Industries, for building the larg- by Hal Taylor Environmental Protection and En- est, hazardous waste incinerator in ergy will also close the fishery at the U.S., maybe in the world. The some times during the year. The incinerator, built in East Liverpool, Our Place in Space state came to the decision because Ohio, will be able to legally release This week is a good one to observe our place in the universe. East Coast fluke landings have de- 4.7 tons of lead, as well as dioxins, •MerewT-fr Venus. Mars, .luptieg- and the Mm mark the ecliptic, the clined in recent years and the Fed- furans, PCBs, and other carcino- apparentpathof theSun through the stars; Orion's belt marks the equator eral Government enacted regula- genic. Built next to the Ohio River, and the plane of our galaxy cub through the middle of the great hexagon tions to slash the catch by almost near the area where Ohio, Pennsyl- and through Cassiopeia. Recognizing these three planes in the sky helps 50 percent." vania, and West Virginia come to understand why the planets, the Moon and the Sun move as they do -The Press of Atlantic together, it is merely 400 feet from through the stars. Before looking further atthis,a few words on the Moon City, February 4, 1993 homes and 1100 feet from an el- and the planets. ementary school Thistle-To the farmers of Wash- -Threshold, January 1993 Venus, the brightest, is visible high tn the west even before the San ington State, who would like to sets, Below Venus this weefcj M^MfY makes its best evening appear- buy the land that the Hanford Pine Cone-To the Student Envi- ance of the year at our latitudes. Twenty-live times dimmer than Venus Nuclear Site sits on, and use it for ronmental Action Coalition and and much lower where the Sun keeps the sky brighter longer, it is harder farm land. Hanford was the most Patricia Kennedy for organizing to see, but worth the effort A telescope reveals Venus to be about 1/3 prolific nuclear weapons plant in the Seagrams Boycott. Seagrams illuminated and it is growing in diameter as it comes closer to us: Venus the country and is a contender for Company has connections with doesnT set until after 9p.m. Mars is high in the east when the skies the position of most polluted place DuPont, the #1 ozone destroyer. darken. It is noticeably reddish and located west of Castor & Pollux, the on Earth. While the farmers have Seagrams owns 24.4 % of DuPont Gemini twins inside the great hexagon. Just as Venus sets in the west, promised to keep the river and has profited $4.5 billion from Jupiter rises in the east. With its four bright moons and some recogniz- uridammed, not too many people its ozone destruction. able surface features, Jupiter is a great telescope target. The Moon will be willing to eat food grown -Threshold, January 1993 reaches last quarter Saturday 2? 13 and thus rises about midnight. Now back to orienting ourselves in space (Pine cones and Thistles are cheers and jeers given for environmen- tal accomplishments or failures. Anyone with nominations for Pine mmI We view the night from a rotating planet— Earth""", orbitin" g around cones and thistles should drop them off in the Argo mailbox in upper our star— the Sun, in a galaxy— the Milky Way. Three planes, the G-Wing, or in box 2336. A name is not necessary, but a source is.) equator, the ecliptic and the galactic plane are defined. The Earth's rotation defines the equator, the plane perpendicular to the rotation axis. Science Hie celestial equator is the extension of this plane throughout the universe. The Earth's orbit lies in another plane, the ecliptic. Because of the tilt of Earth's rotation axis* the ecliptic is inclined by 23 1/2 ^ to thé Snow causes winter blues equator. It is this inclination that produces our changing seasons as the Sun appears to move northward in the months from the Dec. solstice to by E.C. O'Hanlon nose injuries, a dislocated knee sor of psychology at the Univer- the Jun. solstice and southward from ha. to Dec. The galaxy makes the Stockton's campus was re- and shoulder, and a head concus- sity of Dayton, says the dark, cold dim glow, visible only in dark skies, the Milky Way, ; • cendy covered in white stuff...the sion. days of winter can result in sea- coldkind. Anywhere from 1 to 11/ Officials said four students sonal affective disorder. SAD cre- Perhaps the easiest plane to visualize is the ecliptic, since it is 2 inches fell on South Jersey last were arrested and charged with ates "a general sense of malaise," marked by the bright planets. The line torn Mercury to Venus to Mars week, blanketing the campus and malicious destruction of property, according to Allik, and seems to to Jupiter isecliptic. Venus, this week, iswheretheSun will be at the time making driving hectic. Luckily (or disorderly behavior and violation strike women more often than men. of the March equinox, 3/20. Mars is where the Sun wilt be in Jun. and unluckily, depending on "January and Jupiter ts where it will be in Sep. The equator is nicely marked by Orion's whether there would have February can be really belt and it also passes close to Venus and Jupiter. Noting how far above been a test or not) the snow rough for some people," this line Mars is shows how far north the Sun will be in Jun. Finally, the fell on a weekend, and Stock- Allik said. "The symp- plane of the Milky Way. our galaxy, passes through Mars and Orion, ton stayed open. toms don't vary from between Sirius andProeyon, between Capelia and AMebaran (through However, on other cam- general depression. the great hexagon) northwestward through the 'W* (Or *M') of Cassio- puses in the U.S., there were You're apt to be lethar- peia. We are looking away from our galaxy's center and since our Sun problems involving college gic. You're apt to sleep h about 2/3 of the way out toward the edge, this part of the Milky Way students and snow. Accord- more than you usually is not as bright