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Oikos Journal Oikos OIK-05142 Martins, V. F., dos Santos Seger, G. D., Wiegand, T. and dos Santos, F. A. M. 2018. Phylogeny contributes more than site characteristics and traits to the spatial distribution pattern of tropical tree populations. – Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.05142 Appendix 1 Review of published studies that evaluated the influence of species traits or phylogenetic relationships among taxa on the spatial distribution pattern of populations of tree species at local scale in different forest types. 1 Reference Bleher et al. (2002) Clark et al. (2017) Condit et al. (2000) Type of study Simulation Data collection Data collection Forest type ---- Tropical Tropical Sexual system, population density (this is not a species trait), spatial distribution pattern of Dispersal syndrome, parental population (also Population density (this canopy layer (canopy, not a species trait), mean is not a species trait), midcanopy, understory, dispersal distance, and dispersal syndrome, and and shrub; in this sense, distribution of dispersal growth form (canopy Trait can be understood as distance (negative and understory; in this species height class), stem exponential and lognormal sense, can be DBH as a proxy for height, curve; mean dispersal understood as species seed mass, wood density, distance and distribution height class) and shade tolerance of dispersal distance are partially determined by the species dispersal syndrome) Phylogeny No No No Six plots ranging from Study design One 25-ha plot One 50-ha plot 25 ha to 52 ha Index C derived from the ratio of squared distances between pairs of points Relative neighbourhood Measure of spatial calculated by the T- Wavelet variance density (pair correlation distribution pattern Square-method and function) Morisita's index of dispersion 40 log-evenly spaced Spatial scale of interest Not informed scales between 2 m and 0–250 m and 0–500 m 115 m Dioecious species were more aggregated than Species with explosive monoecious species; rare dispersal were more species were more aggregated, followed by aggregated that common animal dispersal, and then species; the spatial Rare species were more by wind dispersal; distribution pattern of aggregated than aggregation decreased parental population had common species; from shrubs, then only weak effects on the species not dispersed by understory, to midcanopy pattern of next animals were more Main results and canopy species; generations; species with aggregated than animal- shorter species were more short dispersal distances dispersed species; short aggregated than taller were more aggregated species were more species; aggregation varied than species with large aggregated than tall in no obvious pattern with dispersal distances; the species seed mass; aggregation distribution of dispersal declined with wood distances had only weak density and shade- effects on the spatial tolerance distribution patterns of populations Sexual system, and Dispersal syndrome, Population density and especially population canopy layer, species dispersal syndrome are density and mean height, wood density, and Conclusions important drivers of dispersal distance are the shade tolerance are spatial distribution main drivers of spatial important drivers of spatial patterns distribution patterns distribution patterns 2 Reference Flügge et al. (2012) He et al. (1997) Hubbell (1979) Li et al. (2009) Simulation and data Type of study Data collection Data collection Data collection collection Forest type Tropical Tropical Tropical Subtropical Population density Population (this is not a Population density Population density density (this is species trait), (this is not a species Trait (this is not a species not a species dispersal trait) and dispersal trait) trait) syndrome, and syndrome sexual system Phylogeny Yes No No No Study design One 50-ha plot One 50-ha plot One 13.44-ha plot One 20 ha-plot Clumping index based on Relative Relative Donnelly nearest- Measure of spatial neighbourhood Morisita's index neighbourhood neighbour distribution pattern density (pair of dispersion density (pair distance statistic correlation function) correlation function) corrected for edge effects Spatial scale of 0–10 m 0–250 m 0–196 m 0–10 m interest Rare species were more aggregated Rare species were No effect of than common more aggregated than phylogeny; rare species; intermediate and species were more aggregation was common species; aggregated than Common species more pronounced wind- or explosively common species, so were slightly in mammal- dispersed species were Main results that recently growing more aggregated dispersed species, more aggregated than populations were than rare species then on wind, and species dispersed by more aggregated than last on species animals, followed