
Bush J obD, farmer, BeacoDIl Roberts Isasc, farmer Dear Samuel, carpenter and fllormer Rooke James, farmer Forder W31ter, farmer Shelley George, grocer, Vine~ard cot~e Fugett Henry, shoemaker Sims Henry, castrator FugeU WiUiam, fanner Sims George, farmer Head Mrs. Ann, grocer and baker Sims Stephen, farmer Holloway John, deputy forest surveyor Spicer Mr., farmer, Pl;mnd fann Butchins Jamell, falmer, Merry gartlens Tanner Thomas, dealer Keffen William, shoemaker and farmer Taylor Wm., beer retailer and blacksmith :Marchant George, wheelwright Taylol' Henry, grocer :Marohant John, farmer Toomer .A.rthur, keeper of New Fores\ Miller :reter, farmer, Burley Vincent Robart, Queen', Head O'DoDnell Benry, schoolmaster Whittle Mrs. William, filrmer Pike Charles, farmer, Budey street Young George, farmer, High croft Pope John, grocer. baker, IUld farmer Young Beury, farmer BURSLEDON, a parish and village in th&t pa.rt of the hundred of Bishops Waltham which is in the division of the county of , 5 miles E.S.E. from Southampton, 2i miles above the con­ Huence of the Hamble creek with Southampton Water, and has a wharf to which small craft trade in timber, coal, &c. Many fine vessels wer~ built here during the late war with France, the creek having a depth of water sufficient for SO-gun ships, and two of that size are said to have been built here in the reign of William III. Two small war ships wer~ built here in 1807 and 1813. In 1794 the Earl of Moira's troops encamped f>n an adjacent heath previous to their embarkation for , and the same heath was the rendezvous in 1800 of part of the army of Sir Ralph Abercrombie before their embarkation for Egypt. In the creek about a mile above the village sOllle of the timbers of an ancient vessel are still t<> be seen at low water. This is supposed to have been one of the four Danish ships tiaid to have been burnt here by the Saxons, about 877. It was '" singularly-constructed vessel, caulked with fine moss, which still appears quite fresh. Its figure-head was a griffin. Many pieces of its timber& are preserved by the inhabitants. The Bishop .of Win. ebester is lord of the manor. Elm Lodge, a fine old mansion with bea.utifuI gronnds, near the village, is the seat of W. C. Humphrys, Esq., late high sheriff of Hants. The chapel of St. Leonard is a ~mall Norman structure. The living, valued at £110, with residell