as the part we see in the summer, More next wépk when ing to College Press Service, might. It might affect we focus on die planets. Michigan State University your appetite-you might officials were investigating eat more carbohy- For help in finding the objects mentioned in this column,come to the how a campus snowball fight drates." S'JS,C, Observatory for free public viewing sessions every Fri. night escalated into a melee that If you can't take when it is dear. Hours are 8p.m. to 10p.m. until April. Viewing is left five students injured and a vacation to a sunnier through the l4-inçh Schmidt-<^ssegrain telescope. SSC's Observatory nearly $3,000 in damage to dormi- of a vehicle code. spot, Allike suggested that expo- is along the Pomona—Fort Republic road (Atlantic City Route 575) tories and automobiles. The weather that brings snow sure to bright lighting for several behind the intramural softball fields,jus t west of the "Free to Be'* child The fight, which lasted about often brings seasonal depression hours a day can help relieve symp- care center. These sessions are for people of all ages. Anyone with an eight hours, began in the early also. CPS recenUy reported that toms. "Whenever there is sun, get interest in astronomy is welcome.. Contributions to support the evening of Dec. 10 and wasn't the winter blahs can actually lead outside and expose yourself to as Observatory's program may be made to the Richard Stockton Sate finished until the next day. .The to the winter blues. much of it as you can. Take a College Observatory Fund or Observatory Endowment - injuries included broken fingers, Judith Allik, associate profes- walk," she advised. B 2 The Argo Febuary II, 1993 February S M T W T F S ff^f o ockton llllll 1 2 3 4 5 6 ssci 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Calendar 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 : Upcoming events at SSC 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Michael Graves at Stockton: Interna- 28 tionally renowned architect Michael Attention Stockton Students: Parking Graves presents special lecture at SSC lot one will be closed temporarily on on Tue. 2/16. Graves architectural draw- Febraury 23 and 24 for well drilling for the ings and projects on display in Stockton Geothermal Project. It will reopen on POMONA Art Gallery ( H-113). For more infor- Febraury 25, and students are advised to mation, contact Stockton's Office of park in the temporary parking lot on the COIN Development, ext. 4528. front lawn. LAUNDRY Yo! Fresh Tone* Open 7 Days a Week Well, how are you all doing this week? nation towards gays. It will be very diffi- Obviously, there was some technical diffi- cult breaking that barrier in the armed 7:30 AM -10:00 PM culties with last week's column. Granted, forces. It's not of the magnitude of "Jackie I'm a pretty patient, low key kind of guy. I Robinson breaking into baseball", but on a can forgive a mistake or two, but EIGHT smaller scale, very similar. typo's in two paragraphs is more than I can Personally, I don't have a problem take. Naturally, my typist is now part of the with gays applying to the military. If they Attendant on Duty mass unemployed. My parting words to her, can make it through basic training, I feel "Have fun standing in those 2 to 3 hour they have the inner strength and dedication unemployment lines with the lowest of the necessary to help in defending our country. 6:30 p.m. til Closing low lives, you non-proof reading wench." Now for some of the problems. The # 1 Fresh Tone' will now be typing his own hurdle will be acceptance. I feel most gays column. will not openly declare their sexuality and The moral of this story, never send a risk being isolated within their platoon. So $1.00 Washers/ $.25 Dryers woman to do something important. If it most gays will keep it to themselves. doesn't have anything to do with cooking, Another big hurdle will be the morale cleaning, or raising children she'll be over- of the enlisted men. If your platoon has a ONLY 1 MILE FROM STOCKTON matched. Now that I have that off my chest, high percentage of declared homosexuals, back to the important stuff. Due to my former long-time military men will have a bias typist's omission of where to send Yo Fresh toward them, and the morale of that pla- Pomona Shopping Center Tone' letters, I have received just a few. toon will deteriorate. Gay-bashing will run Unbelievably, there were no letters con- rampant among hard-core enlisted men, Route 30 cerning the subject of gays in the military. proving to be very destructive. These men So I'll keep that issue open for another have to put their lives on the line for one week. another during war. They have to react to 399 - 8123 As promised, "I will print my opinion certain situations. If they pause even for a on gay applicants in the military. First lets second— the whole platoon could be wiped get something straight (sic), gays in the out. military is not something new. Thefè have Well, I don't know what Mr. Clinton CfflNCUN Nassau, Paradise Island always been gays in the armed forces, they has in mind, but this issue could be very Spring Break Vacation . just didn't come out of the closet for fear of explosive. We will just have to wait and see being discharged. The military is not chang- what the outcome will be. I guess, along ing to welcome homosexuals, they've sim- with military fatigues and survival kits, the CO From $299 ply taken out the question regarding sexual armed forces will now have to issue soap CO Oifisnizs a siroiil! group fof fraé trip preference. on a rope. Readers ? This ends the only true written dis- Please send all inquiries to Yo, Fresh tell f mm t crimination that we had left in our country. Tone'— SSC box #2230, or drop it off at GETSUM w I am not saying that there won'tbe discrimi- The Argo in upper G-wing. Paradise Island BAHAMAS


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