by declining populations dispersed by species dispersed both of the same current birds/bats; no by wind/explosion and density effect of sexual animals system Both current density Population density Population density and recent changes in Population and dispersal and dispersal density leave their density has small syndrome are syndrome are Conclusions mark on the degree of effects on spatial important drivers important drivers of aggregation in locally distribution of spatial spatial distribution growing or declining patterns distribution patterns populations patterns 3 Reference Mou et al. (2005) Nanami et al. (1999) Pastor et al. (1999) Type of study Data collection Data collection Simulation Forest type Subtropical Temperate ---- Regeneration strategy (via seed Dispersal distance (local and bank, newly dispersed seeds, widespread; dispersal distance Trait sprouting, and mixed Dispersal syndrome is partially determined by the sprouting/newly dispersed species dispersal syndrome) seeds) Phylogeny No No No Study design Four 0.25-ha plots One 40 × 40 m plot Two landscapes of 5 × 5 plots Measure of spatial Global variability and visual L-function Visual inspection of maps distribution inspection of kriged maps pattern Spatial scale Sampling unit (plot) of 32 × 32 Sampling unit of 2.5 × 2.5 m 0–15 m of interest m After disturbance, seed bank species increased rapidly and formed large patches, and then quickly declined; species that rely on newly dispersed seeds Large distance seed occurred at first in a few dispersal by birds patches and became scatters new individuals Local seed dispersal resulted in widespread later; sprouters had in the environment, more aggregated spatial Main results rapid increases in cover, but whereas seed dispersal distribution patterns than their spatial distribution by gravity creates clumps widespread seed dispersal patterns were largely of new plants near seed determined by their pre- sources disturbance patterns; species that regenerate via sprouting/newly dispersed seeds had moderate cover and a random distribution The impact of regeneration strategy on the spatial distribution patterning may not have been fully expressed Result expected from previous because (1) spatial distribution studies; simulation assumed no patterns were highly variable Large dispersal distances underlying environmental within regeneration groups; (2) can weaken the effects of Conclusions heterogeneity, which can factors beyond regeneration dioecy on the spatial change the correspondence strategy can also affect the distribution patterns between seed dispersal patterns spatial distribution pattern; (3) and recruitment patterns low number of species/regeneration group; and (4) crude classification of regeneration groups 4 Reference Plotkin et al. (2000) Réjou-Méchain et al. (2011) Type of study Data collection Data collection Forest type Tropical Tropical Dispersal syndrome, wood density, shade Population density (this is not a species tolerance (pioneer, non-pioneer light- Trait trait) demanding, and shade-tolerant species), and population density (this is not a species trait) Phylogeny No Yes Study design Three 50-ha plots Five sites with transects containing 0.5-ha plots Measure of k-statistic compiling Ripley's K-function spatial information, and number of clumps and As (minus the slope of the pair correlation distribution clump size calculated from the fit of a function on spatial scale r on ln(r)) pattern Poisson cluster process 20 distances equally spaced between 0 m Spatial scale and 250 m (for one plot) or 385 m (for the Local (0.2–1 km), meso (1–10 km), and of interest other plots) for the calculation of k- landscape (10–80 km) statistics k-statistics showed that rare species were slightly more aggregated than common species; no effect of population density on Populations tended to be aggregated and the number of clumps; there was a slight aggregation patterns were partly explained by negative relationship between population species identity; family level had a significant Main results density and clump size, meaning rare effect on As values, but there was no influence species would be less aggregated than of traits; rare species were more aggregated common species; nevertheless, the than common species relationship between aggregation and population density arises from a statistical artifact Aggregation is partly context-dependent and There is no biological effect of population partly explained by traits displaying Conclusions density on spatial distribution patterns phylogenetic conservatism; further studies are necessary to clearly identify them 5 Reference Seidler and Plotkin (2006) Wang et al. (2010) Type of study Data collection Data collection Forest type Tropical Temperate Population density (this is not a species
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